#Yuzuki san anime
nijigasakilove · 10 months
“So how about we talk things over together, because you’re very important to me” 😢 man this was such a beautiful episode. The best possible outcome for everyone, except Saki who didn’t know about Waka’s visitation lmaoo.
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Gakuto was so worried about not inconveniencing his older brother, what a nice little fella. You can’t ask for a better little brother to raise. He was rewarded for it too. Not only did he have Hayato there, but his other two brothers plus Waka’s grandpa. Can’t have asked for a better class visitation.
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Shoutout to Uta for lying to cover Minato as well. Everyone need a friend like that 😂 . Huge shoutout to waka as well for not even worrying to bother his own mom, but making sure his best friend had support. He knew how much it meant to him. That’s real
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I can definitely relate to wanting your parents to come to these too. I had forgot because it’s been so long but we had class visitation when I was in school too, I remember being so happy when my dad showed up and brought food. Might seem like a minor thing, but for a little kid that is a really influential moment that I still carry with me, especially now that my dad’s no longer here(fuck cancer) 😢
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anigst · 9 months
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The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons - Ep 11
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apparently-artless · 11 months
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Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai E04: "Hayato's Happiness"
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artely-01 · 7 months
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VocaMatsu-san 2024 version
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animescreencolle · 10 months
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Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai E07
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violetearuby · 11 months
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Everyone can make friends regardless of age🥺💕
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ezralva · 10 months
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I was one of those audiences who at first just thought that Mikoto's brother complex was just something brought out randomly for comic relief because they are almost the same age. But then I re-watched ep 2 and it all became crystal clear how he came to be this way.
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You know what I really like about the anime more than the manga is the fact how beautifully they portray these additional frames through this sort of animated-chalk-drawings which are supposed to represent their thoughts and emotions so most of the times they are of absurd images.
This here explains it. How growing up Mikoto had always been told by his mother to be the big brother for Minato yet he couldn't do it. Until that point when he finally accepted his role thanks to Hayato's talk and ever since has always tried his best to be the best onii-chan for Minato, using Hayato as his reference who is much older than him. And Minato being a tsundere (and because he sees him as the same age) just makes him strive harder to get that acknowledgement out of Minato that makes him come off as his having a brother complex.
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animangabwedit · 11 months
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Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai. by Fujisawa Shizuki
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haru-rain · 9 months
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The fact that they were all crying...
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And the rainbow appearing as if their father and mother were giving them an answer from the sky~
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This episode was incredible and beautiful.
Hayato, Mikoto, Minato, Gakuto, I'm really going to miss you.
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hairunowa · 9 months
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The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons OP 「Naite Iin da」 by flumpool. https://youtu.be/GV20zrcXHtk?si=76en2PtIwj0E2whD
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nijigasakilove · 10 months
On a day like today where we give thanks for family and loved ones, there’s really no better seasonal to watch than Yuzuki-san.
Really cute episode as always, it’s nice to get some focus on Gakuto, the youngest of the brothers. I think he’s the most like Hayato in terms of trying to take on everything by himself and keep everyone happy. Really kind boy. The classroom visitation might seem like a minor thing, but for kids of that age it is really important. Still, to have the wherewithal to not want to inconvenience his brother, and work something out with grandpa was really sweet.
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I think every episode of this show has featured some sort of irl mix with animation. I loved the scene of Uta and Mikoto running down the street FLCL style lol.
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Bath scene was very sweet! Love how close these brothers are. I wonder how everything will turn out next week, very excited
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anigst · 9 months
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The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons - Ep 01 & 09
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apparently-artless · 11 months
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Brocon Big Bro Mikoto and Tsundere Baby Bro Minato (°◡°♡)
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sebfreak · 9 months
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Oh don´t worry I´m only showing my middle finger here hmph. XD
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animescreencolle · 9 months
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Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai E09 Ao no Orchestra E09
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ecargmura · 11 months
The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Episode 4 Review - Hayato Deserves The World
Man, this episode really hit the feels. I shed some tears during the second half of the episode. Having Hayato as the last of the brothers to have a spotlight episode really shows off how and why he is the best character of the show. Saving the best for last really does factor here.
