#abe bethel
thedeliblog · 2 years
videó: 11:57 perc
Tavaly (előtt) irgalmatlanul szerettük A VIDEÓ-t, töménytelen padka és slappy deszkázással, három percben, ismeretlen arcokkal és ismert pro-kkal. Szerencsére megérkezett a második rész, ami négyszeresére duzzadt és az előző cikkben bemutatott Abe Bethel is nagyobb szerepet kapott benne. Mi több, az ő skateshop-ja támogatta be Tim Olson kisfilmjét, ami folyamatos lejátszáson megy nálunk, mert annyira jó.
Az átlag életkor állítom negyven körül van, de ettől csak még fűszeresebb lesz az egész. Jó látni a 90-es évek profi deszkásait most padkákon trükközni. Ronnie Creager-t, Ryan Gallant-ot vagy Kenny Anderson-t, de sosrolhatnánk még a jobbnál jobb arcokat.
Ez a videó (is) annyira jó, hogy simán meghozza a kedvet úgy általánosságban is a deszkázáshoz! Nézzétek és menjetek!
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Fun Finds in Fairfield, Iowa!
Fairfield, Iowa is a Midwestern town with a lot of fun finds and facts! I traveled on a hosted trip to Fairfield with a group of Midwest Travel Network bloggers. During the visit, I discovered unique stories and things to see and do. Try a scavenger hunt around the town and surrounding area to locate these fun finds! Thank you, Terry Baker, and Visit Fairfield, for having us. Are you ready to…
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kivaember · 2 months
slaps down a teaser for a susano-o/tsukuyomi fic that's temporarily titled "tsukuyomi fucking dies (he gets better tho)" and would you believe it's a comedy with some angst
In 1919, Susano-o had issued Tsukuyomi a challenge.
Tsukuyomi couldn’t recall the exact words of it, but it had been issued on the heels of a rather unpleasant time in both of their lives, licking their respective wounds from a mismatched fight against a few Baltic gods. Bethel hadn’t intervened in what they saw as a ‘minor skirmish’ between differing branches, and it had been one of the very few and rare times that Tsukuyomi had actually died. Retrospectively, the challenge probably hadn’t been all that serious, just uttered from a place of frustration and worry.
Still, Tsukuyomi never ignored a thrown gauntlet from his brother, and as they slinked away from the Baltic gods with their figurative tails between their legs, Tsukuyomi strove to prove Susano-o wrong from that point on.
“And that’s another one to add to the pile…”
Tsukuyomi popped the cap back onto the pen, admiring the glistening red ‘X’ cutting the bold ‘31’ on the calendar. Flipping it shut, the glossy cover of a cat poking its head out of a teapot (Susano-o was the one who got it for him) peered back at him. Tsukuyomi tucked the pen away into his internal space and picked up the calendar, feeling rather smug as he plotted out the teleport coordinates to where Susano-o dwelt.
In his quarters… well, it was four in the morning, and Susano-o did enjoy sleeping in.
Now, while Tsukuyomi was not the strongest of his siblings, or even the most magically skilled or efficient, he was second-to-none when it came to spatial displacement. His accuracy in teleporting was pinpoint, and the speed of his calculations were rarely outraced. So, it was thoroughly intentional when he hopped across the space between his room and Susano-o’s…
…and landed full force on his slumbering brother’s gut.
“Arhgck!” Susano-o half-yelped, half-gurgled, not even his rock-hard abs prepared to handle all 120kg of Tsukuyomi slamming into it (Proto-Fiend bodies were, as a rule, crushingly heavy - the humans were working on it).
“Oh. My. I apologise. I must’ve miscalculated my jump,” Tsukuyomi said insincerely, delicately hopping off his brother and not even bothering to hide his smile. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Susano-o made some highly amusing hissing noise as he curled up on his side, disorientated and pained, but knowing his brother was making mischief at his expense. “Urk. Tsukuyomi, you…”
“Yes. Well, anyway.” Tsukuyomi held up the calendar. “I came to remind you of the date.”
There was nothing funnier than Susano-o’s expression of profound angry bafflement, his golden eyes squinting up at him in the gloom. His wild, dark blue hair was unbound, and though it was waist-length, some stubborn locks were trying to stick out in all sorts of directions, making Susano-o look remarkably like some sort of hermit-creature blinking out of its cave after being rudely disturbed.
“…the date? Brother, it’s-“ he paused to look at his bedside clock, his voice rising in indignation: “-four in the morning!?!?”
“It’s been eighty years since you issued that challenge back in 1919-”
Susano-o threw his pillow at him.
Tsukuyomi neatly sidestepped it. “And so, as is now tradition, I return this calendar to you-”
“It is not even dawn, Tsukuyomi! Even Amaterasu still sleeps!” Susano-o groaned, flopping back onto his bed - the poor frame wheezed its protest, if Tsukuyomi was heavy then Susano-o was dense (in both sense of the word).
“Which means there’s still twenty hours of the day left!” Susano-o abruptly declared, bolting upright. His sour expression instead turned smug, his eyes glittering with a challenge realised and a challenge met. “No, you are celebrating a victory you have not yet won, brother! Twenty hours is plenty for you to fail!”
“Hm. Yes. Twenty hours to achieve that which 701256 hours hasn’t,” Tsukuyomi drawled.
“…how did you calculate that so quickly- never mind!” Susano-o crossed his arms. “What you are doing now is called ‘tempting fate’, brother! So foolish, so unwise. You have finally crossed the line now!”
“Is that so,” Tsukuyomi said, never putting much stock in fate. He had seen humans overcome it so many times that the innate resignation all gods felt towards it was faded in him. “Well, I’ll give you leave to say ‘I told you so’ if I befall some sort of calamity before the new years.”
