#aNyWaY tldr i’m gay xD
nothingweirdhere · 7 months
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bro i’m 🥺😭💞💞💞
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kestrel-bee · 5 days
I just finished ISAT, and. Wow. I am in shambles after Act 5 holy FRICK
Okay, now that I’m done, time to dump all of my thoughts out at once, because I NEED to talk about this game holy crap
(spoilers abound from this point, don’t read if you are interested in playing for yourself)
(CW for discussing religion-related struggles with sexuality, if that’s something that bugs ya)
Okay, for starters, I just want to talk about how well executed this game is.
The gameplay was interesting and not too hard to understand while still being unique and fun, the illustrations and art style was really cute and charming, the character designs are recognizable yet creative, the writing is entertaining and made me love all of the characters in a very quick fashion, and the story overall was just FANTASTIC.
Literally my only complaint is that i had a tricky time adjusting to how sensitive the controls were when walking. Maybe it works better on desktop, but I was playing on the Steam Deck, and the only other platform I can play on is Mac, which this game does not support.
But honestly this ended up being a nonissue, I figured it out pretty quickly and after an hour or so I had the controls down to pat.
I also love how they handled the concept of a time loop, and the slow descent of Siffrin’s mental downfall. The way he started getting so desperate at the end, clinging to every scrap of hope he could find was heart wrenching.
Act 5 was KILLER, omg, I was so wrecked over it I had to take a break to calm down 😭
It’s not often a piece of media evokes THIS much emotion out of me, holy crud.
To talk about some of the characters,
I LOVE me some found family fluff, and boy oh boy was I fed, they’re so wholesome, they’re all so skrunkly 😭
I loved the little snippets of representation in these characters, with Odile being mixed race and attempting to connect to her roots, and Isabeau’s very trans-coded backstory. And yk, the multitude of gays and lesbians throughout the game XD
Even though that kind of representation doesn’t resonate with me personally, I still like to see it.
But oh man, Mirabelle’s cutscene in Act 3 hit hard. I myself am aroace and religious, and marriage was always something I felt was expected from me.
As I got older and realized that romantic attraction wasn’t really something I feel for people, I tried to convince myself I was attracted to a good friend of mine who had a crush on me, which obviously didn’t work out.
I’ve always had a hard time identifying with womanhood in the way my church has always portrayed it as, so having Mirabelle talk about her faith related struggle with her asexuality and identity was such a comforting representation for me.
Another thing, I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not, but I love how neurodivergent coded they are?
Like, we have Siffrin, kinda touch averse and quiet,
Odile who doesn’t like change and needs her routine alone time to recuperate after every floor,
Mirabelle and Isabeau, the funny noise appreciation squad, the hyper-empathetic duo who would always get over hyped over things together,
And while I can’t think of a specific example for them, Bonnie is always there matching Mirabelle and Isabeau’s energy.
Not to mention the frequent amount of times the latter 3 would repeat each other (echolalia) when saying something fun or happy. (Like the “Pie Smell!” candle).
Do these things on their own make them neurodivergent? No, but the way they’re consistently written like this feels very intentional and I love it.
Anyway, whoof, that was very long, but TLDR: this game was PHENOMENAL, and I will be recommending it to everyone I know
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lost-sunset-canine · 1 year
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day 6 of mermay 2023 - mushroom 
soo i know this hasn't got to do anything to do with mushrooms but please listen to my thought process qwq !!  soooo it went from : oh mushroom, to rotting mermaid, :0 dead mermaid ,  biiiiig mermaid - many tiny mushrooms, no mushrooms just rotten, dead  so bones, give it bones, saggy skin falling into its self, so skull and shit gonna be a lil visible :0!!!!, hmm gore or no gore thats the question >->, no gore!!, wanna keep it a lil majestic cuz big whale woman , i dont even like whohemen cuz i’m gay as shit xD so why gotta draw it so pretty o^o??? hmmmm, anyway , now dam tiny humans, gonna get that big vs small aspect all down, fuck the background is blank, gotta draw some trees and shit i guess, oooh a parking lot cuz hotel at the beach shit going on tldr - mushroom means possible rotting thing so why not draw a dead whale merperson owo so ye qwq!! this was such a god dam challenge too!!! qwq!! i am trerrible with backgrounds so this was a nightmare to think about and actually color and shade in qwq but i am super happy and proud to how it came out in the end qwq!!  -dairiem
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waywardcryptid · 5 years
Do you feel that a person’s sexuality is a defining trait of their character? I personally find it unimportant. I don’t see how it’s something that should be a defining factor in their personality. Sorry if this ignorant, I’m just trying to understand it more I guess...
Boy howdy what a complicated ask to wake up to on my Sunday
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This is a lot, and quite a bit more complicated of a subject than I think you realize, but I’mma try and answer it anyways to the best of my personal ability.
Full disclosure so you know the angle I’m coming at this from: I’m a trans gay man. I’m out online and to most of my irl friends, but not to my family (except my sister), so needless to say my sexuality is pretty significantly tangled up in my gender identity.
Disclaimer aside, heterosexual cisgender people have the benefit of experiencing representations of themselves and their sexuality as the cultural default in... well pretty much everywhere. I’m American so I can only speak through that lens, but it doesn’t take a particularly astute person to be able to look at the world and see that.
What that means is that, because they’re the majority, heterosexual people have a pretty different relationship with their sexuality, how it informs their personality, and the way they present themselves from anyone who lands on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I could (and many other, smarter people have) write an entire book on the inherent problems that come with heterosexuality in the forms of toxic masculinity, performative femininity and a million and one other things that make life that much harder for everyone. Just to be clear, I’m not trying to say that heterosexuality is bad in any way, simply that even when you do fall into the ‘default‘, socially acceptable category, you have your own share of issues regarding your sexuality. It’s usually just less immediately obvious than the persecution that LGBTQ+ people have traditionally suffered.
When you say ‘I don’t see how a person’s sexuality is important‘ or ‘how it’s something that should be a defining factor in their personality‘, what this immediately puts me in mind of is (mostly) heterosexual people that say ‘I don’t care if you’re gay or not, I just don’t want you to be so in my face about it‘.
I don’t want to make any assumptions about you or what your orientation is; for all I know you’re LGBT+ yourself and maybe just a little disconnected from your community. Maybe you’re in a place where it’s hard for you to accept your own sexuality in an open way and so you unconsciously cope by wishing others would ‘tone it down a little‘ so you wouldn’t have to be reminded of it. That’s just what this question feels like to receive, if you get my drift.
