mylittlefusions · 2 years
could u do g3 and g4 fluttershy?
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Apparently g3 Fluttershy likes to take photos, so I made this fusion a shy animal photographer :') I hope you like her!
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caught-the-lovebug · 7 months
how do u get over someone? i told my friend i liked him and he decided he didnt wanna be friends anymore. he said we could be friends again when im over my feelings for him and i feel like i already am so i tried messaging him a few times and he just ignored me. its really weird because i met him on a dating app so i feel like he should have expected this but whatever theres nothing i can do now. i just really miss him and im not sure how to get over it
I'm so sorry telling your friend has meant you're being ignored despite accepting that he doesn't want to date you.
Unfortunately, there's only so much you can do to convince him you respect his boundaries and are only interested in being his friend. My advice there would be to do your best to give him time and space but every so often send him a message that you usually would. Like a meme or something funny. It might not work, but it's what I would try.
As for getting over him, I usually just wait for the feelings to dissipate. But, it's helpful to stop the fantasies in their tracks. If you picture yourselves on a date or things similar, try to stop and tell yourself "That wouldn't happen, he doesn't want that.". There is nothing wrong with indulging in fantasy, but it will help fuel your feelings so avoiding it in turn can help you get over feelings.
Maybe make a list of things you don't think would make him a good partner. (Ignoring you instead of communicating can be one). Maybe visualise putting those feelings in a box and leaving it behind any time they come up.
Some other things you could do are much grander and symbolic. If you're an artist or a writer, you can indulge those fantasies by drawing/writing yourselves as a couple but burning the paper, or simply throwing it out/deleting it. Make a symbol of your relationship or feelings and destroy or simply let go of (like giving to a friend or leaving at a park) it.
Getting over feelings can be hard, take care of yourself and remember that nothing you've done is wrong. Mourn if you need. Having feelings for someone who doesn't like you back, even after you know, isn't a bad thing. You're allowed to feel this way and not do anything about it. But, if you want to get over him, that's also very valid.
Oh, and my number one tip, find a new crush. You'll find older feelings fade much quicker when you have someone new to think about in their place.
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satanfemme · 9 months
have fun seeing ghost!! i wish they were coming to canada
thank you! yesterday was a lot of fun, I was right in front of the stage and comfortably stoned. a very cool experience
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blueblurseptember · 1 year
in my head, svsss shen jiu didn't really die after shen yuan transmigrated into his body. instead, he (reverse?) transmigrated into shen yuan's body, and all is well bc sure, whatever. this guy has it sooo much easier than he does anyway. for one, he's filthy rich and has an acceptible family. he can live with this; he's been through far worse.
he copes pretty well, even after finding out about pidw and his role. until one day he runs into shang qinghua, the cannon fodder, who has transmigrated into the author's body, and somehow, one thing has led to another, and they both find airplane bro's drafts which contain the truth about what happened to yue qingyuan in the past. how his qi-ge really did actually try his damn hardest to return to him as he had promised, almost literally died trying hard even, he just happened to have arrived too late.
yeah...... shen jiu decides to give therapy a try after that.
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emmanuel-josephine · 6 months
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No one else is making videos as simultaneously wholesome and fucked as Masaru the diver. He butchered and ate everything here because hes a madlad and I'm obsessed with what he does. Who else is going to fillet a forbidden creature? Who else is going to make deepsea fish mucus ASMR?? He ate that fucking random blue hunk of fat. (it felt like silicone and tasted disgusting.)
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berryblu-soda · 3 days
yall hello!!!! anyone else love cucumber lime? please dont tell me its a mexico thing imma cry-
made a lime jello but added about 1/3 cucumber (blended and strained) + some lime and it´s fr getting me through this neverending heat wave, 10/10 would make again 👍
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lionfloss · 2 years
I love drinks™️ but I also try to drink a lot of water everyday so I have been making essentially an agua fresca but with cucumber ginger and lemon and I’m sooooo addicted!!! Drop ur fave flavor combos
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treecakes · 1 year
still think it is so funny that we somehow ended up in a produce trade with this random small community of belarusians from like half an hr away. we let them come and pick blueberries and they give us cucumbers or eggs in exchange. and that is how we always have an absurd amount of cucumbers and eggs in the summer. just rural things i guess.
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a-passing-storm · 6 months
I have forgotten that it is actually kind of Therapy Homework for me to post things online!
#this sounds really stupid and questionable i know. but basically.#i have an issue where any time i do Anything i feel the need to tell my friends about it for validation and attention and stuff#which means that when they don't respond immediately i feel shitty and also. when we do have conversations i have nothing to talk about#but online especially here on tumblr i really do not give a shit about it#but like. i still get to get it out and be like “OH MY GOD I DID SOMETHING”#it sounds kind of weird i know but it works for me and it improves my relationships with my friends lol. ideally someday i will not#need to acknowledge Everything I Do like that but for now tumblr is WAY healthier than like spamming my friends lol#so anyway! today i went to a new bookstore in my area and it was GREAT and i added a Ton of books to my list (the classics section!!!)#and also there were some people in the d&D section and i joined in on a convo of theirs abt paladdins. i was kind of awkward about it but#i'm still glad i talked and they seemed pleasantly surprised if slightly amused by the interaction! but like really. it is SO cool#that you can just meet people in public!! and especially that bookstores are sort of...#directly conducive to meeting people with similar interests just based off of how the sections are organized#i got a collection of Poe and a history book#aLSO i went to costco for the first time#and i baked oatmeal raisin cookies! haven't baked since i started high school p much but i'm getting back to it after thanksgiving cooking#and they came out pretty decently!#and i just made like. a cucumber salad kind of. idk what to call it. and i really like it. ya boi is cooking a lot now bc#he remembered how fun it is#anyway! yeah i really need to get back to journaling in general too!!!#dante dicit#journal tag#ig#might delete
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caught-the-lovebug · 9 months
hey so i could use some advice about a crush. so i just met this guy in july and weve become friends but i very quickly developed feelings for him. every time i think about him i smile and hes just a really nice guy. i want to tell how i feel but im not sure how or when to do it. we dont know each other that well yet and im worried if i tell him he wont wanna be friends anymore if he doesnt like me back and i really wanna at least be friends with him. so what do u think i should do?
This is hard. It depends so much on you personally.
When I get crushes on new friends, I am quick to ask them out so I can stamp out the crush before I get too attached if they say no. And it's bonus really great if it leads to something.
But not everyone wants to do that and it does run the risk of losing that friend.
In my experience, if you're open but not pressuring, things tend to turn out fine. But that doesn't always happen.
It's up to you, you know this person better than I do and are more likely to know how he'd react.
If you decide to tell him, it's best to do so when you're not around any mutual friends and probably in public so he doesn't feel cornered. A park or somewhere else public but quiet would probably be good in my opinion. Over text also works well so he can process in his own time and respond when he's ready.
