#a la Trooping the Colour
generaldavila · 2 years
EL PUENTE DE LONDRES HA CAÍDO Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
EL PUENTE DE LONDRES HA CAÍDO Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
Londres es la capital del mundo. Quién no ha estado allí no ha estado en ningún lugar. Londres no es el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ni tampoco Inglaterra, pero nos entendemos. Es tantas cosas a la vez que decir Londres es como decir la Reina. La Reina es la del mundo, anglosajón y del bárbaro. Habla inglés y solo ese idioma, el suyo (al margen de ser políglota), hecho ahora de…
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aristocratic-otter · 5 months
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Thank you, @cutestkilla, @nausikaaa, @that-disabled-princess, @youarenevertooold, @fatalfangirl and @whatevertheweather for the tags!
So, once again, no snippets from Saving Simon Snow or The Heart in the Well (still reviewing them to figure out where I want to go), but I've got double chunks of TikTok Dancer and Stars, Flowers, and Children for you (and a normal sized slice of Snow Fox. The next chapter is so close to being ready for posting!).
Then there's COBB and Erotic Gropefest coming. I've got my idea for COBB, and I've already outlined a fic for EG. Big hint...it was one of the unfinished fics I teased in a 'what are your WIPs' last year. And the one I got the most feedback saying people wanted me to write it! I reviewed my fic ideas folder and decided this one is perfect for EG.
And, I've got a question. I've got more than enough content on both TikTok Dancer and Stars, Flowers, and Children, and I know where I'm going on what's left for each, so I'll likely start posting one of them soon. Feel free to leave your vote on which one in the tags, and I'll consider it!
With no further ado, here's 12 sentences from TikTok Dancer
I frown. Surely a troop of dancers on Santa Monica pier isn’t that extraordinary. “Why wouldn’t I believe it?” I ask.
Dev’s hardly listening to me. “I mean, I knew that there was a chance we’d see celebrities in LA. I mean, this is a celebrity breeding ground, right? But right in front of our hotel? And we get to see them filming?” He turns to me as if expecting me to enthusiastically agree with him. I’m beginning to understand that I’m missing some context here.
“What celebrities?” I ask weakly. 
Dev and Niall both freeze, goggling at me in disbelief. This time, Niall recovers first. “You mean you’ve been watching them through the window and didn’t recognise Simon Snow, Agatha Wellbelove and Shepard Love?”
I wrinkle my nose. “Those sound like made-up names.”
Some young Baz yearning, from Stars, Flowers, and Children:
It’s in our fifteenth year that we both finally have growth spurts. Simon’s indignant that, even after he grows several inches, I’m still taller than him by at least three inches. But, not that I’ve got anything but memory to judge by, but I think we’re both man-high. 
But height isn’t the only thing that changes about Simon Snow. I wish it was. 
But no, Simon has now grown from the freckled street urchin with shorn hair that I first saw on board the SS Watford to a full-grown man, with everything that goes with that. He’s powerfully muscular because of all his building work, and his skin is burnished gold from hours in the sun. His bronze hair is grown out into ringlets that are also kissed by the sun. And all the stars of the universe are scattered across his skin in a host of golden-brown freckles and moles. 
Even his blue eyes, though they’re nothing special when it comes to colour, are such a contrast to his sun-darkened skin that they stand out from his face with a lambent light.
From Snow Fox (the smut is done, I just have to get Baz out of the sticky situation I've put him in).
Tarleton is a horrific bore. The arse only talks about himself–his achievements, his family background, his personal wealth. He hasn’t asked a single thing about me this entire time. When our steaks are dropped in front of us by a bellicose server, I’m grateful for a chance to look at something other than his insipid face. I eat slowly, delicately. I don’t want to get to the part of this ‘date’ where Tarleton suggests we retire to a paid room in the local hotel. 
Tags and encouraging pats on the back to the friends above (we'll make it through January) and to:
@artsyunderstudy, @angelsfalling16, @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @best--dress, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @captain-aralias, @confused-bi-queer, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @palimpsessed, @skee3000, @frjsti, @facewithoutheart, @gekkoinapeartree, @giishu, @hushed-chorus, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @j-nipper-95, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @messofthejess, @martsonmars, @moments-au-crayon22, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @nightimedreamersghost, @raenestee, @rimeswithpurple, @shrekgogurt, @stardustasincocaine, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @tea-brigade, @upuntil6am, @whogaveyoupermission, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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1917 01 23 Richthofen's 17th victory - Thomas La Padula
Richthofen's 17th victory.A short while after becoming Germany’s leading air ace and receiving the Por le Merite, the title of “Red Baron'' was born. The arrival of the new Albatros D.lll’s to the front and MvR’s transfer to Jasta 11 cemented a Richthofen Squadron of airplanes. There is a lot of legend and suggestion on the name Le Petit Rouge, Richthofen wrote,” It occurred to me to have my packing case painted all over in a staring red. The result was that everyone got to know my red bird. My opponents also seemed to have heard of the colour transformation. There is really no absolute reason why Richthofen began to fly a red plane. One theory is that it asserted him as “a leader” in the air, due him becoming Staffelfurhrer of Jasta 11 which at that time was not a crack unit. A lot or supposed reasons and antidotes that could all be construed as true or false. Supposedly all RAF units were aware of Le Petit Rouge, then again Richthofen could not be everywhere, and undoubtedly a red plane would have been unforgettable, even though according to Richthofen the British were the ones that gave the red plane its name. The reason why the plane was red till this day is speculative and has grown increasingly more romantic as the years pass on.A little after 4pm on January 23, 2017, Richthofen had an encounter with an FE.8, No.6388, a pusher type biplane. Flying his new red Albatros D.lll, Staffelfurhrer Richthofen came upon 2nd Lt John Hay photographing the German artillery at the front. When the British pilot Hay noticed Richthofen he bolted but not before MvR got off about 150 rounds into the FE.8., the plane then ignited, and began burning as it fell from the sky. At 500 feet Lt. Hay the pilot was observed either jumping or falling from the plane. Richthofen in his combat report states that he assumed Hay was already dead, due to the fact he did not fire a shot. It also was not uncommon for aviators to jump from burning aircraft since parachutes had not yet made their appearance and some home devices were unreliable at best. Lt Hays body was recovered by Canadian troops southeast of the village of Aix Noulette.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 days
Another day another snub the harkles PR team couldnt find a way to spin this NFI (as they did and regurgitated in the story re the recent wedding) .trooping of colour . So why would they be invited? by u/Harry-Ripey
Another day another ‘snub’, the harkles PR team couldn’t find a way to spin this NFI (as they did and regurgitated in the story re the recent wedding) ….trooping of colour . So why would they be invited? Not working royals, not based on UK, have made a living selling lies about his family…but still claim not being invited is a snub….According to reports, the Sussexes, who are now based in LA, were not invited to the King’s official birthday parade, which will take place this Saturday, 15 June.and reports…from whom?https://ift.tt/dcywMJB post link: https://ift.tt/GNph9qP author: Harry-Ripey submitted: June 10, 2024 at 06:00PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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xplrvibes · 17 days
Any good stories from your travels?
