#Zarina is one of my favorite characters
lil-oreo-crumbles · 6 months
Care to discuss Zarina?
Princess Zarina Kardona of Septarsis, second hatched child of the former (now passed) Rulers of Septarsis, and unofficial second in charge of Septarsis after her older brother, the legendary Seth of Septarsis.
Gonna try and keep this brief-ish (this is not brief omfg I’m sorry this is so long)
Zarina spent all of her early childhood in Septarsis. She never travelled outside of it. Septarsis was all she ever knew.
Just like her brother, she’s seen the extent of the horrors of Mewmankind. She too was stolen from Septarsis and taken to the same place Seth was where they were both put under the worst circumstances for 89 years. (I’m intentionally being vague on the details of this)
Seth feels personally responsible to take care of his sister since he was 15 years older than her. Around the time they were taken there was a notable mental age difference (Zarina was 35 and Seth was 50, making them in Septarian aging the equivalent to 8 and 12 respectively), and even if the gap has been closed and they’re both basically the same mental age, he still carries with him that responsibility, even if she can take care of herself now.
^^^“Just don’t leave me alone wondering where you are” “I am stronger than you give me credit for”
Zarina in her current form had no chance to actually blossom until after those 89 years. She realized her identity and gave herself a new name in the middle of those 89 years, but due to their situation she was hard pressed to do anything about her physical appearance :(
Seth is endlessly supportive of his sister’s new name and her transition. He loves her to death.
She and Seth worked as a team (with the help of the other captured monster kids) to get out of their situation and eventually made it back to Septarsis, and she sobbed at the sight of her homeland in its dark age.
Because of the atrocities they both were subjected to, both Seth and Zarina have a close, almost unbreakable bond. Yes, they quarrel all the damn time and get on each other’s nerves, but they rarely keep anything from each other. If one of them did, let’s say the other would be crushed.
In situations where the siblings work together for a cause, Seth is the outspoken one who inspires crowds of people and gets everyone hyped. He can command an audience and be charismatic and win people over. Zarina, however, is a lot more introverted. She cares a lot more about interpersonal relationships. She’s the type to privately talk to people, ease their fears, and inspire hope individually. Seth will speak to the crowd, Zarina will speak to the person.
In those same situations they both work together on strategy, both offering their own unique perspectives but ultimately finding compromises.
Zarina was the one to give the final blow that killed the man who not only took over Septarsis and put their civilization into its dark age, but also orchestrated the murder of their parents. It was liberating.
Despite her calm, reserved, formal, and polite exterior, if you dare get on her bad side/make her angry she can get so much more threatening and violent than her brother. You do not want to piss this woman off.
Zarina is, to put it bluntly, sheltered as all hell to anything outside Septarsis and those 89 years. This makes her incredibly socially awkward. She carries with her a sense of grace and formality as the Princess of Septarsis, but that’s mainly because she doesn’t speak in front of people too much. If she’s confronted about anything she’ll freeze up and mutter something if she doesn’t know or otherwise. (This is why Seth was the chosen leader lol). Plus she’s also very introverted so she just prefers being alone or with a few close people in general.
Zarina is also, notoriously, a horrible liar. She may be able to keep a secret but finds it difficult to lie when confronted. This ties back to her social awkwardness. She could not lie to save her life, it’d be written all over her face.
She was the first person to actually hear Mylanie out about her peace ideology. She asked Mylanie privately to discuss her ideas. She put aside her own biases and experiences to listen deeply and intently to what Mylanie was trying to do, being one of the first people to realize how honest and earnest she really was about this whole thing. Zarina convinced Seth to hear her out too, sparking the friendship and bond between the three of them.
Zarina, despite her past, gains a nuanced opinion about the Mewman situation. This is when she withdrawals from firmly siding with her brother to something in the middle between him and Mylanie.
Zarina finds herself as the awkward middleman between her extroverted pessimistic brother and their extroverted optimistic friend, Mylanie, as the introverted realist who calms them down when things gets too heated. She’s kind of like the referee which I think is hilarious
Mylanie was the one to finally coax Zarina out of her shell, opening her mind to the various cultures amoungst the different Monsters and even Mewmans. Seth was a lot more well travelled as the Supreme Lord, so Mylanie got to be her personal guide to the outside world.
Being around Seth and Mylanie for so long finally influenced her to be more outspoken and develop her skills in leadership and delegation. They inspire her.
She hates the whole courting thing because she knows it disrespects Mylanie’s boundaries. She always angrily tells Seth to quit it.
Like Seth, Zarina similarly loves Torrence (aka Toffee) very much. She isn’t as outwardly affectionate because of how reserved she is, but shows her appreciation in little ways that mean a lot (she basically allows him free access to the Septarian library, for example)
When Mylanie passed away, just like Seth and Toffee, she was devastated. Seth avoided confronting his grief by piling himself into the war effort and Toffee had Eclipsa to lift his spirits, but Zarina had basically no one. She was alone in her grief and fell back into the cycle of isolation.
The first time she stepped outside after Mylanie’s passing was when she confronted Eclipsa and lost her arm. Rasticore created a prototype robotic arm (that was later improved by an actual engineer…) for her to use as a prosthetic that she greatly appreciates. And because of this Seth doesn’t let her go anywhere without a soldier by her side.
Zarina and her nephew are very close.
Zarina, unlike Seth, really values people’s boundaries. With that being said, she doesn’t put any extra pressure on Toffee after she and Seth take him in and leaves him be for the most part, but is always there with open arms if he needs her. She never refers to Toffee in any familial way— she knows how he responds to that *cough*Seth calling him son*cough*— even if he’s the closest thing to a son she’s ever had. She loves him with everything she has, but he’d never guess it since she rarely feels like she can express it.
Toffee’s bad boy phase gave her grey hairs she lost her temper with his attitude and cockiness so much.
Zarina offered to go as the representative for Septarsis when Comet sent out the banquet invitation before Toffee offered.
After the Comet situation and Toffee and Seth’s fight, Zarina tried to talk to him one on one. However, Toffee was far too angry that the two of them ended up having their own quarrel before he left.
I’ve alluded to this, but Zarina and Seth were both devastated when news of Toffee’s death finally reached them. Zarina uncharacteristically acted impulsively and wanted to send out the army to give Moon and Star a taste of real Septarian aggression for murdering one of their most prominent figures. Seth, on the other hand, despite being just as furious, had to seriously talk her down and explain that it’s not smart to rush into things and waste Septarsis’s resources. It took everything in her power to not take action against the Butterflies, but did back down.
I feel like there may be this underlying inferred inferiority complex, because of how well known Seth is and all of his accomplishments, but I wanna make it known that Zarina holds no animosity towards him. Sure, she’s a bit disappointed that no one really knows who she is, but also simultaneously relieved. Again, she’s not the outspoken type, so it works in her favor if she can chill in the shadows.
