#about : alune kim
nepoupdates · 8 months
just saw elias and lulu eating ice cream and acting all lovey-dovey ... this ain't bff behavior, besties . pls realize YOU LOVE EACH OTHER
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not  even  a  mistletoe  kiss  ?  disappointing  .  but  if  they  want  to  continue  to  dance  around  whatever  "feelings"  are  there  the  knock  yourselves  out  .  don't  be  too  disappointed  when  it  doesn't  work  out  .  will  elias  ever  be  emotionally  available  ?  maybe  we  can  all  be  as  delulu  as  lulu  and  hope  for  the  best  (  @delicatlueur  ,  @racingfm  )
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idealistings · 4 months
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𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛 , 𝙞𝙛 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 ?
ALUNE LULU KIM has registered to be a guest speaker at new horizon's high ! we ask you to take this opportunity to ask this alumni about her pursuit of higher education , and rumour has it ... she even brought some free swag from the university of chicago !
death , car accidents , cancer , neglect tw !
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name: alune kim nicknames: only responds to lulu age: 27 , 04/20/1997 pronouns: she/they sexuality: pansexual physicalities: at 5'0" with a slightly athletic build , lulu seems to not have grown much since high school . her hair flips between being brunette and blonde , and while her instagram has both , she's currently a brunette , with her hair looking healthy despite how many times it's been dyed . she has scars from the car accident as a teenager on her body , completely healed , but jagged edges and raised lines on her legs where they had been near crushed in the accident . face claim: lee ji eun personality : bright , intelligent lulu , falls victim to a bit of social awkwardness and validation from others --- always trying to make sure everyone is happy , even at her own expense . with a penchant for adrenaline rush , lulu found herself doing dares that often teetered the line of dangerous --- if only to herself . a bit childish and needy , lulu is a bit dense when it comes to other's emotions to her , and groups : science club ( president ) , track ( 100 & 200 m )
why is lulu back ?
lulu's been in therapy since what she's dubbed the 'chris incident' , and while she likes to think she's grown up since then , she still wants to believe that the people she loved and grew up with are innocent , and good people --- that no one could have done anything wrong . sure , they were hooligans , but they were all kids ! who wasn't a troublemaker at that age? she knows that if something happened , that it had to have been a mistake . a part of her returns to regain some kind of closure , some kind of insight as to what happened , because she knew her classmates , her friends . they were sometimes mean , sometimes jerks , but not … not that mean . not KILLERS . she wants to talk to the people in her class , try and see if they're willing to be a little more open than they were ten years ago , to see if maybe they can come to a conclusion --- maybe they can be friends again . & it's always been in her nature to try and give back to the people that helped her --- she couldn't have fell in love with astronomy and physics without her beloved science club , and she wouldn't have started pursuing her astrophysics pHD if it weren't for that silly little club and a lost boy who probably didn't even remember her name the last time they interacted .
background: death , neglect , cancer , car accident tw
alune was adopted by her parents at a young age ( from what she remembers her mother telling her , her college roommate had a kid she didn't want --- ) ; a wealthy couple that was struggling to have their own children , and despite this all , she found herself growing up in a very lonely , very empty house . her mother paid her very little mind and her father was out on business almost constantly , leaving her to her own devices quite often . they did love her , in their own way , she'll insist , and speak of the times where her parents took her to the carnival and different fairs that were held --- but she won't remember all the arguing and fighting they did while she was on the ride . her mother passed away in her freshman year of high school , and her father barely paid attention to her after that --- and so all the things she did in school was to try and get some kind of validation from him , to prove that she's not just some deadweight daughter . perfect gpa , perfect scores , perfect school --- but he barely blinked at her . at school , lulu was kind of a drifter . a wallflower , maybe girl next door type . kind to everyone , if not a bit naive and sensitive . she's often the girl people would go to if they needed help in class , or needed to copy down homework before class that day --- and she'd happily accept , if only after teasing them beforehand . she ran the science club , where she had most of her older friends that graduated and left the club to her --- and track . she didn't really have a solid friend group though , often described as a social blender --- good wherever you stick her , but not actual group of friends to call home . lulu , in her own spur of rebellion , often found herself going towns or cities over , enamored with the street racing scene --- admittedly , an upperclassmen from science club had introduced her to it in high school , and it became a heavy source of found family for her . with little to no attention at home , and not a solid friend group at school , the kids from other schools welcomed her ( and her family's money … ) , where she got dangerously addicted to the high of going fast and being one of the best as a newcomer . expensive cars , going fast , ruining her tires , a FAMILY … she couldn't ask for more . the one time lulu's dad paid her any mind was when she had ended in the hospital after one of the boy's she was riding with ended with their car wrapped around the pole , severely injuring lulu and the driver having died , one of her closest friends in the group . thinking that her father had come to see that she was alive and okay --- only to be met with a grounding and scolding for her to be "wasting her life away committing crimes" "this'll ruin any chance at ivy league schools" "you're ruining the family name" and she was angry . so angry that this one moment is the thing her dad decides to fixate on , not any of her achievements , not anything , just her one failure --- the one that caused her to lose her friend . she seemed to shrink back from everyone , becoming a little more quiet . "fuck your dad. do what you want," she remembers chris uttering over the waterbottle he waterfalled from --- having forgotten his after the meet . she watched her drink the last of her water , but didn't say anything . "you're way too smart to be held back by anyone, let alone your dad." and she took that to heart . although her and chris were nothing more than after school acquaintences, sharing some stories during track , talking about things and people the other party were never going to be friends with , venting and listening until practice was over. never really friends inside of school ; never sat together at lunch , but she'd make it a point to wave to him from her table , and he'd occasionally wave or smile back. it's always nice to know you have a friend on the otherside of the wall , you know ?
lulu dipped as soon as she could after graduation , attending uchicago's astrophysics program , where she's currently attending their pHD astrophysics program. her father passed away a few years ago when she was 24 , but she was able to air some grievances and speak with him . while they had a strained relationship , at the end of his battle with cancer , she was the one with him and signed his DNR . everything in terms of money had been left to her , leaving her to inherit the house as well as his money , as well as the house near her old school . a large hollow house she grew up hating, and yet she still struggles to sell it , even now . lulu still street races . god . she loves it . it's the one way to get her mind off of everything , even though her therapist will constantly tell her not to do it . it's not odd to see her hanging out with faces the class won't recognize --- kids from other schools she grew up with when street racing and finding family with them . while she doesn't really keep in contact with a lot of people from her class , she's been in contact with them over the years , coming back to visit them , and only them . she has a two published papers with a few others which is probably one of the reasons they reached out to her / requested her as a guest speaker . after all , everyone loves a child prodigy.
wanted plots:
anything . please dear god message me i'm such a weenie. jk ill update this more when i have an idea but >< ....... i have a wanted plot tag HERE , but if u have any ideas just slam them in2 my messages bc tbh .... im down for anything
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playedbetter · 9 months
@the-haunted-office said: From the multimuse questions meme: 5, 9, 13, 14, 25
(Soft reminder to please include the full context, meaning the full prompt/question not just the number/symbol when sending me memes)
which of your muses needs / wants a hug the most?
Going by my current fandom divisions (which I need to put on my doc along with a lot of new muses)
Crime: Kento and his past life Dolly Harris tie for need thanks to being abducted from their families and raised without love; Haru Maeda is the runner up. Badger would like a hug the most.
Horror: Clara both needs and wants one the most on account of being sixteen, responsible for saving a town, and hated by nearly everybody.
Superhero: Incredibly tough competition due to taking this to mean love and affection there is a three way tie between Zatanna Zatara, Zachary Zatara, and Nick Necro. All of them crave love and affection and all have things that get in the way of that. Nathan McDonald wants a hug the most.
