#Zuho fluff
slytherinshua · 6 months
genre. a little tension but not truly e2l. mutual pining/misunderstandings. kinda fluffy. entirely based on motorcyclist!zuho. warnings. briefly mentioned that zuho & reader are spies/assassins. wounds and injuries mentioned (not in detail). zuho is hot (and cute) and rides a motorcycle. pairing. zuho x fem!reader. wc. 2.6k. a/n. originally got the idea from the lyrics of 'tight' and @eternalgyu's delusions 😭 but it strayed a little away from the first inspiration... hope it's still okay tho
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“As long as you hold me tight, we’ll be good.” Juho’s deep voice filled your ears as if in a daze. You forced your head to nod to him, though you had barely processed his words. You weren’t in the best of circumstances at the moment— having gotten beaten up pretty badly just an hour before. Your teammate had been in a different area, and only found you once he was done with his portion of the mission. At least you had taken out the enemy, though.
Now it was just a transportation problem. You couldn’t ride your own motorcycle back to base considering your condition. This forced Juho to clench his jaw and offer for you to ride with him. He didn’t want to. Frankly, he didn’t want to have any reason to even talk to you, but he kept being assigned the same missions as you, so now, here he was.
You didn’t really annoy him. Well, maybe a little— but not in the way people usually did. You were clearly very good at your job, and your charisma was clear in the way you carried out every mission. Juho would be lying if he didn’t hold a lot of respect for you. He was known to be a bit cold to the team, rarely ever talking to anyone besides Taeyang. He particularly avoided you, only because whenever he was in your presence, his brain didn’t seem to think straight.
In short, you distracted him. A lot. He wasn’t one to catch feelings on the job, especially this job, where the circumstances were always teetering on the edge of life or death. But it seemed like you broke all his rules. He had encased his heart behind a thick metal wall, yet somehow, you had already started making a dent in it.
You didn’t think anything of the way he was glaring at you— you couldn’t think of a time when he hadn’t glared at you. But you weren’t appreciating the way your inebriated mind was racing with a thought. Just 1 thought.
Baek Juho looked hot when angry.
Given that you were bleeding and not entirely sober at the moment, the thought was beyond absurd. But it was probably because you were injured and intoxicated that those thoughts allowed themselves to enter your mind.
You were dizzy as you clumsily pushed your body up onto the back of the motorcycle. Juho waited until you were on and secure to take his seat. You tried to put on your helmet, but due to your slight head injury, you couldn’t put on your helmet without worsening the open wound. You heard Juho curse under his breath as you winced in pain.
“I’ll drive safely. Ditch the helmet.” He commanded, sliding on his own helmet and revving up the engine. “I’m not going to start until you’re holding on.” He muttered. Your brain caught onto his annoyed tone, and you quickly placed your hands on his shoulders, just slightly gripping his jacket.
“That’s not gonna do a thing.” He commented, grabbing one of your hands and moving it to his waist. Your breath caught up in your throat. In order to hold his waist securely, you had to rest your head against his back. His rather attractive, strong, broad back. You were screwed.
Juho finally started driving once you were holding him as tight as he felt necessary. You were thankful that it wasn’t too much of a windy night, otherwise the breeze would’ve been sure to agitate your wounds. There wasn’t much you could talk about over the sound of the motorcycle, so you kept silent. As you sobered up, you grew evermore aware of how tense Juho was. Was he always this rigid?
To your surprise, when he stopped the motorcycle, you weren’t in front of your team’s base, but instead, a small house. Juho cleared his throat seconds after he had stopped, bringing your attention to the way you were still clinging to his middle. You quickly brought your hands away from him in embarrassment, catching your balance as you got off the vehicle. You were still in a lot of pain, but at least your head was clearer than before. A good 2 am drive did wonders for your mental health.
“Make yourself at home.” Juho said as he opened the door to the house. You weren’t sure what you were expecting from Juho’s home, but you definitely hadn’t bargained that it would be this… warm.
The first thing you were met with when you stepped inside was the meowing of a cat. A light orange short haired cat soon appeared from another room, mewling up at Juho, quick to give his legs affectionate rubs with his head.
Juho coughed, “Don’t mind Huru. I haven’t been home in a while. I hope you’re not allergic to cats?” He queried, looking back at you as he picked up the cat in his arms, cradling the little boy lovingly.
You were dumbfounded. The Juho in front of you was like a completely different person. You tried to rub your eyes to see if you were just seeing things when you caught onto a smile on his face. Baek Juho smiling. Your teammates would think you were crazy if you told them about this later.
“N-no. I’m fine with cats.” You mumbled a late response to his question, standing awkwardly at the doorway. You had discarded your work boots, but now didn’t know where to go or what to do. You felt like you were intruding. Juho was always a very private person. No one but Taeyang really knew much about his personal life. Yet, here you were, welcomed into his living space by the man himself.
“Bathroom’s first door on the left. There’s a kit in the cabinet. Bring it out and I’ll patch you up.” Juho instructed, his tone much softer than earlier on the mission. It was weird, but you couldn’t say you didn’t like the change. There was a comforting sense with the way he was talking to you… almost, a fond look in his eyes?
You found your way to the bathroom, finding it pristinely clean and organised, as if you were at a hotel. This was something you did expect from the man. The rooms at the base would probably be a pigsty if it weren’t for Juho’s efforts to keep things tidy. You located the first aid kit in the cabinet where Juho said it would be, and brought it back out to the living room.
You sat awkwardly on the couch, waiting for Juho to come back. You could hear him rustling in the kitchen. While you were waiting, Huru got curious of the new person in the house and came to start sniffing you cautiously. He jumped up on the couch next to you, investigating you before settling down in a meatloaf position next to you.
Juho came back seconds later, smiling widely at the two of you, “As expected. Huru also has good taste in women.” His eyes held a playful glint as he took a spot next to you on the couch. He got out the supplies needed and started working on the head wound first.
You had been patched up many times by your teammates. It was uncomfortable, and more than not, extremely painful. Most occasions were time sensitive, so there was no room to be careful and gentle when the goal was to stop the bleeding enough to get out of the dangerous situation.
The way Juho was handling you, though, was extremely gentle. His touch was soft, almost hesitant, enough to prevent any extra sting from the disinfectant. He was doing a better job making sure you didn’t feel pain that you would’ve been able to if you had to patch yourself up.
It felt strangely intimate. The small living room, both of you sitting close on the 2 cushioned couch. Huru watched both of you carefully, squinting cutely at his father every once in a while, making Juho smile back. You stayed silent for most of it, until the question became too overbearing for you to keep in any longer.
“How come you’re so warm?” The question came out a little hesitantly, and you gulped down the uncomfortable lump that formed in your throat once you got the words out. Most of the nervousness came from Juho’s expression. He kept a poker face, but confusion soon spread on it as he met your eyes.
You were forced to elaborate further, fiddling with your hands as Juho set down the blood soaked cotton swab he was holding, “You’re… surprisingly… pleasant to be around?” You offered up the thought, not quite sure if you had articulated it how you would’ve liked, but it would have to do for now.
“Was I not before?” He responded, picking up a fresh roll of bandages and dabbing at a bleeding spot on your arm.
“Well. You were always so reserved? No one would’ve guessed that you lived in this cozy space with a cute cat and a collection of colourful ceramic mugs.” You mumbled. 
Juho stiffened, “You noticed the ceramics?” 
You smiled a little, “They were all lined up so nicely on the shelf in the kitchen… It’s cute. You’re cute.”
Cute. Juho had never been called cute before. Cold, unfeeling, rude, professional, reliable, stern. Those were all words he could easily attribute to himself. But cute? He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, not liking how you were seconds away from delivering the final blow to the damaged and dented metal wall around his heart. It was seconds away from becoming disfigured beyond imagination, all because of 2 words.