Sometimes though people do mistake her for Seth’s wife which… makes both of them fly off the handle with vocal disgust for fairly obvious reasons. That’s the hard part about not being known, but she manages.
WOWOWOW I loved talking about my girl Zarina she’s so fun I love her.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
@veinblooded + 15 — ( spotify starter meme. )
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"Promises shattered, teardrops fall as the last hope I had scattered like leaves in the storm," she remains lying on the ground, looking up at the night sky. Cael may not remember anything, but he remains. Her melancholy is the gateway to boredom; it opens the way for the devil to take her shape and to yearn for chaos. However, right now, it was repressed by the cold and frigid memory of bitterness. She was a Revenant, a survivor of the first generation. Mido's words and actions are recalled, and she sighs, agreeing with the man that all the revenants present here within these walls were not prepared for the terror that would unfold once the red mist falls. She did not expect the amnesiac student of hers to remember this, not anymore. "This city remembers the day when despair fell upon its soul... but you do not remember, do you, Cael?" // the right by xka, shoon, and shin young sook.
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justcallmecj · 17 days
Alr, unfortunately I am like, 20 minutes late for this but I'm posting it regardless. I made some art of Zarina, my Touchstarved oc, with the Li and I just barely missed the time to have posted them on her birthday.
Anyway, September 6th is Zarina's bday (and mine) so these are a series of Zarina hanging out with our favorite characters and having fun!
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This one is actually my favorite. I got adventurous and tried some special lighting since this bg is a nigh time one. And, surprisingly enough, it did work! In this image, I totally imagine Zarina being shell shocked at being princess carried, since no ones done this with her since she was a small child.
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I loved this base for Zarina and Kuras, but then realized that there are no bg in the game where this will make reasonable sense, so tbh I have no clue what Zarina is pointing at. Sooo, use your imagination! Also, Kuras has such a complex design (they all do) so I'm happy I was able to simplify it while also getting across the same vibe. (pretty proud of that gold on his chest honestly)
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Mhin took a bit of time to do. The angle is new to me and was hard to translate their clothing as such, however, I got it in the end. I tried to add that signature red they have in their eyes, like how I do with the emotes I've been doing, but it just didn't look right for some reason. But this is what I ended up with and I'm fine with it (even if they look a tad bit dead inside)
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Vere is actually the last one I did, finished about 10 minutes ago actually. I had a lot of fun doing him, but to be fair, I have fun drawing Vere all the time. I wish I had the skill/confidence to do those shear parts to his sleeve but I just didn't. Maybe another time. Vere seems to be quite peaceful and content in this art and I'm glad since that was the look I was going for! Also, why are they at the Seaspring? Their waiting for Ais to come back, of course! (Totally not bc there was no other suitable bgs from the game.)
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And this was the first one I did for this series. I honestly love this one, just like the Leander one, for a different reason. The concept is so fucking funny. I imagine that, bc Zarina is so physically weak and has no combat experience, she gets in a lot of trouble. And while due to plot reasons I can't discuss yet, she would be fine in the end and come out nearly unharmed, the others still step in when they find out. The idea of Ais picking her up like a wet cat to drag her away from trouble tickles the corner of my brain, y'know? And she looks so dejected!
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not-wholly-unheroic · 9 months
Me again! What's your favorite ship for Disney's Hook? I personally like Hook/Smee because old gay couple/friends to lovers. But I also want to know your fav ships
So, here’s the thing… I do understand why some people ship Hook and Smee, but to me, Mr. Smee’s relationship to Hook is more paternal. Disney Smee in particular is just like…that old man who is universally accepted by the neighborhood kids to be everyone’s adoptive grandpa. And truthfully, I feel like Smee is probably aro/ace and just…doesn’t really think much about romantic love or anything like that. Given the age difference, I headcanon that he has known Hook since the captain was a boy and was probably the only safe male role model in his life. Smee feels like he really dropped the ball by not doing more to get young James away from his abusive father when he was little and so makes up for it now by looking out for him and trying to always continue to see the little sparks of goodness in him despite everything.
As far as who I DO ship Hook with…I guess it depends on WHICH version of Disney we’re talking about, lol. Personally, I consider there to be three different “variants” of Disney Hook: (1) The OG “canon” Hook from the films, (2) Jake and the Neverland Pirates Hook AU, and (3) Pirate Fairy Cabin Boy James AU. The latter two have some fairly obvious canon or nearly canon ships which I am totally onboard for. I mean, Red Jessica has Jake-verse Hook blushing like a schoolboy and stumbling over his words and how can you NOT love them together?! They’re just SO CUTE!! Zarina and James are…more complicated, but just…I wanted them to be friends (or more) so badly throughout the whole film, even knowing how it would inevitably end. Seeing him actually fly in that film and be happy…I need more of that in my life. As for the original Disney Hook…okay, hear me out…I know this is a weird one but I was pretty young when I started shipping it and it just…stuck. I love the idea of all Disney characters just existing in one giant crossover universe like in House of Mouse (which I grew up on), so like…the villains all hang out together, right? And while Hook is my favorite male Disney villain, my favorite female villain is Cruella so…. It was kinda inevitable that I ended up shipping them. The two of them just seem like they’d suit each other… Both posh, well-dressed British villains whose nemeses are children and animals. They also often show up together along with Jafar in villain groupings. (And which my younger self decided meant there was some kind of love triangle going on that probably eventually soured the friendship.) They could be a villain power couple! Or…I could headcanon a redemption arc story for the both of them which might sound ridiculous but which 13 year-old me managed to do. So yeah… here I am 20+ years later still shipping it. 😅
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ OC In Three Tag 3 ✦
This round of characters is coming from a story I've barely mentioned before: what I affectionately refer to as "the Calamity Crew" (aka it's a placeholder title)! Zarina is the captain of the ship, Cricket (more formally known as Hugo) is the navigator and her right-hand man, and--... actually these two are the only ones I'm sharing from tCC. They're definitely not my favorite or anything... even though I love the other characters, too, haha.
On the other hand, Cassandra... well, she's got a lot more in common with them than they think! And shows up in the story they're in. 👀
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These guys were super hard to pick images for because they had soooo many options, haha! But I think I'm satisfied besides wishing I could put more ocean stuff for Zari/Cass and maybe some runic/study material for Cricket.
Feel free to make guesses about their characters! I love each of these guys, but they won't show up in my writing for a long, long time... 👀😭
OC In Threes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Part 6 | Part 6.5 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tagging list/those who seem interested! (Ask and I will not in the upcoming ones): @creative-author @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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moonlightkitkat · 1 year
Behold! I suddenly got intense spoons for creating a Genshin x Pixie Hollow AU.
