#Zebra Libra
headlinerportugal · 1 year
Com dança, rock e muito groove perdemo-nos no underground limiano - Dia 1 do Festival Ponte d’ Lima 2023 | Reportagem
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Miguel do Mundo no concerto dos Quadra | mais fotos clicar aqui No primeiro dia, a 3 de agosto, da primeira edição do Festival Ponte d’Lima à hora marcada em ponto (23h00), Big Dipper Downer abriu a receção ao campista. Com o que melhor se faz pela terra, Big Dipper Downer abriu a pista de dança para um início de noite que trouxe grandes nomes do novo cenário da música nacional. 
Com um trabalho coeso e de grande qualidade, Francisco Mota, fez a abertura da festa em grande, tocando alguns temas do seu primeiro EP 'space & time', editado em 2022, passando pelo novo single “Mathias Et Maxine”, “10Am”, do último álbum “L005e End5 (2018-2021)” e acabando em grande com “You Will Never”. 
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Big Dipper Downer na abertura do evento | mais fotos clicar aqui É possível que seja uma das grandes revelações da música eletrónica nacional, pelo menos, aqui, foi gigante e dominou o palco com a sua batida de pontas soltas mas que nada deixam por se ouvir. Com um público fiel e entusiasmado, Big Dipper Downer reage no seu código próprio mostrando a sua magia entre braços, mãos e dedos onde mergulha suavemente no domínio dos sons eletrónicos. Francisco Mota brinca, dança e com os seus pirlimpimpins atrai o público que responde com palmas, assobios e saltos sincronizados. 
O tempo voou nos quarenta minutos que tocou e terminou, mostrando que o palco foi a sua casa, na sua cidade, Ponte de Lima e de palmas das mãos unidas junto ao peito, despediu-se. 
“Como é que é Ponte de Lima!” grita João Costa e assim começam com “(De)generation”. 
Zebra Libra foram os segundos, desta primeira noite, a subir ao palco e encontram uma plateia já bem composta, recheada de fãs na primeira fila. 
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Zebra Libra com energia inebriante | mais fotos clicar aqui Com direito a cartazes na plateia, o quarteto de rock com um toque de high school lovers, apresentou alguns dos seus temas, fazendo vibrar o público com singles como “Up The Stream”, editado em 2021 e “Breaking Point” editado em 2020, marcados pelos falsetes de João Costa, os solos de guitarra de Alex Vale e a bateria de Dave Amorim. 
Entre apresentações e bom humor, o baixista, Henrique Martins, foi contando histórias sobre a banda, dando a conhecer o início de uma amizade com o vocalista João Costa e o facto deste saber efetivamente tocar piano, dando início ao tema “Summer Day”, editado este ano. 
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João Costa e Alex Vale dos Zebra Libra | mais fotos clicar aqui Com o pedido ao público para este fazer uma roda em frente ao palco, terminaram em grande com o tema “Static Shock”, editado em 2019.
Com uma excelente intro instrumental de sons quentes e vibrantes, os QUADRA abriram o terceiro concerto desta noite. 
De Braga para um universo imaginário criado aqui em Ponte de Lima, onde o groove do baixo de Sérgio Alves com as guitarras vibrantes e explosivas de Gonçalo Carneiro e Sílvio Ren, juntamente com a melodia cantada do sintetizador de Lucas Palmeira e a intensa batida de Hugo Couto preparam-nos e aquecem-nos para o momento “Puro Ouro”, dando ênfase à grande entrada do convidado Miguel Santos que de óculos de sol e boné canta “Tropicália” do novo álbum 'Selva', editado este ano.
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Sérgio Alves e o potente groove do seu baixo | mais fotos clicar aqui O momento é de chilar e até os mais tensos relaxam e dançam ao som de “Chili” que dá nome ao álbum editado em 2019. Dos sons mais relaxantes e de boas vibrações, Hugo Couto anuncia “Agora é para partir tudo!” e tocam “Luz”, onde o luminoso solo de Sílvio Ren encandeia toda a plateia fazendo verdadeiro jus ao tema. 
Os padrões rítmicos antagonicamente intuitivos e alinhados de QUADRA fizeram-nos vibrar e em “Solar explosion” a plateia pôde sentir verdadeiramente as explosões brilhantes da guitarra de Gonçalo Carneiro que fez com que o  público quisesse mais daquilo que provou e qual claque eufórica grita “Sideral, sideral, sideral” e com ela QUADRA responde, despedindo-se. 
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Quadra, banda de Braga | mais fotos clicar aqui A sintonia perfeita das guitarras e o som alucinante do sintetizador e a bateria a guiar o público na batida propulsiva e enfática sustentada pelo atraente e  poderoso baixo de Sérgio Alves, em “Sideral”, Gonçalo Carneiro rasga a guitarra tornando a despedida mais longa. Já no fim, perguntam “Dá tempo para mais uma?” e tocam de novo,”Tropicália” para ver a plateia dançar durante a despedida e…MÁQUINA. à espreita.  
MДQUIИД já nos têm vindo a demonstrar por estas bandas a sua energia explosiva, mostrando que no subsolo não há fronteiras para o seu som. O trio, João, Halison e Tomás, trouxe o underground ao relvado das terras do rio Lima, e mostrou que o caos é uma técnica sublime. Aqui, descemos a uma espécie de cave e encontramos a desordem perfeita. O som eletrificante contagiou os nossos corpos e com o tema “Body Control” agiu-se sem controlo. 