Vampires: Lucy Westenra, between all the infantileaztion she went through, dying horribly at age nineteen, and then everything afterwards, she really could use a hug.
Actual Play: Beauregard Lionett, please give this woman a sense of security with the people she loves.
Discworld: I can't recommend hugging any of them for either your safeties stake (Vimes, Vetinari, Adora) or your wallets (Moist). That said, Moist von Lipwig.
Dragon Age: Zinnia Lavellan, she has suffered more than Andraste and her story isn't even over yet.
League of Legends: A tie between Aphelios and Alune, both isolated terribly and put through questionable training and oppression that threatened their lives.
Borderlands: 100% Angel, any sort of affection or love would be amazing for her.
Overwatch: Amélie LaCroix takes the cake thanks to everything that Talon has put her through, please hug her.
Team Fortress 2: Honestly I don't think a hug would help any of them in any major way, though Heavy likes hugs so go give him one.
Misc: The Narrator and Joey Mallone tie for both having spent countless years unable to touch anybody else and watch their loved one slowly die while either going insane or watching their loved one be insane.
Danganronpa: Mukuro Ikusaba and Inuko Hachiya tie thanks to both growing up in completely child inappropriate situations and facing heavy abuse for the stake of despair.
Homestuck: Vriska Serket, another case of how much a secure relationship would actually help.
which of your muses tends to be the group “mom friend”?
Going by my current fandom divisions
Crime: Dallas, he goes mother hen over the gang and trying to get them to get along.
Horror: Artemy Brukah, he can't help but worry so much about everyone and making sure they all have what they need.
Superhero: Barbara Gordon, even when you don't know it she will have your back and keep you covered.
Vampires: Don't say it to her face but Damsel, she is shockingly nosey and absolutely will show you the ropes, there's a reason she's known as a den mother.
Actual Play: None of them, Fjord comes the closest but he's more of a dad friend.
Discworld: By the metric of being nurturing Vetinari, nobody in their right mind would say this though.
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke, before every adventure he makes sure everybody has their gear, he will cook you soup, he will make you wear warm clothing in winter.
League of Legends: Yone. Literally canonically described as a mom friend.
Borderlands: Absolutely none of them asking for responsibility from these people is like asking water from a rock.
Overwatch: Honestly none of these guys either, none of them are really that nurturing.
Team Fortress 2: Heavy is the only one of them worth a nurturing bone in his body.
Misc: Kim Kitsuragi, his near endless patience and calming affect let him take the spot with ease, and is the blog wide answer.
Danganronpa: Hajime Hinata, exasperated but still trying.
Homestuck: Dirk Strider, which helps exactly zero people.
which of your muses would you consider to be the best cook? (Also asked by @amadaans, ty!)
Excluding Izuru Kamakura & Hajime Hinata given that he is the best at practically everything possible in his universe; it would be Zachary Zatara, he has an active interest in cooking and it's a skill he works on.
While not quite cooking the best mixologist (with the same exclusions) is Leah Kravitz thanks to spending a little over ten years working the New York club scene, Zach in his ritual and injustice verses is a runner up.
Baking wise (same exclusions) it would also be Zach, honestly not a lot of my muses are interested in cooking beyond just taking care of themselves and those that are don't have the time or resources to put into it.
which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why?
Again by fandom cause I have too many thoughts.
Crime: Kento, he has been trained his whole life to obey orders, so when acting independently he never is quite sure he's doing the right thing.
Horror: Artemy Brukah and Clara tie as they have relived the same 12 days unable to stop many horrible events which has left them questioning what on earth else they could do to try to prevent harm and what the best path really is as none of the roles presented to them are appealing.
Superhero: Nathan McDonald, he is a nineteen year old who is deeply depressed and self depreciating, he is trying his best be he's not sure if it's enough. He hasn't gotten a chance to prove himself.
Vampires: Heather Poe, pre her ghouling she was a pretty anxious person that struggled even just going outside. Some of those doubts remain even now.
Actual Play: A tie between Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss, how could they ever fully trust themselves again after what they had done? Caleb grows from this faster than Essek.
Discworld: Vimes, if he fucks up someone is probably going to die. He second guesses himself to a healthy degree.
Dragon Age: Matthew Trevelyan, he spent his life getting indoctrinated by the templars and as he would put 'fell for 'it'. He's worried he's still that gullible, or that those beliefs rubbed off on ways he hasn't noticed.
League of Legends: Lukai Hwei, he was raised having to suppress his mental health issues and emotions which has left him underequiped to deal with them now, even so he has the self awareness to question himself as much as he does everybody else.
Borderlands: Angel by default as the only one without some sort of ego problem, it's certainly not her biggest problem.
Overwatch: Gabriel Reyes, he's made a lot of costly mistakes over the years and he's tired of it.
Team Fortress 2: Spy, his job is a paranoia inducing one where the slightest misstep could spell his death.
Misc: Harry Du Bois, half the time when he's said something he's thinking to himself "why the fuck would you say that"
Danganronpa: Yumeto Ariyoshi, he has actual anxiety and is pretty sure if anyone found out the truth about him he would get promptly killed or erased.
Homestuck: Dirk Strider, because he's fucked up so much before, unfortunately the second guessing does nothing to help.
which of your muses has / would have the silliest ringtone? what would it be?
Harry Du Bois, whose ringtone for literally everybody is this:
It has outed him on an undercover job.
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moviesludge · 2 years
I finally rewatched SPLIT SECOND aka DETECTIVE STONE last night for the first time since my dad rented it when it first came out in 1992. What a strange movie. Global warming causes floods in future (2008) London and there's massive rat infestations everywhere. Stone is haunted by the murder of his partner years ago by the killer who is a giant mutant or alien monster that absorbs its victims DNA. The monster is also part rat but looks like a mixture of a Xenomorph and Venom. There's a thing about how Stone had an affair with his partner's wife (played by Kim Cattrall) and he felt guilt about it after his partner was killed. Stone has a DNA connection to the monster, as does Cattrall and eventually his new partner. The monster doesn't seem to want to kill Stone or the people around him though it has the chances to do so. Seems like the monster is some kind of totem to represent the bad feelings that arise around an affair/love triangle and all the collateral damage caused by it.
There are some fantastic character actor performances in this by Pete Postlethwaite, Alun Armstrong, and Michael J Pollard.
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nepofm · 2 years
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spotted   at      met      steps     ,   alune   “lulu”   kim   kim   se  jeong   ,   wearing      last      season’s      jimmy      choo      ?      i’d      leave      the      steps      in      the      next     24      hours    before      nepoupdates      catches      them      &      if      it      were      me     ,     i’d      definitely      go      back      to      the     checklist    of      golden      rules     .   
kim   se  jeong.     she / they.     non-binary.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   alune   “lulu”   kim   ,   most   likely   listening   to   override   by   KSLV Noh   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty two year old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   - impulsive & childish   yet   + talented & kind   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   her   boyfriend’s   latest   win      in   racing   for   pink   slips   ,   wind   tossed   hair   ,   loud   ,   obnovious   phonk   music      and   laughter   that   follows   as   she   passes   you   up   on   the   freeway followed   by   burberry   attempting   to   mask   e85   fumes   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   the   heiress   to   the   famous   car   engine   conglomerate   being   involved   with   street   racing   ,   but   everyone   knows   she’s   only   there   just   for   fun  ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   
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uberstip · 5 years
Tanpa disadari, demam Korea telah merasukimu. Diawali tiap episode K-drama, kamu mulai menyebut indomie rebus dengan ramyeon, memakai skin care glowing ala Bae Suzy, bergaya modis ala Black Pink, menggalau dengan lagu K-pop, memanggil kekasihmu dengan sebutan Oppa, sampai berlogat ke anyeong-anyeongan.
