#a hat in time moleman
r3d1ke · 1 year
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Founders is correct ?
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The current best way to find all the arg content is through the internet archive. Moleman uploaded EVERYTHING, from the vids to twitter scfeenshots to even audio spectrograms of the arg videos.
link for ease of access
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thesopwithcamel · 6 months
'We've got hostiles but you're a member of the Prospero Home Army stuck fighting Keepers in Prospero.'
Video made by Imex P on youtube.
Ever since I joined this fandom I have always had a massive interest in the Moleman ARG and its lore, notably the Time War which occured when the founders through a massive hissy fit and attacked the Shadows to grab an object of unimaginable power for their own usage and deployment: the Sunpiece.
The Founders had the Keepers attack the shadows under the pretense that with the power of the sunpiece the shadows could cause Times End and potentially cause some massive damage, not much about this war, which I and some others call the time war, but all we know is the outcome: the shadows were driven to near extinction, Puella and Tempus found and took in Cavus and shit hit the fan at 1000mph.
I have only seen a couple of interpretations of this conflict and those are few and far between, so I thought I might as well throw my hat into the ring...welcome to Prospero, the first battle of the time war and the worst place to live right about now where you can get bomed from miles away and have a cloak wearing supersoldier with the firepower of light artillary break into your house, drink your milk and then leave.
While the main bulk of the population of Prospero are shadows there are also humans living there who hate the founders...like a lot and as such them sending their troops and Keepers to the city pissed off a lot of people, an entire militia known as the Prospero Home Army was setup under an unidentified captain to fight against this threat.
It very quickly turned into Trench warfare with the militia forced to dig in as wave upon wave of untrained conscripts crashed against their defenses, the only time their lines fell was with either overwhelming bodies or Keeper's came and did a little bit of trolling.
Prospero fell a few short weeks after the initial landing, due to overwhelming numbers of conscripts charging at their lines as well as a large number of Keepers arriving the PHA and Shadows began evacuating civilians from the city via train and airship, some of these trains didn't make it but the monumental effort paid off brilliantly. After the last civilian was evacuated the PHA also left the city before it was levelled by nuclear torpedoes buried in the sewer systems to prevent its capture, Prospero claimed millions...but worse was to come.
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nesonkin · 3 days
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In a far away land, it is said there is an anchor, a central point in the dream that is said to connect to God and his imagination. But what does a God dream about?
Ultra Silence, watercolors
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*Squimbus: character that never wins or makes it in poll competitions on Tumblr.com, typically from media that isn’t well known on tumblr but can just be a very obscure/unpopular character
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a-fact-in-time · 1 year
A Fact in Time #1
did you know the strange alien cipher font can be found outside of Hat Kid's Hattic closet?
in the later half of Murder on the Owl Express, on either side of the key door and the pet's childhood pet door, there are two screens
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(pictured: the cipher on the left, next to the key door.)
'hey, kid, move on'...? either another silly dev joke (like the silly goose warning sign) or another reference to Hat Kid's family (e.g. Snatcher's Death Wish dialogue, Empress' Rush Hour dialogue). who knows!
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(pictured: the cipher on the right, next to the pet's pet door. i apologize for the image quality.)
boop! beep! doop!
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I can't see a mole, man.
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micechicken · 1 year
you should share some about your hatty time au >:) i think the ppl should know
⚫u⚫ okai
Extended Subcon AU
This AU was inspired by both Shane Frost comics of the original plot, some of the beta content, and even a little moleman with my own interpretations and headcanons. Not any shapeshifter or birds stuff since it has no use in this AU.
The concept is post game and is meant to focus on MANY of the characters not just the subcon ones. Although it does go into The Prince and Vanessa as moon jumper's whole thing is sorrow, however MJ is not born of any subcon character's sadness, he is born of the subconscious and nightmares.
