#a. t. tag ✨
greeneyezblackheart · 5 months
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Oh Jesus Mary mother of fuck. 😲
I need therapy after seeing this. 🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤🤤😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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pixlokita · 9 months
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Art trade/ collab with @cookieruma29 ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) 💖 I Drew her Evan and mine meeting and she colored it super pretty as always
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thedeadthree · 7 months
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tis the season besties!! the loveliest lovely @leviiackrman tagged me to share my wrapped for this year!! ty jess !!!!!! <3 (and saw @shellibisshe and @statichvm do this as well!)
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @ruinbringer, @unholymilf, @grapecaseschoices, @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @arduath, @queennymeria, @jillvalentinesday, @shadowglens, @jendoe, @florbelles, @faerune, @bloodofvalyria, @loriane-elmuerto, @gortash, @full---ofstarlight, @jackiesarch, @leondaltons, @aponibolinayen, @bbrocklesnar, @d-vx, @captmactavish, @confidentandgood, @quickhacked, @katsigian, @jacobseed, @celticwoman, @alltoowelltv, @fragilestorm, @nokstella, @dekarios, @mrdekarios, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @themysteriouslou, @villainthirst, @envergothash, @inkrys, @avallachs, @gwynbleidd, @amyreads, @minaharkers, @myrkulyte, @pheedraws, @cptcassian and you!
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bluffmotel · 5 days
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if only the desert dream massacre happened two days later!
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carrionsflower · 6 days
TAGGED BY @laiostoudenn , thank you ✨
TAGGING @queennymeria @risingsh0t @thedeadthree @statichvm @jackiesarch @mercymaker @pavus @arborstone @loriane-elmuerto @shellibisshe @simonxriley @shadowglens @leviiackrman @countessrooster @lucky-107 @faerune @orindusc
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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the way this was the last new image featuring daimeggle th o u g h
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Idk if Tumblr is eating the tags? :(
Do you guys are experiencing trouble with it too?
P. d. If you've asked to be tagged in my fics please check the notifications. ✨
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cyncerity · 11 months
ok so a long time ago i posted a list of characters that would be appearing in the Flubber AU, and there are a lot of people on that list that haven’t been talked about in this au…
until now >:)
hope you enjoy the first story for this au <3
tw: none
Quackity, for the most part, liked his job as a science teacher at a University. It gave him plenty of resources to steal borrow from work to use in his own experiments, summers and holidays off, and students that were mature and who wanted to learn what he had to teach (even if they were only a few years younger than him, given that he was fairly young to be teaching at a university). One of the only downsides, in his opinion, was dealing with parents who couldn’t understand that their kids weren’t as perfect or special as they wanted them to be.
Like the father he was dealing with right now.
“I’m telling you, they’re smart. They can handle this and I want them in your class. No exceptions.” The man at the other end of Quackity’s desk said. The man was tall, far taller than Quackity and fairly threatening. He had a permanent scowl, dark brown hair and mutton chops that made him look like a modern supervillain. If Quackity were anyone else, maybe he would’ve felt like he had to give in to the man’s demands. But he wasn’t anyone else, and he’d never been one to back down from a fight.
“And I’m telling you I’m not enrolling two teenagers into a high honors college science and robotics class. It’s not gonna happen. Mr…” “Schlatt.” The man spat, scowling further. “Mr. Schlatt.” Quackity continued. “Legally, against my own judgement, I can’t refuse their enrollment until they fail the entry quiz. But i’m telling you, don’t do this to them. I don’t care how bad they want this. I don’t care how smart you think they are. All that will happen is they’ll fail and they’ll be heartbroken. I’m sure they’re smart for their age, but I’ve had people 20+ years old fail this test a dozen times before they gave up. I’m not an easy teacher.”
“They’re free this Friday. 4 o’clock. That work for you?” The man said, apparently completely ignoring what Quackity had said. He huffed and stared down the man before sighing. “Fine. But don’t come crying to me when their spirits are broken cause of you. I’ll print a couple copies and tell the main office you’re sending them in for the test, I won’t be there myself. I doubt i’ll be seeing you again after they fail.”
