#a specialist has told me I'm a unique case
operahousebookworm · 9 months
I'm just a girl
Standing in front of a procession of medical specialists
Asking them to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
ack it sounds like you had a crazy day 🥴
Honestly? Yesterday wasn't so bad in the scheme of the last... month? two months? Honestly bar 'I don't have the help I need' problem it was fine up until a time which was technically today when housemate handed me my post. It just keeps going.
I'm just really hoping I do actually go for my night away at the end of the month, because I extremely need the break.
Below follows a rant.
In the post was a letter from the hospital which /sounded/ like a discharge letter. I have not had the test the doctor wanted done yet, only a different test I'd previously had done but was told I had to redo to be allowed the new one as it'd been a year. The pre-test test picked up a /different/ thing to what I was seeing him about and he seems to have assumed that was the entire problem. I know its different - I have two unique symptom sets one of which is multiple times a day which is annoying but livable (the one which happened while I had the monitor) and one of which barely happens but had a friend who saw me 2 hours after offering to take me to the hospital. -_- First point is ring the GP (I think you call them family doctors) as the specialist said he wanted the GP to give me meds anyway but the ones the specialist listed interact with my other meds so I need to talk about it, and at that appointment ask if the GP knows what's going on, and hopefully prompt /them/ to bug the specialist about what's going on. Because what I was told at the appointment and what is in the letter are two completely different and contradictory things and I just hope /someone/ knows what is going on.
This of course does not account for the fact I've been struggling for the last week because of carer shenanigans. Its 10 days without because COVID periods. I'm on day... 7? Now
Two weeks ago tomorrow the piping fell out the sink and ended up with half an inch of hot water on the floor.
There's a mystery new wet spot in the hallway floor in the middle with no other indication of damage. Landlady keeps saying apply the ddehumidifier. We keep doing that. It's just getting worse. It is almost certainly a burst pipe or something in the foundations. She is ignoring us and just telling us to dehumidifier. This has been happening for over a year with another patch around a corner and against a wall.
Honestly can't remember what else. But I know before the pipe something else was wrong, the pipe just outshone it, and there are other things too.
There's about 8 other things which can best be described as 'the health service is chronically underfunded and understaffed thanks to the government both refusing to give it the money it needs and also being xenophobic and putting the minimum income for immigrants to get a visa - or even for a local citizen to have their spouse enter the country - above the pay or every nurse and almost all doctors and this means more people are more rushed', especially with covid wrecking people's health and suddenly loads more cardiac and neurology patients from the long term damage'. A problem only exasperated by COVID.
Add in that they changed the system so I can't book my injections in advance and so I miss them because the first symptom I get when I start running low is an inability to remember things or comprehend dates and I'm having fun! The potential complications from not getting it on time, with a buffer of only about a week as I'm a particularly bad case, only include heart attacks and brain damage but I'm already disabled and can't work so its fine, right? (sarcasm. so so much sarcasm here) (my carers are /trying/ to keep on top of it, but it isn't really working)
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chuuyagum · 4 years
♡ Winter 2021 Anime Watch List ♡
i've always wanted to make watch lists and reviews of anime i'm watching each season so i thought now's a good time as any to start! below are the anime i'm watching this season, at some point i'll make lists of the anime i've dropped or put on hold as well ♡
♡ Current Season;
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Beastars Season 2
although i thoroughly enjoyed S1, i'm not currently keeping up with the manga so S2 will be full of surprises for me. so far the pacing and tone is keeping up with the 1st season so i'm looking forward to how this will progress. in particular i'm enjoying seeing Legoshi tackle the murder on school grounds, and Louis's gripe with his morals.
