baubeautyandthegeek · 5 months
Taking A Dip - Abi Borin/Ziva David
 A/N: Prompt 1/12 for @storiesofsvu 's birthday bingo.
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It comes naturally, at first, Ziva considers bringing Abi to the swimming pool specifically to get space away from other people. She’s had her own pool for a while since taking over her family’s home but she’s only really used it once, when the weather was warm enough. She knows, in time, she’ll have to face up to her past, but for now she wants to focus on her future.    It’s only later, as she sits by the pool with Abi that she finds peace. Abi’s gentle teasing opens her up to relaxation and comfort, the two finding a new kind of peace and understanding with one another.
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jordanstark007 · 5 months
Calex Kid OneShots 5/6
Adeline Cabot-Novak
The Marine
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Adeline had been sent to DC training groups of soldiers, since returning from Iraq 9 months ago, her superiors felt it necessary that they give her time of the constant sandy hell holes she’d been going between for the past 8 years of her service.
They’d only just recovered from a joint training weekend with the Navy when Adeline saw a familiar figure in the distance. “Corporal, can you take the them, I’ll be back.”
The man nodded, as Adeline made her way over to the approaching group of people, “Special Agent Abigail Borin.” The agent smiled at her niece the marine stood taunt,
“Sargent Adeline Novak.” Until the tense atmosphere dissolved with a laugh and the pair embraced,
“Wait you two know each other?” Abi turned to the team of NCIS Agents with a small grin,
“Sargent Novak here is my niece. Ads meets NCIS Special Agents Gibbs, DiNozzo, McGee and David, we’re here to ask about Lance Corporal Bennett, we’ve been told you knew each other?”
Adeline nodded her expression cool, “We were aquatinted but that’s where our interactions ended, Lance Corporal Bennett wasn’t exactly welcoming toward female soldier, especially those who outranked him, why do you ask?”
Abi’s eyes grazed the floor with a small grimace, “He was murdered they found him in the water just off the pier, CGIS and NCIS, are working together to catch his killer.”
Adeline nodded although Abi noticed the dissociated expression she harboured, “Theres a few people you can talk to that he was close with, but if you wanna find his killer, I’d suggest pulling his file, last I checked there’s a number of complaints against him.”
Abi nodded and that was what Adeline had assumed would be the end of their interaction until she and her Aunt got together to go for lunch or dinner, as they often did when either had a spare few hours.
“Sargent Novak, you’re being temporarily assigned to work with NCIS until they find Lance Corporal Bennetts killer, you’ll report to Special Agent Gibbs immediately.” Adeline nodded like the good soldier she was although she couldn’t help the growing anger in the pit of her stomach.
Walking into the NCIS office Adeline found Special Agent DiNozzo combing through her military personnel file, although there wasn’t much of it considering most of the file was redacted.
“Sargent Adeline Novak, been in 6 years, had more medals than you can count of two hands. Did you know that Agent Borin had a sister, and a twin sister at that.” Adeline smirked Agents David and McGee also crowding the screen,
“Who is happily married to my mother, you wanna find a date DiNozzo, I’d keep out of my family tree considering most of my siblings are either married, engaged or not interested in men, unless you want to try my younger brother Will.” The three all jumped, DiNozzo discreetly turning off the screen returning its contents to that of the case at hand.
“Sargent Novak, it’s a pleasure.” The soldier hummed, eyes glazing over the office until she saw her Aunt walking toward them,
“Ads what are you doing here?” The marine smiled with a light shrug,
“Temporary reassignment, Gibbs requested my help.” Abi nodded the pair divulging into quiet conversation until Tony turned his attention to the pair,
“So Borin, you, me dinner tonight?” Adeline didn’t even give her aunt an opportunity to respond when Tony found himself flat on his ass, groaning. A dime spinning next to him, Ziva gazed at Adeline with a reserved adoration, she’d put Tony on his ass with nothing but a dime found in her pocket, hitting his temple to render him on his ass, eating carpet.
“Not happening DiNozzo, family rules state you need family pro mission and that my friend is something you certainly don’t have.” Abi flicked her ear although she herself was smirking,
“Ads play nice.” The soldier nodded her attention returning to the case files in her hand,
“Yes ma’am.”
They’d located a suspect briskly, an ex-arsonist and recreational bomb maker who seemed to think lightly of the experience. Abi had already been removed as per Gibbs request the last time all too fresh in his memory, Adeline however had stayed.
Gibbs hadn’t known that Adeline was there on that boat, that the reason she wore long sleeves even in warm weather was because underneath her skin still retained horrific memories of the experience.
“I never understood what the big deal was, it was a fun we were kids just messing around.” Adeline scoffed,
“So the kid that died because of a bomb you set off he was having fun was he?” The man shrugged eyes glazing the table,
“That boy was five years old and he died because a piece of the bomb you set off pierced his heart, you killed him and that was just fun?!” Her voice was raised, her cheeks a dark crimson as she restrained herself from launching toward the man and causing some serious damage.