Whatever baggage heterosexuality comes with (and it is significant, if slightly more insidious and difficult to pin down on first glance), they’ve never been persecuted for being what they are (no matter what some of the more extreme right-wing voices out there might be screaming atm). Being anything outside of heterosexual was not only outright illegal until frighteningly recently here in the states, but still is in many parts of the world. Hell, here in America there are STILL a few states (*side-eyes Texas*) that have anti-sodomy laws on the books that have never been repealed and are still used to make people’s lives difficult when it suits the people in power. And all that is before you even get to extra-legal harassment, violence, and even murder that is disproportionately inflicted on the LGBT+ community (and god help you if you also happen to fall into some other kind of minority category on top of that).
Still, things have gotten better in recent decades. You can’t legally kill people for being gay (or whatever) these days, and there’s even some laws on the books that protect us from discrimination (though there’s still a long ways to go), and so LGBT+ people now feel at least a little safer in being open about who they are and who they love.
After a long, long time of being persecuted for who they are, some LGBT+ people finally feel secure enough to be out and loud and proud in the face of a system that has been trying to humiliate, ignore, or outright exterminate people like them. So, yes, their sexuality becomes an important factor of their personality because for the first time they (in some parts of the country) don’t have to sneak around in the shadows and pray that this person they’re interested in that seems to be interested in them too actually is and isn’t going to report them to the freaking police for ‘indecency’ or something.
Coming out is difficult. I’m not looking forward to having to come out to my own parents because there is a very real possibility that they’re going to disown me, or at the very least the relationship itself will be crippled for the rest of our lives and will never go back to what it was before. But I’m still going to do it because the idea of living a lie for the rest of my life for the sake of their comfort and the comfort of others is completely insupportable. I only get one life to live and I don’t want to live it like that, I want to live it as me, and I assume most other LGBT+ people feel the same way, which is why they make that leap.
At that point there’s a good chance they’ve given up a lot to get to the point where they’re out and able to be themselves, of course that part of them that they’ve sacrificed so much for will wind up being something of a focus for them.
That said, even LGBT+ people who aren’t ‘loud‘, one might say, can often be perceived as such by the heterosexual majority simply for not obviously being one of them. If a gay man likes wearing makeup because he likes the way it makes him look and feel, is that him making his sexuality a character trait? A lot of hetero people would say yes, and if a straight man decided he liked to wear makeup, most people (including  many in the LGBT+ community) would probably make a snap judgement that he was gay when they saw him.
But the thing here is that the hets also perform their sexuality as part of their personality. But so long as it falls within the norms set by our traditionally patriarchal society, no one really notices. If a heterosexual person likes to flirt, would you say that they’re making their sexuality part of their personality? How about one of those traditional country boy ‘manly man‘ types that likes to talk down about city guys that put a lot of effort into their looks because it makes them ‘look gay‘? Is that not just a form of aggressive heterosexuality they’ve turned into a personality trait? What about women that tear down other women for not putting more effort into make-up or their wardrobe or whatever?
There are less toxic versions of heterosexual ‘personality traits‘, of course, but you get my drift. The point here is that everyone performs their sexuality, it’s just that the heterosexual version of that is so widely accepted that it’s not even really seen anymore, so anyone performing anything else sticks out like a sore thumb and is treated as some sort of caricature.
This applies to the ace community too. Even if you have no interest in sex, or are even repulsed by it, you still perform that disinterest. That lack of sexual attraction becomes a personality trait if you’re ‘out‘ (and still is if you’re not out, it’s just being suppressed at that point).
So, tldr; everyone’s sexuality (or lack there of) is a defining part of their personality, whether they realize it or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  It informs what we like,  what motivates us, and how we present ourselves to the world at large; to try and separate it from the rest of ourselves is a fool’s errand.
Hope that answers your question, lol XD
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janiedean · 5 years
Hey Lavi, I never got around to reading Dante, but I studied Renaissance Florence and I saw someone in that long post mention that Dante seemed to have it in for Florence? Why is that, or was that a misreading? All I can recall of Florence’s flaws for the time were it’s reputation for gay guys and prostitutes (IIRC the German word for homosexual is derived from Florence :P)
ba… er, it’s not that he had it on florence, but like, people in that post (the not italian ones) have 100% Missed The Point, so I’ll go at it from the beginning. so, quote in question (I suppose):
he and his idol/mancrush, the famous poet Virgil, journey through Hell on behalf of his dead girlfriend and everyone who he didn’t like was there and suffered punishment for all eternity and then he blames three whole popes and the entire fucking city of Florence, Italy for the shitty state of the Church and over seven hundred years later it’s played a major influence in Western culture
now, never mind that ‘it’s played’ is dumb af because ITALIAN LANGUAGE WOULDN’T EXIST WITHOUT DANTE so it’s not played for shit, but like I’ll try to not touch all the other subjects regardless of how much my eyes are bleeding just reading this sentence.
