#Zig Zags Fallout
Training Challenge #1
"Welcome to Thisby!"
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Jaxom pushed his russet hair from his face, hands brushing the scar that zig-zagged from his hairline down to his chin. It was stretched and faded now, but the stares it got him never seemed to lessen. Especially now, as tourists began to flood the town and beaches, the unfamiliar faces gaped and turned to their city-dressed companions to whisper under their breath as he passed. It fazed him less now than it had when he was a child, turning to burrow his face into his mother’s woollen skirts. Now, the young man had the confidence to ignore the whispers, no acknowledgement given to those who pierced the comforting vale of his island home to turn their lives into a spectacle.
His tumultuous thoughts didn’t settle as he strode back home, mindlessly following the familiar paths he’d been treading since he learned to walk. His foray to Skarmouth had taken longer than usual, as his attention piqued and pulled at the store fronts, baubles and decorations already finding homes in preparation for the Races on the first of November.
Usually, the autumn months came and went without much change for the Willis family. Isolated high up amongst the rolling hills and fields of Thisby, most years the family of sheepherders simply prepared their flocks for winter, allowing the grit and the glamour of the Races to pass them by. Occasionally, his mother, and the sister six years his junior, Maeve, would make their way down to the town to sell spun wool and yarn to the tourists for prices that made them giggle and dance with glee, but Jaxom always found himself pulled away into tending the flock by his father. Twenty-three years on the island, his entire life, and never once had Jaxom made it to the festivities, let alone the Races. When he was younger, the boy had begged and pleaded year after year for his parents to permit him to attend, “just once, just for a day, an hour, please!”
Once, in the autumn of his twelfth year, the sheep had strayed far from their usual fields, and Jaxom, the ever-attentive shepherd, followed, trailing behind his wandering flock until verdant pastures fell away into sheer cliffs and where they made landfall the soft sand of the beach met the dark waters of the October ocean. Far below him, Jaxom could make out the tiny shapes of riders and capaill as they trained, so small they seemed more like the toys laid out on his bedroom floor than living and breathing beings. Entranced, the boy had turned his attention to the beaches, watching as stories of life and death and glory played out beneath him. The soft sounds of the surf breaking against the shore filled his mind, the ‘shh, shh, shh’ of waves delighting his youthful ears in an unfamiliar way. His reverie was only broken when he felt the rough hands of his father hauling him away from the cliff’s edge, and as he looked up into the darkening sky the realization he’d been absorbed for hours shook him.
The fallout was spectacular. His parents, usually calm and loving, had seethed, his father colossal in his rage. His mother wept and wailed, and made him promise over and over he would never do such a thing again, that he wouldn’t even think about the capaill and the Scorpio Sea. Jaxom promised. He stopped begging after that.
Always an honest man, Jaxom had done right by his promise, dutifully attending the flocks year after year while the festivities passed him by. This year, however, was the year he would break that promise. He hadn’t really meant to, nor did he particularly want too, but a late February storm had brought the best thing in his life to him, and racing was the only way he stood a chance at keeping her.
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Thank you to @the-seething-child for sketching Jaxom for me!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "The Sopranos. Tony is NOT buying the house" on YouTube
The simplicating Tony soprano but here's the point he doesn't think it's his boat and it isn't it's his wifes.
Thor Freya
So the big cherry tree song is on but really that's upsetting. And I do understand what it means and it looks beautiful but really they need to kidnap me and worse so I'm going to go ahead and make it very difficult and I'm helping and I do appreciate the help and before this which is nice
I'm on it and we're getting the guys involved and they're working on it too and I'm doing the example when they're coming up with their own and we are seeing what they're saying has to involve first a lot more and we're doing that now he wants to put us to work right now to a prescription and we're going to do that and he wants to set goals for each day up to the first in a very aggressive and go ahead and do that and it's all the way up to the first because of the fallout and I'll probably a little past and we're going to do that too and we're going to start that now
Zig Zag
I can tell it's pressure and we do see it and yes the max are insane and they put people through it that are apps to do things and they do it on purpose and they're not going to expect what they're getting and they're going to be horrified
Thor Freya
Like I said Tortugans. We know you expect it no you don't you're sitting in your code and you missed it and it didn't work and you are way laid millions of times not hundreds or 10 or 20
Into du caucus bunker and then underneath right in front of everyone
What the hell this might suck really bad
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georgiaandfriends · 2 years
Heroes of Hogwarts- The Green lady walks too fast
-Nicos pov: I watched as Kizuka dragged Skylar towards some carriages- Are those thestrals? I looked in shock. My step mother, Persephone had a few. Why were they out of the underworld? I shrugged and dragged will towards the carriages. I pet the thestrals and jumped in, will jumped in as well. I wasn't surprised to see kizuka chattering with Skylar.
The ride had been uneventful thankfully. I was leaning on will listening to fallout boy. We were approaching Hogwarts, and with a huge thud we reached the school.
"c'mon death boy we got some wizards-"
"to terrorize.." I said cutting will off with an evil smile. Will rolled his eyes.
"yeah yeah you big softie." Said will. I grumbled. Will dragged me out of the carriage, and started speed walking towards a stoic woman dressed in green.
"wait up!" Kizuka said running to catch up with us. Skylar rolled her eyes, and walked slightly faster. We approached the lady, before any of us could say anything she chimed in.
"Transfers, am I correct?" We nodded.
"You'll be sorted with the first years, come along now!"
The green woman- er professor McGonagall as we'd learned from the limited small talk, walked to fast for her own good. Especially due to the zig zagging hallways of Hogwarts making it more disorienting. I would just shadow travel, but I'm trying to lay low, and y'know appease Mr. Glow stick over there. Eventually we got to a dining room of sorts. It was probably twice as big as the camps dining pavilion, and it had a fake night sky with floating candles. It was brilliant. I tried to not gawk at it, but McGonagall noticed our wonder.
"Beautiful isn't it? I think you all will enjoy Hogwarts." With that, she ushered us to stand with some tiny eleven year olds, and she started her speech. She still hadn't told us what being sorted meant, but I assumed it had something to do with the different colored tables. And before I knew it, McGonagall started saying names, and I prepared to face a bunch of kids with sticks
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obdong · 3 years
Motello character bio
Name: Motello Almond
· Motello’s first name comes from the singer Elton Motello, who performed the original version of the song “Jet Boy Jet Girl” which is one of my (and Motello’s!) favorite songs.
· Motello’s last name come from the singer Marc Almond of the band Soft Cell. He is one of my favorite singers and style icon.
· Almond trees are also a symbol of spring and a time of renewal. I find this fitting for both a fallout setting and Motello’s character.
· Almond Oil can be used in for curly hair, which I use myself and I thought that was kind of fun to incorporate.
· Motello named himself and his deadname is [REDACTED]
Age: 30
Birthday: May 19th
Birthplace: Somewhere in Southern California
· I still don’t know too much about fallout 1 and 2 lore, so I have yet to decide an appropriate place for Motello to be from. Ideally, I’d like him to be from somewhere in/around the Huntington beach area.
· He grew up in an opened vault. [ Will change if I find this to conflict with official lore]
Gender: Male, AFAB.
· Oval shaped face with a big head.
· His nose bridge is kind of long but with small nostrils. He has a piercing in his left nostril.
· Big droopy eyes with prominent eye bags. His eyes are green. Sometimes likes to line them with eyeliner and mascara if he can get it.
· Has crows’ feet from pulling on his eyelids from applying makeup.
· Thick eyebrows, sometimes turns into a unibrow if he goes too long without maintenance. Cannot pluck his eyebrows to save his life and he’s very self-conscious about them.
· Thick, Curly , Red hair. Likes to keep it short on the sides and back while long on the top and front. Tends to go long periods of time without a proper haircut and his bangs will cover his eyes.
· Beauty mark under his left eye, this is a charm point.
· Peach fuzz under his nose, a sad attempt at a mustache. Makes him feel manly. Cannot grow facial hair.
· Small mouth.
· Hairy legs and armpits but, not particularly hairy anywhere else.
· Self-harm scars from cutting on his upper thighs.
· 5’4 and weighing in at about 230 pounds, Motello is a short and chubby king. He wears his weight well however due to being on his feet constantly.
· Hell bent on leather. Anytime he finds a leather jacket he is compelled to get it.
· Zig zag scar going across his head from ear to ear from a surgery as a baby. This scar was modified on his right side due to being shot in the head.
Physical and/or mental disabilities, illnesses, etc.:
· Anxiety and suicidal depression. Has a history of self-harm.
· Addict, addicted to mentats. He’s very self-conscious about being perceived as low intelligence.
· Is on the autism spectrum
· dyspraxia.
· Lactose intolerant.
· Mild frontal lobe damage due to intercranial pressure as a baby.
· Cigarettes
· Mentats
· Coffee
· Drawing
· Painting
· Sculpture
· Sewing
· Cold Soda ( A Rare treat)
· Rock n roll
· Surf rock
· Punk rock
· Arcade Gannon
· Teddy Bears
· Animals
· Cactuses
· Orange
· The Legion
· The NCR
· Mr. House
· Radroaches
· People that don’t understand art
· Eye contact
· Cheese [ Does that even exist in fallout???]
· Twirls his front curl when nervous.
· Sketching in whatever book he’s managed to refine and create a sort of sketchbook. If he finds someone with a unique face or feature, he will start to draw you. Has an affection for ghouls, their hard for him to draw but, in a fun way. Its Motello’s love language so to speak.
· Likes to fidget with his nose ring, gets upset when people think he’s picking his nose. :C
· Suffers from night terrors due to his ptsd.
· While he views it more as a lifestyle, Motello is an artist first and a courier/adventurer second. He loves to look for and find objects that he can incorporate into some sort of art piece. While mostly a pencil/charcoal and paper user, he does have an interest in film, photography, music, and sculpture and wishes to pursue these other artforms in whichever way is feasibly possible.
· He loves stuffed animals and likes to hoard them in his room at the lucky 38.
· Enjoys the rare comic and legible books that he can find. I’d like to believe he has read Dune by Frank Herbert at some point. Hey it could happen!
· Emotionally unintelligent and immature. It can be hard to believe this man is thirty. Tends to bottle up and hide his feelings until they explode, and when that happens its usually a big mess.
· Can come off as rude, has the bad habit of interrupting people while they talk and tends to look around when he talks.
· Huge shit talker. This has bitten him on the ass many times.
Overall Personality:
· Sad eyes and a catlike smile, Motello is a polite young man who unintentionally comes off as rude sometimes due to a lack of understanding both social cues and his own emotions. But overall, he just does his best to be nice and civil. Has a surprisingly cheerful demeanor, it’s hard to say if its just him masking his autism, depression, and anxieties. Has a fear of being replaced and views himself as unimportant due to not having many friends? The friends he does have though, he is fiercely loyal to, almost to a fault. Can’t help being a Taurus!
S P E C-10 I-3 A L-7
· A Cassette player with two microphones and a strap for easy carrying
· A red Japanese randoseru back pack.
· Cassette tapes, both empty ones and ones with music
· A book or two filled with emo ramblings and artwork
· His weapon of choice the good old 10 mm pistol. Surprisingly proficient.
