#a bloodthirsty warrior god known for fighting and killing elves
dalishthunder · 1 year
Thinking about how if the Dragonborn is Talos reborn and falls in love with an elf and demands peace how poetic that is
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musingofariael · 7 years
Drow Elves
Quick Facts: Height: 5'4-5'9 Weight: 100-150 pounds Lifespan: 900-1,000 years + Defining Features: Pointed Ears, Dark Skin Population: 2,000 Found: The Underground Reputation: Vicious Fighters Gods: Numerous Racial Bonus: +10 Bladed Weapon Overview: The dark elves, which are most commonly referred to as "drow elves," or simply, "the drow," are the most mysterious and ruthless portion of elven culture. Due to the color of their skin, which was said to be reflected in their hearts, they were banished from the earth, and forced into the Underground, a strip of caves and tunnels, which run through the many mountains which divide the Aelynthi Peninsula from the rest of the mainland. There, their anger brewed, and they became an even more vicious and ruthless band of individuals, who roam the inner workings of the mountains. Although they maintain the caste system of the rest of their people, they are said to not only value warriors more than anything else, but run through rulers like water, as any who wish to seize power are expected to fight for it. History: After the division, the drow spread out, settling throughout the world alongside many of its other denizens. They did their best to blend in; to live with them in harmony; but, all the humans and their lighter counterparts saw was a darkness in their hearts. This is due to the fact that they were often vicious rulers, thieves, and cutthroats, who would sell their skills to the highest bidder. Unsure of what else to do, and knowing that they could no longer live safely amongst them, the humans sought out the help of the other elves, who knew them better. With their assistance, they banished the drow hundreds of years ago, forcing them to make new lives for themselves, and forge a city all their own. This was the birth of the Underground. The Underground itself is a series of tunnels and caves, which moves beneath and through the mountains, which divide the Aelynthi Peninsula from the remainder of the mainland. Some areas follow their own rules, while others bow to a single leader or group. Often, they are determined by strength, which can make it rather difficult to maintain power in the more densely populated portions of the tunnels. Biology: Physical Appearance: For the most part, the drow look no different than garden-variety humans; although, their ears are pointed, and their features, slightly more angular. They also move with a fluid grace, which is unknown to many of the other world's races. The vast majority of drow fall somewhere between five feet and four inches tall, and five feet, nine inches tall. Most male elves are a tad taller than the females, and most are more muscular. As a result, they tend to weigh more than female drow elves. The average for a full grown drow is somewhere between 100 and 150 pounds. The drow have slender, finely sculpted, almond-shaped eyes, which can see extremely well during the night, and within the complete darkness of caves and the underground. They are sensitive to sunlight, and may even be blinded by it in extreme cases. The drow have extremely pale eyes, which may appear white. Most often; however, there is a hint of color in the form of lilac, silver, pink, red, or blue. The elves have slender lips, and small noses. The drow have obsidian-colored skin. Their hair is usually kept long, and is most often pin-straight; although, it may also be lightly wavy. Most often, the hair is worn down, in a half-ponytail, or partially braided. They usually have snow-white, or pale yellow hair. Common Traits: Drow elves share many traits with one another. First, they are shorter and lighter than the other elves, and they have far darker skin. They also tend to have lighter eyes, and white or pale blonde hair. Psychology: The drow elves tend to be mysterious; but, bloodthirsty and ruthless individuals, who live by the motto, "kill or be killed." This is due to the fact that they value martial prowess, physical strength, and mental fortitude above all else, and know that they can only gain power and respect from their peers if they seize it forcibly. Their world is as dark as their caves, and far more cutthroat than perhaps any other known to the world. Reproduction: The drow are capable of reproducing with just about any race of their choosing. It is the females who carry the fetus to term, for a period, which lasts around nine months. Aging & Longevity: The drow live extremely long lives, as they age rather slowly. They are considered to be in their youth for the first one hundred years of their lives. They reach adolescence after that, and enter puberty around the time they turn 150 years old. The drow reach adulthood around the time they