#a dash of harringrove
weird-an · 29 days
Billy doesn't ask for things.
It's driving Jim crazy.
The kid has been living with him for half a year now. While Jim has braced himself for a lot of things, he had expected more drugs and girls than tons of hairspray in the bathroom and Billy coming and going like he's just a ghost haunting the place. They don't really talk - at all.
Jim knows he works a lot, until he's got the money to fuck off to California, but it's like Billy is always on the run, never stopping.
The Camaro has a flat tire. It's sitting at Buckley's garage and Billy had walked to work. There's no bus that goes to the Cabin and when Jim realized it yesterday, he'd felt so guilty.
So, he waited for Billy in the kitchen this morning. Billy shuffles into the kitchen, stopping dead on his tracks when he sees Jim pouring coffee in two cups.
"I'm drivin' you today," Jim says. It's not an offer, because it's non negotiable.
"Oh," Billy takes the coffee, putting a spoonful of sugar into it. (He's always taking two when he thinks Jim isn't watching.) "You don't have to."
Jim thinks about Billy walking through the dark forest. Thinks about what was hiding there, not so long ago. "I do."
"Thanks, Si- Chief." It hurts more than it should. Jim knows that the wounds father's leave take time to stop bleeding.
"No problem," Jim says. It feels like a bandaid on a broken bone.
Billy's jaw won't stop working until they sit in the car.
"I'm… not working today," Billy admits, when Jim's about to start the engine.
"Where are you going then?" The piece of honesty seems precious and fragile. Jim's afraid to break it.
"Loch Nora," Billy mumbles. He's staring out of the window. "I'm meeting… Stev- Harrington."
"Okay," Jim says, starting the car. "Is he a friend?"
"Kinda." Billy finally looks at him, eyes unsure. "You're still…"
"Sure." Jim doesn’t know what to do. So he just drives. If Billy doesn’t ask for things, maybe get can still give it to him.
"Usually I'm sittin' on the backseat," Billy tells him after a while.
"Callahan told me all about that," Jim snorts. "How did you get out of the handcuffs?"
Billy just gives him an angelic smile. "No idea what you're talkin' about."
Jim feels line they're finally moving forward.
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pastelauroras · 2 months
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steve should’ve been benched for his distracting doe eyes tbh
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every-dayiwakeup · 1 year
The King and his noble steed vs. the Jester
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ariesbilly · 7 months
are all fandoms dying or is it just the people im following i feel like no ones doing anything lmao
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onebrainsel · 2 years
His Silence
Billy and Steve, they are... Well Billy doesn't really know what they are. He wouldn't say they are really friends, they snark and bite at each other more than anything else. They don't have the bond where they tell each other their secrets, where they'd trust the other with the darkest parts of themselves. They're not friends, not like that.
But at the same time, at the same time... they are each other's secret. They are the deepest darkest parts of each other they have trusted one another to keep. They'll chain-smoke and kiss and grind in the back of a car, they'll touch and their breaths will swirl together with cigarette smoke, and they'll whisper each other's names like a prayer to the silent night.
But they aren't lovers.
Not when they'll bury those nights in the deepest recesses of their minds and never speak of them. They act like every night is the first because they've forgotten every night before. Yet each night they get better at playing the right keys to make each other sing. It's a dissonant arrangement. Make every night unforgettable so they can forget them once they're over.
Billy breaks their unspoken arrangement when he remembers those nights. He can't forget them. Can't forget how Steve makes him feel, or the sound of his voice when he speaks as if Billy was his very own lustful god. Or how he'll sometimes kiss him as if Billy was the most precious glass vase. He can't forget.
He hopes, wistfully, like a romantic fool, that Steve remembers like he does. He wants to break every unsaid rule, cross every line and say the words, ask him: Do you feel like I do?
He wants and wants.
Billy wants until he is holding Steve bloody and unconscious in his arms, dragging him out of a secret lair underneath the mall.
The elevator ascends, not fast enough to safety. There are kids screaming around him, but he can't pay them any attention, Steve's too still. He looks closer to whatever is on he other side than he looks like he'll stay. And Billy is terrified.
He knows fear, he feels it every day. Has felt it for years. But this is a different kind of fear. It's fear of loss seeping deep into his bones and his soul and it tastes like love and regret.
The tears blur his vision, he is shaking, he is shaking Steve. Because Steve has to wake up, he has to.
"Come on Harrington! Wake up!" He holds Steve's face with shaky hands, like precious stones and treasure and he begs.
