#aatrox the darkin blade
aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Legends of Runeterra: Darkins & Weapons - Part 3/3
Aatrox & the Darkin Blade
Varus & the Darkin Bow
Rhaast & the Darkin Scythe
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cosmic-selena · 1 year
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"This is your absolution."
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dirgc · 7 months
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | interactions.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | musings.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | visage.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | interactions.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | musings.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | visage.
+ the righteous; kayle. | interactions.
+ the righteous; kayle. | musings.
+ the righteous; kayle. | visage.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | interactions.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | musings.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | visage.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | interactions.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | musings.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | visage.
+ the purifier; lucian. | interactions.
+ the purifier; lucian. | musings.
+ the purifier; lucian. | visage.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | interactions.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | musings.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | visage.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | interactions.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | musings.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | visage.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | interactions.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | musings.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | visage.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | interactions.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | musings.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | visage.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | interactions.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | musings.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | visage.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | interactions.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | musings.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | visage.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | interactions.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | musings.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | interactions.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | interactions.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | visage
+ the sable; nero. | interactions.
+ the sable; nero. | musings.
+ the sable; nero. | visage.
+ the turk; reno. | interactions.
+ the turk; reno. | musings.
+ the turk; reno. | visage.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | interactions.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | musings.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | visage.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | interactions.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | musings.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | visage.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | interactions.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | musings.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | visage.
0 notes
wreckedregent7 · 2 years
Regent’s Ramblings - Aatrox’s VGU
Another day, another pointed thought-spill, this time about something I have in the back of my brain about 90% of the time. Riot has a reasonably good track record with VGUs - Sion, Warwick, Dr. Mundo, Udyr, etc. - oftentimes when they take the time to hash out and reinforce the core identity of a Champion, they manage to nail it pretty consistently.
However, there’s one Champion that wound up in a particularly poor state of balance following his VGU, and that state has been kept in constant flux ever since, with him very frequently crossing the line of dominance and needing to be pushed back down, and with his core fantasy being poorly expressed in gameplay. And man, do I have a love/hate relationship with Aatrox.
Before I talk about his VGU, I need to talk about what Aatrox was before it. In appearance, he was strikingly alien - tall, slender, with ragged banner-like wings, prominent horns, a jagged, segmented sword, and a posture of unusual refinement despite his trademark being unbridled violence. He made for an impressive character as one of a rare species known as Darkin, and his lithe form helped sell the aggression of his Diver playstyle.
His passive allowed him to store up energy in his Blood Well, and when it was full, he was given a revive a la Guardian Angel, being temporarily put in stasis as his health regenerated from the well. His Q fired two converging blades of energy to slow opponents at a range, his E allowed him to dive in, knocking opponents airborne if he landed on them, and his W allowed him to toggle his weapon between Blood Thirst - giving him minor burst heals every third hit - or Blood Price - sacrificing his health to boost the damage of every third hit.
And his Ultimate, Massacre, had him siphon the health from enemies nearby, giving him boosted movement speed and attack speed, making him a living single-target blender who could either sustain himself in combat or go full HAM to murder someone at great risk to himself.
When Riot planned their VGU for him, they initially wanted to keep him as a Diver - a Fighter who has strong engage tools and high consistent damage output with modest durability. They wanted to keep his drain-tanking mechanics, but reinforce his thematic identity as a warlord and war-deity.
And then when his VGU arrived, he became a Juggernaut - having lower average mobility, being easily kited, but having staggeringly high damage and durability to compensate - with some drain-tanking mechanics. His gameplay went from aggressive, risky plays to crowd control and masterful positioning, which, while not a bad thing in and of itself, but coupled with his other mechanics, does make for a bad combination.
So, covering his current kit real quick; His passive has him periodically empower his next basic attack to deal extra damage based on the target’s %max health, and heal him based on the post-mitigation damage, reduced against minions. Hitting enemies reduces the cooldown, and landing his Q sweet spots reduces it even more.
His Q is a three-part ability, where he slams his sword in three unique patterns, each with a sweet spot that deals extra damage and knocks the target airborne for a moment. The first is a narrow line with the sweet spot at the end, the second being a broad cone with the sweet spot at the outer edge, and then the last being a point-blank circle area with the center of the circle being the sweet spot.
