#Zarina is my girlie
lil-oreo-crumbles · 6 months
Care to discuss Zarina?
Princess Zarina Kardona of Septarsis, second hatched child of the former (now passed) Rulers of Septarsis, and unofficial second in charge of Septarsis after her older brother, the legendary Seth of Septarsis.
Gonna try and keep this brief-ish (this is not brief omfg I’m sorry this is so long)
Zarina spent all of her early childhood in Septarsis. She never travelled outside of it. Septarsis was all she ever knew.
Just like her brother, she’s seen the extent of the horrors of Mewmankind. She too was stolen from Septarsis and taken to the same place Seth was where they were both put under the worst circumstances for 89 years. (I’m intentionally being vague on the details of this)
Seth feels personally responsible to take care of his sister since he was 15 years older than her. Around the time they were taken there was a notable mental age difference (Zarina was 35 and Seth was 50, making them in Septarian aging the equivalent to 8 and 12 respectively), and even if the gap has been closed and they’re both basically the same mental age, he still carries with him that responsibility, even if she can take care of herself now.
^^^“Just don’t leave me alone wondering where you are” “I am stronger than you give me credit for”
Zarina in her current form had no chance to actually blossom until after those 89 years. She realized her identity and gave herself a new name in the middle of those 89 years, but due to their situation she was hard pressed to do anything about her physical appearance :(
Seth is endlessly supportive of his sister’s new name and her transition. He loves her to death.
She and Seth worked as a team (with the help of the other captured monster kids) to get out of their situation and eventually made it back to Septarsis, and she sobbed at the sight of her homeland in its dark age.
Because of the atrocities they both were subjected to, both Seth and Zarina have a close, almost unbreakable bond. Yes, they quarrel all the damn time and get on each other’s nerves, but they rarely keep anything from each other. If one of them did, let’s say the other would be crushed.
In situations where the siblings work together for a cause, Seth is the outspoken one who inspires crowds of people and gets everyone hyped. He can command an audience and be charismatic and win people over. Zarina, however, is a lot more introverted. She cares a lot more about interpersonal relationships. She’s the type to privately talk to people, ease their fears, and inspire hope individually. Seth will speak to the crowd, Zarina will speak to the person.
In those same situations they both work together on strategy, both offering their own unique perspectives but ultimately finding compromises.
Zarina was the one to give the final blow that killed the man who not only took over Septarsis and put their civilization into its dark age, but also orchestrated the murder of their parents. It was liberating.
Despite her calm, reserved, formal, and polite exterior, if you dare get on her bad side/make her angry she can get so much more threatening and violent than her brother. You do not want to piss this woman off.
Zarina is, to put it bluntly, sheltered as all hell to anything outside Septarsis and those 89 years. This makes her incredibly socially awkward. She carries with her a sense of grace and formality as the Princess of Septarsis, but that’s mainly because she doesn’t speak in front of people too much. If she’s confronted about anything she’ll freeze up and mutter something if she doesn’t know or otherwise. (This is why Seth was the chosen leader lol). Plus she’s also very introverted so she just prefers being alone or with a few close people in general.
Zarina is also, notoriously, a horrible liar. She may be able to keep a secret but finds it difficult to lie when confronted. This ties back to her social awkwardness. She could not lie to save her life, it’d be written all over her face.
She was the first person to actually hear Mylanie out about her peace ideology. She asked Mylanie privately to discuss her ideas. She put aside her own biases and experiences to listen deeply and intently to what Mylanie was trying to do, being one of the first people to realize how honest and earnest she really was about this whole thing. Zarina convinced Seth to hear her out too, sparking the friendship and bond between the three of them.
Zarina, despite her past, gains a nuanced opinion about the Mewman situation. This is when she withdrawals from firmly siding with her brother to something in the middle between him and Mylanie.
Zarina finds herself as the awkward middleman between her extroverted pessimistic brother and their extroverted optimistic friend, Mylanie, as the introverted realist who calms them down when things gets too heated. She’s kind of like the referee which I think is hilarious
Mylanie was the one to finally coax Zarina out of her shell, opening her mind to the various cultures amoungst the different Monsters and even Mewmans. Seth was a lot more well travelled as the Supreme Lord, so Mylanie got to be her personal guide to the outside world.
Being around Seth and Mylanie for so long finally influenced her to be more outspoken and develop her skills in leadership and delegation. They inspire her.
