#and what if i used it as an opportunity to give her more flowy skirts.
rindomness · 1 year
what if i just. completely revamped asha's design actually.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
i can’t stop thinking about as you wish 😩💘 what would eddie have thought of reader on their very first meeting? did he instantly start to have feelings or was it more so when he realised how much the boys liked her and how she treated eddie? my brain is rotting in the best way
big love to you xxxxxx
I am so glad you asked this because I have often thought about these two meeting! I hope you enjoy 💕
Words: 2.7k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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This was it. 126 Thorn Court. The address that your sister scrawled on the paper in the indecipherable scribbling that she calls handwriting. A friend of a friend needed a steady babysitter, so your sister sent it through the grapevine the other way that her little sister has always been great with kids. 
You hadn’t gotten a whole lot of information from your sister, who in turn said she hadn’t gotten much from her friend either. All you knew was the address that was held in your hand, the name that was written beneath it—Brittany Munson—and that the kids were two boys, four and six years old. The whole time leading up to this moment you hadn’t been nervous, but sitting here parked in front of the house in your used gold car, the job interview nerves are kicking in. 
Taking a deep breath, you push the car door open and climb out. As you make your way up to the front door, a strange wave of nerves comes over you. It’s almost a pleasant tingle, like first date nerves, making you let out a confused chuckle. Smoothing your hands down your body, you take one last look down at your outfit of a flowy black skirt and a white t-shirt tucked into it. Assessing that it looks fine, you raise your hand and knock on the blue door. The faint sound of little feet running around meets your ears before a heavier gate approaches the door. When it swings open, you’re not prepared for the sight before you.
A man who can only be described as beautiful stands there, dark curls cascading down to his shoulders, and the prettiest brown eyes you’ve ever seen in your life. He’s tall with a thin frame. Skinny, but toned muscles peeking from underneath his Metallica tee. Had you been asked before what your type was, you wouldn’t have had an answer; your crushes had always been on varied types of guys. But suddenly, you’re realizing this man is exactly your type. Who could possibly be more attractive than him?
You’re so busy taking him in that you don’t realize that he’s doing the same to you. It could’ve been five seconds or five hours, when a little boy comes running over and attaches himself to the man’s leg. This breaks the both of you out of your trance, though neither of you realized the other was in one too. 
“Hi,” the man says, his pretty pink lips curving into a smile. A smile that nearly knocks the breath from you.
“Hi. I’m um, I’m here for…” you start, but are cut off by the little boy.
“You’re pretty!”
“Oh,” you say with a chuckle. “Well, thank you. You’re a handsome little boy, yourself.” He grins proudly, looking from you to his dad. 
“Babysitter, yeah?” the man asks. 
“Yes! That’s me.” You hold your hand out and introduce yourself. His hand slides into yours, rough calluses brushing against your soft skin. The warmth of his hand envelops yours and you’re pretty sure an electric spark travels up your arm at the contact. 
“I’m Eddie. This is Luke.” Eddie, your brain repeats.
“Hi!” Luke says, grinning up at you. 
“Hi,” you say, giving him a smile in return.
“Go get your brother, please,” Eddie tells his son. Luke nods and runs off somewhere in the house. “Please, come in. We’re really glad you could come by and meet us and the kids.” 
“Oh, of course,” you say, stepping inside the house. Eddie closes the door behind you, and you take the opportunity to look around. Directly to your right is the living room of the one-story house. The couch and loveseat look plush and comfy, both facing a dark wood entertainment center that holds a television. The walls are deep navy blue with a few paintings and photo frames scattered along the surfaces. Eddie steps up beside you and you’re once again struck by his beauty.
“Make yourself comfortable,” he says, gesturing towards the couch. “I’ll just go get my wife and we’ll be right back.”
Ugh. Right. He had a wife. And they have kids. That’s why you’re here, after all. But it doesn’t stop you from watching Eddie’s ass as he heads down the hallway. Stop it, you try and scold yourself. This man might be your new boss. He’s probably happily married and content with his life. He doesn’t need some teenager—even if you’d only be one for two more weeks—coming in and fawning all over him. 
As you take a seat on the couch, Luke comes running into the room, a smile identical to his father’s plastered on his lips. In fact, Luke is pretty much a shrunken version of Eddie. Except for the eyes, you notice. Luke has bright blue eyes that he must get from his mother. Another boy follows in behind Luke, a little taller and with hair a few shades lighter brown than his little brother’s. He has the same warm brown eyes as his father, but his hair only has a slight curl. 
“This is Ryan,” Luke says, poking his brother in the arm. “He’s shy sometimes.”
“That’s okay,” you tell Ryan. “I can be shy sometimes, too. Especially when I meet someone new.” 
“Told you she was pretty,” Luke says to his brother, making you giggle.
A beautiful blonde woman walks into the room, Eddie right behind her. The first thought as your eyes land on her is that she could be an actress with how pretty she is. Her heart shaped face is accentuated by long blonde hair that has a bit of a wave to it. Luke’s blue eyes are identical to hers, the mother’s framed by dark lashes and immaculate makeup. She’s a good number of inches shorter than Eddie, with a small frame and curves that any woman would kill for. Watching her as she takes a seat on the loveseat, you subconsciously start to fidget in your seat, fingers tugging on the hem of your skirt. 
“So,” the woman says, crossing one leg over the other. Her gaze settles on you and it’s eerily absent of any warmth. Eddie sits next to her, perched on the edge of his seat. He rests his elbows on his knees as he leans forward, hands clasped together. “You’re a babysitter?” the wife asks.
“Um,” Eddie says before you can say anything. “This is Brittany, my wife.” She flashes you a tight lipped, strained smile and you introduce yourself.
“And uh, yes, I’m a babysitter. I’ve been watching kids since I was fourteen,” you say.
“Which was what, two years ago?” Brittany asks, tilting her head. You can tell it wasn’t meant to be mean, it just seems to be the way she speaks. 
“No,” you say, shifting in your seat. “I’ll be twenty in a couple of weeks.”
“Are you in school?” Eddie asks, a friendly smile on his face.
“I am,” you say. 
“What’re you studying?” he asks.
“Undeclared,” you say, wrinkling up your nose. “Just doing general courses still because I can’t decide what I want to major in.”
“Well, we’ll need you Monday through Friday after school,” Brittany says, jarring both you and Eddie out of the conversation you were having.
“O-Okay,” you say, nodding your head. “All my classes are early, so that’s not a problem.”
“Would you be okay with picking them up from school?” Eddie asks, leaning back on the couch. Ryan walks over and climbs in his father’s lap. Eddie grins and tugs the little boy closer to his chest, letting him get comfortable. 
“Of course,” you answer. 
“I go to preschool,” Luke tells you, proudly. He plops himself down on the couch next to you, his little legs swinging over the ledge. 
“Luke, hush, the adults are talking,” Brittany says. Luke’s face falls and he slinks down in his seat. No wonder Ryan hasn’t opened his mouth, you think to yourself. 
Brittany continues to ask you questions, Eddie popping in every now and then to ask some himself. It’s nothing you didn’t expect–you would be thorough with someone who would potentially be spending so much time with your children as well. Though, there are a few questions from Brittany that have you wondering what they have to do with the job. Do you have a boyfriend? How often do you drink? Are you a sorority girl? You notice Eddie seems to be a little perplexed by the questions as well, confusion furrowing his brow every once in a while. 
“Well,” Brittany says, slapping her palms down on her thighs. “We’re in a bind and you seem competent. Can you start on Monday?” 
“Yeah, I can.” Her abruptness is a little alerting, but you’re keying into that this is just the way she is.
“Do you want to spend some time with the boys first?” Eddie asks, shifting Ryan in his lap.
“I would love to,” you say. “Is it okay if I play a game with you, Ryan?”
The little boy peeks up at his dad who gives him an encouraging nod. He slowly slides out of Eddie’s lap and begins to fidget with his fingers.
“What’s your favorite game?” you ask. 
“Trouble,” Ryan says, voice quiet. 
“Yeah? That’s one of my favorites too. Do you like that game too, Luke?” You turn to the younger boy to be met with a bright smile.
“Perfect! Should we go play?”
“Yeah,” Luke stands up and takes your hand. “I’ll show you where it is.”
He leads you down the hall to a closet that’s situated between two bedrooms; the kids’ rooms, you assume. Luke is hardly able to reach the doorknob, never mind the game that’s on one of the top shelves. You grab the box, pulling it down, and once you turn around you see that Ryan has followed you down the hallway as well.
“Where should we play, Ryan?” you ask him. 
“The kitchen table?” Ryan asks, voice still soft.
“That sounds good to me.”
“Kitchen is this way!” Luke calls, running down the hall. Ryan walks with you as you follow the four-year-old. Luke’s already sitting at the green kitchen table, ready and raring to go, when you step into the room. 
“Would you like something to drink?” Eddie asks, coming into the kitchen behind you.
“Oh no, I’m okay, thanks,” you reply. 
Brittany comes into the kitchen and Luke looks between the two of his parents.
“Daddy! Mom! D’ya wanna play?” Luke asks. 
“Can’t, baby. I’m busy,” Brittany says. She grabs a bottle of water and shuffles out of the kitchen. Luke juts out his lower lip and turns to his father.
“Sure,” Eddie says, smile lighting up his face. Luke instantly mirrors him, a gleeful look about him as he begins to take pieces out of the game box.
You sit across the table from Eddie, in between the two boys. It’s decided you’ll be the red pieces as Luke explains the rules of the game—which you already know, but let him discuss anyway. 
Ryan goes first, and the game play begins around the table. Despite him being the most excited, Luke seems to have the worst luck as he can’t get his pieces free from home. He becomes more and more frustrated as the game goes on, eventually thick angry tears tumble out of his eyes. 
“Hey,” you say with a frown. “What’s going on?”
Luke rubs at his eye, nodding at the game board. “Can’t move.”                                                                                                                
“Aw, Luke. It can be super frustrating when things aren’t going our way, I know. Do you want to take a quick break so you can calm down? We won’t skip your turn.” Luke nods, his curls bobbing up and down with his head. “Sometimes it helps if I wash my face and take a few deep breaths. But not at the same time or you’ll get water up your nose!”
Luke giggles and a smile curls on your lips. 
“M’kay,” Luke says as he slides out of his chair. When you face forward again in your seat, Eddie’s looking at you with a small smile playing over his handsome features. 
“W-Was that okay?” you ask, suddenly nervous you overstepped in some way.
“That was great,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a potential tantrum thwarted off so quickly.”
His praise makes you blush, ducking your head down shyly. A look at the game board has you remembering that Ryan is winning—and sitting right next to you.
“And you, little mister,” you say, grinning over at the boy. “How’d you get so good at this game? They teach you this in school?”
Ryan’s smile warms your heart, feeling like you’re finally breaking through to him. 
“Noooo,” he says. “I’m just good at it.”
“Yes, you are!”
“Ryan’s my little hard worker,” Eddie says, moving some hair out of his son’s eyes. “He puts his mind to something, and he does it better than anyone.”
“I believe that,” you say. 
Luke jogs back into the room, hopping back on his chair.
“Feeling better?” you ask, and he gives you two thumbs up. 
Ryan ends up winning the game, but Luke comes in second, beating you and Eddie. It may have been because the two of you let him, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. By the time you’re getting ready to leave, Ryan is talking up a storm, telling you about his teacher and his friends and every little thing his mind can think of. 
“Can I give you a hug?” Ryan asks when it’s time for you to go. You try to blame the sudden pressure of tears behind your eyes on hormones, but you’re pretty sure it’s not even that time of month. 
“Of course,” you say, bending down. Ryan throws his arms around your neck, and you squeeze him in return. Luke is right behind him, wanting his own chance to give you a hug goodbye. “I’ll see you guys on Monday, okay?” 
“I’ll walk you to the door,” Eddie offers. You hadn’t seen Brittany since she left the kitchen earlier—and that’s fine by you. She’s clearly your least favorite person in the family. Eddie had written down all the information you’d need and given it to you, so you were officially ready for your first day on Monday. 
“They’re really great kids,” you tell Eddie.
“Thanks,” he says and the proud look in his eyes has you practically swooning. It really isn’t fair how attractive this man is. How attractive your boss is, you realize. “Is there anything else you need before Monday?”
You shake your head as Eddie reaches for the doorknob. “Don’t think so.”
“Well, if you think of anything, you’ve got my number,” Eddie says, gesturing to the piece of paper in your hand. He has yours as well, stuck on the fridge with a magnet. 
“I guess I’ll see you on Monday,” you say.
“Yeah.” Eddie slips his hands into his pockets as he leans against the open door. “You know, I’m really glad we found you. We needed a babysitter, and I was kinda resigned to having to settle for someone. But you seem perfect. F-For the job.”
Cheeks warming, you give him a bashful smile. “Thank you,” you say.
“I should be thanking you. I have to admit I’ll have more peace of mind knowing you’re watching the boys.”
“I promise you they’re in good hands,” you say, reluctantly turning for the door. “I’ll see you on Monday, Mr. Munson.” 
Eddie’s silently glad that you’ve turned away at that moment, so you don’t catch the hitch in his breath. There’s no way he can deal with you calling him that all the time.
“Call me Eddie,” he says, forcing his tone to be casual. 
“Okay. See you on Monday, Eddie.”
“See you Monday, sweetheart.”
Keeping your composure until you get into your car is harder than it should be. But once you’re buckled in and you see that Eddie had closed the front door behind you, you let out a squeal and throw your head back against the headrest. 
“Holy shit,” you say to yourself. “He called me sweetheart. This man is going to be the death of me.”
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Evie Ayana, OG HSS Book 1 (Part 1). Featuring some edits by me!
This is a new series that was inspired by @tveitertotwrites's Outfit Replacements Series.
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
First up, we'll be assessing the wardrobe from OG HSS Book 1, for the one and only, my beloved Evie Ayana! However, I've had to make this into two parts because of Tumblr's 30 image limit.
Directory for the other parts will be included in the reblogs after I've completed the posts for all books!
Ch 1: "Sweet Dreams" Pajamas
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The pants are nice and 100% in Evie's style. Evie LOVES soft fuzzy textures and loose cozy soft pants.
The camisole top, on the other hand, is... not really her taste. It's a bit too short, and the lace trim isn't quiiiite her thing.
Verdict: Only partly in Evie's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the top.
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Here's what this outfit would look more like in Evie's style. As well as some alternate pajamas she'd have, because she would absolutely adore those mint-colored smiley-face ice cream pajamas.
Ch 1: "Cool for School" Starter Outfit
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Perfect. All the yes. Very gender. Especially the smiley face button and the kitten button. 100%, Evie's fall casual outfit. (I kind of like also that both she and Emma wear tops with horizontal stripes for their fall casual outfits)
Verdict: Part of Evie's wardrobe, and is Evie's official fall casual outfit. Keep it as is.
Ch 1: "Morning Jog" Starter Outfit
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Not bad, but the sweater top is definitely far too short for Evie. She doesn't cares much for leggings also, she far prefers slightly loose soft pants.
Verdict: Not quite part of Evie's wardrobe. Alter by lengthening the sweater and stretching the leggings.
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Here's what this outfit would approximately look more like to suit Evie's tastes (yeah, unfortunately some of these outfits don't like it when I use the Liquify tool to stretch them). This one, she'd love as an outfit for pajamas, lounging around the house, or for a cool day workout.
Ch 1: "Cardi Cute" Starter Outfit
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This outfit truly is super cute, I love the floral pattern and the heart necklace and so would Evie. This is one of the few more fem-leaning outfits Evie would be comfortable wearing– she is okay with skirts or dresses every now and then, so long as A) they're loose/flowy, B) mid-thigh length or lower, and C) absolutely no leg/thigh slits.
However, she'd far prefer this as a spring casual outfit. Something more flowery, light, and carefree like this outfit is far better for spring, both weather wise and aesthetic wise.
Verdict: Part of Evie's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but use it only in Book 3).
Ch 1: "The Bombshell" Premium Starter Outfit
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I love this floral print, and so would Evie. But this length of top is not her style, and neither is the choker(?)-style necklace.
Evie doesn't really care for midriff/belly-revealing outfits unless they allow her to put her abs on display (and even then, she's still very picky about the style), and, well... obviously the in-game f!MC sprite does not have abs. PB give us muscular f!MC options challenge (failed).
Of course, even if the sprite did have abs, the top wouldn't really show them. So it's not worth the diamonds to me.
If it was longer? I absolutely would spend the diamonds (though probably for it to be a spring outfit).
Verdict: Only partly in Evie's wardrobe. Alter by lengthening the top and making the choker necklace into a regular necklace.
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Here's what this outfit would approximately look more like to suit Evie's tastes.
Ch 1: "Dare to be Different" Premium Starter Outfit
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Evie would love this shade of blue and definitely would own the necklaces. She might find the flower crown cute (but probably wouldn't wear it much).
However, both the dress on its own and the outfit as a whole are not her style at all. Especially not the yellow leggings. They do not look good with this color dress.
And it feels more like a semiformal/party outfit to me anyways, so yeah. Maybe some other MC I make would like this, but not Evie.
Verdict: Only partly in Evie's wardrobe. Keep the jewelry and the flower crown for other potential outfits, but ditch the rest.
Ch 2: "Summer Fling" Premium Outfit for Brian's Pool Party
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NOPE! Absolutely not! The style of top combined with how short it is, is not for Evie at all. And you wouldn't catch her DEAD in short shorts.
She might like some of the jewelry, though. But that's about it.
I could edit or alter this one, by replacing the shorts with jeans and then making a longer version of the top... but even then, I don't think this kind of top is quite her style.
Verdict: Evie would NOT own this. Replace entirely. Keep the jewelry for other potential outfits, but ditch the rest.
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The outfit that m!MC gets is much more her style. May not be as attention-grabbing, but it's her way of being the hottest girl at the pool party. Though she would also be the type to just show up to the party in her regular casual outfit. That works just as well too.
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Also, here's that edit of Aiden in the outfit again because I like it better on him. <3 <3 <3
Ch 2: Swimsuit
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I like this pattern print and so would Evie. And she'd definitely love to wear a bikini to show off her abs. Though... preferably with a pair of swim trunks. That style of bikini bottom is just a HUGE no-no for Evie. I mean, she probably would wear it for comfort, but just underneath her swim trunks
Also, the bracelets... they're cute, but they're a rather odd addition to this outfit. IDK.
