#a new angel enters the ring uh oh
sinner-sunflower · 5 months
Lucifer AU idea- Rabbit Hole
Y'all know that Rabbit Hole by Miku song with the animation trend? Imagine Luci doing that dance ugh
The song is Angel Dust's first official music video that he wrote after breaking free of Valentino's deal.
Ozzie had offered him a job to Club Ozzie's first Pride ring branch and Angel never felt happier.
He got into music as an outlet for his emotions, releasing 'Addict' and 'Poison' to the public via Al's radio show. (He managed to convince Alastor to do it cos it would make his ratings skyrocket past Vox and Alastor loves nothing more than kicking Vox when he's already down)
After the success of his first 2 songs, Angel decided that maybe the 3rd one should have a music video.
With the help of Ozzie as his producer, the project is a go.
Writing the song was the easy part. Angel wanted it to sound fun but also resonate with his past experiences (just read the translation of the lyrics! The one angel wrote is from this Cover!)
One day, he and Ozzie were brainstorming at the Sin's office at the Pride branch.
Ozzie: Angel, this is your first music video! It must be grand! Showstopping! Jaw-dropping! Never before seen! Revolutionary!
Angel: But how do I do that, big dick boss man? I don't think even being greatest porn star Hell has ever seen will wow people now. I've done lots of things and I can't think of anything else.
Ozzie: Hmmm
Just then, Lucifer enters the office.
Lucifer: Ozzie! Just who I'm looking for. I need you to do some inspection regarding your crystals. I just talked to Belphagor and she said that her team just confiscated a whole ton in some imp warehouse in Greed. I know I don't need to meddle but I wouldn't be worried if it was anywhere else. Who knows what Mammon is doing with those and- oh! Angel!
Angel: Heya, Short king.
Lucifer: What are you doing here?
Angel: I work here, baby~
Lucifer: Oh! I knew that haha. And what's this?
The King of Hell gestures to the board they were using for notes.
Angel: Don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna be releasin a new song and it's gonna have a music video!
Lucifer: Really?! That's great! It hasn't been that long too since Poison, wasn't it?
Angel: Yeah, but we wanna catch these motherfuckers off guard
Ozzie: That's why we're brainstorming how we can wow these desensitised demons. I still think we can do-
Lucifer: Why don't I do it?
Angel and Ozzie blink in surprise at the King's words.
Angel: Do what?
Lucifer: Act! In your music video! You know, instead of you, I'll be the uhhh 'rabbit girl'? Not that- you're uh- not enough I just mean that uhm- I think the last thing they'd expect is the King of Hell a sinner's music video.
Angel: Babe, you do know this would be a not safe for work type thing, right?
Lucifer: Yeah? I know? I know you better than you might think, you know.
Ozzie: You sure? Cos Charlie might see this.
Angel: Yeah. I know I don't wanna see my dad basically naked dancing to music.
Lucifer: You can go through it with her if it makes you feel any better. But I'm up for anything.
The two others in the room just stare at him with their mouths wide open.
Lucifer: But if you don't want I...
Angel: Hell no! We are doing this!
Ozzie: Hell won't know what hit em.
Charlie gave it a green light cos she's so excited about her dad finally socializing and breaking out of his cocoon to really realize what everything is about. Angel wants to record a reaction of the hotel for research purposes.
A few weeks later, the video is done and it's dropped out of nowhere.
Ozzie invited the Sins to the hotel for an exclusive live viewing (he and Angel ofc knew what time it would be released and set the whole thing up)
Everyone sat in the lobby in front of a giant projector (No, Alastor, you can't watch a video on the radio!), and as the clock struck at 9:13 AM on a random Tuesday, the video played.
Let's just say that it certainly did leave mouth agaped and caused mass panic.
Ozzie anonymously sent a copy to Heaven and somewhere in a bright glowing building, 6 archangels lay unconscious at the ground due to shock,
If you guys want me to write some dialogue for that first reaction in the hotel, drop the comment!
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
redeemed rosie - au
Rosie, hell born, was redeemed. This was.. a shock.
"How did this happen?" Charlie asked Emily, after they broke the news during a monthly meeting. The woman was a murderous cannibal. So, how the hell!?
"We have a theory." Sir Pentious said, looking from Charlie to the woman.
"The whole system of Heaven is getting a closer look. Those in the seventh and eigth rings are looking over all records, of those in both Heaven and Hell." Emily said, before looking at Rosie. "Well, congratulations, miss Rosie. You made the cut."
"I'm sssure thisss isss a sssshock, missss. I've made ssssure with thosssse on high that you'll have time to get your affairsssss in order." Oh, how kind of him.
"What if I don't want to go?" Rosie was.. oh goodness, this was a shock to her.
Emily shook her head. "This isn't negotiable, ma'am. We," whe gestured to herself and Sir Pentious, "didn't choose, and you can't get out of it."
Well shit. Rosie sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll.." she paused. "I'll get started."
It took about three weeks, sadly, for those affairs to be in order. Organizing her leave from Cannibal Town, passing off her shop, and saying goodbye to her people - it was hard, although Susan's apearance made it just a tad easier. Oh how she'd miss that "ornery old bitch", as Alastor called her.
Oh.. oh Alastor..
Rosie moved into the hotel, finding out that the news had already spread.
"Congrats on da redemption, toots." Angel raised a glass to her.
"We'll miss you!" Niffy had climbed up her dress, holding her around the neck tightly while crying.
"Oh Niffty, tears don't suit that sweet face, little one." Niffty was cradled by Rosie who wiped her tears.
Husk took Niffty back, looking at her with a sad expression. "See you, eventually."
The hotel shook - oh, you thought Alastor was downstairs and saying goodbye? Nope. In his room throwing a tantrum. That shook the building.
Yup, that was what Husk was afraid of.
"He sounds so sad." Niffty said, looking up the stairs.
He's grieving, Lucifer recognized the pain in the roars - having made many of the same noises when Lilith finally left with Charlie.
"Give him a bit." Lucifer said to them.
"He's out of time!" Charlie snapped. "He's got.. I don't know, 12 hours! He should be down here!"
"Charlotte, doll.." Rosie's voice was heavy. "I.. I think I should go to bed." She smiled. "It's.. been a day."
"Oh, okay Rosie." Charlie said to her. "Uh, call if you need anything."
"Thank you dearie." Rosie said, before leaving up the stairs. Why not use the elevator? She needed to think.
Her mind had been so scrambled, she admitted to herself as she walked about the third floor to her room. 333, funny, really. That holy number. Rosie supposed she'd get used to seeing that eventually.
She entered her room, and closed the door. It was quiet, eerily.
"I know that your in here, Al." She said, her voice shaky as she removed her coat, hanging it up. Seeing the red coat opposite to the hook she was placing her coat on.
Taking her eyes off the coat, to her room, she saw the chair now played host to a man with red deer features, his shadow moving about on the floor. Who seemed to be busying himself with something on the coffee table. Upon walking to it, there was a large bottle of whiskey - huh, unopened, such control with his favorite drink - and two glasses.
"Apologies for not going downstairs." Alastor said, pouring the glasses.
Anger filled Rosie first. "Why weren't you? Look, I know that you're hurting, but that doesn't mean that you get to not say anything!"
Alastor looked up at her, something in his eyes made her stop talking. "I am sorry, Rosie." Apparently he internally said fuck it, and downed some whiskey, before continuing. "I didn't want you to see me and decide this.. thing wasn't for you "
"It's non-negotiable." Rosie said, taking a glass and drinking it as well. "I don't have a choice."
As Alastor poured another glass for himself, snorted.
After another drink, she looked at him curiously and angrily as he put the bottle down. "What?"
"The fact that going to Heaven is a non-negotiable, what a bit of dribble." Alastor said, taking a long drink of his glass.
"I'd say more than a bit." Rosie said, taking another drink. When she finished, she looked at him. "Why are you here?"
Alastor sighed, his glass was empty again, and pulling the bottle up and drinking from it. Long and quick, before he said, "isn't it obvious, I enjoy small talk-"
"Shut your mouth." Rosie took the bottle, taking a swig herself - it's one of her last times with her friend, might as well indulge a bit. She set the bottle back down. "We heard your tantrum from downstairs. You know you'll miss me. Hell, I'll miss you, Alastor!"
He kissed her, having jumped from his seat and kissed her. Rosie pulled him against her, gripping his hair in one hand and shirt in the other.
"Don't leave." Rosie said, against his lips.
"That's," he kissed her again, "supposed to be my line."
"I meant tonight you adorable idiot." Rosie kissed him harder, tasting rye, tasting the flesh of whatever he'd last eaten, tasting him.
"I wasn't planning to." Alastor said, letting her pull him back over her. Wrapping his arms around her for their final embrace. That was all he wanted tonight.
The next morning, it was time for Rosie to go.
Rosie said her goodbyes to everyone - making them all promise to look after Alastor for her.
Their hugs were tearful - Angel didn't know the woman too well but he was upset she was leaving, Husk was losing a good friend, and Niffty was screaming from the top of her lungs. The only partial goodbye was Lucifer.
When they piled into the limo, Alastor accompanied them - being Rosie, himself, Charlie and Vaggie - glued to Rosie's side.
They rode and walked into the builing in silence, Charlie on one side of Rosie, Vaggie on Charlie's other side, and Alastor on Rosie's other side.
When they reached the light that was a pillar to take Rosie to the top, it was time.
"Oh Rosie!" Charlie hugged the woman, who she had learned so much from, holding her tight.
"Hey, hey." Rosie held Charlie, shushing her before they pulled back and she cupped her face. "Where's that strong princess? Hm?" She wiped the tears from Charlie's face.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Charlie said, still crying.
"Oh dearie." Rosie kissed her forehead. "You'll be fine, trust me. You got moxie, a strong heart, and good friends." A smile crossed her lips. "I look forward to hearing about all you've been doing down here." She let her go, and passed her treasured cane with a skull to her.
Charlie looked at it, and then to her.
"Something tells me that you'll make good use of this, darling. Keep your head and sporits up, Princess. You'll be great." Rosie smiled to Charlie as she backed up towards Vaggie, who put her arms on Charlie's shoulders.
"Take care of her, alright? She's gonna need you." Rosie said to her. "All of them will."
Vaggie nodded to her with a smile, squeezing Charlie's shoulders. "I- I promise, ma'am. Thank you, for everything." Vaggie's tears fell silently as she looked at the woman, surprised when she was hugged too. They hugged and when they separated, Vaggie smiled again.
Rosie moved back from them to look at Alastor, the man was stone faced save for his eyes. "Alastor.."
His voice came out as a soft croak, "Rosie.."
Who hugged who first, they'll never know. Both holding each other tight, both taking in each other's scents for the final time - him of metal and ink lined book pages, her of roses and vanilla. His tears falling into her hat, hers soaking into his jacket.
When they pulled back - Rosie pulled him into a deep kiss, which surprised him at first, before he relaxed into it. He'd later deny that one of his feet raised and the sight of something moving about under his jacket above the coat tail.
They separated again, their eyes locked together.
"I want you to promise me something, Alastor." Rosie said softly, reaching a hand up to touch his face.
"Anything." Alastor said just as softly, leaning into her hand.
"I want you to try this redemption thing." Rosie said to him. "I want you to promise me that you'll give this a try."
Alastor, after a moment, nodded to her, and quietly saying, "I'll try."
"That's my love." Rosie said softly, giving him another kiss, before fully breaking away, and backing away from him slowly as she said, "look after them, okay, Alastor? Let them in, let yourself heal."
Alastor nodded, his claws running across the sleeves of her dress but not catching as much as he desired to. "I.. I love you." He said, finding his voice, when it was just their hands connected now.
"I love you too, my dear deer." Rosie said, letting go of his hands, letting them run along each other as she stepped into the pillar of light.
And soon, she was gone.
Vaggie looked from Charlie, who was wiping her eyes, to Alastor, who was staring at the pillar. Staying quiet, giving the two a moment.
"Guys, we should go home now." Charlie said, after a few minutes of silence.
"I.." Alastor's words died in his throat, before wordlessly following the two.
Charlie was hurting, gripping the cane as she tried to keep it together. Vaggie was sad and trying to find words of comfort. The two were looking from each other to Alastor.
Alastor was stting there, quietly staring at his hands.
"Alastor.." Charlie put a hand on his, only to feel a tear hit it. When Charlie hugged Alastor, the man started to sob.
Vaggie said nothing, just watched, with a sympathetic frown on her face.
Rosie had been given a warm welcome and an apartment in Heaven. A cozy little place. Bedroom, bathroom, living room, small kitchenette. Her favorite feature was a small radio on the counter. When she looked at it, she noticed the dials - 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930.
She turned it on, and a familiar voice came through the radio.
"Welcome, residents of Big Easy, New Orleans. It's your radio host Alastor, on for another evening shift. Sit back, relax, and let this classic track from Buddy Bolden fill your souls."
An old radio show, but oh it warmed Rosie's soul to hear Alastor.
After a few days, Rosie was walking through a park, seeing a dark skinned woman with a short cut curled afro sitting on a bench. "Pardon me, miss. Is the other half taken, or.."
The woman shook her head, smiling, moving her bag. "Non, miss. You do be feelin' free to sit here, if you'd like."
"Why thank you." Rosie smiled as she sat down, taking in the view of famies in the park. "It's.. sad, really. Seein' kids, up here." And she came from hell, so that was.. saying something.
"That it is." The woman's voice made Rosie turn to her, looking at the families around her, love and loss mixing in her eyes and a frown on her face.
"Hey, turn that frown upside down." Rosie said with a smile, the woman turning to look at her. "A friend of mine, he always used to say, that you're-"
"Never truly dressed without a smile."
The two were surprised, but Rosie told herself it had to be a coincidence. And then, she forgot her manners. Tsk, Alastor had rubbed off on her, it seemed.
"Pardon my manners, miss. My name is Rosie Hunt." She offered a hand to the woman.
The woman smiled at her, taking her hand, "Lenora Dupuis."
D.. Dupuis!?
"Uh, pardon my askin', but um.. are you related to a charmin' fella by the name ah Alastor Dupuis."
Lenora's eyes widened as well. "If he be about six foot, unruly light curls in his hair that he keeps straight'ned, and speaks in a white man's accent for dah radio, than yes. That would be mah son."
Tall, hair that's naturally curly but he straightens it, and a voice made for-
"I.. I know him." Rosie couldn't stop herself, finding that she wasn't alone and that Alastor had family here was - oh she wasn't about to stop talking to this woman.
"You knew mah son?" Lenora wanted to know more. "Where is he? Is he alright?"
Rosie could just hear the record scratching. "Yes, I- I was very close with him. He's alright. Um, he's.. he's in hell." At the heartbroken look on this woman's face, Rosie quickly said, "but he's in a rehabilitation center for sinners that want to come up here!"
That seemed to calm this woman. "So.." she paused. "How did you know my son, miss?"
"Oh, it's.. complicated. I mean! Oh, where to start.." Rosie took a breath. "We were friends for the longest time. And then.. I fell in love with him, somewhere along the line. And.." she sighed. "As I was leaving.."
"Yes, cher?" Lenora asked, with baited breath.
"We kissed. And.. he told me that he loves me." Rosie said. "He loves me, can you believe it?" She asked the woman who would know Alastor best.
Lenora smiled, a wide grin - no where near where Alastor's stretched, but just the same - and it made Rosie smile too. "I do believe it, cher." She laughed. "I do, indeed." She laughed until she cried. "My boy, mon petit faon, he found love."
Rosie waited until Lenora stopped crying, watching as she pulled a tissue from her pocket and dab her eyes.
Maybe this could be a great friendship, between the two - she'd always wanted to know more about Alastor. They could trade stories and such, get to know each other.
Alastor, after a few days, walked out of his room. He was hungry, tired, had a headache. But he still wanted to bring something up to Charlie.
Alastor began, grabbing a serving of macaroni and some meat that looked edible from the fridge, trying to figure out how to work the microwave.
"Hey Al." It was Charlotte, who was smiling at him - before seeing what he was doing. "Oh, here let me help you." She put the dish in a position where it would heat up the most amount of food, started it and the she turned to the man.
"Are you.. um, how are you?"
Alastor sighed. "Honestly? Not in top shape."
Charlie nodded. "I understand." She smiled. "But hey," she put a hand on his, "let's take it one day at a time."
Alastor nodded. "Oh, and um.. I was wondering.." he took a deep breath. Well, now or never.
"I was wondering.. how one actually gets this redemption process started."
Charlie's mouth dropped open as the microwave dinged.
"Um.. we'll get started after you eat, okay?" Charlie stepped aside, letting the man get to his food, seeing Vaggie walking by, and saying to Alastor. "Uh, I'll let you eat in peace."
As Alastor tucked in, Charlie pulled Vaggie aside. "Hey, Vaggie.."
