#a3 card translation
izumi-fanclub · 11 months
A3! Translation: Chikage SR Card “Endless Gaze” [ Rivals’ Fierce Marksmanship ]
Director asks Chikage out to win a very special prize for her.
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Part 1
… Looks like that’s all I have to buy.
(There are people in yukatas here and there. There must be a summer festival nearby if I recall correctly.)
Papa! Thank you soooo much for getting me Kareko-chan~!*
No prob kiddo. Just be glad your pops can work a shooting range like it’s nothing.
(Kareko-chan!? Feels like I just received an anonymous tip…)
(I wonder if it’s a prize at the festival’s target shooting…?)
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W-woah, Chikage-san…! Are you on your way back from work?
Yup. You had this funny look on your face all alone, I had to watch such a spectacle, but for your sake I thought I should call out to you by now.
Izumi Wait, did I look weird!?
Just kidding.
You’re on your antics again…
Oh yeah, Chikage-san. Wanna go to a summer festival with me? Chikage
Again with the sudden requests. Speaking of, you must be talking about the one near here.
I heard that Kareko-chan was one of the prizes for the shooting game at the summer festival. I need you to fight for my honor with me.
I’m sure the director doesn’t need me to win it.
The odds would be better with more than one person. If you go with me, I’ll treat you to all the food stalls you can imagine!
You don’t need to do all that, but you know…
The shooting match we had back then was pretty fun, I’ll keep you company.
Alright, thank you so much!
(If I’m going to a summer festival anyway, I should think about buying a yukata…)
(There’s a range of variety on patterns, and they’re all so cute, I’m lost on what to get.)
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Yo, director.
Ah, Syu-san, good to see you.
You looking for a Yukata?
I’m going to a summer festival with Chikage-san, so I thought I’d wear one…
Will Chikage wear one too, then?
I’m not sure if Chikage-san will.
I see. …I have a small favor to ask of you.
Part 2
*Knocks* Chikage-san, is now a good time?
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What is it?
*Door closes behind*
Izumi Actually, I got a yukata from Syu-san… Would you like to wear one with me together at the summer festival?
A Yukata…?
Seems like it’s from a kimono shop that Syu-san is associated with.
He asked me to have Chikage-san wear and promote it on the shop’s SNS account.
I’m grateful for all Syu-san has done for us, so I couldn’t get myself to refuse…
If that’s the case, I don’t mind that much.
You sure?
I know how soft you are towards people.
… Thank you.
[ Option 1: I’m sure we’ll get Kareko-chan! ]
I’m sure we’ll be able to get Kareko-chan!
I’ll pull all the stops and go serious mode, make sure to do the same, Chikage-san.
Alright, alright.
And, once we get there, we have to try the candy apples, takoyaki and shaved ice!
And then after that…
Looks like we’ll be busy.
[ Option 2: I look forward to the festival ]
I’m looking forward to the summer festival.
Don’t get too excited, I don’t want you hurt.
I’m not a child…
Haha. Still, to think I’d wear a yukata this way.
It’s got a nice pattern to it, right? I think yukatas just get you in the right mood.
Other than that, I’m looking forward to seeing you in one, Director-san.
(I kinda feel embarrassed if you say that all of a sudden…)
Chikage-san, you look really good in that yukata.
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Director-san, you look great too.
The vibes here… It’s so exciting!
There’s tons of food stalls around I see.
Come on, let’s get shooting already!
Aah… It’s like I’m with a kid.
What’d you say?
It’s nothing. I think the shooting stall’s over there.
…There! Even Kareko-chan’s on display, there’s no doubt about it!
One round please!
Same here as well.
(Steady your aim…)
Yay! I got it!
Me too.
You two are really good at this.
There’s still a few more left, let’s keep going!
Another hit! Next up…
Stop! Wait a minute.
If you two keep this up, I’ll be run dry…
Whaddya say I give you vouchers for Ramune and you two can leave for today?
Izumi Ah! My bad, I overdid it…!
We got carried away.
You’re pretty skillful. I’m glad you had fun.
Child A You guys are so cool~!
Child B
So many prizes too! Izumi
(So many kids gathered around us before we knew it…)
I only wanted the Kareko-chan plushie, the kids can have the other prizes.
I agree. There’s way too many sweets.
Everyone, do you wanna have these prizes?
Child A Can we?
Child B Yippee!
… We got 6 ramune bottles in total.
Can be souvenirs for everyone in Spring Troupe.
(Chikage-san, even now you’re still thinking about Spring Troupe…)
…Director-san, you’re looking funny again.
Fufu, I don’t mind looking funny.
Here, Ramune.
Eh? But, there won’t be enough for you, Chikage-san…
It’s fine. Besides, you’ve already spent enough.
…I’ll return the favor with curry-flavored Ramune next time.
No thanks.
Ahaha, too much?
Then, let’s take a last picture to send to Syu-san and go home.
The summer festival has been so much fun, let’s come again!
Yeah… I’m down.
Story Clear!
———- t/n: ———
Kareko-chan is basically 'Curry' + 'Ko' (usually a suffix used for the girlies or to make a name sound cute) I had some names I wanted to use instead of Kareko-chan (Stephanie Curry, Pretty Curry, Curry Ko) but I wanted to save you guys from my corniness
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jujumin-translates · 4 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: The Cheshire Cat - Part 1
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Muku: So cute…
Sakuya: Yeah, they’re super cute…
Sakuya: Wah, that little guy is so friendly.
Muku: Right! And his face is really cute too. That cat’s the mascot cat there…
*Door opens*
Tsuzuru: …What are you two up to?
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Muku: Ah, Tsuzuru-san! We’re just watching cat videos.
Sakuya: There’s a streamer that posted a video of them visiting a cat cafe…
Sakuya: And Muku-kun saw it and said I should watch it too.
Muku: Each cat has their own personality, and they’re all really really cute!
Muku: If you’d like, do you want to join us, Tsuzuru-san?
Tsuzuru: Ah, could you actually just send me the video’s link then?
Muku: Of course! I’ll send it to you on LIME.
Tsuzuru: Thanks. I don’t usually watch videos that much, but animal videos are pretty healing.
Sakuya: They really do make you smile and feel relaxed when you watch them!
*Door opens*
Izumi: Sakuya-kun, there you are.