Puncaknya, kamu membeli tiket ke Seoul. Dengan bergairah ingin merasakan langsung suasana disana. Memperhatikan Oppa-oppa berkeliaran, menonton pertunjukan tari, mengenakan hanbok, berjalan di antara istana megah, dan nyeruput ayam ginseng. Menikmati budaya Joseon ditengah kota yang modern. Kamu pun semakin K-pop AF!
Seoul needs no introduction. Great food, rich culture, beautiful scenery, awesome shopping, pretty girls, mega popular music and film industry
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When it’s snow in Seoul, it’s melodramatic
What months does it snow in South Korea?
Korea merupakan negara 4 musim. Jika datang di musim dingin (Desember – Februari), besar kemungkinan kamu akan merasakan salju. Saya sendiri berada di Seoul dari tanggal 13-24 Februari, dalam jangka waktu tersebut, hujan salju turun beberapa kali. Saat itu Oppa hanya bisa bermimpi, putri salju bangun dari tidurnya dan datang menghampiri.
Incheon Airport to City by AREX
Setelah mendarat di Bandara Incheon, kamu bisa ke pusat kota dengan naik AREX – Airport Railroad Express. Express train yang akan membawamu non stop ke Seoul Station. Perjalanan ditempuh dalam waktu 45 menit. Harga tiketnya 9,500 Won | Rp. 114,000.
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AREX is a railway line that connects downtown Seoul with Incheon International Airport and Gimpo Airport. There are 2 classes of train: The All Stop Train that stops at every station and The Express Train that runs non-stop between Incheon Airport and Seoul Station. Picture courtesy by visitseoul.net
Opsi termurah adalah naik All stop train yang berhenti di tiap stasiun. Harganya 5,000 Won | Rp. 60,000. Waktu tempuhnya 60 menit, ga beda jauh sama Express train. Worth it untuk berhemat. Bayarnya cukup pake T-Money, tinggal tap tap aja. Info lengkap tentang kartu transportasi ini bisa kamu baca di blog saya sebelumnya: Valentine’s Day in Seoul. Sekecup sepi dalam segelas soju
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Download Seoul Metro Map in HD seoulsublet.com
What to see in Seoul?
Selain asyik buat berfoto dan cuci mata, tempat-tempat yang saya sebutkan dibawah pernah menjadi lokasi syuting drama yang menguras air mata. ‘가자 ga ja!’
1.Ewha Womens University
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The two huge side is not just a wall, it’s made by glass. There’s a lot of cute students walking inside this building
Universitas khusus wanita yang sengaja dibuat agar mahasiswi fokus belajar dan ga main cinta-cintaan. Kampus bergengsi dengan desain bangunan yang instagram-able. Dua kaca besar memanjang dengan megah layaknya tembok perbatasan. Ciamik!
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I enjoyed strolling around campus which had beautiful gardens and charming architecture
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You Are My Everything 별처럼 쏟아지는 운명에 그대라는 사람을 만나고 멈춰버린 내 가슴속에 단 하나의 사랑 You're my everything My destiny comes like shooting stars Letting me meet someone like you And deep in my heart It's only my love for you #shotoniphone6s #latepost #ewha #ewhawomansuniversity #seoul #korea #love #descendantofthesun #songjoongki #songhyegyo #kdrama #gummy #ost #winter #snow #spring #slowmo
A post shared by Steve (@uberstip) on Mar 10, 2016 at 11:50pm PST
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One of the most beautiful campuses i’ve ever seen
Saya berjalan menelusuri pepohonan cantik dan taman yang indah. Area disekitarnya juga hype abis. Cafe, butik, dan toko skinker berderet di sepanjang jalan. Di tengah perjalanan, butiran salju turun secara perlahan. Karena saya berjalan sendirian, kecantikannya bikin auto-ngenes.
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Founded in 1886, EWHA Womans University is the first ever educational institute for women in Korea
Ewha Woman’s University
52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Daehyeon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
Direction: Take Line 2 (Green) to Ewha Womans University metro station and go out from Exit 2 or 3. Walk straight for about 10 minutes Google Maps Location
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“The world needs miracles, beautiful & strange miracles” – Ji Eun Tak
2. Ihwa Mural Village
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Ihwa Mural Village started in 2006, when the Public Art Committee carried out a project with artists to paint the walls of the houses with beautiful murals to improve the local ambience
Area perumahan warga yang dipenuhi mural-mural indah diantara gang-gang sempit. Hidden gem yang sering dijadikan tempat syuting K-drama, salah satunya adalah serial favorit saya, Rooftop Prince.
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September October November December… Winter is coming, the snow is falling. It's been a while, since I took this video, i miss the beauty of the cold #ihwamuralvillage #seoul #korea #snow #winter #december #February #throwback #trip #vacation #christmas #kpop #kdrama #life #leejongsuk #w #ost #slowmo #shotoniPhone6s
A post shared by Steve (@uberstip) on Sep 19, 2016 at 7:16pm PDT
He looks like me, but I’m a lot more handsome
“Even if 300 years will pass… I will still love you” -Lee Gak and Park Ha
Kindness is like snow, it beautifies everything it covers – unknown
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The colourful fish under your step
Ihwa Mural Village is a popular filming location and was also featured in other Korean dramas and movies. So if you are a fan of Korean dramas, you might find some of the areas in this village very familiar
Be like snow, cold but beautiful
Sit back, relax and enjoy the view. Just do your best and take a rest and sing yourself a song – Snow White
“I’ll try asking God to let me come back with the first snowfall of the season” – Kim Shin
There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather – John Ruskin
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Couple under an umbrella. I think being in the snow with your lover is special feeling, just like them… #snow #winter #korea #seoul #ihwa #ihwamuralvillage #descendantofthesun #ost #soundtrack #songhyekyo #video #kpop #kdrama #slowmo #video #shotoniphone6s #songjoongki
A post shared by Steve (@uberstip) on Mar 6, 2016 at 6:52am PST
3. Cheonggyecheon Stream
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These day, Cheonggyecheon is famous for a dating spot. It’s relaxing to walk along a beautiful stream, take a break and peacefully people-watching
Dibangun sejak era Joseon (1392-1910), sungai yang mengalir ke Hangang River sepanjang 11 km ini menjadi ‘revolusi mental’ bagi warga Korea. Dulunya, sungai ini dikelilingi oleh gubuk tua dan sampah yang mengapung. Mirip pemukiman kumuh di bantaran kali Ciliwung. 
Kini, semuanya berubah. Air jernih mengalir diantara trotoar luas dan gedung-gedung pencakar langit. Di sekitarnya banyak orang begaol dan duduk-duduk santai menikmati suasana. Di malam hari, sering diadakan pertunjukan musik dan festival lampion. Cheonggyecheon berubah dari zero to hero bagi tourism Korea.
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Cheonggyecheon Stream used to exist merely as an overpass neglected in 1970 until it was restored in 2005, becoming a beautiful area. The result that makes Seoul a better city
Bersantai disini ga ada perasaan was-was takut di copet. Korsel adalah negara dengan tingkat kejahatan terendah di Asia. Gak kaya di Eropa yang kadang kita harus ekstra hati-hati dengan tas bawaan.
