It’s hard to imagine a more dangerous place for abortion providers than Texas. Doctors who perform abortions face up to life in prison, with civil penalties of at least $100,000. That’s to say nothing of the physical risks: violence against providers and clinics has skyrocketed since Roe was overturned, with a 2022 study showing major increases in stalking, death threats, and invasions.
So you can imagine how OBGYNs felt when they got an email last month from the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) telling them they’d have to take their certifying exams in Texas this year.
ABOG, headquartered in Dallas, is telling candidates that they “should not be at legal risk” because Texas’ criminal and civil penalties only apply to abortions performed in the state. But the group hasn’t addressed the danger for doctors in pro-choice states who ship abortion medication to Texas patients via telehealth—potentially a tremendous criminal risk.
It was also just last week that a group of Republican attorneys general, including Texas AG Ken Paxton, pushed the Biden administration to allow them access to medical records of those who get out-of-state abortions. So if there’s a question of how broadly Texas law enforcement plans to interpret their ban, it seems fair that doctors would want to err on the side of caution.
Especially considering that the exam itself necessitates that some doctors talk about their work in abortion care: In order to be certified, OBGYNs must prepare a list of cases that they’ve worked on and are ready to discuss with a panel of examiners.
For OBGYNs of reproductive age, the threat of traveling to Texas goes beyond legal concerns. Those who are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant aren’t keen on being in a state that would rather let them die than provide them an abortion.
And while ABOG says they have a partnership with a nearby hospital offering “high standards of obstetrical care in medical emergencies,” pregnant OBGYNs know better than anyone what the standard of care is—and that they’ll be unable to get it in Texas. After all, the state is being sued right now by 15 women whose lives and health were endangered by the ban.
There’s also something uniquely terrifying about the idea of hundreds of OBGYNs, many of whom perform abortions, all descending on one publicly-listed building at the same time in a state filled with anti-abortion sentiment, few gun regulations, and a recent spate of mass shootings. (ABOG’s emailed promise that their staff is trained in “active shooter response” isn’t all that reassuring.)
Given the legal, physical, and emotional threats to doctors—testing-taking is anxiety-inducing enough in a state where you’re not afraid of being arrested or killed—there’s no real justification for ABOG’s decision.
It’s plainly unethical to ask doctors to put their freedom and lives at risk over an exam that could be given remotely or in another state.
Given that the exams have been successfully conducted remotely, and that ABOG is explicit in their support for reproductive rights—even threatening to revoke the board certification of doctors who spread misinformation about the procedure—some OBGYNs believe the organization’s insistence on holding the exams in Texas must be a financial one.
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kesarijournal · 1 year
The Unholy Matrimony of Medicine and Money: A Tale of Unprecedented Betrayal
Based on the Tweet by James Thorp MD https://twitter.com/jathorpmfm/status/1677001591407116296?t=goVxB1OwH69IqgqHIISi4w&s=19 Dr Drew, Dr Kelly Victory & Dr James Thorp Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around, for I am about to regale you with a tale of such audacious corruption and ethical violation that it would make Machiavelli blush. A tale so steeped in irony that even Alanis Morissette would…
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choropilled · 1 year
does anyone remember the fake sexy dakimakura designs
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frenchphobic · 2 years
i hate gacha games i will never spend money but the devils temptation sure is real
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fagrackham · 2 years
fatal thinking about men incident
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piquuroblox · 1 day
Opinions on this Astro I drew? He's got Star freckleeesss 😉😉
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Though you can't see them that well
Okay.Okay. Yeah so this drawing is so fantastic .The.Style.Your style is genuonely.So good. Soso Good.Man. Oh my god im drooling im licking my screen BEST BELIEVE I’M GOING TO KILL HIM WITH A WRENCH. <- AFFECTIONATE .REALLY AFFECTIONATE.
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Hey buddy.Hey. I like your dandy ask blog. Never send me astro art again or you might not be able to continue it buddy. This isn’t a threat. I dont want to be like this. I just… I cant control myself…. I cant control my 𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘 around your astro art… GRAHH.. GRAAGAHHH… RARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGAHHAGA ARGRGHHH OHHGHHH I’M CHANGFIFNGHTH&FH EHTARAGGHHNAHARGAGHA AARGHH.A ARGHH. GGARAOEKSLDHDHD
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loganspuppyboy · 10 months
me oversharing. abog how i have to use the restroom below
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meg2md · 2 months
Second block R3 - research block
[ ] Watch TLH video, type out steps [ ] E-mail NR, LT, JS, EL, RC (MIGS/Urogyn basically) to meet and review video project - how they dictate manipulation, assistants [ ] Surgical assistant video? [ ] Email NR asking feasibility of filming in next 1-2 weeks - may interfere with gyne people, but may be able to sit in while resident operates to be manipulator; cc EL
[ ] Text for surgical skills [ ] Text CK for JFD and bar cart [ ] Type paragraph of literature review - send to JS, RC and tell them it's my research month [ ] Gather all submission dates: ABOG, ACOG, AAGL, SFP [ ] Type resources to be sent to CG for app webinar [ ] Figure out where to meet Jackie!!!