Izumi: I’m here to let you know that the results for the supporting role survey that you were looking forward to are finally in!
Sakuya: …!
Tsuzuru: Right, the project where each troupe member does a spin-off short story about one of their supporting characters during a stream.
Muku: And which of the supporting characters you’ll be playing is based on a survey our fans took.
Sakuya: So the results are finally in!
Tsuzuru: Which supporting character is it?
Izumi: Sakuya-kun will be… the Cheshire Cat!
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Sakuya: The Cheshire Cat…!
Muku: Waah…!
Tsuzuru: Gotcha. That tracks.
Tsuzuru: Nice timing, too. We were just talking about cats.
Muku: I really like your Cheshire Cat, Sakuya-kun, so I can’t wait to see your performance!
Sakuya: Thanks! I’ll do my best to make it a charming spin-off story.
Tsuzuru: I’ll be working on the script soon, so think about if you’ve got any requests for me.
Sakuya: R-Right!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Alright then, let’s start discussing the script for your spin-off.
Sakuya: Let’s do it!
Tsuzuru: Like I said before, I’ve been mostly listening to the requests of the person performing, but… are there any that you have, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Requests…
Sakuya: I’ve thought about it a lot, but… I just want to play the Cheshire Cat for a script that you’ve thought up, Tsuzuru-kun!
Tsuzuru: A script that I’ve thought up?
Sakuya: It’s not like I don’t want to think of something for myself or anything.
Sakuya: It’s just that so far, so many of MANKAI Company’s stories have come from the scriptwriter, Tsuzuru Minagi…
Sakuya: That’s why I want to act out a new story for the Cheshire Cat that you’ve come up with, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru: …Gotcha.
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Tsuzuru: …Got it. If that’s what you, then I guess I have no choice but to meet your demands, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Thank you so much! I’m really looking forward to seeing how it turns out, too.
Tsuzuru: But, I’m still going to need your cooperation.
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Tasuku Takato SSR: Lively Lunch Time - Part 1
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Tasuku: … Whew.
Izumi: Ah, welcome back, Tasuku-san. I hope your morning run was good.
Tasuku: I’m back. Are you preparing breakfast?
Izumi: Yes. I woke up a little earlier than usual, so I thought I’d make breakfast for everyone.
Izumi: Would you like to eat, Tasuku-san?
Tasuku: Yeah.
Izumi: I’ll fetch you a plate, then!
Izumi: Thank you for the meal.
Tasuku: Thanks for the meal. A tuna and egg hot sandwich, huh. Seems like a good source of protein.
Izumi: I’m glad you think so. Oh, by the way, Nadeshiko Publishing has an offer directly for you…
Tasuku: Nadeshiko Publishing… Is it a special feature on “Spotlight” again?
Izumi: Not this time.  This time the offer is to be on the cover, and feature on a certain men’s magazine.
Tasuku: A men’s magazine?
Izumi: Yes. The theme seems to be “physical beauty”.
Izumi: So, the editor of the magazine, who knows of MANKAI Company through Kasumi-san, wanted to ask you.
Tasuku: So the theme has nothing to do with acting.
Izumi: Right. The magazine seems to focus on things like body building, health, sports and outdoor activities.
Izumi: Ah, I guess it’ll be easier to understand when you see it for yourself. This is the magazine I’m talking about…
Tasuku: … Huh?
Izumi: Is something wrong?
Tasuku: I buy this magazine myself, from time to time.
Izumi: Eh!?
Tasuku: This magazine is published by Nadeshiko Publishing? I didn’t know that.
Izumi: It’s not really the kind of thing you notice, unless you’re actively looking for it.
Tasuku: …
Izumi: (Tasuku-san’s looking at the magazine with a serious face. I guess he’s not that interested since it’s not related to acting…?)
Izumi: It’s a prerequisite that you accept, but two others have also been asked to feature.
Tasuku: Two others?
Izumi: Masumi-kun and Sakyo-san.
Tasuku: The three of us have entirely different body types.
Izumi: Yes. Since the theme is “physical beauty”, they want to show off the beauty of muscular bodies, and the beauty of more slender bodies…
Izumi: It seems… They were chosen to showcase the physical beauty hidden in more slender figures.
Tasuku: … Guess I’ll have to change my training menu starting today, then.
Izumi: Huh!?
Tasuku: Today’s full of surprises.
Choice 1: Are you going to accept?
Izumi: Are you going to accept, Tasuku-san?
Tasuku: Did you really think I wasn’t going to?
Izumi: Some part of me did think that. It might be a request for MANKAI Company, but there’s no acting involved, so…
Tasuku: If it’s something I’m satisfied with, I’ll accept even if there’s no acting involved. And I know about this magazine already.
Tasuku: And it’ll be good to test my abilities, in a sense.
Choice 2: Did this get you excited?
Izumi: You were pretty much glaring at the magazine before, but did this get you excited?
Tasuku: You’d feel some pressure too if you were handpicked from the editor of a magazine you buy.
Izumi: That’s… true, I think.
Tasuku: I can’t half-ass this, knowing what type of people the readers are.
Tasuku: With that decided, I have to put some thought into the training menu leading up to the shooting. First, I need to consult with the other two…
Izumi: (Tasuku-san is serious about this.)
Izumi: (Although the special feature isn’t about acting, I think the editor made the correct choice by picking him…!) 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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meenatranslates · 5 months
[R] Taichi | Those Who Hide in the Snow
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Every time I go to the storage room to look for props, things always appear or disappear, so it feels like treasure hunting.
The Return of Lord Taichi!? - Part 1
ーRoom 106 (Day)ー
*knock knock*
Azami: Who is it?
Oh, Taichi-san.
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Taichi: Sorry to bother you! Can I borrow the Yaksha horns that you used during the Ayakashi Festival before?! (1)
Azami: Yaksha horns...? Oh, does this have to do with the demon role that you and Sakuya-san going to play as guest performers?
Taichi: Yeah! I was thinking of what I could do before our practice starts.
And when you think of demons, horns come to mind, right? I just thought they're what I need to look the part.
My demon role has a lot of horns on the head, and they're kinda similar to your Yaksha horns...!
I actually don't know if you have the full set costume, but I thought it won't hurt to ask you for it!
