#abel – mentor's ball
moxiepitlock · 10 months
"I really don't understand half of the outfits," Moxie admitted. Some of them were so wispy and ethereal it didn't feel as if there was an actual concept behind them. Her least favorite to date was the woman who walked in, her skin painted blue and the dress she wore a mix of blue and white tulle – was she really meant to be the ocean? Horrible. "I feel like everyone who isn't a pirate is missing the point," Moxie mumbled pressing her glass up to her lips.
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catmillers · 1 year
"Still feels fuckin' early t' make a guess – who d'you think is winnin'?" Cat asked. She hadn't really been given a chance to talk to Abel, but that was standard territory with Victors – at least with Cat. She tended to avoid people that didn't run in her circle, but she figured it didn't hurt to branch out for a ball, or at the very least for a few minutes. Polite conversation didn't hurt anyone even if she didn't fully entertain the concept of theorizing over the Games.
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directdogman · 1 year
Any wacky facts about Tango or Abel?! I love them sm
Tango, I get. But, ABEL???
There's a few Tango facts I have in my head that I'd love to share, but I'm saving those. I fuckin LOVE Tango and you can bet he'll have more scenes in future DT content :) To give one piece of information I like about Tango: He genuinely cares about Mayor Mingus, despite how poorly she treats her underlings. He's 100% aware of her fucked up past and shows her immense compassion and respect. Mingus does genuinely like Tango, but a large part of why she doesn't have the balls to show it is because Tango so obviously feels bad for her and as I showed in that DT short story I wrote, Mingus cannot STAND being pitied at all. It evokes aggression in her because she has vulnerability issues.
Tango has a large well of natural empathy, though that makes it easy to get through his abnormally high natural confidence (as seen from his scene with Gingi, if you imply that he's been unfair/cruel to someone else, he breaks down at the thought of it!)
Abel, ho boy. Some audience members no doubt know that, like Tango, Abel is a DSaF hold-over, but the funny thing is: I actually had a draft for a short DSaF spin-off game with both in it. Takes place at the factory, main character is Harry, Tango was an npc, Abel was the villain of the game and hyped up somewhat before you saw him. I don't know where my paper notes for that short game are (I devised it while working on DSaF 3, never ended up doing anything with it), but the whole game was about fleshing out Abel a bit more and finally showing the audience who Joe was (who is Abel's arch-nemesis in DSaF lore and Harry's mentor.)
Basically amounted to more or less what his DT appearance showed - that Abel is self important but ultimately a coward with deep-seated issues that come from a deep self-hatred that he feeds while also refusing to discuss with anyone else. Abel is not a great guy, but there's no one he's worse to than himself. I think it's a gigantic reason Mayor Mingus keeps him around, despite him having nothing really going for him as a partner in crime - she knows he won't try to discuss her personal shit because she knows exactly what to say to Abel if he annoys her deeply.
...so yes, in a sense, Tango/Abel are basically opposite sides of the same coin. One has a huge amount of natural empathy and positivity and the other is extremely negative and engaged in constant self loathing... and ironically, both natures, though opposite, keep the characters firmly in Mingus' orbit, with Tango genuinely concerned for Mingus' character (and staying because he cares) and Abel being easy for Mingus to control.
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b4byblu3z · 4 months
HELLOOOO sorry I haven’t been active much!!!
But I just saw your yandere circus and OOOOOO.
I got ideas…
Clown yans with apprentice clown darling who just recently joined: She is new so she’s steadily trying to figure out what the main part of her act is going to be. The clowns use this as a chance to get her to be apart of their act to have her all to themselves. Here’s the fun part. Each clown has a unique act that ties into all of the others. So constantly they are stealing her away from each other to get her to work on their act, but all Darling sees is them being sweet enough to help her out. In reality they are at each other’s throats fighting over her attention. Now the question is… Who will she choose?
Ringmaster Yan with a darling who has applied to take care of the animals that are apart of the circus: His love(obsession) for her happened when he went to her tent to check to see how she was doing on her first day, and he so happened to walk in on her caring for a female elephant and her child. In that second he froze and it felt like his heart skipped over itself. From that point on he would constantly call her over to his tent from the pretense that an animal needed to be checked on while he supervised. This was so he could have her all to himself away from all the other members of the circus.
Twin tight rope walker yans with a contortionist darling: The twins from birth have always been inseparable. They shared everything. Clothes, hair styles, speech patterns, etc. If you saw one you could guarantee you would see the other not far behind. That is the main reason as to why their act was so special. They could not speak a word to each other before a show and do tricks flawlessly. It’s just how well they know each other. One day a new comer shows up and immediately they both are in awe. After their act from behind the curtains they see contortionist Darling move her body in ways they thought impossible. She could balance three bowling pins one on top of the other on the balls of her foot all the while bent backwards. She would flip and turn, and throughout her entire act the crowd was in awe. She made the children laugh and made gasps sound throughout the audience when she did something that many deemed impossible. After the Twins got through watching her act that moment they both knew something. They had to have her all to themselves, and they weren’t too keen on sharing her either…
Name Ideas:
Clowns: Chuckles, Whimsy, Pipo, Pips, Patches, Tot, Binks, Dimitri, Alphie, Artie, Chester, Davey, Edwin.
Ringmaster: Everett, Gabriel, Julius, Titus, Imre, Sebastian, Alexander, Edmund, Alister, Callum, Liam.