Verdict: Technically part of Evie's wardrobe, but needs the addition of an extra piece. Keep the outfit itself as is, but alter by putting swim trunks over the bottoms.
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Here's what this outfit would look more like to suit Evie's tastes. Plus an alternate swimsuit that I headcanon she'll wear in other events.
Ch 6: Football Uniform
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My baby jock girl in her first uniform. The utter joy expressed in the slow-printing "My first uniform!" text in the scene is so absolutely deserved.
Look at her. So gender. I'm so proud of her.
Verdict: Technically not in Evie's wardrobe because you have to return uniforms at the end of the season, but the point is, Evie would love wearing it. Keep it as is.
The football uniform is, of course, determinant on activity choice. Even though Evie's canon is being a jock in all three books, I'll also review the band and cheer uniforms, because I can.
BONUS ROUND: Ch 6: Band Uniform
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So snazzy! In the AU where Evie joins band, she would absolutely rock this outfit. Especially the top.But I don't think she'd like wearing it for the outdoors band practices on hotter days.
Verdict: Technically not in Evie's wardrobe because you have to return uniforms, but the point is, Evie would love wearing it (in the band!Evie AU). Keep it as is.
BONUS ROUND: Ch 6: Cheer Uniform
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Evie's going to second Jade Ali on this one: "You won't catch me dead wearing one of those tiny skirts".
Verdict: Technically not in Evie's wardrobe because you have to return uniforms, but either way, Evie would NOT wear this. Alter by replacing the skirt with pants and lengthening the top.
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If Evie did cheer (it's not quite her thing, but she isn't completly closed to the idea), she'd much rather wear pants like in the m!MC's cheerleader uniform. But would still want a sleeveless top, to better show off her biceps.
Ch 9: "Eye of the Tiger" and "Hear My Roar" Premium Tiger Mascot Suits for the pep rally
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Both of these are pretty good, I think Evie would really dig that white one. But at the same time, I'm not fully sure she would be up to wearing a mascot outfit. She'd be worried about how hot and sweaty it'd get in there.
But at the same time, I also want that scene where she accidentally throws a school logo t-shirt into Aiden's face. Especially since it parallels with a later scene later on in the same chapter where he accidentally hits her with a crumpled up ball of paper.
Verdict: Keep both outfits as they are, but whether or not Evie would wear them is still being decided. Come back to this later.
Ch 11: "Garb of the Enemy" Premium Disguise for sneaking into Hearst
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Aside from the comfy-looking jacket and the cute bow, this just isn't Evie's style (though at least the skirt isn't as small, lmao).
I think she'd also question why no one else in the group can wear a disguise, and would doubt the ability of this outfit to truly disguise her.
So to her, it wouldn't be worth it to wear this. Have Julian be the fake Hearst cheerleader instead tbh. I mean, he did do that in Prime once. It'd be a pretty neat little bonus callback, especially considering the more mature Choices!Julian likely wouldn't be as embarrased about it as Prime!Julian was.
Verdict: Evie would NOT wear this, not even for the temporary questionable disguise. But she would only partly own it. Keep the jacket and bow and maybe alter it for a different outfit (Mia probably would let her), but ditch the rest. Let Mia burn it later lol. Well, after Julian wears it as a disguise.
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Now, Max's letterman jacket for the m!MC on the other hand... Evie would still be unsure about being the only one in a disguise and its effectiveness as a disguise, but it suits her much better and she'd be more willing to wear it. I mean, just look at her!
Aaaaand because that's the 30 image limit, we'll return in Part 2!
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
what's something you'd like to see more of on royal simblr?
Great question, me! There's a number of things I'd love to see more often in the royal simblr community, such as:
More non-western influences and royals. European monarchies are the most accessible to English-speaking westerners, but in the modern day, most monarchical systems exist in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. I can only think of a few royal Simblrs that are meant to have non-Western settings--I'm sure there are more that I'm not aware of, so I'd love recommendations on that front!
More stylistic diversity. @warwickroyals touched on this in her answer to this question, but there is a prevailing style for women on royal simblr, which is very classically feminine with a lot of dainty features and soft pastels. I'd love to see more people try to differentiate their characters a bit more in terms of silhouette and personal style. I think there were some royal simblr fashion police a few years ago who sent rude messages to people who broke "the rules" of royal dress, and I think that's had a bit of a stifling effect on the community. Even if you give your royals strict dress codes, I think there's a lot of room to play around and experiment within those parameters. For example, I was actually watching that Prince Philip doc produced by the royal family after his death, and I was struck by how distinctly all the women dressed. Princess Anne was in jeans and a blazer, Zara Tindall was wearing a sleek skirt suit, Beatrice and Eugenie were wearing flowy floral dresses...there's a lot of ways to be polished and stylish while still expressing individual style, so I'd love to see some of that on simblr.
More diversity, just in general. I'm not going to pretend I'm not also guilty of this, but royal simblr is very white, very able-bodied, very cisgender and heterosexual, very thin, and very conventionally beautiful by western standards. There's no reason why made-up countries with made-up histories should follow all the patterns and prejudices of the real world, so it'd be nice to see more of a range of types. I love my beautiful, icy brunettes as much as the next person (you will pry Rosalind from my cold, dead hands) but it'd be great to see more representation of different types of people.
More interesting men. This is one that's a lot more subjective, but I feel like there is a general tendency toward blandness when it comes to male characters on royal simblr. Speaking very broadly, the menfolk tend to be either irredeemable dumpster creatures OR perfect husbands and fathers who wait patiently for their "messy" love interests to realize that he's the man of their dreams. I don't think there's anything wrong with either of these things in a vacuum (and there's tons of stories that I really enjoy that make use of those archetypes), but I feel like there are some missed opportunities for more interesting and dynamic male characters, especially as love interests. For me personally, it's hard to get invested in a romance where one or both parties is certifiably Nice (tm) without any other defining character traits.
Anyway, all this to say that these are really broad trends, and I'm sure you could cite strong counterexamples for each OR point out places where I've fallen into the same patterns. But in general, those are the community-wide tropes that I think could use the most refreshing.
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
(I'm sorry I keep sending stuff, I promise no rush) The Lords reacting to Reader in formal wear/dressing up in much nicer clothes than they're used to
Y'all, I'm sorry, but THIS HIT ME SO HARD IT BUMPED TO THE TOP OF THE LIST. Dress up time, Let's goooo
Alcina Dimitrescu
Well now, don't you look absolutely darling!
There's a good chance she gave you the outfit herself, so that's just as much of a compliment to you as it is to her own taste, but honestly? Valid. You do look amazing. Alcina knows how to dress you.
She likes you best in sharp lines and classic looks. A lot of structured tops and loose, more flowy skirts and pants. When you also make a point to accommodate her aesthetic and use her House Colors?
She knew she liked you for a reason 💕💕
Alcina also takes this opportunity to flirt with you a bit.
Compliments, compliments, compliments until you're lightheaded with the praise.
She likes to play with your hair a lot normally, but now she's also straightening the lapels of your jacket, or undoing the ribbon on your skirt to lace it up 'properly'.
She is HANDSY.
She even pulls you in front of a mirror to make comments about how good you look next to her. A real pair, wouldn't you say? Maybe you'll dress up for her a little more often...?
With attention like this, I don't know how you'd say no...
Donna Beneviento
Oh, you like to dress up? You like to dress up and you didn't tell Donna?
She's taking this as a personal insult.
(Big Miette vibes 😠)
Angie cackles, because you're in for it now. All the dolls in the Manor have been a victim of Lady Beneviento's dress up moods at one time or another, now it's your turn!
Donna ushers you into a little room, tosses a bunch of different outfits in behind you, and tells you not to come out until you've changed. It's the most passionate you've seen her about anything.
She's given you dresses, suits, kilts, skirts, saris, pants, you name it, all in different styles, but all of it is in your size?
Turns out, Donna has been making clothes for you in her spare time. She didn't know what you liked, so she just...made everything?
You pick out something you're comfortable with and step out of the room, and Donna makes a happy little squeak noise.
YOU LOOK GREAT❤️❤️❤️!!! And it's something she made for you, so that makes it extra special!
Could you...try on something else for her? Maybe? 👉👈
(With a resigned sigh, you go back into the room. Looks like you have to cancel your afternoon plans...)
Salvatore Moreau
Respectfully, 👀👀👀
Moreau looooves you getting all dressed up. You don't have to, but you did! He's so flattered that you showed up at the reservoir in something so fancy. The fact that you think he's worth the effort is just... so nice!!!
He wishes he could host you somewhere other than his rinky dink little house, but he'll make the best of it!
(He also wishes he had something of his own that was even just a little bit fancy. If the both of you dressed up he could almost call this a date...)
His favorites to see on you are loose, airy silks or comfortable, soft textures. It's so delicate, it feels like a perfect fit for you!
He also loves the way the wind goes through it, it makes you look like a painting ❤️
Because he's going on and on about it, and he's so obviously enamored with the idea of feeling of it between his fingers, you let him touch your outfit. He puts his hand on it, letting out little appreciative noises, when suddenly his fingers press down a little bit, making the fabric slide gently against your skin and--uh--
Salvatore needs a minute. Maybe even a long swim.
Karl Heisenberg
Well shit, now he has to mess you up! 😔
You do look very nice, and Karl will definitely give you a little wolf whistle in appreciation, but he is also a gremlin with very little impulse control. You're getting a noogie, do not attempt to resist.
Smack his hands away all you like, but the minute you let your guard down, Heisenberg will mess with a part of your outfit. He'll undo your tie, pop open a button, steal a piece of jewelry, just make a general menace of himself. If you really complain, he'll stop and apologize, but he's satisfied since you look a little less formal.
Actually... Something about you dressed to the nines but with your hair all ruffled and a big grin on your face, uh... Kind of does it for him?
Like, he was the one who popped open the button on your jacket and made it fall open. He was the one who snapped the strap on your dress and gave you that mark on your skin. He made you breathless from laughter with his comments on your 'fancy schmancy' outfit.
You were so put together, and he made you just a little bit undone.
...Karl shakes off his blush and throws an arm around your shoulder. These are thoughts for later.
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rax-writes · 3 years
Fandom:  MCU Pairing:  Baron Helmut Zemo x Reader Warnings:  Sexual intercourse with a female-identifying person with a vagina + a bit of sugar daddy Zemo vibes at the end Notes:  Y’all... don’t judge me. I have a power kink, and Marvel did me dirty by randomly deciding that Zemo is fifthly rich royalty. And my girl @henrysmorgan​ did me even dirtier by actively encouraging my attraction to this fucker. So, blame Marvel, and blame her. // This is kind of really fucking long, and I didn’t edit it much, because I wanted to get it posted before episode 4, in case that episode flips the script. So, potentially some editing issues, and slightly rushed writing. Hopefully it’s alright, but please let me know if I screwed up anywhere. // Lots and lots of TFAWS ep. 3 spoilers
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When Bucky texted you to ask that you meet him in some dusty, old, abandoned-looking car garage, you certainly didn’t know what to expect. All you knew was that an old friend needed your help, so you intended to be there.
It had been a few months since you’d last seen him, and even longer since you’d participated in any sort of mission, but you suspected that was what you were walking into. Being exposed to the Mind Stone had granted you the power of telepathy, which meant that SHIELD was quite keen on persuading you to work for them. They trained you in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, and you went on miscellaneous missions a handful of times. They put in a lot of effort to convince you that it was your moral obligation as an “enhanced individual” to help them with these missions, but you ultimately decided that that simply wasn’t the kind of life you wanted. Instead, after the Blip, you began working a desk job for SHIELD, which is when you crossed paths with Bucky, helping him with paperwork associated with his pardon, and the two of you formed a friendship. But SHIELD kept trying to coerce you to get back into the field, constantly badgering you about it and making it clear that you weren’t wanted if all you were doing was paperwork.
The truth is, you weren’t cut out to be a superhero, and you had no desire to be. It didn’t help that your entire country had been reduced to rubble several years prior, leaving you with a bottomless pit of homelessness in your heart. So, you left SHIELD, and started a life in Berlin, where you were content to live out your days as the owner of a small bakery, residing in the small apartment above your shop.
That is, until Bucky Barnes dragged you into a particularly sticky situation, with a certain Baron Helmut Zemo.
You knew that helping Bucky and Sam would throw a colossal wrench in the life you’d created for yourself in Berlin, but after they explained the situation with the super soldiers, coupled with Bucky’s puppy dog eyes, you found yourself refraining from storming out of the building the second you saw Helmut fucking Zemo.
“We need you to keep an eye on him. You don’t have to tap into his mind 24/7, we just want a heads up if he’s going to screw us over,” Bucky explained.
"Look, we really need him. We’re obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel here, otherwise he'd still be in that cell. And neither of us want to be packing a criminal around like a rich bitch's chihuahua, so we need you here to make sure we're not gonna get bit," Sam explained.
"Fine. But you both owe me," you relented, and they both took sighs of relief. You glanced at Zemo, locking eyes with him for several tense moments. He gave you a polite smile, giving off the impression that he had nothing to hide – which he didn't, as his thoughts showed his intentions were pure at the moment. "We're good for now. He just genuinely wants the opportunity to take down these new super soldiers."
Sam and Bucky nodded, visibly releasing tension from their shoulders as they moved to head out, now reassured that Zemo was truly on their side. Meanwhile, Zemo eyed you with curiosity and awe, murmuring, "Fascinating."
The four of you walked on the landing strip toward a private jet, owned by Zemo.
"So all this time you've been rich?"
"I was a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty before your friends destroyed my country," Zemo explained, before glancing at you with a small smile. "But you knew that already."
"Wait, how did she know that?" Sam asked, then turned to you. "How did you know that?"
"I am Sokovian myself. I was certainly not royalty, but I lived there for my entire life, until it was destroyed," you explained, stopping outside the jet as Zemo greeted the elderly butler, Oeznik, in your native language. It made you smile to yourself; it had been years since you'd heard it spoken. Zemo shot you a grin when he noticed, and when you took a peek into his mind, you saw that he understood exactly how you felt.
As the butler handed Zemo a flute of champagne after you all boarded the jet, the Baron smiled politely as Oeznik stated, “Apologies if that's a little warm. The fridge is out, but I will see if there is some good food in the galley.”
Zemo glanced as you sat across from him, then in Sokovian, Zemo told Oeznik, "Another flute for the lady, please. And if the food does not pass the smell test, give it to the gentlemen."
"It's good to have you back, sir!"
As the man retreated to the cockpit, also in Sokovian, you noted, "You are a mischievous man, even more so than in your infamously criminal ways."
"You will find that there is more to me than meets the eye, angel," he responded coolly, the Sokovian language rolling off his tongue like honey. Before you could respond, admittedly enjoying speaking Sokovian, Sam grew tired of everyone speaking a language he couldn't understand.
"Why don't you tell us about where we're going?"
After a tense exchange between Bucky and Zemo, followed by a discussion about Marvin Gaye, Zemo finally got to the point: Madripoor. You exhaled slowly, resting your forehead in your palm in exasperation.
“You couldn’t have invited me on a mission to Cancun? Or Paris? Why must it be Madripoor?” you asked Bucky, who shot you a tight-lipped, pitying smile, silently apologizing for what he was dragging you into.
“What’s up with Madripoor? You guys talk about it like it’s Skull Island.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s,” Bucky explained.
“And upon seeing it, you would see that times there haven’t changed one bit since then,” you added.
“It’s kept its lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone,” Zemo said.
You frowned as you caught a glimpse of Bucky’s thoughts as he went silent. Fear. Anxiety. Disdain. Apprehension. You reached across to rest your hand on his shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze. He shot you a small smile, then looked out the window.
Upon landing in Madripoor, one of Zemo’s contacts met you on the landing strip with a new wardrobe for you, Bucky, and Sam, and Zemo explained that each outfit was per his instruction, carefully chosen to fit the role each of you would be playing in Madripoor. One by one, you took the covered clothes hanger to the bathroom of the jet and changed. Bucky was first, stepping out in some sort of leather number, looking eerily similar to the Winter Soldier you’d seen in photos. Sam was next, donning a three-piece suit of burgundy and gold. He looked sharp, although he was immediately complaining about how ostentatious it was. And finally, you stepped into the room and closed the door behind you, unzipping the covering on the hanger and revealing your “carefully chosen” outfit.
“Ich werde dir im Schlaf die Eier abreißen, Zemo!”
Bucky choked on his water and Zemo chuckled under his breath, while Sam looked between the two in confusion.
“I don’t know what she said, but she sounded pissed,” he observed, eyeing Zemo suspiciously.
“She informed me that she intends to remove my testicles in my sleep.”
“And why is that?”
“Perhaps because he’s chosen to parade me around Madripoor like a cheap whore,” you said angrily, stepping out of the bathroom with your hands on your hips, glaring at Zemo.
“That dress is by Armani Prive, and your shoes are Louboutins – far from ‘cheap.’ And you do not look like a whore, the dress is merely more revealing than what you are used to,” Zemo argued, standing and walking over to survey your outfit. He seemed to be enjoying what he saw, judging from the way his eyes raked up and down your body, but you didn’t dare check his thoughts to confirm or deny it.
If you were honest with yourself, he was right. It was a very nice dress; plum purple, matching the color of Zemo’s turtleneck, with long, fitted sleeves, all of it made of the softest silk you had ever touched. It was fitted at the top but flowy from the hips down, with a low balconette-style neckline, showing more of your chest than you were accustomed to, although you pulled it off quite nicely. It ended just above your knees, which was fine, as you sometimes wore skirts of that length. Overall, the luxury of it and the low-cut neckline ensured that you were out of your comfort zone, but you looked stunning – and expensive, despite your spite-fueled initial claim.
“I thought the color would look nice on you, and I was right. And I knew that the flow of the fabric at the bottom would allow for this,” Zemo said, his hand gingerly trailing from your waist to your thigh, where he pulled up the hem of your dress slightly to reveal the edge of the Glock strapped into your thigh holster. He smirked as his suspicion was confirmed. He knew you’d find a way to arm yourself, regardless of what you wore.
