#Yutaka Obara
lymoncat · 9 months
Has anyone else noticed how Yutaka Obara from haikyuu and Connie Springer from aot look so alike?!
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Yutaka Obara
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Connie Springer
I just processed this omg wtf…
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How would they wake you up in class if you fell asleep?
Characters Included: Chizuru Sasaki, Rintarō Numajiri, Yutaka Obara, Kotaro Bokuto, Yamato Sarukui
Warnings: None, fluff and Kōtarō being a massive dork
Chizuru Sasaki
Chizu would notice you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the desk. She'd be trying to subtly wake you up throughout the class by whispering to you, poking you, etc.
She'd give up finally as long as the teacher didn't care and would let you sleep. Chizuru figured you probably needed it.
She could always just let you copy her notes later. She just hopes she'd take detailed enough notes for you to use.
Now that she's thinking about it she might want to make them more detailed.
Once class is over though, she immediately makes it over to the empty seat in front of you and sits sideways before lightly rubbing your head and speaking barely above a whisper, calling your name.
Once you start to stir she'll rub your shoulder and shake it ever so slightly, not wanting to wake you you up aggressively.
Once you wake up though she'll be hurriedly ushering you out the door to your next class or break saying something about how hard you sleep and how worried she was she wouldn't be able to wake you.
Rintarō Numajiri
Rintarō will only notice you've fallen asleep once he turns to include you in his and his friends clowning.
He will turn his head a little downward to meet your closed eyes before letting you sleep, hoping you'll snore so he can tease you for it later and watch you huff and puff in irritation.
Rin will make sure the teacher doesn't bother you by being a class menace so their attention will be all on him and they won't notice you.
Once the bell rings though he's immediately ejecting the kid out of the seat in front of you and starts lightly poking and squishing your cheek if it's exposed, if not then he'll tickle you ear until you wake up annoyed to meet his smiling and laughing face.
He'll apologize for waking you up and tell you class is dismissed, promising he'll get you a snack on the walk home.
Before you can even think to grab your bags he's got them and tells you to just focus on waking up for next class or break.
He needs your help, you're the only reason he's still on the team. If it weren't for you his grades would've tanked.
Yutaka Obara
Yutaka notices you have fallen alseep when he turns to look over his shoulder to compare notes.
He smiles and sighs. Yu looks to where the teacher is and if it's safe will turn around slightly and rub circles on your back to kindly wake you up. If you don't respond to that he'll start to lightly shake you shoulders.
He doesn't want to say anything to bring attention to you.
Once he gets you awake, groggy eyes and all, he'll chuckle and bring his notebook around and tell you to keep it to get whatever notes you missed.
Later, when you two are on a train ride home, as you're getting off and about to split, Yutaka shyly tells you how cute you looked while you were asleep and quickly says his goodbyes and darts back on the train to make it back to practice on time.
Kōtarō Bokuto
Kō doesn't notices immediately that you've fallen asleep because there is no way he isn't sitting right next to you and been jabbering all class getting told off by the teacher plenty of times.
So as soon as he goes to look at you again and he sees your eyes drooping he gets himself a brilliantly dumb idea.
Suddenly you hear him groaning oh so dramatically in pain and gripping his stomach.
He plays it up so obviously that the teacher just wants him out so he'll stop disturbing the class.
Of course once he hears this he throws himself dramatically onto your desk and says how he just doesn't know how he'll be able to make it to the nurse's office all alone. That's just such a long trek for someone in so much pain.
The teacher rolls their eyes and hurriedly tells you to pack up both your things and help Kōtarō to the nurse's office.
You hurriedly throw his things haphazardly together along with yours.
He then throws and arm around your shoulder and damn near takes you to the ground with him as he also throws all of his weight on you.
All that muscle is heavy so you barely are able to help this massive overly dramatic dork out into the hallway and passed the class windows before he pulls himself off, completely fine by the way, and starts practically skipping down the hall holding your wrist.
He's nearly pulling it out of its socket til he throws himself back on you just up the hall from the nurse's office.
Without warning I might add.
He then starts nearly wailing in pain, all for no purpose since the nurse is away. So he pretty much throws you onto one of the beds and sits next to you giggling.
"Now ya can sleep plenty, yeah? Aren't I just the bestest friend you've got?"
Well isn't he?
Yamato Sarukui
Yama is very observant of the people around him, so he noticed when you fell alseep immediately but decided that as long as the teacher didn't do anything about it, you could sleep. He'd take notes for you.
He couldn't help but almost die laughing when you snorted in your sleep.
It was only once but thankfully it was quiet enough that only those around you heard it.
