carpisuns · 1 year
7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
sketching! I hate lining tbh lol. and doing the flat colors sometimes feels a but tedious too. My favorite parts of the process are sketching and doing fun lighting effects. So the very beginning and the very end, haha. A lot of times i just clean up my sketches a bit and then render them without lining
Thanks for the question!
artist asks
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marimbles · 1 year
at the risk of sounding like really entitled….
does anyone else have a fic that is their most popular, but you don’t want it to be, because you don’t think it deserves it, and you have better stuff, and while ofc you are grateful that people like something you wrote, it’s almost annoying that for some reason That one is the most popular. lmao
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yunyin · 1 year
Protection live-blog S5E16 Part 3
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I left out a lot, esp the battle and the reconciliation w/Kagami and a lot of the Lila stuff but it was all really good
Such a good episode!!! I hope you all enjoyed this 3 parter liveblog!
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It’s @yunyin ‘s birthday today!
Happy birthday, hope you have an amazing day!
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pearl484-blog · 3 months
Here is a commission I ordered from @yunyin of Kukko when he's upset about Sentibug.
If you like this perhaps youll enjoy Replay, the fanfic it's from.
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dramagifs · 8 months
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From back when we were on Yunyin Mountain to now, I'm afraid the poison in your body has already...I'm afraid there is less than a month left. The most important thing now is to find a way to save you.
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recapitulation · 3 months
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[ID: gifs from episode 34 of the series "Mysterious Lotus Casebook." Li Lianhua says somberly, "Li Lianhua has lived a carefree life for 10 years. It's time for it to end." Fang Duobing says, "For what to end? From back when we were on Yunyin Mountain to now, I'm afraid the poison in your body has already... I'm afraid there's less than a month left. The most important thing now is to find a way to save you, you know?" Li Lianhua says calmly, "Fang Xiaobao. Bicha Poison can't be detoxified." Fang Duobing, increasingly distressed, says, "Who said that? I've sent people to look for the Styx Flower everywhere. There must be a way to save you." Li Lianhua looks down. /end ID]
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Di-shixiong WIP Wednesday
Di Feisheng is nine years old the first time he meets Li Xiangyi. 
“Di Feisheng!” Shiniang's voice rings out over the courtyard where he is practicing his sword forms in the spring afternoon sun. “Your Shifu is back!”
In a rush, Di Feisheng abandons his wooden sword, leaps over the railings and dashes inside. Shifu has been gone for nearly a month, and the house always feels empty when it's just him and Shiniang left. 
Qi Mushan grins when Di Feisheng approaches. “You've grown,” he says, which was the exact same thing he said the last time he was away for a long time. 
It is just then, when Di Feisheng pulls his spine straighter and is about to greet his master with a dutiful salute, that he notices the child standing behind Shifu. The small boy is almost hidden by the folds of Shifu's clothes, small hands fisted in his robes fearfully.
“Ah, this is Li Xiangyi,” Shifu says by way of introduction. He puts a gentle hand on the small boy's head. His voice is warm and gentle, and he sounds like the child who he has probably only known for a few days is already someone precious to him. “Your Shiniang and I have been looking for him for a very long time.”
Di Feisheng peers at Li Xiangyi—noting his clothes in rags, his hair an unkempt nest of snarls, his face smudged with dirt—and then turns to Shifu. Suddenly he's alarmed, his fear blindsiding him from out of nowhere, as sharp and fast as the flash of a sword point in the dark. Maybe Shifu and Shiniang won't want him anymore, he thinks, now that they've found the boy they've been looking for. They picked him up as a beggar too, spirited him away from his Di Fortress pursuers, and then brought him here to Yunyin Mountain. Maybe that had all been a mistake. 
He likes it here, though. He likes studying martial arts under Shifu and Shiniang, taking the grueling fights that Di Fortress subjected him to and turning them into a semblance of order—movements with names, motions he repeats, a sense of structure as one follows into another in sequence. Di Feisheng likes that he doesn't have to hurt anyone, that he doesn't have to kill, that when he is done training, Shiniang calls for him and he gets to sit at a table and eat a meal, the three of them together. At night he gets to sleep in a bed, warm under a blanket, in a room he has all to himself, but close enough to Shiniang’s bedroom that he can run there when the thunder rumbles or when his dreams take him back to Di Fortress. Out of all the kids that were locked in Di Fortress’ dungeons with him, he's the only one that has survived.