Cheonggyecheon Stream
Recreational area constructed around a revived stream with walkways, bridges & greenery
Address: Cheonggyecheon-ro, Sinseol-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Open 24 Hours
How to get here: Keluar melalui Exit 5 Jonggak Station, lalu berjalan kaki 200m Cheonggyecheon Google Maps Location
Cheonggyecheon stream is picturesque and instagram worthy-shot at night, a place for tired tourists like me to rest and enjoy the moment for a while
4. Gwanghwamun Square
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The imposing statue of admiral Yi sun-sin, famed for his victories against the Japanese navy during the war in Joseon dinasty, a national hero of Korea
Alun-alun luas dengan monumen ‘super hero’ bangsa Korea, King Sejong dan Laksamana Yi Sun-Sin. King Sejong merupakan pencipta Hangul – Korean writing. Tanpanya ga bakal ada alunan percakapan manja di drama Korea. ‘Andweee, miyane, ottoke, udeleee…’
Sementara Yi Sun-Sin merupakan salah satu komandan angkatan laut terhebat dalam sejarah. Dia memimpin banyak kemenangan melawan Jepang selama perang Imjin (1545-1598). Konon, dia tak pernah terkalahkan di laut. Ga tau kalo di udara.
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A status of King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of Joseon
Gwanghwamun Square
Address: 172 Sejong-daero, Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Direction: Keluar melalui Gwanghwamun Station (Line 5), Exit 9 Gwanghwamun Google Maps Location
His name is HAECHI. He’s a mythical beast, part lion, part dragon. His legend is as guardian of the old palace in a cute way. Imaginary creature as the symbolic icon of the city
Lokasinya yang berdekatan dengan Gyeongbongguk Palace dan Cheonggyecheon, menjadikan tempat ini selalu ramai dikunjungi. Selain menjadi simbol sejarah, Gwanghwamun menjadi tempat favorit rakyat demo. Park Geun-hye, Presiden Korea yang terlibat korupsi saja berhasil digulingkan.
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Sewol ferry disaster, occurred on the morning of 16 April 2014, when the passenger was en route from Incheon towards Jeju. Out of 476 passengers and crew, 304 died in the disaster, most notably around 250 students from Danwon High School
Saat mengunjungi tempat ini, saya melihat sebuah tenda yang memajang foto anak sekolah korban tenggelamnya Ferry Sewol. Banyak surat-surat berisi doa dan pesan menyentuh yang di tempel di sekeliling foto tersebut.
Sulit dibayangkan bagaimana mereka yang seharusnya akan bersenang-senang di Jeju, malah kehabisan napas saat terjebak mencari jalan keluar dari kapal yang terbalik. Momen tragis yang membuat siapa pun sedih melihatnya.
5. Gangnam
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With all the Gangnam style hype, Seoul’s Gangnam district made the world curious how it’s like to live there. It’s full of crazy rich lifestyle.There’s a lot of lovely cafes, high-end boutiques, and global brands. Garosu-gil which means ‘tree-lined street’ in Korean – is one of the hippest area in here
Gangnam ibarat Beverly Hills. Rumah para konglomerat dan borjuis di Seoul. Apartemen elit, resto kelas atas, pertokoan mewah, dan tempat ajib-ajib berderet di sepanjang jalan.
Garosugil merupakan kawasan yang paling populer disini. Banyak cafe dan pertokoan unik seperti Gingko Avenue, Line Friends Cafe, Cafe de Paris, dan IKOVOX. Shop til you drop!
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Gangnam-gu is Seoul���s upscale, modern center, home to gleaming skyscrapers, designer brands and stylish nightclubs where big-name DJs spin techno and house
Address: 27 Dosan-daero 13-gil, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Direction: Keluar dari Exit 8 Sinsa Station (Seoul Subway Line 3) Garosugil Google Maps Location
6. Seoul World Cup Stadium
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Stadion yang menjadi saksi heroik bagaimana timnas Korea melaju ke semi final Piala Dunia 2002. Taeguk warriors yang dipimpin oleh Guus Hiddink, berhasil mengalahkan tim-tim besar seperti Portugal, Italy dan Spanyol. Di dalam stadion saya duduk melamun, mencoba merasakan euforia saat itu.
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Family, friends, food and football are the 4 best F in life
Seoul World Cup Stadium
This prominent stadium is a popular football venue & features a shopping mall & movie theater
Address: 240 Woldeukeom-ro, Seongsan 2(i)-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Direction: Keluar melalui Exit 1 World Cup Stadium Station (Line 1)
7. Yeouido Hangang Park
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When it’s too cold outside, but you need to take at least one picture
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There’s a lot of people walking, cycling, and jogging in this park. A best place to chill
Ditengah udara dingin yang menusuk, saya menyaksikan banyak anak muda bersepeda dan berlari marathon. Pemandangan jembatan panjang diantara Hangang River, benar-benar terlihat dramatis dari sini.
Konon di musim semi, tempat ini selalu penuh dengan keluarga yang piknik sambil makan snack  dan minum soju.
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It’s such a peaceful sight to see Hangang river
8. Walking Randomly around Seoul
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As a typical Indonesia who has never got a chance to feel snow, the thought of winter strikes excitement. I enjoy waking up to chilling breezes since i’ve lived in a tropical climate
Seoul merupakan surga bagi pejalan kaki. Trotoarnya lebar dan nyaman. Gak dipenuhi tukang jualan maupun parkir motor. Berjalan di tengah salju memiliki romantisisme tersendiri. Memandang tiap butiran salju yang turun membuat saya menggigil dengan indah.
Seasons change, so do we – unknown
You’re never too old to be young – Snow White
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Snow all over the city, beautiful white makes you so happy that you forget about he cold
9. Korean Folk Village
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Koreans love their big pots. They use them to store Kimchi, soy sauce, red pepper paste, soybean paste and chilly paste. I love Kimchi with pork barbeque the most! Best place to see the lives of people back in the old days
Desa dimana kamu bisa merasakan kehidupan rakyat Korea di masa Joseon, 700 tahun yang lalu. Rumah-rumah kayu beratap jerami melingkupi ruangan yang dipenuhi karpet dan arang. Di luar rumah, terdapat Gentong-gentong keramik yang menjadi tempat Ahjuma menyimpan makanan untuk musim dingin.
Look back and smile on perils past – Walter Scott
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Don’t script all of your images, shooting anything that appeals to you while you’re exploring, whether it’s a pretty flower or local residents conversing at a sidewalk cafe, can also lead to album-worthy photography – Natalie Amrossi
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Be like a duck, above the surface, look cool and calm, below the surface paddle like hell – unknown
Look back and smile on perils past – Walter Scott
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Oppa back to the past. Kembali ke masa Joseon 700 tahun yang lalu. Masa dimana Oppa hidup menemani ahjumma-ahjumma bercocok tanam
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The Farmer’s Dance is one of the oldest dance forms in Korea. It was traditionally performed during planting and harvesting season. Amazing dance to watch!
Disini saya juga menyaksikan atraksi The Farmer’s dance dan Eolssigu Jeolssigu. Pertunjukan musik dan tarian tradisional yang diadakan di performance area dan market village pada pukul 10.30, 14.00 dan 16.00. Don’t miss it!
Yang paling saya suka adalah atraksi akrobat jumpalitan diatas kuda yang berlari dengan cepat. Keahlian para pemain untuk menjaga keseimbangan membuat adrenaline saya ikut terpacu. Saya tak berhenti menganga dan bertepuk tangan saat menyaksikannya.
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The performance was really entertaining and exciting! some of the stunts looked so dangerous #koreanfolkvillage #kpop #kdrama #fun #cool #attraction #video #joseon #joseondinasty #entertainment #shotoniphon6s #trip #traveling #korea #seoul
A post shared by Steve (@uberstip) on Feb 23, 2016 at 2:15am PST
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Korean Folk Village
Living-museum village showcasing traditional Korean homes & customs, plus dining & a theme park
Address: 90 Minsokchon-ro, Bora-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Hours: Senin – Minggu 9:30AM–7PM
How to get here: Get off at Sanggal Station (Bundang Subway Line), Exit 3. Take Bus No. 37, 10-5 or 5001-1 to Korean Folk Village or Nagok Village
If you think you have it tough, read history books – Bill Maher
Korean Folk Village is used to film many K-dramas so they have lots of boards like this in the area. Some of the shows have been filmed in this village and there’s an area dedicated to these shows. You can see some billboards for these shows with some of your favorite actors and actresses
Desa ini memang sering digunakan sebagai tempat syuting K-drama. Kamu bisa berfoto dengan poster artis idola.