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windlion · 4 years
@aliciarosefantasy Kylin's time to get whumped (And not in a hallucination). I'd like to see how the iron triangle handle it, since he's always so tough and invincible. Fluffy friendships a must.
Timeline, what timeline? :D I spent longer on this with the other sides of the Iron Triangle than I should have, but it was fun--  Merry Christmas!
They had no warning before the mountainside dropped beneath them.  Wu Xie yelled and tried to grab on to Pangzi as the ground shook out from under them, rocks and dirt cascading downwards.  He tried to keep his feet under him, pack to the mountainside as they tumbled down sharp shale, but it was too fast, too chaotic, as they went in seconds down what they'd spent all morning climbing up.  
He lost hold of Pangzi quickly, and it was all he could do to duck his head under his arms as they went through a series of scrub trees, sharp dry branches snapping and whipping across them.  Pangzi, however, wasn't done with him--Wu Xie came to an abrupt stop as Pangzi seized onto him in turn with a grunt of effort.  "Tianzhen?!"
Wu Xie could only wheeze in reply, the sudden blow from his pack straps having knocked the breath out of him, and reached up to try and pat Pangzi in reassurance even as more rocks and dirt rained down around them.  Wu Xie scrabbled to get his feet under him against the mountainside, helping take some of the strain.  Twisting, he could see Pangzi had managed to stop himself laying side-ways across several of the tree trunks, distributing the weight.  
As the rockslide slowed to a trickle, a cloud of dust still hanging over them, Wu Xie coughed and returned Pangzi's firm grasp to haul him back up into the thicket of scrub pines.  "Xiaoge?"
Pangzi shook his head, sitting back against the slope as he tried to brush dirt, rocks, and bits of tree off of him.  "Didn't see him.  You know our Xiaoge, though."
"You look like you've been through a wood chipper."
Pangzi grumbled, flicking a piece of dry-rotted bark at him.  "You would've looked like you went through a meat grinder if I didn't stop you from going over the ledge."
Wu Xie absently patted at his shoulder, leaning back to look up the cliffside.  "Aa, good catch."
Xiaoge had been scouting ahead of them, some ten to twenty meters further to the west.   And some . . . five to ten hundred meters up.   Dust still hung heavy in the air, a few shards of still falling here and there pinging their way down the mountainside.  Definitely not guaranteed to be stable.
Pangzi followed his gaze and scowled at the shale, echoing his thoughts, "That's going to be a bitch to climb again."  
"We might need another way up."  Hell, a solid sheer cliff face with ropes was better than this shifting mess.  He still had his climbing gear.  
Pangzi leaned back and yelled at the blue sky in outrage, "We weren't even in the tomb yet!"
That reminded him-- Wu Xie met Pangiz's eyes. "Someone was."
Pangzi's face contorted in a grimace as he reluctantly agreed. "Tianzhen, you are full of good news today."
"Hopefully they'll leave you something to blow up."  Wu Xie pushed his way back up to his feet, extending a hand.  "Come on, let's go find Xiaoge."
"Or he'll find us."
They'd forged along for nearly an hour, making slow zig-zagging progress uphill and west. They paused to tap out a question every five minutes or so, using a rock against the edge of a shovel so it would echo in the air.   The benefit to finding Xiaoge more quickly was worth the risk of alerting any sentries from the group that had beaten them.
Pangzi took a quick mouthful of water to wash down the dust while they waited and listened for a response. "You don't think he surfed all the way to the bottom, do you?"
Wu Xie shook his head.  "If anything, he'd stop far faster."  
But Xiaoge wouldn't have kept going without them, without being sure they were safe.  Wu Xie scanned the mountainside, feeling his guts twist with unease.  In theory all the grey shale uniformly coating the mountainside should have made an excellent backdrop to find one black-clad Zhang Qiling against.  In reality, Xiaoge was probably as covered in dust and ghost pale as Wu Xie and Pangzi.
"He might have fallen straight into the tomb.  They blew up the damn mountain right under us."
Wu Xie winced. "It's possible."
That would be one of the better options, really, because he had full faith Xiaoge could handle whoever or whatever the tomb could throw at them.  Because the alternative. . .
Pangzi hissed like a tea kettle, flinging the back of his hand into Wu Xie's chest, voice hushed and intent, "Look."
Wu Xie followed his finger pointing uphill, to where the hilt of an extremely familiar black and gold sword just barely jutted from the rock.  "Xiaoge?!"
They raced each other to the spot, Wu Xie winning by a scant meter.  The sword was indeed jammed straight into solid rock, providing a handhold for someone to crouch just in the lee of a ledge.  The problem was, there was no Xiaoge with it.  Pangzi worked to haul the sword free, grumbling about over-achievers, while Wu Xie searched for any signs of their friend.
Even looking, he almost tripped over him instead some five meters downhill, covered in a heap of shale.  Wu Xie cursed and dropped to his knees, digging frantically, sending more rocks cascading down.  Pangzi hurried to join him, helping Wu Xie pull Xiaoge up and free from the mess. Zhang Qiling was lighter than he should be as always, and unnaturally still.  Wu Xie hauled him close and hurriedly pressed his fingers to the man's neck, holding silent.  He breathed out in relief when he finally felt the pulse, slow, steady.  "He's alive."
Pangzi frisked the other man's limbs and body, checking for injury, reporting, "Nothing broken.  Doesn't look like anything that would put him out."
Wu Xie frowned down at the man's head in his lap, carefully sinking his hands into thick hair to feel along the man's skull, then winced as he displayed blood-covered fingers to Pangzi. "That would do it."
Pangzi hissed, patting the unconscious man's shoulder.  "Aiya. . . had to hit him in the weak spot."
Wu Xie probed along the edge of the injury, queasily glad to find that the bones didn't seem to shift under his hands, just a knot of swollen, tender tissue and hair matted with blood. "I think . . . maybe just a concussion, not a cracked skull."
Pangzi caught and held his eyes, worry matching his own.  That might be bad enough. Pangzi breathed out gustily, leaning forward to seize hold of Xiaoge's arms.  "All right, you get his pack.  Let's go find a place to make camp."
Wu Xie hesitated, then helped strip off the lighter pack before maneuvering Xiaoge onto Pangzi's back.  Xiaoge was alive.  They'd deal with whatever the fallout was when he woke up.  And if he'd forgotten them, well it wouldn't be the first time.
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and the Gryphon’s Quest! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 10 of 19
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Aranel the Cyborg, now  Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed  on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the  express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.   They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or  fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without  charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for  their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Chapter 10. Remnants of an Earlier Age.
Grata, staring at the shifting, swirling glow of many hues down below, raised her crest in admiration.  “What is this?  It is lovely.  I have never seen anything like it.”
Rahak watched it intently as well. More grimly, he replied, crest flat, “I have.  It was during the Slaver Rebellion.  This is a remnant of Non Equine combat magic.  What I saw was not this big nor so soft seeming.  
“Doctor Do, have you any notion about this?”
Daring Do nodded, eyes tearing, biting her lip to hold back sorrow.  “You are right, Rahak.  You are looking at the remains of two deadly Non Equine magic detonations.  If you look closely, you can see fragments of runes in the glows.  They are still randomly combining and breaking apart.
“This is still active fallout from the last action of the Second Nightmare War.  How do I tell Princess Luna?  She is still devastated by the destruction that she wrought.”
Awed, Grata and Rahak realized, “That was over two thousand years ago.  How could it possibly have lasted so long?”
Daring Do stared down the declivity as she said, “Ponies still find active battle runes from the Nightmare Wars.  Usually, if a pony survives the encounter, Princess Luna is called on to safely break the runes.  This sort of thing will last as long as the runes themselves exist.
“I have assisted in cataloging the antiquities while they were being recovered from a few of those old war sites.  Some were just refuge bunkers.  Others were far more dangerous.”
Grata, her crest set in command, stated, “We camp here, tonight.  Tomorrow, if you feel it safe enough, we will descend into the bowl.  It has just become a matter of the utmost importance to find whether Ours is an Ancient Race or the youngest.”  She gestured at the fallen Sunlord way marker.  “It could be either one.  No matter what we find, the Empress MUST know.”
The night itself was uneventful.  The next morning they began scouting for a way down.  The way that they did find was not a safe one.  They chose a part of the steep slope that had a lot of brush that seemed solidly rooted.
Securing a rope to the axle and stabilizing the cart by lacing it around the whipples, they eased the cart as close as they dared.  They fastened the rope to the stoutest of the brush and payed it out as they worked the wheels free of brush.
It was slow, grueling work.  It took until mid afternoon to get the cart to safe ground.
Staring back up to the rim, Daring Do remarked, “That was pretty bad.  I am afraid that getting it out of here will be worse!”
Rahak was stretching and flexing.  “I am sore in places where I did not even know I had muscles!”
Daring Do found a grass patch and started grazing up her missed lunch! Grata proved that being close to royalty did not weaken her hunting ability. She caught two rabbits in only three pounces.  It took Rahak four.
Returning to the cart, Rahak noted, “We are not alone down here.  Over near the rabbit warren there is a recently made trap.  It had a rabbit caught in it.”
Grata asked, “Did you leave it for the trapper?”
“Of course I did.  It would have been wrong to steal another’s dinner because I am hungry.”
Grata agreed, “It would also be a bad way to introduce ourselves to whatever lives here and set that trap.”
The took the cart down to the small lake at the bottom of the bowl. Looking up, they could see many Eagles circling gracefully in the tricky winds.  As they watched, one swooped, breaking its dive at the last moment, claws raking into the water.  With powerful wing strokes, the Eagle lifted a big trout from the lake and flew off to perch in a snag and eat its bounty.
Daring Do had maps out and was studying the Eagle’s Vale.  She was shaking her head.  “These maps are ALL wrong.  This upper crater does not show as more than fifty or sixty meters deep.  I have to wonder what else is wrong.”
They were just settled in for the night when there was a voice speaking out of the darkness.
“In ein cornin ba hue?”
Daring Do sat up with a jolt!  Pausing to bring something to mind, she replied haltingly, “Nat ein cornin na os.”
The voice replied, “As goot.  Ein cornin na goot.”  Plaintively it asked, “In nympha cam matunein?  Matunein sa mussin eir nymphes.”
Daring Do’s brow furrowed with concentration as she requested, “Spak un lessin fastenin.  Ik non unnerstan.”
The speaker from the darkness paused.
Grata asked softly, “What is that language, Doctor Do?”
Equally quietly, Daring Do whispered back, “It is Early Middle Equestrian.  I never thought to hear it outside of the Philology Department of the Royal University.  The language grew into Middle Equestrian by about 1600 years ago.  The pony speaking this is completely fluent.”
Out of the darkness came the voice again, practically weeping.  “Nymphes ba ein sider.  Twan nymphes cam matunein?  Pras spak sa.”
Grata, crest up, suggested, “Invite the speaker here, Doctor Do.  Perhaps we can sort out what she means.”
Daring Do nodded and invited, “Ein cam blazin.  Unnerstanes ef efforte.”
“Ein es afearit.  Eques ba afearin ein.”
“Unnerstanes, eques ba afearin nat.”
