#a&t wolship
beetleboyoart · 7 months
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°:. *₊ How the gentle wind
Beckons through the leaves
As Autumn colours fall °:. *₊
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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Chilly Christmas mornings ❄️
They are those old people who bring their house mugs out on walks with them akskdnvjjf
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candycryptids · 7 months
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I put Urianger in a braid for a lark and I’m gonna gnaw on driftwood it looks SO GOOD ON HIM AURGH
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something something happy starlight
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ooeygooeyghoul · 9 months
Hi, hello, nice to meet you. I'm Quaid, and this is the tumblr I have recycled into posting content about my lizard man. This will primarily be a FFXIV blog, as it's my current obsession, wherein I will post rambles, pictures, my art, and maybe a few other things, idk. I'll try to keep it organized with the tags, but the system is a WIP.
I've only got my main man here at the moment, but maybe I'll make some more heroes in the future! Might update this a few times, too...
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Shiun Kazumasa - Primal | Behemoth
Warrior of Light - Main
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B A S I C S | |
Primary Jobs | Warrior, Gunbreaker & Dark Knight
Guardian | Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Nameday | 18th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 18th)
Age | 25 years [ARR] - 30 years [EW/DT]
Height | 230cm / 8ft 6in
Homeland | Doma, Yanxia
Occupation | Scion, Sellsword, Blacksmith
Sexuality | bisexual, leaning toward men
Strengths | duty-driven, good at anything that requires physical strength, protective, unbreakable will
Weaknesses | Quick-tempered, stubborn as a mule, emotionally constipated, never asks for help, hides his hurts
Tags | #primordial flame: shiun kazumasa (main), #thaniun (wolship), #forgiven fury (Lightwarden AU), #wandering swordsmith: vulcan (ancient counterpart)
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P E R S O N A L I T Y | |
An Au Ra whose face is always scowling or smirking, never anything in between. Shiun is brash, rude, and loud - fueled by constant rage. He acts almost purely on instinct and impulse, which causes his friends no small amount of stress. Don't be fooled by his prickly attitude, he's a true hero with a heart of gold. Devoted to saving and serving as many people as he can to the point of being self-sacrificing. Good luck prying any of his deep emotions out of him, he'd really prefer that those stay hidden.
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B A C K S T O R Y | |
Shiun grew up in Doma during the Garlean occupation, so his early life was full of troubles. His parents were quiet artisans that submitted, which afforded them a fairly upper-class lifestyle. But Shiun was different in a way they didn't like. He got into fights with other kids, ignored his schoolwork, and was angry at the injustices he saw all around him. His family did everything they could to extinguish the fire in his heart, but he wouldn't be put down any further. After a chance encounter with a resistance fighter, he fought back against a Garlean soldier that had been harassing people in his village. The Empire didn't take kindly to that, and his family suffered for it. He barely escaped and was forced into exile at the young age of 9. Eventually, he made his way to the Azim Steppe and was taken in by a kind family in the Malaguld Xaela tribe. Scarred by his failed attempt at resistance and the pain it caused, he kept his head down and stewed in his anger for years. That is, until a voice called him to a distant land...
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R E L A T I O N S H I P S | |
Alphinaud & Alisaie | practically siblings
Shiun is fiercely protective of the twins. He sees a lot of his younger self in them and has taken on a brotherly role with them. He hates that they've been thrust into this world at such a young age, and tries to urge them to just be kids every once in a while.
Thancred | lover
At first, Shiun couldn't stand Thancred. His overconfident playboy persona really got on Shiun's nerves, so he went out of his way to piss off Thancred, too. After rescuing him from Lahabrea, he stopped being so antagonistic. Over the course of the Dragonsong war, Shiun's feelings towards Thancred began to change, which REALLY freaked him out. So much so, that he pretty much ignored Thancred's existence throughout Stormblood while he considered things. He figured it out pretty quick once the Scions started getting yoinked to another realm. More on this later...
Y'shtola | voice of reason
Shiun appreciates Y'shtola's sharp wit and sharper tongue. She sees right through his bullshit and is often scolding him for his reluctance to rely on others. They get into banter contests a lot, which he rarely ever wins.
Urianger | jock & nerd
When they first met, Shiun couldn't understand a word Urianger was saying, but he learned to communicate with him over the course of their adventures. He's got a good friendship going with Urianger, where he patiently explains complex things to Shiun five times and Shiun helps him get better at socializing.
Tataru | ride or die
Shiun would die for Tataru. She continues to baffle him with her limitless talent towards anything other than combat, and he'll do pretty much anything she asks him to. To be honest, her ability to sniff out the truth and love of gossip frightens him a little bit.
Estinien | friendly rivalry
Despite being an axe-user, Shiun's skill with the lance is nothing to sneeze at. The two talk through their sparring more than they do with their words. Shiun was happy when Estinien decided to stop skulking about and join the Scions, but he still gives him shit about it.
G'raha | brotherly friends
When he found out just how much G'raha idolized him, Shiun was flabbergasted. He certainly wasn't used to that amount of admiration, and he found it difficult to deal with at first. But the hesitation faded away as G'raha accompanied him on more and more outings. Now Shiun thinks of him as a brother and irreplaceable friend, determined to make him into a hero too.
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T R I V I A & E X T R A S | |
Favorite non-chocobo mount is the SDS Fenrir.
Favorite minion is gaelikitten named Potato.
Has a major sweet tooth he tries to hide from others.
Is really really bad at cooking. Don't taste what he makes for your own safety.
Actually really does like to fight (don't tell Zenos).
I tend to draw him pretty off model lol.
