nautiscarader · 1 year
you know what, it warms my cholesterol-ridden shipping heart that AAMR (Ash and Misty romance) and AAML (Ash and Misty love) tags are still used and live, as if we were still doing geocities shrines to couples. Never change <3
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kuroimarzipan · 2 years
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i like the idea of physical manifestations of gods looking completely different from normalised depictions of them so i took this drawing of a statue i did nearly 3 yrs ago of my minotaur cleric's goddess and gave her a physical form lol
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ranah-upaya · 2 years
Sejarah Singkat Daulah Bani Umayyah
Pendirinya Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan
Masuk Islam bersama saudaranya Yazid saat Fathu Makkah / Umrah Qadha, 7 H / Gubernur Damaskus - Masa Umar bin Khattab s/d Masa Utsman
Tiga Prinsip Muawiyah 1- Memperlakuakn sebaik baiknya semua tokoh sahabat senior / Bani Hasyim 2- Memperkokoh keamanan di seantero dunia Islam / menugasi beberapa tokoh / Utbah bin Abi Sufyan / Marwan bin Hakam / Said bin Al-Ash / Aamr bin Ash / Al Mughirah bin Syu'bah / Maslamah bin Mukhallad 3- Mengawasi langsung urusan negaranya dan mengetahui semua persoalan, baik kecil maupun besar
Diantara akhlaknya, mempersilahkan rakyatnya menemui 5 kali (bahkan setiap waktu)
Dinasti Umayah berkuasa hampir 1 Abad (-+ 90 tahun)
4 Orang Khalifah memegang kekuasaan sepanjang 70 tahun:
Abdul Malik
Al Walid
Hisyam bin Abdul Malik
10 Khalifah lainnya - 20 tahun.
Khalifah - khalifah terbesar:
Abdul Malik
Umar bin Abdul Aziz
Muawiyah : 41 H / Wafat 60 H / Damaskus / Pendiri Muawiyah
Yazid I : Membereskan huru-hara pendukung Husein / perang Karbala / Pemberontakan Mekah Madinah Ka'bah runtuh / terserang manjanik / Orang Madinah mengganti Abdullah bin Handzalah Perang antara pasukan Yazid dan Anshar (Uqbah Al Murri) / Dimenangkan Yazid I / Al Harrah Quraish membai'at Abdullah bin Muti' / Mekah membai'at Abdullah Bin Zubair Yazid I meninggal 64 H
Muawiyah II : -40 Hari / Tekanan jiwa berat / Keturunan Muawiyah habis
Marwan bin Hakam : Punya stempel Khalifah masa Utsman / Gubernur Madinah masa Muawiyah / Penasehat Yazid / Pemberontakan Syiah Khawarij / Mengalahkan Dahhak bin Qais / Menduduki Mesir / Melantik Abdul Aziz Palestine, Hijaz, Irak/ Wafat 65 H
Abdul Malik (anak) : Pendiri Kedua / Ulama Fiqh / Meredamkan pemberontakan sebelumnya / Pemakaian bahasa Arab-Bahasa Administrasi Sebelumnya Yunani dan Qibti / Mencetak uang secara teratur / Gedung, Masjid, Saluran Air / 21 Tahun Al Hajjaj Bin Yusuf - gubernur Hijaz / Raja Turki - Ratbil - serang Sijistan / Perbaikan saluran aiar sungai / Kemajuan perdagangan / perbaikan sistem ukuran timbang / takaran keuangan / penyempurnaan Mushaf Al Quran dengan titik tertentu / Wafat 86 H.
