#a type of extremely aggressive beet
and here's your annual reminder that jack-o'-lanterns were a tradition irish immigrants brought to the u.s., where (widely available) pumpkins fell into use over turnips & other root vegetables
(personally i regret this switch, as it means many of us missed the opportunity to grow up seasonally surrounded by friendly faces like these:
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fbfh · 4 years
I mean, you did ask - leo x reader
all  characters are aged up to 18+ for smexy subtext
word count: 2k
pairing: leo x gn child of calliope reader
genre: adventure, romance, hints at a lowkey soulmate au
summary: after a bumpy reunion turned interrogation with your friends, you finally prove to Leo that you’re someone worth catching up with
warnings: swearing, friends hold you at knife point (for good reason) memory loss, dimesion/reality travel, the phrase “horrible sexy little goose” not about an actual animal, moderate time difference between worlds, reader is acting like a cocky piece of shit half the time, you call yourself sexy a lot, annabeth slaps reader and reader is unbothered, reader and leo hae very visceral reactions upon seeing each other, piper picks up on this, moderately aggressive face grabbing, discussing personal info with someone somewhat privately, brief mentions of hand holding and hair pulling during sex, you spill tea about the rest of the demisquad, I think that’s it pls tell me if I missed any
song rec: choke - i don’t know how but they found me
a/n: this is from a very vivid daydream I had so er ah if reader seems op coded that’s cause she is uwu
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You were excited to reunite with your friends after so long, but being tied up and held hostage at knifepoint by the people you love who don’t even remember you wasn’t the welcome wagon you were hoping for. Then again, as a child of Calliope, you can’t say you’re surprised. 
Apollo has a lot of kids, but demigod children of the muses are exceptionally less common. They’re volatile, really powerful, extremely engrossed in their art, and usually care more about their latest thesis paper or painting or manuscript than going on quests, and more often than not have very specific powers. You, for example, love quests but feel like you never get to go on any, usually because you’re fighting monsters somewhere else. One fun little power you inherited from your mom is - somewhat involuntary - dimension shifting. 
A lot of times you just get summoned somewhere else, with a little inherent background knowledge and your weapon, set free into the new world like a horrible sexy little goose. There’s usually some kind of objective you need to meet; find this person, set something in motion, give someone support in a time of need, deliver a package. After that, you get sent back to your family at camp half blood. The catch, one of them at least, is that a few days Somewhere Else could be no more than a few minutes in your homeverse. 
Another catch is that because of all that, and the fact that you wouldn’t know how to begin explaining, let alone if anyone would believe you, no one knows you can do this yet. Chiron has an idea, but you’ve never told anyone outright. 
You guess now is as good of a time as any to come clean, as Percy holds his sword threateningly close to your neck. You let out a disbelieving laugh, and bite the inside of your cheek.
“Okay, okay… you want the truth?” he starts to back off, and you continue, leaning forward, “I’m not surprised you’d want to know where someone this sexy-” your words cut off as Annabeth’s hand slaps you across the face. You let out a laugh of disbelief, cheek stinging.
“A cheap shot, Annabeth? Wow, I really didn’t take you for the type,” she grabs your face, leaning in close, knife once again against your throat. 
"How do you know my name." She hisses, and behind her, the door opens. Messy dark curls peek over her head in your vision and you know instantly who it is. Your heart starts pounding, loud and hard, and something heavy starts swirling deep in your gut. Your eyes lock as soon as he enters the room and an instinctive smile blooms on your face, knowing what's inevitably on its way. 
"Hey Sparky…" 
Your voice, slow and drawling (and, he'd be lying if he didn't say kind of very sexy) impales him as soon as he enters the room. He watches your pupils expand, eyes locked, immediately swept away by your magnetic aura. A fox like grin decorates your pretty face, and he gets the feeling you know more than you let on. Way more. He's so drawn to you on a guttural level, way more than he's ever been to someone before. His face is hot, and when you slowly wink at him, he feels flames erupt on his cheeks. It takes him a second to put it out, feeling your white hot gaze on him the entire time. 
Piper, who's been helping with your interrogation, looks back and forth between you two as this progresses, taking in a breath and mumbling a shocked, "Oh," as she begins to understand. 
"How are those repairs coming?" Jason asks, oblivious to everything that's happening between you two. 
"Uh… nearly done…" Leo mutters, watching as you hold back an elated giggle at the sound of his voice. You never forget how good it feels to see him again, but the fresh feeling is always better than you can imagine. Jason glances between you two, and walks over to Leo, suspicious of your interest in him. 
"I'll walk you back," Jason says, glaring at you. Your eyes stay locked with Leo's until the door finally closes again. Piper stares at you, bewildered by the tension turned to frantic energy crackling around both you and Leo. She can sense it on him even after he's out of the room. 
Annabeth finally drops your face, pacing and pinching the bridge of her nose. Percy slams him hands down on the table and levels his face with yours. 
"I'm gonna ask you one last time. How do you know us?" 
You stare at the table for a second, still thinking about him. You have to see him again. You’ve waited for too long, you just can’t do it anymore. 
“H- okay. Um,” You blink a few times, facade falling away almost instantly as you look up in a silent prayer that this doesn’t go as badly as you feel like it will. You sigh, looking back up at the other people in the room, a new, deliberate intention in your eyes that they hadn’t seen before. 
“You want to know why I’m here?” 
Their answer is the silence that follows.
“You’re not gonna believe me.” They look around at each other, collectively thinking about everything they’ve been through in the last year alone.
“Try us.” Annabeth replies. You sigh again, and introduce yourself. “...I’m a child of Calliope, muse of epic poetry, and I know you all because we grew up together. One of the fun - quirks, I inherited from my mom is traveling into different stories, or realities, I guess. It’s hard to control, and sometimes happens involuntarily. I adapt to wherever I am, and the universe sort of auto adjusts to follow the rules that stories have to follow. 
The reason you don’t remember me is because I was gone for a really long time, and your story had to keep going. Trying to find me wouldn’t have moved the plot forward, questioning where I went would have been confusing, so it did the simplest thing and edited me out so you could get closer to meeting your objectives.”
Once again, their silence is your answer. 
“Guys, sidebar.” Annabeth says, pulling Percy, Jason, and Piper out of the room for a moment. The come back in a little while later, and she looks you dead in the eye.
“If you really know us as well as you say you do, prove it. Tell us you’d only know if we were as close as you say we were.” 
You sigh yet again, having lost count at how many times that’s happened today alone. You roll your shoulders and bob your head, irritable that you’re still restrained and itching to move. 
“Is there anything we can do before the whole tell me something really personal thing?” 
Percy looks at you, challenging.
“Can you do it or not?”
Another noise of exasperation leaves you, and you agree, resignation all over your face.
“You know what, yeah. Okay, we’re doing this. Someone go get Leo.” An involuntary smile once again launches onto your face at the mention of his name. Jason starts to object. 
“Hey, I’m not going to spill something personal about someone when they’re not in the room.” They agree reluctantly, and Jason leaves, returning again with Leo. You look at him again, enraptured by his presence. He can’t say he doesn’t like the attention - a hottie like you looking at him like that? Yes, please - but something about it feels different, and he gets the feeling there’s a lot more going on than they’re aware of. 
You nod your head once, indicating for him to come closer. He gets a little closer. You widen your eyes, nodding two more times, and he hesitantly gets within whispering distance. 
You turn your head to your left, dangerously close to his face. He can feel his pulse already speeding up. Heat radiates between your faces, your breath fanning over his neck as you whisper slowly,
“You really… really like holding hands, and when I pull your hair during sex.” 
He pulls away from you quickly, beet red, bewildered expression obvious to everyone in the room. “H-how-”
“How do you think?” You reply calmly, loving everything about him, “Okay, to be fair…” you nod once more, eyes flaring, and he leans in once again, equally hesitant and curious. Your words tickle his ear, seeming to light up his entire nervous system like a firecracker.
“I really really like when you bite that spot on my neck, just below my ear.” 
He pulls away again, trying not to literally and figuratively combust. He stares in your eyes intensely, searching for anything besides the truth. He finds absolutely nothing. He turns around, unable to look his friends in the eye. 
“They’re legit, guys.” 
“Wait, what did you say to him?” Piper asks, unsure if she wants to know the answer. 
“Yeah,” Annabeth agrees, “what if it’s some kind of mind control-” Your deep, burning desire to finally hold Leo after god knows how long is starting to beat your better judgement, and you really, really want to be untied from this stupid chair. “Annabeth! Your favorite show was Cyber Chase growing up, you used to come up with plans on how to defeat Hacker, your best was cutting off his food supply - good strategy, I’ve used it before, myself. 
Percy, you feel like you can’t sing because you were forced to participate in an elementary school recital and some kid called you tonedeaf behind your back, it kicked you right in the RSD balls. 
Piper, you’re a closet weeb, you watched Ouran High School Host club obsessively and still do sometimes, you fell for Jason because he had, quote, 'Tamaki's looks and Kyoya's brains, the ideal man'. 
Jason, that scar on your lip is from biting a stapler as a child-"
"Okay, everyone knows that-"
"-and," you continue, showing no signs of stopping, "the reason you ate the stapler is because you were pretending to be a trash compactor because you saw one on TV. 
Nico is totally not right outside the door keeping guard right now, but if he were and you asked him if he likes the diary of a wimpy kid movies he'll ask how the hell you know that - should I continue."
Again, the answers are in the silence hovering in the room. 
“I think it’s about time to catch me up on what I missed.” 
A beat passes.
“Right,” Annabeth says, blinking and readjusting her ponytail as she sits down across from you, Percy already taking the bindings off of your wrists, “so, about the quest…”
She starts to fill you in on the details you missed, bringing you up to speed. After a little while you all decide to call it a night. Piper senses your energy ramping up in spite of the exhaustion settling in. You finally bid them all good night, but Piper’s not sold by your forced yawns. After what feels like another lifetime, you finally leave the room you’ve been in for hours with one objective. 
You can’t stay away from him anymore, you have to find Leo. 
After navigating a maze of hallways and doors, you finally push open the right one to see him looking up at you, and find yourself saying for the second time tonight,
“Hey, Sparky…” 
His heart is racing, and he gets that heavy, full feeling in his chest again, not having fully shaken it from the last time you saw each other. Looking into your eyes makes him nostalgic for something he can’t quite remember, and he knows with full certainty that you have more history than he’s aware of. He wants more than anything in this moment to remember. He sets down the wrench in his hand, taking a step toward you.
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Flower Talk
Second fic of the day my Puffs! This one is Modern AU! where Theo is a flower shop owner and Reader is in desperate need of their help aka how do you tell someone to passive aggressively fuck off with flowers. 
tag list: @booksmusicteaandanimals​, @summer-writes​, @willowbleedsonpaper​, @curious-curios​, @iliveiloveiwrite​, @strawberriesonsummer​
warning: there is cursing (but it’s basically the word fuck several time throughout).
also the info i got regarding the flower arrangement I found in this tumblr post
*Not my image, credits to Creator, found on Unsplash*
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 Usually when you walked down the street on your way back home from work you’d do some window shopping and at one point or another end up admiring a flower shop called Flower Talk. You would never have the courage to go inside because although you loved looking at flowers, you could never for the life of you keep them alive. But today… oh today you were a woman on a mission. Practically running down the street, you threw open the door to Flower Talk and rushed inside.
Slightly out of breath, you leaned against a wall hoping to get some relief. 
A man with curly brown hair who looked honestly so attractive walked up to you, “Anything I can help you with ma’am?”
“It’s miss actually...” you quickly searched for his name tag, “Theo. And I was wondering if you could tell me how do you passively aggressively tell someone to fuck off with flowers.”
Theo chuckled, “Well why don’t we start with who the flowers are for? I wouldn’t expect a beautiful woman like yourself to be getting flowers like these a lot.”
“No…” you hesitated and then blushed when his comment had sunk in, “this is actually the first time I’ve had to do this. The flowers are for this man who doesn’t seem to understand the word No and well from the flowers he has sent me. I think they come from your shop so I figured I’d send some in return.”
Theo’s face suddenly turned one of concentration, his eyes furrowed slightly and his lip pouted slightly, something you found absolutely adorable. Then, he turned to you, “did you happen to get an arrangement of red roses the other day with a message saying, I hope this time you’ll say yes?”
You nodded your head, “I did and I mean the arrangement was beautiful but roses are just so cliche.” 
Theo smiled, “I understand what you mean. Anyway I’ve thought about it and you would need a bouquet of geraniums (stupidity), foxglove (insincerity), meadowsweet (uselessness), yellow carnations (you have disappointed me), and orange lilies (hatred).”
“Alrighty then Theo. Lead the way,” you grabbed his hand and pointed to the back of the shop where you knew the arrangements were made.
Before you could realize what you had done, Theo led you to the back intertwining his fingers with yours as he did. Your face felt extremely warm as the blush that had shown up when you first started chatting continued to grow. When he released his hand from yours, you felt cold and wished to hold his hand once more. 
After he picked up each flower, he turned and smiled, “I’m genuinely excited to make this arrangement.”
“Really,” you were surprised, “I thought people would ask you for different flowers all the time.”
Theo shook his head, “No, most of the time people go for stuff like roses or sunflowers, although I do like sunflowers a lot. Other times, people will ask for succulents which I also enjoy working on, just not enough people order those.”
“I really like succulents actually,” you looked down at the counter bashfully. 
He reached out and grabbed your hand, “I’ll make you a succulent arrangement as well then.”
“What? Why?”
“It’ll make you smile, and I like your smile,” a blush grew on Theo’s face as he finished off the arrangement.
As he packaged it up, the bell rang throughout the shop and you couldn’t help but to turn around and of course standing at the doorway was the one guy in the whole world that you did not want to see. It was just your luck too that he looked straight to the back of the shop and headed towards you. You heard Theo chuckling behind you and while you wanted to send a snarky comment or at least a finger you were too stunned to even move.
“Why hello love,” he drawled out, “What are you doing here?”
You just stood there shell-shocked which thankfully Theo noticed and came to your rescue, “She actually ordered an arrangement specifically for your mate and they have a special meaning,” he smiled cheekily. 
“Oh really,” he made a face that resembled a smirk but you couldn’t really tell as all you did was look at Theo.
Theo chuckled, “Yes really and before you get mad I just want you to know that I’m telling you exactly what she said when she walked in which is how do you passive aggressively tell someone to fuck off.”
The man for once went silent and his face slowly burned a bright red from embarrassment before he went from looking at Theo to looking at you to then looking back at Theo. He backed away from the arrangements table before finally dashing out of the shop.
“You know he wasn’t that bad-looking,” Theo teased.
You teased back, “well he wasn’t really my type.”
“Oh so what’s your type?” he smiled.
“You know,” you chuckled, “cute curly-haired guys who happen to own a flower shop and believe roses are super cliche even though they sell them for a living…” you waited a couple seconds before continuing, “and they have to love succulents and even promise to make me an arrangement.”
Theo laughed at the realization that you were talking about him, “Hmmm… how interesting because my type just so happens to be beautiful women who come rushing into my shop asking me to make an arrangement that says fuck you and they have to be admiring my store practically every night even though they probably didn’t realize that I had noticed.”
“You saw that,” your head fell into your hands, your face becoming beet red.
Theo lifted your head back up, his face so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your lips, “Oh definitely, but I found it absolutely adorable so I wasn’t going to stop you.”
He slowly leaned in, stopping just before your lips as if he were giving you time to back away, instead you leaned forward closing the gap between the two of you. It was rather short for your liking and you couldn’t help but follow his lips when he pulled away, nonetheless it was breathtaking. You leaned your forehead against his and decided that finally having the guts to enter the flower shop was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.  
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juminly · 4 years
Hi hi dear! Hope you are doing well☺❤🌻 After i saw your matchup i couldn't resist asking for one! ☺🌻❤ can i pretty please request an Ikevamp match up ☺ i am super curious to see which vampy boi u think would suit me best hehe 🌻thank a million! Sending ya lots o hugs🌻☺ hope ya keeping safe and warm❤
The Art of  Love & War
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Context: Finding yourself in an unknown place AND back in time wasn’t an easy experience for you. It was only natural for you to be overtaken by a strong sense of unease because of the unfamiliarity of your surroundings. A mansion full of so-called vampires, a bunch of historical figures that you’ve read so much about but were now all before you, in the flesh. It was a lot to take in and no one could blame you for keeping to yourself and isolating yourself from others (unless you were coaxed by the gentle Comte  [kinda forced by Sebastian] otherwise). 
Fitness has always been something that you indulged in and engaging in physical activity allowed you to focus solely on what your body is doing, pushing away where your thoughts would usually wander (sometimes unnecessarily in very dark paths, considering your situation). 
It was not safe for a woman to go about in the city all alone, let alone, jogging and running which is something unspoken of during those times. Sebastian knew what you were doing and could only think of one way to remedy this situation without causing any inconvenience to your routine.
One day, you woke up at the crack of dawn to find Napoleon leaning on the grand door of your mansion, blocking your exit.
“Bonjour petite nunuche, Sebastian and Le Comte have taken it upon themselves to bestow on me quite an interesting chore. They believe I’m spending way too much time sleeping. I hope you’re worth the sleep I’m wasting on you.”
He had no intention of sounding harsh but his teasing was meant to get a reaction out of you. And they certainly did. Those words were enough to earn him some snarky remarks from you and it earned you a most glorious smile on Napoleon’s face. He knew that there was much more to find under that shy exterior of yours. 
Sebastian couldn’t think of anyone else who would be able to keep up with you but Napoleon. Jean was also a candidate but considering his state of mind, it would take some time before he even agrees to be anywhere near you. 
Your relationship started with the morning jogs that he joined you on. He was unfamiliar with the notion of women engaging in strenuous physical activity and he was definitely impressed and curious to know more about your time. 
He was the yin to your yang, his personality not necessarily opposing yours, but complimenting it, filling in the gaps that closed the distance between you. His extroverted and easy-going nature was more than enough to get you to loosen up around him, almost too easily.  
Napoleon is an extremely charming man and was eloquent, adept enough to make you feel at ease around him. You spent your mornings talking about your time, how your life was like, how invested you are in your studies, how you enjoyed working out and allocated enough time to do the things that you loved. 
You never seemed to notice it but his eyes would shine with admiration the more he got you to talk about yourself. Your ambitions in life, your intelligence and your wit unconsciously made him grow very fond of you.
Even though he led a life full of bloodshed, fear and treachery, he saw in you the peace and the beauty of simplicity that he ached for. He felt that maybe, if he were able to be your friend only for a short period of time, he might be able to live a life that he would be satisfied with (one where he wouldn’t have to escape through long hours of sleep).
He found your sense of humour endearing and he was one of the few to laugh at your jokes (along with Arthur, Dazai, Leonardo and even Theodorus sometimes). You certainly brought more life to the mansion, especially when you would sometimes butt heads with Theo, who would take your sarcastic demeanor as a challenge. (that man is just to easy to rile up)
Having evaluated your physical capabilities, Napoleon deemed it fit to teach you fencing and invited you to join him and Jean during their sparring session. It was challenging, fun and extremely exciting and the adrenaline rushing through your blood was like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. You found a new passion and the smile drawn on your face was one of pure contentment (and Napoleon found it absolutely ravishing).