I asked a guy out once at 9pm in a Taco Bell while our mutual friend was in the toilet. That was not an ideal location but it went well. We didn't end up dating but he's my best friend now.
In my experience, asking "Do you want to go on a date with me?" Or something along those lines has better results than confessing your feelings in detail. And also way better results than "do you want to be my boyfriend?" Don't jump right into commitment or overwhelm someone with how you feel for them when they might not feel the same.
If you don't want to go on a date though, it is okay to just say like "hey, so you know, I think I'm developing a crush on you."
It's all about what's comfy for you and what you want to do. Obviously, you want to take his potential feelings into account but you gotta put yours first.
Good luck! You've got this. There's no shame in having feelings and whatever you decide to do (including doing nothing): hell yeah.
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ The Fish Like Your Shirt
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader warning: language, too much fluff for the soul to handle author's note: i just realized i had been teasing this story for so long on my masterlist...deepest apologies. it's been sitting here done, collecting dust, and just waiting for me to post it lol. my bad lol. here it is, i hope someone is getting excited for this like a taylor swift album being teased for a long time lmao
leo liked to be romantic whenever he could. he needed y/n to know she was loved, every moment of everyday. he sharpened her swords without being asked, he learned how to braid and always carried those rubber elastics just in case. hell, he figured out how to make her a ring that could turn into a shield when she rubbed it a certain way. he loved y/n like it was breathing, it just came naturally to him. y/n, on the other hand, struggled when it came to showing her affection. leo knew she loved him, she was just unsure of how to show it. in her defense, she had never seen it before, blatant or subtle displays of love being something she thought was only in the movies. leo has distinct memories from the start of their relationship, y/n stomping up to him and shoving something against his chest before promptly running away. it turned out to be one of her gold shell bracelets, which he proudly wore everyday. she’s gotten better at it, though she had her moments. like today.
“there she is! hey, mi amor,” leo mused as y/n made her way up to him, pressing a kiss to her cheek. the girl blushed, shoving him off her with a small laugh.
“are you…are you free tomorrow?” y/n asked, averting her eyes and rocking on the balls of her feet. leo looked over at her with a wide smile before leaning against the wall of bunker nine, raising a brow at her.
“depends. i think this pretty girl is planning on asking me out, so i might need to cancel,” he flirts and y/n shoves him again, shaking her head in an effort to hide her rising blush.
‘fine, be that way. i’ll just take percy with me to the aquarium instead,” the girl huffed back, raising her head high and beginning to walk away from him.
“oh, no, you don’t. i’m going alright. you and me and all the fish in the sea,” leo mused, singing in a pitchy way. y/n laughed, weakly attempting to leave his arms to no avail.
the next day came, y/n and leo easily sneaking out of camp and catching a bus to new york. y/n was happily curled up in the bus seat, her eyes trained on the view and leo’s eyes trained on her. he’d argue his view was better. they each had one headphone in, listening to the same songs and occasionally talking but they were mainly just enjoying each other's company. finally, they arrived a few blocks away from the aquarium, y/n growing excited. she began yapping, talking about what made this aquarium stand out and what not. leo couldn’t help but look at her like she was the most important thing in the world as she talked about the size of tanks and osha regulations.
y/n presented her pre-paid tickets to the lady once they reached the aquarium and the two were off and running. leo’s hand was firmly in the back pocket of her baby blue cargo pants, watching as she pointed out a rare breed of sea cucumber. there was a tour going on next to them, but leo felt no need to listen as y/n must’ve already known everything. but then his adhd kicked in and his ears zero’d in on the guy’s voice.
“and these are butterfly fish. fun fact: these little guys mate for life, something that’s decently common in the ocean. if they happen to get separated from their lover, they will swim up higher to get a better view to find them. cute, huh?” the guy prompted before moving his tour along. leo brought his attention back to y/n, who had clearly also gotten caught up in the tour guide's speech.
“wanna be a butterfly fish with me?” leo smirked and y/n laughed, leaning up and pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips.
“couldn’t see myself doing it with anyone else. as long as you promise to swim upwards to find me,” y/n giggled as she began to walk away. leo followed, lovestruck and enamored. note to the reader: leo would later reference this in his wedding vows to y/n.
later, the two stood in front of one of the larger tanks, watching the fish swim around and around. throughout the day, y/n would randomly burst into giggles, before leo even had the chance to say something funny. she would just wave the boy's glance off with a sneaky smile, like she knew something he didn’t. y/n leaned over to leo, who’s eyes were currently trained on a school of bright orange fish.
“the fish like your shirt, by the way,” she whispered to him, like this was a normal comment. leo’s brows furrowed as he looked down at her smiling face.
“what?” “they like your shirt. the colors and graphics are nice. at least, that’s what they told me,” y/n shrugged this off, her eyes turning back to the tank. leo looked down at the vintage harley davidson shirt that piper had ‘thrifted’ for him. (he was certain she stole it, considering she had to pull it out of her shirt to give it to him.)
“tell them thanks, i guess?” leo replied, unsure, with a light laugh. y/n seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before she turned back to leo, her smile back.
“they said you're welcome. something about them being fashion experts or whatever. it’s those fish over there,” explains y/n, waving at the school of orange fish that caught his eyes earlier. despite the fact he knew he looked stupid, he couldn’t help but wave with her. at least they’d look stupid together.
“and you’re sure it was the fish and not just your subconscious telling you to compliment your boyfriend?” leo questioned with a smirk, watching the blush dust y/n’s face in waves. she gently shoved her elbow into his side, shaking her head up at him.
“whatever. you should’ve heard what the stingray was saying about you earlier, hammer head,” y/n huffs at him, crossing her arms and turning away from him. leo wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his head on her shoulder, still smirking.
“oh yeah? did he not like my pants or something?” “no, he thought you were very handsome. perhaps the most handsome demigod he’d ever seen. he just didn’t like that you don’t take care of your hair,” y/n replied and leo rolled his eyes, knowing the ray did not say that.
“liar,” he whispered into her shoulder. “hmm. you’ll never know,” y/n smirked back, turning her head slightly to rub her nose against his. leo shot forwards, pressing a short kiss to her lips.
the two left after that, y/n cuddling a shark plush to her chest proudly. she had squealed when she saw it in the gift shop and leo’s main goal in life was to make her happy. they caught the bus back towards camp, y/n’s head resting against leo’s shoulder as she squeezed the plushie to her chest. leo kissed the top of her head, watching as she lazily blinked.
“thank you, for today,” he whispered to the drowsy girl, who hummed in response. “ ‘course. we could be dumpster diving and i’d love it if you were there,” the girl replied, extremely candid in her sleepy state.
“i know, that’s how i feel too,” leo muttered back in tandem. “good. then the sharks were right,” y/n hummed against his shoulder, leo’s brows furrowing.