Yamato is tall so he could easily hide you behind him and let you sleep on.
He only worried about if you got called on. The jig would be up.
Thankfully you weren't before class ended. As soon as it did he packed up his things and he quickly turned around in his seat, legs out in the aisle before he rubbed your shoulder while calling your name.
He'd smile big when you'd wake up, lines on your face.
"Good nap I presume?"
He'd chuckle at your response and start helping you pack your things and walk with you out of class.
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
The Iron Wall (Date Tech)
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[Photo ID: black and white manga panels of the Date Technical High School Volleyball Team members and their stats on a five-point parameter of power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed. In order Kaname Moniwa, Takanobu Aone, Kenji Futakuchi, Yasushi Kamasaki, Takehito Sasaya, Yutaka Obara, Kosuke Sakunami, and Takuro Oikawe]
(Haikyuu!! Character Reference Master Post Here)
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kuroi-tsuki · 9 months
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 133: Tembok Sosial
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
managers? managers. let's go!!
(aka kennedy made an excellent excellent post and i realized I WAS PART OF THE PROBLEM so now we have miyagi manager headcanons bc i don't do nearly enough for them . . . also have a healthy side of runayachi)
runa feels like soft synth pop and slow sweet indie music and makes playlists to show her love, so while yachi definitely does not understand the significance of getting a playlist from her the rest of johzenji does!!
she's in charge of the aux cord when they hit the road for games and the team always has the best time jamming out together even if they have no volume control and annoy every car within a five mile radius
(also if you remember my post where higashi and narita bond over playlists? this is totally where higashi gets it from)
speaking of which i think yachi is pretty oblivious when it comes to someone actively trying to flirt with her, especially if it's not in a way she recognizes from shoujo manga LMAAAO
it's because she always thought she was in the background!!! character b!!!! a tree!!! she doesn't think that stuff would happen to her!!! she reads high school romance manga and recognizes the obvious stuff when it happens (i.e. hinata grabbing her hand and pulling her through the city on a mad dash) but it's a SURPRISE bc why would it happen to HER!!!! she doesn't think anyone would be interested in her enough, and definitely would not flirt in ways she's not familiar with!!!
so basically runa is in for a hell of a time trying to show yachi she likes her without saying it
runa got convinced to sign up as team manager when misaki caught her crouching outside the gym one day bc she was trying to figure out a way to repay jiri and higashi for helping her catch her dog when he'd gotten loose during a walk the other day
otherwise runa would be in the music club with her mad piano/keyboard skills
sometimes misaki wonders if she took something away from runa because runa really is talented and would probably thrive in music club and she always seems so anxious with the team (they can be a bit much, she knows) and she tells runa that it's okay for her to leave not knowing that it would break her entire heart
is runa not wanted??? did she do something wrong??? did they not like her??? but she thought she was getting along so well with them, she really considered them her friends . . .
anyways everyone barely lasts two days before they're clamoring to get runa back and it turns into a whole messy thing where runa keeps avoiding them bc seeing them hang out without her makes her sad so it becomes a game of "who the hell can get runa to stay still and let us talk"
in the end it's jiri (FULL CIRCLE!!!) who manages to get her to listen and there's a lot of tears and snot and hugs from everyone all around
nametsu kicks ass in competitive pokemon battling. i don't even know how it works myself i just know she would
she'd really like to design/code her own game someday and have her own game development studio!!! her notebooks are full of little doodles and sketches of all her ideas
(i am still so salty we never got a timeskip appearance for her)
through the power of 'everyone is following everyone in the high school boys' volleyball circuit' nametsu gets hooked up with kenma and he becomes her number one beta tester and gamer nerd friend
she's a big fan of visual novels and mmorpgs and ropes futakuchi, aone, onagawa, and obara into playing with her
okay yeah kogane and sakunami too
(she tried with the third years, but moniwa is for some reason terrible with technology, kamasaki keeps trying to fight things like 20 levels higher than him and dies without ever improving, and sasaya just likes collecting things to cook with)
also i DO think nametsu actually grows pretty close to runa and yachi and keeps an eye out for them because as much as yachi and runa admired kiyoko and misaki they were third years with their shit (relatively) together as the third years tended to be, whereas nametsu is a hot mess second year figuring things out (which makes her less scary) but still has the experience that lets runa and yachi see her as some sort of authority even if it's just by a year
tl;dr nametsu is more approachable as a second year so she, yachi, and runa actually develop more of a friendship where neither yachi or runa are tripping over their tongues all the time
also!!! childhood best friends with futakuchi!!!!