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Isn't it cute how this little boy suddenly crying when the fake beggar ask for food #cuteness #overload #moment #shotoniphone6s #latepost #saturday #seoul #korea #koreanfolkvillage #dream #travel #trip #vacation #fun #awesome #iphonesia #weekend #cute #descendantofthesun #songjoongki #songhyegyo
A post shared by Steve (@uberstip) on Apr 1, 2016 at 8:22pm PDT
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I had so much fun exploring the place, stopping at various spot to see houses related to old day of Korea
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  The folk village happens to be a site where various Korea drama filming. Hence, the standees of famous celebrity can be found at various location around the village
The folk village is very interesting and bring back the memories of Joseon dynasty movies. It gives much insights into old day Korea
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I felt like i was walking into one of the ancient Korean drama series. The village provides an excellent overview of many Korean traditional and cultural practices, as well as examples of traditional Korean architecture in the past
There’s a wishing rock in the Korean Folk Village They provide slips of paper, people actually write down their wishes. After you write your wish, you are supposed to fold them and then tie it to the string on these rocks. You can see that many people have tied their wishes there. The paper is burnt along with sheaves of rice on the first full moon of the new year
10. Dongdaemun Plaza
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Dongdaemun Design Plaza opened on March 21, 2014. Designed by world-famous designer Zaha Hadid, the DDP took four years to build. It’s a large building featuring three floors above ground and three underground. It includes a museum, business center, and park
Big suitcase to fill your travel dream
A dog made out of recycled plastic bottles in front of Dongdaemun Plaza. Wuk!
Zebra ball!
Gedung futuristik yang berisi museum, laboratorium, aula konser, dan taman budaya. Banyak event pameran produk dan peragaan busana di dalamnya. Cafe dan butik juga memenuhi underground plaza ini.
Pastikan mampir ke Rose Garden dekat Yigansumun Exhibition Hall. Biasanya di malam hari, 25.550 mawar menyala dengan romantis. 
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enjoying its grand outer architecture, you can also stroll through DDP’s huge 5 halls namely, Art Hall, Museum, Design Lab, Design Market, and Dongdaemun History and Culture Park
Dongdaemun Design Plaza
Architectural-landmark events venue with futuristic design, a design market & food vendors
Address: 281 Eulji-ro, Euljiro 7(chil)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
Opening Hours: Selasa – Minggu 10AM–7PM, Senin tutup
How to get here: Keluar dari Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station Line 2,4,5 Dongdaemun Design Plaza Google Maps Location
10 Spot Dramatis di Seoul. Snow in February Tanpa disadari, demam Korea telah merasukimu. Diawali tiap episode K-drama, kamu mulai menyebut indomie rebus dengan ramyeon, memakai 
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hummingzone · 3 years
Asian shares stumble while the dollar holds firm By Reuters
Asian shares stumble while the dollar holds firm By Reuters
© Reuters. Men wearing protective face masks amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak look at an electronic board displaying Japan’s Nikkei Index outside a brokerage in Tokyo, Japan, September 24, 2021. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon By Alun John HONG KONG (Reuters) – Asian shares lost ground on Wednesday, and were set for their worst quarter since the coronavirus pandemic hit, as worries about…
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firewolffinance · 3 years
Asian shares stumble while the dollar holds firm By Reuters
Asian shares stumble while the dollar holds firm By Reuters
© Reuters. Men wearing protective face masks amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak look at an electronic board displaying Japan’s Nikkei Index outside a brokerage in Tokyo, Japan, September 24, 2021. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon By Alun John HONG KONG (Reuters) – Asian shares lost ground on Wednesday, and were set for their worst quarter since the coronavirus pandemic hit, as worries about…
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Meghan Markle gives new update on royal baby due date: 'We're nearly there!' - TODAY
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/meghan-markle-gives-new-update-on-royal-baby-due-date-were-nearly-there-today/
Meghan Markle gives new update on royal baby due date: 'We're nearly there!' - TODAY
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March 6, 2019, 1:03 PM GMT / Source: TODAY
By Eun Kyung Kim
It’s obvious the Duchess of Sussex is close to giving birth to her first child but she may have just given another hint at how soon her due date may be!
The former Meghan Markle was asked about her pregnancy during a special Buckingham Palace reception honoring her father-in-law, Prince Charles.
While speaking with Welsh Secretary of State Alun Cairns, the duchess was asked how she was feeling.
“All in good order? I’m sure everyone is asking,” Cairns said.
VIDEO: That chat Meghan had about her baby at yesterday’s Buckingham Palace reception for the Prince of Wales. Welsh Sec @AlunCairns: “All in good order? I’m sure everyone is asking.” Meghan: “No, it’s actually very sweet. It’s a nurturing thing to ask. We’re nearly there!” 👶 pic.twitter.com/HiyxaKz6rM
— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) March 6, 2019
Meghan reassured him she welcomed the question.
“No, it’s actually very sweet,” Meghan said. “It’s a very nurturing sweet thing to ask. We’re nearly there!”
How close is the Duchess of Sussex to her due date? Meghan Markle shared a hint with a guest at a Buckingham Palace reception Tuesday. AFP/Getty Images
Of course, that’s the same answer Meghan gave a well-wisher who greeted her on Christmas Day after she and her husband, Prince Harry, attended church services.
The duchess was more forthcoming a month later when she struck up a conversation with a midwife who greeted her during a visit to Birkenhead, England. Meghan told the woman that she anticipated her baby arriving by the “end of April, early May.”
Feb. 21, 201902:02
Officially, Kensington Palace has only disclosed that Meghan and Prince Harry are expecting their baby “in the spring of 2019.”
Whenever the due date, the duchess has not let her pregnancy stop her from her public responsibilities. Her appearance Tuesday at Buckingham Palace was to celebrate the 50th investiture anniversary of her father-in-law, Charles, as the Prince of Wales.
The following morning, she made a surprise appearance on stage at Wembley Arena following a speech her husband gave in honor of “WE Day UK,” an initiative to encourage young people to take part in positive social change.
“I’m now going to try and drag my wife on stage,” he told the crowd, which went wild with the news.
Surprise! The Duke of Sussex brings up his wife, Meghan, at the end of a speech Wednesday.Getty Images
Meghan, wearing black skinny jeans and a blue blazer was helped on to stage by Harry, who serves as president of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, a charity that champions and funds programs that help connect social purpose ventures led by young leaders around the world.
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Eun Kyung Kim
Source: https://www.today.com/parents/meghan-markle-says-we-re-nearly-there-when-asked-about-t149881
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verdiprati · 8 years
Upcoming performances by Sarah Connolly
[NOTE: this post is now out of date. Check the schedule tag on my blog for the most recent version of this list.]
After the jump: an unofficial schedule of Sarah Connolly’s future performances. Those of you in Britain may catch a performance in London, Brighton, Oxford, Worcester, Buxton, Deal, Lewes, or Effingham (Surrey). Those on the Continent may see her in Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Brussels, Barcelona, Rotterdam, Schwarzenberg, Vilabertran (near Figueres, Catalunya), or Città della Pieve (in the province of Perugia). Those of us on this side of the Atlantic can look forward to concert dates in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Lenox, Massachusetts. Plus! I am adding online broadcast details as they become available.