“about?” “how perfect we are for each other. some of them even started contemplating mating for life because they wanted what we have. they were very sweet…we should go back and free them,” y/n murmured, somehow wiggling closer to leo, who couldn’t seem to lose the dopey smile on his lips as he looked down at the daughter of poseidon, the love of his life.
“whatever you want, y/n l/n,” he whispered before realizing she’d lost her battle against hypnos, her breath evening out like waves lapping against a beach and grip loosening on her shark but never letting go.
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pointycorgiears · 24 days
Crocodile, after searching everywhere for Buggy and Mihawk, then finds them on the back patio: What. Are. You. DOING!?
(Stares at them in lounge chairs with light robes, cucumbers over their eyes, green mud facial masks, and white towels wrapped around their hair.)
Crocodile: You're supposed to be working!
Buggy, piña colada in hand: We are working.
Mihawk, sipping his wine: On our complexion.
Crocodile: This is not work! It's called being lazy and wasting time!
Mihawk: You are the one who said we must present ourselves to the world as decent, ruthless professionals.
Buggy: It's all about appearances, Croc.
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thunderboltfire · 3 months
I have a lot of complicated feelings when it comes to what Neflix has done with the Witcher, but my probably least favourite is the line of argumentation that originated during shitstorms related to the first and second season that I was unlucky to witness.
It boils down to "Netflix's reinterpretation and vision is valid, because the Witcher books are not written to be slavic. The overwhelming Slavic aestetic is CDPR's interpretation, and the setting in the original books is universally European, as there are references to Arthurian mythos and celtic languages" And I'm not sure where this argument originated and whether it's parroting Sapkowski's own words or a common stance of people who haven't considered the underlying themes of the books series. Because while it's true that there are a lot of western european influences in the Witcher, it's still Central/Eastern European to the bone, and at its core, the lack of understanding of this topic is what makes the Netflix series inauthentic in my eyes.
The slavicness of the Witcher goes deeper than the aestetics, mannerisms, vodka and sour cucumbers. Deeper than Zoltan wrapping his sword with leopard pelt, like he was a hussar. Deeper than the Redanian queen Hedvig and her white eagle on the red field.
What Witcher is actually about? It's a story about destiny, sure. It's a sword-and-sorcery style, antiheroic deconstruction of a fairy tale, too, and it's a weird mix of many culture's influences.
But it's also a story about mundane evil and mundane good. If You think about most dark, gritty problems the world of Witcher faces, it's xenophobia and discrimination, insularism and superstition. Deep-seated fear of the unknown, the powerlessness of common people in the face of danger, war, poverty and hunger. It's what makes people spit over their left shoulder when they see a witcher, it's what makes them distrust their neighbor, clinging to anything they deem safe and known. It's their misfortune and pent-up anger that make them seek scapegoats and be mindlessly, mundanely cruel to the ones weaker than themselves.
There are of course evil wizards, complicated conspiracies and crowned heads, yes. But much of the destruction and depravity is rooted in everyday mundane cycle of violence and misery. The worst monsters in the series are not those killed with a silver sword, but with steel. it's hard to explain but it's the same sort of motiveless, mundane evil that still persist in our poorer regions, born out of generations-long poverty and misery. The behaviour of peasants in Witcher, and the distrust towards authority including kings and monarchs didn't come from nowhere.
On the other hand, among those same, desperately poor people, there is always someone who will share their meal with a traveller, who will risk their safety pulling a wounded stranger off the road into safety. Inconditional kindness among inconditional hate. Most of Geralt's friends try to be decent people in the horrible world. This sort of contrasting mentalities in the recently war-ridden world is intimately familiar to Eastern and Cetral Europe.
But it doesn't end here. Nilfgaard is also a uniquely Central/Eastern European threat. It's a combination of the Third Reich in its aestetics and its sense of superiority and the Stalinist USSR with its personality cult, vast territory and huge army, and as such it's instantly recognisable by anybody whose country was unlucky enough to be caught in-between those two forces. Nilfgaard implements total war and looks upon the northerners with contempt, conscripts the conquered people forcibly, denying them the right of their own identity. It may seem familiar and relevant to many opressed people, but it's in its essence the processing of the trauma of the WW2 and subsequent occupation.
My favourite case are the nonhumans, because their treatment is in a sense a reminder of our worst traits and the worst sins in our history - the regional antisemitism and/or xenophobia, violence, local pogroms. But at the very same time, the dilemma of Scoia'Tael, their impossible choice between maintaining their identity, a small semblance of freedom and their survival, them hiding in the forests, even the fact that they are generally deemed bandits, it all touches the very traumatic parts of specifically Polish history, such as January Uprising, Warsaw Uprising, Ghetto Uprising, the underground resistance in WW2 and the subsequent complicated problem of the Cursed Soldiers all at once. They are the 'other' to the general population, but their underlying struggle is also intimately known to us.
The slavic monsters are an aestetic choice, yes, but I think they are also a reflection of our local, private sins. These are our own, insular boogeymen, fears made flesh. They reproduce due to horrors of the war or they are an unprovoked misfortune that descends from nowhere and whose appearance amplifies the local injustices.
I'm not talking about many, many tiny references that exist in the books, these are just the most blatant examples that come to mind. Anyway, the thing is, whether Sapkowski has intended it or not, Witcher is slavic and it's Polish because it contains social commentary. Many aspects of its worldbuilding reflect our traumas and our national sins. It's not exclusively Polish in its influences and philosophical motifs of course, but it's obvious it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
And it seems to me that the inherently Eastern European aspects of Witcher are what was immediately rewritten in the series. It seems to me that the subtler underlying conflicts were reshaped to be centered around servitude, class and gender disparity, and Nilfgaard is more of a fanatic terrorist state than an imposing, totalitarian empire. A lot of complexity seems to be abandoned in lieu of usual high-fantasy wordbuilding. It's especially weird to me because it was completely unnecessary. The Witcher books didn't need to be adjusted to speak about relevant problems - they already did it! The problem of acceptance and discrimination is a very prevalent theme throughout the story! They are many strong female characters too, and they are well written. Honestly I don't know if I should find it insulting towards their viewers that they thought it won't be understood as it was and has to be somehow reshaped to fit the american perpective, because the current problems are very much discussed in there and Sapkowski is not subtle in showing that genocide and discrimination is evil. Heck, anyone who has read the ending knows how tragic it makes the whole story.
It also seems quite disrespectful, because they've basically taken a well-established piece of our domestic literature and popular culture and decided that the social commentary in it is not relevant. It is as if all it referenced was just not important enough and they decided to use it as an opportunity to talk about the problems they consider important. And don't get me wrong, I'm not forcing anyone to write about Central European problems and traumas, I'm just confused that they've taken the piece of art already containing such a perspective on the popular and relevant problem and they just... disregarded it, because it wasn't their exact perspective on said problem.
