beetleboyoart · 8 months
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°:. *₊ How the gentle wind
Beckons through the leaves
As Autumn colours fall °:. *₊
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korrasgonefishing · 2 months
It makes me kinda sad to realise we got so little of Toza in the show :( He was on screen for what, like 10 seconds? He told Korra to get out, Bolin assured him it was fine, she's with him and we never saw Toza again, excluding the Republic city hustle short. I get that TLOK had around 14 episodes to work with in each book, but I simlpy would've liked if he appeared in the background when the Fire Ferrets were training, or at least mentioned in book 2 when Bolin leaves pro-bending.
You could assume that Toza and the bros aren't that close. Like he's no longer relevant to Mako and Bolin lives, even in book 1, and I find that hard to believe. He's more than just their trainer! You can not underestimate the close bond a teacher and their pupils have, seriously - but that is not all. Republic city hustle showed: Toza got his shit together and won after Bolin told him to never give up, saw the skills of these boys, and then he decided to make them pro-benders and took them in. He even provided them housing, which they haven't had for a long time in their lives. He's like an uncle to the bros at the very least!
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
Amused by the fact that there are no age brackets in pro bending.
Bolin is like 16 in B1, and assumedly he's been Probending for at least a little while. And Toza has only recently quit Probending and he's AT LEAST in his late 60s.
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beetlebooties · 2 years
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Day 4: Royalty 
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝑃𝑙𝑢𝑚 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦
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okuryazarlar · 1 month
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Yeraltı edebiyatının öncülerinden, Charles Bukowski'ye yazmaya başlaması için ilham kaynağı olmuş İtalyan asıllı Amerikalı yazar John Fante'ı aramızdan ayrılışının 41. yılında saygıyla anıyoruz.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
and I hear him begging someone named god
tw/cw: non-graphic depiction of death/character death
There’s a distant kind of pain registering in Mako, but he’s not sure where it’s from. It really, really hurts. He’s not really thinking about much other than that, so he doesn’t spare much attention to the clogging in his nose or the dripping from his eyes. Something in that burns in a way he doesn’t think tears and snot are supposed to. 
Mako finds he’s too exhausted to really care. He’s sniffling and crying like he hasn’t in years. Something in his subconscious tells him to move his hands, hide his face and wipe away the evidence, but gentle hands are already reaching for him with soothing cool and twitching his arms makes the distant pain much closer. He doesn’t like it. 
Mako’s thoughts drift to his life. He thinks about his first eight years. 
He realizes he might be dying. He can’t seem to pull himself away from the memories to worry about it. Bolin is in almost all of them. Mako thinks he will miss Bolin, if he’s not able to wait up. He’s sorry he has to hurt his brother, but he hopes Bo won’t feel rushed to join him. Mako is patient. 
Toza is there, too. Mako kind of misses him. He knows he owes him a lot for how Toza helped him and Bolin out. He hasn’t seen him in a while. He wonders if Toza might be waiting. 
Then there’s Korra, and Asami. Korra, brash and proud and present in a way that made him present too. Korra who’s saved his life a thousand times over. He feels a little bad her efforts are going to waste. He’ll have to wait up for Asami, too. Hopefully she lingers with Bolin if Korra isn’t able. They could be like Avatar Aang’s friends—meeting two avatars in a lifetime. How incredible. 
Mako can’t quite remember what brought him here. He—he’s a police officer, that’s right (Chief Beifong). Something must’ve happened with that to bring him here. Mako wonders if the Chief is mad one of her detectives got himself killed. He knows she can’t afford any more hits to her narrow ranks. 
Maybe she’s even worried. Mako tries to scoff at the thought, but he only summons more too-thick tears. The hands move frantically to shush him, but Mako really misses his mom and dad and Chief really reminds Mako of his mom. It hurts just a bit, through his idiotic attachment, to think she might not care at all.
The vague lights Mako’s been seeing are getting more tinted. His eyes are burning, though he’s not sure if from his wrong-tears or the too bright lights. He lets his eyes slip shut. 
Muffled sound filters in as his sole point of focus. It’s a strenuous task to process the information his brain is receiving, but Bolin’s voice is frantic and Mako needs to know his little brother is okay before he can let himself sleep.
He’s almost certain Bolin is begging for something. The person’s name sounds almost like ‘God’. Mako hears his own name, but he can’t summon the energy for a grunt of acknowledgment. He hopes Bo knows he’s trying to listen anyway. 
