#a passing flash of starlight | ooc
izar-tarazed · 14 days
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Ensha set out to explore the local vegetation.
He'll be comfortable until I water that plant.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, 03/30/17: BKB Entertainment has officially released information about leader and main vocalist, Park Aejeong, also known as Aej, on silverBEAT’s official website! Aej is an ‘89 liner and has been beloved by fans since her debut in 2010. Find out more about Aej below!
I, Park Aejeong, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of silverBEAT leader and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of BKB Entertainment.
Preferred name: Trice
Pronouns: She/her
Timezone: PST
Faceclaim: Park Kyungri
Name: Park Aejeong
Stage name (if applicable): Aej, pronounced “Edge” ; her unofficial stagename by fans (and her nickname within the group) is “AJ”
Idol concept: Her concept originally started out as cute (which she hated immensely), but as silverBEAT’s concept started to evolve, so did hers; BKB began to market her as a confident, proactive go-getter, passionate and fiery, who would do anything for her group. While this last part is true, the rest is not; Aejeong, while protective of her group members, is calm, levelheaded, gentle, and above all, tired; she hates the slave contract BKB has tricked the group into, and is one of the members who intends to sue upon release (and also talked some of the re-Fuse trainees out of debuting with the group).
Birth date and age: December 3, 1989 (age 27)
Company name: BKB Entertainment
Group Name (if applicable): silverBEAT
Group Position (if applicable): Leader and main vocalist
Strengths: Aej is known for her power vocals. She can belt out a note at seemingly any range and hold it for ages. She sings just as well live as she does on recording, and can move from note to note with a grace and ease that few possess. It is because of this that she has begun a solo career, and despite rumors surrounding her, she still garners respect as a vocalist. Her dancing skills are well-developed, and she never misses a step.Additionally, her skills as a leader are rather refined; she puts her group ahead of herself, taking extra work where necessary in cleaning the practice rooms, cooking dinners and breakfasts, and putting herself in the line of fire to negotiate extra free time with their manager, all so that the others can get a few extra minutes of sleep.
Weaknesses: While Aej isn’t a “bad” dancer per se (in fact, she took ballet as a child and can dance en pointe; she had wanted to be the main dancer pre-debut), she’s rather unenergetic due to the jadedness that surrounds her and her career. She tries her best to put on good shows, but it’s difficult for her to hide how angry she is that she’s locked into BKB for another three years without her consent. Additionally, her variety show skills are lacking, as her blunt, deadpan honesty and scathing, subtly-concealed jabs at BKB’s CEO tend to cause a few awkward laughs while hosts and fans try to decipher if she’s serious or not (only her group members would know that she is, indeed, very serious). This has earned her the reputation of “Ice Queen” and is the cause of most of her attitude scandals; despite the fact that she respects everyone in the company except her dishonest CEO, most netizens consider her a diva. She is mostly indifferent to these scandals.
Positive traits: Gentle, nurturing, playful, patient
Negative traits: Proud, critical, bitter, jaded
.01—- her earliest memories are the ones of her mother, her sister, and the star shining its light outside the window. that star holds a special place in her heart, brightening and dimming with a fluid grace to be admired. she doesn’t let her mother draw the curtains, and it paints itself beneath her eyelids when she sleeps. she still remembers it when she twirls alone across her practice room’s wooden floors in the dead of night, humming the melody to whatever song dances through her mind.
.02—- her mother is a flighty, whimsical woman who tears up when she talks about aejeong’s father (“the other woman made much more sense than i did, i suppose”) and her sister was an infant when aejeong was four. aejeong protects her fervently and learns to cook and clean to care for her better when their mother is away. they are as close as family can get. their dark hair tangles together when the sounds of their laughter at a moonlit sofa in their seoul-stationed café, and they listen to music that is just as eccentric as their matriarch. that music, too, nests itself in the warm space of aejeong’s memory, and the star from years ago begins to glow to its tune.
.03—- they enroll aejeong in the ballet studio that opens down the street when she is six, and she takes to it like a bird in flight; her toes spin her around and around like the earth around the sun.