the point is that he was permanently exiled from florence because of his political stances in which the church took part and that happened before the reinassance, which is like… long and complicate so I’m gonna make it very short and simplified sorry everyone but it’s not a thing you can dissect on tumblr properly. so, list:
florence at the end of the 13th century was a republic in the context of the rivalrly between guelfs and ghibellines, pls refer to that link for specific info but basically most of the politics in italy at that point where ‘there’s a bunch of separate small republics/states fighting each other and people tend to either stand with the pope [guelfs] or the emperor of the sacred roman empire [ghibellines]’, and in florence there had been a war in between the two factions that ended with the ghibellines being sent away from the city around 1289 if I’m not getting the year wrong, dante was a guelf and a nobleman and was directly involved in the city’s politics from then onwards until the aforementioned exile;
after then there was a further split in between the guelf faction ie one wanted the pope to be less involved and the other was more with sticking with him, and dante was in the first one;
now this is the point where I should tell you that the pope was boniface viii ie someone who has since then (and during that time) been wildly recognized as one of the worst people who ever had that job ever and whose papacy can be summed up in ‘trying to have both spiritual and temporal power in each single possible way in italy and outside it’ - pls read the entire article and get to the part where he had an entire feud with philip the ivth of france and ended with him getting slapped in the face in anagni -, and who dante saw as someone who had corrupted the catholic church and was fully not doing what his job entailed ie shepherding souls and not being an emperor;
tldr the white vs black guelfs feud ended up with the black guelfs winning and exiling the whites among which dante who therefore ended up exiled from his hometown for the entirety of his life later;
now the thing that those people don’t get is that to dante/people in his situation being involved in their hometown’s politics especially when being a public figure and so on was most of their life and they had an attachment to their city that was similar to what you’d have for your country since back in the day italy was barely a cultural unit and not a political one, like fighting for your city it wasn’t the same as fighting for your *hometown*, it was the same as your COUNTRY, which means that in his context being exiled from there meant leaving the country he was born in/that he loved/felt like he 100% belonged to and never come back, not just leaving one town and going to another. like, if someone told me I couldn’t ever go back to rome in my entire life but I could stay in naples I’d still be in the same country and as I’m italian first and everything else later I’d suffer but who cares, if someone said you have to leave italy and you can never come back I’d suffer a thousand times more because italy is my damned country and the place I was born in and in whose culture I partake/that I feel at home in, that was what it meant leaving florence to him;
now, his problem wasn’t with florence, his problem was with the people who threw him out and the system which allowed it and the catholic church which instead of worrying about religion worried about politics and mingling with them, which by the way is *exactly what the catholic church does here in italy to this day no more no less*, from then on nothing has changed, and he didn’t blame FLORENCE for the shitty state of the church as OP says, HE BLAMED THE CHURCH FOR THE SHITTY STATE OF FLORENCE AND THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, and guess what it’s been seven hundred years and counting and exactly nothing has changed, which means OP’s point even more dumb because dante saying that then and nothing having changed now should witness to the fact that he was only speaking sense;
like: dante had it in with corrupt popes who turned the church into a temporal power rather than stick with the spiritual because he thought that the temporal power didn’t belong to it, which is like… the principle of separation between state and church on which each single post-american revolution constitution has been founded on sure as hell he didn’t have it in for florence when he missed it for his entire life and wanted to go back more than anything and he couldn’t because he was exiled;
now, another thing that OP doesn’t get because lmao what is context: to catholics, the pope is technically infallible. like, if you’re a catholic You Cannot Criticize The Pope, period, so the fact that dante alighieri, A Catholic In The Middle Ages, puts not just one pope in HELL but more than one in a book/poem that he wants to sell as a revolutionary work (which he wanted to do or he wouldn’t have had vergil walking him through hell) is like… a level of disruptive revolutionary literary BDE that these people can’t even conceive, because it implied saying that the head of the church was wrong and calling him out of it. which, again, for a catholic, is basically the highest BDE level in existence. and guess what, Dante Was A Catholic But Not A Bigoted One As Much As These People ThinK;
also, never mind that the people he put in hell were also people he LIKED and most of the sympathetic characters are there, but tumblr doesn’t know that he put in purgatory manfred, the not legitimate son of frederick the second, who was excommunicated by the church, which I should hope anyone can guess the meaning of - like, excommunication is The Worst Thing The Church Can Do When It Comes To Catholics -, and he still put him in a position where he could be redeemed because he repented on his deathbed (according to dante’s rendition anyway), which means that he said someone the church had expelled for good from its ranks could still be redeemed and eventually go to heaven, which was basically telling them fuck you. same BDE.
now, that is the entire point of THAT SPECIFIC THING RE FLORENCE, but I’d like to state that the way I put it is the 0,5% of the entire problem which I can’t possibly summarize because in that book he comments on the status of things in the entire goddamned nation even if it wasn’t a nation politically at that point while mixing it with his philosophy treatise and his own search to have his faith and political ideals coexist while also discussing courtly poetry and changing his language based on the needs while using the same poetric meter that he invented/came up with and no one else could manage to use again after because it was too complicated, and while he does that he gives you a summary of the entirety of greek mythology figures that he incorporated in his work, a summary of the status of things in discussions of medieval theology and philosophy and on top of that there’s some expressions which are now staples of the italian language like we use them commonly and 80% of the time ppl don’t even know he came up with them.
and that still is a badly put summary of 20% of the basic things you find in the divine comedy as a whole because there’s more than that and there’s a reason why here in high school you study it for three years one cantica per year and it’s not even enough to barely scratch the surface. and that’s why those posts give me a damn aneurysm, because if you say that ^^^^^ above is fanfic sorry but I see red.
also sorry for going off like this but you went and pointed out the one thing that irked me most about that OP but I also didn’t want to reply directly because this discussion has given me metaphorical ulcers in the past plus gave me three days of feeling really fucking down (I don’t wanna use trigger but it was the closest thing I came to that in my entire life) and I’m done engaging with people who wouldn’t want to listen but eh. XDDDDD anyway sorry for the rant I hope it was exhaustive. XD
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vreenak · 5 years
How is watching Druck going?
!!! I just finished season 3. I knowI’m repeating myself, but how is this show even real? It’s so good?The characters are lovable/likable but never put on a pedestal. Thedialogues sound real. There are almost no clichés, and despite ofthat (or because of it??) you can pretty easily relate to the characters andwhat they’re going through.
Anyway. Matteo & David’s storymakes me so happy. I mean, first it made me sad, but they deservedtheir happy ending. (Or their happy “Now.“) Even though I’m not acis gay dude who’s coming out of the closet, some of the situationsthey dealt with (like David running away or his reluctance to getinto a relationship) reminded me of experiences I’ve had/shared with someone™, soI felt their story. Le sigh.
Same with Hanna and Jonas btw,especially Hanna’s breakup speech. Season 1 was just as great asseason 3.
Season 2: I totally believe it’s worthwatching and that Alex will do a 180, so I’m going to finish it(stopped during the 5th ep), but right now I’m not really into themain plot and even feel slightly uncomfortable with it. Idk. :(
Abdi. Dude. He’s so pure and cluelessand funny. I ship him with Sam, so hard, and I hope they’ll get togethernext season.
Hans. Love him. So what if he’s a bit of a cliché.
My favorite scene was when Carlos and Abdi get into a discussion about the definitions of bi and pan, and Matteo’s just standing there, like, hello, I just came out to you, this is not the time?? XD
Why does everyone live in their own apartment? I mean it’s great, but the writers really shouldn’t exclusively focus on characters whose parents are rich. That’s literally my only criticism! 
tldr: Flawless show!  
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okapirose · 6 years
Watership Down Eps 3 & 4
Combining because 3 was about the same as 2
Okay overall feeling for the series?