Azami: I see. But that costume was for the summer festival's salesperson to wear, so even if they still have it, it'll take a while to pull it out.
Taichi: Agh, you're right.
Azami: Have Director call them...
...Nevermind. Why don't you try looking around the storage room? You might unexpectedly find something there.
Taichi: Oh yeah! It's like a magical storage room where anything you want can come out if you dig deep enough!
Azami: I think the room's just being messy, though.
Taichi: Aight, I'll go and look for something there!
Azami: Let me know if you still don't find anything. I'll try asking the staff for the Yaksha horns then.
Taichi: That'd be a great help! Thanks, A-chan!
ーStorage Roomー
Hmm... I guess there isn't one here...
(A-chan said all that, but I'll feel bad asking Director-sensei and the townspeople for help just to lend me the horns only...)
Ah, I can just make one myself!
Oh, but I'd be better off doing something else if I have that much time... Hngh...
Aaahh~! Won't horns just sprout on my head already?! Anyone, please help me and grant my wish~!
Haha, just kidding.
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...Hm? M-my head is kinda itchy. Feels like something's digging into my scalp...
Horns?: Are you the one who had summoned me?
Taichi: Huh? Who was that...?
Horns?: Were you not saying you needed my help?
Taichi: EHH!? N-no way... I've got horns now! Are they also... Hngh-! I can't get them off!!
(Noooo~! The cursed horns are back again!) (2)
Horns?: Good grief, you have been so tumultuous since earlier. That behavior is very unbecoming of you. To be more proper, you must walk like this.
Taichi: (My body is moving on its own!?)
Horns?: I haven't the slightest idea of the snow spirit you have in mind, but surely they are something similar to me.
Hmm... Not having an attendant is out of the question. Let us look for them.
Taichi: P-please wait a second! Everyone will be surprised, so anything but that~!!
[1] Referring to Azami's R "Sneering Yaksha"
[2] Referring to Taichi's SSR "Demon of Hell"
The Return of Lord Taichi!? - Part 2
Horns?: Now then, is there anyone around?
Taichi: (Not only my body, but my mouth also moves on its own!)
(Back then, it seems that I got possessed by a Jiangshi after Ban-chan stuck an unknown talisman on me...)
(But I'm currently being possessed while fully conscious right now!! I'm gonna get told off by Ban-chan and Sakyo-nii again~!!)
Eeek...! Please don't let me bump into someone here...!
Chikage: Oh, Taichi. Good morning.
...What are those horns?
Horns?: I don't like this guy.
Chikage: Eh?
Taichi: Ahhh, nope, nothing! The weather is good today as usual, huh! Now then, if you'll excuse me!
Chikage: What was that...?
Taichi: (Surely there's no one-)
Homare: A shining snow shower, a sparkling sun shower... Pouring down on us-
Taichi: (Gaaahh-!! There is~!)
Homare: Oh, hello there, Taichi-kun. Care to have some tea as well?
Hm? Why do you have horns there?
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Horns?: The elegance is impeccable, but I do not believe we can get along.
Homare: ...Pardon?
Taichi: Ahaha, the tea sure smells good, huh! But my tummy kinda hurts right now, so I'll have the tea another time!
Homare: Is that so? Take care, then.
Still, I wonder what's with the horns...?
Sakyo: We need to send the year-end gift to the chairman, and then...
Banri: Ah man, it's already the time. What should we do with the end-of-year gift?
Taichi: (Oh no, no, no! What should I do?! I ran into the people I want to avoid the most!)
Banri: Oh, it's Taichi.
...Hey, I've seen that horns somewhere before.
Horns?: Hoh... This guy is not worth it, but...
The other guy here looks well-taught. He seems to be informed of civility, so he's perfect.
Banri: Hah? Why you...
Taichi: Awawa! Ban-chan, this is-.
Horns?: Hey, that four-eyes over there. I'm talking about you.
Sakyo: Ahh?
Taichi: It wasn't me just now, Sakyo-nii! It's the horns' doing!
Horns?: As you can see, he is not behaving properly. Having an attendant by his side should make things a little better. A few days should suffice, so serve him well.
Sakyo: ...This sure seems familiar, hm?
Taichi: I'm really sorry about this, Ban-chan and Sakyo-nii...! Seems like I got possessed again...
Sakyo: My god, what did you do this time.
Taichi: Well...
Sakyo: Now I get it. Your wish backfired on you.
Banri: Should we do the talisman again?
Horns?: Do you truly think that would work against me?
Banri: This guy's irritating as heck.
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Taichi: Sorry, Ban-chan!
Um, so, what should I do to remove these horns?
Horns?: They will be gone if you are able to maintain the same dignity even without me around.
Sakyo: It might be pointless for asking, but... Is there any hope?
Horns?: From what I see, there is none.
Taichi: Eh! No way~. So you're telling me I'm gonna be stuck like this for life!?
Horns?: If you do not want that, then train yourself to develop the dignity worthy of my level. Do that and they will come out then.
Taichi: Urk, this is the most spartan role study I've ever done so far...
Horns?: Hey, 'Four-eyes', carry this through together as his attendant. He won't grow any further otherwise.
Sakyo: That's none of my business. And who are you calling 'Four-eyes'?
Horns?: This guy here had mentioned that this was for role study. For a place like this, it is not possible for it to be none of your business, no?
Sakyo: Tsk, what awfully talkative horns.
Banri: Yeah, the one before this didn't talk at all.
Horns?: ...Seems like I have no other choice. Since thou would not do it, I will train him.
Where is the dignity in that!
Taichi: *huff, puff* I'm getting mentally tired from switching places... When will I be free from the horns~!
Tenma: What's with the ruckus here?
Taichi: Ten-chan! I want these horns to come off already~!!
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Tenma: Just take them off then.
Banri: We're sayin' that he can't. He got possessed by somethin' weird. Until he has the dignity, he can't take 'em off at all.
Tenma: ...Hah? I don't get it. You really can't do it?
Banri: Try and touch 'em.
*Tenma touches them, then the horns disappear*
Tenma: W-what the!?
Banri: Huh?
Sakyo: It disappeared...?
Taichi: Eh!? You serious!?
Horns?: I can see in him that he possesses a great dignity.
Tenma: What's this voice...?
