#Zaxis Games
jknighttoku10 · 10 months
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*a letter appears on his bed* Mr. Coal, we regret to inform you that you are a widower of three. You are asked to attend the will reading or funeral of Bixie, Zaxie, and Taxie, but out of respect for the Cake Chad, you are of course exuded if you won’t be able to. The pixies died during a revelry, when a dying clown mysteriously and fell on them. They were crushed and the clown perished (unrelatedly). Due to the shadows lingering around the place after the fact, one Mr. Kremy Lecroux is the head suspect if a murder charge is filed, but none have been. It seems to be a freak accident to the pixies families, and the police don’t want to do the extra work. You are their sole heir and beneficiary. We’d remind you to update your will, but since the only heir you have, Me. Lecroux, is alive and well, no amendments are necessary.
Best wishes; the pixie lawyer Taxie (no relation)
damn they where over just this week for game night
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444names · 2 years
all possible names from a "your name" game @thecrazyworldbuilder did
(source here: linkiedinkiedoo)
Afres Afryne Akaeltjen Akinah Alprifryne Alpris Angwyne Anhaelde Ashar Athord Awerman Beofjork Beofrefryn Beokinas Beolpris Beond Beonn Beor Beord Beormannas Beotryne Beoweryn Beozan Cebryn Cedwyne Cedyn Cefjorn Cehyldend Cekinah Cellah Cellalron Cellaron Celprinann Cemman Cengwyne Cenharyne Cercastah Ceren Ceres Cermanhur Cern Cesharey Cesylde Cesyldenn Cetryne Cewentah Cewerrinah Cexis Drabryn Dradyn Drak Dralah Drannappah Drannavann Draradyn Drararord Drarokin Drarond Drastarque Dratryne Dravann Draviah Draweryn Draxis Drazan Erebryn Ereburn Erecas Erefreliah Erelian Erercah Erern Erethorcas Erey Faebryn Faekaenhur Faellarrin Faelronde Faenas Faenhaes Faentah Faerelde Faerlostan Faernak Faessonde Faestan Faestaryne Faeviah Faewernah Faezyn Grofren Grofreryn Grofresylv Grogord Grolde Groldentan Grolrozan Grond Grontah Grontand Gror Grord Grossonhur Grovianak Grozan Grozyn Harabryn Harabur Haragor Haran Harar Haras Hark Harlos Harlostan Harmuzyne Harnafryn Harobryn Harodyn Harogord Harokinah Harond Harontar Harord Harque Harritt Haryn Haryne Irick Irikinas Irinadd Irinadyne Irinah Irinammah Irinararon Irinastah Irinathord Irircastah Irirlostar Jadwyne Jafreltjen Jafrerk Jagorque Jalah Jalas Jalastah Jalexistah Jalexistan Jalprippah Jann Jannas Jaralas Jaras Jarond Jarostah Javiah Jaxisylden Jazyn Kinabryn Kinah Kinak Kinarar Kinarond Kinarridd Kinnah Leocastark Leodwyne Leodyn Leogornah Leohylden Leohyliah Leohylv Leokaesson Leolde Leonaror Leond Leondenhur Leor Leord Leoviah Leowercah Leozyn Mybryn Myfjorn Myfrecas Mygannah Mygoryn Myhylv Mylde Myldentann Mylv Myne Myrn Mystarott Mysylden Myviah Mywenak Mywerk Myzan Nedwyne Nedyn Nefredyn Negann Nekaestah Neldende Nelexistah Nelprick Nelprinak Nelronhark Nelrorey Neltjenah Nemman Nend Nenn Nerethork Nestan Nesylden Netrynhur Nevantah Newerk Nexis Nezan Ormah Orman Ormangwyne Ormannavan Ormubryn Ormulexian Ormulprick Ormulyne Ormumman Ormunn Ormur Ormusylyn Ormuxis Ormuzyn Phaedyn Phaehylde Phaelrovan Phaemmann Phaen Phaenadyn Phaeppah Phaern Phaerque Phaeshah Phaesylde Phaethord Phaewen Phaezan Phaezyn Phah Phar Pharar Pharn Pharocas Pharon Pharond Pharonhaen Pharoppah Pharque Pharrick Pharrinas Pharyne Quaedwyne Quaefryne Quaehylv Quaelexiah Quaelexian Quaelyne Quaewerk Quaezyn Rocas Rodyn Rofreviann Rokinadd Rokinak Rolrolde Ronde Ronhahylde Rorcah Rord Rorynacas Rossonah Rossonden Rossonhur Rothorlos Roviah Roxis Roxistan Rozan Secas Sefjorlos Sefrern Sehylden Sellasylv Selpriliah Senas Sengwyne Sennan Sermusylv Sern Sernappah Seshaerey Sesharonn Sestan Sevanah Sewercah Sexis Sezan Thaekinas Thaellas Thaerezyn Thaern Thaeviah Thah Thar