#Zebulon Artisan Ales
thedept · 2 years
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The last brewery we went to was called Zebulon. They’re located about 15 minutes north of Asheville in a small town called Weaverville. It’s a tiny husband & wife operation that only opens to the public for 10 hours a week, 5 hours on Friday and 5 on Saturday.
They make Belgian style beers as well as true-to-their-time classic beers. One I had was an 1800 porter that was fantastic. They also made a circa 1998 West Coast IPA, which is basically my platonic ideal of beer (before IPA’s got full of sugar and oats and got hazy), but I also didn’t try so how smart am I really?
They also had this sign posted next to the sink in their restroom:
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milesbutterball · 3 years
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kevinclerk11-blog · 5 years
A few years ago I did a feature on Manhattan between the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges (I call it BEMBO), but as always, there’s more to see and there are details I missed. This time of year I also begin to scout areas that would make decent Forgotten NY tours in the spring and summer. BEMBO is a curious area, full of crannies and nooks of interest. Had I been writing Forgotten New York in the 1960s, there would have been a lot more to talk about, as maybe half of this neighborhood has been razed to build housing projects, schools, and the NYPD headquarters. I was able to show some of these lost streets in a FNY post in January 2019. 
Getting off the F train at East Broadway at Canal (Straus Square) I meandered west. I discussed the Mesivtha Tiferes Jerusalem Yeshiva just the other day, so I won’t repeat myself here; it’s a handsome building in buff and brown brick, and has a venerable history. 
East Broadway, looking west, looking toward the Manhattan Bridge overpass, and behind it, the Municipal Building and Woolworth Building, which from this vantage look like twin spires of the same building. In the left background is #4 World Trade Center and on the right, of course, is #1 World Trade Center. In the foreground left is the relatively new 109 East Broadway, the site of a devastating fire in 2010. The building exhibits the latest trend in residential architecture, featuring a boxy design with colored metal panels and flat windows. Why do so many new apartment buildings looks like this? They’re the cheapest to build. 
In FNY’s Comments section, and remarks from friends on facebook, twitter and in person, many dismiss new architecture outright, saying nothing built today matches the past. I judge each building on its merits, and part of me is happy to live in a dynamic city that can accommodate new designs. I like a city that has both a Jenga tower and a St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Until the beginning of the 20th Century, East Broadway was known as Chatham Street, for William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) who was the English Prime Minister during the time the colonies were agitating for independence, but before the Revolutionary War. He opposed the Stamp Act, but also opposed outright independence, but promoted compromise that ultimately proved untenable. Many USA locales are named for him including Pittsfield, MA and Pittsburgh, PA, as well as Chatham Square, East Broadway at the Bowery.
No good way to get a picture of the Knickerbocker Post Office, 128 East Broadway near Pitt Street because of … all the mail trucks parked in front of it. 
Washington Irving (1783-1859), who met his namesake George Washington while a young boy, was popular both in the States and in Europe for his essays and fiction, and was the creator of Ichabod Crane, Rip van Winkle, and the tricornered Father Knickerbocker, NYC’s mascot. “Knickerbocker,” which is fun to say, refers to NYC’s early Dutch settlers and appears frequently in NYC lore, including its NBA basketball team.
The Sung Tak Buddhist Association at 13 Pike Street was once the Pike Street Synagogue, a Classic Revival building from 1903 that housed the Congregation Sons of Israel Kalwarie, Poland. Entertainer Eddie Cantor was bar mitzvahed here in 1905. The tripartite façade, which has an arched portico reached by twin lateral staircases, reflects Romanesque and classical features.
Looking north on Pike Street, which was named for explorer Zebulon Pike, soldier and explorer (1779-1813) of Pike’s Peak fame. Along with Allen Street, which begins a block north, the road was widened several decades ago and now sports a modern bicycle path. You can walk in a straight line all the way from here to the Harlem River, as Pike becomes Allen and Allen becomes 1st Avenue.
Turning left on Market Street, I encountered one of the oldest churches in Manhattan at Henry Street, the old Market Street Reformed Church, which was built in 1819. The windows are made up of multiple panels—35 over 35 over 35. This is now the First Chinese Presbyterian Church, which shared the building with the Sea and Land Church until 1972.