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another one where i absolutely adored S1! granted i'm pretty biased as this anime got me through a dark time when it was first airing, so i'm very excited for S2. i'm not keeping up with the manga, however i do know most of what to expect so i'm interested to see how it'll be adapted. the tense struggles with an environment so fragile that the Kingdom of Science could be sent back to square one easily, and the Tsukasa empire looming around the corner is riveting. what always stands out to me is how hopeful and driven Senku is in his pursuit of a better future which always has me rooting for him at every turn
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Kemono Jihen
so far pretty good! i went into this one blind, so i'm not sure what to expect and don't plan to pick up the manga at the moment. i'm enjoying the found family set up and hope to see more of the world our protag has been brought into! i'm curious what cases will come the way of the main characters, and to learn more about the kemono world sitting just under the surface of the human world
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Tenchi Souzou Design-bu / Heaven's Design Team
i haven't watched a comedy anime in a while that made me laugh this hard! the topic of God outsourcing the creation of life on earth is hilarious on its own, but the cast of characters and pace of the story as they brainstorm new animals is just the right balance! its lighthearted enough to be a pleasant break from the heavier series i'm watching this season, but still clever and witty in a unique way
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Urasekai Picnic / Otherside Picnic
setting aside the fact that i keep misspelling this, honestly it's not that great. plenty of other people have said it, but i will too - the animation is horrible. you can tell the budget for this was really really low, all the CGI creatures our protags run into look campy and awkward instead of creepy which takes away from the setting a lot. this story is being carried by the characters and the romance, which i don't necessarily mind and i am still enjoying this, but it's not the best watch of the season
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Wonder Egg Priority
i'm convinced this is going to be one of the best anime of 2021 hands down. the animation, pace, tone, character design, voice acting, everything is simply that spectacular! i wasn't sure what to expect, and i finished the first episode in awe. i'm so excited to see what the future episodes will bring! although we've already seen some really heavy topics bubble to the surface, it's clear our girls have a lot of trauma to heal from that we haven't seen yet. i anticipate it's going to be addressed in a way that feels liberating and cathartic, if the Wonder Killer's we've seen faced are anything to go by
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Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season / The Promised Neverland Season 2
another 2nd season, and honestly what can i say? this one is living up wonderfully to the 1st season! although our protags have been thrown into a new and much more uncertain environment the air of mystery, tension, but also family and hopefulness ties everything together. it's interesting to see what the world outside of the farm is really like, and unravel what lies Ray, Emma, and co have been told all their lives. looking forward to seeing where things go!
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Kai Byoui Ramune / Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist-
not really sure how i feel about this one! it's another anime i started watching without knowing much about it. the character designs are interesting and i'm into the art style, but besides reminding me of MP100 there's not much i can say about it yet. the premise is interesting, sure, but the "weekly problem" style episodes right from the beginning feel a little offputting.
♡Past Seasons;
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Jujutsu Kaisen - Fall 2020
just like everyone else, i'm having a ton of fun with this anime even though its tugging violently at my heartstrings! the writing, animation, characters, and tone are all spot on. although there are serious moments, the humor doesn't burst those bubbles and everyone's reactions feel realistic despite the less than realistic scenarios. from what i've seen manga fans are pretty satisfied with the adaptation, and while i won't be jumping into it any time soon i'm excited to see how well the anime captures everything
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seblaineaddict · 4 years
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Seblaine Week 2020: Day 6: Dalton
Just a quick reminder that due to the tragic passing of Naya Rivera, I will not be posting the third part of my ficlet today, as originally planned.
Instead, this post will have a flashback of bullet points, and then we have a flash-forward to eighteen months after Seblaine got engaged, thereafter.
Things you need to know:
Slushie-Gate - did happen.
Hunter - did happen.
'Roid scandal - most certainly did not happen!
It was an utterly ridiculous plot line, as trust me on this; nobody, but nobody who plays a Varsity-related sport, would ever even consider chucking away any potential scholarships/College places that rely on both their academic and extracurricular records to remain spotless. For a Show Choir win? Come on!
End of mini rant.
Blaine did return to Dalton following Dark Side. His parents were ecstatic
That should have happened in canon. To be more accurate, he should never even have left Dalton in the first place!
Despite Blaine and Sebastian attending Dalton together at the same time, and becoming Warbler Co-Captains, they sadly did not get together while they were in High School.
They did however sing many duets together, because it is my Seblaine story, so I'm giving us what canon should have! Yes, Dark Side was also a duet between Blaine and Bas, because, again - that should have been a given!
Blaine did stay with Kurt, and Sebastian felt broken, and suffered in silence about it, for a loooong time.
Blaine did not cheat, because come on - its Blaine!
After Sebastian helped Blaine to propose, (which he only did because despite it upsetting him so much, he figured he cared so much about Blaine that he just wanted him to be happy) Kurt gave Blaine an ultimatum, and told him they were not getting married unless he cut all ties with Sebastian. Which he did. Pity he forgot to tell Bas that - huh?
Blaine and Sebastian did not see each other at all after their graduation from Dalton, until the night during their second year of College (Bas at Columbia Law School, Blaine at Tisch) when Bas spotted a head of hair (kidding...of course it was Blaine's ass he instantly recognised - he's studied it enough it could be his specialist subject!) while they were out with their respective friends from College, and well...everything about that is in part one of my ficlet, which is below my first graphic post on Day 1: College
Blaine and Sebastian did not get together until well after Blaine and Kurt's divorce had been finalised.
As you can see above though, despite our beautiful boys not getting together while at Dalton, they still had a lot of fun together during their time there.
And, oh look! As is obvious in their Text messages, Blaine was not at all as innocent as he would have liked people to believe when it came to enforcing the whole "family-friendly" texting rule between them...
Sebastian also displayed a complete lack of awareness or knowledge of boundaries (but really, he just didn't care about them!) and had a very unique way of getting around the rule.