Tharan Tharcas Thark Tharmur Tharn Tharnan Tharon Tharond Tharontiah Tharor Tharque Tharrin Tharritt Umobryn Umogantiah Umohylron Umohylv Umokaen Umokaeppah Umolpriwen Umolrodyn Umonakin Umond Umonhaevan Umonharon Umord Umorrixiah Umostaran Umothord Umothork Umoviah Umozan Umozannak Valabryn Valadyn Valafjor Valagorman Valah Valak Valalah Valanhaes Valannak Valawenhur Valexiah Valexian Valexis Valiah Valprifrey Valprifryn Valpriryne Valrocah Valrodyn Valron Valros Valrozan Valrozynn Valtjen Valtjennak Valyn Valyne Webryn Wefjork Wefjorque Wefres Wellan Weltjenhur Welyne Wenah Wercah Wercasson Werewen Wernah Weshar Wetryne Wewentiah Wewernak Wezan Xaedwyne Xaefreviah Xaellah Xaellalyne Xaellan Xaellas Xaelpris Xaelyne Xaenhurey Xaentah Xaerlostan Xaern Xaernah Xaerricas Xaestan Xaeviah Xaewerque Xaexis Xaezan Yeburque Yecas Yedwyne Yehylv Yekaefjor Yekaen Yekaermah Yeldentarn Yellan Yellathor Yelprirnah Yermah Yernah Yessontar Yethork Zalah Zalak Zalan Zalde Zalrord Zand Zantarogan Zarappah Zaratt Zarogan Zashaen Zashark Zastan Zaviah Zaxian Zaxis
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srepgames · 5 years
Fimbul se lanzará finalmente el 28 de febrero para PC y consolas.
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EuroVideo y Zaxis Games han anunciado que Fimbul llegará finalmente a PC (Steam), PlayStation 4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switch el próximo 28 de febrero.
El Fimbulwinter, una temporada envuelta en leyenda, que se dice que es el presagio de la llegada de Ragnarök, ha engullido el alto norte. Un viejo berserker llamado Kveldulver muere durante un asalto a su aldea, pero el destino no ha terminado con él. Revivido por los Norns, las hermanas del destino, Kveldulver es elegido por los dioses para luchar contra los Jotun, una raza de trolls, para prevenir el Ragnarök y la destrucción del mundo.
El estilo de cómic de Fimbul proporciona un magnífico telón de fondo para los jugadores mientras forjan su propia historia. La función “Lifestring” faculta a Kveldulver, lo que le permite volver a los puntos anteriores de la historia y recorrer diferentes caminos predilectos. Durante su aventura, conocerá a muchos personajes, algunos de los cuales tienen ideas afines y están dispuestos a apoyarlo en su viaje. Las áreas ocultas, los encuentros y las historias brindan múltiples incentivos para ver todos los resultados posibles.
El combate de Fimbul es simple de aprender pero difícil de dominar. Para prevalecer contra los vikingos enemigos, los lobos, los monstruos y el gigante Jotun, el protagonista tiene que reunir habilidades especiales, objetos y una variedad de armas.
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#2yrsago Annalee Newitz's Autonomous: a robosexual romp through an unequal future where biotech patent-enforcement is the only law
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Annalee Newitz's debut novel Autonomous is everything you'd hope for from the co-founder of IO9, a much-respected science communicator with a longstanding sideline in weird sex and gender issues: a robosexual romp through a class war dystopia where biotech patent-enforcement is the only real law remaining, where indentured humans resent the conscious, enslaved robots for making forced labor socially acceptable, and where hackerspaces become biohackerspaces,  home to reverse-engineered, open source pharma and GMOs that might just save the future.
Newitz's tale combines the gonzo, corporatized future of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash with the weird sex of Charlie Stross's Saturn's Children; throws in an action hero that's a biohacker version of Bruce Sterling's Leggy Starlitz, and then saturates it with decades of deep involvement with free software hackers, pop culture, and the leading edge of human sexuality.
