#I’ve been wanting to slightly redesign her
lil-oreo-crumbles · 6 months
Care to discuss Zarina?
Princess Zarina Kardona of Septarsis, second hatched child of the former (now passed) Rulers of Septarsis, and unofficial second in charge of Septarsis after her older brother, the legendary Seth of Septarsis.
Gonna try and keep this brief-ish (this is not brief omfg I’m sorry this is so long)
Zarina spent all of her early childhood in Septarsis. She never travelled outside of it. Septarsis was all she ever knew.
Just like her brother, she’s seen the extent of the horrors of Mewmankind. She too was stolen from Septarsis and taken to the same place Seth was where they were both put under the worst circumstances for 89 years. (I’m intentionally being vague on the details of this)
Seth feels personally responsible to take care of his sister since he was 15 years older than her. Around the time they were taken there was a notable mental age difference (Zarina was 35 and Seth was 50, making them in Septarian aging the equivalent to 8 and 12 respectively), and even if the gap has been closed and they’re both basically the same mental age, he still carries with him that responsibility, even if she can take care of herself now.
^^^“Just don’t leave me alone wondering where you are” “I am stronger than you give me credit for”
Zarina in her current form had no chance to actually blossom until after those 89 years. She realized her identity and gave herself a new name in the middle of those 89 years, but due to their situation she was hard pressed to do anything about her physical appearance :(
Seth is endlessly supportive of his sister’s new name and her transition. He loves her to death.
She and Seth worked as a team (with the help of the other captured monster kids) to get out of their situation and eventually made it back to Septarsis, and she sobbed at the sight of her homeland in its dark age.
Because of the atrocities they both were subjected to, both Seth and Zarina have a close, almost unbreakable bond. Yes, they quarrel all the damn time and get on each other’s nerves, but they rarely keep anything from each other. If one of them did, let’s say the other would be crushed.
In situations where the siblings work together for a cause, Seth is the outspoken one who inspires crowds of people and gets everyone hyped. He can command an audience and be charismatic and win people over. Zarina, however, is a lot more introverted. She cares a lot more about interpersonal relationships. She’s the type to privately talk to people, ease their fears, and inspire hope individually. Seth will speak to the crowd, Zarina will speak to the person.
In those same situations they both work together on strategy, both offering their own unique perspectives but ultimately finding compromises.
Zarina was the one to give the final blow that killed the man who not only took over Septarsis and put their civilization into its dark age, but also orchestrated the murder of their parents. It was liberating.
Despite her calm, reserved, formal, and polite exterior, if you dare get on her bad side/make her angry she can get so much more threatening and violent than her brother. You do not want to piss this woman off.
Zarina is, to put it bluntly, sheltered as all hell to anything outside Septarsis and those 89 years. This makes her incredibly socially awkward. She carries with her a sense of grace and formality as the Princess of Septarsis, but that’s mainly because she doesn’t speak in front of people too much. If she’s confronted about anything she’ll freeze up and mutter something if she doesn’t know or otherwise. (This is why Seth was the chosen leader lol). Plus she’s also very introverted so she just prefers being alone or with a few close people in general.
Zarina is also, notoriously, a horrible liar. She may be able to keep a secret but finds it difficult to lie when confronted. This ties back to her social awkwardness. She could not lie to save her life, it’d be written all over her face.
She was the first person to actually hear Mylanie out about her peace ideology. She asked Mylanie privately to discuss her ideas. She put aside her own biases and experiences to listen deeply and intently to what Mylanie was trying to do, being one of the first people to realize how honest and earnest she really was about this whole thing. Zarina convinced Seth to hear her out too, sparking the friendship and bond between the three of them.
Zarina, despite her past, gains a nuanced opinion about the Mewman situation. This is when she withdrawals from firmly siding with her brother to something in the middle between him and Mylanie.
Zarina finds herself as the awkward middleman between her extroverted pessimistic brother and their extroverted optimistic friend, Mylanie, as the introverted realist who calms them down when things gets too heated. She’s kind of like the referee which I think is hilarious
Mylanie was the one to finally coax Zarina out of her shell, opening her mind to the various cultures amoungst the different Monsters and even Mewmans. Seth was a lot more well travelled as the Supreme Lord, so Mylanie got to be her personal guide to the outside world.
Being around Seth and Mylanie for so long finally influenced her to be more outspoken and develop her skills in leadership and delegation. They inspire her.
She hates the whole courting thing because she knows it disrespects Mylanie’s boundaries. She always angrily tells Seth to quit it.
Like Seth, Zarina similarly loves Torrence (aka Toffee) very much. She isn’t as outwardly affectionate because of how reserved she is, but shows her appreciation in little ways that mean a lot (she basically allows him free access to the Septarian library, for example)
When Mylanie passed away, just like Seth and Toffee, she was devastated. Seth avoided confronting his grief by piling himself into the war effort and Toffee had Eclipsa to lift his spirits, but Zarina had basically no one. She was alone in her grief and fell back into the cycle of isolation.
The first time she stepped outside after Mylanie’s passing was when she confronted Eclipsa and lost her arm. Rasticore created a prototype robotic arm (that was later improved by an actual engineer…) for her to use as a prosthetic that she greatly appreciates. And because of this Seth doesn’t let her go anywhere without a soldier by her side.
Zarina and her nephew are very close.
Zarina, unlike Seth, really values people’s boundaries. With that being said, she doesn’t put any extra pressure on Toffee after she and Seth take him in and leaves him be for the most part, but is always there with open arms if he needs her. She never refers to Toffee in any familial way— she knows how he responds to that *cough*Seth calling him son*cough*— even if he’s the closest thing to a son she’s ever had. She loves him with everything she has, but he’d never guess it since she rarely feels like she can express it.
Toffee’s bad boy phase gave her grey hairs she lost her temper with his attitude and cockiness so much.
Zarina offered to go as the representative for Septarsis when Comet sent out the banquet invitation before Toffee offered.
After the Comet situation and Toffee and Seth’s fight, Zarina tried to talk to him one on one. However, Toffee was far too angry that the two of them ended up having their own quarrel before he left.
I’ve alluded to this, but Zarina and Seth were both devastated when news of Toffee’s death finally reached them. Zarina uncharacteristically acted impulsively and wanted to send out the army to give Moon and Star a taste of real Septarian aggression for murdering one of their most prominent figures. Seth, on the other hand, despite being just as furious, had to seriously talk her down and explain that it’s not smart to rush into things and waste Septarsis’s resources. It took everything in her power to not take action against the Butterflies, but did back down.
I feel like there may be this underlying inferred inferiority complex, because of how well known Seth is and all of his accomplishments, but I wanna make it known that Zarina holds no animosity towards him. Sure, she’s a bit disappointed that no one really knows who she is, but also simultaneously relieved. Again, she’s not the outspoken type, so it works in her favor if she can chill in the shadows.
Sometimes though people do mistake her for Seth’s wife which… makes both of them fly off the handle with vocal disgust for fairly obvious reasons. That’s the hard part about not being known, but she manages.
WOWOWOW I loved talking about my girl Zarina she’s so fun I love her.
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blaithnne · 4 months
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Local big sister experiences emotions, more at 6
Been wanting to do one of these with Lauren for AGES, but I never got round to it. Then I saw the Lydia and Phinium expression sheets on @littledigits’ website and I felt inspiration like never before.
The funniest struggle I have with Lauren’s design right now is that she nose too big for she got damn face. Literally, Hilda characters noses take up a fairly small portion of their faces, and her’s took up WAY too much, leaving little room for her to make facial expressions. But I struggled to find a fix because when I made the nose smaller it just didn’t look like Lauren anymore, so I took this as an opportunity to work on that!
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She still has a larger nose than most characters, starting higher up (like her grandad!) and ending lower down (but not quite as low as before). I also made her eyes a little smaller and with a shape similar to Lydia’s (though you can see in some of these I hadn’t quite landed on that yet and her eyes are a bit too big), which works both as a nod to her parentage and because I think it makes the nose look bigger. This still doesn’t leave as much room for the mouth as most other characters, but that’s okay — Lauren is a very private person who keeps her feelings close to her chest, I think it works for her to have subtler expressions, adds to how guarded she is! Oh and I also updated the shape of her hair slightly, just to make it a bit more style accurate.
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These changes are pretty small on their own, but I think combined they work well to make Lauren feel a lot more…alive? Far less stiff, anyway. I think she also has a more unique facial structure now, instead of just “what if Johanna was 90% nose”. She’s still got a big old nose and I love it but now she can emote, yay!
This is really all just concept stuff, I’m hoping to get a new fullbody style-ref for Lauren out soon! Now that I’ve improved the main issues I had with her face in the last ref, now it’s onto the silhouette! I want her to read as more of a strong character (though it comes across decently in her current ref, I wanna push it more without being as exaggerated as Ahlberg, which is. A challenge for me lol), streamline her silhouette, and finally make her taller than Johanna like she’s always meant to have been <3 I made her shorter for so long because I thought it would help her read better as her daughter but you know what? That’s dumb actually, she’s tall.
ANYWAYS, thank you for listening in on the annual Lauren redesign, and to the artists behind the show for posting so much amazing inspiring show stopping concept work for free because it makes my autism worse /pos
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sreyeh · 7 months
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Back with some Bleck Squad redesign concepts, all for fun! Some of these are subject to change or get expanded upon over time, but I wanted to share what I have so far.
Design notes under cut!