She hates the whole courting thing because she knows it disrespects Mylanie’s boundaries. She always angrily tells Seth to quit it.
Like Seth, Zarina similarly loves Torrence (aka Toffee) very much. She isn’t as outwardly affectionate because of how reserved she is, but shows her appreciation in little ways that mean a lot (she basically allows him free access to the Septarian library, for example)
When Mylanie passed away, just like Seth and Toffee, she was devastated. Seth avoided confronting his grief by piling himself into the war effort and Toffee had Eclipsa to lift his spirits, but Zarina had basically no one. She was alone in her grief and fell back into the cycle of isolation.
The first time she stepped outside after Mylanie’s passing was when she confronted Eclipsa and lost her arm. Rasticore created a prototype robotic arm (that was later improved by an actual engineer…) for her to use as a prosthetic that she greatly appreciates. And because of this Seth doesn’t let her go anywhere without a soldier by her side.
Zarina and her nephew are very close.
Zarina, unlike Seth, really values people’s boundaries. With that being said, she doesn’t put any extra pressure on Toffee after she and Seth take him in and leaves him be for the most part, but is always there with open arms if he needs her. She never refers to Toffee in any familial way— she knows how he responds to that *cough*Seth calling him son*cough*— even if he’s the closest thing to a son she’s ever had. She loves him with everything she has, but he’d never guess it since she rarely feels like she can express it.
Toffee’s bad boy phase gave her grey hairs she lost her temper with his attitude and cockiness so much.
Zarina offered to go as the representative for Septarsis when Comet sent out the banquet invitation before Toffee offered.
After the Comet situation and Toffee and Seth’s fight, Zarina tried to talk to him one on one. However, Toffee was far too angry that the two of them ended up having their own quarrel before he left.
I’ve alluded to this, but Zarina and Seth were both devastated when news of Toffee’s death finally reached them. Zarina uncharacteristically acted impulsively and wanted to send out the army to give Moon and Star a taste of real Septarian aggression for murdering one of their most prominent figures. Seth, on the other hand, despite being just as furious, had to seriously talk her down and explain that it’s not smart to rush into things and waste Septarsis’s resources. It took everything in her power to not take action against the Butterflies, but did back down.
I feel like there may be this underlying inferred inferiority complex, because of how well known Seth is and all of his accomplishments, but I wanna make it known that Zarina holds no animosity towards him. Sure, she’s a bit disappointed that no one really knows who she is, but also simultaneously relieved. Again, she’s not the outspoken type, so it works in her favor if she can chill in the shadows.
Sometimes though people do mistake her for Seth’s wife which… makes both of them fly off the handle with vocal disgust for fairly obvious reasons. That’s the hard part about not being known, but she manages.
WOWOWOW I loved talking about my girl Zarina she’s so fun I love her.
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nadianova · 1 month
Do you come up with character names randomly or do you actively pull inspiration from somewhere, because it feels like they all fit the characters so well and some of them feel pretty unique (like the lead girlies in Hopeless Junction)
i think names gain meaning through connection to the character. even if its something like millarca that is direct reference to gay vampire novel carmilla once i name my character millarca it gains new meaning for her. francesca malcatras comes from My Lady (Malady)+Alcatraz so i do get funny with them sometimes. but these are the exception i normally don't try to do anything with them. i don't seek out symbolism or name meanings when looking to name characters. honestly you can name your characters whatever and the names will grow on them. that's my mentality at least
but as for ME i have such a strong preference for letters that i really really like to use (N A D I L etc.) it just makes me feel good these are the OPTIMAL LETTERS TO USE FOR STRONGEST AURA. name yourself diana and nobody can stop you. um anyway like i especially i like names ending with "A" like kalinda, chandra, zarina, francesca and liliana, shana, millarca, remilia, arisa.... i usually just pull shit out of thin air like naming my next games sister pairs with matching names lana&lina(just nice letters) and ilo&hali (ilo=happyiness/happy hali=hug) naomida will also have someone named pöllö (literally, owl) because when i drew her her hair kinda reminded me of an owl
anyway my preferences for these patterns is so strong i end up into a situation where i wanted to name my 10th character in the game "paloma" and my gf was like no you cant do that you already have too many characters with these letters its going to get confusing so I'm left spamming name generators and going down baby name lists to find something that is not something that is directly my gut instinct otherwise every single character would be called nadiana.