You should be able to zoom the picture out to read their Texts, but below is the transcription, just in case.
Bas: That is so lame, Anderson! So I have to keep things "Family-friendly," now? No more flirting? No deeply inappropriate comments about how perky and delicious your ass is? Do you actually even know me?
Rainbow Brite has a fucking cheek...
Blaine: Sebastian........ First off, calling Kurt names isn't exactly winning you any points. I didn't say you couldn't flirt. You just have to make it family-friendly. Surely a "genius" like you can come up with a way to pull that off?
Bas: You're not cute, you know. Quit trying to deflect by typing the equivalent of those fucking Bambi eyes, and appealing to my ego... OK, how's this? I'll deliberately not tell you that right now picturing your naked perfect ass bouncing up and down on my cock, is making me so hard that I'm just taking care of myself... Oops! I guess I just did tell you. My bad! 😂😂
Blaine: ..............................
You are actually the fucking Devil Incarnate, Bas...
Bas: ;) ;) ;)
Stay tuned for a flash-forward!
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Space Orcs
Part 2
When Major Kovac returned to the accommodation his mercenary unit the "Dark Horses" were currently occupying his injuries, the attack by the Flet and his survival via an item of fruit seemed for some reason to cause a broad range of reactions.
His lover Captain Becca first looked nauseated when seeing him bleeding, then embraced him fiercely and then slapped him for getting hurt.
Captain Wolf seemed shocked more that Kovac was slowed by his blood loss than that he had overcome three "winged fucking puma" before joining in with Captain Dorman who both laughed and mocked while Kovac's wounds were cleaned, sterilized and dressed - this appeared to be a painful process.
Captain Gillespie was concerned for the safety of the Major and the rest of the unit.
Various riflemen in Kovac's service took moments to visit their commander and confirm he was ok, some like Knickers and Sergeant "Panther" both spoke of seeking immediate vengeance, others wanted to know how soon he would recover. Different human responses to the same event is something I've never fully understood.
Finally Kovac called a meeting of his commissioned officers. I was allowed along to witness.
"So if it's not personal and Kovac is adamant he hasn't stuck his bellend in a Flet, it can't be to stop us taking a contract as we have one lined up it must be professional, something from back in the day." Captain Becca said.
"That is a lot of history, we all served together in the United Nations Galactic Defence Force, the Galactic Defence Force and we've had 3 years as the Dark Horses, I can count a dozen conflicts with the Flet as primary antagonists and perhaps another dozen where they've been involved to some degree." Wolf looked at Kovac, "brother I love you but you picked a few fights in your time."
Captain Dorman shook his head, "It could be any of us or all of us, take out the Major and we're gonna find ourselves rudderless, we need to find an answer."
"If we are all at risk we need to look to our defences and I hate to say it but my troops are the weak link, medics are good soldiers but they aren't combat specialists like the rest of you, neither are the rest of my troop." Captain Gillespie gave a sigh, "we may have to confine them to lines."
"Good point Gillie, Bex 2 troop are gonna be in charge of keeping 4 troop safe; Dorman 3 troop sweep the lines, find any weak links, Wolf the whole of 1 troop are now on guard duty, have a roster drawn up and let the sergeants work out a routine between the troops." Kovac looked at his officers, "nobody goes off base alone, we travel in fire teams at least."
"Alright, and the Major has two guards at all times, I'm pretty sure I have the volunteers," said Becca, her tone brooking no argument.
An hour later Kovac was sitting in a chair facing an irate Becca flanked by the raw-boned, taciturn Knickers and the vociferous Cassidy, better known as Barbie his body guard.
"No, damn it Rad you're injured, you're not going out as bait now; or ever!" Becca said, her voice shaking.
"Im not waiting for them to come here, besides this time I'll have Knickers and Barbie watching my back," Kovac said calmly.
"Hey now Captain, I know you're worried but it may have all been a case of mistaken identity, perhaps they never wanted the Major." Barbie suggested, smiling sweetly.
"Yeah they no doubt saw him, and thought 'Oh hey, that 6'6" human built like a brick-proverbial with the white hair of an octogenarian he's close enough to our target' the Major is pretty damn unique looking." Knickers said with her usuall ascerbic tone.
The two women shared a glare as Kovac laughed, "look I trust these two with my life, more importantly I trust them with each other's lives, we'll be fine and if we get a bite and land something then we will have some answers."
Becca scowled a moment but finally nodded and the three left the fortified accommodation and returned to the market, Kovac shopped for a few hours, organising supplies and delivery, Knickers and Barbie sat at a table in the centre of the market, ostensibly sharing a meal but their eyes never stopped scanning the crowds. Kovac finished his errands and then stopped one merchant and asked for directions, once he received them he set off out of the market. The planet they were calling home was designated "Pelcar-3" and was known as the way station of the system, almost all trade routes went through Pel3 and as a result there were many storage districts, one of which Kovac entered now.