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exitvelocities · 5 months
fic meme fill for @orchisailsa for the prompt: Post-canon DFS being uncharacteristically sweet and trying to kiss LLH in the kitchen to distract him while FDB sneaks behind them to try to salvage whatever he's attempting to cook
di feisheng waves smoke out of his face, frowning into lotus tower's kitchen. he doesn't know what exactly li lianhua is cooking up, but he doubts it's anything good. while his regular fare has improved, regaining his sense of taste has, if anything, made him more enthusiastic about his culinary experiments. di feisheng has even deigned to subject himself to some of them, mostly due to li lianhua's increasingly outrageous flirtations. while his indifferent mask and iron stomach are basically invincible, di feisheng can't say he's enjoyed the experience.
fang duobing, on the other hand, in the event of his visits, has neither of di feisheng's advantages and therefore is reduced to begging him for help. more often than not he plays along, simply because he enjoys having something to hold over fang duobing's head. today, fang duobing looks at him with pleading eyes and a series of hand gestures that make di feisheng scoff. still, he wades into the smoking kitchen and draws li lianhua away from the stove by the hips.
"xiangyi," he says, pulling li lianhua far enough away from whatever he's cooking to give fang duobing space to doctor it as he sees fit, "do you really have to go through so much trouble just because the brat is here?" fang duobing makes a face at him over li lianhua's shoulder, but di feisheng ignores him in favor of the bright smile beaming up at him from li lianhua's face.
"a'fei," he says, practically glowing, "i've told you before you don't need to be jealous of xiaobao. this is simply what a teacher should do for his student."
di feisheng purses his lips, mainly to keep from smiling. while he can't deny occasionally being possessive of li lianhua's time and attention, these little shows of jealousy are, more often than not, simply because they make li lianhua happy. "you've been cooking more every night he's been here," he says, because that's probably why fang duobing has reached the end of his endurance.
"his wife keeps him on a tight leash, he doesn't get to come that often," li lianhua says in his most reasonable tone, "i should spoil him when i can."
"are you sure that's what you're doing," di feisheng can't help asking, cognizant of the offended pause in fang duobing's frantic flailing at the stove even without looking at him directly.
"of course," li lianhua says, entirely sincere, "my shifu cooked for me every time i visited after i left yunyin mountain."
"ah," di feisheng says, because there's not much he can say to that.
"now stop distracting me," li lianhua says, starting to turn back toward the stove, "dinner will burn." well, that won't do.
"xiangyi," di feisheng repeats, and reels him back in to kiss. li lianhua relaxes into it after almost immediately, arms coming up to wrap around di feisheng's neck. he lets di feisheng's tongue nudge past his lips, sighing and tilting his head cooperatively, and for a moment they both indulge in the contact.
"what's gotten into you," li lianhua says, looking quite thoroughly kissed when di feisheng finally pulls back. behind him, fang duobing gives di feisheng a thumbs up as he scuttles out of the kitchen.
"nothing," di feisheng, letting his hands skim up and then down li liannhua's side before he reluctantly lets go. "can't i be affectionate?"
li lianhua laughs, presses another quick kiss to the corner of di feisheng's mouth, and turns back to the stove. he picks up the wooden spoon, tasting the contents of a steaming pot. "oh," he says, smiling, "not bad at all."
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yletylyf · 8 months
Mysterious Lotus Casebook timeline
I put this together for my own use while writing my fic, but haven't seen anyone else share one, so here goes!
This is live-drama canon, not novel canon. I don't speak much Chinese; I followed iqiyi's subtitles which are rather awful. Additions/suggestions/comments/corrections more than welcome!
As should be expected for a comprehensive timeline of all pre-canon events, this is not spoiler free. Below the cut, as it's long:
130 years ago:
Princess Longxuan is born, in the year of Ren Yin, Wu Shen month, Geng Jia day, at the hour of Geng Chen. [It could be any year of Ren Yin, but since it has to be more than a hundred years ago, this one is the only one that makes sense.]
100 years ago:
The night before Nanyin was overturned, Princess Longxuan marries Crown Prince Fangji, the eldest son of Emperor Xicheng, granduncle of the current emperor. Princess Longxuan becomes Consort Xuan. Consort Xuan secretly initiates the revival of Nanyin and plots to use the Rama Vessel.
Prince Fangji conspires against Emperor Xicheng and fails. He is ordered to commit suicide. Consort Xuan is sentenced to be buried with Prince Fangji.