"What? Did he say something?" Vaggie summoned her spear.
"No.. he.." she sighed. "He wants to be redeemed."
Vaggie dropped her spear. "Are you sure?"
Charlie nodded to her. "Yes. I think Rosie being redeemed, it changed him. He wants to make that change."
"You're serious?"
Charlie nodded. "Yes."
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rubbathetum · 3 months
hey so uhhhh
I made a weirdo freaky script and I don't know if anyone will ever voice it. But I thought I minus well post it here for all my freaks to enjoy. POV: you are demon sex club host and an angel boi comes in to eat too much, fuck and puke. Stuffing and emeto abound, enjoy!
"..." implies demon is talking, its a one sided script.
[reader standing outside club, muffled music]
(whispering, nervous) Ok, this has to be the right place... right?
Oh lord, what am I even doing here... I should just-
No! No, not now, we went all the way to Hell for this.
We- I, can’t waste this chance.
[reader enters club, music gets louder and there’s people chatting, door swinging open and closing]
(sharp inhale) Here goes nothing...
[listener walks to the front desk, bell ring sfx]
Excuse me, m’am!
I-I’m here for an appointment, its under-
Ah... It probably wasn’t, too hard to guess it was me, was it?
Was it my name?
Or wait, it’s the wings, isn’t it? Yeah, probably aren’t a lot of angels down here, huh?
W-Well y’know, what isn’t an angel doing down here, right?
I just... heard of your establishment from a few friends and the services here caught my interest.
Well of course I can’t find anything like this in heaven, I can’t imagine anything like it would be permitted up there. It’s far too-
Well, sinful is surely one word most would use.
Now then... uhm, will I have to wait for my match to get here? Is there somewhere I should go?
Oh, I uh- you’re my match?
No no no, that’s not a problem at all!
Quite the opposite in fact! You’re a v-very gorgeous woman, I-I’m honored to spend this night with you.
Y-Yes, I’m ready. Please,lead the way.
[reader is lead to to a room, insert footsteps if you want or just skip to being there]
Oh my, what a beautiful room! You have quite a knack for ambiance, miss. These candles really tie it all together!
Do you mind if I take a seat?
Thank you.
[reader takes a seat on the bed]
Ooo, comfy! You know it is quite difficult to get a good bed in Heaven. Not to say it’s impossible mind you, but we tend to only ‘take what we need’ so to speak.
A place to sleep is a need, but a bed so nice as this is a luxury!
I’ve never... oh! Forgive me, miss! I have a tendency to ramble, I do hope I don’t bore you tonight.
It’d be inconsiderate of me.
Oh you are too kind, miss. But I know I shouldn’t be spending my time here lecturing you about bedding.
We have other activities to get to tonight, do we not?
But before we get into things...
I saw on the poster my friend gave me, you succubi have quite powerful magic, yes?
Especially when it comes to... fulfilling fantasies.
Well its uh- it’s just a bit hard for me to explain exactly. I’ve never had the opportunity to be so... open.
I-I suppose this probably wouldn’t be the most bizarre thing you’ve ever heard, no.
I’m sure you’ve had plenty of odd requests, so I’m not sure why exactly I’m so nervous.
(chuckles) Well, if you’re really sure you’d have no qualms hearing me out.
So, you probably already know that I don’t usually get the chance to indulge myself in much of anything at all.
It’s not befitting of an angel to give into worldly pleasures.
But despite that there’s this very... hedonistic fantasy that I keep coming back to, it’s always lingering in the back of my head.
Sometimes... sometimes I wish I could be treated like gods of old. Which I guess isn’t very befitting of someone like myself either.
I am nowhere near worthy of such decadence, but I can’t help but yearn for it.
I-I want to feast and drink far beyond my heart's content, until I can't hold down another bite! And to make love with whoever I wish, for as long as I wish!
I just think it’d be nice to let go, to give into a mindless pursuit of pleasure, just for a day.
Do you think that we could do something like that? I-It’s fine if no, I’d be happy just-
[sfx: magic sfx insert a poof or something. Reader has been magic-d into a new (skimpier) outfit. That, and now there’s a bunch of food n shit.]
Oh, that was a lot faster than I was expecting. I didn’t know dark magic was so... instantaneous!
I think the clothes you picked out for me are lovely, miss! A-A bit more see-through than I was expecting, but still lovely!
And all this food- Are we sharing this meal?
Well I don’t know if I could finish all of it, I think this is more food than I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Oh really now? I suppose if such a gorgeous woman would be willing to help me in my pursuits, it’d be foolish of me to refuse her~
Now where to begin...
You bring up a fine point, miss, cake does sound quite good.
I think I’ll have a few pieces before the main course, in fact.
Oooo~ And hand fed to me by a beautiful acolyte no less, how kind of you.
[fast forward to later in the night, reader has eaten a lot, has also drank a shit ton of wine. Everything is just now starting to hit him, and it’s just as arousing as it is nauseating.]
(drunk, kinda slurred speech, can lessen over time) Miiiiss- (hic) Miss, can we take a break really quick?
Mmmm no, I‘m having lots of fun, miss, food’s really good. Its just like... ‘m kinda- (reader audibly heaves, but manages to swallow it back) I’m really full, miss...
Nooo, I’m fine I promise, I can keep goin! Innn fact, I feel better than fine, f-feel really good actually.
Mmm, I feel all hot now. It's kinda strange, cause I feel like I‘m gonna be sick... but I’m also really fuckin horny.
Miss, will you help me out a lil, please~?
[sfx: kissing noises, clothes ruffling. Listener n Reader makeout sesh while listener rubs at reader’s cock through his clothes. This goes on for a few secs before they pull back]
(panting, breathless and whiny) Nghh, please don’t tease me miss... c’mon, I’ve been really good.
‘M so- (burp) I feel so fuckin sick, please help me. Please make it better, please~
[listener begins to trail kisses alll the way down from his neck to his cock, he’s moaning and squirming around the entire time.]
Misss, you’re going too slow! I want- I need your lips on my cock.
I can’t keep going on like this, go lower, go faster-
[sfx: blowjob sounds]
(whimpering, moaning, y’know what it is) Oh yes~
Thank you, m-my faithful follower, you’re s-so good to me.
God- shit your mouth feels amazing.
[blowjob continues, keep going for however long you want. Feel free to adlib a little or include some more queasy sounds if you’re based ;) ]
I-I can’t- if you keep wrapping your tongue around me like that, I won’t last much longer.
Keep going keep going, I want- mmmm- want you take it all. I want all of me inside you when I cum.
Yes, just like that.
I can feel your throat clenching around me, I...
I’m close, almost there, almost-
[listener suddenly pulls herself off reader’s cock]
Huh wha- why’d you stop?
Cum inside? But I was already gonna- oh, I see what you mean. I’d love to~
Hm, what now?
Another piece of cake? I dunno about that, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to keep everything else down...
Well, maybe I could... if you’ll help distract me while I eat.
Of course, Miss, I’ll eat every bite. Just please let me inside you, I need to cum so bad, please.
[listener stradles reader’s lap, starts rubbing against his cock]
(whimpers) you won’t even put it in till I start eating, you’re so (hic) mean...
Nooo, I’ll do it I’ll do it, just- (deep breath in and out) be patient with me, ok?
[reader takes the first bite, swallow sfx if you’d like, its a challenge to get it down. Luckily though, listener takes the plunge on his cock]
Oh god, your pussy’s so warm...
Mm, you’re really wet too... I didn’t know you’d like seeing me in this state so much~
I’m getting back to eating, don’t worry.
Just, if you don’t stop I won’t stop, ok?
Ok, then lets get back to it.
[back to fuckin and eating, this goes on for a while. Reader takes bite after bite, slowly going farther and farther beyond capacity, until finally his stomach’s finally had enough. He launches upwards and puts a hand over his mouth as he heaves, the last bite he tried to swallow being sent right back up between the two of them. Splatter sfx.]
S-shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to! I- (swallow) I don’t think I’m done yet...
No, I... I don’t wanna stop. But if you do, I-
Mmm but I’ll make a m-mess...
Then... then put your hands to good use n’ help me
Can’t eat anymore, can’t keep it down either…
Help me get it up, miss.
[reader puts listener’s hands on his stomach]
I’m way too full… you can feel it, right?
Mmph, be careful miss, it hurts…
Press down on it, but be gentle.
Trust me, it’s not gonna take a lot of pressure to get me to puke right now.
Now then, will you keep riding me, please~
[back into action, fuckin and moaning and whining, now with added heaving! Once again, goes on for a bit, with reader slowly getting further and further to the edge. But now also on the verge of climax.]
Ugh- I’m gonna be sick, I-I’m gonna cum.
I- (gag) sorry-
[orgasm and also puking kind of a lot. More vom sfx, or just like liquid sfx]
(exhausted, shaky) I’m… I’m done now.
Feels lots better.
Thank you for your services, miss.
Yeah, a bath sounds really nice.
[flash forward to bath scene, reader and listener enjoying a good bath together, running water sfx]
Hey uh, thanks for everything tonight, I had a lot of fun.
Do you think maybe… we could do this again sometime?
Only if you’d like to, of course.
Oh, well I’m glad I could show you a good time, miss.
Maybe I could be a regular customer, given I get enough free time to come and visit.
(chuckle) well consider me excited, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fun ideas for next time.
Oh yeah, I can get your back, just a moment.
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cielcius · 2 years
haha imagine shouto gets hit w a quirk and has a devil and angel appear.
pro-hero!shouto x doctor!g/n!reader
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The sirens that ring through the streets of Musutafu echo in Shouto’s ears, bringing a headache with a sharp whip that takes a crack at his temple. Finally, after a long and unnecessarily drawn-out battle, the villain was down with their head ducking into the police car, hands cuffed behind their back as they struggle to get out one last curse to Pro-Hero Shouto.
“Curse him back.”
Shouto looks up, perplexed at the new voice but there’s nobody around him, or at least not close enough to have been so loud, and Shouto swore he was starting to see the words form in front of him. “Who said…” He trails off, moreover being physically interrupted as the paramedics usher him off the battle scene and to an ambulance where they can tend to his injuries. As they start to bandage the cut on his arm, the voice makes its appearance again.
“Stick your finger up their nose. It’ll be funny.”
“Don’t stick your finger up their nose, even if it is funny.”
This time, Shouto is sure to survey his surroundings, eyes narrow as they look for the source of the voices. Though halfway through his search, his headache comes back with a sharp pang, forcing him to close his eyes in order to bear the pain. “Mr. Shouto, are you alright?” Shouto waves it off as a headache, a concussion at worst, which isn’t anything new to him.
Or maybe the part about hearing voices was worst, he couldn’t tell at the moment as the mentioned voices had started to invade with ideas, and ideas opposing those ideas. As far as he could tell, there were two voices that sounded frighteningly similar to his own, now that he’s heard a good amount of the conversations that went something like:
“That villain was such a bastard. He oughta follow them to the pound and give them a piece of his mind. Just imagine, the look on their face.”
“He’s not gonna follow them, much less beat them up. Sure, they might have been a little rude and violent but everybody has bad days.”
“Well that guy had a bad week if you ask me. Maybe a few of them for him to have fought like such a whiny little bi—” 
“Can you stop?” Shouto’s outburst comes sudden and frustrated, having been annoyed to the limit where the need to speak seemed necessary.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Shouto.” At the meek voice, Shouto comes to the realization that nobody besides himself can hear the voices.
“Oh, look what you made him do. Now the paramedic is scared. Go on, apologize.”
“Wait! Sorry, I was talking to someone else.” At Shouto’s claim, the paramedic takes a look over of the scene around them—and there’s no one near conversing range. The paramedic looks back at Shouto with their eyebrows knitted, cautious hands still moving in practiced motions to fix him up. “Mr. Shouto, are you sure you’re okay? You can tell me if there’s something bothering you, or I can help with your transport to the hospital.”
Shouto sighs. “Yeah, okay.”
“Mister Todoroki Shouto? Can I come in?” Shouto nods, pausing before he voices a confirmation for the doctor to enter the makeshift room of curtains. Beyond the white curtains, he can hear the shouts of nurses and the squeaking wheels of stretchers being rolled to and fro. When the curtain is drawn to let the doctor enter, the sounds increase before trailing off into a muffle again.
“Oh, they’re a pretty one. Bet they’re a good fu—”
“How about you leave it at pretty.”
Shouto can’t stop the slight turn down of his lips at the voices, half-vexed at the atrocity and yet, he finds himself agreeing—his doctor is really pretty. “Hi, I’m Doctor Y/n L/n. I heard something happened with you out on the field?” Shouto nods, the only question in his mind being how to explain what happened.
“Okay, can you tell me what happened?” Shouto purses his lips together before nodding. “Uh, I keep hearing myself.” The voices start again, bantering between each other over Shouto’s recent statement.
“He just messed up our chance with Mx. Hot Doctor.”
“They have a name! It’s Doctor L/n, and that’s not even what we’re here for!”
“Ah, shut up. You obviously wouldn’t get it. I mean, look at them.”
Shouto doesn’t know why, but he finds himself eyeing you from head to toe, looking back up to meet wide eyes. “Mister Todoroki, do you think there’s another way to explain it?” You’re obviously uncomfortable, and Shouto doesn’t blame you. He doesn’t even know why he did that.
“They’re arguing.”
“Yes, the voices. They sound like me, but there’s two of them, and they keep arguing about you—” Shouto stops when the voices interrupt him.
“Dipshit, why the hell would you tell Mx. Hot Doctor that?”
“It’s Doctor L/n!”
Shouto gauges for your reaction, suddenly feeling the urge to stand up and leave when he finds you speechless in the presence of his words, before you seem to come to your senses. “Okay,” you write something on a clipboard. “Are they sentient? Like saying things that aren’t your original thoughts?” Shouto begins to nod before stopping abruptly. Did it count if he agreed with what they were saying though?
“Well, they say things that I don’t think of, but I agree with them.” You scribble some more on the clipboard. “Okay, can you tell what they’ve been saying? Are they telling you to do something? Any harmful, or perhaps violent thoughts?” Shouto tilts his head in question. Though they hadn’t prompted him to do so much as set fires to buildings, at least one of the two voices didn’t seem to voice completely harmless thoughts.
“They’re not telling me to do anything right now, but one of them seems to want to do something, and the other voice says not to do it.” You nod and scribble more down, and Shouto wonders if you have the so-called “doctor’s chicken scratch” writing.
“Maybe this was a bad idea. We’re clearly causing trouble for Doctor L/n.”
“If we wanted to cause trouble, we can still burn the building down.”
“They’re telling me to burn the building down.” Shouto feels as if it was something to tell you, but the same feeling of wanting to stand up and leave returns when you stare at him blankly. “I’m gonna transfer you to ICU.”
Shouto sighs. “Yeah, okay.”
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kippykasey · 1 year
See No Evil
Summary: Reader decided to watch a horror movie while home alone... but what are those sounds?
Word Count: 1118
Characters: Reader and Sam Wilson
More Spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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The lights were off except for a distant hall light and the illumination of the flickering ending scenes on the TV. The fluffy, warm safety net of a blanket pulled up to my lips as to easily cover my face if the horror movie playing on the screen became too much or a jump scare accrued. The empty apartment that was shared between a few Shield members and myself, all of which were away on a mission at the moment, became the perfect backdrop for an overactive imagination to run wild with thoughts fueled by the movie on screen. In fact no one was really around which is why I foolishly decided to watch a horror movie which now made me nervous of what maybe hiding in the dark. As the credits were rolling, and the darkness of the apartment became all the more eerie for a someone being home alone.
Shadows were now playing tricks on my mind. Was there something now lurking in the darkness just beyond that open bathroom door? Were those eyes or just something reflecting the white flashes of names on the screen? Purging the room into darkness besides that one lone hall light. You are being ridiculous nothing is in the darkness. The soft padding of my socked feet was the only sound as I shuffled towards my bedroom pausing just long enough at the door to make sure it was locked before promptly shutting off the last light and scurrying down the hall to my room and quickly flicking on the light too nervous to say in darkness at the moment.
My body tensed and leapt into the air at the abrupt chime of the text tone coming from my phone. Giving my self a moment to calm down from the scare I move to the charging phone, poking at the dark screen to view the notification.
New message from Bird Brain Sam
Removing the charging cable from the phone, although it could reach, I lowered onto the bed and getting comfortably sitting against the headboard. Quickly entering the pin to unlock the phone to see the text received before replying myself.
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Minutes after the text was sent just barely starting to scan through a random social media app to distract my brain from scaring me with thoughts of the movie the phone in my hand began to ring. Answering the call with the phone now held up to my ear I couldn’t stop the small grin from forming on my face.
“Hey Sam-I-Am.”
“Well hello to you too angel. What are you doing up so late?” Sam’s chuckle was low, a clear indication of how tired he actually was.