“I see.” He whispered throatily, trying to catch his breath from the unmistakable tension in the room. “You must be tired. You can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” He announced, snapping shut the first aid kit and leaving to put it away before you could protest him.
You decided to just go with it. You didn’t have energy or courage to object to anything Juho said. Despite the warmth he had given you tonight, he was still intimidating at times. If he flashed another smile to you, you were sure you’d end up doing something you’d really really regret. 
Lying down on his bed felt like something you were definitely not supposed to do. You were trespassing on his privacy by being here. You should’ve asked him to drive you home instead of letting him let you stay over here. Your brain was racing with the overwhelming thoughts. They were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Juho came in dressed in pyjamas. He held a mug of hot tea in one hand and some clothes in the other. You could tell he had showered by the way his hair was still wet, and you willed your brain to stop screaming about how attractive he looked like that.
“I thought you might appreciate some tea. And it would be uncomfortable to sleep in your uniform… though I’m sure you’ve done it before. I brought some clothes just in case you wanted to change into them.” He explained shyly, setting down the cup of tea and clothes on the bedside table and quickly saying goodnight. Just going in to give you those 2 things had his stomach twisting and turning in nervousness. The effect you had on him was undeniable.
The tea made you sleepier, and the clothes were incredibly comfortable to sleep in, albeit a little big on you. It wasn’t hard to fall asleep once you relaxed into the soft fluffy pillows and warm blankets. Your body desperately needed the rest, and you were thankful that there was no work to do tomorrow.
You woke up to Juho’s face dangerously close to yours. You would’ve shrieked in shock if it wasn’t for the sleepiness evident in his eyes. He clearly wasn’t in any state to do anything to you. His eyes weren’t quite closed, but his eyelids drooped down almost all the way. He must’ve also just woken up.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked you in an incredibly deep, sleepy morning voice. His eyes had fallen shut again, but he could feel your stare against his face, and he couldn’t help but curve one corner of his lips up.
“I thought you were going to sleep on the couch?” You asked, bewildered at the closeness between you two. It was impossible to want to move, though, given the ache in your body from the past day’s injuries.
“I didn’t mean to… I must’ve been too tired when I came to check on you a couple hours ago.” He whispered. Your response was interrupted when Huru jumped up on the bed, purring contentedly and headbutting Juho’s cheek incessantly. You giggled at the sight. The way Juho closed his eyes tightly and scrunched up his face, trying (and failing) to get Huru to settle down, was the most precious sight you had seen.
You sighed, “Thank you for your hospitality. I guess I should probably get back to my place now.” Your lack of motivation to actually leave was clearly evident to both you and Juho. Your apartment had always felt a little lonely. You didn’t have the time to decorate it or pick up collecting hobbies like Juho’s ceramics. Neither did you have furry companions to wake you up with affection in the morning. If things went exactly the way you wished them to, you would be able to stay with Juho just for a little longer. His presence right now was more comforting than anyone else's.
Juho sat up, thinking for a second. It seemed as if he could read the thoughts your brain was bringing up, as he suddenly asked, “Do you have plans for later?”
You shook your head.
“Would you like to grab coffee with me?” He tilted his head to the side with a small smile. You couldn’t possibly say no to the sight. His bed hair, soft pyjamas, and contented sleepy face— you were sure he was trying to make you fall in love with him at this point. He was the cutest person you had ever seen.
“Are you asking me out right now?” You asked with a smile, an elated feeling bubbling in your chest.
“Only if you say yes.” He responded, impatient to hear your response. 
“Don’t worry. Going out for coffee with my handsome coworker sounds like a great way to spend the day.” You mused and Juho laughed, mirroring the happiness that you felt.
Since you had met Juho, you had always thought he was cold. His sharp features and serious stare gave off a strong impression, and since he didn’t make much effort to get close to people, that unwelcome belief of his personality lived on in your brain for a long time. But it only took that one coffee date to entirely change your perspective on him.
No, Juho wasn’t cold or rude or impolite. He was warm and friendly and so, so cute. He talked a lot about his cats and his childhood— his interest in music, and, of course, his ceramic mugs. He listened intently to everything you had to say. You talked for hours at the cafe, and then for even more hours at home. You kept talking and talking and talking— always finding more you wanted to say; neither of you getting tired of the company.
After that day, Juho no longer looked at missions assigned with you with distaste. Instead of suppressing the fluttery feeling that you summoned in him with just your mere presence, he welcomed it. He smiled a lot more; enough for your other teammates to start to question his switch in behaviour. You had slowly but surely dented the wall surrounding his heart, and now, he gladly let you in, letting you fill every corner of it with warmth and love.
↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu
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divinefireangel · 1 year
Hi dear¡! ♡
Can I ask SF9 how they showed their love to their partner? (Hugs, kisses, physical touches, loving words, etc)
Sorry for my english 🥺
Your English is fine hun! Plus the language is kinda stupid hehe
SF9's Love Languages 🩷
Warnings: These are what I think are SF9's top love language. Of course it is impossible for such lovely people to have just one 😔. Mention of food/cooking in Tae's. Tea is Chani's.
I will literally physically fight if anyone disagrees with me lol. Our man is so wise and sweet and his voice is just is soothing so I just think that his ultimate way to show you appreciation will be through words. Plus man's a great and creative lyricist.
Quality time
Well, it's mostly just him trying to make you laugh by saying and making up the stupidest jokes, if you can call them that, ever. I'm also a strong believer that this man just wants to annoy you enough to start a debate with him cuz he's bored lol
Physical Touch
Maybe this is me projecting my needs maybe it is not okay idk. But let's be honest here, this man is the cutest ever and he will want to squish your cheeks, irrespective of squishyness quotient. He also likes to hug you, literally engulf you in his broad af chest and baby you although you want to baby him don't we all
Acts of service
I just love him sm 😭. See, he's the kind to leave you sweet sticky notes with reassuring words and a drawing or something stupid on the back lol. But yeah it's all the small things that he'll do like buying you a new chapstick before your old one gets over, bringing your water bottle around even when you tell him you won't carry it, letting you use his arm as a pillow during the long car ride to your destination although it definitely hurts after some time, fixing your hair when you're distracted, etc. Bye I need a Sanghyuk
Words of Affirmation
He is so much different that Youngbin tho lemme tell you. So Bin uses maturity and juju uses his baby voice(?) aka he does aegyo and makes you feel all mushy inside. I mean, he is cute.
Gift Giving
It won't necessarily be stupid gift all the time, he does give you good ones occasionally like a sunscreen stick for example. Most of the time it is something useless and weird like a spoon pillow or some shit but it's the thought that counts right?💀
But no on a real note he's super thoughtful when he gives you gifts and he thinks of it as something that'll remind you of his love when you use it.
Yoo Taeyang
Acts of Service
It could be doing your laundry or cooking for you or putting you phone on charge. It's the little things that you need in your daily life that sometimes get so difficult to manage. But don't worry, our teddy Tae is here to be your little lovely helper fairy, even if you don't ask or notice it right away.
Physical Touch
Yes he hates skinship from members but you, no. He loves clinging to you and hugging you and kissing you. He's like a mama cat and you his kitten and he wants to kith and protecc and love you so much till you physically have to be away from him lol
Quality Time
It doesn't even have to be like an eventful couple of hours. It could just be him laying on your lap taking a nap and you reading you book and playing with his hair, giving him a head massage or tracing his cute facial features. It could also be sitting on the rooftop with hot tea cups and talking about life while nuzzling into each other for warmth.