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João dos Máquina | mais fotos clicar aqui MДQUIИД não só se ouve como se sente. O amplexo marcante entre os amplificadores, riffs de guitarra, baixo inquietante e uma bateria cardíaca fez eco nos nossos corpos que num êxtase deixaram penetrar o som cru dos instrumentos na mistura perfeita entre rock e música eletrónica de inspirações desde o krautrock ao techno industrial e muito, muito mais…
Quatro, três, dois, um…Como uma verdadeira máquina de precisão, a música não parou e ninguém ficou indiferente. Um mar de gente hipnotizado pelo rasgar das fronteiras e um eco de loucura sã, ouviu e sentiu as faixas do álbum de estreia dos músicos, “DIRTY TRACKS FOR CLUBBING”, editado no início deste ano, e ao som de “Concentrate”, com saltos em molho e cerveja no ar, terminaram em grande mais um concerto brilhante. 
Os resistentes ficaram para dançar ao som da dupla limiana, New Error. 
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New Error a tocar em casa | mais fotos clicar aqui Tiago Silva e Vítor Araújo, fecharam esta noite de abertura do Festival Ponte d’Lima provando que é através de novos erros que somos desafiados a explorar os sons da dupla de DJ’s. 
Este primeiro dia de festival não podia ter começado melhor, com nomes totalmente nacionais, que mostraram estar prontos para grandes voos, com uma excelente organização e um cenário perfeito.
Foto-reportagem completa deste dia: Clicar Aqui
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Público bem animado em Quadra | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Catarina Rocha Fotografia: Tiago Paiva
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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you know I'm constantly thinking of these two
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wolfasketch · 2 years
Zodiac Pt. 4
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She likes Marshmallows
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He likes Chocolate
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She likes Meatballs
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intuitivealchemy · 5 months
Zodiac (Sun) Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Moon Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Rising Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Enneagram (5w4): The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Tritype: 125, 152, 215, 251, 512, 521-The Mentor, 126, 162, 216, 261, 612, 621-The Supporter, 127, 172, 217, 271, 712, 721-The Teacher, 135, 153, 315, 351, 513, 531-The Technical Expert, 136, 163, 316, 361, 613, 631-The Taskmaster, 137, 173, 317, 371, 713, 731-The Systems Builder, 145, 154, 415, 451, 514, 541-The Researcher, 146, 164, 416, 461, 614, 641-The Philosopher, 147, 174, 417, 471, 714, 741-The Visionary, 258, 285, 528, 582, 825, 852-The Strategist, 259, 295, 529, 592, 925, 952-The Problem Solver, 268, 286, 628, 682, 826, 862-The Rescuer, 269, 296, 629, 692, 926, 962-The Good Samaritan, 278, 287, 728, 782, 827, 872-The Free Spirit, 279, 297, 729, 792, 927, 972-The Peacemaker, 358, 385, 538, 583, 835, 853-The Solution Master, 359, 395, 539, 593, 935, 953-The Thinker, 368, 386, 638, 683, 836, 863-The Justice Fighter, 369, 396, 639, 693, 936, 963-The Mediator, 378, 387, 738, 783, 837, 873-The Mover Shaker, 379, 397, 739, 793, 937, 973-The Ambassador, 458, 485, 548, 584, 845, 854-The Scholar, 459, 495, 549, 594, 945, 954-The Contemplative, 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-The Truth Teller, 469, 496, 649, 694, 946, 964-The Seeker, 478, 487, 748, 784, 847, 874-The Messenger, 479, 497, 749, 794, 947, 974-The Gentle Spirit
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
Soul Type (one test): I Hunter | Caregiver | Creator| Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist |
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin | Gryffinpuff/Huffledor | Gryffinclaw/Ravendor | Ravenpuff | Slytherclaw | Slytherdor | Slytherpuff
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual |
Brain Lateralisation Test: Left | Right|
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% | 41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Secondary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp | so/sx | sx/sp | sx/so |
DISC Profile: D | I | S | C |
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil |
Aura Color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical Tan | Environmental Tan | Sensitive Tan | Abstract Tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo|
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King |
Deadly Sin: Wrath | Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth | Lust | Pride |
Nerdy Personality Attribute Scale: 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Empathy Quotient Test: 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 |
Helen Fisher’s Personality Test: Explorer | Builder | Director | Negotiator |
MOTIV: Materialistic | Ascetic | Offbeat | Conventional | Thinking | Haphazard | Interpersonal | Withholding | Vital | Depressed | Easygoing | Rigid |
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional |
Defense Mechanism: Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction Formation | Projection | Compensation |
R-Drive Personality Test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism |
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babydollfairy333 · 3 months
My Personality Info
Inspired by @sienablackwood
Sun Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Moon Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Rising Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9)
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp | so/sx | sx/sp | sx/so