The blood would rush to your face, sweat dripping from your forehead and your cheeks turned tomato red when the other two men would chuckle and seem like they didn’t even lift a finger. Napoleon often teased you about it and would say “Nunuche, your cheeks look red enough to bite.” (and he secretly did want to kiss them and nibble on them)
Leon couldn’t help but notice the type of food that you ate and he was practically appalled. The man was on a mission to feed you and stuff you, especially after your intense training together. And when he discovered how much of a good cook you were, he was awfully confused. “How is it that a woman of your talent for food cannot feed herself properly? What a nunuche you are.”
If you weren’t spending time together in the training room, you were both most probably in the kitchen, making a mess that Sebastian was going to have a hard time cleaning up on his own. The residents were more than happy that you and Leon spent so much time bonding in the kitchen and cooking together (they got lots of yummy food without even asking for any).
Whenever Leon wasn’t around, Jean was your sparring partner. He was your silent friend and you definitely enjoyed his presence. Even as the man was burdened with such somberness, he was a soothing presence and he appreciated your company as well.
For some reason, Leon feels his chest tighten whenever he sees how close you’ve gotten to his dear friend, Jean. He knows that there is nothing between the two of you but he can’t help but feel a bit jealous. That was when he realized he began developing romantic feelings for you.
He ended up sparring with Jean and the winner would get a kiss from you. In the middle of the fight, he realized that he was on edge and maybe a bit too aggressive. In that moment of hesitation, Jean was able to win (and whispered something in your ear while he left the training room).
Leon was completely unfazed until you meekly walked closer to him, earning you a sly comment “What’s wrong? Has the thought of kissing Jean scared you, nunuche?”. You completely wiped off the smirk off his face when you kissed his cheek and walked away, saying. “Winner decides what to do with their prize. Jean was feeling generous today.”
When Leon noticed that you were cooped up in the mansion for too long without exploring Paris, he took it upon himself to show you around: tasting local delicacies, visiting local monuments and recounting tales of the past.
During your outing, you discovered his side-job which was teaching the less-fortunate children and orphans in Paris. It was a bit hard for you to hold your tears back when you saw their eyes shining with excitement and fascination as Napoleon and Isaac took the time to teach them about the world and give them the knowledge that they needed to survive.
The children loved having you around, looking up to you as their “older sister”, confiding in you and looking for comfort whenever they needed it. They would sometimes come to you for hugs and even take short naps in your arms because they felt very comfortable being near you.
You treated them as equals and not as children (you didn’t necessarily have to be good at dealing with children to be able to support them), just like Napoleon and Isaac did, which made them very fond of you and also the assistant teacher! (Leon would demonstrate how to spar with you and showing the children, both the boys and the girls, how to defend themselves) 
Napoleon would often watch you, without you noticing (but Isaac did notice it and even Jean): whenever you teased and spoke to Arthur, the gentle way you dealt with the children. Appreciation for beauty and he saw you as a flower in full bloom that was hiding in the shadows. He wanted to see you under the bright light of day and marvel at how special you are.
During one of your lessons with the children, it was pouring cats and dogs and there was absolutely no way you would make it to the mansion without getting soaked and sick. Renting the only double room available in a nearby hotel, you decided to spend the night there until the rain subsided.
Your body was shivering almost violently from the cold as Leon tended to the fireplace. He gave you his back while you stripped out of your damp clothes, as he ordered you to (while he also did the same [only removing his top though]). He gathered the cover of his bed and turned around with his eyes closed, wrapping it around you to cover your body and pulled you against his body. He held you tightly in his arms, and hummed in approval  “Les petits ont raison. Your embrace is quite delightful.” (that was more than enough to make you turn beet red)
The next day, the sun was up and illuminating your room, announcing that it was time for you to head back home. Unknowing of Leon’s bad habit, you sat on the edge of his bed and nudged his shoulder to wake him up, only to have him grip your shoulders and pull you down for an unexpected kiss.
Zeta: *squeals and turns red* What was that? Leon: Hm? That was a kiss. Zeta: I know what a kiss is, Leon! What was that for?
Leon: It’s a sign of love and affection, ma belle.
Zeta: ... what exactly are you trying to say?
Leon: Exactly what you think I am.
He sits up and pulls you in for another kiss, a bit longer and a lot sweeter. He cradled your face so gently and kissed you with a tenderness that brought tears to your eyes. “Allons-y, mon amour. I’ll make sure you have the thermae all to yourself today.”
Leon was never the type to be clingy but he has a strong protective streak, without being overbearing either. He doesn’t have to be with you 24/7 but he likes to be informed of your whereabouts, to make sure that you are safe and sound.
Considering his past, you couldn’t really blame him for being the way that he is and whenever he tried to apologize to you, shutting him up with a kiss would be the best way to make his heart flutter with happiness. You calmed him and reassured him that there was nothing for him to worry about.
Public Display of Affection is his thing and he likes and wants everyone to know that he is yours and you are his. You are his Queen and this man might have ruled France back in the day, but you were much mightier than he was, since you ruled his heart.
He’ll kiss you every single time he’ll get the chance: on your cheek, your hands, your hair and sneak a kiss on your lips too (especially when he wants to see that gorgeous blush on your cheeks).
NSFW Ahead ~ 
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He mostly sweet talks when you’re in bed but says the dirtiest things in the most eloquent way which makes you sometimes giggle out of shyness.
Your first time together, Leon kissed, licked, nipped, explored and tasted every inch of your body before claiming you. He was gentle as he made love to you (and his body lightly trembled with the height of his emotions).
He likes to be playful with you, even when you are getting down and dirty so he sometimes tickles you out of nowhere and ends up laughing together before his fingers find their way between your legs, making you gasp and moan for him.
He enjoys teasing you to no end and makes you say and demand the things you want him to do for you before he actually does them. The sight of you frustrated, trembling and almost furious for his touch is absolutely mesmerizing.
He likes spending some quality time with you in the thermae. Just enjoying the warmth of the water and the vapor cleansing your skin. He would massage your body and help you wash and ask you to do the same for him. He would definitely sneak in a few kisses here and there (and would sometimes turn into heavy make-out sessions or a bit more than that). However, he simply enjoys being physically intimate with you (even without the sex).
Leon doesn’t really moan in bed but his soft grunts and groans are very arousing and enough to make you dripping wet when you’re servicing him.
He could spend the entire night with his head between your legs. He relishes the taste of you and the beautiful sounds that you make.
His favourite place to bite you: your inner thighs and wrists (so you can watch him as he feeds on you and see how much he needs you).
He growls at you whenever you try to cover your mouth or bite your lips, depriving him from hearing the moans ripping from your throat. Your pleasure fuels his so you will absolutely succumb to your desires and his needs.
You sometimes feel like he does it on purpose so that the other residents can hear you and make them know that he is the one responsible for making you lose your wits.
Favourite position
In front of a mirror: he likes to take you from the back while holding you up from your waist so he can have easy access to your neck and also turn your face around for a kiss and stimulate your breasts and clit with his hands. When you’re laying on your back: he loves locking eyes with you, seeing every single reaction you make with each touch of his hand and every thrust that he makes. He likes to have your legs over his shoulders so that he can sink deep into you and stimulate your sensitive nub with his thumb, driving you over the edge multiple times and make you tremble before he reaches his own climax.
He has the most irritating and beautiful smirk on his face when you have trouble walking around the mansion or have to excuse yourself from fencing practice.
His absolute weaknesses:
When you call out his name (whether you’re moaning, whining or just asking for his touch). He adores you more than anything and knowing, feeling and seeing how much you need him and love him in return is enough to make him lose control.
When you initiate physical contact and show any sign of neediness, clinginess, desire/yearning. He intentionally drives you into a state of frustration so that he’s able to see how you would be if you were to take things into your own hands, throw him on the bed and just claim him.
He’s a huge cuddlebug after sex and whispers the sweetest things in your ears before he falls asleep with you cradled in his arms. Your warmth is his safe haven.
Kinks: mirror sex, overstimulation, bondage (mostly blindfolding you and tying your wrist over your head), sensory stimulation (using feathers, arousing your senses with heat and cold [example: ice or melted chocolate]), edging, outdoor sex (where you could get caught).
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arrow-guy · 4 years
Author and Auror (7/??)
Synopsis: Eleanore Vaughan has never been one for the spotlight. Her cousin, Rosaline, is the one best suited to the limelight, and is happier for the attention. Though Nora is most comfortable tucked away in her book shop, what happens when Grindelwald’s sudden takeover flips her world upside-down and thrusts her into the inner circle?
A/N: Okay, this chapter is particularly Dramatic and we’ll learn a little more about Nora than we have in other chapters. She’s a little more assertive than she’s been in previous chapters, which was kind of fun to play around with. Again, I am quite a bit behind where @thorne93​ is in our collaboration, but I’ll catch up eventually. Until then, please enjoy lmao
Previously, with Rosaline....
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong​
Pairing: Theseus ScamanderxOFC
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Canon typical violence, dueling, minor injury
part 6
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Twelve aurors sit around the table with Theseus at the head. Tina sits to his right with me on his left and Newt next to me. The aurors grow restless after fifteen minutes of silence and Theseus finally decides to start the meeting.
“As you all very well know, we’ve had a break in the Rosaline Vaughan case,” he says. “Seeing as she’s paired with one of the most feared wizards in the world, we should be wary of what this could mean for the wizarding leadership in England.”
“And just what does that mean?” a blond auror asks.
“I’m sure you all remember Ms. Vaughan’s campaign for minister several years back, Dawes. While I myself have not been fully privy to her dealings between then and now, I’m certain that her cousin is more than capable of explaining.” He gestures for me to speak.
“Rosaline was at the top of her class at Hogwarts. She worked her way through the ministry ranks in a few short years and began campaigning for Minister. She’s powerful and wicked smart. Grindelwald, as you very well know, is also powerful, and extremely dangerous. Now he’s coupled himself with Rosaline. I don’t know what he’s planning to do with her, but she’s still very influential in many ministry circles and has maintained just about every contact from when she was running for minister. If he can use that to his advantage, all hope for us could be lost.”
“And what makes you think she’d do any of that?”
I snort. “Who in their right mind would get engaged to Grindelwald? She’s probably bewitched, or something.”
“You’ve got no way to prove that. What if she just wanted more power for herself?” Dawes asks, looking much too smug for my liking.
“Are you mad?!” I hiss, my anger getting the better of me.
“Rosaline wasn’t power hungry,” Newt interjects. “She stepped away from her campaign, didn’t she? She was a hair's breadth away from being one of the most powerful people in wizarding London, and she walked away. Why would anyone looking for power take a job as an assistant to a magizoologist? The closest they’d ever get to power is a dragon, and they’re not exactly the type to help anyone with anything.”
Dawes goes silent, scowling at both Newt and I.
“What’s wrong, Dawes?” I ask. “ You look as if someone stuffed a wedge of lemon in your mouth.”
He snorts. “It’s just that I’ve got to wonder exactly why a shop attendant and a zookeeper are being brought onto a case as important as this.”
I shove my chair back from the table, wand already in hand. Theseus places a hand on my shoulder, silently telling me to stand down.
“Are you questioning my judgement?” he asks, his eyes narrowing.
“No, sir, I just-”
“You don’t seem to understand these two as well as I do,” Theseus says. “Eleanore Vaughan was the best dueler in her graduating year. Newton Scamander, my brother, has more experience tracking and detaining living beings than anyone in this room.” Dawes says nothing. “Do you need a demonstration?”
I watch as he tries to sink down into his chair.
“I’d pay to see that,” the witch sitting next to Tina says.
Murmurs of agreement ripple through the Aurors in the room and I look to Theseus with satisfaction. Newt has one hand covering his mouth to hide his smile and I see Tina choke back a laugh.
“Do you think you’re up for a duel, Dawes?” I ask. “It’s been nearly fifteen years since I was in school. A lot can change.” Theseus snorts and I smack his arm.
I can see Dawes eye twitch. “Only if you want to,” he says indignantly.
“Then it’s settled!” I push myself up from my chair and gesture to the doorway. “Shall we take this outside?”
“Fine,” he grumbles.
It’s a quick walk down to the training rooms. There are still groups of young aurors working out and duelling one another when we walk in. All activity ceases as soon as Theseus walks through the doors. Every single trainee stands at attention until Theseus says otherwise. He tells them to line up against the walls and put up shield charms to protect them from any stray spells, jinxes, or hexes.
“Sorry, sir, but who exactly’s gonna be duelin’?” one trainee asks.
“Auror Dawes has so kindly volunteered himself to duel Ms. Vaughan today,” Theseus explains. “I expect you’ll understand what you’re meant to learn once the duel is over.”
Murmurs ripple through the congregated aurors and trainees. I block them out as I get into position at one end of the gym. Dawes takes his time getting into position, stripping his jacket and shirt off as he goes, leaving him in a white singlet and his slacks. I raise my eyebrows and look to Theseus who just shrugs and walks over.
“He’s trying to intimidate you, I think,” he says.
“Hm,” I hum and tuck my wand back into my pocket and work open the top button of my blouse. “Suppose I’ll have to do the same, yeah?”
Theseus blushes but laughs all the same when I’m down to my crimson silk camisole. He takes my vest and top from me and backs off to the sidelines to referee. There are several whistles from the trainees as I pull my hair back into a loose bun and ready my wand.
“Come on, Dawes. You may be under the employ of the Ministry, but I haven't the time to stand around all day and wait for you to finish with your little stretches.”
Dawes looks up and his face goes beet red when he takes in my appearance. “Aren’t you a little indecent?”
“Same could be said of you with that gut you’re working on there. I should expect an experienced dueler to appreciate a full range of motion. Now,” I lift my wand. “Shall we blither on like idiots, or duel?”
I can practically hear him grind his teeth from where I stand and I have to forcibly keep a smirk from my face. We bow to one another and ready our wands. Dawes is the first to act, throwing a loud and aggressive incarcerous at me with little thought. I cast a quick protego and the spell fizzles out before it even reaches me. In retaliation, I cast a stinging jinx and a full body bind one after the other. Dawes is only able to protect against the first jinx and his hit with the body bind immediately after. He struggles against the spell and growls angrily. I tilt my head to the side and wait for him to break free of the spell.
“Nora…” Theseus warns.
I wave him off and turn back just in time to see Dawes free himself and advance on me, sending a cutting curse my way. I dodge it and glare at him.
“You tried to cut me?!” I hiss.
“We never set rules, remember?” He seems much too pleased with himself
“Diffindo,” I hiss. I flick my wand at him and a small cut slices vertically up his bicep.
He cries out and grabs at his injured arm. He tries to fire off another spell but I shield myself from it before casting silencio coupled with a flipendo. He manages to right himself and stumbles to his feet, hands immediately flying to his mouth. He tries to say something and nothing comes out. I cast locomotor mortis and his legs snap together. Next comes a full body bind, and a quick depulso sends him flying across the room. He slides to a stop against the wall. I crouch down beside him and tilt his chin up with the tip of my wand.
“Don’t ever fucking question me again. Do you understand me?” He nods frantically and I point my wand at his mouth. “Finite incantatem.”
I walk away from him and he calls after me.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
I shake my head. “No you’re not.”
Theseus snorts and hands my blouse back. I spell the wrinkles from it and shrug into it, swiftly doing up the buttons and tucking it into my slacks. I leave my vest unbuttoned and turn to address the onlookers.
“So. What have we learned today?” I ask.
“That you should be a fucking auror, that’s what,” one young man says. The room erupts into laughter.
“Aside from that,” Theseus says.
“Overconfidence is useless,” a mousy girl says. “And underestimating our opponents can be deadly, if not, in the very least, bad for our health.”
“Exactly. Now, as you were.” Theseus pulls one of his aurors to the side as we’re headed for the door. “Get him to a healer. If they ask what happened, just tell them he was a prick and got what was coming to him.”
They nod and hurry over to help Dawes to his feet and usher him out the door as soon as he’s steady enough.
“I genuinely didn’t mean to cut him that deep,” I mutter as they stumble past. “Think I may have gone a little overboard there at the end.”
Theseus shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. I meant what I said. He got what was coming to him. After all this time out of school, you’re still a brilliant dueler.”
“Aw, you’re just saying that.”
He shakes his head and slings one arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “I would never, and will never say anything to you that I don’t mean.”
“I appreciate that.”
“I need to ask you something.”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Newt has been avoiding Tina, hasn't he? And whenever Rosaline is mentioned he goes quiet,” I lift my eyebrows and he presses his lips together. “Quieter than usual, anyways. I was told he wouldn't stop talking about Tina after he came back from the state's, but something has changed since Paris.”
“I can't answer a question you haven't asked, Theseus.”
“Has he got feelings for Rosaline?”
I nod slowly. Theseus sighs. “I haven't known very long. He told me when we were in Norway.”
“Why didn't he say anything sooner?”
I glance around and pull him into his office when I'm sure the coast is clear. “You know how your brother is. He's not exactly the most socially adept, he'll admit that freely enough, and when Rosaline started working with him she'd said something about not wanting anyone to break her heart.”
He scowls. “Surely that couldn't have been true after all these years.”
“Perhaps, but he took it to heart and did his best to move on. But Rosaline confessed that she loved him in Paris and then, well… everything went pear shaped. Newt is still processing things, and certain things have been pushed aside while he does that.”
“His relationship with Tina.” I nod and he scrubs a hand over his face. “Alright then… do you think it's wise to have her on this case given the circumstances?”
“She's a damn good auror. It'd be a shame to waste her skills, especially given the fact that her sister joined Grindelwald.”
“Of course. Then we've got our team then, don't we?”
Part 8
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this chapter, please reblog, comment, and/or shoot me ask! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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alucardinium · 6 years
   On the Ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me:    Nine things best left unsaid, Eight lovely strands of hair, Seven whole cents,     Six shiny buttons, Five freezing limbs, Four cheap  shots, Three pints of               Wassail, Two children fighting and Some cold sleepy cuddles
Words: 1,839
Prompt: Red nose
Warnings: Teen / Swearing / Wee bit of homophobia
Stunned silent the busy road fell into a hush. People that bustled around rolling to a stop. Merchants jittery behind their stalls. Wary eyes staring at the burly crimson garbed man.
“Alucard, you’re bleeding… “ Sypha broke the hush.
Alucard’s hand rose to prod gingerly at his face. Fingers coming away dripping.
“You stay out of this town abomination,” The man called out like he was announcing something to the crowd.
Trevor barked a laugh, “drunken idiot, you don’t even know” With a swipe of his cape Trevor moved closer shifting behind Alucard to stare at the loud staggering asshole. “What d’you do to piss him off?” Trevor craned his neck over Alucard’s shoulder to ask.