For the first time in the meeting, the man smiled. “I guarantee you’ll be seeing a lot more of me, Quackity. Have a good day.” And with that, he stood up and left. Good. Quackity was looking forward to never seeing him again.
“Alex! Wait one second, I need to talk to you!”
Quackity paused. No one he knew called him Alex, and he’d had a rough weekend after another experiment had gone wrong and he’d had to deal with the mess, so he wasn’t in the mood to meet new people. But he did have a job he didn’t want to be fired from, so he sighed and turned around. An older woman from the office was running after him, papers in her hand falling and trailing behind her as she ran. He quickly ran back to meet her and grab some of the discarded papers. He did his best to put on his friendly customer service voice that he used with people who didn’t dislike him (yet). “Hi! What’s, uh, what’s so urgent?” “Oh nothing much, just a couple new students in your class! I figured you’d be meeting them in an hour or so, so you’d want to know a bit about them first!” She smiled, handing him the papers and swiftly walking back to her office.
Quackity opened the first folder and registered the names. “oh no fucking way…” he muttered to himself. Schlatt. Both of the boys names were Schlatt. He flipped a couple more pages. Both of them were only 16. 16! They both were privately homeschooled, but were commuting to the university specifically for his class. As he continued his increasingly frantic walk to his office, he looked through more of the papers to find what he was looking for. The tests.
The first one was in messy handwriting and a goddamn glitter pen. What the fuck. The name signed at the top was “Tubbo Schlatt,” and right next to the name was a teachers handwriting with his grade: an 83.9%. Far more than the 70% needed to get him an interview with Quackity for enrollment, and barely higher than the needed 80% to get him an automatic enrollment. That wasn’t possible. Maybe the test was flubbed, maybe the questions weren’t as hard as he remembered. He skimmed through the test, and though the writing wasn’t steady, it was legible. Every question was exactly as hard as he thought it was, and the score was correct.
He went to the next student. This one apparently chose a dark red pen (why the fuck didn’t these kids have normal pens), and thank god his handwriting was better. “Tommy Schlatt,” and right next to his name, his grade: 100%. Quackity was back at his office by the time he registered the score. He sat at his desk and read it again. Then he painstakingly went through the test with far more patience than he’d taken with the previous one and read every question and every answer. And to his astonishment, not only was every answer right, every answer was written with a level of intelligence he’d never seen if anyone that age (except maybe himself; there was a reason he was teaching at a university at only 24 years old).
Looking at the records of the test, both boys were in different rooms to take them and all electronics were stripped from them, so there couldn’t have been cheating. Tubbo took 2 hours and 45 minutes to finish his, and Tommy took just under 2 hours. Who the fuck was this kid??
“You looking at my test score?” a british voice asked, scaring the shit out of Quackity. He flipped his head up and was face to face with two teenagers, one leaning confidently against his desk and one hung back by the doorway. The one leaning on his desk was tall with striking blue eyes and curly blonde hair. He wore a smug grin and stared at Quackity with a level of authority no child should think they have. The one behind him was much shorter with a very familiar shade of dark brown hair bleached blonde near the ends and a similar smug grin. Or, well, Quackity assumed it was. He had bangs that came down well past his eyes, covering them completely. Quackity was sure that under the bangs, the latter looked exactly like his father, but the former definitely didn’t. Maybe he was adopted, but it certainly wasn’t his business to ask. Both of them were wearing the formal school uniforms, suit jackets, ties, button up shirts and slacks, but neither of them were wearing them correctly.
Blondie had his formal jacket tied around his waist and was missing his tie completely, and the brunette, while he was at least wearing his jacket, had it fully unbuttoned with the under shirt buttoned poorly and both sets of sleeves pulled up to his elbows, missing the tie as well. Both of them, if they were full time students, would get in trouble, but given that Quackity was their only teacher, it was probably up to him to correct what his superiors would call “rebellious behavior.” Good thing he didn’t give a shit.