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Hi hope you’re having a Good Friday. I’m in such a soft mood at the moment. Could we possibly get a head cannon for sf9 with the members reactions to their partner saying I love you for the first time 🥺
This is coming out so late :( Thank you for your request <3
SF9 reactions to their special other saying I love you for the first time
Genre: purest fluff ever
Pairing: SF9 x gn reader
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You can see the surprise on his face clear like a crystal. His eyes have got shiny, his cheeks have become rosy, however, he does not alarm you. Actually, your boyfriend comes closer and pecks you on the forehead. Even if your hair is all in place, he slides an invisible lock behind your ear smiling like an idiot.
"Uh?" that's all he can say at first, which makes you think he has not understood what you said. "I love you" you repeat, louder this time. He brings his hand to his chest, startled by his own heartbeat. "You caught me off guard, baby. But I love you too. So, so much."
At the moment snap these three words he realizes that this is your first time verbally confessing to him. That was not like he had not known the fact but hearing it hit differently. His smile is so cheesy as he tilts his head to the side.
"I thought you would never admit it". His cocky expression was faker than snow in the tropics. He was melting inside. "I'm just saying that to make you happy, not that I mean it" you joked back. He chuckled then pulled you by the wrist to start talking seriously. "I'm so happy to hear this from you. What can I do to make you repeat it?"
The man cannot stop himself from flooding you with smooches. He kisses your cheeks, your lips, your nose. Also, you better close your eyes. He stopped whatever he was doing in order to give you full attention. In no time, you all are laughing so much. That was an unnecessary display of affection but you have a cheesy boyfriend.
"I love you too". He subtly replies and clicks a soft kiss on your hand. You feel sure that he was waiting to hear that from you. His demeanor is so warm yet doting. You all stay stealing kisses from each other for a while.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang hugs you the faster he can and finds a way to snuggle into your neck. He gets so flustered that it feels absurd. He is so overwhelmed by his own thoughts after you made clear that you reciprocate his feelings. "I love you too, sweetheart"
"Really??" He bluntly says, automatically, just to feel dumb and fumble to correct himself "I love you more". His smile is so precious that you cup his face and goes for a peck on his lips, which he transforms into a real kiss. He won't let go of you soon.
Boy has no idea what to do so he just leans in and messily kisses you. Despite you offering no resistance to his sudden approach, your lips softly curl up, making his disconnect from you. Chani makes your foreheads touch indeed and whispers "I love you too"
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
Hello again 👋 I’m so happy to see your requests are open. I’ve been in such a soft mood lately. I would love to request Fluff #2 #12 and #30 with Zuho when you have time. 🥰 thank you and have a great day
Here you go, have a nice day too~
Zuho (SF9) | Breakfast in bed & Rainy day & “I hoped I’d meet someone like you for a long time.” fluff | 0.9k
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The rain pitter-patters against the window and the soft sound creates the perfect ambience for your rare lazy morning. Taking advantage of the peaceful and quiet atmosphere, the television stays turned off. It’s just as well, because neither you nor Juho seem to be able to tear your eyes off each other. But who could blame you, when the morning light makes his features look so ethereal.
“You’re staring,” he mumbles around a bite of his food. The breakfast you’ve prepared together is simple yet delicious. That’s the secret ingredient - love, Juho has joked, and even if you’ve rolled your eyes then, a smile tugs at your lips at the memory.
“So are you,” you counter, voice equally quiet so as to not distract from the sound of rain. The view must be ridiculous - you, sitting inside what could easily be described as a nest made of blankets and pillows, all messy from being awake for less than an hour, and wearing the only piece of one-size-fits-all clothing that actually seems like it could fit anyone. It’s ridiculously warm and fluffy, and it has a hood and it’s long enough for you to curl in it like it’s a short blanket or a long hoodie. And it’s a neon green color that is no less ridiculous than the bright blue one Juho’s wearing. Truly a pair of fools.
“Because I love you,” he says with a self-satisfied grin. He's lucky he's cute.
"Has it ever occurred to you that I love you too?" you tease, reaching out with your fork to steal a bite from his plate. He defends against your half-hearted attack easily, so you let it go with only a hint of a pout on your lips.
"How does take out sound for lunch?" he asks, "Since we've already cooked today."
"Absolutely not," you deadpan. It was only yesterday that you told him you should really eat some hearty, delicious, and most importantly healthy meal. It's not like you feel like cooking, but at least one of you should be the voice of reason. No matter how much the other whines.
"We made the breakfast healthy enough," he tries to sway you. You look at the plate while you chew the bite you've taken. His statement is a little questionable. Unfortunately, not enough that it'd make your logic kick in. The image of a lazy day spent in bed is rather tempting…
"Ramen?" you suggest with a sigh. Maybe you'll feel less guilty if you do at least some cooking.
"Ramen it is!" Juho beams, a ray of sunlight shining through the clouds. You don't get why he's so obsessed with it. Whatever makes him happy, you guess.
"But you're helping me cook tomorrow, for real."
Happy and a only little dismayed by how easy it is to persuade yourself that one more day of unhealthy food is not going to hurt, you keep eating. It's quiet and the gentle ambience of rain reaches your ears once again.
It's not until you finish your food that you notice Juho's still half-full plate. You frown and look up at him only to be met with a fond expression on his face. He must've been staring at you for a while. He speaks up before you can.
“I hoped I’d meet someone like you for a long time," he sighs with a wistful smile. Your mind blanks for a second. You have to look away and watch the raindrops race across the window because you can't hold his loving gaze any longer.
"That came out of nowhere," you mutter, trying hard to calm your erratic heart. He chuckles, shrugging.
"Look at us," his voice is as soft as the look in his eyes, "We're a mess but we keep staring at each other, we made breakfast, we'll stuff ourselves full with ramen later. I don't think we'll get out of bed much today."
"Your point?"
It's not that you don't like it. It's just that you haven't felt the butterflies in your stomach this strongly in a while and you don't know how to cope with that.
"I don't think just anyone can love like that," he says, now turning sheepish himself, "So thank you."
Softening at his shyness, you put a hand on his knee and squeeze. 
"Thank you too," you give Juho a reassuring smile, "I couldn't imagine a better boyfriend."
He gasps, dramatically clutching at his chest as if your words have wounded him terribly.
"Boyfriend?" he scoffs, keeping up the charade. His eyes roll towards the ceiling like he can't believe his ears.
"Is there anything you'd like to tell me, love?" you quirk a brow at him, very much amused and in disbelief.
"Not yet," he grumbles and drops the act. He scoots closer until your knees bump together and he can pull you closer to him. His lips find your forehead. "Boyfriend is alright, for now."
You hum, shifting even closer to him. You lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. The rain outside is picking up, and you realize that there's probably not enough food to make anything but ramen for lunch even if you wanted to. Whatever, Juho loves it and nothing can beat warm ramen on a cold day.
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chanis-banani · 10 months
Hellooo, could I request making out with SF9 when you get a sec? Thanks
Note: I wasn't sure which format to go with for this request and I've been sitting on it for a while. Eventually I decided to go with headcanons for different kisses for each member. I hope you like it! :) Note 2: Thank you @lost-inthedream for helping me brainstorm
Genre: suggestive - minors dni!