With only the slightest rustling of the brush the speaker appeared.  It was all dark.  Its body was covered in chitinous plates.  Its horn was stunted and, though straight, seemed zig zag because of holes in the sides of it.  It had holes in its legs and an almost filmy but tattered mane, tail and stunted wings.
When it spoke, fangs were plainly visible.  “Eich afearin nach?  Ein afearin nach.”
Daring Do patted the ground next to her and replied to the changeling, “Afearin nach nat.  Cam seatti ma sidn ba os.”
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Game Journal 04/29/20: After The Brumak Fight, I’m All In On Gears Tactics!
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I wouldn’t exactly say I was hesitant to put my full commitment behind Gears Tactics, there’s no universe where I wasn’t going to play this game, but after the first boss fight against the iconic Brumak?  Oh you can just count me all the way in.  Brumak’s have a weird history in Gears of War, I vividly remember most of the marketing material for the first game heavily featuring them, largely because it’s clear someone at Epic Games thought their design was cool as hell.  When the game actually came out though, The Brumak was relegated to a cutscene, only actually becoming a part of the game when the PC port added in “the lost chapters” bonus levels that....to be honest I don’t know if were actually cut from the base game, or just added in to move more PC copies, but they were merely okay, even if they did finally add in the big monster from all the marketing! Here in Gears Tactics the Brumak is back to their imposing as hell self, straight out of the marketing with the sad music!  The encounter takes the form of a really creative battle where the only way to inflict any damage to the boss is to shoot the tanks on his back.  Thing is, whenever any unit takes a shot at the thanks, the Brumak will turn around to deny that unit a follow up strike.  Positioning your soldiers in a four way zig-zag to keep such a large and imposing enemy confused and disorientated is a ton of fun, and handily sold me on the idea that the fast paced energy of Gears of War could flawlessly translate to a genre known for it’s slow goings. 
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Plus the campaign just brought my squad to Vasagar!  We only know of Vasagar from like, Gears V, where it’s in absurdly worse shape than it is in this game, but any kind of recognizable location is more than welcome by me!
I’m extremely impressed at the overall quality of Gears Tactics.  I can’t wait to keep playing more of this game, it’s making me find an appreciation for a genre up to now I couldn’t stand!  Such is the power of Gears of War, you know, along with the chainsaw guns, ridiculously muscled dudes and savage violence.
Random Screenshot Of The Day:
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Sometimes it’s a wonder what a simple re-texture mod can do to the entire vibe of a game.  The Commonwealth looking green and vibrant is like a whole new world to explore!
Stray Game Notes:
- Nothing much!  All I played today was Gears Tactics and it was only in the breaks I had in-between final assignments! 
- Well, I did play Ring Fit in the morning like I have been for the past two or so months.  Sometimes I forget that it’s a video game at all, which is really a disservice to it because it’s a great video game!
- Yesterday I got to the point in Fallout 4 where the Brotherhood of Steel showed up and you can get up to the Prydwynn, remember that precocious kid from Fallout 3?  He’s a Hitler now!  Enjoy! 
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New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Zig Zags Release a Blistering Headbanger from Fourth Album
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Zig Zags Release a Blistering Headbanger from Fourth Album @randysezz @easyriderrecord @usthemgroup
Over the years, I’ve written quite a bit about the  Los Angeles-based thrash punk/metal trio and JOVM mainstays  Zig Zags. And as you may recall, the act, which is currently comprised of founding member Jed Maheu (guitar, vocals), Dane Andrews (drums) and longtime sound engineer, multi-instrumentalist Sean Hoffman (bass) over the course of their eight-plus year have gone through a series of…
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thekillerssluts · 6 years
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Arcade Fire’s Will Butler on His ‘Showbiz Mormon’ Family and How His Granddad Pioneered the Electric Guitar
There’s a scene in the 1944 Ann Miller musical Jam Session that opens on a talking guitar. In the first shot, the neck of the guitar, carved into a face with the off-kilter stare and wobbling jaw of a ventriloquist dummy, croaks out lyrics: “I am the spirit of the St. Louis Blues, I am so bluuue, all the day long I am blue, all the day long I am so bluuuuue.” The puppet’s words sound weird—not quite guitar, not quite human. They were voiced by an analog “vocoder,” a kind of music tech that might sound more at home in a Kraftwerk album, than among Hollywood show tunes and old school swing bands.
But the dummy guitar was a prelude to the Alvino Rey Orchestra, a group whose frontman, Alvino Rey, pioneered early electronic instruments, and has been hailed as the grandfather of the modern electric guitar. He’s also the grandfather of Win and Will Butler, the brothers behind Arcade Fire.
Born in 1908, Rey’s bizarre musical trajectory stretched across the 20th century, zig-zagging from lowbrow to high, and weaving through major moments in American politics and pop culture. That’s the story that Will, the younger Butler and sideman of Arcade Fire, is telling in the latest issue of Pop-Up magazine, a live, mixed-media variety show currently touring the country and playing at Brooklyn Academy of Music on Feb. 7. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Butler described Rey as unassuming guy whose life, almost by accident, ballooned out into homeric epic. “He was kind of like a nerdy guitar player swept into all of American history,” Butler said.
Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, Rey nursed dueling interests in music and technology. He learned the banjo as a kid, and started playing in bands as a teenager. He also tinkered with electronics, building his first radio at age 8, learning morse code as an adolescent, and later becoming one of the youngest ham operators in the nation. Throughout the ’20s and ’30s, he worked both sets of skills, helping Gibson Guitar Co. develop their first electric pickup and test out amps for guitar groundbreaker Leo Fender. At the same time, Butler told the Daily Beast, he played in a series of major bands, orchestras and quartets, and mixed sounds across all kinds of categories. “This guy was playing jazz music with a Hawaiian guitar,” Butler said, “Then he went from jazz to pop...He made beautiful things and chintzy singles…It’s kind of the great American songbook.”
Rey’s life story was rife with American tropes. Rey and his wife Luise King of the King Sisters were deeply religious, for one. He had grown up Christian Scientist—eschewing medical care even when his appendix burst as a kid, according to Butler—and she was Mormon. “Her dad was the last child of the last wife of a polygamist homesteader in Utah in the 1870s,” Butler said. They raised their children Mormon, and eventually Rey converted to the church. “They were all showbiz Mormons,” Butler added, “Which is...a thing.”
Rey’s saga also carried under- and overtones of racial tension and appropriation. He was born Alvin McBurney, but changed his name to Alvino Rey to “help fit in with a Latin music craze,” according to his New York Times obituary (although Butler says there are many different versions of the story). And in the 1940s, when he hired Charles Mingus for one of his first gigs, segregation laws forced the band to pretend Mingus was Hawaiian. “He had to wear a fucking Hawaiian shirt in all the clubs, because he was black,” Butler said. “They had to pretend he was Hawaiian. It was like, Charles Mingus, one of the great geniuses of the 20th century, has to wear this hideous shirt all the time. It’s just so fucking absurd.”
Rey was old enough to remember WWI, played jazz in the Harlem Renaissance, watched the construction of the Empire State Building, served in the Navy in the fallout of WWII, and played Reagan’s inauguration ball, before winding up with a recurring gig at Disneyland in the ’80s.
The fact that a survey of Rey’s life reads like a history textbook fits with Butler’s style, who has often tried to work at the intersection of music and politics, to varying degrees of success. “My first solo record was called Policy,” Butler said. “The original thought was for it to be a punk rock record, but really wonky and technical, with these like grand gestures, accurately hemming and hawing about laws, and how they might be approached, which kind of got abandoned.”
Later, in 2015, Butler collaborated with The Guardian, to write a song a day based on topical headlines, and in 2017, he got a mid-career Masters at Harvard’s Kennedy School in Public Administration. The degree prompted him to launch a series of what he called “Disco Town Halls,” or a series of after-parties for Arcade Fire shows in support of local organizing. “We’d go to a local bar and bring out a local politician and local activist group, and just talk,” Butler said. “In Tampa, we talked about felon disenfranchisement, for people who have been arrested and couldn’t vote. In New York, a city councilman came out, and an activist talked about Rikers.”
The piece in Pop-Up magazine isn’t as overtly political as his other work. But in all of them, he says he’s interested in a proximity to history. On the phone with The Daily Beast, Butler compared it to the difference between a novelist’s “great” books, and their “lesser” ones. The former, he said, tend to lend themselves to broader truths about people and life. The latter get caught up in the particulars. “You learn so much about the author, and the author’s world,” he said. “In Dostoevsky's lesser novels, you learn about 19th century Russian politics, instead of learning about humanity and man’s freedom to choose, and all of that. You’re like, oh fuck, 19th century Russian politics was fucked.”
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cptsrogers-a · 5 years
@getinthefunvee || fallout verse
It never stopped. Just endless wreckage, one building, town, city after the next. Just when he thought he’d seen the worst, something would come along to top it. First it was the animals--so badly mutated he barely knew what they were. Then it was the skeletons. So, so many dead. He was beyond shock now, just numb as he moved from one place to the next.
At first he wandered, shell shocked, his only belongings the clothes on his back. He could barely believe his eyes. Trees dull with death, struggling to reclaim any sort of life. Dust and dirt everywhere. Rot. The air itself seemed thick with something, some sort of sludge almost, that made every breath feel like a chore for the first hour. The distant sky crackled with energy that sent his hair on end.
That pushed him to focus. If a storm was coming, he’d need shelter. Tempting though it may be to go back to the military camp, he pushed forward, towards what looked like some small farmstead. If he could hide in there for a while, get his bearings, maybe--
“There he is! Go get him, he’s our ticket to more caps!”
Something blasted the back of his shoulder, sending Steve toppling down the hill. It burned through his clothes and set his skin afire--not literally, but it didn’t feel like it was going to heal as fast as normal. So avoiding their gunfire was going to be priority number one.
Rolling to his feet, Steve took off for the barn. He zig zagged, dodging most of the blasts towards him--a combination of lasers and bullets, no less--until his knee got hit, once more sending him toppling to the ground. A bullet wound blossomed blood on his khakis, and he cursed before standing again, hobbling the rest of the way towards the barn door. Almost there Rogers, shake it off and keep marching.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
All 350 bases are hit and they all are finally damaged 50% of them have exploded and made a crater about 300 ft wide and flattened the whole place. And that's a self-destruct snow this is one of the bombs they left behind. 100 more bases have exploded the closest place to our son is Arizona. And these people are in New Mexico and they heard the explosion about 3 minutes ago. It's true. So they're acting when it's an overdrive. And it's too far away to hear even though it's equivalent of about to 100 megaton bombs dropped at the same time arm for the same time or the to detonated the same time the explosion was incredible they blinded about 500,000 people at each site now well like 500 billion people are blinded and the fallout is killing lots of people and we are controlling it it is a dirty bomb situation in the nuke did not go off it's the detonator and they were gigantic bombs but a mile wide.
