shima-draws · 11 months
Love seeing the crew go absolutely apeshit any time somebody insults their captain
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m0thcl0wn · 11 months
zou ramble post
whyd Wanda lick Luffy
also Pedro <3
OH Robin and the dragon, shes adorable shes really grown to be one of my favourites over all (i dont think i could list like 1-10 my favourite straw hats, theyre all my favourites)
Luffy getting washed away after being told to hang on. love him. idiot.
"then its true they must be-" "A Cannibal Tribe." "NOOOOO"
i love Shachi's voice
i like the new eye catchers theyre fun
the chumby gatormobile (Wany)
Zoro letting Usopp puppet him. like he just goes along with it
Nami sleeping on the sheep (shes so pretty in the purple/blue? dress)
theyre all happy to see luffy the most they love their captain
Sanji :(
Zoro noticing Nami get upset at the mention of Sanji
(god WCI is going to fucking HURT)
((like im already crying, Sanji has been one of my favourites since the beginning, i know some what what happens in it but GOD its nothing like the real thing yknow? the same with when Ace died, i knee it was coming but it hurt like hell))
they keep apologising for Sanji, my chest hurts
Brook with his hand on Luffys shoulder, hes a dad
the dog minks going after Brook cos hes bones LEAVE HIM ALONE and the straw hats just letting it happen
(side note sanji with his shirt/jacket over his shoulders hes SO HOT)
i love getting to watch Brook actually fight, hes so cool
them using Ceaser to carry the canon balls wheeze
"shippy" (sadly)
god Sanji
Law holding up Bepo (his lil smile) hes so happy seeing his crew again
Luffy making the bridge jump usopp telling him to read the room
"Luffy dont talk about the samurai" "wheres the ninja our SAMURAI FRIEND KINEMON wanted to see" youre such an idiot Luffy i love you
Shishilian <3
Dogstorm big and him falling asleep mid convo about Shanks
Pekoms crying over his family and changing his hatred for the straw hats to Nack and beast pirates wheeze
Ceaser is v cute, i like him a lot (i like his cunty leotard and eyeliner)
i wonder if Sanji *knew* that this ends up the way it does (ep 762, idk if its confirmed after this, thats where i am while writing it), the looks he keeps giving makes me think he does, does he know that this will lead back to Germa 66 and his family?
"Sanji gets a startling invitation" aAA
do you ever think about the dudes in Bege and like, do you wonder what they thought the first time around getting inside this dude?
"i can kick your lumpy ass anytime"
Ceaser is a girlfailure
"i imagine youd have to slice through his abandon" thank you robin
do they never show us haow to get in the castle castle fruit, thats what i wanna know, thats freaky as hell
oh Sanji has gotta know right hes so angry
oh god this is really gonna hurt
he looks so disgusted at the invitation poor dude
Brook knows about the Vinsmokes?
they all love their captain so much
poor Sanji
(he is so handsome though)
two smokers staring each other down across a long table
sanji my poor self sacrificing boy
this is going to hurt so much
Zoro stop being a little bitch
(hes not really but like cmon yknow, you can just be honest that youre worried)
Luffys lil tongue licking his sting
i love whenever Brook gets to sing it always slaps and i just love him
master cat viper(tm) the song slaps idc what anyone says
the raindeer/deer mink chopper falls in love with for like 30 seconds
"youre worried about Sanji too, huh?" Luffy knows his crew like the back of his hands
the heart pirates posing for Luffy
"not cool not cool not cool" you tell him
"we're not friends we're strategic allies" oh law youre already in too deep
cat viper is garfield?
Brook, Franky and Robin trying to guess what the drawing was
Kin'emon and Kanjuro share one braincell
FUCKING SHISHILIAN WHEEZE whyd he scream!! cmon man!!!
dogstorm and cat viper (enemies to friends to lovers 80k words)
the minks letting their city fall for their friends sobbing
the soft soft music
lord momonosuke wild
"nin nin NINJA"
theyre so sad its not the ninja they wanted
(more and more talk of wano, so fucking close)
Luffys frowny face
theyre menacing Raizo poor man
"so, no shadow clowns?" sobs Law i love you hes so fucking excited when Raizo does it
theyre all so happy about it
"shes SUPEERRR" frobin stans rise
feral for Rayleigh that man is SO hot i shouldnt be allowed near him (also Roger. actually worse with Roger, tumblr would delete me if i said anything)
hes gonna say no
overtaken getting louder in the background god i love the music of op
"straw hat you shouldve run this be me first" "but its cool right?" "well yeah but"
they fist pump for the alliance
"do we need the ninja part?" "OH COURSE WE DO"
"us being allies means we're best friends"
Zoro is so jealous of his captain praising Sanji
the beast pirates planning on killing Zunesha makes me think, what is zous plan when Zunesha died?
Luffy being like who the fuck is marco? "he looks like a pineapple" OH THAT GUY
"dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time"
"captain could you bring back a poneglyph rubbing pretty please" "THAT WAS SO CUTE" youre right usopp it was
love Luffy being a special little guy
Pedros tail LONG
Zoro getting lost and Law making fun of him
new clima tact lets gO
starting to see some,,, odd art choices
and just like that no more Zou
0 notes
eirist · 4 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 20
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot scribble.
Rating: T (Just random craziness)
Note: Funny thing about this plot bunny… it came to me just right after waking up and it was supposed to be a drabble for the Points of No Return collection. But sometimes, one-shots have a mind of their own. But I’m happy that I finally hit the 20th chapter mark! 
And if you wanna see what inspired Nami's look here, just click.  