“It was a lifetime ago, I served my time! I joined the Navy I made up for what I did!” Adeline’s jaw clenched as she pulled out a lighter from her pocket and locked the door to the interrogation room.
“You know hand sanitiser contains ethanol, sometimes upwards of 80% of the substance is pure ethanol.” She revealed a small bottle from one of her many pocket a malicious smirk dancing on her lips.
She could hear the banging on the door but that didn’t dissuade her, “And ethanol well I don’t know if you know this but it’s very flammable, it glows a light blue colour, very pretty.”
Unscrewing the lid of the hand sanities she poured the contents of the bottle onto his lap, the lighter lid being flicked backwards with a satisfying echo from the metal.
“Tell me the name of the soldier that killed Lance Corporal Bennett, or you’ll be losing something I think you’d much rather keep.” Terrified the man spate out a name and Adeline shrugged putting the lighter away and opening the door.
“What the hell Novak.” The Sargent glared at Gibbs,
“I got you a name.”
When the case was over Adeline was standing in front of the mirror of the gym, her jacket lay on the counter. Her entire right side had a combination of 2nd and 3rd degree burns, the scar tissue still prominent against her tanned skin.
“Addy?” Adeline shook from her memory the flashbacks draining the cloud from her face.
“Hey Aunt Abs, what can I do from you?” Abi couldn’t speak she simply stared at the scars, her fingers lightly tracing her shoulder, down to her forearm.
“Abi-“ The former marine shook her head, but she remained silent, cautious, she’d seen them once when they’d first been inflicted but Adeline had done her best to conceal them from everyone since.
Adeline noticed her shock and caution shrugging off her loose tee, revealing the entirety of her abdomen and chest, pressing her Aunt’s hand against the rough skin.
“Its okay, they don’t hurt much anymore, I’m okay.” Abi nodded her hand trailing upwards to her neck and cheek before she finally pulled her niece into her arms.
“I love you so much Adeline Cabot-Novak.” Adeline nodded into Abi’s shoulder,
“I know, I love you too, and I miss her.” The tears glistened in Abi’s eyes,
“I know you do kiddo, I do too.”
Adeline would remain in the Marine’s for another 14 years serving a total of 20 years until she was shot in the line of duty as Gunnery Sargent Adeline Novak, receiving an honourable discharge.
Aged 38 she turned to her Aunt with a charming smile, and soon enough she found herself an Agent at CGIS the right hand of Special Agent Abigail Borin.
“Come on Kid, we’ve got a case.” Adeline chuckled with a curt nod,
“I’m 38 years old and you’re still calling me kid.”
“Because you’re still my baby Buck.”
“I hate that nickname.”
“I know you do Buck.”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Competition (Abigail Borin x Reader)
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Abigail knew as soon as she mentioned the flirtatious NCIS agents that she was working alongside, she had made a mistake. She could see the jealousy flare up behind your normally soft eyes. You knew that you had nothing to worry about, if you did, the two of you wouldn’t be married. Still, you that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t drop by the NCIS office to drop off some lunch for your wife. 
“Can I help you?” Your head turned towards the fairly soft spoken voice. You smiled politely at the guy who looked maybe a year or two older than you. There was an older guy sitting at his desk and a woman, both agents staring in your direction. 
“Is Abi here?” you asked and they all shared a look. “Agent Borin?” 
“Agent Borin is in interrogation, she should be out soon,” the man from before told you. The older guy sat forward in his seat, obviously checking you out. Technically, that was the point of getting a little dolled up. You wanted to show yourself off for Abigail so that they all knew she had someone very special to come home to. 
“Oh, is it okay if I wait here for her? It was sort of a hassle getting in here.” You batted your eyelashes and one of the guys pulled a chair over for you to sit in. “I’m Y/n.” 
“Tony DiNozzo, that’s McGee over there, and uh, Ziva,” Tony introduced himself. You gave him an unimpressed look and then glanced over towards Ziva and offered her a smile. It was flirtier than the one you’d given McGee when you walked in. 
“Tony, I don’t think she’s interested,” Ziva told the man. He ignored her though and tried a couple of lines on you. You heard two sets of footsteps, one definitely Abi’s and one belonging to someone else. Just as Tony was about to say something else to you, Abi came up behind him and tugged him away from you. 
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Abi asked you. You stood up from the chair and wrapped your arms around her neck, not letting go until she kissed your cheek. “I thought you were showing today.” 
“I did this morning, and got out around lunch. I figured that you hadn’t eaten yet, so I thought I’d come by and invite you out to lunch. That’s okay, right honey?” you explained. Abi ducked her head down a bit as she smiled at the fact that you’d gone well out of your way to come and do something as small as get lunch with her. 
“Gibbs, you don’t mind if I duck out for an hour or so, do you?” Abi asked. Technically, she was her own boss, but you knew how important communication was when different agencies were working in tandem. 