This is not an authoritative list. These are the upcoming performances by Sarah Connolly that I have been able to learn about from Connolly's website (not currently being updated), her agent's website (Askonas Holt), Operabase, Connolly's Twitter, and generally ferreting around the web.
Some of these listings are not yet officially confirmed; you should of course check official sources before making plans and be aware that cast changes and cancellations can happen at any time.
I have added links to venue, ticketing, and broadcast information where available. Tips on new information are always welcome! Please contact me via email (verdiprati [at] selveamene [dot] com), Tumblr messaging, or ask box (plain prose only in the ask box; anything with links or an email address will get eaten by Tumblr filters) with corrections or additions.
Berlioz, Les nuits d’été with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment at the Southbank Centre, London, February 20, 2017. Part of a Berlioz and Mendelssohn concert—formerly headlined “Sarah Connolly’s Berlioz,” now “Sarah Connolly’s Nights of Summer”—directed by Kati Debretzeni.
Rossini, Stabat Mater at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris, March 2, 2017. Also starring Patricia Ciofi, Paolo Fanale, and Nahuel di Pierro. With the Orchestre National de France and the Chœur de Radio France conducted by James Gaffigan. Also on the program: Schubert’s Symphony No. 3. Update: although the TCE website still lists Connolly’s name as one of the soloists, the website for the orchestra (which is presumably responsible for the casting) has changed to list Varduhi Abrahamyan as the mezzo soloist.
[New details! Broadcast] This concert is scheduled for live broadcast on France Musique. France Musique keeps most but not all of their broadcasts online for catch-up listening for a few weeks after the original transmission; I can’t promise that this program will be available after the initial broadcast but it seems not unlikely.
[New details!] Recital at the Holywell Music Room, Oxford, March 6, 2016. Part of Connolly’s service as Oriel College's Visiting Musician for the 2016-17 academic year. Although the Oriel website does not mention Connolly’s accompanist nor the repertoire chosen for the recital, it would appear from Joseph Middleton’s website that the two of them will be performing the same works by Schumann, Mahler, Poulenc, Copland, and Richard Rodney Bennett programmed for their US tour (see the next three entries). 
Recital at Spivey Hall, Clayton State University, Atlanta, March 11, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. Works by Schumann, Mahler, Poulenc, Copland, and Richard Rodney Bennett. Broadcast possibility: many of the performances at Spivey Hall are recorded for deferred broadcast.
Recitals at the Park Avenue Armory in New York, March 15 and 17, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. The Armory website does not mention the repertoire, but presumably the recital program on both nights will be the same as Connolly and Middleton are performing together in Atlanta (above) and San Francisco (below). After-the-fact UPDATE: Berlioz’ Les nuits d’été was substituted for the Mahler Rückert-lieder in the New York performances (I don’t know why, but maybe the venue asked for something different).
Recital at the Herbst Theatre, San Francisco, March 23, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. Songs by Schumann, Mahler, Poulenc, Copland, and Richard Rodney Bennett. Special note: according to the San Francisco Performances season brochure (PDF link), this concert is available for sponsorship by a Concert Partner. For a donation of $750 or more, a Concert Partner receives benefits including tickets to the performance and an opportunity to meet the artist.
Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago, March 30, March 31, and April 1, 2017. With Stephen Gould [edited after the fact: Gould withdrew from the second and third performances due to illness and was replaced by Richard Cox]. Bernard Haitink James Conlon [PDF] conducts. In a program also containing Schubert’s Symphony No. 8 (previously listed as Haydn’s Symphony No. 60). 
Mahler, Symphony No. 8 “Symphony of a thousand” with the London Philharmonic Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall, London, April 8, 2017. With Melanie Diener Judith Howarth, Anne Schwanewilms, Sofia Fomina, Patricia Bardon, Torsten Kerl Barry Banks, Matthias Goerne Stephen Gadd, Matthew Rose, the London Philharmonic Choir, and the Tiffin Boys’ Choir. Conducted by Vladimir Jurowski. UPDATE: As of April 6, Sarah Connolly has been replaced by Michaela Selinger.
[New details] Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, April 10, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. The recently-updated program features works by John Ireland, Frank Bridge, Gustav Holst, Benjamin Britten, and Sir Richard Rodney Bennett along with the first London performance of the Torsten Rasch song cycle A Welsh Night that Connolly and Middleton premiered at the Three Choirs Festival in 2015. In A Welsh Night, Rasch sets a collection of poems by the Welsh poet Alun Lewis; an orchestrated version of the songs will be premiered at the 2017 Three Choirs Festival, again with Connolly as the vocalist (see concert details below). UPDATE: As of April 7, Wigmore Hall has announced that Kitty Whately will step in for Sarah Connolly on Monday afternoon. As of this writing, the program details have been erased from the Wigmore website; presumably changes will be made, especially since the Rasch songs were written for Sarah Connolly and would not be in any other singer’s repertoire yet.
[Broadcast] As part of the BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Concerts series, this recital will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.
Handel, Arias and Duets, Gala Concert of the Investec International Music Festival, St Theresa’s School, Effingham, Surrey, May 7, 2017. With Rosemary Joshua and The English Concert conducted by Harry Bicket.
[New!] Recital at the Brighton Festival, All Saints Church, Hove, May 11, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. Works by Schumann, Berlioz, Poulenc, Copland, and R. R. Bennett.
Brett Dean, Hamlet (Gertrude) at Glyndebourne, June 11 to July 6, 2017. Also starring Allan Clayton (Hamlet), Barbara Hannigan (Ophelia), Rod Gilfry (Claudius), Kim Begley (Polonius), and John Tomlinson (Ghost of Old Hamlet). With the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Jurowski. Booking opens to the public on March 5, 2017.
[Livestream] The July 6 performance of Hamlet is scheduled for livestreaming to cinemas and online; the online stream will be free to watch. Hat tip to Avis Melodia for pointing this out in the Sarah Connolly fan group on Facebook.
Recital at Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, Austria, June 19, 2017. With Graham Johnson. Various works by Schubert, Brahms, and Wolf.
[New details!] Recital at the Deal Festival, St George’s Church, Deal, Kent, July 8, 2017. With Joseph Middleton in a program titled “Love and Life.”
Wagner, Das Rheingold (Fricka) at Tanglewood in Lenox, Massachusets, July 15, 2017. In a concert performance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons. Also starring Thomas J. Mayer (Wotan), Kim Begley (Loge), David Cangelosi (Mime), Jochen Schmeckenbecker (Alberich), Morris Robinson (Fasolt), Ain Anger (Fafner), Malin Christensson (Freia), Jacqueline Echols (Woglinde), Catherine Martin (Wellgunde), Renée Tatum (Flosshilde), Patricia Bardon (Erda), David Butt Philip (Froh), and Ryan McKinney (Donner).
[Broadcast: TBC] Although it is not yet on the broadcast schedule as of this writing, this Saturday night concert by the BSO will almost certainly be broadcast (and made available for listening on demand) by WGBH.
Recital at the Buxton Festival, Buxton, July 22, 2017. With Joseph Middleton. Songs by Schumann, Berlioz, Poulenc, Copland, and R. R. Bennett. (Thanks to an eagle-eyed Connolly fan for tipping me off to this listing!)
[New!] Solo performance in a fundraising concert for Common and Kind, Union Chapel, Islington, London, July 25, 2017. Mentioned passim in a Facebook post by the charity. Details TBA.
