#+ the monkey king; wukong. | interactions.
dirgc · 4 months
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | interactions.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | musings.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | visage.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | interactions.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | musings.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | visage.
+ the righteous; kayle. | interactions.
+ the righteous; kayle. | musings.
+ the righteous; kayle. | visage.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | interactions.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | musings.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | visage.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | interactions.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | musings.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | visage.
+ the purifier; lucian. | interactions.
+ the purifier; lucian. | musings.
+ the purifier; lucian. | visage.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | interactions.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | musings.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | visage.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | interactions.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | musings.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | visage.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | interactions.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | musings.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | visage.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | interactions.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | musings.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | visage.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | interactions.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | musings.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | visage.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | interactions.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | musings.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | visage.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | interactions.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | musings.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | interactions.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | interactions.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | visage
+ the sable; nero. | interactions.
+ the sable; nero. | musings.
+ the sable; nero. | visage.
+ the turk; reno. | interactions.
+ the turk; reno. | musings.
+ the turk; reno. | visage.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | interactions.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | musings.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | visage.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | interactions.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | musings.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | visage.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | interactions.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | musings.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | visage.
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macaroonkitti · 10 months
the monkey bros (Macaque and Wukong) doodle pls <3
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Average post-season 3 interaction between these two idiots
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novalizinpeace · 1 year
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Continuation of my previous post, 'cause the idea of Mac dealing with the sibling's chaoitc powers make me laugh.
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sun-of-4-gun · 15 days
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a monkey, his stick, and his shadow
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lilith-little-world · 3 months
This power won’t be used in fighting/battles. The Reader will be a more a support or healer when it comes to fighting. However, how the Reader grows will be up to you! I will make poll on certain actions (and some just fun actions if you so choose) that shape the Reader.
(There will be some consequences if the reader gets too stressed or overwhelmed. Yet if missed too many “character development” the Reader will struggle to continue through the story. In other words angst. Which can only be solved until the next poll.)
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pink-mac · 1 year
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No shadow monkey can resist beauty.
Had lots of fun drawing this. And huge thanks to @princen-monkie for colouring the Macaques.
The Overshadowed AU belongs to @lego-sand, Entanglement Macaque to @ninjasmudge
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litt1e-prince · 11 months
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"Yeah Grandpa, that's the one who stole my peach!" take a swk warm up sketch while i remember how to draw again
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
"I've got you, little brother."
WARNING: Blood below the cut
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Love the idea of them having a sibling dynamic. Frick yeah they care about each other.
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sketching-shark · 10 months
Another point in the hardworking ZBJ agenda is how whenever SWK is injured, ZBJ's the first on the scene healing and helping him. Dude's really like "id sell that BiMaWen out for a single corn chip <3" but SWK gets something in his eye and ZBJ's like "HOU'GE ARE YOU ALRIGHT???"
SO TRUE ANON. From what I understand the Red Boy arc is an important piece in the "Zhu Bajie complains all the time but works hard and cares deeply" agenda. It's definitely neat as well how much genuine growth there is in the relationship between Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong over the course of the journey too. Pig man and monkey man enemies to besties fr <3
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marzinstarz · 2 years
minific! but its just SWK yelling at MK to take off his binder
Sun Wukong watched from his perch above, floating in his cloud, looking down as his successor ran through the forms the two of them had been practising together all morning
He only vaguely noticed the kid run through the final movements, but his attention caught as he watched MK then attempt to take a breath that was just a little bit too deep, MK winced and hunched in on himself, before straightening back up and continuing into the next movement as if nothing happened
Concerned, the Monkey King called down, "You alright there bud? What was that?"
"Nothing! Don’t worry about it!" MK assured him, already wrapped up in the next form
Not at all convinced, Wukong activated his gold vision, quickly scanning over MK.
"Hey, when was the last time you took off your binder?" He questioned, leaning down over the top of his cloud
"Binder? What binder?" Started MK, a nervous smile spreading across his face as he lowered his staff
"MK" Wukong deadpanned
"Ugh fine," groaned MK with a dramatic flair of his arms "I swear it wasn’t that long ago!"
"How many hours."
