#Zen Wistalia x reader
mbruben-stein · 4 months
Hello, can I please request Akagami no shirayukihime/Snow white with red hair characters (Raji Shenazard, Zen Wisteria, Mitsuhide Louen, and Obi) headcanons with a shy s/o who suddenly gave them a kiss on the cheek?
Snow white with red hair characters reaction to shy female s/o kissing them on the cheek.
~Zen Wistalia~
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When Zen's shy female significant other unexpectedly leans in and plants a gentle kiss on his cheek, his initial reaction is one of pleasant surprise. His eyes widen slightly, his lips curling into a soft smile as he feels a warm, fuzzy sensation spreading through his chest. He can't help but feel touched by her bold yet sweet gesture, appreciating the thought and courage it must have taken for her to make such a move.
As he gazes into her eyes, he can see the slight blush on her cheeks, and it only serves to make his heart swell with affection for her. He reaches up to gently cup her face in his hand, his thumb brushing against her cheek as he leans in to press a tender kiss to her forehead.
"Thank you," he murmurs softly, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "That was really sweet of you. I appreciate it more than words can express."
Zen's heart flutters with a mix of happiness and adoration for his shy s/o, feeling grateful to have someone so caring and thoughtful in his life. He wraps his arms around her in a gentle embrace, holding her close as he presses another kiss to the top of her head.
In that moment, Zen realizes just how much he cherishes his shy s/o and the depth of his feelings for her. He vows to always make her feel loved and cherished, knowing that her shy gestures hold a special place in his heart. With a content smile on his face, he whispers, "I love you," knowing that his feelings for her only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
~Raji Shenazard~
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Raji would be completely caught off guard by his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek. At first, he would freeze in shock, his eyes widening as he processes what just happened. His cheeks would flush a deep shade of red as he stammers out a response, not quite sure how to react to such a bold gesture from his normally reserved partner.
After a moment of awkward silence, Raji would tentatively touch his fingers to his cheek where her lips had just been, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He would then turn to his s/o, his eyes filled with a mix of surprise and adoration, grateful for the unexpected display of affection.
"Wow, that was…unexpected," he would finally say, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "But…thank you. It means a lot to me." Raji would then gather his composure, trying to act more princely and confident despite the butterflies in his stomach.
From that moment on, Raji would find himself thinking about the sweet gesture constantly, his heart swelling with warmth whenever he remembers the feel of her lips on his cheek. He would become more attentive and affectionate towards his s/o, wanting to show her how much he appreciates her boldness and the love she has for him.
Overall, Raji would be deeply touched by the kiss on the cheek, and it would mark a turning point in their relationship as he learns to open up more and express his own feelings for his s/o.
~Mitsuhide Louen~
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Mitsuhide's reaction to his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek would be a mixture of surprise, flusteredness, and pure joy. At first, he would freeze in shock, his eyes widening slightly as he processes what just happened. His cheeks would instantly flush a deep shade of red, a shy smile forming on his lips as he tries to regain his composure.
"Wow, that was unexpected," he would say softly, his voice filled with a mix of happiness and disbelief. He would gently touch the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him, feeling a warm sensation spreading through his body.
As he looks into her eyes, he would see the vulnerability and shyness in them, causing his heart to swell with affection for her. He would then wrap his arms around her in a gentle embrace, pulling her close to him as he whispers, "Thank you, my dear. That was truly sweet of you."
Mitsuhide would then shower her with compliments, praising her courage and expressing his gratitude for her affectionate gesture. He would make sure to reassure her of his feelings for her, letting her know how much he cherishes her and how lucky he feels to have her in his life.
Overall, Mitsuhide's reaction would be one of genuine happiness and appreciation, as he realizes just how much he cares for his shy s/o and how much her simple gesture means to him.
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Obi's initial reaction to his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek would be one of surprise and slight confusion. He would freeze for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to such a bold display of affection. His eyes would widen slightly as he processed what had just happened, his mind racing with various thoughts and emotions.
After the initial shock wore off, Obi would feel a warmth spread through his chest, a feeling of happiness and contentment at the fact that someone cared for him enough to show him such affection. He would turn his gaze to his s/o, a soft smile playing on his lips as he took in the sight of her blushing face and shy expression.
In that moment, Obi would feel a sense of gratitude towards his s/o for trusting him enough to make such a gesture. He would gently reach out to cup her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. He would whisper softly, "Thank you… for showing me that you care."
Obi would then pull his s/o into a warm embrace, holding her close as he savored the feeling of her in his arms. In that moment, he would realize just how much she meant to him, and how lucky he was to have someone like her by his side. And from that day on, he would make sure to show his s/o just how much he cherished her, in his own quiet and aloof way.
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the-real-y-n-sunny · 6 days
Karaoke - ObixReader Song Fic
If you want to listen to the song when you read, it's called No You Girls by Franz Ferdinand, on the music app of your choice. Enjoy!
Synopsis: You are Shirayuki's bestie, and she invited you to karaoke with her boyfriend, and.. unfortunely, Obi. Pairing: Obi x Reader Warnings: None (they kiss I guess?)
Y/n didn't like to sing, especially in front of strangers. But when her best friend Shirayuki had invited her to karaoke, she couldn't turn her down. What she hadn't told her was that her boyfriend Zen, as well as Zen's obnoxious friend Obi, would be there. Y/n didn't mind Zen, he was polite and treated Shirayuki well. It was Obi she couldn't stand. Zen was seen as a prince of their high school, meanwhile Obi was a delinquent-turned-guard who hung around Zen 24/7. Zen had found him bothering Shirayuki behind the school one day, and nearly beat him senseless. Shirayuki stopped him, and Obi swore up and down that he'd never lay a finger on her, she was scary enough.