Bleck - Expandjng upon previous designs I’ve toyed around with, I decided to go full bat for Bleck! The shape of his cloak plus his allusions to vampires, taking a bat inspired direction with the Tribe of Darkness (TOD) seemed fitting. I also just really like the idea of his having ears that are hidden in his top hat. Can’t stop destroying all reality if you can’t hear the haters! 
The lining in his cloak is also now his wings, although they don’t actually connect to the torso and legs like real bats and just hangs down the back (ineffectiveness in physical flight can be substituted with magic)
Nastasia - As she is canonically a bat, plus the theory (I believe it’s just a theory) that Nastasia would have taken on Bleck’s TOD traits when she transformed, she of course has that as inspiration as well. Unlike Bleck, however, her bat features more closely align to that of her original species (as roughly shown)
Mimi - Fully leaning into the bug-iness of her true form, Mimi has now been equipped with segmented limbs, extra eyes, and an exoskeleton! The extra pair of legs that sprout from her head in her true form transformation are now partially implemented as well.
Dimentio - I’ve wanted to make a Dimentio design fully based on Venetian masquerade outfits for a long time now, and this is my first attempt. Will definitely change and evolve as I experiment.
O’Chunks - I wanted to lean into the game’s stylization with at least one of these characters, and O’Chunks is my victim. Mainly inspired by his segmented arms, I made him a sort of living doll/marionette (not in the way Geno is) to further accentuate that he is from a different dimension. I also very slightly leaned more into him being a former general.
Mr. L - Didn’t go too crazy with changes, mainly just gave him some tools and changed his mask to a pair of tinted safety goggles so he gets those inventor vibes.
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 9 months
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Wanted to post more about this AU since it’s been on my mind for a bit, so here’s some info about the Daycare Attendants along with their work attire. Apologies for it this comes off as word vomit
Base Info: This au takes place after the events of Security Breach with the events of the Ruin DLC (mainly Bonnie and the Mimic) occurring months after the pizzaplex’s reconstruction in this au. Henry Emily doesn’t die in Pizza Sim and later (around his 70s) becomes the CEO of FazBear during the reconstruction of the pizzaplex. The virus upped the affected animatronics worse tendencies to 11 (Roxy’s confidence = narcissism, Monty’s anger = “punch first, ask never”, etc.)
Design: Not sure why, but when I saw Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss, his limbs were what I constantly imagined Sun and Moon having so they do. Sun has more rays to help flesh out his head while Moon has a longer night cap, because it looked nice. Both have moveable face plates however Moon’s expressions are more limited due to being nap time. I’ve seen people write about Sun and Moon having a chest cavity but never seen one explained or in a design, so it’s a bit more obvious that they have one. Moon’s chest cavity usually holds glow-in-the-dark moon and star stickers that are used during nap time and the cavity can switch out to a speaker where Moon can play music from. Sun also has a chest cavity (look at previous post about this au) which has six “drawers” allowing him to hold more items. Moon has both the wire cable and a floating mechanism while Sun just has the wire. It also may be harder to tell with my art but Moon is smaller than Sun. Sun has more bells than Moon due to his role as playtime, Moon has less because she doesn’t want to accidentally wake up the kids. Both attendants have wardrobes and have multiple outfits they can wear around kids. Moon’s face is more feminine due to some parents complaining about no female attendant in the daycare, so when Sun and Moon got a redesign, Moon’s face leaned more feminine while Sun’s leaned more masculine.
Sun: The older of the two. Sun had been affected with the virus, though it only made him more hyper and unhinged as he would accidentally bruised kids without knowing due to playing a bit too rough. After the virus was purged, Sun was a bit more mellowed out though he still will move around. Sun mostly deals with kids from preschool age to early middle school (6th grade specifically). Sun uses he/him pronouns and can get excited easily. Sun stands at 6’2. Sun’s outfit is more breathable and more active or sporty while still looking like a jester.
Moon: The younger of the two. Originally a last minute addition to the Daycare. Moon was fully affected by the virus, merging their security and nap time protocols together making her more irritable and hand out punishments more. After the virus was purged, Moon was more chill and calm like before the virus though his security protocols got upgraded to be on a timed schedule. Moon usually deals with slightly older kids from middle school to high school (7th to 12th) and will usually help kids with homework. Moon uses any and all pronouns (he/she/they) and despite being an introvert, loves hanging out with the children of the daycare. Moon stands at 5’10. Moon’s outfit is more poofy and soft to look more friendly.
Hopefully my ramblings are understandable, but also explain both the au slightly and some creative liberties I took when designing these two. I have more ideas that I’m more than happy to share
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, this kid has been fully finished since like, Monday, I’ve just been too lazy to post him, but now I’m gonna post him, this is Black Choco Cookie
As you can see, this is yet another darklico kid. I���m sorry. But he’ll be the last one I do; I already semi had plans for him when I made Licorice Cream, it’s just that I decided to just do Licorice Cream. But then the night prior to making him, I was thinking about ideas for him and just drew this the next morning
The only other darklico kid thing I plan to do is redesign Gancao, since her look really doesn’t match her name, and it bothers me. Either that or her name changes. But fundamentally she’ll still be the same character
Anyways back to Black Choco, so with his name, he’s dark chocolate like his father. His name is just Black Choco because while he’s chocolate, he supposed to have this smell of licorice about him
Maybe he’s these chocolate licorice brownie cookies I found online that one time. But his name is still Black Choco
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Anyways, let’s get into his design
So you’ll notice he looks very similar to Dark Choco except for the eyes. Well that’s because he’s the third one of these, and frankly I feel like the girls look enough like Licorice, so might as well have one of the kids be the Dark Choco clone like Dark Choco is to his own father. I think the fact he’s the third of these I’ve made is the only reason I allow him to look mostly like one parent and be the clone
But I finally gave one of them Licorice’s yellow eyes, so that’s good. I’ve been wanting one of them to have the yellow eyes and white eye lines since Gancao, it just didn’t work with her or Licorice Cream. Though I changed up the yellow slightly so that it’d work better with the white
I based Black Choco’s look off of the young design of Dark Choco in the artbook, since his sisters all look like they live in the Dark Cacao Kingdom too (the three are all supposed to exist in the same universe as siblings), and he’s supposed to want to be a fighter like his dad. Also with the brown it makes him look like the cookies I showed above. That wasn’t the intention but I like that
I think the way his hair looks was supposed to be inspired by how Licorice’s hair, like specifically in how it’s parted or something, but looking at it again I can’t really see that
I just realized the drawing I have of Black Choco here is with his gradient. I wasn’t sure if I should give him one; I did it so he’d look at least a little closer to Licorice, but I wasn’t sure it worked well. Ah well, I suppose you tell me
Anyways, so let’s get into his character
So Black Choco is a shy and a bit anxious kid, as well as someone who gets spooked easily, as shown in one of the sketches. He’s also generally quiet and soft spoken, not very capable of loud noises. But despite his timid nature, he’s a good kid who just wants to help people
He greatly admires his father, Dark Choco, and wants to be like him, which is part of the reason he wants to be a warrior. Thankfully for Black Choco, I imagine Dark Choco to be more openly affectionate than Dark Cacao was, so Black Choco isn’t gonna grow up with those same parental issues. But unfortunately, Black Choco isn’t as great with a sword and fighting, especially since he tends to accidentally drop his sword. But he does want to learn, and he tries hard to overcome this
Despite this however, he does know magic, and he’s actually very skilled at it, far more than he is at fighting. However, he chooses instead to become a warrior. Perhaps in the future, he learns to try and do both, combining his skills and becoming a warrior that uses both sword fighting skills and magic, becoming a real powerhouse
Now, as for his connection to his siblings, I’m not sure, as some of it depends on his age compared to them. I want to make Black Choco Licorice Cream’s twin, probably since I imagined Black Choco as a child and I drew Licorice Cream as one too, but also I don’t think I can really do that since Licorice Cream herself has a particularly unique origin, one that Black Choco doesn’t necessarily fit in to. Not only that, but I think I drew Licorice Cream as a child because I couldn’t figure out what to do for her other than her origin and possible connection to dark magic and the Strawberry Jam Sword. She’s technically supposed to be the older than Gancao, and I imagine Black Choco to be a child. But at the same time, I can really see Black Choco and Licorice Cream as a twin duo, and I like that concept, especially since personality wise, they’re pretty different, Licorice Cream being an extrovert while Black Choco is the introvert, for example. But it just doesn’t work with what Licorice Cream actually is
*sigh* I think I’m gonna need to do a redesign with all three of them, putting them on the same canvas and figuring out definitively what order they’re in and their ages relative to one another. Though Black Choco I don’t see changing much, he’s fine as he is
I suppose for now, Black Choco is the youngest of the three
But in any case, I think that’s it for Black Choco. To be honest, I feel like sometimes, I put too much into these characters and should just try to keep them simple, which is sort of what I tried to do with Black Choco here
But in any case, I hope you like him
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ectonuritez · 2 years
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I’ve been watching so many 2010 Canadian cartoons it’s not even funny. So here’s a redesign of Tina Kwee! I love her character but she always seemed visually out of place with the rest of the main cast imo. I wanted to go with Edwardian, light academia, and newsies aesthetics to contrast with Chaz's more modern "Hollywood" talk show style. I also debated with her hairstyle for a bit but decided to just slightly alter her original cut, I also gave her more practical boots for snooping around 📰✒️
ID: A drawing of Tina Kwee from Detentionaire, done in the style of the show. She looks similar to her canon appearance, but with different clothes. She is wearing a light brown sweater vest over top of a white lantern sleeve button-down. Her tops are tucked into a high-waisted, pleated teal skirt that stops at her knees. She is wearing white tube socks and dark brown work boots. She is wearing a headband in the same color as her skirt, and her hair is in a shaggy bob. In the first image the background is a notepad, in the second the background is a solid grey. End ID.