His W launches a projectile that damages the first enemy hit, and if it’s a large jungle monster or a champion, it creates a trapezoidal field with the narrower section closer to Aatrox, with a chain linking the Champion to the center; if they remain in the area for a few seconds, they take additional damage and are dragged back to the center.
His E passively heals him for post-mitigation damage dealt to Champions, and also allows him a short dash, which he can use to adjust his positioning mid-Q. And finally his Ultimate fears nearby minions, grants him bonus Attack Damage, Movement Speed, and self-healing, with its duration resetting on Champion takedown.
His Ultimate used to grant him a one-off revive like Blood Well where he could move around while reviving, but they removed it some time after the VGU went live.
Now, you may notice that, despite having a kit that encourages drain-tanking and consistent damage output, Aatrox gets no attack speed steroids or anything like that. Meaning that the bulk of his healing is going to come from landing his Q, and especially the sweet spots. They don’t have too awful long of a cooldown, but the problem becomes much more apparent in practice.
Remember how I said his gameplay went from risky aggression to masterful positioning? Yeah, I meant it. Surviving as Aatrox means that you need to land your Q sweet spots; the 60% bonus damage matters, and on top of that the momentary knockup helps stall your opponent from landing hits in the trade - but Aatrox’s Q has windup, and the pattern is set, and thus becomes predictable.
Your enemy will start to dodge your Qs better, and then it becomes even more imperative that you get better positioning, catch your opponent with W, read their movements, feint, readjust, etc., just to get reasonable sustainability from a Champion whose mechanical identity is “drain tank”.
Comparing him to another drain tank for a second; Vladimir has a similar means of sustain - it’s all in his abilities, namely his Transfusion and Hemoplague. But he doesn’t rely so much on positioning; he can heal consistently off of minions since it’s a flat heal per rank, and he only gets a more effective boost during his Crimson Rush - it’s not tied to his damage, it’s tied to his ability rank and AP scaling, and a small reward for aggressive positioning and timing.
His Hemoplague, similarly, heals for a flat amount per Champion, with a reduction for subsequent Champions after the first. There’s no finnicky damage math - just “did I hit an enemy”. Sanguine Pool heals him as well, but notably for pre-mitigation damage; meaning, once again; your healing is not dictated by the enemy’s defenses, but rather your ability to stay aggressive and leech off of them.
Meanwhile Aatrox is a drain tank who can’t do his job well without a significant investment in items - and since his healing is tied to post-mitigation damage, he winds up being extremely janky as a Juggernaut whose first item is Lethality - Eclipse. Without the effective flat armor penetration provided by Eclipse, Aatrox doesn’t do any actual draining, despite being, again, a “drain tank.”
And I’m sure someone out there’s wondering; “why all this fuss over sustain?” - and the simplest answer is, because sustain is Aatrox’s identity, and it doesn’t mesh with his current mechanics. It makes him highly intensive to play, and also somehow manages to tie his ability to perform not just to player skill, but also specific, rigid itemization that runs counter to his mechanical design.
The standard Juggernaut fare as far as Mythics go are items that blend durability with damage - Goredrinker, Stridebreaker, Divine Sunderer, Riftmaker, etc. - and here we have a Juggernaut who has extreme difficulty functioning if his first item isn’t a Skirmisher Mythic. It lacks in effective durability (no, the shield doesn’t mean shit) which only increases the pressure to perform and exhibit the aforementioned masterful positioning.
And with Aatrox’s success so inextricably tied to specific itemization, he winds up being nerfed when his core gameplay becomes too effective; as seen with his semi-recent nerfs towards his sustain.
I’m gonna close this one out by saying, something I would love to see for Aatrox is to get his Deathbringer Stance changed; instead of periodically making his next basic attack give him a small burst heal, make it crush a portion of the target’s armor. Sacrifice one of his healing sources in exchange for giving him the power to make his healing actually function without needing high damage, low-durability itemization to come online.
It would bring back some of his risk/reward gameplay and still encourage skillful trades, as an enemy who gets their armor crunched is going to be far more wary of Aatrox’s predictable attack patterns.
I’d also love to see his revive effect come back, but I’ve given up hope on that one, no matter how many limitations could be put on it.
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 2 months
Hey! Is it alright if I ask for aftercare hcs for the league bois for fem reader??? (Thresh,zed,Kayn Aatrox maybe?)
