#Zit Remedy
Wheels went to adopt a new dog and he found a puppy that looked like one that his mom had when she was young and when he went to pet it the puppy bit him really hard
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fesweetpea · 10 months
Am I using every second of my free Prime month to watch OG Degrassi Junior High?
Yes. Yes I am.
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degrassiclassiclover · 2 months
can we please have a moment to appreciate my mom’s zit remedy mug
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jhsharman · 1 year
Acne remedies
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The basic premise is a long standing one. Dan Parent is picking up from any number of stories drawn by Dan Decarlo on the complexion and vanity of face blemishes in over dramatic teenagers -- whether that be Betty, Archie, or Smurfette.
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I guess that last one is more in keeping with the Veronica one, Papa Smurf and Hiram Lodge the clear patriarchs -- a little hard pressed to say anything about Mama Smurf or Lodge. (Oddly, Bob Bolling wrote an interesting Mrs. Lodge story in the late 1960s). There may be something in pointing out that Archie, unlike Betty and Smurfette, does not bring exaggerated notions of death wishes into the picture -- except I am more stuck on Papa Smurf's line -- "Smurfettes", as in plural, as in more than the (infamously) one female Smurf. And from here, the stories are pretty similar -- with Betty playing the part of Gargamel in sending Veronica on a wild goose chase in pursuit of a remedy.
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Oh. By the way. This story originally takes place at Christmas time. There was no weather or snow drawn in, no insertion of Holidays or the month into the dialogue, it is just -- a few decorations and a Christmas tree were in these four panels, but were then dumped.
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I know in the 1990s pile of stories Jason had a hankering for Betty, but I do not know it was reciprocated. But It probably wasn't except like here when it fit the plot requirements.
All's well that ends well for the 1993 stories -- though Betty is a tad embarrassed in one of them. The 1968 and 1997 stories end with some dissatisfied characters, as is keeping especially in 60s Archie -- I gather Betty gets her comeuppance for sending Veronica on a wild goose chase in 1997. As for the 1982 Decarlo drawn story -- it is all a misunderstanding.
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nosferartoodetoo · 18 days
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Ship War: Round 1D
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crashtestjeffy · 5 months
I couldn't sleep - So I made this
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IYKYK It's a Canadian thing really.
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mitchsmarners · 1 year
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Honestly the fact that this is the first Degrassi merch I’ve ever bought is an achievement
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belowthedot · 2 years
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degrassibenji · 2 years
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flufflepot · 7 months
My Epic Pimple
I know that complaining about a pimple belongs in the first world problem category, but this was no ordinary pimple – as you will soon discover. It all started one night when I was getting ready for bed; I noticed a small, hard, red lump forming on my chin. I get them every now and then – blind pimples – no biggie, right? Sure, they’re sore and, if you squeeze them, can get a bit unsightly, but…
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he peed his pants a little
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owlmylove · 2 years
I saw in the notes of one of your posts that you have dermatillomania. I was recently diagnosed with that but it's been a problem for a long time. I've never met anyone else irl with dermatillomania, and I was just wondering if you could share any coping mechanisms you use? I've been getting acrylic mail manicures so I physically can't break skin but that only prevents damage. It's not helping me actually break the habit at all
lmfao oh darling. i love you for thinking i have any answers here
of course, since it's me, i do anyways
congrats on finally getting your diagnosis!! for those who don't know, Dermatillomania is a skin-picking disorder believed to affect as many as 1 out of 20 people, whether they're picking/biting at cuticles and nails, plucking hairs, popping pores or picking at scabs etc. etc. The skin-picking can be compulsive, often serving as a self-soothing behavior against extreme emotions, stress, anxiety, excess energy or simply boredom
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first, check out the wonderful folks at the Picking Me Foundation, the largest nonprofit & digital resource for those with dermatillomania. Their website has an online support group, self-logging downloadables, and their "fiddle pack project," for strategically selected (and tailored for dermatillomaniacs [not sure if that's a word but i decided it is now]) $30 multipacks of stim toys!
