#a bunch of Grantaires
radio-hour · 2 months
the burning temptation to start dressing like your fav characters
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grantaire-lover-69 · 6 months
Ik I'm known for saying horrendous things about Grantaire, but rn I'm just imagining Les Amis all passed out in a study pile. Like when you and your friends study so hard for finals and pass out together in a sort of cuddle pile.
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crispyflowerblaze · 1 year
i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or anything, but does anyone agree with me on this: i like enj and grantaire to be horribly awkward around each other more often than they're arguing and getting into fights. maybe it's cus i've read so many enjoltaire fics at this point but like, to no fault of the authors, if it starts out with arguing that feels like something i've seen before (not because they're being copycats or whatever, just because it's understandably a very common enjoltaire trope, and just because i've read so many enjoltaire fics), i'll usually click out just cus, again, i've read so many enjoltaire fics. gotta just use my own version of them for examples lol, hmm what are good examples for this hmm. so basically i don't mean awkward as in awkwardness from liking someone and trying to hide it, even though there's that too and that's great, but more like awkwardness cus they clash and get under each other's skin and they can't ignore each other. the kind of awkwardness where you misunderstand someone and they misunderstand you so it's just awkward and annoying, i guess. and obviously this is only one part of their dynamic of course. basically, it's the causes of how you'd see them arguing all the time, but just to me it feels more natural that more often the effect of that would be them just bringing out the weirdest things about each other, if that makes sense. also banter and bickering and stuff like that of course. basically, i just get bored of actual serious arguing all the time (or really just much at all, i dunno if they argue i want it to be about silly things lol), and plus it makes me like them less as characters lol and not think they're as cute together. oh man gotta think of examples cus i feel like this doesn't make very much sense. yknow what oh well who cares lol. but yeah let grantaire and enjolras just be really weird and awkward around each other, it's very funny
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bluntandsaucy · 2 years
me, a simple novice studying for my french exam and trying to remember how inversion works:
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alright, guys, this is the part where we [squints at smudged handwriting on palm] steal a bunch of private property for a barricade, gather around a fire, and explore each other's bodies in a sensitive and tender manner.
courfeyrac, you take the watch.
remember gang: we are les misérables.
and, best of all, i feel a song coming on! hit it, granta- where's grantaire.
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kim-the-miserable-rat · 4 months
(really, EVERY TIME he appears in the brick he has a monologue, usually consisting of a bunch of disconnected topics)
I love him, he's so neurodivergent coded.
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itrulyhavenothingtodo · 3 months
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grantaire, a whole post for him <3
(i realized there's a bunch of art I put on my Instagram and not here over the last few years so I'll be uploading a bunch)
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aromantic-enjolras · 4 months
ExR Broadway AU ideas
I was thinking back on a brainrot I had with @pumpkinspice-prouvaire a while ago and I thought I might as well polish it a little and publish it. This comes from a comment while watching Aaron Tveit's Miscast "Mein Heirr" performance.
It all starts when a conservative theatre journalist makes an article about the decline of Broadway, and he uses Enjolras (who mostly plays intense revolutionaries and other serious dramatic parts) as an example of a "good" gay performer who doesn't go around "prancing in heels and glitter".
This prompts Enjolras to go to his good friend and Broadway director Courfeyrac and ask him for his gayest and most slutty role. Courf, who has been dying to put Enjolras in eye-candy outfits for years, immediately casts him as Sally Bowles on a Miscast-type performance.
The problem is that... there is a reason Enjolras usually plays serious revolutionaries. He doesn't have a single loose bone in his body. He can get through the moves (he's a professional, he's a trained dancer), but he looks serious and stiff no matter what he does.
In a desperate attempt, Courf orders him to put on his costume and walk around in character until he feels comfortable in it.
Meanwhile, in a café near the theatre, Grantaire is an underpayed barista and failing art school student. He has been ranting to his friends about the broody angel in disguise who comes every day for his coffee for months.
... And then one day, black turtleneck angel comes in in a sheer top and lace-up pants and high heels???? And sprawls all over his counter and flirts with him?????