Eclamptic seizure last night iso severe renal dysfunction learning points - 4g MgSO4 bolus, 2 mg Ativan, 1g Keppra loading dose - CMP w/diff, CBC, Mag/Phos, TFTs, PT/INR, aPTT, troponins, POC glucose, EKG, CT head non-con +/- lactate, peripheral smear, ADAMSTS-13, haptoglobin, LDH, blood/urine cx?? - NPO, IVF @ 50-75 ml/h - MRI brain +/- MRA/V - MgSO4 1-2g bolus to goal level 4.8-8.4, check q2 h and if <4.8 administer MgSO4 then recheck 1 h - Treat severe range as normal - Evaluate other causes: abdominal bleed? Infection? Toxic metabolic etiology?
[ ] Type neurologic emergencies in pregnancy clinical expert series
0 notes
kesarijournal · 1 year
The Unholy Matrimony of Medicine and Money: A Tale of Unprecedented Betrayal
Based on the Tweet by James Thorp MD https://twitter.com/jathorpmfm/status/1677001591407116296?t=goVxB1OwH69IqgqHIISi4w&s=19 Dr Drew, Dr Kelly Victory & Dr James Thorp Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around, for I am about to regale you with a tale of such audacious corruption and ethical violation that it would make Machiavelli blush. A tale so steeped in irony that even Alanis Morissette would…
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gocooool · 3 months
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Obtaining a bachelor's degree and concentrating on pre-medical courses like biology and chemistry will be the first step towards becoming a gynaecologist. After that, apply to medical schools and take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). After earning a four-year medical degree (MD or DO), complete a four-year obstetrics and gynaecology residency. Get practical experience in several facets of women's health throughout your residency. To become licenced, you must pass the COMLEX or USMLE tests. Credibility is increased by holding an American Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ABOG) board certification. Maintaining current knowledge of industry innovations and pursuing further education are essential for job success. For more details please do visit supreme hospitals,Gynecologists Near Me
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nirmal123 · 4 months
Gynecology Degree
A bachelor’s degree, ideally in a science-related discipline, is normally required for employment as a gynecologist. This is followed by four years of medical school to obtain a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. Your residency in obstetrics and gynecology will begin after you graduate from medical school. This four-year program will give you comprehensive training in both the medical and surgical aspects of women’s reproductive health. Gaining experience through clinical rotations, internships, and research opportunities will be invaluable throughout your education and training. To practice as a certified gynecologist, you must additionally get board certification from the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) or a comparable organization in your nation. For detailed information visit Supreme Hospital, the Gynecology & Obstetrics.
0 notes
kesarijournal · 1 year
The Unholy Matrimony of Medicine and Money: A Tale of Unprecedented Betrayal
Based on the Tweet by James Thorp MD https://twitter.com/jathorpmfm/status/1677001591407116296?t=goVxB1OwH69IqgqHIISi4w&s=19 Dr Drew, Dr Kelly Victory & Dr James Thorp Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around, for I am about to regale you with a tale of such audacious corruption and ethical violation that it would make Machiavelli blush. A tale so steeped in irony that even Alanis Morissette would…
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expfcultragreen · 4 months
You heard about MAID but have you considered...A Blaze Of Glory (ABOG) for your end of life option?
Now im not saying to set yourself on fire......that typically doesnt have much collateral
Of course nazis would follow this advice the most readily so thats annoying....just like how they mobilized in huge numbers to overthrow the wrong guys and we couldnt bigtent with them without being spat on in public (crazier people than myself tried and i heard about it)
So, this is a sample of grim humor
No one who would blow up the right people seems to be able to bring themself to do so, theyll get right to bret Kavanaughs doorstep and say "i think i need a cop to surrender to right now"
So you tell me
What the fuck is THAT
If its not chemtrails plus psychic interference i dont get it
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ferrolano-blog · 4 months
Sudáfrica exige que la Corte Internacional de Justicia haga explícita la orden de alto el fuego contra Israel... Sudáfrica volvió a recurrir el jueves a la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya por la invasión israelí de Rafah, que según sus abogados constituye un nuevo acto de genocidio en Gaza... señaló cinco pruebas de que la campaña de Rafah es genocida: (1) En primer lugar, Israel ha seguido matando palestinos en Gaza, incluidos mujeres y niños, a un ritmo alarmante. (2) En segundo lugar, como consecuencia del ataque de Israel, los palestinos de Gaza se enfrentan a lo que el Secretario General Adjunto de las Naciones Unidas ha descrito como la «peor crisis humanitaria» que ha visto en más de 50 años. (3) En tercer lugar, los ataques y bombardeos sistemáticos de Israel contra hospitales e instalaciones médicas, así como la estrangulación de la ayuda humanitaria, han llevado al sistema médico de Gaza al colapso; (4) En cuarto lugar, el ataque directo y el asedio de Israel a los hospitales más grandes de Gaza han llevado al descubrimiento de fosas comunes que evidencian las masacres israelíes de palestinos que buscaban refugio y tratamiento médico; (5) Por último, y más recientemente, Israel ha intensificado sus ataques en el norte, al tiempo que sigue adelante con su ofensiva de Rafah, dejando a los palestinos desplazados sin ningún lugar seguro al que ir
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