And I think this homogenisation, maybe even from a certain point of view you could say it's worldview sanitisation is a problem, because it's really ironic, isn't it? To talk about inclusivity in a story which among other problems is about being different, and in the same time to get rid of motifs, themes and references because they are foreign? Because if something presents a different perspective it suddenly is less desirable?
There was a lot of talking about the showrunners travelling to Poland to understand the Witcher's slavic spirit and how to convey it. I don't think they really meant it beyond the most superficial, paper-thin facade.
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ptq3000 · 11 months
ok, ok,, sleepovers with bakusquad :))
> the selective dorm you all go to is bakugo's dorm. he hates that everyone just agrees on his. mina would try to offer her dorm, but everyone knows damn well that she doesn't clean her dorm room as often.
> sero brings the most pillows, kirishima brings the most snacks, jirou brings movies or music (i feel like she'd have a karaoke machine), mina brings face masks or nail polish or makeup, and denki brings either video games or blankets.
> most of the time, the group doesn't even use the blankets denki brings. they just make a huge cuddle pile.
> cue the most epic night of your life though, it'll always be a chaotic sleepover. pillow fights that have bakugo as the reigning champ, mina trying to throw food into people's mouths. denki and bakugo going face to face in video games where bakugo ends up rage quitting and then sero would start recording bc denki boasts abt how good he is and bakugo explodes his ass.
> kirishima indulges in mina's girlie things bc he claims it's manly to be vulnerable. sero wouldn't give a shit abt it and denki would be very willing to join in. omg, kirishima would be the first person to have like the cucumbers on his eyes, clay facemask, nails waiting to dry. he's very calm and yes, everyone has pictures of that. even bakugo. even kirishima himself does too.
> jirou would exclude herself from some parts, like doing makeup, but painting nails together and group skin care?! hell yes, she's in!!
> bakugo....he hates it. mina definitely fights him on it and he gives in, but he doesn't enjoy it as much as everyone else does. he's getting there though..he shows interest, asking mina what certain products are supposed to do. but when she brings out the face masks,. bakugo's making it so difficult for her. he definitely refuses to stay still,, but it's still super fun!!!
> jirou + karaoke + bakusquad = so much fucking fun. mina's giving her all, bakugo straight up yells,, kirishima and sero are definitely decent singers despite them not really gloating abt it, and denki is someone who doesn't care how good he sounds but how much fun he's having.
> though, whenever denki sings, everyone's laughing too much. mina definitely almost peed herself one time and sero recorded it all. he's saved it in the group chat that everyone's in :)))
> have you gotten noise complaints? yes. has aizawa had to come over and shut you guys down? yep. did that ever stop you guys?!? hell no!! bc you cannot stop the fun that bakusquad will be having.
> most of the time,. everyone ends up sleeping at some point. but there were a couple times everyone attempted all nighters. spoiler alert!!! everyone but jirou fell asleep. she couldn't fall asleep bc denki was snoring too loud. at one point, bakugo woke up for a drink of water and when he did, jirou and him drew a mustache on denki's face.
> no. he did not know. denki did not find out until breakfast when iida asked why he had a mustache on his face. yes, jirou took pictures of that and always laughs out loud when she scrolls through her phone and finds it.
> sleep piles. sleep piles. sleep piles. it's not a bakusquad sleepover unless there's a sleep pile. bakugo and kirishima are usually the ones on the bottom of the pile. mina usually lays her head on kirishima and her legs are spread on bakugo. jirou would be sleeping on mina's stomach, back to back with sero, or by bakugo. she would probably knock some sense into bakugo if he pushed her or something. if she falls asleep, that is. sero is either back to back with jirou or on top of denki. denki is, most times, on top of everyone. everyone tries to push him off when he's asleep, but denki accidentally zaps them with his quirk in his sleep.
> everyone just fits wherever they can. it's natural and although SOME PEOPLE will complain abt it the whole time *cough* bakugo *cough*, everyone actually does have fun.
> honestly, it's a very fun time for everyone even if some people say that it's stupid. *cough* bakugo *cough*
a/n: heyy!! just wanted to post something so tadaa!!! have a good day, night, wtv time it is right now! <33
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avastrasposts · 5 months
Pickled Interruptions - a Pickled Peña Production
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As you've probably seen, we've been gearing up for a writing challenge these past few weeks - Pickled Peña! A brain child of some of my lovely friends here on Tumblr. Anyone who joins in will be added to the Pickled Peña Master List over at @pickled-pena and I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with based on the prompts that were randomly selected.
Below the cut is my contribution. I ended up using an OFC I created for another fandom but there's no need for prior information about her to read this fic. I just wanted to bring her out to play again because she's such a firecracker and would give Peña a challenge.
There are no warnings for this fic, it's just a bit of spicy fluff, mentions of pickles, sticky floors and Peña's half hard dick because...you know...
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“Daniels! No fucking pickles in the vodka orange!” Eve snapped at the new bartender on her shift as she grabbed a pair of tongs and picked the sad, floating cucumber from the orange juice. 
“Who the hell even hired you?” she growled at him as he shrugged and slid the drink over to the disgruntled looking patron on the other side of the bar. 
Eve sighed and went back to serving her side of the bar, keeping an eye on him from the corner of her eye. It was New Year's Eve, the busiest night of the year in any decent club but instead of making drinks and getting big tips, she was now babysitting the dumbass newbie. The imbecile further down the bar had been hired just yesterday to cover for a skinny kid, Lenny, who’d suddenly called in and claimed he had a broken leg. 
And she could see why Daniels had been hired, the cluster of women surrounding his section of the bar made it very evident. The man was undeniably good looking, his broad shoulders and narrow hips emphasized by the uniform worn by all the bartenders at the club, tight fitting black slacks, a white shirt open at the neck, rolled up sleeves and a black vest. She’d be lying to herself if she didn’t say she was tempted, but she pulled her eyes away from his butt as he bent down to pick up a tumbler he’d dropped. It was a very good butt, but she had a job to do, and she could see almost every woman, and some of the men, stare at it when he turned around to grab whiskey from the top shelf. 
“Daniels!” she yelled, making him jump and almost drop the five hundred dollar bottle of bourbon he’d just grabbed. “We do not put JD Gold Medal in a fucking Jack and Coke,” she hissed at him as she took the bottle from his hand, “get a fucking grip, regular JD is just fine.” 
“Yes, boss,” he replied, grabbing the right bottle this time, pouring a much too generous measure into the glass as Eve rolled her eyes. 
“Put this back on the shelf when you’re done,” she snapped, “Considering your name I really thought you’d know more about Jack Daniels, Jack Daniels,” she scoffed at him and went back to her section of the bar.  
Javier Peña seethed under his breath as he poured the Coke into the glass, trying to remember his bartending crash course from two days ago. Who’s stupid fucking idea had it been to give him the alias Jack-fucking-Daniels? This last minute undercover thing was dicey as fuck as it was, even if was just to be reconnaissance to figure out when the next drug shipment this club was a front for would come in. He just needed to get a look at the office in the back, but so far the bossy know-it-all they’d stuck him with at the bar had gone back there herself every time something was needed from storage. 