“I may or may not have stayed up to watch a horror movie and now I can’t sleep.” I explained slowly a bit embarrassed to admit it to him.
His laugh met my ear and I let out a small whine. “Don’t laugh at me.” I pouted despite him not being able to actually see me.
“I’m sorry its just you’re home alone for the weekend, someone who is easily spooked, and decided to watch a scary movie?” Sam’s laugh was still evident in his voice as he explained himself needlessly to me.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up.” My sarcastic response lost its strength by a thumping noise coming from one of my roommates’ room.
Sam was snickering, trying to hide a laugh at my self inflicted misfortune. “Uh.. Sammy, how soon do you land?” My voice trembled as my eyes stared at the back of my closed door.
“Oh too scared to be alone now are you?” Sam teased. “We’re about to land.”
“Okay I’m scared but that’s not why I asked...there’s also some weird noises coming from Tara’s room.” My voice came out softer now as I listened closely to the shuffling like noise that started shortly after the initial thump.
I heard a rustle from Sam’s side of the call before his voice came through, this time much more alert
than it was before. “What do you mean you’re hearing noises?”
“I mean that there was a freaking thump and now there is like shuffling and I’m pretty sure I just heard something break.” I was now whispering as I moved silently off my bed to be farther away from the door.
“Angel are you positive that this isn’t just your brain playing tricks on you?” He had his serious business voice on now and it made me worry.
“I promise this is not to do with the the horror movie. Sam I really think someone is in the house.” I stressed in a hushed voice.
There was near silence on the other end before a small click in which I thought he had hung up. The moment of fear at the thought of him hanging up caused my heart to race. “I’m on my way, angel.” Sam’s voice sounded slightly different and then there was the rasping sound of wind.
Beyond the bedroom door there was another clatter of things falling to the floor. “How long Sam?”
“Not long. I see your apartment building already. I’ll fix the balcony door.” The last comment was a bit confusing but I didn’t have long to ponder on it before I heard a scrapping or scratching noise.
A few moments passed before I heard foot steps in the hall. Then there was Sam’s laugh cutting through not only the phone before the call ended but down the hallway. “Angel the course is clear.” His voice called with a teasing tone which confused me.
Getting up I exited my room to see the hall light on illuminating Sam in his suit at the other end. His arms folded to his chest cradling a white ball of fur. “The culprit has been caught with their paws up.” Sam jokes glancing at me then back down at the cat in his arms to give it a good scratch behind the ears.
“A cat?” I pout looking at the reason for all the fear and noises I had just dealt with. Moving closer to Sam I got a better look at the white cat that didn’t belong to either of my roommates but wasn’t unfamiliar either. “Why is Alpine here?” I sigh as Sam set Bucky’s cat back on the ground.
“Beats me, but a cat causing trouble shouldn’t sound like a human breaking in. No more scary movies before bed Angel.” Sam resisted the urge to smile as he scolded me. I rolled my eyes in response as he kissed my temple.
“Now since I’m here, how about some late night hot chocolate?” Sam raised an eyebrow with a grin.
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drades-lair · 8 months
A New Guest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Charlie/Vaggie
Twilight settled on a prairie landscape, coating a gothic Victorian style mansion in a gentle glow as a figure sits in a vast library in a gothic high back chair. A set of slender fingers with tear drop shaped nails clad in royal purple paint held a wine glass that reflected the glow of a fireplace mere feet away. The sound of a phone ring tone started going off in the quiet followed by the velvety tone answering said phone call.
“Hello?” The voice asked, the crimson haired female connected to it swirling the contents of her wine glass. A voice on the other end responded in turn immediately altering the atmosphere of the room, tension thick in the air.
“Fine,” The crimson haired woman pensively retorted, hanging up the phone immediately afterwards.
Sighing heavily the female stood from her high back chair with a heavy scowl forming on her face as she stared into the flames of the fireplace.
“Looks like I’m going to hell,” The crimson haired woman smirked, sipping from the wine glass.
“What the fuck? You cheated!” Angel screeched from the foyer sitting area.
“I don’t cheat, you just suck at poker,” Husker retorted with a huffed laugh, swigging from a bottle of whisky as both his hand of cards along with angels hit the coffee tables surface.
“Ugh! Fuck off!” Angel groused, leaning backwards against the couch with all four arms crossed over his chest.
“Glad to see you two getting along,” Charlie beamed walking down the vast staircase.
“Strong words,” Angel continued to grouse, cheeks puffing out in a pout.
“Humph, untwist your panties spider boy, not like you lost anything important,” Husker huffed, trudging back to the bar.
“Two weeks of pay ain’t nothin’,” Angel shot back.
“Alright, behave you two,” Charlie chuckled coming around the massive banister just as a loud knock echoed from the hotel’s main doors.
Charlie practically jumped for joy, eyes shimmering with enthusiasm as she bounded towards the large double front doors. Pulling open the doors with a massive smile Charlie inhaled deeply in preparation to greet whatever soul had decided to come potentially stay only to stop short. Charlie’s smile faded into a look of surprised confusion towards the figure standing on the other side, a six-foot-tall crimson haired woman with stunning emerald, green eyes.
“Um…hello…?” Charlie stammered with a small blush crossing her cheeks.
“My, my, if it isn’t little Charlie…I haven’t seen you since you were a baby,” The woman cooed with a small smile upon her features.
“What? You…who are you?” Charlie exclaimed in shock, unsure what to make of the woman knowing who she was yet something in the back of her mind was telling her that she knew the woman.
“Oh, where are my manners, Drade is my name,” The woman answered, gesturing slightly with a hand.
“Wait! You’re her…the one my father spoke about…the crimson haired demoness…” Charlie stammered out feeling a small amount of fear spike in her gut.
“Hey! Charlie cakes, who’s at the door!?” Angel’s voice broke the tense atmosphere drawing Charlie’s attention over her shoulder.
“So this is your hotel, may I enter and have a look?” Drade inquired, gesturing to the currently blocked door.
“Uh…of course, of course, sorry…come in,” Charlie shook her head to clear the fog of confused surprise, stepping aside to invite Drade into the hotel.
Drade casually strode into the foyer hallway, flowing fabric around her black denim shorts flaring with each step while her heeled boots clicked across the newly done floors. Charlie closed the double doors as uncertainty rolled in her stomach, trotting after Drade who was now looking over the framed pictures along the walls. Drade’s aura was different from any sinner or hellion Charlie had encountered, she oozed a constant powerful energy that would make a lesser demon cower instantly in fear.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Lucifer or Lilith, how have your parents been?” Drade inquired, caressing a hand over a portrait of Lucifer with Lilith at his side.
“Their fine, I haven’t seen mom in seven years but Dad’s doing great,” Charlie answered looking wistfully at the portrait.
“Hey! Charlie! Didn’t you hear…who the fuck is this?” Angel barked coming up behind Charlie and Drade causing them to both turn to regard the sinner as he gestured at Drade with a confused eyebrow raise.
“Hmm? I might ask you the same thing,” Drade retorted, unperturbed by Angel’s abrupt manner of addressing her yet Charlie turned pale.
“Angel! Don’t talk to her like that! I’m so sorry Drade, ma’am!” Charlie frantically looked between Angel and Drade before bowing towards Drade with sweat dripping down her temples.
“Oh, no need to apologize my dear…relax,” Drade assured Charlie gently caressing a hand along Charlie’s cheek to her chin promptly drawing the young hellion upwards.
“Drade? Is that you?” The distinct static tone drew the entire room towards the staircase, Alastor stood at the top holding his signature mic.
“Hmm? Alastor? Is that you? Darling, how long has it been?” Drade chimed upon seeing the radio demon, casually strolling down the staircase.
“Goodness, too long my dear,” Alastor retorted, tapping down the stairs till they met at the bottom.
“What is happening? She knows you and Alastor?” Angel demanded, gesturing boldly from Charlie to Alastor.
“Angel! That’s the crimson haired demoness! She’s one of the most powerful demons in all of hell, show some respect!” Charlie pleaded.
“The who?” Angel questioned arching a brow.
“Some call me that, although I mostly go by my real name, Drade,” Drade chimed in with a chuckle over her shoulder.
“Forgive Angel dust, he’s been a little…sheltered while in hell,” Charlie explained putting on a phony massive grin.
“I already told you it’s fine, I’m not here to cause troubles,” Drade chortled again.
“Then why are you here my dear?” Alastor interjected with a curious eyebrow raise.
“I…have my reasons but I’m not here to cause problems regardless, I figured I’d drop in to see this new venture as well as see Charlie seeing as I’ve not done so since she was a baby,” Drade explained shooting a warm smile towards the young hellion who blushed once again.
“Very well! Charlie, show Drade around and we’ll catch up later my dear…ta, ta,” Alastor declared, pulling Drade’s right hand to his lips for a kiss before turning to leave, humming all the way as he twirled his mic.
“Do you want to see the hotel?” Charlie shyly inquired, hands held behind her back as she shuffled her feet.
“I would love too,” Drade agreed.
“Great! So this is Angel Dust! One of our guests, as well as Husker who is our resident bar tender,” Charlie chimed, demeanour instantly shifting to excitement as she bounded towards Drade to take her arm, guiding her towards the bar.
“Pleasure to see you again Husker and to meet you Angel,” Drade stated earning a huff from Husker.
“Seriously!? You know her too? Am I the only one out of the loop?” Angel exclaimed irritably.
“I don’t know everyone, I only know Husker because he’s with Alastor,” Drade explained with a giggle.
“Come on! I’ve got so much to show you,” Charlie continued to chime excitedly as she guided Drade towards the staircase. The next few hours were spent with Charlie excitedly showing Drade around the entire hotel eventually coming to the library where they found Vaggie.
“Charlie? Who’s this? A new guest?” Vaggie inquired looking up from the book she was reading.
“Not really, she’s…um…an old friend of the family,” Charlie explained.
“My name’s Drade,” Drade introduced causing Vaggie to go immediately ridged.
“Wait, you mean Drade? The crimson haired demoness, Drade?” Vaggie inquired.
“That’s correct, although Drade is fine,” Drade confirmed.
“I’ve been showing her around, this is Vaggie…my girlfriend,” Charlie introduced, gesturing towards Vaggie.
“Pleasure, You only have one other guest I haven’t met yet…is that all?” Drade nodded in acknowledgement before turning to Charlie with her quarry.
“So far…we’re trying to get more…” Charlie explained, a frown starting to situate itself on her features.
“Hmm, I’m certain you’ll manage. Anyways I guess I should be going,” Drade responded glancing at her phone.
“Going? Where?” Charlie inquired curiously.
“Well I’m going to be in hell for a while to tend to the business I’ve come to do thus I need to find a place to stay,” Drade explained.
“Oh…well, why don’t you stay here? We’ve got lots of rooms at the moment,” Charlie offered.
“Are you certain? I’d hate to take up space,” Drade curiously asked, arching a brow at Charlie.
“Yes, I’d be honored if you stayed at the hotel and I’m sure my father would love to see you again,” Charlie assured the red head.
“Very well, I’ll accept that offer,” Drade accepted.
“Perfect, go choose a room for yourself,” Charlie encouraged.
“With pleasure, I think I’m going to like it here,” Drade smirked sending a chill through the room before she strode out of the library.
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navstuffs · 3 years
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x female famous!reader
Summary: Robert will always protect (Y/N) when she needs him the most.
Warning: comfort/protective Rob, mention of stalking, anxiety attacks
Authors note: I finally watched The Batman and it was so gooood. Do yourself a favor and go watch it. i have been in love with this man since i was 14 or 15 years old and im so proud of the actor he has become <3
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Robert and (Y/N) were invited to the Paris Fashion Week. After the success the Power Couple of Hollywood had that year with talks about (Y/N) being indicated for her first Oscar, their manager thought it was a good idea for them to appear at the Fashion Weeks around the world. Robert went alone to the London one (Y/N was busy during an event from her latest movie) but for Paris, they both need to appear. It was exciting for (Y/N) since it was a full week of changing different clothes, different hairstyles. She wouldn't lie but dressing with brands like Valentino, Balenciaga, Gucci, Versace, and many others was pretty cool.
It was their third night, tonight being the Balenciaga's fashion show. (Y/N) was getting her hair and make-up done, while Rob, already dressed, was on his phone. He took a few pictures while she was getting ready for his personal collection of funny pictures of his girlfriend, so he could use them against her. He had a whole album about it as she had his. When they were finally done and (Y/N) was fully dressed, Robert's mouth opened, amazed.
"You look so pretty, darling. All eyes will be on you. As they should." Robert blurted before she could even ask. She winked in his direction, smiling.
Out of the hotel, the screams of the paparazzi were loud as they ran to enter the car. (Y/N) was surprised to see the amount of paparazzi. They always had a few following them, even when she was single but never that much. It looked like about fifty people outside taking pictures, getting as close to the car's tinted windows as they could. (Y/N) asked the manager what was the meaning of all of this.
"Some source told them you are pregnant and Robert is about to propose/proposed. But don't worry-" he rapidly completed, due to Robert and (Y/N)'s shocked expressions "-we are working to stop those rumors. So you will be seeing more of those now before the rumors die it down or they prey on someone else."
(Y/N) felt her heart bumping as the car moved on the busy streets of Paris. Pregnant? Her? Robert and she didn't even have the marriage talk yet. A baby? Not even on their most expanded horizons. They already had to live between New York- Los Angeles- London. It would be chaotic for a baby to be brought into this world. She felt a tight squeeze on her hand and looked to find Rob's worried expression.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded, smiling to calm Robert's nerves. She didn't want him worried while they were doing so well. She was going to be fine. She just needed to breathe and not let her mind be polluted with those thoughts.
There was huge traffic ahead of the place. Their assistant warned their coming was expected so the paparazzi went crazy and flooded the main entrance so they had to go into the less crowded staff entrance. Robert looked around apprehensive but still appeared calm for (Y/N). He didn't want to worry her much especially because he didn't know how the paparazzi got him shopping for rings with his dad, two months earlier. They didn't get any pictures, so it was easy to convince (Y/N) didn't happen. He wanted to make it special for her, not to be ruined by being on the first page of The Sun.
"Uh oh, bad news: there are some in the back. The police officers will help us but it might be a little hustle. Robert goes first then (Y/N)."
(Y/N)'s panicked stare made Robert promptly inquire:
"Are you sure we can't go together?"
"Better not to for security reasons. I think one goes first then the other-"
"We go together." Robert said in a decisive tone.
"Robert, I know it is what you two want but maybe for security reasons-"
"We go together." His voice sounded deeper now, ending the discussion.
When the car finally parked in the back of the building, (Y/N)'s heart stopped for a second. The police officers created a small corridor towards the entrance, surrounded by cameras. It was clear they didn't have enough security to hold those people back.
"Do you think you can do this, (Y/N)?" Robert questioned.
"Yes. I can do it." (Y/N) reassured him, trying to sound stronger than she felt. Her mom always said even if she wasn't feeling strong, she should believe it she was. Fake til you make it.
"Nothing will happen to you. It is a promise. I won't let none of them hurt you."
A few years before dating Robert, (Y/N) had a bad experience with a stalker. The man invaded her house while she was away and was arrested by police on the same night. She changed her address the very next day. After that, security around her was reinforced. She passed countless nights without sleeping, she had a security team coming in and out of her house, feeling invaded and protected at the same time. Robert knew this. He knew how much trauma she passed and he vouched himself to protect her when she needed. No one would hurt (Y/N) in front of him, never. Emotionally or physically.
(Y/N) nodded, her worried face cutting Robert's heart in a half. He had to do it for her. He placed his hands on her face, planting on her lips a fast kiss.
"Let's do this as we faced Tom Holland's disastrous dinner: together!"
The driver and manager exited the car. She breathed rapidly three times, telling herself she could do it. She definitely could do this. Their manager opened the door for them, telling people to step aside. Robert exited first, waiting for her, standing his hand out. Paparazzi and security surrounded the car like bees around flowers during Spring. Photographers were screaming how the pregnancy was going and where the marriage was going to take place. Their manager kept reminding them to stay back as Robert remained with his hand extended for her, smiling like they were just exiting their Uber on a Sunday morning at the park and there was absolutely no one around them.
She finally grabbed his hand, exiting the car. Robert immediately covered his body over her, the security guys and manager trying to keep the photographers away as they walked to the front. (Y/N) kept her face up, but inside she was going through turbulence of emotions. She wanted to run away from there, never to be seen again. The only thing keeping her together and walking was Robert's arms around her hips, his body protecting hers. How far away that entrance was again? Because it didn't seem that far when she looked first.
Her vision was blind with flashes and she barely knew where she was going if it wasn't for Rob. She always admired how he always did it so well unlike her. Almost eight years as a celebrity and she never got used to it. It got intensively worse when they started dating. Maybe they should just get a farm, marry, have two kids, cows, chickens all of that. Far away from all this mess.