turn three hundred. Yet, at this point, they look to be no older than a human of eighteen years. By the time they reach their five hundredth birthday, they are considered to be in their middle age; but, look no older than thirty or forty. After their seven hundredth birthday, they are said to be in their old age. They look no older than seventy at this point, and may live for several more centuries, as long as they don't grow ill or die in combat. Society: Social Structure: Like all other elves, the drow once chose their leaders, based off their own set of criteria. However, as the years wore on, and their society began to sink completely into the darkness, which surrounded them, their society began to change. It became increasingly matriarchal, and then began to mold itself around power, strength, and cruelty. As a result, in order to gain power, the drow are now forced to demonstrate their martial prowess, and seize both power and rank forcibly. The few, which do not wish to be as heavily involved in the bloodshed, make up each of the five castes that are found within the other elven races, and the caste-less, which are looked down upon. By the time an elf reaches adolescence, it is expected that they will choose a caste to join. Most often, they join the caste of their fathers and mothers; but, on rare occasion, they will choose a different life for themselves. The castes are as follows- -Politic (Aithlin): The Aithlin are those who desire a life in politics, and their society's government. They are the individuals who are advisors to the king and queen, who act as diplomats, lawmakers, etc. Note: When making an Aithlin, please post an HD ticket, in order to ensure that the role you want is available to you. -Scholar (Sontar): The Sontar consist of the city's academics. They are those who review the knowledge of those long gone, and build upon their ideas, in order to improve the state of their society. They are also those who test new ideas and ways of thinking, in the hope that it would benefit society. Members of this cast include historians, professors, medics, magical researchers, and more. They are devoted to the preservation of elvish culture, as well as the development of the race as well, through academic gains. -Artisan (Arnarra): The elves are known for their fine craftsmanship, which stems from their artisan's desire to attain perfection in all that they do. They have an eye for beauty, and tend to make things, which reflect the delicacy, yet the hardiness of their race. Any form of skilled labor, or anyone who creates a good for the benefit of their people, is considered to be a member of this caste. Examples include armorers, seamstresses, painters, and glassblowers. -Agrarian (Vaeri): The Vaeri are a well-respected group within elven society, as the elves have come to recognize that it is they, which produce the pillars of their society; the sustenance, which allows for their continued existence. Their ties to nature are said to make their jobs all the more simplistic; as they are said to have found ways to cultivate more of the earth, than any of the world's other races. Members of this caste include farmers, as well as shepherds, etc. -Warrior (Nlaea): The Nlaea are those who serve as the city's defenders, as well as teachers for future generations. They are those who will hunt, while also helping to keep the city running smoothly, by keeping it from harm. In the simplest sense, they are soldiers; but, they may also be law-enforcers, mercenaries, etc. -The Casteless (Chalia): The Chalia consist of those who stand outside elven society, as they have refused to conform. They are those who never chose a walk in life, and are therefore, shunned by all members of their society, including their family. They tend to wander aimlessly, as they have no true sense of where they should be. Although the political caste is in charge, the drow are a tad peculiar, in that they tend to value the Nlaea above all else. However, just as the other elven sects, the Chalia are looked down upon, and seen as "less than" all of the other castes. Language: The drow speak Elvish, as do all other elves. It is a beautiful, softly-flowing language, which uses many words that sound as though they come directly from the winds, and nature itself. Many also speak Common, so that they communicate with the rest of the world's denizens. Names: The drow tend to have dark sounding names. Most are known by only their first names; although, they also have a family name, which tends to reflect the darkness, which surrounds them. Examples of drow names are as follows- Vepxur Lilrin Solur Friends and Family: The drow tend to have weak ties to their family members, as they are always watching for potential threats to their power, as much as they are looking for opportunities to seize more. Being that they were banished to what later became the underground, and being that they are often seen by outsiders as being a cold, and ruthless