#a bob ross a day
vellichorom · 6 months
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you know what it's time to spookypost;
HERE'S things i drew a YEAR & some change ago, these little solid caricature tributes that PERHAPS i'll someday polish up & make as charms???? who KNOWS
for now though !!!!! take them, i still like these a lot
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🎤Allow me to reintroduce myself 👋
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This is Makana, our lovely Laysan albatross. Originally from Hawaii, she had a wing injury as a chick that has stopped her from flying long distances, an important skill for a soaring seabird. We welcomed Makana (Hawaiian for “gift”) with open wings as a young bird, and have been taking care of her ever since! Come find this beautiful bird during her albatross encounter in front of the Kelp Forest, where we share her personal journey, the story of her species, and the threats they face in the wild from plastic pollution.
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buthappysoverrated · 11 months
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florissaurus · 2 years
Spooky Month Valentines Cards VOL.1
I've said it once and I'll say it again, you all have full permission to save these and use them as long as you don't take credit for my work or anything 🤙🤙
Instagram is Florissaurus 🫶
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aliciax3 · 1 month
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adeleine-everyday · 5 months
day 66
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modern day bob ross
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parpolaroid · 1 year
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
Y'know how people keep saying Nightmare is super old and probably has a billion hobbies he filled the time with? Do you think one of them is painting?
I wanna see him set up a little easel in his office and start painting a landscape or something, but his boys keep coming in and going "whoa, are you painting??" and then sitting down to watch. It's kind of unnerving to have an audience so he just starts casually explaining how he got started painting and what he learned and all that. The boys are absolutely transfixed and they're being so quiet it's weird, but also everybody's so calm - Killer's soul is almost still, Cross isn't standing or sitting at perfect attention for once, etc. They all want him to hang the painting up when it's done and the attention is so unexpected and strange (but not bad).
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whoever runs ao3 status deserves a raise man they're keeping us updated in live time AND (even tho they didn't fully succeed) trying to keep us from having a mental breakdown !!
also tho i find it so funny that everyone is just collectively like :( when ao3 goes down and then go to tumblr and twitter to cry this truly is a community
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tuttle-did-it · 7 months
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pigdeons · 14 days
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followed a bob ross video in 3D using blender
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krskrash · 2 months
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dunmertwink · 11 months
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2. Nature's Glory
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aliciax3 · 2 months
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kiestrokes · 1 year
y'all ever stay home sick from work and pretend like you're home sick from school? curl up on the couch in a cloud of blankets with all the bev's and animals and watch some Bob Ross while you doze in and out of a fever. no? just me. ok.
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