But the idea is. One day a mysterious being comes to loom over subcon and the residents are quiet upset and look to Snatcher who is basically their king anyway. Snatcher is rightfully upset this random spirit is upsetting the dead, but is not certain on what to do seals Moon Jumper in the the horizon so that he can't hurt anyone until something is figured out or understood. ("Not this bitch again")
But over time Moon Jumper gains more and more power as he approaches the moon and overtakes lands leading characters to flee their homes for safety and end up stuck together only making matters worse (Moon Jumper basically feeds off negativity and even ruins good things to get more).
Instead of just being a manifestation/spirit of someone, Moon Jumper is something that exists regardless and latches onto someone and uses them as a power source and takes on their appearance.
In this case Mustache Girl is the one trapped.
We don't actually see Hat Kid for most of the parts about them fleeing as she arrives after they send for her and Bow Kid. And she must get to Mustache Girl in order to defeat Moon Jumper and save the planet.
As to why it's Mustache Girl, this is going down the route of if Hat Kid/Bow Kid doesn't give the Timepiece to Mustache Girl at the end. So Mustache Girl is upset and wants to get her home back and Moon Jumper sorta makes a deal with her but it's not really what she wanted.
Also unlike The Prince or Neth, Mustache Girl goes unharmed thanks to everybody :3
It features my OCs Nicole, Wolfie, and my other unnamed one (ferrywoman). And also some of my sister's cause why not. But they are mostly for comedy and world and are not heavy focus.
I'll also mention some Subcon things cause it's part of it.
Subcon often gets random objects appearing inside it so there's a bunch of random stuff around subcon come say it's just Snatcher taking things from others (with some otherworldly power), but often Snatcher packages them for his Minions as gifts to put in their mail. It's sorta implied they are physical manifestations of things people want or miss that Subcon creates.
In the original plot the ice came from Moon Jumper, and in this case, it sorta does at least indirectly at first. Because Moon Jumper existed behind the scenes and indirectly lead to The Prince's death as he drained Vanessa of joy and instilled fear making her grow cold and cause the ice that killed the children and made her lock The Prince up.
He just funnels the power into Vanessa until he gets Mustache Girl to have a more physical form and to Jump the moon and incasing the planet in ice. Moon Jumper just wants to destroy all good and create only bad.
Since the time keepers don't interfere with this world Moon Jumper was not sealed by them like in the original, instead he didn't manage to get the Prince when he died and took form as Snatcher, so he sulked around waiting for a call of hate in his weakened form.
Any of the moleman influence has to do with the Time Keepers and the Moon children which Hat Kid and Bow Kid are but it's not a big aspect of it.
Also Snatcher is obvious no longer a shadow who was abandoned since this is post game which follows canon, MJ only tried to use the Prince but failed because Snatcher was too strong of a form to overtake.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Main Characters Cast Design Edition
So we’re finally here! The last post of this series dedicated to showing off Novel AI’s depictions of the main DRT cast! I hope you enjoy! doing this was quite fun!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!  
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Suzuhiko Otsuki (Minoru Oe)/Moleman
“First one up and he’s...already a doozy. You see, compared to Kazuya or Shinobu, Suzuhiko doesn’t have artwork (that we know of) or description. Thus, he’s in the realm of ‘making a design that best fits the character he’s filling for this trilogy’. In this case, with the thought of him acting as a NEET for a while, I gave him a black tracksuit, inspiration being gotten from the main characters of Konosuba and RE:Zero. His black hair and eyes stem from another character’s trait below. I imagine that, that Moleman would prefer keeping his mask on and trying to cover his face up with his hair and hat as much as possible, due to his reclusive style. Buuuut, Suzuhiko himself prefers everything to be loose, thus his hair is no longer parted, no need for a mask and his jacket’s pretty much partially off.”
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Kazuya Togami (Orvin Elevator)
“Eugh, this nutjob. Given how he’s Togami’s doppelgänger, his design is meant to reflect that, from the blondish hair to the similar suit...okay. Well, I couldn’t quite give him a matching suit due ot AI constraints, but the point still stands. Speaking of the suit, its grey in color as a reference to how both Byakuya and Sagishi where black and white suits, respectively. Golden eyes are reference to Borges, though only his right eye holds his actual Borges Think of his other golden eye just being a coincidence that worked out.”