Also I love your stories plz keep up the good work, I read them after some ranked matches sometimes.
✦–Aftercare headcanons.✦ (NSFW)
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✦How do they care about you (or not /jk) after sex.
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✧ prompt: ✧ aftercare headcanons preceded with some sex scenes.
✧ champions: ✧ Aatrox, the Darkin Blade; Kayn, the Shadow Reaper; Thresh, the Chain Warden; Zed, the Master of Shadows.
✧ reader: ✧ female.
✧ author’s note: ✧ I’m not dead, although I am not promising anything - totally not staying here for long. I might just reappear sometime and then vanish again. But I’m reading all your request and thinking of them, promise. Don’t ever stop sending them <3.
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✦Aatrox, the Darkin Blade.
The World Ender is not a person to be underestimated in any circumstances. He is the antonym of the word “gentle”, both on the battlefield and privately. And there is no exception for you, his fucktoy. You are a mere human; of course someone - or something - as powerful as the Darkin would not have mercy for you. After fucking you disdainfully, listening to your woeful cries and moans, which were making the experience even better, Aatrox usually leaves you to take care of himself. But before vanishing, in an act of pity, he seldom leaves you with something - something only from him, a kind of gift. Like a souvenir: a burn, a claw mark or a cut. And that’s his “aftercare” - making you remember him. What’s even more rare - him letting you rest beside him a bit, absorbing the heat that beams from his inner rage. The World Ender is indeed warm, but only physically; he wouldn’t let you bond with him, as he has to continue with his purpose - to destroy everything.
✦Kayn, the Shadow Reaper.
Surprisingly, Kayn is a very talkative person during sex. And totally a loud one. This man has no shame, especially when it comes to begging you to ride his face or to get the chance to burry his nose and lips in your vagina. The successor of the Shadow Order is eager, although he tires quickly - his youth prevents him from going on for multiple rounds with you. But Kayn doesn’t mind you using him for your own pleasure and this always ends up with him beneath you, panting from overstimulation yet grinning at you widely. Because of that - that he doesn’t mind being the bottom - it isn’t rare when you are the one to tenderly kiss him after making him cum multiple times. You whisper sweet, praising words into Kayn’s ear, while his numb hands slide on your body, circling around his favourite parts of it. And it’s not like the Shadow Reaper can’t do aftercare or be the dominant one - of ourse not. He tends to be clumsy, but in the end - responsible for sure; whenever he finishes with enough strenght, he gladly carries you into a bathtub, joining you in the warm waters. But, in the end… He just enjoys you pampering him.
✦Thresh, the Chain Warden.
Every time you get intimate with the infmaous, greedy and definitely ominous keeper of the Shadow Isles, it involves chains. Of course it does. He is not the perilous Chain Warden for no reason. Every time he puts his clawed, metal-chased hands on you, slowly making himself comfortable on your tantalizing body, you end up chained to a wall or a bed, left at his mercy to toy with you. But whenever you are the one to initiate sex, both of you eventually find yourselves bounded to each other, metaphorically and physically. Either way Thresh’s stamina and durability are way higher than yours - thanks to the magical alterations he has overcome - so after making you cum and pleasing himself inside of you, he is less tired than you. Thanks to that, the Chain Warden is always the one to take care of you. He always starts with removing all the ropes or chains, gently and conscientiously, and treating the bruises that they left. He lets you rest and not even lift a finger, because he takes care of everything. But Thresh certainly takes his time with it, cleaning and wipping off every sticky liquid that might have end up between your legs. After all, he is a caring lover, making sure that aftercare is nothing of your concern; Thresh takes pleasure from having control in his own hands. And whenever you act possessive during foreplay, pretending like you try to reject him or turn off, he gladly chains you to a bed, only to leave you like this for hours.
✦Zed, the Master of Shadows.