In hindsight, the way Zemo touched your side and lifted your skirt was all far more intimate than you should have allowed, and yet… you couldn’t deny the way your breath caught in your throat when he touched you, or how his close proximity made your body temperature rise, as he gazed down at you with those intense brown eyes.
Christ, you needed to get laid. Soon. Before you further entertained the idea of jumping the bones of a highly wanted criminal.
“Touch me like that again, and I will kill you where you stand,” you informed him sternly, and Zemo immediately took a step backwards, looking apologetic. From the corner of your eye, you saw both Sam and Bucky visibly relax, tension leaving their shoulders. You had read their thoughts briefly, and they were both wondering why the hell you were so calm about getting cozy with Zemo. The absolute last thing you wanted was for them to know that you were, in fact, inexplicably drawn to being that close to the Baron.
As the four of you walked along a bridge in Madripoor, Sam was quick to resume his complaining.
“We have to do something about this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.”
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname,” Sam grumbled, then looked at the phone Zemo handed him. “Hell, he does look like me, though.”
“And who am I supposed to be?” you inquired, glancing down at your clothing to see if you could guess who you were meant to be portraying. An heiress or socialite, perhaps.
“My fiancée,” Zemo answered simply, the faintest smile on his lips.
You barked out a crude laugh, “Oh, I think not.”
“There is no one involved with Madripoor who looks like you. And it is rare that there are newcomers to the island, especially not in the place we’re going. Pretending you are someone random would raise concerns about the intentions of your presence; you would be perceived as a potential threat, which would jeopardize our mission. It is far easier to simply pretend we are engaged, I assure you.”
You hesitated a moment, before arguing, “No one will believe that we are engaged.”
Zemo pulled something from the inside pocket of his jacket, took your left hand, and slipped it onto your ring finger. It was a solitaire diamond ring; not large enough to be gaudy, but enough to catch anyone’s eye.
“They will if you play your part well,” he told you, then addressed the rest of your party when he added, “No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There is no margin for error.”
The four of you reached a sleek black car, and climbed in, you in the back between Sam and Bucky. The ride to Low Town was tense and silent, as each of you mentally prepared for what lay ahead. When you arrived, Zemo offered you his hand as you exited the car, and the pointed look in his eyes told you that it was time to begin playing your part. You took his hand, and as you began walking into the heart of Low Town, he laced his fingers with yours. As the crowd drew near, Zemo wrapped his arm around your shoulders, gloved fingers brushing against the exposed skin of your shoulder. After reading his mind, you realized that it was both for the sake of protecting you, and showing possessiveness to make it believable that you were his girl – and because he simply enjoyed having your body close, although you suspected that he’d rather you have not known that.
Despite the fact that you had been on a few missions for SHIELD, you were not exactly incapable of fear; you did not possess nerves of steel. All of the missions you’d been on were low-profile, and you were mostly just there for the sake of gathering information from those reluctant to share it. Sure, you’d been in danger before, you’d had to fight your way out of several sticky situations, but this… this was different. You were in the crime capital of the world, a lawless place filled to the brim with crooks, thieves, and murderers. More than likely, any given person around could slit your throat and never bat an eye or give you a second thought. Swallowing your own pride in the face of fear prompted you to return Zemo’s gesture, wrapping your arm around his waist and sticking close to him, which earned a smile from the man.
When you arrived at your destination, Zemo approached the bar and leaned against it confidently on one arm, the other still wrapped firmly around your shoulders.
“Hello, gentleman,” the bartender greeted, before his eyes fell on you. “Who’s your new lady friend, Baron?”
“My fiancée,” Zemo answered, then turned to you and ran his finger along your jawline, as you looked at him in adoration. “Isn’t she lovely?”
“Very,” the bartender acknowledged, then turned to Sam. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby,” Zemo responded.
The bartender made ‘Smiling Tiger’ his usual drink, which apparently consisted of… something he cut out of a snake, and dropped in a shot glass with a bit of liquor. You shared a look with Bucky before he turned away to survey the room, and when you read his thoughts, you found that you both desperately wanted to laugh out loud at Sam’s ‘short end of the stick’ situation, but didn’t want to risk everyone’s lives for the sake of a chuckle. You returned your attention to Zemo, opting to sell the whole “fiancée” thing a bit more by turning into him and tracing patterns on his chest as you gazed at him affectionately, while the bartender handed you and Zemo each a shot glass of your own – sans snake organs, thankfully. You both downed yours, while Sam understandably struggled a bit more with his, but still managed it.
A random man approached Zemo then, and as Zemo turned to face him, he protectively moved you behind him a bit.
“I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.”
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo countered, gesturing toward Bucky, who looked menacing as he pretended to be the Winter Soldier. “Or bring Selby for a chat.”
After a weary look in Bucky’s direction, the man walked away, and Zemo turned back around to face the bar, this time keeping you in between him in the bar, in case someone were to come up behind him – which they did a few moments later.
“Winter Soldier… attack,” Zemo commanded in Russian, as a different man came up and laid a hand on Zemo’s shoulder. With a pained look in his eye that quickly shifted to cold determination, Bucky grabbed the man’s hand with his vibranium arm, twisting it as he removed it from Zemo’s shoulder. Zemo took a step away from the bar to allow you room to turn and observe as Bucky beat the absolute shit out of various challengers. Zemo wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him as he noted, “Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.”
The unmistakable sound of numerous guns cocking drew your attention away from the altercation, and Zemo gently pushed you behind him as he surveyed the room to note all the weapons drawn. Sam grabbed Bucky’s bionic arm to stop him, but Zemo whispered, “Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.”
“Well done, soldier,” Zemo then said to Bucky in Russian, signaling for the ‘Winter Soldier’ to stop.
“Selby will see you now,” the bartender interjected, and Bucky released his grip on the random man’s throat.
“Thank you,” Zemo responded, walking off to find Selby, grabbing your hand to guide you, but not before you spared a sorrowful glance at Bucky as your friends followed closely behind.
As Zemo took a seat on a couch across from Selby, you sat close to him, crossing your legs gracefully as you leaned into him, your arm wrapped around his as he clasped his hands in his lap authoritatively. You watched his exchange with Selby in silence, as did Sam – and Bucky, of course, considering he was pretending to be the Winter Soldier.
“By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison,” Selby told Zemo, then smiled as she looked you up and down, before her eyes found the diamond ring. “And not engaged – to a woman far out of your league, I might add.”
“People like us always find a way, don’t we?” Zemo answered calmly, then looked over at you, staring into your eyes with warmth and adoration, and you smiled lovingly at him. “My beautiful fiancée was a guard at the prison. We fell in love over the years, and she helped me escape. Anyway, I’m sure you have already figured out what I’m here for.”
The conversation went relatively smoothly after that, until Sam’s goddamn phone rang and screwed the entire operation. In the blink of an eye, Selby was shot dead, you had shot two of the guards with the gun strapped to your thigh, and Sam and Bucky had each knocked out one, before Zemo suggested sneaking out of the bar as best you could, without any weapons. You secured your gun back in its holster, not missing the way Zemo watched as you hiked your dress up to do so, before making a break for it with the three of them.
Once you were on the streets of Madripoor, bounty hunters began to come out of the woodwork, and when they began shooting at you, Zemo abruptly grabbed your hand and ran down a nearby alleyway. As you were running, the heel of your stiletto caught on a grate, and you’d have fallen flat on your face if Zemo hadn’t caught you.
“Are you alright?” he asked hurriedly, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he supported you, before standing you back onto your feet. You nodded, and he glanced over your shoulder as he noticed a few men looking down the alley. “Forgive me.”
You were about to ask what he was talking about, but then Zemo abruptly grabbed you by the backs of your thighs and lifted you up, pinned you against the wall behind you, and kissed you.
The men at the end of the alleyway muttered something about “freaks who do it in public,” then their footsteps faded as they walked off, clearly thinking the two of you were some overly horny couple, not two of the people with an insane bounty on their heads. But you were barely paying them any attention, a bit preoccupied with the fact that Zemo was fucking kissing you, and much to your chagrin, you really fucking liked it.
Once there were no more voices and no more footsteps, Zemo broke the kiss and sat you down. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, before you heard more gunshots, and you broke into a run in the direction Bucky and Sam had gone, desperate to find your friends, and no time to process what the hell just happened.
As soon as you caught up with them, the two bounty hunters nearby were shot dead, and the four of you turned to see Sharon Carter emerging from the shadows.
An hour later, you found yourself in her swanky home in High Town, in a change of clothes, since the brick wall Zemo had held you up against ripped the back of your silk dress. You lied to Sam and Bucky, saying that it happened because you fell while running in your heels, and thankfully, they believed you. Sharon commanded the four of you to lay low and enjoy the party, which Sam and Bucky left her living room to go do, entrusting you with ‘Zemo watch.’
It seemed as though he was merely nursing his brandy in lieu of abandoning it for the party prior to finishing it off, but his eyes were on you most of the time. You didn't necessarily believe he could be plotting to overpower you and run off, but there is always that possibility, so you delved into his mind to check.
Expecting to find thoughts of strategy about how to defeat the super soldiers or travel plans, or even plots to escape you, Bucky, and Sam, you were astounded to find nothing but thoughts of you.
The way it felt to kiss you in that alleyway, and how he had monetarily debated just staying there, having his way with you against the brick wall before Sam and Bucky could locate you. The dress from the bar, and how it rested on your thighs, revealing just enough to have his mouth watering without being revealing to the point of immodesty. The way your necklace currently rested against your bare collarbone, and how desperately he craved to litter the area with love bites. The delicate skin of your throat, thinking of how it would look with his hand wrapped around it, just enough to cut off a bit of air but not enough harm you. How alluring your voice is, and how much he'd like to know what it would sound like to hear you scream his name. The softness and warmness of your skin when he had his arm around you in the bar, and when he held your hand as you fled the scene, and he wondered how soft and warm you were elsewhere.
"Your thoughts are filthy."
He bristled immediately, sitting straighter in his seat and eyes going slightly wide, either forgetting you can read minds or not realizing you'd be doing it right then. It only took a moment for him to regain his composure, before he took one long, last drink of his brandy and set the glass on the table in front of him. He turned his whole body to the side to face you, as you sat on the opposite end of the couch, wearing a small, somewhat mischievous smile.
"I suppose there is no sense in denying it, is there?"
"What game are you playing, Zemo?" you snapped. He was rattling you. As much as you hated to admit it, he was. For the entirety of the time you'd been around him, this wanted criminal had been flustering you, and goddammit it, you wanted to know if it was accidental, or for nefarious purposes. He could be using it as a tactic to throw you off your game, so that he could get away when it was just the two of you – like right now.
"There is no game, Liebling," he stated softly and sincerely, sensing your discomfort. Slowly, he scooted closer to you on the couch, so that the arm he had laid across the back of it was now behind you, as he stared intently into your eyes. "Merely the natural response of a man who has been widowed and then locked in a prison cell, and therefore has not known the touch of a woman in many years, sitting next to a woman of absolute ethereal beauty."
You said nothing, merely stared at him, sizing him up to see if he was toying with you or telling the truth. Zemo sensed your lack of belief in his words.
"If you doubt my true intentions, you are welcome to delve as deep into my mind as you'd like to find the truth."
In all honesty, you'd have done that already if you weren't trying to avoid being even more flustered by his thoughts about you – but you couldn't tell him that. So, you did as he bade you, and searched his mind to find any shred of malevolence towards you, but you came out empty-handed. Zemo genuinely just wanted you, craved you, like a starved man sitting in front of an endless buffet. He watched you carefully as you came to this conclusion, and although you said nothing further, he knew that you had found what you needed to know.
"Just say the word, and I will never approach the topic again, as well as attempt to quiet my thoughts about you. But if there is any part of you... deep inside you," Zemo paused, eyes grazing you up and down purposefully, before continuing, "that has any interest in being with me... I will do anything to bring that to fruition."
The ball was in your court now. You could tell him to get bent and never speak to you like this again… or you could get your rocks off, and maybe even get something more in return.
"Such as?"
"Name it, Schätzchen. Anything you want. A car, a mansion, jewels – say it and it's yours, if you will be mine," Zemo proposed earnestly, licking his lips quickly as he looked at you, visibly thrilled that he was getting somewhere with you.
You weren't the type to accept gifts from men you barely know, but… this was Zemo. A man who had done a great many terrible things, which soothed your guilty conscience. So, you said the first thing that came to mind.
"A car," you blurted out, then explained, "Mine broke down a week ago, and it's beyond repair, so… a car."
"Tell me the make and model of your preference and I'll have it delivered to your home within a week's time," Zemo said calmly, then brushed a lock of hair away from your face, before allowing his fingers to trail delicately along your cheek and jawline. "Is that all, Kätzchen?"
"No. One more thing," you replied, then looked at him sternly. "You must agree to never speak of this to Bucky or Sam."
"You have my word," he assured you, smiling in amusement.
"Then I'm yours."
Zemo's smile faded slowly, and he merely stared at you for a split second, before cupping your face in his hands and pulled you into a searing kiss, full of ferocity and sheer desperation. It shouldn't have been this easy, to kiss a man who's done such terrible things – yet here you were, melting into his embrace, allowing him to pull you into his lap and straddle him, your hands resting on his shoulders and gripping the black fabric of his turtleneck. His hands laid flat against your back as he kissed you in this new position, slowly gliding down, down your sides and to your hips. He kissed you in a way that was feverish and fast and hungry, as his fingers dug into your skin, holding you firmly against him as if he were fearful that this was all a dream and you'd disappear at any moment. Upon taking a peek into his mind, you realized that was actually exactly what he was thinking. Additionally, he mentally spoke to you directly, somehow knowing you were reading his thoughts at that moment.
"Tell me if I do anything that you do not like, and know that you have absolute freedom to end this at any given moment."
You pulled away slightly to nod in confirmation that you received his message, before resuming the kiss. Mind hazy and instincts taking over, you found yourself tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, earning a low groan from Zemo. One of his hands darted upwards to grab a fistful of your hair, right against your scalp at the base of your neck, and he pulled on it harshly, causing you to let out a wonton moan. He then laid that hand flat against the back of your neck, holding your lips firmly against his as he kissed you with even more fervor, and the other vacated its position on your hip to slide slowly up your torso, until he began palming your beast through your shirt. You moaned softly against his lips, but not as loudly as a moment ago.
Zemo wanted more, needed more; he longed to hear you loud and desperate. So he delved that hand at your neck back into your hair, gripping it tightly once more, and used it to pull your head backwards a bit, so that he could have better access to your neck. The action itself, and the tightness of his grip, earned an embarrassingly loud moan to escape your lips, and you felt him smile against your skin. He moved his hand to the middle of your back, supporting you as you leaned back a bit to grant him better access. As he littered your neck and décolletage with kisses, you felt him pull the neckline of your blouse down a little, then felt the sharp pain of a bite on your chest, above your breast. When you looked at him with narrowed eyes, he wore a cocky little grin.
"You should not be surprised, Liebling. I know you saw that I've been wanting to do that all day when you read my mind," he noted. "Wear a high neckline tomorrow, it will be fine."
Before you could respond, Zemo pulled you flush against his chest with that hand behind your back, and into another heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and without thinking, you ground your hips down on the bulge resting against your core beneath your skirt. He groaned, both hands flying to your hips to push them down again, guiding them as you repeated the action. It only took a minute or two of this before Zemo had enough, abruptly grabbing you by the throat and throwing you down onto the couch beside him. He then loomed over you, one hand propping himself up and the other applying slight pressure to your throat, gazing at you with admiration in those searing eyes, pupils blown wide from lust. You looked right back at him, pupils undoubtedly dilated as well, eyes half-lidded, panting a little, and hair a bit of a mess.
"You are an absolute vision," Zemo praised softly, to which you smiled, then he released his grip on your neck to lean down and kiss you again. That only lasted a moment, before he broke the kiss to pull your blouse up and over your head, tossing it carelessly to the side. Your bra joined it shortly after, then he moved to your skirt, fussing with the zipper for a moment, but it seemed to be caught on something, as it wouldn't budge. Before you could interject and state that you'd get the zipper yourself, Zemo ripped the seam apart with his hands, before tearing the article from your body and tossing it like he had with the blouse. A gasp escaped you, but you had no time to think much about his actions, before he was pulling off your panties and bra as well, dropping them somewhere beside the couch.
He was then looming over you again, kissing you breathless as he rested on one elbow while the other hand toyed with your nipple, his knee coming up to rest between your legs as he laid between your body and the back of the couch. You tangled your fingers in Zemo's hair, moaning against his lips as you sought friction against his leg. He smiled softly against your lips, before your hands wandered, finding the hem of his shirt and tugging it off of him. You had just managed to get his belt off before his hand left your breast, trailing downwards across your torso as he moved his knee further away from you, before delving between your hips and expertly locating your clit.
No longer capable of focusing on ridding Zemo of his clothes, your hands gripped his shoulders, and he hissed deliciously as your nails dug into his skin when he began rubbing small, methodical circles on your clit. Small moans fell from your lips as he watched the way your mouth hung open slightly, face relaxed and eyes closed as you enjoyed his work. But again, he wanted more, needed more. Still observing you, he delved his middle and ring fingers into your core, causing you to let out a loud gasp that faded into a long, low moan. Zemo smiled to himself. That was the reaction he was dying for.
He kissed you senseless, drinking in your moans and gasps of pleasure like wine, his free hand cradling the back of your head as your arms wrapped around his neck. It didn't take Zemo long to find that sweet spot, deep inside you – as he'd subtly alluded to earlier – that longed for his attention the most.
You couldn't help but moan loudly and cry out, "Fuck! Baron!" Zemo growled low in your ear, clearly a fan of your usage of his title as he picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers with expert precision and speed, sending you hurtling over the edge with a string of curses in both Sokovian and English. By the time he removed his fingers from you and stood, you were seeing stars, breathing heavily as you laid flat against the couch. When your dazed gaze found him, he was naked from the waist down, and was just finishing rolling a condom over his length. You had no idea where he got it from, but you were way beyond giving a shit at this point. Zemo then rejoined you on the couch, roughly spreading your legs apart as he kneeled between them, looking at you with a primal, deep hunger in his eyes.
"You are certain that you want this?"