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SENCHOU! Your crew loves you regardless of your antics!
Summary: “If Luffy does it right this time.”       
The fronds of the palm trees randomly lining the island shore swayed as the soothing, balmy sea breeze blew gently all around the small hidden cove on the other side of island.
It teased long, unbound tresses; ruffled unruly, short strands and played with the hems of loose white shirts and flowing dresses, lifting them slightly as the white sand shifted from restless feet.
Eyes exchanged nervous but excited glances.
Everything was calm, peaceful and pleasant.
But the face hidden under the shade of a straw hat was scrunched up in deep concentration. The jutting of his lower lip a sure sign of distress…
“Any time today would be good…” Usopp said in a sarcastic tone.
“Mah,” Sanji huffed.  “Looks like a sign that this shouldn’t push through.” He took a drag from his cigarette looking smug and amused at the same time.
“Shut up,” Zoro growled at his direction. “Of course you would say that shit cook!”
“Uhhmm…” Chopper nudged Robin’s leg slightly. “Maybe Luffy’s having a hard time reading what’s written on it?”
The archeologist looked thoughtful. “Hmm… probably…”
“Oi!” Luffy shouted and the reindeer flinched. “I can read ya know! It’s just that…”
"Oohh…” Sanji crooned, looking absolutely happy. “He’s having second thoughts about this!”
"Shut your trap ero-cook!"
“Oi Luffy,” This time it was Franky’s who spoke up… to complain. “We are kinda growing old here!”
Brook stepped closer to his captain and pointed at the strip of paper he was holding. “Just read whatever is written in there Luffy-san.”
Luffy frowned as he stared at the wrinkled paper.
Nami made a clicking sound with her tongue in obvious irritation. Everyone can see a vein popping out of her forehead even as she took a deep breath to calm herself.
Well... here’s to hoping that she wouldn’t lose her temper today of all days.
She shifted closer to their captain… looking dangerous than ever. “Luffy,” she said in an overly sugary sweet tone, that had the others shuffling a few feet away from her. “What are you waiting for?”
“For you to change your mind Nami-swaan!” Sanji sang as he twirled towards her, leaving hearts in his wake. “He’s thinking this is all a shitty idea. A really, really shitty idea!” He growled the last word at Zoro’s direction.
“Swirly do not make me cut you into shitty little pieces!”
“Bring it on you stupid moss-head!”
“Stop it!” Usopp hissed at them as his eyes darted towards the now peeved navigator. “Luffy just get on with it! Before Nami decides we are all better off lightning fried!” The sniper mumbled the last sentence with a shudder.
“Luffy,” Jinbe cleared his throat. “Maybe we can… ask someone else to do the honors?"
"Let Jinbe do it!" Usopp suggested, raising a hand. "He was also a captain before, right?"
“But...” It came out as a whine from the rubber man. “I’m the captain! I’m the one who should do it!”
“Then for goodness sake just do it!” Zoro groused, looking absolutely annoyed. “We’ve been standing here for almost half an hour!”
“You can start by saying we are gathered here Luffy,” Robin instructed with a small smile.
“Aaw! And supeeer work your way until you reach the ‘you may kiss the bride part’!” Franky added. 
“Don’t forget to ask if there is anyone here who opposes this…” Sanji piped in. “BECAUSE I DO! I FUCKING DAMN DO!”
Franky made a grab for the cook, almost smothering his whole face with his big mechanical hand, to stop him from raving and going berserk.
“Franky! Temee!”
Luffy’s lips quivered. “We are gathered here today…” he finally intoned, reading from the paper. He lifted his head and glanced at Robin as if looking for approval and the raven-haired woman gave him a slight nod.
He stopped and stared at the paper again and everyone groaned.
Maybe it was not a really good idea to let the Straw Hats’ captain officiate a ceremony as important as this.
Zoro sighed and raked a hand through his hair frustration.
“Hohoho! This marriage is still not official yet, but it looks like it’s bound to sail in rough sea waters.” Sanji remarked smugly. “And sink.”
“Temee, kuso cook!”
“Sanji-kun!” Nami turned towards him, the expression on her face aghast.
“But Nami-swan!”
Usopp frowned at the blond-haired man. “Gosh. You sure are a sore loser.”
Splashing sound of water filled the air as the sharpshooter swiftly ran away from danger and into the safety of Robin’s side—who was standing on the shore—where Sanji wouldn’t dare aim his flaming kicks.
Franky rubbed a hand on his chin. “This is getting a bit draggy.”
“My arms are kinda getting tired holding these,” Chopper said in a sheepish tone as he gestured at what he was holding.
“Hmmm… Should we just help out?” Robin inquired.
“Maybe we should, Robin-san.” Brook nodded.
“We definitely should!” Usopp agreed.
“Besides, the bride is looking kinda pissed… not really good when you are about to get married right?” Franky observed.  “So I nominate Jinbe to take his place!”
“I wouldn’t mind doing it, if Luffy doesn’t.” The helmsman gladly accepted.
“Aaw really? I was going to nominate Sanji.” Usopp looked disappointed.
“The hell are you saying shitty sniper?!” The blond chef roared. “WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT?!”
“Because I honestly do kinda want to see this whole you-are-now-married-you-may-kiss-the-bride scenario push through!” He hollered back and got nods of approval from mostly the older members of the crew. “And Luffy here is not helping!”
“Hey! Sanji’s not even a captain!” Luffy retorted.
“Yeah why HIM?” Zoro drawled with a jerk of his thumb at the blond’s direction, looking down-right displeased.