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wodania · 1 year
For the favorite clothing ask I’d have to say EVERYTHING is my favorite! Though I will narrow it down to a FEW pieces:
- Basically anything with the Northmen/First Men (ESPECIALLY the earrings which may be slightly from my adoration of statement earrings in fashion).
- Daenys the Dreamer (which 1. You have superb taste in music 2. I could stare at your design of her for hours if I was able too😄).
- Younger Egg (where one was him as king and the other as a prince, especially the one of him with the shorter hair. I could picture him looking like that when he’s growing it back from his adventures with Dunk😊😊).
- As well as the Connington family art (particularly Young Griff’s outfit: he looks like just another Connington like that🥺/it’s also hard for me to view it since I just want to wrap him in a blanket and keep him safe with his dad at Griffin’s Roost forever😭🥺🥺).
I just enjoy how you design characters if you can’t tell (when picturing the characters I can only see your designs now😄🫶🫶)!
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(original lyanna piece)
(original betha piece)
(original arya piece)
(original rhaelle piece)
Some earrings!!! These originally started off as beaded, but I’ve since played with a sort of stitched(?) style with beaded ornaments. I’ve been playing around with more northern fashion on the side, I just need to get good at making patterns before you can truly see what I’m capable of!
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(original daenys piece)
Omg this one was the blueprint for all of my Targaryen designs since, I still love it. I’d love to do a sketch featuring the full outfit, since I adore the shape and fabrics (to try to describe it, the red robe is only on her torso, the black dress continues down all the way to her feet. If she were to remove the robe, the dress would be sleeveless).
About the music, I was top 0.5% of Florence fans last year and I am determined to remain in that rank 🫶 adore her so much
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(original egg piece)
I wanted to draw Egg in more regal attire, since hes only ever really depicted in simple tunics and shirts as a child. Funny you mention the hair, because I was just making a note that Egg wore his hair shorter in the years following his time with Dunk! In my mind, he wears his hair shorter until around his late twenties or so (you can see the shorter hair in my most recent piece too).
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(original connington piece)
Aegon has always been more of a Connington than any other family to me 🫶 I like using tartans and kilts with Stormlander designs whenever I can, so I like implementing them in Aegon’s design as well! I’d like to redesign some Aegon outfits keeping the more regal Targaryen vibe mixed with the Connington colours someday! One of these days I’m gonna sit down and just do a bunch of costume designs for you guys I promise 😭
Also the comment about you picturing my designs when you read: I literally sent a screenshot of that to my friends bc I was so happy tysm 😭
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helluva-dump · 1 year
Hey guys… so I wanna take a break from critiquing Viv and just want to share some art for fun.
Though, I’m actually nervous to. Because part of it is mainly gonna be oc x canon stuff as well as ummm… writing dark headcanons of stories of certain characters….
So I had want to tackle the serious topic oc co*rcion similar to blitzo and Stolas, but it involves one of my ocs. But I also wanna talk about purity culture, it’s harm, and I’m basically wanting to do my take of Heaven and headcanons I have for it.
And ummm these dark headcanons I have involve Adam… yes admittly I thought the idea of Adam being the leader of the executioners was extremely stupid and the leaks I’ve seen were eh… But let’s just say he somehow warmed up to me and I found a way to make him slightly intimidating.
Actually my friend @samiliy4me has been doing headcanons and ideas of Adam and we’ve done a lot of roleplays and omg… the way she writes him is so sinister yet fun. We’ve done roleplays of him with our Angel ocs and it’s been giving me content to do things with my Angel oc
She also did amazing headcanons for Mammon and keeps him an asshole in our roleplays which also gives me content for my hellhound oc.
Now that being said with things concerning Adam, my main thing with him is to criticize toxic masculinity within Christianity and all the Republican Christins that use religion to harm others. While my Angel girl and others badly want to help restore heaven with the New Testament. I’ve been watching history of Christianity and how is slowly because something republicans used for evil (when it wasn’t always like that )
So yeah… I may touch on a sensitive topic with Adam and one of my ocs… but here’s the thing, I am NO WAY gonna romanticize this relationship. Some of this is based on personal experience to help me cope with trauma.
And I know how many antis in the critical blog tend to act like babies over things like this.🙄 Thing is I get it, Viv doesn’t know how to properly discuss this topic without separating her n*nc*n kink. Besides, he’s not even the oc I’m gonna have my Angel end up with.
But I’m also scared shitless of the fandom taking mine and a friend’s take on Adam super personal because me and her refuse to sugarcoat him or do draco in leatherpants. Like the idea of him fascinates us and I rather actually write him being A villain Same with Mammon since we refuse to woobify them.
Now don’t get angry fandom…. I actually may redesign Adam…. BECAUSE GOOD LORD HE IS A PAIN TO DRAW. THIS IS WHY FANS REDESIGN. ITS NOT ALWAYS IF MALICE ITS JUST HARD TO DRAW SOME DESIGNS. I’m gonna do the same for Lute since she also looks tedious.
I won’t change to much of his design but I may change his horns and give him some skull mask.
Also I’m gonna make Bee into a bug/canine hybrid and make her be a princess while her mom is the actual queen since I love that idea Lovearts made.
And possibly do shippy stuff with her, Tex, and Loona… I’m mainly an oc x canon and self shipped but idk I feel like this OT3 can help me develop Loona as a character.
Do you guys care to see these ideas I have? I really don’t want this fandom to get the wrong idea of me as well as the critical community.
I don’t always agree with critical takes and I try not to jump the gun with every allegation if the evidence is flimsy. BUT this doesn’t mean I like Viv as a creator and the spindlehorse as a company since I do believe there’s mistreatment and Viv is kind of toxic.
But hey, I love Ren and Stimpy and hate John K. Been a Catscratch and earthworm Jim fan and hate Doug TenNapel so separating art from the artist is not gonna he that hard for me.
I’m still a fan at the end of the idea and these roleplays and such I’ve done with friends gave me fun art ideas.
But yeah would you guys care if I share this stuff?
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swirlmup · 2 years
Get ready lads, it’s a double feature this time for scene art made by moi!
First scene is the opening, and was my first assignment for this episode. I hadn’t gotten the chance to draw tyrian or hazel yet in my works for this series, so I really wanted to amend that by doing some villain work. However, shortly after beginning work on this scene, I had to put it on hold to work on the later scene which I’ll talk about later.
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A redesign was done by one of our artists for Salem’s castle, heavily modeled after the emerald city in the wizard of oz, and I went off the art they did for drawing it.
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Lots of people caught on to the presence of others at the castle! I’m so pleased when people pay attention -w- Basically they’re followers of Salem, and are the staff who inhabit and maintain the castle for Salem and her crew. You know, doing all the menial shit like storing the airship, cooking, cleaning, searching their mail, all that jazz. Hey, it’s a castle, and a castle has gotta have servants, right?
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I wanted to sketch the characters in a more detailed way for this scene, I didn’t feel like copping out with one of my simpler art styles, even if it would’ve been slightly faster. Although I was still having to work pretty fast, so even these sketches aren’t as polished as I would’ve liked. xD I got put on this episode a week before it was due to come out(my own doing since I requested the scene), but even so I had confidence in myself I could get it done in time.
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the heights are a little scuffed whenever Hazel’s on screen. He’s 8 feet tall, and technically should be even bigger next to mercury and emerald than he is here, but in the interest of easier framing and not having to shrink them just to fit their proper heights all together, I played it a little loosey-goosey and allowed the other characters to essentially stand on apple boxes when needed.
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Drawing Tyrian being a creep is so fun~ I love creepy characters~ I saved drawing Tyrian for last, Emerald before him, Mercury before Emerald, and I drew Hazel first in all the frames. I wanted to make sure I was primed for drawing Tyrian, since his face is a complex shape.
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Drawing such an exagerated, sparkle-eyed expression for Tyrian was also super fun. xD I wanted to match the rough sketch I made for this scene as closely as possible, which was sorta more spongebob-esque? it was this lmao
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truly a lovely face for a lovely place.
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Anyways, I was also glad I saved Emerald for one of the last characters I drew, since her design has a lot of intricate details. Her guns I 100% half-assed though lol, I figured if I could make them vaguely convincing then it’d be fine.
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I had to think carefully about Tyrian’s approach in this scene. Whether he would cut his cheek like he does in canon, whether he walks forward to cut his shoulder, or grabbing it like he does here. In the end I decided him grabbing her blade and cutting his hand was more malicious, especially since he’s in the middle of lecturing Emerald about the importance of not spilling blood on Salem’s hollowed ground. It’s like he’s purposefully trying to create an excuse for himself to hurt Emerald, consequence-free. In addition, it communicated strongly the amount of control that Tyrian had over the situation, even with Emerald brandishing her weapons, she has no power over him.
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I always loved this scene in canon!! i’ve been an emerald/mercury stan since the two were introduced, so i gotta appreciate the little breadcrumbs as they come lol
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this frame is actually pretty accurate in terms of the height different between tyrian and hazel. tyrian be a toll man
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prancing tyrian~ it was about this frame that i really began to understand the sort of character tyrian was when drawing him. in that he’s like a preacher for a cult who was also given liberal permission with a knife.
