#a fatal error has occurred
howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
Alright, AUTISM TIME. (This message was inspire by one line of dialogue from Geno in Underverse 0.7 part 1)
So, the multiverse, right? Cool place, we're all fans of it here. But nobody can seem to agree how the HELL it's organized. So I'mma do that here.
At the top, obviously, we have - Multiverse - All the universes
Below that, we have - Universe - The umbrella for all timelines under that universe. (Think of it like a tree that holds all the other branches on it. Examples are Underswap, Undertale, Underfell, etc. Whole other universes)
Then - Timelines - Clusters of worlds where similar events occur (Think Aftertale, Dusttale, etc)
And finally - Branches - Here is where we get to the nitty gritty, the individual worlds. This is the place where people from the same timeline cluster tend to diverge, (The best example that comes to mind is the Geno, Error, and Fatal Error split. All members of the same timeline, but the exact branch their from deviated.
Universes and Timelines are created by Creators, (That's us!) And occasionally branches too (Refer to Error and Fatal Error), but in most universes, you're going to get a near infinite amount of basic branches that fall under the vanilla universe that it's from. (So 99% of worlds under the Undertale umbrella universe aren't going to be Aftertale's or Dusttale's, they're going to just be regular old Undertale worlds, because those are naturally occuring)
Under normal circumstances, you have to travel to each branch individually to wipe them out, like Error does. The exception is the Doodle Sphere, where since each piece of paper represents a universe, that's the whole umbrella universe. So take that out, and everything underneath it goes too.
Anyways, that's all, enjoy my insane ramblings!
Oh that’s so cool. I love hearing how people understand and conceptualize how it could all work. I am not a very good visualizer, so i can’t really picture this in my mind, but i think it’d be cool see a lil map of the multiverse. Maybe they’re even mass made and produced in verious multiverse aware aus and timelines.
I wonder where Dreamtale would fit on this, since i remember reading that it’s not even connected in the Undertale Multiverse..multiverse? but rather that Nim moved the Tree of Feelings into that Multiverse or something like that. I’m assuming it’d just be in the multiverse tree, or it could be off to the side somewhere. Or potentially hidden, to hide the tree of feelings.
{ @the-selfinsert }
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fl00mie · 2 months
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HONESTLY IDK but it feels this way
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haako060 · 8 months
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Me and my friend @mika-1simp made an AU mixing Arcane with it! In my part I made a mix between Fatal!Error (wich belongs to Xedramon) and Jinx from Arcane
I'm in love with this, hope you like it!!! You can see my friend's part on Twitter or here in her account if she posts it ;D
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akaneya · 6 days
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error VS geno
Prologue of the ''a fatal error has occurred"
geno & error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Fatal error belongs to @fatal-error-blog
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spookyboris2 · 5 months
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Most of you probably already seen this since it was my banner for a bit but I'm posting it anyways
Fatal_Error and Gaster!Flowey by Xedramon
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my-names-kris · 2 years
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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T̷̪̊h̷͙̀ẹ̸̈́y̶̢͛'̴̥̔r̶̪̎e̸̼̐ ̸̡́ṇ̶͑o̸͔͝t̴̡͝ ̴̼̇e̶̲͐v̵̩̌e̸͙͘n̷̠͝ ̷̩̈́ṙ̴̰ē̷͈a̸̡͆l̷̠͐.̶̗̽
[3/13] Happy birthday, Fatal!Error ★
@fatal-error-blog by xedramon
Fell by underfell
Swap by popcornpr1nce
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
Lavender by naturetale-official
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aikyudo · 10 months
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Kyaa--!! I've been so busy with a new job and ALSO getting a drawing tablet that I haven't had much time/energy to work on the comic! Here's a small little upate!
Page 12 - 11/28/2023
I also had to order a new sewing foot attachment for one of the techniques I wanted to use. I'll share more soon!!
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squidiottt · 3 months
suddenly obsessing over fatal just cuz i saw these headcanons and went *gASP* fatal exists!!
so i drew this based on that headcanon
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Fatal_Error belongs to Xedramon
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zackojack3 · 4 months
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@ F@T@l 3rR0r |-|@$ 0((uRr€D
Fatal Error sans belongs to Xedramon
Repost from dead account
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admin-240 · 1 year
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Ok first of all none are for any type of sale. I only printed them for my personal collection nothing else.
Which comic should I print for myself next?