The brick and stone Georgian-Gothic church was constructed two centuries ago as the Market Street reformed Church on land owned by Henry Rutgers, and after changing congregations a few times over the years, it’s now the First Chinese Presbyterian Church. It’s in the top five oldest extant church buildings in New York City, the oldest being St. Paul’s Chapel on Broadway and Vesey St.
Every time I’m in the area, I check on Mechanics Alley, which runs on the west side of the Manhattan Bridge anchorage for 2 blocks between Madison and Henry Streets. Though it has obtained a more narrow sense, the word “mechanic” originally meant an artisan, builder or craftsman, not necessarily a machinist. No property fronts on the narrow lane, but trucks nonetheless employ it despite its narrowness to avoid heavier traffic on streets like Market.
I did a pretty comprehensive post on Mechanics Alley and its history a few years ago in FNY. 
Market Street contains a number of historic and classic buildings along its short stretch between East Broadway and South Street. Here’s #40 market on the corner of Madison, which still has its original entrance woodwork as well as the street identification brownstone plaques. The Market Street side looks as if it has had some ad hoc repairs done sometime in the past.
375 Pearl Street, otherwise known as the Verizon Building, a.k.a. the Intergate Center, looms at the west end of Monroe Street. Many call it the ugliest building in Manhattan, though I’ve seen far worse. In 2016 it was renovated and received a new bank of windows. 
This shabby brick building at 51 Market St. was constructed in 1824 by merchant William Clark. Its original elegant doorway, with Ionic columns, a fanlight and ornamentation, has survived nearly two centuries. A close look at the basement windows shows them to be surrounded with brownstone work with squiggly lines, known in the architecture world as “Gibbs surrounds.” A fourth floor, which studiously copied the original three, was added after the Civil War. The stoop and railings, however, are not original as they were replaced in 2010. The door is festooned with graffiti, and though the house has Landmark status, its condition appears deteriorated.
Amid the Chinese-language signs on Market and Madison, at the edge of Chinatown, is this neon sign for a long-gone liquor store. 
At #47 Market Street is a venerable brick building that conveniently lists the date of construction, 1886, at the roofline.
Faces peer out from the front of this Madison Street apartment. Many of these buildings, and those on paralleling Monroe and Henry Streets, were built in the 1880s, when such embellishments were found on just about every building, commercial or residential. 
The undulating exterior of #8 Spruce Street, officially New York By Gehry, named for architect Frank Gehry, is the architect’s signature NYC building. Like it or not, it’s instantly recognizable from all over lower Manhattan. After its completion in 2011, it was NYC’s tallest residential building for a couple of years, but has since been surpassed by buildings like 432 Park. 
The Roman Catholic parish of St. Joseph (“San Giuseppe”) was established by the Missionaries of St. Charles, an order of priests and brothers founded by Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini in 1887 to serve the needs of Italian immigrants. The present church was designed by Matthew W. Del Gaudio and opened in 1924. Shortly after the founding of the parish, the Scalabrinians were joined by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who helped open St. Joseph School in 1926.
Today, St. Joseph Church is a national parish designated as an Italian and Chinese parish. The parish continues the mission of the Church of St. Joachim, located at 26 Roosevelt Street until the 1960s, which was founded by the Missionaries of St. Charles who arrived in New York City in 1889. Immediately after, Mother Cabrini was welcomed by the same church as she arrived in the United States. American Guild of Organists, NYC Chapter
Speaking of the Scalabrinians, in January 2018 I visited their former bailiwick, St. Charles Seminary in Todt Hill, Staten Island, which had been the estate of architect Ernest Flagg. 
Catherine Street classics, near Madison Street.
Madison and Oliver Streets. Al Smith (1873-1944), a four-time NYS governor and failed presidential candidate, was born on Oliver, a still-existing street between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, neither of which had opened when he was born. He was one of NYC’s most popular politicians in history.