Princess Longxuan writes a letter to magician Feng A-Lu asking him to save her son at the bamboo forest. She tells him to contact Jin Yu Huang Quan and revive Nanyin.
Nanyin craftsmen build their tomb and Nanyin sorcery hides it for 100 years.
The throne passes to Emperor Guanqing.
Feng A-Lu does not meet Princess Longxuan's son. He goes to kill the imperial family and falls in love with Consort Ying instead. They have a son who Consort Ying passes off as the emperor's son. Feng A-Lu is buried in the collapse of the Pagoda of Bliss.
Jin Yu Huang Quan did not revive Nanyin. They used the amassed wealth for themselves and passed the Rama ices onto the next generations.
Unknown time:
Li Xiangyi's parents save Qi Mushan.
Bandits attack the Li family; Li Xiangyi and his older brother are the only survivors.
25 years ago:
Teenage Shan Gudao finds four-year old Li Xiangyi and his older brother on the streets. Older brother dies.
Qi Mushan rescues Shan Gudao and Li Xiangyi and brings them to Yunyin mountain.
20 years ago:
The Feng clan, having searched for Princess Longxuan's descendant for over a hundred years, learns that her grandson had a ten-year-old son who is presently studying under Qi Mushan.
[Note Shan Gudao is over twenty and Li Xiangyi is nine or ten at this time, but anyway:]
The Feng clan takes Shan Gudao as the long-lost descendant of Princess Longxuan.
Ostensibly 18 years ago, but probably more like 21 or 20:
[Note there is some debate about how old Fang Duobing is supposed to be. Di Feisheng claims he has a letter showing that Fang Duobing's parents broke up 18 years ago while He Xialan was pregnant, but other sources state he is 20 at the time of the show]
He Xialan was in a relationship with Shan Gudao. They break up while she is pregnant. Fang Duobing is born a few months later, and Tianji Hall announces Xialan has died of illness. Fang Duobing is raised by Xialan's older sister and her husband as their own.
15 years ago:
The Demon of the Blood Realm challenges Li Xiangyi and Qiao Wanmian begs him to give Li Xiangyi one more year.
14 years ago:
Li Xiangyi passes Qi Mushan's test. He receives the Shaoshi sword. He departs the mountain for the first time.
Shan Gudao and Li Xiangyi go to rescue the He family of the Changma Blade sect, who was massacred by Dongling Three Gang for the cloud iron. They find one survivor, a child, and take him to Louyang. Shan Gudao ditches Li Xiangyi and kills the kid.
Li Xiangyi defeats the Demon of the Blood Realm.
At an unknown time between 15 and 10 years ago:
Di Feisheng, Wuyan, King Bai of Fire, Four-faced Qingzun, and King Zunming of Yama found the Jinyuan alliance. Di Feisheng makes his first famous kill: the Monk of the Blood Realm, Kuang Jiezi. He removes the Golden Jade hoops from his staff and hangs them on his dao as a trophy.
Li Xiangyi fights with Wuyou and nicks the Shaoshi sword to avoid killing him.
The 12 Guardians join the Jinyuan alliance just before Jiao Liqiao does.
Jiao Liqiao was following Li Xiangyi around. A girl from Fengling Sword Sect provoked Jiao Liqiao and she massacres the Fengling Sword sect. Li Xiangyi stops her and attempts to kill her, but Di Feisheng saves Jiao Liqiao.
13 years ago:
Li Xiangyi establishes the Sigu Sect. Sigu sect makes an agreement with the court dividing the affairs of the people and the affairs of the jianghu. Everyone agrees to follow the legal code of Da Xi.
Scholar Sushou robs the imperial mausoleum in the south of the capital.
Di Feisheng rescues Jiao Liqiao from a gang led by Guishou Fenglie, whose martial arts techniques she tried to steal. Di Feisheng was just there to challenge the gang leader for his spot on the martial arts rankings.
12 or 11 years ago:
Just before Li Xiangyi turns 18, Shan Gudao gives him the Wenjing sword as a birthday present.
At the age of 18, Li Xiangyi acquires Yangzhouman.
11 years ago:
Sigu sect destroys the cult in Mobei and the sect's vitality is damaged. The Jinyuan alliance becomes more powerful. Di Feisheng and Li Xiangyi make a peace treaty: they won't interfere with each other or draw a war in five years.
The royal court agrees to ally with Shan Gudao.