This is the main listing of talents I have for the characters. They’re based on the pixie hollow books, so there are a lot more talents then in the movies! In the books there are a lot of subsections and specialized talents as well, so many characters will dance around a bit with their talents! Some of them also will have one talent, but join another field to help out! If anyone has any ideas on where some characters could be moved around to better suite their talents, please let me know in the comments or tags!
To keep my posts tagged for this AU, they’ll be under #PixieImpact!
Razor-Razor is a young fairy, but he is most interested in the most dangerous of animals. He doesn’t spend much time around the other fairies, preferring to spend time with the big scary creatures instead.
Gorou-Gorou trains animals, specifically to carry out tasks! He helps train them to get used to fairies riding them, and to learn steering controls! He helps make sure each scout has their own perfect match.
Itto-Itto specializes in bugs. He knows every kind of bug, their favorite food, their names, and their skills. He likes racing them and pushing them to be the best bugs they can be.
Xinyan-Xinyan specializes in instruments! She is the musician behind most of the play’s and story’s put on in the theatre!
Yun Jin- Yun Jin is a songstress and story teller. She weaves the most elaborate stories, and has a voice that soothes your heart.
Kazuha- Kazuha is a poet, and is a fan of wind instruments. He helps a lot backstage, preferring not to be the one on the main stage.
Fyschl-Fyschl’s stories are… interesting. They’re captivating and full of drama, though she doesn’t break character after leaving the stage. All of the plays she puts on are of her own character and her adventures(usually a dramatized version of the daily events). People often see her shows to get caught up on daily events. It takes lots of discussion to reveal the true story beneath her fabrication though.
Nilou-Nilou is an elegant dancer. She performs at most events. She’s a water talent fairy, and she combines her talent with her love for dance. She helps with special effects backstage as well.
Xiangling-Xiangling is the head baker of Pixie Hollow. She loves experimenting with strange ingredients, but she never understands why no one eats it… however, her talents do aid her with creating the most mouthwatering dishes you could imagine!
Diona-Diona specializes in drinks! In Pixie hollow there is no alcohol, only sugar highs! She enjoys creating fun drinks for everyone to enjoy! She’s a newly born fairie, and is very beloved in the community. She has a sharp tongue though.
Dust keeping-
Zhongli-Zhongli is one of the eldest fairies, almost old enough to remember the birth of the pixie dust tree. He has long since retired, now enjoying life in pixie hollow. He does however lend a helping hand whenever they need one, which is often. He may be old, but he hasn’t lost his energy.
Albedo- Albedo is Zhongli’s successor. He teaches new dust keepers of their duties, as well as holding classes for the properties of dust.
Sucrose-Sucrose enjoys using dust to create new effects, the Zarina of this AU. However, she wasn’t banished due to her creations and discoveries. In Pixie hollow, it’s welcomed to try new things, and the discovery of the properties of dust was shocking and incredible! She works under Albedo, who oversees her studies.
AlHaithem- AlHaithem delivers all of the reports of the pixie dust tree to the scribes. He’s basically considered a scribe due to how much time he spends in the libraries studying. He knows just about everything in pixie hollow. He also helps deliver the daily dosage of pixie dust to the fairies in pixie hollow.
Fast flying-
Venti- an elder fairy, though you’d never guess it with how much energy he has. Venti is the fastest fairy in pixie hollow, yet also the laziest. He prefers to spend time with his friends, enjoying the pleasures of pixie hollow. He also enjoys Diona’s sweet and sugary drinks! He loves his sugar highs.
Wanderer-a troublemaker in pixie hollow. He enjoys causing mischief, though you’ll never catch him doing so. He doesn’t shirk his duties, but he grows bored of them. Despite his youthful appearance, he’s an older fairy. He’s incredibly fast, creating strong winds.
Sayu- a sleepy fairy. She’s fast, but she tires easily from her speed.
Yelan-Yelan works with the scouts often, using her speed to help get to places quickly to offer aid and assistance.
Nahida-a retired garden fairy. She offers help when needed, but she enjoys working in the scribes office more. She’s the oldest garden talent, but she isn’t an elder fairy like Ei or Venti or Zhongli.
Collei-Collei is a newer fairy, with lots of allergies. She has to be careful with what plants she works with, though she’s allergic to most of them. She spends most of her time in the hospital helping mix medicines for the healing talent fairies.
Tighnari-Tighnari is the leader of the garden talent fairies, chosen specifically by Nahida. He is an incredibly knowledgeable fairy, teaching others about the dangerous plants to look out for. He takes notes and studies new plants that arrive on neverland, and helps clear out/make maps of areas to avoid that are full of dangerous plants.
Diluc-Diluc is a gardening talent that specifics in produce. His fruits and veggies are the sweetest in pixie hollow, which are used to create the best tasting foods and drinks for events. His garden is kept secret to keep thieving and hungry fairies out.
Baizhu- Baizhu is one of the lead healers in pixie hollow. He knows almost every ailment and every remedy! He’s a kind doctor who treats his patient with care.
Qiqi- A young fairy. She’s a service talent fairy who is quite attached to Baizhu. She was born with memory problems, but she has a knack for remembering what ingredients heal what ailment, and has most medicine formulas memorized. She might need a reminder here and there, but where her mind forgets, her muscles remember. Just don’t go reorganizing the office.
Barbara-Barbara is a water talent fairy who helps out in the hospital ward. She felt a calling to help those in pain, and learned that her waters have a soothing affects on aches and bruises. For minor pains, she often treats them, or she’ll assist in helping nullify pain if there’s a long wait to see one of the main doctors.
Candice- Candice helps Baizhu run the hospital. She’s kind motherly fairy who treats everyone with love and care. Unlike Baizhu, who’s passive aggressive with his scolding, she will scold her patients outright if they got hurt doing something foolish.
Klee-Klee is a newly born fairy who adores bright shiny things. She adores fireworks, and often has trouble with making her light less intense. Fires often follow Klee. She prefers walking and hopping around to flying most of the time. She hasn’t quite gotten the hang of her wings yet.
Yoimiya-Yoimiya creates her own fireworks! She works with tinker fairies to perfect them, and creates fireworks for events! Her presence feels like a sunny day, and her rainbows are the brightest.
Ningguang-is in charge of the scribe library. She knows every scroll and almost everything in pixie hollow. Her knowledge rivals Zhongli’s himself! Any event idea or plan change must be brought to her attention. She’s a very busy fairy.
Yanfei-Yanfei is basically a lawyer. She writes down any and all disagreements and deals, and makes sure fairies do good on their promises. Thanks to her, there’s order in Pixie hollow.