“Go right ahead. I’ll call you if something comes up,” Gibbs told her. Abi smiled, grabbed her jacket from off of the back of a chair, and then escorted you out of the building. You had your arm linked with hers all the way to your car. 
“That could have been a phone call,” Abi said as she opened the passenger’s side door for you. You placed your keys in her hand and sat down as she shut the door. 
“It could have, but I wanted to see my competition,” you said sweetly. Abi rolled her eyes, not believing there was any contest when it came to who got her affection. She loved you and only you, there wasn’t going to be another person in her life she could ever love in the same way again. “McGee seems sweet and Tony is an ass.” 
“You think Ziva’s hot, don’t you?” Abi asked and you bit your lip as you looked away to avoid answering. Abi scoffed and nudged your shoulder. “Come on, don’t get bashful.” 
“I mean, yeah, she is. She knows we’re married right?” you asked and Abi nodded. “Good, then I have nothing to worry about.” 
“Not that you did in the first place,” Abi said as she turned towards your favorite restaurant in the area. 
Taglist: @storiesofsvu @xixxiixx​
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 10
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Abigail Borin xfem!reader Warnings: language. V. Minor angst?
The elevator dinged and your stepped into the NCIS main office, moving with ease through the desks to where the team was, now having been there more than a handful of times working through cases with them. It cut into your O.R time, but the work you were doing was at least helping people find closure, and that always brought your mood up a bit.
“Awee, Summers! You know you don’t have to dress up for me, right?” Tony teasingly greeted and you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve been working conferences all week. It feels like I haven’t been in an O.R in a month, I just need to cutsomething.”
He consciously took a step back from you at that and you huffed out a laugh, accepting the coffee from Gibbs as he entered.
“You manage to get what I asked for?”
“Yeah.” You sighed, pulling a Manila envelope out of your bag, “and if anyone asks, you didn’t get it from me. I put my ass on the line for you guys, this better be worth it.”
“It will be.” He assured you, slipping the contents out of the envelope onto his desk. “McGee do we have everything ready? CGIS is on their way up and want a run through.”
“Ohohooo! CGIS is coming?” DiNozzo asked and Gibbs nodded, the younger man turned back to you, “you’re gonna love this, Agent Borin’s a knockout.” You stalled, your heart quickening in your chest, you could have sworn you heard him wrong.
“Agent what?”
“Agent Abigail Borin.” He replied, as if presenting her name through the air, “used to be a marine, she really is something else.” Your heart plummeted into your stomach, even if there was a bizarre chance of someone else sharing her name and being a marine, you could tell by the way he talked about her, it had to be Abi.
“Welp.” You clapped him on the shoulder, “this one’s all on you bud. She dumped me seven years ago.” You turned to try and leave but McGee was faster
“Wasn’t she in Iraq like, seven years ago?” Suddenly multiple sets of eyes were on you, questions written across all of them. Sighing, you turned back, tightening your blazer around you.
“Were…you in Iraq?” Tony asked, his voice suddenly a lot softer than you were used to hearing.
“Yeah. Doctors Without Borders.” You shrugged, “got pulled into a military hospital that was short staffed.”
“That’s badass!” He replied, “why don’t you ever talk about it?”
“Tony…” Ziva warned quietly and you gave her a thanking look, from where she was sitting she could see the nasty looking scar poking out from the hem of your skirt. Another reason you were usually in scrubs or pants, but business work called for skirts and heels.
“It’s Iraq.” You shrugged again, “it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows.” You picked up your bag, “anyways, I should get outta here.” You turned to Gibbs, “call me if you need anything.”
Unfortunately, that latest discovery had cost you the time you needed to escape down the stairs. You turned around right into Abi, who froze instantly as her brows furrowed. The two of you missed the way your eyes darted down to the other’s left hand quickly before shooting back up.
“Abs….” Your heart was in your throat, you were thankful you’d at least had the warning that she was on her way up. If this had been out of the blue there was no doubt in your mind you would break. DiNozzo was right, she was a complete smoke show, her hair lighter now than you were used to.
“Y/n…..what’re you doing here?”
“Uh,” you glanced over your shoulder in just enough time to see Ziva scooting her chair forward to pull the men back, giving the two of you a little breathing room, “helping on a case.”
Abi couldn’t resist it, stepping forward and pulling you into a hug. While you looked the same, you also looked like a completely different person, you were always covered up, in scrubs. Living in Iraq wasn’t the easiest, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but now, in a form fitted skirt suit, your hair loose? She couldn’t help herself. You sunk easily into her arms, noting that scent of her shampoo was the same brand you used to use. Suddenly remembering you were in a workplace you both pulled away.
“God…I thought you were dead for like, three years.” She stated, a misting present in her eyes.
“The bombing. It was all over the news.”
“Oh…yeah…wait, why three?”
“Read an article in the Times when you won that award.”