Banri: It sure resonates directly in my head.
Horns?: He is still somewhat immature, but he has good manners.
Although he does not have as much civility as 'Four-eyes' does, he is the most akin to me. You shall ask this person for guidance from now on.
Tenma: ...What is he talking about?
Sakyo: ...He was annoying to the end, but then he appointed Sumeragi and disappear, just like that.
Banri: Guess it's 'cause he felt they were kindred spirits.
Taichi: Seems like it...
Story Clear!
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forgesanddoves · 2 months
Chigasaki Itaru || BE.MINE ver.ITARU (Translation) || Part 1
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Disclaimer: this is my first time translating a backstage story and im still learning so any corrections or feedback is appreciated!
Itaru: (I ended up pulling an all nighter again… for now I’ll take a bath and freshen up.)
Azami: … Hm? It’s Itaru-san.
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Itaru: Shit…
Azami: Oi… What’s that face for?!
Azami: You stayed up all night again, didn’t you?
Itaru: There’s an event I can’t miss…
Azami: I’m sick of hearing that excuse!
Itaru: …Sorry.
Azami: You have the magazine shoot coming up, you need to keep your skin clear.
Azami: Even if you didn’t, I’d hope you do so regularly.
Itaru: Ouch…
Azami: Speaking of, has the date for the shoot been decided?
Itaru: Nope. It’s not like I’ve even heard what scenario it is yet.
Azami: Hmm… Then I’ve decided.
Itaru: I have a bad feeling…
Azami: It’s Itaru’s skincare week until the shoot is over.
Itaru: Srsly?
Azami: Very. Do it.
Itaru: … Fine.
Itaru: … And that’s what happened.
Azuma: Fufu, that’s very Azami.
Citron: Azami is serious!
Azuma: Can you still drink?
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Itaru: I was given permission as long as it’s in moderation…
Tsumugi: But until the shoot is over… they haven’t decided when it is, right?
Tasuku: If that’s the case, it might last a while.
Itaru: Ikr…
Itaru: Director-san, have you heard from the editorial department?
Izumi: They contacted me but… it seems the staff are divided on what scenario you should do.
Izumi: So, they said they need some time.
Tsumugi: Huh, I wonder what they’re divided on?
Itaru: If the editorial staff are so divided, I want to hear what opinions they have.
Tasuku: Have you heard anything?
Izumi: That’s all I heard… I’m curious about it too.
Citron: They say Itaru would suit a mature-like date scenario!
Azuma: Maybe they want something different from the usual refreshing mood?
Tsumugi: Like something edgier?
Tasuku: Well, that can probably count as different.
Azuma: If you think about it, it would surely be a wonderful scenario no matter what.
Itaru: Thanks for your opinions everyone.
Izumi: Maybe the editorial department is just as lost.
*LIME notif*
Itaru: Hm? A LIME message?
Next →
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Party (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: Ah, the drama’s about to start!
Citron: I can’t wait to see how it unfolds today!
Sakuya: It’s exciting, isn’t it!
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Masumi: …
Izumi: Oh. Are you going to watch too, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: Yeah, if you’re here.
Citron: Let’s take a seat and watch!
Sakuya: Sure!
Sakuya: Ahh, I can’t believe that happened…
Citron: Why did it turn out this way!?
Masumi: …Quiet down.
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Sakuya: Ah. Sorry, Masumi-kun!
TV sound: ~♪
Izumi: It cut to commercials…!
Citron: I’m so anxious, I think I’m going to go crazy!
Sakuya: This commercial plays a lot these days though… The tune they use is a really pleasant song.
Izumi: I know, right! I wonder what song it is. I don’t see any credits…
Masumi: …It’s Prussian Blue by YOFUKASHI.*
Sakuya: Wow, I see!
Izumi: As expected. Masumi-kun knows his stuff.
Citron: You always get a hit when you ask Masumi about music~.
Masumi: I own the album, so I’ll lend it to you. …Sakuya, you can have it after Director.
Sakuya: Are you sure!? Thank you, Masumi-kun!
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Izumi: I can’t wait to give it a listen.
Citron: I want to borrow it too!
Masumi: …Fine by me.
Citron: As a thank you, I will lend you my recommended single, “Petrifiska Petrifiskane”!
Masumi: …What the heck is that?
Izumi: That sounds interesting in its own way…!
Izumi: *Sigh*… it’s finished. What a rollercoaster, huh?
Citron: That really drained our energy.
Sakuya: Thank goodness it doesn’t look like it’s going to get more complicated…!
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Citron: Sakuya, roll the camera!
Sakuya: The camera?
Citron: I’m going to record a video of my real-time excitement after finishing watching the drama with my phone’s camera! I’m going to post it on inste later!
Sakuya: S-sure thing!
Izumi: Citron-kun sure is the king of fanservice.
Masumi: He’s just goofing around.
Izumi: That reminds me, you have to film the VLOG you’re going to use for your birthday event soon too. Have you decided what you’ll do?
Masumi: …Not yet.
Izumi: You don’t have much time left. You should consider giving it some thought.
Masumi: …
Masumi: …
Itaru: Hey there~.
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Masumi: …What do you want?
Itaru: Hey now. I saw you looking all troubled with a glum look on your face. If something’s bothering you, then how about you talk it out with your big bro here?
Masumi: …
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Itaru: LOL. He totally shut me out with his headphones.
Masumi: …*Sigh*. …The VLOG.
Itaru: The VLOG?
Masumi: …For my birthday.
Itaru: Ahh, the one you’re going to screen at your event? If I recall correctly, the theme was a sight you want to show your fans… I haven’t filmed mine yet either.
Masumi: …You’re useless.
Itaru: Wait, hold on. Even though I haven’t filmed mine, I can at least offer you some advice.
Masumi: …
Itaru: Take for example… those headphones that you tried to block me out with.
Masumi: …My headphones?
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Itaru: Yeah. You’re into music, but you haven’t talked about that much with your fans, have you? It’s pretty fun sharing the things you like. Source: me, btw. I know it’s basic, but you’ve never done that before. I’m sure your fans would love it, wouldn’t they?
Masumi: The things I like...
Itaru: Ah. I said things you like, but that doesn’t include Director-san, got it?
Masumi: …I know that much.