"Ugh, finally. They have been getting too much...(Y/N)?"
(Y/N) didn't even register the moment they were finally inside the building. Robert's voice sounded distant, and she could still feel his hands on her hips, holding her safely. (Y/N) was feeling disoriented, her body light as she looked for a hand for support. There were just too many lights, too much noise. She needed a minute.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" She heard Robert's distant voice get closer now. She could hear him asking for water, their manager telling someone to put her on the sofa. She wanted to say she just needed a minute to breathe, just a second to the world stop spinning.
"Breathe. Breathe love, please. Just breathe" She never heard Robert so desperate like that before. She wanted to answer she was okay, he didn't need to worry, but she couldn't find her voice "Breathe in and out."
(Y/N) follow as told, breathing in and out, Robert's voice repeating this again and again like a mantra.
Soon, her vision started getting more clear as she felt a warm hand rubbing her back. Someone seemed to be fanning her. When her vision cleared, the first thing she noticed was Robert's dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes filled with worry. He was focused, looking at any traces of her being hurt.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Robert was close to losing his mind seeing his girlfriend like that. His heart was heavy as he couldn't do anything except wait for her to feel better.
"I am good. Sorry, I am good now."
"You don't have to apologize, dear." Her manager worried face appeared behind Rob, a huge paper fan in his hand.
"Are you sure you are okay? You don't want to go back to the hotel or anything?" Robert asked, his face pained with concern. He examined her face for any signs of anxiety but she looked much calmer now.
"I am fine. It is okay. I think it was everything. Pregnancy, marriage. I am sorry again."
"You don't have to apologize, love." Rob tranquilized her. He couldn't control himself anymore, hugging her in front of the whole staff. People were nice enough to give them privacy, leaving them alone as Robert made sure she was okay. (Y/N) was okay. She was going to be fine.
"Thank you for protecting me out there."
"I really didn't. You still got hurt."
"If wasn't for you out there, I don't know what could have happened to me."
Robert decided to not argue, holding (Y/N) tightly on his arms. He needed to do better to never see her cry again. She, on the other hand, was extremely thankful for Robert's presence in her life. He had some odd ideas (that she loved), declared some weird shit, or made up some stories (that she would help him get even worse), but she was most importantly happy. She trusted him with her all soul and heart.
Taglist: @uwiuwi
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Calling him your husband prank
Feat:- Kuroo, Oikawa, Sakusa & Kita
A/n:- I don’t know what should i write here lol.
General masterlist || Haikyuu masterlist
Genre:- fluff, mentions of pet names + TikTok
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✮ Kuroo:-
    Oh boy,
    When I say he is whipped for you I ain’t lying! He is a simp for you!
    Neways so you were scrolling through the addicting app tik-tok when this prank just popped up on your fyp.
    You saw a girl calling her boyfriend her husband and his reaction to the term.
    You thought since Kuroo is a tease maybe you could get a reaction out of him which flusters him .
    You place your phone on the coffee table and cover it a bit so that only the camera is visible to you. Kuroo steps out of the bedroom and plops himself right next to you on the couch and searches for a movie to play on the flat tv screen.
    You had hit the record button and were talking on the other phone and that’s when you said it.
    You pretend that your friend had called you  to ask you about your whereabouts and with whom you were with.
    You reply “I am at my home with my husband.”
    Kuroo whips his head so fast at your direction that he almost felt he may have broke it . Please don’t do this, even though y/n is cute but still no!
    Kuroo looks at you amused and you could see that his tips of his ear were red and his cheek was pink.
You end the call and sit next to him, he then grabs your wrists and plants soft kiss on them saying “Rather than calling me babe, you should call me your husband.”
Now it is your time to be flustered.
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✮ Oikawa:-
Yoohoo ~
Ahem anyways, you guys were on a date enjoying your meal together . After finishing up with your meal , You guys wait for the bill .
Oikawa always spoiled  you , he would always give his card to you for shopping . Would buy you stuff which you just talked about or saw it in some store. Your boyfriend was talking to the waiter and asked them to bring the bill.
You were just scrolling through your Instagram reels when you saw someone do a prank in which they call their boyfriend as their husband. Your relationship with Tooru was always playful and you liked that. He was a tease for sure and he always made you flustered whenever he could. You wanted to fluster him so you decided to do this prank on him . 
You hold your phone in such a way that it would look like you were taking a selfie. Oikawa starts posing as he thought you were taking his pictures , you decided to go with the flow.
 The waiter arrives and places the bill on your table waiting for you guys to settle the payment. Oikawa pulls his credit card out of his wallet and gives his card to the waiter to swipe it in the machine.
 As their job the waiter asks for the review about their service, food, ambience of the restaurant. You take it as an opportunity and say “ My husband and I really like coming here for dates and it’s really pretty and your services are great as well. Isn’t it my husband?” You wink at his direction . 
Oikawa.exe has stopped working . He whipped his head towards the waiter and asks him while stuttering “did they just call me their husband? They did?!?” The waiter nods their head in amusement and smile looking at you guys. “Well my wife and I do enjoy coming here! Thank you for great food as always” Oikawa flashes his infamous wink towards you only to see you as flustered as he was. 
“Angel, do you wanna be my wife?”
“Yes, but at a right time”
 “Oh it would come soon don’t worry”
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✮ Sakusa:-
You were sitting on your couch watching some tv shows which you missed because of work but you got  bored easy and were now scrolling on tik-tok watching some videos.
The front door creaks open , as your grumpy boyfriend enters with a huff he takes off his shoes and masks and makes his way towards you plopping on top of you.
“What is all this?” You ask him amused by his behavior. “I missed you and the practice was quite tiring” he replies with a pout still prominent on his lips. “Let me guess your teammates kept on doing something new ? Or were they loud as always?” You ask as you stroke his hair and kiss his forehead. 
“You have no clue how hard it is to handle them” you cup his cheeks gently and look at him with adoration “ Omi who are you kidding you love them irrespective of how they are” you giggle as Omi huffs and mumbles “don’t team up with them” . 
“How about you take a quick shower and I would offer my cuddles and kisses Hmm?” He gets up nodding his head. You were  now on the couch waiting for him to come back from his shower laughing at some tik-toks until one caught your eye. 
Calling your s/o your hubby thinking aback Omi was still not used to the pranks you and Atsumu always pulled . So you decide to try this on him. As Sakusa enters the living room he plops down again on top of you nuzzling his head closer to your chest.
 “My big baby do you wanna watch something or you wanna nap?” “Nap” “okay” you then place your phone on the coffee table and start recording. 
“Y/n?” “Yes?” “My phone is ringing would you pick it up but if it’s them (referring to Hinata, Bokuto & Atsumu) don’t pick up”
 “ Hey Tsumu  how are you?” Sakusa rolls his eyes .
“Yes my husband is fast asleep what do you want?” Sakusa raises his head and hugs your waist tightly mumbling an “I love you my-soon-to-be-wife”
 “DID HE SAY I LOVE YOU? HE NEVER SAYS THAT TO U-“ Sakusa cuts the call and falls asleep on you smiling as you were still flustered.
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✮ Kita:-
You were on a video call with your sister talking about the daily gossips she had to share . Whereas your boyfriend was patiently waiting for you to be done with the call.
“And then they fell while stomping off *weird laughing noise*” You roll your eyes as you were used to your sister and how weird her humour was .
Kita enters the kitchen to fetch a glass of water but you were so busy on call that you did not realise that he was around.
“Anyways I gotta ask how is your husband?” You sister smirks as she asks this question.
“Oh he is great tbh we were planning to watch a movie and order take out!” You reply giddily.
“So has he planned to wife you up?” Your sister asks.
“Hello, uh yes I have decided to wife your sister up but I need to have a beautiful ring as her which would be impossible to find. But I will find a precious ring and wife your sister” Kita replies as he smiles at your sister and then you placing a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“Y/n? Y/n? Are you okay? You aren’t responding at all” . You were shocked as you didn’t expect him to be so straightforward with his answer.
“Yes darling?”
“Do you really mean it? You want to Marry me?”
“Yes Ms Kita I want to”
“Say that again” you blush
“Ms Kita”
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Thank you for reading. Take care <3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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danidrabbles · 3 years
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Notes: Clit Club, I dedicate this one to you guys ❤ Thank you for recommending me smutty books and discussing together. This story isn’t as taboo, but it's definitely inspired by the read that divided us the most—this doesn't make me pro-***** 🔪—and the book that I loved the most.
I went OFC on this one, because I thought it fit the theme better. I hope you guys like it! (the choice and the fic).
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC
Rating: Explicit (18+!)
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: age gap (this is slightly au-ish so imagine Frankie like in his 40s, OFC is 19), dilf!Frankie, oral (f receiving), unprotected PIV sex, size kink (if you squint), introspective stuff. If I forgot something: Shoot me a message!
The doorbell rings — it’s the third time — and that’s when Frankie throws the covers off himself and heads for the front door. The clock tells him it’s 1:30 in the morning, and he grumbles when the doorbell rings a fourth time as he enters the hallway.
“Christ, yes, I’m coming!” he shouts, unlocking the door and pulling it open.
Expecting himself to be annoyed at whoever was bothering him this time of night, he’s stunned into silence at the sight of the woman on his front porch. She’s soaked from the rain, shivering in place, the denim jacket she’s wearing turned nearly black with it, and her hair is hanging in strands by the side of her face. Still, he recognizes her with ease.
He met her a couple weeks ago at his daughter's university’s Halloween party. Isabella had forgotten a part of her self-made costume at home (“Yes, dad, the wings are an essential part of an angel costume. No, I can’t buy new ones, they’re all sold out.”) and he, the good father that he is, had taken the three hour drive to bring them to her. He’d met all her new friends, all in their equally elaborate costumes, but one of them had stood out.
He still can’t decide what exactly had done it; the short black skirt, the fishnet stockings, the corset that made her breasts nearly spill from the top, the way she looked him up and down and offered him a sly grin…
All he knew was that he’d driven home and couldn’t shake the image of her. That he’d gotten in the shower after and couldn’t shake the image of her. That he’d gone to bed, furiously stroked his cock and couldn’t shake the image of her.
The way she was standing here now was a day-night difference, but he was equally affected.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, suddenly wide awake.
“I’m sorry to bother you so late, mr. Morales. I was in the neighbourhood and, um… is Isabella home?” Her voice is soft, apologetic. “Isa said she’d be home this weekend so…”
Frankie’s shoulders slump. “No— I mean, she’s home, but she’s with her mother.”
The girl’s face falls. “Oh.”
“Is everything okay with you?” he asks.
“Yeah.” She fidgets with a frayed edge on the bottom of her soaked jacket. “No, actually. I, uh… My boyfriend dumped me,” she says, looking up and wincing.
Frankie shifts in the doorframe, copying her expression, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she counters immediately. “He was—is—an asshole… It was a long time coming. No, the really shitty part is that he kicked me out, and that my parents are out of town, and that just when I decided I’d just drive myself back to uni my fucking car broke down at the end of the street. So I was really hoping Isa was home to offer some....” She trails off, bringing a hand up to bite at her nail before looking over her shoulder at the blinking alarm lights of her car down the street.
“Some comfort?” Frankie fills in.
She turns to face him again. “Exactly,” she says around an exhale, her warm breath coming out in a little cloud.
“Well, like I said, she isn’t home but… I can take a look at your car, see what’s wrong?”
“In this weather?” she asks. The thunder rumbles above her as to prove her point.
Frankie’s eyes roll up towards the sky, just in time to catch the lightning. “Tell you what,” he says, looking down again. “I’ll look at your car in the morning, and you can sleep on my couch.”
It’s out before he knows it, and he tries to keep a straight face upon realizing what an awful idea that is. It’s the middle of the night, she’s all alone and probably freaked out, and she’s 19, for fucks sake; she was looking for comfort from his daughter, not from her father — and with an unprompted sleepover to boot. He thinks about apologizing, especially when her eyes, glimmering in the porch light, meet his, and her bottom lip gets pulled between her teeth. He can give her a ride to the hotel at the edge of town—
“What’s that?” he asks, blinking down at her.
“I’ll get my stuff, and you can look at my car in the morning.”
And before he gets a chance to offer her his change of plans, she skips down the small stairs leading up to his door, and into the rain to do as she said.
“Pillow, blanket — I got you two. If you need anything else, come find me,” he says. He eyes his guest from the corner of his eye, tries to keep his gaze on her face and not her exposed legs that peak from under the oversized sweater she put on while he was upstairs. “I’m one floor up, second door on the left—right, sorry, right.”
“Second door on the right, got it,” she giggles, taking the items from his hands and bending down to put them on the couch, a strand of wet hair falling in her eyes when she comes back up. “Thank you so much. For all of this. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Don’t mention it,” he says, giving her a small smile. “I’ll see you in the morning and then I’ll check your car, okay?”
“Okay,” she agrees, fidgeting with her fingers, and just as he’s about to leave her so she can get settled, she says, “Oh, one more thing, mr. Morales.” And when he turns back to her, she gets on her toes, cups his face, and presses their mouths together.
Frankie inhales sharply through his nose, arms glued to his side, dangerously close to the bare skin of her legs. His brain rapidly catches up with the situation. Christ, this is wrong. She’s young, and vulnerable and sad; she’s simply looking for closeness and he definitely shouldn’t be the person to offer her that right now… Not like this, anyway.
But if he isn’t, why can’t he stop thinking about splaying her out on his couch, and holding those smooth thighs open as he—
Abruptly, she pulls away and takes a step back. “Sorry,” she mutters, a trembling hand coming up to cover her eyes. “Oh, my god, fuck, sorry, I—I don’t know what I’m doing.” She glances at him through her fingers.
“It’s okay,” Frankie replies, voice as stiff as his body feels. “You’re—”
“Do you remember the Halloween party?” she interrupts, the hand on her eyes sliding down over her face until the tips of her fingers rest on her lip. “‘Cause I… I remember seeing you at the Halloween party, and… I remember thinking you were in costume. The flannel, you know?”
“And the hat,” Frankie sighs, a laugh finding its way to his lips, his body relaxing. “Not a costume, it’s sort of uh, sort of my thing, I guess.”
“I also remember thinking you were more attractive than any guy I’d seen there,” she continues, closing the distance between them and looking up at him expectantly.
His body seems out of his own control when he pulls her back, bending down to press his mouth to hers. A soft moan bubbles from her throat, and he uses it to his advantage, licking into her mouth to taste her with an answering groan as she winds her arms around his neck.
“I wanted you,” he says. “Shouldn’t have, but I did—I do. Wanted to get under that skirt, rip those fishnet stockings open and—” he cuts himself off with a muffled groan, finding her lips again.
“Please,” she mutters between kisses. “Mr. Morales—”
“Frankie,” he growls when he pulls away, holding her at a distance to really bring his message home. “Call me Frankie.”
She nods, face flushed, lips already swollen and slick with spit, and he can’t help but push her down and back against the pillows before he crawls between her legs. His arms cage her in, both hands pressed into the cushions next to her head as he ruts against her clothed core, grinding his half-hard cock against the cotton of her panties. It makes her pull away with a groan, head falling back as her eyes flutter shut.
"If you want to stop…,” Frankie mutters, sucking kisses into her neck, “...you should tell me now."
"Don't stop," she gasps immediately, hands shooting up to hold him against her, fingers tangling in the curls at the nape of his neck. "Please, I don't want you to stop."
He kisses down her neck, the urgent press of her hips into his own making him grin against the hollow of her throat. “That’s it,” Frankie encourages, holding her hip to help her guide her moves, joining her rhythm until she’s crying out in frustration.
It’s not enough. He knows it’s not enough, but now that he knows she wants this, he needs to hear it from her. With his free hand, he pulls at the hem of the sweater that covers her, rucking it up on one side until he can expose her breast. Immediately, he latches on, taking a nipple into his mouth and hollowing his cheeks with a gentle suck. When he flicks his tongue over her, he swears he can taste the rain even there.
“F-Fuck,” she stutters above him as he laves at her breast, arching her back and offering him more of her. “Oh, my god, please, more—”
Frankie’s fingers curl around the hem of the sweater once more, pulling it over her head. She looks flushed when she reappears, her chest heaving and her nipples pert and red.
“S’cold,” she offers with a smile when she catches him staring.
He flashes her a grin before kissing her again, a simple press of lips, before he cups her between her legs and gives her a reassuring squeeze. “Give me a couple of seconds and you won’t be anymore.”
Wasting no time, he lowers himself between her legs to nuzzle the sensitive skin of her thighs. The sweet, heady scent of her leads him to where she wants him most, and with a heavy exhale he eyes the fabric still covering her sex. There’s a dark spot down the middle that reveals her excitement, and he leans in to cover it with his mouth, pressing his tongue against her through her panties.