Do you mean my most recent travels, or all time?
Cause I've always dreamt about writing a book about my US travels one day, cause some of what I got up to was incomprehensible lol.
But for this most recent trip, I definitely had a blast! Some highlights include:
1. Running across Abbey Road in the pouring rain with no umbrella and no coat (I forgot) and then just spending the rest of the day not rectifying the situation and walking around London completely soaking wet with no worries in the world.
2. Speed running the Louvre. Seriously, we hit almost every room on every floor in 6 hours. 26,000 steps and almost 10 miles of walking and my feet were so swollen I almost couldn't get my shoes off, but hey - it was an accomplishment.
3. Tesco Express in London and FranPrix in Paris saved my life multiple times and I will forever ride for them.
4. We stumbled across the King's Guard practicing for Trooping the Colour and we had no clue what was happening. This nice older gentleman saw our confusion and came over to tell me what was going on and he seemed so genuinely excited that I, a random American tourist, was genuinely interested in this mock parade that he basically gave me a whole history lesson on trooping the colour and the entire UK military right then and there. I love meeting people who get excited to share some things about their hometown. It's really pure.
5. Belgian waffles sent me to orbit many times.
6. Europeans have the BEST cherry coke, like wtf is happening there and how do I make it happen here? GAH.
7. I happened to be at the Tower of London on the anniversary of the execution of Anne Boleyn. I did not plan that, but of all days to decide to go there...how random is that?
8. Also, speaking of the Tower - the way they put you on Conveyer belts to see the crown jewels is genius. Other museums, take note.
9. I stumbled into this macaron shop in Paris and this couple was in front of me buying (you guessed it) macarons. The guy says to the lady behind the counter, "Guess where we're from!" in an American accent and I facepalmed. Counter lady didn't respond and American guy let the awkward silence breathe for a moment before loudly and proudly declaring, "The USA!"
Counter lady just kind of went, "...oh" and handed him his macarons.
Undeterred, USA guy tried again. "Have you ever heard of Las Vegas?"
"No," responds counter lady.
"Well, we live in Utah, but we tell people Las Veags cause more people have heard of that," USA guy replies.
Counter lady gave this whole exchange exactly what it deserved, which was nothing.
But yea - American tourists in Paris are really something to behold.
10. Speaking of Paris and dumb Americans - I don't know what was wrong with my brain, but I could not stop responding to people speaking French to me with Spanish. Especially difficult was when I wanted to say "yes" to someone and kept saying "sì" instead of "oui." So embarrassing.
11. Went to this brewery in Brussels before we got on the train to Paris and there was an entire high-school field trip in the brewery who then went to the bar afterwards. Belgium is no joke 🤣.
12. First place I ate at in Paris was a place called "Balls!" They served mac and cheese and meatballs. That was my first Parisian meal. The food capital of the world (aside from Italy) and thats where I wound up.
(Also why do they eat so late in Paris? I gotta go to bed, people!)
13. They dress the litrle Mannekin Pis statue up sometimes. First day we got to Brussels, it was dressed like a butterfly. The next day, it was back to normal. I find that endearing(ly weird).
I probably have so many more highlights or just interesting notes, but that was just a few I could think of off the top of my head!
