#Zap Man
stardestroyer81 · 4 months
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In the tags of my previous post, I mentioned that the prime reason behind Hydro Man's redesign was so that I could have a portrait drawn of him for the finalized version of Mega Man Ultimate's stage select, and seeing as I haven't shown its updated version since 2020... here are the eight robot masters of the Synth Legion in all their glory! 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
(Psssst! You can find individual pins of every Synth Legion Number's portrait as well as a full stage select shirt over on my RedBubble store!)
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sophieeee0105 · 10 months
Jimmy got absolutely zapped out of existence oh my this is crazy from Etho’s perspective
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ebysse · 1 year
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snape celebration week 4 - the martyr
hugely inspired by the talented @ofnightsndsongs 's work 'Assassination Attempt'
“the man he hated”
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drangknight · 1 year
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just an impermissible hair situation, tbh. ft. orn/sen
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mogubeloved · 9 months
mortal kombat therapist au and its shang tsung flirting with liu kang while liu kang tries to find out what the fuck is wrong with him
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some-pers0n · 5 months
Never forgiving Valve for giving Engineer the most in-depth and story-relevant backstory, having him be the grandfather of the creator of the life-extender machines, the son of the TFC Engineer, and establishing a key connection between the Conaghers and Elizabeth/Helen/Mann family, only to then relegate him to a supporting character, have him appear for only 10 pages in the main comics, and then never say or do anything
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nartothelar · 1 year
Question! How did the joltik horde help Emmet with the depression?
They helped immensely 😭 his emotional support joltik that always on his shoulder cuddles his face whenever they see him get sad reminiscing
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fandom-geek · 1 year
i was rewatching across the spiderverse and i noticed that miguel doesn’t seem anywhere near as angry when you actually watch him instead of miles. before the chase, the only angry reaction we get is him throwing the enchilada container at miles and sarcastically saying “how wonderful” in spanish to miles offering him the food. which isn’t great, lbr, but he doesn’t come across as a deeply and chronically angry man.
but even in the chase, he’s largely... pretty normal for most of it? compared to what we’ve seen of him before miles showed up, at least. like even his “you’re both equally terrible, does that settle it?” line to peter and jess is pretty in line with his snark up until this point.
so with that in mind, i find it fascinating that what seems to set him off initially is when miles says “what are those, claws? dude, are you sure you’re even spiderman?”
and that gets miguel throwing that question back with “are you? who do you think you are, really?”. and then he goes into his whole speech about how miles is the original anomaly and it’s all his fault. but even then, he doesn’t actually seem angry. he looks more scared than anything?
and then in the lab, he only seems angry instead of scared/panicked after miles has disappeared. and that lasts about a minute (i may have timed it). even when he’s tearing into the barrier for the teleporter, i don’t think he’s actually murderous - not least because gwen and peter sure as hell would’ve intervened if they thought miles was going to come to physical harm.
i know miguel is unusual compared to the canon events he’s going on about, since he wasn’t bitten by a spider and lacks a dead uncle. since he got cut off by gwen when he tried to give his own story, i wonder if this is some fucked up projecting about his own self-consciousness that he doesn’t fit the canon pattern he keeps seeing, and if he secretly thinks that’s why his adopted dimension was doomed.
either way, i think we’ll get his story in btsv the same way gwen’s was at the start of atsv, probably once the double miles plot has been resolved, since i think that’s a very intentional omission in atsv
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huebris808 · 8 months
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theprinceandthewitch · 2 months
I'm definitely kicking the hornets nest with this one but I always thought it was weird how Marcelines "fallen hero" characterization wasn't really utilized... like at all throughout the show.
Marceline is mostly defined by these characters: Simon, her father, The Vampire King and Princess Bubblegum, with PB and Simon taking the forefront.
Which I thought was weird since PB isn't defined by her relationship with Marceline or any other character. PB gets to exist outside of bubbline and other characters while Marceline doesn't.
And... I honestly dont know why that is, other than the writers just don't like Marceline as much as Princess Bubblegum. I don't think they hate her, but they would rather write PB episodes than Marceline episodes. PB is a more interesting and fun character to write for them. They also need to keep up the illusion she's just as bad as Princess Bubblegum by... not actually making Marceline as bad as Princess Bubblegum. Or really doing anything with Marceline other than using her to develop Simon, making her a depressed goth baddie, or creating Bubbline ship fuel.