Tritype: 125, 152, 215, 251, 512, 521-The Mentor, 126, 162, 216, 261, 612, 621-The Supporter, 127, 172, 217, 271, 712, 721-The Teacher, 135, 153, 315, 351, 513, 531-The Technical Expert, 136, 163, 316, 361, 613, 631-The Taskmaster, 137, 173, 317, 371, 713, 731-The Systems Builder, 145, 154, 415, 451, 514, 541-The Researcher, 146, 164, 416, 461, 614, 641-The Philosopher, 147, 174, 417, 471, 714, 741-The Visionary, 258, 285, 528, 582, 825, 852-The Strategist, 259, 295, 529, 592, 925, 952-The Problem Solver, 268, 286, 628, 682, 826, 862-The Rescuer, 269, 296, 629, 692, 926, 962-The Good Samaritan, 278, 287, 728, 782, 827, 872-The Free Spirit, 279, 297, 729, 792, 927, 972-The Peacemaker, 358, 385, 538, 583, 835, 853-The Solution Master, 359, 395, 539, 593, 935, 953-The Thinker, 368, 386, 638, 683, 836, 863-The Justice Fighter, 369, 396, 639, 693, 936, 963-The Mediator, 378, 387, 738, 783, 837, 873-The Mover Shaker, 379, 397, 739, 793, 937, 973-The Ambassador, 458, 485, 548, 584, 845, 854-The Scholar, 459, 495, 549, 594, 945, 954-The Contemplative, 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-The Truth Teller, 469, 496, 649, 694, 946, 964-The Seeker, 478, 487, 748, 784, 847, 874-The Messenger, 479, 497, 749, 794, 947, 974-The Gentle Spirit
Classic Jungian: IN(T), IT(S), ET(N), ES(F), IN(F), IT(N), ET(S), ES(T), IS(T), IF(N), EF(S), EN(F), IS(F), IF(S), EF(N), EN(T)
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin | Gryffinpuff/Huffledor | Gryffinclaw/Ravendor | Ravenpuff | Slytherclaw | Slytherdor | Slytherpuff
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake
Brain Lateralisation Test: Left | Right
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% | 41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100%
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Secondary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
DISC Profile: D | I | S | C
VIA Character Traits: appreciation of beauty, bravery, curiosity, creativity, forgiveness, fairness, gratitude, honesty, humor, hope, humility, kindness, leadership, love, love of learning, judgment, forgiveness, perseverance, perspective, prudence, teamwork, social intelligence, spirituality, self-regulation, zest
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil
Aura Color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical Tan | Environmental Tan | Sensitive Tan | Abstract Tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King
Deadly Sin: Wrath | Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth | Lust | Pride
Nerdy Personality Attribute Scale: 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70
Helen Fisher’s Personality Test: Explorer | Builder | Director | Negotiator
MOTIV: Materialistic | Ascetic | Offbeat | Conventional | Thinking | Haphazard | Interpersonal | Withholding | Vital | Depressed | Easygoing | Rigid
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional
Defense Mechanism: Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction Formation | Projection | Compensation
R-Drive Personality Test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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mymiraclebox · 2 years
The Many Miracle Boxes
The Native American Box Kiikaa, the Thunderbird of Electricity (Elemental) Shashh, the Bear of Preservation (Timekeeper) Tyyto, the Barn Owl of Secrets (Delta) Chaapa, the Beaver of Innovation (Delta) Yanna, the Bison of Victory (Delta) Dess, the Cougar of Apathy (Delta) Banditt, the Coyote of Guile (Delta) Fawnna, the Deer of Wilderness (Delta) Liiri, the Eagle of Freedom (Delta) Sorren, the Falcon of Observation (Delta) Karrma, the Goose of Justice (Delta) Skipp, the Grasshopper of Scarcity (Delta) Ziibi, the Otter of Transformation (Delta) Habuu, the Rattlesnake of Beauty (Delta) Ommen, the Raven of Probability (Delta) Finn, the Salmon of Wisdom (Delta) Drill, the Woodpecker of Dimension (Delta)
The Wandering Box Graay, the Wolf of Order (Alpha) Prrysm, the Platypus of Chaos (Alpha) Emburr, the Phoenix of Fire (Elemental) Frostt, the Penguin of Endurance (Timekeeper) Seer, the Tuatara of Quondam (Timekeeper) Kicc, the Kangaroo of Avarice (Delta) Attlantis, the Octopus of Choice (Delta) Linn, the Pangolin of Boundary (Delta) Yuume, the Sheep of Dreams (Delta) Prrince, the Swan of Loyalty (Delta)
The Climate Box Duskk, the Grim of Darkness (Elemental) Kirrin, the Qilin of Light (Elemental) Allta, the Frog of Change (Timekeeper) Sicco, the Camel of Desert (Delta) Florra, the Elk of Forest (Delta) Nixx, the Polar Bear of Tundra (Delta) Aqqua, the Seal of Sea (Delta)
The Desert Box Skyy, the Griffin of Air (Elemental) Zipp, the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper) Sennta, the Chameleon of Emotion (Delta) Tuskk, the Elephant of Memories (Delta) Parra, the Giraffe of Confusion (Delta) Sotaa, the Honey Badger of Conflict (Delta) Niisha, the Painted Lycaon of Connections (Delta) Flairr, the Secretarybird of Passion (Delta)
The Forgotten Box Vitaa, the Panda of Life (Alpha) Shii, the Crow of Death (Alpha) Uunice, the Unicorn of Magic (Elemental)
The Jungle Box Stellar, the Firefly of Space (Alpha) Koree, the Raccoon of Void (Alpha) Tonna, the Feathered Serpent of Earth (Elemental) Passtel, the Sloth of Patience (Timekeeper) Faae, the Spider of Destiny (Timekeeper) Llucie, the Caiman of Clarity (Delta) Clikk, the Dolphin of Sound (Delta) Belaa, the Jaguar of Imperception (Delta) Ecco, the Parrot of Language (Delta) Fangg, the Vampire Bat of Fatigue (Delta)
The Mountain Box Ziima, the Yeti of Glaciation (Elemental) Apple, the Red Panda of Lineage (Timekeeper) Misst, the Chipmunk of Elusion (Delta) Anjjel, the Lark of Mercy (Delta) Pilott, the Moose of Direction (Delta) Frijj, the Snow Leopard of Silence (Delta)
The Savannah Box Matto, the Pterosaur of Gravity (Elemental) Keena, the Lemur of Intuition (Timekeeper) Purr, the Cheetah of Sensitivity (Delta) Atticus, the Gorilla of Mathematics (Delta) Duux, the Moth of Guidance (Delta) Huue, the Rainbow Agama of Color (Delta) Kaanda, the Rhino of Augmentation (Delta) Divvi, the Zebra of Duality (Delta)
The Zodiac Box Nokk, the Kelpie of Water (Elemental, Aquarius) Antiqq, the Aurochs of Reversion (Timekeeper, Taurus) Harmonee, the Ant of Cooperation (Delta, Gemini) Snapp, the Crab of Adaptation (Delta, Cancer) Saage, the Dove of Peace (Delta, Virgo) Elle the Gecko of Equality (Delta, Libra) Gloss, the Ibex of Friction (Delta, Capricorn) Valoree, the Lion of Courage (Delta, Leo) Baash, the Mouflon of Strength (Delta, Aries) Daante, the Pike of Intimidation (Delta, Pisces) Spikke, the Porcupine of Precision (Delta, Sagittarius) Verriti, the Scorpion of Truth (Delta, Scorpio)
