#a positive rapunzel tower mind you
theprestigegirly · 6 months
my RE fandom experience has been so positive and isolated it’s like i’m in a rapunzel tower because i genuinely believed until like last month that serennedy was the most popular ship in the fandom
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tarothouselattier · 9 months
What’s arising for you this Venus retrograde in Leo pick a card
Your expirience + advice from your Barbie as a spirit guide.
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Pile 1: Barbie as Rapunzel
your experience this Venus rx
I think you are focusing on some sort of plan you have. You've turned your big dreams into practical plans that you dreamed to nurture and to bring into life and you were so excited. It was so shiny and new and you really put the venture on a pedestal in your mind so much so that it has now become a burden to you. These dreams don’t keep you warm at night, they keep you up instead and you're tired. You put so much pressure onto yourself to achieve this. The fact that maybe it's not coming into fruition is tied like a rope around your neck. You are in over your head with the things that you want to create so much that the thought is now controlling you, and you are now afraid of what you used to love.
I also see that this kind of thinking keeps you stuck in a loop and you're frustrated. You’re tired, you are paralysed with fear and you feel like you can’t do what you love because it’s kind of turned against you and you are sitting here sulking, looking at what other people have. Because at this moment your thing isn't working out you're saying "oh, I can’t have this, I can’t have that", so you find yourself in your tower away from the world. You're saying with what you have, but you don’t like what you have, and you are sitting there looking at other people's experiences, feeling left out in the cold and like you can’t have what you want.
The only one who is keeping your bag away, weather that bag is monetary or your bag of dreams and desires that you want to bring into life is YOU! You’re in over your head. And now you feel like you can’t have it because you're not participating in your own life to the fullest extent. By watching other people you kind of part your power with them (and I can't say that you're sharing power (like a person who thinks there is only one way to use words and you can't brake the mold whenever you please), because you are not doing it willingly). Don't watch other people, wishing it was you. And what is even graver is living vicariously throught other people. If you think watching videos of people living your dreams, watching them do/make things you want to make without taking action yourself will miraculously satisfy your desire to do this thing, honey, YOU'VE GOT A BIG STORM COMING.
It’s like you’re protecting something no person has taken away from you.
What you need to realise is that you are the only one who can just shift your perspective. And to tell you how SERIOUS I am about you shifting your perspective, listen to this.This is my pile as well, and that means your pile gets THE MOST from me. Why? Because I've done this reading 3 days before coming back to edit this text, and this whole lot of time helped me gain perspective. I literally channeled this much information and needed days to fully realise what this reading is about. I've literally come back to the cards and with my new-found expirience of 3 days and because of that I now see another message I can give you. I understand you better and your message, because I understand myself better. You just need to shit your perspective on evrything going on around you. You can still do all these things, they’re not going anywhere. It’s not about the things it’s about your attitude.
let’s take a really basic every day thing as an example. You do the dishes. They’re still gonna be the dishes, they’re still gonna be dirty. They aren’t going anywhere, they’re sitting there and they are needing to be done regardless of what you feel, right? So you can either be happy in yourself and have a positive attitude and wash the dishes with that happy attitude and do those dishes in a breeze. You enjoy it not because you're washing dishes but because you are enjoying life and you have joy inside of you. And on the other hand, you can be all sulky, bitter, angry and frustrated because nothing you what you want to do seems to be getting you anything you hoped it would. Now you're angry at the dishes while you're doing the dishes. But they are still the same dishes that would not be bothering you if you would jsut calm down and realise that what you need and what you lack is not physical accomplishments and money, but love.
You’re in over your head.
Advice from your Barbie guide: Rapunzel
Her archetype also came through in the cards, look:
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The truth always comes out.
Just felt enclined to say that. Now that I have watched the movie, I remember that the truth plays a big part in the point of Rapunzel's story.
You may think that you are fighting an internal battle and you’re losing and like you’re spinning on a spinning wheel of life and nothing seems to be going in your favour. Maybe you’re just so used to external forces being against you. You’re so used to fighting with everybody, and even if there’s no one to fight you’re still doing it. Don't you get tired my love? isn’t like the whole point of fighting people is that you don’t wanna fight? You just want to happily live your life without interference from stupid people. zyou probably had to fend for yourself a lot when you were younger. Fight for your place and prove to people that you deserve to be as happy and well-off in live as you are. That you deserve to live your dreams easily and have fun just like that. People are jelous because they believe nothing in life comes easy and of course they're never satisfied. And when they see you just enjoy life and have fun, recieve anything you ask for and more within a blink of an eye they start to have you. They want to have it in life like you do, but they don't undestand your ease. They believe that it's impossible to live life from a state of hope, trust and ease. They believe everything is hard.
You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do, how to be. you don’t want anyone to be the story-teller of your own life. You are clinging to the idea that you’re lost, but the real thing is that you’re actually living in the big picture, okay?
Realise that you’re living in literal Cosmos and life is so much more generous than what it is you think in your head, it is so much more expancive and kind. The wheel of life is always turning. You never know what happens tomorrow, but you do know that you have your passion and your drive and you need to move. Forget everybody who may say something shit about you. You have your passion, you have your drive, the truth always comes out. You're good to go right at this moment.
Complain with me, let it out. It’s foggy up in the head but we gotta blaze our own way out with fire and magic like the Knight of wands that is coming through for us🔥🫡
Your Barbie‘s quote of advice from my self-made “Pinterest quotes” deck:
Literally pulled this card for myself TWICE before doing your reading.
If you chose pile 3 in my previous pick a card “What you need to say YES to instead of the usual NO” and you’re seeing this now, it just proves we’re in the same boat. It just proves that your dream is your kifeline and you're not delusional, I promise you. I feel like I’m checking up on my friends and this is how your things are going after the last time we talked.
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PILE 2. Barbie and the Enchanted Garden(it’s a book) Barbie Lily
You are my magical, light, fairy-tail creatures!
Castles crumbled, you were left dissapointed. You're picking up the pieces now willingly and like it's fine, you're on your own. You're making up with someone but you're in this process on your own. Not making up with the physical person, but with their..spirit..more like the mental image of them in your head. It's like "it didn't work out, that's fine. I'm just picking myself up, forgiving and moving forward" But I feel like you're really snarky while doing so lol.
"Go and tell your friends that I'm crazy and obsessive, that's fine!"
It's like "ókay, I've got one less problem without you.(I'm really breaking into song here. Do you do that?) oh, you're leaving? Wheh, 'kay, I was tired because of you you anyway" I'm crying you're so sassy. I thought you were all love'n'light at first.
There was a person involved. I feel it stronglyyy. But there is literally no direct indication of that in the cards. "Out of sight out of mind bitch" lmao.
I feel like it's really time for you to revaluate the self. Really pick YOURSELF up.
Pile 2, I’m on a roll with you.
I am tuning into your energy literally the next day and you have already changed your perspective and see this situation and person clearly.
You’ve taken a loss and you have done so gracefully.  I am sensing this is definitely because a person let you down. This could either be your ex romantic partner, your business partner, or they are one in the same. Either way, fuck them .
I heard “I’m taking the dog, you bastard!!😠” and I kid you not, seconds later this card came out WITH THE DOG.
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I thought it was more of a figurative situation to represent your power in the fight with this man. I can’t even say person. I would give you my left arm(left-handed) because I bet this is a man. If you are battling with this person and they literally have your dog, go get your dog mama!!!!!
You don’t need no coins from this person, you don’t need their money. You just get your “dog” back, get your power back!!! Kick him out of your life. You are on your own business, on your hot girl shit, on your plans, you’re assessing your own life situation. You’re so much better off without them. You see them clearly now. Gone are the chains that bound you to this person, you’re setting yourself free. Fuck shit up!!! I feel like cursing in this reading, I feel you are passionately mad. You have been disrespected by this bitch-ass man. But you see right through their schemes and their bullshit. You are withdrawing your energy, you’re having none of it!!! God I love reading tarot. AND I LOVE THIS FOR YOU. YES. BE FURIOUS. Channel your devine rage into building the life of your dreams. Fill yourself with meaning. You are no mother, no bride, you are KING. Your power is yours, and ain’t nobody taking it from you.
It’s the feeling of when someone gaslights you all the time, and there comes a point when you’ve had enough of their bullshit(you can feel the’re bullshitting you), realise your own power, step away and then see how much of a PATHETIC WORM that person is.
ADVICE FROM YOUR BARBIE GUIDE: LILY(Barbie and the Enchanted Garden)
Disappear off the face of the Earth.
I think what she means by this is become completely unavailable to that person and ANYONE who is not serving your highest good for that matter. Trust me, this is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. 
Redefine yourself entirely and do it FOR yourself. You can do that by answering your inner call.
“You guys, your real strength comes from being the best you you can be, so who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you YOU!?” - Po in Panda King Fu 3. Kung * I decided to leave the autocorrect part because KING is very fitting for you. Maybe watch that training clip if you want. It’s when Po is training the Pandas to defend the village. You don’t have to be someone else in order to achieve your goals. You are not part of that person you left behind. You are not intertwined or attached at the hip, you never have been. Discover and nurture your inner power. You’re on your own now. You’re actually stronger on your own! Because you don’t have to split yourself apart for others and live with your cup half-full all the time.
“She’s beautiful 🥹” you’re going off on your own now, something you have been afraid off. This is the death of life as you once new it and your big entrance into the life you always dreamed of and deep down always knew you were meant for. You are meant for MORE in this life!!!! Just like you’ve always felt. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself. You cut the cords with that person and in doing so you cut the cord to your old life, that you once believed would be all that you could have. I feel spirit, your guides being just so incredibly proud of you. The energy of “that’s my beautiful girl🥹🥰👍🔥 YOU GO HONEY!!!!!!! ayyyyy”
“And if I fall - they got me” - the song I can’t live without (haven’t heard it in a long-ass time😂) CAN’T HOLD US - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.
I’m so fucking hype right now, this song is PERFECT FOR YOU!!!!! And me. I’m going through the same shit, high-five Queen ✋😂
Please feel free to text me, send a message in my ask box or a dm, ‘cause I feel this hype energy so strongly right now, I want to know what is happening for you at this moment sister!!!
You are NOT a care-giver to everyone around you! They are responsible for their own shit, and if they are an irresponsible crybaby who never takes accountability then that’s their own.fucking.problem. You take that responsibility and accountability like a KING. And that’s all you need to know.😌 Don’t waste your emotions and energy and your love on someone who gives you NOTHING!!!! Stop overflowing that cup. What have they ever done for you, huh??? They didn’t ever pour into you and never held space for all that beautiful love that you spilled for them willingly. It’s like this: YOU BOUGHT THE TABLE, YOU BROUGHT THE CUP, YOU PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF INTO IT AND THEY JUST SAT THERE AND STARED AT IT. AND THEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO MESS UP THE TABLECLOTH SO IT ALL SPILLED OVER AND THEY MADE A MESS OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVE.
NAH-AH BITCH. KICK THEM OUT THE TABLE!!! YOU DID THAT!?!???? GOOD. EXACTLY AS YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰 Spirit is really so proud of you and they applaud you for your strength and resilience and your love and power. NOW GO GET YOUR LIFE BECAUSE SPIRIT WANTS TO POUR WATERFALLS AND OCEANS OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE ONTO YOU ASAP QUEEN🥰🥰🥰😂😂😂
PILE 3. Barbie & the magic of Pegasus
“I won’t rest till I’m in hell”. You have a personal “vendetta” against rest.
“Low-born” heard this multiple times while shuffling for your pile.
Let me give you a song.
“Angel” - Halle.
“Witch blood”
Paint it. Red.
Cut ties. But you won’t let this go.
These messages and energy are intense to a fault.
“Remember me for centuries” - Fall out boy.
God I love my job - me to myself while doing this reading.
Is there like a family situation? Greed? Expectations. Having to hold up family traditions that are EXTREMELY intimidating and harmful.
You just want to live a happy life on your own terms, but your hell of a family won’t let you. They corner you and your love wherever you go. Just when you think you escaped out of their clutches - boom, clap. You’re in their clasp. You don’t see a way out. Don’t exchange money for love or love for money. Those things aren’t in the same lane.
You have to choose love in your life. Cut trough this hell like a sword. “Wounds will heal, time will not.” - I think what this is referring to is that if you cut ties now you WILL hurt. BUT it WILL heal. What won’t heal is the time you’d be wasting by not cutting off those merciless gnomes(?): your family, friends, whoever or whatever it is. I don’t care. You MUST.
You won’t find what you’re looking for in greed and piles of money. What are you good at? Use it.
There is no expansion or generosity in greed. You will lose your family. You will lose everything. EVERYTHING YOU DON’T NEED. Everything that is not your soul’s to carry. This is divinely guided. You KNOW what you must do!
Once you were a hope for a dynasty. You will feel this immense loss of expectation buried in your chest.
There is nothing wrong with being who you are.
If you don’t cut your family off, or end and slash through whatever it is you must end, you will just become a frozen statue, a stone figure in the merciless house of your choosing.
Yes, YOUR choosing. If your choice will be not to walk away.
Wow. I am channeling like CRAZY today.
Go through with it. Or you will be just like the rest of those.
“Time will heal, but this won’t.” - time will pass, and so you might think that becoming complacent and conforming will save you. But make no mistake: you will spend THE REST of your life with this wound in your chest.
“You can make it different. You can make it right. You can make it better. You don’t have to fight”
A lot of generational trauma and karmic density is what I’m getting with your pile.
Break the chains- reap the benefits. Take! the last stand!
There is always hope to shine the light on the darkest of winters.
“Now I reap the benefits with no congregation.” - Doja Cat in “Attention”.
You ARE the Empress of your own world.
You are more than this world could ever imagine. You’re running out of time. Don’t let it pass you. Your time is NOW.
You sit in the debris and wonder if it’s time.
- YES, it is TIME. What you’re reaching for is also reaching for you. The nine of pentacles. It is your birthright. seize your power.
“Woke up this morning - I feel so f*cking important. I looked in the mirror - I’m different. I finally made a decision.