7/10 carrots
The Bad:
-Characters were cut out of their roles and designated to others for no reason than to give them more screen time. Fiver getting caught by the cat, Pipkin nowhere to be seen, I don’t remember a Captain Orchis from the book at all so he was created for so reason.
-Better studies of rabbits should have been made as they all looked and moved much more like hares.
-Dandelion is BESTEST runner. Oh, he’s got boo boo, can’t run to lead the dog to the downs.
-”We need some way to lose the Efrafans” *A boat in a river next to a town sits happily waiting* “Nah we’ll just run”
-After they left Efrafa the Efrafans felt far less dangerous/a threat, Woundwort especially
-They had too many characters but not enough time dedicated to them (Campion I didn’t even realize was there until he was talking to Orchis at the end, Dandelion (who was screwed over several times over), and Thethuthinnang all had time on screen but it was like “hi, bye”). Efrafan Counsel felt equally as mentioned and then brushed aside
-Animation. There’s only so much to be done about this as its all about budget and the studio making it but I’ll mention it anyway because there are times when the models of the rabbits are hard to distinguish from one another.
-Romance. While it wasn’t as prominent as I had guessed it was going to be, it was still unnecessary overall. Holly and Hyzenthlay especially.
Bad TLDR; Too much going on, not enough time given to flesh it out despite it being a mini series.
The Good:
-Voice acting. Well done, great choices.
-BLACK RABBIT OF INLE. I’m so happy they made the rabbit a doe and thus Chief Rabbit of the Dead! I believe in the book it is mentioned there is a warren run by does instead of bucks so whether the writers wanted to mention that by doing this or not, I liked.
-Gay/Bi rabbits? Bluebell and Blackberry were super into one another XD
-Music. Good score and credits song
Good TLDR; Worth watching if you like the book/original movie, characters themselves are still much the same.
Like all CGI animated films it seems, this one feels like its lost something by changing over entirely from 2D. The landscape felt very much like background, like, its there, we animated it, but in the original movie, the landscape, the downs, its a character in of itself, and that was heavily lost. The only time it felt worth noting was Cowslip’s warren.
This could have been stretched out more. In the end its only about double the length of the original film but nothing major was implemented into it. Eight episodes would have allowed a more relaxed time, animate some of the Tales From Watership Down mixed in, and overall just give the story a really fleshed out adaptation.
Its not bad, its very much worth watching, and its great to revisit these characters and see a bit more of the book come to life. Check it out and tell me what you think!
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compo67 · 6 years
I share your love for bottom Sam and Jared! Personally, I see Jared’s softer, less dominant, more vulnerable and emotional and always eager to please persona (excited puppy if you will) to be a complement to Jensen’s rougher exterior, the perfect balance to Jensen’s grumpiness and closed off, quiet but protective personality. Anyway, that’s what I get from their public interactions but those moments are invaluable lol What are your thoughts? Pls tell us why your preference is bottom Jared!
I feel like I could write essays about this and still never finish. XD
So, like, I’m fully aware that most cis gay men usually don’t define themselves as exclusive tops or bottoms. I’m also aware that having a “soft” or “quiet” or “caring” personality often gets coded as feminine and you do not have to be any of those things to be a proud bottom. Also, there’s a big conversation there about writing men as bottoms in fandom and not making them A) delicate flowers and B) inserts for women and C) completely wrapped up in that identity.
With all that aside...
My preference is bottom Jared for a variety of reasons. I came into this fandom first shipping Wincest, and I always saw Sam as being on the receiving end of things in the bedroom with Dean. First, I could see Sam as being more adventurous and willing to try, because he has a different take on masculinity than Dean does. Second, Dean’s older and I always think the older person in the relationship should top (I have flaws, I know). The latter has been influenced by what I’ve read in literature, seen in media, and experienced myself. Also, I feel like Dean’s personality of taking control lends itself more to topping. 
When I started to get into and write RPS, it was a natural shift to go from bottom!Sam to bottom!Jared to top!Dean to top!Jensen. That’s part of it.
Occasionally, like in Boat, I will have these guys switch and try something new. But that’s not because I want to give Sam or Jared “power,” it’s because I just want their sexual relationships to mirror real life: sometimes we try new or different things. Sometimes we switch things up. We may not like it, may not be our fave, but sometimes you do that. 
I happen to think folks who bottom are incredibly powerful and I love a good topping from bottom scenario. 
Jared seems super in-tune with his body. He’s super flexible and you can see the joy it brings for him to give or receive physical affection. He does well with being touched. 
Jensen, I’ve noticed, is more protective of his personal space. He enjoys physical affection from very certain people, in very certain ways, at very certain times. It takes him more time to try new things, I think. 
My versions of J2 are always, in many ways, modeled after IRL J2. My versions of Jared enjoy bottoming because for them, it’s sexually satisfying. 
TLDR; I prefer the picture of Jared being pounded into and shouting Jensen’s name over the other way around. I can “see” it better and love having him be a fierce power bottom. And I love Jensen, with his more composed, protective, careful nature, being a dominant top with total concern and devotion for Jared’s pleasure. 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. XD
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cutebunnys50 · 7 years
quiet mutterings about the “girls holding hands being lewd” joke ( ‘v’ ;; )
this isn’t a rant or anything hgfjhsk i just,
the whole joke about girls holding hands being super lewd/rated R/inappropriate was, uh, funny at first because everyone was joking about it (meaning they knew it was a joke) and it's funny bc of contrast bc handholding isn't the worst thing people can do, but like it's gotten really old now??? like, it's no longer original,,, and like, since it's a thing that happens a lot with wlw stuff (even if it's not exclusively that), it also starts to bother me a bit bc if everyone keeps treating it like that, some people won't be able to tell it's a joke and they'll really think like that?? i mean, some people are just,,, 10000% opposed to same sex anything so if every time you see a couple holding hands or something and they're not heterosexual/the norm and you make a big deal out of it it's?? not very cool hhggfhjkhjgj
it sorta encourages the people who hated lesbians and stuff in the first place?  like, i read a post yesterday about how a lot of people think, and it's: "people think heterosexual people fall in love while homosexual people have sex" and isn't that the truth??? 
lots of people reduce gay people to sexual acts when in reality?? they’re people like you too?? like
wow jeez since people do that and i get mad, i’ve lowkey accidentally adopted an opposite mindset and i just.,, can’t,, get on board with certain stuff. but it’s not like i’m gonna oppress people just because i don’t personally like what they do,, like. they aren’t doing me harm, so,, it’s none of my business anyway,.