Eye’s flickered over to Trevor, “He stumbled into me,” Alucard said it with a hiss and growl to his voice. Not that it was unexpected. Having your face decked was a good reason to be pissy.
“Typical,” Trevor said turning to walk away.
“You too.” The man levelled a fat finger at Trevor. The crowd’s eye’s following like lemmings. They stared down Trevor who turned back around eyebrow raised.
“Can I help you?”
“The pair of you need to leave,” The man growled and Trevor turned around to cross his arms. "You ain't supposed to be here 'round christmas"
“Do you have a problem with me, asshole?”
The man spat in their direction, Trevor frowning while Alucard sneered.
“A prissy boy like that wandering ‘round with you? We all know what the fuck you are,” The man gestured to the crowd which was becoming more agitated. Sypha stepped up next, all three of them forming a line to stare down the man who had the balls to punch Alucard in the face.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean,” Trevor growled and Sypha looked around at the crowd that was forming behind the drunkard. Angry glares shot at them.
“You can’t play coy when you flaunt around your…” The man trailed off looking constipated and confused. The drink hazing his face.
“Get out of here you fucking homosexuals!” Somebody in the crowd shouted, riling up the whole crowd into a fire.
Trevor hitched, “Who the fuck said that.” Taking a massive step to the right of Alucard putting distance between them.
“Who cares you—“
“Finish that sentence and I will end you,” The crack of Trevor’s whip hitting the ground at the man’s feet silenced the drunk man. The crowd calmed for a second before becoming more aggressive.
There wasn’t anything particular being said, it was like a buzz, a shifting mass. A good deal of people were still at the sides. The merchants more angry about business being held up by the display.
“Are you threatening me?” The drunk man stumbled forward, the crowd behind him hesitating. They eyed the whip in Trevor’s hands with trepidation.
Trevor threw his foot forward with a stomp and sneered, teeth showing too much. “What are you stupid? Would you rather I spell it out for you?” Trevor shouted opening his arms out in an open challenge. Whip pooling to his side and his cloak making him look bigger than he was.
A rippling cry went up behind the drunk guy, a call to fight.
“You’re dead you fucking disgusting piece of shit!” The drunk man charged at Trevor like a wild bull. He stumbled across the dusty path at the behest of the crowd’s screams.
“Trevor don’t!” Sypha stepped up grabbing Trevor’s arm. A sharp yank and a whispered word. Trevor backed down with balled fists and gravel in his gut.
“Fucking typical, knew your breed wasn’t meant for fighting.” The drunken man stumbled to a stop in front of Trevor; heavy breaths washing over Trevor who was fighting the instinct to shove the man out of his face.
“Trevor you can’t, we need to buy supplies.” Sypha hissed glaring at the man, “It’s not even true, you know that so don’t rise to his bait.” It was like having the devil baring down on him and an angel on his shoulder.
“That’s right pussy, back down like you were meant too,” The man shouted in Trevor’s face grinning as he did it. Trevor twitched with barely contained rage.
His teeth were near breaking, but Trevor held his tongue with Sypha’s hands keeping his will intact.
The tipsy man backed up strutting like a peacock. He threw his arms wide to the sky presenting himself.
“You see, these types are always subservient. Bitches to even bitches,” The man pointed a hand out at Sypha who tightened her grip on Trevor’s arm, “you gotta put them in their places. On their—“ The man croaked like a broken wagon.
Trevor let out a wild whoop, breaking his silence, in opposition to the shocked gasps of the crowd.
“Alucard!” Sypha shouted dropping Trevor’s arm in shock.
Drunk and swaying, the man hung above the ground by Alucard who didn’t even say a word. Just cut the man off by dangling him by his throat. Released with no fanfare, he dropped the man to the ground coughing and rubbing at his throat.
“You fucking fa—“
The cracking noise was loud enough that Trevor could hear it as Alucard kneed the man in the jaw hard enough it broke.
Trevor, shrugging off Sypha, ran up to the scene practically cackling with mad glee, “Fuck yes! Eat shit you fucking bastard!”
The man was prone on the ground, dazed as he stared up at Alucard who barely had a hair out of place. Alucard’s jaw was tight with anger and his upper lip still smeared with his own blood - nose shiny red and bruising.
Stopped with a slide, Trevor was wild-eyed, more than ready to take a piece of the pie if the man had the guts to stand back up.
“You broke my jaw you fucking dick!” The man screamed, slurred as he held his jaw shut with a fat hand.
“Did I?” Alucard said calmly
“You two are the spawn of unholy—“
Alucard crouched down, moving like water and grabbed the man’s cheeks. A scream echoing from the man as Alucard dragged him closer whispering something into the man’s ear.
The crowd, still agitated, but less vicious in their exclamations. Many bleeding back out of fear, still watching but no longer taking part. Sypha was fuming to the side, her arms crossed. Her plans thrown out the window by the other member of their party. As angry as she might be about that, she still watched with a sparkle of vindication in her eye.
“Trevor, come here for a second,” Alucard turned up to face Trevor.
Not hesitating, expecting a little bloodshed, Trevor got in close. The fiery explosion of sweet revenge swooping through his thoughts.
Tugged in by Alucard, lips smashing onto each other’s with a weird sense of underlying anger. The feel of Alucard’s teeth bared a little too close to Trevor’s lips. It was way too much. With a redirected fury Trevor pushed Alucard away from him.
The crowd gasped, fuck even Sypha gasped.
“What the fuck!” Trevor backed up faster, drawing his whip to stare down Alucard who smirked at him.
Almost in slow motion did Alucard face the drunkard again, whispering something again. A deathly pallor fell over the asshole as Alucard dropped his hold on the man’s jaw. Trembling the piss drunkard sat forward and with a painful amount of hesitation kissed a statue of Alucard that was smirking like a fox.
It was only a peck, but Alucard was the one to shove the man to the ground and stand up. He dusted off his legs and straightened his jacket with that same unearthly elegance he came with to every fight.
“What the fuck is going on!” Trevor shouted again, swinging from the scene in front of him and Sypha behind him.
The crowd was muttering and fearfully shuffling as Alucard strolled over to them, Trevor shifting into a more defensive position as he drew near.
“Oh calm down Belmont, you act like I took your first,” Alucard said it flippantly and Sypha was sputtering as Trevor's face went beet red.
“The hell was that? You ever do that again and—“
“You’ll kill me? Don’t be melodramatic. All I did is—“
“You ruined his life,” Sypha said with a hushed voice. Alucard cracked a hooded smile, disguising it by wiping at his nose again and walking down the road that would take them out of town.
“He’s not dead, he might just need to… “ Alucard thought for a moment, “Relocate.”
Trevor’s shoulders slumped in shock, the crazy bastard took revenge to the next level. He didn’t just beat the crap out of him; he made his life miserable by ostracizing him from his whole village.
Trevor let out a startled laugh and shook his head, “What d’you even say to him, I saw you threaten him.”
“I told him the truth.”
“And that was?” Sypha nosed in.
“That he was half the man of either of us and that I‘d prove it. Then I threatened to disembowel him and drain him of his blood if he didn’t kiss me.” He said it so calmly that Sypha rose her eyebrows in shock. “I would never, but he showed his colours.”
“Only after threatening extreme harm and death by vampirism,” Trevor said back, a faint tone of incredibility in his voice.
“He would’ve been dead long before it came to that.”
“Jesus Christ Alucard,” Trevor breathed
“I don‘t appreciate hate speech.”
“Yeah, that’s obvious.”
Alucard chuckled. Both Sypha and Trevor a little shell-shocked.
“Oh, and Trevor?” Alucard turned to face Trevor; stopping on the path out of town.
A grunt and frazzled eyes stared back at Alucard.
“You have some blood,” Alucard moved forward and Trevor tried to move away from the pale hand that came at his face, “Right here-” Alucard wiped underneath of Trevor’s nose, fingers brushing Trevor’s lip. Jerking away from the soft touch Trevor was practically hissing at Alucard, hackles raised. “-From that pathetic thing, you call a kiss,” Alucard finished and Sypha gasped.
“Ex-fucking-scuse me?” Trevor shouted at Alucard who was already walking away. Trevor blindly looked at Sypha who just shrugged at Trevor’s shocked face.
“Just ignore it?” Sypha offered meekly before she ran to catch up with Alucard who was pulling away from both of them. The expanse of the path between them growing like Trevor’s frustrated shock.
“Ignore it?” Trevor furiously rubbed at his face and lips. He’d expected to be on the wrong side of Alucard’s fangs one day. It was fate. He had not expected it to be like that. How did he shake that off, he felt Alucard’s smile and fangs and wouldn’t be the same because of it. Fucking bastard.
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How would the paladins + Matt handle a steamy makeout session with there S/O and then having their s/o abruptly leave them hot and bothered.
Oooolalala, this one’s quite the steamy ask anon huehuehue.
Hunk 🍯
• This guy? Oh man… Why would you do this to this innocent cinnamon roll???
• He isn’t the one to initiate this type of sessions, so it would be up to his s/o to somehow lure him into making out with him.
• He’s very soft and gentle with his s/o, but for some reason, they’re being quite rough on this particular moment.
• So he just goes with the flow. 👌
• He likes to his hands up and down his s/o’s back while their lips are still locked together.
• When it comes to a make out session, Hunk would always be beet red at the end of it.
• Though when his s/o suddenly breaks the kiss, stands up, gives him a wink and leaves the room without a second glance he just… Malfunctions.
• He doesn’t do well with teasings, since he always ends up in a mess regardless.
• Like he’s already so flustered after a make out session, but then you abruptly ending it and leaving him unsatisfied…
• Yeah he’s definitely hot and bothered. 😳
• Hunk.exe has stopped working, would you like to restart?
Keith 🍁
• He’s quite the spicy boi 
• He doesn’t initiate a makeout session very often, but when he does, boy he makes sure it has to end well.
• Mentioned before, he hates doing them in any public areas, no budging on that. So it would have to happen behind closed doors though.
• He’s a very aggressive boi 💦
• Though the intensity of the makeout sessions varies from time to time, depending on the events and circumstances prior to said session. At times its gentle, and other times its rough.
• He secretly likes being rough, but don’t tell anyone I said that  
• One thing’s for sure, he won’t let his s/o go not while their lips are locked. His arms would be wrapped tightly around his s/o’s waist, locking them in place, pressed to his chest.
• So you would have to be quick on this one. ⚡️
• During one of the makeout sessions, he decides to place wet kisses on your neck.
• You thought to yourself, this is it
• When his s/o suddenly pushes him off of them, and standing up abruptly, his immediate thought was “wait did I do something wrong?????”
• This boi was scared af when his s/o suddenly ended the session like that.
• Though it was immediately replaced with mischief when his s/o gives him a knowing smirk then leaves his room. 😏
• “Oh so this is how you’re gonna play huh,”
• If you think he’s not going to go chase after you, think again hun.
Lance 💠
• Despite Lance’s very flirty and narcissistic demeanor, he’s quite soft and gently when it comes to these type of sessions.
• What a noodle. 
• He’s usually the one who starts the makeout sessions, it happens from time to time, and he’s quite the risk taker if you ask me.
• He likes to have his s/o sit on his lap while he caresses their cheeks and arms.
• Sometimes would squeeze their arm.👉🏻
• Other times he would rest his hands on their hips or legs. As long as he can make contact with any exposed skin, he will touch it.
• Very touchy, and would want to feel his s/o as much as possible.
• His s/o would have total control of the session, and whatever they plan to do next, he’ll gladly oblige.
• Has a thing for having a pretty dominant s/o. 💋
• But he didn’t quite expect it when his s/o suddenly stops the makeout session, stands up and leaves the living room, not without sending him a playful wink as they walk out.
• He’s just… Utterly speechless.
• His head trying to process what had just happened, and why.
• Not to mention his face is so red, it would put the red lion to shame.
• It’s quite hilarious looking at his stunned expression. 😦
Matt 🍀
• Ohooo this boi is quite the mischievous boi.
• Makeout sessions with Matt don’t happen all the time, but it does happen.
• At times its quite rough, sometimes sloppy or sometimes soft if the both of them felt like it.
• But the sessions would always end with him and his s/o in a fit of giggles.
• That’s just how much of a dork he is. 😆
• He likes to have his hands cup his s/o’s face while he slips his tongue into their cavern.
• Likes to pinch his s/o’s waist during the sessions, just to elicit a response or reaction from them, and its quite priceless.
• Especially when it comes to your butt. 😏
• He’s a very frisky boy.
• Though he didn’t quite expect his s/o to be the frisky one in return.
• So when his s/o suddenly pulls away, standing up and leaving him there, he was just beyond surprised.
• Like wow he never expected his s/o to do such a thing.
• But when his s/o stops to give him a wink before leaving.
• Ooooh boy.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Pidge 🌿
• Pidge? HAH
• You would be considered lucky if you ever manage to even kiss her on the lips.
• Makeout sessions happen RARELY. Like… Nearly, never.
• The only time she got into a session with her s/o was when she was dared to makeout with her s/o (by none other than Lance).
• But it only happened once… That’s it… 😰
• It’s not that she doesn’t like it, it could just be her stubbornness, or that she’s just extremely shy when she kisses her s/o. Though, it’s cute seeing her flustered face.
• Let’s assume you found yourself lucky, and managed to have a quick little session with this little gremlin.
• Let’s see how she reacts to this.
• When her s/o suddenly pulls away, she makes grabby hands.
• “Where… Are you going????”
• Downright confused, but flustered at the same time. 😳
• But when her s/o winks then leaves her room her brain just goes into overdrive.
• Will probably run around her room and scream into her pillow from embarrassment.
Shiro ✨
• Hooo boi.
• Makeout sessions with this man? Wow.
• It happens regularly, from time to time, and it always manages to get his s/o beet red at the end of every session.
• I mean… Who wouldn’t swoon from having his chiseled chest pressed against yours, and defined arms wrapped around your waist and hips? A mad man that’s who. ❤️
• He’d rather have you as close to him as humanly possible.
• Also, would like to have his s/o under him too. He gets free access to let his eyes roam your body whenever he likes.
• The intensity of the sessions varies, just like Keith’s, depending on the events and circumstances.
• Not to mention he’s quite a skillful guy. 👌
• On this peculiar session, his s/o decides to get frisky.
• When Shiro goes to wrap his arm behind your back, you suddenly push him over and straddle his lap, while his back is pressed against the mattress.
• It took him by surprise no doubt, but he’s quite pleased with the view.👀
• You give him a quick peck before standing up and leaving,
• He is confusion??? Why’d you stop? Did he do something wrong or???-
• But seeing his s/o give him a playful smirk before leaving the room, just stirrs something inside of him.
• “You’re not going anywhere.” 
• He’d rather finish what he started…
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some-cookie-crumbz · 7 years
Great Outdoors
Great Outdoors Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: Pidge has accepted that she was the Green Paladin, Guardian of Nature, but acceptance and delight are not synonymous with one another. Especially when fulfilling requests that seem like an agoraphobics worth night mare come true. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more. AN: Have some more fluff! Just gonna keep churning out fluff because this ship deserves it!
Pidge had a love-hate relationship with being the Green Paladin, Guardian of the Forests.
On the one hand, being a Paladin had been one of the best experiences of her life. She’d been given a chance to explore regions of the galaxy that Earth could only dream existed. She had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Garrison had lied about what happened with the Kerberos mission and had required Lance and Hunk both to drag her away from Commander Iverson, whom had gone beet-red when she started her aggressive and manically gleeful assault on his character at the truth being revealed. She learned about all kinds of new technology from various races that, with a few modifications and repurposing on her part, became helpful devices to Team Voltron to use or devices that could be used to help with life back on Earth. Helping to liberate planets that had been controlled by the Galra stood to be her favorite aspect, admittedly, because there was something about freeing people from an abusive dictatorship that felt right. Meeting, befriending, falling for and entering a committed relationship Keith Kogane was a close second but she kept that card under wraps to avoid his ego getting boosted too much.
But that led back to the list of things about her position that she found to be on the grating side.
The planet they were currently on was called Derumanta, a planet filled with a thick jungle environment and a society of people that specifically worshiped the Green Lion and her Paladin. The planet was known to be home to extremely effective medicines and ointments that could help with healing the members of the members of the Coalition. The denizens had been eager to assist the subject of their worship when Pidge made the request upon their arrival, but had a request for Pidge in return. “Nothing big or risky, we promise! It is a simple cleansing ceremony that is typically completed by a priestess, but having the Goddess of Wisdom and Earth Magic partake would be such an honor! So long as this is acceptable to both the Goddess herself and you, Paladin of Black,” High Priestess Bulra, the leader of their Derumantanese people, had explained to Keith with frantic excitement.
Keith had looked at Pidge to his left. “Would you be okay with this?”
She shrugged. “Sure. What’s the worst that could happen?” She had laughed. And if Pidge knew now what, exactly, the ceremony entailed? She’d have been a bit more hesitant in her agreement. The ceremony, as it turned out, involved Pidge being stripped down to what she could only describe as glorified underwear, covered in painted designs with some kind of sweet nectar, and having to stand out in the chill of the forest for an entire night until sundown the following day getting eaten alive by insects. The insects, as High Priestess Bulra had explained, her a type of bug that sucked blood but then used that blood to help pollinate the planet life of the world, creating stronger lines and more powerful medicines depending on the quality of the blood used. They believed that Pidge’s blood, given her status, would create one of the most potent lines of planet life which would lead to extremely effective medicine.
Ultimately, the Derumantanese were pleased with how the night went and sent her back to the small suite she’d been assigned for her stay while they awaited the other leaders of the Coalitions arrival to discuss the terms of Derumanta joining them. High Priestess Bulra had given Pidge a small clay pot with a cork in the top. “It’s a balm to help with the bites. They’ll start to sting and itch in a short while after you wash off the vigu nectar, but this should help you avoid that. It’s also fast-drying, so you won’t have to worry about letting it set too terribly long before laying down,” She explained, gently patting her hands with one of her long, six-fingered hands.
“Thank you,” She said with a small smile, hoping it didn’t come off as completely forced. She then scampered off to the large, shimmering silver skeleton of a tower in the center of their village. It was like a large condo, with rooms for each of the Paladins to relax in and enjoy. It was rare that their visits to other planets got to be a bit on the more relaxing side of things.
There was a small elevator made using lumber and vines that had to be cranked and pulled, but thankfully a larger Derumantanese inside, whom used the pulley to take her up to her floor. The whole building was clearly made using some kind of clay or mud material, an earthy aroma flitting through the whole place. Once she slipped off the elevator in to the hallway of her floor, she groaned a bit.
She had been hoping that there was some kind of window-like object that kept things in and out, but there wasn’t. There were large oval-shaped windows at either end of the hall that allowed the cool air to waft in. There were thin flaps of fabric with symbols – this planet’s equivalent of numbers – stitched in the center to distinguish them from one another instead of real doors but at least there seemed to be real walls separating each unit from each other as well. She could hear the quiet rumblings of the other tenants as she moved, pausing only once she reached the room that she knew was hears. She could hear Lance and Hunk debating the merits of some trivial thing in one of the rooms beside her and sighed, pushing back the curtain and heading into her own.