Usopp folded his arms across his chest. “Think of it as man’s ultimate sacrifice for the one he loves!”
Zoro cocked an eyebrow at that and Sanji glared daggers at them.
“Oi minna!” Luffy yelled unhappily. “I can do this you know! Sheesh. Trust your captain!”
“THEN FUCKING DO IT AHO SENCHO!” Nami finally exploded after all that effort to rein in her temper. “DO NOT MAKE ME THROTTLE YOU IN THIS DRESS!”
“Kyaaaaaaah!!! I’m sorry Nami!”
Sanji sighed. Usopp did make a valid point. If nothing is done… they won’t be able to move forward and they’ll be stuck in the shores of this island until after the sun sets.
Or until Luffy manages to read what’s on the paper until the very end.
Which looks utterly impossible… given how the rubberman was stuck at the very first sentence.
Not to mention it would totally ruin Nami-san’s mood and her loveliness in her flowing white dress and loose French braid randomly adorned with little pearls.
Swallowing his pride for the sake of his favorite lady’s happiness, he lit up another cigarette before saying, “The wedding dinner will be ready in ten minutes tops.” He nonchalantly stated, earning surprised stares from everyone at his random announcement.
Everything was silent for a few seconds… except for the soft wind blowing across the foliage surrounding them, the rustling of the palm trees and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
Then Luffy suddenly grabbed Zoro and Nami’s hands, entwining them together, before looping his own rubbery ones around it in a sort of a handfast.
“Zoro! Nami! As your captain I now pronounced you married!” He said with a nod of his head and a squeeze on their hands. “Hm! You may now kiss each other.”
And just like that he untangled his hands from them and pumped his fists into the air.
“Yosh! Time for the wedding feast! Sanji MEAT!!!”
"That's it?!" Usopp gasped and Robin giggled. “Oi Luffy! That was rather anti-climactic!”
The others just gaped at their captain and their now ‘married’ crewmates in astonishment.
But the young captain was not listening. “Niku! Niku! Niku!” He chanted. “Oi Sanji!”
“I heard you the first time shitty captain!” Sanji snarled. He turned his attention at the stunned couple.
He smiled at the navigator. “Nami-san… Omedetou!” He greeted sweetly before glowering at Zoro. “Shitty swordsman.”
“Aho cook.”
“Arigatou Sanji-kun!”
“I’ll go and prepare the wedding dinner now.” He turned and was about to head towards the Sunny, which was docked a few meters away when Luffy’s hands grabbed him.
“Let’s go!”
“LUFFY! Kusoooo!”
“Zoro, Nami! Congratulations! Shihishi!” Luffy cheered before catapulting himself and their cook towards their ship.
Zoro and Nami glanced at each other in disbelief.
“Just like that?” Nami murmured to him with a bewildered expression on her face.
“Hmm…” Zoro looked as if he was contemplating. “You know, I expected worse. Way worse.”
“He didn’t even let us exchange our vows! Or slip the rings in each other’s fingers!”
The green-haired man chuckled. “Well we are lucky enough he got to pronounce us married and that we can kiss each other before high tailing it."
Nami pouted. Zoro was right. It was more than what they could hope for when they decided to ask Luffy to marry them.
“Well… guess we have to make use of what we have.” Her smile was dazzling as she stood on tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck. “Husband.”
Zoro grinned back, tucking an errant lock of orange hair behind her ear. “Wife.”  He bent down to kiss her.
There was a soft popping sound and flowers petals showered down on them care of Franky’s modified rocket launcher, Usopp’s newest pop green intercrossing end product and Robin’s numerous blooming hands.
Amidst the raining petals, there was a tug at the rolled up hem of Zoro’s white pants. He pulled away from Nami and looked down to see Chopper standing near them holding out the ring bearer pillow with a big smile on his cute face.
“Zoro. Nami. Omedetou!”
“Thanks Chopper!” Zoro patted the doctor’s head.
Nami beamed at him. “Arigatou Chopper!” She reached down for one of the rings. She grabbed Zoro’s hand to slip his on his finger. “We are so unconventional. We cannot even pull off a proper wedding.”
“That’s what actually makes us the Straw Hats,” Zoro took the other from Chopper and did the same… stopping just momentarily to admire the gold band that signifies that they belong to each other… now and always.
“And that wasn’t what you and I were supposed to say while slipping these on our fingers.” Nami sighed with a slight wiggle of her hand which was still in his.
Zoro laughed and brought it to his lips for a kiss.
"Oooh!” Chopper squealed as suddenly he hopped on Zoro’s shoulder. He stared at the rings around their fingers. “Wooow! You two are really married now!”
“Zoro! Nami! Congratulations!” Usopp shouted as he ran towards them, grabbing them in a tight hug.
“Thanks Usopp… but get off!”
Their other nakama made their way towards the couple clapping and greeting them, with Franky bawling in the background.
“That was… beautiful! Short but supeeeer sweet!” He sniffled. “Congratulations!”
“Nami, Zoro.” Robin smiled. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks Robin!”
“Congratulations Zoro-san, Nami-san!” Brook bowed down at them. “For the last time my I see your—”
“Do not make me ask Zoro to kick you into the sea Brook.” Nami was all smiles as she threatened the old skeleton.
“I was just kidding yohohoho!”
“Congratulations,” Jinbe nodded at his younger crewmates. “May there be no rough seas that you two cannot sail through together.”
“Aaw!” Frankly bawled louder.