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Shinobu “Blue Ink” Togami
“For our extra special main character, she gets some extra special variants! Now, Blue Ink’s design stems from a certain other one that is down below. Namely, her pale skin, long black hair (which Suzuhiko got) and black pupils come from said design. I gave her a blue jacket and skirt as I always thought it suited her. Now, concerning her eye, this AI struggles with heterochromia so I basically had to hide one eye at a time if I want to generate Blue Ink. Granted, it also fits how I imagine her eye working so I don’t mind too much but, still. Honestly, I think she came out pretty well! She also gets that protagonist ahoge!~“
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Blue Ink (Post-Borges)
“Yeesh, this thing also struggles with giving Ink a cool eyepatch. This was the best I can manage after a while. Still, you get to see her black eye here and I really look how stoic she comes across here. This is an Ink after her talk with K and learning the truth.”
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“The girl of the hour! She’s not an actual cow! Ahem, anywho, Kudan actually has a description of what she looked like in volume 2. This being being long black hair, the white dress and, yeah, the black eyes. Erm. Yeaaaah, I couldn’t make the cow-like eyes so they’re regularly black instead. Honestly, I just chalk up the eyes to unreality exaggeration. Still, since Blue Ink was actually the Kudan, I modelled her after such description. Suzuhiko’s eyes and hair is also a reference to their supposed familial relationship(?)...I think they’re still siblings regardless? Bah, a story for another day!~”
And thus, the cast of Danganronpa Togami is complete...right? Well...sort of!~ I got a bonus in mind for later on! Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed!~
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children-of-subcon · 3 years
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SOMEONE in this AU had to semi-consistently have a braincell.
Sorry about how inconsistently he’s drawn here :”) Out of all the characters so far, he’s the one I’ve drawn the least. Hopefully as I draw him more it’ll get more consistent!
I’m admittedly not super happy with his colors, but I’ve spent way too long trying to adjust them. Can’t win ‘em all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you’re confused what Prince means by “apocalypse”, he’s talking about Time’s End. The transmission’s happening like right before he goes down to face Princess :)
(His pockets are crescent moons :O)
As always, more info under the cut!
Meet Duke, the co-op partner/alternate protagonist! He’s also sometimes called Mon or Moon, mostly by Prince. In the main timeline, he arrives on Earth sometime around USAU’s version of Seal the Deal.
As the most promising student of Time Keeper’s Academy, Prince was subjected to several experiments, many of them painful, in an effort to study and replicate such qualities. One of these experiments used him to test newly developed cloning technology-- after all, creating a clone would be the easiest way to achieve their goal, right?
As it turned out, they were able to create a clone, but not quite as intended. The experiment sort of “split” Prince. His health and strength were halved, becoming just above that of the average child of their species. The experiments were shut down indefinitely.
Despite everything, Prince and Duke became great friends, and consider themselves brothers. They usually speak to each other in their native language, even on Earth.
While Prince has already graduated, Duke is still in school since he’s technically younger. He wasn’t allowed to study law, so he went into the next best thing-- star mapping! It was a combination of two of his favorite things, space and painting. Since it’s actually part of his job, Duke is a much better pilot than Prince, and can travel to Earth under the guise of “studying”.
Although he loves his brother, he really dislikes when people treat him like he IS Prince, as most of his peers and superiors do, although it’s at least better than the ones who don’t even consider him “human”. So, he does his best to make himself look as different as possible, going as far as dying his hair and changing his eye color. It helps... a little bit.
He’s not super confident, nor very good at socializing, but he’s usually very focused and the only one here with a healthy amount of self esteem. He’s not afraid to ask for help if he needs it, and often helps others realize when they need it too. With the exception of his brother, who is equally as stubborn as him and may need a little extra help with asking for... help. Oh no.