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not much to say about this shot. it’s nice that there’s an airship landing pad at salem’s castle and a direct entrance from there lol.
Now the second scene I worked on! I actually wasn’t assigned this scene, but an emergency came up where the artist who was originally supposed to do this scene just wasn’t available anymore. This was a cowabummer, because it was actually one of the most important scenes in the episode and had been listed as high priority. Seeing the distress and emergency of the situation, I put my first scene on hold and volunteered myself to take over the jaune and saphron scene, presented celtic with the finished rough sketches first thing in the morning.
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Since speed was once again the #1 priority, I opted for a simpler and looser style. However, I didn’t fall fully into my old stickman style, and instead ventured to create something of a new iteration on that style? My art has been pushing towards smaller/more realistic facial features, and I started wanting my stickman style to reflect that somewhat.
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I went through a couple different iterations of this frame before I decided it would be best if it was shot from the other side of the door. I was having issues illustrating both jaune sitting down and saphron standing and looking after ruby in the same shot, as well as showing saphron’s worried expression. In the first iterations I favored putting the camera over on Jaune’s side and letting him take up most of the frame, but I like this positioning much better.
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This was kinda tricky to draw. I don’t normally draw characters rubbing their brows to communicate weariness, so it was an interesting challenge. Although it turned out more of a forehead rub than a brow rub, lol
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I love it when I can be economical with my art, and a single drawing can last for an entire exchange.
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serious jaune making a serious face, fighting back against the dark of saphron’s realism, oh yeah.
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I may not be very good at drawing people in foreshortened poses, but i still think it’s fun xD I like how tender this moment between Jaune and Saphron is, she gives off such kind big-sister vibes, and Jaune takes her advice seriously.
And that covers it for this episode! Thanks so much for reading, and I look forward to seeing you all the next time there’s art to share for Fixing RWBY!
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moonchildlix · 6 months
TMNT PIA: Character introduction - April O’Neil
(Though some of the art has April referred to as she/her and appearing very fem, they’re pronouns are actually they/them, this art was made before I planned them to be nonbinary and yes, a redesign is in the works)
Of the characters I’ve developed so far for this series, April I think is the most unique and different to all of their canon counterparts. Where most of the other versions of the character were all loud outspoken ladies with a lot of energy, this April is very quiet, geeky, introverted and slightly self-conscious autistic nonbinary person. They prefer to observe the world around them instead of taking an active role in it.
They’re a 19 year old University student currently studying geology and zoology, specifically for a Bachelor’s degree, and wants to be a palaeontologist. They’re 5’5”, pansexual and goes by they/them pronouns. April was born in New York and lived there with their parents, Aidan and Carol O’Neil until they were about 13 years old when their parents moved away to North Hampton after their maternal grandmother died and their parents inherited her farmhouse. About five years later, April was granted a scholarship at Eastman Academy - a school in NYC famous for its art and science courses. They moved back to New York due to their admiration for the work of their famous professor, Baxter Stockman. They live in an apartment with their roommate, Irma.
Facts about the Character
They work in an Antique shop, Second Time Around.
As a child, their parents were friends with Hamato Yoshi and his wife Teng Shen, and April was very close with their family. So one day (When they were around 5) their parents told them they couldn’t see them ever again, April was devastated, locked themselves in their room for days and refused to speak to their parents. Years later, they found out the truth, that Teng Shen had been murdered and Yoshi had disappeared. Their parents didn’t tell them the truth because they were so young at the time and they didn’t want to scare them, but also because they didn’t want them to think any less of Yoshi. The media had portrayed the case in a very racist way, suggesting that Yoshi as a Japanese immigrant had gotten himself into debt, so killed his wife, either to be free of the financial burden or take out her life insurance and then fled from the scene. The O’Neils always believed Yoshi was innocent, and when they told April when they heard that night, they also believed Yoshi was innocent.
They’re very much like an older sister to the turtles. Of the four of them they’re definitely the closest with Donnie, due to their shared hyperfixations of science and dinosaurs, very much having an older sibling/younger brother dynamic, but is of course still very close with the other boys.
April was diagnosed as autistic when they were 10 years old.
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daemonvision · 2 years
For context or to say where I stand since I’ve been reblogging um. A lot of it:
Yeah, I’m… not too fond of Hazbin. From the designs to the state of the story to… a lot about the creator, both how she handles production and her own character, I think there’s room for improvement. Lots of room.
I’d consider myself critical, heavily so, and not really a fan. However I am very interested in seeing where it may go and if it manages to redeem itself when the actual series begins. And, well, I’m hyper fixated on it as well, at the moment. Mainly on trying to redesign and ever-so-slightly rewrite it.
I don’t want it to seem like I’m doing it out of spite, it’d just be a creative endeavor to test my design consistency and show people what I’d do had I been the one behind the reins. And even then I don’t want people to get the wrong idea and think I’m being smug. It just seems like a series that has potential, concept wise, but currently I feel like that’s not being met.
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avidrawsthings · 2 years
What IS vytarian magic :0 It sounds really fascinating! Reminds me a little of my own different magic system I made for my hphm canon
Hi there!
Shortest version: Magic that you get that’s completely based on your personality and interests, with some limits, of course!
Wanted to make note that I’m currently in the process of introducing some new things while revamping and redesigning some older things, like the spellbooks. In time, I’ll compile everything together into a single post. I already went off on some tangents as it is lol.
Vytarian Magic is a system I created several years ago for another story I’ve been working on called Earth 14, which is also where Reina’s from! Since I brought her over to my HPHM au, I figured I’d bring over a few more elements to have some fun with it. The backstory for this magic system was changed slightly to better fit the HPHM setting.
It was created in the BC era by a young Mage named Vytaris, who felt that the existing magic of the time was far too restrictive and horribly uncreative and uninspiring. Vytarian Magic deliberately broke the rules of the standard magic, which is why it’s so vastly different. It’s divided into 8 Aspects: Creation, Truth, Balance, Knowledge, Identity, Emotions, Ideals and Destruction. The explanations for each one are in this post here if you’d like to take a look at it!
Much how people don’t always fall into just one category, Mages aren’t limited by just one Aspect, and it’s completely normal for such Aspects to overlap. You have things like Rainbow Magic and even Food Magic, as well as Crystal Magic and even Tech Magic.
The type of magic users get are based on their personality, goals and interests. They’re not bound to the types they get initially, and are free to explore other types that catch their attention. Most Mages will settle on the types they vibe with the best.
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Rowan got Paper Magic thanks to her love of books and studious nature. Ben got Lightning Magic thanks to his desire to always be a step ahead of Merula to avoid her. Reina got Rose Magic because they’re her favorite flowers.
There’s so many varieties that it’s easier to list what this system can’t do:
Bring the dead back to life. The Laws of Life and Death are absolute.
Create currency. Any attempts will only result in obviously fake money. This was done to prevent potential economic ruin.
Vytarian Magic is also Contract-based. In order to reach full access to their magic, Mages must form a contract at the age of 10 with a higher being known as a Denizen. The rules they need to follow are very straightforward and there aren’t any strings attached.
Never fall into corruption or evil.
Never use the power with malicious intent.
Killing can only be allowed as a last resort and if it’s in the defense of yourself or another.
To deliberately break any of the rules above will resort in your power retaliating and cursing you. The severity of the curse depends on the severity of the crime. Refusal to heed the warnings will result in death, and the curse remaining with you in the afterlife.
Vytaris had these put into effect as they didn’t want this power to fall into the wrong hands and be misused. Users that are going down the wrong path will receive 3 warnings from their Denizen. Refusal to heed these warnings will lead to the contract being severed at best, and horribly cursed at worst.
Younger students that break the rules by bullying others will be mildly cursed but still properly punished. Their contract will be broken if they refuse to learn their lesson. They’ll be offered another chance once they’ve proven themselves worthy.
The Contract method is the biggest reason why a majority of the outside wizarding communities won’t go anywhere near it. The same goes for Voldy, the Death Eaters and anyone else that shared their ideals. Others refused because they actually looked down at Vytarian Magic for a variety of reasons, while some folks felt it was far too unreliable and chaotic.
Merula would claim that she refused to try this magic because of what it represented (beings such as Elves, Goblins, Giants and Werewolves are treated as equals in that community). In reality, she was rejected by her would-be Denizen because she had malicious intent from the start.
It’s possible to form another Contract later on in order to receive more power, but they don’t just hand this out all willy-nilly. There has to be a good reason for it. A good example would be needing to get stronger due to the Second Wizarding War, which is what Reina and a few others end up doing when things get dire.
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All Mages receive their spellbook at the age of 5. Known as an Infinitus, it’s bound to them for life. The book is enchanted to contain endless pages within while maintaining its base size and weight. In addition to storing and unlocking their spells, it also acts as a reliable source of information by answering whatever questions the user provides. It can also provide the necessary functions for users that are hearing or visually impaired.
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The books float near their user at all times, and unless permission is granted, the contents within are illegible to anyone but the owner. When dueling, the books will open up and automatically move to pages containing their desired spells.
At the age of 10, the Infinitus creates a wand for the user. These wands are made out of pure crystal and don’t require a core. They’re also far more durable than the standard wooden wands. Wands are mostly used by younger Mages that don’t have complete control of their powers yet. Wandless magic is the norm, and can be achieved at any time.