Oh, how your Master enjoys taking you from behind. Having your ass bouncing before him, balls deep and with the chance of pulling your hair, just to hear your rapid moans. Zed doesn’t let you rest; he is a busy man and he often acts like there was no time left during sex - ever moment and every second he could be summoned for another emergency. That’s why his thrusts are always so desperate, aggresive, relentless. The Master of Shadows acknowledges that after sex you must be tired - he also is, although he would not admit that - that’s why he cleans himself right out, only to return and firlmy massage your back. It is kind of a characteristic trair of him - giving you a relaxing massages after sex, still covetously looking at your ass, probably thinking about the next time he will get the chance to fuck it without mercy. If you could read his mind, you would certainly think of Zed as overzelaous when it comes to fucking you, despite his age. And sometimes it actually comes out of him: while giving you the usual massage, your Master can’t stop himself; ignoring his own exhaustion, he enter you from the back once again, only to hear your surprised mewl. He lives for that sound. And he will fuck you as long as you squirm, moan and pant. Aftercare with Master Zed is almost as challenging as accompaning him on the battlefield.
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demon64 · 2 months
So... still thinking of Darksiders/League of Legends crossovers, and one thing that could be cool to see? War fighting Aatrox. Just imagine it! The Red Rider versus The Darkin Blade! A battle for the ages! Some of the biggest and baddest of their universes likely quake in fear once one of them show up!
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Could War be the one to not only destroy the Darkin Blade, but finally put Aatrox to rest? Or would Aatrox come out on top with War as a new, powerful vessel for his plan to end the world?
I could potentially see it going either way. I am entirely unsure which would come out on top in more scenarios. Both are functionally immortal, with the power to potentially end worlds when at their strongest.
Hmmm. The brighter side of my mind makes me want War to potentially win this, at least so that the Darkin Blade himself can hopefully finally die. Aatrox only wishes to end the world because he's a broken man who is unkillable, all in the hopes that by ending everything that it would include his own end. Maybe War could give Aatrox that finality he so wishes for?
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vewyscawywriting · 1 year
The Darkin Blade
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Aatrox x F!Summoner
Wordcount: 1713
Tags: Doggy style, thigh fucking, object insertion, sheath, ridged dick, rough sex, overstimulation, size kink
Summary: Aatrox corners you in the hallway, talking about some rumours he's heard about you. When you seem open to his invitations, he takes you to your room. But did you bite off more than you can chew this time?
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You were held up against the wall outside your room by none other than Aatrox.
"You took Rhaast and thought you did a good job, huh mortal?"
Fear was etched across your face, not because Aatrox had actively done something to scare you, but fear about the implications of his words.
Sure, the Rift changed most champions sizes to match each other a bit more for fairness in battle, Aatrox was still a... particularly large man. Well... You took Mordekaiser, Aatrox was only a little bit bigger you supposed. He didn't seem to know of this particular escapade of you, probably because you were taken to the spirit realm by the Iron Revenant. However, that was a little while ago already, and now you were cornered by the World Ender himself. 
"Wonder how you measure up?" you squeaked at him, as if he didn't have the capability to split you in half. In a good way, you hoped.
"Please," he growled with a crude laugh, "What could he possibly have on me? but I have to admit, I'm impressed. Your skills on the Rift are not the only thing that gets spoken about in hushed whispers, little one."
Oh, well, that was, hm. You weren't sure how to feel about that.
"I hope good things only?" You were intimidated by his scowl, his height over you, but you couldn't help your eyes wandering to his crotch area, that seemed pretty naked and... dick-less? 
"Amusing things." was his short answer, but you knew the only thing he tolerated, or even invited, were things that amused him. Even the World Ender was not immune to all of his whims, and Aatrox would even leave some enemies live (for a while) if they amused him enough. 
"That's... good?" you said, looking back up to his face, where a large grin grew. Sharp teeth greeted you and you tried to smile back. It came out a little watery and pathetic, but you smiled at the Darkin none the less, something not many could accomplish. You took it as a little victory.
"Very good, tiny mortal." he said, "You've peaked my interest. Chin up now, that's as much of a compliment you'll get. Or would you rather me leave you be? I can't fathom why, but mortals make stupid decisions."
"Oh, oh, no. I guess, uh, it depends on what you want?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
You once again looked down at his crotch. No, no it wasn't obvious at all. Uh, maybe you had misread him. Maybe him holding you up against the wall like this was some kind of way to start conversation?
This time he followed your gaze, and threw his head back in laughter as he noticed what you'd been looking at. 
"How bold! Well, at least you understand what I want. Don't worry about that too much, little one. You'll see soon enough."
