#a godly wife
kdmiller55 · 2 years
A Woman of God
A Woman of God
10 An excellent wife who can find?     She is far more precious than jewels. 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,     and he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good, and not harm,     all the days of her life. 13 She seeks wool and flax,     and works with willing hands. 14 She is like the ships of the merchant;     she brings her food from afar. 15 She rises while it is yet…
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lydiacatfish · 2 months
I hope post-junior year we get Ankarna in a similar sort of situation to beginning of the season Cassandra, except she and Cassandra are fully back together in annoying teenager honeymoon phase. Like I want Kristen to meditate and visit Cassandra and see her goddess and her goddess's wife fully making out in the forest while Kalina just asks Kristen to kill her because they're like this ALL THE TIME
Kalina, pointing at Cassandra and Ankarna: is this allowed???
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buttercup-barf · 21 days
"Are you certain you don't need a break? You can borrow my fan or water bottle..." "Nah- Nah, I'm good- [wheeze]"
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When in doubt, and unable to draw anything else, project your own suffering from the Summer heat onto your blorbos.
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𝘉𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 → Proverbs 31
“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” 31:10-12
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lobotomizedlady · 1 month
pulling an uno reverse on my father by trying to use his religion to manipulate him into putting a down payment on a car for us 🙏
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nyassa-valentine · 4 months
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He worships me. So why don’t you?
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randomgurustuffs · 4 months
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This Valentines Day I thank the Lord for His almighty providence in bringing the woman who surpasses all I could have dreamed of into my life. It was He who brought us together-for neither of us could have predicted it or arranged it. This last year has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but He has seen us through and provided. Thank you for being in my life, my love. Thank you for marrying me and for letting me be your knight (or at least a poor approximation of one). Even if things are at times rocky, I will always be yours and always love you. You will always have my heart. My dearest @temper-temper
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cattus-catos · 2 months
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normal behaviour about the odyssey
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
thinking about how, when boomer and sam reunited on the smp, boomer makes a comment about how they suspect sam isn’t using his real body. we know that sam hasn’t been utilizing sam prime since first splitting from it, which was, from the state of the castle surrounding him, at least hundreds of years ago, if not more. this tells us that 1. boomer and sam have not spoken since sam prime figured out immortality, 2. boomer is at LEAST old enough to have been around for sam prime, making them at least hundreds of years old and 3. boomer hasn’t/doesn’t age, as sam makes no remarks on them looking any different
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2ovenya · 20 days
final post for today until next time, i cannot wait for the day when God would have me and my husband meet up at the same time during our union and our kingdom marriage season will begin from there 🥹. i feel so ready and called right now and i know that’s God. this will be my first time having such a loving, successful relationship that God ordained for me. i can imagine us two doing everything to please and honored the Lord. the adventures we go on, us going to church, and spending time with family as a whole 😍. OH LORD ~ I’M SO EXCITED AND READY FOR THIS ! but more so excited and ready for YOUR timing and plans !! ‘cause i know He placed this on my spirit and heart. but always remember, i’m with God first and foremost, i will always chase God than man. WOO ~ AMEN 🙏🏾.
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lyssified · 2 months
binchtopia squad,,,,,, the new format is truly working,,,,my internal clock is now attuned to binchtopia upload schedule ://// every 2 weeks i start yearning for Something and then i go oh shit i'm just experiencing the between episode drought
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throwback to that time I married my best friend🤍
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shea-like-the-butter · 10 months
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Friday, August 25th 2023
But in those photos, I saw us instead ✨
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arttrampbelle · 11 months
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Shang,my Man has his priorities right?
Shang is a god of time and space now and has no use for the crown. But lose his dragon bong,all of a sudden it's the end of times.
"You fucking lost the weed honey?!" "How else am i gonna cope with American gaming corporate now?"
(Used a base)
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crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Nailah pursues G'raha's affection in the most oblique ways possible, all for the sake of plausible deniability should he not return her affections. She'll try to spend time around him ("I have nowhere better to be" or "I think you'll like this place") or she'll get food for him ("I was hungry and bought more than I could eat") or she'll bring a neat trinket for him (she doesn't even try to justify it, she just leaves it with a little note on his desk saying its for him).
Words don't come easily to her, and even less so when she's trying to communicate her feelings. Whenever she's tried to tell him how much he means to her, even as a friend, the words get caught in her throat and refuse to come out. She's somewhat better at writing her thoughts into poetry, but her poor handwriting and habit of switching between hroth and common makes them difficult to read. She has recently discovered an interest in scoring music, though, and is trying to compose a song to give to him in the form of a small music box. She hopes it will, at the very least, show him how she sees him as a good friend and admires his character.
On G'raha's side, he tries to be as verbally open as possible with her without outright saying he loves her. He'll tell her about places he's recently read about to try and make conversation with her, which she usually obliges in her normal terse way. He'll shower her in compliments at the slightest provocation, nearly waxing poetic at her accomplishments, which she bashfully brushes off. His most successful attempts have been letters detailing what he's been up to since they last met, which he leaves in her room at the annex for her to find later. She cherishes each one she finds.
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daughterofelroi · 1 year
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