Contains: marking, wall-pushing, teasing, gentle biting
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Youngbin - hungry kisses
There's something about his kisses, a certain kind of despair, as if he needs your touch to survive
This man is such a hungry kisser. He just wants to eat you up. He will lay his hand in the back of your neck and wrap his remaining arm tightly around you, almost like a snake
Once you start making out, you can never give him enough. He's always so hungry for more. It's almost like you're his oxygen and when you pull away he nearly struggles to breathe
Sometimes he'll lay down on his back and pull you on top of him so he can hold you tightly against his chest while you make out
This position also allows him to stroke his fingers through your hair and rub circles on your back
The way he kisses you is almost like he's giving you a taste of something more... Like he's hinting to other things he could do with his mouth
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Inseong - spontaneous kisses
He likes to leave little pecks on your lips and cheeks out of nowhere
Very gentle with you. Most of the time his kisses will be rather soft and cute
Will tenderly cup your face and stroke your cheeks with his thumbs when he kisses you
When you're doing simple stuff together, like putting the groceries away, he will often distract you with a short, sweet kiss on the lips or forehead
Also leaves a lot of kisses on the back of your neck and top of your head every time he walks by
And when you stay over for the night, be prepared to be woken up with more of his cute kisses
He usually gives you quick little pecks, so sometimes after he kisses you, you have to pull him back to get more
But he also shows a bit of a cocky attitude at times, making cheesy remarks in between kisses
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Jaeyoon - playful kisses
Such a tease in everything he does
He will hold you tightly against him, kissing you with an almost overwhelming passion
And then, just when you're getting completely into it, he pulls away with a big smirk on his lips, knowing how needy you can get when he interrupts you like this
He likes to see how your lips become red and swollen when he kisses them
He loves nothing more than to see your reaction to the things he does to you
Will definitely place his leg between yours and use it to apply some pressure to your sensitive area
Wants to make you squirm and ask for more and he won't be satisfied until you're nearly trembling in his arms
If for whatever reason, you'd want to rile him up even more, you have to say little praises against his lips
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Dawon - sloppy kisses
A very horny kisser. Even the slightest peck on the lips can sometimes be enough to make him hard. Let alone having a full-on makeout session with tongue.
Even if the kiss starts out nice and gentle, he gets carried away so easily
He'll place his hands on your cheeks or neck to pull you close while he makes out with you, pulling you in for an even deeper kiss
Doesn't mind at all if things get a little sloppy. In fact, he likes it that way and might just make a mess on purpose
Like when you pull away from each other and he looks at your lips to see that they are glistening from his saliva
Even if it's a little filthy, it just makes him so so hungry for more...
And to make things even worse, he has the terrible tendency to grind against you every time you make out
Needless to say, almost every time you kiss him, it quickly escalates
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Zuho - dangerous kisses
Making out with Zuho can be a dangerous game. He doesn't need much provocation to push you against a wall.
Don't even think about biting his lip unless you enjoy having a hand on your throat
Seriously, it's very dangerous to mess with him. Every time you try anything to rile him up, no matter how small, he takes it as an opportunity to mess with you
After all, there's nothing he loves more than to tease you right back
He might refrain from kissing you completely, only to let his tongue travel along your neck instead while you entertain him with your squirming and whimpering
While Dawon tends to escalate into more than just making out, Zuho is an expert at making you want more, without giving it to you
Once he has you where he wants you, he's very patient
His kisses can be both a reward and a punishment
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Rowoon - possessive kisses
When Rowoon kisses you, it's a bit like he's marking his territory
Because will quite literally mark your neck, for example
Definitely cups your face with his hands and pulls you tightly against him
Will engage in PDA with you, to show everyone how you're his. He won't go far with it, since he knows how to keep things classy, but little things like holding you by your waist and giving you little kisses on your cheeks
Also he finds it very cute when you have to stand on your toes to reach him for a kiss
Another thing he will do a lot is hold your chin to make you look at him. He won't do it roughly like Zuho, but rather tenderly, like he just wants to make eye contact with his special person~
One of his favorite things is to have brief makeout sessions in the car and watch you get out completely flustered
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Taeyang - demanding kisses
Taeyang likes to toy with you
When he kisses you, he always makes you hungry for more, but you never know whether he might really give it to you
His kisses are demanding but not in a needy way. Rather in a way that makes you needy
He will bite your lip because he is Taeyang and he can do what he wants, and he follows it up by pulling away to see your reaction with a big grin on his lips
Runs his fingers along your waist to tease you and pull you closer to him
Basically Taeyang's kisses are almost always a way of challenging you, riling you up. He wants to activate you to do more with him without giving you any guarantee there will be more
Sometimes he'll stop mid-kiss to look at you and observe you for a bit. If your expression is desperate enough, he'll be satisfied and leave it at that, leaving you hungry for more
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Hwiyoung - attempted careful kisses
He is kind of conflicted when he makes out with you. On one hand he wants to be careful and gentle, yet at the same time, he struggles to do that because he gets needy
Usually things will start slow and gentle
But he doesn't need much to lose himself in the pleasure. Small things like wrapping your arms around his waist can be enough
Or even worse: when you stroke your fingers through his hair
This will drive him crazy in an instant, leading him to lift you up and place you on some surface like a table or kitchen counter
He loves to let his fingers wander along your body, gently stroking your neck, shoulders, chest and sides
And if you whimper enough, he won't stop there (if you catch my drift)
It's interesting to see him switch from sweet and tender to needy and a little rough so quickly
And it's especially adorable when he switches back to his gentle self suddenly, placing the softest cutest kisses on your forehead
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Chani - sleepy kisses
Chani feels so comfortable around you, he tends to get sleepy sometimes. He can let his guard down with you. But since he likes to spend time together, he tries his best not to fall asleep and that's how the makeout sessions often start
He presses his lips against yours to stay awake and soon you can feel his tongue
It doesn't take long for a full, lazy makeout session to unfold
You'll often be cuddled up in bed or on the couch together when suddenly you feel Chani's hand reaching out to your thigh. While he struggles to keep his eyes open, he reaches out to kiss you
Such a needy boy. He's very bad at hiding it when he's aroused. Not that he really tries to hide it anyway
He will interrupt the kisses to bring his mouth to your neck and lick from your collarbone up all the way behind your jaw
Feeling his nose agaisnt your skin when he kisses your neck
Maybe a bulge oops
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
Youngbin Comforts You After You Lose Zuho
Summary: You're SF9's manager and close friend. On the way to grab the boy's food, you lose Zuho and the only person you can think to call is Youngbin. Warnings: None just pure fluff!
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Juho! I swear you better get your butt out of the studio or we're going to be late picking up lunch!" You shouted to Juho as you walked past the studio door, making sure you grabbed your keys and wallet. "You know how Sang-hyuk is when someone is late with his lunch."
You hear a groan from inside the studio and knew it was because Juho just looked at the time and realized he was screwed. He wouldn't be able to hide from eight boys yelling at him about not being on time, especially since he was bringing their food.
You shook your head as you could hear him fumbling around trying to find his belongings, and after a few minutes a silver head popped out of the door frame.
"You coming? You asked as your lanky friend took his time locking up the studio.
"You know this would be much easier for them if they just got their own food." Juho sighed, easily catching up to you just in time for his arm to push the door open for you above your head.
You loved it when he did that, it made you feel smaller compared to his tall frame. There was almost a foot difference between you two and the boys loved to tease you over how short you were but it never got old watching Juho use his height to help you out.
"Where are we going anyways? He asked, looking down at his phone, eyebrows knitted close together. You could only guess he was reading the group chat where he was probably being scolded for being late.
You showed him your phone of the restaurant a few streets away with the confirmation number for your order. He nodded and went back to his phone typing away.
You would pull on the hem of his shirt's sleeve to let him know you needed to turn or to pull him out of someone or thing's way. It was always like this before a deadline. Him engrossed in his phone, typing away notes for things he wanted to change or getting in touch with other artists to get their opinions.
The boys would try to help but he would just shove them out after an hour and lock himself away in the studio for days. It got to a point where you had to find someone to unlock the door so you could make sure he was still living. After that Youngbin would make him grab lunch or items for them to get him out of the studio and into some fresh air so he wasn't so stressed. And as his assistant and personal friend it was your job to make that happen.
We finally arrived and you paid for the giant order of food. "Are you sure you're able to carry this all by yourself?" The cashier asked.
"Oh no, I have my friend here to help." You looked back to see you were alone. "Give me a second to find my friend." The cashier smiled and you went to search for Juho. You looked around but no Juho was found. Not outside or in the building. Great, you lost a 6'1 idol.