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tatert07s · 1 year
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I’m going to be posting some game screenshots for my Tumblr feed (because I don’t have art atm), but here’s my silly dragon girlie, Zarina.
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georgiasbloom · 2 years
wait wait i just saw a post abt how fawn in the legend of the neverbeast had a personality real close to tinker bell’s personality and i want to put in my two cents bcs i used to be very adamant about these thoughts
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so fawn in the original movies leading up to legend of the neverbeast had a very specific design. she was largely known for her more “tom-boyish” look with her big bangs, long braid, and the half/length pants under the lil skirt bit. fawn was also known for being slightly daring, but mostly kept a level-head throughout the adventures. she had moments of not being so sure about things, but also took a great lead when she needed to.
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fawn in the final movie got an updated look and new voice actress (fun fact, her new VA was also the voice of Judy Hopps from zootopia lol). they kept her big bangs but completely took away fawn’s long, thin braid and replaced it with a thick twist style. she no longer wears pants, and it’s more prominent that she’s wearing a skirt.
i don’t know why they did this change. i really don’t. i was very adamant specifically about them taking the pants away because while she still remains the silly, goofy, rough friend… they took away her lil pants! i always admired her and vidia for wearing pants and not just wearing skirts like the rest. and also with the voice actress, idk what’s up with that. i didn’t know if there was a contract moment or what. but it’s odd.
i don’t have the specific details, idk what the reasoning is. but my guess is that having fawn being front and center, they wanted her to take on a more girly aspect and have a different voice since she’d have all the speaking roles. idk.
but abt the personality, yeah, she definitely got the tinker bell treatment of the original movie. tink definitely evolved and matured throughout the movies, becoming more level-headed and understanding than she previously was in the first couple movies. tink always had good intentions but was driven by curiosity which often led her into tricky situations. her friends were always the ones to help bring her down and pull her out of trouble. in legend of the neverbeast, it was tink’s turn to pull fawn out of trouble and it was fawn’s turn to be daring and curious in a similar way that tink was. fawn still remained close to how we originally knew her. like… she was always daring. she always had a big passion for animals, she’d do anything for them. she was always motivated for success. i think she basically lost got hit with the Main Character stick in the way that tinker bell used to previously be… and actually, i can say the same thing abt zarina. i used to be very adamant abt this but i always thought abt zarina the same way. i used to be a big zarina hater but honestly it’s not that deep for me anymore, lol (she’s still not a favourite but yeah) i think the movie writers and creators for the disney fairies movies just really loved their “hard headed, driven by curiosity, rebelling against the norms” trope for their main characters
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tinkerence · 7 years
I feel like the quality of any given Tinkerbell movie is directly proportional to how big of a role Terence has in it. Not that he makes the movies better all by himself, per se, I just realized that my personal order of enjoyment for each installment just so happens to line up almost perfectly with his level of importance (the only real exception being Neverbeast, which I really liked and didn't even have Terence appear. Though to be fair Tink herself was barely in it either xP)
That’s a very valid observation🤔🤔🤔
I have a similar opinion with how good I think the movies are–the first three are definitely in a level above SotW and TPF, but then I love LotN too…
And Terence mostly appears in the first three.
But I think the problem with the last 3 films is related to Terence’s lack of presence….in an unintended way, if you’ll hear me out. The producers/writers/whoever was behind those films had their own vision: they wanted to introduce these new characters/plots and they didn’t mind who/what had to left out to fit them in.
So we get less of old characters, previous world-building thrown away to be replaced with new plot twists….Terence’s role is just one of the sacrifices.
AND there is something to be said for the first 3 films and even Pixie Hollow Games: they understood character development.
Tinker Bell introduced all of our characters, as the first film it had to do a lot more work to establish this world AND stand on its own as a story. And it succeeds. We meet all of the fairies and their world, and then Tink explores that world, makes her unique mark on that world, and learns a lesson herself. (What she can offer by embracing herself and her talents vs. the chaos/destruction that came from her trying to deny who she was and change an integral part of herself. She changed her society for the better with that lesson.)
The Lost Treasure EXPANDS on that world and its lore and particularly two of our characters: Tink and Terence, who have some more growing to do…patience and emotional maturity…We get to learn more about pixie dust, the tree, fairy rituals, and Tink, again, learns a lesson and develops as a heroine. Her friendship with Terence is strengthened by the end from what they learned.