A corner of Zoro’s lips quirked up at that. He liked how it totally negates nosebleed’s earlier statement.  Acknowledging it with a slight tilt of his head. ““Domo... Now shall head to the Sunny for a drink?”
Nami rolled her eyes at him. Of course booze is still one of his top priorities.
“Oi Zorooo! Namiii!” Luffy suddenly yelled and waved at them from the deck of the Thousand Sunny where the wedding feast was now laid out. He was chomping on a slab of meat with so much gusto. “Congwatsulashions!”
“Thanks aho captain!”
“Thank you Luffy! Even if you rushed it for the sake of eating you idiot!”
Luffy laughed as he peeked at them from the Sunny’s rail. “Shishishi! But there is nothing more to say. You two are now married… that’s it!”
Zoro and Nami blinked at the simple-mindedness that made Luffy… Luffy.
Though he was right. That was all there is to it. They are now married. It was a fact that will not change.
They smiled at each other.
Besides there was no winning against their captain anyway.
“But if you want we can do it again!” Luffy suggested. “Sanji’s wedding feast is a lot more awesome than our usual meals!”
A myriad of colorful languages suddenly came from the deck, care of their resident chef.
“I promise I will finish reading what Robin wrote in the paper!”
A few seconds later, Luffy’s head ricocheted from the force of Sanji’s kick.
“Aho sencho! Don’t you dare! Once is enough! I don’t want to see my Nami-swan get married to that third rate swordsman again!”
Zoro eyed Nami with both eyebrows raised. “My?” He mouthed. “Really?” He gestured at the rings they were now wearing.
The mapmaker just laughed. “You do know what you are getting into when you agreed to marry me right?”
He let out a ‘tch’ and smirked at her. “Oi Luffy!” He shouted. “That’s actually a good idea!”
Luffy looked surprised. “It is?”
“IT IS?” Sanji’s perplexed voice rang across the deck.
“It is?” Nami echoed.
“Yeah,” Zoro nodded. “Just think of it this way… aside from rubbing it again on swirly brows face…”
“We may also get to finally exchange our vows… and rings as well. As what should have happened today.” Nami continued, following his train of thought immediately. “Not a bad idea Zoro.”
“Only if Luffy does it right this time…”
Robin sighed as she stepped beside them and casually said.
"That is… if he gets past the ‘we are gathered here today’ part."  
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petite-neko · 7 years
Boyhood Blues - 05
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Law, Luffy, Sabo, Jinbei Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: I hope this is alright, I had to redo edits D< so. Here you all go.
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 4 || Chapter 5: Discrepancy || Chapter 6
Trafalgar Law didn’t have to be told. Oh, he knew. He knew what the problem was. Luffy. Fucking Mugiwara no Luffy.
(It was both a good and bad thing he kept them in separate rooms.)
“Room. Shambles.” Law uttered as he summoned up his ability and just… teleported into the room where Luffy was.
He was screaming. Rampaging. Ace’s name was like a mantra on his lips and there was glass everywhere, papers and books strewn about the room. It was a complete mess.
Law caught a vial hurled in his direction.
“Luffy-ya!” He hollered above the deafening, incoherent screams. Trying, he was trying to reach Luffy in his mental state.
(He just dropped the Strawhat in his hands.)
“Luffy-ya!” He repeated, grasping Luffy’s shoulders firmly. “Luffy-ya! Calm down!”
All he received was a scream of Ace in his face.
Fuck, he looked even worse than he did when he screamed about Sabo all those years ago…
“Calm. Down.” He ordered calmly, putting more pressure on Luffy’s shoulders. “Calm down.”
Thankfully, the screams were becoming whimpers and blubbers now.
(Certainly, it wasn’t any less painful to hear but…)
(His voice reached Luffy.)
“Ace-ya is alive.” He finally said as Luffy was becoming a bit more coherent.
And that downcast gaze shot up to his, and the sorrow there made Law’s stomach drop. The tears streaming down his face, the swollen, redness in his eyes... “B-But I… I saw…” That voice was trembling. Afraid. Fear. Sorrow… Grief.
Law had to take a deep breath. “What you saw was Ace-ya collapsing due to pain and the damage dealt to his body.” He began. “He is still unconscious, but he’s alive. His vitals are stable, and have remained such since the surgery.”
Those hopeless eyes clouded over with disbelief. And he knew, Law knew that Luffy wanted to believe him, but couldn't. Not after what he saw. What he's already been through.
(Law knew, and he understood.)
So, he continued his explanation. “After you passed out, Jinbei-ya carried the two of you to my submarine. Unfortunately, Sakazuki got another attack in which damaged both Jinbei-ya and yourself. You’re the second to wake up Luffy-ya. Ace-ya is still unconscious in the next room, but he’s stable.”
Hopefully that would convince him. He would bring Luffy into Ace’s room if necessary but… he couldn't have one hysterical patient potentially rough housing another.
And Luffy was still staring at him, as if trying to convince himself that yes Ace was alive and that he hadn’t died back in Marineford. He sniffled; he rubbed at his eyes, and continued to look into his eyes as if trying to see the truth or deception within them.
Law knew that this took time and consideration...
“S-so Ace is…” Luffy finally stuttered out after a prolonged silence that was far more awkward than Law would have liked, his body trembling. (Relief. That’s what it was. Relief. Ace hadn’t died. He hadn’t lost his other brother. He still was here.)
But sadly, Law had to shake his head. While he knew that relief was the thing to get Luffy out of his shock, he still needed to be reminded of the realities of the situation. “It is still unknown if he will fully recover. He could take a turn at any moment, but… so far the prognosis is good. Now, will you please stop destroying my submarine?”
