#abigail lannister imagine
Abigail Lannister and Tommen Baratheon Aesthetic
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I just relized i never posted this? I made it ages ago but oh well.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 10 months
A bracelet Joffrey Baratheon would gift Abigail Lannister
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hqcrowns · 8 months
faces for the johanna twin?
JOHANNA LANNISTER TWIN : we could go the identical route and have another phoebe dynevor , i would not mind , imagine the havoc ! but if that doesn't tickle the fancy , abigail cowen , alex fitzalan , alicia agneson , olivia cooke , amanda fix , barry keoghan , dominique davenport , rose willams , blanca suarez , brenton thwaites , callum turner , honestly really anyone !
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michiopa · 7 years
let's mix it up with 1-10 for space!Thomas and 11-20 for space!Emma
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
His father is a piece of shit but slightly less of a piece of shit than his mother. It made Thomas want to be a better person out of spite. It’s why he takes Alex in the way he does, he wants to prove that even if he isn’t her father biologically or whatever he’s still a better parental figure than either of his parents ever were to him.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
He’s one of at least 4 kids, maybe more. He doesn’t speak to his siblings and they don’t get along. Huge case of middle child syndrome but is entirely justified in his case. Thomas fucked off out of Zakon for a reason.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
My dude is parents were basically Tywin Lannister x2. Super strict, nothing he did was good enough.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
HA that’s a big fat NO.
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
Rejection my dude. His parents saw him as a failure both on like a personal level and on a bigger level. Like a ‘this child is punishment for all the ways i’ve gone wrong’ sort of way. He wasn’t a bad kid or anything but his siblings were all extraordinary in some way and he was just Thomas.
7. What was the economic status of their family?
They’re well off but idk if that’s because money or political power or both. They WERE in the spotlight occasionally and that’s why his parents were so obsessed with every one of their kids being perfect.
8. How does your character feel about religion?
He’s not very quietly religious. He prays by himself a lot but nothing more than that for his home religion. After he gets away from Zakon and into the main system he still just keeps to himself but he is fond of the religion on Nathos. He finds it nice, peaceful. He’ll occasionally attend things there even if he doesn’t actually believe, he finds it comforting.
9. What about political beliefs?
His beliefs can be summed up as “don’t be a dick”. For real tho he just wants to help people and to not live in a military state anymore.
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
He’s got high emotional intelligence but other than that it’s all street smarts. He can read people easily and is highly empathetic and knows how to use it.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
She’s smart and is aware of it. She knows she’s not like, omg the smartest person out there, she doesn’t find her intelligence remarkable, but she knows she’s not stupid.
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
She speaks all the languages of the system since that’s what she has spent all of her time since college studying. She has a habit of using grammar from one language while speaking another. It’s even worse when she’s switching between the two for conversations. She’s really good at mimicking accents and dialects tho!
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
She did like school as long as it didn’t involve math. She would get in fights pretty often with her classmates because smol Emma had Opinions and she was going to defend them.
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
SPACE MUN!!! She was a total nerd for whatever the space version of MUN is. She was good at it too and it’s what got her interested in studying languages.
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
She’s got at least one college degree in languages and poli sci and then after the Main Plot i think she’d work towards getting a masters and then later once she and Ramsay move to Praemia she gets a PhD too.
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
Sarah.......... you Know
She works for the bureau as a team leader/handler. Her agents handle what are basically RICO cases. They go undercover a lot but not all the time. It’s Emma’s job to keep them up to date on everything and to make sure they come home okay. 
She loves her job, her coworkers, she loves being able to take down crime rings that people thought were untouchable. The best part is seeing the tangible difference she makes in the system. She really hates bureaucracy tho and the fact that she can’t do fieldwork anymore.
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
Yes!! She stayed on all of the planets for extended periods of time as part of her college’s intensive language program.
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
She found her passion, tbh. She found that being able to communicate with so many people to be the best thing she had ever experienced and so she kept up with the language program even when it got super hard and intense.
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
[tw for miscarriages, child death, etc]
Well her fertility issues certainly fucked her up. The constant miscarriages messed her up but not nearly as much as her daughter. Because here’s the thing, yes she was attached to the miscarriages, she had names picked out for most of them, but she didn’t go to the hospital expecting to bring home a healthy baby like she did with Abigail. The fertility issues combined with the stillbirth really just destroyed any faith she had in a higher being.
Ted also did a number on her ability to trust. The fact that he left her after she was paralyzed fucked her up. The cheating fucked her up. He messed up her ability to believe in marriage which is why later on it’s Ramsay that has to bring it up (and tbh she wouldn’t have agreed if not for the adoption thing)
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
I mean, she was there for the first water riots. She got paralyzed in one of those riots. Then she lives through all of the Main Plot things that I won’t spoil for the general public.
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Little Abigail Lannister and her cousin Margaery Tyrell with their dolls after Abigail broke her nose playing knights with Loris.