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thisdayinwwi · 2 years
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Jun 23 1917 #OTD Near Marthes, France, war photographer John Warwick Brooke takes this photo, IWM Q 5554, of Portuguese troops with Lewis machine guns at the Infantry Training School
Colourized by In Colore Veritas
23 June 1917-06-23
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Neuve-Chapelle (près). Tranchée portugaise. L'arrivée de la soupe (VAL 303/026)
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realnews20 · 1 day
La data cerchiata è quella del 15 giugno: in una dichiarazione rilasciata oggi, la principessa del Galles Kate Middleton ha detto che sta “facendo buoni progressi” nella sua lotta contro il cancro e che domani parteciperà a un evento pubblico. Lo riporta Sky News Uk. Nella dichiarazione, accompagnata da una foto, Kate parla di “giorni buoni” e di “giorni brutti”, nei quali “ti senti debole, stanco e devi arrenderti al riposo del tuo corpo”. Nei giorni in cui, continua, si sente “abbastanza bene, è una gioia impegnarmi nella vita scolastica, dedicare del tempo personale alle cose che mi danno energia e positività, oltre a iniziare a fare un po’ di lavoro da casa”. I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last couple of months. It really has made the world of difference to William and me and has helped us both through some of the harder times. I am making good progress, but as anyone going… pic.twitter.com/J1jTlgwRU8 — The Prince and Princess of Wales (@KensingtonRoyal) June 14, 2024 La principessa ha confermato che domani parteciperà alla parata Trooping the Colour che celebra il compleanno del re. Un portavoce di Buckingham Palace ha affermato che il re è “felicissimo che la principessa possa partecipare”. Resta inteso che la partecipazione di Kate all’evento non deve essere interpretata come un ritorno agli impegni pubblici. Kate stessa ha sottolineato di non essere “ancora fuori pericolo” e che di avere “ancora qualche mese” di terapie davanti. La principessa del Galles ha quindi espresso l’auspicio “di partecipare ad alcuni impegni pubblici durante l’estate, ma so anche che non sono ancora fuori dai guai”. Kate ha infatti spiega che è ancora in corso il trattamento a cui viene sottoposta e che andrà avanti ancora per qualche mese. “Sto imparando a essere paziente, soprattutto con l’incertezza – si legge nel messaggio – Prendere ogni giorno come viene, ascoltare il mio corpo, consentendomi di prendere questo tempo tanto necessario per guarire”. Photo: Matt Porteous, 2024 L'articolo Kate Middleton annuncia che sabato sarà presente al Trooping the Colour: “Giorni buoni e giorni cattivi, faccio progressi” proviene da Il Fatto Quotidiano. [ad_2] Sorgente ↣ :
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telodogratis · 2 days
Kate e William, lo sguardo sul balcone al Trooping the Colour: parla l’esperta
[[{“value”:” Durante la parata del Trooping The Colour, il ritorno di Kate Middleton, la parata in pompa magna,… L’articolo Kate e William, lo sguardo sul balcone al Trooping the Colour: parla l’esperta proviene da Notizie 24 ore. “}]]  ​Read More  [[{“value”:”Durante la parata del Trooping The Colour, il ritorno di Kate Middleton, la parata in pompa magna,… L’articolo Kate e William, lo sguardo…
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notizieoggi2023 · 2 days
Kate, prima volta in pubblico dopo l'annuncio della malattia AGI - Dopo mesi lontana dalle scene a causa delle cure, la principessa Kate è tornata a mostrarsi in pubblico. La moglie del principe William è stata intravista mentre arrivata in auto a Buckingham Palace per partecipare al Trooping the Colour, la tradizionale marcia che celebra il compleanno pubblico del re. Kate, che da febbraio si sottopone alla chemioterapia per una forma di cancro, sarà nella carrozza insieme ai suoi tre figli, George, Charlotte e Louis, durante la parata attraverso Londra. Londra in festa per la tradizionale parata Trooping the Colour che celebra il compleanno pubblico del re. Alla marcia sono stati chiamati a prendere parte oltre 1.400 ufficiali e soldati, insieme a 200 cavalli e oltre 400 musicisti. A guidare la parata quest'anno sono state le Guardie Irlandesi, con la loro mascotte, un levriero irlandese. Carlo III ha passato in rassegna le schiere di militari seduto in una carrozza Ascot landau con la regina Camilla, al contrario dell'anno scorso quando aveva ispezionato le truppe a cavallo. Il monarca 75enne si sta riprendendo dalle cure dopo che all'inizio di febbraio aveva annunciato che gli era stato diagnosticato un tumore. Alla parata ha preso parte anche la principessa Kate, il primo impegno pubblico da quando a marzo ha scioccato il Regno Unito annunciando di essere in cura dopo un'operazione per un cancro. Vestita di bianco con cappello coordinato e un grande fiocco sulla spalla a strisce bianche e nero, Kate e' apparsa dimagrita ma sorridente, accompagnata dai tre figli George, Charlotte e Louis in carrozza mentre il marito, William, era a cavallo come i due fratelli del re, Edoardo e Anna. Non sono mancati gli anti-monarchici, che sono stati ripresi dalle telecamere mentre fischiavano le auto e le carrozze dei membri della famiglia reale.