Al Walid (anak) : 10 tahun (86-96 H) / Islam di Spanyol - Thariq Bin Ziyad / Afrika Utara - Musa bin Nushair / menyempurnakan pembangunan / Masjid Al Amawi (Damaskus) / Menyantuni yatim piatu, fakir miskin, cacat, lumpuh, buta, kusta / Wafat 96 H
Sulaiman (adik) : Kurang bijaksana / suka harta / ingin Ghanimah dari Spanyol (Dibawa Musa)/memperlambat kedatangan Musa- harapannya jatuh ke tangan / Musa menolak / musa disiksa, dipecat, menyiksa keluarga pendahulu yang membantu kejayaan Umayyah
Umar bin Abdul Aziz : Lembaran putih Bani Umayyah / punya karakter yang tidak terpengaruh kebijaksanaan disesali / Khalifah yang takwa dan bersih / Gubernur Mesir / Lahir di Hilwan (Mesir) / Keturunan Umar bin Khattab dari garis ibu / Ulama Hadits / memerintahkan menulis hadits / menikah dg Fatimah binti Abdil Malik / Zahid, sederhana, kerja keras, juang tanpa henti / Khilafah -2th / 40 dinar tiap tahun / jual barang lama - uang ke baitul mal / mendamaikan Amawiyah, Syiah, Khawarij / menaikkan gaji gubernur / santunan / memperbarui dinas pos / menyamakan orang arab dan non arab / mengurangi pajak / menghentikan Jizyah bagi Islam baru/wafat 101 H.
Yazid II : Perselisihan Mudhariyah dan Yamaniyah / Kemunduran Umayyah 10 Hisyam bin Abd Malik : 20 th (105-125 H)/bersih, pemurah, gemar indah, akhlak mulia, teliti uang, takwa, adil/ terjadi gejolak dipelopori Syiah, sekutu Abbasiyah/ ada selisih putra mahkota melemahkan Umayyah.
Ada 4 Khalifah lain : Al Walid II, Yazid III, Ibrahim bin Al Walid, Marwan bin Muhammad / penghabisan / Terbunuh Abbasiyah 132 H/750 M
Ekspansi Wilayah 1- Melawan pasukan Romawi di Asia Kecil (Konstantinopel / Kep. Laut Tengah) 2- Afrika Utara / Samudera Atlantik / Jabal Thariq - Spanyol 3- Wilayah Timur / sebelah timur Irak / Turkistan Utara / Sindh bagian selatan
Penaklukan Tunis / Khurasan - Sungai Oxus / Afghanistan - Kabul
Masa Abdul Malik Balkh / Bukhara / Khawarizm / Fergana / Samarkand / India - Balukhistan, Sind, Punjab, Maltan
Masa Al Walid Maroko dan Aljazair / ke Eropa oleh Thariq bin Ziyad / Cordova / Seville / Elvira / Toledo
Umar bin Abd Aziz Serangan ke Prancis - Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al Ghafiqi / Bordeau dan Poitiers / Kota Tours / Al Ghafiqi terbunuh / kembali ke Spanyol
Penaklukkan Romawi : Selalu melakukan pengintaian dan Ekspedisi / dikepung 50 H/670 M & 53-61 H/672-680 M (tidak berhasil) / 1.700 Kapal / penaklukan Pulau Jarba (Tunisia) 49 H/669 m / Rhodesia 53H/673 M, Crete 55 H/680 M / Kep. Ijih dekat Konstantin 57 H/680 H
Penaklukkan Afrika : Benzarat (41 H/661 M) / Qamuniyah (dekat Qairawan) 45 H/665 M / Susat / Uqbah bin Nafi' menaklukkan Sirt dan Mogadishu, Tharablis, Wadan / Kur / Maghrib tengah (Aljazair)
Penaklukkan Wil Timur : Asia Tengah & Sindh / Antara Sungai Sayhun dan Jayhun / Kerajaan Thakharistan (Balkh) / Shafaniyan (Syawman) Shagad (Samarkand) / Bukhara / Farghanah (Jahandah) / Khawarizm (Jurjaniyah) / Asyrusanah (Banjakat) / Syasy (Bankats) / Mayor Kaum Paganis / 41 H/661 M / Abdullah bin Ziyad di Pegunungan Bukhara 44H/664 M.