"Yes, please – fuck," you cut yourself off as he began rubbing your clit again.
"Yes please, what?" His voice was low, teasing, as he continued his work below. "I want to hear you say it again, Kätzchen."
"Yes, please, Baron."
"Good girl."
Zemo took your leg and rested your calf on his shoulder, before easing himself into you, agonizingly slow. You watched through half-lidded eyes as his brows furrowed together, his jaw went slack, and his eyes squeezed shut as he bottomed out. He was silent, but you very much preferred it when he was a bit vocal. So, you flexed your muscles down there, and he groaned, letting his forehead fall against your shoulder.
"Do not do that if you want this to last long," Zemo suggested through clenched teeth. You smiled to yourself, then said the magic word that you knew would get him going.
"Yes, Baron."
He growled again, right in your ear, then sat more upright to begin a harsh, quick pace of thrusting. His hips collided with your body each time, causing a delicious sort of pain, and he leaned down to lock you in a messy, deep kiss.
A few minutes later, Zemo moved your other calf to his shoulder as well, and the new position enabled him to get delectably deep inside you. You raked your nails down his chest, watching as a shudder ran down his spine, all the while releasing small, breathless moans and whimpers. When he opened his eyes again to gaze down at you, he licked his lips before delving both hands under your head and into your hair, and forcefully gripped two fitfuls of it at the base of your skull. The moan that tore its way from your throat was animalistic, as your nails dug into his forearms as you desperately gripped them from their positions on either side of your head. Just then, he hit a spot deep inside of you, and that familiar, tight coil in your lower belly began to form.
"Fuck! Right there, Baron, please, right there!"
"As you wish, Schätzchen."
Zemo began to thrust even faster, careful to maintain the same angle as he released his grip on your hair and leaned up a bit, so that he could resume rubbing your clit. Moans began to fall from your lips practically endlessly, and somehow, you still needed more. More, more, more. You took his free hand and laid it on your neck, and he instinctively wrapped his fingers around your throat, careful to apply pressure on the sides but not the front, as to avoid harming you. When he opened his eyes once again and looked down at you, he couldn't stop the moan that escaped him.
"You will be the death of me, mein Engel," Zemo whispered, seemingly more to himself. All you could do was moan in response.
"Baron, I'm going to – fuck – I'm —"
"Yes, come for me, Kätzchen. I want to feel you."
That was all the encouragement it took. Well, that plus how perfectly he was rubbing your bundle of nerves, and how his pace nor angle had faltered once since you had requested exactly that. You came undone again, legs shaking as your nails clawed at his shoulder blades, earning a series of groans from him. As you came down from your high, Zemo's hips began to falter, enthralled by the waterfall you had become, soaking the base of his cock as your walls squeezed around him. His hand at your wet heat abruptly moved to grip your hip, at the same moment his hand around your throat clutched at your hair again, and he met his end with a loud, gruff moan as he spoke a mantra of nonsensical praises and your name.
Zemo rested on his arms on either side of your head, and he let your legs fall to the sides of him, breathing hard against your neck as he occasionally peppered kisses there. He remained inside you for a few moments, savoring the feeling, before you chose to have a bit of extra fun by flexing your lower muscles and squeezing yourself around him again. With a sharp intake of breath, he pulled out of you, shooting you a glare.
In Sokovian, he murmured, "You are a naughty little thing."
"You adore it."
"That I do," Zemo conceded, then stood and walked off to the restroom. You heard the tap run, and a few moments later, he returned with a glass of water for you, sitting beside your feet on the couch and resting his heels on the coffee table. He was exceptionally handsome like this; still catching his breath, sweat glistening on his forehead and chest, a content look upon his face. You spent a minute or two admiring him, before he looked over to you, and a smile blossomed on his lips.
"I cannot thank you enough for that. I must admit, I spent countless nights alone in my cell, dreaming about getting to touch a woman like that again. Especially considering the fall of our country, I never could have imagined I would be lucky enough to lay with a stunning, intelligent Sokovian woman."
"In the spirit of confessions, it's been a while for me, too. My last boyfriend was about two years ago. And I'm not the one-night-stand type. So, do with that what you will," you stated, earning a small chuckle from Zemo. You sat up so that you were sitting beside him, instead of laying down, as you continued. "I fantasized about it a lot myself, but I never even dared to think my next time would be as good as this was."
Zemo smiled, a mix of pride and joy, then his smile softened as he leaned toward you, brushing a lock of hair away from your face. "This doesn't have to be our last time, you know. I would be honored to have you as often as you'd allow me to. And I assure you, I would make it worth your while. I will give you whichever vehicles your heart desires, more jewelry than you know what to do with, take you to the most beautiful places in the world, dine at only the finest restaurants – and above all, treat you like my queen. Take care of me, and I will take care of you, Liebling."
You allowed your curiosity to get the better of you, as usual when you feared that someone was lying to you. You searched his mind for any fraction of false pretenses, but there were none. The man simply found you intoxicating, and would do whatever it takes to keep drinking you in.
The arrangement wouldn't exactly be an easy one, nor would it be all that wise – nor morally correct, in all honesty. But he was undeniably sexy, and the danger and reprehensibility of it all made it that much more alluring. And besides all that – the way his power and wealth turned you on, how good he was capable of making you feel – most Sokovians were dead, and you missed home. Getting to speak your native tongue with him, chat about your country – it made you feel at home with him.
But you wouldn't give Zemo the satisfaction of agreeing to him that quickly.
“We'll see.”
Part Two
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d0llpie · 4 years
Heyy, can I request headcanons with Atsumu, Suna, Iwaizumi and Akaashi for this
The reader is on her period, and they go out on a date and she's wearing her favourite dress/skirt but it's her worst day ever when her period leak on her clothes 😭. So her boyfriend saw it and cover her using their jacket 🥺 flufff 🐣🥺
Getting their period during a date
Atsumu x reader, Suna x reader, Iwaizumi x reader, Akaashi x reader
a/n: why is suna so hard to write for 😩😗 anyways, thank you for the request love <3
wc: 2.1k
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- Tsumu had just come home after an away game tournament and you were so excited to finally get to see him
- You preordered a dress just for the date, it was light purple and suited you perfectly
- Atsumu was already dressed and ready while you were finishing off your hair and make up
- You put on some black heels and headed downstairs to leave with Tsumu
- “Woah, Hi baby, you look fantastic!” he was grinning widely, he came up and wrapped his arms around you smothering you in a hug
- you giggled “Tsumu not too tight!” you slapped his bicep and he released you from his grip
- “alright let’s go babe, i’ve got your purse” you kissed him on the cheek opening the door “so where are we going?”
- “you know i’m not gonna tell you that, just hop in the car, you can play your music” you smiled up at him before settling into the passenger seat and plugging your phone into the aux.
- You arrived at a beautiful restaurant and looked over at Atsumu with wide eyes “wow, i guess i can handle you going away if this is what i get when you come back” he laughed at you before slipping an arm around you waist and walking you to a booth by the window
- After a while you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, when you came back atsumu was acting slightly different
- “hey baby are you feeling okay?” you nodded, finishing off your drink “yeah what’s up? do you wanna go home?” tsumu nodded “yeah we can watch a movie and cuddle” you smiled and looked over at him lovingly
- “that sounds beautiful Tsumu” you stood up and Atsumu stumbled up to walk over to you, draping his blazer over your shoulders “babe this is way too big, i’m not even cold” he shushed you and walked you outside with his arm around you
- Once you got in the car you turned to face him “Tsumu are you okay? why are you rushing so much?” he looked over at you nervously “uh, yer period, you kinda leaked babe i just didn’t want the people in the restaurant to see..” you grew embarrassed quickly
- “so i guess that explains why you were extra nice tonight” he sent you an offended gasp “i am always nice! jeez woman i try to help” you rolled your eyes, plugging your phone back in to play your music as you drove home
- “Ugh this dress has only been worn once too :(“ you huffed, taking the dress off “i wanted to tear it off ya anyway if that helps!” you looked over to Atsumu quizzically “it doesn’t..?” “oh”
- You showered quickly and changed into some comfy pyjamas, when you went downstairs you found Atsumu with a bunch of blankets and snacks on the couch “C’mere babe, i’ll let you pick the movie” you jumped onto him, covering his face in kisses
- “Thank you Tsum Tsum” you grinned before snuggling up to him and playing your favourite movie, you fell asleep before Atsumu carried you to bed, resting his hand on your lower stomach to give you some warmth while you slept.
- You planned a picnic date with Iwaizumi since you drove past a pretty park you hadn’t seen before on your way to visit your friend.
- You had texted Iwaizumi when you first saw it that it would be a cute date spot and so he took the following saturday off of work so he could spend the day with you
- The park was kind of far so you packed a large basket of food and a blanket
- Your friend had bought you a sundress a while ago but you hadn’t had the opportunity to wear it out on a date yet and so you were excited
- The sundress was yellow with orange flecks, it was flowy and went down to your mid calf, you paired it with a pretty necklace Iwaizumi had bought you on an anniversary before styling your hair and makeup
- You dressed up more than usual because you thought the park would be a beautiful spot to take some cheesy photos with Hajime.
- “You ready love?” you looked up to see Iwaizumi staring at you in the mirror with a lovesick grin and a slight blush on his face
- “You like the dress Haji?” you stood and turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck “mhm” he hummed leaning in to kiss you softly, you pulled away smiling, “alright let’s go”
- He intertwined your hands as you walked to the car, him carrying the basket insisting you shouldn’t
- When you arrived it was just as pretty as when you’d first seen it, the sunset was clear in view and the giant trees surrounding the field littered with flowers allowed the sunlight to cast beautiful shadows
- You grabbed the blanket, placing it down and lay down smiling, looking up at the blue sky, littered with orange shadows as the afternoon came around
- “here love, have this” you opened your mouth as Haji fed you a strawberry, you scrunched your face at how cold it was and he chuckled, flicking your forehead
- “Hajiii~ let’s take some photos look how pretty the sky is now!” you knew how bad Iwaizumi was at taking photos so you took some videos of you both sitting with the sunset behind you and took screenshots so Iwaizumi looked more natural
- “aww look how cute this one is Haji” you knelt over to show him your phone and he wrapped his jacket around your waist “baby?” you questioned and he pulled you into him
- “love don’t freak out but you have some blood on your dress, i can wash it out but do you want to head home?” you flushed in embarassment before realising you ruined your pretty dress
- You frowned realising you wouldn’t get to stargaze, oh well there were always other nights “yeah okay, thank you baby” “no problem” he left a lingering kiss on your forehead, ushering you to the car so he could pack up the picnic himself
- When you got home you placed your dress in the laundry sink, frowning again before walking into the bathroom to see Haji running you a bath “you don’t have to do all this” you came and rubbed his shoulders as he sat on the edge
- “It’s nothing, plus you planned out date- which was beautiful by the way, it’s the least i can do” you grinned and kissed his cheek “i wonder if the team knows how much of a softie their trainer really is” you teased, kissing his cheek again
- “Only for you love.”
- Akaashi took you into the city for a date today, you’d been stressed with work and akaashi knew your schedule so on your free day he wanted to take you out
- You were excited to dress up and get out of the house finally so you were ecstatic when Akaashi had taken you into the city for a date
- You put on a nice skirt and a backless top before grabbing your purse and heading out
- Akaashi was driving with his hand on your thigh the whole time, open palm steering and glancing over at you any chance he could
-“Keiji, focus on the road” you giggled, placing your hand over his and squeezing lightly, he smiled, looking over at you again
- “Sorry darling, you look so gorgeous though, even more than usual” he squeezed your thigh gently, smiling as you blushed “You look pretty handsome yourself”
- After Akaashi parked you made your way to a busy street filled with food trucks, pretty benches with fairy lights above them and two roads filled with people walking through
- “ooo keiji let’s get one of those!” you hugged his arm tighter into your chest, pointing at a couple sharing a giant milkshake with ice cream and chocolate toppings covering it
- “Let’s have some proper food first mkay?” you pouted before nodding, dragging Keiji to different food stalls to see the foods while he just watched you, gazing at you with a soft smile etched on his features
- Once you found some food you both wanted you were looking around for a place to sit and eat
- “Darling, here take this.” Akaashi tied his jacket around your waist before resting his hands on your sides and pressing a kiss to the top of your head
- “what’s wrong ‘kaashi?” you slowed down from how fast you were walking previously and grabbed his hand, holding your dinner in the other
- “your period came a little early, don’t worry you didn’t leak much but i just thought you’d feel more comfortable if you covered it”
- you hugged him tightly, he rested his head on your shoulder “you’re so perfect Keiji, at least i know why i wanted that ice cream so bad..” you laughed trying to shake off your sudden awkwardness
- “we can get that soon and then go home if you prefer? i’m sorry you didn’t get to spend that much time out of the house, i know you’ve been stressed” you frowned at how Keiji was feeling guilty
- “that sounds amazing, this date has been amazing, you’re amazing ‘kaashi, i love you” he intertwined your hands, squeezing gently “i love you blossom”
- you ordered the ice cream shake and headed back to the car
- when you got home Keiji ran you a hot bath while he grabbed your favourite hoodie of his and some pyjama pants
- you hopped into bed and snuggled up into Kejis side as he read a book “goodnight kaashi” “goodnight love”, he kissed the top of your head as you fell asleep
- You were out with your friends, dressed up in a blue dress before you had to leave for Sunas game
- You didn’t have time to go home and change but it was okay, it never hurt to be dolled up around Rin
- When you arrived they were just starting the first set, you settled into the crowd, waving at Rin on the court
- Suna looked up at you and smiled before his mouth hung open slightly, taking in the sight of you before smiling even wider
- “y/n looks good, you guys have a date after this?” Samu asked Suna
- “Nah, she was out with some friends guess she stayed there a bit longer, she looked amazing though” Rin looked back up at you, grinning distractedly
- “Hey, the game? She looks good but focus” Suna turned his attention back to the court as they played
- During half time Suna couldn’t stop glancing up at you, every time he spiked his eyes would find you, this was typical but today he held his gaze much longer, drinking in the sight of you
- Once the whistle blew, signifying their win he ran up into the stands, searching to find you before pulling you into him by your hips
- “Rin! Congratulations baby, you did so well!” you cheered for him, pecking him on the lips before turning to drag him back down “You look amazing baby, just wait.” He took out his team jacket, wrapping it around you before pulling you into another kiss
- “Don’t want people looking at you, that dress is gorgeous but you stand out a bit, also i think your period might’ve leaked.” your smile dropped at how cute protective Rin was and you stood there shocked
- “what?!” you frantically tightened the jacket around you “hey hey, it’s okay, let’s go home, we can cuddle and take a nap” you calmed down a little
- “yeah let’s go..” you both drove to your house, you washed your dress while Rin showered before jumping in after him
- Once you were both settled into the covers and in pajamas he pulled you into his chest “don’t stress y/n, i know how you get but it’s no big deal, sleep now”
- you hummed against his chest, tilting your head to kiss him lightly “thank you rin, i love you” “mhm sleep” you scoffed
- “say it back Rin” you feigned a scowl “oh right, i love you too, sleeping now” you giggled before cuddling into his chest, sleeping in his arms.
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sxnnimoon · 4 years
Jeremy Gilbert x Reader
****Takes place during season 3 but made a few changes. Hope you all like it!!******
“I don’t know if I can go back.” you said.
“Y/n please. We need you.” your brother said through the phone. 
“I’m sure Damon is far better without me.” you rolled your eyes.
“He may not show it but he is sorry for how things went.” Stefan said.
“Give me some time to think about it.” you sighed.
“Ok, but please consider it.” he said.
You hung up the phone. 
It’s not that you didn’t miss your brothers but they were always getting themselves into trouble.
You groaned falling back on your bed. You knew exactly what you needed to do. You packed and hit the road. You didn’t even let them know you were coming, you were just going to show up. 
You pulled up to the boarding house. Regretting it but there was no turning back now. You opened the door, using your vamp hearing to hear where your brothers were.
“There is no way she would show.” Damon said.
“You need to have hope.” Stefan said.
“Til who shows up?” Caroline asked.
“Y/n,” Stefan and Damon said. 
“You called her?” Caroline scolded.
“She’s not going to take this well.” Ric said.
“I’m not going to take what well..” you said, coming into view.
Everyone looked at you. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” Stefan said getting up.
“Surprise?” you sassed.
He pulled you in for a hug. Releasing you, you looked at Damon.
“I know, I know.” he held his hands up, instantly knowing what you were thinking.
You stood there, arms crossed, he sighed.
“Come here,” he gestured, pulling you in for a hug. “I’m sorry.” he whispered.
You smiled.
“God I’ve missed you.” Caroline said, pulling you into a hug.
“I am glad you’re back.” Elena smiled.
“Hey kiddo glad you’re safe.” Ric said pulling you in.
“Soooo what am I here for and what won’t I take well?’ you asked,
“Were in kind of a bind and need to visit little Gilbert to contact Rose.” Damon said standing up.
You dropped your smile. 
“Don’t even think about it.” Stefan said slowly getting up. 
You went to run away only for Damon to stop you. You glared at him. 
“You really brought me here for that?” you yelled.
“I told you she wouldn’t take it well.” Alaric said.
Damon put you in a chair.
“Stay..” he said, walking back slowly.
“I’m not ready to face him…” you said quietly.
“Y/n, you were his best friend, first everything you are the one person who can get through to him and im his sister.” Elena said. 
You looked at her. Then to everyone else.
“When do we leave..?” you said softly.
Elena smiled.
“Tomorrow.” Damon said. 
You nodded. 
You hadn’t realized how bad you zoned out the whole trip but you couldn’t help it. You hadn’t seen Jeremy in months and frankly you don’t even know what to say or do. He was the love of your life and nothing could change that. But finding out he was seeing Anna and then walking in on them kissing crushed you, so you left. You pulled up to the motel you guys were staying at for the time being. You plopped on to the closest bed.
“Pull yourself together.” your brother said.
“Shut up.” you said lifting your head. 
Elena laughed.
“He’s right Y/n, it’s the first time in months you’ll be seeing each other.” Elena said.
You nodded.
“Alright but only because Elena said it nicer.” you stuck your tongue out at your brother.
“Child.” he rolled his eyes.
You grabbed your duffle and went to the bathroom.