No, Enjolras is not suddenly smooth. It takes him a while to get there, but Grantaire doesn't notice. He's too busy trying to not scald his fingers with the coffee machine when Enjolras puts a heeled foot on a chair to stretch as he waits for his order.
Joly and Bossuet get a lot of panicked texts for a while. Grantaire has multiple theories getting progressively more unhinged, from evil twins to alien abduction. After a while they can't get over the curiosity and go to the café to try and see the mysterious man.
Joly (is working on an acting degree from R's school): ...That's Louis Enjolras, isn't he. Bossuet (plays the bassoon with goal to work on Broadway): That is absolutely Louis Enjolras. I think he's playing in Miscast next month. He's probably preparing for a role. Should we tell R? Joly: Are you kidding?? This is hilarious, I want to see how long it takes for him to figure it out.
Grantaire emphatically does not figure it out. This man has worked next to a bunch of Broadway venues for years and not learned anything about it, and he's not going to start now (yes, Joly, Broadway is a perfectly valid art form, he's just not interested in it, okay??).
At the end, Joly and Bossuet get tickets for Miscast and drag Grantaire, kicking and screaming, to go watch it with them. He's pouting in his seat, when suddenly they bring a chair to the stage, music starts and a familiar face (and outfit) comes on stage and starts singing.
The "YOU FUCKERS" almost gets them thrown out of the theatre.
I hope you enjoyed this!
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Sometimes I'm forced to remember a cursed Grantaire aesthetic post I saw years ago. At first it was the typical picture board, with close ups of books, leather, color themes etc. Then I saw... the pic. At first glance it looked like a curly haired man wearing a pretty green flower crown (PERFECT) but upon closer inspection, I realized those flowers were, in fact, a bunch of raw broccoli florets glued to a headband.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 9 Group 43
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Les Amis de l’ABC: Enjolras, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Grantaire, Joly, Feuilly, Jean Prouvaire, Bahorel, Bossuet
Newsies: Jack Kelly, Crutchie, Davey, Racetrack, Spot Conlon (etc.)
Les Amis de l’ABC:
they're very silly ok. they're a little revolutionary group of students and they want to fight for The Cause and stuff??? i mean they all die but they all die together, yk? and they just,,, they care so much for each other i just know it. even though in the book/musical they're fairly minor characters? the fandom loves them and portrays them as a sort of found family. basically i love them very much and so do pretty much all my fellow les mis likers <3
they are just a bunch of kids but they strike against the most powerful men in new york and WIN together. they all support each other without even hesitating because they know that everyone is in it together. jack is going to leave them and move away from new york but then they're like 'what's santa fe got that new york ain't ? or better yet, what's new york got that santa fe ain't ? new york's got us, and we're family' so he stays and jdbdndfn they are amazing
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hanhwrites · 5 days
Reading Les mis for an essay yay anyways I've been reading it at a specific time every day and that time is around a bunch of people
I am fifteen very short pages away from enjolras and grantaire dying and I just know I'm gonna cry around all these people
Oh well
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Hiii do you have/know any specific lines where e and r are compared to Achilles and Patroclus? I haven't read the book yet but am very much curious
yeah so basically vicky compares grantaire to a whole bunch of greek dudes who simped hard, one of those being patrocles, with enjolras obviously as the achilles figure.
here's the passage (from 3.4.1 i think):
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as you can see, the most direct comparison is to orestes and pylades, but achiles and patrocles is the reference most instantly recognisable to a modern audience so that's the one i tend to mention :)
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pilferingapples · 1 year
I'm never sure how much of a Thing it's supposed to be, because of the novel framework, but...
it stands out to me that all of Grantaire's self-claimed republican knowledge is First Republic history:  I have read Prudhomme, I know the Social Contract, I know my constitution of the year Two by heart. `The liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins.' Do you take me for a brute? I have an old bank-bill of the Republic in my drawer. The Rights of Man, the sovereignty of the people, sapristi! I am even a bit of a Hebertist. I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock, watch in hand."
Like... this is all important history and even foundational philosophy! But in terms of convincing people right now ? No one's going to the barricades for Hebert. People aren't going to risk their lives and liberty because Robespierre was So Right.* People don't throw their current, actually-living selves into a dangerous situation because a bunch of people who died before they were born had some Good Points, even if they totally believe in the points. People risk their lives for Shit Going Down now.