"uh…" said MK, now nervously fidgeting with his staff
"MK!!" Yelled Wukong, demanding an answer
"four…" He started, but then watched as his mentor rose one eyebrow, letting him know that he would be taking absolutely none of his bullshit today "-ty two" he finished with a sigh
Sun Wukong then took a moment to do the maths in his head, MK nervously watched on as the gears turned in his brain-
"YOU’VE BEEN WEARING YOUR BINDER FOR ALMOST TWO DAYS STRAIGHT??" Roared the Monkey King, his hands shooting upwards in a display of frustration
"…that is quite possible, yes" mumbled MK, his eyes looking anywhere but the very angry simian now in front of him
"GO CHANGE. NOW." Wukong yelled, gesturing back to the house in the middle of the mountain
"ugh but-"
With a groan MK shoved his hands into his pockets and stomped back into the house to get changed
"Stupid kid-" Wukong murmured to himself, eyeball twitching "when in the hell is he gonna learn to take care of himself!"
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echo-lore · 1 year
Some season 5/ special thoughts (idk if we’re getting a season or a special sooooo also lmk season 4 spoilers)
Wait real quick so azure killed the jade emperor and became the new jade emperor right?
So what’s gonna happen when azure gets kicked out? They can’t bring back the old jade emperor right? His kinda a little to dead for that
So is monkey king going to be the emperor?? Mk says in the last episode “there only one man who fought the jade emperor and live to tell the tale” (or something like that) so his def going to use monkey king to fight azure but if monkey king kills azure (which I hope not I actually think he’s a pretty cool character) wouldn’t he become the new Jade emperor????
If so are we gonna have a “monkey king does not want this position” which would eventually lead to him passing the Jade emperor tittle to someone else? Is Erlang gonna come and take it? Or maybe sun Wukongs tells Mk “I know a guy- he hates me and it’s a mutual feeling but I’m sure he’ll help out”
Will he give the thrown to Mk? Jade emperor Mk au anyone???? Will they do some time traveling bullshit to put back the old jade emperor on the thrown???
Are they gonna let azure keep the jade emperor tittle since they don’t have anyone else to cover it?
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tp2-byes · 1 year
Look what I made. Behold the thing
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The saddest thing about sun wukong trauma is that he might not even realize he is traumatized, maybe he genuinely thinks he has changed.
It was what? The 1500s? what we count as "abuse" and "trauma" they probably viewed it as discipline, so that's why Tripitaka was so harsh on him, to "discipline" sun wukong, (dosen't excuse anything though.)
Even though, I'm not too sure of why would everyone use sun wukong as a weapon and just brush it off, that's not discipline,
Maybe they didn't realize, or well, Tripitaka didn't.
who knows.
I relate to sun wukong too much it's worrying
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Character ai is a mess. I went back to it and lost myself in it again, but I'm back now but idk for how long. So I'm gonna like speedrun all of my writing and editing for this and the 2nd chapter. Cause holy shit, I'm gonna be hella busy in a few months. Also found out I have a small and harmless heart condition...yeah so this month been crazy.
Also made a little drawing since I was gone for a while. Hopefully I’ll be back with weekly updates now I’m off of character ai and started to take meds for my heart.
I Saw You Once In a Dream, Maybe Pt 9
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Is it too late to kick him out? He stares up at you and smirks. You can feel your face get ready as the embarrassment hits. You can't be seriously asking for him to tag along.
You might as well beg for him to come.
“Can you please, come with me? I would appreciate it, if you can. I'll even buy something for you.”
It took everything in you to stare back at him. The urge to smack him increased when his smirk widened.
How the fuck did you two got married in the future?
“Oh, of course, I will come along. Especially when you asked so nicely.” He stands up and heads to the front door, giving you one last glance.
You sigh and try to calm down. Ever since running into him, your day has been…well you can't even describe it. Was it bad? Good? Meh?
You lock the door and catch up to Monkey King, who was waiting for you on the sidewalk. He gives you a soft smile.
“So which way are we going?”
“There's a small market nearby. It's just a short walk, 5 minutes tops.”
You walk off and try to block out any thoughts of how you prefer that smile on his face.