that’s enough about me.
i just quietly think and am sort of exasperated by the “ wow these two girls are holding hands!!! how impure!!!” joke esp if you’re not even a girl (who’s gay) bc well
it’s kind of...annoying now. 
mmh. people can do whatever they want and i’m not gonna force them to agree with me or anything. that’s just what i think, and i won’t make a big deal out of it if i do see it again. most likely, i’ll just ignore it
even if sometimes i just want to counter with, “it’s pure!! it’s super pure and good!!! two girls who like each other, holding hands!!” 
whatever, aha xD
tldr; it’s not very funny if you beat a joke to death, esp. if it’s related to romantic intimacy between two girls? like, if you’re gay yourself and you want to joke about it, that’s fine; but if you’re not gay (or even a lesbian), it almost feels like you’re perpetuating the idea that a relationship between two girls is “dirty” when in reality, it’s really not. it’s sorta like when “allies” are obsessed with a gay ship but won’t support gay people irl: their comments might be something like, “it’s so impure/i’m so impure/i’m going to hell” and idk?? idk if anyone remembers that (it was a really big thing a couple years ago before i saw that post of someone pointing it out and basically rightfully criticizing it), but yeah. calling handholding between two girls just reminds me of that and i, personally, do not find it very funny any more. 
yeah, maybe i’m a bit too bothered about it (obviously i care, otherwise i wouldn’t write this much stuff about it), and maybe i’m just too gay (maybe that’s why my heart also aches a little when i see people repeatedly throwing that joke out when there are many funnier, new jokes that don’t involve over-exaggerating lesbians).... but...whatever
like i said, that’s just what i personally think, so i won’t be particularly amused if i see it. other people can be amused if they like or whatever, but i hope they fully know it’s a joke and they don’t go overboard with it. 
yesterday i said i’d work on Friday and i really didn’t hgfjlds but today is Saturday and i still have time to work
so i’ll do that. Bun out. *leaves the room by breaking the window of a door by throwing myself through it*  
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ratgorexxxx · 8 years
actually KS is a really well thought out psych horror!! the villain is horrifying because he represents abuse so well (at least from my experience, mixing in the nice things amidst all the awful stuff is effective ... :c ). only a few handful of misguided people actually romanticize any of that shit. ps no i'm not straight. yes, i'm an abuse survivor, and this is an extremely well done comic. please don't post hate on nuanced stories like these before reading it, esp on the tags. it's rude.
quite honestly i don’t really care if it’s rude to put this in the tags bc according to MANY gay men it’s still homophobic and harms them in real life, and it needs to be said, ESP to all the straight girls raving about teh yaoiz XD
the fact that it’s a psychological horror doesn’t justify anything. the genre doesn’t change the fact that the story (which is written by a straight woman) sexualizes an abusive relationship between two men. the whole concept of this is INCREDIBLY homophobic. the notion that gay men are predatory is a harmful stereotype that affects real gay men. also correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t the comic still categorized under BL????? so that’s just inherent sexualization right there
also im not blaming the author as much as i am the FANS. ofc this doesn’t take blame off the author bc she is still a straight woman and honestly should have seen the issue with the dynamic of the relationship. but this whole thing probably wouldn’t bother me as much if the comic would not be NEARLY as popular as it is if it were not for the sexualization of mlm relationships by straight women.
anyway i recommend reading an explanation of this from an actual gay man bc they put it way better than i can
tldr: even though it is an accurate portrayal of abuse it still harms gay men in real life
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carlosstoned · 7 years
O w O *knocks knocks on ur door* Hmm…. i wonder if anyone is in *blinks as i wait for u to open the door* Aissshhhh…. JINJJA my sarang must be out cheating on me again….. AISH. *shakes head in DISAPPOINTMENT, walking to the back 2 the barn looking for u…* god pleaseu help me find my NamjaChingu…. where art thou…. *looks around, SPOTS a horse.* OMO UMA PRI…. U ARE HERE TOO! uh.. long time no see uma-sshi *horse neighs* hey…… don’t confess to me now i’m looking for my boyfriend…… *neighs again n looks in my direction* jinjja…. stop flirting with me i can’t take this O n O sorry although we r in a ranch i cannot do ranchy things with u.. i hope u understand *hearts break as i say…. as i proceed to look for my Rightful Namja* come out come out where ever u r!!!!!!! hehe *smirks* if u dont daddy will PUNISH u *smirks wider* i will let u Pounce on my ochinchin 2nite if u SHOW urself…. *becomes hard like carlos at the thought of that* oh noes… what should i do….. If There Is A Hole, It Is My Mission To Thrust In It. but eodiyah my little cinnamon bun with the Hole???? Probably cheating on me with 2D boyz again… i am used to being let down anyway…. i will leave for real…
haha sike fatty i’m staying for the next 9 decades whether you like it or not because i really really like your fat ass honestly you make me so ~gay~ but i’m not complaining. i haven’t felt this much like a Japanese High School Girl in a long time i’m literally hollering n going NANI THE HECK i jinjja AISHTERU ANATA *w* but hey i hope you aren’t lactose intolerant because there’s gonna be a lot of cheese ahead neh ^___^
i want you to know that i appreciate you a lot, you’re always in super high spirits and you’re always lifting my mood HOW CUTE CAN YOU GET?? i never expected us to click because the first thing you said to me was literally FUCKER and i was traumatized for 10 years but we sure did anyway and now you’re such a big part of my life n also your existence is a blessing i hope you always feel happy because you deserve nothing less. i’m glad you consider me your best friend too and i hope you come to me if anything’s ever troubling you because what’s yours is mine right? including your burdens and problems (and also carlos xD). you’ll always be my numero uno, and i doubt i’d ever find someone as fat as you are so you better get comfy by my side neh because u tickle my pickles so well. i wish timezone and school wasn’t such a big cuntflap cockblock between us but that’s okay because i get to talk to you on a daily basis and i’m already thankful enough for that. i’m seriously so whipped for you hell you can call me a meringue, or u can call me urs i don’t mind either o u o
anyways are u a school? because i want to shoot kids in u 😳 just kidding u can’t be one because ure gonna blow all of them away with ur ugly n fatness and school insurance doesn’t cover that ((read: i want u all 2 me neh 😳))
i would also like to take this opportunity to thank mr & mrs ryland for making u, also the gods up there for aligning the stars that one night nine months before 3rd april 1998 n also letting me meet this Perfect Assortment of Chromosomes
i love you so much
TLDR;; you’re so fat and u suck
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janiedean · 5 years
Mood lightener ask, I am intrigued by book recs from you since you mentioned something about a dinosaur series a bit ago? Color me intrigued so top five books you'd recommend for people who enjoy ASoIaF?