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laguaridadelnagual · 3 days
Kate, princesa de Gales, hace primera aparición pública desde el diagnóstico de cáncer
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 Kate, la princesa de Gales de Gran Bretaña, saludó a la multitud y sonrió ampliamente desde el balcón del Palacio de Buckingham después de ver un desfile militar el sábado, haciendo su primera aparición pública este año mientras se somete a tratamiento para el cáncer. La princesa, de 42 años, pasó dos semanas en el hospital en enero después de someterse a una cirugía abdominal importante. Dos meses más tarde, anunció en un mensaje de vídeo que las pruebas habían revelado la presencia de cáncer y que estaba recibiendo quimioterapia preventiva. Todavía está en tratamiento, pero su mejor salud significó que pudo aparecer en público por primera vez desde diciembre. La princesa montó en un carruaje cubierto con sus tres hijos para ver el «Trooping the Colour», un desfile militar anual para conmemorar el cumpleaños oficial del monarca británico, el rey Carlos. A pesar de las fuertes lluvias, las multitudes se alinearon en las calles y saludaron y animaron mientras el carruaje pasaba, superando en número a un pequeño grupo de manifestantes que sostenían carteles que pedían el fin de la monarquía. Carlos montó en un carruaje separado con la reina Camilla, seguido por el príncipe Guillermo, heredero de Carlos y el marido de Kate, que estaba a caballo junto con otros miembros de alto rango de la familia real. Kate, con un atuendo pálido decorado con una cinta blanca y azul marino de la diseñadora de moda británica Jenny Packham y un sombrero a juego de ala ancha del modelero irlandés Philip Treacy, observó la ceremonia desde una ventana con vistas al campo del desfile. Señaló aspectos del evento a sus hijos, el príncipe Jorge, la princesa Carlota y el príncipe Luis, mientras que Carlos saludó a las tropas que pasaban desde un resazo cubierto en el propio campo del desfile. El rey y la reina, así como Guillermo, Kate y otros miembros de la familia real, regresaron más tarde al Palacio de Buckingham para ver un paso elevado militar desde el balcón. Kate sonrió ampliamente y saludó. En un raro mensaje escrito personal el viernes, dijo que estaba haciendo un buen progreso, pero que «no estaba fuera de peligro». Dijo que estaba deseando asistir al desfile del sábado y que esperaba unirse a algunos compromisos públicos durante el verano. Read the full article
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Princesa Kate reapareció en público junto a la familia real en el Trooping the Colour
EFE.-La princesa Kate participó en el saludo a la multitud desde el balcón del Palacio de Buckingham junto al resto de la familia real, uno de los actos más icónicos de la realeza británica, en su primera aparición en público tras haber sido diagnosticada de cáncer. El saludo, presidido por el rey Charles III y la reina Camila, se realizó bajo el vuelo rasante de la patrulla aérea de los Red…
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brookston · 10 days
Holidays 6.8
Best Friend's Day
Betty Picnic Day
Bill of Rights Day
Biomedical Science Day (UK)
Bounty Day (Norfolk Island)
Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Empathy Day
Engineer's Day (Peru)
Ghostbusters Day
Mela Khir Bhawani (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos
International Day of the Housewife
Journée nationale d'hommage aux morts pour la France en Indochine (National Hommage Day for those who died for France in Indochina; France)
Lindisfarne Day
Lucina Asteroid Day
Moneywort Day
National Architect Day (Peru)
National Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Engineers’ Day (Peru)
National Insect Appreciation Day
National Karen Day
National Leave a Review Day
National Soulmate Day
Pitchfork Day (French Republic)
Pranav Sivalumar Day (Illinois)
Primož Trubar Day (Slovenia)
608 Day
Social Workers’ Day (Russia)
Thomas Paine Day
TPS Day (Office Space)
Upsy Daisy Day
USS Liberty Remembrance Day
Vacuum Cleaner Day
VM Day (a.k.a. Victory Mustachian Day; Republic of Molossia)
Watch Day
World Anti-Counterfeiting Day
World Brain Tumor Day
World Day of Speech Therapists
World Oceans Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Tetrazzini Day
Ice Cream Day
Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day
Maple on Creme Fraiche Day
Name Your Poison Day
Strawberry Cheesecake Day
Independence & Related Days
Götterzene (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Tennessee (Secedes from U.S.; 1861)
2nd Saturday in June
Artichoke Festival begins (Monterey, California) [2nd Saturday]
Belmont Stakes [Saturday after 6.4]
Betty Picnic [2nd Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day [2nd Saturday]
Global Wellness Day [2nd Saturday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 2 [2nd Saturday]
International Yarmbombing Day [2nd Saturday]
International Young Eagles Day [2nd Saturday]
Missing Mutts Awareness Day [2nd Saturday]
National Dragonfly Day [2nd Saturday]
National Get Outdoors Day [2nd Saturday]
National Go RVing Day [2nd Saturday]
National Man Enough to be a Girl Scout Day [2nd Saturday]
National Marina Day [2nd Saturday]
National Outlet Shopping Day [2nd Saturday]
National Rosé Day [2nd Saturday; also 6.10]
National Sauna Day (Finland) [2nd Saturday]
The Queen’s Official Birthday (UK) [2nd Saturday]
Trooping the Colour (UK) [2nd Saturday]
World Bike Naked Day [2nd Saturday]
World Doll Day [2nd Saturday]
World Gin Day [2nd Saturday]
World Juggling Day [Saturday closest to 15th]
World Naked Bike Ride Day [2nd Saturday]
World Wide Knit in Public Day [2nd Saturday]
Festivals Beginning June 8, 2024
Artichoke Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 6.9]
Beer, Bacon & Cheese Festival (New Glarus, Wisconsin)
Blueberry Jubilee (Poplarville, Mississippi)
Cheshire Strawberry Festival (Cheshire, Connecticut)
Cotuit Strawberry Festival (Cotuit, Massachusetts)
Creole Tomato Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 6.9]