Somehow that experience endeared Obi to them, and he started following them everywhere like a lost puppy. Y/n didn't believe his act at all. He was a thug, nothing more. Although she had to admit, he was handsome. Despite acting like a puppy, he had the face of a stray cat. Scarred, tattered, but cute in such an annoying way. Every time she looked at him he looked right back. When she would rush to catch up to Shirayuki in the hall he would always manage to bump her. She hated him and his stupid smile. She hated the way he looked at her when he thought she didn't notice. And she knew, deep down, that she didn't really hate him. She could never hate him. Because Obi was a damn stray cat bastard, but he was perfect.
When karaoke time came, Y/n already regretted agreeing to come. Obi out of uniform was bad enough, but with Zen and Shirayuki holding hands and performing duets together it felt like a double date. Y/n kept catching herself stealing glances at Obi, and every time she did he was looking too. He must have quick reflexes, to be able to look back at her so quickly. He wasn't looking at her before, that's for sure. That would be ridiculous. Everybody knows he's in love with Shirayuki, and he's just waiting for the day she and Zen break up so he can swoop in and date her. Everybody knows that. So why won't he stop looking at Y/n?
Shirayuki piped up. "Oh shoot, Zen, I forgot my phone in your car. Can I run and get it?"
"It's dark out, and this neighborhood is shady. I'll walk you to the car. Obi, you can take my turn and pick the next song." Zen grabbed his keys in one hand and his girlfriend's waist in the other and made his way to the door. "Be back soon!"
When the door clicked shut the silence in the room rang high-pitched in Y/n's ears, despite the bass pounding from the next room over. Without a word, Obi reached over for the remote and selected a song Y/n hadn't heard before. 'No You Girls' by Franz Ferdinand. The guitar started up and Obi picked up the microphone, stood up, and looked right into Y/n's eyes.
Oh, kiss me
Flick your cigarette, then kiss me
Kiss me where your eye won't meet me
Meet me where your mind won't kiss me
Flick your eyes and mind and then hit me
Hit me with your eyes so sweetly
Oh, you know, you know, you know that yes, I love
I mean I'd love to get to know you
Do you never wonder?
No, no, no, no
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls you'll never know
No, you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls you'll never know
No, you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy-
With the instrumental break, Obi moved the microphone away from his mouth and took a few panting breaths, before quickly returning for verse two.
Oh, kiss me
Flick your cigarette and then kiss me
Kiss me where your eye won't meet me
Oh, you know, you know, I know that I love you
I mean that, I mean I need to love
Do you never wonder?
No, no, no, no
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls you'll never know
No, you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls you'll never know
No, you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy-
By this point Y/n was blushing profusely, both because Obi refused to look away from her, and because she was keenly aware of the lyrics he was singing, and how he was directing them at her.
Sometimes I say stupid things
But I think, well, I mean I
Sometimes I think the stupidest things
Because I never wonder
Oh, how the girl feels
Oh, how the girl feels
Y/n caught a glimpse of the screen behind him and grabbed the duet microphone, taking over the song.
No, you boys never care
Oh no, you boys you'll never care
No, you boys never care
How the girl feels?
You boys never care
You dirty boys you'll never care
No, you boys never care
How the girl feels
Oh, how the girl feels
Oh, how the girl feels
With each line she stood and leaned across the table, inching her face closer and closer to his. With the last line and the song ending, Obi dropped his microphone to his side, heart pounding as he took in just how close she was. Y/n started to panic as she realized he wasn't moving away, but her pride kept her from moving herself. Her own microphone lowered in front of her as she kept her breathing measured, refusing to back down. To Obi, this was a tense, romantic moment. To Y/n, a challenge.
"Y/n.." Obi leaned slightly closer, his breath tickling the hair on her forehead.
"Don't. It'll just make things complicated."
Obi didn't move, closer or further. "But you're not moving away…"
Y/n froze, heat traveling to her cheeks and the tips of her ears. "D- don't."
"If you don't move away from me in the next five seconds, Y/n, I'm going to kiss you."
Y/n's heart pounded louder than the bass from the other room, or so it seemed to her. If she moved, she admitted defeat. If she stayed, he kissed her and won. She only saw one solution to this problem.
Obi's eyes went wide and Y/n rushed up and pressed her lips to his. There was a thud as she dropped her microphone on the table and cupped his face in her hands, moving her fingers up to the back of his head and through his hair. A second thud followed shortly after as he too dropped his microphone to wrap his arms around her waist. The table between them created an awkward triangle-like shape between their bodies and the floor, but they didn't care. A knock at the door broke their messy lip-lock immediately, reminding them that their friends were a part of their group as well.
Zen's muffled voice came through the poorly soundproofed door. "We forgot to take the room key, and the front desk clerk looks pissed, let us in before we get eaten alive!"
Y/n scoffed and opened the door, doing her best to hide her very obvious blush. She sat back down and took a sip of her ice water, but it felt like it was melting in her hands. Shirayuki gave her a "we'll discuss this later" look, and sat down. Zen presumably gave the same look to Obi, because he was white as a sheet beneath his red tinted cheeks. The next song was Shirayuki's pick, but Y/n was too distracted by the moment shared just before to pay much attention.
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