Great Fairy Rescue again takes a character we already know and DEVELOPS them. Hello Vidia! The plot with Lizzy and her Father, and Tink getting fairy-napped, serves as a catalyst for Vidia’s adventure trying to rescue Tink and thus her character development which bubbles up from her guilt over her selfishness getting Tink stuck in that situation.
Pixie Hollow Games goes for Rosetta and while it’s a TV special instead of one of the feature films, it’s still a rich story in my opinion and fleshes her out, taking a trait mentioned in GFR and seeing where it could go. Rosetta’s fear of getting dirty + her being made to compete in the Games, her intelligence shown in some of the tasks and her eventual plucked-up courage to dig down deep and break the streak.
Secret of the Wings started out by taking what we knew of the winter season (and the warm fairies’ ability to handle it) and Throwing It Out The Window. It also took Tinker Bell’s arrival (being the sole dandelion seed headed toward Neverland) and changed that. It didn’t expand on anything previously introduced in the series, it just changed things to shoehorn in the plot it wanted to have, even if it didn’t make sense. The new characters it introduced weren’t original like Blaze, Lyria, the Trolls. Like Lizzy and her dad. Like Chloe, Rumble and Glimmer.They were….Tink’s twin who is exactly like her in every way besides talent/appearance. Lord Milori who is the wintery male version of Queen Clarion (with the addition of a broken wing…which came as a cause of a random forbidden love plot.) Peri’s friends who were wintery versions of Tink’s friends. And Dewey who is probably the only really original one of them all. Oh yeah and Scribble. He’s there too. I guess he’s okay.So with all this new cast, who gets the majority of the character development? Is it Tinker Bell? The plot structure of her deciding to break some rules and chaos springing from that is still there. But what really happened? The biggest point of tension/climax was not caused by her actions but on accident by Milori pushing the snow machine into the stream. What does that teach her? Not to try it again? (In fact you can see that she’s recovered or rebuilt the machine by next film.)She flies into Winter Woods to get help and breaks a wing, which is a nice sacrifice for her to make for the good of Pixie Hollow. But then it’s fixed by sister-wing-magic and she’s good as new. And then she ends up being right all along for breaking the rules, but now they know how frost works so they get to be together and it’s a happy ending that feels cheap to me.I can’t be the only one!!! The movie WANTS to feel high stakes and dangerous but everything that happens is washed away with a snap. The freeze retreats in two seconds. Her wing is fixed. The cliche Milarion romance is on again. Everything is great. Lost Treasure did not resort to fixing the moonstone back into one piece in order to turn out well in the end–the damage was done but a broken thing happened to be even more useful to them in the end, because now they knew how to use it….(a metaphor for the relationship development?)And if she learned what–how frost works? in SotW, our main character Tink DEFINITELY doesn’t learn anything from this movie, so??Anyways…
The Pirate Fairy. Ohhh The Pirate Fairy. I could write a longer rant on this one than the SotW, but I probably already have. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times: every bit of information about how blue pixie dust works was changed, James Does Not Work as a twist-villain, Zarina is an unrelatable main character whose “development” was not actually development but snap changes of her allegiance based on whoever seemed to like her the most at the moment…
Legend of the NeverBeast gets back the spirit of the earlier films but also falls into this pit of what I call YOU CHOSE THE WRONG DAMN MAIN CHARACTER. The reason it feels like one of the early films is because Fawn is basically Tinker Bell in Fawn’s…no, some girly animal talent (who wears dresses)’s skin. I can’t talk about this any more than I have here, so just read this.
I really think Legend of the NeverBeast would have benefited with at least a simple cameo of the characters we came to know and love from previous films. All of the sparrow men were absent besides Scribble who honestly I think is funny but no one REAAALLY wanted to see here, while Terence, Bobble, Clank, Fairy Gary, FAIRY MARY, everyone else was gone. It would have been SO SO SO easy to just…include their character models at the end when all of Pixie Hollow has come to give Gruff a magical farewell. But nope.
The movie makers started to neglect character develop of all our favorites after GFR, including Tink, Fawn, and the rest–in favor of introducing more versions of Tink’s personality and not actually giving herself proper development.
At least we did get a film where Terence is one of the main stars and his relationship with Tink is the focus!!!!