Ella Sharp Art Beer & Wine Festival (Jackson, Michigan)
Excelsior Springs Wine Festival (Excelsior Springs, Missouri)
The Great Chefs Event (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Hudson Valley Taco Fest (Newburgh, New York)
Ice Cream Festival (Chandler, Oklahoma)
King of the Wing Festival (St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
Lansing Beer Fest (Lansing, Michigan)
Los Olivos Jazz and Olive Festival (Los Olivos, California)
MBCH Strawberry Festival (Springfield, Missouri)
Mullet Toss (St. George Island, Florida)
National Asparagus Festival (Oceana County, Michigan)
The National Cereal Festival (Battle Creek, Michigan)
Northampton Carnival (Northampton, United Kingdom)
Osceola Rhubarb Fest (Osceola, Wisconsin)
Oz Comic-Con (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 6.9]
Pour Into Summer Wine Festival (Lakewood, New Jersey)
Real, Wild & Woody Beer Festival (Flagstaff, Arizona)
Rhubarb Festival (Sherman, Connecticut)
Rochester Real Beer Expo (Rochester, Minnesota)
Snowmass Rendezvous Craft Beer Festival (Snowmass Village, Colorado)
South Windsor Strawberry Fest & Craft Fair (South Windsor, Connecticut)
St. Louis Bourbon & Brews Festival (St. Louis, Missouri)
Strawberry Festival (Topsfield, Massachusetts)
Taste of Kutztown (Kutztown, Pennsylvania)
Texas Blueberry Festival (Nacogdoches, Texas)
Winchester Beer Cheese Festival (Winchester, Kentucky)
Wine & Food Festival (Timonium, Maryland)
Worcester Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Yellow Springs Street Fair (Yellow Springs, Ohio)
Feast Days
Be Annoyingly Cheerful Day (Pastafarian)
Chlodulf of Metz (a.k.a. Clou, Chlodulph or Clodulphus; Christian; Blessed)
The Dough (Muppetism)
Elphege (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Bona Mens (Roman Goddess of Correct Thinking)
Fernand Fonssagrives (Artology)
George Charles Haité (Artology) Gilard (a.k.a. Godard), Bishop of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Grain Ear Festival (Ancient China)
Harry Holtzman (Artology)
Heloise (Positivist; Saint)
Iggy Pop Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jacques Berthieu, S.J. (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga (Hedwig) of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jan Frans De Boever (Artology)
John Everett Millais (Artology)
Judgment Day (The Good and Evil are Given Their Just Rewards; Shamanism)
LeRoy Neiman (Artology)
Lindisfarne Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (Christian; Blessed)
Mary of the Divine Heart (Droste zu Vischering; Christian; Blessed)
Maximinus, Archbishop of Aix (Christian; Saint)
Medard of Noyon (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Media Ver VI (Pagan)
Melania the Elder (Christian; Saint)
Rice Festival (Japan; Everyday Wicca)
Richard Pousette-Dart (Artology)
Roland Allen (Episcopal Church (USA))
Sara Paretsky (Writerism)
Syra, Virgin of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Ken (Church of England)
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (Artology)
William of York (Christian; Saint)
World Oceans Day (Oceans of the World Ritual; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [30 of 60]
Agents of Fortune, by Blue Öyster Cult (Album; 1976)
The Anniversary Party (Film; 2001)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
Beat Street (Film; 1984)
Bonjour Tristesse, by Françoise Sagan (Novel; 1954)
Bosko’s Knight-Mare (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Californication, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1999)
Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff (Cantata; 1937)
Chilly’s Ice Folly (Chilly Willy Cartoon;1970)
For Better of Nurse (Fleischer/Famous Cartoon; 1945)
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, by R.A. Dick (Novel; 1945)
Ghostbusters (Film; 1984)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
The Good Times, by Russell Baker (Novel; 1989)
Gremlins (Film; 1984)
Hare-Breadth Hurry (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Hereditary (Film; 2018)
Into Your Dance (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Julian, by Gore Vidal (Historical Novel; 1964)
Lassie (Radio Series; 1947)
Love Potion #9, recorded by The Clovers (Song; 1959)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (Animated Film; 2012)
Manilla Galleon, by F. Van Wyck Mason (Maritime Book; 1961)
Misery, by Stephen King (Novel; 1987)
Ms. Marvel (TV Series; 2022)
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (Novel; 1949)
Nurse Jackie (TV Series; 2009)
Ocean’s Eight (Film; 2018)
Ocean’s Thirteen (Film; 2007)
Out to Punch (Fleischer/Famous Cartoon; 1955)
Pretty Little Liars (TV Series; 2010)
Prometheus (Film; 2012)
Sam & Cat (TV Series; 2013)
The Silver Streak (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1945)
Steal Wool (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Super Mouse Rides Again (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1943)
Surf’s Up (Animated Film; 2007)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, by My Chemical Romance (Album; 2004)
Tom Turkey and His Harmonica Humdingers (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
Vendetta for the Saint, by Leslie Charteris and Harry Harrison (Novel; 1964) [Saint #38]
Wealth and Poverty, by George Gilder (Economics Book; 1981)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Window Shopping (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
The Woman in the Dunes, by Kōbō Abe (Novel; 1962)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Documentary Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Elga, Ilga, Maria, Medardus (Austria)
Fortuna, Medard, Vilim (Croatia)
Medard (Czech Republic)
Medardus (Denmark)
Enda, Endla, Enna, Enne (Estonia)
Salomo, Salomon (Finland)
Médard (France)
Chlodwig, Elga, Medardus (Germany)
Kalliope, Kalliopi, Nafkratis (Greece)
Medárd (Hungary)
Medardo (Italy)
Frida, Fridis, Fridolins, Mundra (Latvia)
Eigintė, Medardas, Merūnas (Lithuania)
Ren, Renate (Norway)
Karp, Maksym, Medard, Seweryn, Wilhelm, Wyszesław (Poland)
Teodor (România)
Medard (Slovakia)