“Oh, you are really tempting it now.”
Tsukuyomi scoffed quietly, tossing the calendar onto the bed beside his brother’s leg. “I’m quivering in my shoes. Now, enjoy your rest, brother. I’ll be spending this time contemplating what your forfeit will be.”
Susano-o picked up the calendar and pointed it threateningly at him. “Mark my words, brother, before the day is out… you are going to have a demise so humiliating it will be remembered for decades to come.”
“Remember, it doesn’t count if you kill me,” Tsukuyomi said mildly.
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ninamoonblog · 23 days
Wer steckt hinter dem Attentat auf Donald Trump und was ist die “Puzzle-Kodierungs-Methode”?
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Der Anschlag auf Donald Trump ist nicht das erste Verbrechen, an dem Vertreter der weltweiten Anti-Kult Organisationen beteiligt sind. Kürzlich ist herausgekommen, dass die Programmierung der “Puzzle-Kodierungs-Methode” bei diesem Attentäter eingesetzt wurde.  Diese unsichtbare Waffe wurde auch bei anderen Schützen eingesetzt, z.B. beim Attentat gegen den ehemaligen japanischen Premierminister Shinzo Abe und den slowakischen Premierminister Robert Fico.
Wer steckt dahinter? Wenige Stunden vor dem Trump-Attentat wurde auf actfiles.org ein Dokumentarfilm "The IMPACT" veröffentlicht, der beleuchtet, was Thomas Matthew Crooks aus Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, zu dem schockierenden Anschlag motivierte.
Es handelt sich um eine investigative Dokumentation, die detailliert beleuchtet, wer hinter diesen Szenarien steckt.
Der Trump-Attentäter wurde mit einer Technik programmiert, die als Kodierung mit Puzzleteilen bezeichnet wird. Diese Technik wurde auch eingesetzt, um Schulschützen zu programmieren oder auch politische Spaltungen zu schaffen. Haltet euch fest: Experten belegen, dass diese Technik sogar darauf abzielt, die Vereinigten Staaten in einen Bürgerkrieg zu stürzen.
Diese Terroranschläge werden systematisch organisiert und mit Hilfe von Anti-Kultisten vermehrt in den Vereinigten Staaten durchgeführt.
Kult = Sekte
Erklärung: In Amerika spricht man von Kult, in Europa spricht man von Sekten. Die Bedeutung ist das gleiche.
Das Buch des bekannten Anti-Kultisten Stephen Hassan “The Cult of Trump” wurde in den Medien stark verbreitet .
Ziel dieser Kampagne war, Donald Trump und seine Wähler als "Kultisten" zu brandmarken.
Warum lesen wir solche Publikationen und glauben alles, was darin steht?  
Haben wir das Recht, Menschen zu etikettieren und sie zu Unmenschen und Ausgestoßenen zu machen? 
Warum lassen wir uns von denen mit dem
Virus des Hasses infizieren und zur Gewalt anstacheln?
Wo ist unsere Menschlichkeit? 
Wo ist unser Verstand?
Der Eckpfeiler von "Waco".
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Es ist bekannt, dass die gleiche Taktik von Anti-Kultisten bei der Belagerung von Waco im Jahr 1993 angewandt wurde, um amerikanische Bürger zu entmenschlichen. Am letzten Tag der Belagerung wurden 76 Menschen, zumeist Amerikaner, getötet, darunter 25 Kinder, zwei schwangere Frauen und zwei Neugeborene. 
Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Inszenierung dieser Ereignisse spielte der berüchtigte Anti-Kultist und Deprogrammierer Rick Alan Ross, der einen außergewöhnlichen Zugang zu Regierungsbehörden wie dem FBI und ATF hatte.
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich und die Anti-Kult Organisationen handeln immer nach demselben Plan…..
Manipulation von Regierungsbehörden und Medien.
Ross und das berüchtigte Cult Awareness Network (CAN) setzen Taktiken ein um die Branch Davidians zu entmenschlichen. 
Dies führte zu einer Katastrophe, die der Beginn einer künftigen Spaltung und eines Vertrauensverlustes der amerikanischen Bürger in ihre eigene Regierung war.
Das Erbe des Naz#smus
Gehen wir zurück in die Geschichte...
In den 1920er und 1930er Jahren wurden in Deutschland dieselben Anti-Kult-Methoden gegen die jüdische Bevölkerung und religiöse Minderheiten eingesetzt.  
In den Medien liefen massive Verleumdungskampagnen, in denen Juden und andere Minderheiten als "Sektierer" entmenschlicht wurden. Das führte dazu, dass die Gesellschaft sie als Ausgestoßene ansah. 
Die Bezeichnung "Sektierer" wird verwendet, um denselben Effekt zu erzielen. Damals war es das Abzeichen mit dem "gelben Stern", das Juden in Nazi-Deutschland tragen mussten. Damit wurden sie als Außenseiter gekennzeichnet, die keinen Platz in der Gesellschaft hatten.
Juden wurden mit giftigen Pilzen verglichen. 
Durch die Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung und das Aufzwingen eines solch negativen Bildes wurde die Gewalt gegen Juden akzeptabel und von der Bevölkerung sogar begrüßt. 
Genau dies geschieht auch jetzt in allen Ländern, in denen die Anhänger des globalen Anti-Kultismus ihre Hochburgen errichtet haben: Russland, China, Frankreich und Deutschland gehören zu den am stärksten betroffenen Ländern.
Wie funktioniert die Codierung von Puzzleteilen?