.04—- aejeong grows disciplined with her form and observant with watching the technique of the older ballerinas. she is shy among the reflections of stocking-clad legs, and more awkward than the other students. it takes her far longer to learn the dances than the rest of them. if she is a star, then she is dim.
.05—- yet when she does learn, she moves with the fluidity of a petal in the wind. she works to land each step precisely. eventually, her late hours dancing catch her up to the rest and propel her ahead. she is en pointe by the time she is twelve. she, too, can now dance along to the starlight.
.06— dance makes her quiet, her mother jokes sometimes. now she’s always watching the customers come and go from the café and what they leave on their plate or at the bottom of their mugs. aejeong can remember the orders for the customers even when they don’t visit in a month, and they praise her on bringing their coffees so efficiently. she observes the arch of their feet and picks out the flaws in the way their knees bend, even though their form of dance is flitting in and out their door. it’s quite distasteful, and oftentimes she wishes she was surrounded by other stars rather than being the only one.
.07—- bkb entertainment is holding auditions. she is thirteen and has had enough of being the only star in sight (occasionally she reprimands herself for this arrogant train of thought). she dances to the song to which she’s practiced for months before the audition and doesn’t miss a beat, her body in tune from her head to her heels. then,
.08—- ‘can you sing?’
.09—- and a heavenly sound comes out of her mouth, one that sounds like a siren song and it hits her with mild surprise (besides impromptu karaoke nights with her mother and sister, she hasn’t sung a day in her life) and just a little bit of dread; she is supposed to become a main dancer. she will not be the main vocalist for any group, she will not be the main vocalist for any group, she will not be the main vocalist for any group—
.10—- ‘congratulations. we believe you will be the perfect main vocalist for a future group.’
.11—- she just about dies right then and there, but beggars can’t be choosers; maybe they’ll realize that she’s not worth being a vocalist. but much to her chagrin, the longer she trains, the better she becomes at singing, and the farther she gets from her goal of main dancer. she doesn’t have it in her to fail on purpose, so she gets closer to the position of main vocalist. and yet she hopes.
.12—- and fate, of course, has it out for her. it’s announced when she is eighteen that she will be the leader of a brand new group, silverBEAT . . . and the main vocalist. she secretly prays that the group will fail, and she will have another chance at the position of main dancer in a different one.
.13—- as expected, she is evaluative of the prospective members when they first meet. she can see the flaws in their trades as well as she can see the flaws in her own. but she also sees the beauty behind the little things the other members do, and with a satisfied smile, she decides that this group will be perfect for now.
.14—- it is far easier to be comfortable around them once she gets to know them. she can joke and laugh and play in their presence as if she has known them for years, and she takes the skills she learned from caring for her sister and applies it to them. despite this, she feels guilty as her prayer is not granted; not only does silverBEAT not disband, but they become the most popular group in the industry. a dancer position is even farther from her than she could possibly imagine; who would dream to let her change positions so far into her career?
.15—- but her group is enough. she may hate their cute concept with a passion. yet even when she grimaces from the far back positions in their performance formations, she passes the flashes of teeth off as smiles. she cares for her group and thanks the star through her window that they did not disband as she had hoped. but still, she has heard things about other companies like mirage; of course a visually-oriented company like them will appreciate dancing skills like hers. she is not an idiot. she knows that bkb is treating her unfairly, and plans to switch out as soon as their contract ends.
.16—- then 2014 rolls around, and her beloved ninth member and fellow vocalist applies for a contract termination. aejeong tries to hide her disappointment; she’d hoped, at least, that she would stick around till the end of the contract three years down the road. but she holds her tongue; she understands why one might want to leave early, what with how dangerous bkb is. this, unfortunately, manifests in aejeong ignoring her soon-to-be ex-member, and aejeong is heartbroken to learn, after the girl’s official exit from the group, that too many believe aejeong hated her and kicked her out.