Monkey King nods and follows you.
“So what are you planning for dinner? I'm not much of a cook but I can help!” He stares at you with that same soft expression.
What the hell happened?! Why is he acting all calm and sweet all of a sudden?
You continue to ignore your thoughts and how your heart was fluttering.
“I don't know, I guess we'll find out when I buy the groceries. I'm not much of a cook either. I just fall asleep and skip dinner for most nights.”
“I don't think that's healthy for a human.” He mutters. You can see he wanted to say something more.
“Maybe, but I never had a reason to make dinner. A snack or takeout was enough.”
“So why not tonight?”
“Well…” You felt nervous and embarrassed. “It's been a while since I had someone over at my house so I just thought…that maybe I should do something different- something special.” You didn't need to see your face to know you were blushing. You wanted to scold yourself for getting all flustered for no reason yet all your thoughts stopped when you glanced at Monkey King.
He stares at you with wide eyes.
“You're cooking dinner because of me?” His eyes seem to shine like stars. Beaming with fondness and affection. “Looks like someone is falling for me.”
“What?! I just met you!” You nudge his shoulder. You wanted to get mad or at least annoyed but you just laughed. Monkey King laughs with you as he bumps his shoulder with yours. “Sneakily” holding your hand. Intertwining his fingers with yours, his grasp firm.
You smiled at him and held his hand back. Leaning on his shoulder as you both walk to the grocery store.
Even though you two spent an hour there. You enjoyed his company. Monkey King, helping by grabbing items or just joking around and having fun. What had always been a chore for you, felt fun when he joined along.
Okay, maybe you're starting to understand why you married this idiot.
Also, you managed to buy a little more than usual since he could carry a lot of things. That was a huge plus for you, since you refuse to use your car for anything. Does that thing even work? Oh, wait, pretty sure you lost the key to it and are too lazy to get a new one.
“Thank you again for helping to carry the bags back. You can place it on the counter.”
“You bought a lot of things, how empty is your fridge?”
“Shhhh, we don't talk about that. I bet you don't even have a fridge, so don't judge.”
“There's literally nothing in here.” He said placing a few items in the fridge.
You blow a raspberry at him and put the refrigerated items in the fridge.
“I told you I usually eat a snack or takeout. I hardly cook.”
“Is it because you don't know how to cook? How worried should I be, when you serve me my plate?”
You roll your eyes.
“If you're so worried, then I won't serve you anything.”
“Hey now, I said, I would be worried but that won't stop me from eating it. Edible or not, you're serving me food you made! No way I'm passing that opportunity. Maybe I can pretend, my darling spouse made me the best dinner after a long day of work.”
“Ha-ha, very funny. Are we really going to roleplay being an old married couple or what? We barely met, Monkey King.”
“Wukong, you can call me Wukong.”
You raise a brow at him.
“Alright, Wukong. So we are on a first-name basis now huh?”
“I mean-” He glances away, but you can see his cheeks turning red. “I really want to have a relationship with you and it'll be weird having you calling me by my title.”
It was weird to see him so…embarrassed and flustered. Throughout this whole day, he has been teasing you. Maybe there were a few moments when you saw him more softly. You just laughed and ruffled his fur in his head.
“I guess you're right about that, so Wukong it is then. Now put on a show we can watch while I cook. Nothing fancy or crazy, just some regular easy and fast food.”
Wukong chuckles as he heads to the living room.
“Alright, fine, but no complaints about what I pick.”
You put away the groceries and left the ingredients out. Once in a while, glancing at the tv to see what Wukong was searching for. You head to the trash can to throw something away when you spot the stuffed toy.
A part of you felt bad for throwing it away but another part of you felt embarrassed that you even bought the toy. What would Wukong think? Would he tease you about it or be hurt that you threw it away? That's if he found out. I wonder what will be the consequences for this?
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enbymacaque · 1 year
Idk why but in a special for LMK I want to see Macaque do a shadowplay for Wukong-
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siixkiing · 1 year
...the fact Wukong is an inspiration for Goku + the Saiyan race as a whole will always give me life. Like the meta there is delicious as hell.
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