“Ace is… Ace is…” And Luffy just… slumped to his knees and started sobbing, the tremors becoming more violent.
(To say he felt incredibly awkward right now was putting it lightly. Just what was he supposed to do here?)
Arms wrapped around his legs. “Thank you. Thank you Torao. Thank you.”
He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “…It’s Sabo-ya that you should be thanking. If it weren’t for his interference, Ace-ya’s injuries would have been fatal.” (Let that revolutionary deal with this sobbing mess for once.)
And while he was expecting Luffy to nod and wander over to Sabo… he wasn’t expecting him to be that enthusiastic. He could only sigh even more before picking up both the strawhat and his sword and just… follow that idiot outside.
He needed to stop that fool before he reopened his injuries…
When he found Sabo he was holding onto a small sheet of paper.
“Where’s Luffy-ya?”
“Huh?” It seemed Law had interrupted his thoughts. “Oh, he went into the forest… he said he needed to think about something…”
…There was the sound of a tree crashing.
“Trafalgar?” Law turned towards Jinbei. “What was it you said about Luffy’s wounds?”
“…That idiot!” He groaned and felt his fingers tightening on Luffy’s hat again. “If he reopens those wounds… I can’t guarantee that I can revitalise him again…” He was too tired for this shit right now…
And there was a scream of frustration.
(Didn’t that idiot know that his lungs were in his chest and his chest was severely injured?)
He glanced out to where the birds flew away from that interruption in their life and felt a hand on his shoulder.
“…I think I know what’s bothering him, let me go talk to him.”
Law sighed and continued looking at the strawhat.
When Luffy had returned there was an exhausted expression on his face. (But Law found that perfectly normal considering everything the boy had been through.)
“Hey Sabo.” Luffy said, a worn smile on his face as he waved at the revolutionary. But then he turned to face Law, and that smile extended. (While it still looked strained, there definitely was some truth in it and in the way his eyes shined ever so slightly.) “Torao!”
Sabo stepped forward slightly, and had put away that paper he had been staring at earlier. “Ah, Luffy, Iva and I will be going now. Law has told me that Ace looks to be out of danger, and since you gave me a piece of his vivre-card I’ll be able to keep up on his progress.”
A vivre-card? So that was the paper Sabo was looking at earlier?
Law gave the revolutionaries a nod in farewell while Luffy was waving at them.
And then Luffy had turned to him, curiosity in those round eyes of his. “What about you Torao?”
Law could only shrug. Why was Luffy curious on what he was going to do and, besides, wasn't it obvious? And so he just lifted up the hat in his hands before placing it on Luffy’s head.
(The smallest of smiles twitched on his face, showing on his lips and in the way the muscles by his closed eyes moved.)
“I’m sticking around until Ace-ya is conscious. I’m willing to bet he will wish to return to his crewmates afterwards, and I might as well give him a lift. I have some things I would like to discuss with his attending doctor anyway about his recovery and treatment plans. His recuperation will be… long. And hard.”
And that idiot’s smile brightened even more, those closed eyes opening to shine up at him. "Yay! Torao’s staying longer!”
(What was it that Sabo said?)
Why? Why was this idiot happy to spend time with him? Why was he smiling even though he had been through so much? It completely baffled him. Aside from saving their lives, it wasn’t as if he did anything to make Luffy enjoy his presence. If anything he had always ignored them…
“Wanna tell me about your tattoos? We never had a chance to back on Sabaody.”
“…And whose fault is that Luffy-ya?”
He laughed bashfully.
Law watched Luffy. He listened. Listened as Luffy explained his adventures to him. How Dadan had bought him a boat for his seventeenth birthday, how that was the start of his adventures. How he met Zoro, and wore a marine outfit to infiltrate a marine base to get his swords for him.
And, Law had to admit, that that was a solid plan.
But apparently it hadn't gone out too well. Instead of quietly sneaking around the base like he should have he ended up taking a hostage and ran out of the base, swords and hostage in tow.
...Mugiwara no Luffy was an idiot, wasn't he?
He talked about Coby too, a young man who wanted to be a marine. (Why anybody wanted to a marine baffled Law honestly.) A young man who ended up in a most unfortunate scenario of being enslaved on a pirate ship. And how he helped Coby appear in the good lights of the marines, because no matter ones origins, they should always be able to follow their dreams.
...Law supposed he really couldn't argue with that logic.
Thankfully, Luffy was content without much input from his side and that all he wanted to do was babble off on what he had done in this last year.
(It only made Law wonder: just who was this young man before him? Luffy was… Luffy was a far contrast to who he was a decade ago…
That tearful, torn, thankful mess at his feet was far more familiar than this bubbly ball beaming up at him.
What had happened?
(And shouldn't he be torn or worried about Ace. And what about Sabo? Wouldn't this be a stark reminder of what happened all those years ago?)
Luffy was going on about his navigator now. Explaining about that clown that had carried him to his submarine.
Huh, so he knew the clown from back then? Well he supposed it explained why the clown knew that the hat was something important to Luffy.
Then he went on a tale about his shooter. Something along the lines of his village being attacked by pirates.
...Wait did Luffy say the Kuro pirates?
“...Didn't that guy get executed?”
Sure, he hadn't been in the East Blue when it happened, but Law always kept tabs on that sort of thing. Not to mention that it was a public execution and not just incarceration.
“Shishishi, that's what I said. Ace and I watched it actually.” He made a face. “I think to dissuade us from being pirates. But Ace left not that long after anyway.” He was laughing again.