“You find any mistakes yet?” The blonde boy continued, “Or are you gonna have to admit I’m as smart as my dad told you I’d be?” Quackity stared back. No fucking way was he about to admit defeat to a 16 year old. “We’ll see. Tommy, right?” Quackity responded, doing his best to not show how shocked he’d been upon seeing the test. The blonde boy, Tommy, nodded. Quackity continued. “That was only the entrance exam. I’ll admit you’re smart, but we’ll see if you have what it takes. Now, why exactly are you here almost an hour early?” “Well…we, uh wanted to make a good first impress-“ “We were bored as fuck and had nothing better to do than scare the shit out of you.” The bleached hair one, Tubbo, interrupted. “No!” Tommy shouted swiveling to turn to his brother, “No! That’s definitely not it!” He said glaring at the shorter boy who just shrugged. Tommy huffed and turned back to Quackity, his smug look coming back as soon as he looked his teacher in the eye, trying to look as cool as possible and failing. “We’ll be going now. Have to figure out the layout of the school and whatnot. We look forward to seeing you in class.” And with that, he turned and left, the boy behind him following and showing Quackity an L with his fingers as he left.
Quackity sighed. What weird kids.
“Tom, my battery’s low.” “Well, that seems like a you problem, now doesn’t it. Not my fault when you forget to charge.” “It’ll be your problem when you have to drag my sorry and dead ass back to the house.” Tubbo retorted, walking a few steps ahead of Tommy while kicking a stone down the road. Tommy sighed. “Fine, we’ll take the long way so no one sees you recharge.” He said, handing Tubbo a cordless charger. Tubbo smiled and grabbed it as they walked from the public sidewalk to a secluded path through the woods that lead to their house. Tubbo pulled his hair up, exposing his eyes, cold and lifeless. Human looking, but just barely wrong enough to trigger an uncanny valley reflex in most people. He wasn’t perfect, no android was, but he was close enough. After all, he covered his eyes pretty easily whenever he had to be around humans.
Tubbo tied his bangs back and popped out his right eye, exposing the usb port beneath it. He easily plugged the portable charger in and shoved his eye in his school pants, continuing the walk like nothing was wrong. It didn’t take long to get back to the house, the sleek matte rich asshole vibe of it greatly contrasting with the forest surrounding it. Walking through the door, they noticed Schlatt on their couch, scrolling through Twitter before he heard the door click shut behind them. “Well,” he started, getting up and coming over to them, “how was your first day of school?” “Great!” Tubbo immediately chimed in. “We totally crushed Big Q’s class, and I got permission to go to the gym during a break and use their equipment!” “Yeah, and he wasted most of his battery.” Tommy interjected, gesturing to the wire coming out of his eye socket. “Yeah, I was gonna ask about that. Wanna recharge in my room? I can grab a couple extra controllers so we can all play GTA.” Schlatt asked, both boys immediately agreeing and beginning to head towards his room.
Schlatt was a newer model, which was a bit awkward since he’d been around for less time than the boys but had to play their dad in public. But since he was programmed to act older, it never proved to be much of an issue, and was more a running gag than anything else. He was much less uncanny than Tubbo, but at the cost that his face couldn’t move as naturally, making him always appear kinda angry, but that was fine. Plenty of humans have resting bitch faces. But when they weren’t pretending to be a normal human family, Schlatt was just another friend, if not older brother figure. Tommy and Tubbo both loved his company.
But God forbid there be a moment of peace in their house.
“Tommy! Here, to my office!” They heard a call from the top of their steps. All three of them froze. Schlatt and Tubbo shot Tommy a look of concern before he sighed and shooed them off, assuring them that he’d get back when he could. So, they continued moving while Tommy went where he was called. When he got there, the office was as looming and threatening as ever. It was built like a supervillains lair, but with less torture devices and more binders full of money and stolen ideas. The man at the desk was none other than Wilbur Soot. Charismatic business man, robotics specialist, and the owner of the house and everyone in it. Tommy stepped up to the desk where Wilbur sat staring at a computer screen. “You needed something, Wil?”