On a walk up the Lower East Side in January 2013, I encountered an anachronistic building that I either hadn’t seen or hadn’t noticed before, on Madison Street a few doors away from St. James Place. It’s a tiny two-story dormered building — however, it’s not too small that it doesn’t have two separate doors and two separate house numbers, 47 and 49. I’ve always been curious about anachronisms and survivors, being something of an anachronism myself, so I looked it up. Expecting a difficult or fruitless search, I found something by the historian David Freeland, who rote about it in 2009 in the now-defunct  New York Press:
For years the house has been something of a mystery, but one glimpse into its colorful history is revealed through a small advertisement from the Spirit of the Times newspaper, as reprinted in the Boston Herald of March 2, 1853: “Rat Killing, and other sports, every Monday evening. A good supply of rats kept constantly on hand for gentlemen wishing to try their dogs, with the use of the pit gratis, at J. Marriott’s Sportsman’s Hall, 49 Madison Street.”
Rat baiting, setting rats against rats, or dogs against rats, was a popular betting sport in the 19th Century in the days before the ASPCA. The building where another former rat baiting establishment was run by Kit Burns, the Captain Joseph Rose House, still stands at 273 Water Street in the Seaport area.
Freeland goes on:
By the late 1850s, the house at 49 Madison Street had been taken over by English-born Harry Jennings, who ran it as a combination saloon and rat-fighting pit until his conviction on a robbery charge sent him to prison in Massachusetts. But later, after returning to New York, Jennings settled into a kind of respectability, winning fame as a dog trainer and, eventually, the city’s leading rat exterminator. By the time of his death, in 1891, Jennings’ clients included Delmonico’s Restaurant and such luxury hotels as Gilsey House and the original Plaza.
Apparently, there’s a comeback in everybody.
The dark shadows of January intrude on the intersection of James and Madison Streets, one of the few intersections in NYC where both street names make up a US President’s first and second name. I’m sure it wasn’t planned that way, though.
We can see St. James Church, the second oldest building associated with the Roman Catholic Church in NYC. (Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Mott and Prince Streets, built in 1810, precedes it.) The fieldstone, Doric-columned Greek Revival building was begun in 1835 and completed in 1837; and though it is thought to be a design of famed architect Minard Lefever, there is no evidence to support the claim. A domed cupola above the sanctuary was removed decades ago. This was the boyhood parish of Al Smith, and New Bowery, which connects Pearl Street and Chatham Square, was renamed for it in 1947.
The massive Chatham Green development, located along St. James Place between Madison Street and Chatham Square, opened in 1960, was one of the projects that eliminated much of the ancient street grid in lower Manhattan, as well as the last remnants of the Five Points slum. But on those streets were located dark, noisome and cold tenements, and Chatham Green was constructed by the City in an effort to make middle-income peoples’ lives better. As we know, that effort has had mixed results. 
Chatham Green went condo several years ago, with hefty prices, somewhat belying its original purposes.
This triangular-shaped building comes to a point at St. James Place and Madison Street. As I have noted, St. lames Place, laid out in the mid-1850s, was originally called New Bowery, but the designation must have been fluid at one time, as the chiseled street sign on the building simply has “Bowery.”
One Police  Plaza, along Madison Street and Park Row (both closed to regular traffic) opened in 1973, is the headquarters of the NY Police Department; it took over from the old domed HQ, now a condo conversion at Centre and Broome Streets. It was designed by Gruzen and Partners in a Brutalist style and sits near the assorted city and state court buildings at Foley Square.
The NYC Municipal Building was constructed  in 1914 from plans by McKim, Mead & White; it now houses only a fraction of the city offices that oversee the functioning of the metropolis. Particularly attractive is the row of freestanding columns, the extensive sculpture work and the lofty colonnaded tower topped by Adolph Weinman’s 25-fot high gilt statue of Civic Fame.
I have happy memories of the building since on October 23, 2006 I spent a half hour with Brian Lehrer on WNYC-radio discussing Forgotten NY the Book, and temporarily, my Amazon sales jumped into the 500s (by contrast, 12 years later, I’m in the 300,000s usually).