"Come on! Wake up, call me an asshole, yeah? Call me a piece of shit, call me a son of a bitch!" His voice is a broken and untuned string.
"Come on!" He shakes him, he pleads for a reaction.
"Steve! Come on, you have to stay!"
He doesn't get an answer.
"Please don't leave me."
He drops his head on Steve's chest. Wracking sobs leaving him and he can't tell if he is hearing Steve's heart or his own. He hopes that it's Steve's.
The elevator stops, it's doors open and he stays where he is.
It's the only sound hanging in the air; like a long final note in a song that promises perpetual silence or a new burst of sound.
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
To B, With Love: Chapter 14
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💕 Moodboard by  @prettyboylikeyousteve   💕
Genre: A/B/O Mail Order Bride Au!
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Harringrove
Summary:  Steve, a society omega, puts out an add in the paper looking for an alpha among the lonely hearts expanding the west.
Billy was used to the older alpha’s scent. Comfortable with it and on one memorable occasion he’d even been comforted by it like a pup would be. He and the sheriff had mutual respect. Alpha to alpha. Hopper was the closest thing he understood to what it might have been like to have a real father instead of the piece of shit Neil had been.  
And yet, Billy knew it for a fact that if he didn’t get the other alpha out of his territory soon it was going to come down to a scrap.
Read on AO3 
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gigacat · 9 months
I'm not trying to start shit, I just genuinely want some harringrove-only blogs to follow. If you got one, like or comment or whatever
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
how in the woRLD was i still somehow following an anti lol
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king-ratboy · 2 years
Decided to watch Cast Away because I love to make myself sad, and was overcome with the need to write some angst. Enjoy!
It’s a nondescript, quaint little house – pretty, like every other house along this sunny, tree-lined street. Pale blue siding, a bright yellow door, flowers growing thick and lush in neat fenced-in rows. The sort of home Billy had always known he would never have, and exactly the kind of place a guy like Steve Harrington was bound to end up.
There are two cars parked neatly in the driveway, and though Billy can’t help but grimace at the sight of the wood-panelled station wagon, the maroon beamer beside it sends a swell of emotion through his chest that tugs sharply at his heart, a thousand memories of late-night drives and clumsy kisses teasing at the edges of his mind.
Billy barely registers the sound of the cab pulling away from the curb behind him, feet planted resolutely on the sidewalk even as his hands tremble minutely at his sides, and with purposeful, single-minded determination, he takes a step forward –
and abruptly notices the booster seat buckled into the back of the wagon.
And Billy had known, is the thing. He’d been well warned of what he was going to find when he showed up here. It had been three years, three fucking years, and Harrington –
Billy knows it’s stupid to hurt so badly. Eight months, eight months in hospital and not a sight, not a word, and though Max had tried, tried her fucking hardest (he wants to visit, he does, he just – gone for so long, Billy – all thought you were dead – couldn’t stay in Hawkins, not after everything –) it still hurt. Harrington had never come to see him, had never called, had never deigned to send a fucking letter, and being here, standing on this street, undoubtedly drawing the eyes of every nosey old bat in the neighbourhood, is utter bullshit. He should just leave, go back to Maxine, pass out on her couch like the good-for-nothing homeless freeloader he is, but…
The Upside-Down (Max’s name, not his) had been shit. He can’t think of any other way to describe it. Three years of running, of hiding, of being torn to shreds inside and out, and the whole time he’d only been able to think about getting back to goddamn Harrington, making sure the stupid fuck was okay. And they hadn’t even…by the time the Mind Flayer or whatever (again, Max’s words) had gotten its hooks in him, eviscerated him from the inside out and made itself a cozy little home behind his eyes, he hadn’t spoken to Harrington in weeks. He couldn’t even remember what the fight had been about, anymore. It hadn’t been the first.
So he knows it’s stupid. Knows he has no right to Harrington’s time, his attention, his anything. Billy had spent three years in hell, but Steve had spent three years fixing his fucked-up life, and here Billy is, trying to pull him back down, ruin what he’d made for himself, destroy everything like he always fucking did –
He’s backing away, turning to the street, preparing to make his way to nearest payphone and call a new cab, when a sound draws his eyes back around. The bright yellow door swings open, and everything in Billy turns to stone.