You whipped your phone out and dialed Juho's number but it went to voicemail. Awesome, you thought. You sent a text asking him where he was but after a few minutes no reply. I'll call him one more time, you thought. Nothing, straight to voicemail again.
You quickly dialed Youngbin's number hoping Juho was on the phone with one of them.
"Hey, where are you guys?" A silky voice answered after a few rings.
"I'm at the restaurant but when I went to go pay for it Juho was gone. He wont answer his phone so I was hoping he was talking with you guys."
You heard Youngbin groan on the other end of the phone. "Stay there and I'll be there in a few minutes." You heard the click of the phone call ending before you could even get out a response.
You grabbed the takeout and set it on one of the tables by the door looking for around for Youngbin. After a few minutes you spotted eight tall men making their way over to you.
You waved at them through the window and they came over to you as they made their way inside.
"What happened?" Youngbin asked as he reached you.
"I don't know. We got to the restaurant and I went to pay and grab the food and when I turned around he wasn't there. I know he's absent minded when you guys are near your deadlines but I didn't think he would just wander off." You sighed, feeling defeated and like you were definitely were going to lose your job.
A pair of arms circled over your shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. You looked up to see Inseong giving you a hug. "Don't worry, Y/N. We all have lost Juho at least once. He always comes back to the spot he was supposed to be at."
"It's not a big deal, I mean it is but it isn't." Sang-hyuk said as he started opening up the food containers and helping himself.
You nodded, trying to make yourself feel better but you still felt upset for losing your boss.
"You'll be fine, Y/N. Sit down and eat. You won't be fired." Youngbin reassured you. You looked up at him with a puzzled expression. "We've been together long enough for me to know what you're thinking." He pats your head and pulls out a chair for you, gently pushing on your shoulders to sit you down.
The boys dig in to their food and their laughter and conversation slowly drown out some of your worries. You feel a nudge on your shoulder and you look over to see Youngbin holding up a piece of chicken to you on chopsticks. He motions for you to open your mouth and you do, face burning red from embarrassment of him feeding you in public.
He feeds you a couple more pieces, your face getting red as the boys snicker in-between their conversation when they catch you being fed.
You suddenly feel Youngbin's hot breath against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "No need to be embarrassed, Y/N. I enjoy feeding you." He whispered against your ear, making your face burn hotter.
Youngbin chuckled and went back to eating like nothing happened. After a few minutes of managing to calm yourself down, you checked your phone to see if Juho replied. Nothing. You sighed, frustrated that you weren't careful enough knowing that he doesn't always pay attention.
A hand suddenly enveloped yours on your leg and you jumped startled to see Youngbin smiling at you. 'It'll be okay,' he mouthed to you and flashed you a bigger smile, as his thumb rubbed against the back of your hand calming you down.
The rest of lunch went by in a flash, Youngbin's hand never leaving yours.
The bell on the door jingled and you looked over to see a familar body walking through. Juho turned quickly and walked over to you, bowing slightly once he reached you.
"Y/N, I am so sorry for disappearing on you. I just zoned out and kept walking, and I didn't even realized I left you here and then I got a phone call and just kept walking. I am so, so sorry!" He said out of breath. "I ran all the way here after I got Youngbin's voicemail."
"Must of been one voicemail for you to run all the way here, Juho." Jaeyoon said laughing as he offered the chair next to him.
"Oh it was, I got ripped into for leaving Y/N alone." He replied, shaking his head and the boys laughed at him.
The boys quickly bombarded Juho about what Youngbin said over the phone. You smiled to yourself watching the boys mingle with each other and Juho calming down as he ate his food between telling the boys how scared he was that Youngbin was going to beat him.
"You know, you didn't have to scare him." You eventually said, looking at Youngbin with a small smirk on your face.
He shrugged. "He wouldn't have known how serious the situation was if I didn't."
"It was more of a serious situation for me if I didn't find him, not so much for him." You laughed shaking your head.
Youngbin took his free hand and stroked your hair then cupped your face in his large hands. "But it was serious. You had a frown on your face, and I never like to see my girl frowning."
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shinestarhwaa · 2 years
So maybe sf9 mtl to fall asleep before you?? ☺☺
SF9 MTL to fall asleep before you
This makes me so soft already ohgod here we go <3
I think Inseong would love cuddling with you before sleeping and he'd get so comfy with you he'd pass right out. I see Rowoon sleeping early too because we know he be overworked and he wants to stay awake for you but the moment he hits his bed and he's beside you he can rest and falls asleep with you in his arms. I think Chani would act like he is gonna stay awake and he'd fall asleep only to wake up and deny he slept early.
With Dawon and Taeyang it depends on their and your mood, they can get tired but if they knows you've had a rough day they'd stay awake until you're sound asleep.
Hwiyoung and Youngbin would often stay awake to watch you sleep peacefully, as it helps them calm their mind, seeing you at ease.
Jaeyoon and Zuho would refuse to sleep before you, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything and they could protect you and hold you close during the night
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Cancelled Flight
SF9 x OC
WC - 1k
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Something is wrong!
We should have boarded our flight fifteen minutes ago.
Looking around the terminal, people are getting anxious, they sense a delay or worse, canceled flight.
People checking their phones, checking the flight schedule board.
Some are pacing, others asking the airport staff questions.
All except those nine guys.
They are not perturbed in the least.
Handsome bunch, and tall, she thinks to herself. 
Must be experienced travelers.
Wish they would inform us what the hell is happening.
"Flight 462 is canceled due to bad weather, we are very sorry  for any inconvenience".
"What the fuck"
"Just great".
Lea makes her way to the desk to find out more details.
She is not alone in her quest for knowledge.
Everyone talking at once, raising their voice to be heard.
The man at the information desk raises his hands.
"I can not hear or answer your questions when you all talk at once.  Your flight is delayed till tomorrow. You can stay at the airport or find a hotel for the night".
Lea Google's hotels, finds several, they are all booked till she reaches The Glorious Hotel.
Room booked, collecting her bags she leaves the airport and hails a taxi.
Weighing the cost of the room against sleeping at the airport, the Hotel wins.
Dinner shower sleep, that's all I want, a peaceful night's sleep.
Walking into the hotel lobby, wow it's stunning.
The front desk is crowded.
All at once the nine gentlemen at the front desk turn and stare at Lea with such intensity she feels her face burning.
Once again their attention is on booking their rooms.
A bellhop gathers their luggage motioning them towards the elevators.
One by one they share one last glance of Lea.
Starting to feel uncomfortable with this unwanted attention, she waits till they have all entered and the elevators close.
Finally at the front desk, obtaining her key card, she is helped by another bellhop and escorted to her room.
Closing the door, I can finally unwind.
The room decor, green and blue elegantly decorated.
Bobbing up and down  the mattress, heaven.
Hugging the pillow, sweet.
Shower time.
While Lea is drying her hair the phone rings.
Ring ring ring. 
"This is the front desk"
"Yes, the dining room is now open, dinner will be available in ten minutes"
"Thank you".
Well I am hungry.
After ordering her meal, Lea takes in the opulence of the room.
The nine walk into the dining area in single file, they make their way to the table that sits twelve.
Their presence demands prompt attention in which they receive.
Menus given, meals ordered.
Their waiter returns shortly with bottles of red wine.
Plate empty, Lea summons the waiter  to pay for her meal.
Time to hit the sack she thinks to herself.
On her way to the exit, she passes the table of nine.
"Care to partake in a glass of wine?" Rowoon enquiries.
Not to offend. Sitting down "thank you".
"My name is Lea".
"Nice to meet you all ".
Sipping her wine, "delicious thank you".
Several glasses later, feeling  a buzz, "well I better go"."Already? It's early! We thought you might join in the game!" Zuho tells her.
"Pick a team," Hwiyoung instructs.