He grabbed you, hoisted you over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, and carried you to your room. You wondered if all Darkin were the same, and were proven when he, too, slapped your ass for good measure. Aatrox however, was much rougher, his hand kneading your ass before you were even in the safety of your own room. Once again you were unceremoniously dropped on your bed, this time bouncing a little more. 
"Undress," he said, and stood waiting (im)patiently at the end of your bed, hovering over you. You scrambled off the bed and did as he said, laying back down where he'd dropped you earlier. Thighs together still, though you were sure he was gonna change that fast. 
He made a pleased sound, before turning you around, pushing your body harshly into the mattress.
You were on your hands and knees, pussy bare to his hungry eyes. He didn't waste any words on you- spreading your thighs apart instantly. His face quickly found your crotch, making you mewl out lewdly. 
"Shit," came from you as he inhaled noisily, but other than a small nip to your inner thighs nothing happened, and you frowned while looking back at him.
"You are very small," he murmured, "You're gonna need a lot of preparing."
You were unsure if even with preparation you were going to be able to take him... if he really had a dick, because you still hadn't seen it. Which didn't mean you weren't going to try! 
"Just touch me then," you said, impatiently, as you wiggled your lower body at him, looking past your own body to his' between your spread legs. 
Oh you saw something now. 
His crotch area had started leaking, and a slit had revealed itself; making your eyes widen. Ohhh, Darkin had sheaths? You hadn't been able to look at Rhaast properly, but you were sure looking now as slowly the head of his dick appeared from the slit, bringing with it more slick. It had slowly started leaking down his legs, and you groaned at the sight of his manhood appearing. The moment he noticed you were looking though, he grabbed your head and pushed it down into the mattress, other hand on your ass, kneading the presented flesh roughly. You were about to comment on it, but his large fingers found your lower lips wet and ready for him.
"Don't worry, you'll be touched as much as you want and more."
Something cold and hard was against your entrance now, and you gasped out when he slowly started inserting it, stretch both pleasurable and painful. 
"What are you-" you groaned as you looked back, and jolted when you saw Aatrox holding his blade, slowly opening you with the hilt. "Shit, what the fuck~"
He groaned as if he could feel it, and you realized he probably could considering the blade was him. 
The hilt was warm, like him, and actually throbbed as he slowly fucked you with it. Despite the warmth and the natural feel to it it was still stiff steel, and you squirmed against it; unsure if you liked it or hated it. 
"Aatrox, I want you," you said, inching more towards dislike the rougher he got with it, and he chuckled. 
"You're not ready by far, impatient thing, but you wished for it." and with that he removed the hilt, groan escaping you both as he did, and he lined himself up with you. The head of his dick was almost uncomfortably hot, and you looked over your shoulder to get a good look at it. You thought the hilt of his blade had been a stretch, but his dick... It was huge, and you stiffened as you realized that he was right. You were not ready for that. 
Slowly he inched in, grabbing your hair as he pulled you back against him, and you whined at the sting. The first inches were fine, but then he stretched you so far you yelped out for him to stop. He was bigger than Morde, and he had probably been your limit. 
"See?" he hissed, "Much too greedy." he thrust in and out shallowly a couple of times, but withdrew at the unsatisfied feeling. 
"Put your legs together," he growled, and you did, folding your knees to lock your legs in place. He slapped your ass again, as he put his long clawed fingers inside of you, collecting your slick and wiping it on your legs. He helped with his own, pre leaking from his dick and slick from his sheath, as he slathered you in the makeshift lube. "Now hold them tight," he added, as if you weren't squeezing them as hard as you could already. And with a rub of your ass he slowly slipped between your legs, rubbing against your clit and stomach as he rutted in. A curse in a language you didn't understand fell from his lips as he started thrusting. First slow, then faster and faster until you were pushed into the mattress so hard you couldn't hold yourself up anymore. The only reason you managed to keep your head high enough to breath and moan out your pleasure was because he was holding your hair tightly in his fist, pulling you back to him with every thrust. It was painful and rough, but somehow extremely satisfying as he used your body for his pleasure. 
The growled words coming from him were absolutely filthy and you felt your body burn as he pulled you up further, making you sit on his legs as he thrust up with a speed you could barely keep up with. You realized with pleasure that his dick had ridges, that were rubbing against your outer lips and clit so deliciously with every rough thrust, and you keened out your appreciation. 