Yes, I still will not forgive the show for straight up saying Bubblegums shirt [the one Marceline gave her] held more sentimental value than Hambo. Ah yes... the shirt Bubblegums ex gave her holds sooo much more sentimental value compared to the doll Marcelines beloved father figure gave her when she was literally a defenseless child in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
Can ya tell which character they like more?
People usually reference "It Came from The Nightosphere" as evidence of Marceline being as bad as PB but: She didn't summon her father to Ooo - Finn did. Therefore, that was FINN'S mess to clean up and not Marcelines.
The only time she really goes out of her way to mess with people is when she's being an asshole to Finn and Jake in earlier seasons.
Oh right, and using Finn to get back at PB that one time. But other than that - Marcy hasn't done anything thats puts her on par with a dictator.
Unlike PB who will literally gaslight a lemon child into cleaning up a mess she created... or how she would rather kill an entire squad of sentient robot guards for being too violent rather than like... idk... train them to become less violent... Or how literally anything that comes from PB's DNA turns out to be straight up evil... Or how she will perform child friendly lobotomies on her people while having the audacity to say how some people are just built different...
The point is Marcy is definitely not a "good" person, but she's not on that "literal fascist with a god complex" type of shit like PB is.
Another way they maintain this illusion is by separating Marceline and Finn, because if they got more episodes together then you'd have to address Marcelines "fallen hero" characterization. They're not going to address this part of Marcelines character because they were having a grand time making PB into a fascist. So they can't make Marceline anymore sympathetic than she already is. Remember, Marceline is supposed to be as monstrous as PB is.
This is why Marcy doesn't have any episodes with Finn post "Into the Nightosphere" and why we don't get any Finn and Marcy episodes until... [checks notes] Stakes... and even then those arent Finn and Marcy episodes. Like they only time we see them hang out together is when they make a cameo in Dark Purple.
I'm not counting Bad Little Boy as a Finn and Marcy episode because it's more of a Marceline introspection episode focusing on her feelings for Finn.
But yeah i think this show is funny for completely neglecting to make Marcy just as bad as PB is. Ah yes, she is just as PB because Marcy... [checks notes] has depression. Being depressed makes ya just as bad as a dictator dont cha know...
It's also funny how they want me to think Bubblegum isn't as bad as Ashe even though theyre literally the same character - they're both ancient beings with god complexes LMAO.
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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This past Saturday marked the five year anniversary of Mega Man Ultimate's conception, and my good friends got to see a slides presentation of my sizeable archive of five years worth of concept art and early sprites dating as far back as late 2017!
One such early sprite was the very first stage select portrait for Zap Man, in which I had drawn him in a front-facing angle rather a 3/4ths angle. My sister @stephysalcido suggested I ought to remaster Zap Man's original stage select portrait, and what I ended up with not only exceeded my expectations but looks wicked cool too! 💙✨
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
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“...with each day I’m reminded that words like "beautiful” are not a useless as I had believed. They can mean something beyond hollow excuses and justifications; more than just empty subjectivity where plainer words would suffice...”
[Commissioned from @korethefey !]
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marquisegallery · 1 month
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Now that all the chapters of my recent fic are posted, I wanted to make one last promo post for it with all the chapter arts in one post!
So yeah, a MegaMan NT Warrior fan fic (i.e. set in the anime timeline), where the former World Three members have a discussion... about funerals! Specifically which one was the worst funeral each of them has been to, not to mention how the events before and after affected them.
It's 6 whole chapters in my script style! You can read it all over on AO3, go check it out if you're interested! And also thank you in advance if you do decide to read it! :D
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realnormanosborn · 1 month
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super-affection · 2 months
been losing alot of weight being on keto but balancing that with a physically demanding job where im carrying shit has been hell to manage 😕 least im gonna get to my goal weight soon
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kradogsrats · 6 months
Thoughts on Callum?
Still moving the plot forward pretty reliably in s4 and s5.
Also even though he's faster at drawing runes after two years of practice (as in it's noticeably harder to get screenshots of them in s4/s5 than s1-s3), he still can't out-draw Finnegrin with fulminis which I think is a pretty significant flaw for a "hit someone with lighting" spell. But that's really a thought about fulminis.
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