Plus this is good practice for then I will make my comics into Volumes (and maybe make some money)
the comics belong to @metakazkz, @fatal-error-blog, @xxtha-blog
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ahoradameunnombre · 2 years
Behind those blue and red eyes 5
The fourth encounter: Snowdrops
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His hands moved rhythmically stitching together uneven parts of code. Once and again his needle penetrated them and his red string held them close. He kept his eyes open interpreting the long lines of code full of symbols and numbers. One mistake and he couldn't have Papyrus beside him. One mere mistake.
The resulting product in front of him didn't look at all like Papyrus, but he kept trying to make it look like him. This time he had put a little more of Blueberry's blue code, but took away the Sans' parts that lived inside it and replaced it with Carrot's orange Papyrus code. To clean the undesirable Under Swap code he added lots of code of Timelines’ Papyrus. The end result was a sea of red with blue and orange bits here and there.
"Good, good, you are almost there" The voice behind him made him lose his focus. "A little more and you'll have Papyrus back" He ignored the voice; as he had learned before there was no use in talking with him. "Ignoring me again huh? I'm the only one who understands you, you know?" But he kept silent as a stoic soldier as if he wasn’t hearing any voice as if he was really alone in the save screen. 
The kind voice of Patch interrupted them. "BROTHER DO YOU NEED HELP? I CAN HOLD THINGS OR SOMETHING IF YOU WANT" He looked at him for a while, weighing his options, till he decided that Patch wouldn't cause any trouble. His only answer was a nod and soon his self-proclaimed brother was seated beside him.
One didn't need to be a genius to note the discomfort in the tall skeleton, but he was the one offering his help so there was no use in denying it. Patch held the parts he was stitching close, making sure that they were in the right position. His hands were shaking and he looked far away from that corpse, but he held it firmly nonetheless. For an unknown reason, he wasn´t the only one shaking.
The air was cold, the light traveled more like a mist. He didn't know where that light came from but it did hit him like a punch, leaving a weak shadow to hide under him.
The echo of every sound he made his way through every echo flower. It sounded like an old clock, a machine of sounds working backward, with a million synchronized parts moving non-stop behind him. 
The sounds crawled up his spine slowly, and one look at Patch's eyes showed him that he wasn't the only one feeling watched. In this immensity of white and black one could never be sure of being alone. Everything felt empty, more even his half-broken soul, and the space around his eye lights in his eye sockets.
He focused on checking the code’s lines, but an incessant sound in the back of his head kept him from ending his job. He got up from his kneeling position and look around, he started to walk away when Patch quickly said “LET ME GO WITH YOU, I CAN HELP” but Fatal shook his head in denial: There was an intruder in his world.
He opened a portal with his right hand, and let himself through the multiple white glitches into the even whiter space outside the save screen. At first, he didn’t see anything but soon a nightmarish image appeared in front of him: Sans was being held hostage by a big black tentacle; he was struggling and kicking his legs everywhere, and the monster holding him laughed in a loud and deep voice.
For a moment he froze, his heels were glued to the ground, a mix of rage and fear took his body prisoner, he couldn't even breathe. He didn't recognize that deep black skeleton, and even if his memory was as good as one of a goldfish he could be certain that this was their first encounter. The skeleton turned his gaze towards him, and with a playful noise he addressed him: "It took you so long to come ''. The tentacle that held Sans threw him in one movement, and his body hit the ground with a dry sound.
He raised a hand and called his Gaster Blasters that floated proudly above him. "WhAt Do YOu wAnT?" he dared to ask with his broken voice. But the black skeleton only laughed as if this was nothing but a game. Offended he shot in that monster's direction hoping he will be nothing but smoke when the lights disappear. But the monster dodged them as was expected for any Sans, and he laughed louder.
"I think You are not understanding the position you are in" Started the skeleton, but he just shot again. "My name is Nightmare and I come with a proposal for you”. He pulled out his strings and distracted the monster with another shot, then he trow the strings trying to hold Nightmare’s arm, but he dodged his attacks again. “You know… you are being so rude, you should at least hear me before judging” Another laugh, another attack dodged.
He was out of breath, he felt small and useless, and Nightmare's laugh echoed in his head. “You are quite strong, I must admit” This time Nightmare was the one moving, and soon he had to dodge the sharp tentacles that were thrown at him. Another shot, another tentacle attack; he was getting out of breath. Nightmare got uncomfortably close to his face and said: “I’m actually looking for a little bit of help in my work, and a monster like you seem perfect” he teleported far away but in a second Nightmare was in his face again, and this time he didn’t have time to dodge the attack that was thrown at him. 
The tentacle was sharp and pierced his chest like a knife. The pain spread from the wound all over his body like wildfire. He felt the air leaving his chest. Nightmare seemed as calm as someone that had pinched a bean during lunch. The tentacle reached deeper into his chest till Nightmare was able to hold him in the air with it. This seemed like the end.