Xingqui- He makes copies of stories. He knows almost every story, and will get sidetracked reading new ones. He enjoys watching new plays, and as he watches, his hand is working faster than a hummingbirds wings to write down the entirety of the play in perfect handwriting. He gets a copy of the scripts as well, but Fyschls performances tend to have a lot of improv.
Shinobu- she takes note of most petty and silly accidents and disagreements. She mainly writes down lots of complaints and anything that causes production of any kind to slow down.
Hu Tao- Hu Tao keeps track of the newly born Fairies, as well as those who died due to disbelief. She’s the only one able to handle the morbid task without her light dying out.
Jean- Jean is incharge of creating patrols. She turns in patrol logs to the scribes, and is the leader of the scouts. Kind and responsible, no one doubts her position or abilities, though Jean feels she’s far too young to have the role.
Bennett- Bennett is on strict ground patrol. HES not allowed near tumbleweeds. Or thistles. Or water. Or fire. Pretty much anything really. However, he has an incredible eye, and a very loud voice. One can hear his voice from the bottom of the pixie dust tree if he were at the top. He’s on hawk duty, as his loud voice will quickly alert fairies in the nearby area of the danger.
Amber-a Cheerful scout. Her bright and Sunny personality is what made Jean place her as a scout within the more populated area. Seeing Amber places people’s minds at ease. Even if she seems distracted, she’s always alert. It’s like she has eyes in the back of her head.
Cyno- if you need to track down someone, Cyno is who you go to. He’s an incredible tracker, and a strong scout.
Eula-patrols along the borders of pixie hollow. She’s strong, and likes to work alone. Well, most of the time anyways.
Rosaria-Rosaria often skirts patrols. She’ll do a quick fly around, but often enjoys pursuing her own tasks. She’s a skeptical and guarded fairy.
Sara- Sara acts as a bodyguard. When a fairy needs to go on a dangerous mission, or needs to travel outside of pixie hollow, Sara is one of the fairies who might travel with them to ensure their safety.
Shenhe- A strong scout. She can practically smell trouble, often wandering away from patrols when something catches her attention, leading her to be right where she needs to be.
Xiao- one of the stronger scouts, and one of the elder fairies. He helps fight off/lead away predators. He’s gotten into tousles with Hawks and survived.
Heizou- a great tracker. Heizou can track a theif with ease. He has a sharp eye.
Thoma- Thoma is one of the top service talent fairies. He works with most of the leaders of the talents.
Noelle- works within the pixie hollow tree. She helps out with housework, but longs to join the scouts. She is the best at what she does.
Yao Yao- Yao Yao enjoys wandering around pixie hollow, carrying a bag full of supplies. Somehow she always has what’s needed, even if she doesn’t remember packing it, she knows it’s in her bag!
Mika- For a service talent, Mika works best as a mail deliverer! He’s quick and somehow always knows where the mail needs to go.
Keqing- she works with Ningguang, helping take note from less important tasks. She is one of Ningguang’s most trusted.
Star counting-
Mona- Mona uses star counting to read the future. She looks to spot danger in the future so they can best prepare for it ahead of time.
Layla- Layla uses Star counting to understand the world around her, rather than fortune telling. Though she is fascinated by Mona’s abilities.
Ei- Ei is the leader of the storm talent fairies. She can create the most powerful of storms, but she prefers not to use her powers, for risk of harming neverland.
Lisa- Like Miko, she isn’t one to abuse her abilities. Despite being a storm talent fairy, she prefers to work with the scribes, helping keep the ever growing list of books and scrolls organized and tidy. She’s become the librarian of the library, knowing every scroll that comes in, where it goes, and who checked it out last.
Beidou- for a storm talent, Beidou is better at breaking up storms then making them. She can face a hurricane and turn it into a gentle wind, a thunderstorm into a light drizzle, and a heat wave into a nice sunny day.
Miko- Miko is one of the elder fairies, and rarely uses her abilities. She mostly enjoys the finer things in pixie hollow, such as reading and writing, and enjoying the plays that go on. She’s a lover of art, and is one who knows everything that goes on in pixie hollow.
Kaveh-Kaveh is a tinker who enjoys painting and architecture. He enjoys coming up with new building ideas to help out other talent fairies, and has lots of out there ideas. He enjoys using pixie dust on his models to see how it would hold up, which makes certain pixie dust keepers frustrated with. He often forgets to get himself his daily dose of pixie dust despite gathering so much extra for his tinkerings, leading him to walk on foot to the pixie dust tree.
Faruzan- enjoys making gizmos, and is especially good at puzzles! She’s not really an old fairy, but she likes to pretend she is.
Ayato- works alongside Kokomi as one of the leaders for the water talent fairies. He helps new fairies find the duties they best suite, and will hand out duties daily as the seasons change.
Kokomi- one of the strongest members of the water talents! She is known for her graceful use of her talents, which get things done efficiently and beautifully. Be warned though, don’t make her cross.
Tartaglia- a competitive water talent. He does his job quickly and efficiently, so he can hurry up and join games and competitions!
Kaeya- Helps scout in winter! He rides a squirrel, which he playfully calls his seeing eye squirrel. He’s specifically a glacier talent, which can freeze any water except for salt water, as that disrupts the laws of nature!
Ayaka- she’s a frost talent who enjoys theatre and dance! She helps put on performances and helps with special affects!
Ganyu- Ganyu is a frost talent, and one of the older fairies. She is quite shy, and keeps to herself in the forest, enjoying the company of animals. One might think her to be an animal talent if not for her frost powers.
Chongyun- Chongyun is a glacier talent, who spends a lot of time patrolling the area. He helps out Kaeya with scouting.
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destinylordoffreaks · 11 months
Sorry for not posting anything recently. I always struggle with  the seasonal sads in the fall so my productivity has gone way down on top of that I’m sick so you know I’m having a lot of fun 
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anyway I thought it would share a random thought with you guys today, so I grew up watching the Disney fairy movies with my younger sister, who was absolutely obsessed with Tinker Bell
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And the fairy movies and for the most part I enjoyed them they were fun. I watched them with her every time a new one came out Until we got to the pirate fairy movie,
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which I hate with the burning passion don’t get me wrong. The antics were fun. The characters were fun Tom Hiddleston has young Captain Hook excellent. I hate the movie on one soul principal,
and that is that it broke the fundamental law of the universe that was set out in the first movie, you don’t get to pick your talent
you’re stuck with the talent you were given and you have to learn how to use that talent in a way that brings you joy and makes you feel good about yourself
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and then Zarina comes along. You got a different talent and you got a different talent and you got a different talent. Everybody’s got a different talent,
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it just feels like it completely demolishes the point of the first movie. The next time a new fairy like Tinker Bell comes along and is having a hard time fitting in because their talent isn’t what they wanted it to be they’re just gonna switch talents and they’re never gonna learn how to embrace what they’re actually good at also why on earth did the pixie dust physically change their outfits? How did that work? 