Law shook his head. But then again, he supposed they didn't have much of a choice. It was only due to his agreement with his caretaker that he avoided public executions, otherwise he would have gone to numerous ones himself.
“The funniest thing though, was in Logue Town!” Luffy was laughing again. “I mean, after Sanji joined us and we saved Nami’s town, and after my dumb first bounty poster. Can you believe it? I kept telling all the marines I met my name but they decided to call me Strawhat on my poster!”
Law blinked, really, Luffy was so damn different… He supposed that, yes, there were hints of this personality back then but it was masked by grief and loss…
(He probably should have paid those brothers more attention back then.)
“But yeah! When we went to Logue Town, that's where I met Smokey!” And he was laughing again. “Maaaaan, he was pissed to see me. Apparently says it's his life mission to capture me. Of course he didn't tell me that until Alabasta!”
Law sighed. This was going to be a very long conversation…
“Why don't you tell me more about it later? You may be conscious, but you should get some rest. That's the best thing you can do right now Luffy-ya.”
Besides, he knew what Luffy had been up to since he reached the Grand Line.
“B-But Toraooo I haven't gotten to the best part yet! I didn't tell you how Gramps stormed in on us in Water 7 and told my entire crew that the reason why my wanted posters only had my nickname on it was because he was trying to drag me back into the Marines before I got too famous!”
...Oh, Law definitely knew how that would have went. And he doubted that Luffy told his crew that Garp had whisked his grandchildren to be raised by Marines…
(And said grandchildren escaped on their seventeenth birthdays to become pirates, of all things.)
“Well, you've just told me, now get to bed Luffy-ya.”
As Law shut the door, he sighed and shook his head. Who would've thought that that crying, sullen child had turned into this?
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petite-neko · 7 years
Dissentient - 10
Fanfiction: Dissentient Story Summary: Trafalgar Law wasn’t a lot of things. But the one thing he most definitely was, was a man in denial. But you’d never hear him say that. Instead, he’d just blame that damned Strawhat. Characters: Zoro, Luffy, Law Pairing: Eventual LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, angst, alcohol use, canon typical violence, mentions of suicide A/N: YOU NEED TO READ THIS STORY FIRST.
Ahhh sorry for the delay. I couldn’t finish this by Thursday and my life was crazy. Like I’d work a bit here and a bit there between the things I had to do all weekend. Once more, this is the end of what Oda has really given us so far. I DO have other plans for this, but it’s dependent on what happens next because this is the story I want to keep pretty close to canon! So until then, this story is ‘done.’
If you haven’t noticed: I’ve started a new series and it’s UA (Universe alteration) So it follows a similar plot to the canon story but there’s changes here and there. Check it out on my Ao3 or my one piece fanfiction page!
Previous story || Read on Ao3
Part 9 || Part 10: 13.5 Happiness  || ??
Chopper was one thing – Law could understand it, certainly, but only at the barest of levels. He still went overboard however.
Yes, certainly the way he was acting around Luffy did appear to be unusual when one took into consideration what Chopper did know about him. But Tony-ya had not only assumed that what he knew about Law was everything there was, (not even considering the possibility of what he knew to be a charade of sorts) he then concluded that he had a concussion and ignored his protests.
(And, besides, hadn’t he already gone through that process and then eliminated the ‘symptoms’ in favour of a far more reasonable explanation? Not that he was going to share the details of that conclusion however…)
At the very least, Zoro was able to dissuade the whole ordeal in the end. (Even if said actions were more than he had apparently observed…)
Bepo, too, seemed surprised at it, but then again he had not shown such behaviour to anybody else but the bear, so that was understandable. But, what surprised Bepo (and his entire crew actually) the most was the fact that when Law had escaped the grasps of the tiny doctor he had brought Luffy along with him. Especially considering that Law was allowing Luffy to sit against him while he relaxed against Bepo.
(Sure, yeah, he didn’t ask Bepo’s permission, but considering the things he said earlier to Chopper…)
But, it just… it didn’t feel right without Luffy. That contact. (And, yes, he had missed it.)
And his crew’s surprise really wasn’t all that unusual, considering that the moment Law had settled himself against Bepo was the universal sign of ‘leave the captain alone.’ Most of the time, it was because he wanted some sleep, but right now? Right now he wanted some peace and quiet because he didn’t have a damn concussion and he just…
“He’s comfy Torao!”
Law looked up to see Luffy practically snuggling Bepo, and it lit something in him he didn’t really enjoy feeling. “I can see why you like to sleep on and cuddle with him!”
Law grit his teeth, feeling even more irritated right now. “It’s not–” He hissed out in an attempt to soothe whatever it was that was growing within him, and to dissuade the whole cuddling issue.
But then, of course Luffy just moved himself, almost flopping on top of him and interrupted him yet again. “But Torao’s comfier!”
At those words, that irritation died down and Law felt a smile coming to his lips as he stared at the younger captain. Comfier huh? He could live with that.
(So was Luffy.)
To say he was irritated… yeah. Trafalgar Law most definitely was irritated.
He was having what was probably the most peaceful, pleasant sleep in his life before Bepo had just… catapulted them off of him for God knows what reason. There was screeching laughter off to the side (his crew, and probably Luffy’s too) and he was laying uncomfortably on top of Luffy.
(That wasn’t to say Luffy was uncomfortable. No, it was his positioning. He wasn’t made of rubber like the other captain was.)
That being said, the only blessing to any of this was that he was on top of Luffy and could see that damn adorable, sleepy expression up close and personal….