Kilian, Maximino, Salustiano (Spain)
Eivor, Majvor (Sweden)
Cain, Caine, Calliope, Genesis, Jewel, Kane, Kanye, Kayne, Opal (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 160 of 2024; 206 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 3 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 1 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 10 Blue; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 26 May 2024
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 St. Paul (6th Month) [Heloise]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 82 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 19 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ḏū al-Ḥijjah [ذُو ٱلْحِجَّة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 12 of 12] (The One of the Pilgrimage)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 days
Holidays 6.8
Best Friend's Day
Betty Picnic Day
Bill of Rights Day
Biomedical Science Day (UK)
Bounty Day (Norfolk Island)
Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Empathy Day
Engineer's Day (Peru)
Ghostbusters Day
Mela Khir Bhawani (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos
International Day of the Housewife
Journée nationale d'hommage aux morts pour la France en Indochine (National Hommage Day for those who died for France in Indochina; France)
Lindisfarne Day
Lucina Asteroid Day
Moneywort Day
National Architect Day (Peru)
National Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Engineers’ Day (Peru)
National Insect Appreciation Day
National Karen Day
National Leave a Review Day
National Soulmate Day
Pitchfork Day (French Republic)
Pranav Sivalumar Day (Illinois)
Primož Trubar Day (Slovenia)
608 Day
Social Workers’ Day (Russia)
Thomas Paine Day
TPS Day (Office Space)
Upsy Daisy Day
USS Liberty Remembrance Day
Vacuum Cleaner Day
VM Day (a.k.a. Victory Mustachian Day; Republic of Molossia)
Watch Day
World Anti-Counterfeiting Day
World Brain Tumor Day
World Day of Speech Therapists
World Oceans Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Tetrazzini Day
Ice Cream Day
Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day
Maple on Creme Fraiche Day
Name Your Poison Day
Strawberry Cheesecake Day
Independence & Related Days
Götterzene (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Tennessee (Secedes from U.S.; 1861)
2nd Saturday in June
Artichoke Festival begins (Monterey, California) [2nd Saturday]
Belmont Stakes [Saturday after 6.4]
Betty Picnic [2nd Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day [2nd Saturday]
Global Wellness Day [2nd Saturday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 2 [2nd Saturday]
International Yarmbombing Day [2nd Saturday]
International Young Eagles Day [2nd Saturday]
Missing Mutts Awareness Day [2nd Saturday]
National Dragonfly Day [2nd Saturday]
National Get Outdoors Day [2nd Saturday]
National Go RVing Day [2nd Saturday]
National Man Enough to be a Girl Scout Day [2nd Saturday]
National Marina Day [2nd Saturday]
National Outlet Shopping Day [2nd Saturday]
National Rosé Day [2nd Saturday; also 6.10]
National Sauna Day (Finland) [2nd Saturday]
The Queen’s Official Birthday (UK) [2nd Saturday]
Trooping the Colour (UK) [2nd Saturday]
World Bike Naked Day [2nd Saturday]
World Doll Day [2nd Saturday]
World Gin Day [2nd Saturday]
World Juggling Day [Saturday closest to 15th]
World Naked Bike Ride Day [2nd Saturday]
World Wide Knit in Public Day [2nd Saturday]
Festivals Beginning June 8, 2024
Artichoke Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 6.9]
Beer, Bacon & Cheese Festival (New Glarus, Wisconsin)
Blueberry Jubilee (Poplarville, Mississippi)
Cheshire Strawberry Festival (Cheshire, Connecticut)
Cotuit Strawberry Festival (Cotuit, Massachusetts)
Creole Tomato Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 6.9]
Ella Sharp Art Beer & Wine Festival (Jackson, Michigan)
Excelsior Springs Wine Festival (Excelsior Springs, Missouri)
The Great Chefs Event (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Hudson Valley Taco Fest (Newburgh, New York)
Ice Cream Festival (Chandler, Oklahoma)
King of the Wing Festival (St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
Lansing Beer Fest (Lansing, Michigan)
Los Olivos Jazz and Olive Festival (Los Olivos, California)
MBCH Strawberry Festival (Springfield, Missouri)
Mullet Toss (St. George Island, Florida)
National Asparagus Festival (Oceana County, Michigan)
The National Cereal Festival (Battle Creek, Michigan)
Northampton Carnival (Northampton, United Kingdom)
Osceola Rhubarb Fest (Osceola, Wisconsin)
Oz Comic-Con (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 6.9]
Pour Into Summer Wine Festival (Lakewood, New Jersey)
Real, Wild & Woody Beer Festival (Flagstaff, Arizona)
Rhubarb Festival (Sherman, Connecticut)
Rochester Real Beer Expo (Rochester, Minnesota)
Snowmass Rendezvous Craft Beer Festival (Snowmass Village, Colorado)
South Windsor Strawberry Fest & Craft Fair (South Windsor, Connecticut)
St. Louis Bourbon & Brews Festival (St. Louis, Missouri)
Strawberry Festival (Topsfield, Massachusetts)
Taste of Kutztown (Kutztown, Pennsylvania)
Texas Blueberry Festival (Nacogdoches, Texas)
Winchester Beer Cheese Festival (Winchester, Kentucky)
Wine & Food Festival (Timonium, Maryland)
Worcester Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Yellow Springs Street Fair (Yellow Springs, Ohio)
Feast Days
Be Annoyingly Cheerful Day (Pastafarian)
Chlodulf of Metz (a.k.a. Clou, Chlodulph or Clodulphus; Christian; Blessed)
The Dough (Muppetism)
Elphege (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Bona Mens (Roman Goddess of Correct Thinking)
Fernand Fonssagrives (Artology)
George Charles Haité (Artology) Gilard (a.k.a. Godard), Bishop of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Grain Ear Festival (Ancient China)
Harry Holtzman (Artology)
Heloise (Positivist; Saint)
Iggy Pop Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jacques Berthieu, S.J. (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga (Hedwig) of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jan Frans De Boever (Artology)