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tsunael · 5 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
I hadn't actually done this yet, so in a roundabout way @gatheredfates and I tagged each other without actually tagging each other. (I'm cylleona :'D)
You probably don't remember doing it LOL. This is also about a month many months old. Sorry! It was really hard to do! I'm really embarrassed about my music taste and I don't have a large library but here we go anyway. Be cringe, be free, and all that...
T - TSUNAWATARI - depression -> lyrics. S - SKY FULL OF SONG - ah a wolship song -> lyrics. U - UNKNOWN - oh no another wolship song. -> lyrics. N - NOBODY KNOWS - love idealist to love cynic. -> lyrics. A - ASHES OF DREAMS - post-occupation mourning of a country lost. -> lyrics. E - EASY WAY OUT - post-EW ideation. -> lyrics. L - LOVE THEME - a love for her mother. -> lyrics.
I have no one to tag but feel free to take it!
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autumnslance · 1 year
Hi Aeryn, I have a question. How did you start writing your ship of Thancred and Aeryn? You mentioned it was by complete accident but I would love to know how it happened! I ask because I was explaining a scene I was trying out to a friend and I said it was a "fake ship" which I'm surprised I even said as my ship is important to me. I would love some insights on how you got your start. I really appreciate all the feedback you've given and have been using it in all my writing. Thank you for all the advice, you do amazing work, Aeryn!
Aww, thank you; I try! (and today's a day where I needed some encouragement, thank you)
I've written a bit about it, in a link in my pinned post, as well as some other writing posts around here, and some has to do with how out of nowhere the idea of OC/NPC shipping was for me at all, given my old school WoW background, and really only encountering such things in single-player games as part of the gameplay and narrative overtly.
Thancred's a favorite character; he hits a lot of tropes I tend to like, his story arc was interesting, especially where it was starting to go as we approached Shadowbringers and the mystery of the Call in the patches and the teaser trailers. I like snarky wit, and both Taliesin Jaffe and Peter Bramhill help that, as I enjoy their voice work.
Aeryn came about as I was grappling with some things about myself, and I wanted to reflect that with an AroAce WoL close to the game's Assumed Generic Default Hero, going through the story with her reactions, not mine. And there's so many good wolships out there already. After 2 other full playthroughs, it just didn't seem anything I was going to do.
I had some rough, basic ideas for Aeryn; my generic nameless WoL writings that often end up in my "Ruminations" thread on Ao3 were the start of figuring her out. Personality traits, interests, the outline of her background and family, sketched out with room to "discover" and build on over time. And she is a "successful" enough character that when MSQ stuck her and Thancred in the same room for the first time...Click. Boom. And I sat back in my chair flabbergasted.
I can't find it, but at some point I've noted that characters that seem to "do their own thing" are really just our subconscious taking the wheel; we are responsible for our characters' builds and their choices, but for me, a "successful" character who unfolds like I'm discovering them and their life, who surprises me with choices and actions, is cuz I gave them a solid enough grounding, know who they are...and my unconscious goes from there, usually cuz my conscious is holding myself back due to all the usual fearful, imposter-syndrome-laden reasons.
Aeryn's still on the AroAce spectrum, just not as I intended. She is still written to be intentionally close to the Assumed Generic Default WoL in terms of how/why she participates in MSQ and other adventures, and her personality and character is all built from there, with my own take on the MSQ and how her backstory and upbringing slots together with it.
And I apparently subconsciously made a character that was suited to romancing my favorite Scion when there was no conscious intention. Then I spent something like 2 years writing for him and her separately to determine if it could and would actually work, to figure out my takes on both of them, and gather up the bravery to share it publicly cuz goodness knows there's enough wolcred out there, and mine was coming out during Shadowbringers which was sure an interesting time to be a Thancred fan, lemme tell ya.
I have a lot of drafts. A lot of stops, starts, scraps that didn't work, things I should really just polish off and publish. And SO MUCH encouragement of friends, gentle teasing and urging me to share, showing me Thancred-centric fan creations, making friends with other wolcred writers, and folks leaving me lovely comments when I did finally post a few tentative things to start and then snowballed on.
Now here we are and I am thoroughly caught by my blorbos and their shippy nonsense (I also got lovingly yelled at for that tag but I've never come up with a better one).
So a combo of confidence in my character creation, letting the characters and story unfold as they "wanted to naturally", and accepting the encouragement of others as I inched my way to the edge before taking a deep breath and diving in.
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nahpolitan · 1 year
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very different flavors of wolships 🐰🐱 @iryine @snapshoo-t
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wildstar25 · 11 months
having wolship thoughts but they are very hazy and it really just feels like im rotating their t-posed models in my head
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beetleboyoart · 3 months
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✧ ˚  · The sunlight kissing your skin, beaming on your hair, my darling you look radiant.
here right now is where I’d like to be, I’d have it no other way, let the rest melt away. ✧ ˚  ·
(My partner and my ocs: Anvura Thimm and Toza Rozenogue ˚ ༘♡)
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beetleboyoart · 1 year
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May we dance the night away, forget all our troubles in these moments so few -
- I’m just glad to be here with you ♡
(My Partner and my ffxiv ocs, they are in love ♡ )
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beetleboyoart · 7 months
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We almost there!! Ouuaghhh barking because I love them dearly 🥺💕
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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Fluffvember Day 1: First meeting
A&T first met through Hoary Boulder, Anvura’s research team had discovered a ruin said to have some ancient arcane reliquary & Toza was a mercenary around this time hired to escort them with safe passage. (This is 15 years ago)
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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♡  "Care for a stroll in the snow, my love?"
“Oh any day with you, mon amour.”  ♡
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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🎕 🎕 🎕
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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Apologies for the lack of posting, this season is busy and I am slammed for work rn, but enjoy a slightly festive A&T
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