He’s promising to stop running away from his problems, to take care of every street kid and orphan he can find—as long as. Mako can’t figure out what he wants for such a promise. 
He laughs, but it comes out more like a choke. His throat burns like someone’s breathed fire back down it and his lips are crusted in something metallic when he wets them with his tongue. 
Mako tells Bolin not to be silly, in as few words as he can manage. Whoever this God guy is has better things to be doing, and there’s no way Bolin can make good on his promise. 
The snark takes more out of him than he thought. He ends up sounding more worn than anything. He realizes absently that he’s still crying, which isn’t helping add levity to Bo’s distress. He feels bad for crying in front of him, but it really is just all too much to stop. 
Someone screams when his breaths even out. Mako isn’t awake to hear it. 
His chest stills. Seven minutes pass, and Mako sees all the best times of his life. His eyes fall shut one last time and his spirit fades. 
The spirit world is just across the valley where Mako lays, he knows somehow. But he is content to wait until his family is old and withered and can walk the threshold with him in the forms of their youth. 
Mako will wait as long as they need. He hopes they know they were in every single minute. 
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denizeyuruyen · 5 months
"O denli yaraladılar ki beni, kitaplara sığındım, içime kapandım..."
... demiş bir kitabında John Fante 🤔 🙄
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oyunabirazara · 1 year
Kelimeler yorgun artık. Sesi çıkmıyor harflerin. hazmedilemeyen hakikatler boğazına takılıyor insanoğlunun. varlık âlemine niye gelmişti hakikat? İsminin anlamı neden hep sözcüklerde takılı kalıp, kalıplara hapsediliyordu.
Yere bir zift gibi yapışmış ve kapkara olmuştu.
Ne işi vardı onun orada. Hakikat sözlerde değil fiillerde görünür olmak istiyordu. hak yemeyenlerin o itinalı ve titiz ve kılı kırk yaran tavırlarla vakurca salınan omuzlarında gezmek istiyordu.
Her aynaya bakışında gözümde haram izi var mı, yüzüme bir bakış bulaşmış mı diye iffetle yüzü kızaran abid ve abidelerin başları üstünde gezmek istiyordu.
Her defasında aynaya bakarak kendi kendine söz veren ama daha bi kaç dakika sonra verdiği sözleri unutan kişilerin kendisini basıp çiğnemesinden usanmıştı.
Sandıklardan tutulmamış sözler çıkıyordu hep, kalem uçları tutulmayacak planları yazıyordu. Kitap aralarında sıkışıp kalan, sesi soluğu kesilen ayazlarda kalan hakikat artık pılını pırtısını toparlayıp gidecekken;
alnında secde izi, ellerinde helal kazancın kokusu, gözlerinde haya ve iffetin nuru, ceplerinde ‘bizi hakkı olana vermedin’ bağırış çağırışları olmayan, Kenan diyarının izlerini taşıyan bir genç alıp bağrına bastı. Isıttı hakikati. Kokladı. Asr-ı saadet kokuyordu. Öptü. Cennetten gelmişti sanki. Aldı götürdü evine ısıttı. Gözleri parladı. Gözlerinde Zeyd b. Sabit (Ra)in bakışları vardı. Sesinde Ebu Turab (Ra)'ın kararlılığı ve güveni.
Hakikat dinlemesini bilene, tutmasını bilene, yar idi yaran idi.
ezilip geçildiği zamanlarda değerinden bir şey kaybetmediği gibi, göklere çıkarıldığı, afiş afiş parlatıldığı zaman da ıstırabı dinmezdi. Onun mekanı kalpler, akıllar ve bedenlerdi...
“Müminlerden öyle yiğitler vardır ki Allah'a verdikleri sözü yerine getirip sadakatlerini ispat ettiler. Onlardan kimi adağını ödedi, canını verdi, kimi de şehitliği gözlemektedir. Onlar verdikleri sözü asla değiştirmediler.” (Ahzap,23)
#sözler #kıymet #kadir #akıl #kalp #beden #kenan #kenandiyarı #söz #ayaz #yar #yaran #hakikat #zift #omuz #bakış
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regregle · 2 months
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Fiber optik ek kutuları, fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılan önemli bileşenlerdir. Özellikle, 3 kasetli ek kutusu ve Fiber Optik Closure gibi ürünler, fiber optik ağların kurulumunda ve bakımında yaygın olarak kullanılır. İşte bu ürünlerin özellikleri ve avantajları:
1. Fiber Optik Ek Kutusu:
Fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılır.