Ten years ago:
[Depending on how old you think Fang Duobing is; he says this happened when he was ten] Madam He introduces Shan Gudao to Fang Duobing as her long-lost brother. Shan Gudao teaches Fang Duobing martial arts in secret before he can walk. Fang Duobing briefly meets Li Xiangyi, who gives him a wooden sword.
Li Xiangyi trespasses into the Royal Palace grounds on Mid-Autumn night to watch the Epiphyllum festival.
Lian Quan, Lord Of The Netherworld, is last seen in Shishou Village.
Shan Gudao tries to break into the Yipin tomb but cannot get past the Bagua (eight trigrams) Formation. The 14 Thieves of the Netherworld break into the tomb and die inside.
Li Xiangyi receives a message that the three kings of the Jinyuan alliance have besieged Shan Gudao in the Yangsha valley, the Jinyuan alliance's secret hideout. Meanwhile, the three kings receive a challenge from Shan Gudao but the letter was not his handwriting. The three kings arrive at the valley to find Shan Gudao already dead. Other members of the Sigu sect claim: they followed Shan Gudao to run some errands but were suddenly attacked by the three kings; Shan Gudao sent someone to go for help; Shan Gudao lured the three kings away to protect his subordinates.
Li Xiangyi cradles his shixiong's body and vows revenge. Shan Gudao's body is stolen in an ambush by the Jinyuan alliance. Li Xiangyi declares war on the Jinyuan alliance.
Li Xiangyi gathers Shan Gudao's belongings into a box in his room at the Sigu sect headquarters.
Yun Biqiu, at Jiao Liqiao's direction, administers Bicha poison to Li Xiangyi.
Jiao Liqiao and Fang Qing are working together. Someone from Nanyin purchases gunpowder from Thunder Hall in Jiangnan with funds from the Wansheng clan.  Ding Yun, Wind and Thunder Emissary and Wan Renshan, Star and Moon Emissary used thundering fire bombs to trap the Sigu Sect and blow up the Jinyuan alliance headquarters. The 12 guardians of the Jinyuan alliance die. 58 heroes of the Sigu sect die.
27th day of the 12th lunar month, year of Xin Chou: Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng battle at the East Sea.
Someone alters a corpse to look like Shan Gudao. He survives, under the influence of wuxin huai. Shan Gudao kills Qi Mushan and takes his inner power.
Li Xiangyi fakes his death and disappears. The Sigu sect disbands. Its surviving arm, Baichuan Court, rounds up the remnants of the Jinyuan alliance. Di Feisheng goes into seclusion for ten years.
Ten or nine years ago:
Xin Lie, Thunder Chaser of Jinyuan alliance, Five Poison Palm, escapes from prison.
28th day of the 5th month, year of Ren Yin: Shi Hun writes a letter to the Sigu sect to thank them for releasing him.
Unknown, between ten years ago and present day:
The Jinyuan Alliance surrounds Lian Quan's mansion for the Rama Heavenly Ice, he escapes with Li Xiao and Li Xiong to Xiaoyuan City to live in hiding.
Li Lianhua finds Scholar Sushou, helps him and lets him stay with him. Scholar Sushou passes away.
Li Lianhua saves Tiexiao, who jumped off a cliff and was buried; Li Lianhua heard him shouting.
Four-faced Qingzun dies in prison and gives the Rama ice shard to his wife, Liangyi Xianzi.
Fang Duobing takes bitter medicine; bathes in cold springs; pierces his 12 major acupoints every day and faints many times but refuses to cry. He can stand up, walk, and learn martial arts.
Five years ago:
The Hall of Wind and Flame took the Shi family's secret book as their own. This includes Qi Mushan's recipes.
Three years ago:
Fang Duobing takes the Baichuan Court entrance examination, but they refuse to accept him.
One year ago:
"Last March": Li Lianhua saved Shi Wenjue, third son of the Shi family (he faked his suicide because he wanted a career in public service and his family didn't approve, Li Lianhua saw it). The Shi family in Weapons Valley were the ones who forged Cloud Iron armor and the wind sword.
Present day:
The show begins sometime after the sixth day of the fourth month of Ren Zi year. [We know this because in episode 2, Wangfu is sixteen and we are given his birthday as April 6th of Bing Shen Year]
Red Mountains (Girls' Mansion episode arc) takes place on month 9 day 9 of Ren Zi Year.
