#a kindly world
mangacapsaicin · 2 years
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daisuke nishijima’s a kindly world || 西島大介の『すべてがちょっとずつ優しい世界』
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selfchiller · 4 months
I do think it's really interesting that Harry can say the same things to Kim that he said to Jean before Jean left him in Martinaise, but I think it speaks more to Harry and his current state than it says about their dynamic. Sure, it's contentious, we know this. Jean is clearly upset and bitter about it, but it really has nothing to do with him, does it?
Harry can run the same script on Kim because these are his weapon words. This is the self isolation script. These are the words that demonstratively WORK to drive people away from him. So he can finish killing himself. Even if he doesn't remember that's what he's doing.
Because it's about spinning the same tape again and again. Cycles he can't break. Dream the same dream over and over. Obliterate yourself, wake up, remember, obliterate yourself again. Drive your partner away. Now drive your new partner away. Decide to kill yourself. Change your mind, embrace the world. Be beaten down and decide to kill yourself again. Wake up. Remember.
After life--death. After death--life again.
He is the infernal engine, cycling eternally.
Unless, somehow, this time, he can escape. And this starts here, maybe. Kim will not fuck off. Kim would be glad to cramp his style. He actively enjoys style cramping, even.
(It starts in other places, too, of course.)
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xoxoemynn · 9 months
I know it shouldn't surprise me, but it's frustrating af to step outside the fandom and read about OFMD's cancellation on more general entertainment sites and see the majority of reactions be along the lines of "oh well it was probably Taika being over it, he always gave me the ick anyway so, whatever," and then often devolving into comments about his personal life, or conspiracy theories that can be disproven if you use your brains for 30 seconds or maybe step outside and touch grass idk idk.
And this isn't me saying "omg how could you dislike Taika" bc truly unless you're being racist or antisemitic (which, let's be real, many are), I don't give a fuck what you think about him.
But the point remains that if you have a show that is all about celebrating queer joy and finding yourself later in life, that has a diverse cast of characters in terms of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and body type, that was WRITTEN by a diverse group of writers, that is receiving praise from critics and fans alike, that from all reports was one of Max's most successful shows despite them doing next to no promotion the first season, that had two successful seasons and the creator is on the record saying he had a plan to tell the entire story in three, and it gets CANCELED.
I don't give a fuck how you feel about Taika, or how you feel about OFMD. You SHOULD be concerned about that. Because your show is next.
And before you come at me with "it's just a show, have you seen what's happening in the world?" Yeah. I fucking have. And the arts matter. They have always mattered. It's how we've shared stories and fostered communities and passed down what's important to us as a society. And they've brought us joy. And I don't know about you, but I think we could all do with a fuckton more joy in our lives.
This is absolutely a huge loss, and unfortunately it's not going to be the last as streaming services continue to go deeper in crisis. If that doesn't concern you, idk, go enjoy yourself watching season 47 of The Bachelor.
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turquoisemagpie · 5 months
Appreciate the little things.
Not to ignorantly deny all of the big bad things in the world, but to survive them.
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canisalbus · 7 months
As a survivor of abuse I relate to Machete so much. I've always felt unclean for no reason except being told I was unclean, and it made me feel worthless or revolting by default. Like, no matter what I did I would be filthy and unpleasant to be around.
Seeing that he can be loved, makes me feel like maybe I could be loved too.
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rosykims · 3 months
happy out of touch thursday to the out of touch king himself <3
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librarian-computer · 1 month
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orangerosebush · 11 months
Angeline and Butler's dynamic is soooo funny to me. What do you mean Butler flew a 12 year old Artemis to Vietnam so he could give a guy they met online thirty thousand euros (in order to find a fairy), rather than acting as the adult in the situation (i.e. spending that money trying to find a better psychologist/psychiatrist for Angeline, who was in the middle of a psychotic break). What do you mean that from Angeline's perspective, Butler was the last person to see Artemis when the Hybras incident occurred and Artemis was lost for three years. What do you mean Butler spent those three years trying to convince Angeline that "fairies were responsible for the loss of her son" while said fairies went radio-silent, making Butler look like he'd lost his damn mind. What do you mean Butler had a breakdown after TLG and Angeline had to go beg him to go to Artemis' funeral. What do you mean Butler then refused to show up to her son's funeral because he couldn't process that he was actually dead. Like... hello??