“Ok, I'm ready.” you said coming out.
“Wow.” Elena said wide eyed.
You wore a long flowy rosey colored skirt with white flower detailing that hugged you perfectly and a fitted crop top with your usual accessories.
“Too much?” you said nervous.
“Nope.” she smiled.
“Great, lets go.” Damon said dragging you both out the door.
You pulled up to a batting cage place. 
“Batting Cages? Ugh I hate sports.” you groaned.
“Haven’t changed I see?” a voice said from behind you.
You turned around.
“Jere..” you froze.
“..hi..” he said softly.
“Let’s finish this later shall we?” Damon said.
“I’m actually meeting a friend.” Jeremy said. “Here he comes,” 
You all look to see Kol.
***skip to the motel***
“Is she still hot?” Damon asks.
You roll your eyes. 
“Can we get this over with?” you ask, already annoyed.
The waiting period was getting annoying, but maybe the waiting was a good opportunity to patch things up with Jeremy. 
“Can we talk?” you asked him.
He looked at you and nodded. 
You guys went for a walk, neither of you knowing what to say.
“I-i uh..” you both spoke at once.
You looked at him and giggled.
“You go first.” he smiled.
“I forgive you.” you stop and look at him.
“You do?” he looks at you.
“Yes.” you smiled.
“I know you cared for Anna and were confused on what to do but-” he pulled you in for a kiss.
You were shocked but kissed back. Memories resurfaced, things felt right.
“Well that was needed.” he said.
“Very.” you laughed.
“Maybe we should head back?” he asked.
“Yeah.” you smiled, taking his hand.
On the walk back to the room Rose came back and gave information. Damon definitely would want to hear. Closer to the room you notice Damon and Elena. The closer you both got the more you could see that they were in fact kissing. 
You groaned.
“Elena?” Jeremy said.
They pulled apart. 
“Well I'm not letting this down anytime soon.” you smiled big.
Damon rolled his eyes, Elena hid her face and Jeremy laughed.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Diavolo react to a male MC who wears skirts (because *chants* men in skirts, it’s masculine af) on the daily? bonus if the MC wears black nail polish!
During this I imagined 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻TANGO DANCER SOLOMON and thats going into my art idea list
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Not unlike all the other boys, Lucifer is willing to risk it all as soon as he sees it.
His favorite cut of skirt is the classic a-line ones, both modest and not.
A CLOSE second goes to wrap skirts.
This is a SFW blog so I will not be going into any detail at this time ✨
Literally loses his breath everytime he sees MC, and it surprises him.
If MC isn’t already wearing the RAD skirt, he’s already offering to get him a set. Almost too eagerly?
When MC decides to not wear a skirt one day, he tries not to make it too obvious, but he’s simply curious as to why is all. Maybe a tad bit let down.
MC insisted one time that Lucifer painted his nails for him, and...
“Well, normally Asmo is the one doing that for all of us...”
“But Lucifer 🥺”
“Alright... Fine. But I’ll have to continue my paperwork in between each layer.
It’s just kinda cute to think that he would spend an incredibly unnecessary amount of time on each nail, trying to perfectly lay down the polish. Occasionally, his tongue will poke out because of his concentration.
There’s some slip ups here and there, but mentioning them will only get him flustered.
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I don’t use this word lightlySIMP SIMP SIMP
He thinks he loves MC in every skirt imaginable just as equally as the last (which, he actually might) but deep down he can’t deny that a mini skirt just hits different.
The first time he saw MC wearing a mini skirt, mammon’s initial reaction was to cover him up before anyone could see him.
However, he failed to realize that he was actually the last of the brothers to see him, since he woke up late.
But that’s just what being the avatar of greed does to you. You just want to keep what’s yours, no matter what.
But considering his jacket isn’t as big as Lucifer’s or Solomon’s, he ended up just holding it up against MC’s lower half and stood in front of him.
It took the coaxing of MC and the snark comments of his siblings to make Mammon finally allow MC to walk around freely.
Looking back on it, Mammon most certainly understands why even Asmo had called him clingy.
But even now, he can’t help but hold MC a little bit closer in public when so many demons are staring at him! It just feels wrong to allow them to do that.
Cut him some slack, he thinks MC looks amazing, and he trusts him, but they’re literally in hell surrounded by demons. He just wants to keep his boy safe <33
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Levi doesn’t even realize what MC’s wearing at first.
In fact, he doesn’t realize even after their first FEW encounters.
He only notices because while Mammon was ranting to him and Satan about money, he brings up MC and his “stupid and cute but also dumb skirts”
Levi is baffled that he’s the only one that hasn’t noticed it. So, the next time he walks by MC’s room, he contemplates stopping by to talk. Right... Socialize. That.
While Levi is stuck in his thoughts, MC opens the door, presumably ready to go out to a party with Mammon and Asmo.
*fish man short circuits*
MC looks...! S-so cute....!
- thinks the third born otaku.
Because I’m big on fashion, I can kind of picture an exact skirt I feel would apply to him. Let your mind run free but I imagine a semi-sheer maxi skirt with water-like embellishments uwu
But don’t get me wrong, Levi literally loves seeing MC in skirts so anything will get him like 😳 yall know how he is
Actually starts to get more interested in feminine fashion because of MC. And one day, he purchases a long black skirt from Akuzon.
He saw a popular cosplayer wearing one, and so he makes that his excuse.
No one even realizes the change except for Asmo, who gushes over the new look, even if it barely changed. MC also notices, but only compliments him/brings it up when they’re alone so Levi doesn’t overheat.
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I was this close to typing “Satan is a man of beauty and FASHION” can you believe that
Satan... He can recognize when someone else looks ridiculous.
But he knows for a FACT. That MC very likely pulls off a skirt better than anyone he’s seen before.
Call him biased, but he sincerely loves it on MC specifically.
He likes the puffier skirts because they’re ADORBS, but for a more casual look, there’s this one asymmetrical skirt in particular that makes MC look so handsome to him.
He has no idea why men don’t wear skirts more often! Surely MC isn’t the only one that can do it!
Oh. Right. Gender norms 😪🤚🏼
Satan feels his anger crawl up his skin when he watches MC get ridiculed. And just for something he simply enjoys wearing! The nerve of demons.
He advances to “de-escalate” the situation in the most “avatar of wrath” way possible, but when he sees MC’s slumped shoulders walking away from him, he feels more inclined to follow and comfort him.
Satan gives an icy glare to the irrelevant demons, taking note of their faces, and goes after MC.
He doesn’t immediately bring up the situation, instead opting to go out on a spontaneous date to a nice café or a shopping district. Anything to distract from the situation subtly.
If his plan works out, splendid. Anything to make light of situation without even addressing it for even a day is good.
If the shopping and food doesn’t quite bring MC’s smile to his eyes, Satan will just have to be forward with his feelings for once.
“MC. I’m not entirely sure how I can get it through to you, but you shouldn’t be worrying about what some moronic, low-level demons think of you or your clothes. Much less what they say. Just be you, and make them suffer ten times worse.”
MC relishes in his words, even if the last bit sounded more like a threat than anything.
The last thing Satan would ever do is let MC even hesitate wearing an outfit that he would have had no trouble throwing on any other day because of someone else.
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Asmo screams (in a happy way)
“No, Mammon! You’re wrong. MC is NOT my personal dress-up doll! He’s my model.”
Trying to break the stigma around Asmo’s “shallow” personality, let’s get the obvious things out of the way.
He and MC shop together pretty much every other day. It’s almost concerning. And nail appointments are, of course, regular.
Yes yes, Asmo loves the skirts and wonderfully glossy black nails, but there’s still such a massive divide between him and MC. Not physically, or even relationship-wise.
He’s never met someone like MC, who is so fashion-heavy and just the right amount of self-centered.
He thinks its the fact that they’re a human and demon. But he’s seen firsthand that the line between what makes a demon so different from a human is very thin. Solomon is an example of that.
But he realizes it’s just MC. He’s simply dressing for himself and himself only.
Asmo loves himself, there’s no doubt. And it’s nice to go out and dress fancy for others. He couldn’t dream of another lifestyle.
But he has to admit that what MC is doing is working for him. He comes off as a charming sort of man when he ignores the negative comments made about his clothes.
He knows that people in both Devildom and the human realm are a little sensitive when it comes to men in skirts. And the fact that MC continues to wear them is beautiful in and of itself.
This got kind of deep out of nowhere and i apologize but Asmo deserves to be seen for more than he’s constantly portrayed as 😞
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Diavolo isn’t really thrown off that much by it at first, but as time passes, he starts to understand the appeal of skirt-wearing MC.
Barbatos has to remind him that it’s rude to stare, but he finds it almost entertaining how whipped they BOTH are for MC.
Like Asmo, he actually loves bringing him out to shop!
The only difference between the two experiences is that Diavolo has no fucking idea what he’s doing when he picks out clothes for him.
Which leads to some pretty funny/terrible clothing combinations.
No, Diavolo, MC will not be wearing a flannel top with a camouflage hi-low skirt. Put those plaid socks away.
He’s confused and even a little sad when MC continues to turn down his ideas, but he figures that he should turn this into a learning opportunity.
So he lets MC grab whatever he wants, and patiently waits for him to finish up in the fitting rooms.
The store clerk is shitting her pants at the sight of the literal future ruler of Devildom hyping MC up with the energy of a puppy retriever.
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Barbatos does an amazing job pretending like this doesn’t affect him.
He’s a classy man, he just internally loses it when he sees MC in any fancy skirt, really. From silky gold ruffles to a victorian-esc vibe, he’s obsessed.
So when Diavolo makes arrangements for an event/ball, Barbatos makes sure to, at the very least, offer to help MC get ready at the castle. He may not be the most fashion-centric but being able to spend time with MC in an extravagant get up is enough to make a demon butler interested.
Most of the time he’s disappointed because in between the seven brothers, he’d be lucky to be able to see MC at all because of how jealous they can all get.
I can imagine that even Diavolo doesn’t get to hear what Barbatos has to say about MC and his ability to make him weak at the knees.
But all it takes is Diavolo prompting, “MC’s outfit tonight... It was a sight for sore eyes, correct?”
Then, Barbatos lets a compliment or two slip out.
I can also imagine MC wearing a slightly short snd flowy skirt, and some rather disgusting demons waiting for it to get picked up by the wind, only for Barbatos to already be there, discreetly holding the fabric down and shooting them an intensely calm smile
Barbatos will always be one step ahead of creeps.
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sneaky boy is sneaky.. especially with the constant glances he gives MC.
Solomon’s favorite type of skirt to see on MC is DEFINITELY pleated. No other option.
Unlike Lucifer, if MC isn’t wearing a skirt, he makes it clear that he wishes he would’ve.
It’s in a playful manner, though! Don’t worry.
“No skirt today? Bummer. That’s fine though, I can’t expect myself to feel attracted any less.”
I imagine MC wearing a flowy skirt to some sort of event at the demon lord’s castle, and he uses his magic to make it temporarily sparkle or shine.
This mf flashy and wants EVERYONE to know that MC is dancing with HIM and no one else.
But if you ask him about it, what? What’re you talking about? Lights?? Emitting from your skirt??? While we were dancing ?¿ Crazy talk. I would never do such a thing.,.
As childish as it is, he loves to see the way it flows when MC twirls or turns.
Not in a weird way, either. It’s just beautiful to him.
So, not to be cheesy (which he WITHOUT A DOUBT is.) but he’ll occasionally just spin MC by his hand throughout the day, then catch/dip him by the waist.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Daggers and Swords
Royal AU fem! Reader x assassin!fem!Chuuya
Side characters: Butler, Aiden(youngest brother), Samanda(Sister)
Inspired by the amazing @kiyokoxd​ and @bsdparadise​ !♡
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You strode over to your room, closing the door and sliding down to the ground. It had been a tiring day, today, and all you wanted was to rip your tiara off and chuck it out the window. This bloody royalty shit was too much for you to handle. So what if you had "pure royal blood"? If you didn't want to marry that jerk of a prince, then you won't! And you had little to no interest in being the queen. The people of this kingdom can go to hell. You didn't give a shit.
Sighing, you got up, deciding that changing out of these tight clothes was the best course of action. It was already night time, and you couldn't bear being in this flowy gown anymore.
You rummaged around in your gigantic wardrobe, searching for a simple black gown. It wasn't a nightgown, but in fact a less shimmery, and more matte, casual tea-dress. You still had to attend a meeting with your siblings regarding your ascent to the throne, but it needn't be an extravagant event. It was just you, Aiden and Samanda, after all. You could wear a simple dress for this.
As you were changing, you heard a knock on your door.
"Who is it?"
You were currently in your black lacy bralette and a skirt slip. It wasn't very modest a look to share with the men.
"Madam sent me. She wanted you to have this before you attended the tea party."
A feminine voice spoke through the doors. 
"Come on in, then."
Not paying the maid any mind, you proceeded to pull out the dress and take your time with wearing it. You heard the door shut closed and the lock being turned. You didn't pay it any mind, though. Maids often locked the doors to help you change into your gowns.
Once you were done, you turned around only to be pushed into the wall.
"Don't move."
The so called 'maid', pulled out a knife and held it to your throat.
You chuckled.
"Or what?"
She sneered up at you with her striking blue eyes.
"Move a muscle and you're dead, missy. Don't try me."
You raised a brow at her. She was quite a short and petite little thing. She was called the 'red pirate', a name that was clearly based off of her striking hair. You had always imagined this feared assassin to be imposing. You certainly hadn't expected a tiny female.
"You're so short.", you mused, raking your eyes over her delicious figure.
She growled, pushing the blade further into your skin, drawing a little blood.
"Shut up, or-"
"Or what? You'd kill me? Oh please."
You scoffed, leaning closer to the blade.
"We both know you're in deep trouble already. You don't want the blood of a princess on your hands, especially not the heiress of the throne."
Chuuya, the assassin, grit her teeth. She had heard rumours about the princess' witty nature. Chuuya already had anger issues, and you were getting on her nerves. Your words were frustrating her. She was already flustered from the accidental show of your toned body when she entered the room. She hadn't expected you to be changing.
"What are your plans? Are you hoping to steal an artifact and sell it for some money?"
You whispered in her ear.
"Or are you planning to kidnap me. Hmm?"
Chuuya gulped, a dark blush spreading on her cheeks. The intimacy was too much for her to handle.
She was about to speak back, when you both heard a knock on the locked doors. She froze for a second, before placing the palm of her hand on your mouth to shut you up.
"The Prince is calling for you, princess."
Your butler spoke from the other side.
You bit her hand, causing her to jump in shock, and used the opportunity to flip your positions. Grabbing her own dagger, you placed it against her throat.
"I'll be right there."
You called out.
"Okay, princess."
As you heard the footsteps fade away, you leaned closer to your little assassin. 
"You know, I like you. How about we talk this out? It would be a shame to waste such beauty by hurling it into prison."
Chuuya growled, trying to kick you. Your reflexes were fast, and in a moment, you had your knee pressed I to her thigh to keep it in place.
"Nuh-uh. No funny business. "
She huffed, giving up.
"Now tell me. Why are you here?"
Chuuya hit her head on yours, making you lose your balance. She struck her arm forward, trying to stick her dagger into your flesh. You stumbled back, grabbing a chair and blocking her attack. The tip of the knife pierced through the cushion and wood, stopping an inch away from your face. Tossing the chair away, you reached underneath the edge of your bed, grabbing your hidden sword.
As Chuuya flung her dagger at you again, you blocked it with your sword, swiping at her feet. She dodged, elbowing you in your back, making you fall down.
She lunged at your torso, hoping to stab you. You rolled away, missing the blade by a millisecond.
"Why won't you just lie still!", she growled as she tried to pull the dagger from the wooden floor.
You jumped up on your feet, and charged into her with your shoulder. Pushing her onto the large king sized bed, you pinned her down.
Chuuya gasped, shocked and flustered. Fuck. This princess is really having an effect on her heart.
It wasn't like chuuya to let emotions get between her work, but she couldn't help but admire your beauty and charm.
Realizing the position you two were in, chuuya blushed, evading your gaze. 
You were quick to notice, smirking.
"Flustered, are we?"
Straddling Chuuya, you sat up straighter, flicking your hair out of your face. At that moment, you could swear you saw Chuuya checking you out.
"Ah. I see why you're here."
Chuuya panicked. Did you really see through her plans?! If you figured it out, then her mission would practically fail.
"You're hear to woo the future queen and become ruler, aren't you?"
"Wh-what?! No!"
You giggled, leaning down to peck Chuuya's cheek. The simple action had her blushing furiously and hiding her face behind her hands. You gently held her hand, pulling at it to reveal her red face. 
Chuuya looked up from behind her lashes, too shocked to think straight. As you looked down at her with that stupid smile, Chuuya couldn't help but feel her heart start beating rapidly. 
You slowly began leaning closer to Chuuya, eyes trained on hers. Chuuya's lips parted in anticipation, and she kept glancing at your lips. They looked so soft.
Your smell, your closeness, it was all so intoxicating. Chuuya found herself getting lost in your aura. 
You were so close now. Just a hair's breadth away. If Chuuya leaned up ever so slightly, she'd be able to taste your lips.
The metallic sound was enough to snap her out of the trance.
"You bitch!"
Chuuya tugged at her hands, but to no avail. You had cuffed her hands to the headboard.
Getting off the mattress, you looked down at Chuuya pitifully. 
The extreme change in your expression startled Chuuya. Were you acting all along? Were you manipulating her all this while?
"If you had done your homework about me, you would have known the most irritating trait of mine."
Chuuya frowned. She had done extensive research about the princess.
"Oh? And what's that?"
You glared down at her.
"I never lose."
With that, you stormed out of the room, not bothering to call the guards.
You would punish her yourself.
This could very well be fem! Dazai x Fem! Chuuya as the main character has such a Dazai vibe to her...
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emilyplaysotome · 3 years
The Queen Makes Her Choice: Part 6
This is the final chapter to a multi-part smutty fic with the MLQC boys. This might be the filthiest thing I've ever written 😂
This whole series is for those 18+ only.
Catch up:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
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Miracle finder makes it impossible to see anyone, and even if it hadn’t, it wouldn’t matter.
