#aaravos backstory
chronicvillainstan · 1 year
So, Leola = Startouch Elf, can shapeshift into a unicorn? Leola = gift-giver of Primal Stones. Was her "Last Wish" to empower humanity? To spare them from Luna Tenebris's wrath? And was she cast from the heavens because of it? AND WHO IS LAURELION?!
I may write this up in full at a later date, but my working theory is that Leola & Laurelion both have some connection to Aaravos. Leola took pity on humans and was cast out (Leola is the "falling star" in Ripples, who had "given" humanity something it was "never meant to have" + the "daughter of an elven leader" in the novelization of Book 1). Meanwhile, Laurelion was stabbed by Aaravos as *Laurelion* was the one to cast Leola out. In turn, Aaravos was also cast out, but could never find Leola as she'd shapeshifted into a unicorn.
So, in a nutshell, Leola is Aaravos's daughter, and everything that happened to her partly drives Aaravos's actions (amazing Viravos parallels if this is the case).
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biopsssihozz · 2 months
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not sure which one i like more hhhh
i binged dragon prince in two and a half days, have read all the fics i was interested in and am now a little obsessed. and aaravos is one of the reasons, he is such an evil and manipulative dramatic babygirl i love him <33
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wasp-jar · 1 month
Thinking about this scene
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(and I can't find the screenshot)
but when aaravos first meets Claudia and is like "she will be a valuable asset 😏" and virens "she's my daughter 😡"
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httyddragonfox · 2 months
The Dragon Prince: Hatred & Vengeance vs Justice.
We are always told that Justice is better than Vengeance. If someone does something morally wrong with no defense for their actions, then they need to be brought to their actions.
Viren killed Rayla's parents, at least put them in a fate worse than death, she is justified in her hatred. Viren is also a threat to Xadia, a threat to peace, willing to kill a baby dragon, start a war with Xadia, kills humans just to achieve that war. He's dangerous and needs to be dealt with. That's justice. Do what needs to be done and nothing more. However, when Viren disappears, Rayla can't rest until she knows he's gone. She gets obsessed with revenge and this makes her leave Callum behind, believing she was doing what was best for him. As she admits in the second arc, it was wrong to leave him behind and go searching for Viren. She didn't even find him so all she did was leave Callum for 2 years.
Then there's the characters who lost who they loved in similar situations.
Avizandum, the Dragon King, struck down Sarai as she attempted to save Viren's life. She didn't want to go on the mission to Xadia, she thought it was wrong what they were doing, but she died doing the right thing. Avizandum was protecting the border, he was doing his job, he's not a threat to anyone who doesn't cross it. There's no need for violent justice, sadly. It was cruel, but that's just how things were.
Similarly, Leola was tattled on by Anak Arow, which caused the Star touch elves to deem her worthy of death. Her crime, she gave magic to humans, and thanks to divination, they foresaw that this would lead to the end. Yet, she was a child who just wished to be kind to the people she loved. They were just enacting what they saw as justice, it's cruel and sad, but there is no need for justice as violence.
The best form of justice here, is making sure they don't die in vain, to fulfill their wishes. For Sarai, making sure the people could survive the winter. For Leola, making sure the humans had a chance.
However, justice is doing what is necessary and nothing more.
Both Aaravos, as well as Callum and Harrow, are justified in their hatred. (Heck, I hate the Star touch elves and Leola is not even my daughter).
How they act on their hatred determines who they are as people.
Harrow was willing to leave Avizandum alone, knowing vengeance for Sarai would not fix anything, only creating a bigger mess. Callum seeing Avizandum dead does not bring him joy, despite still hating the dragon. The reason, he's sad for Zym, it's his father and Zym is an innocent. Zym had nothing to do with what happened to his mom, heck Zym is a friend. Who is he to wish the death of a parent on him, despite it already happened, he can't be happy for it knowing what Zym has to live with.
Then there's Aaravos, who has spent centuries enacting his vengeance, trying so hard to destroy the cosmic order. Leola would have been content with humans just knowing primal magic, but he chose to make a bigger mess of things by giving them dark magic. He not only enacts vengeance on Sol Regum, but causes the end of several Xadian rulers all to cause war and have Xadia destroy itself. He killed Khessa for no reason, tried to kill baby Zym for no real reason, and had Katollis destroyed for no real reason (he could have had Claudia sneak in and get it). When Sol Regum eventually does die, Aaravos has to taunt him over the fact he's been manipulated for centuries, and enjoys his suffering. Meanwhile, he doesn't care that a kingdom of innocent people got torched.
Aaravos doesn't seem to care about lives anymore, only seeing people as potential pawns. He seems to enjoy arrogant people meeting their end in painful, humiliating ways, even if those people had nothing to do with his suffering.
Terry is right: What happened to him was awful, but he's been so twisted by hatred and vengeance that it's turned him into a monster with no concern for life, living for the suffering of others.
Callum and Harrow are better for attempting to not let their hatred rule them, Rayla is better for choosing justice over vengeance, but Aaravos is a villain for choosing violence and chaos and war.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 month
Why did they make Aaravos a dilf!?
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melodiesblue · 2 months
Just finished watching the most recent season of the dragon prince and
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I think I'm gonna need to lie down...