Torsten Rasch, A Welsh Night at the Three Choirs Festival, Worcester, July 26, 2017. In a concert with Strauss’s Metamorphosen and Janáček’s Glagolitic Mass. Conducted by Frank Beermann. A newly orchestrated version of Rasch’s song sequence A Welsh Night will be premiered at the 2017 Three Choirs Festival; Sarah Connolly performed the original version for mezzo-soprano and piano with Joseph Middleton at their 2015 Three Choirs recital.
Recital at Incontri in Terra di Siena [PDF link], Teatro degli Avvaloranti, Città della Pieve, Perugia, Italy, August 5, 2017. With accompanist Julius Drake. Program details TBC. Tickets go on sale April 1 and the festival website advises that “Booking is essential due to the limited number of seats.”
[New!] Recital at the Schubertíada Vilabertran, Vilabertran (near Figueres), Catalunya, August 24, 2017. With Malcolm Martineau. Songs by R. Strauss, Zemlinsky, Eisler, Korngold, Copland, and Britten. Broadcast possibility: many recitals from the 2015 Schubertíada Vilabertran, where Connolly made her festival debut, were broadcast either live or deferred on Catalunya Música; I’m hoping this recital from the 2017 festival will come up for broadcast, too.
[New!] Mahler, Symphony No. 2, “Resurrection,” with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, September 20, 2017. Vladimir Jurowski conducts and Maria Bengtsson sings the soprano part. Also with the Rundfunkchor Berlin. Tickets go on sale July 17, 2017.
[Broadcast] No details yet, but the Deutschlandradio Kultur logo appears on the page under the phrase “Concert with,” so I am assuming the concert will be broadcast either live or deferred. 
Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, September 29, 2017. With Malcolm Martineau. Just the date is mentioned in the Wigmore Hall season brochure [PDF link], but thanks to an informant with access to a recent print mailing from the Wigmore, I can tell you that the program includes songs by Strauss, Zemlinsky, Eisler, Korngold, Copland, and Britten.
Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde at Kings Place, London, October 14, 2017. With Andrew Staples and the Aurora Orchestra conducted by Nicholas Collon. Das Lied will be played in an arrangement by Iain Farrington for sixteen instruments. This concert, oddly enough, is part of the orchestra’s “Mozart’s Piano” series, pairing Das Lied with Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 11.
[New! Details TBA] Participation in the Oxford Lieder Festival, Oxford, October 13-28. The theme for 2017 is “The Last of the Romantics—Mahler and Fin-de-Siècle Vienna.” I will update this list when I learn more about the details of Connolly’s participation.
[New!] Wagner, Tristan und Isolde (Brangäne) at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, November 28 and December 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, and 15, 2017. With Stefan Vinke (Tristan), Iréne Theorin (Isolde), Albert Dohmen (Marke), Greer Grimsley (Kurwenal), et al., in a production directed by Àlex Ollé. Musical direction by Josep Pons.
[New!] Handel, Ariodante (title role) at the Wiener Staatsoper, February 24 and 26 and March 1, 4, and 8, 2018. With Chen Reiss (Ginevra), Hila Fahima (Dalinda), Christphe Dumaux (Polinesso), and Rainer Trost (Lurcanio). The casting of the King of Scotland seems to be TBA. The production is directed by David McVicar and the music is supplied by Les Arts Florissants conducted by William Christie. 
[Livestream] The opera is scheduled for livestreaming on Sunday, March 4. There is a fee of €14 to watch the livestream.
[New!] Mahler, Symphony No. 8 “Symphony of a Thousand” at de Doelen, Rotterdam, March 23 and 25, 2018. With the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yannick Nézet-Séguin. The other soloists are Angela Meade, Erin Wall, Lisette Oropesa, Mihoko Fujimura, Michael Schade, Markus Werba, and Christof Fischesser. On choral duty are the Groot Omroep Koor, Rotterdam Symphony Chorus, Orfeon Donostiarra, and Nationaal Kinderkoor.
[New!] Mahler, Symphony No. 8 “Symphony of a Thousand” at BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, March 24, 2018. With the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra; same details as the Rotterdam performances listed above. Broadcast possibility: this concert is part of the 2018 Klarafestival sponsored by the Klara radio station, so it seems like a good candidate for broadcast.
[Masterclasses] Teaching duties for the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme at Snape Maltings in Aldeburgh, England, March 23-April 1, 2018. A course on Handel’s Theodora to be co-taught with conductor Christian Curnyn. Although this doesn’t really count as a performance by Sarah Connolly, I am adding it to my “unofficial schedule” of her work with the thought that fans who live in the area might want to attend some of the public masterclasses Sarah Connolly will be teaching or the culminating performance by young artists she will have coached. (Note that the first weekend of this program clashes with the Mahler 8 concerts in Rotterdam, above; it is possible the students will start out working with Christian Curnyn and will pick up with Sarah Connolly a few days into the program.) 
[New!] Wagner, Das Rheingold and Die Walküre (Fricka in both) at the Royal Opera, London, September 24 through October 28, 2018. A revival of Keith Warner’s Ring Cycle, with Antonio Pappano conducting. For cast and date details, see the ROH web pages linked above. 
Previous versions of this list can be found under the schedule tag on this blog. This version published on February 18, 2017. Edited February 23 to add the Rotterdam Mahler 8, Schubertíada Vilabertran, and the France Musique broadcast of the Rossini Stabat Mater. Edited February 26 to add the accompanist and repertoire for the Oriel recital. Edited February 28 to reflect Connolly’s replacement in the Rossini Stabat Mater. Edited March 9 to add the Oxford Lieder Festival. Edited March 10 to add the Liceu Tristan. Edited March 13 to add the Common and Kind fundraiser. Edited March 19 to update details for the Deal Festival. Edited March 20 to correct the list of composers represented in Connolly’s spring 2017 recital tour with Joseph Middleton. Edited March 22 to add the Brussels performance of Mahler 8. Edited March 24 to update the repertoire for the April 10 recital at the Wigmore and to tweak details of the Park Avenue Armory and Chicago Symphony Orchestra concerts. Edited April 4 to tweak the Chicago concert details and add a link to the BBC Radio 3 broadcast of the Wigmore Hall concert on April 10. Edited April 6 to reflect the casting changes for the LPO Mahler 8, to update the link for the Rasch piece at the Three Choirs Festival, and to add the Vienna Ariodante and the Covent Garden Ring Cycle. Edited April 7 to add the Mahler 2 in Berlin and to reflect Connolly’s withdrawal from the Wigmore Hall lunchtime recital on April 10. Edited April 8 to add program details for the September 29 recital at Wigmore Hall. I may continue to edit this list if I receive new information.
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nepoupdates · 2 years
okay, sylvia & chamber. i have a list of my favorite couples, care to give your honest opinions about these parings ? lari & knox, lulu & sofia, toby & tayo, ace & percy, ace & paige, paige & harlowe, hunter & safiye, josie & cami, teagan & elias and aika & james. do you ship any of these ? if not, who would you rather see together ?
 your  definition  of  couple  greatly  differs  from  mine  since  some  of  them  aren't  technically  together  .  but  fine  .  chamber's  a  little  busy  so  you're  only  getting  my  opinions  on  the  matter  .  read  more  under  the  cut  .   ( @lcrissas , @nepohtism , @racingfm , @flowcrbcds , @daydreamsfm , @delicatlueur , @concertaes , @paigeisms , @harlcwes , @bittcrfms , @safiyez , @teagvns , @strawbaieri , @jmesisms )
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lari  &  knox  :  they're  hot  together  ,  i'll  give  you  that  .  one  is  a  successful,  career-driven  person  and  the  other  is  just  ...  a  man  .  you  want  the  truth  ?  they're  a  couple  that's  better  off  not  being  together  .  not  just  for  the  sake  of  everyone  but  for  each  other  .  after  the  whole  valentine's  day  fiasco  ,  i  think  lari  deserves  better  .  #freelari  .