For a second – only a second – Billy doesn’t recognise the man standing across the lawn. Three years have changed Steve Harrington in a way Billy hadn’t anticipated. The hair is the same, long and thick and in every direction, but the pretty cashmere sweaters Billy remembers so fondly have been replaced by a ratty black tee and a heavy denim jacket that sits loose around his shoulders. He laughs at something someone says behind the door, hands shifting on the black bag of trash he’s juggling in his arms, and then he’s turning, heading for the curb, heading straight for Billy, and there’s no time to run, no time to hide, no time to get the fuck out –
For a second – only a second – Harrington doesn’t seem to realise who’s standing on the other side of his picket fence. He squints behind his wire-rimmed glasses, brows furrowing across the distance, and then the bag of garbage is hitting the stoop and tumbling across the walkway.
This was a mistake. This was a horrible fucking mistake.
Harrington stares, face turning slowly ashen-white as his eyes go comically wide, a cartoon character faced with a ghost, staring down something terrible and unfathomable and unwanted and –
And suddenly he’s there, a step away, nothing but the flimsy wooden posts of a ridiculous white fence between them, and those wide eyes are wet and shining and disbelieving, and Billy doesn’t know why he came here, he doesn’t know why he came here, he doesn’t –
“Hey, Harrington.”
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
i am so in love with your art style it’s so pretty!!! and the little comic strips are my weakness 😭
Ah! Thank you so much!! And I’m so happy you like the little comic strips! I love doing them — it’s just so much fun to think of little moments and shenanigans for all the characters I love! Please accept this small Stranger Things comic-with a dash of Harringrove because I can never resist :)
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thissortofsorcery · 2 months
I love you Harringrove mutuals who post about House
I love you Harringrove mutuals who post about 911
I love you Harringrove mutuals who post about that new show I have no idea what it’s about
Every time I see a post from other fandoms on my dash it makes me smile
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A little nonsensical Single father!Billy Harringrove piece, 968 words, no warnings, G
Billy rubs a hand over his face. Fuck, he's tired.
"Why are you bringing someone over? You're a father!" Jen's voice is so insanely annoying, Billy can just barely hold himself from wincing. Exactly how drunk was he six years ago to deal with it, was beyond him.
He glances, frowning with worry, in the direction of his living room. It is suspiciously quiet. Sarah isn't running back, shrieking from seeing an unfamiliar man in her home, and Steve isn't trying to politely leave forever because oh, maybe Billy forgot to mention that he has a kid.
A kid who chose the first fucking mommy-weekend in five years when Billy had someone over to throw a tantrum about how she wants to be back at daddy's.
Like hell he will listen to all of his friends telling him he needs to meet people ever again. Fuck all of them. This is what meeting people leads to: children or childhood trauma.
"Jen, you fuck around all the fucking time, one night I invite someone over, and that's it, I'm a terrible father?"
"Don't swear in front of my child!" She whisper-yells at him.
He can't believe he's being slut-shamed in his own house, when he hasn't even done anything. Because as soon as they got to the fun part, Jen was banging on his door. Not the kind of banging Billy hoped for today, but definitely the only kind he's getting.
He squeezed his eyes shut. That's what he gets for taking a risk. A mess.
"Okay, alright, I'm not, bye, Jen, you brought Sarah over as she asked, now you can go."
"You can't have some man over with my child in the house!"
"Right, I'm not, bye, Jen," he ends up closing the door in her face, hoping that this will be the end of it for now. He knows he's going to hear all about it next weekend anyway.
He waits a couple of minutes to check that she isn't trying to break his door down again. Definitely not stalling before he has to go into the living room.
And Steve is actually so hot and nice and generally good. And loaded. Like who the fuck else brings his car over to a mechanic just to check over clearly nothing four times in a month. Their receptionist, Argyle, said that Steve came over only when Billy was in. Billy looked at the little bi flag on the BMW's dash for a long time before actually deciding to try his luck and asking Steve out.
And now Billy has to awkwardly explain how he managed to fail to mention that he has a kid over five dates and wave Steve goodbye forever. And he was starting to actually like the guy. Thinking that maybe life was looking up. That maybe he will have someone to come home to when Sarah is at her mom's.
But of course not. Not in his life.
He breathes out and walks into the room, the only light coming from the street lamps outside and the floor lamp leaning over the couch he was just making out with Steve on fifteen minutes ago.
"And you know all the breeds?" Steve asks in a very serious tone, looking at the book about horses that Sarah has on her lap sitting on the couch next to him.
"Yes! Daddy reads me all about them! And we go watch them at the stadium when there are competitions!" She answers, excitedly.
Billy leans against the doorframe, a bit dumbfounded.
Steve looks up at him and smiles, then turns back to Sarah.