He glanced over at her, she was leaning over the counter, smiling at some clearly drunk blonde guy, the open buttons of her white shirt straining against her cleavage, giving the man a perfect view. And he was taking advantage of it, not even attempting to hide the way he was staring at her breasts. But judging by the generous tip he gave her when she passed him his drink, it had been worth it. And he had to give it to her, she had the looks to make all the men at the bar hang on to her every movement as she swiftly made their drinks. He had noticed that most of the men were on her side of the bar, and the women on his side. He didn’t mind, he just wished he was as fast as her when it came to making drinks. He fucking hated having to ask her for instructions, her barely contained eye rolls becoming more and more pronounced the further the night went. But she was right, he wouldn’t have fucking hired himself either, the only drink he knew was whiskey, neat. 
Javier had tried flirting with Eve, hoping to get some information from her while she showed him where everything was in the bar before opening on his first night the day before. 
“The ice is here, it usually needs to be refilled once a night if it’s busy. The big ice machine is next to the storage room out back,” she thumbed behind her to the door, “but I’ll handle that. You just keep the patrons happy for now.” 
“How about keeping you happy,” he smiled, wiping his thumb over his bottom lip, “I don’t mind carrying the heavy stuff for you, cariño.” 
“Yeah, thanks, I can handle myself,” she snorted, turning away from him and nudging the bar fridge with the toe of her shoe, “This is where we keep any garnishes for the cocktails, we’ll need to cut up some more during the night so keep an eye on how much we have left.” 
“So, you’ve been doing this long? You seem to know your way around a bar,” he asked as he leaned on the counter next to her, making sure he was down on her level as he smiled, reaching up to tuck a strand of her copper red hair behind her ear. She swatted away his hand and he chuckled, “Feisty, jus-” 
“If you say what I think you're about to say about redheads and temper, just shut it,” she snapped at him, her eyes flashing, “I’ve heard every possible variation.” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he grinned, holding up his hands in surrender as she turned on her heel and stalked off to the other side of the bar, grabbing the dish cloth and throwing it at him with a flick of her wrist. 
“You’re on dishwasher duty, don’t fuck up.” 
He caught it mid air before it hit his face, sauntering after her as she pulled up the hood of the dishwasher.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be less predictable in the future,” he grinned and changed his tact, giving her a softer smile this time, leaving some space between them, “I’ve always had a soft spot for redheads, never dated one though,” he said, tilting his head as she scowled. He was making sure to keep his eyes on her face and not let them drift down to where the shirt of her uniform opened up. 
“Good for you;” she replied, pulling out the tray of clean glasses and pointing to them, “They need to be dried or they’ll have water stains, get to it.” 
“Yes, boss.”
“And put them with the other clean glasses when you’re done,” she pulled down the hood again and started turning away but Javier put his hand out to stop her.
“Wait, I apologize, I was an ass, I didn’t mean to come on so strong,” he gently put his hand on her upper arm, careful to not grab her, just let it rest there as he gave her his most sincere look, “but if you get an evening off, I’d like to make it up to you and take you out, just for a drink or something.” 
He smiled at her again, keeping it soft and honest looking as he removed his hand from her arm, “I’m serious, you’re a beautiful woman and clearly a much better bartender than me, and I’d like to get to know you. If you’ll let me.” 
He kept his eyes on her as he stopped talking, reading her face for any tell tale signs of her softening but she wasn’t budging. 
“I don’t date bartenders,” she smirked, picking up an empty tray and leaving the bar area. 
“Make it your New Year’s resolution to try something new and date one?” he called after her with a grin as she began collecting dirty glasses
“Not dating bartenders is my New Year’s resolution,” she threw back at him over her shoulder. 
The first night at the bar had been a disaster and the second was shaping up to be even worse. The bar was quickly getting packed with people out to celebrate New Year’s Eve and it was all hands on deck. Eve cursed as she saw Daniels attempt a gin and tonic, adding far too much tonic as the guest protested. To adjust he poured more gin into the tall glass and made the G&T strong enough to knock out a bull. 
“Daniels!” Eve called, jerking her head in the direction of the back door, “We’re gonna need two new kegs of Stella, get ‘em for me. Patty, take over for Daniels, we’ll be faster without him.” 
Javier tried to look pissed off but in reality this was what he’d been hoping for. Handing the G&T to Patty, who gave him a dirty look, he left the bar and hurried towards the backdoor. If he moved quickly he’d get a few minutes to snoop around. 
The backdoor led to a large storage room, the kegs were stacked in a corner. But at the other end of the room was another door that led to a hallway, and at the end of that, the office. Javier knew this since they’d managed to pull the blueprint of the building from city hall, and now he quickly grabbed a keg and brought it back to the bar. 
“Gonna take a few minutes for the next one, I knocked some shit over, I need to clean it up,” he told Eve, shrugging as she rolled her eyes at him, handing a patron a bright cocktail. 
“Just hurry up, Daniels.” 
“Yes, boss.”
Javier turned and hurried back to the backdoor, closing it behind him and shutting out some of the loud music from the night club, the dull thud of the base reverberating through the walls. 
The office was locked but the cheap mechanism easily gave in and Javier slipped inside, scanning the room for any paperwork. He quickly got to work and flicked through a stack on the desk, moving on to opening the drawers when he found nothing. Next was a thick ledger on the bookshelf and bingo! Tucked between the pages were several shipping manifests, certain rows underlined. The next ship was due in three days. With a satisfied grunt Javier slapped his hand on the ledger. 
The door to the office swung open and Javier froze by the desk, staring at Eve who looked at him with annoyance written clearly across her face.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she snarled, her hand slipping behind her waist in a movement Javier knew far too well, his hands shot up immediately as she pulled a gun from the back of her pants. 
“Nothing, boss, I was just looking for the pay statements, I think Patty’s stealing my tip,” he bullshitted and he knew she hadn’t bought a word. 
“Bollocks, Peña, you’re fucking DEA and you’re messing up my case.” 
Javier felt his mouth fall open as she moved across the office, coming to stand next to him and looking at the shipping manifest. 
“How the fuck do you know?” he finally spat out as she ran her finger over the rows he’d just scanned. 
“Because I’m CIA, and you’re the worst fucking bartender I’ve ever met.” 
“That doesn’t explain it,” Javier replied, “How are you CIA? You’re a bartender!”
“I wasn’t always CIA,” Eve tapped one of the rows, “This one, that’s the one I’m after, and I’m guessing they’re bringing in drugs on it too? Since you’re here?” 
“Yeah, that’s one, the same one we’ve seen three times before. Just didn’t realize it’d be coming in this week.” 