okay so, I’m taking the dinosaurs out first because... well. hahah.
the dinosaur lords is ABSOLUTELY a thing you might wanna try out if you like asoiaf for reasons, BUT I’m warning you, the author died before finishing it (unless he wrote the last three but didn’t have publishing contract for the second part of the six-books plan but no one quite knows and no idea) so most likely you’ll never get a conclusion, warning you beforehand so that’s why I’m putting it outside the top five. BUT IF YOU LIKE ASOIAF YOU SHOULD STILL TRY IT because:
the author was a friend of grrm’s and it shows;
it’s literally asoiaf except people go around on dinosaurs;
there’s at least a couple characters who are totally asoiaf homages (there’s a dude named jaume who’s basically jaime and loras’s lovechild I SWEAR HE IS HE’S EVEN THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL KINGSGUARD) but not in a way that makes it look like plagiarism;
admittedly it takes a bit to find its rhythm, but when it does it’s really good because the worldbuilding is amazing and like... it’s basically fictional medieval europe with dinosaurs but to a really good degree and the representation is a+++, in the sense that idk one of the main four is obv. irish romani (or what irish romani are in that universe), a few are def. catalan, the french guy is really so french you wanna die, the italian dude actually comes from the oldest university in the realm, there’s people from russia/greece and the protagonist is basically some three eastern europeans countries thrown in one character but not stereotypically, like the guy is obv. a mix of russian/polish/mongol and he’s really a good character in that sense, there’s germans too, spanish ofc, like it’s really good in that sense
there’s an entire supernatural angle with ARCHANGELS WHO MIGHT BE ROBOTS which is honestly intriguing and a+ and I just wish the books hadn’t finished just before going deep into it
if you also want lgbt+ rep............. well, two out of the three supposedly straight characters are irish romani dude and the protagonist and I can 100% assure you that everyone I dragged into reading those books agreed with me that in each single scene they have together (ie: most of them) they’re gayer than Actual Gay People in these books, but other than them half of the cast is bi, the gay sex is better written than the straight sex (forreal there’s one of the few actually.... sexy m/m oral sex scenes I read in published fiction???), their sexuality is not the whole of their personality but it’s fairly stated that most of them are Really Not Straight and it’s really done well;
actually THE ENTIRE KINGSGUARD IS GUYS WHO FIGHT VERY WELL BUT LOVE ARTS AS WELL AND THEY ALL SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER EXCEPT THE TOKEN STRAIGHT FRENCH CHARACTER THAT THE JAIME AND LORAS LOVECHILD HAS A CRUSH ON and ngl I thought they would end up fucking at some point if the books went on so... XDDD anyway a+++ kingsguard >>> the one in asoiaf;
ngl at some points there’s some badly written sex scenes (the straight ones lmao I’m 99,9% sure milàn was not that straight himself) and it’s not half as complex as asoiaf and doesn’t have as many characters but it has the same scheme except with dinosaurs, archangels being robots and three people are straight and two of them are in love anyway;
so tldr I greatly recommend the dinosaur lords if you want something similar to asoiaf, don’t expect an ending, enjoy dinosaurs and a lot of nice rep for everyone. also Y’ALL HAVE TO SHIP ROB AND KARYL WITH ME BECAUSE THEY’RE RIDICULOUS.
.... wow, and you asked me the top five. lmaaaaao. anyway, given that the dinosaur lords will not be in the top five, I’ll go and advise you to read:
IAN TREGILLIS’S ALCHEMY WARS, which is not like **fantasy** but it’s alternate history where the netherlands win the colonial wars in the 16th century because they figure out how to make brass androids and they use it to basically destroy the british and drive the french to canada while they conquer the US instead of the british. it’s a trilogy, it’s completed, it’s flawless and features: FRENCH CATHOLICS VS DUTCH CALVINISTS WITH THE FRENCH WANTING TO TAKE BACK PARIS, PREDESTINATION VS FREE WILL IN THE ANDROIDS DISCOURSE, REHASH OF 16TH/17TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY DONE GREATLY, the greatest female character of genre literature since grrm (berenice GUYS BERENICE IS THE BEST GOD I LOVE HER SFM), the evil antagonist who’s a gal cersei wishes she was (like she’s terrible but she’s competent), the davos-like french general who knits in his spare time and the protagonist is the cinnamon roll-est android ever I love him sfm OH and the one time I cried because of a catholic fictional priest. guys tregillis is an a+++ top notch writer who has no time to waste with fillers and knows how to write a story even if HE HATES ME AND HE WANTS ME TO SUFFER and like... alchemy wars is really really good give it a go k?1,5. tregillis also wrote another alternate history trilogy, the milkweed tryptich, which is basically ‘the nazis create the x-men to win the war and so the british counteract by evoking ctuhulu and it goes exactly as it promises’. now: I have a love-hate rship with that one because the last book is narratively working but I hate everything it chose to be for reasons also i wanna punch the protagonist in the face, but thesuperevilgirl is totes the cersei of the situation and her brother has.... some srs jaime moments lmao he’s also my favorite ofc god klaus ily so much, and it has... some... well... ENGAGING choices lol I mean i loved book one and two and the third I did reluctantly but it could be an option? anyway ian tregillis is amazing and y’all should read him bye
the curse of chalion by lois mcmaster bujold has, as the amazing soul who recommended it to me pointed out, a protagonist that manages to be jaime and theon and partially sandor put into one. IT AMAZINGLY WORKS. the plot is kiiiinda more straightforward if you know spanish history bc the moment you figure out it’s the fantasy version of how castille and aragona united you know where it heads, but it has a lot of nice twists, also some a+ lgbt+ rep tho not as much as the dinosaur lords and the protagonist is.... really great I love him XD also ngl the fact that it ends fairly nicely is a balm so I’d try it, there’s other books in the same verse but I haven’t gotten around to read them yet
... guys stephen king’s dark tower is my fantasy favorite series EVER like ever, I love asoiaf and brienne is in my heart and she’s my true rep but nothing will top TDT for me ever for reasons and while it’s a completely different thing I still recommend it. caveat: I hate the last book with a vengeance and I think king fucked up the last two thirds real bad, but..... hey, it’s finished and the rest is 100% worth it. also jaime is totally the lovechild of the male protagonist and the other male-coprotagonist who are also my #1 ship ever in history so I’d give it a go ;) ;) ;) also while eddie’s my fave roland deschain is honestly the kind of character that you can only bow in front of like if I ever made an oc one hundredth as good as roland is in conception and execution and everything I’d feel like I accomplished everything I need in life. IT’S WORTH IT. TRY IT.