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self-spaghettification · 11 months
me when s6 gives me everything i want and more
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raayllum · 5 months
the 6x08 clue is getting dropped at Midnight today
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mothlover69 · 2 months
Aaravos was just a toxic villain i thought was hot but unfortunately it turns out his motivations were the one thing that makes me weak and oooough i need him
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itachi86 · 2 months
oh what aaravos had a child
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corvikari · 2 months
So I watched The Dragon Prince Season 6 all in one day. Here are my brief thoughts, I’ll do a series of longer posts throughout this weekend and into this week detailing my in depth thoughts but for now it’s just a quick post
Things I liked
-Zubeia not being dead
-LEOLA. JUST LEOLA. Sweet baby child you’re so precious-
-Soren getting serious when he needs to be and showing that he’s actually a good character underneath comic relief
-Sorvus shipping bait
-Karim’s plan going horribly wrong and blowing up in his face
-Stella being an agent of chaos
-Backstory for Callums dad
-Magefam backstory
-Claudia’s prosthetic leg
-Katolis backstory
Things I wasn’t particularly happy about/Didnt sit right with me
-Them bringing back Viren a second time only to basically do nothing that entire time, we already got his feelings of wanting to change before he died out in season 4 why do we need to go through it again?
-Ezran stepping up to say “Viren doesn’t deserve mercy”. I was proud of the guy for being assertive but it came out of nowhere and felt targeted only towards Viren and no one else
-Rayllum just getting completely back together out of nowhere, like absolutely NO apology (except for one little sorry that got cut off, how is that an apology exactly?) anywhere then they’re back to kissing? Felt like they were rushing trying to get them back together just to be a finale/final season couple.
-They gave Claudia the conflict of doing dark magic only for her to turn right around and act like it didn’t happen. I understand that it was because of Viren and with him being dead and all but still I would have just preferred her being set in her ways, don’t bait us into thinking she’s going to be redeemed when she obviously isn’t.
-The celestial elves not telling the truth about the pearl eventually. Like you knew it wasn’t real maybe i dunno that’s a little important??
-The conflict of Rayla choosing who to save was over REALLY quick, like yeah she chose before she dove into the moon pool but all we get is two lines of her telling us that she is deciding who to pick (if it was that many lines even, like not even a visual cue?)
-pacing was still all over for me (and has been since season 4) certain things felt too rushed whereas for others it felt like it was going so slow
Wow this was a lot. Even though it doesn’t seem brief it is Lol. I will make posts eventually detailing individual episodes or plot points (once I rewatch the season) to better organize my thoughts to one topic or episode. Hope you all have a great weekend, God bless!!
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chronicvillainstan · 1 year
Reading Patience (the official Aaravos POV short story) reconfirms my theory that Aaravos genuinely has a saviour complex a la Viren's "bright future for humanity." On the surface, yes, he *appears* affectionate towards humanity. He admires their patience, their character, and it's strongly implied he "gifted" them with Dark Magic so as to help them prosper. At the same time, part of his contempt towards Xadia and his kind seems to derive from the way they scorned humanity ("The stars, after all, have no interest in the lives of mortals. The stars are arrogant, blinded by their own incandescent light...") But Aaravos' 'affection' is clearly not without fault. He uses people for his own ends, playing the cosmic game of chess. They're "vessels," puppets, figurines. In many ways, Aaravos is as arrogant and apathetic as his brethren. He, too, dismisses the lives of humans. But the key is that Aaravos sees potential in humans where his brethren don't. He's intrigued by their patience, their character, and we can see that in the way he preys on those with "strong minds and strong hearts." So this 'affection,' such as it is, is Aaravos' way of saying: 'humans have infinite potential, and I wish to help them fulfill it.' And why? Well, he sees an opportunity to be revered, to be worshiped for his greatness and hospitality. He would be the one to share the "brilliant light" of his kind. To be 'the one' that fulfilled humanity's true potential.
And if he's the one that 'saved' humanity, then the "arrogance" of Xadia isn't justified.
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Just remembered I need to catch up on The Dragon Prince
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coconut530 · 2 months
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Sulk in the sea of your sadness, starlight
textless/bg under cut
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#The Dragon Prince#6#Well hello beautiful followers I am not dead#I was just away and busy for a month#But now I’m back home#And I am dying over TDP#I’ve been into that show since it launched… watched ATLA for the first time in 2018 so I knew who Aaron was#And I have been continually impressed by it#Every season gets better and better and better it’s amazing#My favorite characters are Callum Janai Amaya Terry Ruthari Zubeia Soren and of course Aaravos… and now Leola#I found out the season came out the day it did#I was just like “hm lemme check the tag” and then saw so many new screenshots and the countdown acct saying “23 hrs for S7”#Then I went and watched the trailer that I was 2 weeks late to and was just BLOWN AWAY#But I was not home then so I had to wait a couple days#Then when I got home I IMMEDATELY turned it on#This season was stunning#Animation is so much better like the microexpressions and scenery and all that just omggggg#All the callbacks and development for the characters were done so well… Soren Viren conflict broke meeeeeeeeeee#And worldbuilding crazy like the Starscraper wowwwwwwwww#But yeah I immediately looked for Aaravos scraps and when I got to episode 9 it just broke me on so many levels… Rayla’s parents Runaan hgn#And Aaravos’ backstory got me crying in the club Leola didn’t deserve any of that#Her stimming and Aaravos’ expert parenting the representation in this show continues to be the most meaningful in the business#So yes I had to draw something for him#I know his colors technically muted after he lost her but let me have saturated colors I love them#So yeah I’m back… also got a fun surprise for tomorrow so stay tuned here!!
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If the Aaravos x Elarion theory ends up being true, “Chant (Reprise)” would work frighteningly well for Aaravos and Callum…
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darkmagicmirror · 1 year
Me, on a daily basis: crying about Aaravos
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