"Shit, yes Aatrox," you moaned as you were brought over the edge by him, shivering in his grasp as you came harshly, legs locking up tightly against his burning dick. 
He groaned with you, unceasing in his rhythm, throbbing harshly between your legs as he chased his own release. His large clawed hands came to your front, kneading your breasts as he continued his onslaught on your clit, overstimulation instantly bringing you to a second orgasm while you begged in broken sentences for him to slow. 
His hips stuttered as drool from your open mouth hit his dick, cooling it as he shivered at the sensation of your fluids mingling with his.  
"You're doing so well, little cock sleeve," he hissed, stuttering his final thrusts before he came with a loud roar, head thrown back. You were sure the entire building had heard him, but at this point you couldn't care less; covered in his cum practically from head to toe. You shivered in his grasp as he slowly let you go, letting you fall down face first into the mattress. He barely let you catch your breath, fingers finding your entrance and pushing inside, roughly fingering you until you hit your third orgasm, body absolutely spent. 
"Think you can take me now?" he asked with a cruel grin on his face, already hardening at the sight of you absolutely ruined under him, dripping with his cum. "Or did you have enough already..?"
You groaned as you barely managed to look back at him, tears of pleasure and overstimulation in your eyes. If he was seriously going to continue you were in for a long, long ride...
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drakkthar · 8 months
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Draw your comforts characters like...
I saw the meme on many socials networks and I couldn't resist any longer ! :o
Camus of Aquarius will tell you that letting Rodimus driving is NOT the best idea of the century. Particuly with Aatrox in the car. He would have preffered to face again Hades and his army than to be with these two.
Aatrox doens't really understand what a cybertronian is. Rodimus tried to explain it to him but for the Darkin Blade, Rody is orange, soft and hot. Aatrox conclued that Rodimus is a little hot peach.
They went to mcdonald's. They didn't pay because Aaatrox scared the employees to have his box of 20 nuggets ! Camus just took a salad with a fanta. After this... Well... Rodimus didn't give a shit about the traffics laws !
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religiousbats · 4 months
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by ReligiousBats
Note: All of my ocs will be put I'm here (with the exception of parts), decided to showcase all of my ocs I've done over the years and also will have some little more of who they are and what they are. In a form of voice claims, and yes I'm including my cookie run ocs. So yeah! Have a nice peak of all of my characters! (And their voices)
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" Beelzebub, the Gluttonous Beast. A name that strikes fear into the Cookies, once a mortal cookie who had abandoned all reason to continue coexisting with His fellow Cookie, because due to the cannibalistic nature of Him, He was banished away from the kingdom. after finding a strange red substance, he drank the red substance before it morphed him into a unholy being of teeth and maw... "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/cTnYhyasNzA?si=R5IPqIu6fiaGQ93Z
The Darkin blade - Aatrox voice lines (League of Legends)
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" A creation from Motcha Cookie on The Laboratorium. A failed experiment had occurred from the like substance being unstable to the host, before creating Lime Jello Cookie, a childish and curious (yet slightly dumb) Cookie who likes to learn new things, and he's also actively a student of Red Velvet Cookie, unaware of Dark Enchantress Cookie's true intention.... Also a good friend of Dark Choco Cookie! "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/gLfxBMc-7j4?si=4_80FgYbYpQKRtk2
Twitch Voice (League of Legends)
(𝐌𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜)
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" When the first light came into the universe, when there was Light.. There was darkness.. And when there's darkness.. There was the void, a dimension created by GOD as a way to balance both light and dark.. Heaven and hell.. And before Jesus was born... There was Ki Titus, Ki has sworn to protect mankind from any dangers and evil who dared to threaten his holy Fathers work. He wears human clothing to try to blend in.. Kinda fells.. A lot.. Also he secretly likes memes "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/vEjrwItHjt4?si=QhdTuUOlaC0n8PXG
Sisyphus - Hades
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" A sight of sore eyes, once human but now tortured and morphed into a monster who blames them self's for becoming such beast, turned by a mysterious organization. Wrath is a hot tempered brute with unstable strength, the red substance that enjects into his vines only makes the mechanical half human beast stronger.. "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/lKY-T5ONOQU?si=LE1yYj_bThxWZFqv
FAITH - Michael voice (or SAM voice-)
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emfoofoos-art · 1 year
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aatrox, the darkin blade 
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sins-of-warriors · 2 months
Tryndamere. The Barbarian King
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Intro: Leader of one of the many tribes of the Freljord, at young age he suffered the masacre of the Darkin Aatrox, he survive but with the taint of the Darkins running trough his veins that granted him unnatural strength and rage. He lead what remain of his people and travel south to meet with Warmother Ashe and join her new faction.