Zig Zag
We find that to be horrific and we're asking if there are any others like that invite them to be disabled
We shall this has been a horrifically hard situation they don't necessarily need to have them armed
Duke Nukem Blockbuster or near anybody or at all
We need to hear all this but we know our people do the job and they're very loyal that's not what we're talking about we're talking about the above about the bases being destroyed I'm sending out troops and is very strong reaction all of the Earth mainly by the max Tommy F was seen encouraging this to happen
0 notes
spy-in-the-house · 6 years
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[ Dash One / R.B.R. / Boozter / Blast From The Past | Psycho Thrill Recordings | Authentic Music | Sky's Ablaze Records | BangTech12 DET | GOLZHEIM/ GHM | SpyInTheHouse / 674.fm,  Cologne / GER ]
Brief bio of a DJ: PSYCHO THRILL Cologne-founder CLAUS BACHOR is one of the German long-term House and Techno DJs at all, and as friends in Detroit say "he's been doing this as long as anybody else that we know! His sets can range from classic Disco & old school House classics all the way to the darkest, bangin' techno that you've ever heard!" However, he's not standing still yet: The Psycho Thrill club and vinyl label run by him has just turned 27 and Bachor is still doing bookings all over Europe, the United States and beyond. Keep reeding more via Soundcloud Bio  RAVE CLUB COLOGNE:  In the course of history, clubs have been emerging and disappearing in European metro areas like the tides. Yet, some of Cologne’s night life strongholds such as LOVERS CLUB/DISCO INFERNO, PIMPERNEL, COCONUT, LE BATEAU or MOROCO have managed to leave stable marks in terms of quality standards regarding Funk, Disco, Electro, Hi-NRG, Proto-House and club hedonism/escapism within the steady quicksand of Cologne’s club history via their protagonists JOE (Coconut 1976-81), CAROL MARTIN (Moroco since 1981) and KLAUS STOCKHAUSEN (Coconut 1981-83 / then FRONT Hamburg), as well as through club icons like the well-known keeper BOGDAN since the mid 70s, and quite a few of the present clubbing generations still feel a lot of admiration for them. As these were slowly absorbed by mainstream’s vortex with new club venues like PICCIONAIA and NEUSCHWANSTEIN in the mid 80s, new alternative quality guardians of pure Soul/Northern Soul and Funk such as SOULFUL SHACK appeared on the scene, one who was tightly connected to the former Cologne SPEX desk, whose editorial core of authors like GERALD HÜNDGEN, OLAF KARNIK, LOTHAR GORRIS, DIRK SCHEURING and RALF NIEMCZYK, as well as the fellow DJs MICHAEL REINBOTH [later Compost, Munich] and MARKUS JÄHNING, set the initiative towards a clearly perceptible program club for the Soulful Shack topic and Hip Hop/House at the beginning of 1988.   Keep reeding more via RAVE CLUB 1988/89
without the past … there’s no phuture … these alltime RAVE CLUB COLOGNE essentials in alphabetical order only
01 4-PLAY: Nastyness _ Mona Mixx [ A1-Track from Bigshot Records US 128035 US 12” | 1988 ] 02 A GUY CALLED GERALD: Blow Your House Down [ B2-Track from “Voodo Ray” RHAM! RS 8804 UK 12” | 1988 ] 03 A GUY CALLED GERALD: FX _ The Elevation Mix [ A-Track from Subscape Records ACGCT 001 UK 12“ | 1989 ] 04 A GUY CALLED GERALD: Voodoo Ray _ The Ricky Rouge Remix [ RHAM! RX8804 / Skysaw Music UK 12” | 1989] 05 ADONIS feat. GARY B.: No Way Back _ Vocal Mix [ Trax 112 US 12” | 1986 ] 06 ADONIS pres. THE ENDLESS POKER'S [FLEX, AMP, PERCY RICHBLOOD]: !Poke! _ Your Turn 2 Work Mix [ D.J. International 909 US 12” | 1986 ] 07 AKASA: One Night In My Life _ It's Time [ B1-Track from WEA Records YZ403T UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 08 AMBASSADORS OF FUNK [SIMOM HARRIS]: Everybody [ B2-Track from Next Plateau 50100 US 12” | 1989 ] 09 BABY FORD: Oochy Koochy _ Konrad Cadet Mix [ Rhythm King RBFord 001 UK 12” | 1988 ] 10 BAM-BAM: Give It To Me _ Club Mix [ Westbrook 105 US 12” | 1988 ] 11 BAM-BAM: Where's Your Child? [ Westbrook Records 107 US 12” | 1988 ] 12 BEFORE THE STORM: I’ve Got The Music _ Tony Humphries’ Club Mix [ Movin’ Records 001 US 12” | 1987 ] 13 BEN MAYS: X-Rated_ Bam-Bam's Club Mix [ Desire Records WANTX-021 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 14 BLACK HAVANA pres. SOUND FACTORY: Cuban Gigolo _ Kurtis Mantronik Remix [ B2-Track from Syncopate 1004 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 15 BLACK RIOT [TODD TERRY]: A Day In The Life _ Club Mix [ Fourth Floor Records 1089 US 12” | 1988 ] 16 BLAKE BAXTER: Does Not Compute [ B2 from KMS 011 US 12” | 1988 ] 17 BLAKE BAXTER: Get Layed [ A2 from KMS 011 US 12” | 1988 ] 18 BLAKE BAXTER: In This House We Jack [ B2-Track from “Jackmaster Vol.4” Westside Records JACKLP505 / D.J.International Records UK 2x12” | 1989 ] 19 BLAKE BAXTER: Sexuality [ Incognito IR 112688 _ Misspress US 12” | 1988 ] 20 BOU KHAN: Magic _ Magical Mix [ Quark Records 009 US 12” | 1988 ] 21 BRANDON COOKE feat. ROXANNE SHANTE: Sharp As A Knife _ Acid Attack [ Phonogram JABX 073 UK 12” | 1988 ] 22 BURRELL [RHEJI BURRELL & RONALD BURRELl]: Put Your Trust In The Music _ L.A.'s Garage Mix [ Ten Records Ltd. 264 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 23 CANDY J: Hurt Me! Hurt Me! _ Dueleme! Dueleme! Mix [ A3-Track from Eecho USA Music 023 US 12“ | 1989 ] 24 CHANELLE: One Man _ Frankie Knuckles' One Mix [ A-Side from Profile Records 7241 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 25 CHAOS [ANNE & KEVIN SAUNDERSON] feat. SIMIANNE: Definition Of Love _ Underground Techno-Nition Mix [ A1-Track from KMS Records 023 US 12” | 1989 ] 26 CHARLEY CASANOVA & CHEP NUNEZ: Casanova's Revenge _ Chep's Down [ B1 from Invasion 7248 / Profile US 12” | 1989 ] 27 CHILLY T: Work The Wax _ Freestyle Mix [ A2-Track from Dance Mania 024 US 12” | 1989 ] 28 CHUBB ROCK with HOWIE TEE: Ya' Bad Chubbs _ Crib Mix [ Select FMS 62336 US 12” | 1989 ] 29 CYNTHIA MT: I Can't Stop _ Bam Bam' House Mix [ Dance Mania Records 014 US 12” | 1988 ] 30 D.F.X. [C.DONATO]: Relax Your Body [ London Street FTM 31634 / Zig Zag UK 12” | 1989 ] 31 DA REBELS [HULA & K.FINGERS]: It's Time To Jack The House [ B1-Track from Clubhouse Records 103 US 12” | 1989 ] 32 DANCER [SIDNEY WINTERS]: Boom-Boom _ Frankie Knuckles Mix [ B-Side from Trax Records 153 US 12” | 1987 ] 33 DANCER: Number Nine _ Bedroom Mix [ A2 from Trax Records 160 US 12” | 1988 ] 34 DENISE M [DENISE MIDDLETON]: Do You Love Me? _ Acid Down Mix [ B2-Track from D.J. International 983 US 12” | 1989 ] 35 DICE [DYCE & MALKANI]: I Can´t Take It [ Production House 001 / Handle Music UK 12” | 1987 ] 36 DIE WARZAU [JIM MARCUS & VAN CHRISTIE]:  Bodybag / Shakedown _ The Ralphie Rosario Remixes [ A3/B3-Tracks from Fiction Records ‎879 099-1 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 37 DIVA [AELENE COUTEE & VICTOR MITCHEL]: Get Up _ Club Mix [ Express Records 015 US 12” | 1989 ] 38 DOUG LAZY [GENE DOUGLAS FINLEY]: Let It Roll _ Vocal Mix [ A1-Track from Atlantic 86407 US 12” | 1989 ] 39 ECSTASY CLUB: Jesus Loves The Acid _ Acid Chant [ A-Side from Swordfish Records Drop001 UK 12” | 1988 ] 40 EDWARD CROSBY & SINGING DJ: Party Time Remix _ Party Dub [ B2-Track from Get Down Records 101 US 12” | 1989 ] 41 EDWARDS & ARMANI: Sex _ Acid House Mix [ MG Records 66006 / Indisc BEL 12” | 1988 ] 42 EQUATION [RONALD BURRELL]: The Answer _ Frankie Bones Long Division Mix [ A-Side from Nu Groove / Strictly Underground 003 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 43 E-ZEE POSSEE: Everything Begins With An “E” _ Original Mix [ More Protein 112 UK WL-12” | 1989 ] 44 FALLOUT [LENNY DEE & TOMMY MUSTO]: The Morning After _ Sunrise Mix [ A-Side from Fourth Floor Rec. 887 US 12” | 1987 ] 45 FANTASY CLUB [BAD BOY BILL & MIKE “HITMAN” WILSON]: Mystery Girls ... Set Me Free _ 4 Track Mix [ B2-Track from International House Records 002 US 12” | 1987 ] 46 FARLEY 'JACKMASTER' FUNK & THE SHY BOYZ: U Ain't Really House _ Really House [ B1-Track from House Records 025 US 12” | 1987 ] 47 FAST EDDIE: Acid Thunder _ Smooth Thunder [ A1-Track from D.J.International Records 961 US 12” | 1988 ] 48 FB3 [THE FUN BOY THREE]: Faith, Hope & Charity _ Dancin' Danny D Remix [ A-Side from Cooltempo Records / Virgin 004 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 49 FINAL CUT [ANTHONY SROCK, GREG LUCAS, JEFF MILLS, JOSEPH LAFATA, MAX EDGIN, VAN