"You can tell me all more about them next time, okay? I have to go now," he stands up.
"To feed your doggies?" Sarah asks, all understanding, brows furrowed.
"I hope my friend fed them, but I should go check in case she forgot. It was very nice meeting you, Sarah," he offers her his hand for a formal handshake and she giggles.
"Bye, Steve!" She yells as Steve walks by Billy to the hall.
They stand there, awkwardly, for a moment.
"You have dogs? I haven't seen any hair or damage in the car," Billy blurts out, like this is the most important thing right now.
"Yes, I have six. They aren't allowed into the Beemer, I have a minivan for them. Yes, I have two cars all for myself," he says before Billy has a chance to ask, while putting his shoes and a jacket on.
Then he looks at Billy again.
Billy just stares back, not knowing what to say. Steve looks pretty chill after the whole encounter, but Billy isn't about to allow himself to hope that they were still on for later.
Steve leans in a presses a small kiss to Billy's lips.
"Call me," he says, serious, making sure Billy's looking into his pretties fucking brown eyes ever. "Bye, Sarah!" He yells again, getting another "Bye!" in response. "Bye, Billy, see you next time," he says and finally smiles, opening the door.
"Yeah, next time," Billy manages to croak out eventually, his voice unexpectedly coarse. "I'll call you!" He adds as an afterthought when Steve is already walking to the elevator of Billy's building.
Steve waves at him.
Billy closes the door and leans against it.
"Daddy, is Steve your new friend?" Asks Sarah, coming to him and looking up at him with his own blue eyes.
"Yeah," he says.
She nods.
"That's good, you need more friends, and Steve's nice, he listened all about the horses! Can you make me a sandwich? I'm hungry!" She says all in one breath and skips to the kitchen.
Billy breathes out and follows her, fighting back a smile.
They are still on. Maybe he actually did luck out this time.
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inthemourninglight · 5 months
Harringrove Blurb
A/n: I enjoy writing but I’m shit at it my apologies. Much love to anyone who reads this. For some context! Billy and Steve have been something for a few months. Not quite friends but definitely not nothing. Theyve been working on a project together for a class. They’ve been studying at Steve’s house, which provides Billy with an escape from his house and Neil. They can’t study at Steve’s tonight, for whatever reason, so Billy (against his better judgment) suggests his house. (This takes place while they sit in Steve’s bmw) warnings: mention of abuse
Now, it’s not like Billy is jonesing to have Steve at his place. It’s quite the opposite actually, but the way Steve shot him down so quickly had him a little perturbed. As if Steve had some reason to avoid Billy’s house the way he did. What the fuck was his problem? Was it because his house wasn’t as grand as the Harrington mansion? Whatever it was, Billy was going to find out.
“Why not?”
“Because I said no,” Steve said in a matter-of-fact tone that only seemed to piss Billy off.
“I don’t get what the big fuckin’ deal is Harrington. It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me, it’s just-“
Billy’s mouth snapped closed as Steve whipped around to face him.
“You want the truth? Why we can’t- why I can’t ever step foot in your house? It’s because I know what he does to you, Billy. I’ve watched you get the shit kicked out of you by him for months. I haven’t said shit because that’s what you wanted. And I haven’t done shit because I know you don’t need me making things worse by interfering, so I shut up, and be good. But if you make me walk through that door and I see him, I’m going to kill him.”
Steve is now white knuckling the steering wheel. He’s out of breath, his chest heaving slightly as he stares directly at the emblem in the center of the wheel. Billy turns away from Steve, facing the dash, eyes peering down at his boots. They sit in silence for what feels like hours.
“It’s not worth it, ya know,” Billy mutters.
“What?”, Steve breathes.
“Killing him. ’s not worth it,” he clarifies.
Steve glances at the blond in disbelief.
“Plus, you’re too pretty for prison,” Billy considers.
Steve shakes his head, and scoffs out a laugh. After a moment he replies, “I dunno man, seems pretty worth it to me.”
The you’re pretty worth it to me goes unsaid.
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gracegrove · 10 months
Particular things I love in this fandom include,
@akioukun giving Billy small feet and hands (and making him also short). It's very close to my heart as my mother constantly makes a point of telling me that I have such small feet that my 'princess' or 'elf' feet are disproportionate to the rest of me even though I'm a wee 5'2. 🙃
@intothedysphoria for persevering and setting a space for other users within the fandom who see Billy and Steve with mental health traits and qualities that others may not be willing to accept/readily see/or have otherwise considered. For being an advocate but also speaking your own mind and expressing yourself thoroughly. That can be very hard to do and I want to applaud you for it. That takes a lot of strength.