i like to think that nametsu and futakuchi met aone in middle school and they took him under their wing, which means aone's social buffs were futakuchi being a little bitch and nametsu being a little bitch in a completely opposite way
in nametsu's first year she got insecure bc she didn't know if the team saw her as "aone's and futakuchi's friend" and only talked to her because of that or if they cared about her as a person individually and she was too afraid to ask
but they did!!!!! onagawa always walked partway home with her even after they left futakuchi and aone, obara always wanted her opinion on pc mods and games and whatever, moniwa always asked to go out to coffee shops and hang out . . . and so on and so forth
nametsu didn't really believe it until they all pitched in to throw her a surprise birthday party and the cake was her favorite flavor (chocolate orange) and futakuchi was like "yeah i put onagawa and obara in charge of that and didn't really tell them to do much other than don't fuck it up" which meant. they LISTENED to her and they cared enough to know her favorite flavor and to even decorate it with a stupid coding joke and and and -
she almost burst out into tears right then and there
it was okay, though. they ended up having a lot of fun!
(even if they almost committed arson trying to light up the candles)
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goblinratman101 · 2 years
Haikyuu!! Masterlist
| Hello! This is my Haikyuu!! Masterlist feel free to request any characters you see, some characters might not be here due to me being an anime only fan, I also don’t really know all the characters or those characters aren’t really shown the spotlight so they might be a bit OOC |
╰┈➤ Karasuno
❥ Hinata Shoyo
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kageyama Tobio
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tsukishima Kei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamaguchi Tadashi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Nishinoya Yu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tanaka Ryunosuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ennoshita Chikara
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kinoshita Hisashi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Narita Kazuhito
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Sawamura Daichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Sugawara Koshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Azumane Asahi
How he would confess
❥ Shimizu Kiyoko
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yachi Hitoka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Nekoma
❥ Shibayama Yuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Haiba Lev
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Teshiro Tamahiko
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Inuoka So
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Fukunaga Shohei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kozume Kenma
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamamoto Taketora
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yaku Morisuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kai Nobuyuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kuroo Tetsuro
How he would confess
❥ Yamamoto Akane
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Haiba Alisa
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Aoba Johsai
❥ Kyotani Kentaro
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Kunimi Akira
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kindaichi Yutaro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Watari Shinji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yahaba Shigeru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Iwaizumi Hajime
How he would confess
❥ Hanamaki Takahiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Matsukawa Issei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Oikawa Toru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Date Tech
❥ Sakunami Kosuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Fukiage Jingo
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Onagawa Taro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Koganegawa Kanji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Obara Yutaka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Futakuchi Kenji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Aone Takanobu
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Sasaya Takehito
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Moniwa Kaname
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kamasaki Yasushi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Nametsu Mai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Fukurōdani
❥ Onaga Wataru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Komi Haruki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Anahori Shuichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Konoha Akinori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Akaashi Keiji
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Bokuto Kotaro
How he would confess
❥ Sarukui Yamato
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Washio Tatsuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Suzumeda Kaori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Shirofuku Yukie
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Shiratorizawa
❥ Sagae Yusho
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamagata Hayato
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Akakura Kai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kawanishi Taichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Shirabu Kenjiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Goshiki Tsutomu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tendou Satori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ohira Reon
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Semi Eita
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ushijima Wakatoshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Inarizaki
❥ Akagi Michinari
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Riseki Heisuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kosaku Yuto
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Miya Osamu
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Suna Rintaro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Miya Atsumu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ginjima Hitoshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ojiro Aran
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Omimi Ren
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kita Shinsuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Others
❥ Sakusa Kiyoomi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Hoshiumi Korai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Hirugami Sachiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Terushima Yuji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Misaki Hana
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Amanai Kanoka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yonezawa Maiko
Nothing is here yet…
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you-are-my-city · 2 years
Title: We just got the start wrong
Type of work: Long fanfiction with multi-chapters
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Fan writer: hikaru90
Ship: Futamai (Futakuchi Kenji/Nametsu Mai)
Characters: Futakuchi Kenji, Nametsu Mai, Aone Takanobu, Obara Yutaka, and all Dateko players.
From the first chapter:
"I’ve only been captain for three days, Nametsu. Let me breathe."
"There’s no time for breathing. The qualifications for the spring tournament are right around the corner!”
Futakuchi just shrugged. "I know."