All the rejected that lost a lack of respect in
Themselves 'cause people get hectic
They hurt you and make you feel helpless
They're not brave like you
They're too scared to do
Anything that's different
Anything that new
I don't need lessons
I do what I want, it's refreshing
As soon as you taste independence
You start living life in the present”
BOMB SONG. Recommend. Will BLOW yow mtf mind. Idk why, but I felt such a need not to swear in this reading, but now I feel the need to say mtfucking. Feels so important. Like breaking free😁
You look down and see all that your family has done to you. stop looking down and cut your own head off if that’s what you must do to live.(with loving intention). Do you have everything you need? YES.
You have YOU. You, separately. you as in you personally. You own yourself. You alone get to define yourself you own your power. You are power, they are nothing. YOU want to Break free. Once you do, you realise you are everything you need. Once you claim your power and wield it like the Knight, Queen and Empress that you ARE, you realise they NEVER had ANY power over you. You just refused to wield your own power for fear of judgement. Of hurting them. They are the ones who hurt ppl. Not you. Them.
Their forces COMBINED don’t stand a singular chance against the sheer power that you alone yield.
Nothing. Period.
Wow, pile 3. I am speechless. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TEXT ME. Send an ask, a dm. I want to talk to the divine royalty that you are.
May the Gods bless you🙏
Now may you go in peace and fight with what is yours to wield. I’ll be waiting.
I hope you enjoy.
I feel this pile deep within my bones.
We are royalty, pile 3. I know in my heart this pile is meant for me, but I’m so afraid to admit it. But I’m doing it anyway. I’m facing this fear that I stand up to and say: NO MORE! I feel like this is what we do. Say no to this with me.
Shine bright like the Star in the night. You are. You are. We are STARS. And stars are made to shine. That is their nature. No more hiding our true nature, my dear soulfamily.
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ophxlxa · 20 days
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・。  [ aimee lou wood.  ciswoman.  she/her] - ophelia wood  was  blasting   girl i’ve always been by olivia rodrigo  on  the  sidewalk  in  austin today .  according  to  other  atx  residents  , the  twenty-six  year  old  florist at groovy garden has been  given  a  reputation  of  being mpressionable ,  but also  empathetic.  [ scrunchie secured tightly around one’s wrist; the squeak of a new pair of sneakers against a gym floor; smiles that don’t quite reach the eyes but ooze kindness ]
trigger warnings: teenage pregnancy, adoption
Ophelia was born to teenage parents, too scared to properly commit to being just that. Instead, as soon as she's born, her biological mother places a kiss on her forehead before placing her up for adoption. Sometimes, if she close her eyes just long enough she swears she can see her face; blue eyes and blonde hair that she would come to match years later. Scared, with tear stains marking the otherwise rosy bloom of her cheeks. She never knows what your biological father looks like, but you imagine him being handsome. Comforting her mother with a smile, a hug… a joke. The image of naive teenagers in love, wondering how they got into this position.
Her story really begins on a hot summer’s day in July. A two year old with chubby cheeks, blonde pigtails and a smile that never fails to be reciprocated. The older kids are running around, making her feel dizzy. Her little legs carried you far, but they weren’t quite as speedy. Instead, she sits on Mrs. Bates’ lap, being read her favorite story; Rapunzel. A tale of a princess locked in a tower with gorgeous long blonde hair. Hair that matched her own. “You’re going to have a new mommy and daddy soon.” She tells her after the story, she's confused. She's heard stories from the older children about their various mommies and daddies, but they were here. Did that mean she’d come back here too, after a brief stay?
A week later, as promised, her new mommy and daddy arrived. Mrs. Bates made sure that she looked her very best. Dressed in her favorite pink dungarees, hair in two pigtails. She held her hand as she made her way down to the reception area to meet them. Eyes weary, slightly frightened by the idea that she’d be leaving all she’d ever known. The comfort of Mrs. Bates and the routine she’d come to find herself in. As soon as she sees them though, it all just makes sense. Comforting smiles, a feeling of safety that extended beyond what she’d known. “I hear you like stories?” Mrs. Wood asks, she nods, trying to shake the nerves. “I have this one. It's about a little girl and three bears, would you like to read it with us?” She bobs her head excitedly. Letting go of Mrs. Bates hand, as she rushed over.
The day that she came home for the first time is still one that sticks out vividly in her mind. She’d never really known what luxury was, the clothes that she had were the only sense of new that she had understood. Her pink dungarees being the most prized of all, obviously. Even her beloved Rapunzel story book had been with the orphanage for well over the two years that she was there. Mrs. Bates had insisted that she took it with her as a reminder of all the friends she made; including her, at your first ever home. A shared bedroom was replaced with her very own pink palace. With pink bed sheets, pink wallpaper, even a small pink tv. Undoubtedly the biggest shock was meeting her siblings; she’d lived with other children at the home, but having her own siblings… was a shock to the system. A nice shock to the system, but a shock nonetheless. Hugging had been a rare thing back in the home, but, she took to quickly appreciating each hug that she received, whether from her mommy and daddy or her brothers and sisters.
For a few years, she was able to play and explore the hotel that you lived in. Finding new hiding places, eating new foods; rushing around with her siblings. Then, it was time to start kindergarten, she was excited. While she had grown accustomed to the new life she was living, she missed meeting new children. Asking them innocently if they wanted to be her friend and holding hands for the rest of the day, just because. School was where she thrived, from the moment that she stepped foot into the building for her first day. Her parents encouraged her entire educational career to push herself, ensuring that she attained the best possible grades that she could. Socially, she wasn’t popular, but she wasn’t a loner either. Making friends was easy; like water gliding off of a duck’s back.
Entering into high school, she maintained the grades and expectations that she set for yourself. Though it was a lot of pressure, she knew that in the end it would be worth it. Albeit, there was also a part of her that wondered whether the pressure she put on herself was in part due to the fear she had of being sent back to the orphanage. Of course she knew that, that would never happen… but she’d had direct experiences with kids who had been sent back. Too much for their new families to deal with.
Graduating High School meant trying to decide on a career for herself. Ophelia knew that she wanted to help people, in a small way. She'd always found a certain charm to flowers, too. So applying at the flower shop seemed like the most natural choice in the world. It quickly became a passion and it's what she's been doing since.
STATS Full Name: Ophelia Marie Wood Nickname(s): Lia Sexuality: Heterosexual Birthday: 11th November Star Sign: Scorpio
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bananaphone---t · 11 months
Are you still doing prompts? Because I'd love to see any of the concern ones, especially "feel that, I'm alive."
Hi, @smilegirl64! As you can tell, yes! I'm still taking prompts, and I absolutely love that you picked this one. I love the excuse of writing angst. 🤩😌🤌 Because I couldn't think of anything else to go with this prompt, I decided to to go with a post-movie fic! Anyways, hope you enjoy it! 💕
"Eugene!" She cried. "Mother! Mother, please, let me heal him!"
Gothel glared down at the girl, contemplating for a moment, before finally answering, "That man is a criminal. He can't be trusted. He should've been hanged to keep him away from you, so now I'm letting him get what he deserves. Now, my dear flower..." The woman took a fiercer hold on the chains. "Come with me..." She growled, then gave the chains one hard yank, pulling the girl toward the secret entrance to the tower.
"Eugene!" Rapunzel screamed, tears streaming down her face.
Eugene woke up with a start, at the sound of his girlfriend calling his name. "Rapunzel?" he mumbled drowsily.
Another distressed call of his name from his girlfriend's room, and he immediately knew what it was.
He quickly pulled the covers off, climbed out of bed, and began sprinting toward her room.
Upon reaching the door, he hastily jogged over to the girl's bed.
"Rapunzel?" He gently whispered, concern leaking into his tone.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, then gently placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder, only for her to spring up into a sitting position.
The man's eyes softened at the expression on her face. "You all right, Darlin'?" he asked, rubbing her back.
Rapunzel shook her head, strands of her short hair falling into her face.
They were wet with tears. He frowned.
Suddenly, Rapunzel hugged him tightly. "Please... Please don't leave me, don't go..."
"Wha- Go? Why would I-"
It clicked.
"Oh... Oh, hey, hey..." he soothed softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her and rubbing circles on her back. After a minute, he pulled back. "Rapunzel... Look at me..." When she refused to do so, he lifted her chin.
"Sunshine... I'm here..." he wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs, "and I'm not planning going anywhere..."
Despite Eugene wiping them away, tears began to well up in the princess's eyes. "B-bu-but... She- she stabbed-"
"Hey. Listen to me, all right? Yes, that happened, but I'm alive. Heck, by some freaking miracle, but I'm alive!"
He took one of her smaller hands in his own and placed it on the area where the old witch had stabbed him. "No more wound. And if you still don't believe me..."
He gave a kiss to her forehead before pulling her close to his chest, letting her listen to his heartbeat as he ran his fingers through her hair with one hand, the other continuing to rub gently up and down her back.
"Hear that? I'm alive. I'm right here, and I'm here to stay." He assured.
Rapunzel couldn't but feel soothed at the sound of his heartbeat, along with the rubble of his chest as he spoke. She hummed slightly in contentment.
Eugene smirked a bit. "Unless your dad decides to change his mind and have me locked up, but-" He laughed as she cut him off by gently hitting him with a pillow, though she laughed as well.
A slight smile was on her face. "Thank you... Eugene..."
He'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.
"You're welcome... Sunshine..." he whispered, before giving her another kiss on the forehead.
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kookies2000 · 1 year
Trailer for Kung Fu Panda 4 was released at a private convention, I believe. Po is looking for a successor to The Dragon Warrior name, and the villain will be a chameleon sorceress. I don't mind the concept. Po training and finding a Dragon Warrior successor will be like when Oogway picked him and Shifu trained him. So it's a nice concept. But people are already upset that the villain is a woman and the new successor might be a girl. How this film will overly push the feamle agenda. These people are completely ignoring Tigress, aren't they?
Tigress is a better female character than a majority of other films that wrote female characters. Not just animated films, films in general.
Types of female stereotypes in Hollywood,
The famous damsel in distress. Usually, these girls are princesses or made hopelessly weak and need someone to rescue them. It can work if written right. Like in Tangled where Flynn ran back to the tower to check if Rapunzel was ok. But he didn't do all the work. Rupunzle added in her part of the work, too. She saved Flynn as well.
Romance involved? Man stealers, love triangles, insecurities about appearance, etc. The cliché, remove glasses and straight hair to be beautiful move. I can't really think of a female character where this is good. It's just setting toxic beauty standers.
Sexualize everything about the female character. Make her small, and give her a noticeable chest, hips, and long eyelashes. Nothing wrong with being feminine but when it's overly done, it's kinda annoying. Epically if it's done to every female character you create. Maybe one or two, like, I have no issue with Roug from Sonic, but that's because we have other female characters who aren't sexualized. And Roug has a personality that doesn't always rely on her seductive looks. She is a badass treasure hunter and a partner in crime/best friend/I ship it fight me, with Shadow.
Obsessed with love and finding true love. Frozen was great because it tackled this cliché. Love obsessed Anna learned a mistake many females should've learned in past films.
Mother and caretaker. This works but not if that's 100% her only character trait. I can only see this in side characters like mothers or nannies. And who says men can't be in this role?
Brat or Queen Bee. I usually enjoy these girls if they have redemption like Pacifica in Gravity Falls. Or even Regina in Mean Girls.
The prize. Self-explanatory, she's the one the hero fights to gain in the end. Which is tackled in Mulan. All the men want a girl worth fighting for, only to realize war isn't about impressing women. It's about fighting for everyone, including little girls like the girl who the doll belonged to.
The clumsy one and that's her only flaw.
And of course, not like other girls. The best example I can think of now is the Bad Cinderella Broadway show that came out recently. Making Cinderella say she doesn't dress like others and yet 90% of the ensembles dress just like her. Not like other girls can work if you don't shove it in the audience face all the time.
And now, just try, TRY to put Tigress in any of these. She isn't a damsel in distress. Damsels in distress are always captured and rely on someone to rescue them. And sometimes, like 90% of the time, the one who captures her will be seductive toward her. Tigress was never placed in that position at all. The closest she got to that role was in the 2nd film. When Shen captured the Furious Five. And I just want to say this, does anyone else get uncomfortable or at least feel icky when Shen whispers "beautiful" in Tigress's ear? I know it isn't sexual but just the thought of someone getting that close makes me uncomfortable. Anyways! Po didn't need to rescue them exactly. He just threw them a weapon and boom! They were set free and ready to fight. And anytime she is in trouble, it's a teamwork situation. Tai Lung tried to choke her, but Viper held him off while Crane helped Tigress.
Romance? 90% of films have female characters who want true love or something related. Not here. There's no romance anywhere. You can say she and Po have something blossoming, which I'm 100% on board with!!! SHIP!!! But I do love how she wasn't created for the purpose of being Po's love interest. It's kinda rare for a female character to have zero romance in her story. And when they do have it, it's always your typical love at first sight situation. Which I understand if it's a single film. But in this case, I hope they do become canon because of the way it's developing through multiple films. I can't really think of any film that establishes a deep friendship before making it romantic. I can say Trolls did since Poppy and Branch don't become a couple until the 2nd film. And their "I love you" in the first film is a platonic one.
She is also far from being sexy. She is motherly and like a big sister to her team, but that isn't her only trait. She's not a mean girl or brat. And she never points out that she isn't like other girls. Like in Super Hero films, every female hero always mentions they are a woman or complain about men. Heck, none of the films even mentions her gender.
You know that scene in Mulan where she reveals herself to the villain and the villain says "warrior" instead of mentioning her gender like every other man in the film? You know that feeling we got of how much respect a villain showed towards a woman? That's what I get in all three Kung Fu Panda films. How easy was it for Dreamworks to go the Mulan route? IN ANCIENT CHINA!!! They could've made her arch about being the only female warrior. And how she wanted the title of Dragon Warrior to prove that a woman can be a warrior. But no, she isn't the only female warrior, and she wanted the title to make Shifu proud. Heck, Shifu WANTED Tigress to be The Dragon Warrior!!! He adopted her, he trained her, he was her father figuer, he shaped her into who she is. He and Oogway never looked down at her for being a girl. They could've given her an arch about how Shifu treats his daughter (Tigress) and son (Tai Lung) differently. Same treatment for Viper. Shifu accepted Viper with open arms.