SEBAB KEMUNDURAN 1- Beberapa Khalifah, kepribadian lemah 2- Hidup mewah, berlebihan harta 3- Memberi keputusan pada Panglima karena nafsu 4- Perselisihan karena Putra Mahkota 5- Perselisihan internal, rebutan kekuasaan 6- Fanatisme kearaban 7- Perselisihan dengan Budak yang dimerdekakan 8- Gerakan-gerakan pemberontak (Syiah, Khawarij, propaganda Abbasiyah)
Sebab Umum 1- Byzantium semakin kuat 2- Problem Ekonomi
PERADABAN DINASTI UMAYYAH 1- Katib Rasail (surat menyurat) 2- Katib Kharraj (penerimaan dan pengeluaran negara) 3- Katib Jundi (Ketentaraan) 4- Katib Syurtah (Keamanaan dan Ketertiban Umum) 5- Katib Qudhat (Badan Peradilan)
Pembangunan Terbaik : Qubah Shakhra' (Dome of The Rock) / Yerussalem Tokoh Terkenal : Al Ahthal / Farazdag / dll Ilmu Pengetahuan 1- Pengembangan Bahasa Arab 2- Kota pusat kegiatan ilmu (Marbad) 3- Ilmu Qiraat / Abdullah bin Qusair & Ashim bin Abu Nujud 4- Ilmu Tafsir / Mujahid 5- Ilmu Hadits / Muhammad bin Syihab al Zuhri / Hasan Bashri / Ibnu Abu Malikah / Al Sya'bi Abu Amru 6- Ilmu Fiqh / Qasim Ubaidullah / Urwah / Kharijah 7- Ilmu Nahwu 8- Ilmu Geografi dan Tarikh 9- Usaha Penerjemahan / Khalid bin Yazid
Beberapa Peran Khalifah Dalam Peradaban 1- Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan Membaca, menulis, berhitung, berenang, Al Quran, Ibadat / Mapel Utama "Adab" / Majelis Adab / Gurunya = Muaddib 2- Abdul Malik bin Marwan Adab - jauhkan orang jahat / berkata benar / Syair - mulia & berani / bersuci / adab minum air - dihirup pelan-pelan / menegur - tempat tertutup - tidak diketahui aib 3- Hisyam bin Abdil Malik Hendaklah bertakwa / melaksanakan apa yang dipercayakan / melatih dengan membaca Kitab Allah / riwaytakan syair yang baik / mengetahui halal dan haram / mengenalkan pidato dan cerita 4- Umar bin Abdul Aziz Hadits dibukukan - diajarkan di majlis-majlis / Dilakukan Ulama Muhammad bin Syihab al-Zauhri (guru Imam Malik) -> Ulama pertama yang membukukan hadits
Perpustakaan Daerah / 20 Januari 2023 / 13.24 Sejarah Peradaban Islam / Prakenabian Hingga Islam di Indonesia Dr. Din Muhammad Zakariya, M.Pd.I Penerbit Madani
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bandwagoningstims · 5 years
⋆dni if nsfw/kink, dd/lg, map, terf, or swerf⋆
⋆video by welshforhill⋆
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write-geek-love · 6 years
Runaway Mermaid, Chapter Fourteen -- Misty’s Choice
Fandom: Pokemon (Pokeshipping)
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: M
Summary: Years after she decided to quit her Pokemon journey to stay with Rudy on Trovita, Misty is finally getting married to him. It’s a week before their wedding when an old friend reappears unexpectedly, shaking up Misty’s world as she knows it. Will she go through with the wedding or does fate have other plans for her? Pokeshipping, alternate timeline. Slight AU.
ff.net | ao3
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bosstoaster · 2 years
If I ever feel like absolutely burning myself alive from hideous embarrassment, I'll link y'all to my very first fics back in ye old Pokemon.
(This is a lie, I will never do that)
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mister-lady · 3 years
Yes, exacto dhhfjfjhdhd
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mitchharry · 5 years
People don't want to hear spoilers obviously. That's why.
wow thanks for your explanation :) spoilers are inevitable anyway and you can’t tell people what to post and not to post
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nautiscarader · 1 year
Azure reunion - ch. 1
Disclaimer: All characters are aged-up,to match the theme of the story, and make Ash's endless journey a little more realistic. I haven;t seen anipoke for ages, so Bulbapedia, you are my only hope. Vulpix is the cutest Pokémon. The last thing has nothing to do with the story, it is just true, fight me irl.