@shieldofiron and @imsodishy for their humorous edits of social media posts then super imposed to harringrove and sometimes other dynamics. They always make me smile. The posts are often mischievous and sly and I absolutely love them. Positively crafty and wonderful.
@inhi for their cartoon harringrove additions which often appear spontaneously across the dash. They are so expressive and lovely. Wonderful and witty. Have made me snort and I would love to compile them into a bound comic strip if I had such resources. You give Charles Schultz a run for his money.
So so so so soooo many talented artists that it makes my head spin including @thediktatortot and @adelacreations @aggressiveviking @dreaminginpencil .
Wonderful writers on here and on AO3 and sometimes even writers and artists to boot!!! 😲 I have so many bookmarked things that I will eventually get to but until then I just wanted to give y'all a tiny hand squeeze to say I see the hard work you all do. That I'm awed. That I love you. And that I'm happy you're here!
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shieldofiron · 6 months
Another askie! Re8 Au but crossover with Stranger Things verse!
Foursome with Re8 Steve (referred to as Harrington by St Steve and St Billy) and Lord Billy. Just the re8 couple being amused that the St harringrove cannot stop staring at them and decide to do something about it :3. If St Billy gets fingered by Re8 Steve and St Steve has to beg for kisses from Lord Billy, I'll be a happy camper!
*whispers* can end in Lord Billy dragging everyone into his giant bathtub or them all cuddling on his bed, up to you!!
1000% smut You've been warned. Billy has some mixed up feelings because of jealousy, and there's a hint of bdsm in the wind, but nothing too crazy. This is some post s4- older Harringrove but they still haven't confessed their feelings because it's billy and steve, ok?
Billy thought he'd seen it all.
After all after going to the upside down at 18, getting dug out by Steve, and fighting Vecna basically every day for three years, he wasn't really phased by much. He'd seen his worst nightmares, people melting into monsters before his very eyes, Max flying into the sky as he ran to her...
This wasn't like that, this was more like a dream.
His mirror self was laid out on a stunning velvet couch, lounging, long golden hair hanging over his shoulders. He was beautiful. It was hard to see him as anything but, even when Billy sometimes looked in the mirror and hated what he saw.
Billy guessed it didn't matter much anyway how he felt. Besides, it was hard to see with the tears in his eyes.
Three fingers beckoned inside him and Billy jerked, letting out a gasping wail. Harrington, or the mirror Harrington, smiled softly at him, even as he meanly did it again, brushing purposefully against the spot that made Billy's spine turn to jelly. He melted back against the weird mirrored desk he was propped up on, his legs falling even wider.
Was Harrington looking? His Harrington, not...
"Can you take one more, Billy?" Lord Billy's Harrington had a voice crackled like the fire, warming Billy from the inside.
"I... I dunno... I..." His mind was sluggish, and his head flopped to the side. He could just barely make out Harrington, his Harrington, pressing Lord Billy's cock into those pretty pink lips. He had no reason to be jealous. After all when would he ever have another chance to see something like this. It wasn't like Harrington could be attracted to him.
"You're so sweet," Harrington's fingers slipped out and Billy jolted when Harrington pressed the blunt head of his cock against him, "Can I, darling?"
Billy refocused on his partner. He was older, so handsome. This was how Harrington would look later, a dash of silver in his beard.
"Please," Billy's voice was just a soft whisper that turned into a jagged gasp when Harrington slid all the way inside with one smooth motion.
Billy's head made a crack against the mirror when he threw it back, forcing himself to keep his eyes open, to keep watching. He hadn't been touched like this since long before starcourt, since what felt like a million years ago, fucking high school. Honestly he thought Vecna had finally gotten them when he fell into that portal.
Harrington rubbed a thumb along his jaw, "Darling, stay with me."
But it was hard, because Billy's body was too keyed up, too filled with lust and jealousy and confusion.
Harrington stroked down Billy's jaw, down his neck, leaning in to nip Billy's ear, tugging on his earring gently. He rolled into Billy, shaking the little desk and making it rattle.
Was Harrington watching? No... Steve. Was Steve watching? Did he even...
Billy gasped when Harrington took Billy's cock in his rough calloused hand. He smelled different, too earthy, with a hint of Lord Billy's fancy cologne clinging to his hair. Not like Ralph Lauren and hairspray. Not quite...
"You okay?" Harrington asks.
"Yeah," Because he is. It's just that little voice in the back of his head wishing for what he could never have.