The shocked moan that echoes through the room goes straight to his cock, and it instantly clouds his mind, making him rip the offending clothing down her legs. He opens her wider, a hand on either thigh to spread her pussy for him. He groans at the sight, pretty and pink, clenching for him in anticipation. Giving in, he lets his tongue touch her, her hips bucking against his mouth when he drags it through her folds once, twice, and really gets a taste of her. Her thighs tremble beside his head, and when he looks up at her, her head is thrown back into the cushions, eyes closed, lip caught between her teeth.
"Look at me," Frankie orders, pulling away and letting his thumb take over on her clit. He smiles when she does as he asks, eyes fluttering open to look down between her legs.
"That's it, good girl." He bends back down to lick at the slick that dribbles from her opening at the nickname, before looking up at her again. "You're gonna look at me when I lick your pussy, understood?"
"F-Fuck, Frankie, please…"
"Yes." She swallows thickly, her blush reaching her neck when she says, "I'm gonna look at you when you lick my pussy."
Frankie all but chokes on a moan when she echoes the words back to him, at the contrast of her sweet face and the filthy words falling from her lips. With a curse, he grips her ass to pull her closer, and she slides down the pillows before quickly sitting back on her elbows to keep watching as he told her to. He slides his tongue inside of her with urgent curls and licks, gathering up more of her slick and fuck, she looks perfect, watching him like she is. He lets her move against his face, only getting more turned on by the furrow in her brow, the concentration in her eyes and the grip on his curls as she grinds her clit against the bridge of his nose.
Another throb between his legs reminds him of his own swelling need, and it makes him more deliberate, no longer concerned with teasing her as he focuses back on the bundle of nerves above her entrance. Using the tip of his tongue, he rubs tight circles around it, building her up higher until she’s panting, chest rising and falling rapidly before crying out. The taste of her floods his mouth as she curses him, voice cracking before it goes soft.
After one final pass of his tongue, he rises up to his knees, looking down between them as he pulls his sweatpants down to finally relieve his cock. It comes free with a bob, full and heavy between his thighs, and strokes himself before popping two fingers in his mouth. Just as he notches one of them at her entrance, she pulls him down against her chest, slipping her tongue between his lips to kiss him with a groan. Frankie swirls the wetness under the tip of his finger around, revels in the clench of her, desperate to be filled, and he gives her what she wants.
Just then, her hand curls around him, softly but surely pumping his length, and she swallows his answering groan. “Put it in,” she gasps against him, tightening her grip on his cock and spreading the slick around. “It’s okay, you can put it in, I want it. I want you to fuck me, Frankie.”
Frankie wishes he had more discipline. That he was more composed. That he wasn’t drunk on the taste of her, the velvet smooth feel of her cunt and the sound of her voice. That he wasn’t fucking a college student on his couch in the middle of the night. That he had the self-control to pull away, to find a condom. But the truth of the matter is: If he leaves her here now, he wouldn’t be coming back. Leaving her meant leaving the moment, leaving her warm embrace, leaving the prospect of the tight press of her pussy around his cock, leaving time to think...
And he wishes most of all that he could stay in this moment.
“Spread your legs for me.”
She widens her legs under him, and while pressing his forehead to hers, he pushes inside in one, smooth stroke, the slick walls of her cunt making him glide inside with ease until he’s buried to the hilt. A small, pained noise escapes the back of her throat, and sweat gathers where he holds her at the back of her neck; he does everything in his power to stay still, to let her adjust as she contracts around him, hot, and wet, and tight.
“S’okay,” he shushes her when she gasps his name, when he draws his hips back and thrusts back inside. “You’re okay, you can take it. Take it for me.”
He sets a leisure pace, not picking up speed until her hips begin canting up to meet his, until she feels ready, until she does what he says and makes her body take it — until she begs for, harder, faster, more, please, between hot presses of her lips against his. He plants his knees for leverage, lifting herself off her body and holding her at the waist to give her what she desires.
A film of sweat covers her body, every dip and curve of her glistening in the dim light that glows from next to the couch. The change in angle makes him slide deeper—hit something deeper—and it’s like he can see her orgasm before he can feel it; her face scrunches up, her mouth drops open, her throat bobs, her legs tremble. And then he feels it; the rhythmic squeeze of her pussy, her nails scratching down his arm before digging in. She warns him with a babble, something of a mix between a curse and his name, and then she floods his cock.
It catches him almost by surprise, the way she takes him with her. Everything pulls up, and tight, and he has just enough time to pull himself out of her before he’s coming, ropes of it coating her belly, her heaving chest. He focuses on it, the milky white liquid moving, sliding, pooling—it’s for his pleasure as well as to postpone his overthinking about what just happened.
“You were right,” she says suddenly.
He tears his gaze away from her stomach. “What?”
She smiles up at him, reaching up to finger a stray curl and brush it from his forehead. “I’m not cold anymore.”
He smiles in return, letting his hand glide from her thigh to her knee in a soothing matter. Perhaps, he thinks, she can help him postpone a little longer.
Thank you for reading! October 7′s subject is still up in the air; I'm torn between Lactation Kink and Masturbation. It shall be a surprise 😌
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skinnyducky · 3 years
tattooed heart // v.h.
Hey y’all! This is just something I’ve had in my drafts that I forgot to finish. Since I started school this week + I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed, the updates are going to come a little bit slower than usual, but they’ll still be coming, so yuh! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1175, edited
WARNING: nothing but pure unadultered fluff.
There were many things you loved about Vinnie. You loved his rings, his hair, and last but not least, his tattoos. To say they fascinated you would be an understatement; you were practically entranced by them. You didn’t have much ink yourself, but him however, his body was covered from head to toe…and you loved it. There were moments where you two would be chilling and you’d spend the time tracing the lines of his tattoos, asking him the stories and meanings behind of them. For you, it just made you love him even more. And for him to know that you adored that part of him, it just solidified how in love he was with you.
With that being said, to show his adoration for you, he decided to get something new added to his forearm. This time, a simple heart. But this wasn’t just any heart…it was heart with your name right in the middle. Many of his friends ridiculed him and said he was a fool, that he’d be stuck with a reminder of you if the relationship ever went south. But he didn’t care to focus on a possible future; he was living in the present, and you were his ‘right now.’
To not ruin the surprise, he made sure not to disclose the tattoo with people he knew would spill the beans. At that, when you questioned where he was going in the middle of the day, he told you he was going to go look at a car. But, in reality he was spending his time down at the tattoo shop. Luckily for him, you didn’t ask too many questions after that. He made sure to wear a baggy short-sleeve shirt so that you wouldn’t notice the newly added ink when he walked into the Hype House. Thankfully, you didn’t.
You rushed up to him and engulfed him in the tightest hug. “I missed you.” You smiled, pecking his cheek.
He returned the gesture and said, “I missed you more.”
“Impossible.” You replied, letting him go. “How was it?”
“How was what?”
You furrowed your brows. “Uhm, the car you went to go see. Was it as good as you said it was?”
He mentally slapped himself for forgetting his own lie. “Oh, the car! Uh, not really. Turns out it needed some heavy work, and I didn’t feel like spending a bag on it.”
“That sucks. I’m sure you’ll find another one like it.”
Vinnie nodded and followed you into the kitchen. Everyone was gathered around the island, too invested in their own business to notice you or your boyfriend had entered the room. It was quite loud due to Calvin and Paper having a screaming match over a brownie. It didn’t help that everyone else was shouting to calm them down, thus making it even more noisy. Vinnie scrunched his nose and covered his ears. You took notice of this and laughed.
“Wanna go out back?” You said to him in his ear.
He nodded and you two rushed to the backyard. You went over to the makeshift canopy bed that was hanging from a tree and beckoned Vinnie to sit next to you. Once he did, you stretched your legs across his lap and his arm snaked its way across your back and rested on your hip. The two of you sat there in silence, just enjoying the Los Angeles night sky. You kept your eyes set on the silver moon, occasionally moving them to admire the dots of stars that danced around the celestial body. Vinnie, however, took this time to admire you. He studied your features as the moonlight reflected off of them, highlighting your beauty. He grinned to himself, wondering how he was so lucky enough to have someone like you. He thought about his decision of getting your name tattooed onto him, and at that moment he knew…he did the right thing.
He was pulled out his thoughts as he felt your fingers slide up and down his arm.
“I don’t know how many times I’ve said it, but I really love your tattoos.” You spoke, making him laugh.
“Thank you, babe.”
You sighed in bliss. “So, what else did you get?”
Vinnie nearly choked on his spit as those words left your mouth. He turned to look at you with wide eyes, confused as to how you knew about his trip to the parlor. He made sure that you wouldn’t find out. It sent him into a frenzy trying to figure out how you could’ve known.
“Who told?”
You reached into your hoodie pocket and pulled out your phone. “I think you forgot that paparazzi exist.”
You flipped your phone and showed him the circulating picture of him leaving the tattoo shop. He groaned, a whine escaping his mouth shortly after.
“You weren’t supposed to find out.”
“Why? We’re you cheating on me?” You joked.
“What? No, I wasn’t cheating on you. I just wanted my new tattoo to be a surprise.”
You looked at him with a puzzled expression. “I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t you want me to know about you getting a new tattoo? You’ve always told me when you were getting one. Why is this tattoo different?”
For as smart as you are, he was surprised you haven’t figured it out yet. Nonetheless, part of him was still glad there was still an ounce of surprise left. He gave you a small grin and reached for his right sleeve. He raised it up to revealing the very thing he’d been hiding from you.
You studied the piece of art for a second, still confused as to why he’d hide it.
“You got a heart. That’s cute. Why’d you get it?”
He scoffed, “Read the name in the middle, Y/n.”
You followed his orders, your eyes shooting towards the middle. The minute you saw your name, you felt your heart burst. Tears welled up in your eyes as you traced over it through the plastic wrap.
“Vinnie.” You whispered, trying to contain your sobs.
“I got it because you really mean a lot to me. From the moment we met, I knew you were the one and I’m very lucky enough to have you be apart of my life. Regardless of whether we’re endgame or whatever, I’m just glad to have you.” He said, pulling you closer into him.
At this point, you were a mess. You attempted to wipe your tears with the sleeves of your hoodie, but there was no point. They just kept coming.
You sniffed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “And I’m glad to have you.”
The two of you shared a passionate kiss before you rested your head on his shoulder, feeling the effects of his loving embrace. This time, he was the one admiring the moon while you were admiring him, specifically his new ink. It brought a smile to your face knowing that out of all the people in his life, your name was the one on his tattooed heart.
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milazka · 4 years
not the greatest feeling ever | 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝.
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the less i know the better masterlist
main masterlist
summary: fuck it, i’m not doing a summary, i’m so bad at it. oh! there’s smut btw.
warnings: smut, cursing, mentions of blood, underrage drinking
last thought: i’m proud of this one, took me a lot of time to write, but i think it was worth it! enjoy your reading! love, milz.
─── ° • ❀ ───
The gentle breeze twirls her golden locks in all directions. She hums the lyrics of You never can tell, having watched Pulp Fiction for the hundredth time last night. Her irises are fixed to the slightly damp roadside covered with fresh fallen leaves from this morning rainstorm. The last rays of sunlight caress her baby-like skin as they disappear into the horizon, painting the sky in a mixture of orange and rose. 
“C’mon grandpa, you’re slow as hell!” she teases Marcus, turning her head back to stick her tongue out at him. Standing on his skateboard, he sends her the finger, scraping the pavement with his over-used black vans to gain speed and eventually catch up with her. 
“That’s how the turtle won the race, dumbass,” he gently nudges her shoulder with his hand as he rides his board besides her. She gives a sharp turn of the handlebars to move her tires out of the sand and back on the pavement, giving him a death glare. 
“I almost fell in the ditch, shithead!” he simply laughs, his head falling backward. His dark colored hairs, normally slicked back, are ruffled by the warm September wind, giving him a laid back look that fits him perfectly. She adores hearing his laugh; it's one of the purest and most delightful sounds. It was only recently that she heard him laugh again, having not heard it for months after the day they lost the third musketeer of their trio. It was one of the hardest moments of their lives, but sharing this kind of experience brought them closer than ever. Charlie was there for him when he hit rock bottom, stroking his back while he cried on the shower floor, freezing water running down their damped bodies. She was also by his side the first time he went to therapy, soothingly squeezing his hand before he entered the office.
“If someone had to fall in a ditch, it would be me.”
“You know that Max and I made bet on how long it would take you to fall in a ditch?” she replies, checking his reaction at the corner of her cerulean eyes. He grins. 
“How much did you bet?” he curiously asks, one eyebrow arched. 
“Fifty bucks,” his eyes almost snap out of their sockets. He stops, stepping off his board.
“Fifty bucks?! That’s insulting, thought I was worth more than that,” he shouts as she makes a u-turn, retracing her steps, stopping in front of him.
“I’ll give you half of it if you wait ‘till June,” Charlie sarcastically says to him, elbows leaning on the handlebars of her bicycle. He caught a glimpse of light in her gaze; a twinkle of amusement he always finds in the corners of her softly crinkled eyes when she smiles truthfully.
“Deal,” he winks at her, drawing a small laugh from her slightly parted lips. He picks up Charlie's polaroid from the basket at the front of her bike, signaling for her to ride so he can immortalize the moment for her. Marcus knows she keeps those famous polaroids in an old converse box as a source of happiness; they're memories of moments she doesn't want to forget. 
He takes the little camera to his eyes, snapping a picture when Charlie turns her head to the side to look at him, smiling like there is no tomorrow. As the picture is slowly developing, he hears a squeal of tires and a squeal of surprise from the distance. 
“Fuck Charlie!” he shouts, running towards her as she sits, holding firmly her right forearm. His heart tightens at the sight of her painful face, her traits are torn by pain and he can see tears gathering at the corner of her squinted blue eyes. Marcus hates to see her in pain; he knows she's not the type to complain about anything so when he sees her azure eyes filling with water, he knows it's serious. 
“You got a few scratches,” he whispers, running his eyes over her legs and arms. “We’ll go to your house and clean you up, okay?” she nods, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Marcus tucks his skateboard under his arm, grabbing the handlebars and seat of Charlie's bike simultaneously.
─── ° • ❀ ───
“Hold still,” his hazel eyes are focused on the mid-depth cut on her forearm. His bushy eyebrows furrowed, giving him a severe, almost cold sober look. She takes a big gulp of the rich whiskey she borrowed from her father's secret stash. 
“Oh fucking hell!” she swears between her clenched teeth when the rubbing alcohol makes contact with the exposed flesh of her forearm. “That’s not the greatest feeling ever,” she whimpers, her forehead resting on his shoulder covered by his green olive shirt. 
“I know, angel, I know,” he runs his hand through her blonde hair, gently stroking her scalp in a soothing way. She keeps her head resting against his shoulder, holding back the tears that threaten to run down her flushed cheeks.
“I’m usually the one taking care of you,” he knows it refers as much to all the times he fell off his skateboard as it does to when he hit rock bottom when their friend passed away. Charlie isn't used to being taken care of; she has always been able to look after herself without anyone's help.
Crying is for the weak.
She swallows her tears, putting her mask back on with a slight smile.
“Your new neighbor saw me fall,” she changes the subject, pausing to take another gulp directly from the whisky bottle. “Great way to make a first impression,” a light laugh escapes from her lips, but she halts when she notices his gaze turning away almost discreetly. “What’s wrong?” 
Over the years, she has learned to read him like the palm of her hand; she knows he looks away to the left when he is hiding something from her and that he scrapes the back of his neck when he is embarrassed.
“I-I had sex with her,” he blurts out, avoiding her gaze while he still applies pressure on the bandage covering the wound on her forearm. 
“Holy shit,” her eyes widened, not expecting this kind of disclosure. “Wait, what about Padma?” 
“You know she is not my girlfriend, Charlz,” he sighs, finally sustaining her non-judgmental azure irises. It' s one of the things he likes about her; she never judges him and even if she did, he wouldn't know since she hides it so well. 
“Was it good?” she does not insist about Padma, knowing perfectly well that she is the first one to know. He doesn't answer, looking thoughtful as if a million thoughts are running through his head. He steals the bottle of alcohol from her, gulping down a few ounces of the throat-burning liquid.
“What aren’t you telling me, Marcus?” 
He shuts his eyes, exhaling loudly.
“I don’t know if I was good… God, I don’t even know if she came!” her heart tightens; he looks distraught and she knows that this is a big deal to him, after all, he just lost his virginity. He breathes heavily, his jaw as tightly clenched as his fists.
“Show me.” 
“What?!” he opens one eye, eyebrows furrowed as if he was questioning if she was being serious.