We are lucky…
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The Rage of the Dragon Master
Ch.1 Flashback Pt. 1
The wind is bustling on a very gloomy day in Musutafu.  People were going on there everyday lives, except for 2 individuals. 2 girls were sitting on a train with a solemn look on their faces. One girl who had long curly, brown hair and bright purple eyes. She looked around and felt eyes on her. She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. "How come people still look at me like I'm a villain because i have horns on my head and my skin tone is darker than most people I know. How does that make me evil" she thinks "Ayona?" she looks beside her and sees her younger sister starring worriedly at her. She looks at her sister, her short brown hair straightened her brown hair much lighter than Ayona. Her dark green eyes shine brightly. She smiles at her before saying "Yeah, I'm fine Zarina". She wraps her arms around her sister and smiles. Her phone vibrates and she sees she got a text. She glimpses down and responds quickly before she hears the rail line shout the name of their stop. Her heart rate quickens as she grips the bag on her shoulder and takes a deep breath. The trains stops and the two girls get off the train. Zarina looked at Ayona and said "Do you think that we could fly there instead of walking. Ayona pauses as her body tenses before patting her sister on the forehead "No, we can't remember, were not allowed to use our quirks in public remember?'. Zarina sweat drops "Oh yeah, that's right." Ayona chuckles " I had a feeling you would forget". Both girls chuckles as they begin walking in silence toward the town in the small urban area. As the two girls feels eyes on them Zarina clutches her sisters hand. Ayona looks at her sister and smiles "It'll be okay". They begin to speed walk to their old family home. A grand three story home resides on a hill surrounded by a black gate. The girls saw their old home the closer they got. They walked to the gate and Ayona tapped on the buzzer "Hey it's Ayona and Zarina. It's our annual visit". She clicked off the buzzer and waited for a response. She heard a chuckle "My babies are back!!!!".The gate opens and the two girls enter. They walk up the front door which opens as soon as the get to the porch and are greeted by a tall silver haired green eyed woman. She runs at the girls and immediately glomps them in a hug "My nieces are back" The two girls hug their aunt tightly "Long time no see Miyuki" Zarina says as they pull away from the hug. Miyuki grins "Come in Come in" the two girls enter the house. Ayona and Zarina eyes glisten as they enter their childhood home. "It looks like just how i remember it. I know we come here like twice a year for about a week at a time, but thank you so much Aunt Miyuki for taking care of our childhood home." Ayona bows, while Zarina jus smiles in the background. Miyuki pats the girls on the head, she chuckles "You say that every visit Ayona. I told you it's fine you're my brothers children, you know us dragons we do anything for our family. I may not be the one raising you but i will always preserve the house your parents raised you in." Ayona half-heartedly smiles "Yeah." Zarina touches her sisters shoulders before looking at her aunt "Is it alright if we head to our rooms". Miyuki nods and the two girls head upstairs. They walk up the grand staircase and look at the very large hallway as they get upstairs. Zarina and Ayona look at each other before stopping in front of their rooms directly across from each other. They touch their door handles and open their own subsequent doors.
Ayona's POV
I opened my old bedroom door and I immediately was hit with a feeling of nostalgia. The bright red bedroom with posters about knights, dragons and princesses covering the walls. Bookshelves full of books about dragons and the different abilities of them.  I dropped my bag and sat on my bed and felt my body sink into the mattress. I looked at my nightstand and saw a picture frame that had a photo of my parents, my sister and I. I reached out and brough the picture closer to me and put it in my lap. I touched my parents face on the photo only to notice tears on the frame. I didn't even notice I started crying. I brought the photo to my chest and clutched it tightly to my chest. "I miss you guys so much". My shoulder shake incrementally as i sob. I feel my body get wrapped up in a hug. I look in front of me to see my sister "It's okay Ayona, I miss them too, but they wouldn't want to us over they would they". She begins wiping my tears and back away from the hug. I nod "Yeah, they'd want us to celebrate them and not cry over them." Zarina nods "Yep, exactly they may be gone but there still with us in our hearts and our DNA i mean were Fudo's for crying out loud. I chuckle before pulling Zarina over to me and giving her a noogie "I'm the older sister i'm supposed to be comforting you" Zarina pulls away and rubs her head "Ouch! That hurt and yeah maybe your my older sister but that doesn't mean i can't comfort my big sister Ayona". I smile "Yeah, your right". Zarina sits on my bed and looks at me. "Hey do you remember when you first developed your quirk Ayona? I know mom and dad talked about it so fondly, but i don't remember you ever talking about it yourself." I turn around and look at her " Well since you brought it up, Yeah i do remember it. You see back when we were kids and I was 4 and you were 3 you had already developed your Quirk, but i for some reason did not..."