Tight rope walkers: Noah and Nathaniel, Toby and Thomas, Leo and Lucas, Finley and Freddie, Hugh and Hugo, Abel and Ave, Jasper and Finn, Benjamin and Elijah, Ash and Heath, Atlas and Adonis.
Sorry if this is too long!! I hope you’re having an amazing day/night!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
Like a band of clowns (Sunday, Artie, Chuckles, and Alphie) who joined the circus to put their unique violent skills into something helpful, their act is intricate, involving everything from slapstick comedy to knife throwing. Poor darling doesn't fit in, they're clumsy and oh so inexperienced.
The clowns, of course, offer to help their new apprentice vying for their attention in the process. Darling is all merry, happy that their mentors are all trying to get their act to fit into the show. Meanwhile, the clowns are giving each other nasty glares behind their back.
Or the Ringmaster, Edmund, who simply can't do it all. He's in charge of everything: animal care, cleaning, organizing shows. He just can't do it anymore. With one of his best elephants about to give birth and his show growing in popularity, he needs help.
He puts out an ad, asking for workers who were willing to travel with the circus to help out. Darling answers the advertisement, applying for the animal handling position. They were clumsy and a bit skittish, but beggars can't be choosers. He hired them up front, and their work began quickly. He avoided them for the first several weeks, until they're late bringing out the animals, and he went to search for them. Finding them in the elephant's trailer, he watched them help the newborn nurse, and a switch in him flipped. Something about the care that they gave the creature, the gentleness with which they handled her, it enraptured him.
He began calling them to check on certain animals, even when check ups or grooming was unnecessary. He just wanted to see them so desperately and get them away from prying eyes.
Or the tightrope walkers, Toby and Thomas, who were used to sharing, ever since they were young they would share toys, clothes, snacks, they even shared a bedroom until they were teenagers.
It was only natural that they share the pretty new performer as well. They're mesmerized by the way that they can move, flipping and twisting into unnatural positions.
The two made a silent agreement on their first night with the circus. The twins would share them, like they shared everything else. They belonged to the twins, even if they didn't know it.
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sheenlux · 9 months
The two Victor Balls were up there with Sheen's least favorite events, along with the Mentor's Ball. Really any large social event that brought a lot of people he couldn't stand to be around. The only ball he actually had fun at was his own, but that was because he had gotten so intoxicated he couldn't remember what actually happened at it. Now, he very strictly resisted anything that could dull his senses. He was currently being tortured by an older sponsor who still felt that Sheen owed them a debt for sending him gifts when he was in the arena. His eyes scanned for an escape and eventually, he found one.
Abel Evans
The Victor of the games immediately after his. Putting his hand on the sponsor's shoulder, he excused himself from the conversation because he claimed the need to speak to Abel about pressing Mentor work. He moved in close to Abel, closer than Sheen would have liked, but he knew that if he didn't make it over the top then the Capitolite would never believe his story.
"Abel, you're going to be saving me from that conversation. Pretend like we're talking about something more important than we actually are. I'll find some way to make it up to you."
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rosen-dovecote · 1 month
Watching Chicago Med and one of the Doctors just ignored a lady's DNR because he believes she shouldn't die regardless of her own wishes, and is trying to force her into this trial for a Cancer medication. And as a disabled, chronically ill person who has a DNR myself, I'm so incredibly mad at this Doctor and this scene.
Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy with how this show is handling it. He's being reprimanded by the hospital (to a point) and is being sued by the family. It's been mentioned that it's illegal for him to have ignore the DNR without her spouse's approval (which he didn't have). The other Doctors around him are rightfully outraged at him over it (only one person so far- a Drug Sales Rep who's hot for him and was the one who pulled the strings to get her into the trial in the first place- has validated what he did). They're constantly centering that it was her wishes (which he acted against) in the discussions ... It's being handled entirely appropriately, and I'm so incredibly thankful for that representation.
But outside of the fiction ... This isn't new. It happens all the time in medical settings in real life. Ablebodied people constantly think they know better than us about our own life and bodies, but especially when it comes to our deaths. Doubly so when we try to fight for our right to explicitly die on our own terms- up to and including calling it "abelism" (even better when it's "internalized abelism" according to them) when we do so 🙄. And I'm just so exhausted by ablebodied people's constant infantilization (medical or otherwise) of the chronically and terminally ill and disabled, and their abject refusal to allow us to die on our own terms, let alone with any dignity in tact.
And Lord, don't get me started on something like pain management and the infantilization that happens there now half the time- especially after the crackdown on opiates. I hate it.
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ETA, now that the issue's "resolved": I take it back. I'm now slightly grumpy about how this show eventually praised Halstead for it. Or, at the very least, let him get off relatively without punishment for it.
He was eventually thanked by the Husband after the Wife's death, and the suit was dropped. And the Hospital's punishment went no further than putting him on notice and busting his balls for a little bit. Even the on again off again romantic interest was still mildly tenable for a bit 🙄 I understand, because medical drama, but man screw them for it.
On the upside, it's heavily implied that another Doctor provided assisted suicide for his mentor (illegal), which I'm thankful for. And the same doctor also did another surgery to remove a heart thing for a patient who was guaranteed to die without it, but desperately wanted it out, was aware of the result, and actively wanted the removal- which did result in his death.
So in essence: Screw Dr. Halstead with a cactus covered in Hot Sauce 👎 And bless Dr. Rhodes 👍
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envihellbender · 1 year
House is visited by Chase’s overprotective, possessive and hugely obese mentor from the seminary after the Vogler incident declaring he’s bringing Chase home to be a good little priest. House disagrees. Vehemently.