Gavin is on a mission, Victor is on a trip, Kiro is on tour, and Lucien…
…well, Lucien isn’t replying, or posting, or commenting.
No surprise there.
I have no idea if he’ll show on Saturday even though the rest of them will be there. I’ve booked us a private room in one of Loveland’s hottest “sky clubs” - a lounge located at the top of a high rise with nothing but large glass windows and views for days to accompany the drinks and people.
It was a splurge on my salary, but I have to do this right.
If I do this right well...
...maybe there's hope of keeping them all by my side.
There’s still no reply from Lucien as I get ready an hour before everyone is supposed to meet. I decide to tell him that I need him there, and let that be the end of it.
I don’t have much in my closet for this event, but buried in the back I find an old clubbing outfit from my birthday two years ago. The top is an iridescent blueish-purple with spaghetti straps, a revealing back, and cropped to show my midriff. I pair it with a flowy dark skirt that balances out its sex appeal, tying my hair back, and putting on a simple necklace to show off my neckline.
I feel pretty and knowing that I’m about to meet four (well, hopefully four) men who have all confessed to me, I feel confident that they will too.
I arrive early and finish my drink too quickly in the hopes of calming my nerves. The waitstaff gets me another and I tell myself to cool it for fear of getting too drunk before they all arrive.
The room I’ve reserved is bigger than I expected, with seating that could easily accommodate 25 people. There are standing cocktail tables and ink blue couches that have a soft, velvet fabric accompanied by tables for drinks.
I’ve settled into the center of one of the couches and I’m distracting myself on my phone, hoping that my nerves will fade when I hear the door open.
I’m surprised that its Lucien who I see first.
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“I didn’t think you were coming?!” I say.
He kisses me before sitting next to me, looking around the room.
“I wasn’t sure if I would.”
“But why?”
He sighs and shakes his head, smiling.
“Too much thinking. Too much worrying.”
I have more questions, but I won’t get to ask them as Victor enters next. Upon seeing Lucien I can see his defenses go up. He puffs out his chest, tilts up his chin sneering at him, making no attempt to hide what can only be described as a very sour expression.
I get up and stand between them, gently taking Victor’s hand and guiding him to sit beside me on the couch. Sandwiched between him and Lucien, I thank him for coming. The mood only grows more tense with each addition.
Gavin is next.
Kiro is last.
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It’s clear that they all thought I had planned something for them and them alone based on the disappointment I see on their faces when they register their competition in the room. Once they’re all assembled, Lucien and Victor on either side of me, Gavin pouting with his arms crossed and standing by one of the cocktail tables and Kiro who paces like a wild animal in a cage, I begin.
“I know you’re all eager to understand what this is about,” I say. “And I first want to thank you all for being in my life.”
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There are gruff acknowledgments all around, but no real words or statements from anyone. I can tell by the way they’re drinking and refilling their glasses that they’re just as nervous as I am, and not wanting to drag things out I continue.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want in my partner, and I keep coming back to daily life. Waking up next to someone I love each morning, making breakfast, hearing about their day…”
It’s then I look at each of them, one by one.
“…and I’ve come to the conclusion that none of you can do that for me.”
“Now wait a minute,” Gavin starts to say and I cut him off.
“You’re always gone on some mission for God knows how long.”
I turn to look at Lucien, “You disappear on me at the drop of a hat…”
Then Victor, “…you spend 50% of your time doing business outside of Loveland City….”
And finally Kiro, “…and you’re on tour for the foreseeable future.”
They all seem bashful because they know I’m right.
They all know they couldn’t be 'the one' unless they all made major concessions for me.
“So I think for now, until things change, I will commit to none of you and all of you.”
There’s shock from Gavin.
Laughter from Victor.
Annoyance from Kiro.
Anger from Lucien.
Gavin quickly spits out “That’s…” but Victor cuts him off.
“Only fair. None of us can really run to her side when she needs us, but between the four of us we can take care of her.”
I’m stunned that he actually agrees, not just understands.
I thought that out of the four he might be the most difficult to convince, but suddenly I’m watching as he argues with Kiro about what it means to love me. Lucien is silent, along with Gavin. They listen as they wrestle with what they already know about our world to their ability to accept being a part time boyfriend.
There’s silence when Victor reminds them aloud of the danger I face.
Being with me is not just being there for the good times, though I’m grateful that lately there’s been many. This time of peace may disappear just as easily as it arrived and they all know it, even if they don't want to admit it.
I’m surprised when Gavin is the second to agree to keeping things as they are, with the caveat that I not think about anyone but him when we’re together. I find myself feeling shy and can feel the heat creep into my cheeks as I nod back at him, knowing that his request is easily fulfilled.
Satisfied by my reply he smirks before making it known that he doesn’t want to discuss things further and will invite me on a date soon, leaving me with the others.
I can tell that Kiro is close to compromising, but Lucien beats him to the punch.
“Alright,” he says with that smile of his. “This just gives you more time to decide that you love me most.”
The comment makes Kiro look as if he’s going to rip Lucien’s head off, and he charges towards him. Victor puts his hand out and holds Kiro back, reminding him that this is not about how they feel about each other but how they feel about me.
Lucien quietly laughs and whispers in my ear, “I will try sticking around in the future in order to prove to you that I’m all you need, if that’s truly what you’re looking for.”
“It is,” I say.
I’m not lying, but for now I’m relieved to have found a loophole.
I’m relieved that it seems I will not have to choose after all.
“While I don’t like the idea of leaving you with these two, I must be off to a prior commitment. I only meant to stop by because you were insistent. And because I will always be there for you, despite what you may think.”
He’s being mysterious but I can tell whenever we’re together he can’t help but be pulled back to me as much as he tries to run away.
I can tell that he looks for excuses to be with me, even when he's busy.
“Thank you Lucien,” I say and mean it.
I’m grateful that I don’t have to say goodbye, especially to him.
I’m surprised when he kisses me, deeply, in front of the others and I can feel that his eyes are on them as he does it, almost as if he’s challenging them.
When he pulls away I watch as Victor rolls his eyes as Kiro grows incensed again. Lucien pretends not to care and leaves, ignoring the string of obscenities that flows out of Kiro.
“Enough,” Victor eventually says, sighing and returning to the couch next to me.
“I understand why we’re doing what we’re doing,” Kiro says, still standing. “But doesn’t it bother you seeing that?”
“No,” Victor says coolly. “It only motivates me to please her more.”
I feel his hand wrap around my midriff and he kisses me, passionately, in front of Kiro. I let out a surprised moan and after a moment he pulls away with a smirk.
I’m embarrassed and I quietly scold him for kissing me like that in front of Kiro. Not to be outdone, Kiro comes over and kisses me too. I can taste the cocktail on him and the wine on Victor and between the alcohol and their touch I realize that I feel a bit light headed.
As Kiro kisses me, I feel Victor’s hand travel under my skirt and up my thigh. He starts rubbing me and I moan, prompting Kiro to deepen his kiss, moving his hands from my face to my neck and then chest. When he pulls away, Victor capitalizes on the opportunity and kisses my neck as he slides one of his fingers into me.
I can tell they’re both more intoxicated than they’d ever admit, and to be honest, so am I.
Sober me would have stopped this but drunk me is flying high on everything that is happening. It feels too good to worry about the waitstaff walking through that door, and I close my eyes knowing that Kiro is watching Victor play with me, eagerly awaiting his turn.
He’s impatient though, and my top comes off leaving me fully exposed to both the men and the city beyond the large glass windows. I feel myself reaching for both of them, to make them feel as good as they’re making me feel and I feel Victor’s other hand unbutton his pants.
What happens next is a bit of a blur.
It’s almost as if I come back to myself, stripped bare and breathing heavily on a couch that isn’t mine and in a lounge where anyone could have walked in at any moment. I see the two men next to me, panting and satisfied on either side, tucking their shirts back in as they return to a disheveled version of the men that appeared earlier in the night.
I will pretend that I don’t remember bouncing on top of Victor as I sucked on Kiro. I will pretend that I won’t remember finishing both of them on my knees, with my hands and my mouth before letting Victor finish me with his mouth while Kiro watches on, all the while stimulating my other sensitive spots.
I will pretend I don’t remember Victor playing with time to drag out my pleasure when it finally comes, and that I do not giggle when Kiro whines, “Oh come on, that’s just cheating…”
When the waitstaff finally do enter, we are all fully clothed and in the process of sobering up with cold glasses of water. I worry that the room reeks of sex and that they know what happened, but it would appear that they are none the wiser.
Victor grabs the tab that I was supposed to pick up and pays for everything, leaving just as much in tip before saying to us, “Let’s get out of here.”
On the street we are silent - the cold air sobering us to the reality that lies beyond.
“Do you mind if I take her home?” Victor asks Kiro politely, and I’m surprised when Kiro shakes his head.
“I have to catch an early flight for our next leg of the tour.”
“You’ll keep in touch, right?” I ask, almost scared that the greediness of my actions will catch up with me, but Kiro just smiles his bright, pop star smile.
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“Of course Miss Chips. Until we meet again.”
He kisses me sweetly, and neither he nor Victor seem to care that the other is present for this moment.
He leaves and Victor takes my hand, slowly walking me back home.
We’re silent for a few blocks before he starts chuckling out of seemingly nowhere.
“What?!” I demand.
“You continue to surprise me.”
I look at him, puzzled as to what he’s talking about and he continues.
“I’ll have to come up with a new contract to ensure I get at least one fourth of your time.”
He’s teasing me, but I know him well enough to know that he’s actually impressed at how I’ve managed to get what I want despite how things are usually done. He’s known from the start that I haven’t wanted to say goodbye.
That I’m not ready to.
There’s kindness in what he’s saying, and it’s not lost on me. As much as I know he wants me for himself, he won’t rush me.
He loves me too much to do that.
They all do.
The topic changes quite naturally and before I know it we’re chatting as if our salacious night never happened. He’s mocking me for being a glutton and I’m pretending to be outraged that he’d call me such.
I invite him in because I’m back faster than I expected and to my disappointment, he refuses me.
“LFG calls,” he says, and I can tell he’s disappointed too.
“Ok. Thanks for walking me home.”
He smiles and kisses me and just as I turn to open the door to my building and head inside, he grabs my arm.
“But now that I know what you want, soon enough you won’t have this excuse to keep the others around…”
He lets go and turns on his heel, not glancing back and walking away with the kind of confidence and swagger I know only he posses. My heart races as I watch him turn the corner and out of my sight before turning in.
I shower the night off of me and change into cozy pajamas, crawling into bed. I have four messages, one from each of them, all wishing me good night and reminding me that this is for now.
“One day work won't consume my life,” Victor repeats.
“One day I will prove to you that I can stay,” Lucien says.
“One day my mission will be complete,” Gavin promises.
“One day it will only be us,” Kiro muses.
One day.
But until that day, I will savor having all them in my life.
And I will love them all as much as they love me, for as long as I’m allowed.
This was fun to write and *very* out of my comfort zone. As always, if you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend, liking it, commenting to say that you enjoyed it/what you liked, or buying me a coffee!
While this is most likely the last installment of this short series, if you like my writing I hope you'll follow me for more in the future.
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himikiyo · 3 years
i’ve been on my lonely // himikiyo week day 5
Himikiyo Week Day 5: Skirt + Lipstick
“This kind of meddling is rather unlike you,” Kirumi remarked that evening. “Setting them up on a date?"
After seeing Korekiyo and Himiko dance around each other for so long, Rantaro takes things into his own hands.
Read on AO3, DRA, or under the cut.
It was that time of year again. The season of parties, reunions, and all manner of other Danganronpa events. They existed all year long for those who wished to embrace their celebrity status, of course, but even the disinterested among them were dragged into the lead up to a new season. Season 53 was one of the biggest hits in a generation.
Without really meaning to, Rantaro had fallen into the role of the group’s big brother figure. Ironic, considering his utter failure at it in his fictional backstory. He liked helping his friends though, found more fulfillment in that than working on his own problems. He didn’t get much time to bond with anyone during the killing game, but he’d more than made up for it.
At the moment, he was in the hotel room of one Yumeno Himiko. One of the most resentful of the fame bestowed on all of them, she always required a little extra encouragement in the days before big events. That...wasn’t always because of Team Danganronpa though.
“It’s okay to feel anxious about seeing them,” Rantaro said, summoning every bit of patient encouragement in his possession. “Or even to be looking forward to it. Other people’s grudges don’t need to affect what you do, you know.”
“It’s not like that!” she exclaimed, sounding downright panicked. The blush spreading across her face told a different story, along with the soft-looking plushie she was absentmindedly hugging. Even at a glance, the long, dark hair and green uniform were unmistakable. It was the official Shinguuji Korekiyo plush from the DR53 line. It had been one of the lower sellers, compared to others like Ouma or Saihara who were sold out for months. Himiko’s copy was clearly well-loved though, if she even went to the effort of bringing it along to a hotel.
“Are you sure?” He raised an eyebrow, letting his gaze drop to the plushie to tell her he noticed it.
“It doesn’t mean anything,” Himiko argued back stubbornly. “It’s just something soft to hug. Theirs was on sale. It’s not like I kiss its forehead and tuck it into bed or something.”
“Mhm.” She definitely did exactly that. “Well, if you don’t care at all about seeing Shinguuji, I guess there’s no need to talk about it anymore, right?”
“Right. No need.”
“On another topic then, I know a good restaurant nearby. We could head over there for dinner tonight if you don’t have plans with anyone else.”
“Sure.” She perked up some then, plushie still securely in her arms. “That’d be good.”
“Then shall we meet in the park at 7:00?”
After leaving Himiko’s hotel room, Rantaro didn’t return to his own. No, he had another friend to pay a visit to.
“Amami-kun, what brings you here? I don’t recall making plans with anyone.” Korekiyo tilted their head in curiosity, hand coming up to cover their unmasked face. It seemed a subconscious gesture, a lingering instinct to keep from being seen. Himiko would surely know more about that than Rantaro though. He’d caught her looking at photos and tabloid articles about them more than once.
“Oh, no, we didn’t have any plans,” he said, chuckling softly. “I apologize for catching you off-guard, Shinguuji-san. In fact, I came here to find out if you’d be interested in making some.”
“Making plans with you? Ah, well, it’s kind of you to offer, but...”
“Hoping for someone else?” he asked. Just as predicted, Korekiyo’s eyes widened, a clear sign of someone whose true feelings had been discovered.
“I wouldn’t dream of being so rude,” they demurred. “It isn’t as though I have people lining up to spend time with me these days, yes? I should accept invitations as they come.”
“If you’re sure. I happen to know Himiko’s room number if you’d prefer to ask her.”
“I...it’s not like that. Even if I did wish to invite Yumeno-san out, she wants nothing to do with me. The same is true of most of our group.”
“Then do you want to grab dinner tonight? I know a great place nearby. We could meet in the park at 7:00?”
“That...would be acceptable. Thank you, Amami-kun.”
“This kind of meddling is rather unlike you,” Kirumi remarked that evening. “Setting them up on a date? That seems more like something Kaede might do.”
“Maybe I’m learning from her,” Rantaro said with a laugh. “It’s about time those two sort out their differences. They can claim to be at odds all they want, but they’re the only people who really believe they’re enemies. Well, maybe Chabashira-san too, but that’s more wishful thinking than anything else.”
“Here’s hoping it works out.” Offering him a mischievous grin from over the rim of her teacup, she added, “I owe Ouma-kun some money if they don’t get together by the end of the year, and it’s already fall.”
“I don’t think you have to worry.”
Where the hell was Rantaro? Himiko had arrived at the park right on time, but there was no sign of him anywhere. It wasn’t like him to be late or stand people up — not without a serious reason to do so. The park was relatively small, so it didn’t seem likely that she could have simply missed him.
Just as she was debating whether she should try to text him and ask where he was, she caught sight of someone out of the corner of her eye. Even before she turned her head to look though, she could tell that it wasn’t him. This figure was taller and didn’t radiate his relaxed confidence in the least.
Korekiyo? An unmasked Korekiyo at that. She still wasn’t used to them being more lax about face coverings these days.
“Oh, um, Shinguuji. What a coincidence seeing you here.” Her voice sounded forced and awkward even to herself. She wished the ground would just swallow her up and save her from needing to interact with them, but no amount of wishing would make that dream come true. The world seemed dead set on reminding her of her (unfortunate, tragic, hopeless) crush at every possible opportunity.
“There are no accidents in this world,” they replied, sounding ominous as usual. “And in any case, it shouldn’t be that surprising, yes? Seeing someone at a park mere moments from the hotel where you’re both staying isn’t a terribly unlikely thing to occur.”
“Well, yeah, I guess so. It doesn’t really matter, I was just making conversation or something.” Her voice trailed off more and more until it was barely a half-whispered mutter, any semblance of confidence stomped out by embarrassment. “Anyway, uh, I’m actually supposed to be meeting Rantaro here to go to dinner together. Have you seen him?”
“You’re supposed to be meeting with Amami-kun?”
“Is there something weird about that?” It was a defensive question, one that slipped out before she was able to stop herself. Surely Rantaro never let any of her secrets slip, right? There was no way Korekiyo could know what kinds of things she said about them to Rantaro.
“As a matter of fact, yes, there is something weird. I’m supposed to be meeting him for dinner too.”
Instinctively, she glanced around looking for cameras or anything else that might hint at this being some kind of staged interaction. She wouldn’t put it past some of the entertainment industry to spring something like that on her unannounced. However, there was nothing, nor did she really think Korekiyo would play along with something like that. Of their group, they were one of the most resentful about what they’d been through. Understandably so.
“I was asked to meet him here at 7:00,” they said, briefly pulling out their phone to confirm the time again. “It seems Amami-kun may have double booked himself.”
“Why would he do that?” Himiko wondered aloud. “It isn’t like him to be so careless.”
“Ah, you two are close then? I did notice that you’re on a first name basis.” Kiyo gave her a placid look, fixing their already perfect hair. God, they really were unfairly pretty. So much so that she felt a pang of jealousy at the realization that anyone could look over and see exactly what she was seeing right now.
“No, not really.” They were wearing black lipstick instead of their usual red, and the striking green of their eyeshadow made their amber color even brighter than usual. “We’re friends, but I don’t know if I’d say we’re close. It’s pretty casual.”