needless to say I still don’t like that movie 
On the other hand, I actually loved the fairy books like I read a bunch of them like you don’t get it. I’m dyslexic reading is very hard for me. I never finished the Harry Potter series. I quit after book 4 because I didn’t want to deal with Dolores Umbridge, and then them killing series black
but I had a collection of Disney fairies books like nearly every book on this pic I either own, or have read I even have the quest for mother dove’s eggs 
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and prilla was my favorite fairy I even had a little poly pocket sized Prilla that was actually part of a two pack that also came with Tinker Bell that I gave to my sister although my dyslexic ass read it as Priscilla so I don’t know what that was about
But I genuinely enjoyed the books more than the movies although I’ve loved videos character arc in the movies, because in the book, her character development frequently gets set back for the sake of a cheap villain, which I hated so you know neither iteration is perfect. I just ended up liking the books better which I don’t say very often . But seriously, if we ever decide to do more Disney fairy movies, I would love for us to use more of the book characters, there’s just such a wide cast to work with you know and instead we pretty much got stuck centering on like the exact same seven fairies no offense to any of them it’s not like they were bad characters. It just gets boring when you know that there’s a whole universe we could be exploring, and instead, we’re just stuck with the same thing over and over again
I mean, for Pete sakes talk about representation we could’ve had a disabled fairy if they had decided to put rani in but no nothing
Although it never really made sense to me, why water fairies wings weren’t waterproof I mean the snow fairies wings are protected from getting to cold and cracking right so why are the water fairies wings waterproof? I don’t know I’m sick and I’m rambling. 
and can we just recon the pirate fairy movie like it never happened Because, like I said, it literally breaks the fundamental law of the universe set forth in the first movie 
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Hello! I saw you said in the tags of one of your posts for someone to ask you about Claudine Frollo (she's one of my favorite characters too) so, well...here I am? ;)
wow i’m so glad someone asked me about claudine, i say, having begged for someone to ask me about her.
so first i have to get something out of the way: jehan is on the isle. i don’t know what he does in the movie, since i’ve only seen the musical, but in the movie he *check notes* is kicked out of the church, has quasimodo, and dies. we miss you king. anyway, i’m fairly sure he was doing stuff auradon looks down on. so, on the isle he goes.
he knows what frollo did to quasimodo — his son, who he entrusted to him. so when he learns about claudine he thinks absolutely fucking not. He already ruined one kid, he won’t ruin another. so he approaches frollo, says that with his second chance at life, he’s realized the error in his ways, and wants to repent. it takes some convincing, but frollo eventually lets him back in.
so claudine grows up with her uncle. her uncle who believes in the exact opposite of the church, is very good at pretending, and teaches her basically everything that isn’t scripture.
jehan isn’t able to guard claudine completely, though. she’s still beaten, and starved, and harassed. but jehan gives her food when she’s sent to her tower without dinner, treats her wounds and gives her what pain meds he can, and tells her when her father is out so she can sneak out if she wants, and he teaches her stuff that counteract everything her father teaches her.
claudine grows up to be very rebellious, but she’s good at hiding it. her father is often gone for days at a time, preaching to the isle and probably murdering people. so she can get away with not memorizing one new bible verse a day, or let her clothes be slightly dirty, and she can eat food even if she made a mistake during the day. as long as her father never finds out.
she still believes she deserves her beatings, though. no matter how many times jehan brings her back from the edge of death, or how many new scars she gains, she believes she deserves them. not because she sinned — she doesn’t really believe in sinning anymore — but because she was caught misbehaving. and it’s getting caught she hates most. next time, she’ll do better.
she is not religious, because there are fairies in the isle, and her captain is a demigod, and a Greek god runs one of the only good restaurants on the island, and the queen of hearts may be having an affair with time himself. what are gods, really, when everyone on the isle is so close to power they can’t quite touch? there are only powerful people, and in her mind, none of them deserve that power.
thanks to jehan, her father’s hold on her is shaky at best. it snaps completely when she is 13.
she is 13 when her father beats her, and jehan was out, so she runs to find him. she leaves bloody footprints behind her, and she’s always had a bit of a limp after. she doesn’t find jehan. instead, she’s found half dead by the hooks, who take her to their mother (zarina, who does not live with hook) to heal her.
when she wakes up, she’s surrounded by pirates, and two of whom’s mother instincts kicked in and decided yeah, this is my child now.
claudine officially joins the lost revenge because she only spoke french at first, and gil volunteered to be a translator until someone got around to teaching her english (it ended up being gil, which goes about as well as you’d expect), but she is a hook. they all will protect her.
she’s resistant, at first, but relents eventually. she still goes home, to see jehan, but she mostly sneaks in now. frollo still catches her, either at home or around the isle, and she will be punished. the pirates have taken to sending someone with her when she leaves the ports.
harry is especially good at noticing when she’s been injured, because harriet hides her injuries the same way, and she has the same bad habit of running back to abusive homes. whenever he sees the slightest hint that she’s hurt, he has to force her to accept help because claudine, lass, you’re limping again, and the more you walk on an injured leg, the more likely it’ll have to be cut off, and you don’t want that, do you? he’s exaggerating, of course, but the idea of being deformed terrifies claudine, so she concedes.
her father made her wear her hair up and cover it, so when she joins the lost revenge, she starts to wear bandanas, and lets uma help her find hairstyles she actually likes (to this day, harry and uma are two of the only people she’ll let touch her).
when frollo is mad at her, she’ll be locked in her room without food. she’s beaten (burned and whipped, i’d say), and forced to beg for forgiveness. sometimes, frollo only issues one of these punishments. sometimes he issues them all.
she wears clothes that cover all her skin. partially because she will be called a whore if she doesn’t, and because of her scars. she doesn’t want her scars to be seen, even though everyone knows what frollo does to her. she does have a jacket that was her mother’s, and she’s nearly always wearing it. frollo has yet to destroy it.
speaking of her mother, claudine does not know who her mother is. she was abandoned as a child, left on frollo’s doorstep. all she knows is her father calls her a witch, and she bears some resemblance to the few romani people on the isle. it wasn’t hard to connect the dots from there.
she has a habit of assessing tone of voice when speaking to people, since it was one of the only ways she could evaluate how her father was feeling.
claudine is friends with freddie, which sounds odd, but hear me out: frollo tries to kill most the isle because they’re witches, right? one day, the person he captures is freddie facilier, who likes conning people and talking with the dead. claudine knows her death would start a war with dr. facilier, and freddie is her age, and claudine has been made to watch these executions before, but the idea of watching someone her own age killed is another thing, so she lets her go. frollo never found out it was her, but he beat her anyway.
they don’t talk again until claudine is adopted by the hooks, and cj decides it’s a good idea to introduce the two of them. claudine is still getting used to magic being normal, since so many members of the lost revenge and harriet’s crew have some sort of magic, even if it’s weakened under the barrier. but freddie remembers her, and her father, so she only steals some of her stuff.
i imagine their friendship being something like freddie asking if she can shrink people’s heads, and claudine saying as long as she’s not associated with it, she can shrink whoever’s head she wants. and if freddie is making a voodoo call of frollo? well, claudine sure didn’t see it.
also, she’s definitely gay, but the thought terrifies claudine so much she just ignores it.
anyway. that’s it. claudine is easily one of my favorite characters, and i’m so mad we don’t see her more. she really is a blank character, so i can do whatever i want with her. most of my headcanons come from the fandom’s consensus on her, and also just ideas i like.