“Show me what you did, I’ll tell you if it’s good,” 
“You’re drunk, Charlz…I don-” he stops as soon as her silver rings coated hands grip the hem of his olive shirt, grazing the soft skin of his lower abdomen with her fingertips. Sitting on her knees, she brings her head up to his neck, pressing her lips against the skin. The feeling of her wet lips on his burning skin sends a shiver running through his spine. 
“I’m sober enough to remember everything and give you my consent,” she whispers to his ear and he almost moans when she slightly nibbles his lobe. Her hands slips to the back of his neck, forcing him to hover over her as she lies on her back.
Both his hands are lingering on the buckle of her belt, struggling to undo it. She clutches his chin with one hand, plunging her reassuring gaze into his. He looks nervous, his hands trembling slightly when he takes off her jeans. She presses her lips to his Adam's apple, feeling him tense up at first, but relax as she sensuously slides her tongue up to his sculpted jaw.
“A-are you good with two figers?” he nervously asks, his right hand resting on the edge of her panties. 
“Yes,” he hesitantly slips his hand into her panties, parting her legs with his other hand before sliding his index and middle fingers up and down her folds.  She can see him blush when an almost quiet moan escapes her lips at the feeling of his fingers inside her core. He pumps them in and out slowly, as if he was afraid to hurt her.
“Try to curl them in a ‘come here’ movement,” she demonstrates with her own fingers. He nods and mimics her actions, making her whimper under him. 
“That feels good,” she encourages him. “What did you do next?” she softly asks, rubbing her thumb against his cheek to sooth him. 
“Hum, well, we-um, you know, did it,” he says, blushing like a little child who just got his first kiss with the popular girl. 
“You didn’t go down on her?” she asks, looking quite shocked. He seemed clueless. “I mean, you didn’t use your mouth?” 
“Uh no, should I have?” 
“You boys really know nothing about female pleasure,” she sights. “Try watching lesbian porn next time, you will learn A LOT more,” He almost chokes, not expecting to hear this come out of his best friend's lips while his fingers are still inside her. They've always been comfortable with each other, but not to the point of talking about the kind of porn they listen to. The idea of her best friend watching porn and getting herself off almost made him cum in his pants.
“You do know what a cunniligus is, right?” 
“God, Charlz, I’m not five years old! Yes, I know what it is!” he exclaims, his ego lightly bruised by her question. 
“Well, show me then, playboy,” she challenges him, a cocky smile slipping on her lips. the alcohol going slightly to her head.
He pulls her to the edge of the mattress, kneeling at the foot of the bed between her legs. His lips kiss the skin on the inside of her thighs, sucking it until he sees a dark red mark appear. He gets rid of her underwear in the blink of an eye  before placing her legs over his shoulders. He darts his tongue out of his mouth, licking a long strip between her folds without giving her the chance to acknowledge what was going on. He stops once his tongue rests on the bundle of nerves, licking around it in a circular motion.
“Fuck,” she moans. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“You really think I've never watched lesbian porn?” he teases her, biting the inside of her thigh, making her body jolt. He dives back his head to her core, sucking her clit into his mouth.
At leats he know where the clit is.
"Oh my god Marcus," she moans, squirming against his grip. He places his arm over her lower abdomen, pinning her body against the mattress. She can feel his two fingers sliding back into her core, the sudden feeling causing her hips to buck up against his face.  
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me, hun?” he praises her, fingers curling inside her just like she taught him. She could barely feel herself, letting out a series of high-pitched moans as Marcus tongue was working on her bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she whimpers, her head pressed down against the matress. Her fingers tangle in his dark hair, tucking at the roots as she let out a cry, the euphoric feeling taking over her body for a moment. Marcus looks up to see her eyes shut tightly, her legs shaking on his shoulders. He can feel her core pulsating around his fingers as she comes down from her high.
He took a mental picture of her, engraving this moment in his memory forever.
─── ° • ❀ ───
taglist; @cognacdelights @ellegotohell @janedartist
1K notes · View notes
writeroutoftime · 3 years
undercover feelings
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pairing: jack thompson x reader (requested by: @rubesque)
summary: you and jack don't like each other in the slightest. but when an undercover mission throws the two of you together, what will become of your relationship? (aka - undercover enemies to lovers)
warnings: minor violence
words: 3.4k (not even sorry)
a/n: let me just start by saying, I know my action sequences aren’t the best, but I'm trying to get better. that said, I absolutely adored writing this story, and I hope everyone enjoys it! a lot of thought went into it, so please please let me know what you think!
As you strode towards Chief Dooley’s office, you noticed Jack coming up behind you out of the corner of your eye. Rolling your shoulders back, you tried to ignore his presence even as he was merely steps behind you, almost purposefully trying to catch the back of your heel. Right as you raised your hand to wrap your knuckles against the Chief’s office door, you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Is there something I can help you with?” you spit out, spinning around to face Jack, wishing you could wipe that smug smirk off his face.
“Never in a thousand years, y/l/n. It seems you’re in my way.” he said, trying to step around you and knock on the door himself.
Rolling your eyes, you blocked the door with your body. “Look, I know you think your daily suck-up sessions with the Chief will get you a promotion, but I was personally asked by Chief Dooley to meet with him, so move along.” you told Jack proudly, ready to see his anger bubble over.
To your surprise, Jack’s grin simply widened as he leaned in. “Me too, sweetheart.” he whispered, leaving you speechless, and pushing past you to knock on the door.
Collecting yourself, you quickly entered the office first, standing in front of the Chief’s desk with your hands behind your back. Every so often, your eyes flitted over to Jack, wondering what the Chief could possibly want with the both of you. It was no secret to any agent in the SSR that you and Jack had a strained relationship to say the least. From your first day, Jack had mistaken you as a secretary, thus beginning a long hate-hate relationship. Even to this day, Jack was one of the most pig-headed men you had the displeasure of knowing.
“Alright, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m sending the two of you on an undercover mission to retrieve sensitive, government information.” Chief Dooley explained. “The most opportune time to retrieve it will be during the American Gala in Washington D.C. hosted by a Mr. Mark Williams. The two of you will pose as husband and wife –“
“That’s a real funny joke, Chief.” Jack interrupted, looking shocked at the prospect of going undercover with you.
“Oh, please, Thompson. You’d be lucky if you could ever convince me to marry you.” you shot back.
“I’d rather go undercover as husband and wife with Krzeminski.”
Before you could move to smack Jack’s arm or throw another insult his way, Chief Dooley stood up, slamming his hands on his desk. “Enough! It’s like dealing with a couple of damn toddlers.” he scolded, instantly causing a wave of shame to wash over you and Jack. “Now, can the two of you act like the federal agents you are, or do I need to find two other agents?” he asked, staring both of you down.
“No, sir.” you mumbled, hearing a similar sentiment leave Jack’s lips.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Chief Dooley sat back down. “Now, as I was saying. The two of you are scheduled to leave in two days, and here are files with all you need to know on the target and your responsibilities.” he continued.
The moment you were dismissed, you stormed out of the Chief’s office and made your way back to your desk. Picking up the nearest piece of paperwork, you stared at the words for a moment before shoving it to the side, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Everything all right?” Peggy asked, coming up behind you and setting a mug of coffee down on your desk.
“Chief Dooley is sending me on an undercover mission – with Thompson.” you explained, running your hands down your face.
Peggy looked amused by your so-called bad news and shook her head at your oblivious nature. “Perhaps, it will give you the opportunity to recognize your feelings for Agent Thompson.” she suggested casually.
“Feelings?” you nearly shrieked. “The only feeling I have for Agent Thompson is the feeling of dread every time I see him.” you argued.
“If you say so, dear.” Peggy placated as she walked away.
The entire plane ride to D.C. was filled with tense silence as you poured over the case file the entire time. The only noise that came from Jack was the tapping of his foot against the floor and his pen against the table.
“Do you have to do that?” you finally snapped, reaching forward to snatch the pen out of his hand.
Holding his up in mock surrender, Jack chuckled. “Woah, sweetheart, you might want to be a bit nicer considering we are married and all.” he teased.
“Listen,” you started, voice low and serious. “I know that you joke around and don’t always take everything seriously, but this mission is important to me. You have no idea how hard it is working in that office as a woman, and this mission is my chance to prove myself. I will not have it be ruined by the likes of you.”
For once, Jack had no quick remark to offer, instead he was simply stunned by your speech. Silently admitting defeat, Jack conceded to your wishes. “Alright, I’m sorry, y/l/n.”
You were slightly taken aback by how easy that had been. Perhaps you didn’t give Jack enough credit. “Thank you.” you responded, turning back to your files.
The rest of the flight followed in relative silence, Jack or you only speaking when you had questions or needed clarification from the files. It didn’t pass your mind the subtle looks Jack threw your way, but you ignored them, focused on the task at hand. If he had something to say, he could say it. However, the moment the plane landed, you were whisked away to your separate hotel rooms to prepare for the gala, watching Jack walk away.
It was only when Jack heard the clack of your heels against the marble stairs that he turned around and froze, watching your descent. The y/f/c dress you had donned flattered your figure in every sense, and Jack swore you were an angel in that moment. He suddenly felt aware of the way his breath had quickened, and the way his hands shook the tiniest bit from the nerves. So lost in his own mind, Jack didn’t even notice he had yet to take his eyes off of you.
“Is there something on me?” you asked, suddenly feeling very bashful from Jack’s gaze.
“No, no it’s just – uh – I mean,” Jack stuttered, running a hand through his perfectly gelled hair. “you clean up nice, y/l/n.”
“Not too bad yourself there either, Thompson.” you teased, flashing Jack a dazzling smile.
It was true that Jack looked absolutely dashing in his suit, making your knees just a bit week as you had walked down to meet him. His compliment sent a flutter through your chest, and you were brought back to Peggy’s comment about feelings. Perhaps, deep down, all the back-and-forth bickering had simply been a disguise for something else. But you couldn’t let yourself think about that now, not when you had a mission to complete.
Right as you were about to walk into the ballroom, Jack grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks. Before you could question his action, he held up his hand and wiggled his finger, a metal band gleaming in the low light. “Now what kind of husband would I be if didn’t give you a ring?” he asked before pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket and producing a beautiful, sparkling engagement ring.
Carefully, Jack lifted your left hand and slid the cool metal over your ring finger until the diamond rested perfectly against your skin. It was difficult to fight the spark of energy when Jack grabbed your hand and the way he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.
“There.” he whispered, staring into your y/e/c eyes, a soft smile replacing that smirk that typically resided on his lips.
The two of you stood in the foyer for a moment, lost in the other’s gaze until other couples around you laughed and chatted on their way into the ballroom, breaking the spell. Ever the gentleman, Jack offered his arm, which you accepted, leading you both into the belly of the beast. Walking into said ballroom was breathtaking, the entire room being decorated from floor to ceiling with gold accents; however, you forced yourself to stay focused on the mission at hand.
A quick scan of the room showed you multiple entry/exit points, as well as a good estimate of the security posted throughout the room. Beside you, Jack was doing the same before his eyes widened slightly. Following his line of sight, you noticed your target for the evening, Mark Williams, surrounded by a group of people. While your first instinct was to go straight to the source, you knew that would raise alarms and potentially jeopardize the mission.
“Care for a dance?” Jack asked, having the same idea as you when he noticed Williams leading his wife to the dance floor.
Wordlessly, you allowed Jack to lead you towards the dance floor where he rested a warm, gentle hand on the small of your back while his other hand intertwined with your fingers. A small gasp left your lips from the proximity between you and Jack, and it was difficult to not become intoxicated by his cologne. For a moment, you allowed yourself to admire Jack’s strong jaw, piercing eyes, and the few hairs that had fallen out of place under the golden light the room provided.
The music began to pick up, and you let out a surprised cry of delight as Jack spun you around the floor, selling every bit of the perfectly happy couple. After one such spin, Jack brought you closer and whispered that you had caught the attention of Williams. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the man staring in your direction.
“Trust me.” you told Jack under your breath before you took the lead and danced the two of you straight into your target. “Oh golly, I am so sorry, sir.” you apologized, feigning innocence. “I’m such a clutz, I don’t know why you bring me to these events, dear.” you said, aiming the second half of your sentence to Jack.
“Lord knows why, sweetie.” Jack responded, quickly catching onto your act. “Sorry again, sir. My wife said it herself – she can be a real clutz.”
Mark Williams flashed a quick smirk, looking your body up and down, seemingly sizing the two of you up. “No harm done, pretty lady. I’m Mark Williams. Mind making it up to me with a dance? That is, if your husband doesn’t mind.” he asked, though both you and Jack knew it was more a command.
“It’s the least I can do.” you giggled, accepting Williams’ hand, and letting him pull you away from Jack just like you thought he would.
Immediately, the band in the corner struck up a slower tune, and Williams placed a hand on your waist and began to awkwardly sway off beat. Unlike Jack’s soft, warm hands, this felt cold and unforgiving, and you forced yourself to swallow back the nausea.
“So, you must be used to all the glamor of these events, huh? Being a powerful man and whatnot.” you flirted, batting your eyelashes to help sell your act.
“You could say that, though they get pretty boring after a while. But having someone like you here helps to pass the time.” Williams said, slipping his hand further down your back.
Humming in response, you used the distraction to subtly reach your hand into Williams’ jacket pocket where you silently cheered when your hand touched a key – which you assumed unlocked his office. Carefully, you slipped it into your own pocket before squeezing William’s bicep with a smile to keep his suspicions down. Before he could slip his hand down any further, you pushed back gently and flashed an apologetic smile.
“Excuse me for a moment.” you purred, slipping away to the nearest hallway, keeping an eye out for Jack. Suddenly, an arm shot out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you further down the hallway. You nearly let out a shout of surprise before you saw that it was Jack.
“Are you done flirting or what?” he hissed, eyes narrowed, and chest puffed out.
Rolling your eyes, you flashed him the key you had slipped into the pocket of your dress. “Didn’t take you for the jealous type, Thompson.” you teased, scanning the doors for Williams’ office.
Once you reached the door, you quickly unlocked his office and ushered Jack in, quietly closing the door behind you and locking it. The office itself was spotless, leaving you no clue as to where the files could be hidden. Wordlessly, you and Jack split up, searching through every nook and cranny in order to complete your mission.
It wasn’t long before a soft “found it” came from Jack’s side of the room. Rushing over, you peered at the document in front of him to confirm that it was the correct document. Joy filled your body when you saw that your mission was a success.
Placing a hand on Jack’s bicep, you beamed at him. “Jack this is amazing, we did it!” you celebrated.
Jack let out a small chuckle, enjoying the way you were so excited. He glanced down at your hand on his arm, then back towards you where he locked his eyes with yours. Some unknown force took over you, causing the two of you to lean in towards each other, lips inching closer. Just as you could feel his warm breath on your face and almost touch his lips, loud rattling and banging came from the two, pulling the two of you apart instantly.
“Williams.” you both whispered, looking for a way out.
An open window caught your eye, and you ripped the file out of Jack’s hand as you pushed him towards said window. “Go, or neither of us are going to make it out of here.” you said through clenched teeth.
Jack hesitated a moment before he ran to climb out of the window, instantly turning around to offer you a helping hand. Right as you jumped out, the office door burst open, and Williams appeared with a half dozen bodyguards. He caught a flash of your dress and noticed the torn apart file cabinet, quickly putting two and two together.
“Shit! Get those two, dead or alive, and bring me back that file!” he shouted, pointing in the direction of your escape
It wasn’t long before bullets whizzed past your head as you and Jack ran through the garden towards the getaway car. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, minimizing the dull ache on the side of your arm you eventually felt. All you could think about was getting yourself and Jack out of there in one piece.
The moment the car came into view, you pushed yourself further and faster, sliding into the passenger seat as Jack started the engine and drove off with a squeal. There were still bullets that banged against the car, but once Jack stepped on the gas and swerved off the beaten road, you finally allowed yourself a breath of relief.
“Please tell me after all that, you still have the damn file.” Jack said, glancing to his side at your crumpled figure.
Slamming a, albeit slightly bent, manilla file folder onto the dashboard, you let out a dry chuckle. “You’re welcome. Maybe, for once, Thompson, you can just admit that I actually know what I’m – shit!” you suddenly groaned, clutching the side of your arm, and pulling away to reveal red, sticky fingers.
Jack looked over once more at your groan of pain and slammed on the breaks the moment he saw blood. “You got shot?” he all but shouted, turning your body so he could see where a bullet had lodged itself into the side of your arm.
“Thank you, Sherlock.” you breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut as Jack poked and prodded the area. “You’re gonna need to dig it out.” you told him after he continued to sit in silence.
“I know!” Jack snapped, before sighing upon seeing your reaction and approaching the situation softer. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” he said before stepping out of the car and grabbing the first aid box from the trunk.