How easy could it have been for the villains to treat Tigress differently? They could've been sexist towards her, and we would excuse it as villain behavior. But no!!! Tai Lung fights her like a warrior. He doesn't tease her about being a woman. He doesn't hold back. He tries to murder her on the bridge fight. Shen kills on sight. He doesn't care about her gender. Kai has his "little kitten" line. How easy was it for the writers to make that a sexist line? Instead, they make it a simple taunting line. The villains see her as an enemy. Her teammates see her as their friend and leader. Po admires her. The village sees her their protector. Shifu and Oogway see her as the top student/daughter. And DreamWorks treats her like any other character. The company isn't constantly shining a spotlight on her and calling attention to how great they are at making female characters. She is a Chinese lady who is treated just like everyone else in all three films. Which is pretty rare since the first one came out at 2008. A time when children films put a lot of attention on their female characters being female and advertise the hey out of it. I would say Moana was close, but Maui always pointed out that she's a princess. Go-go from Big Hero Six was SUPER close. Then she had her woman up line. There is nothing wrong with it, the film is great and so is Go-go. But I can't ignore that line that brought attention to her being a woman. I think Mirabel is one of the best female characters as well. Same level as Tigress since Mirabel is treated just like everyone else without her gender ever being in the spot light or falling in any cliché female role.
In conclusion! If there's any franchise I fully trust with women's representation, it's Kung Fu Panda. So, who cares if the villain is a woman? Who gives a care that the next Dragon Warrior might be a girl? Kung Fu Panda treated their female characters just like any other characters. It's almost as if sexism doesn't exist in the Kung Fu Panda universe......... Also, Encanto. I trust Encanto as much as I trust Kung Fu Panda.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
ahhhhhh okok i have one more thought for u lol, hope u dont mind my elucien enthusiasm 😂😂. ok so elucien has always reminded me of flynn an rapunzel from Tangled, because we have the sassy (hopefully he returns) lucien whos sorta jus used to being in his own world, and the adventurous elain who wants to see the world! ya kno that one scene where theyve jus left the tower and rapunzel is swinging around a tree all excited that shes out exploring for the firs time and flynn is jus casually leaning against a tree, patiently waiting out her excitement, reminded me so much of how elain an lucien might be when she (i think) will leave the NC and rlly expand her world! omg and dont get me started on the dancing scene in the kingdom village, that was just perfect. so yea, they remind me of my beloved elucien and i cant wait for their book <3 like elain an lucien are so damn similar in a way that perfectly compliments each other, and the amount of times i think abt them in a day is like woahhhh. ok thats it (for now 😂) thanks for listening to my rambling <3
I don't have much to add because you're so right. Elain has been sheltered just as Rapunzel was. And just like Rapunzel, she tries to be happy with her situation, tries to remain positive but she still can't entirely hide her secret longing to see more of the world. And like Mother Gothel warned Rapunzel that the world was too dangerous a place, Elain has certain people trying to protect her from dangers too.
Not that anyone is horrible in the way Mother Gothel was and obviously she prevented Rapunzel from leaving because she didn't want her discovered versus Nesta, Azriel, etc wanting to protect Elain out of concern. But the similarity of Rapunzel / Elain wanting to do more but being held back by someone in their lives does have parallels.
And Flynn (I still can't get on board with calling him Eugene). He is first fascinated by her beauty (as Lucien was caught off guard discovering Elain was the most beautiful female he had ever seen) but his focus quickly turned to respect once Rapunzel began proving that even though she was sheltered, she was more capable than he would have imagined. And though she does things that are bold and brave during her journey to see the "lights", she never loses her optimistic personality and genuinely good nature. And Flynn is absolutely smitten watching her come alive, doing more, yet still appreciating that there is a gentleness that remains through it all.
I've already seen Lucien looking at Elain through this same exact lense after the war and can see it continuing on.
So yeah, you said it. Tangled has a really wonderful likeness to what the future of Elucien could be. Their relationship is one of equals and best friend energy when spending time together.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me! 💜
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tenebris-lux · 3 months
Careful the things you say;
Children will listen.
Careful the things you do;
Children will see,
And learn.
Children may not obey,
But children will listen.
Children will look to you
For which way to turn,
To learn what to be.
Careful before you say
"Listen to me.”
Children will listen.
~ Stephen Sondheim, Into the Woods
One of the biggest themes of the play is how parents affect their kids, intentionally or not. There are some examples of positive relationships, but a hell of a lot of negative ones. Little Red probably had the best one, but it was offscreen; her mother gave her good advice, and her grandmother helped protect and support her. Jack’s was also pretty good; it had its bumpy moments, but was generally positive. And the ghost of Cinderella’s mother looked after her as well as she could—she’s not quite in this world so her abilities are limited, but still impressive compared to most dead parents (Cinderella has magical ability, btw, so that might’ve enforced the connection).
However … Cinderella is abused by her stepmother and the stepsisters, who follow their mother’s example. To make it worse, Cinderella’s father is still alive and living with them. And the stepmother favors her own daughters, but that doesn’t stop her from mutilating their feet, saying they’ll “have such a life, you’ll never need to walk.” Forget that it was unsuccessful, it permanently altered their lives for the worse.
Rapunzel was kidnapped and raised in extreme isolation. Her mom (I call the Witch that, because that’s what she was to Rapunzel) provided for most of her immediate needs and desires and kept her “safe”—or so she thought—in shielding her from the rest of the world and its harsh lessons. However, she went to the other extreme when Rapunzel defied her, and sent her into another isolation by kicking her out into a desert. Again, isolated, but without security or protection of the tower. Rapunzel gave birth to twins while alone out there, with ZERO knowledge of anything on the topic, and having extreme terror of her surroundings. She had no coping mechanisms, no survival lessons, everything was scary and new—the most knowledge she had was how harsh it was outside her tower. And then her tower was no longer safe because it was her mother’s.
We only hear of one part of the Witch’s relationship with her mother: that if the Witch ever, EVER lost her mother’s beans, she’d be cursed with ugliness. Therefore the Witch came to value her youth and beauty and fear ugliness. Her mom is likely deceased, but she still affects the Witch, as shown in how she parents Rapunzel—overly shielding her from “harsh” lessons, while meting out a harsh lesson herself when she felt one was called for. And it was an overreaction to say the very least, just as her own mother cursed her if she did the wrong thing even after she had died (the wrong thing being losing some beans).
The Baker’s experience is also bad, but slightly more mixed. His father went off into the Woods when his wife died and he & his son were cursed to never have children. He wasn’t seen again until years later, when he tried to make up for abandoning his son by offering him advice and steering events so that his son & daughter-in-law could achieve their goal of breaking the curse. It was awkward and clumsy, but it got them there in the end. He died at that point … but he still affected his son even from beyond the grave.
When the Baker’s wife dies, the Baker nearly followed his father’s example and tried to run away from his immediate problems and situations—including his own baby. The interesting thing here, though, is he takes a good hard look at his father’s actions and the effect it had … the effect it’s still having … and changed his mind. If we’re getting technical, it’s still a case of running away and then returning to deal with it, but it only took an hour or two at most for him, while for his dad it was years. Also, it was his father’s very actions that pointed out the error of what the Baker was about to do—and that’s why the song “No More” is sung by both the Baker and the ghost of the Mysterious Man (his father). He had to relate to him in order to learn and do the better thing.
As for the Baker’s son? TBD, but there’s hope.
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
I really like how Tangled: The Series uses outfit changes to reflect the main character’s development. WARNING: OVERANALYSIS AHEAD.
Cassandra’s initial outfit (which will go here because Raps and Eugene’s starting clothes are established in the movie) is plain, subdued and practical, setting her apart from the other Coronans and the country’s bright and cheery aesthetics, while also showing her down-to-earth and reliable nature. The dagger on her belt and hidden one in her boot show that she is inclined to violence in her protectiveness of her loved ones, country and ideals and is a capable fighter who likes to be extremely prepared and self-reliant. The most dominant colour being dark red subtly foreshadows her connection to Gothel, who always wore that. Her own style is in all respects at odds with her pastel blue, flowing, lacy, demure handmaiden dress - Cass the handmaiden is not Cass, but merely a front, a box she’s been forced into. The visuals alone tell us Cass really isn’t meant for her job or thriving in it.
Rapunzel’s Season Two outfit is sturdier and more practical than her previous more stereotypically ‘princess-y’ dress and has some darker and more muted colours, even outright black. This shows this season’s more adventurous and serious tone and Raps’s personal increase in courage and confidence, and loss of innocence. The flower in her hair is replaced with a bird pin; she’s traded the symbolism of flowers, growth and renewal, from the renewal of her life as and growth into the princess of Corona for that of birds, freedom and daring. This brings to mind the bird imagery in “Set Yourself Free” and the birds that flew past her way back when she first escaped the tower.
Eugene’s Season Two outfit is likewise more… swashbuckling. It’s the vibes, you know what I mean! The shoulder pad indicates he’s gonna be doing dangerous, athletic activities, for example. The blue jacket is more similar to his most-of-Season Three one than it is to the old waistcoat. I’ll get to that in a bit, but basically what I say about that applies here but less so and minus the sun stuff. It’s kind of the proto-Season Three jacket.
Cassandra is the only lead not to get any new clothes in the second season opening. Yes, obviously she’s changed a lot since Rapunzel came along (before that her father was the only positive relationship she had ever had in her whole life, as far as we know), but in some very important ways, especially to her, she remains stagnant: she’s still in literal legal service to Rapunzel, her existence is still considered inherently subordinate to Raps’s. She goes on the journey to begin with to protect Rapunzel, after all. Her outfit hasn’t changed because, handmaiden vs 'bodyguard' technicalities and Raps genuinely considering her an equal and friend aside… her role as ‘gal pal side character’ and servant in the heroine’s story is exactly the same, and Cass becomes increasingly attuned to this fact. And she isn’t happy about it.
Cassandra’s armour between “Rapunzel and the Great Tree” and “Destinies Collide” represents her reinforced emotional walls, her desire to protect herself from further harm and betrayal by anyone, but specifically her own friends, and most of all Rapunzel, who has just permanently crippled and traumatized her. She finally gets new clothes, the better part of a season late. Just like Rapunzel gets everything first, while she’s left waiting until she can scavage some dead, forgotten knight’s armour. Cold steel physically cuts her off from human warmth and affection. The deep red cape continues that link to Gothel. I think her disability is important to this outfit too. It’s firmer to limit her injured arm’s movement and provides it with better protection and insulation, arguably acting as an improvised brace, thereby giving us an impression of how painful and inconvenient the injury must be.
All of that applies tenfold to Cass’s black rock armour. It is literally indestructible, the way her toxic coping mechanisms are intended to make her, but that only highlights her emotional vulnerability in contrast. The blue right gauntlet draws attention to her formerly crippled arm, a sharp reminder of the pain that drove her to this point. Her skin turns ashen, implying that though the Moonstone cures her arm, it is unsurprisingly for a power of death and decay causing biological damage to parallel its toll on her mental health. Her theme colour besides black abruptly switches from red to blue, its near opposite. Her dark hair and eyes that connoted how grounded, sincere and trustworthy she was are turned a naturally impossible luminous blue, more intense than her handmaiden dress’s pale blue; her villainy is unnatural and wrong for her like her suppression then was, but far worse for herself and everyone else. (“Waiting in the Wings”, which spells out Cass’s insecurities that lead to her defection, occurs in a dark shadowy setting lit with blue moonlight, an early glimpse of Moonstone!Cass’s black and blue colour scheme.)
Rapunzel’s Season Three outfit has elements brought back from her old dresses, like the puffy upper sleeves of the Season One princess gown and layered skirt combo with the front parting from Season Two, but it’s more elegant and refined than both of them. In a word, it’s regal. The colour gold is present for the first time in the cuffs, belt buckle and embrodered sun, connoting power and success and nicely complementing her purple. It befits at first her role of acting queen, and throughout the season her development into a true leader to her people, increased responsibility and general psychological maturity. The sun symbol’s placement on her chest mirrors Cass’s Moonstone, contributing to the parallels between them this season is brimming with. It may even foreshadow the solid Sundrop’s manifestation there in “Plus Est En Vous”.
Eugene’s pre-promotion Season Three outfit is similarly more mature and he proudly wears the crest of the land he used to be an outlaw in on his shoulders, a display of commitment to Corona’s people and wellbeing and his own belonging there. Despite now knowing he’s the heir to the Dark Kingdom, his home is and always will be Corona. That’s a significant step forward after his identity crisis in “Destinies Collide”. The knee pads are a continuation of his last outfit’s shoulder pad. There being two pads this time contributes to the outfit’s symmetry, which adds to the professional feel. Like Cass used to, he wears a dagger, illustrating his defensive role in his relationships and to his country (maybe royal guard foreshadowing?).
Eugene’s promotion to the captain of the guard brings his character arc full circle. The broken, lonely man who cared only for himself and mocked justice clad in cool blue has become a happy, loved and loving man who fights for justice and the greater good clad in warm red. Again, there’s the Coronan sun.
Cassandra’s ranger outfit combines various aspects of all her previous outfits to show the unification of her fractured personality and acceptance of all her past experiences and actions, the good with the bad: the overall structure highly reminiscent of her original independent outfit, right down to the belt with a small blue pouch on one side; her maid veil tied around her arm; a cape with an asymmetrical oval clasp like in the original armour; a specialized glove on her withered arm like in the black rock armour, possibly her making peace with and accommodating for her disability; and she wears Varian’s cassandrium crystal necklace to remind her of her friends in Corona. The primary colour is green, the true opposite of both Gothel and that miserable, bitter handmaiden’s red, the colour of the growth and life Cass is leaving to engage in. Green is what she wore when she was a tenderhearted little girl, that very shade in fact. She may not be able to restore her innocence, but she can see the world through new, more caring eyes. This is Cass.
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little-diable · 2 years
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry - Winchesters x reader (smut)
All my “tell me a story bingo” imagines are inspired by Grimm’s fairytales. This one is inspired by the fairytale “Cinderella”, written by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, published in 1812. The imagine is only loosely based on the original story, it focuses on the message and the warning the brothers tried to deliver, putting it into a modern perspective. The reaper will be our steady companion in this series, so prepare for a dark, wild ride. Most of the imagines will be crime stories. Enjoy my loves. xxx
A/N: My TMAS Bingo imagines haven’t done that well and I know angst isn’t a popular genre on my Tumblr, but if you enjoyed reading this - please reblog and like. This could be confusing if you haven't read the other imagines (especially "Rapunzel" and "Hensel and Gretel").