“I see. I am not close to him either. In fact, I was rather surprised by his invitation today. If he decided to back out, it wouldn’t be much of a shock. I’m much less convinced he would do something like that to you though.”
“What does that mean?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Why are we so different?” Their outfit was gorgeous too, almost all black but no less intriguing for the lack of variety. Her eyes couldn’t help but trace the lines of their slightly too long sleeves (impressive, given how lanky they were) and flowy skirt.
“You know exactly why. I don’t think I need to give you a refresher course on that, Yumeno-san.”
She just sighed, not sure what she was meant to say in response to that.
“Well, it doesn’t really matter what you think about it. Likely or not, he’s standing both of us up.”
“Unless...” The word was spoken so softly that Himiko wasn’t sure she was meant to hear it. Did they have some other idea about what could be going on?
Clearing their throat briefly, Kiyo continued. “If Amami-kun does turn out to be a no show...I suppose we could still go to the restaurant he chose. Together. If that’s something you’d be interested in.”
“Yeah.” She smiled softly, thinking of the Kiyo plushie snuggled up safe and sound in her hotel room. Could...this have been Rantaro’s plan all along? She still had her doubts about whether Kiyo returned her feelings, but they were asking her to dinner. “We could do that.”
By the time they’d been seated in a cozy, dimly lit corner, it was abundantly clear that the restaurant was a romantic one, meant to cater to couples on dates. If it hadn’t already been obvious that the whole situation was some sort of set up on Rantaro’s part, that would have cemented it. He wanted them to go on a date.
She was afraid of getting her hopes up.
“Seems like a nice place,” she remarked, fiddling with the edge of her menu. Aside from the quiet background noise of other patrons talking and soft music, the quiet at their table was deafening. Not much conversation happened on the walk over either, mainly small talk about their day to day lives and those of their fellow alumni.
“Yes, it does,” Kiyo echoed. “Not the sort of establishment I would have pegged Amami-kun as frequenting.” She wondered if they were nervous or if she was just imagining the signs of tension. The stiff slope of their shoulders, the tenuous edge to their voice...
“Yeah, maybe not his type of place. Does that mean it’s yours?”
“It could be. There’s beauty in things like this, even if I’ve grown somewhat disillusioned with humanity as a whole.”
“And...is anything else here your type?” The instant the words escaped her mouth, she felt mortified. A moment’s bravery had been enough to say something like that? It was all she could do not to slink down in shame, face hot as she took a sip of water. “Um, never mind actually, that was a silly question.”
“No, I don’t believe it was. There is something else here that’s my type, believe it or not.” The mood lighting made it difficult to tell for sure, despite the lack of their usual mask, but it seemed like they could have been blushing.
“Really? And are you going to tell me what?”
“I wonder,” they said, lips curving into a smile. “Do you have any suspicions?”
“I might. If I’m right about why Rantaro planned all this out, then that doesn’t leave too many options.” She was far from an expert at the art of flirtation, but she suspected the same might be true of them. As suave as they often managed to seem in the past, it was a facade, part of the character Team Danganronpa created for them. Or perhaps not even that. Even for the ‘ideal’ Korekiyo, the one that only ever existed on paper, that confidence wasn’t so genuine. Not to the extent of really being able to open up and be vulnerable.
It wasn’t the time to make herself sad thinking of what they had to go through. If they saw any accidental hints of pity in her eyes, it could ruin everything. All she could do was try her best at chasing after what she really wanted.
“Care to share your deductions, then?” Was it intentional, the way their hand was sliding closer to her along the table? They’d never been one to take the prospect of physical contact lightly.
“I’m no detective,” she said, needing to suppress a shiver when their fingertips just barely grazed her own. Their nail polish was black too, matching their lipstick. No rings of the sort Rantaro still tended to wear, but she had a feeling they’d suit them. Any kind of jewelry would be lucky to adorn them.
“I don’t believe you need to be. In fact, I’d say the answer is quite obvious.”
Himiko chuckled. Their fingers were tangling together in earnest now, unmistakable as anything but what it was — holding hands.
“I know everyone kind of pushes us to keep up certain appearances. The media, the fans...even our friends, whether they mean to or not. They expect things,” she said softly. It was why it didn’t take her long after the end of the killing game to figure out that she shouldn’t talk about Kiyo too much, or with anyone who couldn’t keep a secret. The others found her interest strange, even repulsive. They were supposed to be enemies, forced into that box largely by people who didn’t have anyone’s best interests at heart.
“Yes, they do,” Kiyo agreed. Rather than launching into a long, anthropology-tinted lecture as they might have been prone to doing in the past, they seemed content to simply listen and reflect on what she had to say, allowing her to talk and draw conclusions on her own.
“Not many people would be happy about the idea of us getting closer, but...” She glanced down at the table, at how nicely their hands fit together. There in the corner, none of the other people in the restaurant had noticed who they were. Danganronpa fans were everywhere, but that didn’t mean it was impossible to steal moments of peace.
“But you’re tired of organizing your life around what other people think, yes? And Amami-kun for one, though I can’t claim to know him on a very deep level, seems supportive. I would go as far as saying enthusiastic. I can’t recall anyone else attempting to pry about my romantic life.” They paused, then clarified, “Not with benign intentions, that is.”
“So you’d be interested in it too? Getting to know each other better instead of always acting like we’re still enemies?”
“I never considered you my enemy in the first place, Yumeno-san. I would be honored to be given that chance.”
There was no doubt those words were genuine. For someone who slipped so easily into the role of villain, Kiyo was remarkably free of malice towards...anyone, really, save for some Team Danganronpa higher ups.
“Then I guess we could even call this a date.”
Still clasping her hand, they lifted it just enough to brush a kiss over the back of it, leaving a barely noticeable smudge behind.
“That we could.”
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Step on me
AN: It’s been a long time since I started writing this but it is finally done.
Word Count: 2721
Warnings: smut/lemon, shoe kink, telepathy
Description: The Master dominates you with her heel.
Tag List: @c-s-stars @queerconfusionthings @how-masterful @truthbehindthemysteries
The click of the Master's heels as she walked around the console in the comfortable silence was mesmerizing. The sound spoke of power and pose. It served as a reminder of what she was- powerful, posed, and absolutely mesmerizing. You had never looked back at your past life when she had offered her hand to you, offering you a place at her side. You worshipped her and in turn, she took care of you as her most dear devotee. If she asked you to kneel you would kneel, anything she wanted you did. 
That’s not to say that you were only there to be a mindless worshiper. No, her feelings for you were deeper than that. She considered you a treasure, someone to protect and provide for. Her beautiful human companion. A beautiful rare flower in her poisonous garden. She liked it when you followed her orders but she also liked it when you teased her just a bit. A flower with thorns.
And that’s exactly what you were doing today. Teasing her. It was payback for her wearing heels that clicked like that every day this week. She knew what they did to you. After all, she was the one who trained you to associate it with her complete dominance.
You were teasing her this time by wearing a short, flowy dress that she had often been distracted by seeing you in. With no panties on. You hadn’t told her that you weren’t wearing any panties, but you made sure to give her just enough of a peak of your upper thighs to question if you were wearing any. For the past few hours she had been trying to subtly glance at you, but you had always been good at catching when she staired. And she was staring a lot. You tried to hide your smug little smile by looking away from her.  
It was almost unavoidable that she would notice that you were teasing her but you couldn’t help but have some fun. You twirled around -dress flowing out around you- all the way to her side. 
“Anything interesting planned today Master?”
You let yourself smile while she was staring at your legs. She seemed, transfixed.
Her attention snapped to you. Her short, blond hair swinging in front of her face before she pushed it back with her gloved hand. Letting go of it, her hair fell perfectly back into place.
“I asked if there were any plans for today.”
“I have a few ideas,” she claimed with a dismissive gesture.
You weren’t sure if you believed her, but you wouldn’t be questioning her about it. You were having too much fun being a subtle tease to really be invested in if she had any ideas for your day. You already had your own plans. Distract the Master.
You resisted the urge to wrap your arms around her and nuzzle into her side. As much as you wanted to show her affection all the time you needed to stick to the plan. So instead of coming closer, you turned away letting your skirt fly up again. You were going to tease her until she snapped.
You could feel her eyes burrowing into you. The sensation making you shiver in pleasure. She was dismissing all pretenses, no longer hiding her focus on you. You glanced back at her with your best innocent expression.
“Master?” You asked in the most confused, perplexed tone you could muster.
Her main response was to lean against the TARDIS console; crossing her arms and her ankles. Drawing your attention to her bright red heels once again.
“You’re not wearing panties are you?” She drawled out, secure in her confidence.
You seductively smiled back, “you’ll have to check and find out for yourself Master.”
"Such a tease," she muttered as she walked closer to you.
Each step accentuated by a loud click of her heel on the TARDIS floor. Her gloved hand flicking out to grip your chin, forcing you into eye contact with her.
You obeyed instinctively. Only reminding yourself to playfully brush your skirt up as you sunk onto your knees at the last second. You looked up at her domineering form as she continued to tilt your head up with her hand. The harsh grip loosened as she was assured of your obedience to her will.
“As I said before, you are such a tease,” her heel gently kicked you down onto your back.
You let out a joyful gasp, she was involving the heels that had been distracting you so much and driving you slowly insane with arousal.
“Get those legs out from underneath you.”
“Yes, Master,” lifting yourself up to move your legs out from underneath your body meant that you were pressing your chest firmly into her heel.
It felt wonderful. As you laid back down her heel followed your movements, pinning you down on the floor. It was everything you had dreamed of when wanting to make her snap, everything you wanted and more.
“Thank you, Master.”
Her lifted eyebrow expressed her confusion while still managing to look domineering and superior.
“It's a joke,” you explained. “People on Earth would say that someone attractive could step on them and they would thank them for the privilege. So, you know, thank you, Master.”
You practically purred out her name.
“Well then,” she drawled out, “let me give you something to really thank me for.”
Her heel moved its way from your chest to your throat and all thoughts left your mind. It lightly dug into your skin. Not enough to cause any harm but just enough to make your breath hitch in delight.
“Do not move unless I tell you to do so, do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
Her heel pressed down just a smidge harder before she removed it from your throat. Click, click, click. The only sound beyond your own rapidly increasing breathing was her heels as she circled around your sprawled body. Anticipation building with each step. After several minutes of her circling, she paused near your legs. 
Giving a small kick between them as she ordered you to, “spread open those pretty legs that you were trying to distract me with so much.”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling up at her. You hadn’t tried to do anything, you had distracted her. You slowly spread your legs apart as you looked at the picturesque image she made above you.
She was beautiful. No one else in your travels with her was even close to as beautiful as she looked. Once your legs were open a comfortable distance you could tell that she wasn’t quite satisfied. You continued to inch your legs apart until you could see her pleased expression. There was a small stretch that you could feel but it wasn’t anything that you couldn’t handle for a while. It was worth it to see her pleased with you.
One of her legs crept up the empty space in between your open legs, all the way up until it was under your skirt. The Master slowly inched your skirt further and further up. The tip of her heel brushing ever so gently against your bare crotch. Further and further until you were completely exposed to her.
“Hmm. Such a little minx you are, not wearing any panties. I suppose that answers that question for me.”
Your breath faltered with the image she made above you now. With her heel resting against your stomach.The sheer elegance and superiority of her pose. It was a pose not unlike those of conquerors, claiming the land they had journeyed to as theirs. Unlike those old white men, she wasn’t currently conquering anything that hadn’t already been genuinely freely given to her. 
Her heel moved to rest on your crotch and she gave you a wonderfully cruel smile. The type that always promised a good time for you, and a bad time for anyone else that happened to be nearby. Your breath stumbled. You had forgotten how to breathe properly with the image she made dominating you.
"Apparently this really does it for you. Look at you. Already out of breath," she sneered. "You might pass out if I continue, and I haven't even done anything special yet."
You did your best to focus on your breathing. It still came out shaky. You licked your lips and swallowed hard. Trying again to get yourself under control. In and out. One of the signs that she truly cared for you was her attempts to make sure she never pushed you too far. If you needed to catch your breath she gave you the opportunity to catch your breath.
Unfortunately, she also often took your breath away. You spent so much time just trying to bring your breathing back to normal so that she would continue during moments like these.
The moment you did manage to catch your breath she took the opportunity to fluster you again, this time with praise, “Good girl”.
Ever so slowly she started to press the tip of her high heel into you. You struggled to keep your breathing steady, if it faltered she would stop. And you didn’t want her to stop. The tip of her heel moved in and out, a gentle steady rhythm for now. You focused on that rhythm, using it to keep your breathing stable. The Master’s eyes were focused down on the movements of her heel. She was taking her time to try and ensure that it was covered in your arousal. Once the tip could move in and out with ease she started to work more of the heel into you every few thrusts.
She stayed silent until she was thrusting her heel fully in and out. Her rhythm became less consistent, choosing to vary her pace so that you could not get completely lost in the sensations.
“What a pretty little picture you make, my little tease. Getting off on your Master teasing you like you are beneath her, quite literally beneath me in this case.”
Her voice was sinfully teasing you now. 
A slightly shallow thrust had you automatically starting to move to meet her thrust. It had been an entirely subconscious instinct that you had halted before you could even get yourself off of the ground. Yet her attention to detail meant that she noticed the instant you started to lift yourself up.
“Tsk tsk, flower. I told you to stay still.” She pleasantly berated you as if you had done no more than tip over an almost empty glass. “If you are so desperate for more you should prove it to me, show me how desperate you are for every millimeter I’ve given you so far.”
“Yes, Master. I’m sorry Master.”
As you tried to thrust up into her heel with your leg still spread you were reminded of how strong she was. No matter how much force you used her foot would never move. Not that you could manage much force with your legs spread flat against the console room floor. Eager to prove your desire for her, your devotion, and honestly just desperate to try anything you had to ask.
“Please Master, may I move my legs?”
You gave her the best pleading look you could manage.
“So needy. I really shouldn’t let you... but I think you’ll look so nice trying to fuck yourself with my heel using all of your might.”
You took her permission to heart and slid your feet closer to your body so that your legs were still spread but now bent as well. You started to fuck yourself on her heel with all your might. Lifting the heels of your feet off of the floor to raise yourself up higher. No matter how much force you used you couldn’t reach deeper than the Master had been able to reach. You whimpered at how harsh the thrust you were making were. It was a lot.
“When you’ve given up trying to do better than me bring your legs back to their proper position.”
Her hungry gaze convinced you to keep going for a few more minutes. She was delightfully enjoying your desperate attempts to fuck yourself. When she saw that your gaze was focused on her, she realized what you were doing. Raising an eyebrow to question you without a word. That’s when you officially gave up, admitted defeat, and returned to your proper position.
“See you can’t get any more than I was already giving you.” She gave you a fond smile as she continued. “Don’t think I didn’t notice what you were doing at the end there.”
She gave a harsh thrust back into you, picking up her pace where she had left off.
Her hand was placed over her heart in a mocked symbol of mercy, “I suppose I can forgive you, your willingness to please me over your own desires is endearing after all.”
She was trying to hide it but you could tell. You could always tell what the emotions she was trying to hide were. The Master was truly touched by your need to please her. You didn’t want to please her for self serving reasons, or even out of fear. No, it was just because you wanted to make her happy.
You didn’t have long to be introspective with her renewed vigor to fuck you with her heel. She started to favor more shallow thrusts in favor of moving the ball of her shoes in small circles on your clit. It was just enough stimulation to bring you closer to an edge. Not quite on the edge but very close.
“So needy and desperate, and yet so far away from cumming. Aren’t you?”
She may mockingly complain about how much of a tease you were but she was even more of a tease when she was in a mood like this. It felt like you would need to be here for hours before she would bring you over the edge and let you cum. 
You mentally prepared for a long wait to reach your possible reward. When a sudden rush of pleasure entered your body at seeing you spread out on the floor, desperate as you were being fucked. Wait. That wasn’t your thoughts. Oh. Oh! It was the Master’s pleasure, not yours. She must have slipped herself into your mind while you were- otherwise preoccupied. It wasn't something she did often, due to how intense the effects could be on your mind. It was always a rare treat when she shared her thoughts and feelings with you within your own mind.
Every inch of your mind was flooded with thoughts of pleasure from the Master. The mental stimulation serving to bring your body closer to an orgasm. Your whole body was tingling with displaced pleasure. All of her thoughts praising how wonderful you looked spread beneath her. How you were a delicate blossom that she had stolen that was blooming into a rare flower under her care.
Your slightly flushed cheeks blossomed into an overwhelming bright rosy red. You could feel the heat of your blush spreading to your chest, matching the heat of arousal deep in your abdomen. Words failed to describe how good it felt but you were sure the Master understood the unspoken sensations of intense pleasure she had brought you. She was in your head after all.
You came with a surprised yelp. Unprepared to cum after mentally preparing for a long drawn out session. Once she could coax no more from your body for the moment she pulled her heel out of you, bringing it to your lips. You cleaned the heel with no protests. Tasting yourself as you sucked on her heel. Worshipping and thanking her for blessing you with her attention. 
The whispers of soothing praise for her flower so beautifully unfurling her petals for her god and Master, consumed your mind. 
After a few minutes of rest for you to let your body recover she looked down at you again. Bringing her other heel to rest teasingly close to your clit.
"I think it's time for the other shoe to drop, so to speak," she grinned down at you. "I do so hate being off balance after all."
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Lawful Good
Javier Peña x Reader
Warnings: none, slow burn, little bit of angst, age gap(?), really bad formating (sorry I'm on mobile)
Words: 2.8K words.
A/N: this is my first fic in forever so please bear with any typos and a writing style I haven’t updated in awhile! Please feel free to comment or drop me a message with any kind of criticism or advice for writing. I’m planning to have a few chapters for this fic with it getting er... more adult(?) as it goes. Thank you so much for reading 🖤
Chapter one
Your alarm sounded. It was morning again and you grumbled as you stretched to hit the alarm and stop the god awful ringing.
6:30am. Monday.
It would take you a further 15 minutes to roll out of bed and drag yourself to the shower. Bogotá was one of those cities that never slept. It didn’t matter if it was 3am or 3pm, the buzz was the same. You could hear the city street below from your bathroom window, car horns and traffic sounds, occasional mumbled chatter just a little too out of range to hear properly. You loved it.