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everlastiingiimmortals · 10 months
Shoutouts!! Accepting!
oh boy [cracks knuckles]
🎀 ― all-around kind person @shengyins !! Iris is super chill and super friendly! We got to talking regularly recently and I have been having so much fun chatting with them and coming up with High Elder theories and what not. They're one of the biggest reasons I have a muse for Glaciator Marum, and may end up adding them to my blog some time in the future!
📚 ― nice threads to read I know I said I don't usually have time to read threads as of late, but someone whose threads I almost always read when I can is @thegatesofinfinitespace, my other lifelong friend and family. <3 They and Kara (overx) have made me so deeply invested in all their worlds and muses, and it's been a genuine pleasure to learn about them. There's so much more I haven't heard of yet, and I've known the both of them for 7 years!! Story time from them is always my favorite; each new character or AU they come up with is extremely precious to me, even if I'm not familiar with the basis or preexisting material, and truly Cris' work and their threads are one of the biggest reasons why my own characters end up having so many branching AUs and why those AUs end up developing into OCs of their own. Knowing Cris and reading all their work has given me the courage and confidence to be able to discern when an AU has become far, far more than that, and take pride in claiming the newly evolved muse as my own character. <3
😍 ― admiring from afar I don't really like this phrase myself! It feels weird and it's also not exactly accurate to how I feel, as I'm not shy to reach out to others, I just have limited time/energy to start a thread with someone for the first time (the first thread always seems to take so much more effort to me...) or I'm lurking to read up on a new mutual's headcanons/threads to better learn their muse's voice first. That being said, someone I'm very much looking forward to interacting with in the future when I have more spoons is @zorkaya (hi Ren, v excited to toss my muses @ you soon!!), who has a lot of mutuals in common with me and whose OC I've gotten to learn through said mutuals. Zarina is a simply stunning OC, and the amount of depth that goes into all of her verses clearly shows the love that Ren has for her. It's amazing!
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog I don't look at carrds/themes as often now unless I'm rereading rosters/rules since I'm so heavily on mobile as of late (I also do not judge on aesthetic because far too many times that comes at the price of accessibility and i Despise That), but highkey just looking at the dash-only header and icon of @celestial-sword-dance fucking slaps so hard???? (potential scopophobia tw so I'm putting it under a read more)
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look at this oh my god IT HITS SO NICE
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empressofkalumina · 1 year
You have opened a wormhole! Here goes:
Was I the only one (pleasantly) surprised that Ayesha was queer? Legit thought Saira was a lesbian and she’d be the only gay character though I’m not ruling out that they make her bi in the future.
How cute is Ayesha having no chill when she likes someone? It feels so unlike her and I kind of like that it unravels her (though obviously she deserves better than Zarina).
Alright, what are your hopes for the girls next season? What were your favorite parts? What bothered you?
You are making me wanna rewatch the series haha. No you’re not the only one, I knew one of them was gonna be queer but I also thought it would be Saira (from the jump) but after the intro character montages I knew it was going to be Ayesha. Glad it turned out to be her tbh. Tho I’m lowkey shipping Saira with Noor 😏.
I think the creator hinted that there’s gonna be new characters in S2 so I’m hoping someone better for my girl. Honestly I don’t ask for much in S2. Just more of the same, girls hanging out, playing maybe a couple more original songs, throw in some light drama and we good.
I think it’s hilarious that Ayesha is usually the tough one and can be somewhat mean to others except the girl she’s crushing on. Zarina is kinda hard to read, I think she likes Ayesha but to what extent idk. It’s the influencer aspect and the “talk” they had that made me side-eye her a bit. But I genuinely enjoy all the characters. How about you?
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Entry 21
We started our book clubs today! I’m with Zarina again, which is wonderful. Her interpretations of THOMS were some of my favorites. She has a great literary eye. The book we choose seems really REALLY strange, but I’m excited about it. The characters don’t even have official names? Except the main one who just turned into a bug. It’s a really fast read but super interesting so far and I’m excited to talk about my interpretations of it. Max pointed out it has biblical references, Zarina and I think it’s all a metaphor for how Kafka experiences his depression. There’s so much to talk about, and write about.
We read the yellow wallpaper and talked about it a bit. I think the narrator is in an asylum and not just a house with her husband. Afterall, why is the end nailed down, and the windows barred? And what happened to her baby? Zarina and I bounced ideas back and forth about what the wallpaper could be, how her hatred towards it shows how she truly feels about her life despite initial insistence this was good, but then as she dives into insanity, she finds comfort in the wallpaper.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Do you regret starting writing? // How do you describe writing / rp to others? // Who is your favorite OC and canon muse? // What’s something you find weird on here? [ mun meme ]
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Do you regret starting writing?
Absolutely not. Writing has been my passion and my salvation for years and years. Thanks to it, I’ve met so many of my friends and why I’ve gotten so into like all of my hobbies. I find writing relaxing, fun, something genuinely important to me. Especially now that I try to get out of my traumatized shell with RPC making me believe that strong op women are the worst and they’re are Mary Sues ahaha. It’s a hard process but Zarina made me have a lot more fun in writing compared to how I was before, and I also write Elysia on another blog which is a completely different muse to this one.
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
I describe it as taking characters from each series and just writing as then. Nothing too complicated. Either creating your own world and your own characters to explore our universes or playing a character from a specific fandom. I say that it’s a lot of fun because I get to talk to and meeting quite a lot of awesome and amazing people!
Who is your favorite OC and canon muse?
Well, OC is Zarina, hands down. She’s my pride and joy. I’ve never had the chance to explore a personally created lore and create something from nothing. I think she’s an extremely complicated character and I’m trying my best to showcase this complexity through ramblings, threads, asks, etc. Zarina gave me more confidence and laid-back attitude in terms of writing, but it’s still a massive work in progress for me.