She was surprised to see Keith, wearing nothing but his red boxers, stretched out on the cot-like bed with a book. He perked up and his eyes seemed to bug out a bit. “Uh, nice Slave Leia costume?” He asked uncertainly as he moved to sit up.
“Thanks,” She quipped, trying not to laugh and suddenly kicking herself for showing him all the Star Wars films. She headed towards a small room off-set the main room that she assumed was the bathroom, nearly tripping over a small table next to it. Inside was a large tub with a large metal bucket of some sort with a long hose connecting to a spout just beside the tub. There was what looked like a pale pink loofah and a few bottles of wash lined along the outer rim of the tub basin. She thumped her head lightly against wall and whined in the back of her throat. She shouldn’t have been expecting that this place would have an incredibly modern bathroom, but a girl could dream. At least they had a fully functional toilet and small built-in shelves with towels and wash clothes.
“What the Hell did they do to you?” He asked in mild disbelief, indicating the red bumps all along her exposed skin.
She let out a sharp bark of laughter and twisted one of the knobs to start filling the hanging tub with water. She then set the jar of ointment on the small counter of a sink. “Well, it involved my blood being used to pollinate the vegetation on the planet,” She said bluntly. She reached back to start tugging off the ties of her top and glanced back at him curiously. “Would you mind pulling out a fresh change of clothes for me while I try to wash up here? I need a long nap.”
“Of course,” He said gently before disappearing back into the main room. Pidge smiled a bit, grateful that he was there with her. She did wonder, as she ditched the clothes and stepped into the tub, what he’d done with his own room. She knew for a fact that the Derumantanese had offered each of them their own private quarters, so she had to wonder if Keith had simply explained that the two of them were in a different kind of relationship or had simply snuck into her room after their escort left them to their own devices.
She shrugged it off and pulled a small lever that dumped the opened a small shoot in the bottom of the bucket and dropped the water on her. Only to release a high-pitched series of swears because it was freezing cold.
“Are you okay?” Keith called, voice on edge with concern.
“Damnit Keith, no having sex where we can all hear you!” Lance shouted from the other side of the wall, banging on it with one hand for added emphasis, while Pidge tried to keep from biting her tongue with her chattering teeth. She reached over and twisted the other knob, hoping to warm up at least a little bit. She should have checked it before she dumped it on herself, admittedly, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating.
“As if you even know what a woman having sex sounds like, Lance!” Keith barked back, irritated and fast approaching the bathroom.
That earned a small snort out of her while she could hear Hunk letting a low whistle at the burn. “Okay, listen here, you 80’s cliché bad boy-!” Lance started to snap back, voice cracking as he rose in octave from indignation.
“I’m trying to get cleaned up and dumped freezing water on myself!” Pidge cut in, preaching up to press a few damp locks of hair out of her face. She pulled the lever again to dump the water on herself and bit the inside of her cheek, another flood of frigid water washing over her. If the water was cold regardless, what was the purpose behind having two damn knobs? “I’m fine, Keith, I’ll be out in just a bit.”She insisted, keeping her volume up to be heard on both sides.
She heard Keith let out a low hum, clearly still concerned, but he respected her privacy regardless. Her shower ended up taking a lot longer than she had planned, as the strange loofah was extremely brittle and felt like it was ripping her skin open when she tried to use it to scrub off the vigu nectar. She swapped it out for one of the little wash clothes on the counter but it did take a little longer to get it all off.
When she poked her head out, the room was empty but Keith had left a change of clothes neatly folded on the table beside the room. She smiled and changed into them eagerly, appreciating the feel of the soft fabric against her skin. She took the time to pick up the ceremonial garbs she’d been wearing before, unsure if they were passed down or had been specifically made for her, and folded them into a very small stack that she left on the tank of the toilet. She could ask High Priestess Bulra what to do with them after she had taken a bit of time to unwind and rest up. She headed out to the front room, sitting on the edge of the cot and starting to apply the balm to the bites that she could reach.
She was just finishing up with the parts she could reach when Keith returned, with a t-shirt added to his outfit, carrying a small tray of piping hot food in one hand. “Think you can eat?” He asked as he walked into the room.
She smiled at him and nodded eagerly. “God, yes! Thank you,” She beamed, shifting to sit more at the edge of the bed. He pulled the small spare table over, set the tray on top of it for her, then carefully climbed back on the bed to sit right behind her. He took the jar from her wordlessly, opened it again, and pushed the back of her shirt up high enough that he could reach the bug bites there. “You’re a God-send, you know that?” She moaned out quietly at the feel of the cool cream being rubbed along her agitated skin.
He chuckled. “You sure about that? I’ve heard quite the opposite before,” He mused.
“Well, those people were idiots,” She grumbled, using the knife to cut into the hot loaf of some kind of bread. A dark red jam of some sort spilled out but she continued to cut a sliver off, scooped some of the jam up, speared a piece of bread and plopped it in her mouth. Despite clearly being bread and jam, it tasted more like pork chops and mashed potatoes. “What is this?” She asked curiously.
“No idea. I just went to the ground floor and told the staff that I needed a meal for the Goddess to regain her strength post-ceremony. They said this would be a high-protein meal that should get you back in tip-top shape before tomorrow morning,” He explained calmly.
She hummed and continued eating, too hungry to really be interested in conversation. It was funny, she realized, that she hadn’t thought twice about how good a plate of warm food sounded until it was right in front of her. Once he finished apply ointment to the remaining bug bites, Keith grabbed her hairbrush and started carefully working through the tangles in her hair. He even took the time to braid it for her as she finished licking the last remnants of jam from her fork. “Man, being the nature Paladin sucks,” She huffed, turning around to throw her arms around him.
He laughed and took her up in his arms easily, setting her hairbrush aside and then carefully pulling them up towards the head of the bed. She stayed latched on to him, burrowing her face into the crook of his neck and enjoying his warmth. “If I had known what this ceremony entailed I would have said no for you. Those bites look pretty miserable,” He commented, one hand cupping and massaging the back of her neck.
“I still would have done it, though, for the sake of keeping the peace and buttering them all up. Being sacrificed to a bunch of mosquito-bee hybrids was a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of additional medical supplies. It’ll be good to be a little less reliant on the cryopods, after all. I mean, less time in there is more time liberating planets and kicking Galra butt,” She pointed out.
“Yeah, but it still bothers me that they didn’t go over everything with us before they took you away for the whole thing. They specifically said that you weren’t going to be in any danger,” He said.
She snickered a bit. “Getting swarmed by bugs isn’t being placed in danger. From what I understand – and, feel free to correct me, since you have more experience with this than I – getting swarmed by insects is supposedly a regular thing when you go out into the woods. I just got a really huge dose of it, but I guess it makes up for all the time I’ve spent indoors,” She said, shrugging a bit as she settled one hand against his chest and closed her eyes.
He chuckled a bit at her but didn’t prod further. There was a wind chime of some sort hanging in the window of the room, gently jostling and chiming with the breeze wafting in. As loathe as she was to admit it, there was something soothing about the natural air and the sound of the chime and the shared heat with Keith that kind of made the whole ordeal worth it. Nature was still over hyped, but she could see the simplistic pleasure to something like this.
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blackstar · 7 years
p5 rarepair dumpster diving: director’s cut edition
last night on discord i spent two full hours of my life typing up a canon-compliant akechi/ryuji timeline and frankly that kind of effort isn’t something i want to waste by keeping the fruits of my labor private. so! here it is. welcome to my special hell: a hilariously obscure and hilariously baseless ship that i seem to be invested in purely to clown my own damn self.
this is an extremely long post and there are a lot of spoilers contained herein, so be wary of both those things. events that happened in actual canon are bolded, and everything else is just me elaborating. 
- first off, the initial meeting at the tv station, where akechi introduces himself, and then slips up by talking about pancakes. this is the first time ryuji's met akechi, though not the first time he's heard about him, and he can tell that something is off about akechi's behavior from the get-go, but can't tell what, because he's kind of extremely distracted and not thinking right. this boy is pretty. he's pretty and ryuji doesn't like it. is he wearing mascara or are his eyelashes really that dark? why is he thinking about that? true to form, he goes for aggressive behavior to cover for internal confusion. hating akechi for making him face his own repressed masc attraction is very easy. 
- the class returns to the tv station for a second day, where they see akechi give an interview live. ryuji is not friendly during this. after the interview, akechi runs into akira alone in the hallways. ryuji is a good friend, so he goes looking for akira. akechi and akira are done talking by then, and ryuji crosses paths with the wrong dude. akechi appears nonetheless. ryuji isn't friendly, but even when he's being actively hostile the poor guy wears his heart on his sleeve and akechi might not be a true ace detective but he is a little more observant than the average person. not that you would need that to be able to tell from how ryuji's talking about the friend he's looking for that the guy is crushing hard on glasses mcgee. akechi assures ryuji that he won't let that friend of his in on his secret, and, not knowing what he's talking about, ryuji assumes that akechi's noticed him staring. he denies that explicitly, which tells akechi that ryuji's got something for akechi himself on top of a crush on akira. noted. akechi swears up and down that he believes ryuji and they part ways. ryuji goes back and meets up with akira again. still does not know what feels off about akechi.
- akechi starts visiting leblanc semiregularly about midway through things. usually it's akira that runs into him, but ryuji swings by now and then too - looking for akira, of course, but somehow he always ends up at leblanc after akira's already headed out to do something else. so it's just him and. that dude. he ignores akechi for the most part, but just him being present in the area is enough to remind ryuji that yeah, actually, he really is attracted to this guy. ryuji's behavior experiences a sharp uptick in forced heteromasculinity as ryuji starts to doubt himself and attempts to affirm his identity as a straight dude to fix things. this fixes nothing. akechi is still frustratingly attractive.
- eventually ryuji decides to confront akechi. he doesn't come to leblanc that often without an invite from akira, but he's getting sick of akechi always hanging around the place. he catches akechi walking back from leblanc to the station, and asks him what business he's got always hanging around here. akechi says plainly that he's just after a good cup of coffee in a charming atmosphere. ryuji asks if akechi is trying to piss him off. akechi assures ryuji that he's not, really; he knows they haven't talked much but he really doesn't have anything against ryuji and if this is about ryuji's little crush, he promises he doesn't mind. ryuji tells him to shut the hell up, but that's a lot less effective when he's beet red. poor kid. akechi promises that he'll stop coming by the coffee shop so much once work picks back up, and ryuji tells him that he better damn well do that. akechi laughs, like a fake bitch. he tells ryuji that he doesn't know why ryuji tries so hard to seem like a thug; he's really such a nice person to be around under that act - maybe once ryuji accepts that they have no reason to be enemies, they can get to know each other. he knows a great place that serves brunch around the clock. ryuji ends the conversation as fast as humanly possible because he's throughly rattled - which is exactly what akechi was hoping for, obviously - and needs to get away from this man and his beautiful eyelashes. they split. ryuji does not sleep that night.
- at some point, ryuji realizes just why it was that akechi's behavior bothered him the first time they met, and comes to understand that akechi is able to hear morgana's voice. akechi mentioning a place serving brunch and leading him to daydream about a brunch date with lots of fluffy pancakes might have been what triggered his memory, but look, ends justify the means, right?? it's fine to think about dating another guy if it's for a just cause like figuring out important stuff. trouble is, he doesn't know what to do with this information. he considers telling the others, but ends up keeping quiet. after all, maybe akechi's got issues of his own. but also fuck his issues, because he's terrible and ryuji hates him and would never do anything out of consideration for fucking akechi's feelings, except that is exactly what he is doing.
- while ryuji is stewing in a bog of internalized homophobia and unresolved crushes on boys, shujin academy's student festival is rolling around. makoto appoints ryuji to the planning committee along with the rest of the phantom thieves to give them an excuse for all meeting together. as part of their committee duties, they tally the student votes for the special guest, and decide that akechi will be this year's guest, if they can convince him. makoto texts akechi to ask him to attend. they wait. when she doesn't get a response for a while, she asks if they should consider having a plan b ready to go in case akechi doesn't show. by this point ryuji's been keeping his realization that akechi is a metaverse user under his hat for a while now, and for some reason hearing makoto talk about this brings that to the forefront of his mind again. he tells the gang that there's something they should know, if they're really gonna invite akechi - he intends for this revelation to dissuade makoto from pursuing akechi as the festival's guest, but it only makes her more determined. akechi agrees to attend the festival shortly after. ryuji does not like where this is going. 
- during the festival, akechi calls the mystery gang out on being the phantom thieves, reveals himself as a metaverse user, and pretends to have never heard morgana's voice before, which is bullshit. he strikes a deal with them, and becomes a temporary member of crimesquad. thanks to their conversation earlier, however, the crew already knows that he's lying to them, and takes countermeasures immediately. one of these countermeasures includes a war room style meeting to decide how to deal with this situation, in which makoto tells everyone that if anyone knows anything, anything at all about what akechi knows or things they could use against them, they need to have all cards on the table right now. ryuji keeps quiet. akira notices. they're pretty close by this point (rank 10 confidant, hello), and they've recently had a few pretty serious heart to hearts - nothing romantic between them yet, but ryuji's trusted akira enough to open up about his sexuality crisis a little, which is part of why ryuji's instances of forced heteromasculinty have decreased in frequency in recent weeks.) ryuji receives a text message when he checks his phone, it's akira telling him to 'tell them about that conversation you had with akechi outside leblanc. everything about it. they won't think any less of you, i promise. all of us are your friends.' deep breaths, ryuji.
- after a little psyching up, ryuji says that he's got some info. he reveals both his major encounters with akechi since their first meeting at the tv station, and explains that akechi knows... something about him. his phone buzzes. he does not have to look at it to know it's akira telling him that he can do this. makoto asks if ryuji is worried that akechi will try to use that 'something' against him. ryuji says that akechi's definitely gonna use it, if akechi's really a bad guy, at least - he clarifies that what akechi knows is the truth of ryuji's crush on him. yusuke suddenly sits up much straighter, in the way of a gay guy who has just realized for the first time that he isn't the only queer person in his friend group. ann seems like she's about to say something, but gets interrupted by makoto telling ryuji that they can use this. ryuji wants to die a little!!
- with that incredibly stressful meeting over with, the process of infiltrating sae's palace begins shortly after akechi strikes his bargain with the phantom thieves. before the heist even begins, however, the thieves have already made a couple important plans of own: firstly, they've plotted to bug akechi's phone, a scheme that gets carried off without a hitch on the day that the heist begins. secondly, they've decided ahead of time to wait until the last possible day to send the calling card, not knowing that akechi will suggest this anyway. they need time to prepare for what they're about to pull off,  and they've guessed that akechi will go along with this because he needs time to arrange his own plans as well.
- futaba works fast. that little hack of hers isn't just recording akechi's conversations, it's rooting through all his calls and texts for information on what he's planning, and boy oh boy there is a lot to unpack. by the time they head home early after the first day's infiltration, she's already got more than enough for them to work with. another war room gets called. by now they know what akechi plans to do and roughly how he plans to do it, so it's time to prepare a defense against him. problem is, it'll be difficult to get away from him to investigate and prepare things when they're inside the palace - unless akechi suggests that they split up himself. they know that akechi wants joker dead, but hasn't talked about any specific plans for the rest of them, so they decide to take a pretty big gamble.
- the thieves do not infiltrate the palace again the next day, and therefore, neither do akechi or ryuji. instead, ryuji once again catches akechi outside leblanc - this time in the early afternoon, while akechi's on his way there. he tells akechi that since they have no reason to be enemies anymore, maybe it's time akechi made good on that promise about going to brunch together. akechi agrees. breakfast at tiffany's, but it's brunch at some upscale diner. during the course of this dinner date, ryuji does some complaining. he tells akechi about how he doesn't feel like a real member of the phantom thieves, how everyone else thinks he's just a stupid thug, how sometimes he just wants to quit this whole thing, and how he's glad that there's finally someone here who doesn't think he's an idiot. akechi, who thinks ryuji is an idiot, assumes that ryuji isn't smart enough to have an ulterior motive and takes him at face value. he tells ryuji that he's sorry ryuji feels that way, and that he's just glad that ryuji's trusting him a little more ("especially after some of the things you said at first! haha :-)"). ryuji tells akechi that he's not so bad after all, and hey, maybe he could take akechi with him if he really does split off from the phantom thieves. akechi says he'll think about it. he is coming to understand that ryuji 1) is kind of very handsome 2) has a nice voice 3) is probably dumb enough to be useful, which is obviously the most important part and that's why it's listed last. as most important things are.
- during the next infiltration, the gang comes across a frustrating scheme to force minors into gambling. accumulating coins in sae's casino is difficult work, and everyone's itching to hurry on with things. akechi chooses this moment to both assist the team in proceeding forward, and to get ryuji on his own. he asks ryuji to help him with something, and the two of them go off on their own - leaving the rest of the team free to investigate. futaba has already briefed ryuji on exactly how long they need to keep akechi busy. all he's gotta do is listen to akechi talk. coin collecting goes fast, of course, since they've already hacked most of the machines. ryuji's almost worried that he won't be able to keep akechi busy long enough. luckily, akechi chooses that moment to ask ryuji if they can talk. sure, ryuji says, there's nothin' suspicious about two dudes sneaking off on their own to 'talk.'
- akechi asks ryuji if he truly is unhappy with the phantom thieves, and if so, why does he stay? after all, the police will close in sooner or later - does he really want to serve life in prison for a group of people he doesn't even seem welcomed by? ryuji's a little uncomfortable acknowledging something he mostly tries to ignore - that yeah, actually, the way his supposed friends treat him sucks, but he's ready for this conversation. he tells akechi that he doesn't know. maybe it's because he wouldn't have anyone there for him if he left. akechi asks him what he'd do if they ever did get caught. would he go down with these so-called friends, or cooperate with the police. ryuji asks akechi what he's getting at. akechi drops a small fraction of his act and tells ryuji that the police are much, much closer to making arrests than the phantom thieves think - meaning that ryuji is that much closer to that reckoning. but, he says, this detective thing isn't meaningless. akechi tells ryuji that if ryuji would be willing to testify to the identity of all the other phantom thieves - giving the prosecution bulletproof evidence for conviction - then he could pull some strings to get ryuji immunity. maybe. okay, ryuji says, but what then? ain't i just going back to square one? starting over again all on my own? good point, but: don't be silly, akechi assures him. i'd be there, wouldn't i? i wouldn't abandon you after you've been such a great help to me.