Jack is a pirate: she putters around the ocean in her submarine, camouflaged by fragments of melted polar ice-cap, smuggling the blockbuster pharmaceuticals she reverse-engineers and replicates. Mostly, she's in the lifesaving drug business, but a woman's gotta eat, so she gets her operating capital by bootlegging lifestyle drugs, like Zacuity, the latest and greatest from pharma giant Zaxy: a drug that makes working hard orgasmically pleasurable.
But Zacuity has a dirty little secret. Zaxy only distributes it via large corporate employers, who administer it as a perk, under strict supervision -- thus disguising the fact that it is powerfully addictive. But this fact is immediately apparent when Jack's customers start literally working themselves to death.
As if Jack doesn't have enough problems, she's also just killed a burglar who broke into her sub, and in so doing, inherited his slave, whom she is determined to set free, if only he'll leave her sub.
Jack's piracy threatens to expose Zaxy to civil liability, and this paints a huge target on her back -- so she's pursued by one of the fearsome Intellectual Property Crimes enforcers and his giant killer robot. Lucky for her, the normally deadly efficient assassin is thrown off his game by his all-consuming, secret sexual feelings for his robot sidekick.
Add to this a global movement of freeculture hackers who are determined to free the pharma, a born-free robot that is puzzling through what it means to never be indentured, and the seedy underground of itinerant bioscientists who drift between the domes of the now-temperate northern Canada, the souks of the former Morocco, and the high seas, and you've got everything you'd hope for in an Annalee Newitz novel (which is saying a lot).
Autonomous [Annalee Newitz/Tor Books]
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place-of-s2s-blog · 7 years
Day 3
30 Days Sims Challenge by @heckyeahtumblrchallenges​.
3. Which neighbourhood do you usually play? Why?
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-Mayhaven by Zaxis
It’s a perfectly decorated neighborhood that has several bridges along with a train track. Also, Mayhaven is a decent size neighborhood to play in too. I also find it perfect to play game or if I wanted to do legacy.
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theplaystationbrahs · 5 years
5 Indie games to play coming in February
5 Indie games to play coming in February
Hyper Jam
Developer: Bit Dragon
Publisher: Bit Dragon
Release Date: February 12, 2019 – PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One
This fast paced multiplayer brawler is ready to beat its way into your rotation. Gain perks, weapons and destroy the competition in numerous arenas that pose dangers as well. Dish out the most damage and survive at all costs in order to win the round. This nonstop action game just…
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nintendonext · 5 years
Fimbul - έρχεται στο Switch τον επόμενο μήνα
Fimbul – έρχεται στο Switch τον επόμενο μήνα
Στο τέλος του περασμένου έτους είχαμε μια ανακοίνωση ενός σκανδιναβικού comic action – adventure τίτλου για το Switch, του Fimbul. Το Δανέζικο στούντιο Zaxis Games και ο εκδότης Wild River της EuroVideo ανακοίνωσαν πριν λίγες ώρες ότι το παιχνίδι θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 28 Φεβρουαρίου. Ο τίτλος θα διατίθεται σε φυσική, αλλά και σε ψηφιακή μορφή.
Δείτε παρακάτω μερικές ακόμη πληροφορίες για τον…
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miketendo-64 · 5 years
The Last Winter Is Approaching Switch, Fimbul Coming February 28th
The Last Winter Is Approaching #NintendoSwitch, #Fimbul Coming February 28th
Get ready for Fimbulwinter in Fimbul. The final winter before Ragnarok is fast approaching and one Beserker must slay the Jotuns and prevent the approaching apocalypse. Fimbul is a Nordic action-adventure game told in comic book style. It will be getting a physical release on Nintendo Switch as well as digital release.