“Yeah I did a brief stint over there before I was offered this fellowship.”
She opened her mouth to reply but your phone blared through the room, you jumped, half forgetting that anything else existed. You glanced down quickly, silencing the alarm.
“Shit. I’m gonna be late.” You quickly turned back, “Gibbs! I was never here!” Giving Abi a quick glance you added on, “I’ll see you…” your phone rang again and you answered it as you darted off to the elevator, heart still pounding in your chest. Abi stood bewildered, watching the doors slide shut, vanishing you from view.
“Why did she say she wasn’t here?” She asked quietly, turning back to the team, Gibbs caught her eye.
“She may or may not have broken a rule or two to get us the information we needed for this case.”
“Some things never change.” She muttered mainly to herself. “What’ve we got?”
The team set to work then, laying things out with the help of the information you’d secured. While there was a little bit of back and fourth calls so you could explain out the things they didn’t understand, you stayed out of it otherwise. When the end of the day wrapped, Abi made her goodbyes, heading to the elevator.
“I swear to god DiNozzo, I do not have the energy for your flirting right now.” She didn’t have to tell him that, he’d already picked up on it. Here usual strength was depleted throughout the entire afternoon, she shrunk back instead of taking charge like she normally did. Even her voice sounded exhausted and defeated as she pressed the elevator button again.
“It’s not, I promise.” She cocked a brow in return, “just…go to Yardhouse tonight, around eight.”
“And what, you’re going to trap me into a date with you?”
“No.” He laughed, “just go. Trust me.”
_____________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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zielasworld · 3 years
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1. It's Only Me-Kaleb J✨
ーFirst musik yang aku rekomendasiin berjudul It's Only Me, bulan lalu lagu ini populer banget ditiktok loh guys. Lagu ini cocok banget buat orang-orang yang lagi galau apalagi remaja yang abis diputusin pacarnya, Oh iyaa lagu ini dinyanyiin sama penyanyi dari Indonesia bernama Kaleb J bangga banget deh, lagunya juga bagus sekali( ꈍᴗꈍ).
2. Runtuh-Fiersa Besari ft. Feby Putri✨
ーLagu yang kedua adalah Runtuh. Lagu ini resmi dirilis pada 1 Oktober 2021 melalui kanal YouTube Feby Putri NC. Fiersa Besar dan Feby Putri juga merupakan penulis lirik lagu “Runtuh” yang mereka nyanyikan berdua. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang sebuah penerimaan diri sendiri seperti realita yang berkaitan dengan kondisi masyarakat pada saat ini.
3. Terlukis Indah- Rizky Febian dan Ziva Magnolya✨
ーSingle lagu Terlukis Indah menceritakan tentang cinta pada pandangan pertama. Cerita yang ringan, yang biasa terjadi pada kehidupan percintaan banyak orang. Berbeda dengan lagu-lagu yang aku rekomendasiin sebelumnya, lagu ini cocok didengerin oleh orang yang sedang kasmaran atau jatuh cinta nih guys
4. I Love You- The Walters✨
ーLirik dalam lagu I Love You mengandung makna yang mendalam. Lagu ini berisi arti seseorang yang sangat dicintai sampai harus meninggalkan orang yang dicintainya tersebut. I Love You So merupakan bagian dari album Songs for Dads milik The Walters yang dirilis tahun 2014. Walaupun sudah lama dirilis tetapi akhir-akhir ini lagu ini populer lagi dikalangan remaja. Lagu bergenre indie alternatif.
5. Menghujam Jantungku- Tompi✨
ーAkhirnya kita sampai di lagu terakhir, Lagu "Menghujam Jantungku", menceritakan kisah seseorang yang sedang merasakan jatuh cinta. Dipopulerkan oleh Tompi. (Cover Tompi). Lagu bergnre Jazz ini dirilis pada 2008 dalam album 'My Happy Life'. Walaupun begitu lagu ini juga sangat populer akhir-akhir ini dikalangan remaja karena enak untuk didengar.
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mainkatamainrasa · 4 years
Sudah menunggu beberapa hari untuk keluarnya single "Terlanjur Mencinta". Tanpa disangka, Aku paling suka versinya Lyodra. Musiknya lucuuuu. Cocok buat galau dan sedih bet. Asli. Agak merinding dengernya. Kek melas banget lagunya dan kena di Aku. Aku paling suka musik yang sedih terus bikin galau gitu, dan kayaknya ini memenuhi spesifikasi dah yang versi lyodra heuheu.
Musiknya kayak lagu2 keluarga cemara. Hahahaha jadul tapi uniq, etnik gituuu. Bikin nagih dengerinnya. Jadi terngiang2 di otakq. Kayaknya ini lagu bakal abadi sampe besok2. Hahahaha.
Abis lyodra aku suka sama versi ziva. Suara dia mantep dan tebel. Ini jenis suara yg Aku banget wkwkwk. Powerfull. Gila c. Liuk2nya juga dapet. Kalo pengen lagu yg ngga ngebosenin, ini pilihan yang tepat. Yang Suka tantangan juga kayaknya cocok sama lagu ini 😂.