The Mother Box Tikki, the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha) Plagg, the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha) Longg, the Dragon of Storm (Elemental)  Sass, the Cobra of Opportunity (Timekeeper) Fluff, the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper) Pollen, the Bee of Subjection (Delta) Nooroo, the Butterfly of Generosity (Delta) Barkk, the Dog of Detection (Delta) Trixx, the Fox of Deception (Delta) Ziggy, the Goat of Imagination (Delta) Kaalki, the Horse of Migration (Delta) Xuppu, the Monkey of Derision (Delta) Mullo, the Mouse of Abundance (Delta) Stompp, the Ox of Determination (Delta) Duusu, the Peacock of Psyche (Delta) Daizzi, the Pig of Compassion (Delta) Orikko, the Rooster of Vigor (Delta) Roaar, the Tiger of Force (Delta) Wayzz, the Turtle of Protection (Delta)
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hearthem00n · 1 year
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8) | The peacemaker (type 9)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo |
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King
Deadly Sin: Wrath I Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth I Lust | Pride
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel I Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate Intellectual
Brain lateralization: Left | Right | Both
Helen Fisher's Personality Test: Explorer | Builder I Director | Negotiator
MOTIV: Materialistic | Offbeat I Thinking | Interpersonal | Vital | Easygoing
Personality Disorder: Paranoid | Schizoid | Schizotypal | Antisocial | Borderline | Histrionic | Narcissictic | Avoidant | Dependent | Obsessive-Compulsive
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional
Artistic Preference Test: Realistic | Linear | Painterly I Abstract | Masculine | Feminine I
Attitudinal psych: LVFE (the conductor) | VLEF (the inquisitor) | ELFV (the chronicler) | LEVF (the visionary) | LVEF (the deviser) | ELVF (the dramatist) | LFVE (the consultant) | EFLV (the satirist) | FEVL (the impressionist) | FVEL (the flourisher) | FELV (the moodmaker) | FLEV (the alchemist) | LEFV (the daydreamer) | VELF (the harbinger) | VFLE (the firestarter) | EVFL (the enthusiast) | VEFL (the orchestrator) | VLFE (the pathfinder) | FVLE (the patron) | VFEL (the arbiter) | FLVE (the blacksmith) | EVLF (the catalyst) | EFVL (the adorner) | LFEV (the connoisseur)
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
Zebra Jasper's Trivia:
He is able to give a good balance of work and life to others.
He is able to discharge unnecessary energy from others.
He is able to increase survival skills to others.
He gets really well with Ametrine, Snowflake Obsidian and Howlite.
He is able to stabilize luck with Larvikite in the equation.
He dislikes Aventurine and Quantum Quattro Silica.
He is one of the 2nd high ranked gemstones.
He has a ton of abilities and powers.
He mentored Ametrine.
He was created in Africa.
He speak Swahili with additional languages of Russian, Greek and Japanese.
His pricing is $76.00 up to $108.54.
His Zodiac sign is Libra.
His planets symbolism are Mercury and Saturn.
His number is 11 which is balance.
He's a Quartz.
He has creations that are like him, appearance-wise.
He has the Yin and Yang energies surrounding him.
He believes in the "gray" areas of the world, not "black-and-white."
He can sometimes cause agitation in others who deserve it.
He can bring up unwanted and overwhelming emotions to others.
His Mohs hardness scale number is 7.
He is extremely immune to acids.
He is Pansexual and Polyamorous.
His face is always covered by his, same colored as himself, fedora.
He is the oldest known gemstone.
He is sometimes labelled as the "Devil"
He knows about everything there is.
He has a deep and smooth voice.
He enjoys playing and listening to piano and violin. However, rap is also to his taste.
He does not care about money nor power since he knows he's powerful enough.
He is nicknamed "Zebbie" or "ZJ" by other gemstones close to him.
He would mostly do action first and then speak.
He takes offense to those who use luck blindly and stupidly.
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its-a-hil · 4 months
libras are problematic because of the genetic incompatibility of lions and zebras
god you're so fucking right
ive really been out here committing crimes against god and evolution every week since i was born
truly, i must be stopped.
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loaveriaca · 5 months
personalty things p1 (SUPER OUTDATED)
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 358 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947 (531 or 513? who knows...)
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green(?) | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo | (i have no idea but i took a test and got green)
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil ( i took the test 6 times just to make sure and i got it every single time lol)
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Godly parent: Zeus | Hera | Poseidon | Demeter | Ares | Athena | Apollo | Artemis | Hephaestus | Aphrodite | Hermes | Dionysus | Hades | Irus | Hypnos | Nemesis | Nike | Hebe | Tyche | Hecate (im not that into percy jackson, i read the first book when i was 11 but i got bored and dropped it)
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch Multiple intelligence test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic (when went to get tested for autism and other things my reading level was 18 and when i took it i was 12 so i very obvisously got linguistic as my main one)
R-Drive personality test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism
Defense mechanism : Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction formation | Projection | Compensation
Celtic zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) I Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) I Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) I Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
Celtic zodiac: Stag/Deer | Cat I Cow/Bull | Black horse I Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
im really tired so ill do the rest later
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heller-castiel · 9 months
a coworker asked me what sign i was and i told her i’m a libra and work crush kinda overheard and he called me a zebra and i was just like. sure.