The sculptures on the north arch include allegorical representations of Progress, Civic Duty, Guidance, Executive Power, Civic Pride and Prudence. Between the windows on the second floor are symbols of various city departments. Note the collection of plaques, among which is the “triple X” emblem of Amsterdam, Holland. Chambers Street once passed through the building and once went all the way to Chatham Square but the NYC Police Dept complex was built over its path in the 1960s.  —Gerard Wolfe
The fortress-like, business-themed Murray Bergtraum High School was built at Madison Street and Robert F. Wagner Senior Place, adjacent to Brooklyn Bridge off-ramps, in 1976. It’s named for a former president of the NYC Board of Ed., between 1969 and 1971.  Noted alumni include entertainers John Leguizamo and Damon Wayans.
Rose Street, once chockablock with tenements, is a curved street running under the Brooklyn Bridge connecting Gold and Madison Streets. It was named for late 18th-early 19th Century merchant and distiller Captain Joseph Rose, whose house still stands nearby on Water Street. I discussed Rose Street at length on this FNY page. 
Though I continued into the Seaport area, it’s a busy weekend and I’ll wrap things up for now.
Please help contribute to a new Forgotten NY website
Check out the ForgottenBook, take a look at the gift shop, and as always, “comment…as you see fit.”
Source: http://forgotten-ny.com/2019/01/between-the-bridges/
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jculture-en · 5 years
(HUMOR) Beer Scout: Zebulon Artisan Ales acquires Sierra Nevada
#Whisky #KirinDistillery [Mountain Xpress]In the wake of New Belgium Brewing Co.’s sale to Kirin subsidiary Lion Little World … the transaction puts the U.S.’s third-largest craft brewery under the leadership of husband/wife duo …
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longlistshort · 5 years
Clarke and the Himselfs- So Sorry
Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (8/1- 8/4/19)-
Black Pumas are playing a free show at Amoeba Hollywood at 6pm with an album signing to follow
Julia Holter is playing at the Teragram Ballroom with Ana Roxanne opening
Ricky Hell & The Voidboys, The Freakees, and more are playing at The Hi Hat to benefit Al Otro Lado, a bi-national, direct legal services, non-profit organization serving indigent deportees, migrants and refugees in Tijuana and L.A.
Descanso Gardens is having Beer Garden Night from 5-8pm
Hollywood Night Market at Yamashiro is a lovely way to have some food and drinks while enjoying beautiful views of the city- free shuttles leave from the Mosaic parking lot
The Underground Museum’s Purple Garden Cinema film this week is Birth. Cinematographer Bradford Young (Arrival, Selma) and artist Nicole Miller will be discussing Birth‘s cinematographer Harris Savides after the film. This event is free.
Cayucas are playing at The Roxy Theatre with Skyway Man and Mmmonika
Jeffrey Silverstein and Sonoda are playing an early (7pm) free show at Gold-Diggers
ASL interpreter Stacy De La Rosa is giving a tour and workshop for Hervé Tullet: An Ideal Exhibition as part of Summer School at ICA LA.
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic are playing with Fishbone, Dumpstaphunk, and Miss Velvet & The Blue Wolf at the Greek Theatre
The Bird and The Bee are playing at the Ford Theatres
Clarke and the Himselfs is playing a free show with Prism Tats at Zebulon
Arcana Books is hosting an exhibition opening and book signing for Gary Cannone: Albums by Conceptual Artists
Jackalope Summer Nights market returns to Pasadena’s Central Park with over 200 local artisans, food trucks and a beer garden (free- also happening on Friday)
French DJ/Producer and founder of Ed Banger Records, Busy P will be performing with friends at 1720
Metro Art’s Movements at Union Station continues this week with Heat-Wave, an LA based party series founded by DJs Daniel T. and Wyatt Potts, with a focus on international funk and disco records.