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merwina-sona · 6 years
How Well Do You Know The Birthday Girl: 23 Questions with the Ters
No cheating ang initial rule so mostly honest answers ni. Pero sa isa ka group chat ra ni gi send so maybe... HAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING! (Asa jud ka gipanganak oy. Issue kaayo ni. 🙄) 
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1. What is her complete name?
Shera: Merwina-Soña DAMANG Tahil
Niña: Merwina-Soña Dammang Tahil 😉 (double ‘m’ kay lahi ka mu pronounce ani. sakto?)
2. What nickname do you call her by?
Shera: MER, mEAR
Queen: MER/mEAR 👂🏻
Niña: MERRRR (pang RK na “r” HAHAHA), Ter 💕
3. How, when, and where did you two first meet?
Shera: 1st year college, CDU, June 2012
Queen: First day of school, 1st year College at CDU, outside our room while waiting for our teacher. Abi nakog INDIAN sya maong nag english ko then nagtagalog man ang kagwang. Nag nosebleed sad kog tagalog, bahala nag wrong grammar. Hahahaha
Ziva: Technically, sa CDU pero OLFU nalang. Hahahaha. Classmate mi. 3rd year (sy 2015-2016) and we've been ters ever since  😆
Niña: Can’t remember the very first moment na pang movie, but surely in CDU, BSMT-2 pag shift nako in 2013. One of my first few friends. 😘
4. Where was she born?
Shera: Hahaha Sa Endor’s forest moon leader siya sa mga Ewoks! Hahahaha Btaw sa Jolo man ata! 
Queen: Hospital, birthing center, or sa balay sa Mindanao. Hahahah
Ziva: Sa outer space! Hahahaha 😂 bitaw, zamboanga?
Niña: MINDANAO!!!? (Idk asa) ✌🏻
5. If you could go anywhere with her, where would you go?
Shera: hmmm around the world with the other TERS ❤️
Queen: Anywhere basta naay seafoods, basta tabangan ko niyag open sa crabs kay di ko kamao. 
Ziva: Foodparks kay hilig kaayo mi mangaon. FOOD BUDDY 😍
Niña: Out of the country fo suuure. Hawaii or Maldives na lang para naa ko lifeguard! 🏊🏼‍♀️
6. What color are her eyes?
Shera: BLACK PO 👀
Queen: Big Black Eyes
Ziva: Brown 👀
Niña: Brown 👀
7. What is her favorite food?
Shera: Anything SPICY 🌶 (actually busawan gyud ni siya wai pili sa food except oink oink) 
Queen: Seafoods(shrimp diay ni ter, wala man gud emoji nga shrimp hehe) and SPICY foods ***actually naa 🍤🦐 hehehehe nini here***
Ziva: Anything SPICY (takdan na hinuon oo gamay 😂)
Niña: KITKAT 🍫 Or anything spicy 🌶
8. What is her favorite color?
Shera: BLUE 💙 (Parihas mi 😘 )
Queen: Any types of Blue
Ziva: Pink hahahaha blue diay 😛
Niña: Blue.. But owns lotsa neutral colored things like brown. 🤔 (oh ayaw na i topic akong pink things!)
9. What is her biggest pet peeve?
Shera: Di ko sure unsa pero di ni siya ganahan hunitan iyang 👂🏻 kay gilkan siya! Hahaha
Queen: Di sya ganahan anang mga hamburger ug mga hangin kaayo nga kulang nalang push mag bagyo na signal no. 3! Hahaha
Ziva: Mga hilabtanon, fake people chareeet
Niña: Being teased with HAIRLESS BABY RATS 🐭 Or kanang naay magkilig2 sa kilid. 🙄😂
10. Is she a morning person or night person?
Shera: Night oy! Dugay kay ni mumata! Ug pwede palang di na mumata! Gebuhat na ni niya!
Queen: She's a MORNIGHT person hahahah
Niña: MORNING DA NIGHT!!! 🌤🌙🤟🏼
11. What super power would she choose?
Shera: hmmm Teleportation! Hahaha kay lazy NO ASS laagan mani siya! Ganahan mutravel but kapoyan mubyahe! 🙄
Queen: Eating-without-getting-fat. Same powers that we all want.
Ziva: To read minds? 😓
Niña: Invisibility nalang kay feel nako daghan syang plano buhaton while invisible (like sakay eroplano na di makita or kaon daghan) 😝
12. What three items does she always carry? 
Queen: "PPP" Phone. Panyo. Pitaka
Ziva: Phone (ipakawat napud? Hahahaha), wallet (kay mupalit siya foodssss) and hanky
Niña: Cellphone, Panyo, Dildo menthol 🙃
13. What are Merwina’s strengths? Name three.
Queen: She's calm, great cook, and a friend you can count on.