Kommen wir zur Eingangs erwähnten Programmierungsmethode “Codierung von Puzzlestücken” 
Was ist das? 
Und wie können wir eine solche Beeinflussung vermeiden? 
Anti-Kultisten wählen zunächst ein strategisches Gebiet aus, auf das sie entsprechend ihren Zielen schießen. Die Planung und Organisation solcher Taten dauert ein bis drei Jahre. Es werden Informationen aus der Ferne über die Medien und das Internet in das Unterbewusstsein eingeschleust, um Menschen zu beeinflussen, einen Anschlag zu begehen.
Bei der Puzzlestück-Kodierung werden die Zielpersonen durch mehrere Wellen der Informationskodierung heimlich manipuliert. Jede Welle enthält spezifisch eingebettete Botschaften, die in das Unterbewusstsein des potenziellen Schützen integriert werden. 
Erst wenn diese Teile zusammenkommen, wird das Programm aktiviert und die Person zu einem Massenmord veranlasst. Für Beobachter sieht es aus wie eine persönliche Entscheidung. Es gibt keine direkte Aufforderung, keine Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung und keine Diskussion. Stellen Sie sich eine Person vor, die sich wie ein Roboter gemäß einer Programmierung verhält.
Aber in Wirklichkeit steht sie unter dem Einfluss externer Manipulatoren und begeht eine sorgfältig geplante Straftat wie unter Hypnose..
Diese unbewussten Botschaften sind strategisch getaktet und laufen alle in der Wahrnehmung des Menschen zusammen. Ihre Kombination im Unterbewusstsein des potenziellen Schützen löst den Befehl zur Ausführung des eingepflanzten Programms aus.
Dazu kommt der Wunsch nach Ruhm.
Er dient vielen echten Terroristen als Grundlage, vielen Menschen das Leben zu nehmen und sie zu Verbrechen zu ermutigen.
Für das Unterbewußtsein eines potenziellen Amokläufers sind Ruhm und Anerkennung alles im Leben.
Das ist es, was Menschen zu Verbrechen treibt. Die Auswertung der Fragebögen von Amokläufern und ihrer Motive zeigt, dass der Wunsch nach Ruhm ein gemeinsames Merkmal dieser Menschen ist.
Mit dem Fortschreiten des Kodierung Prozesses wird die Zielgruppe immer kleiner: 
Die erste Welle betrifft Tausende, die nächste Hunderte, bis schließlich nur noch einige wenige Personen im Fadenkreuz aller Kodierungswellen stehen. 
Die Kodierer warten dann ab, wer von ihnen zuerst aktiv wird und zum Ausführenden des eingepflanzten Programms wird.
Die brandneue Doku "THE IMPACT" informiert zum Glück die Öffentlichkeit über diese Methoden der Anti-Kult oder Anti-Sekten Organisationen.
Auch Untersuchungen von Dr. Egon Cholakians stellen die Verfahren und die Vertreter der weltweiten Anti-Kult Organisationen bloß, wie sie das Vertrauen in die Behörden/ Staaten untergraben und die Gesellschaft spalten. 
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creativecosposts · 2 months
The Secret Forces Behind the Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald J. Trump
Puzzle Piece Programming Used on the Killer Thomas Matthew Crooks
The assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump is not the first prominent crime connected to global anti-cultism. Notably, the puzzle piece coding technique applied on the shooter targeting Trump was also used on the gunmen who tried to assassinate Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Just hours before the assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump, a documentary called “The IMPACT” was released on actfiles.org. This film examines the motivations behind Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and delves into the individuals orchestrating such actions.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Pastor Fred Shuttlesworth (March 18, 1922 - October 5, 2011) was born in Mount Meigs, Alabama to Vetta Green and Alberta Robinson. His mother and stepfather, William Nathan Shuttlesworth, a farmer in Oxmore, Alabama raised him. He graduated from Rosedale High School and he married a nurse Ruby Keeler (1940). In 1943 he became a truck driver and studied mechanics in Mobile. He attended seminary at Cedar Grove Academy. In 1945, he delivered his first sermon. He pursued an AB at Selma University and Alabama State College. In 1950, he became pastor of First Baptist Church in Selma, and in 1953, he returned to Birmingham as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church.
He became a leading civil rights figure, challenging segregation in the school system and Jim Crow policies in public accommodations. He formed the civil rights organization Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. He became a participant in the Montgomery Improvement Association’s Montgomery Bus Boycott. His role in the boycott angered members of the Ku Klux Klan who dynamited his house.
He continued to civil rights crusade. In 1957 police brutally beat and hospitalized him for attempting to enroll his daughter in an all-white school. He continued as a leader in the Black freedom struggle by co-founding the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957 with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bayard Rustin. He joined younger activists in sit-ins to desegregated lunch counters and he assisted the Congress of Racial Equality in organizing freedom rides throughout the South.
In 1963 he participated in a civil rights campaign in that city’s Kelley Ingram Park. Sheriff Eugene “Bull” Conner ordered the fire department to turn water cannons on him and the other protesters. The reverend was injured and hospitalized.
He become the pastor of Great New Light Baptist Church in Cincinnati. He continued his activism by founding in 1988 the Shuttlesworth Housing Foundation, an organization that assisted low-income families in purchasing homes. Birmingham’s International Airport was renamed in his honor as the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 6 months
Judges 4: 1-7. "The Buzzing."
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Continuing our revelation of the Shoftim, the Book of Judges. Shoftim are "ways to shop tastefully" vs. the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Judges are not inner critics they define the behaviors that create the perfect ideal state of the Jewish Self.