Flashback (Age 4)
My mom and dad had taken me and Zarina to the park. I remember pushing her down the slide but she was to scared to go down alone. I looked at her and told her it was going to be okay. So I sat Zarinaa in my lap and we went down the slide together. She was squealing so loudly it was so adorable to me. This was definitely my baby sister. We went back on the playground and i told Zarina to go on the slide without me so I could ask my parents a question. Less than a minute later I heard crying so i went back up the stairs on the Playground and saw a bunch of older kids surrounding my sister. I went up to them and pushed them away. I looked at my sister who was crying and was about to wrap my hands around her when I saw her wings has sprouted on her back and had wrapped herself in a ball. The kids that were surrounding my sister were laughing "Haha what a FREAK who would want to befriend someone like you. Your like a villain. Maybe i should take you to the police you should rot in jail!" one kid had said. "Maybe we should call All Might he might know what to do with someone like you" another kid had said. I was getting so angry 'HOW DARE THEY TALK ABOUT MY BABY SISTER LIKE THIS'. "How about you guys shut up and mind your own business" I said. The biggest kid who was standing in the middle of the other two looked at me and smirkes "And, what are you going to do about it girly". I tightened up my fist and got into a fighting position "Then I'll fight you!'. They all started laughing "Haha i doubt you can do anything, your probably just a monster freak like your SISTER". I tightened my fist before i felt like i was engulfed in rage. I punched the middle guy in the face really hard.  I remember hearing a really scary growl, but i don't know where it came from. I looked at the kid i punched and saw what looked like scratch marks on his head. "What.. What did you do to me you MONSTER" I looked at him and then looked at my arms and saw dragon scales running down my right arm and saw some claws dragon claws coming out of my fingers. I looked at them and then looked at the guy i punched and growled at him "You and your friends better leave me and my sister alone or I promise I will punch you again so hard you will be more afraid of me then you already am" I felt so much taller than i thought i was only to realize because their were wings sprouted on my back. The boy quickly brushes himself off before crying and running away with his friends. I didn't realize I was even flying before my feet touched the ground. I walked over to Zarina who's wings had already rescinded in her back. I began petting her head and looked at her and smiled "Don't worry Zarina i will never let anyone hurt you. That's my job as your big sister okay?". She looked at me and I hugged her. She began crying again and I kissed her forehead "No more tears okay, you'll always be safe.. Because I am here". I sat up and extended my hand to her, she took my hand and we walked over to the bench where my parents were sitting at...
End of Chapter 1
Shameless plug but I don’t give a shit
Thanks for checking out the story. I hope you like it
This story is also available at Wattpad @ Iamdekusenpai
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asktheneverfairies · 7 years
I'm lovin ur butch-femme scale but I think Bess and Peri should be switched... idk
We can agree to disagree if you don’t like my decision, since a lot of this is just about feeling a character out and we all have different interpretations of both the characters and the labels of femme/butch themselves--but I can explain my thinking behind putting them where I did!!
You know I love to hear myself talk.
Bess is a character well known for being artistic and emotional, and at times insecure. Her attitudes seem to me to fall more in line with that aspect of femininity, rather than a butch who expresses more self-confidence with regards to non-conformity to gender roles.
(And before anyone thinks I’m implying something, I don’t mean that all femmes are bundles of insecurity or all butches walk around as the pinnacle of confidence, this is a generalization made for the sake of a meme! Rosetta, the highest of femmes, is certainly completely confident.)
Simply regarding style, Bess wears her hair long and with flowers in it. Periwinkle on the other hand rocks a pixie cut (one of the few fairies to be seen with such short hair.) They both wear leggings and a skirt/dress, neither leaning toward a more masculine outfit of pants or a feminine full dress, which is why they’re somewhere in the gray (purple?) area.
Periwinkle definitely has feminine traits as well, but I see her as being very similar in personality to Tink, who is IMO the epitome of a balance between girly and tomboyish...yet Peri does tend stylistically toward the leggings and short hair which is less feminine than a mini-dress and ballerina bun. So if she was to fall to one side instead of the middle with her twin, it’d be a soft butch.