…Of course that had to be ruined and short-lived too because of some damn samurai going missing and…
Oh. Shit. The samurai…
Law groaned and sat up, most definitely annoyed at the turn of events. He just couldn’t enjoy himself, could he? He then wandered over to where his belongings had flown from Bepo’s impromptu jumping into action, picking them up.
The Strawhats had already started rushing off to find the samurais, while his own crew just stared curiously at him as he grabbed Nodachi.
Law sighed and stood up. “We are allies, are we not?” He then straightened out his clothes before following the Strawhats. “We need to be together through thick and thin, so go help and look for the samurais you idiots. This is what they look like…”
Hopefully they could find them before a fight breaks out…
Of course, as soon as the opportunity arose, Luffy was at his side one more. Currently, he was talking about what had just transpired: how amazing and great it was that the Samurais and the Minks were friends and that they didn’t have to fight these nice people.
And Law? He could only nod and agree. “Yes Mugi- Luffy-ya.” And while he had slipped, Luffy’s expression was still beaming up at him. (Probably because he had quickly corrected himself.) “This country is in enough despair as it is.” The war against Kaido’s men had taken much from them and to fight yet another battle over their presence… Well, Law wouldn’t blame them but it was pointless.
(But then again, weren’t all wars pointless?)
Seeing Luffy’s smile, however, shook him from his darker thoughts.
“And a ninja Torao! A ninja!” Luffy was just this exuberant ball of sunshine, wasn’t he? It made him smile slightly as Luffy went off on his tangents again over a ninja. Finally, Luffy had exhausted his current imaginations when he looked up at Law with those curious, dark, innocent eyes. “Is there anything about the ninja that interests you?”
Law let a soft sound that resembled a chuckle leave him. “There is a rumoured technique involving cloning that is interesting enough, I suppose.”
He felt Luffy wrap an arm around him, chuckling all the while with that damn adorable expression beaming up at him.
Luffy was whining. Whining as they made their journey to where the ninja was hidden. Whining and tugging at his shirt and a pout in his eyes and on his face.
Law could only sigh. “…What is it Luffy-ya?”
… Could that idiot not whine his name?
And so he just stared at his partner, awaiting an answer to his question that he had yet to receive.
“Please Torao…”
More whining…. Honestly, Law wasn’t too certain what to think about it. Especially when Luffy whined his name for a third time. “…What do you want Luffy-ya?” He groaned out. He hated repeating himself.
“I know you said… but I wanna….”
…Okay, seriously, just what was this idiot blabbing on about? They were walking in a forest and then Luffy just started whining.
“…Maybe we could slow down?” Luffy suggested, still going on about whatever it was that he wanted. “And go behind a tree or something… and catch up after?” The latter words were said hastily and in a hushed tone.
Law sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. So he tugged Luffy’s ear, using enough haki to ensure that it was Luffy’s neck that stretched upward and not just the ear, or the ear and some assortment of his face next to his lips.
“You need to explain Luffy-ya. I don’t know what you are referring to.”
“Um... but you said!” Ugh, more pouting and whining! “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”
…Oh. Oh. Now he understood. That’s what Luffy wanted. He tried to mask his outward reaction by sighing. “Be patient Luffy-ya.” Of course this was going to happen… “Right now it would be far too suspicious.” He tilted his head as he pondered the potential opportunities. “Perhaps after we get there? You’re the one who is most excited to see this ninja and if you vanished from sight… well people would wonder.”
And that they would. The would wonder just what was more exciting than the current thing that Luffy had fixated himself on.
(His damn boyfriend wanted to kiss him, that’s what.)
Goodness, couldn’t the boy have picked a more opportune time?
(Of course he couldn’t. This was fucking Mugiwara no Luffy for crying out loud.)
“Just wait Luffy-ya.”
He only received more whines as a response.
…Just what was he going to do with this idiot?
After numerous whines and pouts that Law had given up on counting, he was able to drag Luffy away. (In very little sense of the word. It looked like it was contagious…)
Of course, they had to climb the tree and descent it from within, observe the ninja in action and hear a tale or two before they could even attempt but… the moment they were shooed outside…
(Well Law was surprised that it hadn’t been Luffy to drag him away. In all literal senses of the word.)
He supposed that Luffy trusted that Law wouldn’t go back on his word.
As those from the Wano Kingdom sobbed over the state of their allied country, Law could feel those hands tugging at him. Law did sigh, but at the same time he could feel the corners of his lips curling slightly. And so, he summoned a Room before he switched them with a few leaves that were atop the tree.
“Truth be told, I’m surprised you lasted this long.” He teased when they arrived there.
And Luffy? Well he practically toppled Law over.
“Well, Torao said only I can see him like this!” Luffy replied with a grin on his face, rubbing his face against Law’s neck affectionately.
The laughter bubbled from his lips and Law ruffled Luffy’s hair. He enjoyed seeing Luffy act like this towards him. And, hey, Luffy was being considerate! That certainly was something indeed. “I’m glad you waited Luffy-ya.”
He really was happy, by gods he was happy!
Isn’t this great? Cheer up Law! You’re going to live!
Be happy! This is the devil fruit that is gunna save your life!
As Law remembered those words, he smiled. He smiled and looked down towards Luffy, gaze catching those mesmerising dark eyes.
Quiet. It was quiet as they stared at one another. Of course, it didn’t last overlong, as it was Luffy who broke it with a soft “Can I…?”
As an answer, Law just leaned in, pressing his lips against Luffy’s. He knew, he knew what Luffy wanted, and he would gladly give it to him. And he revelled in the sensations it stirred within him: Warmth, comfort, acceptance, affection. But most of all: happiness.