Why is a republic urgent now, what are the main advantages people can --even abstractly!-- hope for from it? What are the current outrages? What's hurting them about the situation right now? Principles are important and crucial, of course, but there's a big gap between getting across the abstract concept and showing how that concept is relevant right now, to this audience . Even the most eager True Believer would be sensible to ask " why now " for something like they're planning-- why now and not autumn, or next year, or during the next labor protest, etc etc etc. That's why Enjolras sends the others to the specific groups he sends them to! Because those are the groups whose immediate interests and concerns they can engage with best!
And that's exactly what Grantaire cannot do, even for himself. He can't argue for how immediate action will improve things because he doesn't think it will. He can agree the current situation Sucks; he can't believe anything anyone does will make it better. That's his whole entire failure point!
So of course he fails.
(...and , added knife-twist that I'm sure Grantaire notices: Enjolras sends everyone to the groups they can best influence....and he doesn't want to send Grantaire to anyone. And he is, of course, right on all fronts. I'm sure that leads to just the HEALTHIEST thought-loops.><)
...as volatile as FRev academic discussion gets sometimes, it's mostly not going to result in barricades and guns at dawn. Mostly.
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fillsta · 10 months
Les Amis and how they'd decorate for Christmas
It's like, super late and I have tons of shit to do tomorrow morning but here we go
Enjolras & Grantaire
Enjolras is big on the whole "Christmas is just a capitalist propaganda" thing and Grantaire wouldn't really care that much, so I feel like there wouldn't be many decorations in their apartment. However I think Grantaire would still want to be a lil festive so he probably gets one of these tiny ass trees and some lights. And one of those elf pushes because "Look it's blonde, it looks just like you enj!"
Combeferre & Courfeyrac
Courfeyrac absolutely LOVES tacky Christmas decorations and he fills the apartment with glittery shit every year. Their Christmas tree is huge and has literally everything imaginable on it. They probably invited les amis to decorate it with them, so it's messy. Combeferre just goes with the vibes and rocks that Christmas sweater Bahorel knitted him all winter long. (I'm,also 1000% sure they even have one of these Christmas toilet seat covers or whatever they're called)
Feuilly & Bahorel
Feuilly just has a box full of handmade decorations so their tree has some a-list ornaments on it. Apart from that, the rest of their place isn't really decorated. Maybe some lights on the windows. Anyway, Bahorel probably printed Feuilly's face and put it on top of the tree because "he's a star✨" and Feuilly just went with it
Bossuet, Jolly & Musichetta
Either did one of those creative alternatives to a Christmas tree or have the most chaotic decorative situation going on. I'm talking randomly placed fairy lights, weird ass tree ornaments, and one (1) Christmas themed candle that Bossuet made in high school and is still around for some reason
No one does Christmas decorations better than them. Pretty lights on the windows, candles, cookies always on the counter, red and green couch cushions etc. I have a feeling they decorate their plants instead of a tree because they'd rather DIE than have any sort of fake plant in their space.
Marius & Cosette
Marius unironically bought one of those god awful white trees, thinking Cosette will like it. She absolutely did not, but she worked with it and made it look decent. She even made a gingerbread house, which pissed her tf off.
Marius decorated the balcony and it ended up being a bunch of random lights placed awkwardly on top of each other, no plan at all.
Eponine, Gavroche and Azelma
A fairly small tree, nothing more nothing less. Eponine let her siblings decorate it and it shows, but she loves it because "it has personality". Azelma decorates her room with garlands and stuff.
Bonus: Montparnasse
Straight up doesn't decorate. Bitch barely has his own apartment
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
I noticed a bunch of new people in the Les Mis tag because of @lesmisletters, so I thought I’d share my Les Mis Blog recommendation list! If you’re looking for Les Mis blogs to follow, here are some people I recommend checking out! : D
Because Les Mis Letters is a readalong of the Brick I’m going to keep my recommendations to “currently active Les Mis blogs who focus on posting primarily canon era Brick-related things, are participating in the readalong in Some way, and post a lot of meta or academic analysis or information about historical context/political context/artistic movements relevant to Les Mis.” if I were to include every Les mis blog I enjoy this post would be 200 miles long XD.