Ziva: EASY GOING, LOYAL, LOVABLE (char bukar atay 😂😂😂)
Niña: Intense tolerance for spicy foods, Reaaally good at listening/comforting, RESILIENT HEART 💘
14. What is Mer’s best recipe?
Shera: Dghan man since siya gyud ang Head Cook but her HALANG-HALANG is ❤️ gyud!
Queen: Carbonara
Ziva: Halang-halang 💖
Niña: DAGHAN! Halang-halang, Arroz caldo, Chicken adobo, Carbonara! UGH I FRCKN MISS YOUR LUTO NA! 💔😭
15. What is she afraid of?
Shera: LOSING US! Char! Hahahaha
Queen: Baby rats (remember katong pag research nato? Katong newborn rats nga nag red-red pa, hope you remembered it 😈 kay para ngilngigan dayon ka ron samtang nag basa ani.) *Evil Laugh*
Ziva: Makita iyang ears hahahahaha 😝
16. What is the craziest thing she has ever done?
Shera: Crazy nami siya daan! Hahahaha
Queen: Everything she's done is crazy. "MERAZY" (pls get this joke fingers-crossed)
Ziva: Kadtong iya kong gi friend. Tua naguban na hinuon ang mga crazy   bitaw, mapuno ni og crazy things kay super crazy nas mEAR 😝
Niña: Naay nang interview in front sa OLFU unya paspas kaayo naka dagan ang gwapa! Grabe ka funny! 🤪
17. What makes her cry?
Shera: Mu ingon pa gani ko’g “MER NAA KO’Y INGON NMO” mg una-una na na siya ug hilak! Hahaha ataaay!
Queen: Kanang ma miss mi niya ☹️ huhuhu
Ziva: Kanang di mi niya makita. Clingy man gud siya. Dali mingawon namo. Ayeee 😘😘😘
Niña: Emotional stuff ☹️ (pustahanay naghilak na ka ron sa?)
18. What makes her laugh?
Shera: Hala mg uban mi unli laugh na! Hahahaha
Queen: Her TERS, make her laugh.  Basta mag uban tang lima di jud mahuman ang storya plus unlimited katawa!
Ziva: touch iyang.......EARS 😆😁
Niña: ANYTHING. Di lisod pakataw-on tawhana hoy. Pwede sad gitikon rag gamay. Mukirig dayon!
19. What one gift would she want for her birthday?
Shera: BABY? Char! JOWA ata oy! Or iPhone nga ipakawat nasad or iPad pwede sad! Hahahaha
Queen: Isa ka sakong chocolates! And also ka complete ang TERS.
Ziva: KITKAT hahahaha and of course, magkatapok mi 😁
Niña: To see me right now 💝 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
20. What does Merwina consider her greatest achievement?
Shera: Being part of my BARKADA! Hahahahahahaa btaw kuan of course #RMTaugust2018
Queen: Graduated, passed the Medtech board exam and got her first job.
Ziva: Beside kadtong nagka amiga mi kay kadtong na intern and ning graduate siya. Chos 😆
Niña: Being an RMT 💉
21. What does Merwina love most about herself?
Shera: Iyang budlat nga Mata ug taas na Nose! Hahaha 
Queen: Her EARS!!! 
Ziva: Iyang ears gihapon. Hahahaha 😆 iyang bilbil pud diay hahahaha. Ailabyooo
Niña: She know she has nice lashes and matangos nga ilong 🙄
22. What is the best time you ever spent together?
Shera: everytime nga mg uban mi the best man ❤️
Queen: Katong nag review mi for medtech board exam were we told each other nga kaya ni nato ter. And we did! All of the Ters passed the boad exam!
Ziva: Everytime we are together (TERS). THAT IS ALWAYS THE BEST TIME. CHEESY. AYEEE. LOVE YOU TER 😘😘😘😘
Niña: So many. But particularly that time na gi adopt ko niya by the end of (CDU) 3rd year after the breakup (chaaar), that was the moment I first knew she was gonna be in my life forever. BUT MEJ SAD NA so second answer is New Year’s Eve 2017 in Manila. 🎉 Third answer is UP Fair Manila! 💜
23. What about Merwina always makes you smile?
Shera: Iya tingong nga tagning! Mka smile nlng ka para ma filter gamay ang iyang voice! Hahaha char lang!
Queen: Her smile makes me smile. Always.
Ziva: She always tries to make me smile whenever I'm sad. And i know that no matter what happens I'll always have her by my side. Whether she likes it or not. Hahahaha 😘💖
Niña: Her beautiful heart, though not innocent, but very pure, can really lighten up my mood. Corny pero joker kaayo bisag di tuyuon. Bahalag tagning ug tingog pero makagigil kaayo. I MISS YOU HOY! 💕😘
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And that concludes this segment. Stay tuned for more (years of friendship). CHAROT
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autoring · 7 years
Po rekordních ztrátách na konci posledního čtvrtletí minulého roku bylo třeba, aby Elon Musk opět předstoupil před investory a zmírnil jejich obavy. Všichni totiž dobře vědí, že úspěch celé automobilky nyní záleží na jediném modelu, jehož výroba však stále vázne. Po doručení speciální zásilky z Německy by se to však mělo změnit.