Physical: Black long hair. BLUE eyes. Muscular build, high stamina. 2.10 M tall. 32 years old. Size: XL
Personality: Tryndamere general demeanor is, contrary to popular belief, very tranquil, only unleashing his inner rage on the battle field. Mostly cautious at first meetings, confident and prideful.
Kinks: Mostly Dom he can switch to sub if he find a worthy partner, light bondage, breeding, Threesomes favors FFM, teasing(giving/receiving), Oral(giving/receiving), Risky scenarios, outdoors sex, one night stands, cuddles and hand holding.
AUs: Each skin provides a different au, Warring kingdoms is a martial arts AU, Glorious Tryndamere is a more high fantasy AU, Demon Blade Tryndamere is a demonic AU etc... Extra AU's Modern, Mercenary, RWBY, Scyfi.
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Aatrox, the Darkin Blade - Legends of Runeterra Splash Art
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skymagpieart · 2 years
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Somewhat finalized concept of my League OC, Calandra, who is an Noxian, ex Darkin priestess for a cult worshiping Aatrox, and currently his partner in crime who enables him to do his mass homicide as long as she points the business end of his blade (metaphorically) and the people she considers enemies (the Darkin cultists and Noxus)
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tragedybunny · 9 months
꧁༺League of Legends Fanfiction Masterlist ༻꧂
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༺ The Blade's Edge - League of Legends Long fic - Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Blade of Noxus - Prequel to The Blade's Edge
A failed assassination attempt, a proposition she couldn't refuse, a temptation he couldn't resist. How Katarina came to be employed by the Grand General of Noxus.
༺ The Blade's Edge ༻
They had a simple arrangement. She was the weapon to be used on his enemies. Things get more complicated when emotions bleed into what should simple. Now the two of them find themselves on the precipice of something that was entirely unexpected.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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༺ Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Touch of the Demon - Katarina wants to see exactly what the demon can do and Swain obliges.
The Bargain - An AU - ish fic where Katarina initiates a scheme to get away from her family just before the invasion of Ionia.
A Soldier's Discipline - Katarina has failed the Grand General and she must be punished
A Soldiers Discipline II - Katarina finds herself once again in need of absolution
༺ Swain x Katarina - SFW ༻
Moments - A fluffy little drabble of a soft Swain/Kat interaction
Loneliness - Swain missing his wife
Puppy! - Just a little crack fic featuring a puppy
Naming Day - Swain wants to do something special for his wife Katarina, but finds out it is easier thought than done.
Have You Ever Wanted Something, So Badly You Cannot Breathe? - Based on the final issue of the Katarina comic on Webtoon. written from Swain's point of view.
Swain comes to Kataria's aide as Marcus attempts to destroy his vision for Noxus. But the Empire isn't the only thing Swain is worried about, and he finds himself at a loss on how to manage the sudden longing he feels for another.
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༺ League of Legends NSFW ༻
What She Needs - Ahri and Vlad are both Seniors at the Academy. Vlad has something she needs, Ahri has something he wants.
༺ League of Legends SFW ༻
Home - Katarina x Lux - They discover something more in each other than t hey ever thought possible.
Inner Demons - A Swain - Sylas Lore Fusion. Prompt from Curious Cat.
Darkin Reunion - Aatrox and Varus and reunited as they both have a homecoming.
Storm - A Katarina x OC Drabble I wrote for the 150 follower giveaway.
You've Always Felt Like Home to Me - Swain x Marcus Du Couteau - Swain has a lot of feelings about his oldest friend Marcus Du Couteau that he’s not really sure how to sort out. But tonight it looks like he’ll have to figure them out at last.
Her Light - Katarina x Lux - A poem about a very happy ending for Lux and Katarina
Performance - Jhin x GN! Reader - A reader with a crush gets to experience one of Jhin’s special performances. 