"I…I " she stutters.
Looking at them, she points to Youngbin, "his team".
"Well that's hardly fair, they already have an extra" Hwiyoung states.
"We don't need extras to kick their ass!" Dawon adds.
Jaeyoon, Inseong Zuho Rowoon and Youngbin, stand "come on  shorty you are with us!".
Stumbling from her chair, totally confused, Lea follows.
Looking around the room, "fuck what I have I got myself into?"
In a hotel room with five strangers.
"Close the blinds," Jaeyoon orders.
Blue blinds close, the room darkens,  till Zuho flicks the light switch. 
Nervousness now the emotion that is taking hold, panic  even.
Youngbin sits on the bed, cleaning a pistol.
Jaeyoon cleans his pistol adding a silencer, Inseong, Rowoon and Zuho now have pistols out.
"What the fuck?"
Looking at her questioning, "you don't  have a weapon?".
"You better find one" , Youngbin suggests.
"Any experience with thievery shorty?" Rowoon asks.
"Err, no"
"You will catch on" he states.
With stealth and grace that defies their height, the group break into the back office, where a safe is located.
With what appears like years of experience Inseong cracks the safe.
"Yes," he whispers.
Holding up a gold bracelet.
"Let's go" motions Zuho.
"Time to celebrate".
The bar at the Glorious hotel, resembled the decor of the hotel. 
The aroma from the scented candles, Jasmine, filled the room.
Seated at the table, red wine flows once more in celebration.
The doors fly open, Taeyang Dawon and Chani enter the bar.
A tense moment is quickly dispelled as Dawon  Chani and Taeyang offer their congratulations.
Bottles of wine consumed, the conversation, light in its content.
The doors to the bar swing open, Hwiyoung stands there, flowers in his hand.
Swiftly he drops the flowers to expose a gun,  the noise is deafening as he shoots in the direction of Inseong. 
Chaos is now let loose.
All nine have their weapons drawn.
Wild west meets gangster meets James Bond is the best way to describe the subsequent events.
One would think fireworks, but no, guns firing, in every direction.
Total and utter mayhem.
Lea screams and ducks under the table.
"OMG  I'm going to die" she weeps.
Sensing someone close, Lea peeks from under the table.
Dawon is looming over her, smiling.
"Fuck I'm dead!" She utters.
Then abruptly he starts singing.
"Baby dance with me
Dance with me Let’s have fun"
With an outstretched hand  Dawon grins.
Taking his hand Lea stands hoping to escape 
A flying chair connects with Lea's head, pain and dizziness then nothing.
The throbbing that is assaulting her skull wakes her up.
She is in her hotel room.
"What the fuck?"
"I have to get out of here!"
Waiting at the front desk to check out.
There is a commotion behind her she turns to see it's the nine.
"Good morning shorty, fun time last night huh" Chani greets her.
"How's the head, my bad! Sorry about that" Youngbin offered.
The hotel manager greets the nine, "glad you  guys enjoyed last night's activities see you next time".
"Let's get to the airport, flight to catch" Rowoon.
"Come on Shorty we will drive you" 
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maessseongs · 9 months
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© photo/gif is mine, do not take or repost please
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
dandelions [3k] youngbin, inseong, one shot
He looked at them, enraged, the vibrant yellow color stinging his eyes, and he wished to tear them apart into pieces.
If Dandelions used to be his favorites, he now loathed them more than anything.
do you do nudes? [10,5k] dawon, chani, one shot
“Do you do nudes too?” he ends up asking, genuine.
The younger tries, probably hopes, to find any funny undertones in his voice. It is what he has grown to knowing the man, but he quickly gives up. He is serious.
Chanhee sighs, and puts down his pencil on top of his artbook.
“First of all -”
Make A Move Series
a breathless mess [4,4k] zuho, rowoon,
Juho finally decided to make his move and ask Seokwoo on a date. Only for his original idea to not go exactly as planned.
the cafeteria's sandwich [8,5k] yoo taeyang, hwiyoung, chani
Youngkyun has a crush on Taeyang, but Chanhee is in the way. It's okay though.
bestfriends and more [8,5k] inseong, dawon
First and most important rule is to make sure you don’t catch feelings. Sanghyuk apparently can never, for the love of God, stick to the rules.
In his defense, there was no such rule to begin with.
reminisce about all [6,6k] youngbin, jaeyoon
Five years ago they made a decision together. Five years from then, they make an entirely different decision. Again, together.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
0 notes
❦― 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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❦― hello there beautiful human!
🥀 and welcome to my little comforting hollow that i call home here in this weird world of ours... i hope you enjoy your stay here.
⇾ ˚ ༘♡ latest pieces:
a fist full of pills, and rivers in my eyes (mnlx angst & smut)
tank tops & wet towels (wysob final part)
turn for me (mnlx fluff & smut)
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my rules & guidelines ⇾ ˏˋ read here ´ˎ
masterlist ⇾ ˚ ༘♡ skz ⋆。˚
wip list ⇾ ✧ ˚ · . check out here ☄. *. ⋆
fic recs ⇾ ...[nsfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list *ೃ༄ ...[sfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list
my carrd :: ao3
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❦― about me
《 blossom
《 proud girlie (afab)
《 monkey ♥ enfj ♥ taurus, sagittarius rising
《 bi, taken by my kitty 💐
《 may '04
《 sex-positive christian
《 i've lived all over the world (including south korea)
《 swedish + irish/scottish
《 full-time junior in uni w/a major in creative writing
《 saw superm live: 2019 ♥ saw sf9 live: 2022 ♥ saw woodz live: 2023
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♫― ults
《 exo (since 2015) ♥ jongin, baekhyun
《 shinee (since 2015) ♥ kibum, taemin
《 vixx (since 2015) ♥ taekwoon, jaehwan
《 stray kids (since 2019) ♥ ot8
《 sf9 (since 2020) ♥ taeyang, zuho
《 the boyz (since 2020) ♥ sunwoo, kevin, eric
✬― casual listener ⇾ enhypen, nct (127, u, dream, wayv) day6, superm, txt, p1harmony, ateez, onlyoneof, cix, twice, snsd, red velvet, newjeans, le serrafim, viction, infinite, golden child, sunmi, woodz
ツ― other interests ⇾ baking/cooking delicious food, reading and writing filthy smut, youtube gamers (markiplier, daz, etc.), korean r&b/indie music (namely: colde, rad museum, jooyoung, hyukoh, thornapple, jukjae, oceanfromtheblue), taking pics of sunsets, the folk of the air, working out, cats & horses, atla/lok, niche perfumes, horror games/tv shows, kdramas/kmovies
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❦― goodbye!
thank you for taking some time out of your day to look over my blog's navigation. i appreciate your support very much! have a wonderful day/night ahead of you~
© ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | ��� Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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slytherinshua · 6 months
   sf9 masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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home with you
genre: fluff. inseong as a dad. | wc: 1.1k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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cherry blossoms and amber wood ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 1.1k.
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hold me tight ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 2.6k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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your distracting kiss ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 948.
airbag can't save us ⋆˙⟡
genre: angst. breakup. | wc: 1.1k.
(don't) hang up
genre: fluff. | wc: 644.
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nothing yet . . .
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texts with bf!maknae line
genre: fluff. fake texts.
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divinefireangel · 1 year
"LALALA" "OKOKOK" Trend with SF9
Warnings: Nothing! Just plain old fluff and smitten SF9 men ❤️.
