#a shiny boy
klenda-v · 2 years
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Oh hey 13 years of Zero
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franticraven · 1 month
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egophiliac · 2 months
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finally got some time to finish these guys up! which is sort of ironic considering I started these because I wanted to draw Malleus with a Dragapult, and then I just didn't for a million years!
Malleus has the aforementioned Dragapult, except it's a super special non-canon color Dragapult (like an anime-only form that you could get in-game exclusively through some limited-time event where you have to show up in-person at a specific location in Japan) (it has some wacky overpowered exclusive move/form and the OT is listed as Malleus) (so like that kind of ridiculous specialness) (Leona is extremely salty about this). also hoards and hoards of Dreepy. Dreepy LOVE Malleus. they take naps on his horns inbetween begging him to throw them across the island at mach speeds.
Lilia has a Drampa and a bunch of Woobat that he hasn't actually caught, they just follow him around in swarms because they sense a kinship with him. (also breaking my own rule again to say that he had a Mawile in the past, because...I just really wanted to give him a Mawile...)
Sebek has Sandile for obvious reasons, and also a Pikachu that bullies him relentlessly. :(
Silver has a shiny Corvisquire; I really went back-and-forth on also giving him an Aegislash, but...hm. those pokedex entries though. he can stick with just one for now.
(I hadn't planned on the shiny for him, but after I'd decided on the Corvisquire line and was looking it up for reference, I realized that shiny Rookidee is gold and then turns silver when it evolves and I lost my entire goddamn mind)
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
I've been curating some of these things and I think it's time to let them loose into the world. My hope is that at least one of them is funny
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loafofryebread · 7 months
starting a series...
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strawsojuberry · 3 months
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more color/lighting practice ft. Them!!! the besties!
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Danny: One time, Jimmy and Timmy were having a heated argument in the hover car so Jimmy took Timmy's Chip Skylark CD out of the player and threw it out in a rage and Timmy just looked him dead in the eyes, pulled out a second copy of that same CD and put it back in the player
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“I wanna pay you back… all the money...” “You don’t have to.” “I want to. And I appreciate it… everything — the money, living here...” “Well, it’s good to hear, but I kind of knew that.” “Yeah, but, in a relationship — any relationship —, it’s important to let the other person know you appreciate them so you don’t create barriers that delay any hope for reciprocation.” “I think I read that somewhere.” “Yeah?”
LUKE DANES and JESS MARIANO in GILMORE GIRLS | 4.21 - “Last Week Fights, This Week Tights”
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
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My husband and his green child have finally returned from the war.  ______ more of my artworks: (x) you can support me on Ko-fi! (x)
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
more Sir Pentious headcanons bc he deserves the world
whenever Pen accidentally knocks one of his egg bois off the bed in his sleep, he immediately wakes up and feels awful -> like im talking heavy sobs and apologies and cuddling the minion into a hug {adjacent to when you kick a stuffed animal off the bed}
Pentious watches people sleep because he's a cuddly little cold-blooded dude and he wants to ask if they can snuggle -> he can never work up the courage to actually wake them up tho so he ends up just... staring
Drunk Sir Precious waxes poetics about how much he loves the hotel goers and Cherri but he does it in a way that sounds like he's plotting their downfalls -> it takes Husk giving a long-suffering sigh and translating with ye old bartender wisdom for them to get it
Angel Dust and Penty have weekly gossip sessions after Vaggie throws them off the roof -> Pentious is weirdly good at brushing fur and Angel is surprisingly adept at caring for scales {Husker joins in after the events of Loser, Baby}
Shiny Pentious doesn't watch people sleep exactly but he will stare at them with puppy dog eyes until they ask if he's ok -> "I was wondering iffff you would like to partake in hugsss..?" "Why...?" "Becaussse... I.. am giving EVERYBODY HUGSS!"
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franticraven · 1 month
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this felt fitting
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egophiliac · 7 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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kicktwine · 3 months
if you look at the literal implications of alisaie stealing the limit break first chance she gets it’s not because she sees a shiny button and hits it it’s because she is Always, Consistently ready to push past her limits in combat at the drop of a hat
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st-hedge · 8 months
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I never want to unmask phantom Ganon but I do want to imagine that under those stitches he has the most fucked up tusks
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inklessletter · 1 year
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Oh, sweet summer boy. You seem to be feeling that you are exactly where you're meant to be.
And if you're observing the sky from the very same heaven, then you might be right, angel.
Keep trusting the process with me, yeah?
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