Summary: The reader leaves the brothers after a fight. She meets a stranger who seems awfully familiar. While he abducts her, the brothers are forced to give into the man's game.
Warnings: 18+, jealousy, smut, threesome, double penetration, unprotected sex, kidnapping, blood, murder (no character death), angst, open ending, but that will explain itself once the series is finished.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Sam Winchester
@supernatural-jackles TMAS bingo square filled: Slow burn
Word count: around 4.4k
Series Masterlist
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“A shoe?” (Y/n) was kneeling next to Dean, eyes studying the blood-covered shoe that was lying on the ground. Sam was towering over them, thumbing through his notes as neither of them spoke another word, trying to figure out what was going on.
They had found their way to this town a few hours ago, as the sun was still rolling around the sky, warming them with her dancing rays of light. By now, it was dark, hiding them in the shadows of the night. Newspaper articles have told the story of a girl cut into pieces, with one of her toes cut off and her head nowhere to be found.
“But why only one? Why this shoe?” All three of them were confused, not understanding what had happened, not understanding why the girl had been forced to suffer. While Sam had tried to find a supernatural explanation to the case, (y/n) had found herself wondering if this wasn’t just another crime scene with a killer on the loose.
“It almost looks like the shoe I lost back in the forest.” (Y/n) murmured, not hearing Dean’s reply as she thought back to the night in the forest, how she had watched Dean pull the trigger, leading the kidnapped kids out of the forest, wanting to leave the town behind.
“We should see if we can get the Sheriff to talk to us. Something about this seems off, don’t you think?” A groan spilt from Dean’s lips as he rose from his position. He looked tired, utterly exhausted. The past weeks had been filled with cases, and traveling from one state to another, hoping to find some quieter days in the upcoming month.
“We will start with this tomorrow, but for now, I need to get drunk."
The bar was crowded enough for the three of them to blend in with the others, hiding away in the back of the room with their hands wrapped around their beer bottles. Silence engulfed them as they let their eyes wander, caught in their thoughts and the confusion that kept fogging up their minds.
“Do you think there will be another victim?” The group of girls - who were sitting in the booth next to theirs - kept chatting about the case, wondering who the murderer was and if one of them could be the next target. The three hunters tried to keep their mouths shut, not wanting to make a scene as they would silence the rambling girls.
(Y/n)’s eyes kept wandering through the room, always finding their way back to the man that was sitting near the bar. His dark green eyes seemed to pull her in, taunting her with his handsome features.
With every word that kept passing the girls lips, (y/n) grew angrier, not understanding how they could be that insensitive. Her eyes kept searching Dean’s and Sam’s, hoping that the two would understand that she wanted to leave without her having to speak her thoughts out loud. But neither Dean nor Sam moved, wanting to listen to the girls, hoping that they would name any suspects, anything they could work with, but the feeling of (y/n)’s boot meeting their shins ripped them out of their thoughts, eyes darkening as she smirked at them.
“You guys aren’t from here, are you?” One of the girls started leaning her upper body closer to the brothers, batting her eyelashes at them. (Y/n) knew the game all too well, the boys would turn away from her, allowing the girls to pull them into a conversation, only to leave the bar with them when enough alcohol would buzz through their veins. Leaving (y/n) behind with her broken heart.
Ever since she had met the two in college, her heart had called out to Dean and Sam, wanting to form a bond with the brothers. But falling for a Winchester had never been smart - let alone two at the same time. So, (y/n) had accepted that even though she wasn't able to share her love with the two, she would give in to their touches, wanting to find comfort with their bodies tangled and her heart screaming in agony.
Anger flooded through her as Dean began to rise from his seat, finding his way to the girls' booth, not sparing (y/n) another glance. It won't take long for Sam to follow him, squeezing (y/n)’s shoulder as if he was saying goodbye for the night.
The sound of high pitched laughter echoed through the bar, and with her lips pulled into a thin line, (y/n) rose from her position, leaving the boys behind. Neither Dean nor Sam seemed to care about her disappearance - at least that’s what she thought. (Y/n) didn’t feel Dean’s eyes burn into her back, following her every move. But it took till she found herself pulled into a conversation by a handsome man - smiling at him with her beer placed on the bar - for Dean and Sam to make their way back to her.
“Are you ready to leave, sweetheart?” Her heart involuntarily skipped a few beats, eyes finding Dean’s, not picking up on the warning laced in his gaze.
“We were just having a conversation, man,” the stranger began to argue, but the way Sam stepped closer to him seemed to shut him up, not caring enough about the woman to fight the two men. An almost pathetic huff left (y/n) as she shook Dean’s hand off her shoulder, storming past the two, out into the cold night.
Her heart was screaming, her mind confused, not finding her way out of the mess she found herself trapped in. Oh, how she wanted to cry her pain out into the night, turning her back on the brothers she loved more than spring loved the sun, desperate to feel her warmth on the green ground.
“Relax, will you? Jesus, what is  going on with you?” The words rolled off Dean’s tongue as he walked past her, towards Baby - without noticing that (y/n) didn’t move, frozen on the spot outside the bar.
“I’m so done with you two.” With her leather jacket pulled tighter around her trembling upper body, (y/n) began to walk away from them, set on making it to their motel without having to sit through the car ride. Her body burned from the anger that kept heating her system. A fire was spreading through her body as if Dean had alighted a match inside her chest - starting the inferno she now was stuck in.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sam tried to grasp her hand, wanting to pull her closer, but she flinched away from him, struggling to dry the tears that kept on rolling down her cheeks. The way Sam studied her - with his eyebrows knitted and his lips slightly parted - coaxed another cry out of her, tumbling from her lips without a chance of stopping the sound from reverberating through the air.
“Away from you. You can’t keep on treating me like a child - while you can’t even keep it in your pants for one single night.” Another step carried her further away from them, no longer caring if she was giving her secrets any room to rumble through her.
“Oh, sweetheart, there is no need to be jealous.” But there was. God, there was. And with the shake of her head, (y/n) let another cry leave her, no longer wiping away the tears that blurred her vision.
“You don’t get it, you never will. I need some space.” This time neither Dean nor Sam tried to follow her, watching her blend in with the night as they tried to find the right words to speak, not understanding where her anger had suddenly come from.
With no specific place in mind, (y/n) kept wandering around town, plopping down on a bench with her eyes focused on her phone screen. For the past hour she had tried to read about the dead girl, distracting herself with the case. But nothing worked. Nothing could pull her attention away from her fight with the brothers and the jealousy that kept buzzing through her.
“May I?” Her eyes wandered from her phone screen to the man that was staring down on her. It took her a moment to realize that she had seen him in the bar, getting lost in his green eyes, admiring his handsome features. It took another moment for her instincts to kick in, forcing her to rise from the bench. He had followed her - nothing she wanted deal with at the moment.
“Oh, come on, (y/n). You know the rules of this game.” She froze. For a moment too long, giving him the chance to pull her into his chest, hand covering her mouth, forcing her to hold still. He looked awfully familiar, but it was too dark for her to make out any of his features. (Y/n) struggled, wanting to scream for help, but before she could move, she felt him injecting her with something with her world fading to black.
The next time she woke up she had her mouth taped shut, hands tied together and her boots pressed against the floor. (Y/n) had her eyes set on the man that had taken her. The man that was now sitting on a chair, staring at her with excitement laced in his gaze.
“It’s you. It has to be you. You know, I was waiting for you.” Like leaves falling from the trees she kept trembling, not understanding what the man was talking about. She could barely remember how she had ended up here. All she could remember was that she had been awoken for the first time by the sound of a car rumbling, shaking her awake. Not one scream had left her mouth, lips pressed together by the black tape.
Panic had swapped through her, knowing that she wasn’t stuck in a nightmare, but in the back of a car she had never seen before. Only as the man had opened his trunk, smirking down on her, she had tried to scream, wanting to run away from the stranger with the salt and pepper beard. Only for him to knock her out cold once again.
“Come here, darling.” (Y/n) didn’t move, frozen on the spot as her eyes followed the movement of his hand. He placed a box in his lap, slowly opening it. She couldn’t see the insides of the box, not daring to move closer.
“It wasn’t nice of Dean to shoot me, now was it?” Shudders ran down her spine as she thought back to the night in the forest. And how the shot had reverberated through the darkness, followed by her scream. Of course, it was him. It had always been him, chasing her from one case to another. “It hurts, you know. I thought you would finally understand it - I was hoping that you were smarter than this.”
Her pupils dilated as he pulled the bloody shoe out of the box, the shoe they had found at the crime scene. For a moment, the man studied it, running his fingertips across the blood splatters, chuckling as his mind took him back to the night he had killed the girl.
“I won’t repeat myself. Come here, (y/n).” His hand shot out to grasp her forearm, pulling her into his lap, off the ground, not giving her a chance to move away from him. She couldn’t move, not even as he began to unlace her right boot, pulling her foot free. “It’s a shame that you always try to run from me. By now, you should know that you can’t escape. The game has no end, not till I say so.”
With both their eyes set on the blood-covered shoe, they watched him put it on her foot. It fitted like a glove.
“See, I knew it was you. I had to make sure it wasn’t her. Lovely Macey couldn’t fit in the shoe. But she looked just like you, could have fooled me.” A cry threatened to rumble through her. She wanted to rip the tape off her mouth, to scream at the man, wanting to cut his heart right out of his chest. But she couldn’t move, had to listen to his devilish chuckles, silently begging for the brothers to make it back to her.
While (y/n) was trembling, fearing for her life, Dean and Sam were at the police station, tricking the two officers into thinking they were FBI agents. It took them a while to get their hands on the case files, thumbing through the notes till they found pictures of the beheaded girl.
“Is that?” Dean’s words got stuck in his throat, heart racing as he took in the pictures of the girl.
“She looks like (y/n).” Both Sam and Dean kept staring at the pictures - while they tried to reach (y/n)’s phone, hoping that she would give in and speak to them. But she didn’t. Her phone was shut off, clearly nowhere near her. The uneasy feeling that lingered in their stomachs began to stretch through their bodies.
Something was wrong. Something had happened to her.
“Maybe she made it back to the motel. You know how she forgets to charge her phone.” It was a pathetic try, hoping and praying that she was safe. Dean kept holding onto the files as they stormed out of the station, speeding towards the motel with their hearts racing in their chests.
If she was gone, it was their fault. If she was hurt, it was because they didn’t protect her. If she was dead, they would forever have to live with their guilt.
“(Y/n)?” Her name echoed through the empty motel. Her belongings weren’t there, neither was she - as if she hadn’t made it back to the motel at all. Curses spilt from Dean’s lips, hands buried in his hair, tugging on his roots as another groan of frustration left him.
“She has to be somewhere near. Let’s check the bar. Maybe she turned around as we left.” Sam was already outside as Dean’s phone began to ring, eyes focused on the unknown number.
“Hello?” His voice wavered, hoping - praying - that it was (y/n), calling him from somebody's phone. But the chuckles that left the person on the other end of the line weren’t as sweet as (y/n)’s. No, they were dark, sinister.
“Dean Winchester. See, sweetheart, I knew he’d answer my call. I bet he’s already looking for you, aren’t you, Dean?” The all too familiar voice shook through the hunter, jaw muscles clenching and unclenching as he stormed outside, ripping Baby’s door open, not daring to meet Sam’s confused eyes.
“You fucking asshole. Where is she? What did you do to her?” But the man only laughed, once again - as if he was making fun of Dean. He was toying with all three, but as Dean and Sam were desperately trying to figure out where he was keeping her, (y/n) was now bound to the chair she was now sitting on, lips still sealed together.
“Now, don’t be impatient, Dean. I will send you our address soon enough, wait for my message and don’t forget to bring your best dancing shoes.” The man hung up the phone before Dean could reply, cursing with his palm meeting the steering wheel.
“Who was that?” Sam could only whisper his words, not understanding what was happening.
“The sick bastard from the case with the children, I should have double-checked on him, should have checked if he was truly dead.” Silence engulfed them, eyes staring ahead as they thought of (y/n).
While the brothers tried to come up with a plan on how to save her, (y/n) was trying to loosen the rope, trying to free herself as the man kept searching for something. He was opening drawers, combing through the things he had stuffed in there, hoping to find the one vinyl he had bought months ago.
“You see, sweetheart. We don’t have much time. We need to prepare you for your big moment.” The man turned back to (y/n), staring at her with his twinkling eyes, full of excitement for the upcoming hours. Slowly he moved one hand up her throat. He stroked his thumb along her chin, eyes flickering down to her sealed mouth. He ripped the tape off her skin, allowing her to take a deep breath, finding her words again.
“Why are you doing this? Why?” Her words didn’t come out as strong as she had hoped they would, dripping with anxiety and confusion.
“Oh, (y/n), my sweet (y/n). You finally need to learn your lesson.” But she no longer was listening to him, mind wandering off to Dean and Sam, with her heart aching in pain. Oh, how she wanted to feel them close, to hide away in their arms as they would protect her.
Oh, how it must feel to be loved by them.
“Are you ready, darling? It won’t be long till they arrive.” He cut her free and forced her to her feet. The scent that engulfed her momentarily pushed her back into a memory of a moment from years ago.
“Say goodbye to your friend. You’ll never see him again.” Her father’s voice cut through her, heart-shattering to pieces as another small “please” left her, begging for his kindness. “This is your own fault, doll. If you would have just listened to me,” the disappointed sigh that left her father made her stomach churn in fear, staring into his dark green eyes.
The smell that now engulfed her reminded her of her father’s truck, the smell of leather mixed with the smell of the bourbon he would drink when the night was coming upon them. (Y/n) could barely remember her father, no longer knowing what he looked like, memories taken from her since the hunt that had pushed her to rely on the Winchester's.
“Don’t cry, sweet (y/n). Look, there are your friends.” Dean and Sam pushed open the doors to the dark warehouse, eyes finding (y/n)’s glassy ones. But before Dean or Sam could take another step, the man pushed her to the ground, her knees scraped open by the heavy impact.
“Not yet, boys. I’ll shoot her if you move any closer.” The cry that rippled through (y/n) made both Dean and Sam flinch, wanting to reach for her, to cradle her in their arms. The past hours had been painful for the brothers, forced to realize that they can’t stay away from her. She was theirs - as much as they were hers.