"And yet I don’t feel like you're rolling up your–"
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reallysaltykou · 4 years
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Team Date Tech High
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Characters I'm
Willing to Write For
Daichi Sawamura
Kōshi Sugawara
Asahi Azumane
Yū Nishinoya
Ryūnoske Tanaka
Chikara Ennoshita
Hisashi Kinoshita
Kazuhito Narita
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Akiteru Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Hitoka Yachi
Ittetsu Takeda
Keishin Ukai
Karasuno Girls Team
Yui Michimiya
Mao Aihara
Rinko Sudō
Moe Kikuchi
Manami Aoki
Nozomi Watabe
Chizuru Sasaki
Karasuno Association
Tenma Udai
Makoto Shimada
Yūsuke Takinoue
Natsu Hinata
Saeko Tanaka
Madoka Yachi
Tetsurō Kuroo
Nobuyuki Kai
Morisuke Yaku
Taketora Yamamoto
Kenma Kozume
Shōhei Fukunaga
Sō Inuoka
Tamahiko Teshiro
Lev Haiba
Yūki Shibayama
Nekoma Association
Akane Yamamoto
Alisa Haiba
Aoba Johsai
Tōru Oikawa
Issei Matsukawa
Takahiro Hanamaki
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Shinji Watari
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Dateku (Date Tech)
Yasushi Kamasaki
Kaname Moniwa
Takehito Sasaya
Takanobu Aone
Kenji Futakuchi
Yutaka Obara
Kanji Kogenagawa
Tarō Onagawa
Jingo Fukiage
Kōsuke Sakunami
Mai Nametsu
Tatsuki Washio
Yamato Sarukui
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Shūichi Anahori
Haruki Komi
Wataru Onaga
Yukie Shirofuku
Kaori Suzumeda
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Reon Ōhira
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Taichi Kawanashi
Kai Akura
Hayato Yamagata
Yūshō Sagae
Yūji Terushima
Kazuma Bobata
Takeharu Futamata
Katsumichi Higashiyama
Rintarō Numajiri
Nobuyoshi Īzaka
Arata Tsuchiya
Hana Misaki
Runa Kuribayashi
Suguru Daishō
Yoshiya Takachiho
Kazuma Numai
Kōji Hiroo
Isumi Sakishima
Sō Akama
Akihiko Seguro
Naoyasu Kuguri
Mika Yamaka
Shinsuke Kita
Ren Ōmimi
Aran Ojiro
Hiroshima Ginjima
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Yūto Kosaku
Heisuke Riseki
Michinari Akagi
MSBY Jackals
Shūgo Meian
Shion Inunaki
Adriah Tomas
Oliver Barnes
Kaito Hashikami
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Kanoka Amonai
Maiko Yonezawa
Motoya Komori
Sachirō Hirugami
Kōrai Hoshiumi
Obey Me
Luke (Only Platonic)
Fruits Basket
Tohru Honda
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Kisa (Only Platonic)
Hiro (Only Platonic)
Megumi Hanajima
Kakeru Manabe
Machi Kuragi
Mine Kuramae
Free!! Franchise
Aiichiro Nitori
Akane Kurimiya-Shiina
Asahi Shiina
Ayumu Kunikida
Gou Matsuoka
Haruka Nanase
Hayato Shigino
Hiyori Tono
Ikuya Kirishima
Isuzu Mikoshiba
Katsumi Shigino
Kisumi Shigino
Makoto Tachibana
Miho Amakata
Momotaro Mikoshiba
Nagisa Hazuki
Nao Serizawa
Natsuya Kirishima
Ran & Ren Tachibana (Only Platonic)
Rei Ryugasaki
Rin Matsuoka
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Sousuke Yamazaki
Tsubasa Ryugasaki
Attack on Titan
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Reiner Braun
Ymir Fritz
Levi Ackerman
Historia Reiss
Hange Zoë
Sasha Blouse
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Connie Springer
Annie Leonhart
Bertholdt Hoover
Marco Bott
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
Lance McClain
Katie "Pidge" Holt
Princess Allura
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
Matthew "Matt" Holt
Prince Lotor
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian Devorak (Ilya, Ilyushka)
Portia Devorak
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
The Pets/Companions/Familars
Mercedes & Melchior
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
The Spikers Part 2
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The Iwa-Chan
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[Photo ID: black and white manga panels of the Haikyuu!! Volleyball Club Spikers and their stats on a five-point parameter of power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed. In order Hayato Ikejiri, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kenji Futakuchi, Takehito Sasaya, Yutaka Obara, INCOMPLETE]
(Haikyuu!! Character Reference Master Post Here)
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kuroi-tsuki · 19 days
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 152: Tembok Besi yang Teratur
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
can i get a uhhhhhhhh datekou swimming headcanons? can or cannot, swimming vs diving vs just floating around, how they do it, pool behaviours, beach behaviours, lake behaviours, river behaviours, anything you have is fine, for the whole team btw, please and thank you 🍪
anon i want you to know this is probably the most random most specific ask i have ever gotten and that makes it extremely funny thank you
also i feel like i need to add the quick disclaimer that i can't swim nor do i frequently visit rivers and lakes so like. i am VERY much out of my depth here (but i do love the beach!)