At age 15, the user’s wand becomes a staff. This is both a rite of passage and the next step on their journey, as this gives them access to more powerful spells. The staff always matches the height of the user.
Hopefully this wasn’t too much to take in lol If there are any additional questions you have, feel free to ask away! My inbox is always open!
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avaritia-ffxiv · 2 years
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point? & Who was your first OC?
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
Take this with a grain of salt ‘cause I can’t remember for sure, but I think at some point I just kinda... Outgrew toys, but not playing itself. Toys just weren’t doing it for me anymore for whatever reason. Idk where I got Sims 1 and later on 2 from, but yeah I had those, so I kinda migrated to playing them instead of playing with my toys.
But, games come with limitations, and I didn’t like that. I read a hell of a lot when I was younger, so literature wasn’t unfamiliar to me.
I expect that eventually led to me doing away with all the middlemen when it came to creating stories. Begone physical objects I need to move around, begone restrictive games, it’s just me, my imagination and the keyboard and I can do WHATEVER I WANT.
Or pen and paper at times, even.
I’m pretty sure I stumbled upon rp by accident at around the same time and then it was like “omg I can do this thing with other people?”
And that is the road I have been on since!
Who was your first OC?
It was a fucking magical wolf on this weird semi-rp wolf site. I had an absolute wolf phase happen at that time due to finding that place.
In my defense I was an impressionable teenager only just finding out about this rp thing and rather excited over it.
She was kinda godmodded and stuff, but to her credit! She did live on for quite some time even if my time actively rping her was very short-lived. Got turned into this dragon OC along the way? I don’t think she originally really had any personality to speak of because actually creating characters was a skill I acquired slightly later on, but yeah she gained some over time and become a bit more fleshed out, even if I proceeded to never use her anywhere.
She doesn’t really exist anymore, because after the redesigns she’s had over the years she’s not really the same thing anymore. I still don’t use even her newer, redesigned version, ‘cause eh. I’m not particularly attached to her, as much as I also haven’t entirely abandoned her.
Just figure I should remember where I came from and how far I’ve come since those days, skills and everything else wise. She’s my reminder.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Freejack (1992) - The end?
So this is gonna be hell it doesn't look like it blows up at this time. And I know it's like this crappy city but at least I have something and I've been building a lot of stuff there and it's become valuable in its protection and he was right. I want to make that Bradley GT kit and says the name is a bit potent and people are not listening. But he says the redesign would be based on the two originals and I do understand that the whole guts of the thing would look like it. And I know how to do that and the name would have to be different because that's ridiculous and I would have to name it and I'm thinking of it too and then it would be like Bradley GT and your French name because that's going on and it works is diplomacy and I started to think of something it's what he sounds like and boy it's had a nice idea and it's Jacques Chirac and it really is a nice name the last name and people would miss it and he says they would they always do but that's fun because I can be a foreigner and it would be like a Bradley GT to Jacques Chirac but people would just see Sherlock on it and it's not even illegal to do that with a vehicle. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to start this project and I notice something too the math on this is outrageous it's a German chassis on a slightly changed car that he and his wife invented during World War Two and people want to know about it and it created a whole new atmosphere for automobiles it changed the automobile genre For life and for the whole globe. Everybody now wants to have a car and it started in Germany and he says his mother and father both sides are to blame as well and it's awesome. It is part of their plan. And this vehicle would sell like crazy and eventually it might have a car company that sells it and the small one too people are crazy for that and I have a couple chassis in mind it's real complicated they might be compact cars. I'm interested in the Bradley GT new concept car for a kit it is blowing my mind that it could be that fast and I would eventually do the cradle and I can do that. I want to start I want to start doing it and I know what year it's it's dropped it's not real hard to figure out and it's not 2018 believe it or not it's a little later no but the look is similar it's like 2014 I think and you can modernize the rest of it. But this will be intense okay I mean these two cars alone and he said that the Ford could be could make me intensely famous it could be a massive success and it will be actually you can plan on it you can bank on it you can book tons of factories there'll be no stopping it and you said keep it front wheel drive and I looked and I said I know how to do that and he said it's like 380 miles an hour and I don't believe it but I'll have to do it. Sun and check it out on those two and I have an idea of what to do with the Bradley GT too and he says why not make it in wood and see if I recognize it and Bradley GT one and that's a good idea I mean that mode and he says it will be preserved forever and we have a way of preserving it and we might have the museum and people want to know that stuff so I'm going to go ahead and do this.
Olympus print pls
wow im up yes an good him.  ok i calmed down.  you see.  ahhaah ok wht is it lol and he asks now im famous this will help me the car my car ok well both lol the smal one yes
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rowansparrow · 2 years
Everything’s Alright
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Ship: Hunter x F!Reader
Word Count: ~3k
Rating: Teen and up (Descriptions of injury, blood, some moderate innuendo)
A/N: This is my half of an art trade that I did with the lovely @space-b33​ ! I don’t often write for Hunter so this was fun to do. :) 
Also, as an aside, I unwhitewash the bad batch in my writing as I do not like how their animations have been portrayed, so the batch’s descriptions may seem a little different as I’ve tried to redesign them. Thanks!
“Sergeant, I won’t ask again.”
You knew what that voice did to him, and despite his grousing, pouting, and very adamant insistence that he was, in fact, fine, and did not need anyone fussing over him anymore, no thank you, you saw his face angle just slightly towards you. Hunter’s resolve was finally beginning to crack.
“I said I was fine.” He grumbled. “I can change the bandages myself.”
You sighed softly, lowering your voice. “You can’t look after ‘Mega if you’re too injured to protect her.”
It was a low blow, and a small part of you regretted bringing it up, but you knew Hunter would continue his stubborn position beside Omega’s room, keeping watch, until his insides rotted out from having unclean bandages around his wounds for too long.
“Hunter, you were shot.” You implored, your voice soft and sad. “Please… let me take care of you.”
That seemed to do the trick. Hunter hated knowing he’d upset you, and hated worse knowing that you’d watched him fall when the bounty hunter Cad Bane shot at him, watched in horror as his body crumbled to the ground and Omega was taken from you both, from all of you.
Even though Omega was safe and sound now, nestled in her own private little room that Wrecker had so carefully constructed for her, Hunter still worried. And so did you.
“We won’t be long.” You promised when you’d finally managed to convince Hunter to abandon his post long enough to come to the cockpit, where you could properly redress his injuries.
Hunter followed dutifully behind you, his tattooed gaze occasionally drifting over his shoulder, back to where Omega slept, until the door to the cockpit closed behind you both.
“Can’t believe we almost lost her.”
“I know,” You murmured, touching his cheek and turning his head to look at you. “But we didn’t.”
“We did.” Hunter corrected.
“We got her back. That’s what matters.”
Hunter nodded, leaning into your touch and turning his head slightly to kiss your palm. “You’re right.”
You smirked. “I’m always right.”
He chuckled at that, and kissed your wrist instead, slowly climbing his way up your forearm until his arms were wrapped around your torso, pulling you flush against his chest as he kissed you once more.
“Easy,” You chided. “We’re here to redress your wounds.” You lowered your voice. “We can’t wake Tech, either.”
Though you didn’t possess Hunter’s enhanced senses, Tech’s soft snores had echoed through the cockpit even when you’d first entered, the pilot dozing off against the glow of hyperspace through the viewport of the Havoc Marauder. You were mindful of them now, not wanting to wake the exhausted trooper when he was finally getting the rest he so rarely got.
“Understood,” Hunter said, with a note of reluctance in his voice as he pulled back slightly. He carefully worked his armor plating off, followed by the top half of his black under armor, setting everything aside as you slowly began peeling away the bandages covering the blaster wound to his chest.
Hunter hissed slightly under his breath as you tugged at the bandages, gently easing them away from his skin, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“These would come off a bit easier if you would just use the sonic shower more often than once every few days.” You told him. “No wonder the ship stinks so bad.”
“That’s mostly the others, and you know it.” Hunter teased back. “Besides, I believe you enjoy my natural musk.”
You hummed, rolling your eyes as you worked off the rest of the bandages, your eyes glazing over the still-healing wound. It wasn’t nearly as nasty as it had first been when you patched him up, but it still was nothing pretty to look at, your stomach dropping at how close you’d come to losing him forever.
“I’m still here.” He reminded you softly, tilting your chin up to look him in the eye. “I’m still here.”
“I know.” You murmured, and tapped your forehead lightly against his, repeating yourself as though you could keep him safe with every whispered prayer under your breath to gods you didn’t believe in. “I know.”
As the team’s medic, you’d had your fair share of patching the boys up after rough battles, and cleaning Hunter’s blaster wound would have been no different except for how horrifically close it had been from stealing the Sergeant away from you once and for all, and not to mention your hands shook so badly as you tried to patch him up that Echo had to step in and take over.
You couldn’t falter like that again. Not when your men still needed you so.
You patched him up quickly, placing your hand over his heart once you’d finished. “The medic outranks everyone,” You reminded him playfully. “And your cyare outranks you too.”
He chuckled, bending his head to kiss you softly. “Then that means the reverse applies too, yes?” He asked. “Your cyare also outranks you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, Hunter, if the time comes where you’d need to make me, of all people, seek medical attention, then yes, you would outrank me then.”
Hunter tilted his head to the side. “Can I get that in writing?”