*This is most likely a reference to “Blue” by YOASOBI.
| next
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“I got some questions from the fans. I definitely have to meet their expectations.”
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ichinisankaku · 1 year
Backstage Translation - Immaculate Imitation ☆ Amethyst (Part 1)
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TV: "Protecting True Love to the very end... Guardian Warrior, Amethyst!"
Itaru: It really does suit Hisoka~...
Taichi: What does?
Itaru: Amethyst-tan's costume. ...Hey Hisoka, could you try wearing...
Hisoka: ...
Citron: He even stopped snoring!
Itaru: I'll take that as a rejection.
Banri: You seriously wanted him to wear it...
Yuki: Weirdo.
Itaru: No no, obviously I'm joking? I don't have a costume anyway.
Hisoka: ...
Banri: Ah, he woke up.
Hisoka: ...If it's just saying the line, I can do it again. In exchange for marshmallows like last time*.
Itaru: Even just that would be great.
Yuki: So you WERE serious.
*door opens*
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Izumi: I'm sure my reusable bag was around... here!
Banri: Going shopping, Director-chan?
Izumi: Yep. I'll just be out for a bit.
Hisoka: I'll go too then. There's somewhere I wanna go.
Citron: How strange for Hisoka to accompany someone shopping! Spear squid are going to fall from the sky!
Banri: It is pretty fishy...
Izumi: Let's go together, then.
Hisoka: Yeah.
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Izumi: ...So, where is it you want to go?
Hisoka: A shop that specialises in marshmallows released something new, so I wanna go there.
Izumi: Ahaha, I had a feeling it was something to do with marshmallows.
Hisoka: I'll help carry the bags, so can we go there first?
Izumi: Of course, that's fine.
Hisoka: I actually wanted to go there as soon as it opened, but it was too cold to move...
So I even thought about having Alice go for me.
Izumi: But you feel like you can move now?
Hisoka: Since I'm with you, it'll definitely be enjoyable.
Izumi: Fufu, I'm flattered.
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Izumi: Wow, there's so many kinds of marshmallows.
Hisoka: Marshmallow heaven...
Izumi: There's even earl grey, chocolate, and matcha flavours! They all look delicious...
Looking at them like this really reminds you how many types of marshmallows there are.
Hisoka: The marshmallow possibilities are endless...
Izumi: Ah, I wonder if this is the new release?
Hisoka: Creamy caramel marshmallows... this is definitely it.
Izumi: Even just the name sounds delicious!
Shopkeeper: This is our new type of marshmallow. Please, try a sample.
Izumi: Thank you!
Hisoka: Awmph... nom nom... delicious.
Izumi: It really is! I can feel it melting in my mouth.
But as you'd expect, the new item is low in supply compared to all the rest.
Hisoka: I think it'd be a problem if I bought too much and they ran out of stock... I'll buy three bags today, and eat them carefully.
Izumi: If it's popular, they'll probably order a bunch more next time.
Hisoka: ...Excuse me, I'd like this please.
Shopkeeper: Of course, thank you!
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Izumi: I'm glad you got to buy some, even if it's not much.
Hisoka: Yeah. I actually wanted to buy a bit more, but...
Ah, I know.
Izumi: What is it?
Hisoka: ...No, it's nothing.
*Referring to Hisoka's "Iris Colored Scope" backstage story
Part 2 | Part 3
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haru-desune · 1 year
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natsu-tte-noodle · 2 years
Howdy!  I don’t really have thoughts on which ones I wanna put up first, so with Harugaoka’s pair out of the way, which set of older story translations should I put up next??
1. The Third MANMAN Grand Prix (Tenma SSR, Yuki and Tasuku SR, Banri R)
2. The Floral Prince (Muku SSR, Yuki SR, Tenma R)
If you’ve got a preference for what you wanna see first, feel free to reply to this post :D don’t feel pressured to tho bc I WILL post both sets eventually I’m just indecisive which puts me at a permanent standstill so I am passing the burden of decision onto someone else
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky's the Limit (Card Details)
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(translations under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Sumeragi Tenma SSR: Blank canvas
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"Like a blank canvas, I want to be the kind of actor who can pull off any role, no matter the color."
lead skill: Assessing Authenticity, My Way
adlib skill: Proof of Unparalleled Sense
backstage: Determining "Value"
gacha quote: "They say the 'real thing' always has an air of authenticity to it. How about me, for instance? …I’m the real deal."
Ikaruga Misumi SR: Stray paint
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"It’s fun to be able to draw as much as Kazu! But, sometimes it feels like the canvas is just too small!"
lead skill: Home Sweet Home
adlib skill: Undoubtedly Brilliant Coloring
backstage: Cardboard House Life
Rurikawa Yuki R: Sky Gallery
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"This painting tackles the theme using a multifaceted motif, it’s incredibly deep!"
lead skill: Vivid Brushstrokes
adlib skill: Worried-Looking Artist
backstage: Handmade Carton Bag
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Translation: Chikage Utsuki SSR Card “Dear My Moon” [ Twinkle Sign ]
Work pilled up for Chikage while he was busy for the 10th play. How will he handle this?
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Part 1
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*Phone buzzes*
… Understood. Will keep monitoring.
*Phone notification*
Tsk, this again… pushing everything on me.
(I’ve been putting both of my jobs on the backlog to focus on the show… it takes time to handle work when it piles up this much.)
(I wonder, is there a way to clear this all up——)
(Hands move faster when you’re actively thinking about it.)
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… Welcome back.
I’m home. You still on your shift?
We ran out of seasonings at the bar, so I came to the dorm to borrow some.
You’re taking your job more seriously than I expected.
… Work got you busy?
We don’t have enough manpower. It’s unreasonable but I can’t just disregard it.
… At least do it in the dorm, instead of that room. Everyone else gets worried when you’re not around.
Absolutely not. That’s too risky.
… Guess even Chikage can’t do it.
Chikage It’s not a matter of whether it were me or not.
Well, I’ll get this over with as soon as I can.
Part 2
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Ah! Almost there! Tsuzuru
I lost again!!
(It’s quite lively at this hour…)
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Once more!
Oh, welcome home!
I’m home. What’s going on?
A board game we got from a package from Zahra.
We were all playing it while waiting for you to come home.