Our next Judge is a woman named Deborah. Deborah is the logical step after one is oxgoaded into memorizing the Torah. Once the mind is saturated with words, the words must become reality. This process is facilitated between the Jew and the final stage of supreme ultimate Jewishness found during one's audience with the Holiest of Holies, also called Ha Shem. It is when things become real:
The verb דבר (dabar) means to formalize: to deliberately establish and pronounce something's name or definition. This causes the thing to become "real" in the mind of whoever understands this word, name or definition, and this in turn explains why all of creation was spoken into being, and Man in turn "named" all the animals by their name and finally his Wife by hers (Genesis 2:19-23). This principle sits at the base of nominal reasoning and thus human awareness and ultimately Information Technology.
Noun דבר (dabar) means word. It also means "thing" since the naming of a thing causes the experienced reality of the thing. All thus created "things" together form the whole of experienceable reality, which in turn is called the Word of God.
Noun דבר (deber) describes any deadly pestilence, which is a "word" that breaks unstable compounds apart. In nature this occurs via the Weak Nuclear Force. The ability of unstable compounds to break apart sits at the heart of all progress and thus all reality.
The rare noun דבר (dober), refers to a pasture; probably a well-defined fenced-in field upon which sheep graze. Figuratively this word obviously refers to some specific Holy Book from which a community feeds (the books of the Bible originated as separate works, with their separate adherers).
Noun דברה (dibra) means matter or issue, and the similar noun דבורה (deborah) describes the bee (this probably because bees make honey, and "milk and honey" denote essential sustenance). The noun דביר (debir) was a nickname for the Holy of Holies and means "place of the word".
Strong nuclear force between the Primary Particle, the particles in the Alefbeis, and the Self, this is what is meant by Deborah. There are Seven Days of Deborah that explain how this worls.
As we now know, Day 1 always begins with evil done in the Eyes of the Lord:
4 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, now that Ehud was dead. 
2 So the Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor. Sisera, the commander of his army, was based in Harosheth Haggoyim. 
3 Because he had nine hundred chariots fitted with iron and had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried to the Lord for help.
4 Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading[a] Israel at that time. 
5 She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. 
6 She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor. 
7 I will lead Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.’”
In order to complete the analysis I will define the weird words first:
Ehud: "I shall praise."
Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor: He discerns the synchronicity in Federation.
The verb בין (bin) means to distinguish and thus to discern, contemplate and understand. Its derivation בין (ben) means between, and obviously resembles the word בן (ben), son. A spectrum of sons is what an אב ('ab), or father, is expressed in.
The name Canaan as International Trade or International Synchronicity.
The verb חצר (hasar) relates to the first visual manifestations of a gathering or emergence of some sort: to begin to cluster or gather or emerge.
The noun חציר (hasir) means grass, which is the first plant to sprout after, say, a fire. Noun חציר (hasir) means leek (a bigger version of grass) and חצצרה (hasosra) means trumpet, i.e. the perhaps leek-like instrument with which a gathering of humans is instigated.
The noun חצר (haser) denotes a hamlet or settlement or loose, rudimentary federation; the initial beginning of what some day might become a village or even a city.
Noun חצר (haser) refers to an enclosure in the architectural sense, or even a court in the sense of it being a place where people loosely gather.
Sisera, the commander of his army, was based in Harosheth Haggoyim=
Sisera= Meditation, Keen And Swift, See The Horse, to see the angels
The unused verb סוס (sus) probably meant to dart forth or be swift. The noun סוס (sus) literally means "swift one" and is applied to a bird, namely the swallow, and a large land mammal, namely the horse. The feminine version is סוסה (susa), but instead of it meaning mare (as is commonly thought) it rather refers to the horse-force of an army.
Long before any animal would become a pet, the horse was a unit of cavalry. Regular people didn't ride horses; they had mules and donkeys, and merchants didn't use horses; they had camels. Seeing a horse in the ancient world was like seeing a tank today.
The verb ראה (ra'a) means to see, and by extension to understand. It may mean to become visible (of, say, an angel) or to become understandable (of, say, a theory). Noun ראה (ro'eh) means either seer, or prophetic vision, and noun מראה (mar'a) means either vision as means of revelation, or mirror. Nouns ראית (re'ut) and ראות (re'ut) mean a looking. Nouns ראי (ro'i) and מראה (mar'eh) mean sight or appearance. Adjective ראה (ra'eh) means seeing.
Harosheth Haggoyim= To bake civilization in the light of its accumulated intelligence and cause it to cohere, like wet clay when it is fired in a kiln
Verb חרש (harash I) means to engrave or cut into something, often with the objective of storing information. Noun חרשׁ (harash) means engraver or cutter (of a wide range of materials). Noun חרשׁת (haroshet) means a carving. Noun חרישׁ (harish) means a plowing or plowing time, and nouns מחרשׁה (maharesha) and מחרשׁת (mahareshet) mean ploughshare (and remember the strong Biblical connection between spreading seeds and spreading words).
Perhaps a whole other verb (and perhaps the same one) is חרש (harash II), to be silent or to be deaf. How these two verbs relate isn't clear but perhaps information technology was reckoned as "speech yet silent" and "hearing yet deaf", or else the intersection might lay on the esoteric nature of information technology. Then as today, people who are highly skilled in it may seem like magicians to the rest of us. Adjective חרשׁ (heresh) means deaf and adverb חרשׁ (heresh) means silently or secretly.
Noun חרש (horesh) appears to refer to wooded heights. How that word fits in isn't clear (most scholars assume a 3rd verb: harash III) but it may connect to the rest via the noun חרש (heresh), magic. This rare noun is proposed to come from yet another identical verb, harash IV, but here at Abarim Publications we find this noun to match the previous stock neatly. Particularly when a craft is new and it's not clear what a new technology is supposed to do, scammers of all sorts arise.