CHRISTIE]: I Told You Not To Stop [ B3-track from "Deep In 2 The Cut" Full Effect Records FE-0700 US LP | 1989 ] 50 FINAL CUT: The House Has Landed _ This Cut [ B1-Track from Full Effect Records 18560 US 12” | 1988 ] 51 FINGERS INC. feat. ROBERT OWENS: Can You Feel It _ Vocal Version [ A1-Track from Jack Trax 020 UK 12” | 1988 ] 52 FINGERS INC. feat. ROBERT OWENS: Mystery Of Love _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from D.J. International Records 892 US 12” | 1986 ] 53 FORGEMASTERS: Shall We ... [ B-Side from Warp Records 001 / Outer Rhythm UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 54 FRANKIE “BONES”: We Call It Techno _ House Mix [ A1-Track from Breaking Bones Records 400 US 12” | 1989 ] 55 FRANKIE BONES: And The Break Goes Acid _ Break Boys UK Acid Remix [ A1-Track from "Bonesbraks Vol.2" Underworld Records 135 / Apexton US 12” | 1988 ] 56 FRANKIE KNUCKLES pres. SATOSHI TOMIE: Tears _ Classic Vocal Mix [ ffrr Records 886-665 US 12” | 1989 ] 57 FREAKY D.: It's Just One Of Those Things Mix _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from New Jersey Sounds 07633 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 58 FRONT 242: Headhunter _ V1.0 [ A-Side from SPV 501393 / Play It Again Sam DE Promo-12” | 1988 ] 59 FRONT 242: Masterhit _ Part 1 Masterblaster [ A-Side from Wax Trax! 036 US 12” | 1987 ] 60 GENE HUNT: Living In A Land [ A-Side from Housetime Records 1015 / Trax US 12” | 1989 ] 61 HOUSE MASTER BALDWIN feat. PARIS GREY: Don’t Lead Me _ Medusa’s House Mix [ Future Sound Records 1002 US 12” | 1987 ] 62 HULA [LAMAR HULA MAHONE]: Hot Hands [ B3-Track from “Acid Tracks Vol.2” Trax 5004 LP US 12” | 1988 ] 63 HUMANOID: Stakker Humanoid _ Mix #1 [ Westside Records 010 UK Promo-12” | 1988 ] 64 INNER CITY feat. PARIS GREY: Big Fun _ Magic Juan Mix [ KMS Records 015 US 12” | 1987 ] 65 INNER CITY: Do You Love What you Feel _ Mike "Hitman" Wilson's Techno Mix [ A2-Track from Virgin Records 96539 / 10 Records US 12” | 1989 ] 66 JACK E MAKOSSA [ARTHUR BAKER]: The Opera House _ African Mix [ B1-Track from Minimal Records 002 / Criminal Rec. US 12” | 1987 ] 67 JAMES “JACK RABBIT”: Let Us Have Love _ Step By Acid [ B2-Track from Housetime Records 1007 / Trax Records US 12” | 1989 ] 67 JEANNETTE “JT” THOMAS: Shake Your Body _ House Shaker Version [ Chicago Connection MB-8610 US 12” | 1987 ] 68 JESSIE JONES pres. LIZ TORRES: No More Mind Games [ A-Side from Jack Tracks JTX-001 US Promo-12” | 1988 ] 69 JOE SMOOTH feat. ANTHONY THOMAS: Promised Land _ Club Mix [ A-Side from D.J. International Records 905 US 12” | 1987 ] 70 JOMANDA: I'll Give It To You _ The Stretch Mix [ B1-Track from Quark Records 005 US 12” | 1987 ] 71 K.ALEXI SHELBY: All For Lee-Sah [ A-Side from Transmat 008 US 12” | 1989 ] 72 K.C.F. PRODUCTIONS: Go Ahead London _ Acid Mix [ B2-Track from G.T.I. DEBU-001 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 73 K.C.FLIGHTT: Let's Get 74 Jazzy _ Blaze Dope Dub Mix [ A2-Track from TMT Records 001 US 12” | 1987 ] 75 K-ALEXI SHELBY AND MCD-TA OF THE K.A.POSSE: Dig This _ K.A.After Hours Mix [ A1-Track from Underground 131 / D.J.International Records US 12” | 1989 ] 76 KARIYA: Let Me Love You For Tonight _ House Club Version [ Sleeping Bag UK4T UK 12” | 1988 ] 77 KC FLIGHT: Planet E _ Acid Drop Mix [ B1-Track from Popular / RCA 8897 US 12” | 1989 ] 78 KENNY JAMMIN' JASON with “FAST” EDDIE SMITH: Can U Dance _ Bonus Jack [ D.J. International Records 932 US 12” | 1987 ] 79 KEVIN SAUNDERSON: The Groove That Won’t Stop [ KMS Records 014 US 12” | 1988 ] 80 KEYNOTES [KEVIN SAUNDERSON]: Let's Let's Let's Dance _ Party Mix [ A-Side from Incognito Records 80187 / KMS US 12” | 1987 ] 81 KING SUN [SUN BORN-R]: On The Club Tip [ A-Side from Zakia Records 7254 / Profile Records US 12” | 1989 ] 82 KISS AMC: A Bit Of ... U2 _ Club Mix [ B-Side from Chrysalis 029 / EMI UK 12” | 1989 ] 83 KLANGWERK [PETER ZWEIER, ALEXANDER ABRAHAM & THORSTEN FENSLAU]: Klangwerk _ Warte Bis Es Dunkel Ist [ A-Side from Abfahrt / ZYX Records 6194 DE 12” | 1989 ] 84 L.N.R.: Kream _ Til The Cows Come Home Mix [ A2-Track from House Jam Records 8805 US 12” | 1987 ] 85 LANDLORD feat. DEX DANCLAIR: I Like It _ Cosmic Dub [ B3-Track from Bigshot Records 137 US 12” | 1989 ] 86 LAURENT X: It's Magic _ Hip Clubhouse Mix [ A1-Track from House Nation Records 89064 US 12” | 1989 ] 87 LAURENT X: Machine _ Apocalypse Mix [ A1-Track from House Nation Records 88012 US 12” | 1988 ] 88 LIL' LOUIS & THE WORLD: Why'd You Fall [ B3-Track from Epic AED 1954 US 12” | 1989 ] 89 LIL' LOUIS [MARVIN LOUIS BURNS]: Blackout _ Phase 2 The Night The Club Lights Went Out [ B-Side from FFRR FXR123 UK 12” | 1989 ] 90 LIL' LOUIS: French Kiss [ A1-Track from “... Brings U Music From The Mind Of ...” Diamond LL-001 _ Mispress US 12” | 1989 ] 91 LIL' LOUIS: Jupiter [ A2-Track from “... Brings U Music From The Mind Of ...” Diamond LL-001 _ Mispress US 12” | 1989 ] 92 LIL'LOUIS: The Original Video Crash _ Often Imitated Never Duplicated [ A-Side from Dance Mania Records 011 US 12” | 1989 ] 93 LISA M: Rock To The Beat _ Instrumental [ B2-Track from Jive T201 / Zomba UK 12” | 1989 ] 94 LIZ TORRES: Loca ... You Can Look, But Don't Touch _ Orgasm Mix [ B1-Track from Jive 1299-1 / Zomba US 12” | 1989 ] 95 LIZ TORRES: Pay Back Is A Bitch ... What Goes Around Comes Around _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from Jive 1239-1 / Zomba US 12” | 1989 ] 96 LNR [L.THOMPSON & R.LENOIR]: Work It To The Bone _ The Clubhouse Mix [ House Jam Records 8907 US 12” | 1988 ] 97 LOONEY TUNES [FRANKIE BONES & LENNY DEE]: Another Place, Another Time [ B1-Track from “Looney Tunes” Vol.1 Nu Groove 023 US 12” | 1989 ] 98 M.T.S. [MIKE BUSH]: Spinach Power _ Acid Power [ B1-Track from Housetime Records 1006 US 12” | 1989 ] 99 MARIO REYES: What Ever Turns You On _ Club Mix [ D.J.International 913 US 12” | 1986 ] 100 MARIO SMOKIN' DIAZ: Pump That Base _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from Hot Mix 5 Records 118 US 12” | 1988 ] 101 MARK IMPERIAL: The Acieed That Ate New York [ House Nation Records 89012 US 12” | 1989 ] 102 MARSHALL JEFFERSON pres. TRUTH: Open Your Eyes _ The Enlightement [ Big Beat 0003 US 12” | 1988 ] 103 MARSHALL JEFFERSON pres.SCREAMIN' RACHEL: Rock Me [ A-Side from Westbrook Records 112 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 104 MASTER C + J: One Day We’ll All Be Free _ Mark Imperial Mix [ Street Side Records 101 US 12” | 1988 ] 105 MATT WARREN: Bang The Box _ Bang The House Mix [ A-Side from AKA Dance Music 001 US 12” | 1987 ] 106 MAYDAY [DERRICK MAY]: Freestyle _ Bongo Mix [ B2-Track from Pheerce Citi 001 / KMS US12” | 1988 ] 107 MC BUZZ BEE: How Sleep The Brave _ 70's Mix [ Play Hand Records 016 UK 12” | 1989 ] 108 MD III [MIKE DUNN] feat. TYREE COOPER: Face The Nation [ A1-Track from Underground Records 111 / D.J. International Rec. US 12” | 1988 ] 109 MIKE DUNN pres. ARMANDO: 151 _ Original Version [ A2-Track from Warehouse Records US 001 US 12” | 1988 ] 110 MIKE DUNN pres. ARMANDO: Land Of Confusion _ Dunn 4-Funn Mix [ A1-Track from Warehouse Records US 001 US 12” | 1988 ] 111 MODEL 500 [JUAN ATKINS]: No UFO's _ D-Mix [ B-Side from Metroplex Records 002 US 12” | 1985 ] 112 MR.LEE [LOUIS HAGGARD]: Rock This Place _ House Mix [ A-Side from International House Records 006 US 12” | 1988 ] 113 MR.LEE: Acid Fantaslee _ Acid Pump Up London [ B-Side from Trax Records 171 US 12” | 1988 ] 114 MR.LEE: Get Busy _ Chicago Mix [ B1-Track from JIVE Records 1274 / RCA / Zomba US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 115 MYSTIQUE [J.GOODWIN & F.BASTONE]: Here WE Go _ Vocal Mix [ Tuff City 128046 US 12” | 1989 ] 116 NELSON “FFWD” CRUZ: My House _ My House Is Your Dub [ B1Track from Minimal Records 008 / Criminal Rec. US 12” | 1989 ] 117 NEXUS 1 feat. Nina [ TYREE COOPER & STEVE SIMMONS]: Yo Body _ Original Body [ A2 from Fierce Records 103 US 12” | 1988 ] 118 NITZER EBB: Control I'm Here _ Command Control Confront Mix [ A-Side from Mute Records Ltd. 071 UK 12” | 1988 ] 119 NITZER EBB: Let Your Body Learn _ Club [ A-Side from Mute Records 126.861 / Intercord DE 12” | 1986 ] 120 P.O.L.O. CREW: Black Image _ Wish Mix [ Wide Angle NS-115 US 12” | 1989 ] 121 PARK AVENUE feat. TONY JENKINS: Don’t Turn Your Love _ Tee’s “O” Mix [ Movin’ Records 002 US 12” | 1987 ] 122 PAUL RUTHERFORD: Get Real _ Happy House Mix [ 4th+B'way Records 113 UK 12” | 