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ao3feed-ncis · 7 years
Growing Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tfb7fy
by ShelbyinsBlu (ValkyrieStark)
Under False Pretenses Raina Allison is hired by Jenny Shepard. Where she meets Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Abi Jones and their team. Her Job is to prove that Abi and Gibbs are in a relationship but as she gets to know the team can she continue to spy or give it all up for love. Collab with Kittycat110511.
Words: 2329, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: NCIS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva David, Timothy McGee, Jenny Shepard, Ducky Mallard, Caitlin Todd, Abby Sciuto, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Jethro Gibbs/Original Female Character(s), Anthony DiNozzo/Original Female Character(s), Timothy McGee/Abby Sciuto
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tfb7fy
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Teasing Temptations - Ziva David/Abi Borin
A/N: 3rd fic for @storiesofsvu 's birthday bingo.
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The thought of a beach day wasn’t exactly unusual for Abi Borin, but she had to admit she found herself captivated by Ziva David, watching the woman swimming. She knew Ziva would tease her later but she was more than happy to relax and enjoy Ziva’s company, the rest coming in useful.     The two had discussed how simple it was to get to the beach, Ziva all but begging Abi to go with her when she was coming to the beach, wanting to spend the day there. Now, as Abi relaxed and watched her girlfriend in the sea, she had to admit it was worth it. The rest she got and the way Ziva smiled at her made it all worthwhile.
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bicz87 · 7 years
Prace na jatkach
Ve ctvrtek jsem dal na jatkach vypoved a hned v patek zacal cesat kiwi. Nakonec jsem na jatkach vydrzel mnohem dele nez jsem cekal a planoval a ted je asi dobra doba priblizit co vsechno ta prace obnasela. 
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Nabor probehl hodne rychle. Ve stredu jsem byl na pohovoru, ve ctvrtek na lekarske prohlidce a v patek uz zaskoleni a prace. Zadny specialni trenink nebyl potreba. Dostal jsem se do oddeleni porazky na nocni smeny, ktere byly od 14.45 do 23.45 coz mi celkem vyhovovalo. 
Cely proces, kde na zacatku byla ziva ovecka a na konci maso pripravene k dalsimu porcovani, byl rozdeleny na hromadu dilcich ukolu, na ktere jsme byli prirazovani a zaskolovani postupne. Hned prvni den jsme dostali nejake primitivni a mene dulezite ukoly at se rozkoukame. A ze to bylo potreba. Nechapal jsem jak to vsechno ostatni stihaji. 
Druhy den jsem byl prirazeny na ‘heads’. Ovci hlavy se vyuzivaji k dalsimu zpracovani, ale bylo potreba evidovat varky pro pripad nejakeho zavadneho kusu. Oznacil jsem tedy varku 30 ovci a jejich hlavy odvezl stranou. Kdyz tela prosla kontrolou a vse bylo OK, mohly se hlavy vyuzit do krmiva pro zvirata. Kdyz byl nejaky problem, musely se vyhodit. Pri tomhle chodicim ukolu jsem zjistil jak je dulezite vybrat si dostatecne velke gumaky :D 
Na ‘hlavach’ jsem se stridal s jednim Argentincem - Gabbym. Kdo nevozil hlavy, tak v jednom useku chytal houpajici se tela, aby se nedotkla tech ostatnich. Bylo to sice lehke, ale desne nudne. 
Vyzkousel jsem i separovani vnitrnosti, ktere bylo asi nejnarocnejsi na rychlost a dostal jsem se i k praci s nozem. To bylo dobre, protoze jsem konecne dostal nejake skoleni jak noze brousit a udrzovat je ostre. 
Nejhorsi bylo asi castecne stahovani kuze tak aby to mohl chytit stroj a praci dokoncit. Gabby z toho dostal zanet slach a me ruce na tom taky nebyly nejlip. Sice jsme se tocili i na jinych ukolech, ktere snad ani nebudu popisova, ale stejne to nestacilo. 
Nakonec jsem se dostal na zacatek procesu, kde bylo potreba ovci omracit elektrikou, podriznout a zavesit za nohy na posuvnik. Krom podrezavani jsme se na tech ukolech pravidelne tocili. Tohle bylo zas nejhorsi na fyzicku, ale i na to se dalo zvyknout a po par dnech uz to bylo OK. Nejhorsi bylo, ze hrozilo posmrtne kopnuti od ovce a ten kdo vesel predni nohy tak byl cely od krve.