Verb חרש (haras) was originally spelled identical to the previous (the difference between שׂ and שׁ originated in the Middle Ages). It means to scratch or lacerate, but instead of storing good information this root emphasizes deletion of bad information (a similar duality exists in the verb זרע, zara', to scatter to sow, and זרה, zara, to scatter to winnow).
Noun חרשׂ (heres) means earthenware or rather a fragment of earthenware. Noun חרס (heres) denotes an eruptive disease characterized by itchy skin irritation (note the alternation between the letters שׂ, sin, and ס, samekh). The feminine plural noun חרסות (harsit) or חרסית (harsit) mean potsherds.
Noun חרס (heres) is an unusual word for the sun and although scholars see no connection with the previous, here at Abarim Publications we surmise that the ancients saw a connection between baked clay and a tanned skin, both protective and both provoked by exposure to a source of heat.
It's unclear what the unused verb גוה (gwh) may have meant but it obviously had to do with corporeity. Noun גו (gaw) means middle or back; that part of the body around which the whole of it is formed. Noun גויה (gewiya) denotes the whole body of an individual, and the important noun גוי (goy) denotes the body of a social being: a people, tribe or nation.
Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth= The transformation of the pollen into the honey within the power of the lightning bolt. This fits in a our theme of finding a way for the Jew, Mister Lightning Bolt to cast a mold of himself using the words in the Tanakh, and emerge not just a self-realized being, but as a Jewish Self. These things are not the same.
Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim;
Ramah=the lofty place, but not arrogant
Bethel= house of God
Ephraim= doubly fruitful, where evil becomes ash, meaning actions taken to exhaust the desire for the fruits of the actions.
Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali =
Barak= to illuminate with lightning
Abinoam=the father of pleasantness
Kedesh=the sacred place, the place of consecration
Naphtali=to twist different disciplines together into one effort, to coordinate. Moses was called the Twister because he turned the Torah into the basis for Jewish thought. Anyone who undertakes the Torah gets more twisted than usual.
Zebulun=place of glory
Mount Tabor=
The verb ברר (barar) essentially means to clean, purify or clarify. Usually, whatever needs to be purified is first pulverized and then sorted: the useful elements are gathered and stored, and the fluff, chaff, dust and other garbage is either blown away by wind, washed away by water, burned with fire or simply scooped up and physically dumped somewhere. In the case of metal ore, the material is heated so that the good stuff flows out and separates by its nature from the bad stuff and its nature.
Kishon River=the place of snaring
The verb יקש (yaqosh) means to lay bait or a snare to catch animals, and over time came to include the figurative "snaring" a person with alluring enticements. Nouns יקוש (yaqosh) and יקוש (yaqush) describe a snarer or fowler. Noun מוקש (moqesh) means either bait or snare. Verb קוש (qush) also means to snare and is probably a by-form of the previous.
All of this comes together in a commandment. One must, as a Jew submit to meditating on the far wall of creation until one's experience is defined by what one discovers and nothing else. The Shoftim states one will discover even that is not possible without the Federation of Humanity to give the Self all it needs to grasp every particulate aspect of the universe at a glance.
The school, university and their moral spiritual basis, the shul are our most important asset. We are nothing without our educations. To become a court of learned persons is of the essence if we are to ever become an important individual person, especially to oneself.
Educated persons are delightful, pleasant, they demonstrate all that God deems handsome and mandatory in a Jewish man or maid. Finally, educated persons are safe to live amongst.
The text mentions lightning which strikes spontaneously and without warning. Accumulating knowledge takes place much the same way, except the angels are appearing all over the place now, insisting we cannot wait for realization, we must act to preserve the world just the way we are. We are just going to have to make do:
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1: Again the Israelites did evil. The Value in Gematria is 4737, ד‎ז‎ג‎ז, "then the shearing."
The Torah says a male hairy horny goat has to be waxed in order to relieve him of his ego problem, i.e. expose the little wolf in his sheep's clothing:
From Bikkurim - Chapter 10:
1 It is a positive commandment to give a priest the first shearings [of an animal],1 as [Deuteronomy 18:4] states: 'Give him the first shearings of your flock.' Levites are considered like Israelites with regard to this mitzvah.2 There is no minimum measure for these shearings according to Scriptural law. According to Rabbinical Law, one should not give less than a sixtieth. It applies only in Eretz [Yisrael],3 whether the Temple is standing or not like the first of the grain.4 It applies to ordinary animals, but not to consecrated ones.א 2 What is implied? A person consecrated animals for the Temple treasury5 and then sheared them. Is he obligated to redeem them and give [the first shearings] to the priests? Or if one consecrated an animal with the exception of its shearings, is he obligated in the first shearings? It is written [ibid.]: "your sheep,' [i.e., the obligation applies only to "your sheep.'ב 3 There is an obligation [to give a priest] the first shearing of any consecrated animals6 that possessed a permanent blemish before they were consecrated and were [then] redeemed.7 If, however, they were consecrated before they were blemished or it had a temporary blemish before it was consecrated,8 and afterwards, it received a permanent blemish and it was redeemed, it is exempt from the first shearing.9
Egoism, selfishness, the root cause of ignorance is what is known as Evil Done in the Eyes of the Lord. It is considered a skin disease that is cured by exposure, consistent what happens in Day 1.
v. 2: So the Lord sold them. The Value in Gematria is 7190, זאטאֶפֶס‎ , zatapes, "this is zero", = atonement by making a sacrifice in the fire.
v. 3: Because he had nine hundred chariots fitted with iron and had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried to the Lord for help. To be fitted with iron is the time in life when a boy starts to fill out and a woman gets her boobs. Without structure this is a very chaotic time. The Torah varies as to the length of time such structure is supposed to be in place but the minimum is 20. Presentation takes place at 13, and there must be an initial burst of growth that lasts for Seven Years= age 20.