It’s really fun! How about you join us, Chikage-san?
At this hour?
Huh!? What time is it?
I didn’t even notice the time.
Well, let’s draw the line at this hour.
You should. I’ve had some troubles at work, I’m just getting caught up on my backlog now.
You’re probably tired.
You’ve been coming home late recently.
You’ve been busy before, but not to this extent.
Let’s just play the board game on our next off days.
If we do not sweep soon, Azami will be on our trails!
Good night.
Night guys!
Did I look that tired?
Nope, if I didn’t say that, everyone would just stay up playing board games.
Alright then.
(But I think you just added an extra layer of worry.)
(... Guess I really got no other choice.)
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Huh!? Chikage-san isn’t going back to the dormitory for a while?
He’s got a lot of work to do. It’s more easy and efficient to binge work while isolated for a couple of days.
So that’s why…
He tried to lie at first, saying he was going on a business trip. But I’d find out about it anyway so he told the truth.
It’s unusual for senpai to have this much work to do. He’s at the top of his game at the company.
That’s quite something if it’s coming from you, Itaru-san.
Should we bring him some refreshments?
If he wants to concentrate by himself, don’t get in the way.
… Hey.
Part 3
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(That’ll be it for today. Now let’s get on with my other work——.)
Nice work.
… You too.
You heading to the conference room?
I am… but what are you grinning about? Itaru
You’re seeing things. Have a good one, see you.
… I’ll be going.
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… Quicker than I thought.
You, what are you——.
What’s this?
(Stars and the moon… is this a planetarium?)
… I told everyone in Spring troupe that your room looked bleaked and lonely.
So all this is…
… Then I’ll be going. The rest is up to you.
(A note?)
“Good luck with your work!”
“Let’s play the board game when you get home!”
“My brothers got tired of this pretty quickly, I hope this will soothe you.”
“Careful not to put your backbone too into. You’ll end up like Tsuzuru, that’s just a pain.”
“We await your return back home!”
… I'm guessing this is a drawing of Earth?
“Wanted: photo of senpai working in his fancy room.”
There’s no one to take that picture.
(I should rest for a while before work)
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(To think that this room would look like this one day.)
(Quite the drastic change compared to when it was cluttered with bags of marshmallows and cushions.)
(I’ve had my fair share of unfair workload in my life, but I’ve never wanted to get it over with this fast before.)
(I just clear it all up like a robot without thinking much about it.)
(Why am I so desperate now? … I think I can answer that.)
(Because I want to return to my home as soon as possible.)
… I see.
(I thought I’d prefer to be alone since it’ll be less of a hassle, and I’m more comfortable with less stuff.)
(But now, I wanted to return to the everyday hustle and bustle of MANKAI, filled to the brim with things, like this room filled with all sorts of lights.)
…Can’t help but laugh at myself.
*Text notification*
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[ Forgot to ask for marshmallows as a reward. Come back soon. ]
Chikage You don’t need to tell me. I’ll return home soon enough.
Story Clear!
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
7th Anniversary Scout | Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Prologue~
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Sakyo: Director-san. Which pair is up next?
Izumi: Masumi-kun and Misumi-kun. But it seems like they’re not done changing yet.
Staff: Next is Sakuma-san and Mikage-san, please head to get your makeup done!
Sakuya: Okay!
Hisoka: Understood.
Tenma: Having everyone do a photoshoot on the same day is pretty chaotic, huh?
Taichi: The staff members sure seem to be working hard!
Banri: I mean, it is a pretty big project, so they’ve gotta get fired up too.
Chikage: It is the Veludo Station Redevelopment Project Commemoration Event, isn’t it?
Izumi: That’s right.
Izumi: (But I still really can’t believe our company was asked to be the ambassadors and navigators for such a big event…)
Citron: Director, Kazu and I have finished our photoshoot safely~!
Izumi: Good work, how’d it go?
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Kazunari: Aside from shooting the ads for the event, we had tons of fun with the offshoot pics too!
Izumi: I mean, that makes sense since the purpose of offshoots is that you get to pose however you like.
Itaru: By the way, we’ve all been split into pairs this time. How’d you choose all of the combos?
Tsumugi: I think they were chosen by both the redevelopment project and the people in charge of “VELUDO” since they’re working together for this event.
Azuma: I heard that too. And because the people in charge of “VELUDO” are already familiar with us.
Juza: Good work, Director
Kumon: Hey, hey, what did you think of our photos!?
Izumi: I think it was really nice to see how well you two get along.
Staff: You can see the photos from the shoot on the laptop over here, if you’d like to take a look.
Muku: Wah, really? I’d love to!
Tasuku: You want to check them out too?
Omi: Sure, let’s do that.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Thank you so much for your help today.
VELUDO Representative: The pleasure is ours. Let’s continue working together to make the redevelopment project a success.
Izumi: Of course!
VELUDO Representative: However, the Inste for the commemorative event that we’ve been posting on prior to the actual event isn’t nearly as the other one.
Izumi: Is that so?
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VELUDO Representative: Yes, the follower count hasn’t grown at all. We’re hoping that more people will get to know about us, but…
Izumi: Well, if there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know.
VELUDO Representative: No, no, you’re already helping us out with the web edition of “VELUDO”, we couldn’t possibly ask you to do more.
Izumi: It’s okay. We want to make this event a success, so we’d love to help out.
VELUDO Representative: If you’re really willing to go that far, then we’d like to ask you a small favor…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: …And so, each of you will shoot a video introducing one place somewhere in Veludo Town and post it to Inste.
Tsuzuru: Do we get to choose the places ourselves?
Izumi: Yeah, the idea is to introduce a place you like or recommend.
Homare: I see. That sounds quite interesting.
Azami: Filmin’ the videos by ourselves sounds kinda hard. Wouldn’t it be better to have someone else film it for us?
Guy: Then why don’t we pair up again and film for each other?
Masumi: Sounds good. I’ll pair up with you, Director.
Izumi: I’m not posting something, you have to pair up with someone else!
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Masumi: …Okay.
Sakuya: How should we pick the pairs? By roommates, or by drawing lots…?
Misumi: How about we draw triangles~?
Yuki: That sounds hard to pull together.
Tsumugi: Ah, I know… what if we use the pairs from the ad photoshoot?