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I like Strange New Worlds but boy is their Spock behavior strange.
"taking out" the Vulcan in Spock should make his body feel off but ffs he's still Spock. I don't think they intended it this way but the way they wrote this whole scenario is like having an AfroLatina character "lose" their Latina side and suddenly not be able to make a tortilla or speak their native spanish. I mean. What?
Their whole narrative on him being human and Vulcan and showing "human" as like the fun/passionate side he's denying himself is starting to feel very anti-Vulcan, which in its own way feels super white centrist. We can go all in on the bacon scene but I'm not Jewish so more knowledgable Jewish people about the cultural *disaster* that choice was can cover the mess that is but... Yikes.
They've even done mixed race struggles better with other characters. B'Elanna in Voyager has a great arc reconciling her Klingon and human sides throughout multiple episodes and none of them imply weird shit like this. They all encourage her to accept herself where's she's at, no matter how much Klingon or human "percentage" that means. It just means both.
And in all fairness, B'Elanna's portrayal is in no way perfect but its better than *this*.
Someone on Twitter said this would've been a much more impactful episode if Spock spent all of it fearing he'd lose all connection to his Vulcan side, only to realize that (like his human adopted sister!!) He is still a child of Vulcan regardless of his geneology/biological makeup. But nah. This. *Bacon*.
After such a strong story about hope, augments, refugees, and prejudice a few episodes ago we get this? Shenanigans.
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malistaires · 7 months
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she really loves loathes me ♫
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uhohbestie · 13 days
As of last night, Key and I have officially OFFICIALLY finished writing the entire draft of TAMN!!! The whole thing! Epilogue and all!!!
We still have a lot a lot (a lot) of editing to do, but the bulk of the fic- and the hardest part by far- is done. Done!!! WE'RE SO EXCITED. TAMN!!!!
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hanibalistic · 5 days
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two more sections to go !!
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mythalism · 25 days
my #1 fear with da:v is that they woobify and romanticize solas and rob him of the qualities that make him the dread wolf, fen'harel, great betrayer and bringer of nightmares etc. etc. etc, the kind of person who killed an old friend who got in his way, who orchestrated a successful but bloody coup, who mercilessly hunts down and kills mages who bind spirits, who we would have seen drag a low-approval inquisitor through an eluvian and shut it on them to chop off their arm if time had allowed, qualities like his cunning, ruthlessness and, most importantly, arrogance, in an attempt to make him more palatable to a new audience or to win over the players who have decided they hate him for those same reasons. but every time we get new footage of him being an conceited, condescending asshole (affectionate) like in vows & vengeance i am so so relieved <3
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nothinggold13 · 8 months
“Creator of children’s show reboot reveals why reboot was cancelled—” GOOD
There are few things I hate as much as shows for children being rebooted as shows for adults. “But it’s for the people who grew up with the show and are adults now—” I don’t care. I think things that are good and pure and safe should remain good and pure and safe for the next generation. I think if adult fans cannot appreciate a clean show about their favourite characters from childhood then they can go watch something else that was never meant to be safe for children in the first place. “But it’s more realistic if—” Not for me, and not for the characters as they were originally written. Just admit the characters don’t matter to you as much as capitalizing on nostalgia to make another adult sitcom that’s exactly like every other adult sitcom, and while you’re at it, that you don’t think today’s children should be able to enjoy the same pieces of media that you grew up with. Like, when all that is said, who is this ACTUALLY for?
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lupeloto · 1 year
nothing in the world is dearer to me than this smile. this is a smile of nothing but pure joy and i’ll never get over it
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