The warehouse was mostly empty but waiting inside was a Ditiri, humanoid in shape Ditiri were covered with a fine fur that gave them a "fluffy" appearance, they had a trader society and were not above working in less than reputable circles. Physically they were no threat to a human, moving significantly slower than most space faring species they did however have remarkably sharp minds and were considered cunning to the extreme.
Kovac and the Ditiri spoke for some time before the Major gained some information he was looking for.
"Flet will work for anyone, not like the Rhul, they are like humans in that respect, more so unlike Burtuq and Garax, Flet will work independently and not insist on being hired as a group, those three may have only been together for that job." Yellow eyes regarded the Major, "you are known Major Kovac, your achievements are known, past exploits may be coming back to haunt you."
Kovac nodded his thanks and the meeting ended, for the first time since I had met Kovac I feared for his safety. Kovac had fought in multiple wars if a former enemy was targeting the Major then entire star empires could be focusing their revenge on him and while the Dark Horses were good, they were not enough.
I don't know if Kovac heard the attackers, Flet are as silent as the earth felines they were nicknamed for but he threw himself to his left as a clawed paw lashes out at him, he landed heavily and rolled over coming to rest on his back, one foot planted on the floor with his knee bent and one leg raised off the ground with his knee pulled up to his chest, both arms bent so his hands were either side of his head, the largest Flet I had ever seen lunged at Kovac who raised his elevated foot higher.
The Flet was centimetres from Kovac when it dropped like a stone, behind it stood Knickers with a large club. She stared down at the motionless beast for a moment then nodded at Kovac, "plan worked," she said.
Barbie hurried to help Kovac up, "are you ok? Did it catch you? I forget how damn quick they are, thank God you're quick like a freak." She gave a small grunt as she pulled Kovac up, "you're not hurt are you? The captain would stab me in the tits if you got hurt...so would Knickers mind."
Kovac was adjusting the Flet on the ground and with a single movement heaved the 9 foot creature onto his shoulders with a slight grunt. "Gnnh I'm fine Barbs, really I am, thank you Knix, I owe you."
"No you don't" replied Knickers, she gestured and led the odd looking trio forward.
At the horses headquarters Wolf and Kovac had tied the Flet to the chair, while Wolf hummed a child's tune "pussy cat, pussy cat" a nursery rhyme that was fast becoming an abusive and xenophobic anthem when sung near Flet; Kovac left the room and returned with a bag, he crouched infront of the Flet and stared at the prisoner for a while. Then he spoke.
"Did you see the others?"
The Flet stared back for a long moment before giving the human "nod".
"Good," Kovac stood and walked to a low table, he set the bag down and reached inside. The first thing he pulled out was a pineapple, the kitty flinched at the sight of it, Kovac set it down on the table, then he reached into the bag again, he pulled a bunch of bananas out held them up while staring at the Flet before setting them on the table beside the pineapple, he followed this with an orange and then a yellow fruit that was oblong shaped the size of his fist, he paused for a moment looking first at the fruit then at the Kitty with an appraising look, finally he pulled out three limes individually setting them on the table before returning his focus to the agitated looking Flet. He looked in the bag and then at Wolf who gave a grin while producing a knife seemingly from nowhere, Wolf nodded encouragingly. Kovac seemed to hesitate before finally plunging his hand into the bag and placing at the end of the fruit chain a single kumquat. Wolf picked up the pineapple and spun it on the palm if his hand, his knife caught the light and glittered.
"Stop" squeaked the Kitty.
"Talk!" Yelled Becca from behind him.
Something that isn't understood by many is that the Flet are a matriarchal culture, the males may be the face of the military arm of their society but their females run the rest, so for the already intimidated Kitty having a female scream an order at it had a profound effect.
The Kitty talked he gave answers to all the questions he was asked only once did hesitate but Captain Becca's threat to "fuck him up with a kumquat" was enough to break his final resolve.
After the Flet was thrown out Kovac called an assembly, soon 150 men and women were assembled and Kovac spoke to them. He told them he was the target of the Flet Cosmic Imperium, it seemed he had been deemed responsible for the death of the heir to the throne and so was now sentenced to death. He informed them that there was no help to be called on and it was him against the Imperium, all of them were free to leave with his blessing, not a single soldier left there seat.
Some would tell you that this was human loyalty but they would be wrong, this was human insanity. Most of those thought Kovac stood a chance and those that didn't were so stubborn they wouldn't back down from intimidation.
In my fibres though I must admit that Kovac of all the humans I've known did make me wonder if he could achieve the impossible and defeat the Imperium with only 150 soldiers.
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