rindomness · 10 months
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because im realizing i may not have actually posted their current refs on tumblr um. ever? apparently? digging through the tag does not reveal them so i must assume they are not there. asha and azar refs. i adore them. please talk to me about them. i miss talking about my losers(affectionate)
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rindomness · 2 years
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one day I'll do and/or find the full writeup of Azar's situation in guideverse because it exists and I'm pretentious about my own lore but until then you're just going to keep getting fully rendered pieces that are an elaborate excuse to do weird lighting and insert symbolism only people who listen to me ramble for paragraphs about this story will pick up on
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rindomness · 2 years
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on a skirt kick missed drawing my Guy and they combined. throws
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rindomness · 1 year
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i missed her
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rindomness · 2 years
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azar stuff as an excuse to do weird lighting. how about that loneliness and assigned morality
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rindomness · 2 years
caramelldansen d1 azar
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you have NO idea how hard it was to make sure i got all these colors in there my guy. but it's them. my silly :) thank you bestie
(if you wanna send me something the game is here!)
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rindomness · 2 years
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i dont have a fun little faux-academic blurb from my worldbuilding doc for this one just know that when i listened to taz:ethersea i started thinking about devo. and if you know anything about my oc stuff that naturally led to thinking a little too hard about asha. and then i couldnt stop so i drew something about it
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rindomness · 2 years
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i have to render them occasionally or else my brain starts to do weird things in the middle of the night
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rindomness · 2 years
Can we have links to the playlist 👀 (‘jackdaw)
if not what’s a song that gets the two of them hyped or one that suits there narrative the most?
why of COURSE you can have a link to the playlist
i will say the song that fits the narrative the most is Under Your Skin (Jukebox the Ghost) and is what inspired me to actually uhhhhhh hh make a playlist my guys make me a little unhinged
thank you jackkk
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rindomness · 2 years
on the topic of oc songs arguably youth (daughter) is an azar song but it didnt make the playlist bc it’s v much about asha and azar as a relationship and how unhinged i am about them finding each other and being changed so deeply that they can never go back to the isolated existence they had before each other
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rindomness · 2 years
Oc questions; 8. And idk any of your ocs so this will be an introduction>:)
8: what keeps them up at night?
in a very literal sense: azar (other oc; her adoptive sibling/demonic nuisance/a deity of chaos. they're pulling triple shift) who a) does not sleep and b) decides the middle of the night is the best time to vacuum. it's... mostly okay though 'cause asha's got insomnia so she just works then instead
in a more, like, metaphorical sense: say it with me folks: religious trauma! so, the functional basis of asha and azar's story is asha summons azar as a last-ditch effort to get away from the religious order/arguably cult she's being raised to lead (did someone say: devo adventurezone? ...they'd have a lot to talk about) and: it works! after a lot of grief and pain. but it works! but now she has to work through all that, so.
thank you sierra i love talking about my Guys >:)
(ask game here!)
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rindomness · 2 years
if you feel up for it, the songs people watching and good help, is hard to find (from your play list) (‘jackdaw)
HEY JACK IT'S MIDNIGHT AGAIN in my defense i was FRANTICALLY doing homework and then playing factorio w dad all day today
people watching is technically applicable to both of them but like. both of them before they actually met each other? but like. for entirely different reasons
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largely about this one. asha, stuck as an heir and public figure, who has had no choice but to watch other people live their lives around her without ever really being able to live her own life. asha wanting to break out of that. asha stuck here for years and years and years and years.
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she wants to study history but here she is stuck in this house without an ounce of autonomy for herself. locked inside for fuckin sure
i think about this song largely in conjunction w asha but it also applies to azar re: having died and now having to watch everything happen around them.
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they're trapped just as much as asha is, albeit in a less obvious way. azar is bound by the rules of their immortality, and i'll get more to that in the next one, but like. man. yeah. yeah!
okay. good help (is so hard to find) now
that one's more explicitly an azar song in my brain
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MOST OBVIOUSLY RIGHT OFF THE BAT: azar's contract Thing. azar deals with people exclusively in these very scripted encounters where they're dealing with another person's request. they're a performer. they're doing a job- and beyond the restrictions of that job, azar has no interaction with anyone, ever. (at least, until asha, but that starts the same way as every other interaction they have!)
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azar is a nonhuman, powerful entity- who thrives on chaos and disruption. the more public the better! a lot of this comes down to how much of a performance everything azar does, especially ESPECIALLY prior to actually getting to know asha. they've been acting for a thousand years and change, why stop now?
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god azar's such a fuckin heart player (affectionate)
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rindomness · 2 years
you know what what’s the reason for choosing under your skin and icurus for the playlist? (jackdaw)
starting w the one that i can just. Yell about. Under your skin taken VERY literally in that for like... let's say 75% of the story asha and azar are in the same body. particulars of how the contract azar used to hide from lux and asha's request/wish to escape her mother combined into a situation where they're stuck together, whether they wanna be or not (asha VERY MUCH does not. azar kinda just wants to stay alive which fair).
yeah lemme get lyrics if im gonna get more specific
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azar's whole thing is Being Good At Talking. being good enough at talking to get whatever they want and good enough at loophole abuse to get them the rest of the way. so like. huge part of that is sounding Genuine and Upfront and then oops it will always backfire on you in some way.
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asha's family is insanely influential in the society that she grew up in being in a theocracy dedicated to Lux, a being of order which parades around as a deity of goodness and light. asha wants no part of that.
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asha considers azar to be nothing more than a being of chaos and destruction with a (weird) reputation as a protector of those who are pushed aside by the ruling under Lux at the start of their relationship. which: fair they're a millenia-old creature trying very hard to avoid connections at this point. so. no one under that persona.
the main reason is this bit:
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it's specifically about azar before azar died. which is an important distinction because, hey, azar died at 14. they died at 14 specifically by running out onto a battlefield they were not supposed to be on (and ONE DAY i will post that piece bc i wrote a kickass story about it, if I do say so myself). they were reckless and in their attempt to keep people around them safe managed to burn themself to a crisp (almost literally- they blew up in what was functionally an explosion of magical overflow). so! yeah!
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also this one. also this one. azar lived... a lot longer than they should have. they also lived far far shorter than they should have. oops
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rindomness · 2 years
For asha and azar :]
The song that they like the most and the song they have cried to
picking these off their playlist bc i, rin, personally do not know all music that exists ever and these are already songs i have associated w them so
like the most: for azar, Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) by Will Wood it has Azar Vibes and in my brain they really like high-energy music . (thank you for that one btw) for asha.... This Will End by The Oh Hellos. i cannot explain other than vibes unfortunately.
cried to: In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars for both of them (together in their living room).
thank you jam you have fed the brainrot :)
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rindomness · 2 years
for the oc asks: 8 and 9!
8: what keeps them up at night?
i did asha in the last one so i'll do azar in this one
mostly it's the adhd i will be real with you there's something wrong with that one (affectionate). probably for the best that they don't physically need sleep to function being both technically dead and a being of chaos. ALSO: Asha getting hurt. they care about someone again the idea that they couldn't keep her safe is knives in their throat
9: what do they dream about?
Azar again: nothing and everything. They're a being of chaos which operates through contract bounds and dreamscapes. They don't dream themself, they're technically dead by more than a thousand years, but they can experience others' dreams, so whatever you can think of! In a more metaphorical sense, they dream about spending whatever time Asha's got left with her and maybe after that, the eventual heat death of the universe.
Thank you honey! (ask game here! send me some!)
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rindomness · 1 year
what if i just. completely revamped asha's design actually.
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