1. @pilferingapples is basically the pillar of the Les Mis fandom on tumblr! They’ve been here for a decade and have an extremely organized blog that basically feels like an archive of the entire fandom- including everything from meta on all the different characters, information about lesser known adaptations like the anime Shoujo Cosette, and discussions about the historical context around the novel/French Romanticism/Victor Hugo’s life. I definitely recommend looking through the tags in their pinned post ajdjdjd. They are also just Very Nice.
2. @everyonewasabird is a Brick-Club member who has already done exhaustive chapter by chapter analyses of the entire book, and writes amazing intensely researched fanfiction. They are also very nice! (Just assume everyone on this list is nice)
3. @fremedon also has tons of exhaustive analysis/meta, and also writes great funny intensely researched fanfic that captures Hugo’s writing voice extremely well.
4. @bobcatmoran posts a lot of great things, but i especially love their recent posts about the Arai Manga and its translations!
5. @vapaus-ystavyys-tasaarvo has been posting tons of great historical context/footnotes lately—- and they’re also the number one source of Les-Mis-related maps!! So many high quality maps
6. @psalm22-6 posts translations of old 19th century reviews of Les Mis, as well as vintage advertisements and other weird ephemera. It’s very fun and often deeply cursed stuff.
7. @thevagueambition also does a lot of historical research (especially into things like queer history) and writes really great intensely researched Grantaire fic!
8. @persefoneshalott does a lot of great translations of Spanish adaptations of Les Mis, and has recently been posting about what things were removed in censored editions of the novel.
9. @alicedrawslesmis is a great Les Mis art blog that also dives into jokes/analysis too!
10. @shitpostingfromthebarricade posts a lot of brick-focused stuff, and does a lot of clever clever and thoughtful modernizations (ex. Retelling an entire chapter with nearly the exact wording Hugo uses, but changing the setting/historical references to modern day ones)
11. @ueinra posts illustrations from old editions of Les Mis across the world and screenshots of/ information about obscure adaptations. :3
I might add more later because I know I’m missing people, but these are just the first currently active brick-focused somewhat research-heavy blogs that came to my head! :D
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theghostinthemargins · 5 months
turns out trying to explain what Les Mis (the book) is like to someone who has only seen the musical makes you sound UNHINGED. I started off with an explanation of the sewer digression, but then had to give the context that it was immediately after the most emotionally devastating scenes in literature, which resulted in:
me: nonono and Enjolras and Grantaire??? literally EVERYTHING
my friend: wait really! because I saw the AO3 girlies seemed to ship them, but—
me: YEAH and you’d think it was just the AO3 girlies at it again right! but it’s literally CANON the AO3 girlies are RIGHT Hugo describes Grantaire as the Patroclus to Enjolras’ Achilles and he’s so so obsessed with Enjolras and Enjolras is just disgusted with him because he’s a cringe drunkard—
cute guy I was initially trying to flirt with before getting distracted, who has not seen the musical and has no context for anything in the conversation: a cringe drunkard??
me: seriously he’s such a cynic and doesn’t believe in the cause at all—OH and that reminds me at one point Enjolras tells him “you don’t believe in anything” and!! he goes!! “I believe in you” it’s just!! [dramatic hand gestures, luckily without smacking cute guy in the face]
my friend: omg I had no idea, NONE of this is in the musical
me: RIGHT it’s literally a crime!! and then and then the whole revolution happens and Enjolras has been backed up against the wall by a bunch of soldiers and Grantaire who has been in a drunken stupor the whole time and missed everything suddenly gets up and says “finish both of us” and then turns to Enjolras and asks him “do you permit it” USING THE INFORMAL TU ALSO and Enjolras smiles and squeezes his hand and then they get SHOT and Enjolras is PIERCED THROUGH BY BULLETS and Grantaire FALLS DEAD AT HIS FEET do you get it!!!!!
my friend: … wow I need to read this book
cute guy:
me: do you get it…
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