“Why yes, Tommy, I did,” he said in a fake sweet, syrupy tone that he used when he didn’t want to address an issue right away. Great. Tommy wasn’t sure what he could’ve done wrong, but he knew the second that fake lilt was gone, he was gonna get it. “How was your first day of school? Anything odd happen? Anyone suspect anything?” “No, of course not.” Tommy was quick to answer, because he was right. They had all perfectly played the roles Wilbur had told them to play. “Great…then tell me why Schlatt got this email from an office worker: ‘We’d like to inform you that your child, Tommy Schlatt, had a perfect score on one of the toughest entry exams our school has to offer. We wish to meet with you to talk about potential offers with our university in the future and scholarship opportunities.’” Wil finished, the fake friendliness from his voice gone. Tommy, though proud of himself, knew that Wilbur couldn’t be happy with him.
“Wil, i swear i didn’t mean to! It’s just..the questions were easy! I knew them! How was I supposed to just-“ “You were supposed to get in, not draw unnecessary attention to yourself by being the best!” “So what if I’m the best! I-“ “For the love of God, Tommy, shut up!!” Wilbur yelled, smacking his hands on his desk. “You only have one task here: find out how to get at Alex Quackity. That’s it! That man has the means to make us millions if we can steal his ideas and you’re going to blow that opportunity before we even get it! I’m not expecting you to learn, or stay there, or have fun. You and Tubbo are there on a mission. Nothing more.” He stood from his desk and leaned closer to Tommy. “You wouldn’t be here without me. I made you everything you are today and believe me, I can take it all away. Do you want that?” Tommy stood silent like he always did when Wilbur yelled, like a switch in his brain clicked off. He shook his head. Wilbur sighed and sat back in his chair, staring down at his desk. Then, when Wilbur didn’t have anything else to say, Tommy turned to leave.
“Tommy, one more thing.” Wilbur said, and Tommy, ever obedient, stopped. “That test, your 100%; you didn’t cheat, did you?” Tommy shook his head, not even nothing to turn back to Wilbur. Wil huffed and waited a few seconds. “…I certainly got lucky with you, didn’t I.” He said, and he turned away back to his work. Tommy left.
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nomiyakazehaya · 1 year
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some more tf doodles! still trying to get the hang of robo shapes in general,, tfp designs are painful but kinda fun at the same time 🥲
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screwzara · 5 months
Have some [Canonical] OC content and some mutuals' OC content 🤭
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Ah yes, Harp, Zara & Pomar
I was having trouble drawing Harp's hair since this is actually my first time drawing her, same case with Pomar :')
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Credits for the OCs in the below pic:
Yay, I drew tsutsuji :D
+their common gift :)))
And yes,
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A certain someone(our lovely smiley blob friend) has officially started this particular tag:
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BP × Lin 👁️👁️✨ 🤭
Ehehehehhehehehe >:3
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thetimecrystal · 11 months
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birthday clown vibes today
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Yeehaw we gettin tagged by @whump-me​ (tyyyy) and posting 7 snippets from our writing (or wips but i am a wipless bastard atm 🤪) and i have decided to do some Silly Castys Moments (and also some Erebus stuff ig 🙄)
Warning for some gore probably it’s Nemi writing so yk but I’ll try to keep the really bad stuff outta here (there also some armputation and guy going crazy and starving to death over and over you know the drill)
1. Local silly guy does in fact regret it very much
“I don’t really want you, per se, but a certain…friend of yours.” Castys stiffened, and he heard a faint laugh. “I think you know who I’m talking about.”
“I really don’t. I’ve got a lot of friends, you know, and-” something slammed into the metal above him, cutting him off.
“Don’t play dumb with me; you know exactly who I’m talking about, and you’d better tell me where I can find him or I’ll make you regret it.”
“Please, do your worst. I already regret so many damn things so I don’t think another one on the pile will do much to me, to be honest,” Castys mused, wiggling against his bonds slightly.
2. The worst fmk in existence gets you stabbed
“Hey, guys, fuck, marry, kill for rice, pasta, and bread, go. I think for me, I gotta say fuck bread, marry rice, kill pasta. Don’t get me wrong, I love some noodles, some noods, but, like, man. Have you ever just, like, had some bread? Insane. I would fuck bread. I don’t wanna fuck anything, but boy I would fuck the bread. And rice, man, she’s so dependable, she’s always there for you. What I would want in a spouse if I wanted anything in a spouse. This game wasn’t really designed for me, and yet, here I am. So, c’mon, what’s it from you two? You’ve gotta have-Hey, Danny boy, got an opinion you’d like to share?” Castys smiled up at the man now standing in front of him.