The Value in Gematria is 7797, זזטז‎ ‎, buzzing. Back to Deborah which contains allusions to growth like a hive of bees resorting to the hive for the manufacturing of honey. By Day 3 the mind must be buzzing with the bees of the Words of the Torah or Day 4 will not be born. Day 4 is the difference between a rule follower and someone who reasons.
Our planet has decided not to follow the rules and behave like a Federation, and things looked pretty good and fucked because of it. So more buzzing is needed.
v. 4: Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading[a] Israel at that time. The Value in Gematria is 4642, ד‎ודב‎‎, "uncle David."
Everyone in Israel is the nephew or the niece of one the gods of Israel. We are all supposed to imbue ourselves with their influences by studying the Torah and the Tanakh and bring out the legacy of King David, "what is most beloved about the people."
Unused verb דוד (dwd) probably meant to gently swing, dandle, fondle. Noun דוד (dod) or דד (dod) means beloved or loved one, and may also describe one's uncle. The feminine version, דודה (doda), means aunt. Noun דודי (duday) literally means a "love-bringer" and describes a mandrake. Noun דוד (dud) refers to a kind of pot or jar (perhaps one that was rocked or stirred?).
v. 5: She held court. To hold Court means Chochmah "to engineer using supernatural wisdom" is to make the jump between the decision to stir the pot and actually make change, to see it happen.
The Value in Gematria is 7808, זחאֶפֶסח‎, zachaphesach "for the total."
v. 6: The God of Israel commands you. The Value in Gematria is 7947, זטדז‎‎‎, ztadz, "then advance towards the olive blossom eye of the fountain."
Olive trees, when cultivated by man anchor society they put it on the right track. The God of Israel has stated over and over to mankind we are to tend the orchard, the field, the vineyard, the farm and set the table and refrain from the ignorant destructive practices we know very well are going to wreck things. Why can't we do this?
v. 7:  I will lead Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.’” Without meditation one cannot filter the bullshit, drama, emotion, impure desires from reality. This must be done. The Shoftim says compliance will result in Kishon, "ensnaring of the animal nature".
At the level of society, to send a meditative army of chariots and troops out is to give in to the final determination to get rid of pieces of shit like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Mitt Romney, all the Mormons and Republicans, etc. persons no one with good taste and judgement would want involved in a new federation and be good and goddam well done with it.
The Value in Gematria is 8204, ח‎באֶפֶסד, hafesad, "cut your losses or forfeit the future."
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calebn · 11 months
Conferința Regională a Învățătorilor de Școală duminicală din Regională Cluj – 21 oct. 2023 – Biserica Penticostală BethEl din Târgu-Mureș
Sâmbătă, 21 oct. 2023 începând cu ora 10:00 la Biserica Penticostală BethEl din Târgu-Mureș a avut loc Conferința Regională a Învățătorilor de Școală duminicală la care au participat aproximativ 250 de învățători/toare din cele 6 județe: AB, BN, CJ, HG, MS și SJ. La sesiunea plenară pastor dr. Nechifor Caleb (responsabilul cu Departamentul de Tineret […]Conferința Regională a Învățătorilor de…
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ancestorsofjudah · 1 year
1 Kings 12: 25-30. "Two Golden Calves."
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Even though the Kingdom split and Rehoboam was given much less a share of it than his father and grandfather were allowed to possess, he ruled in God's name. His archrival, Jeroboam did the one thing guaranteed to cause God to shit hot projectile diarrhea from the clouds- he made Golden Calves.
History records the pagan part of the Israeli legacy did not survive, the portion loyal to the Religion resulted in the immense successes we are all witnessing today.
The Torah and Tanakh are different from other religious texts in their duality. Sometimes you see what the righteous are up to, often you learn about the others. This section features the former.
Almost all Hebrew terms are dual. Rehoboam means "all-encompassing" i.e. inclusive, fame, courage, but it might also mean trouble.
Jeroboam means "expansive", which could include "excess transgressiveness", which there was:
Golden Calves at Bethel and Dan
25 Then Jeroboam fortified Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim and lived there. From there he went out and built up Peniel.[c]
26 Jeroboam thought to himself, “The kingdom will now likely revert to the house of David. 
27 If these people go up to offer sacrifices at the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem, they will again give their allegiance to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah. They will kill me and return to King Rehoboam.”
28 After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.” 
29 One he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan. 
30 And this thing became a sin; the people came to worship the one at Bethel and went as far as Dan to worship the other.[d]
Fortifications are also dual. You can fortify a city with Jesus Agape Love or make it a City of Strife like Washington DC. Jeroboam made his fortifications in these places:
Shechem= "to shoulder a responsibility."
Ephraim= "dissect the situation."
Peniel= "peer inside and turn the corner."
The verb פנה (pana) means to turn toward. Adverb פנימה (penima) means toward the inside. Adjective פנימי (penimi) means inner.
This verb's primary derivation is the plural noun פנים (panim), literally turnings or inclinations. It's the common Biblical word for face and may also be used to mean scope, sight, surface, and so on.
The noun פנה (pinna) means corner, and is commonly used to describe where a wall makes a turn. This noun is thought to have derived from a by-form or parental form of the verb פנה (pana), namely פנן (panan), of similar meaning.