Limp Wrist: 20 Years of Joteria is a night of queer punk rock at The Regent Theater with bands Limp Wrist, Heterofobia, Provoke, Frisco Dykes, and Twompsax
Drugdealer is playing at the Bootleg Theater with Maraschino
The Younger Lovers are opening for Imperial Teen at The Echo
Saturday and Sunday
UCLA Film & Television Archive is hosting a weekend of films by Mary Lambert at Hammer Museum’s Billy Wilder Theater. Saturday it’s Pet Semetary and Pet Semetary II followed by a talk with director Mary Lambert, actors Brad Greenquist, Miko Hughes, and Dale Midkiff, and editor Tom Finan. On Sunday they are showing Siesta followed by a talk with director Mary Lambert, actors Jodie Foster and Ellen Barkin, and editor Glenn Morgan. Both discussions will be hosted by April Wolfe.
HARD Summer Music Festival is two days of EDM and hip hop artists taking place at The Speedway in Fontana. Artists include Major Lazer, Kid Cudi, Dillon Francis, Gunna, A-Trak, Juice WRLD, RL Grime, Sheck Wes, JPEGMAFIA, Schlomo, and more
David Lynch and Hans Ulrich Obrist will be in conversation at the Second Home Serpentine Pavilion at La Brea Tar Pits
ICA LA is having the free daytime closing party Summer Cooldown 2019, from 2-6pm, with DJs, drinks, and food, plus the last chance to see the exhibitions Patty Chang: The Wandering Lake, 2009-2017 and Lucas Blalock: An Enormous Oar.
Lodge Room in Highland Park is hosting Ohhh Rasss! Ras G Memorial Fundraiser. The LA producer/musician/ DJ passed away this week on July 29th.
Independent Shakespeare Co. is having a free performance of the play Twelfth Night in Griffith Park tonight with an earlier performance by Mexican folk musicians La Victoria
The B52s are playing at the Microsoft Theater with OMD and Berlin
Weirdo Night is happening at Zebulon, with performances by Dynasty Handbag, Allie Alvarado, Minivan, Popstar Nima, and Charles Galin
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goodolboydave · 5 years
@sipssudsandsmokes #60secondbeerreview- #dailybeerreview- Funky Saison with Apricots aka Batch 9 (for Prince), SUDS - 4, is a 5.8% Mixed Fermentation Saison aged on apricots then refermented in the bottle from Zebulon Artisan Ales in Weaverville, NC. Beautiful and perfectly balanced. Thanks for sharing @campsyte! Cheers! #beer #craftbeer #podcaster #beerreview #craftbeerreview #beerme #beerisgood #beerpodcast #craftbeernerd #beersnob #beerbelly #beerlover #drinkcraftbeer #beergeek #beernerd #drinkgoodbeer #drinklocal #drinkindependent #sourbeer #fruitbeer #funkybeer #sourale #saison #mixedfermentation (at Madison, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJKVTkFFzJ/?igshid=h0row1ujjg0v
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miamibeerscene · 7 years
Sour Fest At Thirsty Monk In Asheville Returns 8th Year
March 2, 2018
Sour Fest at Asheville-born Thirsty Monk, brewer of Belgian-Rooted Modern Ales and operator of world-recognized craft beer bars, is back for the eighth year. This celebration of sour, wild and mixed fermentation ales from across the state, country, and the globe is Thirsty Monk’s first signature event of the year.
Sour Fest is a five-day tap takeover of sought-after sour beers at Thirsty Monk in Downtown Asheville and Biltmore Park locations. The beer list includes rare selections from Cascade Barrel House, New Belgium, Firestone Walker, Brouwerij Boon, Haw River Farmhouse Ales, Zebulon Artisan Ales, and so many more.
“I curate this tap lineup with multiple goals in mind,” says Thirsty’s Monk’s Beer Buyer and Marketing and Events Coordinator Joanna Postlethwaite. “I strive to bring together a collection of beers that explores the many flavors of sour beer— from tart, to fruit-forward, to complex and funky. I’m putting together the best examples I can find from breweries across the country and the world, as well as exceptional contributions from our talented neighboring breweries here in North Carolina.”
For a complete beer list or for more information about Thirsty Monk, contact Emily Hutto at [email protected].
Thirsty Monk, founded in 2008, brews Belgian-Rooted Modern Ales and operates a family of well-recognized, craft beer destinations in Asheville, NC, Denver, CO, and Portland, OR. Find the company online at monkpub.com.