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Here's all six of Tommen and Abigail's children in birth order under one post☺
Princess Helaena Blackfyre heir to the throne 👑
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Princess Daena Blackfyre The Fairest ✨
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Prince Gannon Blackfyre the future Prince Consort 🏰
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Princess Piria Blackfyre, Lady Hound's Tooth 🐺
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Prince Jaron Blackfyre, Captain of the City Watch 🗡
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Princess Loyna Blackfyre, The Wistful 🌦
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Thank you @omnipotent-scient for giving me the idea of putting Abigail in Cersei's wedding dress❤ At this point Abigail's hair had started growing white, starting with the black of her hair surprisingly. I decided to keep the dress very Lannister with a bit of Baratheon because i like the idea of the bride wearing their original house colors, like the maiden cloak, before dawning their bride's cloke with the house colors of their husband, over the whole Victorian white thing.
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What dating Abigail Lannister would include
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You know that saying about Lannister love? Yeah, I won’t sugar coat anything, she’s not a very good lover.
Your relationship is a secret, she’s not open with any of her relationships.
She acts like you’re just a very close friend.
She may downplay your relationship or even deny it entirely.
If you’re afab you have a very good excuse to be alone together and not raise suspicions but if you’re amab things get a little more complicated.
If Tywin isn’t leering over her shoulder, Joffrey or Cersei will be.
She wants to be a cuddler so bad, but she’s a walking furnace.
Lots of late nights, if you’re a light sleeper she will wake you up with her pacing.
You meet a lot in Flea Bottom or the Street of Silk, specifically at Chataya’s brothel, she uses the tunnel in the tower of the hand a lot.
She has wandering eyes, she doesn’t mean to, but she has a staring problem.
She flip flops between being overly clingy and completely ignoring you.
She somehow managed to develop both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex. She wants nothing but the best of everything but believes she doesn’t deserve it, this includes partners.
 There’s hardly anything about her that’s consistent.
She said “I love you” first and she says it a lot.
Her love language is gift giving. She has expensive taste, and she wants to shower you in expensive things. Gifts from her tend to be rather lavish, expensive wine, jewelry, clothing, ect.
The first gift she gives will most likely be a lion ring.
Another love language? She bites. A lot. At random times.
She’s a liar. Plain and simple.
She doesn’t really start maturing in the relationship department till her mid 20’s. If you started your relationship with her at that point you’re dealing with a completely different person (almost).
(In my main story line, she ends up in an arranged marriage to Tommen and she becomes a better lover and a person in general but without that...good luck)
It’s also around that time she really starts acting like her grandfather, and we all know how Tywin is, but you would be her biggest weakness.
At this point her father is gone and working with Daenerys, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen are gone and she’s at her wits end. She might just ask you to consider jumping ship with her.
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Drawing of my Game of Thrones OC, Emma Flowers 💐
Emma Flowers was born in 273 AC to Lord Luthor Tyrell and his paramour Rhae Blackfyre. She was raised alongside all of his trueborn children, and spent a great deal of time with her stepmother Lady Olenna Tyrell. When Emma was 10 years old in 283 AC her mother was poisoned near the end of Robert's rebellion. In 285 AC Emma met Tyrion Lannister and they wed secretly in Highgarden in 286 AC. Emma died in childbirth in 288 AC, leaving Tyrion with their new daughter Abigail Lannister.
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Drawing of my Game of Thrones OC, Rhae Blackfyre, the lady paramour of Lord Luthor Tyrell. 🥀
She's the grandmother of Abigail Lannister, and she passed in 283 AC of a poisoning, leaving her 10 year old daughter, Emma Flowers, in the care of Lord Tyrell and his lady wife Olenna Tyrell.
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In 306 AC, a mere two weeks after the death of her cousin, King Joffrey, and the escape of her father, Tyrion, Abigail wed her younger cousin, the now King Tommen Baratheon, on the request of her aunt, Dowager Queen Cersei.
(Also i'd like to mention i know Joffrey died in 300 AC but im trying to adjust things for character ages in the show, in that regard some ages and dates don't line up with the book)
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Drawing of my OC, Abigail Lannister, in my chicken style. 💎
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This was inspired by @icesalamander i thought my chicken style was kinda similar to their style (thats a generous statement but oh well) and i really liked their art and the idea of drawing characters referencing old paintings so i wanted to give it a shot! It refrences their's more than the original, mostly because i hate drawing side profiles but i hope y'all like it. I also decided to give Abigail black streaks in her hair to make her a bit more like Tyrion.
Here's the original post!
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Game of Thrones incorrect quotes
Tommen: What day is today?
Abigail: It's our marriage anniversary.
Tommen: Wrong answer.
Abigail: It's the day in which we remember that we are the best married couple out there.
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Happy Thanksgiving! For Thanksgiving i redrew a painting i really liked from the Roq La Rue Gallery. Credit to the original artist but i couldn't find out who did it so of anyone knows please tell me. I redrew it using my GoT OC, Abigail Lannister, i felt like it was fitting because thats exactly how my other OC, Eragon, would paint her, in all her glory and surrounded by fruit😂 this took absolutely forever, 7 hours 58 minutes. I cant remember the last time i took so long on a digital drawing. Anyway i hope you like it!
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WIP of the future princess Abigail Lannister
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