John Everett Millais (Artology)
Judgment Day (The Good and Evil are Given Their Just Rewards; Shamanism)
LeRoy Neiman (Artology)
Lindisfarne Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (Christian; Blessed)
Mary of the Divine Heart (Droste zu Vischering; Christian; Blessed)
Maximinus, Archbishop of Aix (Christian; Saint)
Medard of Noyon (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Media Ver VI (Pagan)
Melania the Elder (Christian; Saint)
Rice Festival (Japan; Everyday Wicca)
Richard Pousette-Dart (Artology)
Roland Allen (Episcopal Church (USA))
Sara Paretsky (Writerism)
Syra, Virgin of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Ken (Church of England)
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (Artology)
William of York (Christian; Saint)
World Oceans Day (Oceans of the World Ritual; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [30 of 60]
Agents of Fortune, by Blue Öyster Cult (Album; 1976)
The Anniversary Party (Film; 2001)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
Beat Street (Film; 1984)
Bonjour Tristesse, by Françoise Sagan (Novel; 1954)
Bosko’s Knight-Mare (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Californication, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1999)
Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff (Cantata; 1937)
Chilly’s Ice Folly (Chilly Willy Cartoon;1970)
For Better of Nurse (Fleischer/Famous Cartoon; 1945)
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, by R.A. Dick (Novel; 1945)
Ghostbusters (Film; 1984)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
The Good Times, by Russell Baker (Novel; 1989)
Gremlins (Film; 1984)
Hare-Breadth Hurry (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Hereditary (Film; 2018)
Into Your Dance (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Julian, by Gore Vidal (Historical Novel; 1964)
Lassie (Radio Series; 1947)
Love Potion #9, recorded by The Clovers (Song; 1959)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (Animated Film; 2012)
Manilla Galleon, by F. Van Wyck Mason (Maritime Book; 1961)
Misery, by Stephen King (Novel; 1987)
Ms. Marvel (TV Series; 2022)
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (Novel; 1949)
Nurse Jackie (TV Series; 2009)
Ocean’s Eight (Film; 2018)
Ocean’s Thirteen (Film; 2007)
Out to Punch (Fleischer/Famous Cartoon; 1955)
Pretty Little Liars (TV Series; 2010)
Prometheus (Film; 2012)
Sam & Cat (TV Series; 2013)
The Silver Streak (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1945)
Steal Wool (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Super Mouse Rides Again (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1943)
Surf’s Up (Animated Film; 2007)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, by My Chemical Romance (Album; 2004)
Tom Turkey and His Harmonica Humdingers (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
Vendetta for the Saint, by Leslie Charteris and Harry Harrison (Novel; 1964) [Saint #38]
Wealth and Poverty, by George Gilder (Economics Book; 1981)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Window Shopping (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
The Woman in the Dunes, by Kōbō Abe (Novel; 1962)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Documentary Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Elga, Ilga, Maria, Medardus (Austria)
Fortuna, Medard, Vilim (Croatia)
Medard (Czech Republic)
Medardus (Denmark)
Enda, Endla, Enna, Enne (Estonia)
Salomo, Salomon (Finland)
Médard (France)
Chlodwig, Elga, Medardus (Germany)
Kalliope, Kalliopi, Nafkratis (Greece)
Medárd (Hungary)
Medardo (Italy)
Frida, Fridis, Fridolins, Mundra (Latvia)
Eigintė, Medardas, Merūnas (Lithuania)
Ren, Renate (Norway)
Karp, Maksym, Medard, Seweryn, Wilhelm, Wyszesław (Poland)
Teodor (România)
Medard (Slovakia)
Kilian, Maximino, Salustiano (Spain)
Eivor, Majvor (Sweden)
Cain, Caine, Calliope, Genesis, Jewel, Kane, Kanye, Kayne, Opal (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 160 of 2024; 206 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 3 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 1 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 10 Blue; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 26 May 2024
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 St. Paul (6th Month) [Heloise]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 82 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 19 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ḏū al-Ḥijjah [ذُو ٱلْحِجَّة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 12 of 12] (The One of the Pilgrimage)
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dealthorpakp · 3 months
11 Juin 1983 Diana et la reine Elizabeth, la reine mère dans une calèche découverte au Trooping the Colour
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newsnoshonline · 3 months
Kate, principessa del Galles: caos e confusione dopo la rivendicazione dell'apparizione dell'esercito britannico Speculazioni sul ritorno di Kate alla vita reale Le voci sul ritorno di Catherine, principessa del Galles, ai suoi doveri reali continuano a tenere banco, soprattutto dopo che l’esercito britannico sembra aver sollevato aspettative in tal senso. La vendita dei biglietti per Trooping the Colour Martedì il Ministero della Difesa britannico ha messo in vendita i biglietti per le sfilate di Trooping the Colour sul proprio sito web, suscitando interesse tra il pubblico. Un evento militare tradizionale Trooping the Colour è uno spettacolo militare annuale che coinvolge centinaia di partecipanti, tra Buckingham Palace e la Horse Guards Parade, celebrato ogni
0 notes
spiritsoffrance · 4 months
The Green Fairy: A History of Absinthe
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When we talk about Spirits, perhaps the most controversial is the one that is slightly green in colour and believed to drive a person from being a silly drunk to a heinous murderer. But those are just stories or myths that often encircle the green fairy, Absinthe.  