Eve looked over at him and rolled her eyes, “If the DEA put a bit more effort into their cases you’d know that this ship comes in exactly every twenty-one days, always from one of three ports. But they rendezvous on international waters with a ship from Colombia and transfer over their goods. We’ve had our eyes on the girls they bring at the same time, usually about ten poor things dreaming of a better life, but it makes sense for them to bring in drugs the same way.” 
“But how do you know I’m DEA?” Javier asked again and Eve closed the ledger with a snap and put it back on the shelf. 
“Because Lenny ‘breaks his leg’ and you’re magically available two days before New Years, the busiest night of the entire year. Any bartender has been booked months ago. But you’re also the worst fucking bartender I’ve ever seen,” she shook her head, tucking her gun back in the back of her pants. “So I lifted your prints and did a run, Javier Peña, DEA. I like to know who I’m working with.” 
“Well, fuck…” he huffed, “let’s hope no one else is a thorough as you, CIA.” 
Eve gave him a crooked smile, “No one rarely is, Peña.” 
“So these guys traffic women too and that’s why you’re here?” he asked as Eve moved to open the office door and he followed behind her. 
“Yeah, my boss has been on them for months and got a tip off about this place a few weeks ago, I’ve been undercover here since.” The hallway was empty and they moved out, Javier carefully closed the door behind them, making sure it locked again. 
“You had me fooled,” he chuckled, “I thought you were in with them, that’s why I asked you out, to see if I could get you to spill.” 
“Sure that’s why you asked me out,” Eve smirked, “Had nothing to do with the fact that this ridiculous uniform shirt is open halfway to my belly button.”
“That may have been a deciding factor in choosing my mark,” Javier grinned as they started making their way back to the bar. Suddenly the music from the club increased in volume, the door of the storage room was thrown open and over the sound of the music, they heard heavy footsteps. 
“Shit,” Eve hissed, “we’re not supposed to be back here! Quick, in here!” She grabbed Javier’s arm and pulled him in through a door halfway down the hallway and quietly closed the door. The room was a small storage space, jars of cocktail garnishes mixed with cleaning agents stacked on the floor. The space was cramped and Eve found herself pressed up against Javier’s chest as he squeezed in and closed the door quietly behind them. 
“You’re on my foot,” he hissed, shifting, his hands on her hips to move her to the side. 
“Stand still, they’re coming,” she whispered back at him, grabbing on to his arms to keep her balance as her foot knocked against a jar on the floor. The footsteps echoed through the hallway and passed the door, as they held their breath. 
“Wait outside,” came a gruff voice that Eve recognised as Mason’s, the guy who ran the club and was, supposedly, second in command. 
“Yes, boss,” came the surly reply as the door to the office clicked open and shut. Eve tried to keep her breathing as quiet as possible as she and Javier listened to the shuffling boots of the henchman outside the office door, efficiently trapping them in the storage room. 
Javier was uncomfortably aware of how her soft breasts were pressed up against his chest, her hands on his arms to keep her steady. The top of her head was just by his cheek and with each inhale he could smell the light flowery scent of her shampoo. It reminded him of springtime back home and without meaning to, he inhaled deeply and held his breath, closing his eyes. He shifted his body weight, his hands on her hips sliding up every so slightly as the warm press of her body made his cock twitch. 
She shifted next to him, her hips brushing against what could only be his half hard length, hearing a low intake of breath from above as he adjusted his stance. Pressed up against him, her nose was right next to the soft looking skin of his neck, a smattering of freckles visible in the dim light. She could feel him inhaling softly above her and she did the same, catching his aftershave and fresh sweat from the long shift. She carefully tilted her head up, watching his lips part as his tongue came out to wet his plush bottom lip, before he slipped it back inside, meeting her eyes as he looked down at her. 
In the hallway the office door opened and closed again. 
“Alright, all under control for tonight, get Jones and head on over there an-” 
The crash of a glass jar interrupted the man’s orders as Eve cursed under her breath, somehow the stacked jars by their feet had toppled over and now the vinegar smell of pickle juice filled the storage room. 
“What the fuck is going on, check that room, Mendez!” 
Javier grabbed Eve’s face between his hands and pressed her against the wall, his lips on hers a split second before the door was yanked open. He groaned loudly into her mouth, rolling his hips into her soft belly and thanked her quick mind as she pulled him closer by his arms, whimpering against him.
“I don’t fucking pay you for fucking in the storage room!” Mason yelled and Javier yanked himself away from Eve as if they’d just been caught red handed. 
“S-sorry, boss,” Eve stuttered, smoothing down her shirt as Mason growled. 
“Clean this fucking mess up and get back to work, I’m docking both your pays for this. And for the pickles!” 
The door rattled as he slammed it shut, leaving the two of them in the dark again. Javier still had his hands on her face and she was holding on to his arms, exhaling slowly as the footsteps faded down the hallway. 
“Quick thinking, Peña,” she said, looking up at him in the dim light with a smile.
“I hope you won’t judge my kissing skills on that,” he grinned, “I had planned to give you a much nicer first kiss if you’d said yes to that date.” 
“You’re telling me that wasn’t your best work?” Eve asked, taking in the way his eyes dropped to her lips before finding her eyes again. Her hands were still on his biceps, the warmth from his body seeping into her palms as his muscles flexed and moved.  
“Not even close, honey,” his smirk was audacious as he leaned in again, bending down towards her lips, waiting for her to make the final move or pull away. He didn’t need to wait long, her grip on his arms tightened as she moved closer. Her lips were soft when she pressed them against his, parting slightly as he gave her a light kiss, capturing her bottom lip between his own, moving slowly. He felt her open her mouth for him, her tongue touching his lip and he pulled her closer, his fingers sliding into her hair, cupping the back of her head as he deepened the kiss and she responded with a moan. 
The small space reeked of pickle juice, it was sticky under her shoes, she could hear Peña’s shoes slosh in it as he pushed her up against the wall. But his big hand, cupping her head, his warm lips over her own, all conscious thought melted away. Even those about how he really was a DEA prick who couldn’t mix a drink to save his life. At the back of her mind, her conscience hissed at her; ‘unprofessional’. But a much larger part of her brain was drowning in the way his tongue licked into her mouth, and the way his hands felt holding her against him as the evidence of his own excitement grew between them. 
He groaned into her mouth, rolling his hips against her and she gasped for air, before pulling him closer. 
“Please, cariño, tell me you’ll let me take you on that date,” Javier mumbled against her as she kissed the corner of his mouth, moving her lips along his jaw, “I’m not about to fuck you in a storage cupboard, so I need to take you on that date.” 
Her teeth scraped across his neck and he hissed as she sucked a mark into the thin skin, his fingers digging into her hips as he sought out any friction he could get. 
“I don’t think we need a date, Peña,” she mumbled, letting him tilt her head back and reciprocate the mark she’d left on his neck. He pushed her shirt to the side and found the soft skin over her collarbone hidden just out of sight. Eve curled her fingers through his hair as his mouth made her gasp into the dim light of the small room. 