- ryuji doesn't have the best internal clock, but he thinks it's been probably twenty minutes since they split up - though he's worrying about that way less than he should. there's a lot of emotions happening right now, and he deserves a fucking oscar for keeping them in check. akechi wants akira dead - akira, the one person ryuji cares most about - and he'll get his wish if this plan doesn't work. for that, ryuji hates him - well, for that and other things. but the way they're talking right now, akechi seems so... nice. kinda sad, somehow. and he's still aggravatingly pretty, and that doesn't change no matter how much he pisses ryuji off. ryuji asks akechi what he means. akechi asks ryuji what ryuji thinks he means. ryuji asks if they can go to that brunch place again sometime, because if he answers that question he'll end up verbally punching akechi in his snake-ass mouth. anyway, like a date, right? that, akechi agrees to. it's weird, but the way he's talking, he seems like he's happy to have someone to talk to. ryuji seriously doesn't get this guy. he's also torn between feeling a single gay emotion and wanting to throttle akechi on the spot, so all things considered it's lucky that akechi notices the time. they head back to rejoin the party, and we all know how the rest of the heist goes.
- cut to the part where akira escapes death by akechi. the plan laid out by the phantom thieves successfully leaves akechi convinced that he's killed akira for good, as most deaths are in fact permanent. akechi enjoys the attention of the media too much to bother with contacting ryuji for help in rounding up the remaining members, which ryuji considers to be for the best. akechi's main goal of killing akira has been 'accomplished', after all, so he's no longer prioritizing this mission. eventually, he declares on tv that he will certainly catch the  remaining phantom thieves, though he's no longer as pressured to do so quickly since the head is already cut off. at this point, he calls ryuji. they agree to meet up again, but not to discuss a testimony yet - just a celebration for the leader's arrest. it's time to do brunch. all the prep time in the world could get ryuji ready to listen to akechi talk about akira's supposed death as though it's a good thing. the more he listens to akechi talk, the more he doesn't fucking understand this guy. he's seriously close to physical violence here, for real, but suddenly akechi's talking about how securing these arrests will finally earn his father's approval, and suddenly. a part of ryuji's anger deflates. he doesn't like to think about it, but he remembers how it feels to try to please a father who considers you worth less than the dirt on his shoes.
- akechi cuts brunch short after letting that slip. ryuji goes home with a lot to think about. they've made plans to talk again in a week or two at the courthouse to get statements from ryuji on the identities of the other phantom thieves - akechi is hoping to time the complete defeat of the remaining members to occur just after his father is elected prime minister, knowing that the public will take such instataneous good results as proof of the new prime minister's righteousness. this second meeting never occurs, because the phantom thieves break into shido's palace before that happens. akechi is waiting for them. akechi is not happy. it's not just that he's stressed to hell and quickly becoming unhinged and just absolutely furious that joker evaded him - joker's the main reason his mental state gets so bad so fast, but part of it is the fact that ryuji is there, still with the thieves, and akechi feels like a fucking idiot for falling for anything ryuji said. the fact that he couldn't see through that act serves to reinforce his fears about not being even half of what he presents himself as (what kind of ace detective can't see past such an obvious lie???), and ryuji's betrayal is just another reminder that no one, no one he's ever met has actually wanted him around. ryuji would rather side with friends who tear him down constantly than with someone who was trying to be in his corner.
- shit goes south. a fight happens. a second akechi shows up. for the first time since they met, ryuji's comments towards akechi aren't hostile - the opposite, in fact. he jumps to defend akechi when the puppet akechi tries to say some fuck shit, and seems to actually. worry about him, kinda. because even with all this shit happening, he's remembering what akechi told him about his father, and now he's got context for that. it's. hard for him to hate akechi knowing now what kind of a father akechi grew up with, and yeah, maybe he is taking this a little personal because of his own issues with his father, but he has come around to care about this guy. he still hates that, obviously, because having sympathy for someone who tried to kill akira feels positively foul. not like he can do anything about it, though. especially after akechi dies. 
- ryuji gets left with a lot of messy feelings and unanswered questions, but the main thing he keep wondering is this: would akechi still be dead if he'd stuck by him? is it his fault that this happened? akechi didn't have anyone there for him, he knows that, so as the one person who could have been, isn't he responsible for his betrayal? the phantom thieves might have done the right thing, but on a personal level, he doesn't feel like he did. no one is happy here. akira buys ryuji a burger after the heist is over but that like, barely helps.
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cranberrybogmummy · 5 years
Races of ERTA (My made up world)
There are ten sentient races in ERTA eight of which are mammals and can interbreed  they are sub-species not  ‘races’ and , they all have different races. Most are bi-pedal humanoids, expect Prryalla’s favored race: dragons. All have free will. All have ten gifts from the gods: Strength, Courage, Honor, Wisdom, Cunning, Speed, Magic, adaptability , longevity, and beauty.  I’m putting down the stats of each trait for each race,  all the diversity in appearance of each race and height range.
Erta a description of the races of Erta
Gralings: (pronounced Graah-ling) the race created by the goddess Dualora.
Other names: Big-biters (slur), bug-munchers (slur), Gray people, Greylings, People of the Graling Peaks. Grey ones, Tall scholars, Soot-y mountain people.
Appearance: They are tall adults are shortest at 6ft and tallest a little over 8 feet,  thin, ectomorphic bodies, with skin that ranges from a pale whitish gray to  nearly black (but still gray). Their hair is straight, or curly and comes in white, grey, light blue, brown, blue-black and black. They have very little body hair and cannot grow beards.  Eye colors are usually blue, purple, green, brown or orange. They have slit pupils that dilate with the  amount of light, their eyes are reflective in the dark. They have long faces, high cheek-bones, large round or almond shape eyes, large, long noses, and thin or full lips.  They have thin boney digits. They have large pointed ears. They usually keep their hair long and usually are seen wearing voluminous undyed  cowled robes or undyed tunics (in hot weather). Gralings of the Graling peaks are different they don’t not abhor luxury and sometimes have brocaded robes and their own brand of fashion. 
Age: Gralings can live to about two hundred years old, the average life expectancy is about 120. 
Diet: They are omnivores. But usually their diet consist of mushrooms, root vegetables, brassica, fowl, fish, limited game, poultry, mushrooms, beans, fruits, nuts and insects. They brew a mushroom and yams  ‘beer’ finest run off water from the limestone and also distill a deep red liquor called: ‘Sesstae’ made with beets and flavored with raspberries. They use potatoes, yams, insect, bean flour to make a flat breads and noodles.  
Society: they are lovers of wisdom and order. Above life they value books. Originally though they come from the Graling Peaks Three hollowed out mountains in which they keep a vast city/library. Outside the Graling Peaks most live in closed village of under 800 residents called by outsiders: ‘cloisters’. The cloisters are walled villages built in concentric circles of five of six circles. The outer most circle contains farms and orchards, the second shops, business and workshops, the third residences, the fourth governing office, fifth and inner most circle contains the temples and most importantly the library. Each library is just an branch of the Great library in the Graling Peaks, and all the books are considered on loan from their and can be called back.  Gralings who do not live within a cloister or in the Graling Peaks, are often found in sparse family groups of individuals  or  live in urban areas. Gralings will offer aid, hospitality, pay taxes to local non-Graling officials and rent most books to other species, although they do like them to live long term in the cloister, they also do not like mixing of species.   Most Gralings do not like luxury and are suspicious of too much comfort as luxury and are ascetics. Thus all Gralings residences (at least within the cloisters) are about the same: in the back a washroom, then bedrooms:  one for parents, one for young children and one for older relatives, at the front they have a kitchen, and an open area with a chairs and a bookshelf the home bookshelf contains: cookbooks, some fiction and poetry, a book of simple spells and reference guides. They also all have an upper story which is divided into three rooms: storage, bug ‘farm’ and mushroom ‘garden.’ All Gralings are taught to read and write in the common language of the area and the secret tongue of the Gralings which sounds like clicks and hissing. They are also taught magic. Gralings are children for about 14 years before puberty starts. After that they are sent to live at the cloister’s library dorms, where they will learn more and maintain the library. At about 20 they pick a trade, usually something they are interested in, though it may be a family trade. In their 30s they get married and raise a family (if they choose). To avoid inbreeding one or two parties of about a dozen young Gralings will leave their own cloister and journey to another, with letters of introduction and gifts to seek a marriage partner. These are called courtship pilgrimages. In some cloisters arranged marriage is customary in others they let the young people choose. Same sex couples are considered fine. Not all those who go on courtship pilgrimages end up marrying or even finish the journey, for many this the first time they have seen life outside the cloister. In their 50s they can serve in the Cloister’s councils.  The Cloister is run by elected councilors, councilors are elected on a monthly, tri-monthly and yearly basis. Outside the cloister Gralings will defer to the local lord or king or whoever. They can vote in their mid 30s.  Gralings typically have 2 to 6 children at the age of 80 they will either go back to living at the library or take up residence with one their children.  Graling do have horses, they have stables are kept near the outer ring of the cloister and the horses are considered communal property. 
Economy: Within the cloisters Gralings use an exchange of  local currency for goods and services or bartering it depends on the cloister. In the Graling peaks, they use their own currency or books. 
fighting: Despite being physically weak, only able to at the maximum carry 110 pounds. They are very swift and extremely good at magic. They have their own kinds martial art, that relies on hitting various pressure points and weak spots on their enemies body, they also have a sword fighting martial art that relies on swiftness and twin scimitars. Most though prefer to defend themselves with magic. Alternative weapons are bodkins, stilettos, throwing knives, blow darts and crossbows. 
Notable achievements: They invented the printing press, though they do not share this outside the Graling peaks.
Biology: They can safely eat any type of bug and have resistant to most venoms.
Temperament: Gralings are not known for displays of emotion, they are known to be rational, quiet and cool-headed, not to say they abhor emotion and do not display it. Their cool outer appearance usually belies deep passions and emotions. They are sarcastic, droll and dry.  They have tendency to conformity, among themselves. They smile they do not laugh. Gralings glare, they do not throw punches. They are masters of passive-aggression.
Possible jobs outside the cloister: Librarian, book store owner, magic user, assassin, Printer, alchemist. Psyick
Weakness: physically they are not strong.
Fae: The race made by Verja, goddess of nature.
ADULT HEIGHT RANGE: 2 inches - 50ft 
Other names: Fairies, pixies, the nobility, brownies, nymphs, etc etc.(So many freakin’ names actually)
Appearance: They are the most diverse species and have a wide dizzying range of races and appearances. From tiny one inch dainty pixies, to 50 foot tall tree lords and everything in between, all colors, manners of dress, eye color, shape, also they use a magic called glamour to enhance their appearance.  Most have pointed ears
Age: Despite what they say Fae can only live to about 840 years.
Diet: Again depends on the race or subspecies it’s a wide wide range of things. Some use local lore to get free food from gullible humans. 
Society: They tend to live in out of the way rural areas, some do live in specially made pocket dimensions and have cities under the hill. Their are two groups nobility and commoners.  Nobility are the most magical, most capricious, duplicitous, attractive (enhanced by glamour naturally) They appear to be tall, graceful, humanoids with perfect skin, high cheek bones,  prefect clothes and hair and dazzling eyes. They love luxury, celebrations and music. They are dangerous, insane and prone to mood swings. Do not trifle with them ever. Commoners on the other hand are more sensible, shy around humans, and though less magically gifted, tend to do a lot of the grunt work to keep the fairy lands running. This however is JUST a sliver of the FAE and their society. Some fae are solitary fall under no rulers, some gain their power from trees or streams and are tied to them. Some are tied to houses of humans   (Humans seem to the one race that will work with them) and guard the house and provide aid and shelter at a small price of bread and milk.  Some races of FAE steal human infants and leave their own in place of the infant.  Nobles do not raise their own children, they let the commoners do it. They reach puberty at 20. Nobles have arranged marriages but numerous affairs. Commoners tend to marry who they want. Other solitary fae have a harder time finding someone to of their own race/species to mate with. They have been known to kidnap anyone who strikes their fancy.  They interbreed with humans other species and normally  take humans for these affairs, their lots of those wandering around with fae blood in them. Fae have chaos in their soul and are hard to pin down. Little is known about many aspects  of their society. 
Economy: Barter as far we know.
fighting: Some races of the FAE are good at it, fast,  and strong. Nobles tend to be trained in armed combat. They cannot wield any weapon not made of iron. Also they use a shit-ton of magic. 
notable achievements: NONE
Weakness: They are crazy assholes. 
Temperament: Capricious, hot headed, tendency to lie and cheat. Lots of mood swings. Also cold Iron. 
possible jobs for half fae: Musician, thief, con-man etc.
2Humans (Not going into this)
4 Ravmin
HEIGHT RANGE: 3ft- 6’10 ft
number of races: 2
Other names: Alcaws, Kraaaw, flying creeps (slur), sallow sam (slur), Greasy slinks (slur), val-caw,
Appearance:  In humanoid form they have oblong faces, low cheekbones, pointed noses, yellow tinge to their skin whether dark of fair, and deep set round dark colored eyes. Thin, gangly bodies. Mostly they have black straight hair, which has a tendency to appear oily if not well cared for. However, once in a while genetics spits of out a light  white blonde. Mostly they dress in cool colors, long coats with flowing sleeves over more plain under garments. At puberty their raven ‘skin’ of feathers begins to grow out on their back, this biological garment when complete will allow them to change into a Raven, hence their common name among other species: ‘Raven-men’. At the age of 16 the raven skin  is shed from their back, as one complete garment. Putting it on allows them to change into Ravens, it does not work for any other species or indeed if another Ravimin dons his brother’s  raven skin, he will not be able to use it. Each Ravimin keeps his raven skin to themselves and hidden from strangers, once a week they must care spread it out and care for it with oil. Then hide it again. If it is discovered and taken, that person will now have power over the Ravimin in question. But if the Ravimin finds their raven skin, they will take it, fly away and never return. Bird form: it’s simple they look like a Raven, sometimes a white Raven.  
Age:  they can live to 480 
Diet: Omnivores  they eat anything a human can eat, however, the flesh of a dead sentient being has a narcotic effect on them. Most will take a small part of a corpse to eat, in a way to honor the dead, and that is it. However not all that benevolent.  Some become addicted to dead flesh and from roaming bands bent on fomenting war and strife to feed their addictions. Also they sell the belongs of those who have died from their provoked slaughter.
Society: Ravmin are not a social race, even among themselves. Usually they live in isolated villages, married couples with children. Although in some cities they have their own districts called unkynd towns lots of funeral homes there.. For such a long lived they reach puberty at 12 about the same age as humans. They have a saying: “When the fledge can fly, they take off.” Referring to the fact, at about 16 to 18  the young Ravimin leave their childhood homes, in search of a new life. Some become apprentices to older Ravmin, some wander around for a bit. A Ravmin have an extra sense like a tingle that tells them when others of their kind are near. The young often find each other and travel in groups, doing odd jobs and or learning the primary craft of their kind: interring the dead. the young in raven form, they attempt to impress each other with feats of aerial aerobatics. Eventually as stated they pair off and find somewhere to settle. Though many work as undertakers, they have the normal range of professions. In terms of their own burial, it kept secret, but usually they are eaten by their own kin. 
Notable achievements: Undertaking, the kraaaw lexicon (A book on everything to do with interring the dead of all species), numerous wars. 
Biology: Gets narcotic effects from eating corpse flesh, and changes into ravens.  Also remarkably unaffected by rotten meat, disease or food born pathogens.
Temperament: The saying is there are three types of Alcaws: Silent, Sweet and Sour. The Silent are quiet, bookish types, who do not try to get anyone’s way . The Sweet are boisterous pranksters, kind and loud, the sour are sullen, chilly and bitter. A Ravmin might be all three depending on surroundings and moods. 
Possible jobs: Undertaker, executioner,  assassin, mercenary,  accountant, mage, plague doctor, spy etc. etc
Weakness: Addicted to corpse meat, and if you take their raven skin they in your power, they are cowards for the most part. 
LONGEVITY: 9 (1080 years)
BEAUTY:1 (not appicalble)
HEIGHT RANGE: 10ft- 1000 ft
number of races: 11
Other names:  Wyrm, Winged- Lizards, Drake etc. etc.
Appearance:  Large, winged fire breathing that’s the basic. They have different body types,  they come in all colors, most are scaly one race of dragons is feathered. Some have bodies which are low slung and lizard like, some have more avian bodies, and some cobby by bodies and are sleek with tiny legs and  feathery ‘beards’.  They have round eyes slit pupils and a variety of vivid gem like eye colors.  
Society: Most races of dragons are solitary. Expect for the smallest the 10 foot tall, blue dragons who dwell  cliff side caverns in ‘villages’ each family or individual blue dragon dwelling in a cave. Some of the larger dragons will come together to mate and stay together to raise a family ( a clutch of baby dragons takes about 50 years to come to maturity). The largest of all dragons do not spend much time with others of their kind or anyone, they just sleep under mountains. 
Notable achievements: Guarding large piles of gold.
Temperament: depends on the dragon, varies widely.
Possible jobs: Dragons usually don’t have jobs
Weakness: no idea. 
6 Ichals (fish people)
HEIGHT RANGE: 4ft - 6ft
number of races: 4
Other names: fish people, mermaid/mermen, seal people, land seals, frog people.  (all slurs)
Appearance: There are four races of ichals two of them are bipedal mostly  land dwelling and the other two live in water and have fins instead of legs.The bipedal races do live near large bodies water, on islands, coasts, near rivers, and large lakes. They interbreed with other humanoid species often. The two bipedal races of Ichals called the Northern and Southern Ichals. The water dwelling finned ones are the western and eastern. All Ichals have human skin tones, with tinges of grey-green or blue-green. Ichals notable facial features include high brows, large bugling round eyes, small wide noses,  full lips and not much of a chin. Their eye colors are brown, grey or grey-green. They have second clear eyelid that closes under the skin one so they can see under water. Their teeth are numerous, small and pointed.  Their ears are also small. The Northern Ichals are shorter  and stockier  because they have a layer of insulating fat under their skin. The Southern ones are leaner and taller. Their hair is brown or black or dark shades of auburn, if pureblooded, mixed blooded can have any hair color. They have very little body hair and in fact the western Ichals have no hair whatsoever. They have webbing in-between their fingers and toes. 
Age: 240 
Diet: Seaweed, Kelp, glasswort, fish, shellfish etc. etc they are omnivores but prefer seafood of all types. 
Society: Ichals tend to be found around the coast, on small islands, near large rivers or deep lakes, that’s the bipedal  ones. The finned ones live under the water and only come up to take the occasional deep breath. They notable sailors and fishermen. They live together in villages, hamlets, and in ‘districts’ in port cities.   They live among others but for the most part do not mix. They worship the god of the sea. They are clannish but do not mind if you marry into their clan, for the most part, an Ichal will mary & breed  just about any other race and they do. There are more Southern then Northern Ichals, Eastern then Western.  The bipedal  ones do not like being away from bodies of water and become depressed if they are away from any large body of water for a long time. , They are viewed with suspicion by other races and considered shifty. However, there truth, to this any non-Ichal is viewed as a dry foot and  dry feet are considered ‘fair game’ for any underhanded business or schemes or out right theft an Ichal may have. They do NOT try any of the schemes, thieving or swindling on other Ichals or have ichal blood.  Some isolated tribes of Ichals have been corrupted and taken to worshiping the Servants of the ancient gods, which is troubling. Thye have tendency to towards evil and weakness, though it is far from universal
Notable achievements: Masters of the sea, excellent swimmers. Explorers, traders. merchants, pirates.… etc. etc.