He always had such a difficulty finding it – even if momentary. And now? Now it was just overwhelming as he would just look in Luffy’s direction. As he would see the smiles aimed towards him. As he saw that warmth in those dark eyes. As he heard the music of his laughter. As he thought about him. As he kissed him.
Trafalgar D. Water Law was ridiculously happy.
Law pulled away, smiling down at Luffy and caressed his cheek. Seriously… who would’ve thought…?
And Luffy? He was laughing again, those dark eyes sparkling. “Torao, I thought I told you to stop thinking.”
“I-I…” That damn idiot! “I wasn’t – I mean I was but – It was about you…okay?”
He wasn’t blushing! He wasn’t!
“Shishishi,” Luffy was still laughing and his hands came up to hold Law’s cheeks. “I guess I can forgive you. You look so happy after all!” Those hands gently tilted his gaze back towards Luffy’s.
However, he didn’t have much time to think on whatever nonsense that idiot was on about now. (Not to mention Luffy would have just told him to stop thinking again…) For Luffy had pulled him down for another kiss, those hands wrapping around his neck as the idiot pressed more against him.
Decidedly, Law just ceased thinking and his hands moved up – gripping on Luffy’s shirt, tugging him closer. More his mind told him once again, just as it had the first time Luffy had kissed him.
A hand reached up into his hair, gripping there, the other hand turning into an arm to pull him closer. Closer.
And his hand tugged more, one slipping behind Luffy’s waist, pulling.
Closer. Closer.
(He didn’t blame Luffy. Not one bit. Nor did he discourage it.)
The reaction was immediate as Law felt his body tense at the sound of that voice.
It was Luffy however that pulled away, his neck stretching towards where they had been prior to their ‘escapade’ before pulling back. Laughter left him. “…Ooops…”
Oops is fucking right…
Law groaned, placing a hand on his face – but he couldn’t place the blame wholly on Luffy either. No, he had been quite the willing participant in this scenario after all…
“Don’t worry Torao.” Luffy flashed him a grin. “He’s looking away now, shishishi.”
…That wasn’t the fucking point Luffy!
Another groan left him and he shook his head. He was mortified. Absolutely fucking mortified. Why? Why? Of all the people to discover it, it had to be Zoro. And, of all times, it had to be now…
“Don’t worry about it Torao!” Luffy insisted, still chuckling. He removed Law’s hand from his head before stretching and pecking him on the lips. “Zoro’s understanding.”
But also violent and protective… Law sighed. “I do hope you haven’t forgotten that he punched me last night Luffy-ya. My eye certainly hasn’t.”
“It’ll be fine!” He dismissed. “Besides, it wasn’t like you were doing it then.”
…He supposed but… Law could only sigh as he shook his head. Luffy was too fucking carefree dammit. He fixed his hat, as it had moved when Luffy had his hand in his hair… “Very well,” he compromised, “but if your swordsman tries to murder me in my sleep…”
“Don’t worry! He knows not to hurt you anymore Torao!”
(…Oh yeah. That squeeze definitely was a threat then.)
“Oi!” Luffy called out, running towards Zoro as they warped back to the entrance. “Zoro, is Robin done now?”
And, of course Luffy was the only one not to read the awkward, stiff air between them. That, or he just didn’t care. (Both were highly likely.) And, when Zoro gave a tense nod, Luffy ran down the stairs cheerfully.
Law, however, was more focused on observing Zoro. What was the man going to do? Threaten him some more? Or go against his captain’s indirect orders and…. He couldn’t read anything from the man, not with the tense way he held himself. But, at the very least, it seemed he wasn’t going to make the first move. Very well then…
“…I would appreciate silence on this topic…”
He knew his voice was stiff. Yet, at the same, this… this needed to be said. Law wasn’t comfortable with others knowing about his personal life, especially considering how new this was to him. Perhaps later, it could become something more known about, but not right now. Not when he was still becoming accustomed to, and comfortable with, this.
“…What topic?”
At those words, Law sighed as he felt that awkward tension fade away. Good. This didn’t have to be awkward. A soft sound left him. But, he had no doubts – even though Zoro was pretending it never occurred – about it… He knew… He knew.
And, so, that was why when Zoro had gripped at his good arm (which he was grateful for, in all honesty) he had been expecting it. A silent warning, just as Luffy had given him. The last thing Zoro wanted after all was for his captain to be hurt, or sad, or torn or…
(Law had to admit, he felt the exact same. It hurt… it hurt just remembering the expressions on Luffy’s face when he told him he planned to die…)
It was the last thing he ever intended on doing. Hurting Luffy… it would do things to him that he didn’t want to imagine. Seeing that sunshine fading into darkness…. Seeing those smiles disappear… that laughter muted… those dark eyes cold..
Luffy was the man who saved his life and made him empathetic and hope and smile again. Luffy was the man who made him feel again. (Feel conscious of his own actions. Feel comfortable around another. Feel wanted and important and cared for.)
Luffy was the man who made him want to live again.
And if he caused that man sorrow….
“Don’t worry Zoro-ya. If there’s anything left of me after I’m through with me, you’ve got first dibs.” Because, Law didn’t think he could live with himself if that ever happened. He owed Luffy so much and to repay that with unkindness… “I’m not about to harm the man who gave me a reason to hope. A reason to live.”
With that said, he removed Zoro’s hand from his arm, readjusting Kikoku before heading down the stairs to follow Luffy.
To follow the reason Trafalgar Law had to live.
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