lulu  &  sofia  :  they're  cute  .  i  already  said  they  have  potential  and  i  don't  like  repeating  myself  .  as  chamber's  mentioned  ,  sofia's  far  better  suited  for  lulu  than  bel  .  i  ,  myself  ,  have  to  agree  .
toby  &  tayo  :  good  for  them  ,  i  guess  ?  is  this  really  news  ,  though  ?  i  thought  they'd  been  dating  for  a  while  and  FINALLY  decided  to  let  the  public  in  on  their  little  secret  .
ace  &  percy  :  i  do  not  care  .  this  whole  '  will  they  ?  won't  they  ?  '  gets  old  .  ace  gets  around  and  percy  ?  does  anyone  actually  know  anything  about  percy  ?  you  know  ,  other  than  the  fact  that  there  is  clearly  something  going  on  between  her  and  ace  .
ace  &  paige  :  they  don't  even  feel  like  a  couple  .  you  know  how  i  say  monogamy  is  dead  on  the  upper  east  side  ?  ace  and  paige  are  what  i  mean  .  there  is  nothing  serious  about  these  two  and  it's  VERY  clear  .
paige  &  harlowe  :  i  could  get  behind  this  .  harlowe  seems  like  the  type  to  balance  out  paige  .  i  know  they've  been  spending  a  lot  of  time  with  one  another  so  only  time  can  tell  .  paige  is  a  wildcard  so  harlowe  needs  to  watch  out  .
hunter  &  safiye  :  at  the  risk  of  repeating  myself  ,  safiye  run  .  you're  far  too  pretty  to  add  stress  to  your  plate  in  the  form  of  a  man  .  i  ship  hunter  with  therapy  and  safiye  with  anyone  that's  not  hunter  .
josie  &  cami  :  risky  .  from  a  purely  physical  standpoint  ?  they'd  look  good  together  .  however  ,  it's  a  little  too  awkward  for  me  considering  cami  dated  josie's  COUSIN  at  one  point  in  time  .  but  i  guess  if  cami  wants  to  keep  it  in  the  familly  ...  
teagan  &  elias  :  there's  nothing  i  love  more  than  a  woman  insulting  a  man  to  humble  him  .  they  could  work  .  i  think  they'd  look  good  as  a  couple  but  i  am  standing  FIRM  that  teagan  ,  rosalind  and  josie  would  make  a  great  throuple  .  as  for  elias  ?  i'm  going  to  need  him  to  stop  falling  in  love  with  his  close  friends  .  thanks  .
aika  &  james  :  if  aika  is  looking  for  a  pretty  face  and  dedication  then  i  think  it  works  .  they  kinda  give  me  golden  retriever  and  black  cat  energy  but  maybe  that  has  to  do  with  james'  personality  making  everyone  seem  like  a  black  cat  in  comparison  .  i  ship  it  purely  on  the  basis  that  they  will  be  the  LEAST  dramatic  couple  on  this  list  .
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victorpeace · 5 years
Dancing in Circles - Trailer from Kim Strobl on Vimeo.
DANCING IN CIRCLES is a relationship study that draws parallels to the folk story of Saint Dwynwen. The Welsh Patron Saint of Lovers ostracised herself after her Love betrayed her and now takes new form in Hannah. Whilst fluidly transitioning between three time periods we learn about Hannah’s passionate youth and love for Aled until the break-down of their relationship. But when time reopens a wounded heart, can the ghosts of her past help her heal?
CAST Older Hannah: Sharon Morgan Younger Hannah: Anja Conti Aled: Aled Bidder Dafydd: Carwyn Jones Tomos: Iddon Jones Usher: Sion Emyr Theatre extras: Ceri Griffiths, Anwen Thomas, Sioned Williams, Ann Aitken, Richard Jones Theatre Announcement: Alex Harwood Singer: Sera Violinist: Jenn Williams Stoner Idwal: Gareth Roberts Beach party extras: Despina Goula, Shane Nickels, Lianne Spencer, Georgina Ford, Nadine Davis, Alun Roberts, Rheon Jones, Dion Owen, Iestyn Wyn, Christina McConnell Models: Cara Braia, Gemma Lawman Camera Assistant Mike: Alan Prile Christopher: Mark Hayes Unhappy Client Marc: Jon Burke
CREW Directed & Produced by Kim Strobl Written by Kim Strobl & Iddon Jones Associate Producer & Production Manager: Iddon Jones Location Scout: Helen Pritchard 1st Assistant Director: Shane Nickels Runner: Ioan Evans Director of Photography: Amy Newstead 1st Assistant Camera: Paul Andrew 2nd Assistant Camera: Samuel Stephenson Sound Recordist: Luke Wharton Choreographer: Eleanor Brown Art Director: Jon Burke Driftwood Art: David Ramsell Costume Designer: Christina McConnell Make-up: Annie Maycox Editor: Christin Gottscheber Sound Editor & Dubbing Mixer: Ania Przygoda Music by Alex Harwood Cello: Jered Sorkin Digital Intermediate by Wildruf Film Colorist: Matthias Helldoppler
Blue Triumph provided by Anglesey Transport Museum Catering provided by Blas Mwy
‘Melody’ Written by Sera Licensed with thanks to See Monkey Songs ‘Ble’r es di’ Written by Iddon Jones ‘Pianni’ Written by Mara Carlyle & Ian Fuller
Sponsored by Land Tirol und Stadt Innsbruck Shot on location in Anglesey, Wales and Chester, England © Kim Strobl 2014
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nepoupdates · 2 years
who has the most potential of stirring things up?
my bets ? lulu ( we all know you kissed her . we do not care . ) who seems to kiss anything that breathes , and in that vein , bel who just can't keep it to herself . gemma , who is ... ahem ... "heartbroken" , franny who might actually be heartbroken ( bless her heart ) , or henri , who seems just about ready to go to war for her . beware the single women with broken hearts this holiday . that being said , on a completely unrelated note , you single yet sylvia ? ( @racingfm , @belsalazar , @gemmajcmes , @daydreamsfm , @hartbcats ! )
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nepoupdates · 2 years
Any potential couples you can see? 👀
josie  ,  rosalind  and  teagan  .  the  potential  is  right  there  .  they  showed  up  as  each  other's  dates  to  the  valentine's  day  ball  .
lulu  and  sofia  .  i  think  they'd  be  cute  .  their  personalities  compliment  one  another  so  i  can  see  something  there  .
duke  and  tomas  .  it  seems  random  ,  i  know.  they'd  get  along  purely  because  they  don't  get  along  with  a  lot  of  people  .  i  will  not  be  elaborating  any  further  .
  (  @delicatlueur  ,  @rosalindisms  ,  @teagvns  ,  @racingfm  ,  @flowcrbcds  ,  @jaspersalvo  ,  @elitisms  )
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nepoupdates · 1 year
sylvie , bff ! do u have any unproblematic faves ? i think mine's percy , or james moon , can't decide !
i  wouldn't  go  so  far  as  to  say  unproblematic  ...  everyone  shows  their  true  colors  in  the  end  .  don't  let  it  get  to  your  head  as  my  favorites  change  at  the  drop  of  a  hat  .  moving  on  ,  current  faves  for  no  particular  reason  :  luka  ,  james  castor  ,  lulu  and  sofia  .  no  you  will  not  get  an  explanation  from  me  .  (  @nycbagcls  ,  @jmesisms  ,  @racingfm  ,  @flowcrbcds  )
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nepoupdates · 2 years
fakest person so far?
lulu or ace . the whole nice kid act doesn't fool me . one of them's going to crack and i can't wait to see it happen and the damage they leave behind . ( @racingfm , @delicatlueur !! )
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