All of his crowns are the same as Prince’s, excluding his default monocle. The glasses are a flair for the monocle :)
Thanks for reading! I might make Duke a small comic at some point, but I’m still working on Bow’s so. We’ll see!
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r3d1ke · 1 year
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star-cooki · 3 years
Now Featuring Puella from the Ahit ARG lore (Sketch to Color)
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Adult! Puella
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The Hat duo (Hat kid & Puella)
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thesopwithcamel · 11 months
Since everyone has an AU I might as well share one of my own.
So there are three different universes which exist seperatly from each other but different events happen during it, due the events of the ARG, universe 1 (or 1HT) is 3 years ahead of the other two but due to unfortunate events around Universe 3's (or 3HT) version of Hat Kid going insane with the power of Time and space in her hands she accidentally melds the three universes together in a way which keeps them around but means that it takes up a lot of Space and that includes the 3 universe Earth's.
The three universes consist of:
1HT which encompasses the retail game and chapters, Hat Kid is an alien and her actual name is Caitlyn. Bow Kid and 1HT Timmy are dead and because of that (and some other events) Caitlyn decided to give up on beam attacks and umbrella swings in favour of jacketed hollow points and Thermite. Her ship has been destroyed by the cataclysmic events causing the mixup but Ol' Stella's fuel tank cooking off in the lower atmosphere over Calcite/Mafia Town actually lessened any horrific effects meaning most of universe 3's negativity didn't enter except, 1HT also concerns the events of the ARG some of those characters coming in later.
2HT encompasses the Prototype and alpha stages of A hat in Time's developement (Alpha Subcon forest, City of calcite/Harbour, Sands 'n sails and Science express), as such it also contains many cut characters (Moonjumper, Thor, etc, etc). 2HT Hat Kid is called Natalie, Proto Kid also exists (she was made by Tim to Give Hat Kid a friend to play with when she isn't serving him) and 2HT Bow and Timmy are alive. When the cataclysm occurs everyone instinctively blames Tim for yet another meltdown, then they shift the blame to Caitlyn (which kickstarts her shift from Umbrella's and projectile badges to crowbars and firearms) before finally getting the jist of it and blaming 3HT Hat Kid (more about her later).
3HT is mostly unknown because it technically no longer exists, very few things have been ported over to here and as such there isn't much information but due to 3HT's version of Hat Kid (whose actual name is unknown, she caused this entire mess and needs to go to therapy) and Snatcher (who in this universe in an irredeemable prick) somehow surviving the incident (everyone else is fucking dead) and the fact that they're both arseholes means that its hell in there.
I will make more posts about this au whenever the hell I have the motivation to do so.
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nesonkin · 1 year
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hello! i have heard you are accepting propaganda for our squimbus. So i am here to make the case for mine.
Why I Think Cavum Moleman Should Make It Into The Poll, (and subsequently win)
He is incredibly niche. I mean it.
We cannot talk about him without talking about A Hat in Time first. Ahit already is a fairly small fandom. Its a couple years old now and the meme that brought most of its popularity has long since died. But we need to go deeper. One of the ahit devs made an arg, known as the moleman arg. Most people outside the fandom don’t know it exists, and a lot of people in the fandom are only vaguely aware of it as well. Submitting him i said there were about 5 active moleman fandom members, there was not a lot of hyperbole in that statement.
He’s a cool character!
Despite the story being wrapped up in cryptic wording and strange text, he’s actually very compelling! His story is one of tragedy, his people died in war, a sole survivor taken in by the same people who killed his own. He faced adversity and discrimination by the higher powers in charge, but was still cared for by the rouge master who took him in. In the end though, his master died, and getting into a fight with this fellow student, thought he killed her as well. He was banished and spent years of his life under the assumption that his friend was dead. I am a sucker for a good sob story, and he certainly provides.
do it for me <3
Please this is all I have my boy has been through so much I need this one thing im begging you. i have a mutual who can vouch please he deserves this.
Thank you for your time :)
Propaganda considered. Thank you for your time.
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