raphaelcrossofoliver · 5 months
So, I found out that Kill Six Billions Demons was once a forum comic influenced by the comments on the forum
What I found afterwards is that it was a Homestuck forum
What I found with the surviving archives of the Forum comic is that our friend Gog-Agog and Oscar were one of the first characters to be created
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But the thing that caught me by total surprise was that Gog-Agog was THE FIRST CHARACTER TO EVER INTERACT WITH ALLISON
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w h a t
Also, to any Homestuck fan
What the fuck is a Metasoul
What the fuck is a Devil
What the fuck is a Parasyte
What the fuck is Archfiend
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kadanungra · 4 months
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POV: you are 5'1"
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fanelectricboogieloo · 8 months
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just remembered Shadow Jadis.
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melodyburst · 1 year
Hey dad I'm going to RaceTrac you need anything?
Him: Just a
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shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
@skullkxd asked:
“Zossie.” They put a hand to their chin. “Eighty percent.”
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"Eighty percent of what???" Zossie was unsure what they meant by that. Was it... good? Was it bad??? She sure hope it meant the former. Was the eighty percent meant as a measurement for her? Measurement of what????
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natalieironside · 9 months
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I think about this panel whenever I catch myself being too pretentious or obsessive about the writing and it always snaps me out of it. Thank u Zoss
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prokopetz · 1 year
Re-reading Kill Six Billion Demons from the start for the first time in forever and I literally just noticed that:
In his first appearance, Zoss displays a halo which resembles a pair of large, upward-pointing white horns or ears.
Zoss' regalia includes a pocketwatch worn over the heart; this is never specifically focused on, but it's conspicuously present when his personal effects are later inherited by Allison.
Zoss consistently misspeaks Allison's name as "Alice". (The IC justification for his is that he's incorrectly parsing her name as "Alice-Un" and omitting the honourific.)
I can't believe I missed that.
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I keep forgetting this about Mother Om but the first Demiurge Allison meets (other than Zoss) is like "please this is so awful every aspect of my life is misery I hate being a ruler I am just too afraid of what it would mean to change. I'm explicitly calling myself a coward and I just don't want to die please please please take my throne I am begging you" and on the other end you have the only dude there who actually likes being a king, and even he goes "man if only I could give away my throne. Not to anyone of course he has to be able to protect my people and govern adequately. This means there's basically no one. Fuck. Listen I want to be enlightened. I have got to stop being a King so I can start being enlightened. What to do."
But Mother Om does not really want to give up her power; that would mean death for her, as she relies on the human sacrifices made to her husband to maintain her youth. Nor does Solomon David actually want to abdicate; he dreams of Royalty in the way that a medieval Pope, surrounded by gold and murder in his heart, dreams of the Kingdom of Heaven. It's something they know they're supposed to want, but don't actually want. Had Solomon David surrendered his throne not as a result of Jagganoth's attack and his subsequent feelings of inadequacy but simply to pursue Royalty, he would immediately have become Royalty, I'm pretty sure. This is Zoss' problem, too, of course. The man's still clamoring for an heir and trying to get things just right. My guy. Let it go and let it die.
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retroactivebakeries · 3 months
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zoss on gender-affirming surgery
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devilscreekballad · 4 months
Please comment below/reblog what the equivalent to naming your horse 'Horse' would be in languages other than plain english, if you speak that language.
PLEASE DON'T comment with 'well the translation of horse is this and that in this language according to an online translator' I can look up online translations as well, but I'm looking for how someone who actually speaks the language would handle it (for example in german it'd be more likely to use 'Zosse' or 'Zossen' then plain 'Pferd')
I'm looking for how someone actually speaking a language would do it (even if the translations between native speaker and dictionary would match, they don't -always- do)
Dialects (including english) welcome.
Thank you
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kadanungra · 1 year
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I know that feel Zoss.
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Get niche with me friends. In a kill six billion demons au of TLT, I'd like to fill some roles. My initial thoughts are:
John as Zoss and Alecto as Jagganoth, OR Alecto as Zoss and John as Jagganoth. Both pairs of characters are in kind of a wibbly state until we see the finales.
G1deon as Mammon - kind of heart, but his grasp on reality is slipping, and the only meaning he can find is in dedication to a cause he no longer understands.
Anastasia as Jadis - the truth-teller, trapped and made to suffer the weight of her knowledge alone.
Pyrrha as Maya - she stands apart from the power structure she once belonged to and sees its folly. Her best friend tried to kill her to attain godlike power.
Ianthe as Gog-agog.
Cytherea as Mottom - she suffered greatly at the hands of the powerful, struggled viciously to get some of that power, and found it rotten on her tongue. Still, she uses her power to inflict great harm on others, because what else is she supposed to do?
Who else do we think?
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Poll A6
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9 contestants, 4 spots for the tournament
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buttonsgoblin · 1 year
Ok so it looks like White Chain isn’t actually the elected head of state in the Celestial Republic:
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Given how this is being set up, it’s very likely to be another character we’ve already met, most likely Nyave. However, I’d like to suggest some much less likely but much funnier options:
-Eris-Lo Kai
-Lucky Felicia
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americanbrightside · 4 months
Spoilers for Worm/Ward, K6BD, and Across the Spiderverse
I was just reading an analysis on how multiverses allow narratives to use the tools of postmodernism to build a new sincere moral, and I realized, Worm and Kill 6 Billion Demons do that too, but not with traditional multiverses.
And so I'd like to posit that the Entity Cycle in Worm counts as a multiverses in that it's a tool the narrative uses to highlight its themes and show that the patterns and villains the protagonist is fighting are so hard to win against that the traditional ways of fighting them have failed.
And then I'd posit that the Resetting of the Wheel in K6BD is also the same thing. Just like how the Entities do the same cycle over and over again, with alien races failing to overcome them, Zoss resets the timeline whenever his chosen heir fails to save the day.
And these are just the same as the stable narrative dealies in Across thr Spiderverse.
So now we have a class of protagonist that are very interesting to compare and contrast:
Taylor Hebert/Victoria Dallon (because Worm and Ward are in conversation with each other)
Miles Morales
One of the biggest differences between these protagonists is their relationship to the cycle they're trying to break, or specifically to the force keeping it as a cycle.
In Worm and Ward, the Entities are enforcing the cycle. As avatars of conflict and desparation, they are the source of the cycle. Stop them, and the cycle stops.
In K6BD, Zoss controls the time loops, and started reality down it's path to destruction, but does not want it to continue. The cycle is his search for a solution.
In Across the Spiderverse, set narrative points seem to be written into reality, while Miguel O'Hara leads the Spider Society to enforce it. In Morales's story, breaking the cycle only seems to make things worse, so he needs to fight Society while searching for a solution.
Which is just very cool. I think these stories come from a frustration that we seem capable of seeing the problems with society but incapable of changing them. Our protagonists then do what we wish we could. But what I didn't realize before is that this metaphor is both a time loop (where the story takes place within a single loop) and a multiverse.
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duhmess · 4 months
Allison fell for the fucking gog narrative.
Gog is the stage, it is the actors, it's probably zoss - or at least, it will pretend to be zoss.
"he will face the beast, and annihilate it."
jadis saw the entirety of reality.
allison is about to find out that the whole world is worms. she will try to not let the worms affect her, but will be harmed when the partially-wormified form of nukoka decides to follow her.
himself will be there. hanging out backstage
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