terry pratchett’s discworld: yes, it’s 41 books. yes it’s a lot. but you can read them by cycle which makes it a lot easier, they’re fun (the first three are a bit meh but the rest is all top notch I swear), they’re sarcastic and witty and delightful and it’s a++++ fantasy and I’ve been wanting to do the asoiaf au for ages sigh but anyway if you don’t want dark and grim but also want a+++ narrative, good satire about how our world sucks and a lot of fun at the expense of our pop culture (guys the book about their version of australia is a hoot and there’s a leonardo da vinci!!) GO FOR IT. IT’S AMAZING. also your life isn’t complete until you read about sam vimes and the local version of death speaking in capslock and being a cat person. also charles dance plays one of the mains in one of the tv adaptations and he was delightful xD
this is going to gain me rotten tomatoes, but....... grrm’s shared series wild cards. that he has going on with fifteen other writers including the aforementioned tregillis and milàn.yes, it’s like 28 books by now. no, it’s not perfect by all means and certain arcs are a total wtf and you don’t even have to read all of it, but especially grrm’s characters in it are obvious templates for asoiaf people (the powerful and amazing turtle is dark sam tarly and jay ackroyd is basically jaime without the incest and the extra good looks while lohengrin is brienne’s spiritual twin except for the looks), the shared worldbuilding is great, the alternate history story where buddy holly didn’t die and some of the protagonists organized a concert for him bc he was poor as hell was genius, and while a lot of the older stuff is dated and most likely was progressive for the eighties and would read a bit wonky now they always were super-inclusive, it has a bunch of nonwhite/nonstraight characters (esp. in the last books but there were also in the old ones, and the longest-standing gay dude since the eighties got a husband in the last trilogy!!! it was so ;_;), the alternate history is really good imvho and if you enjoy asoiaf you probably would like most of wild cards. if you want a reading order I made one here. xD
here you go sorry it took me one hour to answer it but IT GOT LONG XDD
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janiedean · 6 years
it seems marvel is trying to no homo steve and bucky's relationship after seeing how many ppl ship them. first cw when they barely got any moments even though the film revolves around their bond, their only intimate moment they spent talking about ex-gfs, then there's the whole out-of-nowhere steve/sharon thing, and now iw, where they barely have any interaction, their reunion hug is just a bro pat on the shoulder, and steve's reaction to bucky's death is p flat. :/
... I don’t think so? I mean I agree that the stevesharon thing was a total what the hell why this doesn’t make sense moment but
guys not to be that person but this is disney and the movie has to sell in china and in a bunch of places where gay people on screen aren’t really a thing that happens, sad reality is sad but they were never gonna homo them anyway in the first place so maybe they toned it down (though I mean in tws and tfa it’s not like bucky had this much screentime so...) but it’s nothing new under the sun;
cw could have used a hug but honestly as a shipper it made me... really happy? I mean okay the only intimate moment was on the quinjet I guess even if there was the one inside bucky’s house and when they were interrogating him but a) the acting told a lot, b) the entire thing was steve breaking the law, throwing the shield and saying fuck it to his captain america title for bucky all over again to the point he went on the run and broke the law so many times I lost count and gave up half of his friends for one person, how is that no homo? X°D I mean I know my cw opinion is fairly unpopular but if there was one thing it didn’t do wrong to (imo at least tho I liked the whole thing SOOO) was the stevebucky, like honest I could have done with the hug but other than that i GOT STEVE LITERALLY STOPPING A HELICOPTER TO AVOID BUCKY BEING TAKEN FROM HIM AGAIN I mean XD
IW: admittedly one of my issues is that bucky and a bunch of other people (falcon, m’baku etc) didn’t really have that much screentime, but then again they sacrificed the earth plotline bar vision and wanda to the cosmic plotline which made sense since it was where 80% of the action was, so yeah I could have had a scene between them but this movie was also long af and if I was the director and had to pick between that and the star*mora make out I’d obviously have picked the latter because star*mora was vital to the plot, in this movie steve wasn’t the center - hopefully he gets more screentime next one because I have a feeling the action moves back to earth and we’ll see more of him but honest, I get why they weren’t that relevant in this scenario;
also... idk if I was seeing things or not but the hug looked pretty full to me??? like I remember clearly thinking from the trailer ‘guess I’ll have to settle for the pat on the back’ but then there was a shot from bucky’s back where it looked like they were hugging for real so...? idk maybe I saw wrong but I didn’t get that impression XD (also according to this reasoning the brucetony hug also should have been no homo but XD)
... steve looked quietly devastated to me...? I mean when it happens he had a blank face but HE’S ALSO NOT EXPECTING IT AND EVERYONE AROUND HIM IS DYING, it’s kind of fair that his main reaction is WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING FIRST XD and his face when he touched the dust was... honestly devastated? and after that he looked like a man who lost all his will to live to me, I mean idk I didn’t think he didn’t have a reaction *shrug* 
tldr: they might have toned it down a bit but honest it’s nothing... that much toned down I think? and at the end of it they’re still the most important person for each other...? also idk man this whole no homo thing is starting to get a bit stale to me because if you’re into large mass-consumption franchises it’s already unlikely as hell that a ship in between two main characters that isn’t m/f becomes canon and it’s been like that since the beginning of time, go back at them the moment they can make money off large mass-consumption franchises without drama - I mean guys let’s be real people were crying foul on both sides about freaking lefou in the b&tb remake when it was a) harmless, b) barely there, c) about a minor character and people wanted to censor the entire thing in russia because lefou danced with a dude for exactly five seconds, do we really think that they’d make anything in the mcu canon?