1988 ] 123 PHORTUNE: Can You Feel The Bass _ House Mix [ B1 from HotMix5 114 US 12” | 1988 ] 124 PHUTURE: Acid Tracks [ A-Side from Trax 142 US 12” | 1987 ] 125 PHUTURE: Spank - Spank [ B2-Track from Trax 165 US 12” | 1988 ] 126 PHUTURE: We Are Phuture [ A-Side from Trax 165 US 12” | 1988 ] 127 PIERRE'S PFANTASY CLUB feat. J.R.: Fantasy Girl _ Mike “Hitman” Wilson Club Mix [ B1-Track from SRO Records 750487 US 12” | 1987 ] 128 PLEASURE ZONE [KEVIN JONES & JAMES ANDERSON]: Fantasy [ A-Side from Trax Records 164 US 12” | 1988 ] 129 PROJECT 122 feat. DESTRIE: Swing Your Body _ Instrumental Mix [ B1-Track from Playground Records 030 US 12” | 1987 ] 130 R.A.W. [ROD WARREN & IAN TERRY]: R.A.W. Groove [ A-Side from Rumour Records 004 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 131 RAGTIME feat. BYRON STINGILY: I Can't Stay Away _ Power-Pella [ A1-Track from Bright Star Records 005 US Promo-12” | 1987 ] 132 RALPHI ROSARIO: In The Night _ Kenny's Night [ B1-Track from HotMix5 110 US 12” | 1988 ] 133 RALPHIE ROSARIO feat. XAVIERA GOLD: You Used To Hold Me _ Riviera Mix [ A2-Track from Hot Mix 5 Records 102 US Mispress-12” | 1987 ] 134 REESE & SANTONIO: How To Play Our Music _ Dub Mix [ B1-Track from KMS Records 010 US 12” | 1987 ] 135 REESE feat. LATONYA SAUNDERSON: Rock To The Beat _ Original Mix [ A2 from KMS 022 US 12” | 1989 ] 136 RHYTHIM IS RHYTHIM [DERRICK MAY & JUAN ATKINS]: It Is What It Is _ Mayday Mix [ Transmat Records MS_006 US 12” | 1988 ] 137 RHYTHIM IS RHYTHIM [DERRICK MAY & THOMAS BARNETT]: Nude Photo _ Mayday Rhythim Mix [ Transmat Records MS-002US 12” | 1987 ] 138 RHYTHIM IS RHYTHIM: Kaos _ Mayday Juice Bar Mix [ B2-Track from Transmat Records MS-004 US 12” | 1987 ] 139 RICHIE RICH meets The JUNGLE BROTHERS: I'll House U _ The Gee Street Reconstruction [ Gee Street 12003 / Idlers l Warlock UK 12” | 1988 ] 140 RICHIE RICH: Salsa House [ B1 Track from “Turn It Up” Mercury 872-187 US 12” | 1988 ] 141 RISQUE III [K-ALEXI & ROBERT MCKAY]: Essence Of A Dream [ A-Side from Stride Records Inc. KK-1837 US 12” | 1987 ] 142 SAX feat. ELAN: Don't Turn Your Back On Me _ Funny Bone Popi [ B3-Track from Loud House / Warlock Records 063 US 12” | 1989 ] 143 SEDUCTION [DAVID CLIVILLES & DAVID COLE]: Seduction _ Vocal Club Mix [ A1-Track from Vendetta Records 7014 US 12” | 1988 ] 144 SEPARATE MINDS [TERENCE PARKER]: We Need Somebody [ Express Records 014 US 12” | 1988 ] 145 SHAWN SHEGOG feat. BARBARA SHEGOG: Love Traxs _ Vocal Mix [ A1-Track from No Name Records 10287 US 12” | 1988 ] 146 SHAWN SHEGOG: Living In The Dark _ Dark Acid Mix [ A1-Track from No Name Records 002 US 12” | 1989 ] 147 SPECIAL ED [SPECIAL ED & HOWIE TEE]: Club Scene _ Ed's Special Mix [ Profile 265 US Promo-12” | 1989 ] 148 SPIKE REBEL & I.C.E.: House Rap _ Rick's Clubhouse Mix [ A2-Track from House Jam Records 8908 US 12” | 1989 ] 149 STEVE “SILK” HURLEY pres. JAMIE PRINCIPLE: Cold World _ Mommy Can U Hear Me Mix [ Atlantic Records 08267 / Warner Communication US 12” | 1989 ] 150 STEVE MATHIS: True Love _ Insane Mix [ A2-Track from Sound Tech Records 8801 US Promo-12” | 1988 ] 151 STEVE POINDEXTER: Work That Mutha Fucka [ A1-Track from Muzique Records 001 US 12” | 1989 ] 152 SUBURBAN BOYZ [THMB]: Insane _ Crazy Mix [ Dance Mania Records 010 US 12” | 1988 ] 153 SUBURBAN KNIGHT: The Groove _ Pan Mix [ A-Side from Transmat 003 US 12” | 1987 ] 154 SUZIE & THE CUBANS: I Feel It _ Makumba Mix [ Champion 12-70 / Warlock UK 12” | 1989 ] 155 SWAN LAKE: In The Name Of Love _ Club Mix [ A1 from Bad Boy 703 / Jump Street US 12” | 1988 ] 156 TERRY BLADWIN pres. AWESOME L: 16 [ B4-Track from R&R Records 100 / Barney's US 12”/LP | 1989 ] 157 THE BREAK BOYS [FRANKIE BONES & TOMMY MUSTO]: And The Break Goes On _ Freestyle Club Mix [ B1-Track from Fourth Floor Records 1090 US 12” | 1988 ] 158 THE BROOKLYN FUNK ESSENTIALS [Lenny Dee l Victor Simonelli]: We Got To Come Together _ Track Attack Rough Mix [ B1-Track from Minimal Records 004 / Criminal Records US 12” | 1988 ] 159 THE BROOKLYN FUNK ESSENTIALS: Change The Track _ Micaliami HipHouse Mix [ A1-Track from Minimal Records 006 / Criminal Records US 12” | 1988 ] 160 THE FLAT EARTH [THE DETROIT UNDERGROUND]: Mutual Suspicion _ Dix Mix [ Rhythm Tech Records 0100 US 12” | 1989 ] 161 THE FUNKY GINGER [SIMON LAW]: Slaughterhouse _ Emergency Mix [ B-Side from Easy Street Records 7538 / Crash London US 12” | 1988 ] 162THE HARLEQUIN 4'S + THE BUNKER CREW: Set It Off _ Wish Mix [ B2-Track from Champion 12-64 UK 12” | 1989 ] 163 THE HOLY GHOST INC.: The Word ... The Dub [ B-Side from Holy Ghost Records 001 / Big Noise UK 12” | 1989 ] 164 THE HOUSEDOCTORS: Housedoctors Gotta Get Down _ Cut And Bandage Mix [ Big One Records 008 UK 12” | 1988 ] 165 THE IT [LARRY HEARD] feat. ROBERT OWENS, CHIP E & HARRI: Donnie _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from D.J. International Records 893 US 12” | 1986 ] 166 THE PARTY BOY [CHRIS WESTBROOK]: The Twilight Zone _ Bam Bam’s Corrosion Mix [ Urban 027 / Last Dance Music / Polydor UK 12” | 1988 ] 167 THE PRINCE OF DANCE MUSIC, L.B.BAD pres. ... : Body Mechanix _ Authentic Garage Groove [ A1-Track from “The True Story Of House Music” Nu Groove Records 033 US 12” | 1989 ] 168 THE SAMPLE SYNDICATE: Acid Bonus Beats [ B3-Cut from Ramshorn 3775 NL 12” | 1989 ] 169 THE UNKNOWN & DJ SLIP: X-Men [ A1-Track from Techno Kut 1202 / Macola Records US 12” | 1988 ] 170 THE UNKNOWN D.J.: Basstronic [ A1-Track from Techno Kut 1207 / Macola Records US 12” | 1988 ] 171 THOMPSON & LENOIR [LNR]: It's A Mystery To Me [ B-Side from House Jam Records 8803 US 12” | 1987 ] 172 TODD TERRY PROJECT: Bango ... To The Batmobile _ Club Bang [ A1 from Fresh 80117 / Sleeping Bag US 12” | 1988 ] 173 TONI SCOTT: That's How I'm Living _ Instrumental [ B2 from Next Plateau Records 50098 US 12” | 1989 ] 174 TOO NICE: I Git Minze _ Gayle “Sky” King Extended Dance Mix [ Arista ADI-9827 US 12” | 1989 ] 175 TRIPLE XXX [JUAN ATKINS]: The Bedroom Scene _ Rated X Mix [ B1-Track from Metroplex 009 US Promo-12” | 1987 ] 176 TRUE FAITH vs FINAL CUT: You Can't Deny The Bass _ Club Mix [ A1-Track from Techno City Records 8904 / Metro Records US 12” | 1989 ] 177 TURNTABLE ORCHESTRA [HIPPIE TORALES]: You're Gonna Miss Me _ A Guy Called Gerald Remix [ A_Side from Republic Records 012 / Music Village UK 12” | 1988 ] 178 TWIN HYPE: For Those Who Like To Groove _ Hollywood Sweat Mix [ Profile 7270 US 12” | 1989 ] 179 TYREE COOPER: Acid Over _ Tyree's Mix [ A1-Track from Underground 116 / D.J. International Records US 12” | 1987 ] 180 TYREE feat. CHIC: I Fear The Night [ Underground 103 / D.J. International Records US 12” | 1986 ] 181 TYREE feat. KOOL ROCK STEADY: Turn Up The Bass _ Julian Jumpin' Perez Jumpin' Mix [ B2 from D.J.International Records 970 US 12” | 1988 ] 182 VICTOR ROMEO and THE MOVE feat. REGGIE HALL: The Art Of Acid [ Dance Mania Records 013 US 12” | 1988 ] 183 VINCE LAWRENCE pres. TODD COLBURNE: WOW _ Bonus Sex [ B2-Track from Mad Dog Records 2040 US 12” | 1987 ] 184 VIRGO [VINCE LAWRENCE]: Go Wild Rhythm Trax [ B2-Cut from Other Side Records OST-485 Blue Label _ Marbled Pressing US 12” | 1985 ] 185 VOODOO DOLL [FRANKIE BONES]: Women Beat Their Men _ Voodoo Village Club Mix [ A-Side from Breaking BonesRecords 200 US 12” | 1989 ] 186 WEE PAPA GIRL RAPPERS: We Know It _ Kevin Saunderson Mix [ B1-Track from Jive Records 1185-1-JD US LP| 1989 ] 187 WHITE KNIGHT: Keep It Movin' Cause The Crowd Says Go _ Dope Acid Mix [ Jive 1244 US 12” | 1989 ] 188 WILLIE WONKA: What Is House! [ A-Side from Trax Records 122 US 12” | 1986 ] 189 X-RAY [JUAN ATKINS]: Let's Go _ Mayday Dub Mix [ B-Side from Transmat MS 001 US 12” | 1986 ] 190 YELLOW HOUSE: Jack My Body _ Farley's Body Mix #3 [ B2-Track from Dance Mania Records 005 US 12” | 1987 ] #pics by Claudio Kalex & Psycho Thrill Cologne #bookmarks #ClausBachor: WIKIPEDIA ll  FACEBOOK  ll  DISCOGS  ll  PSYCHO THRILL COLOGNE PSYCHO THRILL RECORDINGS ll  AUTHENTIC MUSIC ll  SKY'S ABLAZE DEGU TECHNIQUE  ll  BANDCAMP  ll  INSTAGRAM  ll  RA ll  MIXCLOUD WE CALL IT TECHNO  ll  HIGH TECH SOUL  ll  YOUTUBE  SPYINTHEHOUSE ll  SOUNDCLOUD I / SC II / SC III  INVASION FROM PLANET DETROIT 3.0 #bookmarks #RAVECLUBCologne: HISTORY   ll   MIXES   ll   GALLERY
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lrmartinjr · 2 years
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rathockey · 6 years
The Fallout (1/?)
