#a tweet liked by both radical liberals and right winger extremists
fairykery · 11 months
I cant believe Tumblr/Twitter/TikTok/YouTube is gaslighting Jews about not being anti-semitic. I stand with the Innocents of Gaza and am extremely against the Israeli Government. (Emphasis on "Government"); but pretending y'all aren't neglecting and vanilla-izing what HAMAS did(is doing EVEN to its own people) just because y'all want to be the right "amount" of aesthetically progressive is disgusting. Both Hamas & the Israeli government is hurting their own people and the innocents on the opposing sides. And a Great deal of people) civilians from BOTH sides want and have been wanting each other's deaths/genocides because they fear/hate each other AND because they both feel entitled to those lands(Fun fact: they BOTH have native/blood/cultural/religious ties even if one more than the other I won't say who because people will use that to justify the genocide of the other). Not to mention the propaganda of each other their governments/leaders have been imposing on them for years. BUT I've only seen people "justify" what Hamas is doing to the other side. I've seen people chant a fancy genocidal phrase towards the Jews in Israel. I've seen people call the slaughter of Jews "justifiable" because they are "evil light skinned goblins". I've seen people neglect the ancient history of Jews and how Jews even got to that situation in the first place. I've seen people encourage propaganda about Jews in order to justify the slaughter of Jews. I've seen people neglect facts and I've seen them say that "this issue is NOT complex" just so the side that they took can seem more justifiable in their slaughter. I've seen mourning Jews get harassed. I've seen Holocaust survivors whose only crimes were to simply show sympathy for their love ones "get harassed". I've seen people tear down posters of missing jewish people(like what does that have to do with being against the Israel government? The Israel government will probably bomb their own people just to get to hamas. But y'all only then show "fake worry" for jews when the Israel government shows little signs of caring for them. Outside of that you guys hypocritically justify their violent deaths and harass people that just want their loved ones back?). I've seen videos of radical liberals spitting on Jew protesters who have only been singing peacefully for their loved ones(they've been persecuted for ages they are allowed to AT LEAST mourn). My point is that I'm against both hamas and the violence of the Israeli government. My point is that a great deal of civilians on both sides have been wanting the death/and complete termination of the other side. My point is that taking a stance with either form of government/leadership is contributing to the support of genocide. Feeling more sympathy for civilians that have lost more is not wrong. Obviously that's where your attention should be. But saying this issue is not complex and immediately taking a side IS genocidal thinking giving the stance/ideals of most people on BOTH sides. Saying this issue is not complex and turning it into something that is not(racial issue) to justify your genocidal stance IS anti-semitism. Both sides have been radicalized but they don't deserve death. People just want to live.
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