race, they tend not to make very many friends with those outside the drow. Those they make within their own race, often prove difficult to maintain over extended periods of time. Daily Routines: A drow's daily routine depends entirely upon what caste they are a part of. The casteless may wander aimlessly, while those who have yet to choose their life's path may move seamlessly from one task to the next, as they try to determine what they would like to do with their lives. Others may hunt for food, while others may train so that they may become stronger. Others still will spend their days pouring over books, and researching various things, while others will serve their people as administrators. Religion: The drow pray to any number of gods and goddess, which they feel suits their lifestyle. However; most, if not all of their kind pray to Kaiserin, whom they feel lurks within every corner of their homes, and creates the shadows, which envelop them all, to their very core. Diet: The drow are omnivorous creatures. They live in part, off of what is gathered from the land- mainly mushrooms, and other growths, which thrive in caves and underground dwellings. However, their diet is heaviest on meat, as they will hunt down anything that crosses their path, and find a simple way to prepare it to be eaten. Care: Drow Elves may be afflicted by many different ailments and diseases. They may be cared for as would any other elf, or even, the human races. This is due to the fact that their anatomy is essentially the same as that of a human; although, they are often taller, more slender, and with pointed ears. In addition, they tend to have keener senses, especially when it comes to darkvision. This makes them more sensitive to sunlight than other elves, and may even cause blindness in severe instances.
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the-shattered-world · 5 years
Concerning Rites and the Blood-Fear Curse
What are Rites?
Rites are a special ability granted to the uncorrupted Perzulian races in order to combat the Other Gods and their armies.
The original blessing included only the positive effects.  Throughout time after the Rift, the Rites became a Blood-Fear Curse, causing the blessed to either gain or lose abilities related to each blessing.  
Rites were only initially bestowed upon those blessed to defeat Gigeran in the Pantheonic War, the Laerteric Order.  It was there the Rites lived and died with the Order.  However, the Order was entombed with Gigeran, the Orders’ Ka became corrupted.  With the deterioration of the Rift, along with Gigeran’s Ka seeping out, the Ka of Laerteric Order is reaching out as well, finding those who share the DNA the Ka-Rites instinctively seek out to activate the warriors to stand against the inevitable return of Gigeran.  
Human - The Rite for Humans (known as the Rite of Skill) bestows a great blessing on their physical abilities, and no one human can experience the enhancement of all three. The one they experience first is the one they get for life. The blessings are: an increase in strength by at least a hundredfold; an increase in agility that allows them to move quickly and perform great acrobatic feats; and finally, enhanced vision, which allows them to do things like see in the dark, and make impossible shots with ranged weapons (rifles, pistols, bows, crossbows), infrared vision.
Elf - The Rite for Elves (known as the Rite of the Weaver) bestows a great blessing on their magical abilities. Unlike with humans, there isn’t a great diversity in this blessing. A fireball spell makes a more violent explosion, a summoned demon/celestial is given increased strength, an illusion spell is made more real, and perhaps even actually brought into reality. It also grants an increased amount of focus, letting the elf tune out everything around them when casting a complicated spell.
Dwarf - The Rite for Dwarves (known as the Rite of the Berserker) bestows a great blessing on their battle abilities. When experiencing the Rite, a dwarf becomes greatly focused in battle, time seems to slow and they move with a speed that would surprise any enemy. Each blow they deal to an enemy seems to be far stronger than normal. Their strength remains the same, but they don’t lose stamina no matter how hard they fight.
Gnome -  The Rite for Gnomes (Known as the Rite of Genius) bestows a blessing that compliments their already superior intellect. Their natural gnomish ability to calculate numbers and predict scenarios increases sharply and they can use this to outsmart their enemies on the battlefield or construct technological wonders.
Halfling -  The Rite for Halflings (known as the Rite of the Fleet Footed) bestows a blessing on their personalities. They become strangely influential, able to talk anyone into almost anything (telling someone to kill themselves will not work, as it goes against nature). It also increases their stealth abilities--sharper vision, lighter-of-foot and acrobatic abilities.