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biological-catastrophe · 10 months
Name: Aquarion
Alias: 🌧️
Birthday: October 15th (Libra)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Zebra Shark
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5’5 (152cm)
Hair: a light brown, straight and parted to his left, down to about his shoulders
Eye color: Red, naturally orange-red
Clothing: A dark brown button down and black tie which is untucked and messy during the day, while tucked and neat during night. He has a beige jacket over his shoulders with slightly darker slacks and brown dress shoes. His wardrobe is mostly earth tones with hints of red and pinks. His casual outfit is a baggy pink shirt with an undershirt, brown sweats and leg warmers.
Etc: He has a fin on his head and a long tail that drags behind him that’s the same brown as his hair, the fins on the tail being a lighter brown. He has light brown freckles mostly on his cheeks. When he fights he mostly will use his tail so he has a metal spiked weapon that he made that fits over the end of his tail, however it is quite heavy and he can’t swim with it on, so it usually stays at home.
Aquarion has two sides to his personality. Zebra sharks are nocturnal and tend to sleep and laze during the day to rest, so Aquarion is very sleepy during the day and often lethargic and confused, but at night he is quite hyperactive and loud.
During the day he can fall asleep standing up and will collapse sometimes. If he is swimming during the day, he can fall asleep and the current might throw him into some rocks and hurt him. He struggles to communicate well and is very easily confused, often forgetting things.
During the night, he is much more active and can be borderline feral. He is basically bouncing off the walls and talks quite fast, and his eyes are wide open. He gets very curious, and often doesn’t remember what happened while he was sleepy. This is also when he tends to get in fights.
He tends to express affection through biting, often just randomly chomping onto people he cares about. Since zebra sharks are solitary creatures, Aqurion doesn’t have many friends so when he does make them he cherishes them dearly.
Aquarion is originally a Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea oc so I won’t go into his lore unless someone asks- I just figured to make an info thing for him.
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sacredjoanne · 1 year
Moon Sign Meaning & Personality Traits
The Moon Sign is basically where the Moon was chilling out in the sky when you popped into this world.
The Moon, being a speedy celestial body, does a quick lap around the Earth every 28 days and hops into a new zodiac nightclub every 2-3 days.
The Moon is the ultimate drama queen of change, personal growth, all things emotional, and of course, our primal instincts.
She’s the OG lady boss, embodying our deepest feminine vibes.
She’s also the fertility goddess in the sky, with her own VIP lounge in the celestial realm, and her changing moods decide if the tides will be chillin’ or spillin’.
Each zodiac sign is like a unique flavor in the cosmic ice cream shop, and your Moon sign is the one that gives your life that special zing.
So, understanding its qualities can give you the inside scoop (pun intended) on how to sprinkle some extra balance and happiness into your life sundae.
Ready for a wild ride through the lunar lanes to discover what your Moon sign spills about your emotional roller coaster?
I have detailed breakdowns for each of the 12 Moon Signs. Feel free to explore:
Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon
Aries Moon
These folks are buzzing with energy, shoot first and ask questions later, and always step up to the plate with the confidence of a lion walking onto a zebra farm.
Aries Moon folks have a fiery spirit and a compassionate heart, like a dragon who moonlights as a nurse.
They’re passionate, emotional, yet sensitive and empathetic.
Aries Moons are always the ones boldly making decisions like they’re on a game show and the clock’s ticking down.
Aries Moon signs are the life of the party, full of zest and pizzazz, living life large but also not feeling an ounce of guilt when they decide to hit the ‘pause’ button for some quality ‘me time’.
This is one of the most thrilling, fiery, and passionate signs of the zodiac.
They’re bossed around by Mars, the planet with the motivational speech on speed dial.
These guys have a ‘to achieve’ list that would make an overachieving beaver blush, and boy, do emotions fuel this ambition.
Now, if an Aries Moon hasn’t quite got a handle on their emotional rollercoaster, they can come off as a bit of a hothead.
Quick to frustration and anger, they can swing from ecstatic to cranky faster than a teen who’s just had their phone confiscated.
When they finally cool down, they’re more spent than a lottery winner in a Lamborghini dealership.
You wear your heart not just on your sleeve, but on your forehead, back, and probably your socks as well.
Sharing your intense feelings is second nature, even when it stings a bit.
So, if you’re the type who’d:
Leap off a cliff because you thought it might be fun.
Always first to dive headfirst into a project.
Believe that ‘impossible’ is just another word for ‘challenge’.
Well, my friend, you’re either an Aries moon or you’ve been drinking some serious Aries moon Kool-Aid.
Check my full Aries Moon breakdown here!
Taurus Moon
These folks are all about beauty, keeping their cool, chasing status, and enjoying life’s earthly delights.
Venus, the planet of love and ‘let’s chill’, has these folks under her thumb.
It’s as if they’ve swallowed a cosmic tranquilizer. They’re so subtle in expressing their feelings, they make Leos look like reality TV stars.
Imagine a mix of your favorite snuggly teddy bear and a dependable old St. Bernard, and you’ve got your typical Taurus Moon character.
They’re all warm and fuzzy on the inside, with an irresistible touch of sensuality.
They’re as devoted as a dog to a bone and as grounded as a potato on an Idaho farm.
These moon Taureans are dreamers with both feet on the ground, connoisseurs of beauty, and practical idealists.
They’re like those folks who fill their piggy banks with obsessive fervor, ready to spring into action when the rainy day arrives.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Taurus Moon signs can be a bit like a posh antique collector.
They’re old school, reserved, and can be a bit indecisive at times.
They’re as patient as a tortoise running a marathon and have a determination that would make a stubborn mule blush.
But hey, they’re not about to pull a rabbit out of a hat to impress you.
Nah, they’re too cool for that kind of show. Just sit back and enjoy their subtle, reliable charm!