Biology: Third transparent eyelid, can hold their breath for very long periods of time.
Temperament: They are calm, optimistic, tough, and sly.  
Possible jobs : Sailor, Pirate, sea trader, fisherman, merchant, pirate. 
Weakness: Can’t spend to long to far away from water, very morally dubious and easily lead into evil.
7.7.Haslas (fiery people)
HEIGHT RANGE: 5ft -6ft
number of races: 4
Other names: the burning people,  fire nymphs, salamander people, ifriit, children of Keyle, red sluts (slur), Fire whore (slur),
Appearance: They were made by the goddess of love and beauty.  Adult Haslas are the most beautiful race on Erta. They have high cheek bones, long eyelashes, blonde brown, black or auburn hair of any texture, almond shaped eyes of darker hues and when they shoot fireballs they turn all black. They have full lips and oval shaped faces.  They can be olive complexioned, tan, very tan, any shade of brown and a matte bright red. They have tendency to freckle. They have lithe and slender bodies. The males can grow facial hair but in general they have very little body hair.  They tend to look fragile and feminine.  However that belies they’re very real physical strength, speed and the special ability every adult Haslas possess to shoot fireballs (Usually 10 to 30 before the fireballs are exhausted).  The prepubescent children of the Haslas are not remarkable at all, as far as children go they quite plain, it is impossible to tell even if they boys or girls, as Haslas are born intersex. Only the onset of puberty do the characteristics of their sex begin to show. By the end of puberty it is quite clear who is male, female or neither (which happens sometimes). As adults they tend towards the most fashionable clothing around, and usually are the best dressed.  Their only magic is that of their fireballs. 
Age: can live to be 240 but rarely do. 
Diet: Ominvores, prefer spicy food. 
Society: Haslas are nomadic because of their great beauty and the threat of being attacked for it. The Haslas tend to roam the warmer parts of Erta, as cold weather leaves them prone to diseases and consumption. Because of their breeding with Humans and other races it is hard to call any Haslas pure blooded.  They earn their living as traveling entertainers,  mercenaries,  herders,   traveling tinkers, and  traveling merchants and any other way that doesn’t require being in one place for very long.  Some sell their bodies as concubines seeking comfort, shiny things and stability. Haslas children because of their androgyny are trained in all skills needed to be a successful adult.  Haslas are matrilineal society, because it’s easier to tell who the mother is rather than the father, The women lead the Haslas bands and families. Once  year many of the larger bands will gather outside one land based large city. This is called the Haslas fair and much business is done there. Haslas are also known for their spicy, hot cuisine, and flatbreads. They are known to be very covetous of jewelry, gold & silver coins and the like. They have a common language that  sounds like chirps and tweets to outsiders. However like an accent or dialect it varies between groups of Haslas. Like the Ichals they do not see stealing from, defrauding, swindling or robbing ‘outsiders’ as bad thing. But their definition of that is looser and can include other Haslas  that aren’t of their  immediate family or anyone who isn’t a close friend. They see nothing wrong with whoring either.  To a haslas a body is temporary vessel, to use as they see fit. Also in their way of looking true lovers choose each other, love each other truly KNOW each other and will raise a family together and love each while a ‘client’  buys you and does not KNOW you cannot truly love you and will not stand by you. Their is very sad ballad that Haslas sing called ‘The tale of Ash and May’ where two Haslas from different bands meet and fall deeply truly in love but are separated by distance and time, eventually they meet again both are living in the same human city but both are now kept lovers of rich humans (Haslas tend to see humans as very possessive) and cannot be together. The sexs of Ash and May change from version to version so does their fates, in some they reunite, others their fate is much more grim. It illustrates how Haslas think, they rarely sing it in the common tongue though. Haslas are seen by other races as immoral and unstable but they operate by a different code. 
Notable facts:: being the most beautiful race ever.   For the death rites of a Haslas they have to cremated within a week of death with the proper rites or their spirit manifests as angry fiery being and attacks everyone nearby. 
Biology: Can withstand higher temperatures, heat and fire better. Are intersex until puberty. 
Temperament: Charming, cheerful, vivacious  energetic, but have ‘hot tempers’ are petty and catty and very vain. 
Possible jobs: Dancer, acrobat,  Actor, singer, herder, Thief, mercenary,  spice merchant,  tinker, highwayman, whore,  concubine, catamite, dandy, flying ship sailor.  
Weakness: Are susceptible to illness at colder climates, more affected by the cold. 
8. Lufvin (Giants)
HEIGHT RANGE: 6ft -11ft
Number of races: 3
Other names: Giants, uglies (slur), brutes. And various tribe and clan names. 
Appearance:  Tall, wide and brawny, they have round faces with heavy brows, and  wide upturned noses and pronounced  underbites. The males are exceptionally hairy, from outset of puberty on. Most Lufvin live in colder in climates and have paler skin. However, there are a few ‘lost clans’ who hail from warm climates, they tend to be shades of brown. Lufvin have deeper voices, thicker more muscular builds,  ham like hands with huge digits, legs like tree trunks. They have no unified way of dressing. 
Age: they can live to 120 but rarely do. 
Diet: Ommivores, with a tendency to enjoy lots of red meat and pork, root vegetables, and breads.  Also very good brewers, they drink a lot of beer. 
Society: The Lufvin are a contentious race, with strict codes of honor. First comes their immediate family, then comes their clan which is made up of extended family, then comes their tribe which is based on what region the Lufvin’s ancestors originally came from, and then there is caste which what occupation and rank in their society they have. The clans fight each other and so do the tribes. From the lowliest farmer to the highest Lufvin lord, they all consider themselves warriors first and train in the combat arts. The higher ranking Luvfin live in halls with their servants and all the family. The lower  classes live in houses with their family. Lufvin of lower castes generally are monogamous, the higher ranks  can keep two or three  spouses. First children are the heirs. Marriage within the tribe is encouraged. Most Lufvin choose their spouses for their strength of arm and character. Courtship is a lengthy and sentimental process. A lover has to to prove themselves to their beloved’s  family before the marriage can take place.  Engagements can last years before marriage. The Lufvin code is as follows  Some of the tenets are:  1. Always give  hospitality to strangers and travelers. 2. Respect your Parents, the Gods, The higher castes. 3. Clan first, tribe second. 4. disagreements between Lufvin must be settled by test of skill agreed upon both parties. 4. Do not keep  courting one who refuses you, on the outset. 5. Don’t harm children. 6. Honor is in talents, skills, deeds,  morals, and accomplishments, bad deeds will reflect on not only the Lufvin in question but the whole clan. 7. If something is fairly won, accept it. 8. No quarter will be given to the enemy. 9. Seek vengeance on your enemies and do not rest until it is accomplished. 10. Dishonor is worse than death.11. Take everyone at their word at first.    The Lufvin and Rakstals do not like each other and have a long standing feud no ones knows where it comes from or why. 
Notable achievements: They are unrivaled in combat. 
Biology: Larger, heavier with sturdier bones and the ability to really take a beating. 
Temperament: Angry when Provoked, a bit hidebound, but generous and kind and law abiding in general. Affectionate and gentle when not fighting.Loyal, moral and kind.  
Possible jobs : Warrior, blacksmith, bodyguard, Etc.
Weakness: Pretty gullible and stubborn and hot tempered.
Niflu: (Small people) 
number of races: 5
Other names:  mole-men, half gobs, ratlings (slur), ankle-biters (slur), rabbit people (slur) 
Appearance: short with curly hair that ranges from honey blonde to dark brown or they are bald  their eyes are large, heavily lidded, green, hazel  grey or brown eyes,  buck teeth and small floppy ears. They have round chubby faces. They dress pragmatically with little embellishments They men lose their hair young 20 or so.  The women lose their hair at 70.  They are found in all lands and in skin tone mirror every human race.  They are very short ranging in height from 3 feet to the tallest being 4’10 feet. At around 40 they begin to get their first tattoo too mark maturity and purpose in life, from there they get many, many more. 
Age: 720
Diet: Ommivore. The niflu like hearty, plain food and garlic, pickles. They eat lots of root vegetables, garlic, ginger and cabbages. They have breed of small pig which they also eat and will eat most types of fowl. They are also great brewers, farmers, and distillers. Niflu do love their food and drink.
Society:  Niflu are as happy in the city or the country. They tend to live together in large extended families outsiders call ‘warrens’ . In the country these warrens are dug into hillsides or make using local caves. In the Niflu villages there usually three or four main families.In cities they tend to take over a building or two. They have great skill as cooks, bakers, brewers, distillers, any kind of handicraft, forging metal, inventing and  feats of engineering. They figured out a use for Ghost wood and built flying ships and floating cities. Because of their height and lack of magic they have come up with many ingenious ways of defending themselves and their homes. Their society is divided but it’s less to do with gender, more to do what sort of job they do or train for. The Niflu divide it into to categories: Hechle  (Which includes: cooking, baking cleaning, looking after children,  weaving, brewing, distilling animal husbandry, farming) or  Whichll (engineering, inventing, mining, sailing airships, smithing,) meaning whether your job is an inside one or an outside one. Gender and sexual orientation doesn’t matter so much to the Niflu. But whether one is Heechle or Whichll does and pressure to one or the other is put on Niflu very young as apprenticeships start early. Child rearing within the Niflu warren is communal, the extended family looks after each other’s children starting after the child or can walk. Infants are usually bundled onto the backs of whatever parent has them for the day. When a Niflu is reaches mid-childhood they have to pick what role they want and whether they are Hechle or Whichll. Then they get an apprenticeship, in the field they chose, they start out doing very small jobs and move up as they gain more experience and grow older. They are monogamous, and courtship is slow two year process in which two Niflu exhcnge notes, make each other small gifts and talk, eventually they spend more time together, stealing moments, touching and eventually move in together, shortly after that they get married. Usually they mare the son or daughter of the family they are apprenticed too. They do not care if the marriage is outside the race.  This happens in late puberty to late middle age. In couples one is Hechle and one is Whichll. However same career couples do exist and are looked on but the Niflu as a whole with bemusement and distrust. When a Nuflu receives their tattoos, celebrations are held as like those for birthdays. Nuflu weddings are also big lusty, fun affairs. In old age Niflu maintain their career and pass on wisdom to children and apprentices.  Niflu typically cremate their dead.  The Niflu do not have language per say, and speak a pidgin version of the common tongue among themselves. As the second most intelligent race with no magic, in general they do like or trust ‘Bug-biters’ aka Gralings, who they see as arrogant and pretentious. Their are exceptions to this open minded Graling and  non-prejudiced Niflu but as a whole, they DO NOT like each other.  
Biology: They have a very high pain threshold, a hardier constitution, so they can get  but don’t feel it as much, resistance to magical spells.
Temperament: gregarious, jolly, earthy and pragmatic, fond of physical pleasures as much intellectual ones. Hard working, loyal but mercenary and frugal. 
Possible jobs:  Oh so many……
Weakness: short, can’t do magic, go bald. 
10.Rakstal: (the stone people)
HEIGHT RANGE: 7ft -20ft
number of races: 3
Other names: the stone giants, rock monks,  philosophers  wait…I thought that was a hill.
Appearance: They are made of stone but within they are fire, it can be seen through their eyes and mouth. They are HUGE and look vaguely humanoid.  Rough stoney features. As in they have a head, and four limbs. They wear clothes made from leaves, moss can grow on them. As for races,  we classify them as geologists classify they types of rock Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic They seem fine with it. Their are more in depth classifications as to what type of the three basic rock types. They are hermaprhodites, and do not have recognizable identifiable male/female genders. 
they lay ‘eggs’; which look like especially smooth rocks. They grow slowly
Age: up to 1,2000 
Diet: like a plant they get nutrients from the soil and sun. 
Society: Almost entirely solitary, they have no fixed abode, they meet to mate and raise family, staying together as youngest but then they part… or just sit down and mediate. 
They are very intelligent spiritual and thoughtful. They are very slow moving and acting often they sit down and medidate for up to five hundred years. However such patience comes with age, the immature  youngest ones are more full of  energy, curiosity and mischief.  Immature Siblings, friends and cousins will wander together, and get into trouble and explore. Sadly when you are enormously strong rock giant other races don’t take kindly to your ‘wild’ years.  Also they are highly protective of their mates, children, friends and family.  Mature adults will raise a clutch of up to five eggs  together  mate three times in their lives. They do not know why the lufvin hate them, but since they keep insisting it’s a feud…..
Notable achievements: ???
Biology: very strange…. See appearance
Temperament: slow, laid back, calm and thoughtful, taciturn, lazy. 
Possible jobs : monk, blacksmith, bodyguard….
Weakness:  made of rock. 
0 notes
evodex · 6 years
Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss
Ayurveda, which has originated in India over 5000 years ago, provides wisdom on the natural healing system of the body. The name Ayurveda is translated as “the knowledge of life”.
Ayurveda medicine is practiced globally today and has influenced the lives of several individuals worldwide. One of the extensions of this practice is the Ayurvedic Diet.
This diet plan works according to the constitution of each individual’s body and provides solutions for several health issues such as excessive weight gain, diabetes, and a lot more. The objective of an Ayurveda diet is to improve the self-healing abilities of our body.
The Principles of the Ayurveda Diet Plan
The goal of every Ayurveda diet plan is to achieve a sense of equilibrium. The diet plan seeks to balance the self and the environment to provide results in the most holistic and natural way possible. There are a few principles that help you achieve this:
The diet should include the six tastes or rasas.
The six tastes are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. They should be included in the following order in each meal:
Sweet- Fruits are a great option
Salty- Meat or seafood
Sour- Citrus fruits
Pungent- pepper, garlic or onions
Astringent- tea
Bitter- green leafy vegetables
Avoid distractions and eat your food with the concentration in order to appreciate it.
Savor your food by eating slowly.
Make sure you eat your food before it gets cold
Wait to eat till you feel hungry and stop eating when you begin to feel full.
How does the Ayurveda Diet Plan Work?
The foods that are included in the Ayurveda diet plan for weight loss initiate the innate intelligence of the body. Each diet plan is based on each individual’s body type, which is also known as a dosha. Three body types have been identified in Ayurveda, namely:
Vata (combination of Air + Ether elements)
Pitta ( combination of Fire and water elements)
Khapa (combination of Earth + Water)
In general, Ayurveda addresses the whole being. This includes your body, mind, and spirit. This means that along with the diet, you have to try out the methods to manage stress, get sufficient sleep and the use of herbal supplements is also recommended to keep you in the best shape possible.
One thing to remember with an Ayurvedic diet is that it follows the several rhythmic changes that you see in nature. This includes the different stages of life, the various seasons and even the rhythm of the sun each day. This means that the diet may change and fluctuate through your lifetime.
If you are looking at a holistic way of losing weight, this article will take you through the three doshas that correspond with the personality traits, the tendencies, and the nutritional requirements of each body type.
The concept of the body type is derived from the five basic elements that each individual is made of- air, fire, earth, water, and ether. Every person possesses a unique combination of these different doshas or body types that determine your physical characteristics.
An imbalance of the doshas will lead to health issues and is essentially caused by poor lifestyle, less physical activity, unhealthy diet, extreme stress, and exposure to toxins.
Below is a breakdown of each type of dosha and a suitable diet chart to lose weight and stay in shape. If you do not know which body type you fall under, it is best to consult a good Ayurvedic expert and based on their suggestion, look at the appropriate diet plan.
Diet Plan For Vata Dosha
Those with a Vata dosha tend to be quite small in their structure and thin. They tend to struggle to digest food. In terms of personality, these individuals are creative, energetic, and curious.
However, they also get stressed very easily. They are normally susceptible to disorders like insomnia, heart disease, and arthritis and tend to have the mental obstacles of grief and fear quite commonly.
Although they are small in their build, they are vulnerable to weight gain because of stress along with sudden changes in their metabolism.
Diet Tips For Vata Dosha
Those who have a Vata imbalance should typically eat three meals a day. The meals should be warm and well cooked. Eating that the same time each day is essential for this body type.
To avoid aggravating the Vata dosha, it is recommended that they only eat foods that are made with moist cooking methods like steaming, boiling, and sautéing. Eating fried, roasted or baked foods can lead to several health issues.
It is recommended that they use coconut oil while preparing their foods.
Drinking warm drinks instead of cold ones is recommended.
They must choose whole foods that have a combination of sourness, sweetness, slight spice and a slight oiliness.
Vata is balanced by Sweet, followed by sour and salty tastes
Vata is aggravated by Pungent, Bitter, Astringent tastes
Foods that you should eat for Vata Dosha
Spices like terragon, oregano, cumin, basil, ginger, and fennel. Sweet foods like dairy, nuts, seeds, whole grains, squash, and oils. Salty and Sour foods like meat, seafood, vegetables, pickles, and yogurt.
Foods that you should avoid for Vata Dosha
They must avoid foods that are packed, frozen or canned. They must also avoid foods that are dry and raw, including raw vegetables. Stay away from sprouts, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, flaxseed chili, ice cream, chocolate, sugar, ginger, peppers, green leafy vegetables, turmeric, black tea, and coffee.
Sample Diet Chart for Vata Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
Creamy and hot cereal such as wheat flakes with skimmed milk with fruits/ 1 thick shake with bananas, figs, apricots, and grapes.
30% fresh vegetables including warming veggies like carrots, asparagus, beet, onions, and sweet potato- you can make a curry or a boiled salad.
20% of light proteins, like chicken or seafood- boiled or cooked to make a curry.
50% cooked grains including brown rice and whole-wheat pasta.
Afternoon snack
A stew made with vegetables like carrot along with a cup of herbal tea OR a handful of raw or roasted nuts along with a cup of fresh curd.
Whole grain bread or chapatis along with a bowl of vegetable soup. It is a good idea to drink a cup of warm milk along with some honey and ginger to get better rest. Alternatively, you may have a glass of buttermilk.
Diet Plan for Pitta Dosha
Those with pitta dosha usually have a very athletic body. They can easily put on weight as well as muscle. People with this dosha are very hardworking, ambitious, smart, and aggressively competitive.
One of the biggest issues with pitta dosha is that individuals tend to overeat when under stress. They also have a strong craving for foods that are cooling such as ice cream, sweets and other foods that are heavy. These individuals are also quite prone to health issues such as hypertension overexertion, infectious diseases, heart diseases, and even digestive disorders.
Diet tips for individuals with Pitta Dosha
It is important that you never skip a meal because even the slightest imbalance in your routine can greatly impact your metabolism and digestion.
Try to avoid foods rich in salt, spice, and sourness as much as possible.
When you feel the urge to eat when you are under any emotional stress, delay it.
Make sure that you drink lots of water that is at room temperature through the day. You can also boil spices like jeera in water, bring down the temperature, and then consume it.
Pitta is balanced by Sweet, bitter, astringent tastes
Pitta is aggravated by Sour, Salty and Pungent
Foods that you should eat for Pitta Dosha  
The diet of those with a pitta dosha should include foods that are warm, dry and slightly heavy in their texture such as milk, fully ripened fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, celery, cabbage, zucchini, green beans, and broccoli.