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Hayato goes to his high school reunion, but gets looked down upon by his former schoolmates and classmates once he mentions how hard his life has been raising his three younger brothers. After overhearing some girls gossiping about how he’s like an auntie, his emotional stress gets the best of him as he leaves the party. Fortunately, he is able to voice out his concerns towards his neighbor, Saki Kirishima who happens to be Kojiro’s daughter and Uta and Waka’s mother. As she is a single mom of two, she is able to give her wisdom, which helps Hayato feel better.
First off, the people at the reunion suck. They made me a bit frustrated. I know that they’re still young as they’re in their early twenties, but looking down on Hayato for raising his brothers shouldn’t be a thing. Those floozies were just gold-digging, so I’m grateful they flew away before Hayato grew an interest in them; they’d totally send his brothers away if he were to get married to one of them. I hated how none of them come to Hayato’s defense, even that Miyan guy. I think what Hayato is doing is an amazing feat that no one else can do. He has a job, but also takes care of his three young brothers who are all sweet and kind. It’s hard to raise one kid, but three? Everyone really is missing out on Hayato’s greatness. Man, I felt so bad when those girls were gossiping about him and calling him an auntie.
During his little “mama party” with Saki, he tells her why he is so dedicated to his brothers. It all stems from how he didn’t have much growing up due to his mother constantly working and his father being a nameless author. Only once his father sold something well that his life got better and that the money was able to let them live in the nice house they currently live in and what allowed his parents to have three more kids before their passing. Once Mikoto and Minato were born, the dining table started having elaborate menus compared to his simplistic meals from before. He once said to his baby brothers “It must be nice having a feast every day.” After dinner, his mother held his hands and apologized for not being able to do the same for him back then. Man, that hurt so much. While his mother’s way of raising Mikoto and Minato isn’t right, I do not think she’s a bad mother at all. Sure, she was a bit biased towards Minato, but she still cared a lot about Hayato and in turn, the eldest respected her a lot with how much she sacrificed so much to provide for him during his younger days. That was the reason why he chose to shoulder all of the responsibilities after their passing. He loved and respected his mother and that was why he wanted to honor her. Damn, Hayato is THE brother and THE son.
I love how important the Kirishima family is to the Yuzuki family. Like how Kojiro is Gakuto’s best friend and how Uta is Minato’s bestie, Saki is like Hayato’s confidant in a way. They both raise kids, so they both know how hard it is at times. In fact, I’m really glad that Saki was there to console Hayato and tell him how amazing he is for his dedication. Her wisdom was amazing, seriously. She never once belittles Hayato. She even compliments him on being able to make bentos so good that Uta wants her to make them. I wonder what happened with her husband since it seems that she’s raising her kids on her own with her father Kojiro. Did he die? Did they get divorced? I do wonder if the Kirishima family will get some spotlight in the future episode.
The last part of the episode was really emotional. His brothers celebrate his birthday. Just this scene alone shows the fruit of Hayato’s hard work. Mikoto, Minato and Gakuto are very sweet and respect Hayato a lot. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication for that to happen. It would’ve been disastrous but also easier if all three were unruly or rambunctious, but they’re not. Since Mikoto’s currently thirteen and his birthday is in April and Hayato’s 24th birthday was in this episode, this means Mikoto and Hayato are actually 11 years apart. That would mean during Mikoto’s flashback from Episode 2, Mikoto was 5 and Hayato was 16. Man, the whole birthday scene got me into tears because it shows how much Hayato loves his brothers even after all the emotional stress and negative thoughts he had prior.
Now that all four brothers had their time in the spotlight, where will this show head towards? I’m worried about whether there’d be a possible imbalance between the brothers’ spotlights going forth, but since this show is so adorable, I don’t mind. I’d like to see more of these brothers doing cute things together. In all honesty, I’m excited to see what the rest of the episodes will be about. What are your thoughts about this episode?
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