Episode 37/38 is the ten-year anniversary of the dong hai duel, so it takes place on the 27th day of 12th month of Ren Zi Year.
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halfahelix · 1 year
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Saw yunyin's baby Adrien and wanted to try my hand at it
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
wax lips to wax lips
for @yunyin
Adrien has been struggling to make sense of Marinette all day.
Longer than that, if he’s honest—he’s been struggling to make sense of her for a long time now, but today is especially confusing. Between Nino’s panicked hedging and Marinette’s own verbal gymnastics, he feels like he’s been whipped around by Ladybug’s yo-yo and tied up in knots.
Still, he isn’t going to let some confusion get in the way of their friendship.
Even if things have just gotten really, really confusing.
She shrieks when she first sees him in the room, followed by, “Oh, it’s only a statue.” Which stings a bit, honestly—the implication that her shriek would’ve been justified if it’d really been him.
What about him puts her so on edge?
Before he can dwell too much on that, she muses: “Wow… it looks so… real.”
Adrien allows himself a brief moment of pride in a successful prank, resolutely maintaining his waxy-eyed gaze into the distance as she speaks. He can barely make out her movements in his peripheral vision.
Which means the soft trailing of her fingertips down his cheek comes as a complete surprise.
His heart thuds unexpectedly in his chest at her touch.
When was the last time someone had touched his cheek like that—with their bare hands instead of a makeup brush or the magical barrier or a supersuit?
read the rest on ao3
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kasienda · 7 months
WIP Reblog Game
If you're like me and you have a million WIPs and are anxious about updating them, play this game!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
My current top five WIP priorities:
Right Behind You (Adrino)
Aftermath (Adrinette)
Bend the World Around It (Ladynoir)
Celebrity Status (Ladrien)
Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper (OT4)
What I'm excited about: 1. Ack! So much! Most immediately there's an upcoming moment about Nino potentially losing all his memories and what that would mean for the two of them. It's very emotionally intimate. 2. I figured out Marinette's arc in the next chapter due to a lot of help from @ladyofthenoodle and I'm so excited to bring that to life!! 3. Excited for Ladynoir shenanigans now that I've just set this specific corner of loose. My favorite scene at the moment is Tom and Sabine watching Ladynoir have a breakfast date while they worry about where Marinette is. 4. We're so close to the Ladrien first kiss!! Ahh! 5. I'm excited about writing Alyadrien scenes and straining DJWiFi at the same time.
Poll time!
No pressure Tags:
@yunyin, @rosekasa @wackus-bonkus-maximus @coffeebanana @blur0se @ladyofthenoodle @bbutterflies @miabrown007 @mila-beedoodling @pisoprano @asukiess @sariahsue
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yunyin · 1 year
Protection live-blog S5E16 Part 2!
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Part 3 coming soon!
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la-muerta · 2 months
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Title: again and again we look up to the moon // 细算浮生千万绪
Fandoms: 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: 笛飞声 Di Feisheng / 李相夷 Li Xiangyi
Summary:  One different decision, and the bicha poison in Li Xiangyi's body flares up just before he is supposed to meet Di Feisheng on the ship in the East Ocean.
Everything unravels.
[Written for sweetspicybingo's Hurt/Comfort Bingo 2024]
Chapter Six: 至白首不弃 It hadn't even been a month since Shan Gudao had stomped out of Sigu Sect manor after their argument, but he was almost unrecognisable to Li Xiangyi now. It wasn't his physical appearance, even though his clothes were definitely more ostentatious, even given that his shixiong had always preferred such rich material after leaving Yunyin Mountain. It was the way he carried himself, filled with confidence and certainty in his victory, and the cold contempt in his eyes.
[Read on Ao3; currently 26,045 words]
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did-you-reboot · 8 months
wip ask game
In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks @yunyin for the tag!! <3
I do WIPs slightly differently (maybe?) for my longfics and stick bits into one wip doc and I’ll pull from it when I’m ready for it. The headings include:
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The check marks are for fragments I’ve pulled into the fic, and the X is for stuff that just won’t work at all but I am keeping for posterity.
But I also have some actual single docs of wips, with names such as:
Rejoined AU
Some Before Time Shit
Random shit not in any fic (with the following headings: “what happened to you?”, “a kid tho???????”)
Post ME3 (mass effect fic)
I don’t have this many people to tag lmao so how about: @frostmantle @quinnthebard @smitten-miqitten @silverstreams
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