Music began to fill the warehouse, drowning out the cries that left (y/n). Dean and Sam were forced to watch the tall man lift her to her feet, arms wrapped around her waist as he began to move to the music. The sound of Johnny Cash strumming his guitar buzzed through them, teasing them as the man danced with her.
“Hear the lonesome whipperwill. He sounds too blue to fly. The midnight train is whining low.” Johnny Cash’s voice filled the warehouse, the man twirled (y/n) around, clumsily catching her whenever her body would give up, not having enough strength to support her trembling self. Whenever the man’s back was turned to Dean and Sam, the brothers would try to move closer, though forced to stop as they caught her panicked gaze.
He still had his gun pressed to her back.
“Tonight is the night of my payback. It’s only fair I shoot Dean, don’t you think darling?”
"There's a saint and a sinner. And forever the missing day. Where the winners and losers feel the same."
But before the man could raise his gun, to point it at Dean, (y/n) lifted her knee, kneeling him in his crotch, forcing him to let go of her. She sprinted away, towards the brothers that pulled her into their arms, catching her before she could tumble to the ground with her bleeding knees.
“I got you, I got you.” Dean kept chanting the words, eyes not daring to leave the man’s frame. His chuckles bled from his lips, eyes meeting Dean’s green ones. Time moved slower than before, but Dean was the first one to shoot, once again, watching the man fall back down to the ground, no longer moving as the bullet pierced straight through his heart.
"Like me, he's lost the will to live. I'm so lonesome I could cry."
“Let’s leave, please.” (Y/n) couldn’t stick around any longer, had to leave the warehouse behind as Johnny Cash’s voice kept echoing through the empty hall. Dean and Sam stabilized her, helping her into Baby’s backseat with careful touches, not wanting to frighten her. But she was chasing their touch, wanting to find comfort in their embrace, listening to their racing hearts.
No words were spoken as they drove back to the motel, all stuck in their thoughts, replaying the last hours over and over again. Dean had to bite down the words that threatened to roll off his tongue, wanting to scold her for being this reckless, for disappearing into the night in a town she hadn’t been in before.
Only as the door to their room fell shut did Dean part his lips, staring her down with something she couldn’t focus on laced in his gaze.
“We could have lost you. Don’t ever run away from us again. Please.” He wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her scent as he pressed a kiss to her head. Sam pressed himself against her back, pulling her closer, wanting to feel every inch of her, taking away the reminders of their night.
The tension between them began to rise. It wasn’t unusual for the brothers to get lost beneath the sheets with (y/n), using one another as a distraction from the world outside, and today seemed to be one of those nights.
“Touch me, please. Make me forget.” The sound of a gasp spilling from her lips echoed through the room, Dean grasped her throat, pulling her closer to him as Sam pressed his front further against her back. She was trapped, there was no way out, not till the sun would rise to force them back outside.
A moan rolled off her tongue as they moved her towards the mattress, staring her down as they pondered over their next moves. While Sam pressed his lips against hers, tasting her tears on her tongue, Dean began to undo her trousers, fingertips stroking along the outlines of her panties.
“You're dripping, sweetheart. You are just needy for our attention, aren't you?” The small “yes” that left her seemed to satisfy Dean, momentarily letting go of her to shuffle out of his clothes. Only as his hands found their way back to her heat did Sam step away from her, undressing with his eyes staring at (y/n)’s glassy ones.
Her body was screaming for their touch, hoping to get lost in their stormy eyes as her orgasms would rock through her. Anything to pay the ferryman for a ride through Acheron’s uneasy waters, finding rest in the underworld. Dead like the ones they kept hunting, separated from the living by the dark river that kept flooding till time would find her end.
Dean’s thumb began to rub her clit, panties pushed aside to admire her soaked cunt, while Sam’s hand guided hers to his cock, pumping his length. The sound of their moans echoed through the room, filling every inch like a tsunami crashing through a city, ripping houses to the ground with its strength.
“Think you can handle us both?” Dean’s murmurs left her moaning, nodding her head as she momentarily let go of Sam’s cock. Stuck in their routine, (y/n) allowed the two to position her on Sam’s lap, staring down on the younger brother with a smile tugging on her lips. Only as she felt Dean’s saliva dripping down her behind, she let her body give into the feeling, eyes rolling back into her head.
“Fuck, I keep on forgetting how tight you still are.” Sam’s lips found hers, silencing her reply as he pushed his cock into her heat, feeling Dean rub against his through the thin skin that kept their lengths apart. She felt full, stuffed to the brim with both brother’s buried inside her, spearing her on their cocks in an uneven rhythm. If fate would favour her, she could stay there for the rest of her life, body used by the two cunt-hungry men, allowing them to take whatever they’d need.
(Y/n) had to claw her fingernails into Sam’s arms, having to balance herself as the brother’s kept snapping their hips against her body, groaning into the night as she kept squeezing their cocks. They were making a mess on the sheets, fluids dripping from her cunt with every thrust that parted her walls.
“Oh fuck.” She was already close, could give in right there and then, but the feeling of Dean’s hand clamping down on her throat silenced her, teeth buried in her lower lip to stop her orgasm from clashing through her. Tears pooled in her eyes, blurring her vision of Sammy’s pleasure drunken features.
Every thrust coaxed a moan out of her, followed by a groan spilling from the brother’s lips, soon enough all three of them would let go, chasing their highs with their limbs tangled. As Dean murmured a small “cum" (y/n) gave into her orgasm, body trembling, struggling to stay balanced on Sam’s lap.
“Gonna fill you up, pump you full of my cum.” Sam’s words were swallowed by the heavy moan that rumbled through Dean, both brothers let go in unison, painting her walls white with their cum, watching it leak from her holes. It was a sinful sight, cocks still hard as she collapsed against Sam’s chest, body exhausted from the heavy stimulation and the feeling of both brother’s splitting her in half.
(Y/n) barely noticed how the two pulled out of her, carrying her towards the small bathroom to take a shower together, washing away the reminders of the past days. Tomorrow as the morning would break, they would leave the town behind, minds focused on the man and the poor girl that had been forced to suffer.
But before sleep could roll upon them, to rip them away from this very night, the sound of nearing footsteps began to rumble through the air, door falling open as a frame got exposed to their eyes, with a sinister smile thrown their way.
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Hi love!
Can I please beg for Tangled Geraskier?
Rapunzel Jask. You know I’m a sucker for angst so including the scene where he cuts her hair would slay me 💖💖💖💖💖
Hello, Stina dear! Sorry this took me actual months to write, but it broke me out of my writer’s block and for that I am eternally grateful.
I chose several pieces of the Tangled narrative to write Geralt and Jaskier into... enjoy! 
2k-ish words (please leave me comments I’m so tired my dudes)
tw: blood, injury, major character (near) death, if you’ve seen Tangled you’ve seen this
“So,” Jaskier smiles playfully up at the thief sitting beside him. “Roger Eric, huh?”
Geralt rolls his eyes but Jaskier catches the flush that settles high on his companion’s cheekbones. “It was… It’s a long and boring story about a lot of sad little children that I’m sure you don’t want to hear on such a lovely evening.”
Jaskier scoots closer, until the sides of their arms are pressed too tightly together for even a slip of paper to slide between, and leans his weight against the thief. He bats his thick eyelashes and pouts his lip in a way that always seems to work with his Father. “C’mon, Geralt, please won’t you tell me? Just one little story? I told you about my magical hair, after all.”
“Hmm,” the thief glares dawn at the doe-eyed blonde for a moment before nervously clearing his throat. “Fine. I… I got the name Geralt of Rivia from a collection of short stories that I used to read the other boys at the orphanage in Kaedwen; they were all about this knight who was loyal and brave and courageous despite his hideous appearance. He was rejected by princesses and noble women but was beloved by the people. Having been born with white hair… well, a lot of the folks that came looking for children thought I was under a spell or curse so…. I wasn’t their first choice for adoption.”
“You and Geralt were a lot alike, then. Different. Special… Kind.”
“I wouldn’t say I was spe-”
Jaskier’s hand darts forward and his long, slender musician’s fingers grasp Geralt by the wrist. The fledgling bard clings onto his escort tightly, his large blue eyes suddenly brimming up with tears. “Don’t you dare say you aren’t special, Geralt Roger Eric whatever your surname really is. I’ll never forgive you if you spew such nonsense where my delicate ears can hear it.”
Geralt swallows thickly and glances away. Jaskier always looks so sweet and sincere; the features on his boyish face flicker in and out of focus as patterns of light thrown by their small campfire play across his pale skin. His gaze is intense, focused on Geralt and Geralt alone. The thief panics and asks: “What is it, Jaskier? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You saved me, you know. You saved me from those men back there at the inn, you saved me from being trapped in the tower all my life, you saved me from getting lost in the forest, you… you’re a good person, Geralt. Don’t let the world or the Captain of the Guard or anyone else change your mind, do you understand me? You are-” Jaskier’s hands scrabble frantically to grasp Geralt’s, as if the white-haired man might disappear entirely if Jaskier so much as loosens his grip “- you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me since I’ve been locked in that foul, awful tower!”
“Well I…” Geralt clears his throat again. He stands slowly, disentangling his hangs from Jaskier’s as he takes a slow step back. And then another. “I should go get more firewood.”
Despite the uneasiness in their parting, Jaskier smiles after him. 
The momentary spell cast by their closeness is only broken when Jaskier hears a familiar voice from just behind him: “Well, I thought he’d never leave!”
The blonde jumps up from his seat and spins on his heel to face the black-cloaked wizard. “Father? How… How did you find me?”
Stregobor wraps his arms around Jaskier’s shoulders and squeezes so tightly that it feels more like a threat than an embrace. “It was easy, I simply followed the sound of absolute betrayal.”
Jaskier flinches and tries to pull away but cannot yet escape. 
“I just brought you this,” his Father continues. He finally releases Jaskier and hands his son the worn leather satchel he’d found hidden in his tower. “If this Geralt creature really is the man you think him to be -and don’t deny it, little flower, I can read your thoughts- give this back to him and see how long he stays.”
“Father, I-”
“Goodbye, my child. See you soon, I’m sure. Just remember that Father knows best!”
And in a swirl of black smoke and confusion, Stregobor disappears.
“Why do you look so scared?” Geralt asks. He slows the small gondola he’s rented to a stop, turning it slightly more to the side so that they have a better vantage point to see the lanterns spread over the harbor from the city. Jaskier sighs deeply and shakes a stray flower petal away from his eyes, the enormous golden braid shifting ever-so-slightly against his shoulders.
“I’ve been looking out a window for eighteen years,” he says softly. Nervously. “What if… What if it’s not what I expected? I’m terrified to see what it all looks like up close because what if it doesn’t meet my expectations? What if it’s not everything I dreamed it would be?”
“It will be,” Geralt replies without thinking. 
“And what if it is?” Jaskier queries, voice growing frantic. “What if it’s even more spectacular than I could have ever hoped? Then my dream will have been fulfilled and I’ll just… go back to the tower again.”
“You’ll just have to find a new dream, I guess,” Geralt offers. When Jaskier settles down into the boat a bit more comfortably and smiles shyly back at him, the thief knows he’s hit the right mark for once. Behind Geralt, the first lantern lights up the sky. Jaskier gasps and points, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement; Geralt is utterly enchanted by his easy beauty. The thief digs two paper lanterns out from beneath his seat and offers one to Jaskier, giddy when he grins even more excitedly than before. “I got this for you… I hope you like it.”
“Oh, I love it! And I have something for you, too.” Jaskier turns and pulls something from behind him. The bardling hands Geralt his very own satchel, which the thief briefly accepts and then drops to the floor without a second thought. The anxious blonde musician beams over at him more gloriously than the midday sun and then turns away, blushing a sweet shade of pink. “I should have given it to you earlier, but I was so scared… and now I’m not! I’m not scared anymore!”
“Good,” Geralt smiles back. He’s elated. It feels as if his heart is glowing twice as brightly as any of the lanterns floating past and around them. “That’s very good.”
I know what my dream is now, Jaskier. Now that you’re here by my side I never want to see you frown again. You don’t deserve to be hidden away in a tower where your art is stifled… even if you don’t want to love me back in that way, I’ll still protect you. I want to see how you see the world, Jaskier. I lo-
“Geralt! Look! That one has runes painted on it, what does it say!?”
Geralt pulls his daggers from his belt but before he can stab them into the craigy stone wall and begin his ascent, the familiar tresses of Jaskier’s long golden hair topple down to reach him. Thank fuck, he’s still alive. 
“Jaskier! I thought I’d never see you again!” he calls as he grabs hold of the thick blonde strands. 
The thief climbs quickly, his arms and legs nearly cramping with the effort to hurry back to Jaskier. As he hauls himself through the large window and into the tower proper, however, he’s met with a confusing and unsettling sight: Jaskier stands across the room, a cloth gag pulled tightly between his teeth, his hands manacled together behind him. A short length of spare chain attached to the manacles keeps the frightened, struggling blonde tethered against one of the building’s thick support beams. Someone had knocked down a mirror or vase during the previous fighting; shards of pottery and silver lie scattered across the floor, working as a weak barrier to keep Geralt away from the bound man. Jaskier screams out in warning as their eyes meet: “Ghmphh!”
If Jaskier is being held captive then who let his hair do-
Before Geralt can finish fully forming his question, a bright flash of pain arcs out from his side and sends him toppling to his knees. A wet, sticky heat begins to spread from a spot beneath his ribs and when he presses his hand against his shirt it comes way red. 
Oh. Oh, no...
He hears Stregobor’s voice addressing the sobbing blonde, “Now look what you’ve done, Jaskier.”
Geralt collapses to his knees and then falls to his side, curling up in the fetal position and clutching at the wound as if that will be any help at all. He knows he’s doomed, but there must be some way for him to help Jaskier… to save his… his love. 
“Don’t worry, little flower, our secret will die with your little thief, here, and then we’ll be safe again. Just the two of us.”
Jaskier keens loudly and the sharp, desperate sound of it makes something deep in Geralt’s heart ache. The younger man pulls and yanks against the chains that hold him in place, his bare feet slipping against the polished floor as he tries and fails to reach the wounded Geralt. 