Check my full Taurus Moon breakdown here!
Gemini Moon
On the surface, Gemini Moons are like air-filled beach balls – light, bubbly, and forever chatting.
But, peel back the layers and it’s like stepping into a Bermuda triangle of personality traits. Buckle up, it’s about to get wild.
Gemini, the celestial twins, embodies a freewheeling spirit, ever-changing moods, bright creativity, and sharp intellect.
Gemini Moons folks are like kids in a candy store of life – forever curious and always hunting for new adventures.
These folks have a Ph.D. in chitchat.
They’re like the Swiss Army knives of communication – they’ve got a tool, or rather, a word for every situation.
Nimble and resourceful, they dance through life’s curveballs like a pro ballerina in a mosh pit.
Got a problem? Dial-a-Gemini! They’ve got more solutions than a Sudoku champ.
With their smooth talk and innate diplomacy, they can talk their way out of a paper bag or even defuse a ticking time bomb of a situation.
Now, let’s talk about emotions.
As a Gemini Moon sign, you’re all about the feels.
You’re expressive, like a modern dancer on a caffeine binge. This makes you a catch in the love department.
But wait, there’s a catch.
You see, one moment you’re a sparkling firecracker, and the next, you’re as cold as Elsa in her ice castle.
This wild emotional switcheroo might send potential lovers running for the hills.
But hey, it’s all part of your charm! Embrace your emotional rollercoaster – it’s what makes you, well, you!
Check my full Gemini Moon breakdown here!
Cancer Moon
The Moon is the master of change, and Cancers are its faithful students, adapting faster than a chameleon on a rainbow.
Being water signs, Cancers enjoy sensual delights like a raccoon in a trash can full of gourmet leftovers.
Cancer Moons are all about the emotional deep dive.
They’re like the ultimate caregivers of the zodiac – nurturing, passionate, and so attuned to emotions, they probably cry at detergent commercials.
But hey, every coin has two sides, right? Cancer Moons can also come off as clingy, moody, and as demanding as a diva with a cold latte.
They feel things deeply and wear their emotions on their sleeve, their pants, and probably even their socks.
Cancer Moon signs are all heart. They ooze tenderness and compassion like a warm bowl of soup on a rainy day.
They’re hyper-aware of others’ emotions, like walking, talking empath detectors.
Born under this moon sign, folks tend to get lost in dreamy nostalgia and are forever on a quest for comfort and familiarity.
When the moon is chilling in Cancer, you could be moved to tears by a cute puppy video or a child’s innocent smile.
One day you’re all cuddles and giggles, the next, you’re as moody as a cat thrown in water.
Typically, these ambitious individuals feel a bit like a fish out of water under this sign, as their practical, goal-focused mindset does a 180, plunging headfirst into the pool of emotions.
It’s like asking a mathematician to write a love sonnet, but trust me, the result can be surprisingly beautiful!
Check my full Cancer Moon breakdown here!
Leo Moon
Welcome to the lair of the Leo Moon sign, the King and Queen of the zodiac jungle.
Their emotional rollercoaster ride often follows the “my way or the highway” route, and trust me, they are riding shotgun.
Leos strut around with self-confidence as if they’ve invented the concept.
These folks are more expressive than a mime on Broadway, bubbly as champagne, and are generally the life of the party.
Leo Moon ladies tend to be dramatic divas and experts in the art of flirting, while the gents can come off as more boastful than a peacock on a catwalk.
Leo Moon signs are like motivational powerhouses, radiating “We Can Do It” vibes.
Their unmatched zest and knack for self-expression make them the zodiac’s reigning champions.
Their emotional confidence, honed from their life successes, fuels their self-discipline, and they can hold onto money like a squirrel stocking up for winter.
With a vision clearer than an eagle’s and leadership skills rivaling those of the best generals, these lions can rally and inspire the troops with ease.
Their loyalty runs deep, and they stand by their loved ones like the best guard dogs.
They’ve got a sense of humor that can charm a hyena out of its laughter and a capacity for love that makes them the Casanovas and Cleopatras of the celestial kingdom.
With a Leo Moon sign, life is never a bore. It’s a wild, exciting jungle out there!
Check my full Leo Moon breakdown here!
Virgo Moon
We’re diving into the world of the Virgo Moon sign, the zodiac’s embodiment of perfection, purity, and “Hey, I just aced that!”.
Virgo moons don’t just feel emotions. They deep-dive into them like Olympic swimmers.
They’re more sensitive than a tooth with a cavity, but also more forgiving than a yoga instructor with a zen student who can’t touch his toes.
These folks work harder than ants at a picnic. They strive for perfection like it’s their morning coffee – essential and invigorating.
Practical and logical, they tackle life’s hiccups like a seasoned sudoku master cracking a puzzle.
Born under the Virgo Moon sign, you’re likely to be a cool-headed yet warm-hearted perfectionist.
You’re as reliable as a Swiss watch and more organized than Marie Kondo’s sock drawer.
The thing that gets your goat? When plans go haywire.
But people around you know they can count on you like a sturdy umbrella in a rainstorm.
Your creativity and detail-oriented nature are as appealing as a perfect cupcake, and beneath that, there’s a sense of humor that can lighten up any gloomy day.
Despite being reserved, perfectionistic, and more sensitive to criticism than a freshly peeled onion, Virgo moons always aim to please.
They might not make a grand show of affection in public, but behind closed doors, they’re all about heart-to-heart chats.
They’re the embodiment of ‘Still waters run deep.’
Check my full Virgo Moon breakdown here!
Libra Moon
Step into the world of Libra Moon sign, the zodiac’s love gurus. These folks don’t just trip and fall in love, they craft it like artisanal cheese.
When a Libra moon makes a move, it’s all about brewing something as harmonious and lasting as a classic Beatles tune.