Characters: Doctor Gregory House (House MD) Father Abel Channing (OC)
Content: extreme obesity, feedee, fatphobia, humiliation, priest, hinted noncon
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House was throwing his ball into the air with his cane when he heard his visitor coming in from the hallway. He rolled it down to his hands and focused on the noise thoughtfully. It was the telltale creak of the lift told him that someone at least the same size as the immobile Vogler had arrived. They were coming to his floor so probably not a patient, and the electric wheelchair that hummed as they made there way down the hall was not one the hospital would have given out to just anyone. No, he had a visitor, and through the glass walls of his office he saw them approach. He sighed in annoyance he was about to throw his ball again when he saw his visitor and he stopped in curiosity.
First he saw the man’s gut, a pale slither of flesh straining through his black shirt, followed by his bloated hands and arms. If he had to guess, he’d say the man weighed over a ton - his wheelchair was modified and expanded. It took up the majority of the corridor resulting in a nurse passing by having to press herself against the wall to get past. Thankfully the hospital had been enlarged when Vogler was in charge so he could arrogantly wheel himself through the halls. When the visitor got close House saw his gigantic neck roll, which completely covered his priest’s dog collar. House could see in the man’s eyes that there was a pressure against his neck underneath the flab but he couldn’t possibly remove it. There was a long silver chain and crucifix around his neck that rested between his gigantic breasts that strained against his black button up shirt. Despite only having to push down on a button when he entered House’s office he wheezed and groaned like he’d ran up the stairs. House looked him up and down and from his chair, smirking and repressing a laugh.
“Finally! My mail delivery blue whale priest got here,” House jibed, lounging back on his chair and swinging his feet onto the ottoman.
“Doctor House,” the man said curtly, his plump lips almost pursing as they moved. “I would say it’s a pleasure but your reputation proceeds you,” the man wheezed.
“And what reputation is that? My cunning wit, handsome, boyish good looks or-”
“Of your lack of manners and arrogant demeanour.”
“So, you’re an Aussie. And a priest.” House paused and leaned back into his chair. “Who are you and what do you want with my doctor?”
“Father Abel Channing. I have been rather close with Robert since he was a small boy,” he answered. He thought this would be enough to explain himself but House’s piercing, silent stare said otherwise. “I spoke to his father, we both agreed it might be best for Robert to return home.”
“And what does Chase think about this?” House asked with a slight frown.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.” There was a possessive venom in his voice as his plump, sausage like fingers shook slightly.
“Well, you see I don’t release the shackles for no reason,” House said with a hint of irritated snark in his voice. “Not even for the Australia’s largest land mammal.”
“You will be well compensated. Besides, he only has this job because of a phone call from his father.” The smugness in Father Channing’s voice made House unconsciously snarl, he hated the man already.
“That’s what I tell people, but I don’t just do what wealthy fat Aussies tell me to.”
“I was told you despise the boy now, after he betrayed you,” Father Channing accused, clearly affronted at not having instant respect from House. “Hardly a surprise from what I remember.”
“Oh, so it’s true that elephants never forget,” House smirked.
“He always has been difficult.” Father Channing spoke as if House had said nothing but the growing redness on his bloated cheeks said significantly more for his embarrassment and annoyance. “A scrawny little thing with a scowl who’d spread his legs for whoever looked twice at him. He stole the communion wine three times, you know.”
“Oh, he’s a booze thief? I’ll fire him immediately,” House said as he rolled his eyes. “Sounds like he’d be a terrible priest, and he’s a good doctor.”
“How much?” Father Channing shot.
“Come again?” House raised his eyebrows and leaned forward in his chair.
“Home much to fire Robert and send him home.”
“Big assumption to make, that he’d go running back down under just because he can’t work for me.”
“What else would he do?” Father Channing asked, House looked at him intently for a moment before he shrugged.
“Well, he still worked in this hospital before I hired him so he would probably go right back to doing that.”
“Why are you attached to him? Has he fallen back into old habits? Is he on his knees for you whenever you ask?”
“Oh definitely, I just can’t get enough of his sweet ass,” House nodded, leaving whether he was joking or not uncertain. “Listen, I’m not firing him. He’s a good doctor and he was just looking out for his job. Plus, I give him up, I won’t be able to torture him for a while until I forget why I’m screwing with him.”
“I won’t let this go.”
“I’m sure you’ll cling onto Chase just like you would a nice, greasy hot dog. If you want him, go hassle him into quitting. In the mean time, I have work to do.” House waited until the man wheeled himself out with a scowl and saying his goodbyes, the moment he left, House picked up his ball and began throwing it up and down, watching the man leave curiously.
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Marion Kay
Damien's First Queen Marion Kay (2020)
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The mother of Viola and the first of Damian's wives. Marion used to think that she and Damian would be married until death did them part. Divorce, however, came sooner than she thought when Damian dropped her for his newest fling and Marion's eventual best friend, Linda May. Marion focused on being the best mother to her young daughter and tried her hardest to move on and live a normal life without the support of a husband, and she's done quite well for herself... or so she says.
"Ah yes, your father, The Henry the eighth of wrestling."