Stregobor yanks at the lead, pulling Jaskier back harshly by the arms. The young musician’s shoulders burn with the strain of it but Jaskier pulls forward anyway, uncaring. He must save Geralt, he must. The wizard tugs him back again, more roughly, and the jarring movement loosens his gag. He spits it from his mouth and cries out: “Stregobor! Strego- Father, listen to me!”
The wizard pauses, his interest piqued by Jaskier’s use of the word Father given the circumstances. “Yes, child?”
“Father,” Jaskier pants, turning to look at the man who’d held him captive for eighteen years. The man who kidnapped him from his cradle and forced him to grow up without the love of his real parents. The man who had, mere moments ago, stabbed the love of Jaskier’s life with the full intention of killing him. “I want you to know that I won’t stop fighting you. Every moment of every day for the rest of my life will be spent trying to get away from you. I will scream and kick and struggle and yell and you will have to keep me caged away as a bird or a mouse to make me stay by your side unless-” Jaskier pauses to take a breath, his shoulders sagging as his gaze drops submissively to the floor between them “-unless you let me save this man. Let me save Geralt’s life and I will follow you all around the Continent without a single word of complaint. I will never attempt to run away or hide from you, not once. Everything will go back to being exactly like it was before, Father, I swear on his life.”
Stregobor considers for a moment. 
He nods. 
“Alright, then. Let’s be quick about it, little flower.”
He removes the shackles from Jaskier and clamps them tightly around Geralt’s wrists instead, securing him to the bannister at the foot of the stairs. To keep him from following us, he remarks offhandedly. 
Jaskier pads his way across the floor as quickly as he can in his bare feet and falls to the ground at Geralt’s side. He pulls the wounded thief against his side to steady him and gathers two heavy handfuls of his own long hair. “I’m so sorry! Everything is going to be okay now, Geralt, I swear it.”
Geralt shoves his hands away weakly, “No, Jaskier.”
“You have to trust me, Geralt, I-”
“I c-can’t let you d-do this,” Geralt grunts, teeth gritted against the pain. 
Jaskier stares down at him, tears already gathering at the corners of his sky-blue eyes. His voice trembles when he whispers, “And I can’t let you die. I won’t let you die.”
“But if you do th-this then you-” Geralt coughs and Jaskier wipes a trickle of blood away from the corner of the thief’s mouth “-you will die.”
“Shh,” Jaskier quiets him, dropping one fistfull of blonde tresses to cup Geralt’s face instead. “Everything will be alright.”
Geralt smiles sadly up at Jaskier, his decision already having been made. He lets the back of his knuckles ghost across the musician’s peach-soft cheek. Jaskier’s eyes flutter shut for a moment and then open again, curious. “Jaskier, I…”
The thief uses the last of his strength to push up into a sitting position. The hand on Jaskier’s face slides back and gathers his hair at the back of his neck. Geralt’s other hand comes up, a shard of glass gripped tightly in his fist, and slices through the long blonde strands. He watches as Jaskier’s hair turns from radiant gold to chestnut brown. Geralt falls back with a short, sharp sound of agony, his vision already fading around the edges. The shard of mirror, dagger-sharp around the edges, clatters to the ground beside Jaskier. 
“No!” Stregobor screams, gathering up an armful of Jaskier’s still-blonde hair. The golden hue is already fading, shifting to match the short brown hair still fluffed around his head. The lost prince watches with wide, horrified eyes as the wizard trips over a loose floorboard and goes careening out the open window. 
More worrying than his kidnapper’s death, however, is the man lying in his arms, breathing shallowly. Jaskier gathers Geralt close, tucking the thief’s head against his neck and wrapping his arms around the older man’s broad shoulders. “No, no, no, no, Geralt. Stay with me, okay? Stay with me, right here.”
He grabbed at Geralt’s hand, holding it against the top of his head as he sang desperately. “Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back was once was mi-”
“Jaskier!” Geralt says, pulling his hand down to cup the prince’s face. He can feel his limbs growing cold and numb, distant from him and out of his control. “You… You were my new dream.”
Jaskier sobs, clinging to Geralt with all he’s worth. “And you were mine.”
Geralt manages to smile up into those beautiful blue eyes one last time. And then the world goes dark and his hand falls to the floor, limp.
Jaskier buries his face in the crook of Geralt’s neck and screams. He throws back his head and howls like a wounded animal, his heart shattering to pieces within the confines of his chest cavity. Then he quiets himself down, adjusts Geralt’s body on his lap, and finishes the song the way he’s been taught to do: “Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates’ design, save what has been lost… bring back what once was mine.”
A single tear falls from his eye and lands on Geralt’s cheek. A cheek that will never blush again, never turn up in a smile, never-
A faint yellow glow catches Jaskier’s vision, just from the corner of his eye. He turns his head to look at Geralt’s wound and gasps: the outline of a golden flower covers his abdomen, glowing so brightly that Jaskier must hide his eyes and turn away to keep from being blinded. When the glow fades enough that can safely look back again, Geralt’s wound is gone and the blood that was once staining his jerkin has disappeared. 
He leans over the white-haired thief with bated breath, waiting for a movement or a breath or something… anything. 
After a long moment, two honey-hazel eyes blink open. Geralt inhales quietly and then asks, with the sweetest smile Jaskier has ever seen in all his eighteen years of life, “Did I ever tell you I had a thing for brunettes?”
Jaskier squeals with glee and throws himself into Geralt’s waiting arms, pressing their eager mouths together for the first kiss of their Happily Ever After. 
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pascalpanic · 3 years
“You can call me whenever you want… Even if you don’t have a reason to.” with Javi 😩 OR marcus moreno bc I think it fits him too
Personal Number (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Summary: You’re lonely working as the American ambassador’s secretary. You miss the days of being down with the agents as a receptionist. At least you get to talk with Javier Peña on the phone somewhat often.
W/C: 1.5k
Warnings: language, brief mentions of sexual content. this is pretty tame.
A/N: I LOVE JAVIER. can you tell?? thank you for this idea Thea!!! I love it so much and I hope you like it too. Also, can you tell I like writing phone calls? I just think it’s so fun and a medium that isn’t covered super often.
it’s definitely not because I like not having to write about body language or action.
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Javier Peña was a flirt. You knew that from the start, from the stories you’d heard from the other women around the embassy. He was cute, you admitted. Tight shirts and equally slim-fitting jeans, dark hair, lean and strong. He walked with power in his stance.
You liked him. He was a nice man, respectful. He flirted with everyone, but he never went too far. Sure, he’d slept with a solid chunk of the women who worked here, but he was supposedly a wonderful lover. His methods were unorthodox in the field, but he got what he needed. He was incredibly clever, setting up traps and getting information by any means necessary. You talked occasionally, when he’d stop by because you had a message for him at the receptionist desk. He was good for conversation. He liked the cinnamon candies you kept on your desk.
The other women talked with you more than he did. You and the other women chatted, ate lunch together. The rare female presence was much appreciated in such a testosterone-laden environment. You all got along well. Even compared stories of sleeping with certain agents, how their skills at finding the clit ranked, how snuggly they were after, how receptive they were to certain acts. It was fun.
Javier was a busy man. The phone on his desk rarely rang. If someone needed someone around the embassy, they went and talked to them in person. It was an excuse to get away from your desk, people figured. You rarely used the phone too, even as a receptionist. You’d answer calls when they came, but they were usually directed other places, with specific extensions. People here were more direct.
That was before you’d been appointed as the ambassador’s secretary. It was an honor. It meant you were good at your job. You’d taken it, bragging to the other girls over lunch. Everyone was excited for you.
The job, you found out, was dry. It consists most days of making phone calls. Stechner, Ambassador wants you. Ambassador? Stechner’s here. Yep. I’ll let him in. Hi, we’ll take three orders of arepas- sorry, yes sir? Scratch that, he wants four. And can you throw in a coffee- one second, yes sir? Got it- with four creams and two sugars.
You doodle on a notepad many days. You read newspapers or reports. You proofread memos for the ambassador before he sends them off to someone important. It’s draining and dry and you have to admit you hate it.
“Peña,” a voice answers the phone.
“Hi Javier. Are you busy?” You ask.
He smiles a little as he hears your voice, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. “When am I ever around here?” He asks, and you chuckle.
“I know the feeling.”
The two of you had talked a few times before. He was nice enough, if curt. Usually, he was busy. People only came to you when they needed something as a receptionist, and now even more so as a private secretary.
“How’s the promotion treating you?” He asks. He’d heard word as he talked with others. Noticed your spot was empty for a day or two before being replaced by another woman. He missed the little candies you kept on your desk. You always kept cinnamon disks stocked in a separate jar from the seasonal candies for him.
“It’s… good,” you nod, drawing a little fish on your notepad. “Kind of feels like a demotion sometimes. It’s boring up here. And lonely. I miss being around to talk with people.”
“We miss you,” he admits with a smile. “You still keep those cinnamon candies on your desk up there?”
You shake your head, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder. “No. Ambassador doesn’t like them, so I switched over. I did get some new fun caramel flavored stuff though.”
“Damn,” he chuckles.
“Would it make you come up here if I had them?”
“I may have to visit the ambassador more often if you did,” he teases, and you chuckle softly. “Poor little social butterfly, cooped up on the highest floor, away from humanity.”
“I do feel like Rapunzel some days,” you sigh, still smiling. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I was supposed to ask if you were busy for the ambassador, not for myself. He wants to see you if you have a minute.”
“Yeah, I’ve got time. Right now?”
“Right now.”
You can hear shuffling on the other end. “Let me put my signature on one more paper and I’ll be up.” He hangs up and you sigh. There was the most interaction you’ll get for the day.
It seems that the closer the men get to Escobar, the more the ambassador needs to see Murphy and Peña. You don’t mind. The two men are funny, and the way they interact makes you smile.
Peña talks to you more than Murphy. Steve is more likely to go outside to smoke, while Javier smokes at his desk. That means you dial him more often simply because there’s a higher probability he’s at his desk. Not because you enjoy talking with him more.
The two men had picked up on calling you Rapunzel. Your energy and excitement was draining day by day, and they compared your new position outside of the ambassador’s office, high on the top floor of the embassy, to Rapunzel’s tower.
You playfully called them Javi and Stephen in return to annoy both of them. It didn’t work on Javier. It turned out he liked that, and you could tell by the way his voice softened. So you kept that.
“Guess who?” you ask dryly, tapping your pen against your notepad.
The man chuckles. “You must be having an exciting day up there. I can hear it in your voice.”
“Ha.” The word is humorless and flat. “Ambassador wants to see you two.”
Javier groans. “Kind of busy.”
“Well, I’ll tell him that,” you nod and write down on a legal pad- separate from your doodling pad- Peña busy. 11:30. “How are things going down there today?”
“Annoying. Steve is a pain in my ass- hey, shut the fuck up,” you can hear him say even as he removes the receiver away from his phone. You giggle at that, smiling as he speaks again. “Sorry. Can you guess who that was?”
“What was he saying this time?” You ask, twirling the cord to the phone around your finger.
“Nothing,” he insists, but you can hear Murphy shouting. Some message he’s trying to get to you.
“Well, alright. Call up when you’re less busy,” you ask him and hang up.
You really want to know what Murphy was going on about. You dial his desk and he picks up. “S’this Rapunzel?” A southern accent twangs.
“Of course,” you chuckle. “What were you shouting into Javi’s phone?”
“Oh, nothing. Oh, hey, wait,” he says, pulling the phone down and pressing it to his chest. You can hear the muffled voices of the two men, but not what they’re saying. He puts it back to his ear quickly after. “Anyway, it’s nothing. We’ll call you back when we’ve got a minute to come up.”
Odd, you think, before going back to your work on your desk.
The phone rings again an hour later. “Ambassador’s office,” you say with a gentle lilt to your voice.
“Hey, Rapunzel,” a kind but rough voice speaks through the phone. Javi.
“Hey,” you chuckle a little. “You guys ready to come up?”
“Uh, no, not yet. But I do want you to write something down for me.”
“Anything,” you nod, priming your pen above the piece of paper.
Javier rattles off ten numbers, and you diligently write them down on the paper. You repeat it back and he affirms that it’s correct. “Got it. What is it?”
“It’s my personal phone number.”
“Javi, the ambassador already has your phone number.”
“No, I know. It’s for you.”
Oh. Your heart flutters excitedly in your chest, causing you to let out a soft giggle.
“I like talking with you. Our phone calls are the highlight of my day. You can call me whenever you want… even if you don’t have a reason to. I just… like hearing your voice. I like you.”
You clutch the paper, grinning ear to ear. “Well, I like you too, Javi. I’ll be using this,” you assure him, looking down at it and beaming. “Now, you said you’re busy. Get back to work.”
“Yes ma’am. See you in a bit.”
Click. Dial tone. Your heart fills with sparks and little fireworks, sending you into a loud laugh of excitement.
The thick oak doors swing open. The ambassador looks at you with concern. “Everything alright out here?” He asks you.
You nod, biting your lip and looking down to hide your grin. “Yeah, yeah. Great, sir. Peña and Murphy aren’t ready yet. They’ll be up later.”
The man gives you a nod and closes the door behind him.
The grin returns. You trace the freshly-dried ink, the nine numbers that will connect you directly to Javier at any time you want. You pull your contact book from your purse, sitting beneath your desk, flipping to a clean page.
Javier Peña, you write.
personal number
You go back and draw a small heart next to his name.
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kingreywrites · 3 years
to treasure that heart like I do
Prompt: “You almost died and you’re making jokes?” for @royygbivv
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 2237
Summary: Rapunzel bites her lips. Looks away. The silence is tense between them, and he wants to reach out but he's not sure if that'll help at all. He can't… He can't recall what led them here, with him wounded and her upset with him but- Whatever he did, he wants to make it right.
Note: i finally manage to write something and of course it’s self-indulgent new dream hurt/comfort.... i’m a happy one trick pony :’)
Read on ao3
His return to consciousness is slow. Like his mind is working through a thick fog, unable to focus on anything, to grasp anything except the emptiness. He's aimlessly floating for the longest time - or no time at all? And then, it starts. A dull ache emanating from the back of his neck; the feeling of something soft under his fingertips; the heaviness of his body, solid and real; and a caress, a hand trailing down his skin, murmurs he can't hear around him. Little by little, the fog smothering him lifts, and Eugene blinks his eyes open, met by the familiar sight of Hookfoot's hammock above him, and the welcome sight of that same hammock being empty. (He always worries that Hookfoot is gonna fall on him one of these days, with how much he wiggles at night.)