Contact Info
Company: RadCraft Contact: Emily Hutto Email: [email protected]
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from Sour Fest At Thirsty Monk In Asheville Returns 8th Year
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belgianbeerday · 8 years
Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20
Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20
Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow is the one-stop home for Asheville-area beer news. Check back throughout the week for updates and send your own to [email protected]. Bottle and can releases
Zebulon Artisan Ales will release its newest beer, Experimental Forest No. 1 (for La Monte Young),…
Link: Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20 via mountainx.com
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jculture-en · 5 years
(HUMOR) Beer Scout: Zebulon Artisan Ales acquires Sierra Nevada
#Whisky #KirinDistillery [Mountain Xpress]In the wake of New Belgium Brewing Co.’s sale to Kirin subsidiary Lion Little World … the transaction puts the U.S.’s third-largest craft brewery under the leadership of husband/wife duo …
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miamibeerscene · 8 years
First Ever Biere de Femme Festival Set for March 11th
March 4, 2017
March 11th the Pink Boots Society of North Carolina is partnering with All About Beer Magazine and ABS Commercial to host the first ever Biere de Femme Festival in Uptown Shelby’s City Pavilion to showcase the talented women behind North Carolina’s Craft Beer Industry.
According to Caroline Parnin, North Carolina chapter leader for Pink Boots Society, ” Our festival is unique for several reasons. Not only will we be showcasing the raw talent of some of the top women industry leaders, but also providing attendees with a firsthand look into the history and prevalence of women in beer. We will have brewing demonstrations, and even a book release. This festival is about so much more than drinking beer. It’s about the education and empowerment of women within our industry. And that’s why Pink Boots Society was founded in the first place. The Pink Boots Society is an international nonprofit organization that seeks to assist, inspire, and encourage women beer professionals through education. PBS fulfills this mission by providing scholarships for women to attend professional training. All of the proceeds of this event will be donated to the scholarship fund.”
Confirmed breweries include: New Belgium Brewing, Oskar Blues Brewery, Wicked Weed Brewing Company, Bhramari Brewing Company, Tarboro Brewing Company, Burial Beer Co., Crank Arm Brewing Company, Lonerider Brewing Company, Oak and Dagger Public House, Hillman Beer, Mother Earth Brewing, Newgrass Brewing Co., Mystery Brewing Company, Raleigh Brewing Company, Bombshell Brewing Company, Highland Brewing Company, Ponysaurus Brewing Company, Legion Brewing, Dreamchasers Brewing, Joymongers Brewing, Free Range Brewing, Sanctuary Brewing Co., Hi-Wire Brewing , Sub Noir Brewing Company, Blowing Rock Brewing Co., Preyer Brewing Co., Fullsteam Brewery, Birdsong Brewing Company, and Pisgah Brewing Co. VIP breweries include Zebulon Artisan Ales, Thirsty Monk and Fonta Flora Brewery.
Tickets are $45 each for general admission, $75 for VIP admission and can be purchased online at http://ift.tt/2lrd314 . Guests will receive a commemorative glass from the event and will be able to sample beer from all of the participating breweries. VIP guests will have an additional hour to sample, and will also receive a copy of the book being released Brewing Ambition, a festival T-Shirt, and access to the VIP tent. Many of the women featured in Brewing Ambition will be participating in the festival, and will be on hand to autograph their pages in the book, which is a collection of stories about women in the beer industry along with their favorite recipes to brew at home.
Contact Info
Company: Lallemand Brewing Contact: Caroline Parnin Email: [email protected]
The post First Ever Biere de Femme Festival Set for March 11th appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from First Ever Biere de Femme Festival Set for March 11th
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belgianbeerday · 8 years
Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20
Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20
Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow is the one-stop home for Asheville-area beer news. Check back throughout the week for updates and send your own to [email protected]. Bottle and can releases
Zebulon Artisan Ales will release its newest beer, Experimental Forest No. 1 (for La Monte Young),…
Link: Beer today, gone tomorrow: Asheville beer happenings Feb. 14-20 via mountainx.com
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