Full Legal Name: Marion Ophelia Kay
First Name: Marion
Meaning: Mediaeval diminutive of 'Marie' which itself is the French and Czech form of 'Maria', which is the Latin form of 'Mary'. The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including 'sea of bitterness', 'rebelliousness', and 'wished for child'. However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from 'Mry' 'Beloved' or 'Mr' 'Love'
Pronunciation: MAR-ee-on
Origin: French, English
Middle Name: Ophelia
Meaning: Derived from Greek 'Opheleia' meaning 'Help, advantage'
Pronunciation: o-FEEL-ee-a
Origin: English, Literature, Ancient Greek
Surname: Kay
Meaning: Derived from Old French 'Kay' meaning 'Wharf, quay'
Pronunciation: KAY
Origin: English
Alias(es): Alexandre Abney, Rachel Yates, Isobel Keen, Ophelia Abel, Nona Young
Reason: Pen-names
Nicknames: Marie, Maria, Mary, Mari, Ma
Titles: Miss, Ma'am
Age: 62
Gender: Female. She/Her pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: August 7th 1958
Symbols: Wine glasses
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, French
Relationship Status: Divorced, Dating
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Damian & Vi's Phones): Damian: 'Bitch Came Back' - Theory of a Deadman | Vi: 'Kryptonite' - 3 Doors Down
Voice Actor: Jennifer Saunders
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bracknell, Berkshire, England
Current Location: Bracknell, Berkshire, England
Hometown: Bracknell, Berkshire, England
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Ear Lobe (both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Alcoholic, Non-Smoker, Doesn't use drugs.
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Linda May
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Linda May
Mentor: N/A
Significant Other: Barnabas Bush (63, Boyfriend)
Previous Partners: Damian Lum (61, Ex-Husband)
Parents: Prosper Kay (82, Father), Lorelei Kay (83, Mother, Née Rey)
Parents-In-Law: N/A
Siblings: Katherine Ball (59, Sister, Née Kay), Jasmine Barr (56, Sister, Née Kay), Rosamund Beck (53, Sister, Née Kay)
Siblings-In-Law: Odin Ball (60, Katherine's Husband), Neville Barr (57, Jasmine's Husband), Irving Beck (54, Rosamund's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Hector Ball (39, Nephew), Sophia Ball (40, Hector's Wife, Née Bird), Cassandra Bell (36, Niece, Née Ball), Troy Bell (37, Cassandra's Husband), Gareth Ball (33, Nephew), Rhiannon Ball (34, Gareth's Wife, Née Blue), Bridget Best (30, Niece, Née Ball), Phoenix Best (31, Bridget's Husband), Finn Ball (27, Nephew), Athena Ball (24, Niece), Ethan Ball (21, Nephew), Victoria Ball (18, Niece), Damon Ball (15, Nephew), Olive Bond (36, Niece, Née Barr), Vere Bond (37, Olive's Husband), Nelson Barr (33, Nephew), Tansy Barr (34, Nelson's Wife, Née Bone), Magnolia Boon (30, Niece, Née Barr), Scout Boon (31, Magnolia Husband), Lambert Barr (27, Nephew), Zara Barr (24, Niece), Xavier Barr (21, Nephew), Yasmine Barr (18, Niece), Warren Barr (15, Nephew), Kimberlyn Bray (33, Niece, Née Beck), Daniel Bray (34, Kimberlyn's Husband), John Beck (30, Nephew), Carmel Beck (31, John's Wife, Née Bull), Indigo Beck (27, Niece), Honor Beck (24, Nephew), Gloriana Beck (21, Niece), Fortune Beck (18, Nephew), Esther Beck (15, Niece)
Children: Viola Nye (41, Daughter, Née Lum), Astor Bush-Kay (38, Son), Zoe Case (35, Daughter, Née Bush-Kay), York Bush-Kay (32, Son), Xanthia Bush-Kay (29, Daughter), Wystan Bush-Kay (26, Son), Vivian Bush-Kay (23, Daughter), Ulric Bush-Kay (20, Son), Twila Bush-Kay (17, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: Quentin Nye (42, Viola's Husband), Symphony Bush-Kay (39, Astor's Wife, Née Clay), Ryland Case (36, Zoe's Husband), Primrose Bush-Kay (33, York's Wife, Née Cobb)
Grandkids: Adam Nye (21, Grandson), Paulette Nye (18, Granddaughter), Benjamin Nye (15, Grandson), Olivia Nye (12, Granddaughter), Charles Nye (9, Grandson), Orinda Bush-Kay (18, Granddaughter), Noble Bush-Kay (15, Grandson), Montana Bush-Kay (12, Granddaughter), Lyric Bush-Kay (9, Grandson), Kyrie Case (15, Granddaughter), Justice Case (12, Grandson), Ivy Case (9, Granddaughter), Huxley Bush-Kay (12, Grandson), Gray Bush-Kay (9, Granddaughter)
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Backstory: Marion married Damian when she was young and had Viola before the divorce. She became a writer after leaving Damian and now lives with her boyfriend whilst continuing her writing career.
Trivia: None of note
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New Year Love
((Since this is the true conclusion of 2020 despite of all the gun violence, pandemic, deaths, sadness and such. But now, everyone begins with a new chapter for 2021. For this story, humans and reploids are more prepared for the millennium of a lifetime, saying goodbye to the old year by making way for the true beginning of the future. While the two Maverick Hunters are, on the other, are enjoying their new year celebration by spending with each other in private at HQ, especially Zero's room. Before reading, it involves yaoi. So if you are not a fan, then you don't have to read this fiction. But, if so, you're welcome to enjoy this story. Anywho, without further ado, please enjoy reading and Happy New Year! 😊🎉🎉🎉🎇🎇🎇))
Midnight has slowly made its way by the appearance before the starting event of this evening's New Year extravaganza party here in Abel City, where the white diamond orb of light ascended into the middle of the dark sapphire skies, sided with a few stars twinkling beautifully like the precious gems or the clear oceans. Crickets created a quiet chirping sound for the soothing mood when it comes to nighttime, fireflies brighten their bottoms into the flashy shade of green for an even more peaceful atmosphere all across the earth. Humans, along with reploids, are surely hyped up for the conclusion of this previous year due to the endless cycle of maverick revolution ruled by the infamous king of all irregularities and former commander of the band of hunters, Sigma.