Eugene's vision is blurry. The room is too bright. He feels exhausted which, considering he literally just woke up, is a little worrying. And his head hurts a lot, though he draws blank as to why. 
Slowly, he tries to raise his hand to his head, his limb clumsy and uncooperative. Eugene tenses, and his pain spikes, making him groan under his breath and close his eyes again. His head is swimming, and suddenly, he remembers that weird feeling of floating, away and away and away. 
A whisper, from the only voice he wants to hear right now. And a hand, small but holding his own without any trouble, slowly bringing it back down to his chest. 
"Sorry, you shouldn't touch your wound." 
"Hey Sunshine," he says quietly, breathing deeply to try and get his pain under control. 
After... a minute, or maybe ten, Eugene opens his eyes again, a smile on his face when he sees the bright blond hair and the very green eyes peering down at him. She's frowning. Belatedly, his mind catches up to her words, and this wound he shouldn't touch - how did he get hurt? 
Thinking is hard. His mind is still sluggish, and he's parched, which Rapunzel seems to guess since she gently helps him up to drink. The change in position is nauseating, but Eugene does his best to hide it, hating the worry clouding Rapunzel's eyes. She puts a glass of water to his lips, and though he tries to hold it himself, he's too aware of how his hand shakes, and how it would fall if she let go. 
"Thanks," he mumbles when she takes it away, too worn out to feel ashamed. It's okay; it's Rapunzel with him. He trusts her with everything. 
"How are you feeling?" she asks, strangely quiet through it all. 
He looks at her again - wishes he could read her expression perfectly. Beyond the expected concern, he thinks he sees anger in the way her mouth twitches, but Rapunzel is better at restraint than most people expect, and because he knows her, Eugene also knows that loving her doesn't always make it easier to guess what she's feeling. 
"Sore," he says finally, and it's the truth, though it should come after the various aches and pains he can feel in his bones. "My head hurts a bit," he adds reluctantly, when her expression doesn't change. 
Rapunzel bites her lips. Looks away. The silence is tense between them, and he wants to reach out but he's not sure if that'll help at all. He can't… He can't recall what led them here, with him wounded and her upset with him but- Whatever he did, he wants to make it right. 
"You should rest," she says, in a tone clearly implying this sentence to be a conclusion, even though they barely talked. 
Eugene's heart is beating loudly in his chest, and he grabs her hand when she moves to make him lie down again. She raises an eyebrow, and he honestly didn't think that far - he doesn't know what he wants to say, to ask, and he feels like he should at least apologise but he can't even be sure about what. Rapunzel looks as exhausted as he feels, her clothes wrinkled and her hair in more disarray than she usually allows. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, because even when he doesn't know what to say, or do, he always wants to be sure of that. 
Rapunzel laughs. He hadn't expected that. She laughs, puts her hand in front of her mouth and turns her head to the side, and laughs again, the shake of her shoulders resembling a sob. All of the sudden, she's crying, desperately muffling her tears as she hides from him, and there's no pain in the world that could prevent Eugene from straightening up - no dizziness that could keep him from leaning forward and touching her. She doesn't react, not to his touch, not to his scared and babbled reassurances that he's fine, she's fine, they're all okay, so please breathe Sunshine, for me-
She shudders. Heaves. Turns towards him finally, and hugs him, a force in her grip that she can't contain. He thought that he was going to hold her together, but it feels like she's doing that for him, holding him tight so he can never fall through her grasp again.
Fall… There's an echo of his name being yelled in his mind. Of an outstretched hand he couldn't take, and of falling and falling, the moment quick and eternal at the same time.
"Of course he asks me if I'm fine," Rapunzel bites out wetly, interrupting his thoughts. The third person is a bad omen, even if she's holding him in his arms. "Of course Eugene 'I've got a death wish' Fitzherbert asks me if I'm fine as if I'm the one who fell down a cliff and right onto her head!"
Her voice gets higher and higher as she talks, and Eugene winces, fragments of the story falling into place. He doesn't say sorry. He won't say sorry because he was worried about her. So he nods quietly, knowing she needs to say that.
"Is it too much to ask you to worry about yourself? Why do you- Why do you keep doing that!" she exclaims, frustration and fear choking her, head still on his shoulder (which he guesses wouldn't make the situation look as serious to anyone else - but he hears in her voice something scared and little that he isn't used to from her, and her holding him doesn't change that).
That. Why does he keep doing that. His memories are still muddled, difficult to navigate through, but he sees her smiling next to him. They're alone - a date, he remembers, she took him on a date that day - and they're having fun but… He's not sure about that part. He remembers being scared. Looking at Rapunzel from far away, and knowing he had to get to her. He was scared, and she was too when he pushed her; he remembers her expression, the shock and the realisation, his name on her lips as he felt the ground under him give and-
He fell. He pushed her - fell to save her?
Eugene doesn't say sorry there either. Because he's not. His head hurts, everything is blurry, but he'd sacrifice himself a hundred times over if it was to save her. She knows it, just like he does.
"I'm okay," he repeats softly, and she snorts.
"Do you even- Do you even know what I- fuck," she cries, gripping him tighter as he startles. Rapunzel doesn't swear. She doesn't like it, and prefers to steer away from it, which is endearing in his opinion, but makes the occasional swearing so much worse. Her voice is wrung out, hoarse, and the guilt he was keeping at bay slams into him full force, because she's miserable and it's his fault.
He cranes his head around to try to look at her, and it's his worst idea of the hour - he's not quick enough to swallow his own grunt, and suddenly Rapunzel is letting go of him, trying to get him back in bed. Her eyes are red, tears staining her pale cheeks, and he wonders how long she had waited for him to wake up before now. Had she slept? He thinks Cass would force her to leave his side, (and for all that they bicker he's grateful Rapunzel has someone that dedicated in her corner), but even she couldn't push Rapunzel to really sleep if she wasn't able to.
He doesn't allow himself to be laid down just yet, resisting the hand on his chest easily. She's being careful with him. Rapunzel can't meet his eyes, and as he's about to say… Anything, really, to try and make her feel better, when she whispers, voice heavy: "I thought you died."
She doesn't say again. He hears it anyway. The weight in his throat triples, and he holds her hand like an anchor, unsure as to which of them is lost in the storm.
"You- You fell," she stutters painfully, "and then you weren't moving. There was… a lot of blood, around your head. From where I was, I couldn't be sure- I thought- I thought-"
"I'm sorry," he says this time, without hesitation. He's not sorry for worrying about her, not sorry for saving her, but he's so deeply sorry for putting her through anything like that, for making her worry and cry and relive the tower and- He's sorry, and he repeats it again, because he feels like he's choking with remorse. "I'm so sorry Sunshine, I- I never wanted-"
"I know." Soft. Resigned. Loving, too, accepting his apology because she really did know that.
When she pushes him back on his bed this time, he lets her, and lies down again. His head is pounding, and he's tired, but- he feels like he should apologise again, and knows he shouldn't. He raises his hand to her cheek, and she holds it here, closing her eyes.
"Head injuries bleed a lot," she explains, voice quiet. "I- Cass said your wound didn't seem deep and that you were lucky."
"How did Cass get there?"
"I… may have carried you all the way to the caravan. While crying." She rubs at her nose uneasily, but there's a small smile on her lips he's so glad to see again. "It wasn't my proudest moment."
"Can't believe I wasn't conscious for this," he grins. "I like it when you carry me."
"It was very romantic," she says, playing along as she strokes his hair. "A princess has to rescue her dashing rogue from time to time."
He laughs at that, a speck of pride at her agreement that yes, he was indeed quite dashing. "You save me all the time, though."
"So do you," she answers. She's smiling, but it dims as her eyes fall on his bandage again, and her shoulders slump. He saves her, and puts his life in danger, and that's the problem here, isn't it?
He knows she's scared of losing him. He knows, and understands, because he's just as scared of losing her, just as afraid that what happened with Gothel will happen again. It's a terror that used to keep them up at night, that never truly left, and he can't- he can't imagine what she felt, when she saw him down there and thought he died. Silently, he vows to make it up to her, any way he can.
"It's all good, then," he says after a while. When she looks at him, a question in her eyes, he smiles, hesitant and honest. "You save me, and I save you, again and again, until we just keep saving each other. That way, no one has to get hurt."
She considers his words, and chuckles. "I guess that's true."
A beat. His eyes are heavy, and Eugene feels exhaustion drape over him gently, trying to drag him down to sleep again. There's something else he wants to say, though, so he resists as best as he can.
"Sunshine?" he whispers, and she hums quietly. "Next time… I'll try harder to not get hurt if I save you. I promise."
He sees how she bites back her usual protests. She doesn't answer with optimism, or anger - doesn't tell him that there will be no next time, that he should stop all together. Instead, she breathes in deeply, and says "Thank you". It's honest, and relieved, and Eugene knows she means it.
The moment passes, and Eugene knows, now, that they are okay again. As good as they can be.
"Can't promise I won't ever fall off a cliff again," he notes, words garbled when he yawns in the middle of his sentence.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, because - no matter how much time passes," he says, a wide smile on his face, "I will never stop falling for you."
She stills. He wiggles his eyebrows. Her mouth twitches, not in anger this time, but announcing the full body laughter that follows suit, Rapunzel hiding her head in her hands to try to contain it.
"That was terrible!" she announces loudly, though she's obviously still laughing in her hands. "You- You almost died and you're making jokes?"
"Well, was it funny?"
"No!" she exclaims, laughing. He'll take it.
This time, when he falls asleep, the last thing he sees is the brilliant smile on her face, and he knows she'll be there when he wakes up.
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My witchy queen, Hatterene!
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Ooooh, HATTERENE!!!!! The Forest Witch!!!!
A Psychic/Fairy-type, Hatterene’s actually my favourite new pokemon from Galar, with a stellar design and some truly superb vibes. It’s a bit difficult to actually describe, though: it’s got a humanoid silhouette, but this is misleading, as what appears to be its body is actually just hair. Its true body is still humanoid, but much smaller, terminating in a translucent dress-like appendage. It’s really quite creative, if a little aesthetically unwieldy. Here’s the model with the hair parted and the dress removed:
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The most immediately striking part of Hatterene’s appearance is actually the witch hat-like appendage on its head, which ends with a long, prehensile tentacle with three claws. This tentacle seems to be its primary means of interacting with the world, as its short arms are held beneath its hair and never seem to be used. Because its feet don’t touch the ground, its primary means of movement is just slowly levitating, or just teleporting. You can actually see it teleport around in the Wild Area! ...Though oddly, it doesn’t actually learn Teleport.
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What really makes Hatterene, though, is its dex entries. Just one sentence, rather. “If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle.” That’s terrifying. Hatterene is classified as the Silent Pokemon, and appropriately, it hates noise. It even hates the idea of noise, repelling people by giving them headaches. Its pre-evolutions, as well, avoid all intense emotions. Hatterene wants everything calm and silent, both inwardly and outwardly. That’s highly appropriate for a Psychic-type, given their tendency to be in tune with the thoughts and feelings of those around them – AND highly appropriate for a Fairy-type, with fairies’ potential for uncanny creepiness. I think it’s probably one of the strongest pokemon concepts there are. The fact it has a common name as ominous as the “Forest Witch” further enhances the concept, and I really, really love it.
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It’s also got a Gigantamax form, which isn’t too wildly different, but its hair has a notably tower-like quality to it that kinda evokes Rapunzel in her tower. Some others have noted this as well, but Hatterene actually seems to have something of a princess aesthetic going on, independent of its witch aesthetic. When you ignore the wide brim of the hat, the long tentacle actually brings to mind the veil emerging from the top of a medieval princess hat – a hat properly known as a hennin. A body made of long hair seems to directly reference Rapunzel, as well. It’s entirely possible Hatterene was created as a princess pokemon initially and the witch and silence themes got added later, with the princess aspect being put to the side. Anyways, the Gigantamax form is known as the “Raging Goddess”, and it attacks anything exhibiting hostile emotions in a 30-mile radius. Neat!
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Shiny Hatterene is a lovely silver-and-coral colour, which isn’t nearly as pleasant as the trans rights pink-and-blue, but certainly a fantastic shiny nonetheless. Maybe a little bit similar to the base colours, but still distinct enough. After learning that Ability Patches exist and it wouldn’t be locked out of Magic Bounce, I’m high-key tempted to try breeding one :3
Anyways, I absolutely adore Hatterene. It’s quite possibly my favourite Psychic-type, though that’s a position with a lot of competition so it’s a very tough call. It might actually be one of my very top favourites overall, now that I think about it. A big part of my fondness stems from my adoration of witches, which should give y’all a clue of what my #1 favourite pokemon is. My only real criticism is that, like the Impidimp line, it’s gender-locked. There’s absolutely no reason that that was necessary, just as it wasn’t necessary for the Impidimp line – sure, they’re counterparts, but it’s entirely possible to be counterparts without having this weird gender-locking going on. That said, it doesn’t detract from my love for Hatterene. It’s just Game Freak’s fault >:(
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….Y’know, after doing this review, Hatterene’s actually grown on me even more. I think it might actually be my favourite pokemon now????? Previous fave usurped???? what the heck
Silence is golden/10.
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elsa-are-libra-girl · 2 years
Aries is a fire sign, and like Jasmine, you burn bright with courage, passion, and restless energy. Your confidence and determination are both strengths and weaknesses, because they allow you success in your pursuits, but can also cause turbulence in relationships (hey, even Jasmine and Aladdin didn't always get along!). Aries are always looking for answers for to both personal and metaphysical questions, and they aren't afraid to take some risks (read: riding a magic carpet with a stranger or having a pet tiger) to find what they seek.You are affectionate, flirty, brave, and competitive, and no matter what challenge you face, you are able to conquer it or bounce back quickly if you can't. Aries is one of the most dynamic and complicated signs, so you can be sure your life, much like Jasmine's, will never be boring.