It was good to back on the road. Or rather, above it. Feeling wind in his hair, as he sat on his trusty old Pidgeot, Ash Ketchum felt as if he was 10 years old again, starting his great journey…
It hasn't been that long since he arrived back from Galar, with dozens of new Pokémon at his side and shiny trophy with his name. His mom thought he'd stay home longer, but deep down she knew he wasn't made to sit down and bask in glory, his relentless spirit could only have been contained for so long…
He watched as clouds moved next to, underneath and around him, obscuring the many roads and landmarks he has visited over the last decade or so. Flocks of wild Starlys and Pidgeys surrounded them as they flew over the mountain ridge separating Kanto and Johto, with the peak of the majestic Mount Silver being the only higher point visible.
His partner tugged Ash's collar, prompting him to ask Pidgeot to lower the altitude and let Pikachu choose where to land. As the clouds dispersed, they were presented with vast, lush forests and dozens of lakes that dotted northern Johto, with its most recognisable one shining with the glow of the red, afternoon sun.
"Do you want go for a swim in a lake, bud?"
"Pika!", Pikachu replied.
"Okay then, looks like we'll be landing there."
Ash leaned forward and hugged his beloved starter as Pidgeot dived down, looking for a place to land. In the distance, far beyond the tree line, they could spot a few rustic buildings, with the only larger, more noticeable one being the Pokémon Center.
The large wings of Pidgeot flapped one more time before his claws touched the ground, allowing its passengers to safely unboard.
"Thanks, buddy", Ash nuzzled against Pidgeot's feathers. "Here, you deserve this, you flew half the continent."
He reached into his backpack, procuring a huge pile of choped berries, which Pidgeot began munching on immediately. Ash stretched his arms and walked towards the lake, marvelling at the colours of the sky reflecting in its surface.
…at least until a splash of water hit his face, nearly causing him to trip and fall.
"What the heck?", Ash looked around spotting the creature that splashed him. A rather bulky Azumarill puffed its cheeks, ready to hit the human again, but Ash's Pikachu was already on the case, jumping to protect him.
Azumarill evidently did not expect to find an electric mouse there, but it didn't give up, throwing mud at its foe to shield itself from its electricity.
"Oh, you think this will slow him down?", Ash smirked, "Use Electro Ball!"
Pikachu curved its tail and leaned forward, ready to tirn into a ball of lightning, his agile moves tossing any bit of ground and dirt sticking to its face. It rushed towards the mouse, but deliberately dodged its punch, surrounding it from the back in a swift distraction. With an upper paw, he began glowing and charged at the frightened Pokémon, watching as its fear-filled eyes got bigger and bigger until… they disappeared in a flash of light.
"No, return!"
A new voice caught their attention as Azumarill was returned to its owner's Pokéball, vcausing Pikachu to collide with Ash with tremendous force, making the two fall into lake with a far greater splash.
For quite a moment, Ash was confused as to what has happened, until the same voice brought him back to reality… but only just, as the familiar tone nearly made him fall again.
As his vision cleared up, he was greeted with wide-open,surprised blue eyes, and the red hair, matching the tone of the late afternoon sky.
"Pikachu-Pi!", Pikachu joined him, as the young woman reached her hand to help him get up.
For quite a while, Ash was rendered speechless, unable to gather thoughts racing his mind. She was quite possibly the last person he expected to find, and now she was towering over him, he could see how much-and how little at the same time has changed.
Her hair style was different; gone was the single ponytail, in favour of more symmetric haircut, though still far from the lush, opulent hairdos of her sisters. Her suspenders were gone too, though she kept her yellow-and-blue attire, complemented by a fisherman's jacket with dozen of pockets, one of which housed her Mega Ring, as well as other Pokéballs.