Daniel rolled his eyes before putting his asshole face back on. “Just do something useful for once and hold this for me, vermin,” he said with a smile, lifting Castys’s shirt and gently sliding the knife he was holding into his abdomen. Castys just sighed, way too used to being stabbed to really care much about this.
3. Ripping your arm off but it’s a Phineas and Ferb reference (this one is probably the most gory of all the snippets fyi but it’s not too bad)
Sensing his chance, Castys grabbed the manacled wrist of his shredded arm with his good hand, bit down on the gag, and pulled. He couldn’t give up, couldn’t stop, not after enduring this much, he could feel his flesh tearing, sending out sparks of agony unlike anything he’d ever known, and he had to keep pulling, pulling and jerking and tearing and twisting and praying, praying that he could rip it off before he drowned again, which, hey, kind of a weird thing to want, not that he hadn’t had to amputate his own limbs before, but weird that it was happening again, and honestly, this hurt way more than the other times, but wasn’t that always the case-and fuck there was no way he was going to be able to just snap his bones like this, and he needed it to be completely severed, and there was no time, wedge it against the rocks and pull pull pull until there was a snap and a burst of unholy agony, so intense it almost smothered the relief, so fierce it made him forget he was drowning up until the moment his oxygen-starved brain lost consciousness.
4. Lmaoooo bitches trapped in a cell for like 200 years
Every three days. Thirst. Weakness. Dizziness. Death. Was it three days? Is that how long you could last without water? He tried to count, but the numbers got lost in the haze all too easily. There was no way to mark the stone, to keep track outside of his head, the blood wasn’t being washed off him anymore. He had nothing, nothing at all, just here and himself and the unyielding stone. The square of sunlight would move across the cell, the only motion to break the constancy of everything else. It was the same day repeated over and over and over and over and over and it was the same just the same nothing ever changed, ever, ever, it was the same-
Something wasn’t the same. The leather muzzle that had kept him silent for so long had been slowly rotting, and it finally fell off. For a moment he simply stared at it lying there on the ground, broken, dying, fading away. He opened his mouth for the first time in decades. And he screamed, because that thing got to rot away and disappear and he wouldn’t, he would always be here, hungry and thirsty and alone and trapped and alive and it wasn’t fair, not at all, and he screamed because it had been so long since he was able, he cried because it was all he could do.
5. Erebus’s iconic sit down protest ✨ (it does not accomplish anything in the end)
“You are coming with me. As of today you are my property, so you will do as I say. Resistance will only make things more difficult for you. So you will walk, or you will be dragged. Your choice.” Erebus initially felt a bolt of fear shoot through him, but looking down at her scrawny frame, he realized that she likely couldn’t carry out her threat.
Dragged? He’d like to see her try.
Erebus sat down on the ground and looked expectantly up at Neteri, one eyebrow raised. She huffed and narrowed her eyes. Planting her feet firmly on the ground, she tugged on the chain as hard as she could, but it did little more than make him lean forward. She sighed. “Okay, you have a point there.”
6. More Erebus and Neteri shenanigans because she’s right he’s being a drama queen
“You can’t just do that! That’s-you can’t just amputate my arm!”
“See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out.”
“Of-of course I’m freaking out! You want to cut off one of my limbs, for Drottkia’s sake!”
“I mean, yeah, but I’m going to give you a new one right away. So at the end of the day you’ll have the same number of arms you started with. It’s honestly not worth getting that worked up about.”
7. New phobia alert!! (warning for centipede on guy)
He felt it, it was on him, dozens of little legs pitter-pattering across his skin, crawling on him. “G-get it off. Neteri, please, please get it off.” It tickled the back of his neck, around the base of the section of skin she’d replaced. “What’s it doing Neteri plea-” she clamped a hand over his mouth, her thumb rubbing against his cheek as he whimpered.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay Erebus. I’m just seeing if it can connect to you, I promise I’ll take it off when I’m done.” Connect to him?! What-what did that mean-oh it had stopped crawling around it was just sitting there it was on his back what was it going to do to him what did connecting mean was it-Erebus felt a momentary pinch at the base of his neck, and suddenly his limbs starting moving, wriggling in the restraints all on their own. Neteri removed her hand from his mouth and looked down at him expectantly, her other hand still gripping his tightly even as his fingers twitched uncontrollably. “Are you doing that?”