You smacked him playfully in the arm, careful not to be too loud and wake Tech, and gently pushed him out of the cockpit, back towards the cramped bunks where you slept. It was a tight squeeze, the two of you together on one of those narrow bunks, but Hunter was alive and breathing, his heartbeat your lullaby every night, and you couldn’t complain about a moment as precious as that.
You stumbled slightly as you approached the bunks, hissing quietly under your breath, and Hunter turned at once to look at you.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, just smashed my foot is all.” You lied. “I’m going to use the ‘fresher, I’ll come to bed in a bit.”
Hunter nodded. “I’ll check on Omega again too. I’ll meet you there.”
You nodded, already halfway into the ‘fresher before he’d even finished speaking.
Part of you was thankful that Hunter had been injured, because if he wasn’t drowning in the scent of his own blood and burned flesh, he would have certainly sensed the wound you were masking.
You rolled up the side of your shirt, sucking in a sharp breath of air through your teeth as you inspected where you’d poorly packed the wound earlier when no one had been paying attention. You’d sustained a graze, nothing more – or at least, that’s what you thought it was until closer inspection revealed the bolt had hocked off a good chunk of your skin with it.
You would need bacta, but you were low on supplies, and your priority after rescuing Omega had been to retreat Hunter’s wounds, and tend to the needs of the rest of the group.
A consequence of being the medic often meant your own health and wellbeing came last.
Your body betrayed you, letting out a soft whimper of pain as you carefully pulled the shoddy bandages away and tried to redo them with what little supplies the kit had left. Blood was still oozing steadily from the wound, but you repacked it anyway, hoping upon hope that it would sustain you until you were able to get your hands on fresh supplies.
Besides, the last thing Hunter, or anyone else needed, was to be worrying about you after they’d just managed to get Omega back.
You tiptoed out of the refresher with your newly sealed wound and headed back to the bunks, drawing short and huffing out a quiet laugh.
Hunter was on his back, sprawled across the bunk and already fast asleep, exhaustion apparently winning out, and Omega was curled up at his side, her head halfway on his chest, clutching her little trooper doll tightly to her chest as she slept.
You smiled, picking up the blanket from the floor and carefully tucking it around the two of them, bending at the waist to give them both gentle kisses on the forehead, despite the protests the injury on your hip made in the process.
You straightened back up, your hand going to your side again as you tried to mask the pain, and hobbled off towards the cockpit to sleep instead.
You settled yourself somewhat noisily into one of the chairs – your movements had become somewhat sluggish, your vision beginning to blur – and sighed softly, leaning back to try and sleep. You had expected the pain to keep you awake, but sleep overtook you easily, a roar in your ears growing louder and louder as the sudden influx of voices around you – voices? – became muffled, and the faces in front of you became distorted. You assumed you were dreaming, lost in a state of awake and asleep.
That is, until you felt a set of hands, heavy and calloused, cupping either of your cheeks.
“Stay awake! Stay awake, mesh’la, eyes on me.”
You found it oddly difficult to open your eyes, and before you could even fully comprehend what was happening, Hunter was clapping his hands gently against your cheeks again, the sharp sting of his hands lightly rapping against your cheek enough to force your eyes back open.
“Kriff, kriff, it’s getting worse.” Hunter sounded panicked. “Tech!”
“I’m looking, but our supplies are very low.” Tech shot back, and even he sounded on edge to you.
“I’m okay.” You slurred out, trying to push Hunter away. “’M just a little tired.”
“You’ve got a slow bleed that’s been dripping all across the hull and now the co-pilot’s seat.” Hunter snapped. “Kriff, you’re lucky Wrecker karking stepped in it or you could’ve bled out by morning! What were you thinking?!”
“Hunter,” Echo said calmly. “Now isn’t the time. If you can’t handle yourself, let me take over.”
“I can handle myself just fine!” Hunter bit back, and it was then you realized that his hands had left your face and instead were pressed frantically over the wound in your side, applying pressure to try and slow the bleed.
“Here we go!” Wrecker said suddenly, charging into the cockpit with an armload of gauze and bandages. “Cross’ old medkit was still under his bunk, we’ve got some supplies left.”
Wrecker dropped the supplies quickly beside Tech and Echo, who made quick work preparing bandages and bacta patches to place over the more serious parts of your wound.
“Hunter, you’ll need to move your hands.” Echo coaxed, his voice calm and steady on your left. “Why don’t you wash your hands and check on Omega? She seemed upset.”
“I’m not leaving her, not right now.” Hunter muttered, but reluctantly pulled his hands away anyway.
“Hunter, you aren’t helping anyone, and frankly, your anxiety will cause her heart to pump faster and push out more blood.” Tech said matter-of-factly. “Do everyone here a favor, and go make yourself useful with Omega.”
Although Tech was more blunt than Echo, his approach seemed to do the trick, because the next thing you heard was Hunter saying “I’ll be right back, cyar’ika.” Followed by his receding footsteps.
“Hang in there, we’ve almost got you patched up.” Echo reported, adjusting your arm slightly to better get at your injury. “Kriff, what a mess. Hunter was right, what in the blazes were you thinking?”
“I’m sorry.” You managed weakly, your voice starting to come back as the bacta began to take effect. “We had limited supplies, and I didn’t realize how serious -.”
“You’re the medic.” Tech cut you off, a note of sharpness to his voice. “You may feel responsible for taking care of us, but you also must take care of yourself.”
“Tech’s right.” Echo gave you a soft smile. “Where’d we be without you?”
He took your hand for a moment, guiding you upright. “Here, give it a go. Try standing up a bit, yeah? How’s it feel?”
“Better.” You admitted, rising to your feet and glancing behind you. Your stomach knotted at once at the sight of the blood that had been puddling around the chair. You must have reopened the wound earlier in the refresher and had been too out of it to notice. You were very lucky someone had caught on quickly.
You glanced around, taking in the concerned faces of Wrecker, Tech, and Echo.
“We almost lost ya for a second there.” Wrecker murmured, his voice soft and sad. “You can’t go scaring us like that.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated, rubbing the back of your neck. “Really, I am. I didn’t – I truly didn’t realize how serious it was. I wasn’t thinking clearly. Thank you all for your quick action.”
Echo squeezed your shoulder in reassurance. “Go ahead, we’ll clean up the mess. You’d best get changed into fresh clothes and then find Hunter. Gods know he’s still stewing somewhere.”
“Hopefully with Omega.” Tech added.
You nodded, hissing slightly under your breath as you moved, fighting off the residual wooziness as you made your way back to the bunks. You could hear quiet voices coming from further in, and you stopped for a moment to listen.
“- my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, Meg.” Hunter’s voice soothed. “We knew the risks. We weren’t about to let anyone take you away from us. We all wanted to get you back.”
“But she got hurt because of me, and so did you.”
“And we’d both get hurt a million times over if it meant keeping you safe.” Hunter insisted. “Meg’ika, look at me.”
You peeked your head around the corner, watching as Hunter brushed Omega’s curls from her dark eyes.
“You did nothing wrong.” Hunter reassured her. “And I know she’d say the exact same thing. Nobody blames you for any of the things that have happened, and we’d do ‘em all over again if it meant keeping you with us, where you belong.”
Omega sniffed, but nodded, scrubbing at her eyes, and you stepped into the hull, clearing your throat slightly to announce your presence.
“There, see?” Hunter said, sounding relieved himself. “She’s already up and moving again, so she couldn’t have been hurt too badly.”
“But – but all that blood -.”
“It was a flesh wound, kiddo.” You reassured, cutting Omega off before she could protest further. “I’m okay. Good as new, really. And once we land, you can come with me to get some new medical supplies so we don’t run into this sort of problem again, yeah? Wouldn’t that be fun?”
You squatted down slightly in front of her, ignoring the protests of your injury. “It can be something fun that just the two of us do together. Our own little adventure.”
Omega grinned at that. “Yeah, I think I’d like that a lot.”
“Good girl.” You smiled. “Now go on, get back to bed, it’s been a long night for everybody, and you need your rest.”
She nodded obediently, tossing her arms around you in a quick hug before doing the same to Hunter, and scampered off up the ladder to her private little room.
As soon as the child was out of earshot, Hunter turned back to you. “I’m still angry at you.” He warned.
“I know you are.” You rolled your eyes. “Hunter, I swear, I’m alright now. I’m sorry for worrying you, honestly.”
Hunter sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face and then up through his dark curls, the wild hair only slightly tamed by his bandanna. “I just -.” He hesitated, putting both his hands on his hips and shaking his head.
“You just what?” You prompted, taking a step closer and laying your hands on his chest. “Hunter, talk to me.”
He huffed quietly under his breath, and dropped his forehead to tap lightly against yours. “I just don’t know what we’d do without you, that’s all.” He murmured, his hands coming to settle on your hips, being mindful of your injury. “When… when Wrecker woke me, and I saw the blood, I -.” He shook his head. “And the worst part was I was so distracted with my own wound, and with Omega, that I didn’t even notice you were -.”
He pulled back again, flexing his fingers repeatedly, letting his nails dig slightly into his palm each time. It was a nervous habit he’d developed for when his senses became too overwhelming for him to handle. It grounded him. “I could’ve lost you today. I could have woken up and you would have already been gone, just like that.”
The thought of Hunter finding you, slumped over in the chair, having slowly bled out in the night was a thought too terrible to bear, and you surged forward again, pulling him close in a tight hug as you tried to soothe him.