Few or many lives have been revoked into death, cities crumbled from certain attacks, and to cease the existence of all mankind to all the strongest robotic kind to rule the universe for eternity.
With every bit of hope have almost been decreased hastily, but thankfully, a duo of elite crime busting hunters have intervene the former mad commander's ambitions as well as to destroy his schemes in puny smithereens. One of them is the pure hearted B Class gun user who despises the unyielding feud between machines and man with the possessed potential. The other one is the serious, too cool for school A Class beam saber wielder with a non reckless strategy and lacks the practice of mercy towards enemies. Together, they're known as Maverick Hunters. Humanity's last hope for achieved freedom from disasters. Battling their paths throughout a horde of those who would follow their master's footsteps, especially the eight criminals that use to be hunters from before. Dueling against the arrogant rabble rouser in purple named Vile, and finally, ending the nightmarish nightmare by defeating the big boss himself. Numerous times in fact, no matter how many times he resurrected himself, but always dismantled by the irregular hunting crusaders. Peace has been restored at last, cleansed by the virus of villainy, where everyone began to applaud towards the hunters of foiling their enemies dreams. And this, where it all began, the true combination of both reploids and mankind living as one.
Meanwhile, back at the present time where everyone, as well as the Maverick Hunters, have began their special occasion at the Hunter HQ garden fields. Decorated everyone including the new year drop ball for the later countdown. While the guests are partying, having a wonderful time together, chatting, enjoying foods and drinks, taking turns with their speeches about others who made their lives even better if it wasn't for them during the crazy year, and lastly, telling of their new years resolution. Folks and reploids are remaining by having a blast. Even the rousing young prototype who is now a hunter, Axl.
Elsewhere away from the gang, the two droids, X and Zero, are relaxing in one piece alone inside of each other's room, enjoying their new year solo time in the dark. Mouth connected all night long without ever wanting to stop, caressing their backs smoothly, grinding on one's  armored bodies to force out the satisfy moans from the lower part of their stomachs.
"U...Unh~ Oh Zero~ Please don't stop yourself from polishing my body~ I... I kinda love it when you massage me~" Moaned the shy hunter of the 17th unit, intrigued by his crimson partner's soft touch across him. Letting out his pinkish tongue before panting, pleading for more.
"X~ You know I love it when you're enjoying my hands placed on your gorgeous little ass along with your body~" Aroused the blood colored mentor, kissing his lover's entire body with a starving attitude. "I want more of you, baby~ Your softness and nature have cured my cursed bloodlust from the past~ I lost control of myself, but now that you're here by my side, I felt peacefully comfortable around you~"
"Zero~ Zero~ I don't wanna live in this new year without you~ You're even more important to me that lifted my spirits~ Reminding me of your inspiration has made me the symbol of peace, helping others in need and beating Sigma with my full power and your courage that help me succeed~ It's all thanks to everyone who guided me, especially you, my love~"
"X~ You also done the same thing when I was acting too serious during my missions~ Refusing to accept anyone's help but to work on my own turfs, becoming stubborn every time someone wanted to help, and I'm very sorry for calling soft because of your emotions and sympathy towards your foes~ It really inspired me to be myself and still as cool thanks to you~ Nothing would put a smile upon my face more than your words of kindness which filled my cold broken heart~ So, thanks again, baby~ You really made my day~"
Influencing each other with the gallon of appreciation, sided along a plate of love, the cuddling couple resuming their enjoyment together by lip sucking like there's no tomorrow or next time. Making out all crazy on the bed, tongue kissing, giving one a naughty spanking for being a bad reploid. Comforting each others well beings or souls by their warmth, ignoring useless judgements by flushing them, along with hatred, down the toilet where it belongs. Living within their less colder shadows with full confidence, snuggle into one's shoulders without getting lost in the middle of nowhere but ridicules from anyone possessing a haughty personality. Watching out or got their backs when it comes to danger, filling in due their absence from missions or meetings.
"Zero~ What would be your new years resolution~?" He asked, but was already aware of that answer.
"It's obvious, babe~ To stay by your side for as long as it takes~ Cause I'm not going anywhere now that you're alone with me~" The upperclass hunter replied, pulling his cerulean closer to him for a deeper smooch as well as the desperate taste.
"I would think of doing the same thing~ I felt very strong hearted around you, Zero~" The kind spirited lower class smiled, responded with a kiss while being pulled towards.
Their longing silent mouth connections have shut off the horrible memories that bother them, as well as their focuses, replacing all of it with each other's images to help them relax and regain control once again. Leaving everything in the past behind them or to never look back. For a harmonious year to come very shortly, two hearts have finally conjoined into one.