Throughout history, this drink is blamed for driving a man crazy, causing hallucinations and convulsions. Still, in spite of being so potent, this drink can be the centrepiece of your cellar. 
So let's time travel to 18th Century Europe and dive deeper into this dangerously addictive yet delicious drink, Absinthe. 
What is Absinthe? Find out from the experts!
Originating in the 18th in Switzerland, the etymology of Absinthe can be traced back to the Latin word “absinthium” which in turn originated from the Greek word “apsínthion” meaning “wormwood”. Now, the precise origin of Absinthe is unclear to date. Some say that this drink was produced commercially back in 1797 by a man named Henry- Louis Pernod.
Art is inspired by philosophy and philosophy originates from events that represent a culture.
Having an alcohol content of around 68%, the history of Absinthe is intertwined with the literature, art, and culture of Europe. Famous writers, artists, and bohemians of the long-established European and American society were well known for consuming Absinthe. 
Earnest Hemingway, James Joyce, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe, and even the famous occultist Aleister Crowley was among the notable Absinthe drinkers of that time. 
So is Absinthe truly the devil’s poison as most say or it is just a catalyst that enhances the chemical activities in the brain? The mystery remains unclear today!
What is Absinthe made from?
La fée verte or Absinthe is a flavoured spirit, green in colour, and primarily made from the flowers and leaves of grand wormwood or Artemisia absinthium. Culinary herbs like hyssop, Florence fennel, green anise, angelica root, peppermint, aniseed, coriander, and liquorice give this drink its highly aromatic and enticing smell. 
The production of Absinthe became popular in the 1840s and was initially given to the French troop as a preventive measure against malaria. Slowly it made its way to the bars, and cafés and was appreciated by men of all classes. 
Absinthe’s History:
The green elixir, although known to inspire most, soon became the reason for violent crimes and a number of social disorders. 
Most people believed that Absinthe made a man lose his marbles. It had the power to evoke the untamed beast of a man, immolate a woman, disintegrate a family, and wipe out the future of an entire country!
Although most of these accusations were a mere fabrication of claims and defamation that were orchestrated by the wine industry, nevertheless the future of Absinthe was at stake, and it was banned in Switzerland in 1908.
Ironically, Switzerland is the very place Absinthe originated before enchanting the rest of the world.
The modern revival of Absinthe was in the year 2000, in France where they came up with La Fée Absinthe, which was the first distilled and bottled Absinthe since the ban in 1914. Slowly and steadily, it spread among people and now it's available in most places throughout the globe.
Production of Absinthe:
It is baffling to know that although the production of spirits like Whisky, Brandy, Gin, or Vodka has a set of regulations, most countries still don’t have the legal definition for the production of Absinthe. Hence it gives the producers the liberty to name it Absinthe or Absinth, which does not coincide with the generalised definition or the quality of this spirit. 
Some produce distilled absinthe which is similar to premium quality gin with a much more complex texture. Distilled Absinthe is kept in Alembic stills with an alcohol volume of 72%. This is later reduced and bottled clear as Blanche or la Bleue. At times it is mixed with artificial color to create Verte (Green).
How to drink Absinthe?
Absinthe is perhaps considered to be the only spirit that nudges the curiosity of people in every corner of the world, starting from veterans to the uninitiated. The most common question that arises in the mind is, “Can I have Absinthe straight?”
 You certainly can! Just be aware, for those who aren’t experienced in highly alcoholic drinks (such as Navy strength Gin or Rum), you may burn your taste buds! 
Absinthe has no added sugar and a high percentage of alcohol, which makes it a high-proof spirit. 
Hence it is always suggested to dilute it to make it more palatable. Take a glass and pour one ounce or half an ounce of Absinthe in it. Keep a slotted spoon over the glass and keep a sugar cube. Now slowly drop four to five ounces of water into the sugar cube to dissolve it. Now when the colour becomes cloudy white take a sip and enjoy! 
You can also have classic Absinthe cocktails as it is a more approachable way to have this drink. There is “The Monkey Gland”, “The Morning Glory Fizz”, and “The Chrysanthemum” which are famous Absinthe cocktails. Make sure you ask your bartender for the recipe the next time you decide to have one of these!  
Absinthe is the perfect nightcap. Having a high alcohol content, it is a bit too strong to be consumed as a pre-dinner beverage or even while having a meal. Hence enjoy it as an after-dinner beverage.
Characteristic of Absinthe
For those who haven’t had even a sip of Absinthe, they might wonder, “ what does Absinthe taste like? How does it smell? What does it look like?
Well, we can only get an idea of the same by reading or scrolling through the uncountable pages of Google. But the best way to know is by having a glass of absinthe.
However, the colour of real Absinthe is slightly greenish. This green colour comes from the chlorophyll of the herbs - wormwood, hyssop, and melissa from which it is extracted during the second maceration process. On adding water, it becomes cloudy also known as louche, due to the presence of nonsoluble components like fennel and star anise.
The taste of Absinthe is similar to black liquorice and has a sweet and woody fragrance.
Shop Absinthe from Spirits of France
If you also want to indulge yourself in the layers of this enticing drink, do visit Spirits of France. Our range constitutes an array of Absinthe that is sure to make you a creative soul!
Check out our premium collection at  https://spiritsoffrance.com.au/ for detailed information!
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