Summary: The Fake AH Crew are at the height of their career, lead by notorious crime boss Geoff Ramsey of the legendary Roosters, and they're about to pull off the heist of the century, the Strauss Museum heist. Everything is going exactly as planned until an explosion goes off too soon, just in time to kill Geoff. The Fakes are thrown, and the joy of the heist is cut short. The Fakes retreat to a safe house in the hills to deal with the fallout of the Kingpin's death. But can the Fakes keep it together without their leader?
The sun blazed down, baking the city of Los Santos. Heat rose from the pavement, the air hazy. Sirens blared as police cars raced through the streets, chasing a hideously coloured X80 proto. The orange and purple paint gleamed in the evening light, a sunset driving through the streets. The driver grinned, all smiles as he glanced over to the passenger window, where his buddy hung out the window, faced backwards towards the oncoming cars, his gleeful face hidden by his dark skull mask. The driver let out a loud whoop as the other man slid back into the car, leaning behind the seats. Sliding his mask on top of his head, he searched through the darkness. The driver steered them zig zag through the streets, weaving between cars, shoving the car through too-narrow alleys, before leading the police behind him on a long, straight stretch. His passenger, having found what he was looking for, sat himself on the edge of the car window, half standing as he faced down half the Los Santos police force. He pulled a long cylinder from the car and placed it over his shoulder. He didn’t bother to pull his mask down, giving the leading car a perfect view of his face, before he fired the rocket, blowing up the line of cars in a chain reaction
“In other news, the dynamic duo known as the ‘Battle Buddies’ consisting of notorious assassin, the Vagabond, and his partner, Rimmy Tim, wreaked havoc in downtown Los Santos today. Their motive is still unknown, as nothing has been reported stolen, and no civilians were harmed. It is still unclear how the incident even began. Here’s Detective Harrison to tell us what they know.” The TV clicked off, the remote pointed accusatorily at the screen. The man who held it had his other hand on his hip, his eyes wild.
“What were you guys thinking?” The man screeched, his handlebar moustache bristling as he waved the remote around. “You just had to lay low for one more day!” His voice got higher with every word and he threw the remote at the couch, looking less like the leader of the notorious Fake AH Crew, and more like an upset dad scolding two overgrown children, who didn’t look at all sorry.
“Ah Geoff, don’t worry about it! We were just having some fun.” The Vagabond pulled off his skull mask, grinning. “Yeah, we didn’t even really do anything other than blow up the cops.” Rimmy Tim nudged the Vagabond, smirking. “Ryan here just wanted to try out his new toy.”
“It doesn’t matter you morons! They’ll be watching us now, because your stupid faces are all over the TV!” Geoff screamed, his voice cracking. He put his head in his hands.
“Technically, Rimmy Tim’s face is all over the TV. Jeremy is a law-abiding citizen.” Jeremy tossed his orange and purple jacket on the couch before collapsing on top of it. “Don’t worry Geoff, everything’s going to be fine.” He slid his hands behind his head and leaned back against the couch, a satisfied smile on his face as Geoff emitted a series of annoyed noises before storming off to his room.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that Ryan, you like winding him up as much as I do.” Ryan rolled his eyes before moving to sit next to Jeremy on the couch.
“Okay, look. He doesn’t like me as much. It bothers him way more when you do it.” He reached for the remote, turning the TV on and flipping through the channels. “The poor man just wants you to like him.”
“I do like him! I’d never tell him that, but I do.” Jeremy insisted. “And if you tell him I’ll kick your ass.” Ryan smirked at this, looking Jeremy up and down, one eyebrow cocked.
“Yeah. Okay, short stack.” Jeremy huffed at this, whacking Ryan with a pillow before standing up and stomping off. “I’m kidding!” Ryan called after him, not moving from the couch. “Wouldn’t tell him anyway.” He said at the TV, settling on the Addam’s Family Values movie. He’d watched it after his infamous argument with Gavin, having still not believed that there was a kid named Pubert in the movie, and found that he’d enjoyed the movie. He enjoyed being wrong less, especially when being wrong meant that Gavin was right.
“But Michael, it’d be so cool Michael!” Speak of the devil. Ryan quickly switched the tv off, looking over his shoulder.
“Absolutely not.” Ryan recognized Michael’s voice, fake anger hiding amusement. “Where would we get the bikes?” Michael walked into the living room, a pleading Gavin at his heels, a poorly concealed grin on his face.
“Ah don’t worry about it!” Gavin waved his hand, dismissing the concern.
“I don’t know what you’re planning, but don’t! Low! Profile!” Geoff’s voice was muffled by the door. “I’ll kick somebody’s ass! I don’t care whose!” Michael rolled his eyes, flopping onto the couch next to Ryan.
“Man, this heist has sucked all the fun out of being criminals.” Gavin threw himself on top of Michael, promptly getting thrown to the floor with a not entirely unamused ‘get off!’.
“Speak for yourselves. It only takes the fun out if you actually listen to Geoff.” Ryan said. “The Battle Buddies had a mission this morning. A mission of fun!” As he grinned, Gavin shivered a bit. He often forgot just how unsettling Ryan’s smile could be. He stood up quickly, heading around the couch and into the kitchen.
“I’m getting a bloody beer.”
“Get me one!” Michael called after him. “And go get Jeremy, we’ll play Mario Party.” Ryan groaned and tried to stand up to leave, but Michael caught his arm and pulled him back down. “Man, Gavin, Ryan’s so excited about this! Hurry up and get Lil’ J so we can start!”
“Okay, alright, calm down.” Gavin’s voice receded.
“Why even bother playing, you always win.” Ryan crossed his arms and raised his shoulders to his ears, looking like an upset child. Michael rolled his eyes.
“You won the last two times Ryan, come on. Stop being a baby or I’ll call Geoff out here.” Michael said, grinning as Ryan’s frown deepened.
“Don’t start any games right now, we gotta make dinner.” Michael looked over the back of couch to see the Jack in the kitchen, unloading groceries.
“Aww man.” Michael slumped down on the couch. “Already told Gavin to get Jeremy.” He mumbled into his chest.
“Good, then you guys can make dinner. Gavin and I need to run out to take care of one last thing for the heist. It was supposed to be Gavin and Ryan, but someone decided to get themselves on the news, so now I have to leave dinner in the hands of you idiots.” Jack looked at Ryan, who looked back, eyes wide.
“Whatever do you mean? The only people on the news are Rimmy Tim and the Vagabond.”
“Just go get Geoff.” Ryan stood up and sauntered off towards Geoff’s room. “Michael, get over here and start chopping onions. We’re having soup and fish and chips.”
“Mario Party!” Gavin came running into the living room, launching himself towards the couch. Jeremy trailed behind him, scrolling through his phone.
“Nope!” Jack’s voice was cheery as he left Michael in the kitchen. “Come on Gavin, Team Trial and Error’s gotta make one last supply run before tomorrow.” Gavin’s head popped up over the couch.
“I thought it was supposed to be Rye-bread and me?”
“It was going to be, until this afternoon happened. Now it’s us. And we gotta take care of it before dinner so we can finalize the plan after dinner.” Jack grabbed Gavin’s jacket from the kitchen table and threw it at him. “Jeremy, you’re helping with dinner. Gavin, let’s go.” Jack walked out the door, Gavin by his side.
The streets were jampacked with rush hour traffic when Jack and Gavin stepped out of the skyscraper that was Geoff’s house. Jack nodded at the motorbike with far too many mirrors leaned haphazardly against the building. Gavin pulled his keys out, tossing them to Jack before wrestling the bike onto the street. Jack straddled the bike and Gavin slid on behind him, holding on to his waist, Jack’s shirt scrunched in his hands. He slid his sunglasses out of his pocket and onto his face, nodding at Jack, who took off, weaving Gavin’s horrendous bike between the cars. Cars honked angrily at them as they passed by, a little too close for comfort. Jack pulled the bike up in front of a small warehouse. Gavin hopped off, taking the keys from Jack and leaning the bike down on the ground. They made their way around the back of the building, to a reinforced steel door. The door swung open as Gavin knocked on it. They looked at each other, brows furrowed, hands reaching for their guns. Jack pulled his gun out, motioning for Gavin to follow him, and they crept through the door.
The warehouse was empty, save for three boxes stacked in the middle, a single light bulb hanging above them. Jack groaned a bit, letting his gun hang by his side. Gavin approached the boxes, sizing them up. There was no way they would be able to haul them back. The smallest box was half the size of Gavin, and the largest was bigger than Jack. Gavin ignored Jack’s groan, grinning at him instead, raising his eyebrows. Jack rolled his eyes, but his mouth betrayed him, and he smiled back at Gavin before leading him out of the warehouse. They ran across the street, into the Maze Bank. Jack glanced down at his watch before showing it to Gavin, who nodded. Jack headed for the elevator, and Gavin slipped into an unmarked door. Keeping an eye on his phone, Gavin made his way down a hall towards the security room. There was only one security guard inside, headphones in, sat at the desk in front of the wall of screens. He wasn’t even watching them. Gavin shook his head, smirking. He slipped inside, pulling his gun from his waistband and slamming the butt of it into the guard’s head. The guard crumpled under the force and slid from the chair onto the ground.
Gavin sat in the oversized chair in front of the monitors, pulling his phone out.
Guard down. Monitoring the cameras.
He looked back up at the screens, where he saw Jack slip into the stairwell, making his way up to the roof.
Hurry. Two minutes.
Jack hurried up the stairs before reaching a door. He bent down, pulling out a small wallet from his pocket. As Jack picked the lock to the roof, Gavin looped footage from earlier in the day, erasing their presence from the bank. When he looked back at the monitor, Jack had made it onto the roof, where a cargobob sat. Gavin watched as Jack knocked out the pilot and dumped him on the roof before flying across the street. Gavin finished looping the footage and made his way out of the bank and across the street. Gavin hauled the boxes out of the warehouse and attached them to the hovering cargobob.
All good. Meet you at home.
“Ryan threw my onion away!”
“We don’t need an onion, there’s no room for onions here!”
“I need a plate, someone get me a plate!”
“Geoff, there’s a plate right in front of you.”
“The pot’s hot I need a plate!”
“There’s one right in front of you! Geoff!”
“I wanted onion soup Ryan!”
“I’m a fish and chips man, take your onions elsewhere!”
“What the hell is going on here?” They all froze at the sound of Jack’s voice. Geoff had a steaming pot of soup, Ryan and Michael were halfway through starting a food fight, and Jeremy was shoving a plate at Geoff. Gavin peered around Jack at the others, a grin on his face. They all looked at each other before exploding into a wall of accusations and finger pointing.
“Alright, enough! Let’s just get dinner on the table.”
The kitchen was a whirl of activity as Jack took over, barking orders at the others. Dinner finally made it on the table, with only a few arguments, and the Fakes sat down, Geoff at the head of the table, and dug in.
“How was the supply run?”
“Geoff, it was right fun, Geoff.” Gavin said through a mouthful of chips. “Wish you’d told us it was so big, we took the Faggio.”