Jack quickly opened the passenger side of the door and knelt down so he could reach your wound. “This is gonna sting.” Jack whispered before he began to clean the wound with some of the alcohol from the kit, wincing along with you.
Jack felt his heart clench as you gripped his shoulder in pain, biting your lip. It became even worse when he started to remove the bullet from your arm, though there was nothing that he could do. There was silence between you and Jack, leaving Jack to his own devices. Seeing the blood on your hands and having to dig a bullet out of you made Jack feel as though he had been the one to be shot. In fact, he wished he had been to avoid you going through this pain.
“Got it.” Jack finally announced, throwing the bullet to the side and wrapping your arm in gauze.
“Thank you.” you said, letting out one more hiss of pain.
Instead of responding, Jack let his hand linger on your arm as he poured over every inch of your body, trying to determine if you had been injured anywhere else. There was such an intensity in his eyes that you couldn’t believe this was the same man you bickered with on an almost hourly basis. It had to be some kind of trick your eyes were playing on you from the pain.
“There you go, you’ll be alright.” Jack reassured you, tying the final strip of bandage around your arm, his hands lingered gently. “I gotta say, you really know how to give a fella a heart attack, y/n.”
“Oh please, I’m sure you would’ve forgotten all about me and reveled in all the attention you’d receive from the Chief.” you shot back, deflecting any emotions that could make you look weak and vulnerable.
Jack’s face morphed into one of hurt, and you felt guilty at the way his titled head and soft eyes made him look like a lost puppy. “Is that what you really think of me? That I wouldn’t care if you didn’t make it out of this mission?”
“You don’t like me, Jack. And I don’t like you. That’s how we’ve always operated, what else could I have possibly interpreted from that?” you argued, frustrated that he seemed to be dragging this conversation on.
“That’s not true, and you know it, y/n.” Jack countered, taking both of your hands in his grasp. “Both of us know deep down that this enemies act is self-defense, but I know that after tonight, I can’t pretend anymore. And I’m pretty sure you don’t want to either.”
For the second time that night, Jack cupped your cheeks in his hand, and leaned in. His lips hovered over yours for just a moment, giving you the chance to change your mind, but you launched yourself forward and finally kissed Jack Thompson. The kiss was sweet, but passionate, years of pent-up feelings bubbling over the surface. Jack pulled you close to his body while your fingers played with the hair and the nape of his neck. You had never allowed yourself to imagine this moment, but in that moment you knew you could get used to be kissed by Jack for the rest of your life.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away, foreheads leaning against each other, and your breath the only thing that could be heard in the night air. Jack’s thumb brushed against your cheek, and you leaned into his touch, now unable to reject his touch.
“Wow,” you breathed out. “maybe we should bottle our feelings like that again.” you teased.
“No, I don’t want to not be able to kiss you again.” Jack whispered, before he pulled you back in for another kiss, grateful you were safe in his arms, giving him the rest of his life to spend with you, and making Peggy five dollars richer.
tagging: @sarcasm-n-insomnia @bde-break-down-energy
242 notes · View notes
doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Whole Time || A. Hotchner x Fem!Reader
It’s @ssahotchswife ‘s soft hotch saturday again bitches. u know the drill. 
Summary: Aaron decides to make some happier memories in New York
Contains: fluff, alcohol consumption, law-breaking but not the kind anyone cares about, canon-typical descriptions of kidnapping, author taking creative liberties with the geography of New York City
word count: 1.7k
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding when you watch the child you’d saved from an attempted kidnapping rush into his mother’s waiting arms. The most recent case had brought the team to New York City, for a kidnapping that was ultimately linked to a trafficking ring. You’d recovered a dozen kids of all ages, but Charlotte, the child you’d been called on the case for originally, was finally with her parents again, and you could rest, and rest easy, knowing that you’d saved them.
Spencer and JJ were already taking apart the team’s whiteboard in the conference room. Aaron was off making a call, and you spotted Derek and Emily fussing with the coffee pot in the NYPD’s break room. You started clearing off the table, preparing for your swift exit, and hopefully a night at home with Aaron and Jack. 
“Jet leaves tomorrow at 8AM.” Aaron announces when he enters the conference room. 
“We’re not leaving this afternoon?” JJ asked. 
“We had to shut the airports down to stop the unsubs. LaGuardia is a mess trying to get all of today’s rescheduled flights out, and it seemed better to give you all a day in the city than to sit on the tarmac for eight hours. But if you want me to call them back--” 
“Ah, ah, I think what JJ meant to say is first round on her tonight.” Morgan corrected and the team let out a laugh.
“Well, I for one, am overdue for some self care in the form of a little blue box.” Emily said, already pulling up walking directions to Tiffany’s. 
“Oh, can we go to Saks, too!” JJ asked, peering over Emily’s shoulder. 
You crossed the room to slide beside Aaron. The team knew that you were together, but for professionalism’s sake, you tried to make sure any local teams you worked with couldn’t tell, which meant you had to be very careful about your PDA.
“So… a day in New York, huh?” You looked up at him, and he smiled at you. 
“I think I’m just gonna take some time and work on my report so it’s done when we get in tomorrow. You should go shopping with the girls.” He tells you, and you squint up at him.
“You okay?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” he assures you with a little nod and a quirk of his brow that doesn’t leave you feeling very assured at all. 
“I know New York isn’t your favorite place. You don’t have a lot of happy memories here,” you understated. 
“Well, today’s not all that bad.” He winks at you. “Go shop. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you used the money your parents sent you for your birthday on Jack.” He narrows his eyes at you. 
“It’s all the same money once it gets into the account, babe. I don’t feel deprived of anything. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you went way overboard with my presents this year.” You remind him with a smirk. 
“No such thing,” he said, taking a risk and pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. The case was done now, anyways. “Have fun with the girls. I’ll be waiting for you when you get back. You’d better have more bags than you can carry.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” You rolled your eyes at him playfully as he gave you a gentle shove towards JJ and Emily. You took a couple steps over to where they were planning the rest of their afternoon. “Mind if I crash?” You asked. 
“We were planning on stealing you away from Hotch regardless of whether or not you asked, so this seems easier,” Emily tells you and you laugh. 
“I need coffee before we do anything. Real, not-police-station coffee.” JJ moans out, and you drag her out the door in the direction of the nearest Starbucks.
You’re headed back to the hotel after some shopping when Emily mentions a detour through Central Park. The air is warm, and contrary to Aaron’s orders, your bags aren’t all that heavy, so you’re happy to oblige her. You’re distracted, following JJ’s lead as you breathe in the smell of the flowers and appreciate the life of the city, the simplicity of all these people who have no clue about the international kidnapping scheme you and your team had taken down not even four hours ago. Emily and JJ come to a stop and you look between them. They gesture to a tree not far off from your path. Aaron’s underneath it, a blanket beneath him and a picnic basket on the ground beside him. He stands up and makes his way towards you.
“Did you two know about this?’ You ask, looking back and forth between Emily and JJ, betrayed but not at all angry. 
“He texted us and asked if we could covertly get you here, but other than that we knew nothing.” JJ assured you. You’re about to pressure Emily for more answers, but Aaron makes his way to you. 
“Hi angel,” He tells you, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 
“Hi.” You smile at him. “When did you have time to do all of this? You said you were working on your report.” 
He shrugged. “I lied. If you want to yell at me, I’ll allow it, but let’s not make Emily and JJ watch.” He teases.
You’d forgotten that they were even there. They both gave you hugs goodbye before taking off, and Aaron took your hand in his to lead you back to the blanket he’d set up on a slight hill, overlooking a bit of the park. 
“I figured it was time to make some happy memories in the city.” He tells you, beckoning you to sit. You do, scooting your way next to him so that your thighs were touching. He leans forward for the basket and procures a chilled bottle of white wine and a small package of red solo cups. 
“Aaron Hotchner, are you drinking in public?” You asked incredulously. 
“I figure the NYPD’ll give us a pass, just this once.” He says, uncorking the bottle and pouring modest glasses into two cups for you both.
You raised your glass to his. “To happier memories.” 
He connected his cup to your own but leaned in to kiss you before you could take a sip. “I love you,” he reminds you between kisses, and you smile. To anyone else in the park, especially from a distance, you two must have looked like crazy twenty-somethings freshly in love. Sometimes you felt like that, too. 
He pulls away from you, after a moment. “I love you.” You say, taking your free hand and wrapping it around Aaron’s arm, pulling him in and resting your head on his shoulder. 
He places a hand on your thigh and turns his head to leave a kiss on top of yours. “We don’t do this enough.” 
“No amount of time with you could ever be enough,” you concur. “But we get out as often as we can. We’re busy, Aaron, and we have a son.” 
His heart warmed when you referred to Jack as your own-- it wasn’t the first time you’d done it, not by a long shot, and he’d known even before you started calling him yours that you’d risk life and limb for him. So why hadn’t he asked you yet? Why hadn’t he pulled the ring out of his sock drawer and made it official?
“A son who I see you’ve spoiled, when I specifically told you to go shopping for yourself.” He teased you, changing the subject in his own brain and gesturing to the FAO Schwarz bag in your collection. 
“It’s just a couple comic books, Aaron. It’s reading material, it hardly counts as a gift.” You defended, knowing there was no need.
“Sure,” He chuckles at you, concealing his grin with a sip of wine. 
He pulls a small plate of cut fruit out of the basket, and you talk and eat and giggle and settle in to each other to watch the sunset. He’s leaning back against the tree, his legs spread so you can lean against his chest and sit between them, his arms wrapped around you from behind. The setting sun has allowed a slight chill to settle into the air, but the weight of his body wrapped around yours keeps you warm. 
“Aaron?” You ask, not daring to tear your eyes away from the cascading pinks and purples of the sky in front of you. 
“Hm?” He asks. 
“Do you think you’d want more?” You ask, internally cringing at your own vulnerability, hoping you hadn’t ruined an otherwise perfect evening.
“More wine?” He asked, unwrapping a hand from you to look for his cup. 
You let out a nervous little laugh. “No, hon. I, uh. I meant more kids. Sorry, didn’t mean to spring that on you, it was just on my mind. You don’t have to answer.” 
“Only if they’re yours,” he replies, and you’re confused. 
“Huh?” You ask. 
“I only want more kids if they’re yours.” He reiterates, craning to look at you a little. “Isn’t it obvious?” He asked. 
“Well, you know, it doesn’t hurt to hear, regardless.” You responded, a little breathless. You turned to face him. 
“Silly girl,” He smiled at you. “I only want you. I want you and our future together, and our babies, if we are to have any, and I want to keep making you smile for the rest of my life. And if I have that, I’ll be happy.” He states simply, as if it were the easiest thing in the world, as if he’d known it all along. He suspects that deep down, he has. 
“Sounds like a pretty good life you’ve dreamed up for yourself, there.” You smile at him, just happy to be included. 
“Yeah, I think so.” He agrees, giving you a squeeze. 
“You know, you’re gonna have to marry me before I let you knock me up,” you inform him with a laugh. 
“Working on it,” He tells you, and you roll your eyes. 
“Sure you are,” you counter, and he kisses your temple. 
“It’s coming when you least expect it. Like an action movie. You’d better watch out.” He whispers against you, and you laugh, the sound vibrating through your chest and warming him from the inside out. 
“You’re missing the sunset, silly boy.” You reminded him. 
He’d been looking at you the whole time, anyways. 
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
Uh, so I'mma request something because I really like your writing and want more of your wonderful Aragorn fics in my life. So, I was thinking some headcannons about what it would be like to date/be in a relationship with Aragorn before, during and/or after the fellowship? Thanks man, and take as long as you need!💕
A/N: I am STRUGGLING with sleepover requests, my own series (PS and DAKT) and some new stuff so I turned to my stack of ‘normal’ requests to try and write something different. Et voilà!
@katethewriter I took a lot longer than I should have with these and I’m so sorry! I’m leaning more towards the Hobbit era lately (I’m really turning into a Dwarf simp here), and I’m neglecting the fellowship members. Unforgivable! 
I interpreted this as how your relationship would develop while on the quest to destroy the ring and you’re not actually together at the start of it. Also maybe slightly OOC Aragorn. 
A/N 2: It has some nsfw hints (not much), I couldn’t help myself and it’s very unlike Aragorn I think but I’m not sorry. Also this turned out really long, I am sorry for that. 
A/N 3: Just like my other headcanons, this doesn’t make much sense so best to simply ignore this. I really don’t know what this is... :) 
Being In a Relationship With Aragorn On The Quest Would Go Like This:
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Aragorn had met you in some seedy pub 
Not his first choice to take shelter from the weather but after days and days of endless rain and trudging through mud it was almost nice to be there
at least he was able to dry his clothes and have a warm meal 
he was surprised to see someone like you there 
surprised but concerned too 
for your wellbeing that is 
every single person in that bar had his eyes on you the minute you moved
Aragorn had too but for entirely different reasons
at least that’s what he told himself
so the minute one of those drunk lads laid a hand on you he was on his feet
knight in shining armor ranger clothes
before he got to you, you had floored and knocked out your assailant, threatening the others they would suffer the same fate if they tried something similar
Aragorn stood frozen in place, completely mesmerized by you
and maybe a tad bit aroused too
the life of a ranger is very lonely after all
you winked at him and left the bar shortly after
Aragorn couldn’t get you out of his head 
but what were the odds he would ever run into you again
he even returned to that godawful place a few times
a guy can hope right
you can imagine his surprise when he saw you in Rivendell
attending the secret council
he was jaw on the floor surprised
he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you
on the outside he was the cool ranger of the north, bringer of Hobbits, inventor of the Sexy But Still Rough Around The Edges Stare™
while on the inside he was  f r e a k i n g  o u t 
because there you were, finally within reach 
but then Frodo had to sacrifice himself 
and Aragorn could not not go with him 
he absolutely lost it when you volunteered as well
there was no way you were going to put your life on the line like that
you scoffed at his remark
wait did he said that out loud?
“I can handle myself just fine.”
Oh he knew that
Flashes of the bar fight filled his mind
it filled something else too 😏
so Aragorn had set himself a second goal  
besides getting Frodo and the ring to Mordor he now vowed to keep you safe as well
and to make you his by the time you would arrive at Mordor
but we all know how smooth that will go do we 
the first few days and weeks it went reasonably well 
you have to read that as ‘he didn’t embarass himself in front of you’
because there was no progress at all on any other front
you seemed to prefer the company of the Hobbits over him or any other member of the fellowship
he tried to make conversation with you every time you walked near him 
A+ for effort
when the Crebain flew over his instinct was to make sure Frodo (and Sam because those two were attached at the hip) was out of sight
after that he searched for you, but Legolas had already pulled you under the bushes with him
surely the feeling in his stomach was the fault of the Lembas bread
because Aragorn doesn’t get jealous
but then the same thing happened in Moria
you weren’t a fan of the dark and claustrophobic mines so he let you walk up front with Gandalf and Frodo near the light of Gandalf’s staff 
with him right behind you of course 
when the Orcs and Troll attacked, he tried to stay near you 
keep an extra eye out for you, driving the Orcs away who were trying to get to you
it was you together with Legolas who defeated the troll, high fiving each other over a job well done
okay fine maybe Aragorn did get jealous this time
like he had done his best to protect you but did you notice?
then when Gandalf fell you surprisingly turned to him for comfort
leaving Legolas, Gimli and Boromir to comfort the Hobbits
take that Leaf Boi
even though it felt really good to hold you, he knew you couldn’t stay there
so he ordered everyone to get going, taking the lead
and then Lothlorien happened
a forest that was both magical and romantic
perfect setting for a love confession right
when he finally got you alone he chickened out at the last moment
because OF cOUrsE
luckily for him you did not
you almost knocked him over in your attempt to kiss him  
he eagerly reciprocated the kiss though
no complaints there
but he also explained that even though he wanted this, the quest and Frodo had to come first
which you respected and understood, but you were also willing to test his resolve 👀
you didn’t tell the others 
but they didn’t need an explanation, it’s not like you two were subtle
he held your hand whenever he could 
Gimli couldn’t help but commenting on it, Aragorn explaining it was to prevent you from falling or tripping
“Lad, you’re sitting down in a boat...”
cue roaring laughter and flushed cheeks on Aragorn
although the fellowship supported your relationship they couldn’t help but tease Aragorn relentlessly
lots of sneaky forehead kisses
during the rest of the quest Aragorn did his best to keep you out of harm’s way 
to your own frustration of course, you weren’t helpless or as fragile as he made you seem
you fought alongside Boromir when Uglúk shot him 
they took Merry and Pippin and dragged you away from Boromir’s body
the one time Aragorn wasn’t at your side and you got kidnapped
you weren’t going to hear the end of this 
needless to say Aragorn was indeed beside himself with worry 
he couldn’t get a break 
first Frodo gone, then Boromir shot and now it seemed he failed his promise to himself
enter brooding Aragorn
but he knew you were brave and could take care of yourself - you had repeated that countless times - so he was sure he was going to find you 
after three days of running with a dartling Elf and a wheezing Dwarf they bumped into Éomer and his horse gang
before he could ask Éomer if he saw you or the Hobbits, one of his riders jumped off their horse and made a beeline for him 
Legolas notched an arrow and Gimli raised his axe but you simply shoved them aside and threw your arms around Aragorn
relieved kisses 
the hug lasted several minutes until Legolas cleared his throat
oh right... audience
you shared a horse with Aragorn on the way to Edoras
while with King Théoden Aragorn kept an arm around your waist or a hand on the small of your back the entire time
as if he had to make sure you were still there
Éowyn who?