“That won’t happen again.” You swore. “I mean it. I don’t ever want to leave you like that. I’ll tell you the next time I get hurt, I won’t try to hide it.”
“You better.” Hunter chuckled, pulling back and tilting your chin up so he could look at you. “Don’t forget what you said. Cyare outranks the medic.”
You hummed, tapping your forehead gently against his. “Only in situations like this.” You amended.
“I can live with that.” Hunter murmured, and pressed his lips delicately against your own. “Come on, come to bed, where I can keep a proper eye on you.”
“I’m pretty sure as the medic, I’m the one who’s supposed to be keeping an eye on you.” You corrected, but followed him back to the bunks anyway.
Hunter huffed quietly under his breath as he sank down onto the uncomfortable cot, opening his arms to you. “Either way.” He replied with a shrug, and waited for you to join him before delicately wrapping his arms around you.
“I think,” he began. “On the next planet we stop at, we’ve earned ourselves some time in a hotel. Somewhere with a real bed.”
“So we can maybe get a decent night’s sleep for a change?” You asked.
“I had other things in mind besides sleeping.” Hunter admitted. “But sleep is good too.”
You laughed, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw before resting your head against his chest once more, letting the reassuring beat of his heart lull you peacefully to sleep.
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Yesss!!! My time has come, I would like to request a fic where Himiko is made queen for a day, I want all the shenanigans please, mammon cycling between hounding Himiko to make him king and trying to steal the Crown Jewels, Lucifer trying to keep up while making sure the entire kingdom doesn’t go up in flames, diavolo and barbatos absolutely losing it in the background watching this play out, Himiko going gaga over the closets full of expensive fashion (and shoes)
Queen For a Day
Genre: Fluff/crack
Warnings: None
“I hereby decree, Himiko Nanami will be queen of the Devildom for the next twenty-four hours.” Diavolo said reverently as he placed his crown on the human’s head. Barbatos chuckled in the background, his eyes flashed with amusement as Himiko shot him a conspiracy laden smirk.
“Yes, yes, thank you,” Himiko said, barely able to contain her smile as she sat on the throne (which was much too big for her). “I promise I’ll be incredibly benevolent. No going mad with power for me .”
Diavolo laughed and patted Himiko on the shoulder. “I trust that you won’t.”
“What the hell is going on here?” Lucifer stepped into the throne room, and Himiko swore she could see his eyes bulge out of his skull when he saw the crown on her head. “Himiko! Take that off!”
“That’s no way to address the queen of the Devildom, Lucifer.” Diavolo said with a cheeky grin. “Now that Himiko has been made queen for a day, we can go on our date!”
“Wait what?!” Lucifer stared at Diavolo in shock as the crown prince looped his arm around his waist and began pulling him out the door. “All your work-”
“Isn’t my problem anymore!” Diavolo turned and threw a wave at Barbatos and Himiko. “See you both tomorrow! Take care of Himiko, Barbatos.”
“I’ll be sure to watch over her, Young Master.” Barbatos nodded politely at both Diavolo and Himiko.
“Himiko, if you do anything stupid…”
“I won’t, Lucifer. I won’t. Now my first decree as queen is go on your date.”
“My second decree as queen,” Himiko thoughtfully tapped her lips as she sat in Diavolo’s seat in the assembly hall, her feet were up on the table in front of her and she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. “Come on boys, give me some suggestions~.”
“Make your great Mammon the demon king!” Mammon rested his elbows on his hands and put on his best puppy dog eyed expression.
“Mmmmm, I’ll think about it. NEXT!”
Asmo excitedly raised his hand. “Ooo! I’ve been wanting go to school wearing this cute redesign of RAD’s uniform I thought up! Can I wear it?”
“Done!” Himiko smacked her palm down on the arm of her chair like she was a judge with a gavel. “Asmo can wear what he wants!”
“Yay! Long live the queen!” Asmo clapped his hands and swung his feet back and forth.
“I have a suggestion for another decree, my lady,” Satan said with a smirk, exchanging a glance with Belphie, then inclining his head at Lucifer’s empty seat. “May Belphegor and I be preemptively pardoned for any prank related mishaps that happen today?”
Himiko made a show of being in deep thought, before hitting her palm on the chair again. “Done! On the condition that you don’t do anything too mean to our favourite older brother.”
Belphie puffed out his cheek and pouted. “Better than nothing…”
“Can I have access to all the all you can eats I was banned from?” Beel asked, tilting his head slightly. “I want to eat with you guys again.”
“Awwwww…” Himiko put her hand over her heart and slapped her palm against her chair. “Petition accepted!”
“You know,” Barbatos leaned over and whispered into Himiko’s ear. “You don’t need to hit your hand every time you make a decree.”
“Noted, but disregarded. It’s fun!” Himiko whispered back. “Hm, instead of just letting Asmo modify the uniform, how about we change it entirely? It’s kind of… odd, to say the least.”
“Dear Devil, change it, we beg of you-“
“That would be amazing-“
“Make the uniform pretty!”
“You‘ll need to sign some things before doing that.” Barbatos interrupted the pleas from the brothers.
“Yeah yeah,” Himiko said, basking in her newfound power. “I’ll do that later.”
“Now my lady,” Barbatos pushed open the door to one of the royal closets. Himiko’s eyes flashed as all the shining metals and gems sparkled in front of her. “You asked to see some of the Crown Jewels.”
“Oh my…” Himiko said, nearly completely breathless. “They’re beautiful…”
Almost like she was floating on air, Himiko wandered towards the glass casings protecting tiaras, necklaces, and intricate gold and silver earrings. Most of the jewelry was studded with brilliant red gems, hell, there were gems bigger than Himiko’s fist. In hindsight, that wasn’t too impressive, Himiko had very small hands.
Barbatos then said the magic words: “Would you like to try something on?”
“Oh Barbatos… can I..?”
Himiko reached out towards a gold and red crown with brass thorns sticking out the side. Barbatos caught her hand right before she could touch it. His face was frozen and… ever so slightly panicked.
“Perhaps not that one, my lady. It’s cursed.”
“Uh,” Himiko quirked an eyebrow and looked up at Barbatos. “How many things in here are cursed?”
“Quite a few, I’ll tell you what you can safely try on.”
Himiko pointed out bracelets, gorgeous hanging earrings, and a silver tiara. Wiry metal like the feathers of a bird decorated the front of the headpiece, surrounding a massive onyx gem that was placed right in the centre.
Barbatos gently placed the tiara on Himiko’s head, replacing her pink plastic devil horn headband, and stepped back to let her marvel at her reflection in the floor length mirror.
“Wow…” Himiko softly gasped, she looked amazing…
A massive crash and the sound of frantic running through the halls snapped Himiko and Barbatos back into focus. Oh god… Himiko recognized that running pattern….
Mammon ran straight into the room, ducking behind the door and watching as the Little D’s, led by No. 2, ran past like a bunch of lemmings. Breathing a sigh of relief and spinning on his heel to get a look at the room around him, his eyes landed on Himiko and Barbatos.
“Mammon, what a pleasure. I’m sure you weren’t sneaking into the treasury again.” Barbatos said with a tight lipped smile. From the slightest tension in his forehead, Himiko could tell Barbatos was about half a hair’s worth of self control away from smacking Mammon into next week. Ah, she knew him so well…
“B-Barbatos! N-nice to see ya again! Nah, I’d never do somethin’ like that-'' Mammon finally seemed to notice Himiko, who had her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised expectantly.His eyes went as wide as saucers as he fumbled a greeting. “Ha…hey Mimi…”
Ah, right, Himiko decked out in jewellery worth enough to buy a three bedroom apartment in downtown New York was always enough to get Mammon all hot and bothered. Allowing a smirk to settle on her face, Himiko tilted her head.
“Oh Mammon… how sweet of you to visit me…” Himiko sweetly drawled. “Come to see if I’ve decided to make you king for the next…” Himiko quickly checked her phone. “Sixteen hours?”
“Uh… y-yeah… definitely…” Mammon said, his cheeks completely flushed.
“THERE HE IS!” The Little D’s appeared in the doorway, in a flash, all of them lunged at Mammon. No.2 clung to his leg and looked up at him with teary eyes.
“Papa… how could you try and steal from Mama..?”
“Theft?” Barbatos put a hand over his heart and put on an expression of mock dismay. “My my, Mammon, I see you’re up to your old habits.”
“I’m nobody’s papa! Now get offa me!” Mammon tried kicking Little D no. 2 off his leg, only for No. 4 and 7 to latch onto his other leg.
“Mama, can we get a raise?” No. 2 asked Himiko, who wrinkled her nose at being called ‘mama’.
“Uh…” Himiko’s eyes flicked from Mammon to the Little D’s. “You know what? Sure. Throw Mammon into the gardens for this…”
Himiko turned ever so slightly away and sniffled. “Horrendous betrayal…”
“Himikoooooooo!” Mammon pleaded as he was dragged out of the room and down the hall. “Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiit!”
“Now!” Himiko clapped her hands. “I’m starved, what’s for lunch?”
“I have to give it to you, Barbatos,” Himiko began, she took another bite of her chicken katsu. “You make damn good human world food.”
Barbatos chuckled and shrugged as he refilled Himiko’s glass of iced tea. “Well, human world food is quite simple, really. There are no dangerous exploding fruit to find, no monsters to fight off to get the ingredients, no risks of the food coming to life…”
“Not unless… you know who is at the helm.”