“N-no I-I’m not moving I’m not doing that why are they doing that I can’t stop it is it doing that to me make it stop make it let go please-” Tears were streaming from Erebus’s eyes but he didn’t care he just wanted that thing off he wanted it gone he wanted control of his own body back he’d always had that even when he was tied up and strapped down he’d always had that-
And there we go hope that either a fun time on memory lane or at least made you laugh a little
Taggin uhhhh @galaxywhump @yet-another-heathen and @painsandconfusion (mainly because i know you will want to read the Castys content 💕)
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thedeadthree · 1 year
TAGGED BY the dearest @unholymilf to share a few things ive been working on ! ty ty so much ash dear!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @risingsh0t, @kingsroad, @griffin-wood, @jendoe, @phillipsgraves, @marivenah, @leviiackrman, @chuckhansen, @denerims, @queennymeria, @aartyom, @blissfulalchemist, @shellibisshe, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @wayhavenots, @pegxcarter, @malefiicarum, @nightbloodraelle, @roofgeese, @morvaris, @jacobseed, @nuclearstorms, @carminasolis, @girlbosselrond, @anoras, @fragilestorm, @shadowglens, @arklay and you!
teehee i AT LAST got around to introducing the t*lou dears clowns with the one and only template from ash! so far i have tlou!olga and gianna <3 with this cutest coloring as well !
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the VERY early stages of a piece for the dearest marta in honor of fh's release ! with orions cutest template!
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another early stages but in honor of oc kiss week a piece for kenny and @griffin-wood's dear raylene with this template !
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and now a bit of writing! moments before disaster if you will a piece for alva and rhaegy with a bit of rhaemion and enya lore connecting them to vanna and daemy and their babies !
Summerhal was beautiful at this hour. those fleeting moments before midday and after the morning when the sun was well off to reaching its zenith made even the hardest of hearts gaze in awe.
Alva descended from her horse, vermillion. To her left by a relatively small pond were the horses of Lord Rhaemion Targaryen of Starfall, the princess Elia’s dear longtime friend (and rumored paramour, he too a close and beloved friend of the prince as well, the nature of things was a topic for another morn). And the other of her dearest Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
She recalls when Rhaemion spoke of reason for choosing his horse. The almost pearlescent mane of his chosen mount reminded him of the scales of his dragon, Parthunaax known by the histories as the Burned Overlord. The Targaryens of Starfall or the Amethyst or Dawn Dragons still possessed the ones belonging to the riders they were bound to during and following the dance. Baelor and Parthunaax, Calla and Nahvintaas (a ilmestian dragon of Vilemyr), and Valaerra who was Rhaemion’s ancestor and her she-dragon Numinex. Though the most notable among them was the Ethereal, the Violet Star of Starfall herself once bound to the mistress of mists Iovanna Dayne, Starspire. The two year old daughter of Rhaemion recently began to speak her first words and has declared her favorite word to be the name of the ethereal. If this is any prediction that the girl at two has already declared her mount will not be a horse, but Starspire herself, one cannot fathom anything else. She laughed when he mentioned he will have to tell the girl when she’s older that the dragons are not to be flown in westeros and she will have to have a horse as he does. Lest the Dragon of myth and prophecy see her end by scorpion bolt.
On leaving vermillion by Rhaemion and Rhaegar’s. She makes her way by the remnants of the stone walkway closer towards the ruin. The three spent a lot of time in summerhall, her and Rhaegar spending the most.