okay first let's divide between who can or cannot swim
can swim: moniwa, futakuchi, nametsu, aone, obara, sakunami, kamasaki (kamasaki and futakuchi will IMMEDIATELY start a race and will rope entire strangers into it) cannot swim but can at least float: onagawa, sasaya, fukiage only knows how to doggy paddle: koganegawa
a beach trip would be SO intensely chaotic btw the logistics are a fucking nightmare
if they took the train/bus they'd take up half the space. they'd need to take two separate cars bc there are eleven of them. i guess they COULD take whatever van it is they use to get to away games but who in the world is going to drive them, oiwake??? no way in hell they give that man enough migraines DURING school he does NOT wish to be tortured outside of it
(is what he says. but he loves this team and he cares about this team and he tells them that they deserve a break, so why not? it won't stop him from grumbling about needing to take like five cans of coffee with him tho)
oiwake immediately regrets his decision when futakuchi rolls up in oversized sunglasses, one of those big floppy straw hats, and an open hawaiian shirt over a tank top that says "sun's out buns out" a la terribly translated english misprints. futakuchi has no idea what it means
aone has a matching tank top too and on the other hand he DOES know what it says he's just praying that nobody asks him because he has no idea how he's going to explain it
i can see onagawa just being the type of guy who sits and chills under the umbrella with a book and occasionally wanders off to get food, especially shaved ice
he attracts a lot of attention anyways bc his swim trunks look like they belong on the floor of an american retro-style arcade (shoutout to @prick-love-for-pricking for that)
he DOES get up to join the others in dunking futakuchi underwater after sakunami called it a "team bonding exercise"
everyone worries about sakunami btw because "oh my god what if he falls down and gets washed away WHAT IF HE DROWNS WHEN WE'RE NOT LOOKING HE COULD LITERALLY GET KNOCKED OVER BY A WAVE"
futakuchi suggests getting a balloon and tying it around sakunami's wrist like that one picture of the turtle walking around the office or whatever it was
they don't do this but moniwa DOES get a pair of horrifically neon-orange sunglasses and makes sakunami wear them on his head like some kind of beacon
kogane is constantly sending pictures to his fellow first-year mock sports camp club btw and most of the others won't admit it but they are SUPER jealous
kamasaki, while everyone is lounging in the ocean: "so . . . . have any of you guys seen jaws?" futakuchi: "if you don't shut up right now i WILL drown you"
when aone gets tired of the ocean he recruits anyone on land to build a sand castle with him and somehow ends up roping, like, five little kids into helping him build the ultimate sand fortress
so he ends up with obara, kogane, nametsu, and oiwake and a little army of five-to-seven-year-olds
those same kids BEG to play volleyball with everyone once they hear that they're a team btw
so everyone - third years and nametsu included - divides into teams of littles vs high schoolers and ask oiwake to keep score
(the little kids are SUPER impressed with sakunami. one of them tells sakunami that they want to be a libero just like him and sakunami doesn't cry, exactly, but it's a close thing)
they keep rotating people in and out and across teams so that aone is on team a one match then switches with fukiage on team b for the next and so on and so forth and honestly who even cares about who's winning or losing when they're all having so much fun?
they fall asleep on the ride home, all curled up on each other and heads resting on shoulders and all that. oiwake wishes he had his hands free to take a picture, but oh well. some memories are better off swept away with the moment.
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yukippetodo · 5 years
Exams Headcanons ft. Dateko
Because exams are in two days and I’ve been procrastinating lol
- Futakuchi is dead set on getting everyone to pass exams
- Obara tutors Aone and Fukiage in science
- Sakunami and Koganegawa help each other with their weakest subjects
- The third years drop in to help the underclassmen study
- Nametsu makes Futakuchi pay money if he wants to be tutored
- Onagawa procrastinates and still passes all his exams with flying colors
- Koganegawa fails his maths exams, despite all the studying he does
- Futakuchi barely passes half his exams
- Moniwa has to convince Futakuchi to let Koganegawa into practice the day after exams
- Aone got a perfect score on one exam and then got average scores for the rest of them
- Sakunami and Onagawa have to take one more exam than the rest of the team, since they are taking an extra class
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Ultimate Haikyuu!! Teambuild
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animegadaisukiidesu · 5 years
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