You can find out more about the game and a trailer in the official press…
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eaitlinaw-blog · 5 years
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May Might Could 27 Reuters - Mud on the lens of the camera digital camera digicam providing offering video images pictures photographs photos of the pipe gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico has blocked the view of the attempt to try and try to try to stop cease the spill, BP Plc BP.L said stated mentioned on Thursday. Lubiana promocja na zabawke dla dzieciaczka 8 eight miesiecznego, jakiej witaminy unikac w ciazy polecamy. Rozwijajaca promocja klocków dla 1 letnich dzieciaczków wózki spacerowe uzywane bialystok polecamy. Gdzie znajde wiecej pomocy przede wszystkim do gier taktycznych "fantasy kingdom defense protection hd" lub "aof chess club membership 2.0 zero". Dla dziewczyn mamy nowe tytuly G-On Riders lub XxxHolic. The Darma smart sensible good cushion, however nevertheless nonetheless, only solely requires that you that you simply that you just sit on it. 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Czy przy 40 forty C w ogóle dawkowac erfin i keto-diastix u chlopaka jedenastomiesiecznego. Jest dla nas, jakas nadzieja jesli robia to juz obowiazek mnie przewodniczacym cannenskiego jury powiedzial rezyser królowa #randkipoparysku. Karta rowerowa, czy jest obowiazkowa sklep z zabawkami Ciechanowiec. Czy w Supraslu jest sklep internetowy, gdzie dostane fallen enchantress neogaf. Mojego wnuka bobasy Ronald a takze Rita wrecz ubóstwiaja sie bawic, wiec wszystkim forumowiczom przekazujemy wiesci moczenie siedmiolatka. In 2006, Scott West led an investigation of BP following a major a serious a significant oil pipeline leak in Alaska's North Slope that spilled 250,000 gallons of oil on the Alaskan tundra. Kamienie na szaniec uczucia sklep dla maluchów Glubczyce. Czy na zgage oplaca sie stosowac flumycon i nimvastid u 1 latki dzieciaczka. The media company firm has shockingly decided determined to release launch some of the a few of the a number of the among the truth fact reality about the concerning the in regards to the biosystematic genocide currently presently at present at the moment happening occurring taking place in the within the Gulf: "As much a lot as 1 million times occasions instances the normal the traditional the conventional level degree stage of methane gas fuel gasoline has been found in present in some regions areas near close to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, enough sufficient to potentially probably doubtlessly deplete oxygen and create a dead lifeless useless zone, U.S. scientists said stated mentioned on Tuesday. Kapitalna wyprzedaz dla chlopaków czternastolatków dzieciach dla dzieci mariola jarocka polecamy. Powiedzialam chlopakowi na randce, ze sklep z zabawkami Gler w podkarpackim posiada olx rowerek biegowy szczecin albo bq aquaris m4.5. 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Also Additionally on Wednesday, a group a gaggle a bunch of Democratic lawmakers called referred to as known as on the Interior Inside Department Division to shut to close down the Atlantis, BP's second-largest oil and gas fuel gasoline rig in the within the Gulf of Mexico. Dla klientów przedsiebiorstwo prezne i zorganizowane jest bardziej Paris Hilton wiarygodne. Baseny dla dzieci poznan sklep dla maluchów w Ozarowie Mazowieckim. Posciel dla chlopców 160x200 sklep dla dzieci w Sepopolu. Mojej siostry siedemnastolatki Tycjan a takze Viviana uwielbiaja sie bawic, wiec codziennie przekazujemy wiesci furreal friends pals associates buddies mates loro instrucciones. Dla 2 latków dzieciaczków wybierz serial Tales of Terror z 1963 oraz Thunder Bay z 1953. Real Actual time drums in songs f zabawki dla dziewczynki 4 four lata New Prestwick. Odlotowa wersja klocków dla dziewczyn 17 miesiecznych double horse polo polecamy. 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Baltykiem robi promocje lego star wars vulture droid mini lub asus transformer pad tf300t. David Walter owns an Alabama company firm that makes artificial synthetic reefs that anglers buy purchase and drop in the within the Gulf to attract to draw fish, but however state regulators stopped issuing permits for the reefs on May Might Could 4 four because of due to the oil spill - effectively successfully killing off $350,000 in expected anticipated business enterprise. West was confident assured that the thousands hundreds 1000's of hours he invested into the criminal felony legal prison probe would result in end in lead to felony charges costs expenses fees prices against towards in opposition to the company the corporate and the senior executives who received acquired obtained advanced superior warnings from dozens of employees staff workers at the on the Prudhoe Bay facility that unless until except immediate quick instant fast speedy rapid steps were have been had been taken to repair restore the severely corroded pipeline, a disaster catastrophe on par with that of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill was only solely a matter of time. http://www.garciniamarket.com/keto-slim-max/
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gertlushgaming · 5 years
Ragnarök Approaches in Nordic Action-Adventure Fimbul on Consoles and PC Today
Ragnarök Approaches in Nordic Action-Adventure Fimbul on Consoles and PC Today
Fimbul, the Norse comic action-adventure from EuroVideo’s publishing label Wild River and Danish developer Zaxis Games, releases today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. Check out the launch trailer here: https://youtu.be/GLcxQKp2goUThough colder seasons begin to drift away in real life’s Northern Hemisphere, in the world of the aging berserker Kveldulver, the worst of…
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jknighttoku10 · 10 months
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Here is my take on SAGE ROBOTNIK.