#only if you want to! 🤍🕊#and if you've done this already please feel free to pass <3 i am AT LAST catching up on a few tags! <3 ty ty again ash for the tag!#oc: olga litvinchuck#RETURN OF THE QUEEN <3 and ty ty alyssa for encouraging me to bring her into t*lou <3#olga is either calculating or ambitious i haven’t decided which one fits more aksjjzjx ✨😖#its turning out so cute already and im loving that the coloring compliments olgas hair so well ? that's baby!#have had tlou!olga brainworms alongside the usual suspects the asoiaf clowns AND marta returning to the fold all day hehe <3#were doing fine! the high stakes tennis match between the clowns vying for control of the braincell is going splendidly <3#to get ye olde writing brain gears a workin a cute ship edit for ray ray and kenny <3 BABIES BABIES BOTH OF THEM#and also will make one as well for vik and nessie for the oc kiss week <3 IM SO EXCITED AHH#MARTA MARTA RETURN OF THE LEGEND i missed her dearly! and her beloved! that's the first if oc and if i was introduced to!#she means the world to me! that's dearie right there!#AND OF COURSE ALVA AND RHAEGY BEING THE CUTEST EVER AND IT MAKES ME SAD! they were so in love! im not sobbing at all!#and of course daevanna being the moment the way they just....... APPEAR EVERYWHERE i love those dears sm <3#leg.tagged#leg.writing#leg.ocs#leg.edit#AND SUPER SUPER LOOKING TO DO AN EDIT AS WELL FOR MAEKY AND AERY we are working! the creative process at work!#oc: alva amaranthine#x: alva x rhaegar#oc: marta chaykovski#oc: gianna villareal#oc: kendall lawton#x: kendall x raylene
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guiltyidealist · 1 year
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you're fucking Going Through It right now, heart hurts and there are so many questions and so few answers, but your best friend (who is a wolf) or group of best friends (who is your pack) is incredibly supportive. they want you to be happy. they lov you so fucking much. they are here for you. they have your back no matter what board
x x x x x x x x x
kindly credit if you repost the gifs I made-
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niicevibe · 2 years
If somehow Baizhu and Pantalone AREN’T related, I’m gonna… I dunno what I’d do but I ain’t gonna be happy about it. BUT IT’S JUST TOO UNCANNY TO BE AN ACCIDENT, RIGHT???
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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rage is a ✨way of life✨
#found out that i successfully angered someone by not showing up to work on saturday lmaoooooo#and im just like… gOOOOOOD. BE MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!#mans has no room to be mad anyway. it’s his fault i had to ot for 7 hours to cover his work for him in the first place soooooooo#a nd he’s getting demoted next year and im ahauxucjsjjsjsjsjxjdhss#in other news im kinda annoyed by my mother’s (unfortunate) pressuring of me to go to the upcoming family christmas gathering :(#like no way manssssss i haven’t seen the extended fam since my grandma’s funeral and i’d like to keep it that way thanks~~~~~~~~#and a c h r i s t m a s gathering of all places… m a n. im half expecting them to drag everyone to church to end off the gathering…#i wouldn’t put it past the hosting aunt to do that ngl. she had tricked me into attending a church service in the past and all…#like. man. there’s this local mall that has a similar name to said church service…#so ofc it’s normal to assume that said mall is what she was referring to when she said ‘let’s go to [insert name]!’ with no context right???#and uggshdhdjjsjsjdjs i don’t wanna be introduced to my cousins’ kids as ‘auntie [insert nickname i hate]’ bc that’s lame#and m a n. i definitely don’t wanna interact with my cousins’ kids. i either don’t know or can’t pronounce (or both) their names#i only remember the oldest one’s name (bc he has a stereotypical frat boy name) and the one who’s named after a ninja turtle#but none of the rest. i think some of them have names from my cousins’ spouses’ home countries? dk about the others though#i’m 80% sure one of the girls was named something like ‘triceratops’ but that doesn’t seem right…#being named after a dinosaur sounds cool though… or any prehistoric creature really#if i could choose my own name i’d like it to be ‘coelacanth’#just so i can say ‘i coelacan’t do it!!!!!’ if someone asked me to do something i don’t wanna do. the pun potentials are endless mans#huh. wow… i started this off with a mad coworker and ended it by turning into a coelacanth… how did we get here anyway…?#oh wells no one reads the tags anyway uehxudjdjdjsjsjss my secrets are ✨safe✨
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