Canon muse… I would say Tamamo no Mae from Fate Extra remains my favorite. I adore her to this day and I miss her dearly as a muse. She’s been my biggest muse for years and I’ve seen so much on her and through her before. Let’s be real, fate fandom can be a toxic plague and I developed a fully personally created background for Tamamo myself which became partially true when the Lostbelts came out. Tamamo walked so Zarina could run, honestly.
I always come back to Neutral Evil muses who pretend to be cute or just pretty while having enormous power behind them. I love their freedom, their selfishness, their complexity, their uniqueness. I also just love the fact that there both hot ladies and they know it. I adore that.
What’s something you find weird on here?
Uh. The constant expectation to explain your mental health when it’s your personal info and you don’t have to do that but somehow tumblr makes you do that even if you have all the rights to not share what’s going on in your life? The fact that you are kind of pressured/expected to give so much information about yourself to the wide public when it’s none of others’ business? Like I’m guilty of doing that as well, I tell about my depression and adhd and anxiety, but the fact that many of us have to write it down in our pinned posts for people to see? Idk. Sounds sketchy a bit. Our mental health is our own and no one should be required to have it on their pinned post. It’s something you can say to your new followers or just mention once in a while. I just feel like some people don’t want to share all of their struggles but tumblr style forced them to. If they want to, it’s all good! But I feel like there are moments when someone doesn’t want to but has peer pressure put on them.
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magicwithineleteo · 2 years
tinkerbell and the pirate fairy liveblog!
so fun fact, this is my favorite tinkerbell movie. i’ve watched it several times and i know the plot pretty well but the last time i watched it was a while ago. so i’m really excited!
- i will never not be amazed at the disney intro it’s so beautiful
- pretty star
- the intro is giving adventure which is accurate
- pixie hollow is gorgeous
- i wonder what season it is
- who is random fairy
- is this zarina
- yaaaaaasss
- o it is!!
- ohhh zarina is a dust fairy
- i love how they use the “ironic isn’t it” line in every movie it’s so iconic
- okay so is terence here
- fawn is so caring i love her
- lmao vidia
- dust fairies carry the pixie hollow fairies
- ah okay i think zarina is the quirky dust fairy
- what a great minute
- ooooh blue pixie dust
- what’s the difference between blue and gold pixie dust
- zarina is giving scientist
- LOL “you’re the tinkerbell of dust keepers”
- tink being an engineer 🤝 zarina being a scientist
- okay blue dust expands the golden dust that makes sense
- so true zarina wow is correct
- she’s asking all the right questions
- she’s a girl boss
- she’d end the pandemic
- damn that’s gotta hurt
- her voice sounds familiar
- yeah she’s def a scientist
- omg tink and zarina are friends
- oh she made orange pixie dust!
- tink won’t support her me thinks
- how does she stir the pixie dust without making the spoon fly away
- omggg fast flying talent pixie dust
- i knew tink wouldn’t support it
- garden fairy pixie dust is pink!!!!
- omgg the power is crazy
- anyways the power of a little pink pixie dust broke everything so that’s fun
- sil is so sweet “tink are u ok?” the first thing she said i love her
- o shit is zarina banned now
- oh no :(
- how is she no longer a dust keeper if she was born as a dust fairy
- what’s she supposed to do now is she exiled or
- poor zarina she was just being a girlboss
- o she’s leaving w all her cool pixie dust
- bye queen safe travels omg she’s so sad :(
- one year later okay
- the olympics ??? oh the 4 seasons festival
- wait didn’t this happen before
- i think i’m thinking of something else
- omg ro and sled ship is sailing
- omg vidia x tink yas
- i love fawn and silvermist they’re my faves
- clank and bobble!!
- winter fairies COOOOOLLL haha get it
- i love the continuity w periwinkle
- and everything else from the last movie
- “that’s my sister” 🥺
- ofc sil notices she’s my observant queen
- tink recognized it’s zarina
- cooooolll
- now the flowers are big and oozing out pink pixie dust
- why do we need to go rosetta
- are they all sleeping
- glad to see lord milori and queen clarion are doing well
- omg clank is good since he left
- lmaooo these terence crumbs r getting me so excited
- omg she found all the blue pixie dust
- damn sleeping for a couple of days? i wish i could do that
- omg i love vidia’s redemption arc she’s helping iridessa calm down
- iridessa is me tho i’d react the same way
- that’s a lot of pressure for only a few fairies
- i love how all of the other fairies have important roles in this movie and aren’t just fun background characters
- ew the pirates
- apparently this provides lore for peter pan since tinkerbell is there, i’ve never watched peter pan tho lol
- iridessa is me bro
- “you daft potato muncher” what an odd and hilarious insult
- i wonder how zarina met these pirates and became captain if she can’t communicate w them bc to humans, fairies sound like bells
- answer the question zarina
- god why is she being a murderer
- ok that was rude
- she’s in her villain era
- sil is always the first to awaken after they get thrown
- she looks so pretty in vidia’s clothes
- okay so tink is a water fairy, sil is a fast flying fairy, vidia is a tinker fairy, rosetta is an animal fairy, iridessa is a garden fairy, and fawn is a light fairy
- fawn coming to help silvermist after she fell <3
- fawn teasing vidia i love them
- yayyy leaf water slide
- the cute baby crocodile 🥹
- i love all of their hair so much
- i want that baby crocodile as a stuffed animal
- sil being a fast flying fairy is so chaotic
- i love them all so much
- ro 😭
- poor baby crocodile
- yay they made it
- why are they wasting their gunshots
- why does the main young pirate have a big chin
- ah yeah so she does communicate in bell
- ah so their ship flopped the same time she left pixie hollow
- why would they want their ship to fly there is nothing in the sky
- oh bc they wanna steal
- naomi turner would eat up these bitches. just saying
- this song is lowk good . emphasis on lowk
- they’re such snakes for betraying zarina later
- classic villain move
- talk ab being involved w the wrong crowd
- vidia and tink <3
- zarina made another pixie dust tree she’s so smart
- but not in this case
- ro is so me
- “what a cute little mouse” “it was a rat” “ew” 😭
- i hate this main pirate guy
- how does he know that
- i love vidia caring for sil
- aw fuck she just vomited in someone’s cup that’s gross
- it’s way they deserve
- fawn 😭
- how the fuck does he know what she’s saying
- shit
- oh nvm
- ohhh her hair is burnt
- zarina is so pretty
- they’re all so beautiful
- so true vidia
- aw fuck
- shut up stupid pirates
- i hate this stupid main pirate he’s the worst. acting like he genuinely cares ab zarina wHEN HE BETRAYS HER AT THE END
- the main pirate reminds me of hans from frozen
- i cannot express to you how much i hate him
- zarina u should’ve pushed him off when u had the chance
- instead u made him FLY!!