At the mere mention of “He Who is Banned from the Kitchen”, Barbatos shuddered, nearly fumbling in his idle organization of the unused place settings.
“Ah, you may be correct, my lady.”
“My ears are burning~.”
Himiko whirled around and nearly spat out her iced tea when she saw who was swaggering into her temporary castle. Solomon, the shifty, shady, most bastard-y wizard who ever lived.
“You’re as vain as Asmo if you think we’re talking about you.” Himiko said, straightening her posture and lying through her teeth. “Now, what are you doing here?”
“Is that any way to talk to your teacher, Himiko?” Solomon put on a fake pout, then held up a covered Tupperware. “I even brought gifts… I guess you don’t want it…”
“Did Simeon make it..?” Himiko hesitantly asked, exchanging a nervous glance with Barbatos.
“I… did not.” Simeon walked into the dining room, Luke trailing behind him. “But I’m sure it’s… delicious…”
“See! You all should try it! It's baked ziti! I’ve sampled it and man is it amazing! Hang on, I’ll go grab some bread to go with it.” Solomon rushed towards the kitchen, and the moment he was out of sight, Himiko opened the Tupperware and dumped its contents into the flower vase in the centre of the table. The orchids inside withered immediately.
“I feel kinda bad…” Luke mumbled, sitting down next to Himiko. “He worked hard…”
“Yes, yes he did.” Simeon said with a sigh as he sat on Himiko’s other side. “But we also work hard to avoid dying at the hands of our dear friend’s awful cooking.”
“I’m back with- oh, you all finished it already?” Solomon appeared with a thankfully untampered looking baguette. Solomon eyed the dead orchids, then looked over at Barbatos. “Barbatos, I don’t mean any offence, but you should really take better care of the flowers in the palace. They seem to die every time I come over.”
“What a coincidence!” Luke nervously giggled. “A uh… weird coincidence!”
“I’ll be sure to monitor the flowers more closely.” Barbatos gently picked up the vase and removed it from the room, throwing a wink in Himiko’s direction.
“So… what brings all of you here?” Himiko stiffly steepled her hands in front of her and shook some hair out of her face.
“We wanted to ask something of you, since you’re queen for the day and all.” Luke began, happily swinging his legs back and forth.
Simeon nodded. “We wanted to know if-”
“Hang on, hang on,” Himiko fished through her purse, only to look up and see Barbatos holding the notebook and pen she was looking for out to her. She took it with a nod and opened it up to a blank page. “I can’t create new laws, that shit’s gotta get through a million layers of bureaucracy before I can even think of passing it.”
“All for the good of the Devildom.” Barbatos added. Himiko rolled her eyes and absentmindedly clicked her pen.
“Not good for my fun today.”
“Oh, would changes in school rules be as difficult to pass?” Simeon asked. Himiko looked to Barbatos, who shook his head.
“The school’s rules do not fall under the same jurisdiction as Devildom law, so Himiko is free to change them as she wishes as of today.”
“From one exchange student to another, Mimi-“
“Don’t call me that.”
“From one exchange student to another, Himiko,” Solomon corrected himself. “Some of the rules that apply to demons are quite… difficult for us to follow while remaining safe.”
Luke nodded glumly. “Yeah… I almost got detention for running in the halls the other day while I was being chased…”
Ah, Himiko knew that problem well…
“Fine then!” Himiko clapped her hands and then began to scribble things down in her spiral notebook. “New rule! If the exchange students deem it necessary to their safety to run in the halls, they are exempt from punishment.”
“We knew you’d understand, Himiko!” Solomon said with a wide smile. “Now just a few more suggestions,”
“What a day…” Himiko yawned as she and Barbatos walked through the halls of the castle. “I’m beat.”
“Well, you did wonderfully for your first, and only paperwork free day as queen of the Devildom.” Barbatos mused. “Though I have to say, I’m happy you didn’t become a despot and force us to depose you.”
“I would never.” Himiko absentmindedly waved her hand, then yawned. “Mmm, maybe after a few months. So, do I have to head back to the HOL or-”
“No, my lady, right this way.” Barbatos gently motioned for Himiko to follow him. The human wrinkled her eyebrows and sluggishly followed after him. Once the butler got to the desired location, he threw open the door, revealing a room about three times the size of Himiko’s room back at the HOL. Scratch that, the bed was about three times the size of Himiko’s room.
The massive four poster bed had plush red sheets, a veritable mountain of pillows, on the end table was a nice big bottle of water and a little vase of hydrangeas.
“Pyjamas are in the closet, ring if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” Himiko paused to yawn. “Barbatos… I appreciate it…”
“Sleep well, Himiko.”
As Barbatos clicked the door shut, Himiko began to wonder…
Am I forgetting something..? I feel like I’m forgetting something.
Eh, must be nothing. Himiko rushed into the walk-in closet and nearly shrieked with delight when she saw her PJs. Such nice, soft material… Himiko felt all her tension melt away the moment she slipped the shirt on.
“Ahhhh…” Himiko sighed in relief.
The sound of a palm slapping against one of the windows broke the veneer of silence. Himiko whirled around to look out the window, grabbing a hairbrush off the vanity to defend herself.
“AAAAAAAAA-” Himiko’s window slid open and a familiar white haired demon tumbled into Himiko’s room.
“Oi! Shhh! Stop screamin’! S’just me!” Mammon vaulted back onto his feet and clamped a hand over Himiko’s mouth. “Quiet quiet quiet!”
Himiko stopped trying to scream, thought for a moment, then licked Mammon’s palm. He let out a shriek and snatched his hand back.
“Gross, human!”
“Mammon, what the hell are you doing here?!”
“Well, I chilled in the garden, nearly got eaten, then uh…” Mammon paused and furrowed his brows at the hairbrush Himiko was brandishing. “There are so many weapons in this room, and you grab a hairbrush?”
Himiko felt her cheeks redden as she looked around the room. An ornate bow and quiver of arrows hung on the far wall, three swords were mounted above the fireplace, and a mace was leaning against one of the dressers…
“Sh-shut up…” Himiko hissed, hastily placing the brush back on the vanity without so much of a glance up at Mammon. The Avatar of Greed snickered and put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and began to wander around the room. He let out a low whistle as he took everything in.
“Oh Himi…” He said, throwing her a toothy smile. “You were gonna keep this all to yourself? Not invite your first man over?”
“What can I say? I’m greedy.” Himiko snapped back, folding her arms across her chest. She raised an eyebrow. “Decided to come in and try and steal again?”
An idea slowly creeped its way into Himiko’s brain as a sly little smirk slid across her face. “Well… it seems the queen has caught an awful criminal sneaking into her castle…”
Himiko tugged Mammon down to her level by the collar of his shirt, the demon’s face went bright red and he began to sputter. The human gently traced a finger down his jawline, feeling his skin heat up with each delicate touch.
“What on earth is she to do..?”
Mammon practically melted into her touch as she gently caressed his cheekbones with her thumb, she giggled and pressed the ghost of a kiss to his lips.
“Mammon…” she whispered.
“Jump on the bed with me!”
“Eh?!” Mammon jumped back, nearly falling flat on his ass while Himiko began to laugh.
“Jump on the bed with me, Mam.” Himiko giggled, bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, all her previous tiredness forgotten.
“Wha- why?!”
“I’m your queen, and you’re a trespasser.” Himiko crossed her arms and climbed up onto her temporary bed. “You will obey me, whelp!”
Mammon stared up at Himiko, almost sizing her up, then began to snicker as he climbed up and began to jump. “You’re a weird one, human.”
“That’s your majesty, to you!” Himiko joined him in jumping. The two playfully shoved each other, giggling like mischievous schoolchildren without a care in the world.
“Himi… you win… stop jumpin’…” Mammon mumbled, he was splayed out on the massive mattress as Himiko continued to happily bounce around him.
“Sh, losers shouldn’t talk~.” Himiko chirped. Her merriment was interrupted as she felt two hands firmly grip her waist, and pull her downwards. She hit the mattress with a soft, muffled thump. “Mam…”
“Mmph… Sh…” Mammon purred as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Himiko’s neck, planting featherlight kisses across her collarbone.
“You’re not even in your pyjamas…” Himiko let out a breathy laugh as Mammon pulled her closer.
“I said shush… didn’t I..?” Mammon mumbled as his eyes flickered shut.
“Fine, fine…” Himiko yawned, the day finally catching up with her. “Goodnight, Mammon.”
“Night… Mimi…”
Hm… Himiko had a final fleeting thought before falling asleep. She didn’t forget to do anything, did she?
“Ah! Good morning, Himiko and Mammon.”
“EH?!” Himiko vaulted upwards and nearly slammed her forehead directly into the bridge of Diavolo’s nose. “WHAT IS IT?! WHAT TIME IS IT?!”
“Ten in the morning.” Diavolo chirped, completely unperturbed. “How’d you enjoy your day as Queen?”
“I’d’ve enjoyed it more if I hadn’t gotten chucked into the garden…” Mammon mumbled, rolling over and mushing his face into his pillow.
“Oh it was great,” Himiko said, grinding her palms against her eyelids. “Made some improvements, yadda yadda…”
When Himiko’s eyes finally adjusted to the morning light pouring through the windows, she noticed Diavolo’s bright red RAD uniform.
“Did I… fuck.” Himiko dragged a hand down her face. “I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE UNIFORM!”
Author’s note
Thanks Nonny! This was really fun!!
(Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the future!)
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