Peri is shown enjoying several sports, also engaging in rule-breaking, while Bess is not inclined to put herself out there in a way in which she might be embarrassed. I do think to be a butch you might need to have a certain level of tolerance to the judgement of others, which is why you see characters like Fawn, Vidia, and Chloe up there, rather living life to their standards than trying to be what they think is acceptable to others.
(Possibly I am doing the stereotype thing again which is why shy Beck tends toward femme while self-assured Lily tends toward butch even though they’re both relatively in the purplegray area.
Anyways I could break from that by pointing out Zarina who wears a skirt or a bedazzled apron--girly things--and has her share of insecurities as well, but still manages to be butch.)
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adisneylullaby · 7 years
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May I have a Disney look a like? Thank you!!
Absolutely. Okay, so I think that you look like these girlies. First, I think that in the first photo you look like Nancy as you share similar nose, mouth and face shape. Then in the second photo you reminded me of Belle as you have similar nose, eye and mouth shapes as well as a general likeness to her. And then in the last two photos you reminded me of Zarina and Elizabeth as you have a likeness to both as well as some similar features.
I hope you like it :)
If you would like a Disney Look a like please put a picture of you or a friend in my ask box :)
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 7 months
can you discuss the relationship between Toffee and Seth
Absolutely!! I’d be happy to!!
Normally, I see Toffee and Seth being depicted with a relatively positive relationship. However, I don’t and have never really seen it that way.
The full story is under the cut, but the TL;DR is this: Toffee does not like Seth hardly at all. Seth sees Toffee as his own son and loves him to death, but Toffee cannot stand being “fathered” by him. As far as Toffee knows, he never had a father and Seth was DEFINITELY not his father, and gets so upset when Seth refers to him as “son”.
Despite Toffee not being able to stand him, he can and does acknowledge his great diplomacy skills and that he is the best leader for Septarsis. His beef is a lot more personal. He will admit with no hesitation that Seth would have made a great ruler for Monsterkind and is personally angered and offended just like everyone else about Crescenta’s smear campaign.
Toffee also unknowingly bought into a lot of his ideals over the course of his life, he just adjusted his angle and took different actions into trying to solve the same problem.
It’s a mix of frustration yet begrudging respect for him as the man who took him in after his mother’s death on Toffee’s end. On Seth’s end, it’s praise, adoration, and a very fatherly view he has on Toffee, despite how pissed he gets at a lot of Toffee’s actions over the course of his life (i.e., Comet and his whole embarrassing “Bad Boy” phase).
AU Story:
For some context, I may need to explain Seth and his relationship with Toffee’s mother in my AU, Mylanie Ambrose of Septarsis, because that’s where their rocky relationship really stems from.
When Seth took his rightful place as the Supreme Lord of Septarsis (he hates the term King), he completely tore apart the system the previous (very corrupt) ruler (who brought Septarsis into its dark age) had been using for the two-hundred or so years he was in charge, and replaced it with his own system. Part of that system involves a rotating legislation of representatives (a council of sorts) every fifty or so years (can vary and there are exceptions). The Septarians would get restless with the same person in power for the centuries they live, so Seth ensures that there are new faces and new voices. No matter how good of a Supreme Lord or beloved by the people be is, he will never put just himself or his sister Zarina in charge of decision making.
With that said, Mylanie, a dreamer who strongly believes in a future of peace and harmony with Mewmankind in the future, joins the council. She is incredibly passionate and a very loud advocate for peace, catching Seth’s attention. The two form a friendship outside of politics and get along, but they are fiercely on opposite sides when it pertains to the Mewman problem. Mylanie wants to make peace with a future queen while Seth thinks war is one of their only possibilities. Zarina is the awkward middleman trying to find a truce between their fiercely opposed sides.
Seth is decidedly a gay man, but because he’s so deep in denial and closeted he mistakes the thrill and passion he gets from debating her as… romantic feelings (whoops) and starts offering his hand to make her the Lady of Septarsis. She always refuses.
Then Mylanie has Toffee. (His real name is Torrence but I’m gonna call him Toffee for simplicity)
So, essentially, Toffee’s exposure to Seth for his entire early life is through the eyes of his mother and the debates she has with him. He kind of sits back and watches the two of them go at it.