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they're 100% nonprofit, and every pack they sell is matched with the international donation of a pack to a therapist, pediatrician or fellow dermatillomaniac in need!
plus, check out #pickingme on social media for both their advice & solidarity among fellow picking enthusiasts
Picking Me has A++ strategic advice for their stim toys, and thinking strategically about your own behaviors and habits is my biggest advice. what does your picking look like? when do you find yourself doing it?
if a pattern doesn't immediately appear, try logging when & where you find yourself picking, what happened beforehand, and how you feel while doing so.
part of dermatillomania I don't always see discussed is the satisfaction of seeing your body's landscape change; picking as a control tactic, a means of self-soothing and reaffirming your autonomy and power. or it may be an expression of perfectionism, or anxiety, or beyond. pay close attention to yourself. look for the overlap. what is picking doing for you?
once you recognize the mechanisms of picking, what needs it's fulfilling, and when, and how; then you can provide new pathways for your habits to flow down; I realized I tended to pluck my brows (and beyond...) in the bathroom, so boom: stim toy in the bathroom. figure out your unique physical locations and cues and give yourself new options
also, hide or obstruct the ease of access to former habits. acrylic nails are a great personal block; I put my sharp tweezers in a wildly inconvenient place, not out in the open, so it's harder for me to casually grab them. if you bite your nails or cuticles, buy the nail polish that makes it taste gross. if you pick at inflamed pores, use zit stickers (I prefer the cheap and plentiful OG brand, COSRX, which are barely-visible circles, but you can make it fun with any of the 10 zillion novelty shape brands now available at Sephora, Target, Marshalls/T.J. Maxx & most drugstores) make picking difficult, and give yourself other options
similarly, you can challenge yourself to lovingly make growth your focus. smooth cuticle oil into your skin; use growth serums & your favorite-colored polish on your nails; for facial picking, give yourself spa days of clay masks (fun to pick off as they dry!), pore strips (SO satisfying), and scar-reducing facial oils like rosehip; for bodily picking, moisturize with lovely non-comedogenic oils and smooth Mederma or natural scar-reducing remedies to help your skin heal. put all that time and focused attention + love and gratitude into increasing, not reducing, your body (+ self)
re: gratitude, I swear to god Jessica Defino had a post about gratitude as a skincare routine; thanking your skin everyday for its work as a barrier, for it's countless built-in systems that self-exfoliate, self-moisturize, self-heal and grow, all while keeping a harmful world at bay. the skin is our largest living organ, and it is here to keep you warm and safe. your skin is built to touch and hold, to hug and be hugged. you can learn to love it the way it loves you. you can touch yourself as gently, as kindly as you deserve to be touched. this, too, is a kind of growing.
(Also to my facial & pore-picking beauties: just read any and all of Defino's articles about simplifying [like, soap water and moisturizer simplifying] your skincare, skin-fasting, the joys of touching your face gently, and more<333)
figure out what actions and textures you've become accustomed to, and, whether you have the benefit of a pack of stim toys like Pick Me's or just certain blankets, jackets, fidget jewelry, or one Really Good Rock, try to find stims that mimic, replace or even subvert the textures you've been drawn to. you want something satisfying and engaging to play with while still feeling meditative to you.
or if stim toys aren't your thing, (and even if they are!) try tactile pastimes that lead to obvious visual progress: painting, drawing, knitting, woodworking, cooking/baking!, cleaning [dishes, sheets, etc.] gardening, so on & so forth. things that prove your control & show the mark of your will wrought upon the world
the next time you find yourself wanting to pick (hopefully waylaid by an alternate hand function and/or strategic obstructions) take a mental step back. carve out that space between impulse & action. pool the feeling into your palms and examine it, tilt it around to see it catch a different light. how are you feeling right now? what's causing you to feel this way? what else could help you alleviate or accept that feeling?
if it's stress, anxiety, anger or other strong negative emotions, rest one hand over your heart, one over your lovely stomach, and take several deep yoga breaths. Long inhale through the nose, hold for a few seconds, longer exhale out. Let your throat make noise. After a few minutes, make a list of what’s worrying you and help yourself rationalize what tiny steps will help lessen their effects on you.
(Deep breaths, longer exhales and putting a hand over your heart have each individually been shown to alleviate your body's stress response, an immediate way to gift yourself some calm and a sense of safety)
if it's boredom; again, new textures and pasttimes are your friend. try going for a walk or other physical action of your choice (does not need to be long or challenging to be good for you!), listen to a podcast or new music, challenge yourself to try something new you've been wanting to explore, but can never find the time. a desire to pick can indicate you are suffering from a lack of enrichment: so yes, now is the time to try to learn the kalimba.
so, yes, it turns out i do indeed have many answers, but my initial scorn comes from any suggestion i might be above my bad habits; I've picked at my skin several times today. and that's okay. try to recognize and subvert your impulses when they happen, but also acknowledge and accept that they will happen. that's just how it goes babey. progress, not perfection.
love, luck and godspeed<33
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thenadnerb02 · 3 months
How Switching Just Two Episodes Around Could’ve Made Terra’s Betrayal More Impactful
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I know I’m not the only one who feels that the impact of Terra betraying the team is lessened by the fact that we didn’t even get a full episode with her being unambiguously on the team.