Him: Okokok
You: Lalala
Man's just loves ya and will listen to you ramble on and on about everything you like, love and hate in this world. Will definitely hide in your neck when you start talking about how grateful you are of him
Him: Lalala
You: Lalala
Both of you are talkers so that also makes both of you good listeners as well! You take turns talking about your interests 😍 and it's never a boring moment with you both. It's quite rare to find your place quiet
Him: Okokok (Lalala)
You: Lalala
Now as much as he loves hearing your voice fill the air around him he does like to talk too but of course his first preference is it listen to you and hold you close as you talk and talk and talk
Him: OKOKOK yes in caps
You: Lalala
An ardent listener 👏👏👏 And he stares at you like you put up all the stars in the beautiful night sky when you talk so that's nice too ig 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Him: Lalala
You: Okokok
BB just wants to be heard and complimented and tbh even you want to listen to him talk the whole day in his deep voice and smile at his silly jokes
Him: Okokok
You: Okokok (Lalala)
Yes ik it seems complicated but you're the type of couple that enjoys peaceful silences and he likes laughing at the funny things that happened in your life recently
Yoo Taeyang
Him: Okokok (Lalala)
You: Lalala (Okokok)
A perfectly balanced relationship 👏👏 You both listen to each other equally and have a set routine for who should talk first when both of your days have been eventful
Him: Lalala
You: Okokok
I am sure this man is the most talkative in a relationship and that's just cuz he's comfortable with you and he has so much to say and he wants to tell you about every single small detail cuz you are his best friend and he loves you 🥺
Him: Okokok
You: Lalala
Very obvious ik but he is just a man of fewer words than most and that applies here as well and ngl he prefers it this way cause then he can scan your face shamelessly when you speak and you're too caught up in remembering the details so you won't catch him and tease him, perfect opportunity really
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
It’s a little late but new years kiss with sf9 head cannon??
Very late answer!! This is super hasty though.
Happy new year again!!!
Pairing: sf9 and gn reader Warnings: none
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Maybe there are more beverages than necessary. Everybody wishes the best with hugs and toasts before Youngbin hurriedly suggests you go to the corridor, away from your friends. "What's it, Binnie?" you ask only to be interrupted by a kiss, he is overflowing with joy.
You had no spare tire, you were still halfway and it was quarter to midnight. You decide to settle on the backseat and "cuddle until next year" in his own words. His first new year kiss is on your temple, followed by uncountable ones.
You and he are somewhere you should not. None of you felt like moving and taking your way to where everybody else was. Where are you hiding?On the rooftop of your house? His parents' attic, maybe? You are not really hiding, just catching some privacy. You heard someone yelling happy new year from outside and seal it with a smiley kiss.
You all played games with your family members until almost midnight when everyone started to get eager. That was an euphoric anticipation, Dawon made silly jokes that got everyone so invested. Once everyone exchanged tight hugs, your boyfriend asked whether he is in your new year's resolutions. You answered with a clumsy kiss.
Juho snored low having your lap as his pillow despite the conversation around. His parents were in his apartment and they enjoyed talking to you. You wondered whether you should wake him up but the fireworks made the job. You clicked a smooch on his cheek once he got up.
He invited you to stand by the large glass window and look at the sky. You held his hand and sipped on your champagne. Despite the night sky looking stunning on that new year's eve and him being the one asking you to gaze at it, he got lost in your distracted demeanor. He leaned closer and kissed your neck before wishing you a wonderful year.
Yoo Taeyang:
He took you to see the fireworks, a beautiful view for his beautiful babe. From the place you settled, they could be admired to the fullest. Taeyang hugged you from behind in silence until the last sparkle in the night sky. Then he motioned you to turn around and kissed you passionately.
Youngkyun was visibly emotional that night. You just couldn't tell why exactly so you stayed the whole night very close to him, playing with his fingers from time to time and checking on him. At some point, you whispered in his ear "Are you sad? Or upset" He immediately shook his head at you. He purely had no idea how to deal with the happiness of ending that extraordinary year. "We had such a wonderful year together" he pouts, making you respond with a sweet kiss.
A friend near you and Chani, popped a bottle of champagne at the burst of midnight and consequently showered you all with the liquid. Chani almost cursed but you were laughing so genuinely that his anger faded away. He cupped your face and shut you up.
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Did you read it 'till the end? what about liking and/or sending me some feedback xoxo
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
Hi I really love your writing, after a long week I really enjoy sitting down and rereading your content to unwind. Your the best! My favorite is your sf9 stories, I reread them a lot 😅 I’m the anon who requested the Zuho & Jaeyoon threesome lol I’m still looking forward to it when you have the time but for now can I request a prompt please with after coming home from a long day to Zuho with Fluff #18 and Smut #21 and #30 Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Hi, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that, I really appreaciate knowing the stories still bring you joy ♡ And I'm sorry your request is taking so long, life's just crazy 😅
Anyway, I'm also sorry, I couldn't figure out a way to combine the prompts so I'd be satisfied so I decided to divide into a fluff drabble and smut drabble, I hope that's fine! -> the smut drabble
Zuho (SF9) | Stargazing fluff | 0.7k
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It’s a shame, you think, that the air in the city is so bad - and not just to be breathed. At home, you’d scowl at the sky, so messed up by the light pollution that it almost looks like it’s on fire. Here, further away, a few stars peek out from the darkness above. The whole universe seems a little closer. It was a good call to go visit his relatives near the countryside. You’ve both been so exhausted lately. If you haven’t run away on a holiday, no matter how short, you’d go crazy for real.  
Something falls around your shoulder, soft and warm. You turn your head to see a hoodie that’s not yours but might as well be.
“Babe?” you question as you turn around to see Zuho putting on a jacket. He gives you a smile and comes closer, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“You’ve been staring out the window so much I thought you were hypnotized,” he chuckles, “How about taking a walk?”
Now that’s something you can’t say no to.
Not five minutes later gravel is crunching beneath your feet. It’s much darker without the abundance of streetlights, yet you feel safer in the absence of people rushing all around the place. And the sky is so beautiful. You voice that thought out loud - and your boyfriend immediately jumps at the opportunity to tell you that no, you’re beautiful.
“So cheesy,” you cringe but smile anyway. Zuho seems pleased with himself, smiling back at you. He squeezes your hand in his and guides them into the pocket of his jacket. 
“It’s nice here, isn’t it?” he looks over the fields and the darkness hovering above. It’s more than nice here. You finally feel like you can breathe freely, able to enjoy time with your boyfriend without having to constantly look over your shoulder.
“We should move here,” you joke, “Watching the stars is so healing. Maybe we’ll even see a shooting star!”
He tilts his head back too, watching the thousands of sparkling lights. It almost looks like he’s really searching for one to make a wish on.
“Do you know any constellations?” he asks. You see him squint as he tries to make sense of the patterns high above. 
“No, but if we moved here we’d have a good reason to learn, right?” you tease because the more you think about going back to work in a few days, the more you want to keep hiding here. It’s so peaceful. You could just disappear. Leave responsibilities behind and grow old together, just the two of you. If only that was possible.   
“Moving here would be inconvenient,” he shakes his head without looking at you, “But what about a summer house once we’ve saved enough?”
When he doesn’t get a response, he turns to look at you. Your lips are parted and eyes wide. There wasn’t any indication that he’s joking in his voice. As much as you like the idea, you would never think he’d think the same.
“It’s really nice and quiet here,” he sighs, letting go of your hand in favor of pulling you to his side, “We could use a secret hideout.”
“That’s what you want it to be?” You laugh, but honestly? It doesn’t sound half bad. “It’d be amazing. Just the two of us, nature and stars.”
“And our cats,” Zuho reminds you and you try not to melt at his use of our. 
“And our cats,” you whisper back, biting back a smile. Just thinking about it seems too good to be true. “So is this a dream or a plan?”
He hums back, turning his head back up towards the sky.
“If we see a shooting star, it’s a plan. If you get too tired and I have to carry you back, it’s a dream?” he suggests, a teasing lilt to his voice. You roll your eyes.
“I think I’m too excited to get tired now,” you admit, joining him in watching the stars again.