Cygni - The Rite for Cygni (known as the Rite of Blessed Flight) bestows a blessing of a mixture of the other five races.  Gaining the agility of the Human, stronger Ka connection like an Elf, the perceived slowing of time in battle like a dwarf, and an increase in tactical and cognitive ability like a Gnome, the Cygni Rite is a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none.  In combination, they are powerful, but no single ability outmatches those of their racial counterpart.  
Orc- The Rite for the Orcs (known as the Rite of the Tracker) greatly enhances the Orcs athletic and hunting related skills. Their senses take on supernatural qualities and their vision becomes sharp and clear. They can blend into any environment and become completely untraceable.
Oristegas- The Rite for the Giants (known as the Rite of War) turns the Giant into a veritable juggernaut. They become invulnerable, able to resist the most catastrophic damage with little to no sign of damage--an Unstoppable Force. Also, if they so choose, they may also become an Immovable Object, able to withstand any amount of force that tries to move them from their chosen, rooted spot.
Blood-Fear Curse
What is the Blood-Fear Curse? The Blood-Fear curse is a dilution of the original Rites blessed upon the loyal races of Perzul. After many years lying dormant, entrapped with the Ka of Gigeran, the Orders Ka became corrupted.  After seeping out of the Rift, the Ka used to bless the Order with the Rites instinctively searched for the DNA matches to latch onto and attempt to bless those to fight Gigeran once again.
During moments of extreme stress, the individual affected may experience of one of two outcomes.  The individual may experience what feels like a euphoria, increasing certain abilities above and beyond.  On the other hand, the individual could be crippled in those same aspects to a great degree.
Human - The Human can experience two possibilities, the Positive reflects the same as the original Rite. The negative are as follows:
- Strength
- Decreased greatly (not equal to increase in the Rite)
- Agility
- Loss of use in one or more limbs (random selection)
- Vision
- Completely blind
Elf -  The Elven experience is different than that of their Human counterpart.  Conversely to their great increase in magic ability, an Elf’s ability during the Blood-Fear Curse makes their Ka spells uncontrollable, regardless of Teaching/School. The Ka’s desired effect could be completely useless, or so wildly powerful they have absolutely no control in the outcome.
Dwarf - The Dwarven Curse forces the Dwarf into an uncontrollable rage, attacking friend and foe alike with a deadly increase in strength and precision.  A Dwarf suffering from the Curse is considered to be one of the deadliest situations to find oneself placed.
Gnome - The Gnome Curse is debilitating.  The Gnome loses the ability to process any information, essentially stopping any thoughts or actions.  They become immobile, unable to make any mental or physical action.  The Gnome succumbs to such fear that one begins to tremble, stumbling over words and literally over any movements.
Halfling - The Curse of the Halfling is just as devastating.  Their voice is completely lost, and since they are unable to communicate, this instills a great fear in their mind, causing them to flee the situation.  This renders the Halfling useless until they’ve fled a great enough distance to feel safe.
Cygni -  The Curse of the Cygni is a terrible one indeed, they lose the use of their wings and as long as they remain in the stressed, frightened state they remain grounded.
Orc- The Curse of the Orc is a particularly terrible one, because it was purposefully set upon them by the Parental Gods themselves (unlike the others, which are a product of outside antagonists). Orcs under the influence of the curse become completely feral creatures with no sense of what they once were. They become violent, bloodthirsty beasts incapable of true coherent thought, acting purely on instinct.
Oristegas- The Curse of the Giant, like the Orc, is one set upon them purposefully by the gods they betrayed. A cursed Oristegas becomes a mindless automaton capable of only the most rudimentary of tasks, and on top of that, only one of those tasks at a time. They cannot communicate, they can only obey. Obey whom, exactly, is a mystery. But cursed Oristegas, despite their obvious dimness, still move with purpose---compelled to complete whatever task they are given by any means necessary.
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