Banri: Makes sense. I mean, they are for the same event.
Sakyo: Sounds good. Well then, we’ll shoot the videos for Inste in the same pairs we did the ad photoshoot in.
Izumi: And when you post the videos to Inste, you can post the offshoot photos you took today with them.
Tenma: Right, the ones we took on our phones.
Izumi: Yep, yep. I’ll send the data over to you guys later.
Izumi: Well then, everyone, please film your own videos in time for your individual posting dates.
Kazunari & Taichi: Roger that!
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Sakyo Furuichi SR: Secret Return Gift Talk - Part 2
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Sakyo: (Now I see why the Director was in such a good mood. Today’s curry really was delicious.)
Kazunari: Hey, hey, everyone! Can I have a bit of your time before you return to your rooms?
Tsuzuru: What’s gotten into you all of a sudden, Miyoshi-san?
Kazunari: Our gifts for Director-chan shouldn’t overlap, so I thought it’d be nice if we exchanged information!
Sakyo: (Exchange information…? Sounds useful, maybe I should listen.)
Masumi: I don’t really care to know.
Kazunari: But you’re definitely thinking of something awesome for your return gift, aren’t cha? I really wanna know!
Masumi: I’m thinking of something, but I won’t tell you what.
Kazunari: You’re so cold, Massu!
Kazunari: I can’t really force it out of you, though.
Kazunari: BTW, can I ask about your plans, Furuuche-san?
Sakyo: I haven’t decided on anything.
Tsuzuru: There’s lots to pick from, it really gets you thinking.
Tsuzuru: Although not for the Director, I bought some cheese cookies for my coworker at my part-time job. 
Sakyo: (I see… So that’s why Minagi was looking at them on today’s fair.)
Kazunari: Cheese cookies are swell! Nice choice, Tsuzurun!
Tsuzuru: But I still gotta find something for the Director. You started all of this, but how about you, Miyoshi-san?
Kazunari: I’m going down the chocolate route! I found some limited edition chocos that look real delicious~!
Omi: I’m also thinking of giving some sweets, but I haven’t decided what to make. Maybe macarons or financier…
Kazunari: Whatever you decide on, since you’re making it yourself, it’ll be delish and it’ll make her happy! Woah, homemade sweets are actually a double-kill!
Kumon: I was thinking about giving the Director something soothing, ‘cause she’s always working so hard!
Izumi: You all look like you’re having fun.
Masumi: Director…
Kumon: Eh, Director!? When did you get here!?
Izumi: Hm? Just now.
Masumi: Did you come to see me?
Izumi: Well, not really. I could hear everyone’s excited voices from the hallway, so I got curious…
Omi: Is that so… Did you hear what we were talking about, then?
Izumi: No, I couldn’t make out what you were saying. What were you talking about?
Sakyo: We were talking about how delicious today’s curry was. …Right?
Kumon: R-Right!
Kazunari: Thanks for making such delicious curry, Director-chan!
Izumi: You’re welcome! I’ll make it again any time, so feel free to let me know whenever you’re craving it.
Omi: Whew… We somehow got out of that.
Tsuzuru: I didn’t expect the Director to suddenly show up. I thought my heart was gonna burst.
Sakyo: If you’re going to continue this conversation, consider lowering your voices.
Kazunari: You heard him! Everyone, let's lower the volume a bit!
Kumon: Got it!
Masumi: Still noisy.
Sakyo: (For now, I’ll listen to what they’ve got to say…)
Sakyo: (The more I listen to them, the harder it gets to pick something…)
Sakoda: Good work today too, Aniki!
Sakyo: Yeah…
Sakoda: Aniki… You sound real tired, y’know? I can rub your shoulders! 
Sakyo: No, I’m not that tired.
Sakoda: Eh? But you kinda seem more tired than usual. Actually, it’s more like the wrinkles between your eyebrows are deeper than usual…
Sakoda: Ah! Are ya still trying to find what to get Big Sis for White Day?
Sakyo: … You got that right. No matter what I choose, I feel like it’ll end up being something similar to the others’...
Sakoda: So that’s how it is… Then, how about making your gift something only you can give?
Sakoda: Like, your time!
Sakyo: What’s that supposed to mean?
Sakoda: Exactly what it says on the tin! I’m super happy to get to spend time with you, Aniki!
Sakoda: Just goin' somewhere with you, havin' dinner with you, feels like some kinda special present!
Sakyo: (... Give the Director my time?)
Sakyo: (Go somewhere with her, eat whatever she wants with her… Something like that?)
Sakyo: …
Sakoda: A-Aniki?
Sakyo: … That sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Sakoda.
Sakoda: Aniki…! No problem, this is nothing!
Sakoda: I hope Big Sis likes it! I’ll be rootin' for you!
Sakyo: Yeah, thanks.
part 1 | part 2
(1) i wasn't sure if i should use the eng version's nicknames for sakyo and tsuzuru, so i just went with what i'm most familiar with, out of personal preference, sorry!
(2) i'm not sure if masumi is telling kumon to be quiet or is just complaining about the noise, lol
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meenatranslates · 7 months
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"Good morning! ...Ah, you got a bed hair! I'm gonna fix it, so you better not move~!"
"...Hah-! I was looking at my phone with Hisoka-san next to me, and before I knew it, I fell asleep too!"
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"I just saw this couple flirting at the train station ticket gate! Ugh, I'm so jealous of them~."
"You can't fall asleep? Well then, you can stay up late with me specially for tonight!
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"Let me know anytime you feel down! I'll share my energy with you!"
"I've got a new yo-yo trick! I want you to see it too!"
"W-what you got in your hands... Isn't that the high-class hot dog that I've been interested in!?"
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"Oh right, I was thinking of doing a maintenance on my skateboard...! I'm gonna go and do it now!"
"Seems like there'll be a new Akapoyo-kun merch! I gotta buy it on the release day...!"
"Ah! Just now, you were trying to touch my weak spot, didn't you! Seriously, keep your hands off from that!"
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"Geez-! I might get the wrong idea if you touch me any further! You still okay with that?"
"Yuki-chan called for me so I'm gonna go now~! Today's the start of the costume production~."
"I really like Omi-kun's photos, 'cuz they always seem to capture the mood and atmosphere of the moment~."