Javi pulled away and straightened up, his hand sliding down from her hip, grabbing the round shape of her ass, pulling her core closer and letting her feel how hard he was as he looked at her, his dark eyes half closed, breathing heavily. 
“Javi,” he muttered, bending down to her open mouth again, “it’s Javi.” 
“Javi,” she mumbled, “I don’t think we need a date, but…” she trailed off as his teeth closed over her bottom lip and gently sucked it in as she moaned into his mouth. He shifted his weight, lifting his shoe from the sticky floor and pressed his leg between her thighs, feeling the heat of her core through the thin fabric of their uniform pants. 
“Fuck, Javi,” she gasped, the pressure of his thick thigh rubbing just where she needed him the most, but with a groan she pulled away from him, putting her hands on his warm chest and pushed him back, “Fuck, don’t, we’re never getting out of here if you do that.” 
“What’s the rush?” he chuckled, “Are you really gonna finish the bartending shift now that we have the shipping info?” 
“If we don’t, we’ll raise suspicion, better to finish it and leave normally,” Eve replied, trying to catch her breath as his dark eyes continued to trail over her lips, down her neck and the shirt he’d pushed open. 
He inhaled slowly, thinking while he lifted his hand and ran the tips of his fingers down her cleavage, caressing the soft skin, finding the lacy edge of her bra, the same white shade as the shirt. 
“You’re right, we should finish the shift,” he sighed, reluctantly removing himself from her warm body, carefully stepping back across the wet floor, “I’ll clean up in here, you get back to the bar, they’re probably swamped.” 
Eve nodded as Javi opened the door, letting them both out into the empty hallway, his hands still on her waist, reluctant to let go of her, now that he’d had a taste. 
“There’s a mop in the other room, and some rubbish bags,” she said as he followed her back towards the club, feeling him caress her hips, cupping her ass as they walked, giving it a light squeeze that made her throw a smile back at him over her shoulder. 
“Be careful, don’t cut yourself on the glass.” 
“I won’t, I’ll see you out there.” 
Javi cursed the sticky pickle juice, and sloshed water over the floor to get it all up once he’d picked up the pieces of glass. He glanced down at his watch as he tossed the trash bag in the bin and opened the door to the nightclub again, it was getting close to midnight. 
The place was swamped, people packed in on the dance floor, pushed up against the bar, where he could see Eve holding up a shaker, the vigorous movements making her breasts shimmy under the white shirt. The movement wasn’t lost on the three men hanging on the bar, all three of them clearly transfixed by her cleavage as she prepared their drinks. Hot jealousy shot up Javi’s spine, making him take longer strides, stepping up behind her as she placed the shaker on the bar counter. He scowled at the three men, staring them down as they pulled their eyes from Eve and were faced with his furious face right behind her. 
“Patty, quit slacking,” Eve called out, glancing over her shoulder down the bar where the tired looking brunette was leaning against the till, arms crossed, waiting for the bar helper to cut up orange slices. 
“I’m waiting for the oranges,” she snapped back at her as Eve accepted the bills from the three men and deftly took another order for a round of complicated sounding cocktails. 
“So take another order while you wait, the line is a mile long, how did it-” 
“What the fuck, you stand there and accuse me, but where you all this time?” Patty’s voice cut through the music of the club like a shrill fog horn, “You two were gone fucking ages, while we had to fight off this crowd!” She gestured at the throng of people by the bar, some of the patrons watching her angry face with glee, spoiling for a good shouting match behind the bar. 
Eve bit back her retort, Patty was right, she and Javier had been gone much too long and she knew the rest of the bar staff noticed. 
“It was my fault,” Javier said behind her, “I knocked over a couple of jars of pickles, had to clean them up and that pickle juice is a bitch to get off the floor.” 
Patty growled and swiped the orange slices off the cutting board, nearly knocking it to the floor as she stomped over to her section again. 
Eve put the last few drinks on to the bar as champagne corks started popping and the music was turned down. Across the nightclub people started to cheer as the manager, and a few of the  waiters, began handing out flutes to the guests as midnight approached. There’s temporary reprieve at the bar as the guests turned towards the small stage in the corner where the manager stood, next to the big screen tv streaming live from Times Square. 
Javier found Eve’s hand out of sight from the rest of the staff and pulled her with him, around to the back of the bar. Guests were still milling around but they’re all focused on the screen as they started chanting, counting down from ten. 
“A kiss at midnight, cariño?” Javi asked, pulling her into his chest, hands landing on her waist and her cheek, sweeping away a damp curl from her forehead. 
She didn’t reply, instead she smiled at him and cupped her hand around the back of his head and pulled his mouth down to hers. Around them the crowd shouted but the noise fades as he parted his lips and let her tongue in. She tugged gently at his curls, angling her face to better reach him and he tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her up on her tiptoes so that he could taste her properly. 
The crowd cheered, loud yells of ‘Happy New Year!” erupted as the ball dropped, but it faded into the background as she let a low moan escape into his mouth and he felt her tongue lick into him. The music kicked off again, people began to dance, clinking glasses, hugging and kissing, but Javier let his hand cup her cheek, stroking his thumb over her soft skin, her body warm pressed up against his. Neither of them paying attention to the man who’s just spotted them from across the club as Patty waved at him, pointing in their direction.  
“Alright, that’s fucking it,” Mason yelled as he grabbed Javier’s shoulder and yanked him away from Eve, “You’re both fucking fired, and you can kiss your pay checks for the night good bye.”
He raised his hands to shove them both in the direction of the staff changing rooms, but pulled up short as he saw the furious look on Javier’s face, Eve’s hand on his arm to hold him back. 
Mason settled on growling; “Get the fuck out of my club, you fucking slackers, go make out on someone else’s dime.” 
“Gladly,” Eve scoffed, her hand sliding down and grabbing Javi’s, tugging him along as he scowled at Mason. 
It didn’t take long before they were both outside the club, back in civilian clothes, their bartending uniforms left behind. 
“So, any plans for the rest of the night, querida?” Javier asked, sticking his hands in his leather jacket, fishing out a packet of smokes. 
“A bodega sandwich and falling asleep on the couch,” Eve replied, shaking her head as Javi offered her a cigarette. 
“I was thinking,” he said, taking a first drag, “you said your New Year's resolution was to not date bartenders?” He tilted his head to the side and gave her a smirk as she chuckled, realizing where he was going with this. 
“Yeah, no bartenders,” she smiled and he grinned back. 
“Well, it seems I’m no longer a bartender…” 
“Thank god, worst bartender ever, Javi.”
“So how about that date, cariño?” 
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hadassah4ever · 2 months
lukas matsson x f!reader smut
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warnings: decent age gap, reader has no survival instincts for plot convenience, no protection, and the fact that i haven’t written smut in such a long time, i feel like it’s not the best, but 👍👍
word count: 1,430
minors dni pls
The night was frankly, very boring.