But Misty was in for far bigger surprise when she finally helped him get up and found out she could no longer stare down at him, her eyes levelled at his far more pronounced jawline, covered in subtlest of stubbles. And when she finally looked at him, words were stuck in her throat as well, when she realised how much her friend has grown, and how he differed from the image she has seen on TV.
With their eyes fixated at each other, the two youngsters were left in a silent stalemate, gathering words that could express their feelings and thoughts that have accumulated over the years.
Their lips came within inches from each other, their breaths mixing, as the two came closer and closer….
At least until Misty delivered a solid punch to his head.
"Me?", Ash countered, assuming hi own fighting stance "Why did he splash us?!"
"Pika!", Pikachu chimed in.
"Cos he was securing my fishing spot!", she pointed back, at the slightly obscured blanket and tent, togther with fishing supplies left on the ground.
"Oh, I guess that-that does make sense…"
The two stared at each other in disbelief before bursting into laughter, interrupted only by Misty welcoming back Pikachu that leapt into her arms.
"Hey there! Long time no see…"
"Yeah, it's been a while since Alola…", he scratched his head. "You-you look great…"
"Well you do not", she countered sternly, catching his attention, "You are soaked!".
"Yeah, you are right, we should…"
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kittenbutt · 2 years
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kuroimarzipan · 3 years
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i only draw new refs of hestra when she dies and has to get revivified again. by which i mean ive done it twice my dm has it OUT for this holy cow he’s killed her with bugs two whole times
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graceentertainment · 3 years
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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extensive travels: aka, to alternate shards and back
but also i spent so much of heavensward getting lost on ice fields damn it, i failed a duty because those ice fields all look the aamr
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neptunus29 · 4 years
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Sumber Foto: TV Guide
Sinopsis Film | I Am Sam
Film ini menceritakan tentang Sam Dawson yang mengalami Mental Retardation (MR). 
American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) menyatakan bahwa MR menunjukkan adanya keterbatasan yang signifikan dalam berfungsi, baik secara intelektual maupun perilaku adaptif yang terwujud melalui kemampuan adaptif konseptual, sosial, dan praktikal yang dipelajari untuk dapat berfungsi dalam kehidupannya sehari–hari (AAMR dalam Simangunsong, 2009).
Sam bekerja sebagai pegawai Starbuck. Sebenarnya Lucy bukanlah anak kandung Sam tetapi anak Rebecca, temannya yang hamil di luar nikah. Setelah melahirkan, Rebecca meninggalkan anaknya bersama Sam. 
Sam membesarkan anak itu dan menamainya Lucy Diamond Dawson yang terinspirasi dari lirik lagu The Beatles. Lucy tumbuh menjadi gadis yang cantik dan pintar, bahkan Lucy memiliki kapasitas kecerdasan yang melebihi Sam. Ketika Lucy berusia 7 tahun, Dinas Sosial anak-anak menganggap bahwa Sam tidak akan mampu mengasuh dan memberikan pendidikan yang layak kepada Lucy dengan tingkat intelenjensi Sam yang tidak lebih dari anak-anak berusia 7 tahun. 
Lucy diambil pemerintah dan diserahkan kepada orang tua asuh sementara.
Untuk membela haknya, Sam meminta bantuan kepada Rita Harrison, seorang pengacara workaholic yang tidak mempunyai waktu bersama putranya dan kurang memberikan perhatiannya.
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write-geek-love · 6 years
Runaway Mermaid, Chapter Fifteen -- The Red String of Fate
Fandom: Pokemon (Pokeshipping)
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: M
Summary: Years after she decided to quit her Pokemon journey to stay with Rudy on Trovita, Misty is finally getting married to him. It’s a week before their wedding when an old friend reappears unexpectedly, shaking up Misty’s world as she knows it. Will she go through with the wedding or does fate have other plans for her? Pokeshipping, alternate timeline. Slight AU.
ff.net | ao3
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angelaamr173 · 4 years
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FB.Pag: El Chico Vacío FB: Angel AAMR Twitter: @AnyeloDreyk173 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwvimxlD8K/?igshid=1cnghdwtpev8s
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