Ke konci jsem se podival i na jine oddeleni, kdyz nebylo moc prace na jatkach tak jsem byl v balirne masa. Tam vladla uplne jina atmosfera, ale byla tam pekna zima :D 
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baubeautyandthegeek · 8 months
Slightly Stung - Ziva David/Abi Borin
A/N: Part 1/6 for the alts from @fluffbruary.
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“Jellyfish? Again?” Ziva sounds faintly amused and Abi sighs and shrugs, admitting the truth. She’d been embarrassed the first time she was hit with a jellyfish sting, but now she admits it easily. Ziva never seems to want to tease her, simply amused enough to find it funny. They are alone, of course, Abi’s feet sunk into a mix of saltwater and ice, attempting to ease the sting. It takes time, too much time, but eventually she is able to handle it. Days off, she thinks now, are not being spent at the beach ever again. “It happens… way too often.”
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Not Yours - Abi Borin/Ziva David
A/N: Day 23 of @whumpril​ continues.
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Ziva’s eyes flicker over Abi’s arms and wrists, then waist. She’s bloodstained and just a little shaken. Abi refuses to back down even now, fighting hard to avoid the questions, and Ziva smiles just slightly, it feels soft, warmly gentle and Abi breathes out slowly, choosing to just answer her. “It’s not all mine.” “What is?” Ziva asks softly, watching as Abi moves away to change, handing her clothing over slowly and wincing at the rub of the soft sweats against her few wounds. She’s happier now she’s not covered in bloodstains, even if she’s still trembling a little. “Wrists… mostly.” Abi’s voice is soft, awkwardly embarrassed, and as the other NCIS members search for clues, she’s sent with Abi to get her checked out. Abi flinches when the medic cleans her wrists, then flinches away when asked to show the rest. “May I… see?” Ziva suggests softly, leading Abi back before pulling curtains around them, holding a hand out to the medic for both plasters and evidence bags, taking what is needed, photos, blood samples and, after a second to make sure Abi won’t flinch, additional proof of what really happened. They leave, Abby runs the kit and Abi… Abi tries to heal. The case is closed without Ziva, Ziva’s time spent keeping Abi guarded and safe, her eyes fixed on the other woman when she rests, noting the tiny whimpers that escape her and swearing if they don’t catch the man she will kill him herself. The case closes, the man is sent away to jail for the rest of his life and Abi moves in with Ziva, seeking the quiet reassurance of Ziva who still looks at her like she’s perfect where others have started to see a victim.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
A Wreck And A Chance Of Love - Abi Borin/Ziva David
A/N: 2/3 for @fluffbruary​ Day 28.
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Their fingers meet over the bow of the wreck, Ziva smiling briefly at her before looking the boat over, smiling when Abi’s shoulder bumps hers a little. They are discreet, of course, but Ziva knows this wreck is the best excuse to spend plenty of time with Abi. Later people will discover she has collared Abi as her very own girlfriend, but for now they are happy to hide it and work together. It won’t be hard to keep this case on track but they both know their reward will be worth any work they have to do separately.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Warming Her Up - Abi Borin/Ziva David
A/N: Final fic for @mfbingo​ Christmas Special. Title: Warming Her Up All Over Again Summary: Abi and Ziva enjoy hot chocolate and each other’s company. Prompt: Hot Cocoa Warnings: N/A Fandom: NCIS Relationships : Abi Borin/Ziva David
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Abi sips the hot cocoa slowly, noting the way Ziva smiled at her. She’s been quietly dating the woman ever since they shared a dinner. It had been a joke back then, a dinner date with Ziva and not Tim or Tony, but now she found she liked these quiet dates. The colder weather had made it easier for them to date discreetly, Abi coming to see Ziva. It’s quiet, Abi considers, but it’s right for her, even when she doesn’t know why this makes her so happy. Ziva’s smile softens when she drains her cocoa and reaches towards her, pulling her closer to keep her warm. Peace and quiet makes her feel safe, Ziva’s arms make her feel safer and she knows this is real.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
In The Dark
A/N: Ziva tries to calm Abi when a power outage catches her off-guard. Written as part of @storiesofsvu​ ‘s Holiday Bingo. This is probably the only none-Christmas adjacent one so far.
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The power outage comes when everyone else is at home, Ziva glad that at least she can go home without worrying… and then she finds Abi. Abi who is curled into herself, standing but shaky. They had discussed Abi’s hatred of the dark before but this time Ziva doesn’t ask, just lets them both in and locks the door behind them, turning the lights on to lead Abi towards the bedroom, knowing they would be sharing for the night. Labels had never been put on their relationship, but Abi tended to come to Ziva for help when she most needed rest. Ziva did her best, despite her fears of accidentally hurting her, to calm Abi. They are changing for bed when the lights go out, the power outage finally reaching them. Abi, when Ziva finds her, is upright, feeling for the door and Ziva, for safety. Impulse leads Ziva to pull Abi closer, lead her to the bed using her torch, settling them both and curling around Abi, her voice soft. “You’ll be safe here Abi, just try and sleep.”
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