like guys let’s be real I’m way more worried that they might no-homo shatterstar in the deadpool sequel when he’s been bi since 2009 canonically and it was obvious he and rictor weren’t that heterosexual since the nineties and they are a canon ship, get back at me after they dissuade me of that. stevebucky wasn’t gonna get canon in the movies anyway, I’d rather worry about what they do with actual canon lgbt characters and leave the shipping for fandom but that’s vmho of course *shrug* and honest I’ve been shipping m/m stuff that was NEVER gonna be canon since 2003, this is just regular happenstance xD
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janiedean · 7 years
Janie, what is it like to be queer in Rome/Italy? Can you write about that please? Is it like an okay/safe thing to be out and open about it? Does it make a difference if you are pe a woman or a man? Are there out people like 'idols' in the italian media? Thank you!
uhm man count that I can’t answer a lot of that because I’m not queer so I like, don’t personally know how it’s like on a personal level but what I can say objectively is:
it tends to be better in large cities than small towns but anything tends to
it’s not unsafe to be queer in the sense that you don’t risk going to jail or getting fired (unless you’re in the private sector and your employer is an asshole) and the likes. whether it’s safe to be **out** is an entire other question because I mean there’s areas where it’s not a problem, there’s places where being gay if you’re a man is seen as weakness still (I mean find openly gay people in the places in the south where the economy is all mafia, then we can discuss it) and then... I mean if you live in a large city it’s a lot less of a problem to be out. also you could be out with your friends but not your parents or all your relatives, depends on the place/area/situation. like for example my parents give zero shits about it so if I wasn’t straight I could tell them and they’d go like yeah okay fine whatever, a... uhhh.... former friend’s parents sent him to have an exorcism when they found out he didn’t like women and I’m 99% sure that it’s the reason why since then he’s been completely impossible to deal with (I mean he’s turned into a radical catholic rightwinger who likes lepen and I haven’t talked to him in years) and we live in the same city/went to the same school sooo....
regarding how people take it... eh, depends more on background rather than age. like at the place where I teach at most of the volunteers are people older than fifty who do it as post-pension work and none of them has a problem with that but it’s all leftist people who use their spare time working with migrants, my grandmother is ninety and uber catholic but she’s always been a pretty open person and a while ago she was talking about... like, this famous singer who was gay but not out died at like fifty-something and left all to his *manager* who was most probably the boyfriend, and his family wanted to contest it and she was like ‘but if he was with the other guy why should they have it’, then she has some retrograde ideas about it also such as people should worry about POVERTY rather than gay marriage but it could be worse, and then I met people my age who were raging homophobes and like my grandmother’s sister is... not really tolerant in that sense. depends.
it’s... sort of more obvious with men because like let’s just say that if you’re two women there’s a lot of stuff that other places might be seen as pda which here is just *friendly*, but like see the thing is that before fascism we never had laws against sodomy and the likes bc there was more urgent stuff to discuss and during fascism obviously being gay was a huge no and you’d get sent to confinement if it was found out but since making a law against sodomy implied that handsome MASCULINE italian ***men*** could actually be gay and that just wasn’t a thing they would openly admit they never made one, so like... people just pretend to not see it now as they did back in the day and with women it’s easier to disguise it. with men there’s the... thing where you’re supposed to be a REAL MAN TM WHO WOULD NEVER LIKE OTHER MEN still in a lot of places so it’s a lot more scandalous if it makes sense?
I mean, I never heard of lesbian kisses being cut from prime time movies but they aired brokeback mountain without the m/m scenes and a kiss from how to get away with murder not even last year because OMG MEN KISSING IN PRIME TIME HOW HORRIBLE (even if then in prime time you see naked women all the time) so... there’s that too
and since the church is what it is and has influence still same sex unions have just been approved and in a completely ridiculous way so... I mean last I know if you do polls around, more than half of the population would be okay with gay marriage but not with adoption SOOOOOO just deduce what you’d like
also there’s a national attitude to scream a lot when something related to that happens and then it dies down. like the first gay pride in rome brought a month of polemical stuff with the church bc OMG HOW DARE YOU, for the second they protested one week and then... it’s happened for years and no one really cares least of all the church. once in a while a famous singer or actor comes out and there’s OMG WAS HE REALLy in tabloids and the week later everything is forgotten. like the singer I mentioned above in relation to my grandmother, it was obvious he was gay irl and he still sold records, and we have some out lesbian singers who haven’t had a problem with their career for that. and some of our most artsy/quoted film directors are gay/were gay and had no problems finding work (I mean ferzan ozpetek has gay/bi/queer people in every movie of his around and he still gets a lot of audience sooo, and sure as hell visconti made movies all his life xD). admittedly I think that in the arts camp is more accepted/no one cares, but that’s another problem in itself
so tldr it’s a complicated question so now I’ll just reply again directly to the questions very quick
Is it like an okay/safe thing to be out and open about it? - depends on where you live, your family’s background and what are you queer for - some people could be fine with having gay kids but not trans kids WHO KNOWS. larger towns are a safer bet. anyway you don’t risk jail or violence (USUALLY) or losing your job or the kind if you’re queer IN GENERAL
Does it make a difference if you are pe a woman or a man? - yes and women tend to have it easier when it comes to Expectations TM and men have the issues mentioned above because people feel it as more ‘in your face’, if you look at anti-gay propaganda it’s all men in the pictures or at most trans women (bc it’s seen as unnatural that someone who was born a man would actually be a woman in a... more violent way I suppose, idk if I’m explaining myself sorry), not lesbians or trans men
Are there out people like 'idols' in the italian media? yeah actually there’s plenty - like I mentioned before ferzan ozpetek (the director) and tiziano ferro (the singer - who has been out for years but everyone suspected it before),  gianna nannini is a singer who’s... I think she’s either lesbian or bi but anyway she’s definitely into women, carmen consoli is another singer who I think is lesbian, franco zeffirelli is gay, valentino and dolce & gabbana also are gay and out, there’s a few out politicians (nichi vendola, anna concia and alfonso pecoraro scanio plus vladimir luxuria who’s actually a trans woman) and a few tv presenters that I can think of. let’s just say all these people (except the directors probably) came out after becoming famous bc it’s generally not a good idea for your career unless you market yourself that way. and then there’s renato zero who says he’s heterosexual but he’s an lgbt sex symbol and his most famous song is about three people going at it and it was out in... I think the LATE SEVENTIES so *shrug*
about how it feels sorry I can’t reply to that directly because I’m not queer so :/ if anyone wants to reblog or weigh in pls go ahead because I exhausted everything I can reasonably say on the subject xD
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