“Be calm friend, I’m not here to kill you, as I said I have a proposal for you” Fatal looked in terror at the calm expression on that monster's face. The pain was almost unbearable, he barely could breathe, and his eyes were losing focus. “You know I’m on a search for new acquaintances, some help to get to where I deserve to be, some help to end some inconveniences on my way to the top. And you, my friend are just made for the job”.
He raised his head angrily, he was no one pet. He had his own problems to care for, and no matter how bad his injuries were, he wasn't kneeling in front of anyone. It must have shown that on his face because Nightmare started to laugh. “I’m still not getting my idea across: You will work for me, it’s not a suggestion, is an order”
With a movement, Nightmare threw him to the grown the same way he threw Sans moments ago. “I’ll keep in touch,” he said while walking away, and no matter if he tried to reach him with his hand, he kept getting smaller as he went far away.
“question: Need a hand(?)” suddenly asked Sans smiling at him with his half, white face. He extended his hand with some kind of fondness but he didn’t accept it and tried to get up by himself. “Bro, I. val(don’t) think is the = moment. val.(YOU) are //totally >wasted”. He put his arm below his and help him get up, but he could do nothing about the pain. Once up on his own feet, he started to walk away too. 
“Where (?) YOU = going (?)” Sans asked from his back, but he did not answer because he did not know either. He opened a portal by inertia and limping got through the white glitches he got to whatever it lead him to. A soft breeze welcomed him, bringing in it the smell of a multitude of plants, he was again in Nature Tale.
He rested against the same tree that has hidden him in the last few days. He touched his own bleeding chest and let go a long sigh trying to ease the pain, but it wasn't effective. He reached his mouth with his fingers ready to turn the blood into long red strings. He pulled them slowly with a strange fear of them breaking; once he got them to be the right size he took from one of his pockets a needle made of his own bones.
While he threaded the red string in the blue needle, his mind started to wander in search of sounds. As a cornered animal he was searching for any menacing, but only found kind and relaxing sounds. It was raining, but as there were only a few holes in the stone sealing, it only rained in a few spots. As from those same holes came the light the rain seemed iridescent, like a waterfall of moon drops, a river of shine. The sound was also mesmerizing, as the water hit the floor like a cosmic drum, but not as such glorious sound made from the thunders with the deep voice of a gregorian choir.
Bats beat his membranous wings all over the place making a tickling sound and looking like a shadow’s spectacle. The earth smelled like wet soil and the air touched him like a soft mystical hand. For a moment a mist surrounded him, making him see all in a comfortable greyish-white, his bones fell just a little wet as the cloud passed through him.
It always amuse him how quiet and loud could Nature Tale be at the same time. In the silence live a million alive beings singing in harmony, no sound toke the front line, no sound was the protagonist, all echoed at the same time as if that were no more than one big living creature.
Soft steeps came in his direction, then a pause, and then become closer and closer. He tried to get up as fast as possible, but he could not do it. Another pause make as he became panic’s prey, “You’re not ready ha?” Lavender’s voice seemed a little disappointed. 
“Just wanted to check if you are alright buddy; it smells like a lot of blood there” Another pause and a deep sigh. “I’m going for healing supplies, I’m not going to get near you, but you need to take care of those wounds”.
Then the steps grow quieter as Lavender went far away from his position. He let out a sigh and let himself  become calm again. Soon a stupor grew all over him, every bone got soft with weakness; the unconsciousness winning over him.
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haako060 · 9 months
I wanna say Happy new year to everyone!! I know I'm not too active here on tumblr but I'll try to post more and make mor content on the Glitched! Dust thingy. I hope this year is better for everyone 💕💕💕💕
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akaneya · 2 months
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derived set.
geno&error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Fatal error belongs to @fatal-error-blog
Afterdeath Geno belongs to @naomiisenju
Empireverse by- @lunnar-chan
Tickster virus au by @mr-mischievous-trickster
oobleck belongs to @a-v-j
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spookyboris2 · 6 months
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Random Alternate Timeline idea:
What if at the good ending of Aftertale, when Fatal travels to Aftertale and Error eventually finds his way there, Geno, Papyrus, and Sans in some way convince them to join the little family they have? So, Papyrus would have 4 brothers. And just like how Geno got his glasses, Papyrus and Alphys give Fatal a pair of glasses to help with his eyesight since he probably needs them too.
Version with no textbox:
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cornmayor · 11 months
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A fatal error has occurred
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