“The Faggio? That piece of shit?” Geoff rolled his eyes. “You can barely move yourselves on that thing. God.”
“Ay, that things reliable! It’s been with me since you hired me!” Gavin defended his bike. “Reminds me of home.”
“Wow your home must be real shit Gav.” Michael said, waving his fork around. “That bike is garbage.” Gav squawked at him, offended.
Ryan waved his hand at the two of them. “Guys, guys. We all know England’s shit. Let’s focus. We have a heist to pull off.” He grinned, rubbing his hands together and leaning forward in his seat. “Let’s clear this shit off and get to heistin’!”
The Fakes gathered around a table, blueprints, maps, file folders, and photos spread out in front of them, a jumbled mess to the untrained eye. Geoff pinned a map up to a corkboard behind him, alongside a slew of photos and a blueprint. The others stared intently at the map as Geoff traced routes on the map, marking the teams and their jobs, confirming that everyone was prepared. The restless excitement from the day had fizzed out, the seriousness of the heist settling on the Fake’s shoulders. Geoff tossed a file at each of them, before waving a hand, dismissing them. The crew dissipated, wandering off to various points of the penthouse. Geoff sat at the table, staring down at the plans. It was now, or never.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
DARING DO and the Gryphon’s Quest! : MLP Fan Fiction : Chapter 10 of 19
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The Gryphon’s Quest!
Chapter 10
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2016 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  
1.) They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.
2.) They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
3.) All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction are actively encouraged.
For new readers, this link leads to the beginning of
Daring Do and the Gryphon’s Quest!
Chapter 10. Remnants of an Earlier Age.
Grata, staring at the shifting, swirling glow of many hues down below, raised her crest in admiration.  “What is this?  It is lovely.  I have never seen anything like it.”
Rahak watched it intently as well. More grimly, he replied, crest flat, “I have.  It was during the Slaver Rebellion.  This is a remnant of Non Equine combat magic.  What I saw was not this big nor so soft seeming.  
“Doctor Do, have you any notion about this?”
Daring Do nodded, eyes tearing, biting her lip to hold back sorrow.  “You are right, Rahak.  You are looking at the remains of two deadly Non Equine magic detonations.  If you look closely, you can see fragments of runes in the glows.  They are still randomly combining and breaking apart.
“This is still active fallout from the last action of the Second Nightmare War.  How do I tell Princess Luna?  She is still devastated by the destruction that she wrought.”
Awed, Grata and Rahak realized, “That was over two thousand years ago.  How could it possibly have lasted so long?”
Daring Do stared down the declivity as she said, “Ponies still find active battle runes from the Nightmare Wars.  Usually, if a pony survives the encounter, Princess Luna is called on to safely break the runes.  This sort of thing will last as long as the runes themselves exist.
“I have assisted in cataloging the antiquities while they were being recovered from a few of those old war sites.  Some were just refuge bunkers.  Others were far more dangerous.”
Grata, her crest set in command, stated, “We camp here, tonight.  Tomorrow, if you feel it safe enough, we will descend into the bowl.  It has just become a matter of the utmost importance to find whether Ours is an Ancient Race or the youngest.”  She gestured at the fallen Sunlord way marker.  “It could be either one.  No matter what we find, the Empress MUST know.”
The night itself was uneventful.  The next morning they began scouting for a way down.  The way that they did find was not a safe one.  They chose a part of the steep slope that had a lot of brush that seemed solidly rooted.
Securing a rope to the axle and stabilizing the cart by lacing it around the whipples, they eased the cart as close as they dared.  They fastened the rope to the stoutest of the brush and payed it out as they worked the wheels free of brush.
It was slow, grueling work.  It took until mid afternoon to get the cart to safe ground.
Staring back up to the rim, Daring Do remarked, “That was pretty bad.  I am afraid that getting it out of here will be worse!”
Rahak was stretching and flexing.  “I am sore in places where I did not even know I had muscles!”
Daring Do found a grass patch and started grazing up her missed lunch!
Grata proved that being close to royalty did not weaken her hunting ability. She caught two rabbits in only three pounces.  It took Rahak four.
Returning to the cart, Rahak noted, “We are not alone down here.  Over near the rabbit warren there is a recently made trap.  It had a rabbit caught in it.”
Grata asked, “Did you leave it for the trapper?”
“Of course I did.  It would have been wrong to steal another’s dinner because I am hungry.”
Grata agreed, “It would also be a bad way to introduce ourselves to whatever lives here and set that trap.”
They took the cart down to the small lake at the bottom of the bowl. Looking up, they could see many Eagles circling gracefully in the tricky winds.  As they watched, one swooped, breaking its dive at the last moment, claws raking into the water.  With powerful wing strokes, the Eagle lifted a big trout from the lake and flew off to perch in a snag and eat its bounty.
Daring Do had maps out and was studying the Eagle’s Vale.  She was shaking her head.  “These maps are ALL wrong.  This upper crater does not show as more than fifty or sixty meters deep.  I have to wonder what else is wrong.”
They were just settled in for the night when there was a voice speaking out of the darkness.
“In ein cornin ba hue?”
Daring Do sat up with a jolt!  Pausing to bring something to mind, she replied haltingly, “Nat ein cornin na os.”
The voice replied, “As goot.  Ein cornin na goot.”  Plaintively it asked, “In nympha cam matunein?  Matunein sa mussin eir nymphes.”
Daring Do’s brow furrowed with concentration as she requested, “Spak un lessin fastenin.  Ik non unnerstan.”
The speaker from the darkness paused.
Grata asked softly, “What is that language, Doctor Do?”
Equally quietly, Daring Do whispered back, “It is Early Middle Equestrian.  I never thought to hear it outside of the Philology Department of the Royal University.  The language grew into Middle Equestrian by about 1600 years ago.  The pony speaking this is completely fluent.”
Out of the darkness came the voice again, practically weeping.  “Nymphes ba ein sider.  Twan nymphes cam matunein?  Pras spak sa.”
Grata, crest up, suggested, “Invite the speaker here, Doctor Do.  Perhaps we can sort out what she means.”
Daring Do nodded and invited, “Ein cam blazin.  Unnerstanes ef efforte.”
“Ein es afearit.  Eques ba afearin ein.”
“Unnerstanes, eques ba afearin nat.”
With only the slightest rustling of the brush the speaker appeared.  It was all dark.  Its body was covered in chitinous plates.  Its horn was stunted and, though straight, seemed zig zag because of holes in the sides of it.  It had holes in its legs and almost filmy but tattered mane, tail and stunted wings.
When it spoke, fangs were plainly visible.  “Eich afearin nach?  Ein afearin nach.”
Daring Do patted the ground next to her and replied to the changeling, “Afearin nach nat.  Cam seatti ma sidn ba os.”
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People like to bash comic book Venom for various reasons and often negatively compare him to adaptations of the character.
 This often manifests in how these adaptations are better because they make Brock a more compelling reflection of Peter Parker.
 In Spider-Man 3 Brock (who might as well be Lance Bannon) is an ambitious photographer at the Bugle who wants to make it big with Spider-Man photos and is also interested in Gwen Stacy. He also takes his attraction from afar to Gwen in a much further and creepier direction than Peter ever did with Mary Jane, even for those who feel in the first two movies Peter was in fact creepy in regards to MJ (that’s a whole other debate though). He also scams the Bugle to get a paycheck by faking photos in a way that goes further than anything Peter has ever done. Brock’s actor summed up his take on Venom as ‘with great power comes great fun’.
 In the Ultimate Universe and in Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon series, Brock is Peter’s childhood friend due to their fathers working together as scientists and dying in the same plane crash. Brock has an interest in science like Peter and a messed up attitude towards women.
 In the Spec cartoon he (as a 18 year old college student) takes out a 15-16 year old Mary Jane Watson on a date specifically as payback against Peter for perceived slights against him. It goes badly as he drives like a maniac and rants about Peter the whole time, making MJ walk out and regard him as a creep. He also has a reckless streak in him generally owing to how his parents’ dying and his consequent loneliness made him in love with death, hence he drives dangerously and tries to fight the Lizard one on one with no protection. In contrast Spec cartoon peter walked away from losing his parents (no doubt helped by his aunt and uncle) with an appreciation of life.
 In the Ultimate comics Brock also as a college student (who might even be older than 18) makes advances on a 15-16 year old girl, this time it’s teenage Gwen Stacy. He takes her to a concert and then back to his dorm room where he pressures her for sex (which would be a form of rape btw) even after learning her Dad recently died. Then he calls her a tease or something when she walks out.
 These are not uninteresting characters but to call them BETTER dark reflections of Peter Parker than the comic book Brock would be untrue, unfair and quite frankly more than a little superficial.
 Looking at those renditions of the character the ways in which Brock is a dark reflection upon Peter amounts to being a photographer or a science student (except less ethical), having a more toxic relationship with women (specifically the women in Peter’s life), losing his scientist parents in the same way but being more damaged by the experience.
 Which is all well and good but  616 comic book Brock has all that beat. In spite of what people say he is in fact a dark reflection of Peter and whilst not necessarily reflection him in as many ways the ways he does reflect Peter are far more significant and cut far more to the heart of the character and series as a whole.
 First a little refresher for Brock’s origin from ASM #300.
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  Notice anything?
 Eddie Brock origin is the story of a man with a certain amount of fame and ego who acted irresponsibly in service of his own selfish self-interests, permitting an armed criminal to roam free when he had the power help to stop them with relatively little effort.
 This prioritizing of his own self-interests over the greater good backfires and causes profound damage to his personal life.
 Does this maybe REMIND you of anybody?
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  However where Eddie Brock zigs and Peter Parker zags is on how they react in the aftermath of their sins coming back to haunt them.
 Peter Parker owned up to his mistake (but never forgives himself for it) and more than this resolves to never make them again, going forward in his life a man who accepts responsibility for his own actions and often times even actions he is not truly accountable for. He does this in reaction to the death of an innocent man who loved him and who he loved in turn, even though a third party was more directly responsible for the tragedy that changed his life forever.
 On the other hand...
 Eddie Brock barely acknowledged he made mistakes and in fact sees it as a minor misstep. It’s not that he forgave himself for the mistakes he made, he doesn’t feel they warrant him being reprimanded at all and in fact feels victimized by the fallout of those mistakes as though his comeuppance is disproportional to his alleged crime. Fundamentally he doesn’t attribute the tragedies that befell him as his own fault, he does not accept responsibility for what happened and continues to perpetuate that attitude going forward in his life. Instead his actions (which includes acts of murder) are things he either shrugs off as unfortunately unavoidable circumstances or else things he scapegoats onto others. Specifically he scapegoats the blame for his life being ruined onto Spider-Man who is utterly guiltless in the affair and only tangentially involved. And then he exacerbated this unjustified blame into a murderous vendetta, one which he was prepared to kill others in pursuit of. And he did all this in response to merely losing his job and reputation even though he was still able to find work (albeit less prestigious), which is incomparable to the death of an innocent person, let alone your parent.
 To sum up, 616 Eddie Brock is a dark reflection of the absolute most defining story and themes of Peter Parker as a character.
 But lets all just pretend that that isn’t the case and Spider-Man 3’s Brock was better because he took some photos.
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