After the Mist - Katarina x Samira - Samira and Katarina are reunited after the black mist appears in Noxus. Set after the Ruination trailer.
Sacrificial - Aatrox x F!Reader - Reader is left in Aatrox’s path. The result will surprise them both.
It Can't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - Darius has a bittersweet musing on his feelings for Jericho at a dark moment.
It Won't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - A sequel to “It Can’t be Without You”. Darius recovers from a battle wound with Swain at his side
Alliance - Swain X Vladimir - Swain and Vlad have a tense conversation
No Turning Back - Draven X Riven - They are reunited after so long apart
Checkmate - LeBlanc x Swain - LeBlanc Has Won Their Grand Game
The Festival - Crystal Rose Swain x GN!Reader - A short little fluff piece.
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skydarkin · 9 months
@firerevealstruth lays hands on the darkin blade.
oh, what glorious affirmation.
he had called out to her beyond the veil, speaking words of conviction about fire and retribution, vengeance against a whole world that had wronged its defenders --- justice.
and justice listened.
dark tendrils infiltrate her mind at the moment she so much as touches the darkin blade. and what a delicate touch it was; her hands had a certain softness to them, but not like that of a coward; it was the delicate touch of a being that had ascended so far beyond the filth and grime of the world below.
to aatrox, it was as sweet as a lover's touch. not only was it freedom, it was an admission of the righteousness of his cause. it was a return to the light.
that glorious, golden, warm light was, for a euphoric moment, his; it was his veins that heavenly fire pumped through, it was his touch that was delicate and holy.
the moment was fleeting, however, as the darkin quickly consumed everything the angel had. the light in her eyes quickly became a red, all consuming fire. even her starfire spellblade was suffocated by the infinite pitch that was aatrox's immortalized soul, once magnificent teal glass cracking and turning a faded, sickly pale.
but aatrox would not weep over the loss of his light again. even as he felt the angel fight against his corrupting influence, he knew his fate had finally come. with their black, tarnished wings, the angel and aatrox would darken the sky and fill the land with fire.
" thank you. "
in kayle's mind, she was drowning; a sea of black tar water that was simultaneously aatrox, and his prison, and her. to him, the midnight sea that enveloped her was his eternal embrace. the voice that overtook hers were their words of loving affirmation.
" let our fires of retribution burn.. until the world goes cold. "
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 1 year
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✦Demosthenes’ works from the League of Legends & Valorant fandoms. Enjoy, stay hydrated and remember - you are gorgeous <3.
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✦Aatrox, the Darkin Blade:
✧Aftercare headcanons (NSFW)
✦Camille, the Steel Shadow:
✧General headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
✦Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace:
✧Comforting them headcanons (SFW)
✦Jhin, the Virtuoso:
✧Random headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
✧Dark Star Jhin x reader short story/headcanons (SFW)
✦Kayn, the Shadow Reaper:
✧How do they show that they trust you (SFW)
✧Dirty talk (NSFW)
✧Aftercare headcanons (NSFW)
✦Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant:
✧NSFW Alphabet: B+I (NSFW)
✦Nasus, the Curator of the Sands:
✧NSFW Alphabet: N+A+S+U (NSFW)
✦Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper:
✧How do they show that they trust you (SFW)
✧General headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
✦Sett, the Boss:
✧Sett with a younger brother who has healing powers (SFW)
✦Shen, the Eye of Twilight:
✧How do they show that they trust you (SFW)
✧Dirty talk (NSFW)
✦Swain, the Noxian Grand General:
✧SFW Alphabet: S+W+A+I+N (SFW)
✦Talon, the Blade’s Shdadow:
✧Dirty talk (NSFW)
✧Comforting them headcanons (SFW)
✦Thresh, the Chain Warden:
✧How do they show that they trust you (SFW)
✧Dirty talk (NSFW)
✧Aftercare headcanons (NSFW)
✦Vex, the Gloomist:
✧Vex with a partner who genuinely loves her (SFW)
✦Yasuo, the Unforgiven:
✧Comforting them headcanons (SFW)
✦Zed, Master of Shadows:
✧How do they show that they trust you (SFW)
✧Dirty talk (NSFW)
✧Aftercare headcanons (NSFW)
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