"Let go, little darling," Harrington whispered.
Billy could vaguely hear voices murmuring behind them, some soft cadance to Steve's voice, some answering reproof. Maybe that's why Steve didn't want him. Billy was too soft. Too weak.
He snapped his hips back on the next thrust, earning a ragged little noise from Harrington.
Billy let go of his iron death grip on the edge of the little desk and reached up, gripping Harrington just under his jaw.
"Make me cum," Billy whispered, "Want to cum. It's been so long, and you're gonna give it to me."
Harrington made a sweet, choked noise, "Oh. You are like him."
That seemed to unlock something unhinged in the other Steve, he was working Billy over furiously, little whimpers falling out of his lips every time Billy rolled back. Billy tightened down purposefully just so that Harrington cried out.
Maybe Steve wasn't watching. It didn't matter. Billy fucked himself hard on Harrington's cock, using him a little, eating up his whimpers like candy.
"C'mon," Billy ordered, "Make me. Do it. I want it. Need it."
Harrington panted, his long hair falling over one eye.
"Come on," Billy rolled his hips, "Come on, come on, please, I want it. I want it."
"Need to," Harrington's lips fell open, pretty and pink. He was so close to what Billy wants he can just taste it."Gotta..."
"What do you need to fuck me good?" Billy asked, cocking his head.
"Kiss," Harrington gasped, "Pl-please."
Lord Billy chuckled behind them, and Billy could just make out Steve crawling up Lord Billy's body and kissing him.
Of course. Steve was so kissable. Harrington was too. Lord Billy was... was Billy even kissable?
It doesn't matter apparently, because they were kissing now, sloppy and wild. Harringon was snapping his hips at a brutal pace, holding Billy hard at his shoulder for leverage so that he could sink in to the hilt with every thrust.
He twisted Billy's cock head and Billy broke down with a sob, coming across his own chest. Harrington fucked him through it, making a sweet sound when he pulled back from the kiss.
"Can I come, darling? Bi-Billy?"
"Yes," Billy twisted against the overstimulation, but he wouldn't give it up for the world, "Cum inside me, ok? Please?"
Harrington nodded eagerly.
"And then bring him here, man thing," Lord Billy drawled behind them.
And obviously, Billy was no match. His other self is... beautiful. Charming. Clearly charmed Steve.
Harrington jerked inside him, filling Billy and pulling him close, holding it all inside for one long moment.
Tears pricked the edge of Billy's vision again, and he almost wanted to wrench away, but Harrington's pulled him into his arms.
"You don't gotta," Billy sniffed. God, this was supposed to be fun. But he felt so anxious, so on edge and... scared.
Harrington layed him down gently on the bed and Billy rolled slightly, his shoulder brushing Steve's.
Harrington's. His Steve.
Not his. God, he had to stop thinking like that.
Steve just looked at him, confused, "You okay?"
Billy trieed to roll his head away.
"You're crying. Are you hurt?" Steve turned closer, rolling in Lord Billy's arms towards Billy. The red velvet bedspread brought out the flush in his cheeks, the warmth in his pretty brown eyes. God, he was so unbelievably beautiful. Scar around his neck from some demobat, hair falling in his eyes...
So beautiful.
I'm hurt but not like how you think, Billy thought.
"He was missing you," Harrington settled next to Billy, tucking an arm around Billy protectively.
Billy almost wanted to shout at him, shout at all of them, but then...
"Missed you too," Steve said shyly, his cheeks flushing pink. His fingers stroked Billy's cheek. "Billy... can I? Please?"
"Can you... what?" Billy was confused, his mind still a haze.
"Kiss you, please?" Steve bit his lip.
"No... not if you don't want to." Billy frowned.
"Please?" Steve whispered.
Billy nodded, just once, and Steve was on him. It's strange. They should be the same, but the kiss is so different, so innocent and true. They cling to each other, sweaty and sex-splattered. Steve kisses him softly, like he's something precious. Like he's beautiful.
Lord Billy chuckled softly, "Some things don't change, do they, Stevie?"
"No, apparently," Harrington said, running a hand along Lord Billy's arm. "No, not at all. They're so cute, Lady Bird. Young love."
"I know," Lord Billy squeezed them all a little closer, throwing an arm around all three of them.
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
i love steve/billy. and steve/eddie. and billy/eddie. and steve/billy/eddie. and eddie/chrissy. and billy/chrissy. but i ship billy and chrissy as platonic bffs like steve and robin tho??
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