Good fats like olive oil and flaxseed oil can be used for cooking to aid weight loss.
Other foods to include are green leafy vegetables, dried beans, lentils, root vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy, coconut, lime, peppermint, cilantro, aloe vera, and fennel.
Foods that you should avoid for Pitta Dosha
People with pitta dosha should avoid foods that are fried and also food that is steaming hot.
Hot spices like cayenne, mustard, ginger, clove, and garlic should be avoided.
You should also stay away from any protein supplements, all nuts except almond and warming foods like corn, red meat, brown rice, onion, eggplant, spinach, beets, and carrots.
They should not consume any processed foods and fast foods as they increase the imbalance and because they contain bad fats that are extremely harmful.
Sample Diet Chart for Pitta Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
2 slices of toast with a glass of warm milk/ a bowl of stewed fruits including apples, prunes and pears/ 1 cup of any cold cereal such as oats.
This should be the heaviest meal of the day and should include the following:
20% cooked grains such as oats, barley, rice or quinoa.
30% of proteins like beans, chicken, turkey, boiled or prepared in the form of a curry to go with the grains.
50% sautéed and steamed vegetables with a dash of turmeric, coriander, cumin, and fennel.
Afternoon snack
It is best to consume any fruit that is juicy and sweet to keep cravings at bay. This includes several options such as mangoes, apples, cherries, plums, melons, and grapes.
Dinner should be light and you must make sure that you do not eat after 7 pm. Eat a bowl of steamed vegetables including mushrooms, green beans, asparagus and broccoli with a bowl of yogurt that is low in fat. You may include a baked or stewed fruit as dessert.
Have a glass of warm milk mixed with some shredded coconut just before going to bed. This will help calm you down and will also help you get a good night’s rest. You can also use orange zest in the milk if you do not have shredded coconut.
Tip To Balance Pitta Dosha: To balance Pitta dosha, you can make mint tea, green tea or a tea with fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds and sip it through the day.
Diet Plan for Kapha Dosha
People with Kapha dosha tend to be overweight. They also are usually less active and sluggish by nature. These individuals tend to be supportive, forgiving, and loving but also have emotional issues such as insecurity and jealousy. They are likely to have health issues such as fluid retention, obesity, and diabetes.
People with Kapha dosha put on weight easily even though they eat very little. This is because they have a relatively slow metabolism. The elements of earth and water dominate this body type, making them very sluggish.
Diet tips for Kapha dosha
People with this dosha should eat their heavier meals when metabolism is higher. For instance, the heaviest meal of the day, which is the lunch should be consumed at noon when metabolism tends to be at its highest.
Foods that are rich in fats should be avoided.
Drinking hot teas and warm drinks is a great idea.
Kapha is balanced by Astringent, Bitter and Pungent
Kapha is aggravated by Sour, Salty, and Sweet
Foods that you should eat for Kapha Dosha 
Spices such as ginger, cumin, chili, turmeric, sesame and fenugreek should be used in abundance in your diet food.  
The foods that you include in your diet should be light, dry and warm with a pungent or bitter taste including cabbage, broccoli, beats eggplants, green leafy vegetables, peas, dried beans, pomegranates, apples, digestive herbs, lentils and mushrooms.
Foods that you should avoid for Kapha Dosha 
You should avoid foods that are fully raw.
Also avoid foods that are very sweet including some fruits like grapes, dates, bananas, melons, oranges and pineapples.
Avoid cold, salty, fatty and fried foods in your diet completely.
Other foods to avoid are seafood, dairy, grains, nuts and seeds.
Diet chart for Kapha Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
Those with Kapha dosha can skip breakfast. In fact, it is best that they have a glass of warm water and honey or a cup of green tea.
The best option for breakfast include a bowl of stewed fruits
This is the largest meal of the day and should consist of 50% non-starchy vegetables like peas, mushrooms, lettuce, kale, and spinach- sautéed or steamed.
30% cooked grains like quinoa and basmati rice.
20% of proteins including beans, chicken, seafood, and eggs- made into a curry or a salad.
Afternoon snack
Dried fruit such as figs, apricots, and raisins along with pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
1 bowl of vegetable soup with a dash of ginger, pepper, turmeric, and cumin.
It is also a good idea to have a glass of warm milk along with some saffron or ginger to balance this dosha and get ample rest.
These diet charts are sample diet plans, which help you lose weight as well as provide several health benefits like improved metabolism, quick detoxification, improved fertility, better body functions, higher absorption of nutrients and better digestion.
These diet plans also bring you to a state of balance emotionally and mentally, allowing you to get rid of issues like anxiety and actually experience inner calm completely. These diet plans are wholesome and holistic in every sense.
  The post Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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purify-orre-blog · 6 years
Addendum: Michael’s Video Logs - CH. 5 Section
TL:DR; Hi, here’s the last video log Michael made during his time in the Killing Game. This is Michael basically saying “I’m moving in with my new (past?) boyfriend and giving up on trying to be more than a player in this killing game”. This one is in the Main Folder, titled “1Intro_Only.mp4”. It is ordered before the first chronological video, “2Gamma_Suspended.mp4” which posted under the Prologue tag. These will also be under the “VideoLog” tag. Check Navigation or Here for the chronological order!
TW/CW : (Unintentional) Self-Injury, Plans of Murder-Suicide (Via Fighting The Mastermind Should An Opportunity Arise And Inevitably Losing)
Accompanying Music: Theme of Suspense (You Know What You Must Do, Even If You Don’t Want To)
The lights are on, and the sound of splashing liquid can be heard from the bedroom area. The Wii by the TV and all the games are gone. Perhaps Michael moved them to Yori’s room?
The living room coffee table is littered with little metal rats. They are stacked up in piles, and it looks like they might be in the process of forming a pyramid. There are over a hundred of them, maybe even over two hundred. On the couch is 5 separate pairs of the remnants of scorched Disney-themed oven mitts.
The carpeted floor is much more scorched than before, and fresh blood stains splatter the ground.
The sound of splashing liquid can be heard for several more minutes, and then it’s silent.
Slowly, quietly, Michael shuffles back into the room, holding a rat with metal tongs. It’s smoking. Michael seems unfazed as he moves to add the rat to the pile.
He’s wrapped a fire blanket over the front of his person, suspended in rope. It looks kind of like a red Snuggie minus the sleeves. And if Snuggies were partly melted through. And also smoking. He’s wearing oven mitts and 4 black-and-white checkered headbands. One is around his neck like a collar, one is over his mouth, another over his nose, and another holding up his hair. His hair is also all tied up in a short ponytail. He’s wearing Oswald-themed Safety-goggles. Fittingly, they are rose-tinted.
He sets the metal tongs into a bucket of water that starts to hiss. He unwraps the fire blanket and folds it the best he can, setting it on the couch.
Michael looks to the camera, his eyes tired, and he sighs. He pulls the two headbands over his face down to make two more collars.
“Project Epsilon has been suspended on account of me, pardon the language, not giving two shakes of a Eevee’s tail. Being the villain like Wes and Gonzap was a dumb idea and just hurt everyone around me. I thought it was the right thing to do, but I know better now.”
He looks over to the pile of rats and sighs, then back to the camera.
“After I typed up my last confession, I rounded up all my bombs and all the… firearms around the park.”
He says, pulling off the latest pair of Oswald oven mitts, tossing them to the ground.
“And turned them into rats.”
His hands are covered in scratches and burn marks, more than from the electrocution, but they seem to be clotting and healing supernaturally. He seems tired by this too.
“I synthesized all my TMs I had stored on my USB to hack and create a sort of super WISH move. That’s a move that rewards extreme faith in yourself for an HP boost over the duration of the turn or as long as it takes to heal to full health. I’ve modified it to boost everyone around within the nearest 45 foot radius, too. If nothing else, I’ll be able to help a little bit this way. I replaced Encore, because I used it all up on Caelum last trial.”
He looks the the camera for the first time, and his irises are completely green. Any blue that was there is gone.
“It can’t heal me any further than after I regained the ability to speak. And it’s incredibly draining. I can’t use any moves for the next three turns. It also altered my being. But Jovi, you probably knew that.”
He looks to the camera sadly.
“And if I use it all up, if I don’t restore my PP? If I run out of moves entirely?”
His hands are scratch-free now. They are just as scarred as before, but no longer bleeding.
“I won’t STRUGGLE, but instead enter a sort of HYPER REVERSE MODE. Chances are I’ll go straight for the first person that isn’t my trainer… In the 15 seconds of consciousness I have left, I’ll have to go for Oswald.”
He gives a calm smile.
“And my USB says Yogi and Yori are my OT, so at least he’ll be safe.”
The smile thins.
“But headbands used this way only restore HP so… It’s not looking great.”
It settles to something ashamed. His hands curl into fists.
“I’m running out of time. And if something happens to him, I know that’ll set me off too.”
He hugs himself and just takes a few deep breaths.
“Move Count. Wish, 4 of 5. Baton Pass, 23 of 64. Spark 9 of 32. Fake Tears, 12 of 32.”
He lets go of the hug, looking at the camera with a serious expression.
“I’m not coming back to this room unless Yori or Yogi make me. I’m also leaving the USB with my logs at the center of the rat pile, near the front of the table next to my laptop with my newest password ‘Y-O-R-G-I-0-4-B-U-S-T’. Said like ‘Yogi or Bust’. Because I love him.”
He looks away for a second and clears his throat.
“Not the smartest password, I know, but he’s cute and…” He covers his face in his hands, blushing fast and bright red. “I just said I love him, didn’t I? Great going, Michael! Tell the world you love the Ultimate Mascot, genius plan!”
He stands there for five seconds, before pulling his hands away and attempting to regain composure, face still beet-red like his hair.
“So the logs broadcasted live for Jovi’s sake, but I figure maybe some of Project Curiousity’s speculations might help the other Ultimates? You’ll find them all in files labeled accordingly. This one is the intro video. Or it will be. I wish I knew how to edit things out…”
He looks back to the camera, blush fading. “Project Curiousity. That’s the list of people with probable motives and connections I know about. So mostly you Ultimates, and former members of Cipher and Snagem.”
The blush is gone. “Most probably still active suspects are me and Jovi. Jovi and I?”
Michael scowls.
“Grammar’s not important, neither of us would do this.”
And he settles on another serious expression.
“Sure, anyone with basic motor skills, parts, and a blueprint could assemble a rabbot, but something like this requires tons of money, connections, years of planning, and I don’t…”
Realization dawns on his face.
“We’re all missing at least two years of memories or more, only one if I’m being really generous. And with the backing of that World Ender organization, literally any of us could have done this. It could be me, or Jovi, or Yogi, or Yori or anyone…”
Michael looks sad. He shakes his head once dismissively, and looks right into the camera.
“I can’t claim to understand why anyone would do this, or how they could have got to this point, be it alone or under the influence of someone like how I was blackmailed, but… I forgive you.“
Michael’s not hiding his feelings anymore.
“You’ve fallen for Hope the way I did, and it betrayed you. That’s the feeling I get.”
He clasps his hands together in a show of bravery, or stupidity.
“Mastermind, whoever you are… I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to take the brunt of their aggression. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be your friend fast enough. You said I’ll never understand you and you’re right.”
He’s beaming.
“But that doesn’t mean we aren’t friends. I’ll always be your friend, even if you kill me. Even if I kill you.”
Michael looks back towards the bedroom, a soft smile on his face.
“I still have 20 more rats to bring over. They should be cool by now.”
Michael seems at peace.
The video feed cuts off.
0 notes
ashafriesen · 6 years
Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss
Ayurveda, which has originated in India over 5000 years ago, provides wisdom on the natural healing system of the body. The name Ayurveda is translated as “the knowledge of life”.
Ayurveda medicine is practiced globally today and has influenced the lives of several individuals worldwide. One of the extensions of this practice is the Ayurvedic Diet.
This diet plan works according to the constitution of each individual’s body and provides solutions for several health issues such as excessive weight gain, diabetes, and a lot more. The objective of an Ayurveda diet is to improve the self-healing abilities of our body.
The Principles of the Ayurveda Diet Plan
The goal of every Ayurveda diet plan is to achieve a sense of equilibrium. The diet plan seeks to balance the self and the environment to provide results in the most holistic and natural way possible. There are a few principles that help you achieve this:
The diet should include the six tastes or rasas.
The six tastes are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. They should be included in the following order in each meal:
Sweet- Fruits are a great option
Salty- Meat or seafood
Sour- Citrus fruits
Pungent- pepper, garlic or onions
Astringent- tea
Bitter- green leafy vegetables
Avoid distractions and eat your food with the concentration in order to appreciate it.
Savor your food by eating slowly.
Make sure you eat your food before it gets cold
Wait to eat till you feel hungry and stop eating when you begin to feel full.
How does the Ayurveda Diet Plan Work?
The foods that are included in the Ayurveda diet plan for weight loss initiate the innate intelligence of the body. Each diet plan is based on each individual’s body type, which is also known as a dosha. Three body types have been identified in Ayurveda, namely:
Vata (combination of Air + Ether elements)
Pitta ( combination of Fire and water elements)
Khapa (combination of Earth + Water)
In general, Ayurveda addresses the whole being. This includes your body, mind, and spirit. This means that along with the diet, you have to try out the methods to manage stress, get sufficient sleep and the use of herbal supplements is also recommended to keep you in the best shape possible.
One thing to remember with an Ayurvedic diet is that it follows the several rhythmic changes that you see in nature. This includes the different stages of life, the various seasons and even the rhythm of the sun each day. This means that the diet may change and fluctuate through your lifetime.
If you are looking at a holistic way of losing weight, this article will take you through the three doshas that correspond with the personality traits, the tendencies, and the nutritional requirements of each body type.
The concept of the body type is derived from the five basic elements that each individual is made of- air, fire, earth, water, and ether. Every person possesses a unique combination of these different doshas or body types that determine your physical characteristics.
An imbalance of the doshas will lead to health issues and is essentially caused by poor lifestyle, less physical activity, unhealthy diet, extreme stress, and exposure to toxins.
Below is a breakdown of each type of dosha and a suitable diet chart to lose weight and stay in shape. If you do not know which body type you fall under, it is best to consult a good Ayurvedic expert and based on their suggestion, look at the appropriate diet plan.
Diet Plan For Vata Dosha
Those with a Vata dosha tend to be quite small in their structure and thin. They tend to struggle to digest food. In terms of personality, these individuals are creative, energetic, and curious.
However, they also get stressed very easily. They are normally susceptible to disorders like insomnia, heart disease, and arthritis and tend to have the mental obstacles of grief and fear quite commonly.
Although they are small in their build, they are vulnerable to weight gain because of stress along with sudden changes in their metabolism.
Diet Tips For Vata Dosha
Those who have a Vata imbalance should typically eat three meals a day. The meals should be warm and well cooked. Eating that the same time each day is essential for this body type.
To avoid aggravating the Vata dosha, it is recommended that they only eat foods that are made with moist cooking methods like steaming, boiling, and sautéing. Eating fried, roasted or baked foods can lead to several health issues.
It is recommended that they use coconut oil while preparing their foods.
Drinking warm drinks instead of cold ones is recommended.
They must choose whole foods that have a combination of sourness, sweetness, slight spice and a slight oiliness.
Vata is balanced by Sweet, followed by sour and salty tastes
Vata is aggravated by Pungent, Bitter, Astringent tastes
Foods that you should eat for Vata Dosha
Spices like terragon, oregano, cumin, basil, ginger, and fennel. Sweet foods like dairy, nuts, seeds, whole grains, squash, and oils. Salty and Sour foods like meat, seafood, vegetables, pickles, and yogurt.
Foods that you should avoid for Vata Dosha
They must avoid foods that are packed, frozen or canned. They must also avoid foods that are dry and raw, including raw vegetables. Stay away from sprouts, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, flaxseed chili, ice cream, chocolate, sugar, ginger, peppers, green leafy vegetables, turmeric, black tea, and coffee.
Sample Diet Chart for Vata Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
Creamy and hot cereal such as wheat flakes with skimmed milk with fruits/ 1 thick shake with bananas, figs, apricots, and grapes.
30% fresh vegetables including warming veggies like carrots, asparagus, beet, onions, and sweet potato- you can make a curry or a boiled salad.
20% of light proteins, like chicken or seafood- boiled or cooked to make a curry.
50% cooked grains including brown rice and whole-wheat pasta.
Afternoon snack
A stew made with vegetables like carrot along with a cup of herbal tea OR a handful of raw or roasted nuts along with a cup of fresh curd.
Whole grain bread or chapatis along with a bowl of vegetable soup. It is a good idea to drink a cup of warm milk along with some honey and ginger to get better rest. Alternatively, you may have a glass of buttermilk.
Diet Plan for Pitta Dosha
Those with pitta dosha usually have a very athletic body. They can easily put on weight as well as muscle. People with this dosha are very hardworking, ambitious, smart, and aggressively competitive.
One of the biggest issues with pitta dosha is that individuals tend to overeat when under stress. They also have a strong craving for foods that are cooling such as ice cream, sweets and other foods that are heavy. These individuals are also quite prone to health issues such as hypertension overexertion, infectious diseases, heart diseases, and even digestive disorders.
Diet tips for individuals with Pitta Dosha
It is important that you never skip a meal because even the slightest imbalance in your routine can greatly impact your metabolism and digestion.
Try to avoid foods rich in salt, spice, and sourness as much as possible.
When you feel the urge to eat when you are under any emotional stress, delay it.
Make sure that you drink lots of water that is at room temperature through the day. You can also boil spices like jeera in water, bring down the temperature, and then consume it.
Pitta is balanced by Sweet, bitter, astringent tastes
Pitta is aggravated by Sour, Salty and Pungent
Foods that you should eat for Pitta Dosha  
The diet of those with a pitta dosha should include foods that are warm, dry and slightly heavy in their texture such as milk, fully ripened fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, celery, cabbage, zucchini, green beans, and broccoli.
Good fats like olive oil and flaxseed oil can be used for cooking to aid weight loss.
Other foods to include are green leafy vegetables, dried beans, lentils, root vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy, coconut, lime, peppermint, cilantro, aloe vera, and fennel.
Foods that you should avoid for Pitta Dosha
People with pitta dosha should avoid foods that are fried and also food that is steaming hot.
Hot spices like cayenne, mustard, ginger, clove, and garlic should be avoided.
You should also stay away from any protein supplements, all nuts except almond and warming foods like corn, red meat, brown rice, onion, eggplant, spinach, beets, and carrots.
They should not consume any processed foods and fast foods as they increase the imbalance and because they contain bad fats that are extremely harmful.
Sample Diet Chart for Pitta Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
2 slices of toast with a glass of warm milk/ a bowl of stewed fruits including apples, prunes and pears/ 1 cup of any cold cereal such as oats.
This should be the heaviest meal of the day and should include the following:
20% cooked grains such as oats, barley, rice or quinoa.
30% of proteins like beans, chicken, turkey, boiled or prepared in the form of a curry to go with the grains.