"Zero~ I love you~ With all my heart~"
"I love you, X~ Even if it means to sacrifice my life to protect you~"
"And I will always be your guardian angel to help you rise up when you're going to give up~"
"And I'll be your undying strength when you're giving out~"
Outside the Hunter Base, the entire crowd is completely prepared for the exciting countdown to be announced. Their hearts began to pump a rapid beat to helping the blood increase greatly. Even the teen shape shifter has felt this hyped up since his first promotion of becoming an irregular destroyer. They all have directed their attention upwards the skies for the fireworks to burst after the millennium ball has descended.
Inside, both the maverick stoppers wrapped themselves into each other's arms for a permanent embrace. Cherishing their hearts with tenderness and softness clothing their surroundings to form a private barrier around them without interruption from anybody.
"Thanks for being here with me all these years, Zero~ Having you by my side has really put a grin on my face~" X said gladly, feeling the endless warmth from his mentor's hand keeping him company.put
"Anytime, X~ You've done the same for me since we met~ Everything would be a living hell without you~ I'm glad that peace has been brought back because of you~" Replied Zero, smiling towards his young lover into his grasps. Happily being with one another forever, away from the densed insults showering them. But to be praised by those with positive traits around them that assist their mysterious potential to proceed further instead of stopping. Earning complements and friendships that never ends. Also, to be there for all reploids and humans.
"And mostly ~.... "
"But most of all~...."
And finally, the backwards counting has commenced as everyone joined in. While the two lovers would approach each other for a new year kiss.
The crowd starts to count: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Both irregular fighters have reached into their faces saying this before the reunited lip mashing.
"You are my everything~"
"You are my everything~"
The entire audience have shouted "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" as they cheer roaringly, while both lovers have kissed at last. Hearing the booming effects of the bursting fireworks into the air, lighting on their armors into the middle of a occasional deep smooch. All kinds have continued their fun during the beginning of the new millennium, hoping for it be far more better than this year. And as for the B and A Class heroes, well, everyone is already aware of their new year resolution: Staying by each other's side no matter, even when it means to sacrifice their lives.
"Happy New Year, Zero~"
"Happy New Year, X~"
"And... I love you~..."
"I love you too, baby blue~... Never forget it~"
"Oh Zero~"
"Oh X~"
"Zero~..... " Whispered the peace admiring buster bearer, proceeding his face towards his loving partner closely.
"X~...." Same goes for the scarlet swordsman, meeting his cute teammate's face for a preparing lip to lip sucking as well.
The duo are now continuing their holiday moment with each other alone by meeting lips once more, allowing the rest to enjoy their evening as well. Hopefully, this new and improved chapter will become much more tranquil than the unending disasters happening from the old year. Wherever there's trouble hidden itself out of suspicion without ever to become noticed, the inhuman hunting dream team will always get the job done quickly and over with. All humans and reploids will forever live as one, no matter the difference or appearances, everything will be possible.
The End
Happy New Year, everyone!
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nonsissi · 6 years
Finesse (it takes some, o almeno un certo gusto investigativo e una cospicua voglia di perder tempo)
Quando venerdì scorso Drake ha pubblicato Scorpion, e i secchioni di Genius si sono messi all’opera per trascrivere e commentare i testi di tutte e venticinque le canzoni del doppio album, la comunità che segue le vicende dell’hip-hop si è divisa in due. Da una parte coloro che facevano classifiche e paragoni con gli album precedenti e scrivevano dei campionamenti, della collaborazione postuma con Michael Jackson, delle produzioni, della risposta (c’era la risposta?) al dissing di Pusha-T, del figlio (ma allora ha veramente un figlio?) rivelato al mondo.
Dall’altra quelli (non necessariamente diversi dai precedenti) che leggevano i testi e si interrogavano su chi fossero le ragazze di cui Drake cantava nella seconda parte dell’album. Il giorno stesso della sua uscita tutti parlavano di una canzone in particolare: i commentatori erano concordi nel vedere in Finesse una dedica a Bella Hadid, di cui si diceva avesse avuto un flirt con Drake.
Ecco la prova conclusiva che c’era stato effettivamente qualcosa tra i due, o almeno così parrebbe. Nonostante la Hadid abbia subito risposto con un tweet in cui nega decisamente ogni insinuazione del genere, affermando che lei e Drake sono solo amici.
Visto che questo post è dedicato a coloro che ascoltando la canzone cercano su Google per saperne di più, partirei dalla dichiarazione di Bella Hadid come prova a sfavore della tesi corrente per introdurne un’altra, magari non risolutiva ma altrettanto plausibile.
Possiamo dire che Bella Hadid non menta su questo punto? Durante il Coachella di quest’anno il sito ENews aveva pubblicato uno scoop: Abel Tesfaye, meglio noto come The Weeknd, sarebbe stato sorpreso a baciarsi con la sua ex, appunto Bella Hadid. Anche allora la Hadid commentò il post di ENews su Instagram, affermando che non si trattava di lei. Le foto provarono che in effetti Tesfaye si trovava con un’altra ragazza quella sera, anche se in seguito lui e Bella sono stati paparazzati più volte insieme.
In attesa di vedere foto di lei con Drake, quindi, sembrerebbe abbastanza normale fidarsi della dichiarazione della diretta interessata. Ma considerazioni extratestuali a parte, chiunque non sia nella testa di Drake ha un solo modo per provare a ipotizzare come stiano le cose: chiederlo a Drake stesso. Vediamo quindi cosa dice la canzone.