Genellikle dış mekanlarda veya iç mekanlarda kullanılabilir.
Fiber optik konektörleri güvenli bir şekilde barındırmak için tasarlanmıştır.
Ek kutuları, fiber optik kabloların korunmasını ve çevresel etkilere karşı direncini artırır.
2. 3 Kasetli Ek Kutusu:
Birden fazla fiber optik kablo bağlantısını yönetmek için tasarlanmıştır.
3 kasetli ek kutuları, genellikle yoğun fiber optik kablo ağlarında kullanılır.
Kompakt tasarımı, yerden tasarruf sağlar ve montaj kolaylığı sunar.
Farklı boyutlarda kasetlere sahip olabilir ve farklı kapasitelerde fiber optik kablo bağlantılarını destekleyebilir.
3. Fiber Optik Closure:
Fiber optik kabloların birleştirilmesi ve korunması için kullanılan kapalı bir kutudur.
Dış mekanlarda kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır ve suya, toza ve diğer çevresel etkilere karşı dayanıklıdır.
Fiber optik bağlantıları güvenli bir şekilde barındırır ve korur.
Fiber Optik Closure, fiber optik ağların güvenilirliğini ve performansını artırır.
https://www.fiberoptik.net/ sitesi, çeşitli boyutlarda ve özelliklerde fiber optik ek kutusu ve Fiber Optik Closure gibi ürünleri sunmaktadır. Bu ürünler, fiber optik altyapıların kurulumu ve bakımı için önemli bileşenlerdir ve çeşitli fiber optik iletişim projelerinde kullanılabilirler.
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beetleboyoart · 1 year
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May we dance the night away, forget all our troubles in these moments so few -
- I’m just glad to be here with you ♡
(My Partner and my ffxiv ocs, they are in love ♡ )
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korrasgonefishing · 2 months
Kind of following from my last post: I came up with something horrible. What if... Toza/Zolt? Tozolt? Zoltoza? (choose one, this isn't going far anyway). Old man yaoi, but in an AWFUL divorce way. That rigged match was the last nail in the coffin of their relationship. Love loses </3 They're fighting over the custody of the bros - mostly Mako though, they usually agree that Bolin is Toza's.
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I have a confession. Every time i envision Toza in my mind's eye my brain deflauts to Papi from the emperor's new groove.
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It's the himbos isn't it
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beetlebooties · 1 year
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Chilly Christmas mornings ❄️
They are those old people who bring their house mugs out on walks with them akskdnvjjf
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esger1i · 3 months
Hər şeyin bir sonu olur. Gec ya tez. Hər şey bitir. Sonu bizə görünməyən, heç vaxt ayrılmarıq dediyimiz münasibətlər də bir zaman sonra yeni üzlərə, yeni hadisələrə çevrilir. İllərlə saxladığımız dostluğumuz da öz varlığını itirir. Əbədi olan hər şey bir gün "bir zamanlar"a çevrilir, xatirələrə, keçmişə, toza, soyuq bir cümləyə "təcrübəyə". Hər şey ya ciddi ya da mənasız bir səbəbdən qırılır, dağılır, sıradan çıxır. Biz dəyişirik, maraqlarımız dəyişir, çəhrayı eynəklərimiz qırılır və s. Əbədi heçnə olmur. Və biz anlayırıq ki, bu "əbədiyyət" ovcumuzda tutduğumuz su kimidir, səhvimiz isə bunu saxlamağa çalışmaqdır. "Əbədiyyət" əslində ömrü ən qısa olan bir sözcükdür, bunu təcrübə göstərir. Yaşaya-yaşaya öyrənirik.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
you guys remember how I said I was going to schedule drafts to post. yeah hi again. I’ve got school so I’m probably just gonna lose my mind over the weekend and then save some of this stuff for later. also if anyone cares I would love asks? I go insane in some peoples’ inboxes and would be sososo giddy to have that energy reciprocated
so today I’ll be talking about the inherent transness of mako’s character.
want to begin this by saying: by ‘transness’ I mean whatever kind of trans your heart desires, but the transness my heart desires is transmasc. so. transmasc mako it is.
so i have, in at least every mako related post I have made, mentioned his chronic eldest daughter syndrome. that alone is inherently very gender of a guy, but I also mentioned two posts ago that mako is a genuinely ‘feminine’ character in how his personality and major traits are defined. there’s a section where I talk about the standard women are held to (right above “did you feel like you were reading a transcript of that one barbie movie scene?”) and how mako is actually a solid representation of those.