.17—- she doesn’t mind. no, that’s a lie: she does. it hurts to think that she could hate any group member, not when she watches them make their acting or modeling debuts, or when she buys her ex-member’s brand new solo debut on her phone and listens to it every night when she makes dinner. perhaps she was critical of them at first, perhaps she wanted nothing to do with them at first, but that doesn’t matter; they are now her little sisters, the ones she’d protect with everything she is. she soon finds that that even means protecting them from their company.
.18—- because it is now 2017, and bkb springs them with a revelation of fine text that had apparently been in their contract since 2014. (numbly, aejeong wonders if she should have left with their ninth member.) she could collapse with pain, but she can’t stand to cry in front of them; she is already a failure of a leader, a fake main vocalist, a disappointment who couldn’t protect her group from three extra years of long nights and health-threatening schedules. she goes home and weeps with her sister and mother, curses their ceo. silverbeat’s concept has long since changed from their hated cute one, but despite this, aejeong can’t find it in her to keep her energy. when they coerce her into a solo debut, she doesn’t flinch, completely numb to the dishonesty that is this company. she no longer cares about performances— all her time and resources will go into keeping her group guarded from the hell that is three more years (just three more years, three more years). even if she can’t join mirage afterward, even if bkb killed her passion for dance long ago, park aejeong holds out hope for the comfort that her seven little sisters will continue their careers as unscathed as she can keep them.
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
that's way too much gold there. I'll fix that later but look at him!
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izar-tarazed · 18 days
In my DnD group, I'm the one who writes down a summary after each session so we can look up things easily (also trying to build kind of a wiki; it's coming along nicely). I know that our DM uses those summaries for our session recaps and at least some other members are reading through them as well.
I have started to include one random line about a horse named Neil in each of those summaries and so far, nobody has called me out on it. (Neil is not a character in our campaign. Nobody knows a horse named Neil. Neil has no business being there. Neil always shows up in the summary.)
So far, Neil is mostly hiding behind pillars and watching our party from the sidelines, but this time I had him take a picture for his dungeon blog.
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
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Ensha is almost done (and seems to be surprisingly comfortable in this tealight holder).
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izar-tarazed · 14 days
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I'm missing two Scadutree Fragments and I have no idea which ones, but I've decided that this is my completionist run and they will be found.
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izar-tarazed · 1 month
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Light isn't great but here's Ensha leaning against some books rather than a stone wall! I'm happy with how the armor turned out (I tried to give it some rust effects).
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I also had him guard my birthday cake for a moment but with the look he's giving it I'm not sure that was a good idea.
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And finally some close-ups to show that I made sure to include the gems on the bone inlays, and did my best to give that rag a somewhat textured and worn look.
He'll be guarding my desk from now on.
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
I'm back home after three weeks AND LOOK WHO'S FINALLY ARRIVED AS WELL!
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izar-tarazed · 8 days
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I absolutely did not start a new playthrough where Ensha gets to meet himself.
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izar-tarazed · 6 months
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Today we're wrapping up our DnD campaign after almost four years and I'm not ready. It was my first campaign ever and our group built such a beautiful story together.
(I call those my fey magic dice, they're just perfect for my little drow glamour bard.)
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
so in our last dnd session, my kobold cleric was asked to provide a description of the adventurers who killed her former kobold party in a dungeon. she did so without missing a beat and described four average adventurers. just your typical party, a dwarf, a human, an elf, a halfling.
in other words, this is how I will find out whether my DM knows about Dungeon Meshi.
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izar-tarazed · 4 months
... so I found someone who prepared me the .stl file to 3D print a miniature Ensha. Now I'll need to decide whether I want him printed at standard TTRPG miniature size–to match my little drow bard and her peryton–or about twice that size? He'd then roughly match the amigurumi Jawa currently guarding my desk. (I don't have a 3D printer, I'll use some printing service but I have a hard time picking a good size.)
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
just realized that maybe at this point I'll need different verses or rather, points in the timeline for Izar? the default would still be her (and Ensha) on their quest towards the Elden Throne; but her having defeated the Elden Beast somewhat calls for that post-game verse where she already is running the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
I made this post a few days with my headcanon for Izar's exploration of the Shadow Realm basically taking place in between those two phases, too...