The Battle of Helm’s Deep was torture for Aragorn
he wanted to stay with you but you both knew you would be too distracted by each other 
it took him a while to find you after the battle was won 
few years of his life were lost in panic
but of course you were alright, already helping with the wounded
now it was his turn to sweep you off your feet
quite literally too 
as the quest progressed, it became clear to Aragorn that he had to take up his rightful place as the King of Gondor when the time came 
so during the victory feast after Helm’s Deep he took you outside for a walk
cue comments and whistling from Gimli 
but Aragorn only wanted to talk to you 
to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into if you stayed with him 
were you ready to be the spouse of a King?
of course he made it seem as if he was going to ditch you 
because that man is angst embodied 
everything to keep you safe right?
luckily as soon as it was clear that no, he wasn’t going to ditch you and yes, this was kind of a hastily thrown together proposal in a way, you kissed him saying that as long as you were at his side you were ready for anything
as long as you were together
Aragorn taglist: @katethewriter @lovemusic26alwaysblog @sokkasdarling @snailcoveredcottage
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @myrin1234 @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @sokkasdarling @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @leethology @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @emmapotato8 @kirenia15 @vicmackeybullshxt @moarfandomtrash
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giaourtopita · 3 years
Can I request a headcanon with the demon brothers/Simeon? I've recently gotten pretty attached to Luke and while the chihuahua joke is admittedly pretty funny, and I like the brotherly dynamic they can have, sometimes things get taken too far or he's mistreated (not just teasing, like actual emotinal and neglectful damage) in game and nothing's really done about it. How do you think they'd react if after MC sees them mistreating Luke a bit too much (intentionally or not because I don't think they're actually trying to hurt him) MC sides with Luke and says that when the boys are hurting Luke, they're also hurting MC because MC was treated similarly as a kid
mc stands up for luke
hi! thank you for requesting! honestly my requests are taking so long because i have in person classes again and i can't use my phone now as much to write. i'm really sorry they're taking so long! i did mini fics for each character because it felt more fitting btw! i did mammon and levi and satan and asmo together! i really hope this is good enough!
warnings: implied bullying, confrontation (not anything too much tho), gn mc, angst, fluff(ish).
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*mc noticed immediately the change in how he was reacting and talking when the brothers joined them. simeon noticed too but all he said was that he doesn't need to take them so seriously. almost as if simeon doesn't realise that he's a child and it's hard to react like an adult when you're not one.*
*during lunch time, all the exchange students were sitting together bouncing from topic to topic. soon enough the brothers joined them. most of them almost immediately started calling luke chihuahua, even though he didn't say anything to them.*
mc: come on, let's skip the rest of the classes.
*mc whispered to luke after noticing that he wasn't feeling okay anymore.*
luke: but what about lucifer and the rest?
mc: they'll be fine, don't worry! take your stuff and we'll leave once the bell rings, okay?
*luke nodded and waited to hear the bell so he could leave with mc, he wasn't sure why they wanted to skip the rest of the classes with him but he was sure it would probably be better if he went with them. he would rather be with them than have all the demons calling him names and purposefully annoying him.*
*once the bell rang, mc and luke acted as if they were going to their respective classes but at the last minute both left. they managed to leave rad with no one noticing them leaving.*
mc: do you want some ice cream? it'll be my treat!
luke: sure!
*luke and mc walked for a few minutes until they reached madame scream's. thankfully after the exchange program had been such a huge success a lot of shops started selling some of the most basic human items so luke and mc were able to get some human world flavours, strawberry for luke and  chocolate for mc to be more specific.*
mc: so you don't feel comfortable around the brothers, right?
luke: yeah, they keep making fun of me, they tease me and they're also demons so... and they make me feel really bad, simeon doesn't think it's so bad but...
mc: i really don't think them being demons is the problem, you get along with barbatos just fine!
luke: yeah but still, i don't like being around them.
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mc: i understand, i'll talk to them. don't worry, i'll make it sound like you didn't tell me anything!
*luke just nodded and continued eating his ice cream. after both were done, he and mc decided to go to the house of lamentation to bake so luke could have some fun after their talk.*
*after all the brothers returned, lucifer was visibly mad at mc. not only did they skip school but they also didn't tell him anything, he was worried the whole time. he couldn't say anything to lord diavolo though, admitting that he failed at something always makes him feel bad, it's a pride thing after all.*
*he stormed in mc's bedroom to scold them, since that's all he can do to them as a punishment but before he could say anything mc started talking.*
mc: can you stop calling luke a chihuahua and teasing him? it was funny in the beginning but now it got old and all it does is hurt him and me too...
*lucifer's facial expression softened, he was ready to disagree but as soon as mc told him it hurt them too he dropped it.*
lucifer: you too? what happened?
mc: i was just treated similarly as a kid and i don't want that for him. i'm fine now though so don't worry too much. just don't tease him, he's still a young angel so he can't not react like a child.
lucifer: i will stop, i can't promise anything for my brothers but if you talk to them they'll probably understand. demons aren't as emotionally intelligent as humans so thank you for telling me.
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*mc gave lucifer a hug and left the room to go talk to the rest.*
mammon & leviathan
*next was mammon and levi, mc remembered the two were planning on stopping by anidaemon so levi could buy a few new games they could both play without mammon getting scared during jumpscares.*
*mc knocked on levi's door where both him and mammon were. they said levi's secret phrase before entering.*
*mammon and levi were both finishing a level when mc paused the game. the demons were both starting to complain but mc stopped them from talking using the pacts.*
levi: why did you do that? we were about to finish the level!
*mammon nodded in agreement with levi.*
mc: i wanted to talk to both of you. mammon, you probably noticed when i left school early right?
mammon: of course i did! i was so worried that ya left, i called you like two hundred times!
levi: what was it that you wanted to talk about?
mc: i had a talk with luke and i want you to stop making fun of him and calling him names. it doesn't make sense when you do it, your brothers do it to both of you so i expected you to be more understanding, especially since he's so young. please stop doing that, he's too young to feel so bad and... it hurts me too because i was treated this way too.
*both brothers give each other a look before saying anything.*
both: we're sorry.
mammon: i'll stop, actually we will both stop doing that.
levi: yeah, it's not very fair to treat him like that.
mc: you're both the best!
*mc gave them a big hug and left the room to go talk to the next brother they could find.*
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satan & asmo
*these two were hanging out in asmo's room, the fifth eldest was painting satan's nails and they were chatting and laughing.*
*mc walked in unannounced, asmo doesn't mind when mc does it so he didn't say anything.*
mc: hi! uhm, i came here to talk to you both.
satan: is it about you leaving rad early today? because i noticed...
mc: yeah, it's about that.
asmo: oh sweetie, i hope we didn't do something to upset you!
mc: you kind of did actually... i want you to stop making jokes at the expense of luke. you're making him feel awful, you're adults and you should be more understanding.
mc: it feels wrong and he's a child and the way you're acting hurts me too so if you care about me stop doing it, for my sake at least.
*asmo stops painting satan's nails and comes closer to mc, he hugs them and apologises for his behaviour. satan gets up to do the same but realizes that his nails are freshly painted.*
satan: i'm sorry that i made you feel this way, it wasn't my intention.
mc: it's okay, i just hope luke's mood improves a little after you all stop.
*satan was still standing, not knowing what to do so instead of giving them a hug like asmo did, he kissed them on the cheek.*
mc: i'll go now, uh, satan this shade of green looks very good on you! asmo you really know your colours!
*both brothers laughed as mc left the room.*
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*mc entered the twins room knowing that beel was probably working out. he was listening to music very loudly, he didn't notice mc walking in so he got startled.*
beel: ah, mc you scared me!
mc: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to do that. can you take a break from working out? i need to talk to you.
beel: sure!
*the demon sat in his bed, next to mc.*
mc: so, you know how your brothers keep calling luke names, right? i know you don't really do it but if they do say mean things to luke could you, maybe, stop them?
mc: i know he keeps calling you demons in a demeaning way but i have the feeling that that's all he knows. maybe if you stopped he would also stop.
mc: and there's this other thing too...
beel: what other thing?
mc: you see, i was also treated like that as a child by adults and it really messed me up. i don't want that for luke.
beel: i'm sorry that happened to you, i will apologise to him the next time i see him.
*mc gave him a kiss on the cheek and they left the room.*
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*since he wasn't in his room, he's either at the planetarium or the attic. mc looked for him at the planetarium, but he wasn't so they stormed off in the attic to talk to him.*
*he was sleeping on the bed, he looked so comfortable mc almost didn't want to wake him up. they tried to wake him up by talking to him but they figured, he would probably wake up if mc kissed him. quickly they put the hair on his forehead to the side and kissed him. he woke up immediately.*
belphie: w-why did you wake me up?
mc: i want to talk to you about luke.
*belphie sat at the top of the bed and mc put their hand over his shoulders.*
mc: could you stop making fun of luke? it makes him and me feel bad. i was treated the same way when i was younger and ultimately it made me feel uncomfortable around adults. so, can you stop? it was funny in the beginning but you all took it too far.
belphie: sure, less effort for me i guess. and mc, i'm sorry for making you feel like that, it wasn't my intention.
*mc didn't say anything, they just pulled the covers over the demon, kissed him on the forehead again and left to talk to the final person they have in mind.*
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*mc left the house of lamentations, they were extra careful as they were going outside alone.*
*once they got to the purgatory hall, they were finally able to let their guard down.*
*they said hello to luke and solomon, who were hanging out in the living room, they were told that simeon was in him room so that's where they went.*
*they knocked on the door, simeon welcomed them in and closed the door.*
mc: i want to talk to you. it's about luke.
simeon: what is it?
*mc took a deep breath before saying anything.*
mc: okay so, i know you're doing your best as luke's guardian but when the demon brothers make fun of him could you take him more seriously? it's a little neglectful that you're not defending him and at times it's as if he tries to act like an adult to make them stop, but since no one takes him seriously they usually just continue doing that. i talked to all of them and they told me they will stop but i needed to talk to you too. see, i was treated the same way as a child by adults who were supposed to take care of me and i know how he feels so please...
simeon: yeah, of course i understand. i didn't really notice because he keeps making fun of the demons so i thought it was like an inside joke but thank you for telling me.
*simeon gave mc a tight hug.*
simeon: would you like it if i walked you back home?
mc: yeah, sure i'd love that!
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yoongimooni · 3 years
felicity — shim jae-yun (jake)
intense happiness.
[friends to lovers]
[i was so bias-wrecked while writing this]
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jake. your best friend since childhood. you grew up together, and you distinctly remember your parents telling you that the red brick house on the other side of the house was officially occupied. so, you and your family decided to wish your new neighbours a congratulations and offer a few gifts. and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
“i’ve been thinking,” jake began, lying on your bed while you sat at the desk. 
“that’s scary,” you remarked playfully, turning your attention towards him. “what’s up?”
you watched as he sat up, rolling his eyes in the process before saying, “i want to be an idol.”
your eyes widened at his words, “what?”
he nodded, beaming as he spoke, “i really wanna do it. it’ll be fun!”
a small smile settled on your face as you watched his eyes light up while he went on about his dream.
 “you should do it,” you said, “i’ll be rooting for you. you know that.”
“i know,” he whispered, falling back onto the bed. “if i get in—”
“when,” you correct, “you’re going to get in. i know you will.”
“i’m going to miss you.”
you laughed, patting his head, “i’m going to miss you too.”
jake did get scouted, entering a show called i-land and before you knew it, his whole family was about to up and leave for korea. so you stood at the airport terminal, tears in your eyes as you watched your best friend of ten years leave for korea. 
“i thought you said you wouldn’t cry,” jake chuckled, resting a hand on your head. “hey…”
“of course i’m going to cry, you’re leaving…” you sniffed, wiping the tears away with the sleeves at your hands. “i don’t want you to go but… i know you want to.”
he smiled sadly, dropping his hand. “i’m going to miss you so much.”
“don’t forget me when you’re famous, okay?” you laugh, but it was humourless. “i’m going to miss you too, jake. and layla.”
he lets out a breath, looking at the ground before looking back at you. “i’ll call you everyday.”
“as you should,” you said. “until next time.”
“until next time.” jake ran a hand through his hair as he looked from you to the entrance of the plane where his parents were standing. just as he was about to walk to them, he wrapped his arms around you, whispering, “cheer for me, okay?”
you hugged him back tightly, responding quietly, “물론이야 (mullon-iya)*.”
you yawn, the rough landing jolting you awake. 
“attention passengers, we have landed. please unbuckle your seatbelts and exit the plane.” the flight attendant announces from the loud speaker, and you stretch in your seat. 
the nine - almost ten - hour flight from australia to korea was long enough to knock you out, and you groggily made your way out of the plane.
after retrieving your luggage, you made it into a train, and you plugged your earphones in. a video on your youtube recommendations caught your eye, and you blinked at the title. 
“who is jake’s biggest supporter?” you mumble quietly to yourself, clicking on the video.
the text voice fills your ears with the words, “a few days ago on the vlive, jake said that his biggest supporter is in australia. but engenes say that the way he talks about this mystery person is more than just a supporter.”
“you’re an engene too?” a voice cuts through the video and look up to see a girl, a teenager, looking at your screen.
“uh... something like that,” you say awkwardly.
“that’s so cool! oh, you’re watching about the vlive a few days ago, right?” she grins, brushing her bangs out of her face. “i wonder who they are…”
“what did he say about them?” you ask slowly, “i didn’t have time to watch the live.”
“that’s okay!” she smiles, taking a seat beside you. “jake said that this supporter has been with him since pre-debut days and has always been there to help him. i think he said something about how he wanted to give up but they’ve always helped him persevere.”
you nod slowly, holding the chuckle in your throat. “i see.”
“you’re a foreigner, right? unnie*, where are you from?”
“australia,” you say, just as your phone begins to ring with a facetime call, the name ‘jake’ appearing on the screen, and the train doors open to yongsan station. 
the girl looks from the phone to you, the gears in her head beginning to turn. “wait—”
“that’s my stop, see you!” you wave goodbye, and leave the train.
accepting the call, you smile when you hear jake’s voice, “(y/n), you haven’t been picking up!”
“huh?” you laugh when you see five missed calls from him the duration you were on the plane. “jake, i was busy!”
“obviously,” he snickers, and you roll your eyes, watching as he fixes the mask on his face. “weren’t you the one who told me to keep in touch?”
“oh don’t you start,” you chuckle.
he runs a hand through his hair, a habit he may-or-may-not have stolen from sunghoon, and he squints to stare at your screen. “hold on, where are you right now?”
“uh... the station,” you say, and you technically aren’t lying. “why?”
“it looks familiar— why is there korean on that sign?” 
“multicultural australia, ya gotta love it!” you chuckle nervously, “anyway—”
“wait, wait, are you in korea?” 
“uh... no?” 
“liar!” he exclaims, getting up from his seat. “aiyo, why didn’t you tell me? i would have picked you up! where are you?”
“it was meant to be a surprise!” you whine, “you ruined it!”
“yeah, yeah,” he laughs, saying something to one of the managers in quick korean, “where are you, i’m picking you up.”
“are you allowed to?” you ask quickly, “jake, we can just meet up where i’m staying.”
“sejin said i can,” he says, putting on a bucket hat and a jacket before climbing into the car. “where are you?”
“yongsan station. it’s really pretty here!”
a second later, the call cuts off, leaving you a little confused but you shrug it off. you wonder around the station, buying yourself a well-needed coffee, and looking at the multitude of stores. that is, before someone tapped you on the shoulder. 
“excuse me, i’m looking for (l/n) (y/n), have you seen them?” 
“jake!” you squeal, and he lifts you into his arms, spinning you around. 
he laughs, squeezing you tighter. “i missed you so much, (y/n).”
“i missed you too,” you say, before looking him up and down. “you’re so different now! have you been eating enough? sleeping well?”
he chuckles, mumbling under his breath in korean, “너는 천사다 (neoneun cheonsada)**.”
“nothing,” he says quickly, “come on, let’s go.”
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*물론이야 (mullon-iya): of course
** 너는 천사다 (neoneun cheonsada): you are an angel
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