“That’s what I’m counting on,” he smiles as he leans down to press a kiss to the top of your head. You keep your eyes glued to the night sky, searching for a sign.
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
Helping Jaeyoon Get To Sleep After A Tiring Day
Summary: Jaeyoon has been feeling the heat from preparing for a new comeback and the only thing he needs is you. Warnings" None, just fluff and a shirtless Jaeyoon :P
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Go ahead, put anything down. Anything that comes to mind." Jaeyoon instructed. "I want a wide range of themes, and the only I like the most will be used for our next comeback!"
You looked up at your friend smiling at how cheerful he was back then when instructing everyone on what to do even though you knew inside he was super anxious since he was put in charge of this comeback's theme.
All nine boys had agreed to let each other lead their comebacks as a way to keep each one fresh and something that was interesting to them. They all sat down with friends and loved ones and wrote down themes that they would like and whoever was in charge that year would pick one they would like and start instructing the other boys on their vision.
It was definitely a creative way of running a comeback, and something that the fans went crazy over since they would ask their fans for helping choosing costumes, colours or places to film.
You looked over at your friend now as he ran a hand through his hair looking stressed out of wits. No more smiles, there hasn't been any the past few weeks, and you knew there wasn't going to be any for at least another week until they start doing promotions for this mini album. And even then it would be forced.
You passed out water bottles to the staff and crew that was working on their new music video.
"How's he doing?" You asked Youngbin, as you nodded over to Jaeyoon.
"Honestly, he's doing great. The comeback for everyone is running smoothly so far but he's determined to do it on his own and I feel like it must be going bumpy for him," Youngbin replied. "He's stressed most days, but you know that. I think he needs a night to just relax but he won't let us help with that."
"Well from what I heard, going to a club undercover probably isn't what he's thinking of." You said chuckling.
Youngbin grimaced at the painful memory. "You heard about that?" You nodded in reply. "Well, it wasn't Sang-hyuk's brightest idea, but his heart was in the right place."
You nodded in agreement. "Here, water and juice for you and the rest of the guys." You passed over two large bags. "This one has snacks, since I doubt any of you has had a proper dinner." You handed over the last bag and Youngbin smiled at you. You said your goodbyes and walked over to where Jaeyoon was sitting looking over a stack of paperwork.
You came up behind him and dangled a small plastic bag in front of him. He looked up and then behind, giving you a small smile as soon as he realized it was you.
"You could try to be more excited to see me." You joked around, crouching down next to him and pulling a bottle of juice out, uncapping it and handing it to him.
He took it gladly and drank half the bottle. "I'm always happy to see you, especially when you bring me goodies!" He laughed.
You rolled your eyes and handed him a packaged sandwich. "Eat, you look hungry." He took the sandwich and within a few minutes it was gone.
"What are you up too? You can't possibly be here just to see me." Jayoon said flirtatiously. You both had been flirting for about a year but neither of you two have done anything more. You both had made your feelings clear but the both of you were too nervous to do anything about it. Even the boys got annoyed with how careful you two were being.
"Surprisingly, I am here to see Roy."
"Roy? Who's Roy? Jaeyoon said, his face scrunching up to show he was jealous.
"Oh, just someone." You teased.
"Just someone?" He replied, eyes growing bigger with curiosity. He knew if he poked a little he could easily get you to tell him anything. Both of you didn't need to hide anything, since in the end you would tell each other everything.
You just laughed as your reply and stood up stretching your legs. You felt a pair of arms circle your weight and suddenly you were sitting on Jaeyoon's lap. "Jaeyoon!" You cried out, your face going red.
"It's cute when you're embarrassed." He said resting his forehead on your back. "Plus it's a good way to show Roy that you're mine."
Your body froze at what he said. "I'm yours?" You asked quietly.
"Mhm," he mumbled. "All mine." His arms gripped you tighter to him and he nuzzled his head on your back. "Just stay like this for a second, I'm so tired." You heard him yawn and within a few minutes his gripped slacked a little and you knew he was asleep.
A few minutes turned into an hour and everyone was departing around you as Jaeyoon continued to sleep. You pulled out your phone and messaged Taeyang to help you get him to their car so he could head to the dorm. Soon you saw him, Juho and Chanee headed your way.
"That looks comfy." Chanee said when he saw you on Jaeyoon's lap.
"Not really comfy being used as a pillow."
With the help of Juho you got Jaeyoon's arms unwind from your waist and the other boys helped carry him up to the front where their car was awaiting. You packed up all his paperwork and brought it with you.
"Y/N, do you mind helping bring him back since we have plans tonight?" Taeyang asked.
"Nope not at."
"Take good care of him, okay?" The boys waved goodbye as they closed the car door behind you. You buckled Jaeyoon up and his head fell onto your shoulders.
Gosh, he must not have slept for days you thought. The car ride was uneventful and soon you reached your destination. You shook Jaeyoon's shoulder and let him know he was home.
He looked around groggily and stretched. You thanked the driver and you helped carry a sleepy Jaeyoon inside to his dorm. As soon as you unlocked the door, Jaeyoon pushed himself inside and kicked his shoes off making his way to his room.
You followed behind to put down his things to find him stripping his pants off with his bedroom door opened. You quickly turned around and covered your face. "Um, I'm just going to leave your bag here." You said shakily, as you carefully set down his bag and gave a small kick backwards, making sure you didn't see anything.
"No need to hide your face," Jaeyoon's voice rang out behind you causing you to jump. His arms circled around you and held you to his bare chest, his member touching the small of your back. "I'm all yours to see."
He gave a small kiss on the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine. "Stay." He whispered.
"You're not wearing any pants," you replied back, yearning a chuckle from Jaeyoon.
"If I put on pants will you stay?" You nodded eagerly. His arms disappeared from your body and you heard a hanger dropping to the floor and then Jaeyoon's arms wrapping themselves again around you.
He turned you around and kissed the top of your head. "Want to watch a movie?" He tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear as his other hand cupped your cheek.
"Sure." You replied nervously.
"No need to be nervous, it's just me," he chuckled. "I promise I won't do anything. I'm too tired to do anything anyways." You laughed at his joke and followed behind him as he made his way to the living room. "I'll grab some drinks and snacks if you want to grab some pillow and blankets for us."
You went your separate ways and within a few minutes you had the couch looking comfy and went into the kitchen to help Jaeyoon. He handed you some drinks and gave a light pat on your butt as you walked back to the living room, earning him a dirty look from you. "I've been waiting to do that for a while now." He winked back at you.
You sighed and made yourself comfy on the couch. Within a few minutes Jaeyoon sat down next to you. He laid down and placed his feet on your lap. "As much as I like you, I don't want your feet on my lap." You said.
"Then come lay down next to me. I need some cuddles after the past few years I had." You scoffed at his words, and looked over to find his arms outstretched to you. Giving in to his adorable pout, you laid down next to him and he covered you two with a blanket. You found a movie you both agreed on and he brought you closer to his bare chest as the movie played.
Halfway through the movie, you heard Jaeyoon's adorable little snores. You sighed content but a bit confused at how fast things were going. When the movie ended, you turned the tv off and tried to get up to go home.
"You said you would stay, Y/N." Jaeyoon mumbled as his hold tightened. "Please stay, you make me calm. I haven't slept in so long."
You nestled back into his arms and faced him. Reaching out you stroked his face and gave a small peck on his chin. "Too low." Jaeyoon said grumpy.
"What's too low?" You asked back, yawning as sleep was finally catching up to you.
"Your kiss." Jaeyoon replied, "Here." And he brought his lips down to yours for a slow and sweet kiss. "God, I've been waiting to do that for so long."
You chuckled against his bare chest as you pulled yourself closer to him. "Sweet dreams, Yoonie." You said, calling him his nickname.
"Sweet dreams, baby girl."
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