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yurayura-kurage · 10 months
A3! Troupe Event: MY WORST WEDDING | Event Story Translation (7/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Sakyo: I’m home
Azami: … 
Sakyo: You still awake? If you’ve finished your homework then go to bed early. 
Azami: I’ve something to talk about. 
Sakyo: Huh?
Azami: Actually, I met your mother with Juza-san today.
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Sakyo: My mother? Why did you come all the way to…
Azami: About what your sister said the other day, I just wondered how she really feels, so I came to ask her in person.
Sakyo: That’s none of your business.
Azami: Anyway, after listening to her story today,  there was no doubt that she wanted to wear a dress. However, it seems like she couldn’t take a step forward since dresses don’t suit her now.
Sakyo: That’s exactly what Miyako said.
Azami: But when I did some research, there are people wearing wedding dresses regardless of their ages these days… There seems to be calm dresses that will suit a wide range of ages.
Yuki-san gave me lots of advice, and when I finally met her, I even thought about the hair makeup for her which would go well with the dress.
Sakyo: Even Rurikawa got involved in this, huh. Why do you go that far for someone you have nothing to do with…
Azami: If it’s about connection, then I also have one. I owe Sakyo’s mother a debt of thanks. I was supposed to tell her today, but somehow I couldn’t say a word.
Sakyo: Indebted you mean…
Azami: The Jin-gi-oh cards. That was originally her idea, wasn’t it.
Sakyo: It was but… You don’t need to go that far just to help others be filial to their parents.
Azami: ‘Cuz I can’t show filial piety to my mother anymore.
Sakyo: ––
Azami: Well, that can’t be helped ‘cuz I was small at that time, but if possible, I still wanted to be more filial to my mother who gave me the motivation to pursue my dream of becoming a makeup artist.
‘Bout that, I’ll do something for my dad… some days. But after all, even if it’s not me, I’m bothered that it’d be bad if someday you wake up and realize you miss the chance to show your filial piety.
I know I’m being too fussed over though. It’s not like I’m Sakyo in the first place. 
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Sakyo: You don’t need to say such things. But… Well, I think I’m grateful for Bon's feelings.
Azami: How ‘bout you? Are you sure you don’t wanna do anything?
Sakyo: I… That’s because my filial piety has always been going nowhere. I told you before. It’s a story about the Jin-gi-oh cards, the popular card game when I was in elementary school. 
After regretting spending my precious allowance on a pack of cards, I was eager to save up for my mother’s present next time. 
And then, on her next birthday, I gave her a hair tie with flower corsage as a birthday present. It didn’t cost much, but it was sparkling, and it looked stylish to me at that time. 
My mother always wished the best for me and didn’t even care about herself, so I was wondering what if she tried dressing up once in a while. 
Because she often tied her hair up when doing housework, I thought my present was just the right fit.
My mother was surprised and delighted when receiving my present, but then she kept it tucked away as she said it’d be a waste if it was accidentally ripped. 
“Such a beautiful thing like this doesn’t suit me, so I’ll sometimes take it out to gaze at as my treasure”, she smiled and told me.
I understood that she treasured my present, but I regretted not choosing something more practical. 
…Even if I try to be filial, it just doesn’t work.
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Azami: So you’re gonna give up this time too?
Sakyo: …I didn’t say that. It’s just that we need a strategy that takes that person’s personality into account. 
Azami: Personality?
Sakyo: First of all, always thinks it’s a waste to buy things. 
Azami: Isn’t she just like Sakyo.
Sakyo: When it comes to buying replacements or buying something new, or to be short - spending money, she always hesitates.
Azami: That’s Sakyo.
Sakyo: Think of her as three times more stubborn than me.
Azami: A super ultra hard one to deal with…
Sakyo: That’s why asking for her agreement on this matter is difficult to begin with. It’s like when you guys ask me to rent a cruise ship for celebrating my birthday with a big party. 
Azami: It’s impossible.
Sakyo: However, I don’t think my mother would like to turn down Miyako’s wish. That’s why the only way here is to cooperate with my step-father and make it a surprise on their wedding anniversary. 
Well, even if it’s possible to take her to the venue on that day, she might still be reluctant. At that time, I want to respect her wish and cancel the celebration.
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Azami: I think it’s good. It’s just a wedding photoshoot, but isn’t it better to also have some attendees? 
Sakyo: I wonder. There’ll be no matter if it’s just taking photos for my parents but…
Azami: …
Sakyo’s mother is a fan of Autumn Troupe right?
Sakyo: Aah.
Azami: Then let’s get them all to join this plan.
*Shifts to car*
Sakyo’s mother: Will I get my hair makeup done there?
Miyako: Yes. They’ve prepared our costumes too so you don’t need to worry.
Sakyo’s mother: Somehow I feel bad receiving such perfect service like this…
Miyako: It’s that kind of package, so you don’t need to worry.
Sakyo’s stepfather: That’s right. It’s for our special wedding anniversary after all.
Sakyo’s mother: You’re right. Thank you. I’m looking forward to taking family portraits with everyone. Even so, it’s a quite faraway place, isn’t it.
Miyako: I-It is. They have a reputation for their excellent skills.
Sakyo’s mother: Is that so?
Sakyo’s stepfather: I think Sakyo-kun will also be there soon!
*Shifts to venue*
Taichi: Congrats on your wedding anniversary~!
Juza: Congrats.
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Sakyo’s mother: Eh?
Omi: Thank you for always taking care of Sakyo-san.
Banri: Thanks.
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Sakoda: Everything’s all set!
Sakyo: Thank you, step-father.
Sakyo’s stepfather: I’m glad I could fulfill my role safely.
Sakyo’s mother: Everyone in Autumn Troupe, and the wedding hall…? What on earth is this…? 
Sakyo: I’m sorry for deceiving you. With step-father and Miyako’s help, I prepared this place as a surprise.
Miyako: Sorry for surprising you.
Sakyo: Me, Miyako and step-father, we all want to make your wish come true. But I thought we could never persuade you if we didn’t do it this way. 
However, in the end, you're still the one who decides.
Sakyo’s mother: Could it be about the dress… I didn’t expect you all to do this for me. 
I really appreciate everyone’s feelings for me, but after all, I’m still determined to…
Azami: May I talk to you for a moment?
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