Libra Moons are the zodiac’s diplomats, unrivaled in mood-reading skills.
If you’re having a worse hair day than a hedgehog in a windstorm, or being as passive-aggressive as a cat ignoring its owner, don’t expect them to stick around.
They can be as charming and sophisticated as a James Bond martini, yet as moody and indecisive as a toddler choosing ice cream flavors.
They’re tactful, refined, and their social radar beats any GPS. They might sometimes appear spineless or directionless, but hey, nobody’s perfect!
Libra Moons are as private as a hermit crab in its shell but their charm, sincerity, and romance shine brighter than a disco ball.
Equipped with a sixth sense for understanding human nature, they can read motivations and desires like a mind-reading magician.
They’re your friendly neighborhood social butterflies, and their genuine interest in people makes others spill their secrets as if they’ve unlocked the ‘share-all’ achievement.
The Libra Moon’s mantra? Embrace humanity, with all its flavors and quirks.
Check my full Libra Moon breakdown here!
Scorpio Moon
Welcome to the world of the Scorpio Moon sign, the zodiac’s real-life version of Sherlock Holmes with a dash of James Bond charm.
Notorious for their intense personality, these folks are as loyal as your favorite childhood teddy bear and as magnetic as a top-tier fridge magnet.
Scorpio Moons, true to their Scorpion spirit, have the fierceness of a hot chili pepper and the tenderness of a marshmallow.
They might be the Sherlock Holmes of the Zodiac, but they’ve got a horror movie monster’s fear of being alone.
They have a love language that’s about as conventional as hieroglyphics – you’ll find your surprise hidden in the depths of your sock drawer, or a secret note slipped in your lunchbox.
Occasionally, they might don a metaphorical mask, escaping reality for a bit like a hermit crab on a beach holiday.
Scorpios are as intense as a dramatic cliffhanger, as passionate as a Spanish telenovela, and as secretive as a ninja.
Their poker face can drive some folks up the wall, but if you can keep pace with their high-speed mystery train, you’re in for one thrilling ride!
The Scorpio Moon sign is a brave and ambitious daredevil with creativity as vivid as a surrealist painting.
They’re psychically tuned in, with dreams as prophetic as ancient oracles.
But beware, when they’re in a bad mood, they could make a honey badger seem cuddly.
Check my full Scorpio Moon breakdown here!
Sagittarius Moon
If you’re born with a Sagittarius Moon, you’re in for a wild ride! It’s like having an endless supply of solar panels powering up your personality.
You’re as outgoing as a door and see life through the most rose-tinted of glasses.
Your combo deal? Adventurous with a side of practicality. You can chitchat like a parrot and socialize like a high school prom king.
Sagittarius Moon folks are revolutionaries, aiming to smash the shackles of banal thinking.
Think William Wallace from Braveheart, but instead of fighting for Scotland, you’re battling for the freedom of thought!
You’re a self-improvement enthusiast, striving to upgrade yourself like a tech geek awaiting the latest iPhone release.
You attract freedom lovers like a magnet, that’s why you’ve got a fan club trailing behind you.
They’re explorers, travelers, and seekers of thrill.
They’re as passionate as Romeo and optimistic as a lottery ticket holder, but they can also be as self-absorbed and stubborn as a donkey refusing to budge.
With Sagittarius Moon, it’s all about finding meaning, about connecting, about philosophical deep dives.
Sagittarius Moon folks are social butterflies, spreading their infectious energy wherever they flutter.
They’re as open as a 24/7 convenience store, and as enthusiastic as a dog chasing a frisbee.
Check my full Sagittarius Moon breakdown here!
Capricorn Moon
When Capricorn Moon folks don’t feel secure, they become moodier than a teenager without WiFi, more pessimistic than a football fan down by four scores, and as paranoid as a cat at a dog show.
Their craving for emotional security makes them more materialistic than a magpie at a jewelry store.
The Capricorn Moon is like an odd blend of mermaid and mountain goat.
The result? Someone who feels things deep in their belly, but who never loses their footing.
These folks find their mojo, they cling onto it like a limpet to a rock, and boy do they know how to milk it for all its worth.
Once they commit, they’re as reliable as a Swiss watch.
Capricorn Moons are as practical as IKEA furniture, as solid as a rock, and as reliable as sunrise.
When something clicks in their head, they pursue it like a dog after a bone.
These are the people who make lists for their lists, who would have been hall monitors in another life.
They’re like worker ants, always striving towards their goals, their sense of duty putting superheroes to shame.
But don’t be fooled, Capricorn Moons are not all work and no play.
Capricorn Moon folks can seem colder than an ice cream in Antarctica and more stubborn than a mule, but that’s just them being shy.
Don’t worry, beneath the hard shell, they’re natural-born leaders and resourceful problem solvers.
Plus, their sense of responsibility is so strong, it could carry all your groceries up a hill.
The trade-off? They’d rather hug a cactus than navigate a crowd.
Check my full Capricorn Moon breakdown here!
Aquarius Moon
The Aquarius Moon sign is like the hipster of the zodiac – an advocate of progressive values, social justice warrior, and passionate humanitarian.
They’re as free-spirited as a bird let out of its cage, but with an intellect that could give Einstein a run for his money.
You’re as sensitive as an exposed nerve, but you’ve got this knack for reaching out to others with your unique gifts, kinda like a psychic Santa Claus.
And that quick wit of yours? It’s sharper than a tack.
I mean, come on, how many people can say their ideas might just be the next big scientific breakthrough?
They’re warm but often lose some heat in their quest to make everyone else happy.
Sure, they’ve got a short fuse and hold grudges longer than a dog holds a bone, and people often label them as eccentric and distant.
But hey, they’ve also got the ability to show compassion like nobody’s business.