Strolling around and seeing the art pieces that made you realize that you might’ve flushed $50,000 down the drain, but at least you got some good complimentary cocktails and horderves.
“You look bored out of your mind.” A man whispered in your ear from behind, almost making you look like a cat jumping away from a cucumber.
“I don’t like this bullshit… ‘cum on a canvas and call it a painting’ stuff either, it’s emotionle—“
“Technically it’s eliciting emotions from you by making you hate it. But maybe that’s just the art school in me.” You shrugged, turning to see a tall, blonde haired blue eyed man.
“Arts school? On daddy’s dime, huh?” He teased. “I wish.” You softly chuckled, shaking your head.
“Hm. Not a rich girl?” He asked. “I would’ve thought you were. Normally poor people don’t throw $50,000 into the trash like that.” He joked. “I have passion! I’m a starving artist!” You replied, softly chuckling and playfully rolled your eyes, not too offended at his teasing. “How’d you get in here? No offence, but I thought that looking at usele— very… meaningful, modern art was a rich person thing?” He asked, seeming genuinely more curious than insulting or gatekeepy, like most of the people here.
“They invited a student with a referral from their professor. And I was referred by my professor.” You answered. “What an insult.” He joked, you tried to shake your head and jokingly roll your eyes to dodge all of the tiny comments that made you slowly realize more and more you should’ve gone to business school, like your cousin.
“You just hate my future profession, don’t you?” You teased back. “Well, it’s the job that makes parents slowly nod and say ‘ahhh…’, so.” He shrugged, a smug smile on his face like he knew you were gonna laugh. “Ugh, I hate how true that is. I just wanna get out of here as soon as possible. It’s not boring, just terrifying.”
“You could get out of here with me.” He quickly replied, realizing he sounded way too eager. “I don’t even know your name.” You replied, coyly smiling. “Is that the only thing stopping you?” He asked. You shrugged. “I’m Lukas Matsson.” He spoke. “Now, do you wanna leave?” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully and chuckle at that. He was cornier than he let on.
“You intrigue me. Sure.” You don’t think he’d have the gall to murder you or something after being so chatty in the decency crowded gallery, so what did you really have to lose?
You knew something was up when he rubbed your knee in the car. And the way he kept glancing at your tits. And giving you “fuck me” eyes.
“You’re alright with coming to my apartment right? No pressure.” He spoke, not seeming to just be covering his bases, but actually not putting too much pressure on you. “Sure, what else do I have to lose?” You joked, he softly smirked and told the driver his address.
You should’ve been aware about the fact that he could’ve been rich, but he dressed so casually, and not just the “hello fellow peasants, I am like you” kind of casual the way most rich people dress, but he was in a really nice part of town.
“Down for some random wine that people give me?” He asked, going into his wine cabinet, using his fingers to browse through several wines that would probably be a month's worth of rent for you, at the very least. “Gonna wine and dine me before taking me to pound town?” You joked, and as you silently cursed yourself for saying “pound town”, he chuckled.
“No, I’m just gonna wine you.” He answered, catching you off guard but still enjoying the banter. “So pound town is a non negotiable?” You joked. “Nah, we can negotiate that.” You didn’t know if he really cared this much about your consent or if he was just not trying to catch a case, maybe both, but you’d take it anyways. So far, he cared more about your consent than any person you’ve been with beforehand. Maybe you’d need to sign an NDA.
“I mean, if it’s a good journey to pound town, then I agree, but if I’m just gonna be a vessel, no thanks.” You teased, he softly laughed, picking out a bottle of wine and standing up. “I’ll make sure it’s enjoyable then.”
“Then I’m definitely aboard.” You softly chuckled, glancing at the ground and then glancing back up, Mattsson standing right in front of you, immediately leaning forward and kissing you, placing the bottle of wine on the marble counter with a soft clink.
His hands squeezed your ass, his semi-hard cock grazing against you, his hand found his way to your clit, rubbing it in somewhat rough circles, before stopping and his hand diving into your underwear, his slim fingers opening up your folds and feeling around for your slick, satisfied he grumbled a quiet, “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
“Could we move to the sofa?” You softly asked, snapping him out of his own head. “Huh? Oh yeah.” He answered, both of you scrambled to his couch, as you laid down, he placed his head between your thighs, his hands held your hips before his fingers dipped underneath the fabric of your panties, pulling them off your legs.
“You don’t seem like the guy who’s ready to eat a girl out at a moment's notice.” You flirtatiously teased, he paused for a second before breaking the brief silence with, “Not just any girl.” A similarly teasing smile but a slight, genuine look in his eyes.
That really shut you up, as you leaned back down, his mouth softly sucking your clit, his tongue and lips working together, his fingers moved around as he tried to find your entrance, quickly finding it, they dove in. You tried to resist the urge to clamp your thighs around his head, his beard softly scratching you as he ate you out, throwing your head back and moaning, you shut your eyes hard.
He was too damn good at this.
Within a few minutes he had you softly moaning about how you were about to cum, his mouth worked harder and his fingers thrusted in and out of you quicker, having you unravel faster than you ever have, he still worked his mouth and fingers even when your thighs squeezed the sides of his face, having you shaking.
He quickly pulled his head away from your core, the imprint of his cock ready to burst out from his boxer briefs. He slid them off quickly and you were a bit wary, his size was definitely gonna teeter on uncomfortable, and it was probably gonna stretch you a bit, little veins running up it, the pink tip leaking already. He opened your knees up once again and lined himself up with your entrance, “Tell me if it’s uncomfortable, ‘kay?” He spoke, after you nodded he slowly eased himself inside of you and to your surprise and delight, his size actually worked well fully inside of you.
“It’s good?” He asked, trying to suppress a groan. “Amazing.” You answered, he nodded and started to thrust inside of you, his cock curving upwards and hitting the deep, pleasurable bits inside you, he grunted and moved his fingers to your clit again, his hand resting on your pelvis as his thumb worked in circles, getting into the rhythm of it, he was eventually pounding into you, now using both of his hands to keep himself steady.
It was like a haze surrounded you, gripping onto his couch cushions and arching your back warned him of your impending orgasm, he noticed your inability to just sit still and take his cock, his hands pushed your hips down and continued to nail into you relentlessly, without any further notice, you constricted and finished around him, your breathing became shaky and every limb in your body felt like it was vibrating as he pulled out and came on your stomach, an impressive amount of warm cum hitting just underneath your belly button. His face looked like he just met god and his breathing became shaky as yours started to even out.
“Jesus.” He spoke under his breath. “Hardly anyone has been able to take me like that.” He muttered.
“Might have to pay for your tuition.” He added, in a tone you didn’t know whether or not it was a joke.
Maybe it wasn’t.
a/n: lukas definitely has feelings for the reader and i’d be willing to maybe add onto this if enough people want that.
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