Unless you count Winner Take All, but Terra only has a tiny non-speaking cameo at the end so it really shouldn't.
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While it’s implied to be longer, it really feels like Terra’s only been there for a week or two once the truth is revealed. And I feel like there’s an easy way for the show to remedy this: just move Titan Rising one episode earlier. Not only does would that make Raven even more suspicious that she controlled her powers in such a short time, but it would make Terra’s reluctance to following through with Slade’s plan even more meaningful.
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What’s a single episode that we can add Terra to by moving it after Titan Rising? What’s a single episode that covers a long passage of time?
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Ah, yes. Transformation.
The progression of Starfire’s transformation seems to last a week, if not longer, and then who knows how long it took for her and the rest of the Titans to reach the planet with the chrysalis eater. Terra wouldn’t need to have a major role in the episode, but Starfire would probably go to her instead of Raven for advice about her “zit”, and then her presence in the fight with Plasmus would further show how well-integrated with the team she’d become.
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“But Slade wouldn’t let Terra leave Earth since he’d lose communication with her!”
That’s a good point with an easy remedy. Terra can just stay behind — she can just say she’s holding down the fort and keeping Jump City safe while the rest of the team is gone, but really she’s just been given free reign to snoop around the tower and find secrets for Slade (which is presumably what she was doing during Winner Take All anyway).
We can even get a little scene of Terra back on Earth that doesn’t explicitly show her being a double agent, but it would become clear upon a rewatch just like her seeming relieved that the team actually trusts her at the end of Titan Rising.
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(Of course, the impact of the betrayal would be even greater if she was already working for Slade when the Titans met her, and she stuck around at the end of “Terra” b/c her powers would already be under control. But I personally like how the Titans find her first, then Slade sows that seed of doubt making her run away, so for now I’ll stick with switching episodes 7 and 8. I wouldn't want to change it too much.)
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sapphirebluejewel · 4 months
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gimblegamble · 5 months
Ty gim for being one of my favourite Mumbo shippers and Mumbo fans ever. So happy to found u way back when u first started posting storage wars and so happy to see u wlhenevrr u pop up :)
Ur so right literally frfr /pos
Particularly big fan of ur Grumbo n ZIMT takes Grumbo forever has my heart but I see sooo little content for any combination of Mumbo x ZIT that it’s so precious t me!!!!!! I also like ur other Mumbo ships too ofc they’re so!!!!!!!
Uh ig for an ask, do u think ZIT each caught feelings for Mumbo at a diff time or the same time, and how did they react lol?
Bonus points if Mumbo has 0 clue y theyr all being extra affectionate/ flirty/ flustered around him part 3 by the way- /lh
- 🌱 Anon
Oh wow, been a long while eh? Almost four years! I'm honestly surprised my obsession with the man lasted this long lmao, also surprised anyone still remembers storage wars which got us into this whole mess in the first place >.<
Thank you for indulging me in my Mumbo-centric ways, i swear that man deserves more but as far as I've seen he's always just relegated to a love interest or a side character 😔. Been trying to remedy that but I'm also the slowest writer to ever grace this earth so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Grumbo will always be number 1 in my heart, which might surprise some people lmao but ships like ZIMT and the rarepair ones are so fun to think about.
Oh answering the ZIMT prompt under the cut because it got pretty long
Now, regarding the ZIT crew they definitely fell at different times and at different speeds. We're going by the time each of them joined and we all know that Mumbo has had a hand in summoning both Tango and Impulse to the server which got Zed into it in the end.
Tango's summoning was a bit like summoning tech support. Quick and business-like, a little bit impersonal but hey, you don't really get a chance to build rapport with every technician you meet. But then Tango was invited back and it helps that they were already on the right foot.
Tango only started to fall around the civil war. They've been chatting and meeting every now and then, usually about the newest iron farm designs but they really got to talking when Mumbo came back from his short stint as a mole.
Impulse's summoning, however, was a lot more personal, and some would say that it all started since then. Freshly summoned but his eyes were already glued to that quiet, suit wearing redstoner whose name he didn't know despite having a tiny piece of the man's soul resting comfortably with his (and vice versa but that's the perils of the type of summoning they did, Tango and Xisuma's been affected as well)
He was pretty unperturbed about the whole thing though, because he's Impulse, the kind of guy with the patience to rebuild his whole base a block higher just because he didn't like the look of it. (Just... no sudden movements following grand discoveries though, that's enough to destabilize Impulse's finely crafted nonchalance)
And funnily enough, I've written the exact moment Mumbo caught Zedaph's eye. Four years ago as well ^^
Thank you thank you thank you for still waiting on Cinnamon challenge even after all these years, you have no idea how happy this makes me.
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