Sure the city wasn’t the safest, but you could easily say your neighbourhood back home in El Paso wasn’t exactly the safest either. The large US military presence there did little to comfort you, but it was what pushed you towards studying law. Living on the US-Mexican border all your young life had opened your eyes to the world outside of Texas. When you told your abuela that you had decided to go back to the country of her birth to study law so you could fight for people like her, refugees of crime and corruption, she had wept. Tears of pride and tears of fear. Your abuela knew all too well the dangers of the cartels, and the traffickers, and the corruption rife in every area of authority, but she also knew if there was anyone who could make a difference ‘it’s you mi amor’
You had stuck to your guns, and at the young age of 18 you had gone to live with your great uncle in Bogotá to study for you law degree, graduating with honours at the tender age of 22. Ever determined, you had taken on a masters of law specialising in criminal law. It was here you had gotten the attention of the DEA. An American of Colombian decent, fluent in Spanish and studying criminal law… well you were an opportunity too good to miss.
Another 2 years and a bar exam later and you found yourself at a desk in a cramped office at the DEA’s Colombian outpost at the US Embassy, working in a team dedicated to catching the almighty Pablo Escobar. It was messy work, and you were there essentially on janitorial duties. You swept away whatever hell the agents created and covered their backs with legal loopholes and the occasional bribe. You were their safety net… and you loved every second.
Though it always took you an extra 15 minutes to roll yourself out of bed and get in the shower on a Monday, by the time you’d rinsed the shampoo from your hair and wrapped yourself up in your towel you were eager to go.
You padded to your kitchen, still wrapped in your towel with hair dripping, and remembered how grateful you were not to be living with your great uncle anymore. You loved him of course! But having your own apartment, in the same block as many of the DEA staff and their families, was a dream come true.
You hummed whatever tune it was you’d subconsciously heard blaring from a car stereo in the traffic jam below and fixed yourself a coffee. You’d spent too long in the shower, for some reason deciding that Monday morning was the ideal time to condition your hair, so would have to skip breakfast if you wanted to be dressed and semi presentable before Steve arrived at your door to give you a lift to the office.
Steve was kind. A little too American in his thinking at times, but kind and considerate and loyal to a fault. He’d arrived in Bogotá about a year after you started with the DEA and you’d become fast friends. The fact that you’d always make an effort to translate any Spanish spoken in the office for him had endeared you to him and he’d made it his mission to silently act as your guardian; driving you to and from the office, inviting you to dinner with him and his wife Connie to be sure you’d eaten well that day, and, in your opinion the kindest of gestures, letting you leave a pair of trainers in his car so you could take your heels off at the end of a long day.
You looked forward to your morning catch up with Steve and quickly hurried about finding a pencil skirt and flowy white blouse for the day. You grabbed your heels and your bag and were just pinning your hair into a messy bun when there was the knock on your door.
Your embassy ID card held tightly in your teeth as your tried to finish your hair and open the door, you were greeted by a wry smile and a pair of aviator shades.
‘Javi!’ You mumbled through your ID card, finishing your hair and stuffing your ID into your bag ‘are you getting a lift with us today?’
‘I am your lift today, remember?’ you could never tell if he was amused or slightly annoyed.
‘Steve’s away? Connie’s sister got married at the weekend or something’ he looked away uninterested.
You’d forgotten in your morning haste. Steve and Connie had gone back to the States for the week for Connie’s sister’s baby shower… she’d been married for years…
Javier looked back to you, looking you up and down from behind the shades that didn’t quite hide his eyes well enough.
‘Shall we go? You ready?’ his gaze was on your eyes at last and you nodded, slipping into your heels, no trainers for you today.
You followed Javier down the stairs from your apartment down to the small parking garage at the bottom of the building. He was wearing those ever-so-slightly-too-tight jeans, that red shirt he never ever buttoned up fully, and that leather jacket that, despite the early morning heat steadily rising, he refused to take off.
He was handsome, tall with beautiful dark eyes and thick dark hair. He had a manner about him that said he new he was gorgeous and he liked people to acknowledge it, but on his own terms. He didn’t strike you as one who was comfortable taking a compliment when he wasn’t the one initiating. He could come off as arrogant and pushy, but for those of you who knew him, he was secretly soft. He had a hardened exterior, weather beaten and battered by years on the job and years in a city that could easily chew you up and spit you out. This particular job, the capture of Escobar, had been especially rough on him. Close shaves and near misses had damaged him somewhat, but there was still a spark of humour and kindness for those who had earned it.
You slipped into the front passenger seat of Javi’s jeep. ‘You know, I think this is the first time I’ve ever been in your car’ you said, looking around at the slightly stretched leather and the cup holders doubling as ash trays.
‘Uh huh’ was the extent of the response you got. Javi reversed on to the street and set course for the embassy.
‘Did you do much at the weekend?’ You attempted. If you weren’t going to get your full gossip session with Steve this week then you were going to at least try and make small talk with Javi.
‘No not much’ he replied, eyes fixed on the road ‘you?’
You shot him a look. You knew full well that he’d been up to something… or up in someone.
You lived in the apartment above Javier, and while you couldn’t quite hear the conversations on the street below your window, you could most certainly hear the screams and moans of the women who frequented the apartment below.
‘Not much either… a different kind of not much to you mind’ you grinned at him. He side eyed you and gave a little smirk before focusing back on the road.
The moment you’d been introduced to Javier Peña you’d clocked him as a ladies man. He’d been polite and professional as he smiled and shook your hand to introduce himself, but he’d also looked you up and down and slightly raised his eyebrow, liking what he saw.
You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t thought about it or what it would be like, but you quickly fell into a friendship with him and Steve which became far more important to you than being another of Javi’s conquests.
And yet still, you’d occasionally find yourself falling into that thought trap and have to snap out of it before your mind was irretrievably down the rabbit hole. You knew he was good, you had heard how good he was all weekend… but you didn’t have the luxury of being able to think of him in that way. You couldn’t risk your career over him.
And yet as you sat at your desks and he removed his leather jacket, flashing just a little too much of his chest through the barely-buttoned shirt, you found yourself crossing your legs and your cheeks turning just a little bit too red.
The day passed slower than usual without Steve’s banter. You missed him! This had been the first time in ages Steve hadn’t been there and it only made you more grateful to have someone like him in your life. You made a note to buy him a bottle of something expensive upon his return, just to let him know how much you missed him without actually having to say it.
You were jotting down your note when a hand covered your piece of paper and another reached over to take the pen right out of your hand.
‘What the f-’ you began sharply, looking up to see Javi standing over you. You bit your lip before you had any chance to think about your reaction.
He looked down and chuckled ‘it’s late and I want to go home, do you want a lift?’ He asked, putting the pen down on the desk and moving to stand beside you rather than over you.
You blinked back to reality, dragging your brain back from the depths of that damn red shirt. ‘yes please, I hadn’t realised the time’ you gently rubbed your eyes and moved to stand.
You stretched your arms out wide, pulling your blouse up ever so slightly so as to expose a flash of skin. You caught him looking, no aviators to hide behind in here.
He met your eyes and shifted his feet, slightly awkward but quickly snapping back to his usual self.
You shivered slightly. It had gotten cooler as the daylight had faded and in your rush this morning you had forgotten your jacket. Now the cold was creeping up your skin, leaving little goosebumps in its wake.
‘I forget how chilly it can get here’ you said, more to yourself than anyone else, but it was Javier who replied.
Returning from his desk he handed you his leather jacket. ‘Borrow this, it’ll be cold on the ride home, I want a smoke so I’ll need the window open’.
You took it, grateful, and draped it over your shoulders. There was no point trying to wear it as intended, the sheer weight of it alone told you it would swamp you, so you chose to wrap it round your shoulders holding it closed with yours hands.
‘Thank you’ you smiled, these were the acts of kindness Javi only offered his worthy friends.
‘Welcome’ he said, quickly inspecting you, perhaps liking the way you looked in his clothes?
He nodded towards the door and you followed him out in to the night air, shuffling in your heels… no trainers tonight!
As soon as you arrived back in the garage of your shared apartment block, your heels were off. Holding them in your hand as you padded barefoot to the stairwell.
‘Hey uh’ the voice behind you called ‘I know you and Steve usually have a catch up on your drives, he tells me about them sometimes’ Javi was looking up at you from the bottom of the stairwell ‘and I’m sorry I’m not as… not as chatty as him’ he offered sincerely.
You chuckled ‘it’s fine, Javi! I promise not to try and talk to you on the drive, I know you like to drive quietly… Steve tells me things about you too’ you winked then caught yourself and pulled a slightly startled face. Winking?! Who were you??
You drew a proper laugh from Javi ‘he also tells me you guys have dinner together a lot, do you want to come to mine one night this week? I’ll be your surrogate Steve’
You blinked down at him ‘how about tonight and you come to me? I don’t believe for one second you can cook as well as Connie and at least at mine I know there’s some actual food in the fridge!’
A flashy smile plastered his face ‘you’re on, but if only in part because you’re still wearing my jacket’.
You hadn’t even realised but you were still wearing his jacket. You slipped it off your shoulders, accidentally revealing a little of your tummy skin again, ‘come and get it then’ you beamed, not knowing exactly how innocent you had meant that to sound.
He followed you up the stairs and stood behind you as you slid the key into the lock of your door.
‘What have you got for me then?’ He leaned a little closer to your ear as he spoke, sending a shiver down your spine.
You felt him follow you in closely behind you as you turned to close the door.
Chapter two
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jenonctcity · 5 years
Against The Wall
Na Jaemin – Angst
Warnings: Making out.
Word Count: 1k
Request: Requested by anon – Jaemin pinning you to a wall and making out with you.
You felt like a sweaty mess. Your skin glistening with a pearlescent gleam as you continued to move your body amongst the mass of equally clammy people. House parties weren’t your favourite type of social gatherings. But you couldn’t resist the puppy dog eyes of your best friend when she begged you insistently, especially after she found out that her crush would be attending, and it would be the perfect opportunity to dance near him and gain his attention. Or so she had theorised. You met her at the party, her long black hair falling lower than her mini dress on her petite body and you knew she would definitely gain her crushes affection for the night. She’d excused herself to get a drink, leaving you to dance on your own amongst a crowd of swaying people. You pulled down the edge of your mini skirt, trying to cover up as much or your thighs as you could regardless of how hot you were starting to get. The thanked yourself for wearing a flowy blouse, it allowing at least some air to breeze against your chest. 
Frustration started to pulse through you the longer you waited for her to come back, the realisation she was probably tongue deep in someone’s mouth and had ditched you despite being the reason you had even bothered to come.
“Jesus.” You scoffed, quickly downing the remnants of the sickly-sweet alcohol situated in the bottom of your stereotypical red cup that everyone used at house parties. Wincing from the aftertaste you placed the cup down on the nearest surface before leaving the confines of the living room. You had decided it was probably a good idea to let your friend know before you left so you wondered the halls, glancing into rooms to find her. So far, you’d come across two different couples making out in what you assumed was not their own bedrooms but the rooms of the host’s poor family. But you hadn’t yet come across your friend. You made your way down a suspiciously empty hall, sounds coming from behind the walls making you feel grossed out.
“(Y/N).” You heard your name being called out from behind you, a shiver rippling down your spine as you recognised the deep tone to be that of your ex-boyfriend. A sigh left your lips as you urged yourself to turn around. “Looking as beautiful as ever.” Your eyes focused on his face. It still looking like it was crafted by the gods just like it did a month ago when the two of you had called it quits on your relationship. His hair was a dark brown now, it having been bleach blonde with a questioning blue strip at the front. It matched Jaemin’s quirky personality, the spontaneity of him always giving you entertainment.
“Smooth.” You raised an eyebrow at him, folding your arms across your chest as you both took slow steps towards each other.
“You know me.” Jaemin winked, a smirk pulling at his lips as he looked you up and down. “Looking for someone?”
“Yeah I’m looking for Mia, she disappeared about 10 minutes ago and I just want to go home.” When the two of you had broken up, you hadn’t ended things on bad terms. You simply tried to avoid him since it happened to evade the chances of getting back together with him due to your willpower being non-existent when it comes to Jaemin.
“She’s with Mark, you can probably guess what they’re doing.” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair and stopping in front of you.
“Oh…” You raised your eyebrows in mock surprise and fake a smile. “Guess I’ll just go then…it was good seeing you again.” The awkwardness shone through your voice, making you internally cringe as you turned your back to him.
“Wait.” He spun you around and backed you up against the wall. A squeak of surprise chirped from your lips, your back hitting the wall with a gentle thud and Jaemin’s hands coming up to frame your head, trapping you between his heated body and the cool surface of the wall.
“Jaem-!” He cut you off with his lips. Them catching your own in a passionate kiss you didn’t realise you needed. Emotions wafted over you with every move of his slightly chapped and bitten lips, the lips you couldn’t get enough of months previously. Without any thought, your arms subconsciously wound around his body, resting your splayed-out palms on the span of broad back, pulling him closer until his body was weighing yours to the wall. It wasn’t long before his tongue infiltrated the force of your lips, sending sparks of butterflies fluttering around your stomach as the familiar touch brought back memories of his fervent kisses. You moaned into his mouth, making him smirk as he pulled away momentarily to brush his nose against your own. His smirk remained as he went back in for more, your tongue flicking against his as the kiss got hotter. He let both of his hands slip from the wall to cup your ass, pulling your hips as close to his own as possible.
“Take me back.” He whispered, his hot breath washing over your lips making you want more. “Please, I miss you so much baby girl.” He left soft, lingering pecks to your lips, slowly trailing them down to the sticky skin of your neck.
“Jaemin we didn’t see each other enough; it wasn’t fair on either of us.” Tilting your head back to give him more access you closed your eyes, enjoying the tingling feeling of his wet kisses.
“I’ll make more time for you, please…I need you back.” He pleaded, taking his hands from your ass to cup your cheeks, looking you dead in the eye with hope and love in his stare. Hope that you didn’t know whether to raise up or crush.
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symphonic-scream · 4 years
Next Generation - Part 1
These are the fankids that make up the first group from my last post, the ones who go to space and all that.
Catradora: Ariella "Ari"
Ari means lion in a language I believe, it's been a while tho so I can't really remember but that's what her name means
She's the eldest Catradora kitten, with a reference age of 21, and her birthday is June 5th
She is a magicat, with both eyes a grey-blue colour, light brown fur, and blonde hair. Her ears are a darker brown with blonde tuffs, and her tail is the same shade as her fur. She also has freckles
She's just like really short, she's barely Glimmer's height it's really funny
She keeps her hair cut short on the left side, and longer on the right, but only just long enough that when wet, the tips almost reach her shoulder. She rarely brushes it, leaving it a mess
She does not wear sleeves. Never has, never will. Same with shoes, those are a no-go. She mostly sticks to dark clothing, with blacks, greys, reds, and blues
She just really loves women but her love language is heavy banter and playful insults so she just comes across as a snarky little kitty
A big goofy softy, favourite babysitter was Bow, likes it when her friends and family are happy
Glimbow - Lunara "Luna"
Okay so Luna is moon in a language (I am bad at this) and Glimmer's runestone is the moon stone so bam moon daughter
Glimmer and Bow's oldest and only daughter, reference age is 22, birthday is March 11th
She's not quite as dark as Bow, and has Glimmer's eye shape with Bow's dark colour. Her hair is dark brown with dark purple untertones or at least it's purple on the bottom and it's like super fluffy and naturally curly and rests just above shoulder height
She's only like an inch shorter than Bow and will brag about it at any moment
She wears a mix of fluffy sweaters and crop tops, like she'll wear a light crop top with a knit cardigan over it or something with dark 3/4 pants and high top sneakers. Her colour pallet typically includes pinks, gold, white, and red
She's connected to the moon runestone, and has some sort of night magic. Its more powerful at night, and she uses bursts of stars and pure light
Luna really just wants to learn everything there is to know, but is really stubborn about it. She gets super frustrated about people knowing something she doesn't so she just has to know everything so that can't happen
Frosta was her favourite babysitter, and she just likes being treated like an adult. Also bisexual
Spinnetossa - Kalani
I'm pretty sure this is a wind name?? Maybe? I should have written down these meanings damn
Kalani is Spinnerella and Netossa's second kid and oldest daughter, with a reference age of 21, and her birthday is September 3rd
She basically looks like Netossa, but taller, with longer, bluer, curlier hair. She wears it back in a bushy ponytail most of the time, cause it's very hard to handle
She wears flowy clothes! Big shirts, big pants, skirts, dresses, jackets, as long as it flows she'll wear it! She has a few metallic bracelets and likes to wear tall strappy boots
She wears a mix of blacks, dark blues, purples, and indigo
She has like air powers, she can manifest air into things like stairs, walkways, shields, swords etc
She just kinda vibes and goes with the flow, but she will take every opportunity to cause a little mischief. Favourite babysitter was Mermista
Gives everyone a little nickname, and is heavy on the compliments. She's a smooth lesbian, yes they exist
Scorfuma - Sunburst + Blazing Star "Star"
So both of these names are desert flowers, get it? Flowers and desert? I'm clever
So Sunburst and Star are twins, with Sunburst being the older twin. They are Perfuma and Scorpia's oldest children, their reference age is 20 and their birthday is June 18th
They are identical twins. Both have Perfuma's tan skin but only light freckles, Scorpia's eyes, ashy blonde hair, and both have scorpion tails and stingers. Both are around Scorpia's height, with Star being just shorter
Sunburst's hair is fluffier and she keeps it at shoulder length. Star's is a little rougher, the same length, but she has it styled to look messy
Sunburst wears soft clothing with lighter colours, all paired with a large, dark red overcoat and dark boots. Star likes darker clothes with flaired elbows and shoulders, with harsh geometric patterns. Both wear greens, reds, and blacks
Both Sunburst and Star have some control over plants, although Sunburst uses it more
Sunburst looks and acts like a total sweetheart but do not be fooled she will fight you at the drop of a hat. She will defend her friends with her life, and her favourite babysitter was Adora
Star is all confidence and swagger, and feels at home in leadership positions. She's loud, excitable, and just loves everyone so much oh god she's tearing up. Adora was also her favourite
So here's the first batch of kids, what do y'all think?
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