Prima di tutto, una considerazione generale. Il mood lento e malinconico ricorda altre canzoni di Drake, una su tutte Days in the East, la canzone del 2014 in cui molti videro un riferimento a Rihanna. Anche qui, e a differenza che in altre canzoni dell’album, Drake non si rivolge amareggiato a una ragazza che lo ha deluso o non lo ha voluto. Il tono è invece pensieroso e introspettivo, di nostalgia verso una relazione che non sembra potersi realizzare.
La relazione non realizzata di Drake per eccellenza è quella con Rihanna. In una recente intervista a Vogue, Rihanna ha dichiarato che lei e Drake non sono né amici né nemici, in questo momento. Il testo di Finesse trasmette lo stesso senso di rapporto in sospeso.
Il primo verso a cui tutti fanno riferimento è «I want my baby to have your eyes». Oltre a essere applicabile a chiunque sia l’oggetto dell’innamoramento, potrebbe benissimo parlare degli occhi verdi a mandorla di Rihanna, un tratto notevole del suo viso non meno di quanto lo siano gli occhi azzurri di Bella Hadid. Anche «I’m going against my own advice» potrebbe riferirsi a una precedente decisione di Drake di non pensare più a qualcuno a cui evidentemente ancora si sente legato, anche se non si potrebbe.
Nel riferimento al figlio c’è un altro fattore da considerare. Drake ora è padre: come canta lui stesso nell’album dopo quanto già rivelato da Pusha-T, lui e la madre del bambino non sono mai stati una coppia. La sua nostalgia sarebbe perciò non avere avuto questo figlio da una donna che ama, e con cui magari avrebbe potuto costruire una relazione. Non sembra esattamente il genere di dichiarazione da fare a una ventunenne in carriera con cui ci sarebbe stato solo un flirt, ma potrebbe adattarsi benissimo a Rihanna.
L’altro riferimento è la Fashion Week di New York, a cui Drake non sa se partecipare perché «Fashion week is more your thing than mine». Negli ultimi tempi, di Rihanna si è parlato più per il lancio di una linea di cosmetici e per la sua direzione del Met Ball di quest’anno (oltre che per la sua partecipazione a Oceans 8) che per la musica, senza contare la sua amicizia con modelle come Cara Delevingne. Senz’altro è più interessata di Drake a quel mondo della moda in cui lui si trova a disagio, pur non facendone del tutto parte: in questo senso quel «more» non sembrerebbe riferirsi a Bella Hadid, per la quale la moda è l’unica professione.
L’unico brano in cui il team Bella sembra prendere il sopravvento si trova in due versi della seconda strofa: «You and your sister / Too hot to handle». Anni fa, Drake fu visto in compagnia di una sorella di Rihanna, Samantha. All’epoca i giornali si chiedevano se ci fosse qualcosa tra i due, o se fosse un passo verso l’ufficializzazione del rapporto con Rihanna. Più o meno nello stesso periodo anche Gigi Hadid presentava Drake alla madre, sia pure sotto forma di cartonato. In tempi più recenti è sicuro che i due si siano incontrati, visto che pare sia stato Drake a organizzare il ventunesimo compleanno della sorella minore. Ma non sembra ci sia stato niente tra i due che autorizzi a pensare a un interesse in quel senso - sì, Gigi è bellissima ed è una supermodella, ma lui è pur sempre quello che ha la casa piena di supermodelle come Mohamed Hadid, no?
Infine, l’accenno a un misterioso «he» è stato interpretato come l’esistenza di un triangolo The Weeknd/Bella/Drake, ma lascia molti dubbi. Se la canzone è recente, Drake l’avrebbe composta e incisa quando già c’erano parecchi indizi di un riavvicinamento tra Bella Hadid e l’ex. Incidentalmente The Weeknd è amico e connazionale di Drake, che gli ha fatto da mentore (e che è stato accusato di essersi appropriato di canzoni e idee del pupillo per metterle nei suoi album). Un ritornello del genere, in cui Drake sminuisce l’altro per dirle che non è degno di lei («I seen you finesse/ He can’t know finesse») sarebbe uno sgarbo abbastanza grave nei confronti di un amico, soprattutto se fatto con lo scopo di rubargli la ragazza. Chris Brown sarebbe saltato su per molto meno.
E con tutto che i rapporti fra lui e The Weeknd non sono forse buoni come un tempo, visti i dissing in corso con Kanye West e gli altri rapper che lo hanno spinto a cercare come alleato Jay-Z  (un altro con cui in passato non sempre è andato d’accordo), sembra improbabile che Drake si voglia inimicare qualcuno a lui vicino. Sembra invece più probabile che si riferisca al nuovo fidanzato (e recente ex) di Rihanna, un semplice miliardario che difficilmente potrà mai risentirsi o vantarsi del suo essere un rivale.
In conclusione: nonostante le giovani promesse musicali e le modelle di cui si circonda, Drake si riserverebbe un brano per cantare a Rihanna quanto ancora la pensi e come sia difficile ritrovarsi nella stessa stanza con lei e fingere di essere estranei. In un mondo in cui le coppie si lasciano o diventano imprese multimilionarie, per quanto un po’ noiose (ogni riferimento ai Carter è puramente voluto) il neverending drama fra questi due rimarrebbe una costante sotterranea, per quanto per il momento fuori dal radar dei tabloid. E chissà, magari prima o poi si decideranno a darci qualche altra canzone insieme.