- good he deserves to fail at flying
- nooo don’t teach him how to fly properly
- what happens if you run out of blue dust ?
- zarina must be so upset man
- you dramatic bitch u just could’ve opened the door w your hands
- is this young captain hook
- i wonder how it connects to peter pan
- i hate this mf
- sil being optimistic <3
- no stop fighting guys
- he’s so cute
- rosetta would be a good mom
- vidia is so hot
- that was funny 😭
- ah this man pirate is such an asshole
- fuck u dude ur such a villain
- now he’s gonna drop her anyway
- i forgot how they defeat these flops
- great now their ship can fly
- sil drying her off so true
- they’re so caring i love them so much
- OMG did they just murder someone
- crocky!!!!!!
- wait is dumbass main pirate the only one left
- oh no
- no zarina ur coming too
- so true i love friendship
- okay so will terence get another second long cameo
- they’re all such queenies
- i love clank and bobble they’re so iconic
- fairy gary is happy to see her <3
- pixie dust alchemy yaaasss
- i’m so happy for her
- sled giving ro a standing ovation 🥹
- i love fawn so so much
okay so i LOVED it!!! caused me a lot of anxiety but i still really enjoyed it!! it’s still my favorite movie :D i’ll rank them all after i’m done
edit: omg i just googled it and the main pirate flop man is captain hook i was right
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dumb-post-cowboy · 3 years
what are some of your favorite dbd fics? got any recommendations? :o
Okay here are a few I remember. Bare in mind that almost 90% of the fics under the DBD tag are smut and/or self-insert so I'm leaving those out but have in mind that some of these touch mature themes. Also for the most part I don't discriminate in terms of ships, even if I don't ship a pairing I have no problem about reading a fic about them.
Anything writen by Dweetwise. Okay, the majority are Riconti fics and that keeps me alive, but if that is not your cup of tea they also have written some other fics like this one about Caleb and Jake acting like nerds. My favorite one has to be It Runs in the Family which is about Felix meeting Ace's family back in Argentina, but I would recommend them all.
A Marked Man by velociwrangler the idea of Zarina interviewing Caleb is something that I love so much. There are not so many Chains of Hate fics about there, but even so this one is outstanding.
Wouldn't It Be Nice by CottonCandyBear: If there is something I'm week for is domestic shit, add a cottage in the woods + old age and you have me. Is a Jayers fics that oddly enough doesn't have smut.
He Was Not The Light by fragile: This one breaks the mold. Is about Adam and Ji-hook solving a murder case, is a werid premise but I LOVE the way Adam is written here. I have a very specific interpretation of Adam and this fics nailed it perfectly. Ji-hook is not as annoying as I have read him before, but that's just how he is.
Her plan by Elfen1012: A Yui/Rin fic that does justice to both of these characters. Almost had me crying.
This is already long enough so the last ones are Aftermath by Genna-Red which us a post-entity fic that inspired my to write my own interpretation of this scenario and In Living Memory by Ziracona which I am sure a lot of people know about but is always a good recommendation. Some day I'll post my own Ao3 but I wanna write more before that (?
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volfoss · 2 years
Hi hello also popping in, Who's your favorite character in kof? Maybe one per saga, if it's hard to choose!
HII literally questions that are impossible to answer (loves literally every character but like. two. maybe three) but i will def go per saga:
orochi saga: its literally NO contest its iori <- said before looking at the wiki. post looking at the wiki i um. its a lot harder. iori is def my fave as hes really what sold me on kof (the lore of getting into kof bc of the days of memories games and then seeing iori and being like ough. babygirl). i also love leona, shermie, chris, yashiro and mature and vice (im like. not necessarily counting characters that were from aof or ff because um. i love mai so much. but also bc i feel the characters intro'd in kof is how i wanna handle it w 94-97). iori is like everything to me, he's my little guy and i care him a lot. also like. the entire womens team <33 <- girls CANNOT narrow their faves down btw.
nests chronicles- THIS IS SO HARD. like. literally everyone from nests thats playable. um. god. this is SO hard. id say prob kula?? shes one of the characters i got attached to rly early on (i tend to just go on the wiki and go nuts and so getting to play as her is like. so exciting) but also angel but also k9999 (dont know a ton abt him but i LOVE playing as him in 2001), ALSO k' and maxima and diana and foxy. i literally think the best i can narrow it down would be kula. shes my bestie 4 the restie etc
tales of ash- um id say fairly confidently ash. thats my little bestie who has done like everything wrong but its ltierally ok hes allowed to. AND ELISABETH AND SHEN WOO AND DUO LON. i love them all i love the dynamic SO much. ough.
shun'ei saga- like tbh im not? particularly invested in this arc at all BUT i do love some of the characters. i love sylvie paula paula (can u see the pattern of former nests agents...) ALSO MIAN i wish we got more content of both of them (i hate to play the snk heroines tag team frenzy for them but i will if i need to etc). ALSO ZARINA i havent seen a lot of her but i love what ive seen! also isla and dolores from what ive seen of kof xv's main story mode. id say my definitive fave is sylvie tho like i just. i care her a lot
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ranibell · 3 years
Maybe it’s because I grew up with the books and didn’t really get into the fandom until now really, but how did Vidia and Tink become lesbian icons?
I think after Great Fairy Rescue came out is when the fan-base really started to love Vidia’s character in the movies and started shipping Vidia/Tink based on the character development that happened in that movie, since they’re the two leads driving that story and the conflict and resolution surrounds them becoming closer.
It’s also a popular dynamic to go for “opposites attract” relationships. Especially a snarky dark-haired girl + peppy blonde girl pairing. Think Rapple (Raven & Apple from Ever After High) or Gelphie (Elphaba & Galinda from Wicked)...one of which I personally don’t ship and the other I do. Hit or miss, and for me Vidia/Tink is a miss because I also grew up with the books before the movies! so the antagonistic relationship between Tink and Vidia is just what remains canon to me.
Also even on its own accord, I don’t think I would enjoy the Tink/Vidia ship in the movies....I much prefer Tink/Silvermist or Tink/Zarina which I think have a lot more potential but that’s just my opinion and a topic for another post of its own.
Anyway, I think because the series is so focused on female characters and the friendships between them, it’s easy to form a lot of wlw ships and headcanons about the characters’ sexualities! Actually, almost all of the friends I’ve had in the fan-base over the years are part of the LGBT community (myself included.) It’s also tumblr, which means there’s a higher percentage of users on this site that are LGBT than on other social media platforms or even the general population. So it became a fun thing to joke “If Silvermist was your favorite fairy as a kid, you’re gay now” or making Vidia and Tink lesbian/bisexual icons.
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