(It's funny because I never thought I would need to establish these things because Izar's journey seemed like it would last forever, but now maybe I'll come up with something to add to my Stargazer's Cookbook.)
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
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We're good to go, I think.
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izar-tarazed · 9 months
What this is: This blog is mostly dedicated to my Elden Ring OC Izar (and well, her companion Ensha – more about them below). There might also be other content (other games, DnD 5e, writing) unless I’ll feel the need to create specific sideblogs for that (unlikely, I lack the energy).
What I do: I’ll mostly share screenshots, headcanons, storytelling, and writing snippets. (Here's my tag list!) While this is not a pure RP blog I very much enjoy RPing, so feel free to shoot me a prompt/starter whenever you like! (For more information regarding RP, flip through the Stargazer's Cookbook over here!)
Who I am: You can call me Zari. I’m over 30, she/her. Not a native English speaker, so bear with me if I say strange things. Expect occasional ramblings about the glory of freelance life, and know that there is never enough coffee.
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Izar Tarazed, Tarnished Astrologer
Izar barely remembers anything from the time before her awakening in the Lands Between – just her name and what she knew of the stars. However, the stars above the Lands Between are different, their lore mostly lost to her, so she gathers stories and bits of information wherever she can.
Her most treasured possessions are her telescope and her map-making tools.
Whenever she gets the chance, Izar will sit and work on her celestial maps, preferably beneath the golden light of grace, trying to figure out constellations and their possible meanings. Working on her maps also calms her down and helps her focus.
She’s often more driven by her astrological curiosity than by the ambition to become Elden Lord – she’ll confront Rennala mainly because she wants access to the library of Raya Lucaria, and Radahn because she wishes to set the stars back in motion.
Izar relies mostly on her sorceries – the Comet and Night Comet are her favorites – and only starts improving her skills with melee weapons and a shield when Ensha insists on teaching her.
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Izar is a little geek when it comes to astrology and will talk about it with neverending enthusiasm. At a new place, its (potential) view of the night sky is usually the first thing she’ll check.
She values the friendships and alliances she makes, being protective of those she cares about; that might be both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.
Upon meeting someone for the first time, she'll rather be calm and cautious, but much more confident, cheeky and bubbly once she feels comfortable.
The fact that she doesn’t remember who she was before bothers her more than she lets on.
Izar soon realizes that she isn't as ambitious about taking the Elden Throne as she maybe should be. Her true dream is running the Academy of Raya Lucaria and turning it into a welcoming place where knowledge is not hoarded but shared.
When upset, she can be pretty defiant, sarcastic and snappy.
Sir, That’s My Emotional Support Skeleton
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Izar spares Ensha’s life when he attacks her at the Roundtable Hold. This leads to them being sent out on a mission together to track down Latenna (which, of course, doesn’t go as planned). While they start out deeply suspicious of each other, teaming up only reluctantly, they eventually come to trust each other and, despite some challenges, become close friends. (I’m not entirely sure what Ensha is, but I’m leaning way more into the headcanons of the somehow animated armor/actual skeleton with some kind of relation to the ancient king mentioned in the description of the Royal Remains set, rather than just being some guy with a skull mask.)
Ensha will often travel with Izar, having her back and finding picturesque dungeon walls to lean against and ponder how on earth this careless astrologer can still be alive. (He's exaggerating, of course. Izar can definitely handle herself ... most of the time.)
Ensha tends to be more wary of others than Izar is. He's extremely perceptive and quite good at reading people (and finding things). He often encourages Izar toput in t he work to improve her skills, and be more disciplined about her goals. However, he's also surprisingly fine with engaging in all kinds of mischievous shenanigans with her.
Since Ensha doesn’t speak, their communication process is a little rocky at first but improves once Izar gets better (and eventually good) at understanding his sign language. From then on, they'll often have some partially silent banter going on, and are able to communicate subtly if the situation calls for it.
Izar is also able to sense Ensha's emotions to a certain extent (more on that headcanon here).
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izar-tarazed · 1 month
Hm okay so the Abyssal Woods actually aren't as scary as I initially thouOH SHIT WHAT NOOO
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