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silverfierro · 4 years
Bank Total - 124th
Completion of R&K Member survey: $0
Correct 123rd victor guess: $0
123rd Victors Ball: $100 for outfit (goes to appropriate stylist or character) $10 per post= $100
“At home” thread/para: $0
*Task 001. The Reaping: $100
Task 002. Daemon: $100
Task 003. Social Media: $100
Task 004. Opening Ceremonies & Training prompts: $100 per prompt, up to $500
Sneak out of the tower (with Hades) 
Do something the crowd will remember during the parade
 Ask a mentor about their games (Abel, Auri(?))
Form an alliance your tribute intends to keep (Niko, Wattson, Hades)
Interact with a character your character dislikes (Ariadne)
*Task 005. Skills Presentation: $100 x score (i.e. score of 5, $100 x 5 = $500)
Task 006. Star Signs: $100
Task 007. Closet: $100
*Task 008. Skills: $100
*Task 009. Interview: $0 per completed interview; $100 for outfit
Task 010. Love Languages: $100
*Task 011. Arena Plans: $100
*Sponsor funds: $1300
TOTAL: $3200
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dont-pick-me · 4 years
Hyacinth was still working on her relationship with her fellow Mentor, she still cared about Drake’s opinion of her more than she cared to and she couldn’t help but always think back to her talk with Abel about Drake and how Hyacinth needed to stop caring what people thought. Nonetheless, Hyacinth wanted to have a good relationship with Drake. Did Drake finding out about Rajah help her case? No, probably not, but Rajah was a part of Hyacinth’s little family she was slowly making now whether Drake liked it or not.
Spotting the fellow young Mentor from Eleven while in line for the bar, Hyacinth ordered two overly fruity frozen cocktails when it was her turn before heading over to Drake. She extended one out to Drake “Do you like Erebus’ Ball outfit?” She nodded to Erebus who had a ‘shark’ life jacket on.
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trilotechcorp · 5 years
New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on https://pba-live.com/alston-rules-in-dyips-success-over-aces/
Alston rules in Dyip's success over Aces
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KHAPRI Alston demonstrated to be what Columbian mentor Johnedel Cardel needed the import to be with a beast game and against the Dyip’s long-term foe at that.
Alston appeared with 38 points and 22 bounce back as Columbian held off Alaska 117-110 Friday toward the beginning of the PBA Governors’ Cup at the Mall of Asia Arena.
CJ Perez, Glenn Khobuntin, Rashawn McCarthy and new acquisitions Juami Tiongson and Lervin Flores drove the individuals who capably loaned help, however it was the wide-carried Alston who drew the most astounding commendation from Cardel in the wake of loaning within nearness his group woefully required.
To be sure, Alston stepped his strength by going 12-of-19 off an assortment of post moves and even went 14-of-17 from the stripes.
His caroms likewise gave Columbian a 65-48 bit of leeway off the sheets and Alaska didn’t help itself any by shooting 20-of-50 from the field in the subsequent half.
The triumph is made better by the reality it was formed over a similar Alaska group that, by temperance of a higher remainder, knock Columbian off from the playoffs picture in the last Commissioner’s Cup.
Additionally, the Dyip likewise woke up from an eight-game losing streak to the Aces going back to the 2016-17 season.
Ruined was the presentation of Jeff Cariaso as lead trainer of Alaska.
Justin Watts drove all scorers with 40 points over 14 bounce back, however he didn’t get as much help as Alston did as just newcomer Abu Tratter, Vic Manuel and Simon Enciso completed in twofold figures with in any event 11 points each.
Conversely, Perez had his very own twofold of 28 and 13 bounce back, Khobuntin included 16 markers and McCarthy and Tiongson 11 each.
Flores, alongside Joseph Gabayni and Tiongson procured from NorthPort in discrete arrangements, scored just four points off philanthropies however the last two of those gave Columbian a 107-96 lead.
Previously playing less the harmed Jeron Teng, Kevin Racal and Maverick Ahanmisi, Alaska got additionally pulverized when Noy Baclao hurt his correct knee off an awful fall, scarcely 58 seconds into the fourth time frame. He was stretchered out of the court and later taken to a clinic.
That episode further intensified the Aces’ burdens in a game where it trailed by upwards of 14 points and couldn’t jump on a brilliant open door that introduced itself after Tratter’s drive brought them inside 108-113, 26 ticks left.
Following a messed up inbound among Khobuntin and Alston, Tratterhad the opportunity to inch Alaska closer yet missed a couple of free tosses.
Perez then found the ball off the last miss and McCarthy frosted the game with three philanthropies inside the most recent 16 seconds that made it 116-108.
Columbian really began holding onto full control by going on a 20-4 hurried to begin the second from last quarter to wake up from a 56-all halt at halftime and erect a 76-62 lead behind Alston, who proceeded to score 17 of his focuses in the period.
Perez included 11 of his own focuses in that range with his ringer beating triple pegging a 93-81 tally setting off to the most recent 12 minutes of play.
In the wake of scoring only four in the opening quarter, Watts all of a sudden woke up in the second time frame with 13 of his markers, his consecutive triples pushing Alaska ahead 45-39.
Columbian would not all that effectively clasp with Tiongson spiking his eight second quarter focuses with two straight significantly increases that drew the Dyip level at 56.
Alston as of now had 15 and 11 bounce back in the opening half and got a lot of assistance from McCarthy and Perez as Columbian dashed to a mid 26-14 lead.
Be that as it may, Alaska had its very own counter, with Abel Galliguez, Manuel and Enciso assisting Watts the most. Significantly Tratter unobtrusively contributed with seven and the same number of bounce back in the initial 24 minutes of play. (NC)
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