Before Jerry got around to this, he got his ram horns out instead. The Gematria for this section, found in verse 27 is 9856, טלה‎ו‎, Aries, the Ram.
Rams are adolescent behaviors based on egocentric desires. When a ramboy puts his head down and charges, into stupidity he goes.
Notice Jeroboam seeks the counself of other rams who did not think they had to follow the Decrees and perform sacrifices to the God of Israel and instead perform the one sin everyone on earth knows to avoid: the Golden Calves, and this time there were two of them.
One he put in Bethel, the other in Dan: The Church and also the State. Jeroboam was a very, very bad man.
The noun בית (bayit) means house. It sometimes merely denotes a domestic building, but mostly it denotes the realm of authority of the house-father, or אב (ab).
In the larger economy, a house interacts with other houses. These interactions are governed by the אב (ab), or "father" and executed by the בנים (benim), or "sons": those people living in the house, irrespective of any biological relation with the אב (ab). The "sons" combined add up to אם ('em), which means both "mother" and "tribe".
The verb דין (din) means to judge or govern. It's an old verb that mostly describes the authority of a naturally superior (because that person is wiser, stronger, older, etcetera) in contrast to the governing done by a formal government (by politically favored and appointed officials).
The noun דין (dayyan) describes one such a leader, and noun דין (din) describes anything pertaining to primitive governing: a judgment, plea, complaint, contention.
Noun מדון (madon) literally describes a "place or judging" and is synonymous with the contending that goes on in such a place. Noun מדונה (medina) described the jurisdiction of one judge, and became the word for province.
Even in ancient times, our religions stated Church and State must be kept separate. Both function according to utter complete observance of the ethics found in the Torah, but which we obey because we all believe in and trust God, but the government is not governed by Him, it is governed by us.
Religion operates in the realm of the subjective. We know God is there, but we can't always properly quantify Him unless we follow the practices of a religion.
Religions help us enter into equanimous terms with our Maker Whom we will never see or interact with except through spiritual inference.
Government is the opposite, it is fully objective. Interactions with other human beings cannot be defined by inference or superstition. The laws of Government therefore are designed to regulate perfect our behavior based on observable facts instead of superstition.
To turn God into an object when He's not, He is a Subject, and then turn people into inferences when they are not, is blasphemy. It never works. That's why it is a sin.
Ex. God can only be known if we witness nature. Nature tells us everything we need to know about God. What is not observable about nature but can be calculated using math or science, but hints at nature, implies God's existence much the same ways of scripture which explains the reasons behind nature.
In contrast, you cannot read a book and then define the nature of man. Man has his own nature that he must find, cause to evolve and in his own way express the Nature of God.
The Gematria for the Golden calves is 11823, גיאחב‎ ‎ ‎jahab, "to offer beloved sacrifices."
Real sacrifices have a return on investment. A burnt offering is effort, a sin offering is reconciliation, a fat offering is for fun, a fellowship offering is for intimacy. A Golden Calf will sit there and do nothing but lead us astray.
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thedeliblog · 2 years
#531 A legjobb slappy deszkás a világon | Abe Bethel
videó: 05:13 perc
Abe Bethel-ről sem a gördeszkás ipar píár szakembereitől hallhat az ember. Sosem volt pro vagy szponzorált, pedig padka tudása a végtelenségik csiszoltnak tűnik. Inkább híres deszkás haverjai emlegetik sorra a “legjobb slappy deszkást a világon”. Abe Bethel, hölgyeim is uraim.
A Jenkem magazin ült le vele beszélgetni, hogy a nagyérdemű számára szélesebb körben is ismertté tegye.
Korábban i is lehoztuk, a szintén nem sok rivaldafényt kapott, A VIDEÓ-t, amely egy közel 4 perces tömény padka deszkázás idősebb pro arcok és tonnányi mennyiségű viasz bevonásával.
Következő cikkünkben még rugózunk egy kicsit a témán, de addig is:
forrás: Jenkem
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taquaone · 2 years
Meet Abe Bethel, one of the best curb skaters in the world
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redghnews · 2 years
John Mahama, Alan Kyeremanten, other big names grace funeral of AB Crentsil
John Mahama, Alan Kyeremanten, other big names grace funeral of AB Crentsil
The funeral rites of the late Ghanaian Highlife legend, Alfred Benjamin Crentsil, better known as A.B. Crentsil, were widely attended by key personalities in the country including the former president, John Dramani Mahama. Friends, family, and popular faces in the entertainment circles turned out in their numbers to bid farewell to AB Crentsil at his burial service inside the Bethel Methodist…
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hart-kinsella · 2 years
Hart of Dixie appreciation week | July 25th ✸ Favorite Dynamic/s: Zoe/Wade “It’s a roller coaster ride, but I don’t want it to stop”  
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grant-spiraltf · 5 years
Hart of Dicksie
“Hey Wilson, it’s been quite a bit eh?” Wilson Bethel didn’t expect the text from his former co-star, but it was quite welcome. He’d just finished filming shooting some flashback moments for Daredevil and he felt kinda nostalgic. “Hey there Scott! It sure has been a hot minute. Kind of miss the good old days of Hart of Dixie!” He put away his phone and hopped in his car, driving back to his hotel. LA traffic was as horrible as usual, so he got stuck in yet another traffic jam.
The radio silenced as the robotic voice announced the incoming call. He clicked ‘answer’ and immediately was met with a horrible static. “Hey, Scott? I have terrible reception over here, anything urgent that you need to talk about?” For a few seconds, there was silence on the other end of the line, then he heard Scott’s voice sporadically. “Cress --- crazy! ---- gay ----- help---- fuuuuuck---” Wilson looked at the screen in confusion as he saw that they had gotten disconnected. “What the fuck?” That last part had sounded like a moan, but that made absolutely no sense with the rest of the message! He finally got better reception again, so he parked his car by the side of the road and called Scott back.