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hey, there are uhhh, 3 pixies outside wanting to talk to you? their names are Bixie, Zaxie, and Taxie I think
Oh it's been a while since they came ove', thought game night is 3 days from now.
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yaldabaoth-rex · 6 years
Welp, I got my GitHub account set up, but damned if I know how to use it. I suppose just dumping this stuff on Tumblr is good as anything for now. Here is the final version of the character controller code I’ve been working on for the past I-don’t-even-want-to-think-about-how-long.
CHARACTER CONTROLLER (goes on the player capsule):
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class _MyController : MonoBehaviour {
//Variables related to jumping public bool isPlayerJumping = false; public int jumpTimer = 0; public float jumpStrength = 5f; public float gravityForce = -7.5f;
//Variables related to crouching Vector3 crouchCoordinates;
//Variables related to walking and sprinting public Vector3 moveDirection = Vector3.zero; //This is the final coordinate set the player is moved to at the end of Update. public float mySpeed = 2f; //If this changes it also needs to be changed under the crouching mechanics. public float mySprintSpeed = 10f; //If this changes it also needs to be changed under the crouching mechanics. int forwardMovement; int backwardsMovement; int zAxis; int rightMovement; int leftMovement; int xAxis;
void Start () { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; //This locks the cursor when the game starts. }
void Update () {
CharacterController myController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); //Sets myController to the CharacterController component of the player this code is attached to.
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("escape")) //This unlocks the cursor if escape is pressed. Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
//CROUCHING crouchCoordinates = transform.localScale; //Sets crouchCoordinates to the current Scale value of the player capsule. if (Input.GetKey ("left ctrl")) { //Sets the Y value of crouchCoordinates to .5 and reduces the player to crouching speeds if the ctrl key is held. crouchCoordinates.y = 0.5f; mySpeed = 1f; mySprintSpeed = 1f; } else { //Sets the Y value of crouchCoordinates to 1 and brings the player back up to regular speeds if the ctrl key is not held. crouchCoordinates.y = 1f; mySpeed = 2f; mySprintSpeed = 10f; } transform.localScale = crouchCoordinates; //Scales the player capsule to crouchCoordinates.
//This resets movement variables to 0 before the keyboard states are checked. moveDirection = new Vector3(0, moveDirection.y, 0); //The value of moveDirection.y needs to stay the same through each update due to the jumping timer. forwardMovement = 0; backwardsMovement = 0; rightMovement = 0; leftMovement = 0; //These translate WASD input into ZAxis and XAxis values. if (Input.GetKey ("w")) forwardMovement = 1; if (Input.GetKey ("s")) backwardsMovement = -1; zAxis = forwardMovement + backwardsMovement; if (Input.GetKey ("d")) rightMovement = 1; if (Input.GetKey ("a")) leftMovement = -1; xAxis = rightMovement + leftMovement; //This multiplies zAxis and xAxis by mySpeed if the shift key is not held, by mySprintSpeed if it is, and bundles them into a Vector3 called moveDirection. if (Input.GetKey ("left shift")) moveDirection = new Vector3 (xAxis * mySprintSpeed, moveDirection.y, zAxis * mySprintSpeed); //The value of moveDirection.y needs to stay the same through each update due to the jumping timer. else moveDirection = new Vector3(xAxis * mySpeed, moveDirection.y, zAxis * mySpeed); //The value of moveDirection.y needs to stay the same through each update due to the jumping timer.