50% sautéed and steamed vegetables with a dash of turmeric, coriander, cumin, and fennel.
Afternoon snack
It is best to consume any fruit that is juicy and sweet to keep cravings at bay. This includes several options such as mangoes, apples, cherries, plums, melons, and grapes.
Dinner should be light and you must make sure that you do not eat after 7 pm. Eat a bowl of steamed vegetables including mushrooms, green beans, asparagus and broccoli with a bowl of yogurt that is low in fat. You may include a baked or stewed fruit as dessert.
Have a glass of warm milk mixed with some shredded coconut just before going to bed. This will help calm you down and will also help you get a good night’s rest. You can also use orange zest in the milk if you do not have shredded coconut.
Tip To Balance Pitta Dosha: To balance Pitta dosha, you can make mint tea, green tea or a tea with fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds and sip it through the day.
Diet Plan for Kapha Dosha
People with Kapha dosha tend to be overweight. They also are usually less active and sluggish by nature. These individuals tend to be supportive, forgiving, and loving but also have emotional issues such as insecurity and jealousy. They are likely to have health issues such as fluid retention, obesity, and diabetes.
People with Kapha dosha put on weight easily even though they eat very little. This is because they have a relatively slow metabolism. The elements of earth and water dominate this body type, making them very sluggish.
Diet tips for Kapha dosha
People with this dosha should eat their heavier meals when metabolism is higher. For instance, the heaviest meal of the day, which is the lunch should be consumed at noon when metabolism tends to be at its highest.
Foods that are rich in fats should be avoided.
Drinking hot teas and warm drinks is a great idea.
Kapha is balanced by Astringent, Bitter and Pungent
Kapha is aggravated by Sour, Salty, and Sweet
Foods that you should eat for Kapha Dosha 
Spices such as ginger, cumin, chili, turmeric, sesame and fenugreek should be used in abundance in your diet food.  
The foods that you include in your diet should be light, dry and warm with a pungent or bitter taste including cabbage, broccoli, beats eggplants, green leafy vegetables, peas, dried beans, pomegranates, apples, digestive herbs, lentils and mushrooms.
Foods that you should avoid for Kapha Dosha 
You should avoid foods that are fully raw.
Also avoid foods that are very sweet including some fruits like grapes, dates, bananas, melons, oranges and pineapples.
Avoid cold, salty, fatty and fried foods in your diet completely.
Other foods to avoid are seafood, dairy, grains, nuts and seeds.
Diet chart for Kapha Dosha for Weight Loss
Meal Foods to Include Breakfast
Those with Kapha dosha can skip breakfast. In fact, it is best that they have a glass of warm water and honey or a cup of green tea.
The best option for breakfast include a bowl of stewed fruits
This is the largest meal of the day and should consist of 50% non-starchy vegetables like peas, mushrooms, lettuce, kale, and spinach- sautéed or steamed.
30% cooked grains like quinoa and basmati rice.
20% of proteins including beans, chicken, seafood, and eggs- made into a curry or a salad.
Afternoon snack
Dried fruit such as figs, apricots, and raisins along with pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
1 bowl of vegetable soup with a dash of ginger, pepper, turmeric, and cumin.
It is also a good idea to have a glass of warm milk along with some saffron or ginger to balance this dosha and get ample rest.
These diet charts are sample diet plans, which help you lose weight as well as provide several health benefits like improved metabolism, quick detoxification, improved fertility, better body functions, higher absorption of nutrients and better digestion.
These diet plans also bring you to a state of balance emotionally and mentally, allowing you to get rid of issues like anxiety and actually experience inner calm completely. These diet plans are wholesome and holistic in every sense.
  The post Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
Ayurvedic Diet Plan For Weight Loss published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
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healthy4lifeonline · 6 years
Decrease Your Risk of Cancer by Cutting These 10 Foods – Part 1
Cases of cancer are expected to skyrocket over the next 20 years by 70 percent. In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported more than 14 million new cases of cancer… which resulted in 8.2 million deaths worldwide.
It’s up to us to avoid the harmful kinds and to choose cancer-fighting foods.   It’s more common when cancerous tumors manifest after years of specific habits. Good examples of this are smoking, exposure to radiation (like cell phones), and overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which result in lung cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer, respectively.
Experts estimate that more than half the cases of cancer are preventable with lifestyle changes. Several of the most common and aggressive cancers are associated with your gastrointestinal system.
One extremely important way to prevent and/or treat cancer is nutritionally, through eating a nutrient-dense diet full of cancer-fighting foods and avoiding things that are known to increase cancer risk.
That makes it a major area of your daily life that dramatically affects your prevention – and ultimately your survival – of cancer. The food and beverages you consume, the fuel your body uses to fight disease, is critical to your overall wellbeing.
Some foods are worse for you than others and are increasing your risk of many conditions and diseases. While cancer is one of the worst, regularly eating the cancer causing foods in our top ten list can also lead to heart disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and so much more.
What Causes Cancer?
Understanding possible causes of cancer comes down to understanding the causes of gene and DNA mutations. Chemicals (like carcinogens), radiation, obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation, smoking, viruses, and a number of other factors have been found to be cancer causing.
In an interview with Bob Wright from the American Anti-Cancer Institute for my The Quest For The Cures docu-series, I asked him what causes cancer in cells. His reply was that “Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation. You can explode that out to many different types of chemicals whether it’s what you put in your body, what you breath, what you eat, radiation from all sources − women from mammograms, from CT scans, from your cell phones, your cell towers, your Wi-Fi. Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period.”
If Bob is correct that the primary causes for cancer are chemicals and radiation, then both of these factors can be greatly reduced through the food and lifestyle choices that you make.
Cancer Causing Foods
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified crops are infiltrating our food supply at an alarming rate. More than 90% of our corn and soy are now genetically modified. This fairly new practice is the source of many debates. Experts agree that adequate testing was not done before GMO foods were added to the ingredient listing of thousands of products. In other words, no one – including the growers and manufacturers of GMO foods – knows the long-term effect they will have on human health. Look for GMO-free labels whenever possible or buy organic (which always means a product is not genetically modified).
Microwave Popcorn From the chemically-lined bag to the actual contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates around the world. Not only are the kernels and oil likely GMO (which the manufacturer does not have to disclose) unless organic, the fumes released from artificial butter flavoring contain diacetyl, which is toxic to humans. Make your own organic popcorn the old-fashioned way – it tastes better, doesn’t release toxic fumes, and is a healthier choice for you.
Canned Goods Most cans are lined with a product called bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been shown to genetically alter the brain cells of rats. Many plastic goods, thermal paper, water lines, and many dental composites also contain BPA. Help protect your DNA by sticking to fresh or frozen vegetables that have no added ingredients for your family’s table! These are better for you and available year-round. Grilled Red Meat: While grilled food can taste delicious, scientists have discovered that preparing meats in this way – especially processed meats like hot dogs – releases a carcinogen called heterocyclic aromatic amines. When you grill red meat to the point of well-done, it changes the chemical and molecular structure of the meat. You’re better off baking, broiling, or preparing meat in a skillet than on the grill. Refined Sugar: The biggest cancer causing food (by far) is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other refined sugars. Even brown sugar is highly refined white sugar with some of the removed molasses added back in for flavor and color. Refined sugars (and foods made with them) are the source of major insulin spikes and feed the growth of cancer cells. Since the majority of the sugar supply in the U.S. is made using genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets, a healthier option is organic honey, coconut sugar, or maple sugar. Now that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar.
Salted, Pickled, and Smoked Foods These products typically contain preservatives, such as nitrates, which are intended to prolong shelf life. The additives used in processed foods can accumulate in your body over time. Eventually, such toxins cause damage at the cellular level and lead to diseases like cancer. When smoked foods are cooked at high temperatures, the nitrates are converted to the much more dangerous nitrites. (Note: By pickled foods we don’t mean the fermented foods you make at home.)
Soda and Carbonated Beverages Sodas have been at the center of the health debate for two decades as a major cancer causing food. Filled with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a host of other chemicals, they are very bad for every aspect of your health. They provide zero nutritional value and rob your body of the nutrients you get from other foods. Adding “diet” to the label means you’re also likely consuming aspartame – which is no better than rat poison to human cells.
Read Part 2 of this Post to see More Food Items…
  from Healthy4LifeOnline https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/decrease-your-risk-of-cancer-by-cutting-these-10-foods-part-1/
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daddyslittlejuliet · 6 years
The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool
The post The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool by Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living in South Florida definitely has its perks, including balmy winter weather. For this thin-blooded gal, basking in year-round warmth and sunshine lends itself to a certain type of easygoing lifestyle accentuated by light, fresh foods that help me stay cool and don’t weigh me down when temperatures rise. But what about the best dog food for summer? Such dog food, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, is classified as yin, or cooling, food.
“In Chinese medicine, all foods have energetic properties and produce a thermal effect on the body,” said holistic veterinarian Cornelia Wagner, Dr. med. vet., owner of Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Some foods are yang (warming) foods, while others are yin (cooling) foods.”
People and dogs can benefit from seasonally adapting their diet to consume more yin or yang foods. “In the heat of summer, it makes sense to incorporate more cooling yin foods into the diet, whereas in winter, the body benefits from more warming yang foods,” Dr. Wagner said.
“Neutral” foods, which are neither predominantly yin nor yang, are appropriate year-round.
Check out these yin and yang feeding guidelines for keeping your dog cool this summer.
Proteins to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
What proteins will cool a dog down in the summer? Photography by humonia/istock.
Ample protein is essential to your dog’s health; however, cooling yin proteins can also help your dog battle the heat, whereas yang proteins provide warmth on a chilly winter day.
Yin: cod, duck, duck eggs, rabbit, tofu, turkey, yogurt
Yang: chicken, lamb, trout, venison
Neutral: beans (adzuki, broad, kidney, red), beef, beef liver, chicken eggs, cow’s dairy, lentils, mackerel, pork, quail, salmon, sardines
Carbohydrates to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
Chances are that when the weather cools, you turn to dishes made from denser carbohydrate sources, such as a stew of root vegetables, to nourish and comfort you, whereas in the summer you seek out lighter carb-based dishes, like a cooling wild rice salad. Not surprisingly, these instinctual dietary choices also coincide with the concepts of yin and yang. “Yang foods tend to be slower growing and originate under the earth, whereas yin foods are faster growing, have a higher water content and grow away from the earth,” Dr. Wagner said.
Yin: barley, buckwheat, millet, wild rice
Yang: oats, sticky rice, sweet potato
Neutral: brown rice, quinoa, white potato, white rice, pumpkin, yam
Fruits and Vegetables to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
If your dog loves a nice cold chunk of watermelon on a hot summer’s day, that’s no surprise. Watermelon, comprised mostly of water, is a classic cooling yin fruit. Here are examples of additional yin fruits and veggies as well as yang and neutral choices.
Yin: alfalfa sprouts, apple, banana, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery, coconut, cranberry, cucumber, lettuce, mango, melon, pear, watermelon
Yang: asparagus, cherries, green beans, green peppers, kale, red peppers
Neutral: beet root, beet greens, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, peas, pineapple, raspberry
Herbs and Spices to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
Ever break out into a sweat after eating a spicy meal? Then you’ve experienced the effects of yang spices, such as cayenne pepper. In the summertime, opt for more cooling seasonings to help your dog beat the heat.
Yin: peppermint, marjoram
Yang: basil, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, dill, fennel seeds, garlic, ginger
Preparation of Dog Food Matters
Cooking method also determines whether foods take on a more yin or yang quality, according to Dr. Wagner. “In hot weather, cook foods briefly or feed raw,” she said. “However, avoid feeding ice-cold foods, which are hard on digestion.” Adding water to fresh food also increases the yin quality, while helping to promote hydration.
Avoid Extremes with Dog Food in the Summer
Accentuating yin or yang foods according to the seasons is beneficial, but feeding an overabundance of either can lead to imbalances in the body, resulting in an excess of one type of energy with a corresponding deficiency of the other. According to Dr. Wagner, acute yin deficiency might result in signs such as sensitivity to cold, lethargy or poorly formed stool, while too many yang foods might cause feelings of stress, increased thirst and dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass.
Consider Your Dog’s Health When Selecting Dog Food
A dog’s specific health issues also determine whether emphasizing yin or yang foods is appropriate. Yin diseases that benefit from more warming, yang foods include anemia, diabetes, chronic digestive issues, chronic kidney disease, dry skin, generalized weakness and hypothyroidism. Yang conditions warranting cooler yin foods include abscesses, acute fever, acute hepatitis, aggression, agitation, ear infections, infection, injuries, arthritis with inflamed or swollen joints, hot spots, hyperactivity and certain skin diseases.
Dr. Wagner also noted that while dry dog food is convenient, it is very yang. “Fresh ingredients, which are closest to a dog’s natural diet, are far superior than highly-processed foods, regardless of the season,” she said.
Thumbnail: Photography by duxx/Shutterstock.
Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS, is a canine nutritionist and co-author, with W. Jean Dodds, D.V.M., of two books, including Canine Nutrigenomics: The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health. Their online course, Complete Canine Nutrition, can be found at myhealthy dog.dog.
July is the CHILL ZONE on Dogster.com! Learn how to keep your dog cool, calm and collected this summer with articles on preventing summer mishaps, staving off stress and more. 
This piece was originally published in 2017.
Read more about dogs and food on Dogster.com:
Fruits Dogs Can Eat (And Fruits That Are Toxic to Dogs)
Dog Feeding Schedule: How Many Times a Day Should a Dog Eat?
Can Dogs Eat Vegetables Like Celery, Tomatoes and Cucumbers?
The post The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool by Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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stiles-wtf · 6 years
The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool
The post The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool by Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living in South Florida definitely has its perks, including balmy winter weather. For this thin-blooded gal, basking in year-round warmth and sunshine lends itself to a certain type of easygoing lifestyle accentuated by light, fresh foods that help me stay cool and don’t weigh me down when temperatures rise. But what about the best dog food for summer? Such dog food, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, is classified as yin, or cooling, food.
“In Chinese medicine, all foods have energetic properties and produce a thermal effect on the body,” said holistic veterinarian Cornelia Wagner, Dr. med. vet., owner of Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Some foods are yang (warming) foods, while others are yin (cooling) foods.”
People and dogs can benefit from seasonally adapting their diet to consume more yin or yang foods. “In the heat of summer, it makes sense to incorporate more cooling yin foods into the diet, whereas in winter, the body benefits from more warming yang foods,” Dr. Wagner said.
“Neutral” foods, which are neither predominantly yin nor yang, are appropriate year-round.
Check out these yin and yang feeding guidelines for keeping your dog cool this summer.
Proteins to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
What proteins will cool a dog down in the summer? Photography by humonia/istock.
Ample protein is essential to your dog’s health; however, cooling yin proteins can also help your dog battle the heat, whereas yang proteins provide warmth on a chilly winter day.
Yin: cod, duck, duck eggs, rabbit, tofu, turkey, yogurt
Yang: chicken, lamb, trout, venison
Neutral: beans (adzuki, broad, kidney, red), beef, beef liver, chicken eggs, cow’s dairy, lentils, mackerel, pork, quail, salmon, sardines
Carbohydrates to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
Chances are that when the weather cools, you turn to dishes made from denser carbohydrate sources, such as a stew of root vegetables, to nourish and comfort you, whereas in the summer you seek out lighter carb-based dishes, like a cooling wild rice salad. Not surprisingly, these instinctual dietary choices also coincide with the concepts of yin and yang. “Yang foods tend to be slower growing and originate under the earth, whereas yin foods are faster growing, have a higher water content and grow away from the earth,” Dr. Wagner said.
Yin: barley, buckwheat, millet, wild rice
Yang: oats, sticky rice, sweet potato
Neutral: brown rice, quinoa, white potato, white rice, pumpkin, yam
Fruits and Vegetables to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
If your dog loves a nice cold chunk of watermelon on a hot summer’s day, that’s no surprise. Watermelon, comprised mostly of water, is a classic cooling yin fruit. Here are examples of additional yin fruits and veggies as well as yang and neutral choices.
Yin: alfalfa sprouts, apple, banana, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery, coconut, cranberry, cucumber, lettuce, mango, melon, pear, watermelon
Yang: asparagus, cherries, green beans, green peppers, kale, red peppers
Neutral: beet root, beet greens, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, peas, pineapple, raspberry
Herbs and Spices to Feed Your Dog in the Summer
Ever break out into a sweat after eating a spicy meal? Then you’ve experienced the effects of yang spices, such as cayenne pepper. In the summertime, opt for more cooling seasonings to help your dog beat the heat.
Yin: peppermint, marjoram
Yang: basil, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, dill, fennel seeds, garlic, ginger
Preparation of Dog Food Matters
Cooking method also determines whether foods take on a more yin or yang quality, according to Dr. Wagner. “In hot weather, cook foods briefly or feed raw,” she said. “However, avoid feeding ice-cold foods, which are hard on digestion.” Adding water to fresh food also increases the yin quality, while helping to promote hydration.
Avoid Extremes with Dog Food in the Summer
Accentuating yin or yang foods according to the seasons is beneficial, but feeding an overabundance of either can lead to imbalances in the body, resulting in an excess of one type of energy with a corresponding deficiency of the other. According to Dr. Wagner, acute yin deficiency might result in signs such as sensitivity to cold, lethargy or poorly formed stool, while too many yang foods might cause feelings of stress, increased thirst and dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass.
Consider Your Dog’s Health When Selecting Dog Food
A dog’s specific health issues also determine whether emphasizing yin or yang foods is appropriate. Yin diseases that benefit from more warming, yang foods include anemia, diabetes, chronic digestive issues, chronic kidney disease, dry skin, generalized weakness and hypothyroidism. Yang conditions warranting cooler yin foods include abscesses, acute fever, acute hepatitis, aggression, agitation, ear infections, infection, injuries, arthritis with inflamed or swollen joints, hot spots, hyperactivity and certain skin diseases.
Dr. Wagner also noted that while dry dog food is convenient, it is very yang. “Fresh ingredients, which are closest to a dog’s natural diet, are far superior than highly-processed foods, regardless of the season,” she said.
Thumbnail: Photography by duxx/Shutterstock.
Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS, is a canine nutritionist and co-author, with W. Jean Dodds, D.V.M., of two books, including Canine Nutrigenomics: The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health. Their online course, Complete Canine Nutrition, can be found at myhealthy dog.dog.
July is the CHILL ZONE on Dogster.com! Learn how to keep your dog cool, calm and collected this summer with articles on preventing summer mishaps, staving off stress and more. 
This piece was originally published in 2017.
Read more about dogs and food on Dogster.com:
Fruits Dogs Can Eat (And Fruits That Are Toxic to Dogs)
Dog Feeding Schedule: How Many Times a Day Should a Dog Eat?
Can Dogs Eat Vegetables Like Celery, Tomatoes and Cucumbers?
The post The Best Dog Food for Summer? These Foods Will Keep Your Dog Cool by Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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