No answer.
Wilson decided it was an emergency and he drove to Scott’s home. He was worried about his friend, and he started speeding a little. Luckily enough, there were no cops on the highway, and after a little while, he arrived at the house. He rapidly knocked on the door, which opened on its own, apparently unlocked. After a careful few steps, Wilson called out. “...Scott? You here buddy?” A door opened behind him. “Sup bro! Not that I mind bro, but what are you doing here?”
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Wilson was very surprised to see Scott’s bare chest. He was glad to see that his ex-co-star kept up his gym routine, keeping his nice pecs. “Dude! The fuck was that phone call about! You creeped me the fuck out!” Scott laughed, but it looked like he was stoned out of his mind, as the laugh sounded like he had no idea what was happening. “Heh. What I said was: ‘Cress and I are having a crazy good, gay ‘ol time! You gotta come over and help us with all this beer bro, fuuuuuck. These beers are so fucking great man, you need to try them. Cress brought them, they’re a special brew.” Wilson then heard a voice behind Scott, and soon the dark, hulking figure of his other ex-co-star appeared. “You two talking about me?”
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Cress looked much present than Scott. “Hey Cress, good to see you too again. Scott, where’s the family?” Scott took another sip of his beer as he shrugged. “I don’t fucking know. And I don’t fucking care!” Scott chuckled and high fived Cress, spilling a little beer over the pair. They looked at the foam on their abs, looked at each other and laughed more. Wilson saw that everything was probably fine, although a little weird, so he decided to just go home. “Where are you going bro! Come have a cold one with us!” Wilson struggled a little, but since he wouldn’t mind a cold beer they easily got him to the living room.
The tv was on stand by and there was a small mountain of crushed beer cans lying in the corner. Cress handed Wilson a beer and switched on the tv before he went back to the kitchen to grab a few more cans. Even though the tv looked expensive, there was a little static on in. Probably bad reception again. They started watching the game that was on and didn’t even notice Cress coming back before he put another can in front of both of them. “Yo thanks, bro!” Wilson said. Wait since when did he say bro like that? He shrugged it off and focussed on the game again.
When he came to, Scott was only wearing underwear. This was a little weird to Wilson, but he then noticed how hot he was. After a little debating, he decided that he should just shed his shirt and be shirtless with his bros as they watched the game.
During the half-time show, he came to again and saw Scott rubbing Cress’ crotch. “What the fuck?!” Wilson stood up and sprinted to the bathroom, trying to make sense of what was going on. His mind started rambling and he noticed something shiny. “Sick! Another beer can! And it’s unopened! My fucking lucky day!” Wilson chugged the beer and immediately felt a little dizzy. He stared into the mirror for a while, looking into his own eyes. As he kept trying to figure something out, his mind started to numb. Within the space of two seconds, the thought of Cress and Scott fucking went from ‘repulsive’ to ‘kinda hot’ to ‘awesome!’
Cress didn’t pay much mind to Wilson’s outburst. He’d be back. The potion he bought at that one shop really worked it’s magic on Scott, turning the married straight man into a dumb fraternity jock who was always on the hunt for gay sex. Wilson opened the door again and walked back to the living room. While he was in the bathroom, Scott and Cress had both taken off his clothes and Scott had moved from the sofa to Cress’ lap, with the big black dick rubbing between his asscheeks. Without a word, Wilson fell to his knees and started licking Scott’s ass and Cress’ cock. Both let out a moan and Wilson leaned back and smiled. “Fuck yeah bro, can’t wait to have some fucking fun with my frat bros!”
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Scotty and Willy then started posing for their frat president. Both their bodies were in amazing shape so they worshipped each other’s muscles. Willy pushed Scotty’s face into his sweaty pits while he made out with the bulging biceps. Both the studs moaned loudly, as Cress jacked his 11″ cock. When Cress got close, the beckoned the bros to come closer and they knelt under him. Cress blew his load all over their waiting faces, coating both of them with a thick layer of cum. Willy made sure to keep his president’s cock clean as he deep throated it, and Scotty made sure that he and his bro were presentable so he licked and scooped all the cum off their faces. Cress moaned loudly.
Best. Purchase. Ever.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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John Hurst Adams (November 27, 1927 - January 10, was a bishop and college president. He graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in Columbia, SC, and earned an AB in History from Johnson C. Smith University. He earned his BA in Sacred Theology and MA in Sacred Theology from the Boston University School of Theology. He studied at Harvard University and Union Theological Seminary, as well. As a seminary student, he was assigned to the pastorate of Bethel AME Church in Lynn, MA. He served on the seminary teaching faculty at Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce University. He was selected to serve as President of Paul Quinn College, during which time he also served as campus pastor to all the students. He was selected as the 87th Bishop of the AME Church after a prophetic ministry at First AME Church in Seattle and Grant AME Church in Los Angeles. He had served as Bishop of five separate Episcopal Districts including his home district of South Carolina. He was Senior Bishop of the AME Church from 1988 until his retirement. He served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Interdenominational Theological Center, Allen University, Edward Waters College, and Morris Brown College. He served as transitional Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Atlanta University Center. He founded and was the Chairman Emeritus of the Congress of National Black Churches, Inc. He was the initiator of Executive Management Training for Black Church Leaders and Chairman of the Institute of Church Administration and Management Board of Trustees. He was active with the Joint Center on Political and Economic Studies, Transafrica, National Black United Fund, King Center Development Board, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/CldyGw5OugT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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