so you know how kids learn by observing and mako’s parents were from fire and earth, the two more traditional nations? in the case he’s trans, mako would have literally grown up as the eldest daughter, implementing those behaviors probably as early as three or four, when bolin needed less constant attention from their parents. so by eight, these traditional gender role ideas are already in his head. but then his parents are being murdered and their last requests of him are to run and take care of bolin. the trauma and guilt of this would probably force even heavier protectiveness from mako.
and then we get to the trans part. up to this point, mako is a little girl, the first child and daughter of naoki and san, rather traditional fire nation and earth kingdom immigrants to republic city. mako’s grown up wearing dresses and given dolls and playing pretend makeover as naoki tries to teach mako how to use makeup the way they do in the fire nation.
but then they’re in the orphanage (mako watches the little boys running around with short hair and ragged pants and not getting scolded for tumbling around in the dirt, and pulls her? braided hair back jealously.) and then they run away from the orphanage.
there are creepy old men leering at mako on every street corner. she finds it lessens when her braid is out and it hangs around her face. that has to change too, when mako realizes long hair without frequent baths is more of a hazard than short. she cuts it with a shard of broken glass, let’s it frame her face in a way that’s jagged and sharp. her face is sharp. mako finds she doesn’t mind.
people mistake mako for a boy frequently. mako tries not to think about the warmth that bursts to life at each mistake, no matter how quickly corrected.
it becomes more and more obvious, over the span of a year, that mako is not a girl. no, mako is very much a boy like bolin. bolin sort of just—knows. mako appreciates not needing to explain. bolin declared having a big bro is cooler that a big sis. (for my own sake, the constant “bro”-calling in the show is for sake of gender affirming and affectionate reciprocation, because no real siblings just call each other. bro.)
but then puberty happens. mako is “running numbers and stuff” for the triad at this point. he thinks he might be dying, because of course reserved, traditional naoki never talked to her child about periods at eight years old. his… chest, is growing. a triad member who takes pity (an older girl, probably in her twenties, by mako’s recollection) gruffly explains periods and how to deal with them. she jokingly suggests finding a good bloodbender to take care of it, and mako genuinely considers it for a while, between debarking offing himself.
he also has HORRIBLE fucking cramps. he’s me. and then the chest issue. he starts binding in the worst way possible—he either layers up as much as possible and slouches horribly or wraps himself with dirty old bandages until he’s flat. he fractures a rib at least once doing this, which he continues to do through his pro-bending days.
toza would know. he’d see something in training and, with how honestly progressive republic city is portrayed (as I remember; last I watched this show was literally 2017 😭) he’s probably met an open transmasc or two. he pitches in a couple yuan for a real binder for mako, which he somehow still manages to ruin by constantly sleeping in.
then korra enters stage left. shit goes down. i think, in my heart of hearts, he never told her. the way she asked if he was “a criminal, or something?” when he opened up about his work for the triad would shut him down about telling her much else.
when he’s dating asami, he probably tries to tell her a couple times, but is so not-blunt with it that she totally misses it. asami is a genius, but she was sheltered and probably never encountered a queer person or was acquainted with queer slang mako picked up on the streets. which, by the way, this post talks about hypothetical queer slang in each of the nations which was cool as hell.
so yeah basically mako is out to no one except his brother and the old guy who fell off the face of the earth. until detective work, because momboss and detectiveson!! for medical reasons, he needs to come out to lin. she’s uptight and scary as hell, so at first he’s terrified he’s about to get fired. but then she’s like, “you’re a good boy, mako. don’t let me down.” and he’s almost crying.
then canon continues and he almost died. kya heals him, mako entrusting lin to disclose his transness to her if need be.
then comics! korra and asami come back and come out and mako is, for a split second, like ‘damn i messed up that bad huh’ but then he’s like “oh yeah sick I’m trans by the way.” then it’s korrasami’s turn to 😧
asami’s like ‘ohhhh damn that’s what you were trying to say,,,’
then makorrasami takes over the world because they all had time to grow as people and become good for each other and polyships are fire!! this is me outing myself as a (specifically post-canon/comics) makorrasami shipper btw. but wuko is cool too, I don’t have too heavy opinions between the, like, normal ships n stuff.
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1-gelincikk · 6 months
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Toza karşı biraz takıntılıyım evet😅😅 çünkü alerjim var ne yapayım 😇☺️
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