As stated previously, Taureans love to relax. Their ideal Sunday would be spent zoning out all day in bed while Netflix plays in the background. The reason they love to have "chill time" so much is because they put so much energy and passion into their values and they are usually some of the most hard-working people in the room.To reward their diligent work ethic, they get their nap on as frequently as possible. Aurora is a certified nap-taker, so we're pretty sure she would fit perfectly with the rest of the bull-squad.
Rapunzel is impulsive, and she doesn't think much when she has a chance to escape the tower she grew up in since day one. Taking decisions before considering the aftermath is the typical behavior of a Gemini, who is the most impulsive sign in the zodiac. Rapunzel also changes her mind and mood multiple days when she is away because she is consumed by remorse. These quick changes of humor are another feature we can see on Gemini.But those are not the only traits of Gemini we can see on Rapunzel. She is also creative, playful, adventurous, and spirited.
Cancers are known for being extremely giving and warm, even in the most unfortunate situations. These loving "crabs" are the most likely of the twelve zodiacs to see the good in everyone, even the people who have a history of being cold and unkind towards them.It's not that the cancer sign is willing to have others walk all over them, it's just that they have such a strong need for peace and harmony that they won't cause conflict unless someone really manages to go against their core values. Cinderella is incredibly sweet and imaginative, just like most people with this zodiac sign are.
With the king of the jungle – lion – as the zodiac symbol, Leos are great leaders, especially for their passionate, optimistic, and protective traits. It is no doubt that Moana has all these traits, making her very similar to Leos.As a potential leader for her clan, Moana went across the ocean despite all the dangers that lurked there. She was positive that she would be able to bring back vegetation to her land by going on her quest to return goddess Te Fiti's heart that was taken by the demi-god Maui. Like Moana, Leos are optimists too.
Virgos are caring, hardworking, and practical people. Like Belle, you are self-sacrificing, loyal, and kind — and you love to read! Virgo is an earth sign, so you are connected to other people and very grounded. Virgos have a deep sense of humanity and love to do the right thing (like save their ailing father from the prison of a beast!).They maintain an optimistic faith in other people, even if they have been hurt by them, so they are prone to giving second chances — which worked out pretty well for Belle and Beast, if you ask us. You have a unique, shy beauty that shines through in subtle ways, usually in your amiable companionship and heartfelt compassion for others.
Libra people often care too much about other people, and they often go the extra mile to see everybody happy and having a good time. In Frozen, Elsa is the character who better represents those features. She is supposed to become Arandelle's queen, but when her powers took over, Elsa decides she should isolate herself, so she can't hurt anyone, even though most people would not understand her decision. This decision is something people born under the Libra sign would do since they would rather sacrifice themselves than hurt someone.
Mulan is one of the most beautiful women in her town, however, she doesn't rely on beauty to achieve what she wants. The young lady is brave enough to pretend to be a man and goes to war using the name of her father, who is sick. She has fantastic battle skills, but she becomes outstanding in the army due to her war strategies. Of course, it is a Disney movie, and she finds love, but that is not the most critical part of the film.The warrior embraces many of the Scorpio qualities that we can't relate to her to another sign. Being the intelligent, strategist, loyal, and being faithful to her principles no matter what it takes are common traits on Scorpio people.
Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, curious about different lands, and sometimes he or she can make impulsive decisions. Ariel is one of the characters who could be better described by those characteristics.The young mermaid is adventurous, like to explore each corner of the sea, and became even more curious about other lands when she saved Prince Eric. Of course, Ariel didn't think twice before making a deal with a witch, and she did not know about the consequences of her negotiation. Unsurprisingly, she got in a lot of trouble due to her impulsive behavior.
Tiana is the most hard working princess we have ever seen. She never waited for a prince to solve her problems, and had her plans to become financially independent. More than dreaming, she had a long-term project, and she loves the process. Tiana doesn't mind working long hours, as long as there is a good purpose for that. Tiana is down to earth, and she sticks to her plans to succeed.Capricorn is known for being ambitious, practical, resilient, and disciplined. All those characteristics can be used to talk about Tiana as well.
Anna has the purest heart of Arendelle. The young princess always believes people have a good heart like hers. Besides that, she is a loyal friend and is very optimistic, characteristics we can find in people born under the Aquarius sign. She is also easy going, and in the first movie, she just wants to get married to her true love.Aquarius is often pure souls, and sometimes they can be disappointed when they find out people can lie. That is what happens to Anna during the first movie, but that doesn't change her genuine personality.
Pisces have deeper connections with others, and can easily make friends. Just like Snow White, you don’t freak out seeing seven little men living together, instead, you befriend them and are the best friend they could ever have!
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bestworstcase · 4 years
okay. so season three.
adira strolls away from the steaming wreck of her life’s work to do nothing for a year. so does hector.
edmund has zero emotional reaction to cassandra crashing his son’s birthday party with the moonstone he devoted his life to protecting after it destroyed everything he cared about.
rapunzel says over and over that she wants to save cass but never lifts a finger to do anything about it until and unless another character places an opportunity in her lap; there are no search parties, no leads being pursued in the first half of the season, no plan, and when cass does return to corona all rapunzel cares about is saving eugene’s birthday. she couldn’t care less about varian’s kidnapping; she brings children to a battle; she gives a defiant speech about refusing to fight cass, then flings her off a tower, leaves her for dead, and parties in a bar when cass rebuilds the tower and proves she’s still alive and still a threat; she ignores the mind trap and zhan tiri’s freedom until both come back to bite her; she does nothing whatsoever to control the narrative surrounding cass, all but guaranteeing disaster once cass tries to repent.
the captain gets a whole episode about how he failed cassandra and it ends with a commitment to do everything he can to fix that mistake, followed by… him doing fuck all for the rest of the series beyond having nightmares and resigning his position.
cassandra conveniently forgets every single grievance she has from season two, including her deep-fried hand, to focus all her anger on the one singular thing that is in no way rapunzel’s fault. she doesn’t press for her new friends name in the months they spend alone together. she flattens into a passive object in zhan tiri’s game and redeemed herself in the eleventh hour because zhan tiri yoinked the moonstone and she just wants rapunzel to love her, really.
*deep breath*
no matter what corner of the fandom you belong to, i think we can all agree that the s3 writing did a huge disservice to the majority of the cast by portraying them as passive, incurious vessels for the main plot of the story, with little to no thought given to the underlying motivations guiding their actions. the brotherhood collectively shrug at the stolen moonstone, rapunzel does fuck all for most of the season besides scramble to react when cass attacks, cass gets flattened into a cartoon puppet…
but by and large we, the fandom, recognize that this is a writing problem and have said no thanks, we’ll keep treating these characters like the real people they were in the first two seasons, thanks. we don’t take the text at face value when analyzing the characterization of these characters, because we recognize that the writing failed critically in this area.
so why.
does this not apply to zhan tiri, too? zhan tiri, the literal plot device whose entire characterization is “manipulative” and “wants the drops idk” like why does 99% of the fandom take zhan tiri’s tissue thin character development completely at face value, why does the fandom take the absence of her disciples as “zhan tiri didn’t care about them” and not “sigh there’s yet another ball the writers dropped,” why is there so little interest in examining her character through the lens of the writing in season three sacrificing character arcs on the altar of the plot? i’m not saying you have to like or sympathize with her but good lord i’m tired of seeing her get the same gd plot device treatment in fanworks with an extra and equally obnoxious side helping of angst generator. please just treat her like a real character. please apply like, two minutes of thought to what drives her, what her personal moral lines are or why she doesn’t have any, who she is beyond wanting the drops.
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scottpetersen · 2 years
Why Rapunzel Would Be A Great White Lantern Part 3
Ok. Here is part 3 on why I think Rapunzel would be a great White Lantern. For those of you that don’t know, a White Lantern is someone who wields a ring that is the combination between 7 different colored lantern rings that give the wielder superpowers. They’re each powered by 7 different emotions respectively. Those emotions are willpower, fear, greed, rage, hope, compassion and love. Here on part 3, I’ll be explaining why Rapunzel fits into the 3 positive emotions of hope, love and compassion. Feel free to check out part 1 where I explain why Rapunzel fits into willpower and part 2 where I explain why Rapunzel into the 3 negative emotions of fear, greed and rage. Also, here in part 3, I’ll be using points throughout Tangled The Movie and Tangled The Series as evidence. Lastly, Spoiler Alert for Tangled The Movie and Tangled The Series. With that out of the way, let’s dive in.
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First off, here’s the Blue Lantern ring which is powered by hope. As is typical with most Disney princesses, Rapunzel had a great amount of hope to fulfill her dream. Her dream was to see the floating lanterns the kingdom use to honor the lost princess up-close. She had this dream ever since she was a little kid. She was able maintain this hope growing up through various activities with her chameleon friend Pascal. Considering she was living with an emotionally abusive parental figure like Mother Gothel who refused to even let her go outside ever since she was a baby, that’s no small feat. However, it should be noted that I’m not saying hope alone was enough to get Rapunzel through Mother Gothel’s emotional abuse. This is where I’m gonna get a bit philosophical here. In my mind, hope is what gives us the stamina to endure our trauma but willpower is what gives us the strength to overcome it. Stamina, no matter how powerful, will only delay the inevitable without strength to support it. That also means that hope can only hold for so long without willpower to support it. This is demonstrated by the fact that a Blue Lantern ring is almost powerless without a Green Lantern ring powered by willpower nearby. The reason why I’m saying this is because in Tangled The Movie, after the Mother Knows Best musical number, Rapunzel was losing hope that she would ever be able to see the lanterns. It was only after she mustered up the willpower to knock out Flynn Rider that she was able to rekindle her hope in seeing those lanterns. It’s to remind everyone that while her hope is great, it still has its limits. Sorry if I drifted off topic there.
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Moving on, when Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert (Flynn Rider’s real name) were about to see the lanterns, Rapunzel said she’s worried it won’t be what she dreamt it would be. “It will be,” replies Eugene. “And what if it is? What do I do then?,” asked Rapunzel. Eugene replied with, “Well, that’s the good part I guess. You get to find a new dream.” Rapunzel then responds with a smile. This tells me that Rapunzel has learned that even after living her dream, there’s still more to hope for. I believe that was demonstrated in the song ‘I See The Light’ when she finally lived out her dream of seeing the lanterns, she then discovered a new glimmer of hope in her love for Eugene.
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This leads me to the Star Sapphire ring which is powered by love. Throughout Tangled The Movie, she slowly built up a love for Eugene that blossomed in the song ‘I See The Light’. It wasn’t love at first sight. It was love that developed as they were learning to trust each other more and more. When they first met, Rapunzel did not hesitate to knock him out with a frying pan. But later on, they began to trust each other with their personal secrets such as why Rapunzel was hidden in a tower and why Eugene adopted the name Flynn Rider. This level of patience was also demonstrated throughout Tangled The Series leading to when they finally got married.
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There’s also 2 episodes in Tangled The Series that show how much Rapunzel loves Eugene when paired together. Those episodes are ‘Beyond the Walls of Corona’ and ‘The Eye of Pincosta’. ‘Beyond the Walls of Corona’ is an episode where Eugene is being forced to marry his ex fiancé Stalyan in exchange for an anti venom to save his friend Lance Strongbow who has been poisoned by a venomous spider and will die if he isn’t cured soon. Rapunzel and her friends later arrived to rescue Eugene. During the fight, Rapunzel was showing that she was very jealous of Stalyan when the 2 of them were pretty much playing a game of human tug-of-war over Eugene. Later on in the season during the episode ‘The Eye of Pincosta’, Rapunzel had to team up with Stalyan in order to recover the Eye of Pincosta for the town of Pincosta so its sheriff doesn’t sentence him to a lifetime of servitude in the copper mines. There he would be forced to dig day and night without rest, food or light. During their team-up, Rapunzel was fully willing to work with Stalyan if it meant saving Eugene. When taking Rapunzel’s jealousy towards in ‘Beyond the Walks of Corona’ into account, she put her love before her jealousy. This is why I think Rapunzel is worthy of the Star Sapphire ring.
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Finally, we’re at the Indigo Lantern ring which is powered by compassion. To me, Rapunzel has demonstrated she has plenty of compassion in her heart several times. There was her sympathy to the Bar Thugs in Tangled The Movie, her finally keeping her promise to Varian in ‘Rapunzel’s Return’ and freeing his father from his amber prison while she acknowledged that she was the one who let him down, etc. However, I think her real test of compassion came in the form of Cassandra. Her relationship with Cassandra got pretty rocky especially throughout season 2 of Tangled The Series because of Rapunzel’s innocently insensitive refusal to listen to Cassandra’s advice and innocently insensitivity to her struggle for recognition. For example, in ‘Freebird’, Rapunzel refused to listen to Cassandra’s suspicions about a duo named Mother and Father. They used magic tea to turn them to birds. They claimed that they would give them the magic eggs to turn Rapunzel and Cassandra back into humans willingly and that they meant no harm. They also told them that the tea will later on “birdbrain” them and make them think like birds. But Rapunzel insisted to Cassandra that they take the opportunity to have fun flying through the air. When they came back, Mother and Father had them trapped and revealed that they were gonna make them a part of their bird collection which consisted of other people who were turned into birds previously. After being called out for being selfish, Rapunzel used the last egg to save Cassandra and got herself birdbrained. She took responsibility for her mistake and sacrificed herself to make up for it. Side Note: Cassandra was still able to find a way to turn Rapunzel back afterwards but you get the idea.
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But even that wasn’t enough. Cassandra later betrayed Rapunzel and went rogue. Rapunzel was still making the same mistake. During the episode ‘Once a Handmaiden’, Cassandra was trying to burry the hatchet with Rapunzel while in disguise in magic cloak. During a play at the time, Cassandra was playing the part of Rapunzel and Rapunzel was playing the part of Cassandra. Both of them were telling each other how the other was in the wrong and they both accepted and agreed with each others’ point of view. Rapunzel was taking responsibility for Cassandra.
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In the series finale, ‘Plus Est En Vous’, Rapunzel and Cassandra had a heart to heart. Rapunzel later allowed Cassandra to live her own life away from Corona and away from Rapunzel’s shadow. Rapunzel realized in order for Cassandra to live her own life, she had to let her go. Overall, these are the reasons why she’s a perfect fit for the Indigo Lantern Ring of Compassion.
Well, that’s all for this post. See you all next time.
Thanks for reading.
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