Seth is a lot more of a brute who values a good soldier at this point so he (playfully) critiques Mylanie for not teaching her son any defense skills or anything to do with fighting and instead just lets him “read books and frolic all the time”. He also jokingly teases her for how “girly” Toffee looks/acts (the long hair with flowers/flower crowns and his general soft/shy demeanor). Toffee, despite his young age, is very aware of all of this, along with the courting issue Seth still brings up every once in a while. He can get really protective of her.
But Seth absolutely tried to bond with him… and he considers trying to teach him how to fight “bonding”. Toffee’s not really into the whole war (he IS raised by his mother after all) and doesn’t really reciprocate.
When the Solaria’s situation happens and Mylanie passes away, Toffee is taken in by Seth and Zarina permanently. Seth really steps up and makes an effort to form a bond with Toffee, but he’s grieving really bad and Seth trying to make nice really hits him the wrong way.
While Toffee is friends with Eclipsa, Seth eventually finds out and discourages him from spending anymore time with her, but Toffee refuses to listen to him and still spends time with the princess regardless. He sees Seth as trying to take away the one thing he still has in this world. Seth tries to insist that the Mewmans and the world they’ve created are dark, selfish, and cruel, and Eclipsa is no different. Toffee fights with him on this, but it isn’t until the two friends have their tragic fallout that Toffee admits that Seth was right about Eclipsa and he should have listened to him.
Regardless of Seth being “proven right”, this still doesn’t make Toffee like him. During his bad boy teenage years he’s blatantly disrespectful, haughty, and an overall pain for Seth and Zarina to deal with. However, this is actually when Toffee starts to buy into Seth’s ideals. Toffee is unaware of just how much he’s starting to agree with Seth about his stances on Mewmanity, but his specific issue is on the magic they use. (If you ask him at this stage about it he’ll tell you you’re insane for the suggestion alone.)
Despite his bad attitude, Toffee’s natural talent in leadership and combat causes Seth to favor him a lot. Toffee rises the ranks quickly and becomes increasingly popular amongst the troops and the army. Toffee actually (begrudgingly) accepts advice and one on one training from Seth, which adds to his skill set.
But what Toffee HATES is how much Seth starts “fathering” him. Seth refers to Toffee as his son, and Toffee has to keep reminding him that he is decidedly NOT his son and NEVER will be, no matter how much Seth wants to think so. This ties back to Toffee’s lingering frustration over the whole “courting” he used to attempt with his mother.
When Toffee takes a break from the army to focus on studying Mewmans, magic, and their history, (and calming down and getting out of his weird bad boy phase in the process) Seth begs him to rejoin all of the time. He knows Toffee as a great military leader but Toffee spends most of his time curled up in his room reading into the night (✨insomnia✨) or breaking into Butterfly Castle to borrow more books. They hardly interact during this time.
After his time as a historian, Toffee is compelled to rejoin the army/war effort and moves up the ranks to eventually become the general we know he as. When the invitation comes for Comet’s banquet, Seth decidedly doesn’t want to attend. Toffee overhears and volunteers to go in his place. Seth has one rule: No harm is to come to the queen.
This is where I get to the point where he blatantly disrespects Seth’s instructions: He kills Comet. While decidedly NOT a primary or even important reason why he did it, a small very tiny microscopic part of Toffee did it specifically because Seth told him not to, and Toffee thinks he can handle things on his own.
Well… when Toffee returns to Septarsis humiliated with a missing finger, Seth. Is. Pissed. He KNEW this would do nothing but blow up in their faces and refuses to hear any of Toffee’s rationale for doing it, no matter how valid. He scolds Toffee harsher than he ever has before and blows up at him for this. By the end of the argument, Toffee is sick of and through with Seth and right then and there vows to leave Septarsis and never come back. Toffee does just that.
And… yeah. To be very frank, the relationship very complicated. Toffee can hardly stand him, but also Seth is probably one of his biggest influences at the same time. Toffee respects him as a leader of their civilization and as a diplomat, but has been known to forge his own path and blatantly disrespect his orders if Toffee deems his own ideas better (not ALL of them, Comet is the one notable instance of this). They both want monsters to be vindicated for all of the suffering they’ve been put through, but Seth sees Mewmans as the problem while Toffee sees magic as the problem.
I don’t know if this post fully encapsulates the true dynamic. This is an example of me trying to explain a dynamic that would be much better when I eventually show it… not sure if any post could ever do the story justice… but oh well.
But yeah I suggest keeping in tune. This is the rundown of their dynamic but it’ll be better when they actually interact in the AU itself 🤞
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