Aquarius Moons can be as quiet as a mouse, but when they open their mouth, they’re straighter than an arrow and as critical as an old film critic.
They’re the perfect cocktail of philosophical, original, and innovative – perfect for careers in science, education, art, and research.
But don’t forget, they also come with a rich, emotional filling of anger, depression, anxiety, and jealousy, giving them a sensitivity that’s as complex as a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
Check my full Aquarius Moon breakdown here!
Pisces Moon
Their vibe? A creative cocktail of imagination, kindness, and a sixth sense, with a pinch of moodiness and a dash of shyness.
But the real magic happens when the Pisces Moon channels their inner Dumbledore and unites dreams and enlightenment with reality, transforming into a sort of mystical mind-merging maestro.
As a Pisces Moon, you’re like an emotional deep-sea diver.
Your feelings are as potent as a bucket of ghost peppers, and your bonds with others could outlast a Nokia 3310.
You’re sensitive, compassionate, and the type who’d willingly jump into shark-infested waters to rescue a kitten.
Now, as a water sign, you’re basically a human mood sponge, soaking up emotions like a chia pet absorbs water.
You love harmony, a calm vibe, and thrive in surroundings that are peaceful yet dynamic, like a Zen garden on a roller coaster.
Let’s be real, understanding a Pisces’ emotions is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.
Sure, they’re unpredictable and occasionally fickle, but they’re always genuine and curious about others.
They’re dreamers, but their aversion to structure and responsibility rivals a cat’s disdain for water.
They’re more likely to commit to something when they feel backed into a corner.
But don’t underestimate the Pisces Moon!
They can channel their vivid dreams and escapist fantasies into a spiritual springboard and, like magicians, transform pie-in-the-sky dreams into reality.
It’s like they’ve got a fairy godmother on speed dial!
Check my full Pisces Moon breakdown here!
Official post by Joanne at Sacred Joanne
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sillyguycore · 2 years
some personality tests/etc because i am so silly (autism)
Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33 |
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Black horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 (541) | 146 | 147 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947 |
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp | so/sx | sx/sp | sx/so |
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic (MelChlor) | Choleric | Phlegmatic |
DISC Profile: D | I | S | C |
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil |
Aura Color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical Tan | Environmental Tan | Sensitive Tan | Abstract Tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo |
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist |
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King |
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
Deadly Sin: Wrath | Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth | Lust | Pride |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual |
Brain lateralization: Left | Right | Both
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% |41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Nerdy Personality Attribute Scale: 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Empathy Quotient Test: 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 |
Helen Fisher’s Personality Test: Explorer | Builder | Director | Negotiator |
MOTIV: Materialistic | Offbeat | Thinking | Interpersonal | Vital | Easygoing |
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic | Existential
Defense Mechanism: Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction Formation | Projection | Compensation |
R-Drive Personality Test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism |
Dark Triad Test: Narcissism | Machiavellianism | Psychopathy |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Secondary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Artistic Preference Test: Realistic | Linear | Painterly | Abstract | Masculine | Feminine |
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ragnarokhound · 1 year
tagged by @hardlycats! :D
name: Elizabeth! I've also gone by Fenris while online, haha - old username habits die hard :)
pronouns: she/her :) also down with she/they
where do you call home: the pacific northwest owo
favorite animal: a toughie, because I like Many, but zebras were my favorite when I was a kid, and wolves are a big one (...clearly >.>) Dragons tho. If we include mythical animals then dragon hands down, no question
cereal of choice: REESES PUFFS REESES PUFFS (peanut butter chocolate flavor) this was for the joke (insert kombucha girl meme here) fr fr I like rice krispies/choco krispies, if I eat cereal at all
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: kinesthetic probably haha - often people will show me and then tell me a thing, but I really have to just. Try it myself to really Get It. In one ear out the other with me sometimes OTL
first pet: Smokey the goldfish O3O I think...I may have been responsible for Smokey's untimely demise. 4 y o me dumped a little too much food in the aquarium :') RIP Smokey 😔
favorite scent: hm! I don't usually think about this - probably sandalwood, or pine. Fresh cut sawdust :)
do you believe in astrology: I am versed enough to get by with the folks who do lol i'm a libra sun, gemini moon, leo ascending u_u and i kind of know what that all means lmao
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: oh no. ohhh nooo. don't. don't look at me-- oh god. oh no look i've dropped them oh god now i'll be here all day *starts shoving them back into my backpack
(if we don't count other people's playlists that i follow. 285)
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies no contest
songs that make you cry: i don't cry at a whole lot of music! but if we want the same vibe then Little Fall of Rain, On My Own & Empty Chairs At Empty Tables from Les Mis (the london cast recording, not the movie lol) and Vagabond by Misterwives, Andra by The Ghost Of Paul Revere, Liar by the Arcadian Wild, Id by Charlie Allen, I Need My Girl by The National...listen I have a playlist for this lmao
songs that make you happy: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham (reminds me of my little brother :)) & Cardiac Arrest by the Bad Suns, Talk Too Much by COIN, Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier...Listen. I Have A Playlist For This
do you write/draw/create: i write fic! I also went to school for art education and am endorsed to teach art (to high schoolers when I get the chance lol). I was a girl scout arts and crafts specialist for a camp two years in a row, and recently I subbed for a high school ceramics teacher for the last quarter of school and made a bunch of ceramic stuff, it was really fun! I also paint, draw, crochet, cross stitch, and if I had a sewing machine I'd probably sew haha.
I am at the whim of ADHD brain tho (probably >.> squints in undiagnosed) and only post things online sporadically. My JayTim phase is actually the Most active I've been and also stayed in any online activity that involves me making things and also posting them lol
tagging but no pressure: oh yes um! only if you want to! @shineyma | @beanboop | @listen-to-the-inner-walrus
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