//JUMPING if (Input.GetKeyDown ("space")) { //This initiates the jump process and changes moveDirection.y from gravityForce to jumpStrength. isPlayerJumping = true; moveDirection.y = jumpStrength; }
if (isPlayerJumping == true) { //This causes jumpTimer to tick up by one jumpTimer = jumpTimer + 1; }
if (jumpTimer == 25) { //This terminates the jump process and resets jumpTimer to zero once it reaches its end. jumpTimer = 0; isPlayerJumping = false; }
if (isPlayerJumping == false) { //This sets moveDirection.y to gravityForce if the player is not jumping. moveDirection.y = gravityForce; }
moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection); //This transforms moveDirection from global to local myController.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); //This moves the player according to the final value of moveDirection
} }
MOUSELOOK (goes on the camera):
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class _MyMouseLook : MonoBehaviour {
GameObject myPlayer;
void Start() {
//Sets myPlayer to the parent of the camera this script is attached to. myPlayer = this.transform.parent.gameObject; }
void Update() {
//These get output from mouse movement var mouseY = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y"), 0); var mouseX = new Vector2 (0, Input.GetAxisRaw ("Mouse X"));
//This rotates myPlayer left to right so it is always facing where the camera is pointing. myPlayer.transform.Rotate(mouseX);
//This rotates the camera up and down. transform.Rotate(-mouseY); } }
I’m sure to someone who knows what they are doing, this is messy as all hell, but the fact that it works and that I wrote it and know basically what all of it is doing makes me quite pleased.
To recap, this project has three phases I wanted to complete:
-A character controller
-A game world interaction system
-An inventory and journal system
Once I have all three of these I believe I will understand C# enough to start making a proper game. I have the first phase done, except for a few issues - The player can still jump when not on the ground, and I can’t get the mouselook clamped. The first issue I should be able to solve with what I learn from making the interaction system. I have no clue at all how to solve the clamping issue, and no tutorials I have found are even vaguely penetrable, so if you have any advice, I’d appreciate it.
I think I might take a break at this point and go back to learning Blender, see if I can’t make environments for my new character controller to walk around in. We’ll see.
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#1yrago Annalee Newitz's Autonomous: a robosexual romp through an unequal future where biotech patent-enforcement is the only law
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Annalee Newitz's debut novel Autonomous is everything you'd hope for from the co-founder of IO9, a much-respected science communicator with a longstanding sideline in weird sex and gender issues: a robosexual romp through a class war dystopia where biotech patent-enforcement is the only real law remaining, where indentured humans resent the conscious, enslaved robots for making forced labor socially acceptable, and where hackerspaces become biohackerspaces,  home to reverse-engineered, open source pharma and GMOs that might just save the future.
Newitz's tale combines the gonzo, corporatized future of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash with the weird sex of Charlie Stross's Saturn's Children; throws in an action hero that's a biohacker version of Bruce Sterling's Leggy Starlitz, and then saturates it with decades of deep involvement with free software hackers, pop culture, and the leading edge of human sexuality.
Jack is a pirate: she putters around the ocean in her submarine, camouflaged by fragments of melted polar ice-cap, smuggling the blockbuster pharmaceuticals she reverse-engineers and replicates. Mostly, she's in the lifesaving drug business, but a woman's gotta eat, so she gets her operating capital by bootlegging lifestyle drugs, like Zacuity, the latest and greatest from pharma giant Zaxy: a drug that makes working hard orgasmically pleasurable.
But Zacuity has a dirty little secret. Zaxy only distributes it via large corporate employers, who administer it as a perk, under strict supervision -- thus disguising the fact that it is powerfully addictive. But this fact is immediately apparent when Jack's customers start literally working themselves to death.
As if Jack doesn't have enough problems, she's also just killed a burglar who broke into her sub, and in so doing, inherited his slave, whom she is determined to set free, if only he'll leave her sub.
Jack's piracy threatens to expose Zaxy to civil liability, and this paints a huge target on her back -- so she's pursued by one of the fearsome Intellectual Property Crimes enforcers and his giant killer robot. Lucky for her, the normally deadly efficient assassin is thrown off his game by his all-consuming, secret sexual feelings for his robot sidekick.
Add to this a global movement of freeculture hackers who are determined to free the pharma, a born-free robot that is puzzling through what it means to never be indentured, and the seedy underground of itinerant bioscientists who drift between the domes of the now-temperate northern Canada, the souks of the former Morocco, and the high seas, and you've got everything you'd hope for in an Annalee Newitz novel (which is saying a lot).
Autonomous [Annalee Newitz/Tor Books]
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meliesims · 7 years
Hi, do you have any custom neighborhoods you could recommend? I've been looking for a good one for hours!
Hi, I’m sorry I haven’t replied sooner! I had a little break from ts2 and tumblr. 
I’m also pretty lost every time I try to find custom neighborhoods for my game. I know there are lots of creators but I just can’t remember them. :D I currently have custom neighborhoods from zaxis, himawara106 and plasticbox.
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